diff --git a/.cproject b/.cproject
index 89a0873e084f7a0d00b9950c1919d6259972f95c..2e42104373e8b53683590425ef365ed94e058198 100644
--- a/.cproject
+++ b/.cproject
@@ -18,7 +18,11 @@
 					<folderInfo id="cdt.managedbuild.toolchain.gnu.base.2134791445.1799170915" name="/" resourcePath="">
 						<toolChain id="cdt.managedbuild.toolchain.gnu.base.1762402759" name="cdt.managedbuild.toolchain.gnu.base" superClass="cdt.managedbuild.toolchain.gnu.base">
 							<targetPlatform archList="all" binaryParser="org.eclipse.cdt.core.ELF" id="cdt.managedbuild.target.gnu.platform.base.840154721" name="Debug Platform" osList="linux,hpux,aix,qnx" superClass="cdt.managedbuild.target.gnu.platform.base"/>
-							<builder id="cdt.managedbuild.target.gnu.builder.base.573876641" keepEnvironmentInBuildfile="false" managedBuildOn="false" name="Gnu Make Builder" superClass="cdt.managedbuild.target.gnu.builder.base"/>
+							<builder id="cdt.managedbuild.target.gnu.builder.base.573876641" keepEnvironmentInBuildfile="false" managedBuildOn="false" name="Gnu Make Builder" superClass="cdt.managedbuild.target.gnu.builder.base">
+								<outputEntries>
+									<entry flags="VALUE_WORKSPACE_PATH|RESOLVED" kind="outputPath" name=""/>
+								</outputEntries>
+							</builder>
 							<tool id="cdt.managedbuild.tool.gnu.archiver.base.958650307" name="GCC Archiver" superClass="cdt.managedbuild.tool.gnu.archiver.base"/>
 							<tool id="cdt.managedbuild.tool.gnu.cpp.compiler.base.1237330740" name="GCC C++ Compiler" superClass="cdt.managedbuild.tool.gnu.cpp.compiler.base">
 								<inputType id="cdt.managedbuild.tool.gnu.cpp.compiler.input.1856262209" superClass="cdt.managedbuild.tool.gnu.cpp.compiler.input"/>
@@ -38,6 +42,9 @@
+					<sourceEntries>
+						<entry excluding="tnlLinearDiffusionTest.cu" flags="VALUE_WORKSPACE_PATH|RESOLVED" kind="sourcePath" name=""/>
+					</sourceEntries>
 			<storageModule moduleId="org.eclipse.cdt.core.externalSettings"/>
@@ -46,8 +53,14 @@
 	<storageModule moduleId="cdtBuildSystem" version="4.0.0">
 		<project id="tnl.null.219466708" name="tnl"/>
+	<storageModule moduleId="org.eclipse.cdt.core.LanguageSettingsProviders"/>
 	<storageModule moduleId="scannerConfiguration">
 		<autodiscovery enabled="true" problemReportingEnabled="true" selectedProfileId=""/>
+		<scannerConfigBuildInfo instanceId="cdt.managedbuild.toolchain.gnu.base.2134791445;cdt.managedbuild.toolchain.gnu.base.2134791445.1799170915;cdt.managedbuild.tool.gnu.c.compiler.base.315517693;cdt.managedbuild.tool.gnu.c.compiler.input.950045328">
+			<autodiscovery enabled="true" problemReportingEnabled="true" selectedProfileId="org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.GCCManagedMakePerProjectProfileC"/>
+		</scannerConfigBuildInfo>
+		<scannerConfigBuildInfo instanceId="cdt.managedbuild.toolchain.gnu.base.2134791445;cdt.managedbuild.toolchain.gnu.base.2134791445.1799170915;cdt.managedbuild.tool.gnu.cpp.compiler.base.1237330740;cdt.managedbuild.tool.gnu.cpp.compiler.input.1856262209">
+			<autodiscovery enabled="true" problemReportingEnabled="true" selectedProfileId="org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.GCCManagedMakePerProjectProfileCPP"/>
+		</scannerConfigBuildInfo>
-	<storageModule moduleId="org.eclipse.cdt.core.LanguageSettingsProviders"/>
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index 601def17fe8cd1362a5e560b3fd8a26c7591e3ac..333e2c0927997f74deb33276eb7c8ddb15ec4448 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -1,4 +1,20 @@
+TODO: test aproximace pro implicitni schemata 
+TODO: pokusit se napsat test explicitni aproximace podobne jako implicinit bez specializace pro grid
+TODO: doladit semi-implicitni resic
+TODO: opravit argumenty metod v heat equation - nekde se nepredavaji dofy a pomocne dofy
+TODO: doresit okrajove podminky v heat equation - nacitani ze souboru
+      => soucasne Dir. a Neum. okrajove podminky prejmenovat asi tnlAnalytic... a zavest nove tnlDirichlet... a tnlNeumann...
+      ktere budou mit sve hodnoty ulozene  ve vektoru      
 TODO: neumanovy okrajove podminky
+TODO: doladit vse s CUDA
+TODO: doplnit mesh travelsals pro jine mesh entity nez cell
+TODO: implementace maticovych resicu
+      * Gaussova eliminace
+      * SOR metoda
+      * Jacobiho metoda
+      * TFQMR metoda
+      * IDR metody 
 TODO: implementovat tridu tnlFileName pro generovani jmen souboru
diff --git a/examples/heat-equation/tnl-heat-equation.cpp b/examples/heat-equation/tnl-heat-equation.cpp
index 449eb20a30e5d5454a1c0aa5e89936eab0e65fce..d74f517f68c9fe1e64a67c537eeba0fe3aa2d4d0 100644
--- a/examples/heat-equation/tnl-heat-equation.cpp
+++ b/examples/heat-equation/tnl-heat-equation.cpp
@@ -32,8 +32,13 @@ class heatEquationConfig
       static void configSetup( tnlConfigDescription& config )
-         //config.addDelimiter( "Heat equation settings:" );
-      }
+         config.addDelimiter( "Heat equation settings:" );
+         config.addEntry< tnlString >( "boundary-conditions-type", "Choose the boundary conditions type.", "dirichlet");
+            config.addEntryEnum< tnlString >( "dirichlet" );
+            config.addEntryEnum< tnlString >( "neumann" );
+         config.addEntry< tnlString >( "boundary-conditions", "File with the values of the boundary conditions.", "boundary.tnl" );
+         config.addEntry< tnlString >( "initial-condition", "File with the initial condition.", "initial.tnl");
+      };
 template< typename Real,
diff --git a/install b/install
index 0c15ff9b1e3e6f64833becbfd12d2b004e53e2c2..217830e0b630bc3bb0a67552eec438508640725c 100755
--- a/install
+++ b/install
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
diff --git a/src/core/tnlAssert.h b/src/core/tnlAssert.h
index d407a53c44c413f828dea3195477d25c0f011523..a853120f41deb05402325efee9f8faf94d3f6f92 100644
--- a/src/core/tnlAssert.h
+++ b/src/core/tnlAssert.h
@@ -30,15 +30,14 @@
 using namespace std;
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-#define tnlAssert( ___tnl__assert_condition, ___tnl__assert_command )                       \
-   if( ! ( ___tnl__assert_condition ) )                                                     \
-   {                                                                                        \
-   cerr << "Assertion '" << __STRING( ___tnl__assert_condition ) << "' failed !!!" << endl  \
-             << "File: " << __FILE__ << endl                                                \
-             << "Line: " << __LINE__ << endl                                                \
-             << "Diagnostics: ";                                                            \
-        ___tnl__assert_command;                                                             \
-        abort();                                                                            \
+#define tnlAssert( ___tnl__assert_condition, ___tnl__assert_command )                                    \
+   if( ! ( ___tnl__assert_condition ) )                                                                  \
+   {                                                                                                     \
+   printf( "Assertion '%s' failed !!! \n File: %s \n Line: %d \n Diagnostics: Not supported with CUDA.", \
+           __STRING( ___tnl__assert_condition ),                                                         \
+           __FILE__,                                                                                     \
+           __LINE__ );                                                                                   \
+        abort();                                                                                         \
 #define tnlAssert( ___tnl__assert_condition, ___tnl__assert_command )                       \
@@ -61,6 +60,7 @@ using namespace std;
  * Static assert
+#ifndef HAVE_CUDA // TODO: fix this when nvcc can compile it
 // static_assert() available for g++ 4.3 or newer with -std=c++0x or -std=gnu++0x
 #if (__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ > 2)) && defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
@@ -87,4 +87,8 @@ template<int x> struct static_assert_test{};
+#define tnlStaticAssert(expression, msg)
+#endif // ifndef HAVE_CUDA
 #endif /* TNLASSERT_H_ */
diff --git a/src/core/vectors/tnlVector.h b/src/core/vectors/tnlVector.h
index 6d93f1528c5a5fe8f36dc4a35cb2349c850b9029..ba0d1864eae284e2e171b01fb07551184e7b90b2 100644
--- a/src/core/vectors/tnlVector.h
+++ b/src/core/vectors/tnlVector.h
@@ -67,6 +67,9 @@ class tnlVector : public tnlArray< Real, Device, Index >
    template< typename Vector >
    tnlVector< Real, Device, Index >& operator += ( const Vector& vector );
+   // TODO: implement
+   //tnlVector< Real, Device, Index >& operator *= ( const RealType& c );
    Real max() const;
    Real min() const;
diff --git a/src/functions/tnlConstantFunction.h b/src/functions/tnlConstantFunction.h
index 534f72bbc7b5dff86e1dec5bda6b9c481566605a..e7fcfd2aa474563627ef9d1e3c71f46c4d844117 100644
--- a/src/functions/tnlConstantFunction.h
+++ b/src/functions/tnlConstantFunction.h
@@ -55,6 +55,15 @@ class tnlConstantFunction
    RealType getValue( const Vertex& v,
                       const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
+#ifdef HAVE_NOT_CXX11
+   template< typename Vertex >
+   RealType getValue( const Vertex& v,
+                      const Real& time = 0.0 ) const
+   {
+      return getValue< 0, 0, 0, Vertex >( v, time );
+   }
diff --git a/src/functions/tnlFunctionDiscretizer.h b/src/functions/tnlFunctionDiscretizer.h
index 8725057c0713e8beb6111605560cc4acb4a8a712..06fb6f6e18fdb5b332d91fe23e7853d00b560cce 100644
--- a/src/functions/tnlFunctionDiscretizer.h
+++ b/src/functions/tnlFunctionDiscretizer.h
@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ class tnlFunctionDiscretizer
       typedef typename Vector::DeviceType DeviceType;
+      typedef typename Mesh::IndexType IndexType;
+      typedef typename Mesh::VertexType VertexType;
+      typedef typename Mesh::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
 #ifdef HAVE_NOT_CXX11
    template< int XDiffOrder,
diff --git a/src/functions/tnlSinBumpsFunction.h b/src/functions/tnlSinBumpsFunction.h
index 109910fd6c47816007673c513e6365c239d5a457..522768d8bf29ba46a36dddd522079383a94e948c 100644
--- a/src/functions/tnlSinBumpsFunction.h
+++ b/src/functions/tnlSinBumpsFunction.h
@@ -139,9 +139,9 @@ class tnlSinBumpsFunction< 3, Real > : public tnlSinBumpsFunctionBase< tnlStatic
                 int YDiffOrder = 0,
                 int ZDiffOrder = 0,
                 typename Vertex = VertexType >
       RealType getValue( const Vertex& v,
                          const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
 #include <implementation/functions/tnlSinBumpsFunction_impl.h>
diff --git a/src/functions/tnlTestFunction.h b/src/functions/tnlTestFunction.h
index 049d1594cf2af91fe5369cee9f793a20962a850b..0c9672e36dafd0c8781d39e26770629c330ce354 100644
--- a/src/functions/tnlTestFunction.h
+++ b/src/functions/tnlTestFunction.h
@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ class tnlTestFunction
    bool setup( const tnlParameterContainer& parameters,
               const tnlString& prefix = "" );
+   const tnlTestFunction& operator = ( const tnlTestFunction& function );
 #ifdef HAVE_NOT_CXX11
    template< int XDiffOrder,
              int YDiffOrder,
@@ -71,6 +73,15 @@ class tnlTestFunction
    Real getValue( const Vertex& vertex,
                   const Real& time = 0 ) const;
+#ifdef HAVE_NOT_CXX11
+   template< typename Vertex >
+   Real getValue( const Vertex& vertex,
+                  const Real& time = 0 ) const
+   {
+      return this->getValue< 0, 0, 0, Vertex >( vertex, time );
+   }
 #ifdef HAVE_NOT_CXX11
    template< int XDiffOrder,
              int YDiffOrder,
@@ -88,6 +99,15 @@ class tnlTestFunction
    Real getTimeDerivative( const Vertex& vertex,
                            const Real& time = 0 ) const;
+#ifdef HAVE_NOT_CXX11
+   template< typename Vertex >
+   Real getTimeDerivative( const Vertex& vertex,
+                           const Real& time = 0 ) const
+   {
+      return this->getTimeDerivative< 0, 0, 0, Vertex >( vertex, time );
+   }   
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlArrayOperationsCuda_impl.cpp b/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlArrayOperationsCuda_impl.cpp
index 32d2b7207a30e332214e31fe05bc91f8a45d5413..b1dba6e09237516ef773e933b372e84b817010e4 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlArrayOperationsCuda_impl.cpp
+++ b/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlArrayOperationsCuda_impl.cpp
@@ -24,136 +24,136 @@ template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< int,         int >(
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< long int,    int >( long int*& data, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< float,       int >( float*& data, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< double,      int >( double*& data, const int size );
-template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< long double, int >( long double*& data, const int size );
+//template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< long double, int >( long double*& data, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< char,        long int >( char*& data, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< int,         long int >( int*& data, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< long int,    long int >( long int*& data, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< float,       long int >( float*& data, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< double,      long int >( double*& data, const long int size );
-template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< long double, long int >( long double*& data, const long int size );
+//template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< long double, long int >( long double*& data, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::freeMemory< char        >( char* data );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::freeMemory< int         >( int* data );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::freeMemory< long int    >( long int* data );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::freeMemory< float       >( float* data );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::freeMemory< double      >( double* data );
-template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::freeMemory< long double >( long double* data );
+//template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::freeMemory< long double >( long double* data );
 template void tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemoryElement< char        >( char* data, const char& value );
 template void tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemoryElement< int         >( int* data, const int& value );
 template void tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemoryElement< long int    >( long int* data, const long int& value );
 template void tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemoryElement< float       >( float* data, const float& value );
 template void tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemoryElement< double      >( double* data, const double& value );
-template void tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemoryElement< long double >( long double* data, const long double& value );
+//template void tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemoryElement< long double >( long double* data, const long double& value );
 template char        tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getMemoryElement< char        >( const char* data );
 template int         tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getMemoryElement< int         >( const int* data );
 template long int    tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getMemoryElement< long int    >( const long int* data );
 template float       tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getMemoryElement< float       >( const float* data );
 template double      tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getMemoryElement< double      >( const double* data );
-template long double tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getMemoryElement< long double >( const long double* data );
+//template long double tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getMemoryElement< long double >( const long double* data );
 template char&        tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< char,        int >( char* data, const int i );
 template int&         tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< int,         int >( int* data, const int i );
 template long int&    tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long int,    int >( long int* data, const int i );
 template float&       tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< float,       int >( float* data, const int i );
 template double&      tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< double,      int >( double* data, const int i );
-template long double& tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long double, int >( long double* data, const int i );
+//template long double& tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long double, int >( long double* data, const int i );
 template char&        tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< char,        long int >( char* data, const long int i );
 template int&         tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< int,         long int >( int* data, const long int i );
 template long int&    tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long int,    long int >( long int* data, const long int i );
 template float&       tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< float,       long int >( float* data, const long int i );
 template double&      tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< double,      long int >( double* data, const long int i );
-template long double& tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long double, long int >( long double* data, const long int i );
+//template long double& tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long double, long int >( long double* data, const long int i );
 template const char&        tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< char,        int >( const char* data, const int i );
 template const int&         tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< int,         int >( const int* data, const int i );
 template const long int&    tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long int,    int >( const long int* data, const int i );
 template const float&       tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< float,       int >( const float* data, const int i );
 template const double&      tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< double,      int >( const double* data, const int i );
-template const long double& tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long double, int >( const long double* data, const int i );
+//template const long double& tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long double, int >( const long double* data, const int i );
 template const char&        tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< char,        long int >( const char* data, const long int i );
 template const int&         tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< int,         long int >( const int* data, const long int i );
 template const long int&    tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long int,    long int >( const long int* data, const long int i );
 template const float&       tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< float,       long int >( const float* data, const long int i );
 template const double&      tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< double,      long int >( const double* data, const long int i );
-template const long double& tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long double, long int >( const long double* data, const long int i );
+//template const long double& tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long double, long int >( const long double* data, const long int i );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< char,               char, int >( char* destination, const char* source, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< int,                 int, int >( int* destination, const int* source, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long int,       long int, int >( long int* destination, const long int* source, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< float,             float, int >( float* destination, const float* source, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< double,           double, int >( double* destination, const double* source, const int size );
-template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long double, long double, int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const int size );
+//template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long double, long double, int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< char,               char, long int >( char* destination, const char* source, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< int,                 int, long int >( int* destination, const int* source, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long int,       long int, long int >( long int* destination, const long int* source, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< float,             float, long int >( float* destination, const float* source, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< double,           double, long int >( double* destination, const double* source, const long int size );
-template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long double, long double, long int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const long int size );
+//template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long double, long double, long int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< char,               char, int >( char* destination, const char* source, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< int,                 int, int >( int* destination, const int* source, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< long int,       long int, int >( long int* destination, const long int* source, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< float,             float, int >( float* destination, const float* source, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< double,           double, int >( double* destination, const double* source, const int size );
-template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< long double, long double, int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const int size );
+//template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< long double, long double, int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< char,               char, long int >( char* destination, const char* source, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< int,                 int, long int >( int* destination, const int* source, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< long int,       long int, long int >( long int* destination, const long int* source, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< float,             float, long int >( float* destination, const float* source, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< double,           double, long int >( double* destination, const double* source, const long int size );
-template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< long double, long double, long int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const long int size );
+//template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< long double, long double, long int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< char,               char, int >( char* destination, const char* source, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< int,                 int, int >( int* destination, const int* source, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long int,       long int, int >( long int* destination, const long int* source, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< float,             float, int >( float* destination, const float* source, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< double,           double, int >( double* destination, const double* source, const int size );
-template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long double, long double, int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const int size );
+//template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long double, long double, int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< char,               char, long int >( char* destination, const char* source, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< int,                 int, long int >( int* destination, const int* source, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long int,       long int, long int >( long int* destination, const long int* source, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< float,             float, long int >( float* destination, const float* source, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< double,           double, long int >( double* destination, const double* source, const long int size );
-template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long double, long double, long int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const long int size );
+//template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long double, long double, long int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< char,               char, int >( const char* data1, const char* data2, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< int,                 int, int >( const int* data1, const int* data2, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long int,       long int, int >( const long int* data1, const long int* data2, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< float,             float, int >( const float* data1, const float* data2, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< double,           double, int >( const double* data1, const double* data2, const int size );
-template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long double, long double, int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const int size );
+//template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long double, long double, int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< char,               char, long int >( const char* data1, const char* data2, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< int,                 int, long int >( const int* data1, const int* data2, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long int,       long int, long int >( const long int* data1, const long int* data2, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< float,             float, long int >( const float* data1, const float* data2, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< double,           double, long int >( const double* data1, const double* data2, const long int size );
-template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long double, long double, long int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const long int size );
+//template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long double, long double, long int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< char,               char, int >( const char* data1, const char* data2, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< int,                 int, int >( const int* data1, const int* data2, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< long int,       long int, int >( const long int* data1, const long int* data2, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< float,             float, int >( const float* data1, const float* data2, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< double,           double, int >( const double* data1, const double* data2, const int size );
-template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< long double, long double, int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const int size );
+//template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< long double, long double, int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< char,               char, long int >( const char* data1, const char* data2, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< int,                 int, long int >( const int* data1, const int* data2, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< long int,       long int, long int >( const long int* data1, const long int* data2, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< float,             float, long int >( const float* data1, const float* data2, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< double,           double, long int >( const double* data1, const double* data2, const long int size );
-template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< long double, long double, long int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const long int size );
+//template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< long double, long double, long int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< char,               char, int >( const char* data1, const char* data2, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< int,                 int, int >( const int* data1, const int* data2, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long int,       long int, int >( const long int* data1, const long int* data2, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< float,             float, int >( const float* data1, const float* data2, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< double,           double, int >( const double* data1, const double* data2, const int size );
-template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long double, long double, int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const int size );
+//template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long double, long double, int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< char,               char, long int >( const char* data1, const char* data2, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< int,                 int, long int >( const int* data1, const int* data2, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long int,       long int, long int >( const long int* data1, const long int* data2, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< float,             float, long int >( const float* data1, const float* data2, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< double,           double, long int >( const double* data1, const double* data2, const long int size );
-template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long double, long double, long int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const long int size );
+//template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long double, long double, long int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< char,        int >( char* destination, const char& value, const int size );
@@ -161,13 +161,13 @@ template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< int,         int >( int*
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< long int,    int >( long int* destination, const long int& value, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< float,       int >( float* destination, const float& value, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< double,      int >( double* destination, const double& value, const int size );
-template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< long double, int >( long double* destination, const long double& value, const int size );
+//template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< long double, int >( long double* destination, const long double& value, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< char,        long int >( char* destination, const char& value, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< int,         long int >( int* destination, const int& value, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< long int,    long int >( long int* destination, const long int& value, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< float,       long int >( float* destination, const float& value, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< double,      long int >( double* destination, const double& value, const long int size );
-template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< long double, long int >( long double* destination, const long double& value, const long int size );
+//template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< long double, long int >( long double* destination, const long double& value, const long int size );
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlArrayOperationsCuda_impl.cu b/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlArrayOperationsCuda_impl.cu
index c6013f707689dd020800a74092989109e695ad77..326ead4c762d042f5fe31c4393d4abd7ab4393d4 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlArrayOperationsCuda_impl.cu
+++ b/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlArrayOperationsCuda_impl.cu
@@ -24,136 +24,136 @@ template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< int,         int >(
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< long int,    int >( long int*& data, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< float,       int >( float*& data, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< double,      int >( double*& data, const int size );
-template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< long double, int >( long double*& data, const int size );
+//template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< long double, int >( long double*& data, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< char,        long int >( char*& data, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< int,         long int >( int*& data, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< long int,    long int >( long int*& data, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< float,       long int >( float*& data, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< double,      long int >( double*& data, const long int size );
-template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< long double, long int >( long double*& data, const long int size );
+//template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< long double, long int >( long double*& data, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::freeMemory< char        >( char* data );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::freeMemory< int         >( int* data );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::freeMemory< long int    >( long int* data );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::freeMemory< float       >( float* data );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::freeMemory< double      >( double* data );
-template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::freeMemory< long double >( long double* data );
+//template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::freeMemory< long double >( long double* data );
 template void tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemoryElement< char        >( char* data, const char& value );
 template void tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemoryElement< int         >( int* data, const int& value );
 template void tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemoryElement< long int    >( long int* data, const long int& value );
 template void tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemoryElement< float       >( float* data, const float& value );
 template void tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemoryElement< double      >( double* data, const double& value );
-template void tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemoryElement< long double >( long double* data, const long double& value );
+//template void tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemoryElement< long double >( long double* data, const long double& value );
 template char        tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getMemoryElement< char        >( const char* data );
 template int         tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getMemoryElement< int         >( const int* data );
 template long int    tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getMemoryElement< long int    >( const long int* data );
 template float       tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getMemoryElement< float       >( const float* data );
 template double      tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getMemoryElement< double      >( const double* data );
-template long double tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getMemoryElement< long double >( const long double* data );
+//template long double tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getMemoryElement< long double >( const long double* data );
 template char&        tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< char,        int >( char* data, const int i );
 template int&         tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< int,         int >( int* data, const int i );
 template long int&    tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long int,    int >( long int* data, const int i );
 template float&       tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< float,       int >( float* data, const int i );
 template double&      tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< double,      int >( double* data, const int i );
-template long double& tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long double, int >( long double* data, const int i );
+//template long double& tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long double, int >( long double* data, const int i );
 template char&        tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< char,        long int >( char* data, const long int i );
 template int&         tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< int,         long int >( int* data, const long int i );
 template long int&    tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long int,    long int >( long int* data, const long int i );
 template float&       tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< float,       long int >( float* data, const long int i );
 template double&      tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< double,      long int >( double* data, const long int i );
-template long double& tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long double, long int >( long double* data, const long int i );
+//template long double& tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long double, long int >( long double* data, const long int i );
 template const char&        tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< char,        int >( const char* data, const int i );
 template const int&         tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< int,         int >( const int* data, const int i );
 template const long int&    tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long int,    int >( const long int* data, const int i );
 template const float&       tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< float,       int >( const float* data, const int i );
 template const double&      tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< double,      int >( const double* data, const int i );
-template const long double& tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long double, int >( const long double* data, const int i );
+//template const long double& tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long double, int >( const long double* data, const int i );
 template const char&        tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< char,        long int >( const char* data, const long int i );
 template const int&         tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< int,         long int >( const int* data, const long int i );
 template const long int&    tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long int,    long int >( const long int* data, const long int i );
 template const float&       tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< float,       long int >( const float* data, const long int i );
 template const double&      tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< double,      long int >( const double* data, const long int i );
-template const long double& tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long double, long int >( const long double* data, const long int i );
+//template const long double& tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long double, long int >( const long double* data, const long int i );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< char,               char, int >( char* destination, const char* source, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< int,                 int, int >( int* destination, const int* source, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long int,       long int, int >( long int* destination, const long int* source, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< float,             float, int >( float* destination, const float* source, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< double,           double, int >( double* destination, const double* source, const int size );
-template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long double, long double, int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const int size );
+//template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long double, long double, int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< char,               char, long int >( char* destination, const char* source, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< int,                 int, long int >( int* destination, const int* source, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long int,       long int, long int >( long int* destination, const long int* source, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< float,             float, long int >( float* destination, const float* source, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< double,           double, long int >( double* destination, const double* source, const long int size );
-template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long double, long double, long int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const long int size );
