diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS
index c3a12fe499b7478498ddf2be897558e71884f731..aa3d2fd53258967e3ad424e1482dc7b9e325a75b 100644
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
 Oberhuber Tomas <tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz>
-Zabka Vitezslav <zabkavit@fjfi.cvut.cz>
-Vladimir Klement
-Tomáš Sobotík
-Ondřej Székely
-Jiří Kafka
+Zabka Vitezslav <zabkav@gmail.com>
+Vladimir Klement <wlada@post.cz>
+Tomáš Sobotík <sobotik.tomas@gmail.com>
+Ondřej Székely <ondra.szekely@gmail.com>
 Libor Bakajsa
-Jakub KlinkovskĂ˝
+Jakub KlinkovskĂ˝ <klinkjak@fjfi.cvut.cz>
 Vacata Jan
 Heller Martin
 Novotny Matej
diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
index ab759d74a7ea9dc57225f4f0fac1479dc58e7ac7..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391 100644
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README b/README
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..c3fbdba004a30a88987771678b222997ea44cc0f 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+    Requirements:
+    To install TNL, you need:
+    cmake 3.4 or later (https://cmake.org/download/)
+    GNU g++ 4.8 or later (https://gcc.gnu.org/)
+    CUDA 8.0 or later (https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads)
+    For image processing problems, you may optionaly install:
+    DCMTK (http://dicom.offis.de/dcmtk.php.en)
+    libpng (http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/libpng.html)
+    libjpeg (http://libjpeg.sourceforge.net/)
+    The latest release of TNL can be downloaded as:
+    wget tnl-project.org/data/src/tnl-0.1.tar.bz2
+    Unpack it as:
+    tar xvf tnl-0.1.tar.bz2
+    cd tnl-0.1
+    Executing command
+    ./install
+    will install TNL to a folder ${HOME}/.local . You may change it by
+    ./install --prefix=<TNL prefix>
+    During the installation, TNL fetches latest version of Gtest and install it only 
+    locally to sub-folders Debug and Release. At the end of the installation, the
+    script is checking if the prefix folder is visible to your bash and your linker.
+    If not, it informs you how to change your ${HOME}/.bashrc file to fix it.
+How to write a simple solver
+To implement your own solver:
+    Create and go to your working directory
+    mkdir MyProblem
+    cd Myproblem
+    Execute a command tnl-quickstart
+    tnl-quickstart
+    Answer the questions as, for example, follows
+    TNL Quickstart -- solver generator
+    ----------------------------------
+    Problem name:My Problem
+    Problem class base name (base name acceptable in C++ code):MyProblem
+    Operator name:Laplace
+    Write your numerical scheme by editing a file
+    Laplace_impl.h
+    on lines:
+        34, 141 and 265 for 1D, 2D and 3D problem respectively with explicit time discretization
+        101, 211 and 332 for 1D, 2D and 3D problem respectively with (semi-)implicit time discretization
+    Compile the program by executing
+    make
+    for CPU version only or 
+    make WITH_CUDA=yes
+    for a solver running on both CPU and GPU. Run it on your favourite HW architecture by executing
+    ./MyProblem
+    and following the printed help.
diff --git a/doc/pde-solvers.rst b/doc/pde-solvers.rst
index 6f7eed46d377e19862f297d31ec6d70f3846ed56..d93e49e5a6901c091f1e6672bc91bb2451b75943 100644
--- a/doc/pde-solvers.rst
+++ b/doc/pde-solvers.rst
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
 PDE Solvers
+Finite difference method
+    Elliptic problems
+    Parabolic problems
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/advection/LaxFridrichs.h b/examples/advection/LaxFridrichs.h
index 46e63b77a2fa7661b8f7dd83cae964eab0c61272..f3453f69b06293c6a61837ba0045aacba243f66f 100644
--- a/examples/advection/LaxFridrichs.h
+++ b/examples/advection/LaxFridrichs.h
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class LaxFridrichs< Meshes::Grid< 1,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, Index >
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       Real tau;
       Real artificalViscosity;
       Real advectionSpeedX;
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class LaxFridrichs< Meshes::Grid< 2,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, Index >
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       Real tau;
       Real artificalViscosity;
       Real advectionSpeedX;
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ class LaxFridrichs< Meshes::Grid< 3,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, Index >
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       Real tau;
       Real artificalViscosity;
       Real advectionSpeedX;
diff --git a/examples/advection/LaxFridrichs_impl.h b/examples/advection/LaxFridrichs_impl.h
index dc65664b3b5b8ef599d61988924b3a705b6f94ca..131e7dff6a3321baa8ad1c53252e1be7a37b4bb5 100644
--- a/examples/advection/LaxFridrichs_impl.h
+++ b/examples/advection/LaxFridrichs_impl.h
@@ -39,14 +39,14 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 1, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 1, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 1, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 1, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& hxInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
    double a;
    a = this->advectionSpeedX;
    return   (0.5 / this->tau ) * this->artificalViscosity *
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -102,11 +102,11 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, west,   - lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, center, 2.0 * lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, east,   - lambdaX );
@@ -148,17 +148,17 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 2, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 2, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 2, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 2, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& hxInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0 >(); 
    const RealType& hyInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
    double a;
    double b;
    a = this->advectionSpeedX;
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -218,14 +218,14 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2, 0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaY = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, south,  -lambdaY );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, west,   -lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, center, 2.0 * ( lambdaX + lambdaY ) );
@@ -269,20 +269,20 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 3, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 3, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 3, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 3, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& hxSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2,  0,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& hySquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0, -2,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& hzSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0,  0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& up    = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& down  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& up    = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& down  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
    return ( u[ west ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ east ]  ) * hxSquareInverse +
           ( u[ south ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ north ] ) * hySquareInverse +
           ( u[ up ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ down ] ) * hzSquareInverse;
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   //return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   //return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -335,17 +335,17 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   /* const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+   /* const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2,  0,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaY = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0, -2,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaZ = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0,  0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& up    = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& down  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& up    = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& down  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, down,   -lambdaZ );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, south,  -lambdaY );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, west,   -lambdaX );
diff --git a/examples/advection/advection.h b/examples/advection/advection.h
index dc8d52ae085b277225634637969e72e2d3ff6a40..44daebed11366c594e7abe581e0a1fa8f96bad3d 100644
--- a/examples/advection/advection.h
+++ b/examples/advection/advection.h
@@ -70,10 +70,10 @@ class advectionSetter
       static bool run( const Config::ParameterContainer & parameters )
-          enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+          enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
           typedef LaxFridrichs< MeshType, Real, Index > ApproximateOperator;
           typedef advectionRhs< MeshType, Real > RightHandSide;
-          typedef Containers::StaticVector < MeshType::getMeshDimensions(), Real > Vertex;
+          typedef Containers::StaticVector < MeshType::getMeshDimension(), Real > Point;
           * Resolve the template arguments of your solver here.
@@ -83,10 +83,10 @@ class advectionSetter
           String boundaryConditionsType = parameters.getParameter< String >( "boundary-conditions-type" );
           if( parameters.checkParameter( "boundary-conditions-constant" ) )
-             typedef Functions::Analytic::Constant< Dimensions, Real > Constant;
+             typedef Functions::Analytic::Constant< Dimension, Real > Constant;
              if( boundaryConditionsType == "dirichlet" )
-                typedef Operators::DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, Constant, MeshType::getMeshDimensions(), Real, Index > BoundaryConditions;
+                typedef Operators::DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, Constant, MeshType::getMeshDimension(), Real, Index > BoundaryConditions;
                 typedef advectionProblem< MeshType, BoundaryConditions, RightHandSide, ApproximateOperator > Problem;
                 SolverStarter solverStarter;
                 return solverStarter.template run< Problem >( parameters );
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ class advectionSetter
           typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunction;
           if( boundaryConditionsType == "dirichlet" )
-             typedef Operators::DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, MeshFunction, MeshType::getMeshDimensions(), Real, Index > BoundaryConditions;
+             typedef Operators::DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, MeshFunction, MeshType::getMeshDimension(), Real, Index > BoundaryConditions;
              typedef advectionProblem< MeshType, BoundaryConditions, RightHandSide, ApproximateOperator > Problem;
              SolverStarter solverStarter;
              return solverStarter.template run< Problem >( parameters );
diff --git a/examples/advection/advectionBuildConfigTag.h b/examples/advection/advectionBuildConfigTag.h
index 98371b43a3fce8743b7945bbec10ef04ce0d219c..c90930ecd8db938baf75165ac6c1db126536bd0b 100644
--- a/examples/advection/advectionBuildConfigTag.h
+++ b/examples/advection/advectionBuildConfigTag.h
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ template<> struct ConfigTagIndex< advectionBuildConfigTag, long int >{ enum { en
  * Use of Grid is enabled for allowed dimensions and Real, Device and Index types.
-template< int Dimensions, typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-   struct ConfigTagMesh< advectionBuildConfigTag, Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index > >
-      { enum { enabled = ConfigTagDimensions< advectionBuildConfigTag, Dimensions >::enabled  &&
+template< int Dimension, typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
+   struct ConfigTagMesh< advectionBuildConfigTag, Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index > >
+      { enum { enabled = ConfigTagDimension< advectionBuildConfigTag, Dimension >::enabled  &&
                          ConfigTagReal< advectionBuildConfigTag, Real >::enabled &&
                          ConfigTagDevice< advectionBuildConfigTag, Device >::enabled &&
                          ConfigTagIndex< advectionBuildConfigTag, Index >::enabled }; };
diff --git a/examples/advection/advectionProblem_impl.h b/examples/advection/advectionProblem_impl.h
index bebfff5c631a979af3d0a7e35a7686cdfabf0348..d391b1988a3f75a3b0ab858b77d73a4b0e6f702e 100644
--- a/examples/advection/advectionProblem_impl.h
+++ b/examples/advection/advectionProblem_impl.h
@@ -198,17 +198,17 @@ setupLinearSystem( const MeshPointer& mesh,
                    Matrix& matrix )
    const IndexType dofs = this->getDofs( mesh );
-   typedef typename Matrix::ObjectType::CompressedRowsLengthsVector CompressedRowsLengthsVectorType;
-   SharedPointer< CompressedRowsLengthsVectorType > rowLengths;
+   typedef typename Matrix::ObjectType::CompressedRowLengthsVector CompressedRowLengthsVectorType;
+   SharedPointer< CompressedRowLengthsVectorType > rowLengths;
    if( ! rowLengths->setSize( dofs ) )
       return false;
-   Matrices::MatrixSetter< MeshType, DifferentialOperator, BoundaryCondition, CompressedRowsLengthsVectorType > matrixSetter;
-   matrixSetter.template getCompressedRowsLengths< typename Mesh::Cell >( mesh,
+   Matrices::MatrixSetter< MeshType, DifferentialOperator, BoundaryCondition, CompressedRowLengthsVectorType > matrixSetter;
+   matrixSetter.template getCompressedRowLengths< typename Mesh::Cell >( mesh,
                                                                           rowLengths );
    matrix->setDimensions( dofs, dofs );
-   if( ! matrix->setCompressedRowsLengths( *rowLengths ) )
+   if( ! matrix->setCompressedRowLengths( *rowLengths ) )
       return false;
    return true;
@@ -280,26 +280,18 @@ getExplicitUpdate( const RealType& time,
-   else if (this->velocityType == "advection")
-*/  { 
-   this->bindDofs( mesh, _u );
-   Solvers::PDE::ExplicitUpdater< Mesh, MeshFunctionType, DifferentialOperator, BoundaryCondition, RightHandSide > explicitUpdater;
-   SharedPointer< MeshFunctionType > u( mesh, _u ); 
-   SharedPointer< MeshFunctionType > fu( mesh, _fu );
-   differentialOperatorPointer->setTau(tau); 
-   explicitUpdater.template update< typename Mesh::Cell >( time,
-                                                           mesh,
-                                                           this->differentialOperatorPointer,
-                                                           this->boundaryConditionPointer,
-                                                           this->rightHandSidePointer,
-                                                           u,
-                                                           fu );
-/*   BoundaryConditionsSetter< MeshFunctionType, BoundaryCondition > boundaryConditionsSetter; 
-   boundaryConditionsSetter.template apply< typename Mesh::Cell >( 
-      this->boundaryCondition, 
-      time + tau, 
-       u ); */
- }
+   else if (this->velocityType == "advection")*/
+   { 
+      this->bindDofs( mesh, _u );
+      Solvers::PDE::ExplicitUpdater< Mesh, MeshFunctionType, DifferentialOperator, BoundaryCondition, RightHandSide > explicitUpdater;
+      SharedPointer< MeshFunctionType > u( mesh, _u ); 
+      SharedPointer< MeshFunctionType > fu( mesh, _fu );
+      differentialOperatorPointer->setTau(tau); 
+      explicitUpdater.setDifferentialOperator( this->differentialOperatorPointer );
+      explicitUpdater.setBoundaryConditions( this->boundaryConditionPointer );
+      explicitUpdater.setRightHandSide( this->rightHandSidePointer );
+      explicitUpdater.template update< typename Mesh::Cell >( time, tau, mesh, u, fu );
+   }
 template< typename Mesh,
           typename BoundaryCondition,
diff --git a/examples/advection/advectionRhs.h b/examples/advection/advectionRhs.h
index 1ddb255a09906deece99fbf31df54659f3740a92..f32ef008cc9a007b6923400f81c282970720ef3d 100644
--- a/examples/advection/advectionRhs.h
+++ b/examples/advection/advectionRhs.h
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 namespace TNL {
 template< typename Mesh, typename Real >class advectionRhs
-  : public Functions::Domain< Mesh::meshDimensions, Functions::MeshDomain > 
+  : public Functions::Domain< Mesh::meshDimension, Functions::MeshDomain > 
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ template< typename Mesh, typename Real >class advectionRhs
       Real operator()( const MeshEntity& entity,
                        const Real& time = 0.0 ) const
-         typedef typename MeshEntity::MeshType::VertexType VertexType;
-         VertexType v = entity.getCenter();
+         typedef typename MeshEntity::MeshType::PointType PointType;
+         PointType v = entity.getCenter();
          return 0.0;
diff --git a/examples/heat-equation/HeatEquationBuildConfigTag.h b/examples/heat-equation/HeatEquationBuildConfigTag.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8579b7f473c6ab1a3472aaa8a11913758390a15a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/heat-equation/HeatEquationBuildConfigTag.h
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+                          HeatEquationBuildConfigTag.h  -  description
+                             -------------------
+    begin                : Jul 7, 2014
+    copyright            : (C) 2014 by Tomas Oberhuber
+    email                : tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ ***************************************************************************/
+/* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+#pragma once
+#include <TNL/Solvers/BuildConfigTags.h>
+namespace TNL {
+namespace Solvers {
+class HeatEquationBuildConfig
+   public:
+      static void print() { std::cerr << "HeatEquationBuildConfig" << std::endl; }
+ * Turn off support for float and long double.
+ */
+template<> struct ConfigTagReal< HeatEquationBuildConfig, float > { enum { enabled = false }; };
+template<> struct ConfigTagReal< HeatEquationBuildConfig, long double > { enum { enabled = false }; };
+ * Turn off support for short int and long int indexing.
+ */
+template<> struct ConfigTagIndex< HeatEquationBuildConfig, short int >{ enum { enabled = false }; };
+template<> struct ConfigTagIndex< HeatEquationBuildConfig, long int >{ enum { enabled = false }; };
+ * Use of Grid is enabled for allowed dimensions and Real, Device and Index types.
+ */
+template< int Dimension, typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
+   struct ConfigTagMesh< HeatEquationBuildConfig, Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index > >
+      { enum { enabled = ConfigTagDimension< HeatEquationBuildConfig, Dimension >::enabled  &&
+                         ConfigTagReal< HeatEquationBuildConfig, Real >::enabled &&
+                         ConfigTagDevice< HeatEquationBuildConfig, Device >::enabled &&
+                         ConfigTagIndex< HeatEquationBuildConfig, Index >::enabled }; };
+ * Please, chose your preferred time discretization  here.
+ */
+template<> struct ConfigTagTimeDiscretisation< HeatEquationBuildConfig, ExplicitTimeDiscretisationTag >{ enum { enabled = true }; };
+template<> struct ConfigTagTimeDiscretisation< HeatEquationBuildConfig, SemiImplicitTimeDiscretisationTag >{ enum { enabled = false }; };
+template<> struct ConfigTagTimeDiscretisation< HeatEquationBuildConfig, ImplicitTimeDiscretisationTag >{ enum { enabled = false }; };
+ * Only the Runge-Kutta-Merson solver is enabled by default.
+ */
+template<> struct ConfigTagExplicitSolver< HeatEquationBuildConfig, ExplicitEulerSolverTag >{ enum { enabled = false }; };
+} // namespace Solvers
+} // namespace TNL
diff --git a/examples/heat-equation/tnl-heat-equation-eoc.h b/examples/heat-equation/tnl-heat-equation-eoc.h
index 276763247c2434357e26503635368d30150c2af8..e228a8ca98ed78b49b98537d61945616f82f7c99 100644
--- a/examples/heat-equation/tnl-heat-equation-eoc.h
+++ b/examples/heat-equation/tnl-heat-equation-eoc.h
@@ -53,17 +53,17 @@ class heatEquationSetter
    typedef Device DeviceType;
    typedef Index IndexType;
-   typedef Containers::StaticVector< MeshType::meshDimensions, Real > Vertex;
+   typedef Containers::StaticVector< MeshType::meshDimension, Real > Point;
    static bool run( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters )
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::meshDimensions };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::meshDimension };
       typedef Operators::LinearDiffusion< MeshType, Real, Index > ApproximateOperator;
-      typedef Operators::ExactLinearDiffusion< Dimensions > ExactOperator;
-      typedef Functions::TestFunction< MeshType::meshDimensions, Real, Device > TestFunction;
+      typedef Operators::ExactLinearDiffusion< Dimension > ExactOperator;
+      typedef Functions::TestFunction< MeshType::meshDimension, Real, Device > TestFunction;
       typedef HeatEquationEocRhs< ExactOperator, TestFunction > RightHandSide;
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector < MeshType::meshDimensions, Real > Vertex;
-      typedef Operators::DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, TestFunction, Dimensions, Real, Index > BoundaryConditions;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector < MeshType::meshDimension, Real > Point;
+      typedef Operators::DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, TestFunction, Dimension, Real, Index > BoundaryConditions;
       typedef HeatEquationEocProblem< MeshType, BoundaryConditions, RightHandSide, ApproximateOperator > Solver;
       SolverStarter solverStarter;
       return solverStarter.template run< Solver >( parameters );
diff --git a/examples/heat-equation/tnl-heat-equation.h b/examples/heat-equation/tnl-heat-equation.h
index bb9de072e09465d93ba8bacdda947cfc474c1438..8fc4cc87b0e78dccdf68156c60fc6a55254452be 100644
--- a/examples/heat-equation/tnl-heat-equation.h
+++ b/examples/heat-equation/tnl-heat-equation.h
@@ -21,12 +21,14 @@
 #include <TNL/Functions/MeshFunction.h>
 #include <TNL/Problems/HeatEquationProblem.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/Grid.h>
+#include "HeatEquationBuildConfigTag.h"
 using namespace TNL;
 using namespace TNL::Problems;
 //typedef tnlDefaultBuildMeshConfig BuildConfig;
 typedef Solvers::FastBuildConfig BuildConfig;
+//typedef Solvers::HeatEquationBuildConfig BuildConfig;
 template< typename MeshConfig >
 class heatEquationConfig
@@ -66,14 +68,14 @@ class heatEquationSetter
    static bool run( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters )
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::meshDimensions };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::meshDimension };
       typedef Operators::LinearDiffusion< MeshType, Real, Index > ApproximateOperator;
-      typedef Functions::Analytic::Constant< Dimensions, Real > RightHandSide;
+      typedef Functions::Analytic::Constant< Dimension, Real > RightHandSide;
       String boundaryConditionsType = parameters.getParameter< String >( "boundary-conditions-type" );
       if( parameters.checkParameter( "boundary-conditions-constant" ) )
-         typedef Functions::Analytic::Constant< Dimensions, Real > Constant;
+         typedef Functions::Analytic::Constant< Dimension, Real > Constant;
          if( boundaryConditionsType == "dirichlet" )
             typedef Operators::DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, Constant > BoundaryConditions;
diff --git a/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/EulerPressureGetter.h b/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/EulerPressureGetter.h
index fc98847a276c165b9352a42767e70e43ec5bcd98..cab92dee240847397ada70cf2cd1808431bb5e97 100644
--- a/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/EulerPressureGetter.h
+++ b/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/EulerPressureGetter.h
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ template< typename Mesh,
           typename Real = typename Mesh::RealType,
           typename Index = typename Mesh::IndexType >
 class EulerPressureGetter
-: public Functions::Domain< Mesh::getMeshDimensions(), Functions::MeshDomain >
+: public Functions::Domain< Mesh::getMeshDimension(), Functions::MeshDomain >
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class EulerPressureGetter
       typedef Real RealType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
diff --git a/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/EulerVelGetter.h b/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/EulerVelGetter.h
index 7e58ae77d6058d27c6e21169603ed09efe68f089..32424aa0e3c22c12592baa2b3c746989da4cc0b1 100644
--- a/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/EulerVelGetter.h
+++ b/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/EulerVelGetter.h
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ template< typename Mesh,
           typename Real = typename Mesh::RealType,
           typename Index = typename Mesh::IndexType >
 class EulerVelGetter
-: public Functions::Domain< Mesh::getMeshDimensions(), Functions::MeshDomain >
+: public Functions::Domain< Mesh::getMeshDimension(), Functions::MeshDomain >
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class EulerVelGetter
       typedef Real RealType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
diff --git a/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/LaxFridrichsContinuity.h b/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/LaxFridrichsContinuity.h
index 8053895eda0787a52d12335ad4d9a1acc87e114a..0c86652fa8ec98ba7af0fc6b382c259e3ace3954 100644
--- a/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/LaxFridrichsContinuity.h
+++ b/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/LaxFridrichsContinuity.h
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class LaxFridrichsContinuity< Meshes::Grid< 1,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Rea
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
       Real tau;
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ class LaxFridrichsContinuity< Meshes::Grid< 2,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Rea
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
       Real tau;
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ class LaxFridrichsContinuity< Meshes::Grid< 3,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Rea
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
       Real tau;
diff --git a/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/LaxFridrichsContinuity_impl.h b/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/LaxFridrichsContinuity_impl.h
index 3be1a5b6e4cbcdafcab3cf81c55ac51304123a8e..86a2a759a370a85e30383529c9b817a3d2f14e0b 100644
--- a/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/LaxFridrichsContinuity_impl.h
+++ b/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/LaxFridrichsContinuity_impl.h
@@ -34,15 +34,15 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
             const MeshEntity& entity,
             const Real& time ) const
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 1, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 1, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 1, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 1, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
     const RealType& hxInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1 >(); 
     const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-    const IndexType& east = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
-    const IndexType& west = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >();
+    const IndexType& east = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
+    const IndexType& west = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >();
     return (0.5 * this->tau) * ( u[ west ] - 2.0 * u[ center ]  + u[ east ] ) 
           - 0.5 * hxInverse * ( u[ west ] * this->velocity[ west ] - u[ east ] * this->velocity[ east ] );
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -94,11 +94,11 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, west,   - lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, center, 2.0 * lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, east,   - lambdaX );
@@ -140,17 +140,17 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 2, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 2, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 2, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 2, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& hxSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2, 0 >(); 
    const RealType& hySquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
    return ( u[ west ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ east ]  ) * hxSquareInverse +
           ( u[ south ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ north ] ) * hySquareInverse;
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -202,14 +202,14 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2, 0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaY = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, south,  -lambdaY );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, west,   -lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, center, 2.0 * ( lambdaX + lambdaY ) );
@@ -253,20 +253,20 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 3, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 3, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 3, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 3, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& hxSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2,  0,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& hySquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0, -2,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& hzSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0,  0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& up    = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& down  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& up    = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& down  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
    return ( u[ west ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ east ]  ) * hxSquareInverse +
           ( u[ south ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ north ] ) * hySquareInverse +
           ( u[ up ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ down ] ) * hzSquareInverse;
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -319,17 +319,17 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2,  0,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaY = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0, -2,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaZ = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0,  0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& up    = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& down  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& up    = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& down  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, down,   -lambdaZ );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, south,  -lambdaY );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, west,   -lambdaX );
diff --git a/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/LaxFridrichsEnergy.h b/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/LaxFridrichsEnergy.h
index fa0012eb8d006aa452b702c4d0d38eed6b04ccdd..4d60304f7ee19eee98e41ffeac64f6c6b33ef39a 100644
--- a/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/LaxFridrichsEnergy.h
+++ b/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/LaxFridrichsEnergy.h
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class LaxFridrichsEnergy< Meshes::Grid< 1,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, I
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
       Real tau;
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class LaxFridrichsEnergy< Meshes::Grid< 2,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, I
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
       Real tau;
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ class LaxFridrichsEnergy< Meshes::Grid< 3,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, I
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
       Real tau;
diff --git a/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/LaxFridrichsEnergy_impl.h b/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/LaxFridrichsEnergy_impl.h
index ba8092e807211da1470873252ad269c98d69a990..644ef7daf9c0cc1057f5993286904916b0e02c9c 100644
--- a/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/LaxFridrichsEnergy_impl.h
+++ b/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/LaxFridrichsEnergy_impl.h
@@ -39,15 +39,15 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 1, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 1, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 1, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 1, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& hxInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >();
+   const IndexType& east = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >();
    return (0.5 * this->tau) * ( u[ west ] - 2.0 * u[ center ]  + u[ east ] ) 
           - 0.5 * hxInverse * 
           (( u[ west ] + this->pressure[ west ] ) * velocity[ west ]  
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -101,11 +101,11 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, west,   - lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, center, 2.0 * lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, east,   - lambdaX );
@@ -147,17 +147,17 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 2, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 2, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 2, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 2, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& hxSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2, 0 >(); 
    const RealType& hySquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
    return ( u[ west ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ east ]  ) * hxSquareInverse +
           ( u[ south ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ north ] ) * hySquareInverse;
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -209,14 +209,14 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2, 0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaY = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, south,  -lambdaY );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, west,   -lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, center, 2.0 * ( lambdaX + lambdaY ) );
@@ -260,20 +260,20 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 3, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 3, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 3, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 3, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& hxSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2,  0,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& hySquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0, -2,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& hzSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0,  0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& up    = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& down  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& up    = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& down  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
    return ( u[ west ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ east ]  ) * hxSquareInverse +
           ( u[ south ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ north ] ) * hySquareInverse +
           ( u[ up ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ down ] ) * hzSquareInverse;
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -326,17 +326,17 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2,  0,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaY = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0, -2,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaZ = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0,  0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& up    = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& down  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& up    = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& down  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, down,   -lambdaZ );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, south,  -lambdaY );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, west,   -lambdaX );
diff --git a/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/LaxFridrichsMomentum.h b/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/LaxFridrichsMomentum.h
index 5bb8818833b32f14415c4d2c107dfe0025d44a7e..429747ad5c1e58a80a016ba207f0bd0f7fa0eaf8 100644
--- a/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/LaxFridrichsMomentum.h
+++ b/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/LaxFridrichsMomentum.h
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class LaxFridrichsMomentum< Meshes::Grid< 1,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real,
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
       Real tau;
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class LaxFridrichsMomentum< Meshes::Grid< 2,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real,
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
       Real tau;
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ class LaxFridrichsMomentum< Meshes::Grid< 3,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real,
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
       Real tau;
diff --git a/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/LaxFridrichsMomentum_impl.h b/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/LaxFridrichsMomentum_impl.h
index 75c7a7fea080bc13201c19dd843f017b8052e4bc..1df79eb812a612fe6649712db58f0d3c733e5b7a 100644
--- a/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/LaxFridrichsMomentum_impl.h
+++ b/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/LaxFridrichsMomentum_impl.h
@@ -34,15 +34,15 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
             const MeshEntity& entity,
             const Real& time ) const
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 1, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 1, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 1, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 1, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& hxInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >();
+   const IndexType& east = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >();
    return (0.5 * this->tau) * ( u[ west ] - 2.0 * u[ center ]  + u[ east ] ) 
           - 0.5 * hxInverse * 
           (( u[ west ] * this -> velocity[ west ] + this -> pressure [ west ] ) 
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, west,   - lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, center, 2.0 * lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, east,   - lambdaX );
@@ -142,17 +142,17 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 2, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 2, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 2, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 2, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& hxSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2, 0 >(); 
    const RealType& hySquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
    return ( u[ west ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ east ]  ) * hxSquareInverse +
           ( u[ south ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ north ] ) * hySquareInverse;
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -204,14 +204,14 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2, 0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaY = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, south,  -lambdaY );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, west,   -lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, center, 2.0 * ( lambdaX + lambdaY ) );
@@ -255,20 +255,20 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 3, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 3, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 3, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 3, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& hxSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2,  0,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& hySquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0, -2,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& hzSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0,  0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& up    = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& down  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& up    = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& down  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
    return ( u[ west ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ east ]  ) * hxSquareInverse +
           ( u[ south ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ north ] ) * hySquareInverse +
           ( u[ up ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ down ] ) * hzSquareInverse;
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -321,17 +321,17 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2,  0,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaY = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0, -2,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaZ = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0,  0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& up    = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& down  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& up    = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& down  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, down,   -lambdaZ );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, south,  -lambdaY );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, west,   -lambdaX );
diff --git a/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/euler.h b/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/euler.h
index 65bf55820659f8ce67d3a1cfd5622e1f558dab72..57fcf5658c0c34315cb0c937595e0d18a882a54d 100644
--- a/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/euler.h
+++ b/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/euler.h
@@ -66,10 +66,10 @@ class eulerSetter
       static bool run( const Config::ParameterContainer & parameters )
-          enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+          enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
           typedef LaxFridrichs< MeshType, Real, Index > ApproximateOperator;
           typedef eulerRhs< MeshType, Real > RightHandSide;
-          typedef Containers::StaticVector < MeshType::getMeshDimensions(), Real > Vertex;
+          typedef Containers::StaticVector < MeshType::getMeshDimension(), Real > Point;
           * Resolve the template arguments of your solver here.
