diff --git a/GPUSort/src/bitonicSort/bitonicSort.h b/GPUSort/src/bitonicSort/bitonicSort.h
index 72a1c78f8968b283f45aa316175e4a80c6ef7a54..0ca7e5e0deb8461c46e4188d3af1e50f027c69d9 100644
--- a/GPUSort/src/bitonicSort/bitonicSort.h
+++ b/GPUSort/src/bitonicSort/bitonicSort.h
@@ -108,15 +108,49 @@ template <typename Value, typename CMP>
 __global__ void bitoniSort1stStepSharedMemory(TNL::Containers::ArrayView<Value, TNL::Devices::Cuda> arr, CMP Cmp)
     extern __shared__ int externMem[];
-    int sharedMemLen = 2 * blockDim.x;
+    Value * sharedMem = (Value *)externMem;
+    int sharedMemLen = 2*blockDim.x;
     int myBlockStart = blockIdx.x * sharedMemLen;
-    int myBlockEnd = TNL::min(arr.getSize(), myBlockStart + sharedMemLen);
+    int myBlockEnd = TNL::min(arr.getSize(), myBlockStart+sharedMemLen);
-    if (blockIdx.x % 2 || blockIdx.x + 1 == gridDim.x)
-        bitonicSort_Block(arr.getView(myBlockStart, myBlockEnd), arr.getView(myBlockStart, myBlockEnd), (Value *)externMem, Cmp);
-    else
-        bitonicSort_Block(arr.getView(myBlockStart, myBlockEnd), arr.getView(myBlockStart, myBlockEnd), (Value *)externMem,
-                          [&] __cuda_callable__(const Value &a, const Value &b) { return Cmp(b, a); });
+    //copy from globalMem into sharedMem
+    for (int i = threadIdx.x; myBlockStart + i < myBlockEnd; i += blockDim.x)
+        sharedMem[i] = arr[myBlockStart + i];
+    __syncthreads();
+    //------------------------------------------
+    //bitonic activity
+    {
+        int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
+        int paddedSize = closestPow2(myBlockEnd - myBlockStart);
+        for (int monotonicSeqLen = 2; monotonicSeqLen <= paddedSize; monotonicSeqLen *= 2)
+        {
+            //calculate the direction of swapping
+            int monotonicSeqIdx = i / (monotonicSeqLen/2);
+            bool ascending = (monotonicSeqIdx & 1) != 0;
+            if ((monotonicSeqIdx + 1) * monotonicSeqLen >= arr.getSize()) //special case for parts with no "partner"
+                ascending = true;
+            for (int len = monotonicSeqLen; len > 1; len /= 2)
+            {
+                //calculates which 2 indexes will be compared and swap
+                int part = threadIdx.x / (len / 2);
+                int s = part * len + (threadIdx.x & ((len / 2) - 1));
+                int e = s + len / 2;
+                if(e < myBlockEnd - myBlockStart) //touching virtual padding
+                    cmpSwap(sharedMem[s], sharedMem[e], ascending, Cmp);
+                __syncthreads();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    //writeback to global memory
+    for (int i = threadIdx.x; myBlockStart + i < myBlockEnd; i += blockDim.x)
+        arr[myBlockStart + i] = sharedMem[i];