+//template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long double, long double, long int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< char,               char, int >( char* destination, const char* source, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< int,                 int, int >( int* destination, const int* source, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< long int,       long int, int >( long int* destination, const long int* source, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< float,             float, int >( float* destination, const float* source, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< double,           double, int >( double* destination, const double* source, const int size );
-template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< long double, long double, int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const int size );
+//template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< long double, long double, int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< char,               char, long int >( char* destination, const char* source, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< int,                 int, long int >( int* destination, const int* source, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< long int,       long int, long int >( long int* destination, const long int* source, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< float,             float, long int >( float* destination, const float* source, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< double,           double, long int >( double* destination, const double* source, const long int size );
-template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< long double, long double, long int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const long int size );
+//template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< long double, long double, long int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< char,               char, int >( char* destination, const char* source, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< int,                 int, int >( int* destination, const int* source, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long int,       long int, int >( long int* destination, const long int* source, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< float,             float, int >( float* destination, const float* source, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< double,           double, int >( double* destination, const double* source, const int size );
-template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long double, long double, int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const int size );
+//template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long double, long double, int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< char,               char, long int >( char* destination, const char* source, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< int,                 int, long int >( int* destination, const int* source, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long int,       long int, long int >( long int* destination, const long int* source, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< float,             float, long int >( float* destination, const float* source, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< double,           double, long int >( double* destination, const double* source, const long int size );
-template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long double, long double, long int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const long int size );
+//template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long double, long double, long int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< char,               char, int >( const char* data1, const char* data2, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< int,                 int, int >( const int* data1, const int* data2, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long int,       long int, int >( const long int* data1, const long int* data2, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< float,             float, int >( const float* data1, const float* data2, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< double,           double, int >( const double* data1, const double* data2, const int size );
-template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long double, long double, int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const int size );
+//template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long double, long double, int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< char,               char, long int >( const char* data1, const char* data2, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< int,                 int, long int >( const int* data1, const int* data2, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long int,       long int, long int >( const long int* data1, const long int* data2, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< float,             float, long int >( const float* data1, const float* data2, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< double,           double, long int >( const double* data1, const double* data2, const long int size );
-template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long double, long double, long int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const long int size );
+//template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long double, long double, long int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< char,               char, int >( const char* data1, const char* data2, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< int,                 int, int >( const int* data1, const int* data2, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< long int,       long int, int >( const long int* data1, const long int* data2, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< float,             float, int >( const float* data1, const float* data2, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< double,           double, int >( const double* data1, const double* data2, const int size );
-template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< long double, long double, int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const int size );
+//template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< long double, long double, int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< char,               char, long int >( const char* data1, const char* data2, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< int,                 int, long int >( const int* data1, const int* data2, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< long int,       long int, long int >( const long int* data1, const long int* data2, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< float,             float, long int >( const float* data1, const float* data2, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< double,           double, long int >( const double* data1, const double* data2, const long int size );
-template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< long double, long double, long int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const long int size );
+//template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< long double, long double, long int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< char,               char, int >( const char* data1, const char* data2, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< int,                 int, int >( const int* data1, const int* data2, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long int,       long int, int >( const long int* data1, const long int* data2, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< float,             float, int >( const float* data1, const float* data2, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< double,           double, int >( const double* data1, const double* data2, const int size );
-template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long double, long double, int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const int size );
+//template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long double, long double, int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< char,               char, long int >( const char* data1, const char* data2, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< int,                 int, long int >( const int* data1, const int* data2, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long int,       long int, long int >( const long int* data1, const long int* data2, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< float,             float, long int >( const float* data1, const float* data2, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< double,           double, long int >( const double* data1, const double* data2, const long int size );
-template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long double, long double, long int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const long int size );
+//template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long double, long double, long int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< char,        int >( char* destination, const char& value, const int size );
@@ -161,13 +161,13 @@ template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< int,         int >( int*
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< long int,    int >( long int* destination, const long int& value, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< float,       int >( float* destination, const float& value, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< double,      int >( double* destination, const double& value, const int size );
-template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< long double, int >( long double* destination, const long double& value, const int size );
+//template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< long double, int >( long double* destination, const long double& value, const int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< char,        long int >( char* destination, const char& value, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< int,         long int >( int* destination, const int& value, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< long int,    long int >( long int* destination, const long int& value, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< float,       long int >( float* destination, const float& value, const long int size );
 template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< double,      long int >( double* destination, const double& value, const long int size );
-template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< long double, long int >( long double* destination, const long double& value, const long int size );
+//template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< long double, long int >( long double* destination, const long double& value, const long int size );
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlArrayOperationsCuda_impl.h b/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlArrayOperationsCuda_impl.h
index afe1675361ab2718d0bc5abf6f6b75bcc0ba3684..23ccd957d28ce02415f0eac4ca997e7c5a0b4e89 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlArrayOperationsCuda_impl.h
+++ b/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlArrayOperationsCuda_impl.h
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory( Element* data,
    setArrayValueCudaKernel<<< gridSize, blockSize >>>( data, size, value );
    return checkCudaDevice;
-      tnlCudaSupportMissingMessage;;
-      return false;
+   tnlCudaSupportMissingMessage;;
+   return false;
@@ -158,9 +158,9 @@ bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory( DestinationElement* destination,
          return checkCudaDevice;
-         tnlCudaSupportMissingMessage;;
-         return false;
+      tnlCudaSupportMissingMessage;;
+      return false;
 template< typename Element1,
@@ -233,6 +233,7 @@ bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory( DestinationElement* des
       return false;
+   return true;
@@ -354,149 +355,149 @@ extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< int,
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< long int,    int >( long int*& data, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< float,       int >( float*& data, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< double,      int >( double*& data, const int size );
-extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< long double, int >( long double*& data, const int size );
+//extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< long double, int >( long double*& data, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< char,        long int >( char*& data, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< int,         long int >( int*& data, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< long int,    long int >( long int*& data, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< float,       long int >( float*& data, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< double,      long int >( double*& data, const long int size );
-extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< long double, long int >( long double*& data, const long int size );
+//extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::allocateMemory< long double, long int >( long double*& data, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::freeMemory< char        >( char* data );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::freeMemory< int         >( int* data );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::freeMemory< long int    >( long int* data );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::freeMemory< float       >( float* data );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::freeMemory< double      >( double* data );
-extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::freeMemory< long double >( long double* data );
+//extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::freeMemory< long double >( long double* data );
 extern template void tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemoryElement< char        >( char* data, const char& value );
 extern template void tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemoryElement< int         >( int* data, const int& value );
 extern template void tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemoryElement< long int    >( long int* data, const long int& value );
 extern template void tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemoryElement< float       >( float* data, const float& value );
 extern template void tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemoryElement< double      >( double* data, const double& value );
-extern template void tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemoryElement< long double >( long double* data, const long double& value );
+//extern template void tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemoryElement< long double >( long double* data, const long double& value );
 extern template char        tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getMemoryElement< char        >( const char* data );
 extern template int         tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getMemoryElement< int         >( const int* data );
 extern template long int    tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getMemoryElement< long int    >( const long int* data );
 extern template float       tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getMemoryElement< float       >( const float* data );
 extern template double      tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getMemoryElement< double      >( const double* data );
-extern template long double tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getMemoryElement< long double >( const long double* data );
+//extern template long double tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getMemoryElement< long double >( const long double* data );
 extern template char&        tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< char,        int >( char* data, const int i );
 extern template int&         tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< int,         int >( int* data, const int i );
 extern template long int&    tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long int,    int >( long int* data, const int i );
 extern template float&       tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< float,       int >( float* data, const int i );
 extern template double&      tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< double,      int >( double* data, const int i );
-extern template long double& tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long double, int >( long double* data, const int i );
+//extern template long double& tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long double, int >( long double* data, const int i );
 extern template char&        tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< char,        long int >( char* data, const long int i );
 extern template int&         tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< int,         long int >( int* data, const long int i );
 extern template long int&    tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long int,    long int >( long int* data, const long int i );
 extern template float&       tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< float,       long int >( float* data, const long int i );
 extern template double&      tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< double,      long int >( double* data, const long int i );
-extern template long double& tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long double, long int >( long double* data, const long int i );
+//extern template long double& tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long double, long int >( long double* data, const long int i );
 extern template const char&        tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< char,        int >( const char* data, const int i );
 extern template const int&         tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< int,         int >( const int* data, const int i );
 extern template const long int&    tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long int,    int >( const long int* data, const int i );
 extern template const float&       tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< float,       int >( const float* data, const int i );
 extern template const double&      tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< double,      int >( const double* data, const int i );
-extern template const long double& tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long double, int >( const long double* data, const int i );
+//extern template const long double& tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long double, int >( const long double* data, const int i );
 extern template const char&        tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< char,        long int >( const char* data, const long int i );
 extern template const int&         tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< int,         long int >( const int* data, const long int i );
 extern template const long int&    tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long int,    long int >( const long int* data, const long int i );
 extern template const float&       tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< float,       long int >( const float* data, const long int i );
 extern template const double&      tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< double,      long int >( const double* data, const long int i );
-extern template const long double& tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long double, long int >( const long double* data, const long int i );
+//extern template const long double& tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::getArrayElementReference< long double, long int >( const long double* data, const long int i );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< char,               char, int >( char* destination, const char* source, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< int,                 int, int >( int* destination, const int* source, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long int,       long int, int >( long int* destination, const long int* source, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< float,             float, int >( float* destination, const float* source, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< double,           double, int >( double* destination, const double* source, const int size );
-extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long double, long double, int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const int size );
+//extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long double, long double, int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< char,               char, long int >( char* destination, const char* source, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< int,                 int, long int >( int* destination, const int* source, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long int,       long int, long int >( long int* destination, const long int* source, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< float,             float, long int >( float* destination, const float* source, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< double,           double, long int >( double* destination, const double* source, const long int size );
-extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long double, long double, long int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const long int size );
+//extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long double, long double, long int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< char,               char, int >( char* destination, const char* source, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< int,                 int, int >( int* destination, const int* source, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< long int,       long int, int >( long int* destination, const long int* source, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< float,             float, int >( float* destination, const float* source, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< double,           double, int >( double* destination, const double* source, const int size );
-extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< long double, long double, int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const int size );
+//extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< long double, long double, int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< char,               char, long int >( char* destination, const char* source, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< int,                 int, long int >( int* destination, const int* source, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< long int,       long int, long int >( long int* destination, const long int* source, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< float,             float, long int >( float* destination, const float* source, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< double,           double, long int >( double* destination, const double* source, const long int size );
-extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< long double, long double, long int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const long int size );
+//extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::copyMemory< long double, long double, long int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< char,               char, int >( char* destination, const char* source, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< int,                 int, int >( int* destination, const int* source, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long int,       long int, int >( long int* destination, const long int* source, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< float,             float, int >( float* destination, const float* source, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< double,           double, int >( double* destination, const double* source, const int size );
-extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long double, long double, int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const int size );
+//extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long double, long double, int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< char,               char, long int >( char* destination, const char* source, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< int,                 int, long int >( int* destination, const int* source, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long int,       long int, long int >( long int* destination, const long int* source, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< float,             float, long int >( float* destination, const float* source, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< double,           double, long int >( double* destination, const double* source, const long int size );
-extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long double, long double, long int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const long int size );
+//extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::copyMemory< long double, long double, long int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< char,               char, int >( const char* data1, const char* data2, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< int,                 int, int >( const int* data1, const int* data2, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long int,       long int, int >( const long int* data1, const long int* data2, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< float,             float, int >( const float* data1, const float* data2, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< double,           double, int >( const double* data1, const double* data2, const int size );
-extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long double, long double, int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const int size );
+//extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long double, long double, int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< char,               char, long int >( const char* data1, const char* data2, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< int,                 int, long int >( const int* data1, const int* data2, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long int,       long int, long int >( const long int* data1, const long int* data2, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< float,             float, long int >( const float* data1, const float* data2, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< double,           double, long int >( const double* data1, const double* data2, const long int size );
-extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long double, long double, long int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const long int size );
+//extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long double, long double, long int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< char,               char, int >( const char* data1, const char* data2, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< int,                 int, int >( const int* data1, const int* data2, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< long int,       long int, int >( const long int* data1, const long int* data2, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< float,             float, int >( const float* data1, const float* data2, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< double,           double, int >( const double* data1, const double* data2, const int size );
-extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< long double, long double, int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const int size );
+//extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< long double, long double, int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< char,               char, long int >( const char* data1, const char* data2, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< int,                 int, long int >( const int* data1, const int* data2, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< long int,       long int, long int >( const long int* data1, const long int* data2, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< float,             float, long int >( const float* data1, const float* data2, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< double,           double, long int >( const double* data1, const double* data2, const long int size );
-extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< long double, long double, long int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const long int size );
+//extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda, tnlHost >::compareMemory< long double, long double, long int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< char,               char, int >( const char* data1, const char* data2, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< int,                 int, int >( const int* data1, const int* data2, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long int,       long int, int >( const long int* data1, const long int* data2, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< float,             float, int >( const float* data1, const float* data2, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< double,           double, int >( const double* data1, const double* data2, const int size );
-extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long double, long double, int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const int size );
+//extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long double, long double, int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< char,               char, long int >( const char* data1, const char* data2, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< int,                 int, long int >( const int* data1, const int* data2, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long int,       long int, long int >( const long int* data1, const long int* data2, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< float,             float, long int >( const float* data1, const float* data2, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< double,           double, long int >( const double* data1, const double* data2, const long int size );
-extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long double, long double, long int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const long int size );
+//extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlHost, tnlCuda >::compareMemory< long double, long double, long int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< char,        int >( char* destination, const char& value, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< int,         int >( int* destination, const int& value, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< long int,    int >( long int* destination, const long int& value, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< float,       int >( float* destination, const float& value, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< double,      int >( double* destination, const double& value, const int size );
-extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< long double, int >( long double* destination, const long double& value, const int size );
+//extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< long double, int >( long double* destination, const long double& value, const int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< char,        long int >( char* destination, const char& value, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< int,         long int >( int* destination, const int& value, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< long int,    long int >( long int* destination, const long int& value, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< float,       long int >( float* destination, const float& value, const long int size );
 extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< double,      long int >( double* destination, const double& value, const long int size );
-extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< long double, long int >( long double* destination, const long double& value, const long int size );
+//extern template bool tnlArrayOperations< tnlCuda >::setMemory< long double, long int >( long double* destination, const long double& value, const long int size );
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlArray_impl.h b/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlArray_impl.h
index c03ed290d6619c0d1390559bf45ae24b243380b4..64b25751c55da60d989a367a5e1cfed4d571c849 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlArray_impl.h
+++ b/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlArray_impl.h
@@ -409,6 +409,7 @@ ostream& operator << ( ostream& str, const tnlArray< Element, Device, Index >& v
          str << ", " << v. getElement( i );
    str << " ]";
+   return str;
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlStaticArray1D_impl.h b/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlStaticArray1D_impl.h
index 501787c2237ca60af6a2f36c91ec71529d668d22..9d5b6b736a8c15f26cf3a85218373c8e33fc3a5f 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlStaticArray1D_impl.h
+++ b/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlStaticArray1D_impl.h
@@ -65,28 +65,28 @@ tnlString tnlStaticArray< 1, Element >::getType()
           tnlString( " >" );
+template< typename Element >
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
    __host__ __device__
-template< typename Element >
 int tnlStaticArray< 1, Element >::getSize() const
    return size;
+template< typename Element >
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
    __host__ __device__
-template< typename Element >
 Element* tnlStaticArray< 1, Element >::getData()
    return data;
+template< typename Element >
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
    __host__ __device__
-template< typename Element >
 const Element* tnlStaticArray< 1, Element >::getData() const
    return data;
@@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ template< typename Element >
 tnlStaticArray< 1, Element >& tnlStaticArray< 1, Element >::operator = ( const tnlStaticArray< 1, Element >& array )
    data[ 0 ] = array[ 0 ];
+   return *this;
 template< typename Element >
@@ -143,13 +144,14 @@ template< typename Element >
 tnlStaticArray< 1, Element >& tnlStaticArray< 1, Element >::operator = ( const Array& array )
    data[ 0 ] = array[ 0 ];
+   return *this;
 template< typename Element >
    template< typename Array >
 bool tnlStaticArray< 1, Element >::operator == ( const Array& array ) const
-   return( size == Array::size && data[ 0 ] == array[ 0 ] );
+   return( ( int ) size == ( int ) Array::size && data[ 0 ] == array[ 0 ] );
 template< typename Element >
@@ -207,7 +209,7 @@ extern template class tnlStaticArray< 1, int >;
 extern template class tnlStaticArray< 1, long int >;
 extern template class tnlStaticArray< 1, float >;
 extern template class tnlStaticArray< 1, double >;
-extern template class tnlStaticArray< 1, long double >;
+//extern template class tnlStaticArray< 1, long double >;
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlStaticArray2D_impl.h b/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlStaticArray2D_impl.h
index 2f8b8d317f8e3af5a29133dab2edd56edabc7687..362d7d62bf1b811050d2dd8cc5f8908cc9c2f8e4 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlStaticArray2D_impl.h
+++ b/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlStaticArray2D_impl.h
@@ -78,28 +78,28 @@ tnlString tnlStaticArray< 2, Element >::getType()
           tnlString( " >" );
+template< typename Element >
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
    __host__ __device__
-template< typename Element >
 int tnlStaticArray< 2, Element >::getSize() const
    return size;
+template< typename Element >
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
    __host__ __device__
-template< typename Element >
 Element* tnlStaticArray< 2, Element >::getData()
    return data;
+template< typename Element >
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
    __host__ __device__
-template< typename Element >
 const Element* tnlStaticArray< 2, Element >::getData() const
    return data;
@@ -168,6 +168,7 @@ tnlStaticArray< 2, Element >& tnlStaticArray< 2, Element >::operator = ( const t
    data[ 0 ] = array[ 0 ];
    data[ 1 ] = array[ 1 ];
+   return *this;
 template< typename Element >
@@ -176,13 +177,14 @@ tnlStaticArray< 2, Element >& tnlStaticArray< 2, Element >::operator = ( const A
    data[ 0 ] = array[ 0 ];
    data[ 1 ] = array[ 1 ];
+   return *this;
 template< typename Element >
    template< typename Array >
 bool tnlStaticArray< 2, Element >::operator == ( const Array& array ) const
-   return( size == Array::size &&
+   return( ( int ) size == ( int ) Array::size &&
            data[ 0 ] == array[ 0 ] &&
            data[ 1 ] == array[ 1 ] );
@@ -244,7 +246,7 @@ extern template class tnlStaticArray< 2, int >;
 extern template class tnlStaticArray< 2, long int >;
 extern template class tnlStaticArray< 2, float >;
 extern template class tnlStaticArray< 2, double >;
-extern template class tnlStaticArray< 2, long double >;
+//extern template class tnlStaticArray< 2, long double >;
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlStaticArray3D_impl.h b/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlStaticArray3D_impl.h
index 8f5399d1ab0c3347e8671c17e92bbce19ee5d791..f7039296fd0125b69143bd7a335cb49a00e0868f 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlStaticArray3D_impl.h
+++ b/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlStaticArray3D_impl.h
@@ -82,28 +82,28 @@ tnlString tnlStaticArray< 3, Element >::getType()
           tnlString( " >" );
+template< typename Element >
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
    __host__ __device__
-template< typename Element >
 int tnlStaticArray< 3, Element >::getSize() const
    return size;
+template< typename Element >
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
    __host__ __device__
-template< typename Element >
 Element* tnlStaticArray< 3, Element >::getData()
    return data;
+template< typename Element >
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
    __host__ __device__
-template< typename Element >
 const Element* tnlStaticArray< 3, Element >::getData() const
    return data;
@@ -190,6 +190,7 @@ tnlStaticArray< 3, Element >& tnlStaticArray< 3, Element >::operator = ( const t
    data[ 0 ] = array[ 0 ];
    data[ 1 ] = array[ 1 ];
    data[ 2 ] = array[ 2 ];
+   return *this;
 template< typename Element >
@@ -199,13 +200,14 @@ tnlStaticArray< 3, Element >& tnlStaticArray< 3, Element >::operator = ( const A
    data[ 0 ] = array[ 0 ];
    data[ 1 ] = array[ 1 ];
    data[ 2 ] = array[ 2 ];
+   return *this;
 template< typename Element >
    template< typename Array >
 bool tnlStaticArray< 3, Element >::operator == ( const Array& array ) const
-   return( size == Array::size &&
+   return( ( int ) size == ( int ) Array::size &&
            data[ 0 ] == array[ 0 ] &&
            data[ 1 ] == array[ 1 ] &&
            data[ 2 ] == array[ 2 ] );
@@ -275,7 +277,7 @@ extern template class tnlStaticArray< 3, int >;
 extern template class tnlStaticArray< 3, long int >;
 extern template class tnlStaticArray< 3, float >;
 extern template class tnlStaticArray< 3, double >;
-extern template class tnlStaticArray< 3, long double >;
+//extern template class tnlStaticArray< 3, long double >;
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlStaticArray_impl.cu b/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlStaticArray_impl.cu
index 00c9cb6a62a953c7f82b9494a002d6d086f4d1f5..52a8065dc84e5ea97c0238ca85845905c2ef2bc0 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlStaticArray_impl.cu
+++ b/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlStaticArray_impl.cu
@@ -25,28 +25,28 @@ template class tnlStaticArray< 1, int >;
 template class tnlStaticArray< 1, long int >;
 template class tnlStaticArray< 1, float >;
 template class tnlStaticArray< 1, double >;
-template class tnlStaticArray< 1, long double >;
+//template class tnlStaticArray< 1, long double >;
 template class tnlStaticArray< 2, char >;
 template class tnlStaticArray< 2, int >;
 template class tnlStaticArray< 2, long int >;
 template class tnlStaticArray< 2, float >;
 template class tnlStaticArray< 2, double >;
-template class tnlStaticArray< 2, long double >;
+//template class tnlStaticArray< 2, long double >;
 template class tnlStaticArray< 3, char >;
 template class tnlStaticArray< 3, int >;
 template class tnlStaticArray< 3, long int >;
 template class tnlStaticArray< 3, float >;
 template class tnlStaticArray< 3, double >;
-template class tnlStaticArray< 3, long double >;
+//template class tnlStaticArray< 3, long double >;
 template class tnlStaticArray< 4, char >;
 template class tnlStaticArray< 4, int >;
 template class tnlStaticArray< 4, long int >;
 template class tnlStaticArray< 4, float >;
 template class tnlStaticArray< 4, double >;
-template class tnlStaticArray< 4, long double >;
+//template class tnlStaticArray< 4, long double >;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlStaticArray_impl.h b/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlStaticArray_impl.h
index 43e4c049822ba441d4f7b12de8fa29a1e43a4efe..0970678d85ded6fc9b5e4082ec85357a4716c5be 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlStaticArray_impl.h
+++ b/src/implementation/core/arrays/tnlStaticArray_impl.h
@@ -68,28 +68,28 @@ tnlString tnlStaticArray< Size, Element >::getType()
           tnlString( " >" );
+template< int Size, typename Element >
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
    __host__ __device__
-template< int Size, typename Element >
 int tnlStaticArray< Size, Element >::getSize() const
    return size;
+template< int Size, typename Element >
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
    __host__ __device__
-template< int Size, typename Element >
 Element* tnlStaticArray< Size, Element >::getData()
    return data;
+template< int Size, typename Element >
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
    __host__ __device__
-template< int Size, typename Element >
 const Element* tnlStaticArray< Size, Element >::getData() const
    return data;
@@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ tnlStaticArray< Size, Element >& tnlStaticArray< Size, Element >::operator = ( c
    for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
       data[ i ] = array[ i ];
+   return *this;
 template< int Size, typename Element >
@@ -130,13 +131,14 @@ tnlStaticArray< Size, Element >& tnlStaticArray< Size, Element >::operator = ( c
    for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