@@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ class eulerSetter
           String boundaryConditionsType = parameters.getParameter< String >( "boundary-conditions-type" );
           if( parameters.checkParameter( "boundary-conditions-constant" ) )
-             typedef Functions::Analytic::Constant< Dimensions, Real > Constant;
+             typedef Functions::Analytic::Constant< Dimension, Real > Constant;
              if( boundaryConditionsType == "dirichlet" )
-                typedef Operators::DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, Constant, MeshType::getMeshDimensions(), Real, Index > BoundaryConditions;
+                typedef Operators::DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, Constant, MeshType::getMeshDimension(), Real, Index > BoundaryConditions;
                 typedef eulerProblem< MeshType, BoundaryConditions, RightHandSide, ApproximateOperator > Problem;
                 SolverStarter solverStarter;
                 return solverStarter.template run< Problem >( parameters );
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class eulerSetter
           typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunction;
           if( boundaryConditionsType == "dirichlet" )
-             typedef Operators::DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, MeshFunction, MeshType::getMeshDimensions(), Real, Index > BoundaryConditions;
+             typedef Operators::DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, MeshFunction, MeshType::getMeshDimension(), Real, Index > BoundaryConditions;
              typedef eulerProblem< MeshType, BoundaryConditions, RightHandSide, ApproximateOperator > Problem;
              SolverStarter solverStarter;
              return solverStarter.template run< Problem >( parameters );
diff --git a/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/eulerBuildConfigTag.h b/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/eulerBuildConfigTag.h
index abede16343a81cde5e75386f8b2e15117fd6672d..b219ba4ff58c0c6601f7393e93ee395fa18ce6f8 100644
--- a/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/eulerBuildConfigTag.h
+++ b/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/eulerBuildConfigTag.h
@@ -21,14 +21,14 @@ template<> struct ConfigTagReal< eulerBuildConfigTag, long double > { enum { ena
 template<> struct ConfigTagIndex< eulerBuildConfigTag, short int >{ enum { enabled = false }; };
 template<> struct ConfigTagIndex< eulerBuildConfigTag, long int >{ enum { enabled = false }; };
-template< int Dimensions > struct ConfigTagDimensions< eulerBuildConfigTag, Dimensions >{ enum { enabled = ( Dimensions == 1 ) }; };
+template< int Dimension > struct ConfigTagDimension< eulerBuildConfigTag, Dimension >{ enum { enabled = ( Dimension == 1 ) }; };
  * Use of Grid is enabled for allowed dimensions and Real, Device and Index types.
-template< int Dimensions, typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-   struct ConfigTagMesh< eulerBuildConfigTag, Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index > >
-      { enum { enabled = ConfigTagDimensions< eulerBuildConfigTag, Dimensions >::enabled  &&
+template< int Dimension, typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
+   struct ConfigTagMesh< eulerBuildConfigTag, Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index > >
+      { enum { enabled = ConfigTagDimension< eulerBuildConfigTag, Dimension >::enabled  &&
                          ConfigTagReal< eulerBuildConfigTag, Real >::enabled &&
                          ConfigTagDevice< eulerBuildConfigTag, Device >::enabled &&
                          ConfigTagIndex< eulerBuildConfigTag, Index >::enabled }; };
diff --git a/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/eulerProblem_impl.h b/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/eulerProblem_impl.h
index 43e45d6693c7a8963d334030c266498dae3b3761..8d690994edefde937f856f1a3e075a6b123e2582 100644
--- a/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/eulerProblem_impl.h
+++ b/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/eulerProblem_impl.h
@@ -168,17 +168,17 @@ setupLinearSystem( const MeshPointer& mesh,
                    Matrix& matrix )
 /*   const IndexType dofs = this->getDofs( mesh );
-   typedef typename Matrix::CompressedRowsLengthsVector CompressedRowsLengthsVectorType;
-   CompressedRowsLengthsVectorType rowLengths;
+   typedef typename Matrix::CompressedRowLengthsVector CompressedRowLengthsVectorType;
+   CompressedRowLengthsVectorType rowLengths;
    if( ! rowLengths.setSize( dofs ) )
       return false;
-   MatrixSetter< MeshType, DifferentialOperator, BoundaryCondition, CompressedRowsLengthsVectorType > matrixSetter;
-   matrixSetter.template getCompressedRowsLengths< typename Mesh::Cell >( mesh,
+   MatrixSetter< MeshType, DifferentialOperator, BoundaryCondition, CompressedRowLengthsVectorType > matrixSetter;
+   matrixSetter.template getCompressedRowLengths< typename Mesh::Cell >( mesh,
                                                                           rowLengths );
    matrix.setDimensions( dofs, dofs );
-   if( ! matrix.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths ) )
+   if( ! matrix.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths ) )
       return false;*/
    return true;
@@ -297,13 +297,10 @@ getExplicitUpdate( const RealType& time,
    lF1DMomentum->setVelocity( *velocity);
    lF1DMomentum->setPressure( *pressure);
    Solvers::PDE::ExplicitUpdater< Mesh, MeshFunctionType, Momentum, BoundaryCondition, RightHandSide > explicitUpdaterMomentum;
-   explicitUpdaterMomentum.template update< typename Mesh::Cell >( time,
-                                                           mesh,
-                                                           lF1DMomentum,
-                                                           this->boundaryConditionsPointer,
-                                                           this->rightHandSidePointer,
-                                                           uRhoVelocity,
-                                                           fuRhoVelocity );
+   explicitUpdaterMomentum.setDifferentialOperator( lF1DMomentum );
+   explicitUpdaterMomentum.setBoundaryConditions( this->boundaryConditionsPointer );
+   explicitUpdaterMomentum.setRightHandSide( this->rightHandSidePointer );
+   explicitUpdaterMomentum.template update< typename Mesh::Cell >( time, tau, mesh, uRhoVelocity, fuRhoVelocity );
    std::cout << "explicitRHSenergy" << std::endl;
@@ -311,13 +308,11 @@ getExplicitUpdate( const RealType& time,
    lF1DEnergy->setPressure( *pressure);
    lF1DEnergy->setVelocity( *velocity);
    Solvers::PDE::ExplicitUpdater< Mesh, MeshFunctionType, Energy, BoundaryCondition, RightHandSide > explicitUpdaterEnergy;
-   explicitUpdaterEnergy.template update< typename Mesh::Cell >( time,
-                                                           mesh,
-                                                           lF1DEnergy,
-                                                           this->boundaryConditionsPointer,
-                                                           this->rightHandSidePointer,
-                                                           uEnergy,
-                                                           fuEnergy );  
+   explicitUpdaterEnergy.setDifferentialOperator( lF1DEnergy );
+   explicitUpdaterEnergy.setBoundaryConditions( this->boundaryConditionsPointer );
+   explicitUpdaterEnergy.setRightHandSide( this->rightHandSidePointer );
+   explicitUpdaterEnergy.template update< typename Mesh::Cell >( time, tau, mesh, uEnergy, fuEnergy );  
diff --git a/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/eulerRhs.h b/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/eulerRhs.h
index 1b46dc831fe9daa6133ff32ee4bea5faf4eb8d1c..97dc9f07b391dc52020094be9d9eed279cbd1562 100644
--- a/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/eulerRhs.h
+++ b/examples/inviscid-flow/1d/eulerRhs.h
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 namespace TNL {
 template< typename Mesh, typename Real >class eulerRhs
-  : public Functions::Domain< Mesh::meshDimensions, Functions::MeshDomain > 
+  : public Functions::Domain< Mesh::meshDimension, Functions::MeshDomain > 
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ template< typename Mesh, typename Real >class eulerRhs
       Real operator()( const MeshEntity& entity,
                        const Real& time = 0.0 ) const
-         typedef typename MeshEntity::MeshType::VertexType VertexType;
-         VertexType v = entity.getCenter();
+         typedef typename MeshEntity::MeshType::PointType PointType;
+         PointType v = entity.getCenter();
          return 0.0;
diff --git a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/EulerPressureGetter.h b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/EulerPressureGetter.h
index 49e50d72576c270dc1f94f661aae70444ca00677..3a73c8241ee05184ee72d5aea2869bcc18d3c45b 100644
--- a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/EulerPressureGetter.h
+++ b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/EulerPressureGetter.h
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class EulerPressureGetter< Meshes::Grid< 1,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real,
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
       Real gamma;
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class EulerPressureGetter< Meshes::Grid< 2,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real,
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
       Real gamma;
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ class EulerPressureGetter< Meshes::Grid< 3,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real,
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
       Real gamma;
diff --git a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/EulerPressureGetter_impl.h b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/EulerPressureGetter_impl.h
index 7d6b9310df3ddd19fbb261d7eb8dca00b72c82b9..07d61f383a00c6b71cb0607d17311ed90458aa5f 100644
--- a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/EulerPressureGetter_impl.h
+++ b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/EulerPressureGetter_impl.h
@@ -39,13 +39,13 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 1, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 1, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 1, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 1, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& hxSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
    return ( u[ west ] - 2.0 * u[ center ]  + u[ east ] ) * hxSquareInverse;
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, west,   - lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, center, 2.0 * lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, east,   - lambdaX );
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -195,14 +195,14 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2, 0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaY = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, south,  -lambdaY );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, west,   -lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, center, 2.0 * ( lambdaX + lambdaY ) );
@@ -246,20 +246,20 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 3, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 3, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 3, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 3, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& hxSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2,  0,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& hySquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0, -2,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& hzSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0,  0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& up    = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& down  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& up    = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& down  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
    return ( u[ west ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ east ]  ) * hxSquareInverse +
           ( u[ south ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ north ] ) * hySquareInverse +
           ( u[ up ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ down ] ) * hzSquareInverse;
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -312,17 +312,17 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2,  0,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaY = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0, -2,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaZ = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0,  0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& up    = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& down  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& up    = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& down  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, down,   -lambdaZ );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, south,  -lambdaY );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, west,   -lambdaX );
diff --git a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/EulerVelGetter.h b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/EulerVelGetter.h
index 2da0052b87492d6dd27a2b6def5fa3ead42318fa..d913664bde12bdecbf804d163038d07638e73ce7 100644
--- a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/EulerVelGetter.h
+++ b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/EulerVelGetter.h
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class EulerVelGetter< Meshes::Grid< 1, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, Inde
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
       MeshFunctionType velX;
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class EulerVelGetter< Meshes::Grid< 2, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, Inde
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
       MeshFunctionType velX;
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ class EulerVelGetter< Meshes::Grid< 3, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, Inde
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
       MeshFunctionType velX;
diff --git a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/EulerVelGetter_impl.h b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/EulerVelGetter_impl.h
index eeac07e57011bac7bd9769de63687f2f9bbc0852..17d4c8a4ef1760eea919c08a1af6990d84f2b932 100644
--- a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/EulerVelGetter_impl.h
+++ b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/EulerVelGetter_impl.h
@@ -39,13 +39,13 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 1, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 1, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 1, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 1, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& hxSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
    return ( u[ west ] - 2.0 * u[ center ]  + u[ east ] ) * hxSquareInverse;
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, west,   - lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, center, 2.0 * lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, east,   - lambdaX );
@@ -142,9 +142,9 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 2, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 2, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 2, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 2, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
    return ::sqrt(pow( velX[ center ],2)+pow( velY[ center ],2));
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -197,14 +197,14 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2, 0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaY = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, south,  -lambdaY );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, west,   -lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, center, 2.0 * ( lambdaX + lambdaY ) );
@@ -248,20 +248,20 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 3, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 3, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 3, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 3, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& hxSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2,  0,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& hySquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0, -2,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& hzSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0,  0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& up    = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& down  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& up    = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& down  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
    return ( u[ west ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ east ]  ) * hxSquareInverse +
           ( u[ south ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ north ] ) * hySquareInverse +
           ( u[ up ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ down ] ) * hzSquareInverse;
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -314,17 +314,17 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2,  0,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaY = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0, -2,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaZ = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0,  0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& up    = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& down  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& up    = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& down  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, down,   -lambdaZ );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, south,  -lambdaY );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, west,   -lambdaX );
diff --git a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/EulerVelXGetter.h b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/EulerVelXGetter.h
index 93e3363bfab2f2d7eca6b375d9013c661bd47427..f7d8f5f7180f6f0ba65c40e43011d636c5482f52 100644
--- a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/EulerVelXGetter.h
+++ b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/EulerVelXGetter.h
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class EulerVelXGetter< Meshes::Grid< 1,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, Inde
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
       MeshFunctionType rhoVelX;
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class EulerVelXGetter< Meshes::Grid< 2,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, Inde
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
       MeshFunctionType rhoVelX;
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ class EulerVelXGetter< Meshes::Grid< 3,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, Inde
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
       MeshFunctionType rhoVelX;
diff --git a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/EulerVelXGetter_impl.h b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/EulerVelXGetter_impl.h
index 6008509056afbadfbd99dddc3c0a57bad4185b28..eee5a63b51ca1743c944333c564357ac00dd3f28 100644
--- a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/EulerVelXGetter_impl.h
+++ b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/EulerVelXGetter_impl.h
@@ -38,13 +38,13 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 1, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 1, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 1, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 1, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& hxSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
    return ( u[ west ] - 2.0 * u[ center ]  + u[ east ] ) * hxSquareInverse;
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -95,11 +95,11 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, west,   - lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, center, 2.0 * lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, east,   - lambdaX );
@@ -141,9 +141,9 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 2, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 2, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 2, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 2, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
    return ( rhoVelX[ center ] / rho[ center ]);
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -196,14 +196,14 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2, 0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaY = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, south,  -lambdaY );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, west,   -lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, center, 2.0 * ( lambdaX + lambdaY ) );
@@ -247,20 +247,20 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 3, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 3, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 3, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 3, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& hxSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2,  0,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& hySquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0, -2,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& hzSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0,  0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& up    = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& down  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& up    = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& down  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
    return ( u[ west ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ east ]  ) * hxSquareInverse +
           ( u[ south ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ north ] ) * hySquareInverse +
           ( u[ up ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ down ] ) * hzSquareInverse;
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -313,17 +313,17 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2,  0,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaY = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0, -2,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaZ = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0,  0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& up    = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& down  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& up    = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& down  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, down,   -lambdaZ );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, south,  -lambdaY );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, west,   -lambdaX );
diff --git a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/EulerVelYGetter.h b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/EulerVelYGetter.h
index 49474808d38d60baa3a0625ca690b953f714c5c7..62ecc39a0d361cd51e1f739746d992df2bc40176 100644
--- a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/EulerVelYGetter.h
+++ b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/EulerVelYGetter.h
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class EulerVelYGetter< Meshes::Grid< 1,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, Inde
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
       MeshFunctionType rhoVelY;
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ class EulerVelYGetter< Meshes::Grid< 2,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, Inde
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
       MeshFunctionType rhoVelY;
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ class EulerVelYGetter< Meshes::Grid< 3,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, Inde
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
       MeshFunctionType rhoVelY;
diff --git a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/EulerVelYGetter_impl.h b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/EulerVelYGetter_impl.h
index 337f4208c3ee6c0feef0e77e4d136b7704113671..d73d3a42b1ed581f8b62ce45becbaaf563f8d5a2 100644
--- a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/EulerVelYGetter_impl.h
+++ b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/EulerVelYGetter_impl.h
@@ -39,13 +39,13 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 1, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 1, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 1, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 1, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& hxSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
    return ( u[ west ] - 2.0 * u[ center ]  + u[ east ] ) * hxSquareInverse;
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, west,   - lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, center, 2.0 * lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, east,   - lambdaX );
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -189,14 +189,14 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2, 0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaY = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, south,  -lambdaY );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, west,   -lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, center, 2.0 * ( lambdaX + lambdaY ) );
@@ -240,20 +240,20 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 3, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 3, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 3, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 3, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& hxSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2,  0,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& hySquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0, -2,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& hzSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0,  0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& up    = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& down  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& up    = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& down  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
    return ( u[ west ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ east ]  ) * hxSquareInverse +
           ( u[ south ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ north ] ) * hySquareInverse +
           ( u[ up ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ down ] ) * hzSquareInverse;
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -306,17 +306,17 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2,  0,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaY = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0, -2,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaZ = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0,  0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& up    = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& down  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& up    = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& down  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, down,   -lambdaZ );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, south,  -lambdaY );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, west,   -lambdaX );
diff --git a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/LaxFridrichsContinuity.h b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/LaxFridrichsContinuity.h
index 433d6a3512cbd8493ac16d0181d2255bb7692974..3b212e97009c3d3e2c58e1d305482dd777ef6de1 100644
--- a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/LaxFridrichsContinuity.h
+++ b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/LaxFridrichsContinuity.h
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class LaxFridrichsContinuity< Meshes::Grid< 1,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Rea
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
       Real tau;
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class LaxFridrichsContinuity< Meshes::Grid< 2,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Rea
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
       Real tau;
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ class LaxFridrichsContinuity< Meshes::Grid< 3,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Rea
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
       Real tau;
diff --git a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/LaxFridrichsContinuity_impl .h b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/LaxFridrichsContinuity_impl .h
index 237b1a5845614a16ec708cf495ad057b297830b2..4a58138a9009f39f2b57a4ddbacb3cd8c85f6104 100644
--- a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/LaxFridrichsContinuity_impl .h	
+++ b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/LaxFridrichsContinuity_impl .h	
@@ -39,13 +39,13 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 1, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 1, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 1, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 1, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
     const RealType& hxSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1 >(); 
     const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-    const IndexType& east = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
-    const IndexType& west = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
+    const IndexType& east = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
+    const IndexType& west = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
    return ( u[ west ] - 2.0 * u[ center ]  + u[ east ] ) * hxSquareInverse;
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, west,   - lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, center, 2.0 * lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, east,   - lambdaX );
@@ -142,18 +142,18 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 2, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 2, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 2, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 2, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& hxInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0 >(); 
    const RealType& hyInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
    return (0.5 * this->tau) * ( u[ west ] + u[ east ] + u[ south ] + u[ north ] - 4.0 * u[ center ] ) 
           - 0.5 * hxInverse * ( u[ west ] * this->velocityX[ west ] - u[ east ] * this->velocityX[ east ] )
           - 0.5 * hyInverse * ( u[ north ] * this->velocityY[ north ] - u[ south ] * this->velocityY[ east ] );
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -206,14 +206,14 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2, 0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaY = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, south,  -lambdaY );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, west,   -lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, center, 2.0 * ( lambdaX + lambdaY ) );
