diff --git a/src/TNL/Communicators/MpiCommunicator.h b/src/TNL/Communicators/MpiCommunicator.h
index 1cb98926c5a2ec8ffaa01c77f8a9e535a2c94ba5..86acf01a8f93b6e04c5d910ad10fcb3f26ee042b 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Communicators/MpiCommunicator.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Communicators/MpiCommunicator.h
@@ -295,7 +295,32 @@ class MpiCommunicator
          template <typename T>
-         static Request ISend( const T* data, int count, int dest, int tag, CommunicationGroup group)
+         static void Send( const T* data, int count, int dest, int tag, CommunicationGroup group = AllGroup )
+         {
+#ifdef HAVE_MPI
+            TNL_ASSERT_TRUE(IsInitialized(), "Fatal Error - MPI communicator is not initialized");
+            TNL_ASSERT_NE(group, NullGroup, "Send cannot be called with NullGroup");
+            MPI_Send( const_cast< void* >( ( const void* ) data ), count, MPITypeResolver< T >::getType(), dest, tag, group );
+            throw Exceptions::MPISupportMissing();
+        }
+         template <typename T>
+         static void Recv( T* data, int count, int src, int tag, CommunicationGroup group = AllGroup )
+         {
+#ifdef HAVE_MPI
+            TNL_ASSERT_TRUE(IsInitialized(), "Fatal Error - MPI communicator is not initialized");
+            TNL_ASSERT_NE(group, NullGroup, "Recv cannot be called with NullGroup");
+            MPI_Status status;
+            MPI_Recv( const_cast< void* >( ( const void* ) data ), count, MPITypeResolver< T >::getType() , src, tag, group, &status );
+            throw Exceptions::MPISupportMissing();
+        }
+         template <typename T>
+         static Request ISend( const T* data, int count, int dest, int tag, CommunicationGroup group = AllGroup )
 #ifdef HAVE_MPI
             TNL_ASSERT_TRUE(IsInitialized(), "Fatal Error - MPI communicator is not initialized");