       data[ i ] = array[ i ];
+   return *this;
 template< int Size, typename Element >
    template< typename Array >
 bool tnlStaticArray< Size, Element >::operator == ( const Array& array ) const
-   if( size != Array::size )
+   if( ( int ) size != ( int ) Array::size )
       return false;
    for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
       if( data[ i ] != array[ i ] )
@@ -220,7 +222,7 @@ extern template class tnlStaticArray< 4, int >;
 extern template class tnlStaticArray< 4, long int >;
 extern template class tnlStaticArray< 4, float >;
 extern template class tnlStaticArray< 4, double >;
-extern template class tnlStaticArray< 4, long double >;
+//extern template class tnlStaticArray< 4, long double >;
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-prefix-sum_impl.cu b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-prefix-sum_impl.cu
index 70d4e6e205267973de6c8a44c17842ab47210966..36497541e34da0eb35d9252bf7a67754681c191d 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-prefix-sum_impl.cu
+++ b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-prefix-sum_impl.cu
@@ -70,10 +70,10 @@ template bool cudaPrefixSum( const long int size,
                              const tnlParallelReductionSum< double, long int >& operation,
                              const enumPrefixSumType prefixSumType );
-template bool cudaPrefixSum( const long int size,
+/*template bool cudaPrefixSum( const long int size,
                              const long int blockSize,
                              const long double *deviceInput,
                              long double* deviceOutput,
                              const tnlParallelReductionSum< long double, long int >& operation,
-                             const enumPrefixSumType prefixSumType );   
+                             const enumPrefixSumType prefixSumType );*/   
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-abs-max_impl.cu b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-abs-max_impl.cu
index b5a8c533b1fc4a0e0e20b5afbdc40e61ff202d26..93605031fd1071be207ef28c2055761867c74011 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-abs-max_impl.cu
+++ b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-abs-max_impl.cu
@@ -88,11 +88,11 @@ template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< double, long in
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< long double, long int > >
+/*template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-abs-min_impl.cu b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-abs-min_impl.cu
index af0c2f537d9281747fd5aaf639957d0fbfce2f5d..812159df5ff33db346c1615a128acc278b938168 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-abs-min_impl.cu
+++ b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-abs-min_impl.cu
@@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< double, long in
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< long double, long int > >
+/*template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-abs-sum_impl.cu b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-abs-sum_impl.cu
index 00be994c28d619b33a4a15192e2c72118aaa2946..a6a22f16c8f8c2b925ee2ba2eaca16214fb59b13 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-abs-sum_impl.cu
+++ b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-abs-sum_impl.cu
@@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< double, long in
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< long double, long int > >
+/*template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-and_impl.cu b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-and_impl.cu
index 50ce1688b426ee66b34f9b28272f8d87dbef2117..592c0cd5847c036e70ee1dca05c724f069360ec8 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-and_impl.cu
+++ b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-and_impl.cu
@@ -86,11 +86,11 @@ template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< double, lon
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< long double, long int > >
+/*template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-diff-abs-max_impl.cu b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-diff-abs-max_impl.cu
index ed8fa01acab85879757c88be7bcd1c149c4490d0..291fdc9d888a2ac71106d733ba20d49a8eaff536 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-diff-abs-max_impl.cu
+++ b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-diff-abs-max_impl.cu
@@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< double, lon
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< long double, long int > >
+/*template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-diff-abs-min_impl.cu b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-diff-abs-min_impl.cu
index e82ff34ccee34e2745278ea2ac8c9b30cbc606cf..14428d5dff3cab5021c55a3168d7d67452d7bf75 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-diff-abs-min_impl.cu
+++ b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-diff-abs-min_impl.cu
@@ -88,11 +88,11 @@ template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< double, lon
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< long double, long int > >
+/*template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-diff-abs-sum_impl.cu b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-diff-abs-sum_impl.cu
index 6aeaa1743f3b20e32fb1cf951a00fd45357547f8..f033706ef704e81e405654e799954b136348738e 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-diff-abs-sum_impl.cu
+++ b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-diff-abs-sum_impl.cu
@@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< double, lon
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< long double, long int > >
+/*template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-diff-lp-norm_impl.cu b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-diff-lp-norm_impl.cu
index 4010e4f26c57139ea6c4f595b68c892b88194442..1403d34b148a6c553c78454908018e81ea1812bc 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-diff-lp-norm_impl.cu
+++ b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-diff-lp-norm_impl.cu
@@ -72,12 +72,12 @@ template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< double, lon
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< long double, long int > >
+/*template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-diff-max_impl.cu b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-diff-max_impl.cu
index 5b8d490c350bbaf99d04a3f1a6cc5c31ea750521..76fac28487598502b5ceee8d5830180dba62d9b3 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-diff-max_impl.cu
+++ b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-diff-max_impl.cu
@@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< double, long i
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< long double, long int > >
+/*template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-diff-min_impl.cu b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-diff-min_impl.cu
index 4e0a0ebb2616aba4f7c4500070872caf24674666..fe75190d51657d6d658b2fe4623fbc18b7f6f191 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-diff-min_impl.cu
+++ b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-diff-min_impl.cu
@@ -88,11 +88,11 @@ template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< double, long i
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< long double, long int > >
+/*template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-diff-sum_impl.cu b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-diff-sum_impl.cu
index db54096dcb0cc1c8c42a651ab878ef7180badb48..ce79e8cc4b0835b68365168e859c5b51bf8f605a 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-diff-sum_impl.cu
+++ b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-diff-sum_impl.cu
@@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< double, long i
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< long double, long int > >
+/*template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-equalities_impl.cu b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-equalities_impl.cu
index 2b4e75de14c77b96a2f43e7207f71a1d1463b111..8b4fec91d0820ee5c82fdd77e30b3a441adecc93 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-equalities_impl.cu
+++ b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-equalities_impl.cu
@@ -86,11 +86,11 @@ template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionEqualities< double, lon
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionEqualities< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionEqualities< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionEqualities< long double, long int > >
+/*template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionEqualities< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionEqualities< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionEqualities< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionEqualities< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionEqualities< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionEqualities< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionEqualities< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-inequalities_impl.cu b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-inequalities_impl.cu
index d3c1b57f5cff2dbc9dc5a4cca00dc508520ee59e..a04537c97d44b606fcc463372e92246c9ddb6caf 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-inequalities_impl.cu
+++ b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-inequalities_impl.cu
@@ -86,11 +86,11 @@ template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionInequalities< double, l
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionInequalities< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionInequalities< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionInequalities< long double, long int > >
+/*template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionInequalities< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionInequalities< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionInequalities< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionInequalities< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionInequalities< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionInequalities< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionInequalities< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-lp-norm_impl.cu b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-lp-norm_impl.cu
index d2440e37475ab9b678e464d482cd99098585c63e..ac4fc3a8f6e0e11f86bf078dfa29eabd545bdc58 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-lp-norm_impl.cu
+++ b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-lp-norm_impl.cu
@@ -65,11 +65,11 @@ template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< double, long in
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< long double, long int > >
+/*template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-max_impl.cu b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-max_impl.cu
index 40e89700fd273db09c55eeee2496735071be3682..63847eb441ca9147270bb58ac63dfcfd74413e45 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-max_impl.cu
+++ b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-max_impl.cu
@@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionMax< double, long int >
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionMax< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionMax< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionMax< long double, long int > >
+/*template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionMax< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionMax< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionMax< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionMax< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionMax< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionMax< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionMax< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-min_impl.cu b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-min_impl.cu
index 04df3c0f170cf71716e4ab2ae976892d904c6bde..5ba284339dcc2f19d8c9ba68a2491ef98eb03c57 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-min_impl.cu
+++ b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-min_impl.cu
@@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionMin< double, long int >
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionMin< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionMin< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionMin< long double, long int > >
+/*template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionMin< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionMin< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionMin< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionMin< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionMin< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionMin< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionMin< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-or_impl.cu b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-or_impl.cu
index 871ee5b333241af5a1983d4393ad989ac52f931a..6128fc48c6152a85c17fb49c906cb5d8358fac34 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-or_impl.cu
+++ b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-or_impl.cu
@@ -86,11 +86,11 @@ template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< double, long
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< long double, long int > >
+/*template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-scalar-product_impl.cu b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-scalar-product_impl.cu
index c4dcbf079cd3e97475468cec2cdc568920261484..1ee2d85af2418032f7bd441acf17d3b77588e270 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-scalar-product_impl.cu
+++ b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-scalar-product_impl.cu
@@ -86,11 +86,11 @@ template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< double,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< long double, long int > >
+/*template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-sum_impl.cu b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-sum_impl.cu
index 979ad9c1baeae29a531a3342cba5065776c29ff5..9cd01bcfd0c3de5a8f612a2205323f4772a567b3 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-sum_impl.cu
+++ b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction-sum_impl.cu
@@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionSum< double, long int >
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionSum< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionSum< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionSum< long double, long int > >
+/*template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionSum< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionSum< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionSum< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionSum< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionSum< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionSum< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionSum< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction_impl.h b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction_impl.h
index 67e5afe12ef446413437b7974ad3b479276d4b84..368a75a978f04cb3008e1a76a750c099744cbc60 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction_impl.h
+++ b/src/implementation/core/cuda/cuda-reduction_impl.h
@@ -469,12 +469,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionSum< double, int
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionSum< double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionSum< double, int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionSum< long double, int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionSum< long double, int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionSum< long double, int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionSum< long double, int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionSum< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionSum< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionSum< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionSum< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );*/
 extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionSum< char, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionSum< char, long int >& operation,
@@ -504,12 +504,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionSum< double, lon
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionSum< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionSum< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionSum< long double, long int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionSum< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionSum< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionSum< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionSum< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionSum< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionSum< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionSum< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
  * Min
@@ -543,12 +543,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionMin< double, int
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionMin< double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionMin< double, int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionMin< long double, int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionMin< long double, int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionMin< long double, int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionMin< long double, int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionMin< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionMin< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionMin< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionMin< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );*/
 extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionMin< char, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionMin< char, long int >& operation,
@@ -578,12 +578,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionMin< double, lon
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionMin< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionMin< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionMin< long double, long int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionMin< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionMin< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionMin< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionMin< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionMin< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionMin< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionMin< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
  * Max
@@ -617,12 +617,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionMax< double, int
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionMax< double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionMax< double, int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionMax< long double, int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionMax< long double, int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionMax< long double, int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionMax< long double, int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionMax< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionMax< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionMax< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionMax< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );*/
 extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionMax< char, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionMax< char, long int >& operation,
@@ -652,12 +652,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionMax< double, lon
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionMax< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionMax< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionMax< long double, long int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionMax< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionMax< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionMax< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionMax< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionMax< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionMax< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionMax< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
  * Abs sum
@@ -691,12 +691,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< double,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< double, int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< long double, int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< long double, int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< long double, int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< long double, int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );*/
 extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< char, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< char, long int >& operation,
@@ -726,12 +726,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< double,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< long double, long int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionAbsSum< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
  * Abs min
@@ -765,12 +765,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< double,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< double, int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< long double, int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< long double, int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< long double, int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< long double, int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );*/
 extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< char, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< char, long int >& operation,
@@ -800,12 +800,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< double,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< long double, long int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
  * Abs max
@@ -838,12 +838,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< double,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< double, int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< long double, int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< long double, int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< long double, int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< long double, int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );*/
 extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< char, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< char, long int >& operation,
@@ -873,12 +873,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< double,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< long double, long int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
  * Logical AND
@@ -911,12 +911,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< doub
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< double, int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< long double, int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< long double, int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< long double, int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< long double, int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );*/
 extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< char, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< char, long int >& operation,
@@ -946,12 +946,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< doub
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< long double, long int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalAnd< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
  * Logical OR
@@ -984,12 +984,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< doubl
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< double, int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< long double, int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< long double, int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< long double, int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< long double, int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );*/
 extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< char, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< char, long int >& operation,
@@ -1019,12 +1019,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< doubl
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< long double, long int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionLogicalOr< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
@@ -1044,12 +1044,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< double,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< double, int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< long double, int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< long double, int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< long double, int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< long double, int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );*/
 extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< char, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< char, long int >& operation,
@@ -1079,12 +1079,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< double,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< long double, long int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionLpNorm< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
@@ -1118,12 +1118,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionEqualities< doub
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionEqualities< double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionEqualities< double, int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionEqualities< long double, int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionEqualities< long double, int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionEqualities< long double, int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionEqualities< long double, int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionEqualities< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionEqualities< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionEqualities< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionEqualities< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );*/
 extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionEqualities< char, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionEqualities< char, long int >& operation,
@@ -1153,12 +1153,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionEqualities< doub
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionEqualities< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionEqualities< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionEqualities< long double, long int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionEqualities< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionEqualities< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionEqualities< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionEqualities< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionEqualities< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionEqualities< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionEqualities< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
@@ -1192,12 +1192,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionInequalities< do
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionInequalities< double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionInequalities< double, int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionInequalities< long double, int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionInequalities< long double, int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionInequalities< long double, int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionInequalities< long double, int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionInequalities< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionInequalities< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionInequalities< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionInequalities< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );*/
 extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionInequalities< char, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionInequalities< char, long int >& operation,
@@ -1227,12 +1227,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionInequalities< do
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionInequalities< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionInequalities< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionInequalities< long double, long int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionInequalities< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionInequalities< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionInequalities< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionInequalities< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionInequalities< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionInequalities< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionInequalities< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
@@ -1266,12 +1266,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< d
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< double, int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< long double, int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< long double, int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< long double, int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< long double, int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );*/
 extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< char, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< char, long int >& operation,
@@ -1301,12 +1301,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< d
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< long double, long int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionScalarProduct< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
  * Diff sum
@@ -1340,12 +1340,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< double,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< double, int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< long double, int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< long double, int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< long double, int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< long double, int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );*/
 extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< char, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< char, long int >& operation,
@@ -1375,12 +1375,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< double,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< long double, long int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
  * Diff min
@@ -1414,12 +1414,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< double,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< double, int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< long double, int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< long double, int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< long double, int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< long double, int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );*/
 extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< char, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< char, long int >& operation,
@@ -1449,12 +1449,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< double,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< long double, long int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
  * Diff max
@@ -1488,12 +1488,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< double,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< double, int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< long double, int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< long double, int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< long double, int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< long double, int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );*/
 extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< char, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< char, long int >& operation,
@@ -1523,12 +1523,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< double,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< long double, long int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
  * Diff abs sum
@@ -1562,12 +1562,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< doub
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< double, int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< long double, int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< long double, int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< long double, int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< long double, int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );*/
 extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< char, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< char, long int >& operation,
@@ -1597,12 +1597,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< doub
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< long double, long int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsSum< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
  * Diff abs min
@@ -1636,12 +1636,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< doub
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< double, int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< long double, int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< long double, int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< long double, int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< long double, int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );*/
 extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< char, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< char, long int >& operation,
@@ -1671,12 +1671,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< doub
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< long double, long int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
  * Diff abs max
@@ -1709,12 +1709,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< doub
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< double, int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< long double, int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< long double, int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< long double, int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< long double, int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );*/
 extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< char, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< char, long int >& operation,
@@ -1744,12 +1744,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< doub
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< long double, long int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
@@ -1770,12 +1770,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< doub
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< double, int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< long double, int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< long double, int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< long double, int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< long double, int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< long double, int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< long double, int> :: ResultType& result );*/
 extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< char, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< char, long int >& operation,
@@ -1805,12 +1805,12 @@ extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< doub
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
                                      typename tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
-extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< long double, long int > >
+/*extern template bool reductionOnCudaDevice< tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< long double, long int > >
                                    ( const tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< long double, long int>& operation,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< long double, long int > :: IndexType size,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput1,
                                      const typename tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< long double, long int > :: RealType* deviceInput2,
-                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );
+                                     typename tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< long double, long int> :: ResultType& result );*/
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/vectors/tnlStaticVector1D_impl.h b/src/implementation/core/vectors/tnlStaticVector1D_impl.h
index 1d507a6c5dbc08397c0277cc5a197d2faaed6a93..11170e468db0db285fa354cc30a787c99e103390 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/vectors/tnlStaticVector1D_impl.h
+++ b/src/implementation/core/vectors/tnlStaticVector1D_impl.h
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ __host__ __device__
 tnlStaticVector< 1, Real >& tnlStaticVector< 1, Real >::operator += ( const tnlStaticVector& v )
    this->data[ 0 ] += v[ 0 ];
+   return *this;
 template< typename Real >
@@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ __host__ __device__
 tnlStaticVector< 1, Real >& tnlStaticVector< 1, Real >::operator -= ( const tnlStaticVector& v )
    this->data[ 0 ] -= v[ 0 ];
+   return *this;
 template< typename Real >
@@ -79,6 +81,7 @@ __host__ __device__
 tnlStaticVector< 1, Real >& tnlStaticVector< 1, Real >::operator *= ( const Real& c )
    this->data[ 0 ] *= c;
+   return *this;
 template< typename Real >
@@ -163,7 +166,7 @@ bool tnlStaticVector< 1, Real >::operator >= ( const tnlStaticVector& v ) const
 extern template class tnlStaticVector< 1, float >;
 extern template class tnlStaticVector< 1, double >;
-extern template class tnlStaticVector< 1, long double >;
+//extern template class tnlStaticVector< 1, long double >;
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/vectors/tnlStaticVector2D_impl.h b/src/implementation/core/vectors/tnlStaticVector2D_impl.h
index dce884747ffab2b0ae9d9e3b0032fcbf92a2bb36..40b93dc4b4e50eaf8ed0b381eeb13e6ebed7f66f 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/vectors/tnlStaticVector2D_impl.h
+++ b/src/implementation/core/vectors/tnlStaticVector2D_impl.h
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ tnlStaticVector< 2, Real >& tnlStaticVector< 2, Real >::operator += ( const tnlS
    this->data[ 0 ] += v[ 0 ];
    this->data[ 1 ] += v[ 1 ];
+   return *this;
 template< typename Real >
@@ -90,6 +91,7 @@ tnlStaticVector< 2, Real >& tnlStaticVector< 2, Real >::operator -= ( const tnlS
    this->data[ 0 ] -= v[ 0 ];
    this->data[ 1 ] -= v[ 1 ];
+   return *this;
 template< typename Real >
@@ -100,6 +102,7 @@ tnlStaticVector< 2, Real >& tnlStaticVector< 2, Real >::operator *= ( const Real
    this->data[ 0 ] *= c;
    this->data[ 1 ] *= c;
+   return *this;
 template< typename Real >
@@ -192,7 +195,7 @@ bool tnlStaticVector< 2, Real >::operator >= ( const tnlStaticVector& v ) const
 extern template class tnlStaticVector< 2, float >;
 extern template class tnlStaticVector< 2, double >;
-extern template class tnlStaticVector< 2, long double >;
+//extern template class tnlStaticVector< 2, long double >;
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/vectors/tnlStaticVector3D_impl.h b/src/implementation/core/vectors/tnlStaticVector3D_impl.h
index bed2ed818f8417489647d5890f855761e50f58bd..6b975851ae91b51fee22e17ed3f758868e6cf045 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/vectors/tnlStaticVector3D_impl.h
+++ b/src/implementation/core/vectors/tnlStaticVector3D_impl.h
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ tnlStaticVector< 3, Real >& tnlStaticVector< 3, Real >::operator += ( const tnlS
    this->data[ 0 ] += v[ 0 ];
    this->data[ 1 ] += v[ 1 ];
    this->data[ 2 ] += v[ 2 ];
+   return *this;
 template< typename Real >
@@ -92,6 +93,7 @@ tnlStaticVector< 3, Real >& tnlStaticVector< 3, Real >::operator -= ( const tnlS
    this->data[ 0 ] -= v[ 0 ];
    this->data[ 1 ] -= v[ 1 ];
    this->data[ 2 ] -= v[ 2 ];
+   return *this;
 template< typename Real >
@@ -103,6 +105,7 @@ tnlStaticVector< 3, Real >& tnlStaticVector< 3, Real >::operator *= ( const Real
    this->data[ 0 ] *= c;
    this->data[ 1 ] *= c;
    this->data[ 2 ] *= c;
+   return *this;
 template< typename Real >
@@ -203,7 +206,7 @@ bool tnlStaticVector< 3, Real >::operator >= ( const tnlStaticVector& v ) const
 extern template class tnlStaticVector< 3, float >;
 extern template class tnlStaticVector< 3, double >;
-extern template class tnlStaticVector< 3, long double >;
+//extern template class tnlStaticVector< 3, long double >;
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/vectors/tnlStaticVector_impl.cu b/src/implementation/core/vectors/tnlStaticVector_impl.cu
index 6128e8e49b0b1273ae4ae173c71efe5a25ebcdc4..938d0c47337fb389add036ab68dc7444474e4b16 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/vectors/tnlStaticVector_impl.cu
+++ b/src/implementation/core/vectors/tnlStaticVector_impl.cu
@@ -22,19 +22,19 @@
 template class tnlStaticVector< 1, float >;
 template class tnlStaticVector< 1, double >;
-template class tnlStaticVector< 1, long double >;
+//template class tnlStaticVector< 1, long double >;
 template class tnlStaticVector< 2, float >;
 template class tnlStaticVector< 2, double >;
-template class tnlStaticVector< 2, long double >;
+//template class tnlStaticVector< 2, long double >;
 template class tnlStaticVector< 3, float >;
 template class tnlStaticVector< 3, double >;
-template class tnlStaticVector< 3, long double >;
+//template class tnlStaticVector< 3, long double >;
 template class tnlStaticVector< 4, float >;
 template class tnlStaticVector< 4, double >;
-template class tnlStaticVector< 4, long double >;
+//template class tnlStaticVector< 4, long double >;
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/vectors/tnlStaticVector_impl.h b/src/implementation/core/vectors/tnlStaticVector_impl.h
index 7a041e215cd5c88a65a019e043c26d92599e9d1d..e5e3dbde02bc993c2d9680dcd2e6b41676180ba6 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/vectors/tnlStaticVector_impl.h