@@ -257,20 +257,20 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 3, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 3, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 3, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 3, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& hxSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2,  0,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& hySquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0, -2,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& hzSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0,  0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& up    = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& down  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& up    = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& down  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
    return ( u[ west ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ east ]  ) * hxSquareInverse +
           ( u[ south ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ north ] ) * hySquareInverse +
           ( u[ up ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ down ] ) * hzSquareInverse;
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -323,17 +323,17 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2,  0,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaY = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0, -2,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaZ = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0,  0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& up    = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& down  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& up    = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& down  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, down,   -lambdaZ );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, south,  -lambdaY );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, west,   -lambdaX );
diff --git a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/LaxFridrichsEnergy.h b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/LaxFridrichsEnergy.h
index 8685697295d485d03c57e3748d2b6320e84f3ac5..ed6376316fdbb884d0f358c0ff558e83cde5dd3c 100644
--- a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/LaxFridrichsEnergy.h
+++ b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/LaxFridrichsEnergy.h
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class LaxFridrichsEnergy< Meshes::Grid< 1,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, I
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
       Real tau;
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ class LaxFridrichsEnergy< Meshes::Grid< 2,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, I
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
       Real tau;
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ class LaxFridrichsEnergy< Meshes::Grid< 3,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, I
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
       Real tau;
diff --git a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/LaxFridrichsEnergy_impl.h b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/LaxFridrichsEnergy_impl.h
index e4f9b2e176d9acdb50157c6cf5f77a6c86801dd8..738c8fc793eb849e93c860b03ba63a37105c69fd 100644
--- a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/LaxFridrichsEnergy_impl.h
+++ b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/LaxFridrichsEnergy_impl.h
@@ -39,13 +39,13 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 1, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 1, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 1, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 1, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& hxSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
    return ( u[ west ] - 2.0 * u[ center ]  + u[ east ] ) * hxSquareInverse;
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, west,   - lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, center, 2.0 * lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, east,   - lambdaX );
@@ -142,17 +142,17 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 2, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 2, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 2, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 2, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& hxInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0 >(); 
    const RealType& hyInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
    return (0.5 * this->tau) * ( u[ west ] + u[ east ] + u[ south ] + u[ north ] - 4.0 * u[ center ] ) 
           - 0.5 * hxInverse * ((( u[ west ] + this->pressure[ west ] ) * this->velocityX[ west ] )
 			      -(( u[ east ] + this->pressure[ east ] ) * this->velocityX[ east ] ))
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -207,14 +207,14 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2, 0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaY = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, south,  -lambdaY );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, west,   -lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, center, 2.0 * ( lambdaX + lambdaY ) );
@@ -258,20 +258,20 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 3, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 3, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 3, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 3, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& hxSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2,  0,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& hySquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0, -2,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& hzSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0,  0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& up    = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& down  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& up    = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& down  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
    return ( u[ west ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ east ]  ) * hxSquareInverse +
           ( u[ south ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ north ] ) * hySquareInverse +
           ( u[ up ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ down ] ) * hzSquareInverse;
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -324,17 +324,17 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2,  0,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaY = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0, -2,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaZ = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0,  0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& up    = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& down  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& up    = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& down  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, down,   -lambdaZ );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, south,  -lambdaY );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, west,   -lambdaX );
diff --git a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/LaxFridrichsMomentumX.h b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/LaxFridrichsMomentumX.h
index b82758fc7c24cebfcc08580d73c0fd142a82dedc..d5253d6115d84bd512bf031b2177f2dccb70481f 100644
--- a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/LaxFridrichsMomentumX.h
+++ b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/LaxFridrichsMomentumX.h
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class LaxFridrichsMomentumX< Meshes::Grid< 1,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
       Real tau;
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class LaxFridrichsMomentumX< Meshes::Grid< 2,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
       Real tau;
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ class LaxFridrichsMomentumX< Meshes::Grid< 3,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
       Real tau;
diff --git a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/LaxFridrichsMomentumX_impl.h b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/LaxFridrichsMomentumX_impl.h
index bffb1fe02b4bdc505cb2214954a159f4b8f141bc..90af83ddace740a86a827bed419fc4b6ff742d15 100644
--- a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/LaxFridrichsMomentumX_impl.h
+++ b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/LaxFridrichsMomentumX_impl.h
@@ -39,13 +39,13 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 1, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 1, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 1, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 1, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& hxSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
    return ( u[ west ] - 2.0 * u[ center ]  + u[ east ] ) * hxSquareInverse;
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, west,   - lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, center, 2.0 * lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, east,   - lambdaX );
@@ -142,18 +142,18 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 2, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 2, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 2, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 2, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& hxInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0 >(); 
    const RealType& hyInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
    return (0.5 * this->tau) * ( u[ west ] + u[ east ] + u[ south ] + u[ north ] - 4.0 * u[ center ] ) 
           - 0.5 * hxInverse * (( u[ west ] * this->velocityX[ west ] + this->pressure[ west ] )
 			      -( u[ east ] * this->velocityX[ east ] + this->pressure[ east ] ))
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -208,14 +208,14 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2, 0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaY = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, south,  -lambdaY );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, west,   -lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, center, 2.0 * ( lambdaX + lambdaY ) );
@@ -259,20 +259,20 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 3, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 3, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 3, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 3, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& hxSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2,  0,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& hySquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0, -2,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& hzSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0,  0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& up    = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& down  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& up    = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& down  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
    return ( u[ west ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ east ]  ) * hxSquareInverse +
           ( u[ south ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ north ] ) * hySquareInverse +
           ( u[ up ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ down ] ) * hzSquareInverse;
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -325,17 +325,17 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2,  0,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaY = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0, -2,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaZ = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0,  0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& up    = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& down  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& up    = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& down  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, down,   -lambdaZ );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, south,  -lambdaY );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, west,   -lambdaX );
diff --git a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/LaxFridrichsMomentumY.h b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/LaxFridrichsMomentumY.h
index 309051829f7b973ed3009ae12eef2c8ec425f647..83d716bf89709389ed11a61cfd15fe54b8d1acb2 100644
--- a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/LaxFridrichsMomentumY.h
+++ b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/LaxFridrichsMomentumY.h
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class LaxFridrichsMomentumY< Meshes::Grid< 1,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
       Real tau;
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ class LaxFridrichsMomentumY< Meshes::Grid< 2,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
       Real tau;
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ class LaxFridrichsMomentumY< Meshes::Grid< 3,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
       Real tau;
diff --git a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/LaxFridrichsMomentumY_impl.h b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/LaxFridrichsMomentumY_impl.h
index 0624e19aa88750ceb7c78f940b287e515e34ee45..a7bc944ef8235e3860d4c4ca3a9d8b36d563644f 100644
--- a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/LaxFridrichsMomentumY_impl.h
+++ b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/LaxFridrichsMomentumY_impl.h
@@ -39,13 +39,13 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 1, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 1, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 1, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 1, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& hxSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
    return ( u[ west ] - 2.0 * u[ center ]  + u[ east ] ) * hxSquareInverse;
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, west,   - lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, center, 2.0 * lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, east,   - lambdaX );
@@ -142,18 +142,18 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 2, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 2, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 2, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 2, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& hxInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0 >(); 
    const RealType& hyInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
    return (0.5 * this->tau) * ( u[ west ] + u[ east ] + u[ south ] + u[ north ] - 4.0 * u[ center ] ) 
           - 0.5 * hyInverse * (( u[ west ] * this->velocityX[ west ] )
 			      -( u[ east ] * this->velocityX[ east ] ))
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -208,14 +208,14 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2, 0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaY = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, south,  -lambdaY );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, west,   -lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, center, 2.0 * ( lambdaX + lambdaY ) );
@@ -259,20 +259,20 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 3, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 3, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 3, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 3, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& hxSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2,  0,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& hySquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0, -2,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& hzSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0,  0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& up    = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& down  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& up    = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& down  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
    return ( u[ west ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ east ]  ) * hxSquareInverse +
           ( u[ south ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ north ] ) * hySquareInverse +
           ( u[ up ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ down ] ) * hzSquareInverse;
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -325,17 +325,17 @@ updateLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2,  0,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaY = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0, -2,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaZ = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0,  0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& up    = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& down  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& up    = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& down  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, down,   -lambdaZ );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, south,  -lambdaY );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, west,   -lambdaX );
diff --git a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/euler.h b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/euler.h
index a888f928e86227dd3126c32408ba69fe46c89b7d..2375f1095bd794d93d900c7eb84b358f74c87e5c 100644
--- a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/euler.h
+++ b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/euler.h
@@ -67,10 +67,10 @@ class eulerSetter
       static bool run( const Config::ParameterContainer & parameters )
-          enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+          enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
           typedef LaxFridrichs< MeshType, Real, Index > ApproximateOperator;
           typedef eulerRhs< MeshType, Real > RightHandSide;
-          typedef Containers::StaticVector < MeshType::getMeshDimensions(), Real > Vertex;
+          typedef Containers::StaticVector < MeshType::getMeshDimension(), Real > Point;
           * Resolve the template arguments of your solver here.
@@ -80,10 +80,10 @@ class eulerSetter
           String boundaryConditionsType = parameters.getParameter< String >( "boundary-conditions-type" );
           if( parameters.checkParameter( "boundary-conditions-constant" ) )
-             typedef Functions::Analytic::Constant< Dimensions, Real > Constant;
+             typedef Functions::Analytic::Constant< Dimension, Real > Constant;
              if( boundaryConditionsType == "dirichlet" )
-                typedef Operators::DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, Constant, MeshType::getMeshDimensions(), Real, Index > BoundaryConditions;
+                typedef Operators::DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, Constant, MeshType::getMeshDimension(), Real, Index > BoundaryConditions;
                 typedef eulerProblem< MeshType, BoundaryConditions, RightHandSide, ApproximateOperator > Problem;
                 SolverStarter solverStarter;
                 return solverStarter.template run< Problem >( parameters );
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class eulerSetter
           typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunction;
           if( boundaryConditionsType == "dirichlet" )
-             typedef Operators::DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, MeshFunction, MeshType::getMeshDimensions(), Real, Index > BoundaryConditions;
+             typedef Operators::DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, MeshFunction, MeshType::getMeshDimension(), Real, Index > BoundaryConditions;
              typedef eulerProblem< MeshType, BoundaryConditions, RightHandSide, ApproximateOperator > Problem;
              SolverStarter solverStarter;
              return solverStarter.template run< Problem >( parameters );
diff --git a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/eulerBuildConfigTag.h b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/eulerBuildConfigTag.h
index fef4dfffce5400b1ef97786bc92b8a57ac246c1d..810be65037365dd2693f8eff05820620c609c3de 100644
--- a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/eulerBuildConfigTag.h
+++ b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/eulerBuildConfigTag.h
@@ -21,14 +21,14 @@ template<> struct ConfigTagReal< eulerBuildConfigTag, long double > { enum { ena
 template<> struct ConfigTagIndex< eulerBuildConfigTag, short int >{ enum { enabled = false }; };
 template<> struct ConfigTagIndex< eulerBuildConfigTag, long int >{ enum { enabled = false }; };
-template< int Dimensions > struct ConfigTagDimensions< eulerBuildConfigTag, Dimensions >{ enum { enabled = ( Dimensions == 2 ) }; };
+template< int Dimension > struct ConfigTagDimension< eulerBuildConfigTag, Dimension >{ enum { enabled = ( Dimension == 2 ) }; };
  * Use of Grid is enabled for allowed dimensions and Real, Device and Index types.
-template< int Dimensions, typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-   struct ConfigTagMesh< eulerBuildConfigTag, Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index > >
-      { enum { enabled = ConfigTagDimensions< eulerBuildConfigTag, Dimensions >::enabled  &&
+template< int Dimension, typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
+   struct ConfigTagMesh< eulerBuildConfigTag, Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index > >
+      { enum { enabled = ConfigTagDimension< eulerBuildConfigTag, Dimension >::enabled  &&
                          ConfigTagReal< eulerBuildConfigTag, Real >::enabled &&
                          ConfigTagDevice< eulerBuildConfigTag, Device >::enabled &&
                          ConfigTagIndex< eulerBuildConfigTag, Index >::enabled }; };
diff --git a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/eulerProblem_impl.h b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/eulerProblem_impl.h
index 7b5fc93f8389a0808d454eb5a5f238e5f29699cf..1a054dcc811c513ebf9ca8a5dad6f7f150006e86 100644
--- a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/eulerProblem_impl.h
+++ b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/eulerProblem_impl.h
@@ -169,17 +169,17 @@ setupLinearSystem( const MeshPointer& mesh,
                    Matrix& matrix )
 /*   const IndexType dofs = this->getDofs( mesh );
-   typedef typename Matrix::CompressedRowsLengthsVector CompressedRowsLengthsVectorType;
-   CompressedRowsLengthsVectorType rowLengths;
+   typedef typename Matrix::CompressedRowLengthsVector CompressedRowLengthsVectorType;
+   CompressedRowLengthsVectorType rowLengths;
    if( ! rowLengths.setSize( dofs ) )
       return false;
-   MatrixSetter< MeshType, DifferentialOperator, BoundaryCondition, CompressedRowsLengthsVectorType > matrixSetter;
-   matrixSetter.template getCompressedRowsLengths< typename Mesh::Cell >( mesh,
+   MatrixSetter< MeshType, DifferentialOperator, BoundaryCondition, CompressedRowLengthsVectorType > matrixSetter;
+   matrixSetter.template getCompressedRowLengths< typename Mesh::Cell >( mesh,
                                                                           rowLengths );
    matrix.setDimensions( dofs, dofs );
-   if( ! matrix.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths ) )
+   if( ! matrix.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths ) )
       return false;*/
    return true;
@@ -280,13 +280,10 @@ getExplicitUpdate( const RealType& time,
    lF2DContinuity->setVelocityX( *velocityX );
    lF2DContinuity->setVelocityY( *velocityY );
    Solvers::PDE::ExplicitUpdater< Mesh, MeshFunctionType, Continuity, BoundaryCondition, RightHandSide > explicitUpdaterContinuity; 
-   explicitUpdaterContinuity.template update< typename Mesh::Cell >( time,
-                                                           mesh,
-                                                           lF2DContinuity,
-                                                           this->boundaryConditionPointer,
-                                                           this->rightHandSidePointer,
-                                                           uRho,
-                                                           fuRho );
+   explicitUpdaterContinuity.setDifferentialOperator( lF2DContinuity );
+   explicitUpdaterContinuity.setBoundaryConditions( this->boundaryConditionPointer );
+   explicitUpdaterContinuity.setRightHandSide( this->rightHandSidePointer );
+   explicitUpdaterContinuity.template update< typename Mesh::Cell >( time, tau, mesh, uRho, fuRho );
@@ -294,13 +291,10 @@ getExplicitUpdate( const RealType& time,
    lF2DMomentumX->setVelocityY( *velocityY );
    lF2DMomentumX->setPressure( *pressure );
    Solvers::PDE::ExplicitUpdater< Mesh, MeshFunctionType, MomentumX, BoundaryCondition, RightHandSide > explicitUpdaterMomentumX; 
-   explicitUpdaterMomentumX.template update< typename Mesh::Cell >( time,
-                                                           mesh,
-                                                           lF2DMomentumX,
-                                                           this->boundaryConditionPointer,
-                                                           this->rightHandSidePointer,
-                                                           uRhoVelocityX,
-                                                           fuRhoVelocityX );
+   explicitUpdaterMomentumX.setDifferentialOperator( lF2DMomentumX );
+   explicitUpdaterMomentumX.setBoundaryConditions( this->boundaryConditionPointer );
+   explicitUpdaterMomentumX.setRightHandSide( this->rightHandSidePointer );   
+   explicitUpdaterMomentumX.template update< typename Mesh::Cell >( time, tau, mesh, uRhoVelocityX, fuRhoVelocityX );
@@ -308,13 +302,10 @@ getExplicitUpdate( const RealType& time,
    lF2DMomentumY->setVelocityY( *velocityY );
    lF2DMomentumY->setPressure( *pressure );
    Solvers::PDE::ExplicitUpdater< Mesh, MeshFunctionType, MomentumY, BoundaryCondition, RightHandSide > explicitUpdaterMomentumY;
-   explicitUpdaterMomentumY.template update< typename Mesh::Cell >( time,
-                                                           mesh,
-                                                           lF2DMomentumY,
-                                                           this->boundaryConditionPointer,
-                                                           this->rightHandSidePointer,
-                                                           uRhoVelocityY,
-                                                           fuRhoVelocityY );
+   explicitUpdaterMomentumY.setDifferentialOperator( lF2DMomentumY );
+   explicitUpdaterMomentumY.setBoundaryConditions( this->boundaryConditionPointer );
+   explicitUpdaterMomentumY.setRightHandSide( this->rightHandSidePointer );
+   explicitUpdaterMomentumY.template update< typename Mesh::Cell >( time, tau, mesh, uRhoVelocityY, fuRhoVelocityY );
@@ -322,21 +313,12 @@ getExplicitUpdate( const RealType& time,
    lF2DEnergy->setVelocityY( *velocityY ); 
    lF2DEnergy->setPressure( *pressure );
    Solvers::PDE::ExplicitUpdater< Mesh, MeshFunctionType, Energy, BoundaryCondition, RightHandSide > explicitUpdaterEnergy;
-   explicitUpdaterEnergy.template update< typename Mesh::Cell >( time,
-                                                           mesh,
-                                                           lF2DEnergy,
-                                                           this->boundaryConditionPointer,
-                                                           this->rightHandSidePointer,
-                                                           uEnergy,
-                                                           fuEnergy );
+   explicitUpdaterEnergy.setDifferentialOperator( lF2DEnergy );
+   explicitUpdaterEnergy.setBoundaryConditions( this->boundaryConditionPointer );
+   explicitUpdaterEnergy.setRightHandSide( this->rightHandSidePointer );
+   explicitUpdaterEnergy.template update< typename Mesh::Cell >( time, tau, mesh, uEnergy, fuEnergy );
-   BoundaryConditionsSetter< MeshFunctionType, BoundaryCondition > boundaryConditionsSetter; 
-   boundaryConditionsSetter.template apply< typename Mesh::Cell >( 
-      this->boundaryCondition, 
-      time + tau, 
-       u );*/
- }
 template< typename Mesh,
           typename BoundaryCondition,
@@ -433,7 +415,7 @@ postIterate( const RealType& time,
 //   OperatorFunction< euler2DPressure, MeshFunction, void, time > OFPressure;
 //   pressure = OFPressure;
+   return true;
 } // namespace TNL
diff --git a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/eulerRhs.h b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/eulerRhs.h
index 1b46dc831fe9daa6133ff32ee4bea5faf4eb8d1c..97dc9f07b391dc52020094be9d9eed279cbd1562 100644
--- a/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/eulerRhs.h
+++ b/examples/inviscid-flow/2d/eulerRhs.h
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 namespace TNL {
 template< typename Mesh, typename Real >class eulerRhs
-  : public Functions::Domain< Mesh::meshDimensions, Functions::MeshDomain > 
+  : public Functions::Domain< Mesh::meshDimension, Functions::MeshDomain > 
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ template< typename Mesh, typename Real >class eulerRhs
       Real operator()( const MeshEntity& entity,
                        const Real& time = 0.0 ) const
-         typedef typename MeshEntity::MeshType::VertexType VertexType;
-         VertexType v = entity.getCenter();
+         typedef typename MeshEntity::MeshType::PointType PointType;
+         PointType v = entity.getCenter();
          return 0.0;
diff --git a/examples/mean-curvature-flow/tnl-mean-curvature-flow-eoc.h b/examples/mean-curvature-flow/tnl-mean-curvature-flow-eoc.h
index a1dfe65f3416cae2039a4e44c1ccc91f13d5b4b1..f978f811af95fb7d5f66150e95cf8b8acff103e0 100644
--- a/examples/mean-curvature-flow/tnl-mean-curvature-flow-eoc.h
+++ b/examples/mean-curvature-flow/tnl-mean-curvature-flow-eoc.h
@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ class meanCurvatureFlowEocSetter
    typedef Device DeviceType;
    typedef Index IndexType;
-   typedef typename MeshType::VertexType Vertex;
-   enum { Dimensions = MeshType::meshDimensions };
+   typedef typename MeshType::PointType Point;
+   enum { Dimension = MeshType::meshDimension };
    static bool run( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters )
@@ -78,11 +78,11 @@ class meanCurvatureFlowEocSetter
       typedef tnlFiniteVolumeOperatorQ<MeshType, Real, Index, 0> OperatorQ;
       typedef FiniteVolumeNonlinearOperator<MeshType, OperatorQ, Real, Index > NonlinearOperator;
       typedef NonlinearDiffusion< MeshType, NonlinearOperator, Real, Index > ApproximateOperator;
-      typedef ExactNonlinearDiffusion< ExactGradientNorm< Dimensions >, Dimensions > ExactOperator;
-      typedef TestFunction< MeshType::meshDimensions, Real, Device > TestFunction;
-      typedef MeanCurvatureFlowEocRhs< ExactOperator, TestFunction, Dimensions > RightHandSide;
-      typedef StaticVector < MeshType::meshDimensions, Real > Vertex;
-      typedef DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, TestFunction, Dimensions, Real, Index > BoundaryConditions;
+      typedef ExactNonlinearDiffusion< ExactGradientNorm< Dimension >, Dimension > ExactOperator;
+      typedef TestFunction< MeshType::meshDimension, Real, Device > TestFunction;
+      typedef MeanCurvatureFlowEocRhs< ExactOperator, TestFunction, Dimension > RightHandSide;
+      typedef StaticVector < MeshType::meshDimension, Real > Point;
+      typedef DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, TestFunction, Dimension, Real, Index > BoundaryConditions;
       typedef MeanCurvatureFlowEocProblem< MeshType, BoundaryConditions, RightHandSide, ApproximateOperator > Solver;
       SolverStarter solverStarter;
       return solverStarter.template run< Solver >( parameters );
diff --git a/examples/mean-curvature-flow/tnl-mean-curvature-flow.h b/examples/mean-curvature-flow/tnl-mean-curvature-flow.h
index 7a284907c171e7b413a87e4103fa497c42553799..6a28b84210db9432d0b302b9f7f09aee6b160869 100644
--- a/examples/mean-curvature-flow/tnl-mean-curvature-flow.h
+++ b/examples/mean-curvature-flow/tnl-mean-curvature-flow.h
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ class meanCurvatureFlowSetter
    typedef Device DeviceType;
    typedef Index IndexType;
-   typedef typename MeshType::VertexType Vertex;
-   enum { Dimensions = MeshType::meshDimensions };
+   typedef typename MeshType::PointType Point;
+   enum { Dimension = MeshType::meshDimension };
    static bool run( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters )
@@ -101,16 +101,16 @@ class meanCurvatureFlowSetter
    static bool setBoundaryConditions( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters )
       typedef OneSidedNonlinearDiffusion< MeshType, NonlinearOperator, Real, Index > ApproximateOperator;
-      typedef Constant< Dimensions, Real > RightHandSide;
-      typedef StaticVector< MeshType::meshDimensions, Real > Vertex;
+      typedef Constant< Dimension, Real > RightHandSide;
+      typedef StaticVector< MeshType::meshDimension, Real > Point;
       String boundaryConditionsType = parameters.getParameter< String >( "boundary-conditions-type" );
       if( parameters.checkParameter( "boundary-conditions-constant" ) )
-         typedef Constant< Dimensions, Real > Constant;
+         typedef Constant< Dimension, Real > Constant;
          if( boundaryConditionsType == "dirichlet" )
-            typedef DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, Constant, Dimensions, Real, Index > BoundaryConditions;
+            typedef DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, Constant, Dimension, Real, Index > BoundaryConditions;
             typedef MeanCurvatureFlowProblem< MeshType, BoundaryConditions, RightHandSide, ApproximateOperator > Solver;
             SolverStarter solverStarter;
             return solverStarter.template run< Solver >( parameters );
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ class meanCurvatureFlowSetter
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunction;
       if( boundaryConditionsType == "dirichlet" )
-         typedef DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, MeshFunction, Dimensions, Real, Index > BoundaryConditions;
+         typedef DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, MeshFunction, Dimension, Real, Index > BoundaryConditions;
          typedef MeanCurvatureFlowProblem< MeshType, BoundaryConditions, RightHandSide, ApproximateOperator > Solver;
          SolverStarter solverStarter;
          return solverStarter.template run< Solver >( parameters );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Containers/MultiArray.h b/src/TNL/Containers/MultiArray.h
index b062fb605109691bdb3e18ca3dbfe4b6a31f8ddd..1aabf733bd3bae912818eb1768c39a2b28402c76 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Containers/MultiArray.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Containers/MultiArray.h
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 namespace TNL {
 namespace Containers {   
-template< int Dimensions, typename Element = double, typename Device = Devices::Host, typename Index = int >
+template< int Dimension, typename Element = double, typename Device = Devices::Host, typename Index = int >
 class MultiArray : public Array< Element, Device, Index >
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ template< typename Element, typename Device, typename Index >
 class MultiArray< 1, Element, Device, Index > : public Array< Element, Device, Index >
-   enum { Dimensions = 1};
+   enum { Dimension = 1};
    typedef Element ElementType;
    typedef Device DeviceType;
    typedef Index IndexType;
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ template< typename Element, typename Device, typename Index >
 class MultiArray< 2, Element, Device, Index > : public Array< Element, Device, Index >
-   enum { Dimensions = 2 };
+   enum { Dimension = 2 };
    typedef Element ElementType;
    typedef Device DeviceType;
    typedef Index IndexType;
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ class MultiArray< 3, Element, Device, Index > : public Array< Element, Device, I
-   enum { Dimensions = 3 };
+   enum { Dimension = 3 };
    typedef Element ElementType;
    typedef Device DeviceType;
    typedef Index IndexType;
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ class MultiArray< 4, Element, Device, Index > : public Array< Element, Device, I
-   enum { Dimensions = 4 };
+   enum { Dimension = 4 };
    typedef Element ElementType;
    typedef Device DeviceType;
    typedef Index IndexType;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Containers/MultiArray1D_impl.h b/src/TNL/Containers/MultiArray1D_impl.h
index ee57a53f085393c216bdbf2a53993b44322efb05..ec64e060053a57cbfbcae0240961df0619fc4d79 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Containers/MultiArray1D_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Containers/MultiArray1D_impl.h
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ template< typename Element, typename Device, typename Index >
 String MultiArray< 1, Element, Device, Index > :: getType()
    return String( "Containers::MultiArray< ") +
-          String( Dimensions ) +
+          String( Dimension ) +
           String( ", " ) +
           String( TNL::getType< Element >() ) +
           String( ", " ) +
diff --git a/src/TNL/Containers/MultiArray2D_impl.h b/src/TNL/Containers/MultiArray2D_impl.h
index cf67c102217186283c8d546211036d75251b9d8e..cbaca350a01a8a84fdac2924c01c137610941597 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Containers/MultiArray2D_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Containers/MultiArray2D_impl.h
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ template< typename Element, typename Device, typename Index >
 String MultiArray< 2, Element, Device, Index > :: getType()
    return String( "Containers::MultiArray< ") +
-          String( Dimensions ) +
+          String( Dimension ) +
           String( ", " ) +
           String( TNL::getType< Element >() ) +
           String( ", " ) +
diff --git a/src/TNL/Containers/MultiArray3D_impl.h b/src/TNL/Containers/MultiArray3D_impl.h
index 633f67a798df8f4e657049e5e236a107da548a3a..750efab1b71834ab058744b8eb081a4f4ed21396 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Containers/MultiArray3D_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Containers/MultiArray3D_impl.h
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ template< typename Element, typename Device, typename Index >
 String MultiArray< 3, Element, Device, Index > :: getType()
    return String( "Containers::MultiArray< ") +
-          String( Dimensions ) +
+          String( Dimension ) +
           String( ", " ) +
           String( TNL::getType< Element >() ) +
           String( ", " ) +
diff --git a/src/TNL/Containers/MultiArray4D_impl.h b/src/TNL/Containers/MultiArray4D_impl.h
index cb513418a339d9ce812b3f7f849390f0705a43cc..5f022247c086461bb11786fda96e4e90f25d7b42 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Containers/MultiArray4D_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Containers/MultiArray4D_impl.h
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ template< typename Element, typename Device, typename Index >
 String MultiArray< 4, Element, Device, Index > :: getType()
    return String( "Containers::MultiArray< ") +
-          String( Dimensions ) +
+          String( Dimension ) +
           String( ", " ) +
           String( TNL::getType< Element >() ) +
           String( ", " ) +
diff --git a/src/TNL/Containers/MultiVector.h b/src/TNL/Containers/MultiVector.h
index ecd64f69f3fcb94e5058e9c124cfc6c56a7435dd..fd89f2c40cbf054ba484d01782ca5d1e1801efd6 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Containers/MultiVector.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Containers/MultiVector.h
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 namespace TNL {
 namespace Containers {   
-template< int Dimensions, typename Real = double, typename Device = Devices::Host, typename Index = int >
+template< int Dimension, typename Real = double, typename Device = Devices::Host, typename Index = int >
 class MultiVector : public Vector< Real, Device, Index >
@@ -26,12 +26,12 @@ template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
 class MultiVector< 1, Real, Device, Index > : public Vector< Real, Device, Index >
-   enum { Dimensions = 1};
+   enum { Dimension = 1};
    typedef Real RealType;
    typedef Device DeviceType;
    typedef Index IndexType;
-   typedef MultiVector< Dimensions, Real, Devices::Host, Index > HostType;
-   typedef MultiVector< Dimensions, Real, Devices::Cuda, Index > CudaType;
+   typedef MultiVector< Dimension, Real, Devices::Host, Index > HostType;
+   typedef MultiVector< Dimension, Real, Devices::Cuda, Index > CudaType;
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class MultiVector< 1, Real, Device, Index > : public Vector< Real, Device, Index
    bool setDimensions( const Index iSize );
-   bool setDimensions( const StaticVector< Dimensions, Index >& dimensions );
+   bool setDimensions( const StaticVector< Dimension, Index >& dimensions );
    void getDimensions( Index& iSize ) const;
@@ -100,19 +100,19 @@ class MultiVector< 1, Real, Device, Index > : public Vector< Real, Device, Index
-   StaticVector< Dimensions, Index > dimensions;
+   StaticVector< Dimension, Index > dimensions;
 template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
 class MultiVector< 2, Real, Device, Index > : public Vector< Real, Device, Index >
-   enum { Dimensions = 2 };
+   enum { Dimension = 2 };
    typedef Real RealType;
    typedef Device DeviceType;
    typedef Index IndexType;
-   typedef MultiVector< Dimensions, Real, Devices::Host, Index > HostType;
-   typedef MultiVector< Dimensions, Real, Devices::Cuda, Index > CudaType;
+   typedef MultiVector< Dimension, Real, Devices::Host, Index > HostType;
+   typedef MultiVector< Dimension, Real, Devices::Cuda, Index > CudaType;
@@ -189,12 +189,12 @@ class MultiVector< 3, Real, Device, Index > : public Vector< Real, Device, Index
-   enum { Dimensions = 3 };
+   enum { Dimension = 3 };
    typedef Real RealType;
    typedef Device DeviceType;
    typedef Index IndexType;
-   typedef MultiVector< Dimensions, Real, Devices::Host, Index > HostType;
-   typedef MultiVector< Dimensions, Real, Devices::Cuda, Index > CudaType;
+   typedef MultiVector< Dimension, Real, Devices::Host, Index > HostType;
+   typedef MultiVector< Dimension, Real, Devices::Cuda, Index > CudaType;
@@ -271,12 +271,12 @@ class MultiVector< 4, Real, Device, Index > : public Vector< Real, Device, Index
-   enum { Dimensions = 4 };
+   enum { Dimension = 4 };
    typedef Real RealType;
    typedef Device DeviceType;
    typedef Index IndexType;
-   typedef MultiVector< Dimensions, Real, Devices::Host, Index > HostType;
-   typedef MultiVector< Dimensions, Real, Devices::Cuda, Index > CudaType;
+   typedef MultiVector< Dimension, Real, Devices::Host, Index > HostType;
+   typedef MultiVector< Dimension, Real, Devices::Cuda, Index > CudaType;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Containers/MultiVector1D_impl.h b/src/TNL/Containers/MultiVector1D_impl.h
index 2bbaf6bea36c66b6bebe2d20a02ea4ba1b78492e..93ee232f34c6331d716982f4be4e2358fe776050 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Containers/MultiVector1D_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Containers/MultiVector1D_impl.h
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
 String MultiVector< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: getType()
    return String( "Containers::MultiVector< ") +
-          String( Dimensions ) +
+          String( Dimension ) +
           String( ", " ) +
           String( TNL::getType< Real >() ) +
           String( ", " ) +
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ bool MultiVector< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: setDimensions( const Index iSize )
 template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-bool MultiVector< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: setDimensions( const StaticVector< Dimensions, Index >& dimensions )
+bool MultiVector< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: setDimensions( const StaticVector< Dimension, Index >& dimensions )
    TNL_ASSERT( dimensions[ 0 ] > 0,
               std::cerr << " dimensions[ 0 ] = " << dimensions[ 0 ] );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Containers/MultiVector2D_impl.h b/src/TNL/Containers/MultiVector2D_impl.h
index 510ef51b576ef9b5058f9ccad7407f3c3746c480..0abbd6cc04bf19e1b3b5402d7a57d73219a30db7 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Containers/MultiVector2D_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Containers/MultiVector2D_impl.h
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
 String MultiVector< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getType()
    return String( "Containers::MultiVector< ") +
-          String( Dimensions ) +
+          String( Dimension ) +
           String( ", " ) +
           String( TNL::getType< Real >() ) +
           String( ", " ) +
diff --git a/src/TNL/Containers/MultiVector3D_impl.h b/src/TNL/Containers/MultiVector3D_impl.h
index 3fa6b6dd30fca392a6adc5372fa76b5df37aa535..0ee9304075c5c03e3a2f974535dc317904db2922 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Containers/MultiVector3D_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Containers/MultiVector3D_impl.h
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
 String MultiVector< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: getType()
    return String( "Containers::MultiVector< ") +
-          String( Dimensions ) +
+          String( Dimension ) +
           String( ", " ) +
           String( TNL::getType< Real >() ) +
           String( ", " ) +
diff --git a/src/TNL/Containers/MultiVector4D_impl.h b/src/TNL/Containers/MultiVector4D_impl.h
index ed69bd59d5075d918317ccad28f23e393f7efd18..3db8a363fc55efcdf618a68b3534393aceac0a79 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Containers/MultiVector4D_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Containers/MultiVector4D_impl.h
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
 String MultiVector< 4, Real, Device, Index > :: getType()
    return String( "Containers::MultiVector< ") +
-          String( Dimensions ) +
+          String( Dimension ) +
           String( ", " ) +
           String( TNL::getType< Real >() ) +
           String( ", " ) +
diff --git a/src/TNL/Devices/Cuda.cu b/src/TNL/Devices/Cuda.cu
index d2ac6e6b6dc9fc3854a7c48c5b9b2eec7da79897..0e59e2da5c75ede9f037a470bc16fdacaadcb855 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Devices/Cuda.cu
+++ b/src/TNL/Devices/Cuda.cu
@@ -15,6 +15,93 @@
 namespace TNL {
 namespace Devices {
+void Cuda::setupThreads( const dim3& blockSize,
+                         dim3& blocksCount,
+                         dim3& gridsCount,
+                         long long int xThreads,
+                         long long int yThreads,
+                         long long int zThreads )
+   blocksCount.x = max( 1, xThreads / blockSize.x + ( xThreads % blockSize.x != 0 ) );
+   blocksCount.y = max( 1, yThreads / blockSize.y + ( yThreads % blockSize.y != 0 ) );
+   blocksCount.z = max( 1, zThreads / blockSize.z + ( zThreads % blockSize.z != 0 ) );
+   /****
+    * TODO: Fix the following:
+    * I do not known how to get max grid size in kernels :(
+    * 
+    * Also, this is very slow. */
+   /*int currentDevice( 0 );
+   cudaGetDevice( currentDevice );
+   cudaDeviceProp properties;
+   cudaGetDeviceProperties( &properties, currentDevice );
+   gridsCount.x = blocksCount.x / properties.maxGridSize[ 0 ] + ( blocksCount.x % properties.maxGridSize[ 0 ] != 0 );
+   gridsCount.y = blocksCount.y / properties.maxGridSize[ 1 ] + ( blocksCount.y % properties.maxGridSize[ 1 ] != 0 );
+   gridsCount.z = blocksCount.z / properties.maxGridSize[ 2 ] + ( blocksCount.z % properties.maxGridSize[ 2 ] != 0 );
+   */
+   gridsCount.x = blocksCount.x / getMaxGridSize() + ( blocksCount.x % getMaxGridSize() != 0 );
+   gridsCount.y = blocksCount.y / getMaxGridSize() + ( blocksCount.y % getMaxGridSize() != 0 );
+   gridsCount.z = blocksCount.z / getMaxGridSize() + ( blocksCount.z % getMaxGridSize() != 0 );
+void Cuda::setupGrid( const dim3& blocksCount,
+                      const dim3& gridsCount,
+                      const dim3& gridIdx,
+                      dim3& gridSize )
+   /* TODO: this is extremely slow!!!!
+   int currentDevice( 0 );
+   cudaGetDevice( &currentDevice );
+   cudaDeviceProp properties;
+   cudaGetDeviceProperties( &properties, currentDevice );*/
+   /****
+    * TODO: fix the following
+   if( gridIdx.x < gridsCount.x )
+      gridSize.x = properties.maxGridSize[ 0 ];
+   else
+      gridSize.x = blocksCount.x % properties.maxGridSize[ 0 ];
+   if( gridIdx.y < gridsCount.y )
+      gridSize.y = properties.maxGridSize[ 1 ];
+   else
+      gridSize.y = blocksCount.y % properties.maxGridSize[ 1 ];
+   if( gridIdx.z < gridsCount.z )
+      gridSize.z = properties.maxGridSize[ 2 ];
+   else
+      gridSize.z = blocksCount.z % properties.maxGridSize[ 2 ];*/
+   if( gridIdx.x < gridsCount.x - 1 )
+      gridSize.x = getMaxGridSize();
+   else
+      gridSize.x = blocksCount.x % getMaxGridSize();
+   if( gridIdx.y < gridsCount.y - 1 )
+      gridSize.y = getMaxGridSize();
+   else
+      gridSize.y = blocksCount.y % getMaxGridSize();
+   if( gridIdx.z < gridsCount.z - 1 )
+      gridSize.z = getMaxGridSize();
+   else
+      gridSize.z = blocksCount.z % getMaxGridSize();
+void Cuda::printThreadsSetup( const dim3& blockSize,
+                              const dim3& blocksCount,
+                              const dim3& gridSize,
+                              const dim3& gridsCount,
+                              std::ostream& str )
+   str << "Block size: " << blockSize << std::endl
+       << " Blocks count: " << blocksCount << std::endl
+       << " Grid size: " << gridSize << std::endl
+       << " Grids count: " << gridsCount << std::endl;
 bool Cuda::checkDevice( const char* file_name, int line, cudaError error )
    if( error == cudaSuccess )
@@ -397,5 +484,11 @@ bool Cuda::checkDevice( const char* file_name, int line, cudaError error )
    return false;
+std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& str, const dim3& d )
+   str << "( " << d.x << ", " << d.y << ", " << d.z << " )";
+   return str;
 } // namespace Devices
 } // namespace TNL
diff --git a/src/TNL/Devices/Cuda.h b/src/TNL/Devices/Cuda.h
index 23f2f342eac8993b6e0099ce4678cab6bf64b5cb..6333b1ab5fb4f695815515cf742d370e0a454dca 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Devices/Cuda.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Devices/Cuda.h
@@ -49,16 +49,66 @@ class Cuda
    static inline constexpr int getGPUTransferBufferSize();
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
+   /***
+    * This function is obsolete and should be replaced by the following functions.
+    */
    __device__ static inline int
    getGlobalThreadIdx( const int gridIdx = 0,
-                       const int gridSize = getMaxGridSize() );
+                       const int gridSize = getMaxGridSize() );   
+   __device__ static inline int
+   getGlobalThreadIdx_x( const dim3& gridIdx );
+   __device__ static inline int
+   getGlobalThreadIdx_y( const dim3& gridIdx );
+   __device__ static inline int
+   getGlobalThreadIdx_z( const dim3& gridIdx );   
+   /****
+    * This functions helps to count number of CUDA blocks depending on the 
+    * number of the CUDA threads and the block size.
+    * It is obsolete and it will be replaced by setupThreads.
+    */
    static int getNumberOfBlocks( const int threads,
                                  const int blockSize );
+   /****
+    * This functions helps to count number of CUDA grids depending on the 
+    * number of the CUDA blocks and maximum grid size.
+    * It is obsolete and it will be replaced by setupThreads.
+    */
    static int getNumberOfGrids( const int blocks,
                                 const int gridSize = getMaxGridSize() );
+#ifdef HAVE_CUDA   
+   /*! This method sets up gridSize and computes number of grids depending
+    *  on total number of CUDA threads.
+    */
+   static void setupThreads( const dim3& blockSize,
+                             dim3& blocksCount,
+                             dim3& gridsCount,
+                             long long int xThreads,
+                             long long int yThreads = 0,
+                             long long int zThreads = 0 );
+   /*! This method sets up grid size when one iterates over more grids.
+    * If gridIdx.? < gridsCount.? then the gridSize.? is set to maximum
+    * allowed by CUDA. Otherwise gridSize.? is set to the size of the grid
+    * in the last loop i.e. blocksCount.? % maxGridSize.?.
+    */
+   static void setupGrid( const dim3& blocksCount,
+                          const dim3& gridsCount,
+                          const dim3& gridIdx,
+                          dim3& gridSize );
+   static void printThreadsSetup( const dim3& blockSize,
+                                  const dim3& blocksCount,
+                                  const dim3& gridSize,
+                                  const dim3& gridsCount,
+                                  std::ostream& str = std::cout );
    template< typename ObjectType >
    static ObjectType* passToDevice( const ObjectType& object );
@@ -135,6 +185,7 @@ class Cuda
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
 #define checkCudaDevice ::TNL::Devices::Cuda::checkDevice( __FILE__, __LINE__, cudaGetLastError() )
+std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& str, const dim3& d );
 #define checkCudaDevice ::TNL::Devices::Cuda::checkDevice()
diff --git a/src/TNL/Devices/Cuda_impl.h b/src/TNL/Devices/Cuda_impl.h
index ad5198d7a767606d0acae453f864720838882ee5..cea827a03c3dbda07fb0f5b347bbb61ca6067bf1 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Devices/Cuda_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Devices/Cuda_impl.h
@@ -53,6 +53,22 @@ __device__ inline int Cuda::getGlobalThreadIdx( const int gridIdx, const int gri
    return ( gridIdx * gridSize + blockIdx.x ) * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
+__device__ inline int Cuda::getGlobalThreadIdx_x( const dim3& gridIdx )
+   return ( gridIdx.x * getMaxGridSize() + blockIdx.x ) * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
+__device__ inline int Cuda::getGlobalThreadIdx_y( const dim3& gridIdx )
+   return ( gridIdx.y * getMaxGridSize() + blockIdx.y ) * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
+__device__ inline int Cuda::getGlobalThreadIdx_z( const dim3& gridIdx )
+   return ( gridIdx.z * getMaxGridSize() + blockIdx.z ) * blockDim.z + threadIdx.z;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Blob.h b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Blob.h
index 56c6e22b7eab001f03b45137b23ba6f2582d4798..6edcf2cf657401a72574f40a695977dc106b4a14 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Blob.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Blob.h
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ namespace Functions {
 namespace Analytic {
 template< typename Real,
-          int Dimensions >
-class BlobBase : public Domain< Dimensions, SpaceDomain >
+          int Dimension >
+class BlobBase : public Domain< Dimension, SpaceDomain >
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class BlobBase : public Domain< Dimensions, SpaceDomain >
       RealType height;
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real >
 class Blob
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ class Blob< 1, Real > : public BlobBase< Real, 1 >
-      enum { Dimensions = 1 };
+      enum { Dimension = 1 };
       typedef Real RealType;
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< Dimensions, Real > VertexType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< Dimension, Real > PointType;
       static String getType();
@@ -64,11 +64,11 @@ class Blob< 1, Real > : public BlobBase< Real, 1 >
                 int ZDiffOrder = 0 >
-      RealType getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& v,
+      RealType getPartialDerivative( const PointType& v,
                                      const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
-      RealType operator()( const VertexType& v,
+      RealType operator()( const PointType& v,
                            const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
@@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ class Blob< 2, Real > : public BlobBase< Real, 2 >
-      enum { Dimensions = 2 };
+      enum { Dimension = 2 };
       typedef Real RealType;
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< Dimensions, Real > VertexType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< Dimension, Real > PointType;
       static String getType();
@@ -95,11 +95,11 @@ class Blob< 2, Real > : public BlobBase< Real, 2 >
                 int ZDiffOrder = 0 >
-      RealType getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& v,
+      RealType getPartialDerivative( const PointType& v,
                                      const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
-      RealType operator()( const VertexType& v,
+      RealType operator()( const PointType& v,
                            const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
@@ -109,9 +109,9 @@ class Blob< 3, Real > : public BlobBase< Real, 3 >
-      enum { Dimensions = 3 };
+      enum { Dimension = 3 };
       typedef Real RealType;
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< Dimensions, Real > VertexType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< Dimension, Real > PointType;
       static String getType();
@@ -127,17 +127,17 @@ class Blob< 3, Real > : public BlobBase< Real, 3 >
                 int ZDiffOrder = 0 >
-      RealType getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& v,
+      RealType getPartialDerivative( const PointType& v,
                                      const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
-      RealType operator()( const VertexType& v,
+      RealType operator()( const PointType& v,
                            const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real >
-std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& str, const Blob< Dimensions, Real >& f )
+std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& str, const Blob< Dimension, Real >& f )
    str << "Level-set pseudo square function.";
    return str;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Blob_impl.h b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Blob_impl.h
index c6d969d38527cfab69858a39f3d2fac3b340287e..b1787f365a8185e5b5c97872669c3ad040d6e3fb 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Blob_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Blob_impl.h
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ namespace Functions {
 namespace Analytic {
 template< typename Real,
-          int Dimensions >
+          int Dimension >
-BlobBase< Real, Dimensions >::
+BlobBase< Real, Dimension >::
 setup( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
        const String& prefix )
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 Blob< 1, Real >::
-getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& v,
+getPartialDerivative( const PointType& v,
                       const Real& time ) const
    const RealType& x = v.x();
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 Blob< 1, Real >::
-operator()( const VertexType& v,
+operator()( const PointType& v,
             const Real& time ) const
    return this->template getPartialDerivative< 0, 0, 0 >( v, time );
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 Blob< 2, Real >::
-getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& v,
+getPartialDerivative( const PointType& v,
                       const Real& time ) const
    const RealType& x = v.x();
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 Blob< 2, Real >::
-operator()( const VertexType& v,
+operator()( const PointType& v,
             const Real& time ) const
    return this->template getPartialDerivative< 0, 0, 0 >( v, time );
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 Blob< 3, Real >::
-getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& v,
+getPartialDerivative( const PointType& v,
                       const Real& time ) const
    const RealType& x = v.x();
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 Blob< 3, Real >::
-operator()( const VertexType& v,
+operator()( const PointType& v,
             const Real& time ) const
    return this->template getPartialDerivative< 0, 0, 0 >( v, time );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Constant.h b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Constant.h
index dc12be876f6adc50d423940d1c13c194adb26563..3ceba3cecd4a1009ea828f4f939d749afdc10208 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Constant.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Constant.h
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class Constant : public Domain< dimensions, NonspaceDomain >
       typedef Real RealType;
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< dimensions, RealType > VertexType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< dimensions, RealType > PointType;
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ class Constant : public Domain< dimensions, NonspaceDomain >
                 int ZDiffOrder = 0 >
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      RealType getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& v,
+      RealType getPartialDerivative( const PointType& v,
                                      const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      RealType operator()( const VertexType& v,
+      RealType operator()( const PointType& v,
                            const Real& time = 0.0 ) const
          return constant;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Constant_impl.h b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Constant_impl.h
index 5754a7017a1699c4bba2f45e3d422e02db8815fa..21311046be06cba4ce7f36ad4e8839d37482e459 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Constant_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Constant_impl.h
@@ -14,46 +14,46 @@ namespace TNL {
 namespace Functions {
 namespace Analytic {   
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real >
-Constant< Dimensions, Real >::
+Constant< Dimension, Real >::
 : constant( 0.0 )
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real >
-Constant< Dimensions, Real >::
+Constant< Dimension, Real >::
 setConstant( const RealType& constant )
    this->constant = constant;
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real >
 const Real&
-Constant< Dimensions, Real >::