+++ b/src/implementation/core/vectors/tnlStaticVector_impl.h
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ tnlStaticVector< Size, Real >& tnlStaticVector< Size, Real >::operator += ( cons
    for( int i = 0; i < Size; i++ )
       this->data[ i ] += v[ i ];
+   return *this;
 template< int Size, typename Real >
@@ -81,6 +82,7 @@ tnlStaticVector< Size, Real >& tnlStaticVector< Size, Real >::operator -= ( cons
    for( int i = 0; i < Size; i++ )
       this->data[ i ] -= v[ i ];
+   return *this;
 template< int Size, typename Real >
@@ -91,6 +93,7 @@ tnlStaticVector< Size, Real >& tnlStaticVector< Size, Real >::operator *= ( cons
    for( int i = 0; i < Size; i++ )
       this->data[ i ] *= c;
+   return *this;
 template< int Size, typename Real >
@@ -199,7 +202,7 @@ tnlStaticVector< Size, Real > operator * ( const Real& c, const tnlStaticVector<
 extern template class tnlStaticVector< 4, float >;
 extern template class tnlStaticVector< 4, double >;
-extern template class tnlStaticVector< 4, long double >;
+//extern template class tnlStaticVector< 4, long double >;
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/vectors/tnlVectorOperationsCuda_impl.h b/src/implementation/core/vectors/tnlVectorOperationsCuda_impl.h
index c6a613f8324dd167d4f258ef9c49d91160fa2e7d..0b67be53dbd07a4e5fbbf4980a2a0b39711ca144 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/vectors/tnlVectorOperationsCuda_impl.h
+++ b/src/implementation/core/vectors/tnlVectorOperationsCuda_impl.h
@@ -623,12 +623,12 @@ extern template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMax( const
 extern template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMax( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, int >& v );
 extern template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMax( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, int >& v );
 extern template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMax( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, int >& v );
-extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMax( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v );
+//extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMax( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v );
 extern template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMax( const tnlVector< int, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
 extern template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMax( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
 extern template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMax( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
 extern template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMax( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
-extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMax( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
+//extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMax( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
  * Min
@@ -637,12 +637,12 @@ extern template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMin( const
 extern template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMin( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, int >& v );
 extern template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMin( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, int >& v );
 extern template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMin( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, int >& v );
-extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMin( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v );
+//extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMin( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v );
 extern template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMin( const tnlVector< int, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
 extern template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMin( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
 extern template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMin( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
 extern template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMin( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
-extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMin( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
+//extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMin( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
  * Abs max
@@ -651,12 +651,12 @@ extern template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMax( con
 extern template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMax( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, int >& v );
 extern template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMax( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, int >& v );
 extern template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMax( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, int >& v );
-extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMax( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v );
+//extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMax( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v );
 extern template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMax( const tnlVector< int, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
 extern template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMax( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
 extern template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMax( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
 extern template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMax( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
-extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMax( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
+//extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMax( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
  * Abs min
@@ -665,12 +665,12 @@ extern template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMin( con
 extern template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMin( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, int >& v );
 extern template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMin( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, int >& v );
 extern template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMin( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, int >& v );
-extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMin( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v );
+//extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMin( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v );
 extern template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMin( const tnlVector< int, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
 extern template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMin( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
 extern template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMin( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
 extern template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMin( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
-extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMin( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
+//extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMin( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
  * Lp norm
@@ -679,12 +679,12 @@ extern template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorLpNorm( con
 extern template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorLpNorm( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, int >& v, const long int& p );
 extern template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorLpNorm( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, int >& v, const float& p );
 extern template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorLpNorm( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, int >& v, const double& p );
-extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorLpNorm( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v, const long double& p );
+//extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorLpNorm( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v, const long double& p );
 extern template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorLpNorm( const tnlVector< int, tnlCuda, long int >& v, const int& p );
 extern template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorLpNorm( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, long int >& v, const long int& p );
 extern template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorLpNorm( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, long int >& v, const float& p );
 extern template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorLpNorm( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, long int >& v, const double& p );
-extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorLpNorm( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v, const long double& p );
+//extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorLpNorm( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v, const long double& p );
  * Sum
@@ -693,12 +693,12 @@ extern template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorSum( const
 extern template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorSum( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, int >& v );
 extern template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorSum( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, int >& v );
 extern template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorSum( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, int >& v );
-extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorSum( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v );
+//extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorSum( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v );
 extern template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorSum( const tnlVector< int, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
 extern template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorSum( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
 extern template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorSum( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
 extern template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorSum( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
-extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorSum( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
+//extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorSum( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
  * Difference max
@@ -707,12 +707,12 @@ extern template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceM
 extern template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMax( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, int >& v1, const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, int >& v2 );
 extern template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMax( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, int >& v1,  const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, int >& v2);
 extern template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMax( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, int >& v1, const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, int >& v2 );
-extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMax( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v1, const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v2 );
+//extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMax( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v1, const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v2 );
 extern template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMax( const tnlVector< int, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< int, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
 extern template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMax( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
 extern template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMax( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
 extern template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMax( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
-extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMax( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
+//extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMax( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
  * Difference min
@@ -721,12 +721,12 @@ extern template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceM
 extern template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMin( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, int >& v1, const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, int >& v2 );
 extern template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMin( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, int >& v1,  const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, int >& v2);
 extern template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMin( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, int >& v1, const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, int >& v2 );
-extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMin( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v1, const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v2 );
+//extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMin( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v1, const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v2 );
 extern template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMin( const tnlVector< int, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< int, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
 extern template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMin( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
 extern template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMin( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
 extern template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMin( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
-extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMin( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
+//extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMin( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
  * Difference abs max
@@ -735,12 +735,12 @@ extern template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceA
 extern template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMax( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, int >& v1, const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, int >& v2 );
 extern template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMax( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, int >& v1,  const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, int >& v2);
 extern template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMax( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, int >& v1, const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, int >& v2 );
-extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMax( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v1, const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v2 );
+//extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMax( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v1, const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v2 );
 extern template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMax( const tnlVector< int, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< int, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
 extern template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMax( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
 extern template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMax( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
 extern template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMax( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
-extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMax( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
+//extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMax( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
  * Difference abs min
@@ -749,12 +749,12 @@ extern template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceA
 extern template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMin( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, int >& v1, const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, int >& v2 );
 extern template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMin( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, int >& v1,  const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, int >& v2);
 extern template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMin( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, int >& v1, const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, int >& v2 );
-extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMin( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v1, const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v2 );
+//extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMin( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v1, const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v2 );
 extern template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMin( const tnlVector< int, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< int, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
 extern template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMin( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
 extern template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMin( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
 extern template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMin( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
-extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMin( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
+//extern template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMin( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/vectors/tnlVectorOperations_impl.cu b/src/implementation/core/vectors/tnlVectorOperations_impl.cu
index 977cc06215c1575d85af708f94bf1f8394eef3fa..6ad481eef135afc207929c3cf70f22f7ee99b460 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/vectors/tnlVectorOperations_impl.cu
+++ b/src/implementation/core/vectors/tnlVectorOperations_impl.cu
@@ -26,12 +26,12 @@ template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMax( const tnlVect
 template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMax( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, int >& v );
 template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMax( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, int >& v );
 template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMax( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, int >& v );
-template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMax( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v );
+//template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMax( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v );
 template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMax( const tnlVector< int, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
 template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMax( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
 template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMax( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
 template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMax( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
-template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMax( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
+//template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMax( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
  * Min
@@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMin( const tnlVect
 template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMin( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, int >& v );
 template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMin( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, int >& v );
 template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMin( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, int >& v );
-template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMin( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v );
+//template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMin( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v );
 template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMin( const tnlVector< int, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
 template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMin( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
 template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMin( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
 template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMin( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
-template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMin( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
+//template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorMin( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
  * Abs max
@@ -54,12 +54,12 @@ template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMax( const tnlV
 template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMax( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, int >& v );
 template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMax( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, int >& v );
 template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMax( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, int >& v );
-template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMax( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v );
+//template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMax( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v );
 template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMax( const tnlVector< int, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
 template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMax( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
 template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMax( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
 template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMax( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
-template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMax( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
+//template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMax( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
  * Abs min
@@ -68,12 +68,12 @@ template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMin( const tnlV
 template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMin( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, int >& v );
 template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMin( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, int >& v );
 template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMin( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, int >& v );
-template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMin( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v );
+//template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMin( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v );
 template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMin( const tnlVector< int, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
 template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMin( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
 template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMin( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
 template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMin( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
-template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMin( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
+//template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorAbsMin( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
  * Lp norm
@@ -82,12 +82,12 @@ template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorLpNorm( const tnlV
 template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorLpNorm( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, int >& v, const long int& p );
 template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorLpNorm( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, int >& v, const float& p );
 template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorLpNorm( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, int >& v, const double& p );
-template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorLpNorm( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v, const long double& p );
+//template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorLpNorm( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v, const long double& p );
 template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorLpNorm( const tnlVector< int, tnlCuda, long int >& v, const int& p );
 template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorLpNorm( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, long int >& v, const long int& p );
 template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorLpNorm( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, long int >& v, const float& p );
 template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorLpNorm( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, long int >& v, const double& p );
-template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorLpNorm( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v, const long double& p );
+//template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorLpNorm( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v, const long double& p );
  * Sum
@@ -96,12 +96,12 @@ template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorSum( const tnlVect
 template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorSum( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, int >& v );
 template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorSum( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, int >& v );
 template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorSum( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, int >& v );
-template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorSum( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v );
+//template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorSum( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v );
 template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorSum( const tnlVector< int, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
 template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorSum( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
 template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorSum( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
 template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorSum( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
-template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorSum( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
+//template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorSum( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v );
  * Difference max
@@ -110,12 +110,12 @@ template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMax( con
 template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMax( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, int >& v1, const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, int >& v2 );
 template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMax( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, int >& v1,  const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, int >& v2);
 template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMax( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, int >& v1, const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, int >& v2 );
-template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMax( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v1, const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v2 );
+//template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMax( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v1, const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v2 );
 template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMax( const tnlVector< int, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< int, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
 template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMax( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
 template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMax( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
 template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMax( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
-template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMax( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
+//template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMax( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
  * Difference min
@@ -124,12 +124,12 @@ template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMin( con
 template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMin( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, int >& v1, const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, int >& v2 );
 template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMin( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, int >& v1,  const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, int >& v2);
 template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMin( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, int >& v1, const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, int >& v2 );
-template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMin( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v1, const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v2 );
+//template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMin( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v1, const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v2 );
 template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMin( const tnlVector< int, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< int, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
 template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMin( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
 template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMin( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
 template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMin( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
-template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMin( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
+//template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceMin( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
  * Difference abs max
@@ -138,12 +138,12 @@ template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMax(
 template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMax( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, int >& v1, const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, int >& v2 );
 template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMax( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, int >& v1,  const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, int >& v2);
 template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMax( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, int >& v1, const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, int >& v2 );
-template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMax( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v1, const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v2 );
+//template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMax( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v1, const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v2 );
 template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMax( const tnlVector< int, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< int, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
 template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMax( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
 template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMax( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
 template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMax( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
-template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMax( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
+//template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMax( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
  * Difference abs min
@@ -152,12 +152,12 @@ template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMin(
 template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMin( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, int >& v1, const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, int >& v2 );
 template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMin( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, int >& v1,  const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, int >& v2);
 template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMin( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, int >& v1, const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, int >& v2 );
-template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMin( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v1, const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v2 );
+//template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMin( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v1, const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, int >& v2 );
 template int         tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMin( const tnlVector< int, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< int, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
 template long int    tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMin( const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< long int, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
 template float       tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMin( const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< float, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
 template double      tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMin( const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< double, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
-template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMin( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
+//template long double tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda >::getVectorDifferenceAbsMin( const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v1, const tnlVector< long double, tnlCuda, long int >& v2 );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/vectors/tnlVector_impl.h b/src/implementation/core/vectors/tnlVector_impl.h
index beab0badbc65851b51f4981dfb7f2d3b65a13750..eef7083d219657fcea34e752501af91a95517666 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/vectors/tnlVector_impl.h
+++ b/src/implementation/core/vectors/tnlVector_impl.h
@@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ template< typename Real,
 tnlVector< Real, Device, Index >& tnlVector< Real, Device, Index > :: operator -= ( const Vector& vector )
    alphaXPlusBetaY( -1.0, vector, 1.0 );
+   return *this;
 template< typename Real,
@@ -139,6 +140,7 @@ template< typename Real,
 tnlVector< Real, Device, Index >& tnlVector< Real, Device, Index > :: operator += ( const Vector& vector )
    alphaXPlusBetaY( 1.0, vector, 1.0 );
+   return *this;
 template< typename Real,
diff --git a/src/implementation/functions/tnlFunctionDiscretizer_impl.h b/src/implementation/functions/tnlFunctionDiscretizer_impl.h
index 3eab02a171d8a126c18476b1f3023ddc84ab0411..5351a6cad5ac3321311cc819b4af81cdb1a5dc99 100644
--- a/src/implementation/functions/tnlFunctionDiscretizer_impl.h
+++ b/src/implementation/functions/tnlFunctionDiscretizer_impl.h
@@ -26,17 +26,17 @@ void tnlFunctionDiscretizer< Mesh, Function, Vector >::discretize( const Mesh& m
                                                                    const typename Vector::RealType& time )
    //tnlAssert( Mesh::Dimensions == Function::Dimensions, ); // TODO: change this to tnlStaticAssert
-   typename Mesh::IndexType i = 0;
+   IndexType i = 0;
    discreteFunction.setSize( mesh.getNumberOfCells() );
    if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlHostDevice )
       while( i < mesh.getNumberOfCells() )
-         typename Mesh::VertexType v;
-         typename Mesh::CoordinatesType c;
+         VertexType v;
+         CoordinatesType c;
          c = mesh.getCellCoordinates( i );
-         v = mesh.getCellCenter( c );
-         discreteFunction[ i ] = function.template getValue< XDiffOrder, YDiffOrder, ZDiffOrder >( v, time );
+         v = mesh.template getCellCenter< VertexType >( c );
+         discreteFunction[ i ] = function.template getValue< XDiffOrder, YDiffOrder, ZDiffOrder, VertexType >( v, time );
diff --git a/src/implementation/functions/tnlSinWaveFunction_impl.h b/src/implementation/functions/tnlSinWaveFunction_impl.h
index 10f0afea489c339d0657327ae3f74e5068abdb8f..90f6f003cd99fb76116a0d583a7ae7a2b0d88209 100644
--- a/src/implementation/functions/tnlSinWaveFunction_impl.h
+++ b/src/implementation/functions/tnlSinWaveFunction_impl.h
@@ -129,11 +129,11 @@ getValue( const Vertex& v,
    if( XDiffOrder == 1 && YDiffOrder == 0 )
       return 2.0 * M_PI * x / ( this->waveLength * sqrt( x * x + y * y ) ) * this->amplitude * cos( this->phase + 2.0 * M_PI * sqrt( x * x + y * y ) / this->waveLength );
    if( XDiffOrder == 2 && YDiffOrder == 0 )
-      return 2.0 * M_PI * y * y / ( this->waveLength * sqrt( x * x + y * y ) * sqrt( x * x + y * y ) * sqrt( x * x + y * y ) ) * this->amplitude * cos( this->phase + 2.0 * M_PI * sqrt( x * x + y * y ) / this->waveLength ) - 4.0 * M_PI * M_PI * x * x / ( this->waveLength * this->waveLength * ( x * x + y * y ) ) * this->amplitude * sin( this->phase + 2.0 * M_PI * sqrt( x * x + y * y ) / this->waveLength );
+      return 2.0 * M_PI * x * x / ( this->waveLength * sqrt( x * x + y * y ) * sqrt( x * x + y * y ) * sqrt( x * x + y * y ) ) * this->amplitude * cos( this->phase + 2.0 * M_PI * sqrt( x * x + y * y ) / this->waveLength ) - 4.0 * M_PI * M_PI * x * x / ( this->waveLength * this->waveLength * ( x * x + y * y ) ) * this->amplitude * sin( this->phase + 2.0 * M_PI * sqrt( x * x + y * y ) / this->waveLength );
    if( XDiffOrder == 0 && YDiffOrder == 1 )
       return 2.0 * M_PI * y / ( this->waveLength * sqrt( x * x + y * y ) ) * this->amplitude * cos( this->phase + 2.0 * M_PI * sqrt( x * x + y * y ) / this->waveLength );
    if( XDiffOrder == 0 && YDiffOrder == 2 )
-      return 2.0 * M_PI * x * x / ( this->waveLength * sqrt( x * x + y * y ) * sqrt( x * x + y * y ) * sqrt( x * x + y * y ) ) * this->amplitude * cos( this->phase + 2.0 * M_PI * sqrt( x * x + y * y ) / this->waveLength ) - 4.0 * M_PI * M_PI * y * y / ( this->waveLength * this->waveLength * ( x * x + y * y ) ) * this->amplitude * sin( this->phase + 2.0 * M_PI * sqrt( x * x + y * y ) / this->waveLength );
+      return 2.0 * M_PI * y * y / ( this->waveLength * sqrt( x * x + y * y ) * sqrt( x * x + y * y ) * sqrt( x * x + y * y ) ) * this->amplitude * cos( this->phase + 2.0 * M_PI * sqrt( x * x + y * y ) / this->waveLength ) - 4.0 * M_PI * M_PI * y * y / ( this->waveLength * this->waveLength * ( x * x + y * y ) ) * this->amplitude * sin( this->phase + 2.0 * M_PI * sqrt( x * x + y * y ) / this->waveLength );
    return 0.0;
diff --git a/src/implementation/functions/tnlTestFunction_impl.cu b/src/implementation/functions/tnlTestFunction_impl.cu
index 7304a74c817a7a4995104f73d9b75ab30e42df08..69354815a11103d8134d35d27e97e323bc3f314b 100644
--- a/src/implementation/functions/tnlTestFunction_impl.cu
+++ b/src/implementation/functions/tnlTestFunction_impl.cu
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ template class tnlTestFunction< 1, double, tnlCuda >;
 template class tnlTestFunction< 2, double, tnlCuda >;
 template class tnlTestFunction< 3, double, tnlCuda >;
-template class tnlTestFunction< 1, long double, tnlCuda >;
+/*template class tnlTestFunction< 1, long double, tnlCuda >;
 template class tnlTestFunction< 2, long double, tnlCuda >;
-template class tnlTestFunction< 3, long double, tnlCuda >;
+template class tnlTestFunction< 3, long double, tnlCuda >;*/
diff --git a/src/implementation/functions/tnlTestFunction_impl.h b/src/implementation/functions/tnlTestFunction_impl.h
index 912a6da281455d0d81ddd6e60d4a604db248d82f..901415b6da2feb65b6cf0db86fe72f77456551a6 100644
--- a/src/implementation/functions/tnlTestFunction_impl.h
+++ b/src/implementation/functions/tnlTestFunction_impl.h
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ template< int FunctionDimensions,
 tnlTestFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real, Device >::
 setupFunction( const tnlParameterContainer& parameters,
-              const tnlString& prefix )
+               const tnlString& prefix )
    FunctionType* auxFunction = new FunctionType;
    if( ! auxFunction->setup( parameters, prefix ) )
@@ -155,6 +155,42 @@ setup( const tnlParameterContainer& parameters,
    return false;
+template< int FunctionDimensions,
+          typename Real,
+          typename Device >
+const tnlTestFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real, Device >&
+tnlTestFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real, Device >::
+operator = ( const tnlTestFunction& function )
+   this->functionType   = function.functionType;
+   this->timeDependence = function.timeDependence;
+   this->timeScale      = function.timeScale;
+   abort();
+   if( Device::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlHostDevice )
+   {
+      switch( this->functionType )
+      {
+         case constant:
+            //this->function = new tnlConstantFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real >;
+            //*this->function = * ( ( tnlConstantFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real >*) function.function );
+            //....