+Constant< Dimension, Real >::
 getConstant() const
    return this->constant;
-template< int FunctionDimensions,
+template< int FunctionDimension,
           typename Real >
-Constant< FunctionDimensions, Real >::
+Constant< FunctionDimension, Real >::
 configSetup( Config::ConfigDescription& config,
              const String& prefix )
    config.addEntry     < double >( prefix + "constant", "Value of the constant function.", 0.0 );
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real >
-Constant< Dimensions, Real >::
+Constant< Dimension, Real >::
 setup( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
        const String& prefix )
@@ -61,14 +61,14 @@ setup( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
    return true;
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real >
    template< int XDiffOrder,
              int YDiffOrder,
              int ZDiffOrder >
-Constant< Dimensions, Real >::
-getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& v,
+Constant< Dimension, Real >::
+getPartialDerivative( const PointType& v,
                       const Real& time ) const
    if( XDiffOrder || YDiffOrder || ZDiffOrder )
diff --git a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Cylinder.h b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Cylinder.h
index bdfde9bd8d144bb187b333c638a653241be38c80..831b9fa18f1862949bb794318bc72eebb01f33c6 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Cylinder.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Cylinder.h
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ namespace Functions {
 namespace Analytic {   
 template< typename Real,
-          int Dimensions >
-class CylinderBase : public Domain< Dimensions, SpaceDomain >
+          int Dimension >
+class CylinderBase : public Domain< Dimension, SpaceDomain >
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class CylinderBase : public Domain< Dimensions, SpaceDomain >
       RealType diameter;
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real >
 class Cylinder
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ class Cylinder< 1, Real > : public CylinderBase< Real, 1 >
-      enum { Dimensions = 1 };
+      enum { Dimension = 1 };
       typedef Real RealType;
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< Dimensions, Real > VertexType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< Dimension, Real > PointType;
       static String getType();
@@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ class Cylinder< 1, Real > : public CylinderBase< Real, 1 >
       template< int XDiffOrder,
                 int YDiffOrder,
                 int ZDiffOrder,
-                typename Vertex >
+                typename Point >
       template< int XDiffOrder = 0,
                 int YDiffOrder = 0,
                 int ZDiffOrder = 0,
-                typename Vertex = VertexType >
+                typename Point = PointType >
-      RealType getPartialDerivative( const Vertex& v,
+      RealType getPartialDerivative( const Point& v,
                                      const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
-      RealType operator()( const VertexType& v,
+      RealType operator()( const PointType& v,
                            const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
@@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ class Cylinder< 2, Real > : public CylinderBase< Real, 2 >
-      enum { Dimensions = 2 };
+      enum { Dimension = 2 };
       typedef Real RealType;
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< Dimensions, Real > VertexType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< Dimension, Real > PointType;
       static String getType();
@@ -96,19 +96,19 @@ class Cylinder< 2, Real > : public CylinderBase< Real, 2 >
       template< int XDiffOrder,
                 int YDiffOrder,
                 int ZDiffOrder,
-                typename Vertex >
+                typename Point >
       template< int XDiffOrder = 0,
                 int YDiffOrder = 0,
                 int ZDiffOrder = 0,
-                typename Vertex = VertexType >
+                typename Point = PointType >
-      RealType getPartialDerivative( const Vertex& v,
+      RealType getPartialDerivative( const Point& v,
                                      const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
-      RealType operator()( const VertexType& v,
+      RealType operator()( const PointType& v,
                            const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
@@ -118,9 +118,9 @@ class Cylinder< 3, Real > : public CylinderBase< Real, 3 >
-      enum { Dimensions = 3 };
+      enum { Dimension = 3 };
       typedef Real RealType;
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< Dimensions, Real > VertexType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< Dimension, Real > PointType;
       static String getType();
@@ -130,26 +130,26 @@ class Cylinder< 3, Real > : public CylinderBase< Real, 3 >
       template< int XDiffOrder,
                 int YDiffOrder,
                 int ZDiffOrder,
-                typename Vertex >
+                typename Point >
       template< int XDiffOrder = 0,
                 int YDiffOrder = 0,
                 int ZDiffOrder = 0,
-                typename Vertex = VertexType >
+                typename Point = PointType >
-      RealType getPartialDerivative( const Vertex& v,
+      RealType getPartialDerivative( const Point& v,
                                      const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
-      RealType operator()( const VertexType& v,
+      RealType operator()( const PointType& v,
                            const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real >
-std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& str, const Cylinder< Dimensions, Real >& f )
+std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& str, const Cylinder< Dimension, Real >& f )
    str << "Cylinder function.";
    return str;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Cylinder_impl.h b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Cylinder_impl.h
index 56a27935db2c7e3d198536babb64a4c1a956f4c4..b0698bca32056610195f5a9ab23c3e603455e1e5 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Cylinder_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Cylinder_impl.h
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ namespace Functions {
 namespace Analytic {   
 template< typename Real,
-          int Dimensions >
+          int Dimension >
-CylinderBase< Real, Dimensions >::
+CylinderBase< Real, Dimension >::
 setup( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
        const String& prefix )
@@ -28,17 +28,17 @@ setup( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
 template< typename Real,
-          int Dimensions >
+          int Dimension >
-CylinderBase< Real, Dimensions >::
+CylinderBase< Real, Dimension >::
 setDiameter( const Real& sigma )
    this->diameter = diameter;
 template< typename Real,
-          int Dimensions >
-const Real& CylinderBase< Real, Dimensions >::getDiameter() const
+          int Dimension >
+const Real& CylinderBase< Real, Dimension >::getDiameter() const
    return this->diameter;
@@ -63,10 +63,10 @@ template< typename Real >
    template< int XDiffOrder,
              int YDiffOrder,
              int ZDiffOrder,
-             typename Vertex >
+             typename Point >
-Cylinder< 1, Real >::getPartialDerivative( const Vertex& v,
+Cylinder< 1, Real >::getPartialDerivative( const Point& v,
                                                       const Real& time ) const
    const RealType& x = v.x();
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 Cylinder< 1, Real >::
-operator()( const VertexType& v,
+operator()( const PointType& v,
             const Real& time ) const
    return this->template getPartialDerivative< 0, 0, 0 >( v, time );
@@ -107,11 +107,11 @@ template< typename Real >
    template< int XDiffOrder,
              int YDiffOrder,
              int ZDiffOrder,
-             typename Vertex >
+             typename Point >
 Cylinder< 2, Real >::
-getPartialDerivative( const Vertex& v,
+getPartialDerivative( const Point& v,
                       const Real& time ) const
    const RealType& x = v.x();
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 Cylinder< 2, Real >::
-operator()( const VertexType& v,
+operator()( const PointType& v,
             const Real& time ) const
    return this->template getPartialDerivative< 0, 0, 0 >( v, time );
@@ -154,11 +154,11 @@ template< typename Real >
    template< int XDiffOrder,
              int YDiffOrder,
              int ZDiffOrder,
-             typename Vertex >
+             typename Point >
 Cylinder< 3, Real >::
-getPartialDerivative( const Vertex& v,
+getPartialDerivative( const Point& v,
                       const Real& time ) const
    const RealType& x = v.x();
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 Cylinder< 3, Real >::
-operator()( const VertexType& v,
+operator()( const PointType& v,
             const Real& time ) const
    return this->template getPartialDerivative< 0, 0, 0 >( v, time );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/ExpBump.h b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/ExpBump.h
index 9b8e40a8220c8bf36de4fc0515b962183d3b1fa1..ce82270ccc70cc5b0044a7719ed4eec3d7234e3a 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/ExpBump.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/ExpBump.h
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class ExpBumpBase : public Domain< dimensions, SpaceDomain >
       RealType amplitude, sigma;
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real >
 class ExpBump
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class ExpBump< 1, Real > : public ExpBumpBase< 1, Real >
       typedef Real RealType;
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< 1, RealType > VertexType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< 1, RealType > PointType;
       static String getType();
@@ -72,11 +72,11 @@ class ExpBump< 1, Real > : public ExpBumpBase< 1, Real >
                 int ZDiffOrder = 0 >
-   RealType getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& v,
+   RealType getPartialDerivative( const PointType& v,
                                   const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
-   RealType operator()( const VertexType& v,
+   RealType operator()( const PointType& v,
                         const RealType& time = 0.0 ) const;
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class ExpBump< 2, Real > : public ExpBumpBase< 2, Real >
       typedef Real RealType;
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< 2, RealType > VertexType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< 2, RealType > PointType;
       static String getType();
@@ -102,11 +102,11 @@ class ExpBump< 2, Real > : public ExpBumpBase< 2, Real >
                 int ZDiffOrder = 0 >
    __cuda_callable__ inline
-   RealType getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& v,
+   RealType getPartialDerivative( const PointType& v,
                                   const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
-   RealType operator()( const VertexType& v,
+   RealType operator()( const PointType& v,
                         const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ class ExpBump< 3, Real > : public ExpBumpBase< 3, Real >
       typedef Real RealType;
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< 3, RealType > VertexType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< 3, RealType > PointType;
       static String getType();
@@ -133,18 +133,18 @@ class ExpBump< 3, Real > : public ExpBumpBase< 3, Real >
                 int ZDiffOrder = 0 >
-   RealType getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& v,
+   RealType getPartialDerivative( const PointType& v,
                                   const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
-   RealType operator()( const VertexType& v,
+   RealType operator()( const PointType& v,
                         const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real >
-std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& str, const ExpBump< Dimensions, Real >& f )
+std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& str, const ExpBump< Dimension, Real >& f )
    str << "ExpBump. function: amplitude = " << f.getAmplitude() << " sigma = " << f.getSigma();
    return str;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/ExpBump_impl.h b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/ExpBump_impl.h
index 10e0c85528112934db051f51cf8d684e5d14707f..54ecbe2a66fb011e827c1c876aa385ad4b4eee57 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/ExpBump_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/ExpBump_impl.h
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 ExpBump< 1, Real >::
-getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& v,
+getPartialDerivative( const PointType& v,
                       const Real& time ) const
    using namespace std;
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 ExpBump< 1, Real >::
-operator()( const VertexType& v,
+operator()( const PointType& v,
             const Real& time ) const
    return this->template getPartialDerivative< 0, 0, 0 >( v, time );
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
 ExpBump< 2, Real >::
-getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& v,
+getPartialDerivative( const PointType& v,
                       const Real& time ) const
    const RealType& x = v.x();
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 ExpBump< 2, Real >::
-operator()( const VertexType& v,
+operator()( const PointType& v,
             const Real& time ) const
    return this->template getPartialDerivative< 0, 0, 0 >( v, time );
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 ExpBump< 3, Real >::
-getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& v,
+getPartialDerivative( const PointType& v,
                       const Real& time ) const
    const RealType& x = v.x();
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 ExpBump< 3, Real >::
-operator()( const VertexType& v,
+operator()( const PointType& v,
             const Real& time ) const
    return this->template getPartialDerivative< 0, 0, 0 >( v, time );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Flowerpot.h b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Flowerpot.h
index c8df009b7e42c7b955775c2b4486a423529d0252..2d33a4a9c989b8d0265576edbcc76ca4305418a8 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Flowerpot.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Flowerpot.h
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ namespace Functions {
 namespace Analytic {   
 template< typename Real,
-          int Dimensions >
-class FlowerpotBase : public Domain< Dimensions, SpaceDomain >
+          int Dimension >
+class FlowerpotBase : public Domain< Dimension, SpaceDomain >
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class FlowerpotBase : public Domain< Dimensions, SpaceDomain >
       RealType diameter;
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real >
 class Flowerpot
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ class Flowerpot< 1, Real > : public FlowerpotBase< Real, 1 >
-      enum { Dimensions = 1 };
+      enum { Dimension = 1 };
       typedef Real RealType;
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< Dimensions, Real > VertexType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< Dimension, Real > PointType;
       static String getType();
@@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ class Flowerpot< 1, Real > : public FlowerpotBase< Real, 1 >
       template< int XDiffOrder,
                 int YDiffOrder,
                 int ZDiffOrder,
-                typename Vertex >
+                typename Point >
       template< int XDiffOrder = 0,
                 int YDiffOrder = 0,
                 int ZDiffOrder = 0,
-                typename Vertex = VertexType >
+                typename Point = PointType >
-      RealType getPartialDerivative( const Vertex& v,
+      RealType getPartialDerivative( const Point& v,
                                      const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
-      RealType operator()( const VertexType& v,
+      RealType operator()( const PointType& v,
                            const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
@@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ class Flowerpot< 2, Real > : public FlowerpotBase< Real, 2 >
-      enum { Dimensions = 2 };
+      enum { Dimension = 2 };
       typedef Real RealType;
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< Dimensions, Real > VertexType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< Dimension, Real > PointType;
       static String getType();
@@ -96,19 +96,19 @@ class Flowerpot< 2, Real > : public FlowerpotBase< Real, 2 >
       template< int XDiffOrder,
                 int YDiffOrder,
                 int ZDiffOrder,
-                typename Vertex >
+                typename Point >
       template< int XDiffOrder = 0,
                 int YDiffOrder = 0,
                 int ZDiffOrder = 0,
-                typename Vertex = VertexType >
+                typename Point = PointType >
-      RealType getPartialDerivative( const Vertex& v,
+      RealType getPartialDerivative( const Point& v,
                                      const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
-      RealType operator()( const VertexType& v,
+      RealType operator()( const PointType& v,
                            const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
@@ -118,9 +118,9 @@ class Flowerpot< 3, Real > : public FlowerpotBase< Real, 3 >
-      enum { Dimensions = 3 };
+      enum { Dimension = 3 };
       typedef Real RealType;
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< Dimensions, Real > VertexType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< Dimension, Real > PointType;
       static String getType();
@@ -130,26 +130,26 @@ class Flowerpot< 3, Real > : public FlowerpotBase< Real, 3 >
       template< int XDiffOrder,
                 int YDiffOrder,
                 int ZDiffOrder,
-                typename Vertex >
+                typename Point >
       template< int XDiffOrder = 0,
                 int YDiffOrder = 0,
                 int ZDiffOrder = 0,
-                typename Vertex = VertexType >
+                typename Point = PointType >
-      RealType getPartialDerivative( const Vertex& v,
+      RealType getPartialDerivative( const Point& v,
                                      const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
-      RealType operator()( const VertexType& v,
+      RealType operator()( const PointType& v,
                            const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real >
-std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& str, const Flowerpot< Dimensions, Real >& f )
+std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& str, const Flowerpot< Dimension, Real >& f )
    str << "Flowerpot function.";
    return str;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Flowerpot_impl.h b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Flowerpot_impl.h
index a3da8b4d2ae38d0972861cf49e77081240c1781c..455b4682b29780bdf526b45adf9b228c7c225073 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Flowerpot_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Flowerpot_impl.h
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ namespace Functions {
 namespace Analytic {   
 template< typename Real,
-          int Dimensions >
+          int Dimension >
-FlowerpotBase< Real, Dimensions >::
+FlowerpotBase< Real, Dimension >::
 setup( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
        const String& prefix )
@@ -28,15 +28,15 @@ setup( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
 template< typename Real,
-          int Dimensions >
-void FlowerpotBase< Real, Dimensions >::setDiameter( const Real& sigma )
+          int Dimension >
+void FlowerpotBase< Real, Dimension >::setDiameter( const Real& sigma )
    this->diameter = diameter;
 template< typename Real,
-          int Dimensions >
-const Real& FlowerpotBase< Real, Dimensions >::getDiameter() const
+          int Dimension >
+const Real& FlowerpotBase< Real, Dimension >::getDiameter() const
    return this->diameter;
@@ -61,10 +61,10 @@ template< typename Real >
    template< int XDiffOrder,
              int YDiffOrder,
              int ZDiffOrder,
-             typename Vertex >
+             typename Point >
-Flowerpot< 1, Real >::getPartialDerivative( const Vertex& v,
+Flowerpot< 1, Real >::getPartialDerivative( const Point& v,
                                                        const Real& time ) const
    const RealType& x = v.x();
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 Flowerpot< 1, Real >::
-operator()( const VertexType& v,
+operator()( const PointType& v,
             const Real& time ) const
    return this->template getPartialDerivative< 0, 0, 0 >( v, time );
@@ -105,11 +105,11 @@ template< typename Real >
    template< int XDiffOrder,
              int YDiffOrder,
              int ZDiffOrder,
-             typename Vertex >
+             typename Point >
 Flowerpot< 2, Real >::
-getPartialDerivative( const Vertex& v,
+getPartialDerivative( const Point& v,
                       const Real& time ) const
    const RealType& x = v.x();
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 Flowerpot< 2, Real >::
-operator()( const VertexType& v,
+operator()( const PointType& v,
             const Real& time ) const
    return this->template getPartialDerivative< 0, 0, 0 >( v, time );
@@ -152,11 +152,11 @@ template< typename Real >
    template< int XDiffOrder,
              int YDiffOrder,
              int ZDiffOrder,
-             typename Vertex >
+             typename Point >
 Flowerpot< 3, Real >::
-getPartialDerivative( const Vertex& v,
+getPartialDerivative( const Point& v,
                       const Real& time ) const
    const RealType& x = v.x();
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 Flowerpot< 3, Real >::
-operator()( const VertexType& v,
+operator()( const PointType& v,
             const Real& time ) const
    return this->template getPartialDerivative< 0, 0, 0 >( v, time );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/PseudoSquare.h b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/PseudoSquare.h
index 26d3086f23b1fa855acec067dc0b72a5ba878e1e..2f9dadd8073e392e8bca816f77ca76f05f08aae7 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/PseudoSquare.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/PseudoSquare.h
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ namespace Functions {
 namespace Analytic {   
 template< typename Real,
-          int Dimensions >
-class PseudoSquareBase : public Domain< Dimensions, SpaceDomain >
+          int Dimension >
+class PseudoSquareBase : public Domain< Dimension, SpaceDomain >
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class PseudoSquareBase : public Domain< Dimensions, SpaceDomain >
       RealType height;
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real >
 class PseudoSquare
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ class PseudoSquare< 1, Real > : public PseudoSquareBase< Real, 1 >
-      enum { Dimensions = 1 };
+      enum { Dimension = 1 };
       typedef Real RealType;
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< Dimensions, Real > VertexType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< Dimension, Real > PointType;
       static String getType();
@@ -64,11 +64,11 @@ class PseudoSquare< 1, Real > : public PseudoSquareBase< Real, 1 >
                 int ZDiffOrder = 0 >
-      RealType getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& v,
+      RealType getPartialDerivative( const PointType& v,
                                      const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
-      RealType operator()( const VertexType& v,
+      RealType operator()( const PointType& v,
                            const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
@@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ class PseudoSquare< 2, Real > : public PseudoSquareBase< Real, 2 >
-      enum { Dimensions = 2 };
+      enum { Dimension = 2 };
       typedef Real RealType;
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< Dimensions, Real > VertexType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< Dimension, Real > PointType;
       static String getType();
@@ -95,11 +95,11 @@ class PseudoSquare< 2, Real > : public PseudoSquareBase< Real, 2 >
                 int ZDiffOrder = 0 >
-      RealType getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& v,
+      RealType getPartialDerivative( const PointType& v,
                                      const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
-      RealType operator()( const VertexType& v,
+      RealType operator()( const PointType& v,
                            const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
@@ -108,9 +108,9 @@ class PseudoSquare< 3, Real > : public PseudoSquareBase< Real, 3 >
-      enum { Dimensions = 3 };
+      enum { Dimension = 3 };
       typedef Real RealType;
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< Dimensions, Real > VertexType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< Dimension, Real > PointType;
       static String getType();
@@ -126,18 +126,18 @@ class PseudoSquare< 3, Real > : public PseudoSquareBase< Real, 3 >
                 int ZDiffOrder = 0 >
-      RealType getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& v,
+      RealType getPartialDerivative( const PointType& v,
                                      const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
-      RealType operator()( const VertexType& v,
+      RealType operator()( const PointType& v,
                            const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real >
-std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& str, const PseudoSquare< Dimensions, Real >& f )
+std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& str, const PseudoSquare< Dimension, Real >& f )
    str << "Level-set pseudo square function.";
    return str;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/PseudoSquare_impl.h b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/PseudoSquare_impl.h
index 378e11ac11c720b573a46d922b4d66cdb63ee66b..d2e1114f9a07a69a66ad44cf73e425e4db186f4c 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/PseudoSquare_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/PseudoSquare_impl.h
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ namespace Functions {
 namespace Analytic {   
 template< typename Real,
-          int Dimensions >
+          int Dimension >
-PseudoSquareBase< Real, Dimensions >::
+PseudoSquareBase< Real, Dimension >::
 setup( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
        const String& prefix )
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 PseudoSquare< 1, Real >::
-getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& v,
+getPartialDerivative( const PointType& v,
                       const Real& time ) const
    const RealType& x = v.x();
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 PseudoSquare< 1, Real >::
-operator()( const VertexType& v,
+operator()( const PointType& v,
             const Real& time ) const
    return this->template getPartialDerivative< 0, 0, 0 >( v, time );
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 PseudoSquare< 2, Real >::
-getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& v,
+getPartialDerivative( const PointType& v,
                       const Real& time ) const
    const RealType& x = v.x();
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 PseudoSquare< 2, Real >::
-operator()( const VertexType& v,
+operator()( const PointType& v,
             const Real& time ) const
    return this->template getPartialDerivative< 0, 0, 0 >( v, time );
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 PseudoSquare< 3, Real >::
-getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& v,
+getPartialDerivative( const PointType& v,
                       const Real& time ) const
    const RealType& x = v.x();
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 PseudoSquare< 3, Real >::
-operator()( const VertexType& v,
+operator()( const PointType& v,
             const Real& time ) const
    return this->template getPartialDerivative< 0, 0, 0 >( v, time );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/SinBumps.h b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/SinBumps.h
index d3cc0434582e8b0c6df273f3063f382d1bef3ebb..fd3c104f26f059db31f9bed95b38bd36f81178e7 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/SinBumps.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/SinBumps.h
@@ -18,35 +18,35 @@ namespace TNL {
 namespace Functions {
 namespace Analytic {   
-template< typename Vertex >
-class SinBumpsBase : public Domain< Vertex::size, SpaceDomain >
+template< typename Point >
+class SinBumpsBase : public Domain< Point::size, SpaceDomain >
-      typedef Vertex VertexType;
-      typedef typename Vertex::RealType RealType;
-      enum { Dimensions = VertexType::size };
+      typedef Point PointType;
+      typedef typename Point::RealType RealType;
+      enum { Dimension = PointType::size };
-      void setWaveLength( const VertexType& waveLength );
+      void setWaveLength( const PointType& waveLength );
-      const VertexType& getWaveLength() const;
+      const PointType& getWaveLength() const;
       void setAmplitude( const RealType& amplitude );
       const RealType& getAmplitude() const;
-      void setPhase( const VertexType& phase );
+      void setPhase( const PointType& phase );
-      const VertexType& getPhase() const;
+      const PointType& getPhase() const;
       RealType amplitude;
-      VertexType waveLength, phase;
+      PointType waveLength, phase;
-template< int Dimensions, typename Real >
+template< int Dimension, typename Real >
 class SinBumps
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class SinBumps< 1, Real  > : public SinBumpsBase< Containers::StaticVector< 1, R
       typedef Real RealType;
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< 1, RealType > VertexType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< 1, RealType > PointType;
@@ -75,11 +75,11 @@ class SinBumps< 1, Real  > : public SinBumpsBase< Containers::StaticVector< 1, R
                 int ZDiffOrder = 0 >
-      RealType getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& v,
+      RealType getPartialDerivative( const PointType& v,
                                      const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
-   RealType operator()( const VertexType& v,
+   RealType operator()( const PointType& v,
                         const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class SinBumps< 2, Real > : public SinBumpsBase< Containers::StaticVector< 2, Re
       typedef Real RealType;
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< 2, RealType > VertexType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< 2, RealType > PointType;
@@ -108,11 +108,11 @@ class SinBumps< 2, Real > : public SinBumpsBase< Containers::StaticVector< 2, Re
                 int ZDiffOrder = 0 >
-      RealType getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& v,
+      RealType getPartialDerivative( const PointType& v,
                                      const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