+            //
+            ;
+      }
+   }
+   if( Device::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlCudaDevice )
+   {
+      /*this->function = tnlCuda::passToDevice( *auxFunction );
+      delete auxFunction;
+      if( ! checkCudaDevice )
+         return false;*/
+   }
 template< int FunctionDimensions,
           typename Real,
           typename Device >
@@ -326,9 +362,9 @@ extern template class tnlTestFunction< 1, double, tnlCuda >;
 extern template class tnlTestFunction< 2, double, tnlCuda >;
 extern template class tnlTestFunction< 3, double, tnlCuda >;
-extern template class tnlTestFunction< 1, long double, tnlCuda >;
+/*extern template class tnlTestFunction< 1, long double, tnlCuda >;
 extern template class tnlTestFunction< 2, long double, tnlCuda >;
-extern template class tnlTestFunction< 3, long double, tnlCuda >;
+extern template class tnlTestFunction< 3, long double, tnlCuda >;*/
diff --git a/src/implementation/matrices/tnlMatrixSetter_impl.h b/src/implementation/matrices/tnlMatrixSetter_impl.h
index b8a808013f2b9879d5c86b46e4a307fa7cab5462..d1e310eea68b807fe98f94a9a702887db8cb6bf5 100644
--- a/src/implementation/matrices/tnlMatrixSetter_impl.h
+++ b/src/implementation/matrices/tnlMatrixSetter_impl.h
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ template< int Dimensions,
 tnlMatrixSetter< tnlGrid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, DifferentialOperator, BoundaryConditions, RowLengthsVector >::
 getRowLengths( const MeshType& mesh,
-               DifferentialOperator& differentialOperator,
-               BoundaryConditions& boundaryConditions,
+               const DifferentialOperator& differentialOperator,
+               const BoundaryConditions& boundaryConditions,
                RowLengthsVector& rowLengths ) const
    TraversalUserData userData( differentialOperator, boundaryConditions, rowLengths );
diff --git a/src/implementation/mesh/tnlGrid1D_impl.h b/src/implementation/mesh/tnlGrid1D_impl.h
index 2977743cd4a955ed81b32558763bcdfeaf750d90..9ae9018b29b2ecf451e5b5da6ac7317b2260d0f8 100644
--- a/src/implementation/mesh/tnlGrid1D_impl.h
+++ b/src/implementation/mesh/tnlGrid1D_impl.h
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ Vertex tnlGrid< 1, Real, Device, Index >::getCellCenter( const IndexType& cellIn
               cerr << " cellIndex = " << cellIndex
                    << " this->getNumberOfCells() = " << this->getNumberOfCells()
                    << " this->getName() " << this->getName(); );
-   return this->getCellCenter( this->getCellCoordinates( cellIndex ) );
+   return this->getCellCenter< VertexType >( this->getCellCoordinates( cellIndex ) );
 template< typename Real,
@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ bool tnlGrid< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: write( const MeshFunction& function,
       for( IndexType i = 0; i < getDimensions(). x(); i++ )
-         VertexType v = this->getCellCenter( CoordinatesType( i ) );
+         VertexType v = this->getCellCenter< VertexType >( CoordinatesType( i ) );
          tnlGnuplotWriter::write( file,  v );
          tnlGnuplotWriter::write( file,  function[ this->getCellIndex( i ) ] );
          file << endl;
diff --git a/src/implementation/mesh/tnlGrid2D_impl.h b/src/implementation/mesh/tnlGrid2D_impl.h
index 970069d6005ec80de5ca0ce37f8821502c1a5dff..c7ba6729a3c2a977aa601e704a59fb057fac0bb7 100644
--- a/src/implementation/mesh/tnlGrid2D_impl.h
+++ b/src/implementation/mesh/tnlGrid2D_impl.h
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ Vertex tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::getCellCenter( const IndexType& cellIn
               cerr << " cellIndex = " << cellIndex
                    << " this->getNumberOfCells() = " << this->getNumberOfCells()
                    << " this->getName() " << this->getName(); );
-   return this->getCellCenter( this->getCellCoordinates( cellIndex ) );
+   return this->getCellCenter< VertexType >( this->getCellCoordinates( cellIndex ) );
 template< typename Real,
@@ -524,14 +524,14 @@ template< int nx, int ny, typename Vertex >
 Vertex tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getFaceCenter( const CoordinatesType& faceCoordinates ) const
-   tnlStaticAssert( nx >= 0 && ny >= 0 && nx + ny = 1, "Wrong template parameters nx or ny." );
+   tnlStaticAssert( nx >= 0 && ny >= 0 && nx + ny == 1, "Wrong template parameters nx or ny." );
    if( nx )
-      tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.x() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions.x() + 1,
+      tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.x() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x() + 1,
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.x() = " << faceCoordinates.x()
                       << " this->getDimensions().x() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().x() + 1
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
-      tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.y() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions.y(),
+      tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.y() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y(),
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.y() = " << faceCoordinates.y()
                       << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y()
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
@@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ Vertex tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getFaceCenter( const CoordinatesType
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.x() = " << faceCoordinates.x()
                       << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
-      tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.y() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions.y() + 1,
+      tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.y() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y() + 1,
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.y() = " << faceCoordinates.y()
                       << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
@@ -849,11 +849,11 @@ bool tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: writeMesh( const tnlString& fileName,
       for( Index j = 0; j < this -> dimensions. y(); j ++ )
          file << "draw( ";
-         v = this -> getVertex( CoordinatesType( 0, j ) );
+         v = this -> getVertex< VertexType >( CoordinatesType( 0, j ) );
          file << "( " << v. x() << ", " << v. y() << " )";
          for( Index i = 0; i < this -> dimensions. x(); i ++ )
-            v = this -> getVertex( CoordinatesType( i + 1, j ) );
+            v = this -> getVertex< VertexType >( CoordinatesType( i + 1, j ) );
             file << "--( " << v. x() << ", " << v. y() << " )";
          file << " );" << endl;
@@ -862,11 +862,11 @@ bool tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: writeMesh( const tnlString& fileName,
       for( Index i = 0; i < this -> dimensions. x(); i ++ )
          file << "draw( ";
-         v = this -> getVertex( CoordinatesType( i, 0 ) );
+         v = this -> getVertex< VertexType >( CoordinatesType( i, 0 ) );
          file << "( " << v. x() << ", " << v. y() << " )";
          for( Index j = 0; j < this -> dimensions. y(); j ++ )
-            v = this -> getVertex( CoordinatesType( i, j + 1 ) );
+            v = this -> getVertex< VertexType >( CoordinatesType( i, j + 1 ) );
             file << "--( " << v. x() << ", " << v. y() << " )";
          file << " );" << endl;
@@ -876,7 +876,7 @@ bool tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: writeMesh( const tnlString& fileName,
       for( Index i = 0; i < this -> dimensions. x(); i ++ )
          for( Index j = 0; j < this -> dimensions. y(); j ++ )
-            v = this -> getCellCenter( CoordinatesType( i, j ) );
+            v = this -> getCellCenter< VertexType >( CoordinatesType( i, j ) );
             file << "label( scale(0.33) * Label( \"$" << setprecision( 3 ) << cellMeasure << setprecision( 8 )
                  << "$\" ), ( " << v. x() << ", " << v. y() << " ), S );" << endl;
@@ -931,8 +931,9 @@ bool tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: writeMesh( const tnlString& fileName,
                  << c. x() + v. x() << ", " << c.y() + v. y() << " ), Arrow(size=1mm),p=blue);" << endl;
+      return true;
+   return false;
 template< typename Real,
@@ -962,7 +963,7 @@ bool tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: write( const MeshFunction& function,
          for( IndexType i = 0; i < getDimensions(). x(); i++ )
-            VertexType v = this->getCellCenter( CoordinatesType( i, j ) );
+            VertexType v = this->getCellCenter< VertexType >( CoordinatesType( i, j ) );
             tnlGnuplotWriter::write( file,  v );
             tnlGnuplotWriter::write( file,  function[ this->getCellIndex( CoordinatesType( i, j ) ) ] );
             file << endl;
diff --git a/src/implementation/mesh/tnlGrid3D_impl.h b/src/implementation/mesh/tnlGrid3D_impl.h
index 23e93dc26b89d8c5c1e29910dc49e58b8c19a6b4..d0adc76ade5d82ab88517f5efaa0d1c6f3c07f96 100644
--- a/src/implementation/mesh/tnlGrid3D_impl.h
+++ b/src/implementation/mesh/tnlGrid3D_impl.h
@@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ Vertex tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index >::getCellCenter( const IndexType& cellIn
               cerr << " cellIndex = " << cellIndex
                    << " this->getNumberOfCells() = " << this->getNumberOfCells()
                    << " this->getName() " << this->getName(); );
-   return this->getCellCenter( this->getCellCoordinates( cellIndex ) );
+   return this->getCellCenter< VertexType >( this->getCellCoordinates( cellIndex ) );
 template< typename Real,
@@ -842,18 +842,18 @@ template< int nx, int ny, int nz, typename Vertex >
 Vertex tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: getFaceCenter( const CoordinatesType& faceCoordinates ) const
-   tnlStaticAssert( nx >= 0 && ny >= 0 && nz >= 0 && nx + ny + nz = 1, "Wrong template parameters nx or ny or nz." );
+   tnlStaticAssert( nx >= 0 && ny >= 0 && nz >= 0 && nx + ny + nz == 1, "Wrong template parameters nx or ny or nz." );
    if( nx )
-      tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.x() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions.x() + 1,
+      tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.x() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x() + 1,
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.x() = " << faceCoordinates.x()
                       << " this->getDimensions().x() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().x() + 1
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
-      tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.y() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions.y(),
+      tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.y() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y(),
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.y() = " << faceCoordinates.y()
                       << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y()
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
-      tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.z() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions.z(),
+      tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.z() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions().z(),
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.z() = " << faceCoordinates.z()
                       << " this->getDimensions().z() = " << this->getDimensions().z()
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
@@ -863,15 +863,15 @@ Vertex tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: getFaceCenter( const CoordinatesType
    if( ny )
-      tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.x() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions.x(),
+      tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.x() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x(),
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.x() = " << faceCoordinates.x()
                       << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
-      tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.y() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions.y() + 1,
+      tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.y() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y() + 1,
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.y() = " << faceCoordinates.y()
                       << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
-      tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.z() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions.z(),
+      tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.z() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions().z(),
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.z() = " << faceCoordinates.z()
                       << " this->getDimensions().z() = " << this->getDimensions().z()
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
@@ -882,15 +882,15 @@ Vertex tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: getFaceCenter( const CoordinatesType
    if( nz )
-      tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.x() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions.x(),
+      tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.x() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x(),
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.x() = " << faceCoordinates.x()
                       << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
-      tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.y() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions.y(),
+      tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.y() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y(),
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.y() = " << faceCoordinates.y()
                       << " this->getDimensions().y()= " << this->getDimensions().y()
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
-      tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.z() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions.z() + 1,
+      tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.z() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions().z() + 1,
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.z() = " << faceCoordinates.z()
                       << " this->getDimensions().z() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().z() + 1
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
@@ -909,18 +909,18 @@ template< int dx, int dy, int dz, typename Vertex >
 Vertex tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: getEdgeCenter( const CoordinatesType& edgeCoordinates ) const
-   tnlStaticAssert( dx >= 0 && dy >= 0 && dz >= 0 && dx + dy + dz = 1, "Wrong template parameters nx or ny or nz." );
+   tnlStaticAssert( dx >= 0 && dy >= 0 && dz >= 0 && dx + dy + dz == 1, "Wrong template parameters nx or ny or nz." );
    if( dx )
-      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.x() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions.x(),
+      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.x() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x(),
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.x() = " << edgeCoordinates.x()
                       << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
-      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.y() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions.y() + 1,
+      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.y() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y() + 1,
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.y() = " << edgeCoordinates.y()
                       << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
-      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.z() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions.z() + 1,
+      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.z() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions().z() + 1,
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.z() = " << edgeCoordinates.z()
                       << " this->getDimensions().z() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().z() + 1
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
@@ -930,15 +930,15 @@ Vertex tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: getEdgeCenter( const CoordinatesType
    if( dy )
-      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.x() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions.x() + 1,
+      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.x() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x() + 1,
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.x() = " << edgeCoordinates.x()
                       << " this->getDimensions().x() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().x() + 1
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
-      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.y() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions.y(),
+      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.y() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y(),
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.y() = " << edgeCoordinates.y()
                       << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y()
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
-      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.z() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions.z() + 1,
+      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.z() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions().z() + 1,
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.z() = " << edgeCoordinates.z()
                       << " this->getDimensions().z() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().z() + 1
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
@@ -948,15 +948,15 @@ Vertex tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: getEdgeCenter( const CoordinatesType
    if( dz )
-      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.x() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions.x() + 1,
+      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.x() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x() + 1,
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.x() = " << edgeCoordinates.x()
                       << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
-      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.y() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions.y() + 1,
+      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.y() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y() + 1,
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.y() = " << edgeCoordinates.y()
                       << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
-      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.z() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions.z(),
+      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.z() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions().z(),
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.z() = " << edgeCoordinates.z()
                       << " this->getDimensions().z() = " << this->getDimensions().z()
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
@@ -1092,7 +1092,7 @@ __device__ __host__
 bool tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: isBoundaryFace( const CoordinatesType& faceCoordinates ) const
-   tnlStaticAssert( nx >= 0 && ny >= 0 && nz >=0 && nx + ny == 1, "Wrong template parameters nx or ny." );
+   tnlStaticAssert( nx >= 0 && ny >= 0 && nz >=0 && nx + ny + nz == 1, "Wrong template parameters nx or ny or nz." );
    if( nx )
       tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.x() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x() + 1,
@@ -1123,22 +1123,22 @@ bool tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: isBoundaryFace( const CoordinatesType&
    if( nz )
-      tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.x() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions.x(),
+      tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.x() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x(),
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.x() = " << faceCoordinates.x()
                       << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
-      tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.y() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions.y(),
+      tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.y() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y(),
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.y() = " << faceCoordinates.y()
                       << " this->getDimensions().y()= " << this->getDimensions().y()
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
-      tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.z() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions.z() + 1,
+      tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.z() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions().z() + 1,
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.z() = " << faceCoordinates.z()
                       << " this->getDimensions().z() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().z() + 1
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
       if( faceCoordinates.z() == 0 || faceCoordinates.z() == this->getDimensions().z() )
          return true;
       return false;
-   }
+   }   
 template< typename Real,
@@ -1150,18 +1150,18 @@ __device__ __host__
 bool tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index >::isBoundaryEdge( const CoordinatesType& edgeCoordinates ) const
-   tnlStaticAssert( dx >= 0 && dy >= 0 && dz >= 0 && dx + dy + dz = 1, "Wrong template parameters nx or ny or nz." );
+   tnlStaticAssert( dx >= 0 && dy >= 0 && dz >= 0 && dx + dy + dz == 1, "Wrong template parameters nx or ny or nz." );
    if( dx )
-      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.x() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions.x(),
+      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.x() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x(),
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.x() = " << edgeCoordinates.x()
                       << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
-      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.y() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions.y() + 1,
+      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.y() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y() + 1,
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.y() = " << edgeCoordinates.y()
                       << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
-      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.z() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions.z() + 1,
+      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.z() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions().z() + 1,
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.z() = " << edgeCoordinates.z()
                       << " this->getDimensions().z() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().z() + 1
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
@@ -1172,15 +1172,15 @@ bool tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index >::isBoundaryEdge( const CoordinatesType& e
    if( dy )
-      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.x() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions.x() + 1,
+      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.x() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x() + 1,
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.x() = " << edgeCoordinates.x()
                       << " this->getDimensions().x() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().x() + 1
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
-      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.y() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions.y(),
+      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.y() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y(),
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.y() = " << edgeCoordinates.y()
                       << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y()
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
-      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.z() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions.z() + 1,
+      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.z() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions().z() + 1,
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.z() = " << edgeCoordinates.z()
                       << " this->getDimensions().z() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().z() + 1
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
@@ -1192,15 +1192,15 @@ bool tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index >::isBoundaryEdge( const CoordinatesType& e
    if( dz )
-      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.x() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions.x() + 1,
+      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.x() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x() + 1,
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.x() = " << edgeCoordinates.x()
                       << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
-      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.y() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions.y() + 1,
+      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.y() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y() + 1,
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.y() = " << edgeCoordinates.y()
                       << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
-      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.z() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions.z(),
+      tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.z() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions().z(),
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.z() = " << edgeCoordinates.z()
                       << " this->getDimensions().z() = " << this->getDimensions().z()
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
@@ -1404,7 +1404,7 @@ bool tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: write( const MeshFunction& function,
             for( IndexType i = 0; i < getDimensions(). x(); i++ )
-               VertexType v = this -> getCellCenter( CoordinatesType( i, j, k ) );
+               VertexType v = this -> getCellCenter< VertexType >( CoordinatesType( i, j, k ) );
                tnlGnuplotWriter::write( file, v );
                tnlGnuplotWriter::write( file, function[ this->getCellIndex( CoordinatesType( i, j, k ) ) ] );
                file << endl;
diff --git a/src/implementation/mesh/tnlTraversal_Grid1D_impl.h b/src/implementation/mesh/tnlTraversal_Grid1D_impl.h
index 99259fa78ed37eb1b8855479c88efcc1acfe05b0..b17f5133d4f67dac3d930980d38fc6ac2ea02afd 100644
--- a/src/implementation/mesh/tnlTraversal_Grid1D_impl.h
+++ b/src/implementation/mesh/tnlTraversal_Grid1D_impl.h
@@ -35,13 +35,22 @@ processEntities( const GridType& grid,
    CoordinatesType coordinates;
    const IndexType& xSize = grid.getDimensions().x();
-   for( coordinates.x() = 0; coordinates.x() < xSize; coordinates.x() ++ )
+   /****
+    * Boundary conditions
+    */
+   coordinates.x() = 0;
+   boundaryEntitiesProcessor.template processCell( grid, userData, 0, coordinates );
+   coordinates.x() = xSize - 1;
+   boundaryEntitiesProcessor.template processCell( grid, userData, xSize - 1, coordinates );
+   /****
+    * Interior cells
+    */
+   for( coordinates.x() = 1; coordinates.x() < xSize-1; coordinates.x() ++ )
       const IndexType index = grid.getCellIndex( coordinates );
-      if( grid.isBoundaryCell( coordinates ) )