-   RealType operator()( const VertexType& v,
+   RealType operator()( const PointType& v,
                         const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ class SinBumps< 3, Real > : public SinBumpsBase< Containers::StaticVector< 3, Re
       typedef Real RealType;
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< 3, RealType > VertexType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< 3, RealType > PointType;
@@ -140,18 +140,18 @@ class SinBumps< 3, Real > : public SinBumpsBase< Containers::StaticVector< 3, Re
                 int ZDiffOrder = 0 >
-      RealType getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& v,
+      RealType getPartialDerivative( const PointType& v,
                          const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
-   RealType operator()( const VertexType& v,
+   RealType operator()( const PointType& v,
                         const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real >
-std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& str, const SinBumps< Dimensions, Real >& f )
+std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& str, const SinBumps< Dimension, Real >& f )
    str << "Sin Bumps. function: amplitude = " << f.getAmplitude()
        << " wavelength = " << f.getWaveLength()
diff --git a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/SinBumps_impl.h b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/SinBumps_impl.h
index 8ae3eeb6abdce64ee0db3df89c5e59ada351f58b..7e0f5da66ba4956f9638ff5eb075414e0cc3850d 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/SinBumps_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/SinBumps_impl.h
@@ -16,38 +16,38 @@ namespace TNL {
 namespace Functions {
 namespace Analytic {   
-template< typename Vertex >
-void SinBumpsBase< Vertex >::setWaveLength( const Vertex& waveLength )
+template< typename Point >
+void SinBumpsBase< Point >::setWaveLength( const Point& waveLength )
    this->waveLength = waveLength;
-template< typename Vertex >
-const Vertex& SinBumpsBase< Vertex >::getWaveLength() const
+template< typename Point >
+const Point& SinBumpsBase< Point >::getWaveLength() const
    return this->waveLength;
-template< typename Vertex >
-void SinBumpsBase< Vertex >::setAmplitude( const typename Vertex::RealType& amplitude )
+template< typename Point >
+void SinBumpsBase< Point >::setAmplitude( const typename Point::RealType& amplitude )
    this->amplitude = amplitude;
-template< typename Vertex >
-const typename Vertex::RealType& SinBumpsBase< Vertex >::getAmplitude() const
+template< typename Point >
+const typename Point::RealType& SinBumpsBase< Point >::getAmplitude() const
    return this->amplitude;
-template< typename Vertex >
-void SinBumpsBase< Vertex >::setPhase( const Vertex& phase )
+template< typename Point >
+void SinBumpsBase< Point >::setPhase( const Point& phase )
    this->phase = phase;
-template< typename Vertex >
-const Vertex& SinBumpsBase< Vertex >::getPhase() const
+template< typename Point >
+const Point& SinBumpsBase< Point >::getPhase() const
    return this->phase;
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 SinBumps< 1, Real >::
-getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& v,
+getPartialDerivative( const PointType& v,
                       const Real& time ) const
    const RealType& x = v.x();
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 SinBumps< 1, Real >::
-operator()( const VertexType& v,
+operator()( const PointType& v,
             const Real& time ) const
    return this->template getPartialDerivative< 0, 0, 0 >( v, time );
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 SinBumps< 2, Real>::
-getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& v,
+getPartialDerivative( const PointType& v,
                       const Real& time ) const
    const RealType& x = v.x();
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 SinBumps< 2, Real >::
-operator()( const VertexType& v,
+operator()( const PointType& v,
             const Real& time ) const
    return this->template getPartialDerivative< 0, 0, 0 >( v, time );
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 SinBumps< 3, Real >::
-getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& v,
+getPartialDerivative( const PointType& v,
                       const Real& time ) const
    const RealType& x = v.x();
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 SinBumps< 3, Real >::
-operator()( const VertexType& v,
+operator()( const PointType& v,
             const Real& time ) const
    return this->template getPartialDerivative< 0, 0, 0 >( v, time );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/SinWave.h b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/SinWave.h
index 98c8cdddc6e8f9d0a0433fca653ade91d5d85665..bf4678c13c0f08686e43654783f3bb139e77ba1f 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/SinWave.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/SinWave.h
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class SinWaveBase : public Domain< dimensions, SpaceDomain >
    Real waveLength, amplitude, phase, wavesNumber;
-template< int Dimensions, typename Real >
+template< int Dimension, typename Real >
 class SinWave
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class SinWave< 1, Real > : public SinWaveBase< 1, Real >
       typedef Real RealType;
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< 1, RealType > VertexType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< 1, RealType > PointType;
 #ifdef HAVE_NOT_CXX11
       template< int XDiffOrder,
@@ -69,11 +69,11 @@ class SinWave< 1, Real > : public SinWaveBase< 1, Real >
                 int ZDiffOrder = 0 >
-      RealType getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& v,
+      RealType getPartialDerivative( const PointType& v,
                                      const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
-      RealType operator()( const VertexType& v,
+      RealType operator()( const PointType& v,
                            const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class SinWave< 2, Real > : public SinWaveBase< 2, Real >
       typedef Real RealType;
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< 2, RealType > VertexType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< 2, RealType > PointType;
 #ifdef HAVE_NOT_CXX11
       template< int XDiffOrder,
@@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ class SinWave< 2, Real > : public SinWaveBase< 2, Real >
                 int ZDiffOrder = 0 >
-      RealType getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& v,
+      RealType getPartialDerivative( const PointType& v,
                                      const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
-      RealType operator()( const VertexType& v,
+      RealType operator()( const PointType& v,
                            const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ class SinWave< 3, Real > : public SinWaveBase< 3, Real >
       typedef Real RealType;
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< 3, RealType > VertexType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< 3, RealType > PointType;
@@ -125,18 +125,18 @@ class SinWave< 3, Real > : public SinWaveBase< 3, Real >
                 int ZDiffOrder = 0 >
-      RealType getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& v,
+      RealType getPartialDerivative( const PointType& v,
                          const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
-      RealType operator()( const VertexType& v,
+      RealType operator()( const PointType& v,
                            const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real >
-std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& str, const SinWave< Dimensions, Real >& f )
+std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& str, const SinWave< Dimension, Real >& f )
    str << "Sin Wave. function: amplitude = " << f.getAmplitude()
        << " wavelength = " << f.getWaveLength()
diff --git a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/SinWave_impl.h b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/SinWave_impl.h
index 56d3bd251203bde26d330daf7d06160551f4d94a..eea5f461561830037c96f1ac8ab327915a19fa33 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/SinWave_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/SinWave_impl.h
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 SinWave< 1, Real >::
-getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& v,
+getPartialDerivative( const PointType& v,
                       const Real& time ) const
    const RealType& x = v.x();
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 SinWave< 1, Real >::
-operator()( const VertexType& v,
+operator()( const PointType& v,
             const Real& time ) const
    return this->template getPartialDerivative< 0, 0, 0 >( v, time );
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 SinWave< 2, Real >::
-getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& v,
+getPartialDerivative( const PointType& v,
                       const Real& time ) const
    const RealType& x = v.x();
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 SinWave< 2, Real >::
-operator()( const VertexType& v,
+operator()( const PointType& v,
             const Real& time ) const
    return this->template getPartialDerivative< 0, 0, 0 >( v, time );
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 SinWave< 3, Real >::
-getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& v,
+getPartialDerivative( const PointType& v,
                       const Real& time ) const
    const RealType& x = v.x();
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 SinWave< 3, Real >::
-operator()( const VertexType& v,
+operator()( const PointType& v,
             const Real& time ) const
    return this->template getPartialDerivative< 0, 0, 0 >( v, time );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Twins.h b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Twins.h
index ebdb507ac79e84681396715254ff4d4e30ff1b9e..bd4aecc79231c7a81b144a6ddcf04ca8b81ec837 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Twins.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Twins.h
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ namespace Functions {
 namespace Analytic {   
 template< typename Real,
-          int Dimensions >
-class TwinsBase : public Domain< Dimensions, SpaceDomain >
+          int Dimension >
+class TwinsBase : public Domain< Dimension, SpaceDomain >
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class TwinsBase : public Domain< Dimensions, SpaceDomain >
                  const String& prefix = "" );
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real >
 class Twins
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ class Twins< 1, Real > : public TwinsBase< Real, 1 >
-      enum { Dimensions = 1 };
+      enum { Dimension = 1 };
       typedef Real RealType;
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< Dimensions, Real > VertexType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< Dimension, Real > PointType;
       static String getType();
@@ -54,19 +54,19 @@ class Twins< 1, Real > : public TwinsBase< Real, 1 >
       template< int XDiffOrder,
                 int YDiffOrder,
                 int ZDiffOrder,
-                typename Vertex >
+                typename Point >
       template< int XDiffOrder = 0,
                 int YDiffOrder = 0,
                 int ZDiffOrder = 0,
-                typename Vertex = VertexType >
+                typename Point = PointType >
-      RealType getPartialDerivative( const Vertex& v,
+      RealType getPartialDerivative( const Point& v,
                                      const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
-      RealType operator()( const VertexType& v,
+      RealType operator()( const PointType& v,
                            const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
@@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ class Twins< 2, Real > : public TwinsBase< Real, 2 >
-      enum { Dimensions = 2 };
+      enum { Dimension = 2 };
       typedef Real RealType;
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< Dimensions, Real > VertexType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< Dimension, Real > PointType;
       static String getType();
@@ -88,19 +88,19 @@ class Twins< 2, Real > : public TwinsBase< Real, 2 >
       template< int XDiffOrder,
                 int YDiffOrder,
                 int ZDiffOrder,
-                typename Vertex >
+                typename Point >
       template< int XDiffOrder = 0,
                 int YDiffOrder = 0,
                 int ZDiffOrder = 0,
-                typename Vertex = VertexType >
+                typename Point = PointType >
-      RealType getPartialDerivative( const Vertex& v,
+      RealType getPartialDerivative( const Point& v,
                                      const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
-      RealType operator()( const VertexType& v,
+      RealType operator()( const PointType& v,
                            const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
@@ -110,9 +110,9 @@ class Twins< 3, Real > : public TwinsBase< Real, 3 >
-      enum { Dimensions = 3 };
+      enum { Dimension = 3 };
       typedef Real RealType;
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< Dimensions, Real > VertexType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< Dimension, Real > PointType;
       static String getType();
@@ -122,26 +122,26 @@ class Twins< 3, Real > : public TwinsBase< Real, 3 >
       template< int XDiffOrder,
                 int YDiffOrder,
                 int ZDiffOrder,
-                typename Vertex >
+                typename Point >
       template< int XDiffOrder = 0,
                 int YDiffOrder = 0,
                 int ZDiffOrder = 0,
-                typename Vertex = VertexType >
+                typename Point = PointType >
-      RealType getPartialDerivative( const Vertex& v,
+      RealType getPartialDerivative( const Point& v,
                                      const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
-      RealType operator()( const VertexType& v,
+      RealType operator()( const PointType& v,
                            const Real& time = 0.0 ) const;
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real >
-std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& str, const Twins< Dimensions, Real >& f )
+std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& str, const Twins< Dimension, Real >& f )
    str << "Twins function.";
    return str;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Twins_impl.h b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Twins_impl.h
index 222f9a452adf289bcc9282c75cf2014ecc23c289..aa7d4d1f972eb89c838c9445428590e996df2347 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Twins_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Functions/Analytic/Twins_impl.h
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ namespace Functions {
 namespace Analytic {   
 template< typename Real,
-          int Dimensions >
+          int Dimension >
-TwinsBase< Real, Dimensions >::
+TwinsBase< Real, Dimension >::
 setup( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
        const String& prefix )
@@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ template< typename Real >
    template< int XDiffOrder,
              int YDiffOrder,
              int ZDiffOrder,
-             typename Vertex >
+             typename Point >
-Twins< 1, Real >::getPartialDerivative( const Vertex& v,
+Twins< 1, Real >::getPartialDerivative( const Point& v,
                                                    const Real& time ) const
    const RealType& x = v.x();
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 Twins< 1, Real >::
-operator()( const VertexType& v,
+operator()( const PointType& v,
             const Real& time ) const
    return this->template getPartialDerivative< 0, 0, 0 >( v, time );
@@ -91,11 +91,11 @@ template< typename Real >
    template< int XDiffOrder,
              int YDiffOrder,
              int ZDiffOrder,
-             typename Vertex >
+             typename Point >
 Twins< 2, Real >::
-getPartialDerivative( const Vertex& v,
+getPartialDerivative( const Point& v,
                       const Real& time ) const
    const RealType& x = v.x();
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 Twins< 2, Real >::
-operator()( const VertexType& v,
+operator()( const PointType& v,
             const Real& time ) const
    return this->template getPartialDerivative< 0, 0, 0 >( v, time );
@@ -137,11 +137,11 @@ template< typename Real >
    template< int XDiffOrder,
              int YDiffOrder,
              int ZDiffOrder,
-             typename Vertex >
+             typename Point >
 Twins< 3, Real >::
-getPartialDerivative( const Vertex& v,
+getPartialDerivative( const Point& v,
                       const Real& time ) const
    const RealType& x = v.x();
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ template< typename Real >
 Twins< 3, Real >::
-operator()( const VertexType& v,
+operator()( const PointType& v,
             const Real& time ) const
    return this->template getPartialDerivative< 0, 0, 0 >( v, time );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Functions/Domain.h b/src/TNL/Functions/Domain.h
index ffef9577dbfabdd1c0338e681b6ef128c23a7f82..07a8c878c214c0baeb4e2677cd2f92cab161ddee 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Functions/Domain.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Functions/Domain.h
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ namespace Functions {
 enum DomainType { NonspaceDomain, SpaceDomain, MeshDomain, MeshInteriorDomain, MeshBoundaryDomain };
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           DomainType DomainType_ = SpaceDomain >
 class Domain
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class Domain
       typedef void DeviceType;
-      static constexpr int getDomainDimensions() { return Dimensions; }
+      static constexpr int getDomainDimension() { return Dimension; }
       static constexpr DomainType getDomainType() { return DomainType_; }
diff --git a/src/TNL/Functions/ExactOperatorFunction.h b/src/TNL/Functions/ExactOperatorFunction.h
index 02d9d797287ab9fffe7e14ca138d48368560669c..7561e693b71687bb5f6eaf368c9756e9fcf1499e 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Functions/ExactOperatorFunction.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Functions/ExactOperatorFunction.h
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ namespace Functions {
 template< typename Operator,
           typename Function >
-class ExactOperatorFunction : public Domain< Operator::getDomainDimensions(), SpaceDomain >
+class ExactOperatorFunction : public Domain< Operator::getDomainDimension(), SpaceDomain >
-   static_assert( Operator::getDomainDimensions() == Function::getDomainDimensions(),
+   static_assert( Operator::getDomainDimension() == Function::getDomainDimension(),
       "Operator and function have different number of domain dimensions." );
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ class ExactOperatorFunction : public Domain< Operator::getDomainDimensions(), Sp
       typedef Operator OperatorType;
       typedef Function FunctionType;
       typedef typename FunctionType::RealType RealType;
-      typedef typename FunctionType::VertexType VertexType;
+      typedef typename FunctionType::PointType PointType;
-      static constexpr int getDomainDimensions() { return Operator::getDomainDimensions(); }
+      static constexpr int getDomainDimension() { return Operator::getDomainDimension(); }
          const OperatorType& operator_,
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class ExactOperatorFunction : public Domain< Operator::getDomainDimensions(), Sp
       RealType operator()(
-         const VertexType& vertex,
+         const PointType& vertex,
          const RealType& time ) const
          return this->operator_( function, vertex, time );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Functions/FunctionAdapter.h b/src/TNL/Functions/FunctionAdapter.h
index 27b46d93cae78d1e5df5b7164fe59c601850c8ee..2128ce811d135c28262b8b8b0c684d7016cfcaba 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Functions/FunctionAdapter.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Functions/FunctionAdapter.h
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class FunctionAdapter
       typedef Mesh MeshType;
       typedef typename FunctionType::RealType  RealType;
       typedef typename MeshType::IndexType     IndexType;
-      //typedef typename FunctionType::VertexType VertexType;
+      //typedef typename FunctionType::PointType PointType;
       template< typename MeshPointer >
       static bool setup( FunctionType& function,
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class FunctionAdapter< Mesh, Function, SpaceDomain >
       typedef Mesh MeshType;
       typedef typename FunctionType::RealType  RealType;
       typedef typename MeshType::IndexType     IndexType;
-      typedef typename FunctionType::VertexType VertexType;
+      typedef typename FunctionType::PointType PointType;
       template< typename MeshPointer >
       static bool setup( FunctionType& function,
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class FunctionAdapter< Mesh, Function, NonspaceDomain >
       typedef Mesh MeshType;
       typedef typename FunctionType::RealType  RealType;
       typedef typename MeshType::IndexType     IndexType;
-      typedef typename FunctionType::VertexType VertexType;
+      typedef typename FunctionType::PointType PointType;
       template< typename MeshPointer >
       static bool setup( FunctionType& function,
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ class FunctionAdapter< Mesh, Function, SpaceDomain >
       typedef Mesh MeshType;
       typedef typename FunctionType::RealType  RealType;
       typedef typename MeshType::IndexType     IndexType;
-      typedef typename FunctionType::VertexType VertexType;
+      typedef typename FunctionType::PointType PointType;
       template< typename EntityType >
       __cuda_callable__ inline
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ class FunctionAdapter< Mesh, Function, SpaceDomain >
       typedef Mesh MeshType;
       typedef typename FunctionType::RealType  RealType;
       typedef typename MeshType::IndexType     IndexType;
-      typedef typename FunctionType::VertexType VertexType;
+      typedef typename FunctionType::PointType PointType;
       template< typename EntityType >
       __cuda_callable__ inline
diff --git a/src/TNL/Functions/MeshFunction.h b/src/TNL/Functions/MeshFunction.h
index a3cf8a46c307312ff0e10127da53339c48ddb3e4..bedefc2169f02f19bce9434080366d9e90f66a75 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Functions/MeshFunction.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Functions/MeshFunction.h
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ namespace TNL {
 namespace Functions {   
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions = Mesh::meshDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension = Mesh::meshDimension,
           typename Real = typename Mesh::RealType >
 class MeshFunction :
    public Object,
-   public Domain< Mesh::meshDimensions, MeshDomain >
+   public Domain< Mesh::meshDimension, MeshDomain >
    //static_assert( Mesh::DeviceType::DeviceType == Vector::DeviceType::DeviceType,
    //               "Both mesh and vector of a mesh function must reside on the same device.");
@@ -36,9 +36,11 @@ class MeshFunction :
       typedef SharedPointer< MeshType > MeshPointer;      
       typedef Real RealType;
       typedef Containers::Vector< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType > VectorType;
-      typedef Functions::MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real > ThisType;
+      typedef Functions::MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real > ThisType;
-      static constexpr int getEntitiesDimensions() { return MeshEntityDimensions; }
+      static constexpr int getEntitiesDimension() { return MeshEntityDimension; }
+      static constexpr int getMeshDimensions() { return MeshType::getMeshDimension(); }
diff --git a/src/TNL/Functions/MeshFunctionEvaluator.h b/src/TNL/Functions/MeshFunctionEvaluator.h
index 982ed8b9a150d0d33a6211c5d01c87cb8290798b..ad08b901404b1110c81943ffd753984e9ebe9aaa 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Functions/MeshFunctionEvaluator.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Functions/MeshFunctionEvaluator.h
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ template< typename OutMeshFunction,
           typename InFunction >
 class MeshFunctionEvaluator
-   static_assert( OutMeshFunction::getDomainDimensions() == InFunction::getDomainDimensions(),
+   static_assert( OutMeshFunction::getDomainDimension() == InFunction::getDomainDimension(),
                   "Input and output functions must have the same domain dimensions." );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Functions/MeshFunctionEvaluator_impl.h b/src/TNL/Functions/MeshFunctionEvaluator_impl.h
index 205cc979ac9fdabc191fb479443ddb2c9dc8bea7..408e0882fc1e354ae87d89e1859fc61150fd0049 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Functions/MeshFunctionEvaluator_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Functions/MeshFunctionEvaluator_impl.h
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ evaluateEntities( OutMeshFunctionPointer& meshFunction,
    static_assert( std::is_same< typename std::decay< typename OutMeshFunctionPointer::ObjectType >::type, OutMeshFunction >::value, "expected a smart pointer" );
    static_assert( std::is_same< typename std::decay< typename InFunctionPointer::ObjectType >::type, InFunction >::value, "expected a smart pointer" );
-   typedef typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< OutMeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() > MeshEntityType;
+   typedef typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< OutMeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() > MeshEntityType;
    typedef Functions::MeshFunctionEvaluatorAssignmentEntitiesProcessor< MeshType, TraverserUserData > AssignmentEntitiesProcessor;
    typedef Functions::MeshFunctionEvaluatorAdditionEntitiesProcessor< MeshType, TraverserUserData > AdditionEntitiesProcessor;
    //typedef typename OutMeshFunction::MeshPointer OutMeshPointer;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Functions/MeshFunctionGnuplotWriter_impl.h b/src/TNL/Functions/MeshFunctionGnuplotWriter_impl.h
index 341ed711a4cb4da60f3f6501a5dec0f8b736925a..7a5a3900251950d38cc76052e976b697d7dd0c6e 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Functions/MeshFunctionGnuplotWriter_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Functions/MeshFunctionGnuplotWriter_impl.h
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ write( const MeshFunctionType& function,
         entity.getCoordinates().x() ++ )
-      typename MeshType::VertexType v = entity.getCenter();
+      typename MeshType::PointType v = entity.getCenter();
       str << v.x() << " "
           << function.getData().getElement( entity.getIndex() ) << std::endl;
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ write( const MeshFunctionType& function,
         entity.getCoordinates().x() ++ )
-      typename MeshType::VertexType v = entity.getCenter();
+      typename MeshType::PointType v = entity.getCenter();
       str << v.x() << " "
           << function.getData().getElement( entity.getIndex() ) << std::endl;
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ write( const MeshFunctionType& function,
            entity.getCoordinates().x() ++ )
-         typename MeshType::VertexType v = entity.getCenter();
+         typename MeshType::PointType v = entity.getCenter();
          str << v.x() << " " << v.y() << " "
              << function.getData().getElement( entity.getIndex() ) << std::endl;
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ write( const MeshFunctionType& function,
            entity.getCoordinates().x() ++ )
-         typename MeshType::VertexType v = entity.getCenter();
+         typename MeshType::PointType v = entity.getCenter();
          str << v.x() << " " << v.y() << " "
              << function.getData().getElement( entity.getIndex() ) << std::endl;
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ write( const MeshFunctionType& function,
-         typename MeshType::VertexType v = entity.getCenter();
+         typename MeshType::PointType v = entity.getCenter();
          str << v.x() << " " << v.y() << " "
              << function.getData().getElement( entity.getIndex() ) << std::endl;
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ write( const MeshFunctionType& function,
            entity.getCoordinates().x() ++ )
-         typename MeshType::VertexType v = entity.getCenter();
+         typename MeshType::PointType v = entity.getCenter();
          str << v.x() << " " << v.y() << " "
              << function.getData().getElement( entity.getIndex() ) << std::endl;
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ write( const MeshFunctionType& function,
               entity.getCoordinates().x() ++ )
-            typename MeshType::VertexType v = entity.getCenter();
+            typename MeshType::PointType v = entity.getCenter();
             str << v.x() << " " << v.y() << " " << v.z() << " "
                 << function.getData().getElement( entity.getIndex() ) << std::endl;
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ write( const MeshFunctionType& function,
               entity.getCoordinates().x() ++ )
-            typename MeshType::VertexType v = entity.getCenter();
+            typename MeshType::PointType v = entity.getCenter();
             str << v.x() << " " << v.y() << " " << v.z() << " "
                 << function.getData().getElement( entity.getIndex() ) << std::endl;
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ write( const MeshFunctionType& function,
               entity.getCoordinates().y() ++ )
-            typename MeshType::VertexType v = entity.getCenter();
+            typename MeshType::PointType v = entity.getCenter();
             str << v.x() << " " << v.y() << " " << v.z() << " "
                 << function.getData().getElement( entity.getIndex() ) << std::endl;
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ write( const MeshFunctionType& function,
               entity.getCoordinates().z() ++ )
-            typename MeshType::VertexType v = entity.getCenter();
+            typename MeshType::PointType v = entity.getCenter();
             str << v.x() << " " << v.y() << " " << v.z() << " "
                 << function.getData().getElement( entity.getIndex() ) << std::endl;
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ write( const MeshFunctionType& function,
               entity.getCoordinates().x() ++ )
-            typename MeshType::VertexType v = entity.getCenter();
+            typename MeshType::PointType v = entity.getCenter();
             str << v.x() << " " << v.y() << " " << v.z() << " "
                 << function.getData().getElement( entity.getIndex() ) << std::endl;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Functions/MeshFunctionNormGetter.h b/src/TNL/Functions/MeshFunctionNormGetter.h
index 8f09c90e3f5b36b63de4e26f71f5993c1819432a..6f7e127c173b0dc0b67f51f800ced2f9d333cc6a 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Functions/MeshFunctionNormGetter.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Functions/MeshFunctionNormGetter.h