-         boundaryEntitiesProcessor.template processCell( grid, userData, index, coordinates );
-      else
-         interiorEntitiesProcessor.template processCell( grid, userData, index, coordinates );
+      interiorEntitiesProcessor.template processCell( grid, userData, index, coordinates );
diff --git a/src/implementation/mesh/tnlTraversal_Grid2D_impl.h b/src/implementation/mesh/tnlTraversal_Grid2D_impl.h
index 2f1bb1ee02bd4aaa180d1aafc893d918dab20e55..a5e6f346090b4f5189d7d103c89b359e70f13e97 100644
--- a/src/implementation/mesh/tnlTraversal_Grid2D_impl.h
+++ b/src/implementation/mesh/tnlTraversal_Grid2D_impl.h
@@ -37,17 +37,36 @@ processEntities( const GridType& grid,
    CoordinatesType coordinates;
    const IndexType& xSize = grid.getDimensions().x();
    const IndexType& ySize = grid.getDimensions().y();
+   /****
+    * Boundary conditions
+    */
+   for( coordinates.x() = 0; coordinates.x() < xSize; coordinates.x() ++ )
+   {
+      coordinates.y() = 0;
+      boundaryEntitiesProcessor.template processCell( grid, userData, grid.getCellIndex( coordinates ), coordinates );
+      coordinates.y() = ySize - 1;
+      boundaryEntitiesProcessor.template processCell( grid, userData, grid.getCellIndex( coordinates ), coordinates );
+   }
+   for( coordinates.y() = 1; coordinates.y() < ySize - 1; coordinates.y() ++ )
+   {
+      coordinates.x() = 0;
+      boundaryEntitiesProcessor.template processCell( grid, userData, grid.getCellIndex( coordinates ), coordinates );
+      coordinates.x() = xSize - 1;
+      boundaryEntitiesProcessor.template processCell( grid, userData, grid.getCellIndex( coordinates ), coordinates );
+   }
+   /****
+    * Interior cells
+    */
 //#pragma omp parallel for
-   for( coordinates.y() = 0; coordinates.y() < ySize; coordinates.y() ++ )
-      for( coordinates.x() = 0; coordinates.x() < xSize; coordinates.x() ++ )
+   for( coordinates.y() = 1; coordinates.y() < ySize - 1; coordinates.y() ++ )
+      for( coordinates.x() = 1; coordinates.x() < xSize - 1; coordinates.x() ++ )
          const IndexType index = grid.getCellIndex( coordinates );
-         if( grid.isBoundaryCell( coordinates ) )
-            boundaryEntitiesProcessor.template processCell( grid, userData, index, coordinates );
-         else
-            interiorEntitiesProcessor.template processCell( grid, userData, index, coordinates );
+         interiorEntitiesProcessor.template processCell( grid, userData, index, coordinates );
diff --git a/src/implementation/mesh/tnlTraversal_Grid3D_impl.h b/src/implementation/mesh/tnlTraversal_Grid3D_impl.h
index d0f21814f66d3f7096368aa1667c2e18b8dd3d75..e64353b0f0c336da069e049fc6f5124cbd7eee21 100644
--- a/src/implementation/mesh/tnlTraversal_Grid3D_impl.h
+++ b/src/implementation/mesh/tnlTraversal_Grid3D_impl.h
@@ -37,6 +37,38 @@ processEntities( const GridType& grid,
    const IndexType& xSize = grid.getDimensions().x();
    const IndexType& ySize = grid.getDimensions().y();
    const IndexType& zSize = grid.getDimensions().z();
+   /****
+    * Boundary conditions
+    */
+   for( coordinates.y() = 0; coordinates.y() < ySize; coordinates.y() ++ )
+      for( coordinates.x() = 0; coordinates.x() < xSize; coordinates.x() ++ )
+      {
+         coordinates.z() = 0;
+         boundaryEntitiesProcessor.template processCell( grid, userData, grid.getCellIndex( coordinates ), coordinates );
+         coordinates.z() = zSize - 1;
+         boundaryEntitiesProcessor.template processCell( grid, userData, grid.getCellIndex( coordinates ), coordinates );
+      }
+   for( coordinates.z() = 0; coordinates.z() < zSize; coordinates.z() ++ )
+      for( coordinates.x() = 0; coordinates.x() < xSize; coordinates.x() ++ )
+      {
+         coordinates.y() = 0;
+         boundaryEntitiesProcessor.template processCell( grid, userData, grid.getCellIndex( coordinates ), coordinates );
+         coordinates.y() = ySize - 1;
+         boundaryEntitiesProcessor.template processCell( grid, userData, grid.getCellIndex( coordinates ), coordinates );
+      }
+   for( coordinates.z() = 0; coordinates.z() < zSize; coordinates.z() ++ )
+      for( coordinates.y() = 0; coordinates.y() < ySize; coordinates.y() ++ )
+      {
+         coordinates.x() = 0;
+         boundaryEntitiesProcessor.template processCell( grid, userData, grid.getCellIndex( coordinates ), coordinates );
+         coordinates.x() = xSize - 1;
+         boundaryEntitiesProcessor.template processCell( grid, userData, grid.getCellIndex( coordinates ), coordinates );
+      }
 //#pragma omp parallel for
@@ -45,10 +77,7 @@ processEntities( const GridType& grid,
          for( coordinates.x() = 0; coordinates.x() < xSize; coordinates.x() ++ )
             const IndexType index = grid.getCellIndex( coordinates );
-            if( grid.isBoundaryCell( coordinates ) )
-               boundaryEntitiesProcessor.template processCell( grid, userData, index, coordinates );
-            else
-               interiorEntitiesProcessor.template processCell( grid, userData, index, coordinates );
+            interiorEntitiesProcessor.template processCell( grid, userData, index, coordinates );
diff --git a/src/implementation/operators/diffusion/tnlExactLinearDiffusion_impl.h b/src/implementation/operators/diffusion/tnlExactLinearDiffusion_impl.h
index fa004a3eff63a7dac6b9b84c3e2363c69ab4b916..921c6d71454fc96e0ec977fe1e7bf5e44097c992 100644
--- a/src/implementation/operators/diffusion/tnlExactLinearDiffusion_impl.h
+++ b/src/implementation/operators/diffusion/tnlExactLinearDiffusion_impl.h
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ getValue( const Function& function,
           const Vertex& v,
           const Real& time )
-   return function.template getValue< 2 >( v, time );
+   return function.template getValue< 2, 0, 0, Vertex >( v, time );
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ getValue( const Function& function,
           const Vertex& v,
           const Real& time )
-   return function.template getValue< 2, 0 >( v, time ) +
-          function.template getValue< 0, 2 >( v, time );
+   return function.template getValue< 2, 0, 0, Vertex >( v, time ) +
+          function.template getValue< 0, 2, 0, Vertex >( v, time );
@@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ getValue( const Function& function,
           const Vertex& v,
           const Real& time )
-   return function.template getValue< 2, 0, 0 >( v, time ) +
-          function.template getValue< 0, 2, 0 >( v, time ) +
-          function.template getValue< 0, 0, 2 >( v, time );
+   return function.template getValue< 2, 0, 0, Vertex >( v, time ) +
+          function.template getValue< 0, 2, 0, Vertex >( v, time ) +
+          function.template getValue< 0, 0, 2, Vertex >( v, time );
diff --git a/src/implementation/operators/diffusion/tnlLinearDiffusion_impl.h b/src/implementation/operators/diffusion/tnlLinearDiffusion_impl.h
index 2acc343c26ef8f19fb69487ac86ef157a3e0a1b1..80e0b5be42e11ae64ce8c0de01e1bebc02a38b7f 100644
--- a/src/implementation/operators/diffusion/tnlLinearDiffusion_impl.h
+++ b/src/implementation/operators/diffusion/tnlLinearDiffusion_impl.h
@@ -81,12 +81,13 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
                     RealType* values,
                     IndexType& rowLength ) const
+   const RealType lambdaX = tau * mesh.getHxSquareInverse();
    columns[ 0 ] = mesh.getCellXPredecessor( index );
    columns[ 1 ] = index;
    columns[ 2 ] = mesh.getCellXSuccessor( index );
-   values[ 0 ] = -tau;
-   values[ 1 ] = 1.0 + 2.0 * tau;
-   values[ 2 ] = -tau;
+   values[ 0 ] = -lambdaX;
+   values[ 1 ] = 2.0 * lambdaX;
+   values[ 2 ] = -lambdaX;
    rowLength = 3;
@@ -170,16 +171,18 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
                     RealType* values,
                     IndexType& rowLength ) const
+   const RealType lambdaX = tau * mesh.getHxSquareInverse();
+   const RealType lambdaY = tau * mesh.getHySquareInverse();
    columns[ 0 ] = mesh.getCellYPredecessor( index );
    columns[ 1 ] = mesh.getCellXPredecessor( index );
    columns[ 2 ] = index;
    columns[ 3 ] = mesh.getCellXSuccessor( index );
    columns[ 4 ] = mesh.getCellYSuccessor( index );
-   values[ 0 ] = -tau;
-   values[ 1 ] = -tau;
-   values[ 2 ] = 1.0 + 4.0 * tau;
-   values[ 3 ] = -tau;
-   values[ 4 ] = -tau;
+   values[ 0 ] = -lambdaY;
+   values[ 1 ] = -lambdaX;
+   values[ 2 ] = 2.0 * ( lambdaX + lambdaY );
+   values[ 3 ] = -lambdaX;
+   values[ 4 ] = -lambdaY;
    rowLength = 5;
@@ -266,6 +269,9 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
                     RealType* values,
                     IndexType& rowLength ) const
+   const RealType lambdaX = tau * mesh.getHxSquareInverse();
+   const RealType lambdaY = tau * mesh.getHySquareInverse();
+   const RealType lambdaZ = tau * mesh.getHzSquareInverse();
    columns[ 0 ] = mesh.getCellZPredecessor( index );
    columns[ 1 ] = mesh.getCellYPredecessor( index );
    columns[ 2 ] = mesh.getCellXPredecessor( index );
@@ -273,13 +279,13 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
    columns[ 4 ] = mesh.getCellXSuccessor( index );
    columns[ 5 ] = mesh.getCellYSuccessor( index );
    columns[ 6 ] = mesh.getCellZSuccessor( index );
-   values[ 0 ] = -tau;
-   values[ 1 ] = -tau;
-   values[ 2 ] = -tau;
-   values[ 3 ] = 1.0 + 6.0 * tau;
-   values[ 4 ] = -tau;
-   values[ 5 ] = -tau;
-   values[ 6 ] = -tau;
+   values[ 0 ] = -lambdaZ;
+   values[ 1 ] = -lambdaY;
+   values[ 2 ] = -lambdaX;
+   values[ 3 ] = 2.0 * ( lambdaX + lambdaY + lambdaZ );
+   values[ 4 ] = -lambdaX;
+   values[ 5 ] = -lambdaY;
+   values[ 6 ] = -lambdaZ;
    rowLength = 7;
diff --git a/src/implementation/operators/tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions_impl.h b/src/implementation/operators/tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions_impl.h
index e6dfefa9ca4cc9cc2ac052a546f7309a7740dfef..2367fc85411539e6780e10c0758b0831e15461c7 100644
--- a/src/implementation/operators/tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions_impl.h
+++ b/src/implementation/operators/tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions_impl.h
@@ -2,21 +2,23 @@
-template< typename MeshReal,
+template< int Dimensions,
+          typename MeshReal,
           typename Device,
           typename MeshIndex,
           typename Function,
           typename Real,
           typename Index >
-tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions< tnlGrid< 1, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Function, Real, Index >::
+tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions< tnlGrid< Dimensions, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Function, Real, Index >::
 setup( const tnlParameterContainer& parameters,
-      const tnlString& prefix )
+       const tnlString& prefix )
    return function.setup( parameters, prefix );
-template< typename MeshReal,
+template< int Dimensions,
+          typename MeshReal,
           typename Device,
           typename MeshIndex,
           typename Function,
@@ -26,19 +28,20 @@ template< typename MeshReal,
    __device__ __host__
-tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions< tnlGrid< 1, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Function, Real, Index >::
+tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions< tnlGrid< Dimensions, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Function, Real, Index >::
 setBoundaryConditions( const RealType& time,
                        const MeshType& mesh,
                        const IndexType index,
                        const CoordinatesType& coordinates,
                        DofVectorType& u,
-                       DofVectorType& fu )
+                       DofVectorType& fu ) const
    fu[ index ] = 0;
-   u[ index ] = function.getValue( mesh.getCellCenter( coordinates ), time );
+   u[ index ] = function.getValue( mesh.template getCellCenter< VertexType >( coordinates ), time );
-template< typename MeshReal,
+template< int Dimensions,
+          typename MeshReal,
           typename Device,
           typename MeshIndex,
           typename Function,
@@ -48,7 +51,7 @@ template< typename MeshReal,
    __device__ __host__
-tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions< tnlGrid< 1, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Function, Real, Index >::
+tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions< tnlGrid< Dimensions, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Function, Real, Index >::
 getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
                           const IndexType& index,
                           const CoordinatesType& coordinates ) const
@@ -56,7 +59,8 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
    return 1;
-template< typename MeshReal,
+template< int Dimensions,
+          typename MeshReal,
           typename Device,
           typename MeshIndex,
           typename Function,
@@ -66,7 +70,7 @@ template< typename MeshReal,
 __device__ __host__
-tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions< tnlGrid< 1, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Function, Real, Index >::
+tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions< tnlGrid< Dimensions, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Function, Real, Index >::
 updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
                     const MeshType& mesh,
                     const IndexType& index,
@@ -79,176 +83,9 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
    columns[ 0 ] = index;
    values[ 0 ] = 1.0;
-   b[ index ] = function.getValue( mesh.getCellCenter( coordinates ), time );
+   b[ index ] = function.getValue( mesh.template getCellCenter< VertexType >( coordinates ), time );
    rowLength = 1;
-template< typename MeshReal,
-          typename Device,
-          typename MeshIndex,
-          typename Function,
-          typename Real,
-          typename Index >
-tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions< tnlGrid< 2, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Function, Real, Index >::
-setup( const tnlParameterContainer& parameters,
-      const tnlString& prefix )
-   return function.setup( parameters, prefix );
-template< typename MeshReal,
-          typename Device,
-          typename MeshIndex,
-          typename Function,
-          typename Real,
-          typename Index >
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-   __device__ __host__
-tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions< tnlGrid< 2, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Function, Real, Index >::
-setBoundaryConditions( const RealType& time,
-                       const MeshType& mesh,
-                       const IndexType index,
-                       const CoordinatesType& coordinates,
-                       DofVectorType& u,
-                       DofVectorType& fu )
-   fu[ index ] = 0;
-   u[ index ] = function.getValue( mesh.getCellCenter( coordinates ), time );
-template< typename MeshReal,
-          typename Device,
-          typename MeshIndex,
-          typename Function,
-          typename Real,
-          typename Index >
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-   __device__ __host__
-tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions< tnlGrid< 2, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Function, Real, Index >::
-getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
-                          const IndexType& index,
-                          const CoordinatesType& coordinates ) const
-   return 1;
-template< typename MeshReal,
-          typename Device,
-          typename MeshIndex,
-          typename Function,
-          typename Real,
-          typename Index >
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-__device__ __host__
-tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions< tnlGrid< 2, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Function, Real, Index >::
-updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
-                    const MeshType& mesh,
-                    const IndexType& index,
-                    const CoordinatesType& coordinates,
-                    DofVectorType& u,
-                    DofVectorType& b,
-                    IndexType* columns,
-                    RealType* values,
-                    IndexType& rowLength ) const
-   columns[ 0 ] = index;
-   values[ 0 ] = 1.0;
-   b[ index ] = function.getValue( mesh.getCellCenter( coordinates ), time );
-   rowLength = 1;
-template< typename MeshReal,
-          typename Device,
-          typename MeshIndex,
-          typename Function,
-          typename Real,
-          typename Index >
-tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions< tnlGrid< 3, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Function, Real, Index >::
-setup( const tnlParameterContainer& parameters,
-      const tnlString& prefix )
-   return function.setup( parameters, prefix );
-template< typename MeshReal,
-          typename Device,
-          typename MeshIndex,
-          typename Function,
-          typename Real,
-          typename Index >
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-   __device__ __host__
-tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions< tnlGrid< 3, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Function, Real, Index >::
-setBoundaryConditions( const RealType& time,
-                       const MeshType& mesh,
-                       const IndexType index,
-                       const CoordinatesType& coordinates,
-                       DofVectorType& u,
-                       DofVectorType& fu )
-   fu[ index ] = 0;
-   u[ index ] = function.getValue( mesh.getCellCenter( coordinates ), time );;
-template< typename MeshReal,
-          typename Device,
-          typename MeshIndex,
-          typename Function,
-          typename Real,
-          typename Index >
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-   __device__ __host__
-tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions< tnlGrid< 3, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Function, Real, Index >::
-getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
-                          const IndexType& index,
-                          const CoordinatesType& coordinates ) const
-   return 1;
-template< typename MeshReal,
-          typename Device,
-          typename MeshIndex,
-          typename Function,
-          typename Real,
-          typename Index >
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-__device__ __host__
-tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions< tnlGrid< 3, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Function, Real, Index >::
-updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
-                    const MeshType& mesh,
-                    const IndexType& index,
-                    const CoordinatesType& coordinates,
-                    DofVectorType& u,
-                    DofVectorType& b,
-                    IndexType* columns,
-                    RealType* values,
-                    IndexType& rowLength ) const
-   columns[ 0 ] = index;
-   values[ 0 ] = 1.0;
-   b[ index ] = function.getValue( mesh.getCellCenter( coordinates ), time );
-   rowLength = 1;
diff --git a/src/implementation/solvers/linear/krylov/tnlTFQMRSolver_impl.h b/src/implementation/solvers/linear/krylov/tnlTFQMRSolver_impl.h
index 1c3dd5adf345fb8334fbf432a9555e5a4e80a2ed..cc3c51bf2bd9a085702ded5398168741948c6de2 100644
--- a/src/implementation/solvers/linear/krylov/tnlTFQMRSolver_impl.h
+++ b/src/implementation/solvers/linear/krylov/tnlTFQMRSolver_impl.h
@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ template< typename Matrix,
           typename Preconditioner >
 tnlString tnlTFQMRSolver< Matrix, Preconditioner > :: getType() const
-   return tnlString( "tnlTFQMRSolver< " ) +
-          tnlString( getType( ( RealType ) 0.0 ) ) + ", " +
+   /*return tnlString( "tnlTFQMRSolver< " ) +
+          tnlString( getType< RealType >() + ", " +
           Device :: getDeviceType() + ", " +
-          tnlString( getType( ( IndexType ) 0 ) ) + " >";
+          tnlString( getType< RealType >() + " >";*/
 template< typename Matrix,
diff --git a/src/implementation/solvers/pde/tnlExplicitUpdater_impl.h b/src/implementation/solvers/pde/tnlExplicitUpdater_impl.h
index 7358113c2af9e07612a259036f30e551058b2351..7d4145d7e3eb3b472417e022f2326f7f6f760dc8 100644
--- a/src/implementation/solvers/pde/tnlExplicitUpdater_impl.h
+++ b/src/implementation/solvers/pde/tnlExplicitUpdater_impl.h
@@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ void
 tnlExplicitUpdater< tnlGrid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, DofVector, DifferentialOperator, BoundaryConditions, RightHandSide >::
 update( const RealType& time,
         const tnlGrid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >& mesh,
-        DifferentialOperator& differentialOperator,
-        BoundaryConditions& boundaryConditions,
-        RightHandSide& rightHandSide,
+        const DifferentialOperator& differentialOperator,
+        const BoundaryConditions& boundaryConditions,
+        const RightHandSide& rightHandSide,
         DofVector& u,
         DofVector& fu ) const
diff --git a/src/implementation/solvers/pde/tnlSemiImplicitTimeStepper_impl.h b/src/implementation/solvers/pde/tnlSemiImplicitTimeStepper_impl.h
index f69d4fa0bd5f421bb467bb5213661fb00a652321..785866a56b0d8e870ff1047bfd51a6f462e459fc 100644
--- a/src/implementation/solvers/pde/tnlSemiImplicitTimeStepper_impl.h
+++ b/src/implementation/solvers/pde/tnlSemiImplicitTimeStepper_impl.h
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ solve( const RealType& time,
                                            this->rightHandSide );
       if( verbose )
          cout << "                                                                  Solving the linear system for time " << t << "             \r" << flush;
-      if( ! this->linearSystemSolver->solve( this->rightHandSide, dofVector ) )
+      if( ! this->linearSystemSolver->template solve< DofVectorType, tnlLinearResidueGetter< MatrixType, DofVectorType > >( this->rightHandSide, dofVector ) )
          cerr << "The linear system solver did not converge." << endl;
          return false;
diff --git a/src/matrices/tnlCSRMatrix.h b/src/matrices/tnlCSRMatrix.h
index 59fc2fa5996e64f8d928c11629f1ee817c427135..71d4401ce260a63f4fb0c37c8e12467c45bccc3c 100644
--- a/src/matrices/tnlCSRMatrix.h
+++ b/src/matrices/tnlCSRMatrix.h
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@ class tnlCSRMatrix : public tnlSparseMatrix< Real, Device, Index >
              typename OutVector >
    void vectorProduct( const InVector& inVector,
                        OutVector& outVector ) const;
+   // TODO: add const RealType& multiplicator = 1.0 )
    template< typename Real2, typename Index2 >
    void addMatrix( const tnlCSRMatrix< Real2, Device, Index2 >& matrix,
diff --git a/src/matrices/tnlMatrixSetter.h b/src/matrices/tnlMatrixSetter.h
index cf04a6e2b389d4f186ea626c4e02866d8536a050..01448ea314edc8f9c395af84940127b717e6543a 100644
--- a/src/matrices/tnlMatrixSetter.h
+++ b/src/matrices/tnlMatrixSetter.h
@@ -25,14 +25,14 @@ class tnlMatrixSetterTraversalUserData
-      DifferentialOperator& differentialOperator;
+      const DifferentialOperator& differentialOperator;
-      BoundaryConditions& boundaryConditions;
+      const BoundaryConditions& boundaryConditions;
       RowLengthsVector& rowLengths;
-      tnlMatrixSetterTraversalUserData( DifferentialOperator& differentialOperator,
-                                        BoundaryConditions& boundaryConditions,
+      tnlMatrixSetterTraversalUserData( const DifferentialOperator& differentialOperator,
+                                        const BoundaryConditions& boundaryConditions,
                                         RowLengthsVector& rowLengths )
       : differentialOperator( differentialOperator ),
         boundaryConditions( boundaryConditions ),
@@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ class tnlMatrixSetter< tnlGrid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >,
    template< int EntityDimensions >
    void getRowLengths( const MeshType& mesh,
-                       DifferentialOperator& differentialOperator,
-                       BoundaryConditions& boundaryConditions,
+                       const DifferentialOperator& differentialOperator,
+                       const BoundaryConditions& boundaryConditions,
                        RowLengthsVector& rowLengths ) const;
diff --git a/src/mesh/tnlGnuplotWriter.h b/src/mesh/tnlGnuplotWriter.h
index b962bf769be5681bed7f601a506a4223faaaa477..d4bb1000819a9b40e645386e7f1ff1dac21e02fa 100644
--- a/src/mesh/tnlGnuplotWriter.h
+++ b/src/mesh/tnlGnuplotWriter.h
@@ -30,28 +30,28 @@ class tnlGnuplotWriter
                          const Element& d )
          str << d;
-      };
+      }
       template< typename Real >
       static void write( std::ostream& str,
                          const tnlStaticVector< 1, Real >& d )
          str << d.x() << " ";
-      };
+      }
       template< typename Real >
       static void write( std::ostream& str,
                          const tnlStaticVector< 2, Real >& d )
          str << d.x() << " " << d.y() << " ";
-      };
+      }
       template< typename Real >
       static void write( std::ostream& str,
                          const tnlStaticVector< 3, Real >& d )
          str << d.x() << " " << d.y() << " " << d. z() << " ";
-      };
+      }
diff --git a/src/mesh/tnlGrid.h b/src/mesh/tnlGrid.h
index 42b671d676a0d89e6b77c95810bbf240ec2fd0ca..41a9e8704eddde9b959b7dfd4202926591367dcd 100644
--- a/src/mesh/tnlGrid.h
+++ b/src/mesh/tnlGrid.h
@@ -138,19 +138,31 @@ class tnlGrid< 1, Real, Device, Index > : public tnlObject
     * The type Vertex can have different Real type.
+#ifdef HAVE_NOT_CXX11    
+   template< typename Vertex >
    template< typename Vertex = VertexType >
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
    __device__ __host__
    Vertex getCellCenter( const CoordinatesType& cellCoordinates ) const;
+#ifdef HAVE_NOT_CXX11    
+   template< typename Vertex >
    template< typename Vertex = VertexType >
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
    __device__ __host__
    Vertex getCellCenter( const IndexType& cellIndex ) const;
+#ifdef HAVE_NOT_CXX11    
+   template< typename Vertex >
    template< typename Vertex = VertexType >
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
    __device__ __host__
@@ -252,6 +264,9 @@ class tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index > : public tnlObject
    void setDimensions( const CoordinatesType& dimensions );
+#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
+   __device__ __host__
    const CoordinatesType& getDimensions() const;
    void setDomain( const VertexType& origin,
@@ -382,25 +397,42 @@ class tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index > : public tnlObject
     * The type Vertex can have different Real type.
+#ifdef HAVE_NOT_CXX11    
+   template< typename Vertex >
    template< typename Vertex = VertexType >
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
    __device__ __host__
    Vertex getCellCenter( const CoordinatesType& cellCoordinates ) const;
+#ifdef HAVE_NOT_CXX11    
+   template< typename Vertex >
    template< typename Vertex = VertexType >
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
    __device__ __host__
    Vertex getCellCenter( const IndexType& cellIndex ) const;
-template< int nx, int ny, typename Vertex = VertexType >
+#ifdef HAVE_NOT_CXX11    
+   template< int nx, int ny, typename Vertex >
+   template< int nx, int ny, typename Vertex = VertexType >
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
    __device__ __host__
    Vertex getFaceCenter( const CoordinatesType& faceCoordinates ) const;
+#ifdef HAVE_NOT_CXX11    
+   template< typename Vertex >
    template< typename Vertex = VertexType >
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
    __device__ __host__
@@ -711,31 +743,51 @@ class tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index > : public tnlObject
     * The type Vertex can have different Real type.