@@ -23,18 +23,18 @@ class MeshFunctionNormGetter
  * Specialization for grids
  * TODO: implement this even for other devices
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename MeshReal,
           typename MeshIndex,
-          int EntityDimensions,
+          int EntityDimension,
           typename Real >
-class MeshFunctionNormGetter< MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, MeshReal, Devices::Host, MeshIndex >, EntityDimensions, Real >,
-                                 Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, MeshReal, Devices::Host, MeshIndex > >
+class MeshFunctionNormGetter< MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, MeshReal, Devices::Host, MeshIndex >, EntityDimension, Real >,
+                                 Meshes::Grid< Dimension, MeshReal, Devices::Host, MeshIndex > >
-      typedef Functions::MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, MeshReal, Devices::Host, MeshIndex >, EntityDimensions, Real > MeshFunctionType;
-      typedef Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, MeshReal, Devices::Host, MeshIndex > GridType;
+      typedef Functions::MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, MeshReal, Devices::Host, MeshIndex >, EntityDimension, Real > MeshFunctionType;
+      typedef Meshes::Grid< Dimension, MeshReal, Devices::Host, MeshIndex > GridType;
       typedef MeshReal MeshRealType;
       typedef Devices::Host DeviceType;
       typedef MeshIndex MeshIndexType;
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class MeshFunctionNormGetter< MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, MeshReal,
       static RealType getNorm( const MeshFunctionType& function,
                                const RealType& p )
-         if( EntityDimensions == Dimensions )
+         if( EntityDimension == Dimension )
             if( p == 1.0 )
                return function.getMesh().getCellMeasure() * function.getData().lpNorm( 1.0 );
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class MeshFunctionNormGetter< MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, MeshReal,
                return std::sqrt( function.getMesh().getCellMeasure() ) * function.getData().lpNorm( 2.0 );
             return std::pow( function.getMesh().getCellMeasure(), 1.0 / p ) * function.getData().lpNorm( p );
-         if( EntityDimensions > 0 )
+         if( EntityDimension > 0 )
             if( p == 1.0 )
@@ -102,18 +102,18 @@ class MeshFunctionNormGetter< MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, MeshReal,
  * Specialization for CUDA devices
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename MeshReal,
           typename MeshIndex,
-          int EntityDimensions,
+          int EntityDimension,
           typename Real >
-class MeshFunctionNormGetter< MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, MeshReal, Devices::Cuda, MeshIndex >, EntityDimensions, Real >,
-                                 Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, MeshReal, Devices::Cuda, MeshIndex > >
+class MeshFunctionNormGetter< MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, MeshReal, Devices::Cuda, MeshIndex >, EntityDimension, Real >,
+                                 Meshes::Grid< Dimension, MeshReal, Devices::Cuda, MeshIndex > >
-      typedef Functions::MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, MeshReal, Devices::Cuda, MeshIndex >, EntityDimensions, Real > MeshFunctionType;
-      typedef Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, MeshReal, Devices::Cuda, MeshIndex > GridType;
+      typedef Functions::MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, MeshReal, Devices::Cuda, MeshIndex >, EntityDimension, Real > MeshFunctionType;
+      typedef Meshes::Grid< Dimension, MeshReal, Devices::Cuda, MeshIndex > GridType;
       typedef MeshReal MeshRealType;
       typedef Devices::Cuda DeviceType;
       typedef MeshIndex MeshIndexType;
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ class MeshFunctionNormGetter< MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, MeshReal,
       static RealType getNorm( const MeshFunctionType& function,
                                const RealType& p )
-         if( EntityDimensions == Dimensions )
+         if( EntityDimension == Dimension )
             if( p == 1.0 )
                return function.getMesh().getCellMeasure() * function.getData().lpNorm( 1.0 );
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ class MeshFunctionNormGetter< MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, MeshReal,
                return ::sqrt( function.getMesh().getCellMeasure() ) * function.getData().lpNorm( 2.0 );
             return ::pow( function.getMesh().getCellMeasure(), 1.0 / p ) * function.getData().lpNorm( p );
-         if( EntityDimensions > 0 )
+         if( EntityDimension > 0 )
             TNL_ASSERT( false, std::cerr << "Not implemented yet." << std::endl );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Functions/MeshFunctionVTKWriter_impl.h b/src/TNL/Functions/MeshFunctionVTKWriter_impl.h
index b432671764c0545c64e5c8ea241c820525f20f05..d48dd535cb2b09d83cc7c8c04e9e3adaf8801f11 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Functions/MeshFunctionVTKWriter_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Functions/MeshFunctionVTKWriter_impl.h
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ writeHeader( const MeshFunctionType& function,
              std::ostream& str )
     const MeshType& mesh = function.getMesh();
-    const typename MeshType::VertexType& origin = mesh.getOrigin();
-    const typename MeshType::VertexType& proportions = mesh.getProportions();
+    const typename MeshType::PointType& origin = mesh.getOrigin();
+    const typename MeshType::PointType& proportions = mesh.getProportions();
     str << "# vtk DataFile Version 2.0" << std::endl;
     str << "TNL DATA" << std::endl;
     str << "ASCII" << std::endl;
@@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ writeHeader( const MeshFunctionType& function,
              std::ostream& str )
     const MeshType& mesh = function.getMesh();
-    const typename MeshType::VertexType& origin = mesh.getOrigin();
-    const typename MeshType::VertexType& proportions = mesh.getProportions();
+    const typename MeshType::PointType& origin = mesh.getOrigin();
+    const typename MeshType::PointType& proportions = mesh.getProportions();
     str << "# vtk DataFile Version 2.0" << std::endl;
     str << "TNL DATA" << std::endl;
     str << "ASCII" << std::endl;
@@ -177,8 +177,8 @@ writeHeader( const MeshFunctionType& function,
              std::ostream& str )
     const MeshType& mesh = function.getMesh();
-    const typename MeshType::VertexType& origin = mesh.getOrigin();
-    const typename MeshType::VertexType& proportions = mesh.getProportions();
+    const typename MeshType::PointType& origin = mesh.getOrigin();
+    const typename MeshType::PointType& proportions = mesh.getProportions();
     str << "# vtk DataFile Version 2.0" << std::endl;
     str << "TNL DATA" << std::endl;
     str << "ASCII" << std::endl;
@@ -257,8 +257,8 @@ writeHeader( const MeshFunctionType& function,
              std::ostream& str )
     const MeshType& mesh = function.getMesh();
-    const typename MeshType::VertexType& origin = mesh.getOrigin();
-    const typename MeshType::VertexType& proportions = mesh.getProportions();
+    const typename MeshType::PointType& origin = mesh.getOrigin();
+    const typename MeshType::PointType& proportions = mesh.getProportions();
     str << "# vtk DataFile Version 2.0" << std::endl;
     str << "TNL DATA" << std::endl;
     str << "ASCII" << std::endl;
@@ -346,8 +346,8 @@ writeHeader( const MeshFunctionType& function,
              std::ostream& str )
     const MeshType& mesh = function.getMesh();
-    const typename MeshType::VertexType& origin = mesh.getOrigin();
-    const typename MeshType::VertexType& proportions = mesh.getProportions();
+    const typename MeshType::PointType& origin = mesh.getOrigin();
+    const typename MeshType::PointType& proportions = mesh.getProportions();
     str << "# vtk DataFile Version 2.0" << std::endl;
     str << "TNL DATA" << std::endl;
     str << "ASCII" << std::endl;
@@ -425,8 +425,8 @@ writeHeader( const MeshFunctionType& function,
              std::ostream& str )
     const MeshType& mesh = function.getMesh();
-    const typename MeshType::VertexType& origin = mesh.getOrigin();
-    const typename MeshType::VertexType& proportions = mesh.getProportions();
+    const typename MeshType::PointType& origin = mesh.getOrigin();
+    const typename MeshType::PointType& proportions = mesh.getProportions();
     str << "# vtk DataFile Version 2.0" << std::endl;
     str << "TNL DATA" << std::endl;
     str << "ASCII" << std::endl;
@@ -521,8 +521,8 @@ writeHeader( const MeshFunctionType& function,
              std::ostream& str )
     const MeshType& mesh = function.getMesh();
-    const typename MeshType::VertexType& origin = mesh.getOrigin();
-    const typename MeshType::VertexType& proportions = mesh.getProportions();
+    const typename MeshType::PointType& origin = mesh.getOrigin();
+    const typename MeshType::PointType& proportions = mesh.getProportions();
     str << "# vtk DataFile Version 2.0" << std::endl;
     str << "TNL DATA" << std::endl;
     str << "ASCII" << std::endl;
@@ -640,8 +640,8 @@ writeHeader( const MeshFunctionType& function,
              std::ostream& str )
     const MeshType& mesh = function.getMesh();
-    const typename MeshType::VertexType& origin = mesh.getOrigin();
-    const typename MeshType::VertexType& proportions = mesh.getProportions();
+    const typename MeshType::PointType& origin = mesh.getOrigin();
+    const typename MeshType::PointType& proportions = mesh.getProportions();
     str << "# vtk DataFile Version 2.0" << std::endl;
     str << "TNL DATA" << std::endl;
     str << "ASCII" << std::endl;
@@ -753,8 +753,8 @@ writeHeader( const MeshFunctionType& function,
              std::ostream& str )
     const MeshType& mesh = function.getMesh();
-    const typename MeshType::VertexType& origin = mesh.getOrigin();
-    const typename MeshType::VertexType& proportions = mesh.getProportions();
+    const typename MeshType::PointType& origin = mesh.getOrigin();
+    const typename MeshType::PointType& proportions = mesh.getProportions();
     str << "# vtk DataFile Version 2.0" << std::endl;
     str << "TNL DATA" << std::endl;
     str << "ASCII" << std::endl;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Functions/MeshFunction_impl.h b/src/TNL/Functions/MeshFunction_impl.h
index 53ab95680738b8ee77c7a76ca7de9e7344f3f3a8..657d917a7b7968d4f4610ffd0b062b9d52c6855e 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Functions/MeshFunction_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Functions/MeshFunction_impl.h
@@ -22,30 +22,30 @@ namespace TNL {
 namespace Functions {   
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
 MeshFunction( const MeshPointer& meshPointer )
 : meshPointer( meshPointer )
-   this->data.setSize( meshPointer->template getEntitiesCount< typename Mesh::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimensions > >() );
-   TNL_ASSERT( this->data.getSize() == this->meshPointer.getData().template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimensions > >(), 
+   this->data.setSize( meshPointer->template getEntitiesCount< typename Mesh::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimension > >() );
+   TNL_ASSERT( this->data.getSize() == this->meshPointer.getData().template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimension > >(), 
       std::cerr << "this->data.getSize() = " << this->data.getSize() << std::endl
-                << "this->mesh->template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimensions > >() = " << this->meshPointer.getData().template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimensions > >() );
+                << "this->mesh->template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimension > >() = " << this->meshPointer.getData().template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimension > >() );
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
 MeshFunction( const ThisType& meshFunction )
 : meshPointer( meshFunction.meshPointer )
@@ -53,91 +53,91 @@ MeshFunction( const ThisType& meshFunction )
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
    template< typename Vector >
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
 MeshFunction( const MeshPointer& meshPointer,
               Vector& data,
               const IndexType& offset )
 : meshPointer( meshPointer )
-   this->data.bind( data, offset, meshPointer->template getEntitiesCount< typename Mesh::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimensions > >() );
-   TNL_ASSERT( this->data.getSize() == this->meshPointer.getData().template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimensions > >(), 
+   this->data.bind( data, offset, meshPointer->template getEntitiesCount< typename Mesh::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimension > >() );
+   TNL_ASSERT( this->data.getSize() == this->meshPointer.getData().template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimension > >(), 
       std::cerr << "this->data.getSize() = " << this->data.getSize() << std::endl
-                << "this->mesh->template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimensions > >() = " << this->meshPointer->template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimensions > >() );   
+                << "this->mesh->template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimension > >() = " << this->meshPointer->template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimension > >() );   
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
    template< typename Vector >
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
 MeshFunction( const MeshPointer& meshPointer,
               SharedPointer< Vector >& data,
               const IndexType& offset )
 : meshPointer( meshPointer )
-   this->data.bind( *data, offset, meshPointer->template getEntitiesCount< typename Mesh::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimensions > >() );
-   TNL_ASSERT( this->data.getSize() == this->meshPointer.getData().template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimensions > >(), 
+   this->data.bind( *data, offset, meshPointer->template getEntitiesCount< typename Mesh::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimension > >() );
+   TNL_ASSERT( this->data.getSize() == this->meshPointer.getData().template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimension > >(), 
       std::cerr << "this->data.getSize() = " << this->data.getSize() << std::endl
-                << "this->mesh->template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimensions > >() = " << this->meshPointer->template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimensions > >() );   
+                << "this->mesh->template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimension > >() = " << this->meshPointer->template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimension > >() );   
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
    return String( "Functions::MeshFunction< " ) +
                      Mesh::getType() + ", " +
-                     String( MeshEntityDimensions ) + ", " +
+                     String( MeshEntityDimension ) + ", " +
                     TNL::getType< Real >() +
                      " >";
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
 getTypeVirtual() const
    return this->getType();
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
    return String( "Functions::MeshFunction< " ) +
                      Mesh::getSerializationType() + ", " +
-                     String( MeshEntityDimensions ) + ", " +
+                     String( MeshEntityDimension ) + ", " +
                     TNL::getType< Real >() +
                      " >";
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
 getSerializationTypeVirtual() const
    return this->getSerializationType();
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
 configSetup( Config::ConfigDescription& config,
              const String& prefix )
@@ -145,10 +145,10 @@ configSetup( Config::ConfigDescription& config,
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
 setup( const MeshPointer& meshPointer,
        const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
        const String& prefix )
@@ -169,10 +169,10 @@ setup( const MeshPointer& meshPointer,
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
 bind( ThisType& meshFunction )
    this->meshPointer = meshFunction.getMeshPointer();
@@ -180,199 +180,199 @@ bind( ThisType& meshFunction )
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
    template< typename Vector >
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
 bind( const MeshPointer& meshPointer,
       const Vector& data,
       const IndexType& offset )
    this->meshPointer = meshPointer;
-   this->data.bind( data, offset, meshPointer->template getEntitiesCount< typename Mesh::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimensions > >() );
-   TNL_ASSERT( this->data.getSize() == this->meshPointer.getData().template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimensions > >(), 
+   this->data.bind( data, offset, meshPointer->template getEntitiesCount< typename Mesh::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimension > >() );
+   TNL_ASSERT( this->data.getSize() == this->meshPointer.getData().template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimension > >(), 
       std::cerr << "this->data.getSize() = " << this->data.getSize() << std::endl
-                << "this->mesh->template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimensions > >() = " << this->meshPointer->template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimensions > >() );   
+                << "this->mesh->template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimension > >() = " << this->meshPointer->template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimension > >() );   
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
    template< typename Vector >
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
 bind( const MeshPointer& meshPointer,
       const SharedPointer< Vector >& data,
       const IndexType& offset )
    this->meshPointer = meshPointer;
-   this->data.bind( *data, offset, meshPointer->template getEntitiesCount< typename Mesh::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimensions > >() );
-   TNL_ASSERT( this->data.getSize() == this->meshPointer.getData().template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimensions > >(), 
+   this->data.bind( *data, offset, meshPointer->template getEntitiesCount< typename Mesh::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimension > >() );
+   TNL_ASSERT( this->data.getSize() == this->meshPointer.getData().template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimension > >(), 
       std::cerr << "this->data.getSize() = " << this->data.getSize() << std::endl
-                << "this->mesh->template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimensions > >() = " << this->meshPointer->template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimensions > >() );   
+                << "this->mesh->template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimension > >() = " << this->meshPointer->template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimension > >() );   
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
 setMesh( const MeshPointer& meshPointer )
    this->meshPointer = meshPointer;
-   this->data.setSize( meshPointer->template getEntitiesCount< typename Mesh::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimensions > >() );
-   TNL_ASSERT( this->data.getSize() == this->meshPointer.getData().template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimensions > >(), 
+   this->data.setSize( meshPointer->template getEntitiesCount< typename Mesh::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimension > >() );
+   TNL_ASSERT( this->data.getSize() == this->meshPointer.getData().template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimension > >(), 
       std::cerr << "this->data.getSize() = " << this->data.getSize() << std::endl
-                << "this->mesh->template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimensions > >() = " << this->meshPointer.getData().template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimensions > >() );   
+                << "this->mesh->template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimension > >() = " << this->meshPointer.getData().template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimension > >() );   
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
  template< typename Device >
-const typename MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::MeshType& 
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+const typename MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::MeshType& 
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
 getMesh() const
    return this->meshPointer.template getData< Device >();
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
-const typename MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::MeshPointer&
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+const typename MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::MeshPointer&
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
 getMeshPointer() const
    return this->meshPointer;
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
-const typename MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::VectorType& 
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+const typename MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::VectorType& 
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
 getData() const
    return this->data;
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
-typename MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::VectorType& 
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+typename MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::VectorType& 
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
    return this->data;
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
 refresh( const RealType& time ) const
    return true;
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
 deepRefresh( const RealType& time ) const
    return true;
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
    template< typename EntityType >
-typename Functions::MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::RealType
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+typename Functions::MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::RealType
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
 getValue( const EntityType& meshEntity ) const
-   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimensions == MeshEntityDimensions, "Calling with wrong EntityType -- entity dimensions do not match." );
+   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimension == MeshEntityDimension, "Calling with wrong EntityType -- entity dimension do not match." );
    return this->data.getValue( meshEntity.getIndex() );
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
    template< typename EntityType >
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
 setValue( const EntityType& meshEntity,
           const RealType& value )
-   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimensions == MeshEntityDimensions, "Calling with wrong EntityType -- entity dimensions do not match." );
+   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimension == MeshEntityDimension, "Calling with wrong EntityType -- entity dimension do not match." );
    this->data.setValue( meshEntity.getIndex(), value );
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
    template< typename EntityType >
-typename Functions::MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::RealType&
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+typename Functions::MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::RealType&
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
 operator()( const EntityType& meshEntity,
             const RealType& time )
-   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimensions == MeshEntityDimensions, "Calling with wrong EntityType -- entity dimensions do not match." );
+   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimension == MeshEntityDimension, "Calling with wrong EntityType -- entity dimension do not match." );
    return this->data[ meshEntity.getIndex() ];
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
    template< typename EntityType >
-const typename Functions::MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::RealType&
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+const typename Functions::MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::RealType&
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
 operator()( const EntityType& meshEntity,
             const RealType& time ) const
-   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimensions == MeshEntityDimensions, "Calling with wrong EntityType -- entity dimensions do not match." );
+   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimension == MeshEntityDimension, "Calling with wrong EntityType -- entity dimension do not match." );
    return this->data[ meshEntity.getIndex() ];
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
-typename Functions::MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::RealType&
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+typename Functions::MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::RealType&
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
 operator[]( const IndexType& meshEntityIndex )
    return this->data[ meshEntityIndex ];
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
-const typename Functions::MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::RealType&
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+const typename Functions::MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::RealType&
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
 operator[]( const IndexType& meshEntityIndex ) const
    return this->data[ meshEntityIndex ];
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
    template< typename Function >
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >&
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >&
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
 operator = ( const Function& f )
    DevicePointer< ThisType > thisDevicePtr( *this );
@@ -382,11 +382,11 @@ operator = ( const Function& f )
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
    template< typename Function >
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >&
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >&
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
 operator += ( const Function& f )
    DevicePointer< ThisType > thisDevicePtr( *this );
@@ -396,11 +396,11 @@ operator += ( const Function& f )
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
    template< typename Function >
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >&
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >&
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
 operator -= ( const Function& f )
    DevicePointer< ThisType > thisDevicePtr( *this );
@@ -410,52 +410,52 @@ operator -= ( const Function& f )
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
 getLpNorm( const RealType& p ) const
    return MeshFunctionNormGetter< ThisType >::getNorm( *this, p );
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
 getMaxNorm() const
    return this->data.absMax();
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
 save( File& file ) const
-   TNL_ASSERT( this->data.getSize() == this->meshPointer.getData().template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimensions > >(), 
+   TNL_ASSERT( this->data.getSize() == this->meshPointer.getData().template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimension > >(), 
       std::cerr << "this->data.getSize() = " << this->data.getSize() << std::endl
-                << "this->mesh->template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimensions > >() = " << this->meshPointer.getData().template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimensions > >() );
+                << "this->mesh->template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimension > >() = " << this->meshPointer.getData().template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimension > >() );
    if( ! Object::save( file ) )
       return false;
    return this->data.save( file );
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
 load( File& file )
    if( ! Object::load( file ) )
       return false;
    if( ! this->data.load( file ) )
       return false;
-   const IndexType meshSize = this->meshPointer.getData().template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimensions > >();
+   const IndexType meshSize = this->meshPointer.getData().template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshEntityDimension > >();
    if( this->data.getSize() != meshSize )
       std::cerr << "Size of the data loaded to the mesh function (" << this->data.getSize() << ") does not fit with the mesh size (" << meshSize << ")." << std::endl;
@@ -465,10 +465,10 @@ load( File& file )
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
 boundLoad( File& file )
    if( ! Object::load( file ) )
@@ -477,10 +477,10 @@ boundLoad( File& file )
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
+          int MeshEntityDimension,
           typename Real >
-MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
+MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::
 write( const String& fileName,
        const String& format ) const
diff --git a/src/TNL/Functions/OperatorFunction.h b/src/TNL/Functions/OperatorFunction.h
index 628191165d38d3ae12052091e15b01ba43e852b7..09b674a54b1791e4125f2520eb8c7390ee2054d0 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Functions/OperatorFunction.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Functions/OperatorFunction.h
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ template< typename Operator,
           typename MeshFunction,
           typename BoundaryConditions >
 class OperatorFunction< Operator, MeshFunction, BoundaryConditions, true >
- : public Domain< Operator::getMeshDimensions(), MeshDomain >
+ : public Domain< Operator::getDimension(), MeshDomain >
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class OperatorFunction< Operator, MeshFunction, BoundaryConditions, true >
 template< typename Operator,
           typename MeshFunctionT >
 class OperatorFunction< Operator, MeshFunctionT, void, true >
- : public Domain< Operator::getDomainDimensions(), Operator::getDomainType() >
+ : public Domain< Operator::getDomainDimension(), Operator::getDomainType() >
@@ -70,10 +70,10 @@ class OperatorFunction< Operator, MeshFunctionT, void, true >
       typedef typename OperatorType::DeviceType DeviceType;
       typedef typename OperatorType::IndexType IndexType;
       typedef typename OperatorType::ExactOperatorType ExactOperatorType;
-      typedef MeshFunction< MeshType, OperatorType::getPreimageEntitiesDimensions() > PreimageFunctionType;
+      typedef MeshFunction< MeshType, OperatorType::getPreimageEntitiesDimension() > PreimageFunctionType;