+#ifdef HAVE_NOT_CXX11    
+   template< typename Vertex >
    template< typename Vertex = VertexType >
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
    __device__ __host__
    Vertex getCellCenter( const CoordinatesType& cellCoordinates ) const;
+#ifdef HAVE_NOT_CXX11    
+   template< typename Vertex >
    template< typename Vertex = VertexType >
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
    __device__ __host__
    Vertex getCellCenter( const IndexType& cellIndex ) const;
-template< int nx, int ny, int nz, typename Vertex = VertexType >
+#ifdef HAVE_NOT_CXX11    
+   template< int nx, int ny, int nz, typename Vertex >
+   template< int nx, int ny, int nz, typename Vertex = VertexType >
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
    __device__ __host__
    Vertex getFaceCenter( const CoordinatesType& faceCoordinates ) const;
-template< int dx, int dy, int dz, typename Vertex = VertexType >
+#ifdef HAVE_NOT_CXX11    
+   template< int dx, int dy, int dz, typename Vertex >
+   template< int dx, int dy, int dz, typename Vertex = VertexType >
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
    __device__ __host__
    Vertex getEdgeCenter( const CoordinatesType& edgeCoordinates ) const;
+#ifdef HAVE_NOT_CXX11    
+   template< typename Vertex >
    template< typename Vertex = VertexType >
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
    __device__ __host__
diff --git a/src/operators/CMakeLists.txt b/src/operators/CMakeLists.txt
index 17bf431eef7fabd001202a3eb3e46d29d1be3ee3..792b7b2e728111f27c34d5f81d495c1bf2aa994c 100755
--- a/src/operators/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/operators/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( euler )
 SET( headers tnlFiniteDifferences.h
-             tnlNeumannBoundaryConditions.h )
+             tnlNeumannBoundaryConditions.h
+             tnlExactOperatorEvaluator.h )
 #SET( libtnlmeshincludedir ${TNL_INCLUDE_DIR}/operators )
 #SET( libtnlmeshinclude_HEADERS ${headers} )
diff --git a/src/operators/diffusion/tnlExactLinearDiffusion.h b/src/operators/diffusion/tnlExactLinearDiffusion.h
index 13df353d87a032aaa5f179611a7f1fc1701251a0..56fb1f013b4d375fd58b99a238e7d09686556c45 100644
--- a/src/operators/diffusion/tnlExactLinearDiffusion.h
+++ b/src/operators/diffusion/tnlExactLinearDiffusion.h
@@ -30,8 +30,12 @@ class tnlExactLinearDiffusion< 1 >
       enum { Dimensions = 1 };
       static tnlString getType();
+#ifdef HAVE_NOT_CXX11      
+      template< typename Function, typename Vertex, typename Real >
       template< typename Function, typename Vertex, typename Real = typename Vertex::RealType >
       static Real getValue( const Function& function,
                             const Vertex& v,
                             const Real& time = 0.0 );
@@ -46,7 +50,11 @@ class tnlExactLinearDiffusion< 2 >
       static tnlString getType();
+#ifdef HAVE_NOT_CXX11      
+      template< typename Function, typename Vertex, typename Real >
       template< typename Function, typename Vertex, typename Real = typename Vertex::RealType >
       static Real getValue( const Function& function,
                             const Vertex& v,
                             const Real& time = 0.0 );
@@ -61,7 +69,11 @@ class tnlExactLinearDiffusion< 3 >
       static tnlString getType();
+#ifdef HAVE_NOT_CXX11      
+      template< typename Function, typename Vertex, typename Real >
       template< typename Function, typename Vertex, typename Real = typename Vertex::RealType >
       static Real getValue( const Function& function,
                             const Vertex& v,
                             const Real& time = 0.0 );
diff --git a/src/operators/tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions.h b/src/operators/tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions.h
index b631df7c3d135ff7a9b354a0c30e6f782bfe58f5..8faa4a42d8086ff1782f236af49ecdf0c41515c3 100644
--- a/src/operators/tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions.h
+++ b/src/operators/tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions.h
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 #include <core/vectors/tnlStaticVector.h>
 #include <config/tnlParameterContainer.h>
 #include <functions/tnlConstantFunction.h>
+#include <core/vectors/tnlSharedVector.h>
 template< typename Mesh,
           typename Function = tnlConstantFunction< Mesh::Dimensions,
@@ -15,145 +16,31 @@ class tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions
-template< typename MeshReal,
+template< int Dimensions,
+          typename MeshReal,
           typename Device,
           typename MeshIndex,
           typename Function,
           typename Real,
           typename Index >
-class tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions< tnlGrid< 1, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Function, Real, Index >
+class tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions< tnlGrid< Dimensions, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Function, Real, Index >
-   typedef tnlGrid< 1, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex > MeshType;
+   typedef tnlGrid< Dimensions, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex > MeshType;
    typedef Real RealType;
    typedef Device DeviceType;
    typedef Index IndexType;
    typedef tnlSharedVector< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType > SharedVector;
    typedef tnlVector< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType> DofVectorType;
-   typedef tnlStaticVector< 1, RealType > VertexType;
+   typedef tnlStaticVector< Dimensions, RealType > VertexType;
    typedef typename MeshType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
    bool setup( const tnlParameterContainer& parameters,
-              const tnlString& prefix = "" );
+               const tnlString& prefix = "" );
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-   __device__ __host__
-   void setBoundaryConditions( const RealType& time,
-                               const MeshType& mesh,
-                               const IndexType index,
-                               const CoordinatesType& coordinates,
-                               DofVectorType& u,
-                               DofVectorType& fu );
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-   __device__ __host__
-   Index getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
-                                   const IndexType& index,
-                                   const CoordinatesType& coordinates ) const;
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-   __device__ __host__
-      void updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
-                               const MeshType& mesh,
-                               const IndexType& index,
-                               const CoordinatesType& coordinates,
-                               DofVectorType& u,
-                               DofVectorType& b,
-                               IndexType* columns,
-                               RealType* values,
-                               IndexType& rowLength ) const;
-   protected:
-   Function function;
-template< typename MeshReal,
-          typename Device,
-          typename MeshIndex,
-          typename Function,
-          typename Real,
-          typename Index >
-class tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions< tnlGrid< 2, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Function, Real, Index >
-   public:
-   typedef tnlGrid< 2, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex > MeshType;
-   typedef Real RealType;
-   typedef Device DeviceType;
-   typedef Index IndexType;
-   typedef tnlSharedVector< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType > SharedVector;
-   typedef tnlVector< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType> DofVectorType;
-   typedef tnlStaticVector< 2, RealType > VertexType;
-   typedef typename MeshType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-   bool setup( const tnlParameterContainer& parameters,
-              const tnlString& prefix = "" );
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-   __device__ __host__
-   void setBoundaryConditions( const RealType& time,
-                               const MeshType& mesh,
-                               const IndexType index,
-                               const CoordinatesType& coordinates,
-                               DofVectorType& u,
-                               DofVectorType& fu );
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-   __device__ __host__
-   Index getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
-                                   const IndexType& index,
-                                   const CoordinatesType& coordinates ) const;
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-   __device__ __host__
-      void updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
-                               const MeshType& mesh,
-                               const IndexType& index,
-                               const CoordinatesType& coordinates,
-                               DofVectorType& u,
-                               DofVectorType& b,
-                               IndexType* columns,
-                               RealType* values,
-                               IndexType& rowLength ) const;
-   protected:
-   Function function;
-template< typename MeshReal,
-          typename Device,
-          typename MeshIndex,
-          typename Function,
-          typename Real,
-          typename Index >
-class tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions< tnlGrid< 3, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Function, Real, Index >
-   public:
-   typedef tnlGrid< 3, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex > MeshType;
-   typedef Real RealType;
-   typedef Device DeviceType;
-   typedef Index IndexType;
-   typedef tnlSharedVector< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType > SharedVector;
-   typedef tnlVector< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType> DofVectorType;
-   typedef tnlStaticVector< 3, RealType > VertexType;
-   typedef typename MeshType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-   bool setup( const tnlParameterContainer& parameters,
-              const tnlString& prefix = "" );
+   void setFunction( const Function& function );
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
    __device__ __host__
@@ -163,7 +50,7 @@ class tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions< tnlGrid< 3, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >,
                                const IndexType index,
                                const CoordinatesType& coordinates,
                                DofVectorType& u,
-                               DofVectorType& fu );
+                               DofVectorType& fu ) const;
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
    __device__ __host__
diff --git a/src/operators/tnlExactOperatorEvaluator.h b/src/operators/tnlExactOperatorEvaluator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..303e14ba6d6208960f91139ad66c156e7efb2694
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/operators/tnlExactOperatorEvaluator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+                          tnlExactOperatorEvaluator.h  -  description
+                             -------------------
+    begin                : Nov 8, 2014
+    copyright            : (C) 2014 by Tomas Oberhuber
+    email                : tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ *                                                                         *
+ *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
+ *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
+ *                                                                         *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include <mesh/tnlGrid.h>
+template< typename Real,
+          typename DofVector,
+          typename DifferentialOperator,
+          typename Function,
+          typename BoundaryConditions >
+class tnlExactOperatorEvaluatorTraversalUserData
+   public:
+      const Real &time;
+      const DifferentialOperator& differentialOperator;
+      const BoundaryConditions& boundaryConditions;
+      const Function& function;
+      DofVector &fu;
+      tnlExactOperatorEvaluatorTraversalUserData( const Real& time,
+                                                  const DifferentialOperator& differentialOperator,
+                                                  const Function& function,
+                                                  const BoundaryConditions& boundaryConditions,
+                                                  DofVector& fu )
+      : time( time ),
+        differentialOperator( differentialOperator ),
+        boundaryConditions( boundaryConditions ),
+        function( function ),
+        fu( fu )
+      {};
+template< typename Mesh,
+          typename DofVector,
+          typename DifferentialOperator,
+          typename Function,
+          typename BoundaryConditions >
+class tnlExactOperatorEvaluator
+   public:
+      typedef Mesh MeshType;
+      typedef typename DofVector::RealType RealType;
+      typedef typename DofVector::DeviceType DeviceType;
+      typedef typename DofVector::IndexType IndexType;
+      typedef tnlExactOperatorEvaluatorTraversalUserData< RealType,
+                                                          DofVector,
+                                                          DifferentialOperator,
+                                                          Function,
+                                                          BoundaryConditions > TraversalUserData;
+      template< int EntityDimensions >
+      void evaluate( const RealType& time,
+                     const MeshType& mesh,
+                     const DifferentialOperator& differentialOperator,
+                     const Function& function,
+                     const BoundaryConditions& boundaryConditions,
+                     DofVector& fu ) const;
+      class TraversalBoundaryEntitiesProcessor
+      {
+         public:
+            template< int EntityDimension >
+#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
+            __host__ __device__
+            void processEntity( const MeshType& mesh,
+                                TraversalUserData& userData,
+                                const IndexType index )
+            {
+               userData.boundaryConditions.setBoundaryConditions( userData.time,
+                                                                  mesh,
+                                                                  index,
+                                                                  userData.u,
+                                                                  userData.fu );
+            }
+      };
+      class TraversalInteriorEntitiesProcessor
+      {
+         public:
+            template< int EntityDimensions >
+#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
+            __host__ __device__
+            void processEntity( const MeshType& mesh,
+                                TraversalUserData& userData,
+                                const IndexType index )
+            {
+               userData.fu[ index ] = userData.differentialOperator.getValue( userData.function,
+                                                                              mesh.template getEntityCenter< EntityDimensions >( index ),
+                                                                              userData.time );
+            }
+      };
+template< int Dimensions,
+          typename Real,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename DofVector,
+          typename DifferentialOperator,
+          typename Function,
+          typename BoundaryConditions >
+class tnlExactOperatorEvaluator< tnlGrid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, DofVector, DifferentialOperator, Function, BoundaryConditions >
+   public:
+      typedef tnlGrid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index > MeshType;
+      typedef typename DofVector::RealType RealType;
+      typedef typename DofVector::DeviceType DeviceType;
+      typedef typename DofVector::IndexType IndexType;
+      typedef typename MeshType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
+      typedef tnlExactOperatorEvaluatorTraversalUserData< RealType,
+                                                          DofVector,
+                                                          DifferentialOperator,
+                                                          Function,
+                                                          BoundaryConditions > TraversalUserData;
+      template< int EntityDimensions >
+      void evaluate( const RealType& time,
+                     const MeshType& mesh,
+                     const DifferentialOperator& differentialOperator,
+                     const Function& function,
+                     const BoundaryConditions& boundaryConditions,
+                     DofVector& fu ) const;
+      class TraversalBoundaryEntitiesProcessor
+      {
+         public:
+#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
+            __host__ __device__
+            void processCell( const MeshType& mesh,
+                              TraversalUserData& userData,
+                              const IndexType index,
+                              const CoordinatesType& c )
+            {
+               userData.boundaryConditions.setBoundaryConditions( userData.time,
+                                                                  mesh,
+                                                                  index,
+                                                                  c,
+                                                                  userData.fu,
+                                                                  userData.fu );
+            }
+      };
+      class TraversalInteriorEntitiesProcessor
+      {
+         public:
+#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
+            __host__ __device__
+            void processCell( const MeshType& mesh,
+                              TraversalUserData& userData,
+                              const IndexType index,
+                              const CoordinatesType& c )
+            {
+               userData.fu[ index ] = userData.differentialOperator.getValue( userData.function,
+                                                                              mesh.template getCellCenter( index ),                                                                           
+                                                                              userData.time );
+            }
+      };
+#include <operators/tnlExactOperatorEvaluator_impl.h>
diff --git a/src/operators/tnlExactOperatorEvaluator_impl.h b/src/operators/tnlExactOperatorEvaluator_impl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..43cfcf226049652e8259aa83ab052d97ad81ce29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/operators/tnlExactOperatorEvaluator_impl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+                          tnlExactOperatorEvaluator_impl.h  -  description
+                             -------------------
+    begin                : Nov 8, 2014
+    copyright            : (C) 2014 by Tomas Oberhuber
+    email                : tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ *                                                                         *
+ *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
+ *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
+ *                                                                         *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+template< typename Mesh,
+          typename DofVector,
+          typename DifferentialOperator,
+          typename Function,
+          typename BoundaryConditions >
+   template< int EntityDimensions >
+tnlExactOperatorEvaluator< Mesh, DofVector, DifferentialOperator, Function, BoundaryConditions >::
+evaluate( const RealType& time,
+          const Mesh& mesh,
+          const DifferentialOperator& differentialOperator,
+          const Function& function,
+          const BoundaryConditions& boundaryConditions,
+          DofVector& fu ) const
+   TraversalUserData userData( time, differentialOperator, function, boundaryConditions, fu );
+   TraversalBoundaryEntitiesProcessor boundaryEntitiesProcessor;
+   TraversalInteriorEntitiesProcessor interiorEntitiesProcessor;
+   tnlTraversal< MeshType, EntityDimensions > meshTraversal;
+   meshTraversal.template processEntities< TraversalUserData,
+                                           TraversalBoundaryEntitiesProcessor,
+                                           TraversalInteriorEntitiesProcessor >
+                                          ( mesh,
+                                            userData,
+                                            boundaryEntitiesProcessor,
+                                            interiorEntitiesProcessor );
+template< int Dimensions,
+          typename Real,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename DofVector,
+          typename DifferentialOperator,
+          typename Function,
+          typename BoundaryConditions >
+   template< int EntityDimensions >
+tnlExactOperatorEvaluator< tnlGrid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, DofVector, DifferentialOperator, Function, BoundaryConditions >::
+evaluate( const RealType& time,
+          const tnlGrid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >& mesh,
+          const DifferentialOperator& differentialOperator,
+          const Function& function,
+          const BoundaryConditions& boundaryConditions,
+          DofVector& fu ) const
+   TraversalUserData userData( time, differentialOperator, function, boundaryConditions, fu );
+   TraversalBoundaryEntitiesProcessor boundaryEntitiesProcessor;
+   TraversalInteriorEntitiesProcessor interiorEntitiesProcessor;
+   tnlTraversal< MeshType, EntityDimensions > meshTraversal;
+   meshTraversal.template processEntities< TraversalUserData,
+                                           TraversalBoundaryEntitiesProcessor,
+                                           TraversalInteriorEntitiesProcessor >
+                                          ( mesh,
+                                            userData,
+                                            boundaryEntitiesProcessor,
+                                            interiorEntitiesProcessor );
diff --git a/src/solvers/pde/tnlExplicitUpdater.h b/src/solvers/pde/tnlExplicitUpdater.h
index 51a26712b200c05416bd26f1ef82dfb0748cb5f1..80df7c482baa856c784a6024eb6ec687ca1c21f7 100644
--- a/src/solvers/pde/tnlExplicitUpdater.h
+++ b/src/solvers/pde/tnlExplicitUpdater.h
@@ -29,18 +29,18 @@ class tnlExplicitUpdaterTraversalUserData
       const Real &time;
-      DifferentialOperator& differentialOperator;
+      const DifferentialOperator& differentialOperator;
-      BoundaryConditions& boundaryConditions;
+      const BoundaryConditions& boundaryConditions;
-      RightHandSide& rightHandSide;
+      const RightHandSide& rightHandSide;
       DofVector &u, &fu;
       tnlExplicitUpdaterTraversalUserData( const Real& time,
-                                           DifferentialOperator& differentialOperator,
-                                           BoundaryConditions& boundaryConditions,
-                                           RightHandSide& rightHandSide,
+                                           const DifferentialOperator& differentialOperator,
+                                           const BoundaryConditions& boundaryConditions,
+                                           const RightHandSide& rightHandSide,
                                            DofVector& u,
                                            DofVector& fu )
       : time( time ),
@@ -154,9 +154,9 @@ class tnlExplicitUpdater< tnlGrid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >,
       template< int EntityDimensions >
       void update( const RealType& time,
                    const MeshType& mesh,
-                   DifferentialOperator& differentialOperator,
-                   BoundaryConditions& boundaryConditions,
-                   RightHandSide& rightHandSide,
+                   const DifferentialOperator& differentialOperator,
+                   const BoundaryConditions& boundaryConditions,
+                   const RightHandSide& rightHandSide,
                    DofVector& u,
                    DofVector& fu ) const;
@@ -190,6 +190,8 @@ class tnlExplicitUpdater< tnlGrid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >,
+         typedef typename MeshType::VertexType VertexType;
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
             __host__ __device__
@@ -204,7 +206,7 @@ class tnlExplicitUpdater< tnlGrid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >,
                                                                                userData.time );
-               userData.fu[ index ] += userData.rightHandSide.getValue( mesh.getCellCenter( coordinates ),
+               userData.fu[ index ] += userData.rightHandSide.getValue( mesh.template getCellCenter< VertexType >( coordinates ),
                                                                         userData.time );
diff --git a/src/solvers/pde/tnlLinearSystemAssembler.h b/src/solvers/pde/tnlLinearSystemAssembler.h
index def29d602b6ec07425c6105d9e3788667e601f16..777c0ab3386f1d29e0f3da0426ca8471df56bed9 100644
--- a/src/solvers/pde/tnlLinearSystemAssembler.h
+++ b/src/solvers/pde/tnlLinearSystemAssembler.h
@@ -256,9 +256,10 @@ class tnlLinearSystemAssembler< tnlGrid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >,
                            const IndexType index,
                            const CoordinatesType& coordinates )
+            typedef typename MeshType::VertexType VertexType;
             userData.b[ index ] = userData.u[ index ] +
-                                  userData.tau * userData.rightHandSide.getValue( mesh.getCellCenter( index ),
-                                                                                  userData.time );
+                                  userData.tau * userData.rightHandSide.template getValue< VertexType >( mesh.template getCellCenter< VertexType >( index ),
+                                                                                                         userData.time );
             typename MatrixType::IndexType rowLength;
             userData.differentialOperator.updateLinearSystem( userData.time,
diff --git a/tests/benchmarks/tnlCusparseCSRMatrix.h b/tests/benchmarks/tnlCusparseCSRMatrix.h
index fd70cc4c92270584daaa5447940ff8e1cd787c63..81d0bc4f63fc37a2d1f8b7ee84ee0b732c3f909e 100644
--- a/tests/benchmarks/tnlCusparseCSRMatrix.h
+++ b/tests/benchmarks/tnlCusparseCSRMatrix.h
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ class tnlCusparseCSRMatrix< double > : public tnlCusparseCSRMatrixBase< double >
          tnlAssert( matrix, );
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA         
-         cusparseDcsrmv( *( this->cusparseHandle ),
+         /*cusparseDcsrmv( *( this->cusparseHandle ),
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ class tnlCusparseCSRMatrix< double > : public tnlCusparseCSRMatrixBase< double >
-                         outVector.getData() );
+                         outVector.getData() );*/
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ class tnlCusparseCSRMatrix< float > : public tnlCusparseCSRMatrixBase< float >
          tnlAssert( matrix, );
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA         
-         cusparseScsrmv( *( this->cusparseHandle ),
+         /*cusparseScsrmv( *( this->cusparseHandle ),
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ class tnlCusparseCSRMatrix< float > : public tnlCusparseCSRMatrixBase< float >
-                         outVector.getData() );
+                         outVector.getData() );*/
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/core/arrays/tnlArrayOperationsTest.cu b/tests/unit-tests/core/arrays/tnlArrayOperationsTest.cu
index fa6b1dc038a6d44be3ea592f22de92b72d685f54..aec760defcf0d01c831de77865bfc4f16e3d9456 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/core/arrays/tnlArrayOperationsTest.cu
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/core/arrays/tnlArrayOperationsTest.cu
@@ -24,4 +24,4 @@ int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    if( ! tnlUnitTestStarter :: run< tnlArrayOperationsTester< int, tnlCuda > >() )
       return EXIT_FAILURE;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/matrices/tnlSparseMatrixTester.h b/tests/unit-tests/matrices/tnlSparseMatrixTester.h
index 2b25a67d4d17f609f0a2d2ffc13004e8a6cf0e68..5d12983eb8cf2bb4833a840c86fb3266ac29c67f 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/matrices/tnlSparseMatrixTester.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/matrices/tnlSparseMatrixTester.h
@@ -259,12 +259,12 @@ class tnlSparseMatrixTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       rowLengths.setValue( 7 );
       m.setRowLengths( rowLengths );
-      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == tnlHostDevice )
+      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlHostDevice )
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             m.setElementFast( i, i, i );
-      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == tnlCudaDevice )
+      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlCudaDevice )
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
          MatrixType* kernel_matrix = tnlCuda::passToDevice( m );
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ class tnlSparseMatrixTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       rowLengths.setValue( 10 );
       m.setRowLengths( rowLengths );
-      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == tnlHostDevice )
+      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlHostDevice )
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             m.setElementFast( i, i, i );
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ class tnlSparseMatrixTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
             for( int j = 0; j < 10; j++ )
                m.addElementFast( i, j, 1, 0.5 );
-      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == tnlCudaDevice )
+      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlCudaDevice )
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
          MatrixType* kernel_matrix = tnlCuda::passToDevice( m );
@@ -377,13 +377,13 @@ class tnlSparseMatrixTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
       m.setRowLengths( rowLengths );
-      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == tnlHostDevice )
+      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlHostDevice )
          for( int i = 9; i >= 0; i-- )
             for( int j = 9; j >= 0; j-- )
                m.setElementFast( i, j, i+j );
-      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == tnlCudaDevice )
+      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlCudaDevice )
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
          MatrixType* kernel_matrix = tnlCuda::passToDevice( m );
@@ -456,13 +456,13 @@ class tnlSparseMatrixTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
          rowLengths.setElement( i, i+1 );
       m.setRowLengths( rowLengths );
-      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == tnlHostDevice )
+      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlHostDevice )
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             for( int j = 0; j <= i; j++ )
                m.setElementFast( i, j, i + j );
-      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == tnlCudaDevice )
+      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlCudaDevice )
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
          MatrixType* kernel_matrix = tnlCuda::passToDevice( m );
@@ -491,13 +491,13 @@ class tnlSparseMatrixTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
       m.setRowLengths( rowLengths );
-      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == tnlHostDevice )
+      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlHostDevice )
          for( int i = 9; i >= 0; i-- )
             for( int j = i; j >= 0; j-- )
                m.setElementFast( i, j, i + j );
-      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == tnlCudaDevice )
+      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlCudaDevice )
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
          MatrixType* kernel_matrix = tnlCuda::passToDevice( m );
@@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ class tnlSparseMatrixTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       m.setRowLengths( rowLengths );
-      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == tnlHostDevice )
+      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlHostDevice )
          RealType values[ 1 ];
          IndexType columnIndexes[ 1 ];
@@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ class tnlSparseMatrixTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
             m.setRowFast( i, columnIndexes, values, 1 );
-      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == tnlCudaDevice )
+      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlCudaDevice )
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
          MatrixType* kernel_matrix = tnlCuda::passToDevice( m );
@@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ class tnlSparseMatrixTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
          columnIndexes[ i ] = i;
-      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == tnlHostDevice )
+      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlHostDevice )
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
@@ -715,7 +715,7 @@ class tnlSparseMatrixTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
             m.setRowFast( i, columnIndexes, values, 10 );
-      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == tnlCudaDevice )
+      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlCudaDevice )
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
          MatrixType* kernel_matrix = tnlCuda::passToDevice( m );
@@ -746,7 +746,7 @@ class tnlSparseMatrixTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
       m.setRowLengths( rowLengths );
-      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == tnlHostDevice )
+      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlHostDevice )
          for( int i = 9; i >= 0; i-- )
@@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ class tnlSparseMatrixTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
             m.setRowFast( i, columnIndexes, values, 10 );
-      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == tnlCudaDevice )
+      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlCudaDevice )
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
          MatrixType* kernel_matrix = tnlCuda::passToDevice( m );
@@ -847,7 +847,7 @@ class tnlSparseMatrixTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
          columnIndexes[ i ] = i;
-      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == tnlHostDevice )
+      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlHostDevice )
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
@@ -856,7 +856,7 @@ class tnlSparseMatrixTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
             m.setRowFast( i, columnIndexes, values, i + 1 );
-      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == tnlCudaDevice )
+      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlCudaDevice )
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
          MatrixType* kernel_matrix = tnlCuda::passToDevice( m );
@@ -887,7 +887,7 @@ class tnlSparseMatrixTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
       m.setRowLengths( rowLengths );
-      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == tnlHostDevice )
+      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlHostDevice )
          for( int i = 9; i >= 0; i-- )
@@ -896,7 +896,7 @@ class tnlSparseMatrixTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
             m.setRowFast( i, columnIndexes, values, i + 1 );
-      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == tnlCudaDevice )
+      if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlCudaDevice )
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
          MatrixType* kernel_matrix = tnlCuda::passToDevice( m );
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/operators/diffusion/tnlLinearDiffusionTest.cpp b/tests/unit-tests/operators/diffusion/tnlLinearDiffusionTest.cpp
index 525725954cd2e34eeb5d2b954f06e482b9ac0bd2..8fdba17d6a36f2905e52562520ca3df6dd5ae28f 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/operators/diffusion/tnlLinearDiffusionTest.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/operators/diffusion/tnlLinearDiffusionTest.cpp
@@ -31,8 +31,10 @@ template< int Dimensions,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
-          typename TestFunction >
+          typename TestFunction,
+          typename ApproximationMethod >
 class tnlPDEOperatorEocTestResult< tnlLinearDiffusion< tnlGrid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Real, Index >,
+                                   ApproximationMethod,
                                    TestFunction >
@@ -50,23 +52,52 @@ class tnlPDEOperatorEocTestResult< tnlLinearDiffusion< tnlGrid< Dimensions, Real
 int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    const bool verbose( true );
-   const int MeshSize( 32 );
+   const int MeshSize( 64 );
+   /****
+    * Explicit approximation
+    */
    if( ! tnlUnitTestStarter :: run< tnlPDEOperatorEocTester< tnlLinearDiffusion< tnlGrid< 1, double, tnlHost, int >, double, int >,
                                                              tnlExactLinearDiffusion< 1 >,
                                                              tnlExpBumpFunction< 1, double >,
+                                                             tnlExplicitApproximation,
-                                                             verbose > >() ||
-       ! tnlUnitTestStarter :: run< tnlPDEOperatorEocTester< tnlLinearDiffusion< tnlGrid< 2, double, tnlHost, int >, double, int >,
+                                                             verbose > >()
+       /*! tnlUnitTestStarter :: run< tnlPDEOperatorEocTester< tnlLinearDiffusion< tnlGrid< 2, double, tnlHost, int >, double, int >,
                                                              tnlExactLinearDiffusion< 2 >,
                                                              tnlExpBumpFunction< 2, double >,
+                                                             tnlExplicitApproximation,
                                                              verbose > >() ||
        ! tnlUnitTestStarter :: run< tnlPDEOperatorEocTester< tnlLinearDiffusion< tnlGrid< 3, double, tnlHost, int >, double, int >,
                                                              tnlExactLinearDiffusion< 3 >,
                                                              tnlExpBumpFunction< 3, double >,
+                                                             tnlExplicitApproximation,
+                                                             MeshSize,
+                                                             verbose > >() */
+                                                              );
+      //return EXIT_FAILURE;
+   /****
+    * Implicit (matrix) approximation
+    */
+   if( ! tnlUnitTestStarter :: run< tnlPDEOperatorEocTester< tnlLinearDiffusion< tnlGrid< 1, double, tnlHost, int >, double, int >,
+                                                             tnlExactLinearDiffusion< 1 >,
+                                                             tnlExpBumpFunction< 1, double >,
+                                                             tnlImplicitApproximation,
                                                              verbose > >()
+       /*! tnlUnitTestStarter :: run< tnlPDEOperatorEocTester< tnlLinearDiffusion< tnlGrid< 2, double, tnlHost, int >, double, int >,
+                                                             tnlExactLinearDiffusion< 2 >,
+                                                             tnlExpBumpFunction< 2, double >,
+                                                             tnlImplicitApproximation,
+                                                             MeshSize,
+                                                             verbose > >() ||
+       ! tnlUnitTestStarter :: run< tnlPDEOperatorEocTester< tnlLinearDiffusion< tnlGrid< 3, double, tnlHost, int >, double, int >,
+                                                             tnlExactLinearDiffusion< 3 >,
+                                                             tnlExpBumpFunction< 3, double >,
+                                                             tnlImplicitApproximation,
+                                                             MeshSize,
+                                                             verbose > >() */
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/operators/diffusion/tnlLinearDiffusionTest.cu b/tests/unit-tests/operators/diffusion/tnlLinearDiffusionTest.cu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..912bd9214cddb49e63db55f8a16900751435a1b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/operators/diffusion/tnlLinearDiffusionTest.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+                          tnlLinearDiffusionTest.cu  -  description
+                             -------------------
+    begin                : Nov 15, 2014
+    copyright            : (C) 2014 by Tomas Oberhuber
+    email                : tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ *                                                                         *
+ *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
+ *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
+ *                                                                         *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include <tnlConfig.h>
+#include <core/tnlHost.h>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include "../tnlPDEOperatorEocTester.h"
+#include "../../tnlUnitTestStarter.h"
+#include <mesh/tnlGrid.h>
+#include <operators/diffusion/tnlLinearDiffusion.h>
+#include <operators/diffusion/tnlExactLinearDiffusion.h>
+#include "../tnlPDEOperatorEocTestResult.h"
+#include <functions/tnlExpBumpFunction.h>
+template< int Dimensions,
+          typename Real,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename TestFunction,
+          typename ApproximationMethod >
+class tnlPDEOperatorEocTestResult< tnlLinearDiffusion< tnlGrid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Real, Index >,
+                                   ApproximationMethod,
+                                   TestFunction >
+   public:
+      static Real getL1Eoc() { return ( Real ) 2.0; };
+      static Real getL1Tolerance() { return ( Real ) 0.05; };
+      static Real getL2Eoc() { return ( Real ) 2.0; };
+      static Real getL2Tolerance() { return ( Real ) 0.05; };
+      static Real getMaxEoc() { return ( Real ) 2.0; };
+      static Real getMaxTolerance() { return ( Real ) 0.05; };
+int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
+   const bool verbose( true );
+   const int MeshSize( 64 );
+   /****
+    * Explicit approximation
+    */
+   if( ! tnlUnitTestStarter :: run< tnlPDEOperatorEocTester< tnlLinearDiffusion< tnlGrid< 1, double, tnlHost, int >, double, int >,
+                                                             tnlExactLinearDiffusion< 1 >,
+                                                             tnlExpBumpFunction< 1, double >,
+                                                             tnlExplicitApproximation,
+                                                             MeshSize,
+                                                             verbose > >()
+       /*! tnlUnitTestStarter :: run< tnlPDEOperatorEocTester< tnlLinearDiffusion< tnlGrid< 2, double, tnlHost, int >, double, int >,
+                                                             tnlExactLinearDiffusion< 2 >,
+                                                             tnlExpBumpFunction< 2, double >,
+                                                             tnlExplicitApproximation,
+                                                             MeshSize,
+                                                             verbose > >() ||
+       ! tnlUnitTestStarter :: run< tnlPDEOperatorEocTester< tnlLinearDiffusion< tnlGrid< 3, double, tnlHost, int >, double, int >,
+                                                             tnlExactLinearDiffusion< 3 >,
+                                                             tnlExpBumpFunction< 3, double >,
+                                                             tnlExplicitApproximation,
+                                                             MeshSize,
+                                                             verbose > >() */
+                                                              );
+      //return EXIT_FAILURE;
+   /****
+    * Implicit (matrix) approximation
+    */
+   if( ! tnlUnitTestStarter :: run< tnlPDEOperatorEocTester< tnlLinearDiffusion< tnlGrid< 1, double, tnlHost, int >, double, int >,
+                                                             tnlExactLinearDiffusion< 1 >,
+                                                             tnlExpBumpFunction< 1, double >,
+                                                             tnlImplicitApproximation,
+                                                             MeshSize,
+                                                             verbose > >()
+       /*! tnlUnitTestStarter :: run< tnlPDEOperatorEocTester< tnlLinearDiffusion< tnlGrid< 2, double, tnlHost, int >, double, int >,
+                                                             tnlExactLinearDiffusion< 2 >,
+                                                             tnlExpBumpFunction< 2, double >,
+                                                             tnlImplicitApproximation,
+                                                             MeshSize,
+                                                             verbose > >() ||
+       ! tnlUnitTestStarter :: run< tnlPDEOperatorEocTester< tnlLinearDiffusion< tnlGrid< 3, double, tnlHost, int >, double, int >,
+                                                             tnlExactLinearDiffusion< 3 >,
+                                                             tnlExpBumpFunction< 3, double >,
+                                                             tnlImplicitApproximation,
+                                                             MeshSize,
+                                                             verbose > >() */
+       )
+     return EXIT_FAILURE;
+   return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+   return EXIT_FAILURE;
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/operators/tnlPDEOperatorEocTestResult.h b/tests/unit-tests/operators/tnlPDEOperatorEocTestResult.h
index 0214a086e02688b8a017cfd2b897c76a4cd0d817..7e1954dcf262a418ea87d415f9a7b2ac7964a88a 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/operators/tnlPDEOperatorEocTestResult.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/operators/tnlPDEOperatorEocTestResult.h
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 template< typename ApproximateOperator,
+          typename ApproximationMethod,
           typename TestFunction >
 class tnlPDEOperatorEocTestResult
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/operators/tnlPDEOperatorEocTestSetter.h b/tests/unit-tests/operators/tnlPDEOperatorEocTestSetter.h
index 2ed0ce0a0e7db203cc0ed19120af293d38a972f1..16542c201dd6c1bcc4348d91e762425fdc0b630c 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/operators/tnlPDEOperatorEocTestSetter.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/operators/tnlPDEOperatorEocTestSetter.h
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 template< typename ApproximateOperator,
           typename ExactOperator,
+          typename ApproximationMethod,
           typename Mesh,
           typename TestFunction >
 class tnlPDEOperatorEocTestSetter
@@ -31,11 +32,13 @@ class tnlPDEOperatorEocTestSetter
 template< typename ApproximateOperator,
           typename ExactOperator,
+          typename ApproximationMethod,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
 class tnlPDEOperatorEocTestSetter< ApproximateOperator,
+                                   ApproximationMethod,
                                    tnlGrid< 1, Real, Device, Index >,
                                    tnlExpBumpFunction< 1, Real > >
@@ -72,11 +75,13 @@ class tnlPDEOperatorEocTestSetter< ApproximateOperator,
 template< typename ApproximateOperator,
           typename ExactOperator,
+          typename ApproximationMethod,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
 class tnlPDEOperatorEocTestSetter< ApproximateOperator,
+                                   ApproximationMethod,
                                    tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index >,
                                    tnlExpBumpFunction< 2, Real > >
@@ -116,11 +121,13 @@ class tnlPDEOperatorEocTestSetter< ApproximateOperator,
 template< typename ApproximateOperator,
           typename ExactOperator,
+          typename ApproximationMethod,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
 class tnlPDEOperatorEocTestSetter< ApproximateOperator,
+                                   ApproximationMethod,
                                    tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index >,
                                    tnlExpBumpFunction< 3, Real > >
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/operators/tnlPDEOperatorEocTester.h b/tests/unit-tests/operators/tnlPDEOperatorEocTester.h
index 9e1b50ff541a6976ee1724025aca600d5b70344b..97381cf3ecb89cb5f626999e03af5d99bc96aedf 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/operators/tnlPDEOperatorEocTester.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/operators/tnlPDEOperatorEocTester.h
@@ -31,18 +31,19 @@
 template< typename ApproximateOperator,
           typename ExactOperator,
           typename TestFunction,
+          typename ApproximationMethod,
           int MeshSize,
           bool verbose = false >
 class tnlPDEOperatorEocTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
-   typedef tnlPDEOperatorEocTester< ApproximateOperator, ExactOperator, TestFunction, MeshSize, verbose > TesterType;
+   typedef tnlPDEOperatorEocTester< ApproximateOperator, ExactOperator, TestFunction, ApproximationMethod, MeshSize, verbose > TesterType;
    typedef typename CppUnit::TestCaller< TesterType > TestCallerType;
    typedef typename ApproximateOperator::MeshType MeshType;
    typedef typename ApproximateOperator::RealType RealType;
    typedef typename ApproximateOperator::IndexType IndexType;
-   typedef tnlPDEOperatorEocTestSetter< ApproximateOperator, ExactOperator, MeshType, TestFunction > TestSetter;
-   typedef tnlPDEOperatorEocTestResult< ApproximateOperator, TestFunction > TestResult;
+   typedef tnlPDEOperatorEocTestSetter< ApproximateOperator, ExactOperator, ApproximationMethod, MeshType, TestFunction > TestSetter;
+   typedef tnlPDEOperatorEocTestResult< ApproximateOperator, ApproximationMethod, TestFunction > TestResult;
@@ -55,6 +56,7 @@ class tnlPDEOperatorEocTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
                            ApproximateOperator::getType() + ", " +
                            ExactOperator::getType() + ", " +
                            TestFunction::getType() + ", " +
+                           ApproximationMethod::getType() + ", " +
                            tnlString( MeshSize ) + ", " +
                            tnlString( verbose ) + " >";
       CppUnit :: TestSuite* suiteOfTests = new CppUnit :: TestSuite( testName.getString() );
@@ -80,7 +82,8 @@ class tnlPDEOperatorEocTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       tnlApproximationError< MeshType,
-                             TestFunction >
+                             TestFunction,
+                             ApproximationMethod >
          ::getError( mesh,
@@ -94,7 +97,8 @@ class tnlPDEOperatorEocTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       tnlApproximationError< MeshType,
-                             TestFunction >
+                             TestFunction,
+                             ApproximationMethod >
          ::getError( mesh,
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/tnlApproximationError.h b/tests/unit-tests/tnlApproximationError.h
index 47ad750ceb10c5e5a322d844804e84b43eb34d9a..1c0edc879140b279a446e99ce223761139c57853 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/tnlApproximationError.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/tnlApproximationError.h
@@ -19,12 +19,44 @@
 #include <mesh/tnlGrid.h>
+#include <functions/tnlConstantFunction.h>
+#include <operators/tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions.h>
+#include <solvers/pde/tnlExplicitUpdater.h>
+class tnlExplicitApproximation
+   public:
+   static tnlString getType()
+   {
+      return tnlString( "tnlExplicitApproximation" );
+   };
+class tnlImplicitApproximation
+   public:
+   static tnlString getType()
+   {
+      return tnlString( "tnlImplicitApproximation" );
+   };
 template< typename Mesh,
           typename ExactOperator,
           typename ApproximateOperator,
-          typename Function >
+          typename Function,
+          typename ApproximationMethod >
 class tnlApproximationError
+template< typename Mesh,
+          typename ExactOperator,
+          typename ApproximateOperator,
+          typename Function >
+class tnlApproximationError< Mesh, ExactOperator, ApproximateOperator, Function, tnlExplicitApproximation >
@@ -33,6 +65,8 @@ class tnlApproximationError
       typedef typename MeshType::DeviceType DeviceType;
       typedef typename MeshType::IndexType IndexType;
       typedef typename MeshType::VertexType VertexType;
+      typedef tnlConstantFunction< MeshType::Dimensions, RealType > ConstantFunctionType;
+      typedef tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, Function  > BoundaryConditionsType;
       static void getError( const Mesh& mesh,
                             const ExactOperator& exactOperator,
@@ -43,25 +77,23 @@ class tnlApproximationError
                             RealType& maxErr );
-template< int Dimensions,
-          typename Real,
-          typename Device,
-          typename Index,
+template< typename Mesh,
           typename ExactOperator,
           typename ApproximateOperator,
           typename Function >
-class tnlApproximationError< tnlGrid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, ExactOperator, ApproximateOperator, Function >
+class tnlApproximationError< Mesh, ExactOperator, ApproximateOperator, Function, tnlImplicitApproximation >
-   public:
+     public:
       typedef typename ApproximateOperator::RealType RealType;
-      typedef tnlGrid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index > MeshType;
+      typedef Mesh MeshType;
       typedef typename MeshType::DeviceType DeviceType;
       typedef typename MeshType::IndexType IndexType;
-      typedef typename MeshType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
       typedef typename MeshType::VertexType VertexType;
+      typedef tnlConstantFunction< MeshType::Dimensions, RealType > ConstantFunctionType;
+      typedef tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, ConstantFunctionType  > BoundaryConditionsType;
-      static void getError( const MeshType& mesh,
+      static void getError( const Mesh& mesh,
                             const ExactOperator& exactOperator,
                             const ApproximateOperator& approximateOperator,
                             const Function& function,
@@ -70,8 +102,6 @@ class tnlApproximationError< tnlGrid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, ExactOp
                             RealType& maxErr );
 #include "tnlApproximationError_impl.h"
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/tnlApproximationError_impl.h b/tests/unit-tests/tnlApproximationError_impl.h
index f1c8fc1ab864ee66aae6f5b8095fc60465a524f0..1c3879ca663dbe57d892ebc7d38d8f6b462ffd30 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/tnlApproximationError_impl.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/tnlApproximationError_impl.h
@@ -21,13 +21,17 @@
 #include <mesh/tnlTraversal.h>
 #include <core/vectors/tnlVector.h>
 #include <functions/tnlFunctionDiscretizer.h>
+#include <matrices/tnlCSRMatrix.h>
+#include <matrices/tnlMatrixSetter.h>
+#include <solvers/pde/tnlLinearSystemAssembler.h>
+#include <operators/tnlExactOperatorEvaluator.h>
 template< typename Mesh,
           typename ExactOperator,
           typename ApproximateOperator,
           typename Function >
-tnlApproximationError< Mesh, ExactOperator, ApproximateOperator, Function >::
+tnlApproximationError< Mesh, ExactOperator, ApproximateOperator, Function, tnlExplicitApproximation >::
 getError( const Mesh& mesh,
           const ExactOperator& exactOperator,
           const ApproximateOperator& approximateOperator,
@@ -37,39 +41,45 @@ getError( const Mesh& mesh,
           RealType& maxErr )
    typedef tnlVector< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType > Vector;
-   Vector functionData, exactData, approximateData;
+   Vector functionData, exactData, approximateData, aux;
    const IndexType entities = mesh.getNumberOfCells();
+   BoundaryConditionsType boundaryConditions;
+   ConstantFunctionType zeroFunction;
    if( ! functionData.setSize( entities ) ||
        ! exactData.setSize( entities ) ||
-       ! approximateData.setSize( entities )  )
+       ! approximateData.setSize( entities ) ||
+       ! aux.setSize( entities) )
    tnlFunctionDiscretizer< Mesh, Function, Vector >::template discretize< 0, 0, 0 >( mesh, function, functionData );
-   if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlHostDevice )
-   {
-      for( IndexType i = 0; i < entities; i++ )
-      {
-         if( ! mesh.isBoundaryCell( i ) )
-         {
-            VertexType v = mesh.getCellCenter( i );
-            exactData[ i ] = exactOperator.getValue( function, v );
-            approximateData[ i ] = approximateOperator.getValue( mesh, i, functionData );
-         }
-         else exactData[ i ] = approximateData[ i ];
-      }
-   }
-   if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlCudaDevice )
-   {
-      // TODO
-   }
+   tnlExplicitUpdater< Mesh, Vector, ApproximateOperator, BoundaryConditionsType, ConstantFunctionType > explicitUpdater;
+   explicitUpdater.template update< Mesh::Dimensions >( 0.0,
+                                                        mesh,
+                                                        approximateOperator,
+                                                        boundaryConditions,
+                                                        zeroFunction,
+                                                        functionData,
+                                                        approximateData );
+   tnlExactOperatorEvaluator< Mesh, Vector, ExactOperator, Function, BoundaryConditionsType > operatorEvaluator;
+   operatorEvaluator.template evaluate< Mesh::Dimensions >( 0.0, mesh, exactOperator, function, boundaryConditions, exactData );
+   /*cout << "Function = " << functionData << endl;
+   cout << "Approximation = " << approximateData << endl;
+   cout << "Exact = " << exactData << endl;*/
+   functionData.save( "explicit-function.tnl" );
+   approximateData.save( "explicit-approximation.tnl" );
+   exactData.save( "explicit-exact.tnl" );
    l1Err = mesh.getDifferenceLpNorm( exactData, approximateData, ( RealType ) 1.0 );
    l2Err = mesh.getDifferenceLpNorm( exactData, approximateData, ( RealType ) 2.0 );
    maxErr = mesh.getDifferenceAbsMax( exactData, approximateData );
-template< int Dimensions,
+/*template< int Dimensions,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
@@ -77,7 +87,7 @@ template< int Dimensions,
           typename ApproximateOperator,
           typename Function >
-tnlApproximationError< tnlGrid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, ExactOperator, ApproximateOperator, Function >::
+tnlApproximationError< tnlGrid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, ExactOperator, ApproximateOperator, Function, tnlExplicitApproximation >::
 getError( const MeshType& mesh,
           const ExactOperator& exactOperator,
           const ApproximateOperator& approximateOperator,
@@ -115,10 +125,98 @@ getError( const MeshType& mesh,
       // TODO
+   cout << "Function = " << functionData << endl;
+   cout << "Approximation = " << approximateData << endl;
+   cout << "Exact = " << exactData << endl;
    l1Err = mesh.getDifferenceLpNorm( exactData, approximateData, ( RealType ) 1.0 );
    l2Err = mesh.getDifferenceLpNorm( exactData, approximateData, ( RealType ) 2.0 );
    maxErr = mesh.getDifferenceAbsMax( exactData, approximateData );
+ * Implicit (matrix) approximation
+ */
+template< typename Mesh,
+          typename ExactOperator,
+          typename ApproximateOperator,
+          typename Function >
+tnlApproximationError< Mesh, ExactOperator, ApproximateOperator, Function, tnlImplicitApproximation >::
+getError( const Mesh& mesh,
+          const ExactOperator& exactOperator,
+          const ApproximateOperator& approximateOperator,
+          const Function& function,
+          RealType& l1Err,
+          RealType& l2Err,
+          RealType& maxErr )
+   typedef tnlVector< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType > Vector;
+   typedef tnlCSRMatrix< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType > MatrixType;
+   typedef typename MatrixType::RowLengthsVector RowLengthsVectorType;
+   Vector functionData, exactData, approximateData;
+   MatrixType matrix;
+   RowLengthsVectorType rowLengths;
+   BoundaryConditionsType boundaryConditions;
+   ConstantFunctionType zeroFunction;
+   const IndexType entities = mesh.getNumberOfCells();
+   cerr << "Semi-implicit test " << endl;
+   if( ! functionData.setSize( entities ) ||
+       ! exactData.setSize( entities ) ||
+       ! approximateData.setSize( entities ) ||
+       ! rowLengths.setSize( entities ) )
+      return;
+   tnlFunctionDiscretizer< Mesh, Function, Vector >::template discretize< 0, 0, 0 >( mesh, function, functionData );
+   tnlMatrixSetter< MeshType, ApproximateOperator, BoundaryConditionsType, RowLengthsVectorType > matrixSetter;
+   matrixSetter.template getRowLengths< Mesh::Dimensions >( mesh,
+                                                            approximateOperator,
+                                                            boundaryConditions,
+                                                            rowLengths );
+   matrix.setDimensions( entities, entities );
+   if( ! matrix.setRowLengths( rowLengths ) )
+      return;
+   tnlLinearSystemAssembler< Mesh, Vector, ApproximateOperator, BoundaryConditionsType, ConstantFunctionType, MatrixType > systemAssembler;
+   systemAssembler.template assembly< Mesh::Dimensions >( 0.0, // time
+                                                          1.0, // tau
+                                                          mesh,
+                                                          approximateOperator,
+                                                          boundaryConditions,
+                                                          zeroFunction,
+                                                          functionData,
+                                                          matrix,
+                                                          approximateData // this has no meaning here
+                                                          );
+   tnlExactOperatorEvaluator< Mesh, Vector, ExactOperator, Function, BoundaryConditionsType > operatorEvaluator;
+   operatorEvaluator.template evaluate< Mesh::Dimensions >( 0.0, mesh, exactOperator, function, boundaryConditions, exactData );
+   //cout << "Matrix = " << matrix << endl;
+   matrix.vectorProduct( functionData, approximateData );
+   // TODO: replace this when ,matrix.vectorProduct has multiplicator parameter
+   for( IndexType i = 0; i < entities; i++ )
+      approximateData.setElement( i, -1.0 * approximateData.getElement( i ) );
+   //cout << "Function = " << functionData << endl;
+   //cout << "Approximation = " << approximateData << endl;
+   //cout << "Exact = " << exactData << endl;
+   mesh.save( "mesh.tnl" );
+   functionData.save( "implicit-function.tnl" );
+   approximateData.save( "implicit-approximation.tnl" );
+   exactData.save( "implicit-exact.tnl" );
+   l1Err = mesh.getDifferenceLpNorm( exactData, approximateData, ( RealType ) 1.0 );
+   l2Err = mesh.getDifferenceLpNorm( exactData, approximateData, ( RealType ) 2.0 );
+   maxErr = mesh.getDifferenceAbsMax( exactData, approximateData );