       typedef SharedPointer< MeshType, DeviceType > MeshPointer;
-      static constexpr int getEntitiesDimensions() { return OperatorType::getImageEntitiesDimensions(); };     
+      static constexpr int getEntitiesDimension() { return OperatorType::getImageEntitiesDimension(); };     
       OperatorFunction( const OperatorType& operator_ )
       :  operator_( operator_ ), preimageFunction( 0 ){};
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ class OperatorFunction< Operator, MeshFunctionT, void, true >
 template< typename Operator,
           typename PreimageFunction >
 class OperatorFunction< Operator, PreimageFunction, void, false >
- : public Domain< Operator::getDomainDimensions(), Operator::getDomainType() >
+ : public Domain< Operator::getDomainDimension(), Operator::getDomainType() >
@@ -147,12 +147,12 @@ class OperatorFunction< Operator, PreimageFunction, void, false >
       typedef typename OperatorType::DeviceType DeviceType;
       typedef typename OperatorType::IndexType IndexType;
       typedef PreimageFunction PreimageFunctionType;
-      typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType, Operator::getImageEntitiesDimensions() > ImageFunctionType;
+      typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType, Operator::getImageEntitiesDimension() > ImageFunctionType;
       typedef OperatorFunction< Operator, PreimageFunction, void, true > OperatorFunctionType;
       typedef typename OperatorType::ExactOperatorType ExactOperatorType;
       typedef SharedPointer< MeshType, DeviceType > MeshPointer;
-      static constexpr int getEntitiesDimensions() { return OperatorType::getImageEntitiesDimensions(); };     
+      static constexpr int getEntitiesDimension() { return OperatorType::getImageEntitiesDimension(); };     
       OperatorFunction( OperatorType& operator_,
                            const MeshPointer& mesh )
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ template< typename Operator,
           typename PreimageFunction,
           typename BoundaryConditions >
 class OperatorFunction< Operator, PreimageFunction, BoundaryConditions, false >
-  : public Domain< Operator::getMeshDimensions(), MeshDomain >
+  : public Domain< Operator::getDimension(), MeshDomain >
@@ -255,12 +255,12 @@ class OperatorFunction< Operator, PreimageFunction, BoundaryConditions, false >
       typedef typename OperatorType::DeviceType DeviceType;
       typedef typename OperatorType::IndexType IndexType;
       typedef PreimageFunction PreimageFunctionType;
-      typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType, Operator::getImageEntitiesDimensions() > ImageFunctionType;
+      typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType, Operator::getImageEntitiesDimension() > ImageFunctionType;
       typedef BoundaryConditions BoundaryConditionsType;
       typedef OperatorFunction< Operator, PreimageFunction, void, true > OperatorFunctionType;
       typedef typename OperatorType::ExactOperatorType ExactOperatorType;
-      static constexpr int getEntitiesDimensions() { return OperatorType::getImageEntitiesDimensions(); };
+      static constexpr int getEntitiesDimension() { return OperatorType::getImageEntitiesDimension(); };
       OperatorFunction( OperatorType& operator_,
                            const BoundaryConditionsType& boundaryConditions,
diff --git a/src/TNL/Functions/TestFunction.h b/src/TNL/Functions/TestFunction.h
index 55e50c4f9df42f064590b06a62fd8622e5ba0492..0e8900399bb00b46134bea3e326f9e14605d8e34 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Functions/TestFunction.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Functions/TestFunction.h
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@
 namespace TNL {
 namespace Functions {   
-template< int FunctionDimensions,
+template< int FunctionDimension,
           typename Real = double,
           typename Device = Devices::Host >
-class TestFunction : public Domain< FunctionDimensions, SpaceDomain >
+class TestFunction : public Domain< FunctionDimension, SpaceDomain >
@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ class TestFunction : public Domain< FunctionDimensions, SpaceDomain >
-   enum{ Dimensions = FunctionDimensions };
+   enum{ Dimension = FunctionDimension };
    typedef Real RealType;
-   typedef Containers::StaticVector< Dimensions, Real > VertexType;
+   typedef Containers::StaticVector< Dimension, Real > PointType;
@@ -67,11 +67,11 @@ class TestFunction : public Domain< FunctionDimensions, SpaceDomain >
              int ZDiffOrder = 0 >
-   Real getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& vertex,
+   Real getPartialDerivative( const PointType& vertex,
                               const Real& time = 0 ) const;
-   Real operator()( const VertexType& vertex,
+   Real operator()( const PointType& vertex,
                   const Real& time = 0 ) const
       return this->getPartialDerivative< 0, 0, 0 >( vertex, time );
@@ -88,16 +88,16 @@ class TestFunction : public Domain< FunctionDimensions, SpaceDomain >
              int ZDiffOrder = 0 >
-   Real getTimeDerivative( const VertexType& vertex,
+   Real getTimeDerivative( const PointType& vertex,
                            const Real& time = 0 ) const;
 #ifdef HAVE_NOT_CXX11
-   template< typename Vertex >
+   template< typename Point >
-   Real getTimeDerivative( const Vertex& vertex,
+   Real getTimeDerivative( const Point& vertex,
                            const Real& time = 0 ) const
-      return this->getTimeDerivative< 0, 0, 0, Vertex >( vertex, time );
+      return this->getTimeDerivative< 0, 0, 0, Point >( vertex, time );
@@ -132,10 +132,10 @@ class TestFunction : public Domain< FunctionDimensions, SpaceDomain >
-template< int FunctionDimensions,
+template< int FunctionDimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device >
-std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& str, const TestFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real, Device >& f )
+std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& str, const TestFunction< FunctionDimension, Real, Device >& f )
    str << "Test function: ";
    return f.print( str );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Functions/TestFunction_impl.h b/src/TNL/Functions/TestFunction_impl.h
index 506f536518d1946e33da00f749097b168bd8d09d..123832ed275edbe1626876f2320fe036609b24a2 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Functions/TestFunction_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Functions/TestFunction_impl.h
@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@
 namespace TNL {
 namespace Functions {   
-template< int FunctionDimensions,
+template< int FunctionDimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device >
-TestFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real, Device >::
+TestFunction< FunctionDimension, Real, Device >::
 : function( 0 ),
   timeDependence( none ),
@@ -39,11 +39,11 @@ TestFunction()
-template< int FunctionDimensions,
+template< int FunctionDimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device >
-TestFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real, Device >::
+TestFunction< FunctionDimension, Real, Device >::
 configSetup( Config::ConfigDescription& config,
              const String& prefix )
@@ -83,12 +83,12 @@ configSetup( Config::ConfigDescription& config,
-template< int FunctionDimensions,
+template< int FunctionDimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device >
    template< typename FunctionType >
-TestFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real, Device >::
+TestFunction< FunctionDimension, Real, Device >::
 setupFunction( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
                const String& prefix )
@@ -113,11 +113,11 @@ setupFunction( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
    return true;
-template< int FunctionDimensions,
+template< int FunctionDimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device >
-TestFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real, Device >::
+TestFunction< FunctionDimension, Real, Device >::
 setup( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
        const String& prefix )
@@ -143,55 +143,55 @@ setup( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
   std::cout << "Test function ... " << testFunction << std::endl;
    if( testFunction == "constant" )
-      typedef Constant< Dimensions, Real > FunctionType;
+      typedef Constant< Dimension, Real > FunctionType;
       functionType = constant;
       return setupFunction< FunctionType >( parameters );
    if( testFunction == "exp-bump" )
-      typedef ExpBump< Dimensions, Real > FunctionType;
+      typedef ExpBump< Dimension, Real > FunctionType;
       functionType = expBump;
       return setupFunction< FunctionType >( parameters );
    if( testFunction == "sin-bumps" )
-      typedef SinBumps< Dimensions, Real > FunctionType;
+      typedef SinBumps< Dimension, Real > FunctionType;
       functionType = sinBumps;
       return setupFunction< FunctionType >( parameters );
    if( testFunction == "sin-wave" )
-      typedef SinWave< Dimensions, Real > FunctionType;
+      typedef SinWave< Dimension, Real > FunctionType;
       functionType = sinWave;
       return setupFunction< FunctionType >( parameters );
    if( testFunction == "cylinder" )
-      typedef Cylinder< Dimensions, Real > FunctionType;
+      typedef Cylinder< Dimension, Real > FunctionType;
       functionType = cylinder;
       return setupFunction< FunctionType >( parameters );
    if( testFunction == "flowerpot" )
-      typedef Flowerpot< Dimensions, Real > FunctionType;
+      typedef Flowerpot< Dimension, Real > FunctionType;
       functionType = flowerpot;
       return setupFunction< FunctionType >( parameters );
    if( testFunction == "twins" )
-      typedef Twins< Dimensions, Real > FunctionType;
+      typedef Twins< Dimension, Real > FunctionType;
       functionType = twins;
       return setupFunction< FunctionType >( parameters );
    if( testFunction == "pseudoSquare" )
-      typedef PseudoSquare< Dimensions, Real > FunctionType;
+      typedef PseudoSquare< Dimension, Real > FunctionType;
       functionType = pseudoSquare;
       return setupFunction< FunctionType >( parameters );
    if( testFunction == "blob" )
-      typedef Blob< Dimensions, Real > FunctionType;
+      typedef Blob< Dimension, Real > FunctionType;
       functionType = blob;
       return setupFunction< FunctionType >( parameters );
@@ -199,11 +199,11 @@ setup( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
    return false;
-template< int FunctionDimensions,
+template< int FunctionDimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device >
-const TestFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real, Device >&
-TestFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real, Device >::
+const TestFunction< FunctionDimension, Real, Device >&
+TestFunction< FunctionDimension, Real, Device >::
 operator = ( const TestFunction& function )
@@ -220,31 +220,31 @@ operator = ( const TestFunction& function )
    switch( this->functionType )
       case constant:
-         this->copyFunction< Constant< FunctionDimensions, Real > >( function.function );
+         this->copyFunction< Constant< FunctionDimension, Real > >( function.function );
       case expBump:
-         this->copyFunction< ExpBump< FunctionDimensions, Real > >( function.function );
+         this->copyFunction< ExpBump< FunctionDimension, Real > >( function.function );
       case sinBumps:
-         this->copyFunction< SinBumps< FunctionDimensions, Real > >( function.function );
+         this->copyFunction< SinBumps< FunctionDimension, Real > >( function.function );
       case sinWave:
-         this->copyFunction< SinWave< FunctionDimensions, Real > >( function.function );
+         this->copyFunction< SinWave< FunctionDimension, Real > >( function.function );
       case cylinder:
-         this->copyFunction< Cylinder< FunctionDimensions, Real > >( function.function );
+         this->copyFunction< Cylinder< FunctionDimension, Real > >( function.function );
       case flowerpot:
-         this->copyFunction< Flowerpot< FunctionDimensions, Real > >( function.function );
+         this->copyFunction< Flowerpot< FunctionDimension, Real > >( function.function );
       case twins:
-         this->copyFunction< Twins< FunctionDimensions, Real > >( function.function );
+         this->copyFunction< Twins< FunctionDimension, Real > >( function.function );
       case pseudoSquare:
-         this->copyFunction< PseudoSquare< FunctionDimensions, Real > >( function.function );
+         this->copyFunction< PseudoSquare< FunctionDimension, Real > >( function.function );
       case blob:
-         this->copyFunction< Blob< FunctionDimensions, Real > >( function.function );
+         this->copyFunction< Blob< FunctionDimension, Real > >( function.function );
          TNL_ASSERT( false, );
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ operator = ( const TestFunction& function )
-template< int FunctionDimensions,
+template< int FunctionDimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device >
    template< int XDiffOrder,
@@ -261,8 +261,8 @@ template< int FunctionDimensions,
              int ZDiffOrder >
-TestFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real, Device >::
-getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& vertex,
+TestFunction< FunctionDimension, Real, Device >::
+getPartialDerivative( const PointType& vertex,
           const Real& time ) const
    using namespace TNL::Functions::Analytic;
@@ -286,38 +286,38 @@ getPartialDerivative( const VertexType& vertex,
    switch( functionType )
       case constant:
-         return scale * ( ( Constant< Dimensions, Real >* ) function )->
+         return scale * ( ( Constant< Dimension, Real >* ) function )->
                    template getPartialDerivative< XDiffOrder, YDiffOrder, ZDiffOrder >( vertex, time );
       case expBump:
-         return scale * ( ( ExpBump< Dimensions, Real >* ) function )->
+         return scale * ( ( ExpBump< Dimension, Real >* ) function )->
                   template getPartialDerivative< XDiffOrder, YDiffOrder, ZDiffOrder >( vertex, time );
       case sinBumps:
-         return scale * ( ( SinBumps< Dimensions, Real >* ) function )->
+         return scale * ( ( SinBumps< Dimension, Real >* ) function )->
                   template getPartialDerivative< XDiffOrder, YDiffOrder, ZDiffOrder >( vertex, time );
       case sinWave:
-         return scale * ( ( SinWave< Dimensions, Real >* ) function )->
+         return scale * ( ( SinWave< Dimension, Real >* ) function )->
                   template getPartialDerivative< XDiffOrder, YDiffOrder, ZDiffOrder >( vertex, time );
       case cylinder:
-         return scale * ( ( Cylinder< Dimensions, Real >* ) function )->
+         return scale * ( ( Cylinder< Dimension, Real >* ) function )->
                   template getPartialDerivative< XDiffOrder, YDiffOrder, ZDiffOrder >( vertex, time );
       case flowerpot:
-         return scale * ( ( Flowerpot< Dimensions, Real >* ) function )->
+         return scale * ( ( Flowerpot< Dimension, Real >* ) function )->
                   template getPartialDerivative< XDiffOrder, YDiffOrder, ZDiffOrder >( vertex, time );
       case twins:
-         return scale * ( ( Twins< Dimensions, Real >* ) function )->
+         return scale * ( ( Twins< Dimension, Real >* ) function )->
                   template getPartialDerivative< XDiffOrder, YDiffOrder, ZDiffOrder >( vertex, time );
       case pseudoSquare:
-         return scale * ( ( PseudoSquare< Dimensions, Real >* ) function )->
+         return scale * ( ( PseudoSquare< Dimension, Real >* ) function )->
                   template getPartialDerivative< XDiffOrder, YDiffOrder, ZDiffOrder >( vertex, time );
       case blob:
-         return scale * ( ( Blob< Dimensions, Real >* ) function )->
+         return scale * ( ( Blob< Dimension, Real >* ) function )->
                   template getPartialDerivative< XDiffOrder, YDiffOrder, ZDiffOrder >( vertex, time );
          return 0.0;
-template< int FunctionDimensions,
+template< int FunctionDimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device >
    template< int XDiffOrder,
@@ -325,8 +325,8 @@ template< int FunctionDimensions,
              int ZDiffOrder >
-TestFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real, Device >::
-getTimeDerivative( const VertexType& vertex,
+TestFunction< FunctionDimension, Real, Device >::
+getTimeDerivative( const PointType& vertex,
                    const Real& time ) const
    using namespace TNL::Functions::Analytic;
@@ -348,36 +348,36 @@ getTimeDerivative( const VertexType& vertex,
    switch( functionType )
       case constant:
-         return scale * ( ( Constant< Dimensions, Real >* ) function )->
+         return scale * ( ( Constant< Dimension, Real >* ) function )->
                   getPartialDerivative< XDiffOrder, YDiffOrder, ZDiffOrder >( vertex, time );
       case expBump:
-         return scale * ( ( ExpBump< Dimensions, Real >* ) function )->
+         return scale * ( ( ExpBump< Dimension, Real >* ) function )->
                   getPartialDerivative< XDiffOrder, YDiffOrder, ZDiffOrder >( vertex, time );
       case sinBumps:
-         return scale * ( ( SinBumps< Dimensions, Real >* ) function )->
+         return scale * ( ( SinBumps< Dimension, Real >* ) function )->
                   getPartialDerivative< XDiffOrder, YDiffOrder, ZDiffOrder >( vertex, time );
       case sinWave:
-         return scale * ( ( SinWave< Dimensions, Real >* ) function )->
+         return scale * ( ( SinWave< Dimension, Real >* ) function )->
                   getPartialDerivative< XDiffOrder, YDiffOrder, ZDiffOrder >( vertex, time );
       case cylinder:
-         return scale * ( ( Cylinder< Dimensions, Real >* ) function )->
+         return scale * ( ( Cylinder< Dimension, Real >* ) function )->
                   getPartialDerivative< XDiffOrder, YDiffOrder, ZDiffOrder >( vertex, time );
       case flowerpot:
-         return scale * ( ( Flowerpot< Dimensions, Real >* ) function )->
+         return scale * ( ( Flowerpot< Dimension, Real >* ) function )->
                   getPartialDerivative< XDiffOrder, YDiffOrder, ZDiffOrder >( vertex, time );
       case twins:
-         return scale * ( ( Twins< Dimensions, Real >* ) function )->
+         return scale * ( ( Twins< Dimension, Real >* ) function )->
                   getPartialDerivative< XDiffOrder, YDiffOrder, ZDiffOrder >( vertex, time );
       case pseudoSquare:
-         return scale * ( ( PseudoSquare< Dimensions, Real >* ) function )->
+         return scale * ( ( PseudoSquare< Dimension, Real >* ) function )->
                   getPartialDerivative< XDiffOrder, YDiffOrder, ZDiffOrder >( vertex, time );
       case blob:
-         return scale * ( ( Blob< Dimensions, Real >* ) function )->
+         return scale * ( ( Blob< Dimension, Real >* ) function )->
                   getPartialDerivative< XDiffOrder, YDiffOrder, ZDiffOrder >( vertex, time );
@@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ getTimeDerivative( const VertexType& vertex,
-template< int FunctionDimensions,
+template< int FunctionDimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device >
    template< typename FunctionType >
-TestFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real, Device >::
+TestFunction< FunctionDimension, Real, Device >::
    if( std::is_same< Device, Devices::Host >::value )
@@ -405,52 +405,52 @@ deleteFunction()
-template< int FunctionDimensions,
+template< int FunctionDimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device >
-TestFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real, Device >::
+TestFunction< FunctionDimension, Real, Device >::
    using namespace TNL::Functions::Analytic;
    switch( functionType )
       case constant:
-         deleteFunction< Constant< Dimensions, Real> >();
+         deleteFunction< Constant< Dimension, Real> >();
       case expBump:
-         deleteFunction< ExpBump< Dimensions, Real> >();
+         deleteFunction< ExpBump< Dimension, Real> >();
       case sinBumps:
-         deleteFunction< SinBumps< Dimensions, Real> >();
+         deleteFunction< SinBumps< Dimension, Real> >();
       case sinWave:
-         deleteFunction< SinWave< Dimensions, Real> >();
+         deleteFunction< SinWave< Dimension, Real> >();
       case cylinder:
-         deleteFunction< Cylinder< Dimensions, Real> >();
+         deleteFunction< Cylinder< Dimension, Real> >();
       case flowerpot:
-         deleteFunction< Flowerpot< Dimensions, Real> >();
+         deleteFunction< Flowerpot< Dimension, Real> >();
       case twins:
-         deleteFunction< Twins< Dimensions, Real> >();
+         deleteFunction< Twins< Dimension, Real> >();
       case pseudoSquare:
-         deleteFunction< PseudoSquare< Dimensions, Real> >();
+         deleteFunction< PseudoSquare< Dimension, Real> >();
       case blob:
-         deleteFunction< Blob< Dimensions, Real> >();
+         deleteFunction< Blob< Dimension, Real> >();
-template< int FunctionDimensions,
+template< int FunctionDimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device >
    template< typename FunctionType >
-TestFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real, Device >::
+TestFunction< FunctionDimension, Real, Device >::
 copyFunction( const void* function )
    if( std::is_same< Device, Devices::Host >::value )
@@ -465,12 +465,12 @@ copyFunction( const void* function )
-template< int FunctionDimensions,
+template< int FunctionDimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device >
    template< typename FunctionType >
-TestFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real, Device >::
+TestFunction< FunctionDimension, Real, Device >::
 printFunction( std::ostream& str ) const
    FunctionType* f = ( FunctionType* ) this->function;
@@ -487,11 +487,11 @@ printFunction( std::ostream& str ) const
    return str;
-template< int FunctionDimensions,
+template< int FunctionDimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device >
-TestFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real, Device >::
+TestFunction< FunctionDimension, Real, Device >::
 print( std::ostream& str ) const
    using namespace TNL::Functions::Analytic;
@@ -501,31 +501,31 @@ print( std::ostream& str ) const
    switch( functionType )
       case constant:
-         return printFunction< Constant< Dimensions, Real> >( str );
+         return printFunction< Constant< Dimension, Real> >( str );
       case expBump:
-         return printFunction< ExpBump< Dimensions, Real> >( str );
+         return printFunction< ExpBump< Dimension, Real> >( str );
       case sinBumps:
-         return printFunction< SinBumps< Dimensions, Real> >( str );
+         return printFunction< SinBumps< Dimension, Real> >( str );
       case sinWave:
-         return printFunction< SinWave< Dimensions, Real> >( str );
+         return printFunction< SinWave< Dimension, Real> >( str );
       case cylinder:
-         return printFunction< Cylinder< Dimensions, Real> >( str );
+         return printFunction< Cylinder< Dimension, Real> >( str );
       case flowerpot:
-         return printFunction< Flowerpot< Dimensions, Real> >( str );
+         return printFunction< Flowerpot< Dimension, Real> >( str );
       case twins:
-         return printFunction< Twins< Dimensions, Real> >( str );
+         return printFunction< Twins< Dimension, Real> >( str );
       case pseudoSquare:
-         return printFunction< PseudoSquare< Dimensions, Real> >( str );
+         return printFunction< PseudoSquare< Dimension, Real> >( str );
       case blob:
-         return printFunction< Blob< Dimensions, Real> >( str );
+         return printFunction< Blob< Dimension, Real> >( str );
    return str;
-template< int FunctionDimensions,
+template< int FunctionDimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device >
-TestFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real, Device >::
+TestFunction< FunctionDimension, Real, Device >::
diff --git a/src/TNL/Images/RegionOfInterest_impl.h b/src/TNL/Images/RegionOfInterest_impl.h
index 387b6fb341dda9267c010aa8c8275fb0a89d5b65..e8469670b7e6e060a40be70c540a763f021322b5 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Images/RegionOfInterest_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Images/RegionOfInterest_impl.h
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ setGrid( Grid& grid,
          bool verbose )
     grid.setDimensions( this->getWidth(), this->getHeight() );
-    typename Grid::VertexType origin, proportions;
+    typename Grid::PointType origin, proportions;
     origin.x() = 0.0;
     origin.y() = 0.0;
     proportions.x() = 1.0;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Matrices/CSR.h b/src/TNL/Matrices/CSR.h
index 7c249944bfdd7ef062078f274492cb033d183eb5..bc06d7c2c0872744befb483db48c5b657a7d2f9e 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Matrices/CSR.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Matrices/CSR.h
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class CSR : public Sparse< Real, Device, Index >
    typedef Real RealType;
    typedef Device DeviceType;
    typedef Index IndexType;
-   typedef typename Sparse< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType >:: CompressedRowsLengthsVector CompressedRowsLengthsVector;
+   typedef typename Sparse< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType >:: CompressedRowLengthsVector CompressedRowLengthsVector;
    typedef CSR< Real, Device, Index > ThisType;
    typedef CSR< Real, Devices::Host, Index > HostType;
    typedef CSR< Real, Devices::Cuda, Index > CudaType;
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class CSR : public Sparse< Real, Device, Index >
    bool setDimensions( const IndexType rows,
                        const IndexType columns );
-   bool setCompressedRowsLengths( const CompressedRowsLengthsVector& rowLengths );
+   bool setCompressedRowLengths( const CompressedRowLengthsVector& rowLengths );
    IndexType getRowLength( const IndexType row ) const;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Matrices/CSR_impl.h b/src/TNL/Matrices/CSR_impl.h
index e021dc52c466788bbc39b6552e71420fb128be6d..6084df88a8afb4c7bb2389e356e438df71059b4c 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Matrices/CSR_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Matrices/CSR_impl.h
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ bool CSR< Real, Device, Index >::setDimensions( const IndexType rows,
 template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
-bool CSR< Real, Device, Index >::setCompressedRowsLengths( const CompressedRowsLengthsVector& rowLengths )
+bool CSR< Real, Device, Index >::setCompressedRowLengths( const CompressedRowLengthsVector& rowLengths )
     * Compute the rows pointers. The last one is
diff --git a/src/TNL/Matrices/ChunkedEllpack.h b/src/TNL/Matrices/ChunkedEllpack.h
index a6a1d96f712fe6ba5b619f1a8ee4de9428fa6ad3..299f85f5d6b95f4833153a4fc403c92c9603570b 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Matrices/ChunkedEllpack.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Matrices/ChunkedEllpack.h
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class ChunkedEllpack : public Sparse< Real, Device, Index >
    typedef Device DeviceType;
    typedef Index IndexType;
    typedef tnlChunkedEllpackSliceInfo< IndexType > ChunkedEllpackSliceInfo;
-   typedef typename Sparse< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType >:: CompressedRowsLengthsVector CompressedRowsLengthsVector;
+   typedef typename Sparse< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType >:: CompressedRowLengthsVector CompressedRowLengthsVector;
    typedef ChunkedEllpack< Real, Device, Index > ThisType;
    typedef ChunkedEllpack< Real, Devices::Host, Index > HostType;
    typedef ChunkedEllpack< Real, Devices::Cuda, Index > CudaType;
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class ChunkedEllpack : public Sparse< Real, Device, Index >
    bool setDimensions( const IndexType rows,
                        const IndexType columns );
-   bool setCompressedRowsLengths( const CompressedRowsLengthsVector& rowLengths );
+   bool setCompressedRowLengths( const CompressedRowLengthsVector& rowLengths );
    IndexType getRowLength( const IndexType row ) const;
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ class ChunkedEllpack : public Sparse< Real, Device, Index >
    void resolveSliceSizes( const Containers::Vector< Index, Devices::Host, Index >& rowLengths );
-   bool setSlice( const CompressedRowsLengthsVector& rowLengths,
+   bool setSlice( const CompressedRowLengthsVector& rowLengths,
                   const IndexType sliceIdx,
                   IndexType& elementsToAllocation );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Matrices/ChunkedEllpack_impl.h b/src/TNL/Matrices/ChunkedEllpack_impl.h
index eb4bfd9f35d86f1800f33917ea6c6baaf14c4f1a..6addfa7a3241f29d2eec07b2fc8b9ece99b917f7 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Matrices/ChunkedEllpack_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Matrices/ChunkedEllpack_impl.h
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ void ChunkedEllpack< Real, Device, Index >::resolveSliceSizes( const Containers:
 template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
-bool ChunkedEllpack< Real, Device, Index >::setSlice( const CompressedRowsLengthsVector& rowLengths,
+bool ChunkedEllpack< Real, Device, Index >::setSlice( const CompressedRowLengthsVector& rowLengths,
                                                                const IndexType sliceIndex,
                                                                IndexType& elementsToAllocation )
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ bool ChunkedEllpack< Real, Device, Index >::setSlice( const CompressedRowsLength
 template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
-bool ChunkedEllpack< Real, Device, Index >::setCompressedRowsLengths( const CompressedRowsLengthsVector& rowLengths )
+bool ChunkedEllpack< Real, Device, Index >::setCompressedRowLengths( const CompressedRowLengthsVector& rowLengths )
    TNL_ASSERT( this->getRows() > 0, );
    TNL_ASSERT( this->getColumns() > 0, );
@@ -226,12 +226,12 @@ bool ChunkedEllpack< Real, Device, Index >::setCompressedRowsLengths( const Comp
       ChunkedEllpack< RealType, Devices::Host, IndexType > hostMatrix;
       hostMatrix.setDimensions( this->getRows(), this->getColumns() );
-      Containers::Vector< IndexType, Devices::Host, IndexType > hostCompressedRowsLengths;
-      hostCompressedRowsLengths.setLike( rowLengths);
-      hostCompressedRowsLengths = rowLengths;
+      Containers::Vector< IndexType, Devices::Host, IndexType > hostCompressedRowLengths;
+      hostCompressedRowLengths.setLike( rowLengths);
+      hostCompressedRowLengths = rowLengths;
       hostMatrix.setNumberOfChunksInSlice( this->chunksInSlice );
       hostMatrix.setDesiredChunkSize( this->desiredChunkSize );
-      hostMatrix.setCompressedRowsLengths( hostCompressedRowsLengths );
+      hostMatrix.setCompressedRowLengths( hostCompressedRowLengths );
       this->rowToChunkMapping.setLike( hostMatrix.rowToChunkMapping );
       this->rowToChunkMapping = hostMatrix.rowToChunkMapping;
@@ -1276,7 +1276,7 @@ class ChunkedEllpackDeviceDependentCode< Devices::Host >
       template< typename Real,
                 typename Index >
       static void resolveSliceSizes( ChunkedEllpack< Real, Device, Index >& matrix,
-                                     const typename ChunkedEllpack< Real, Device, Index >::CompressedRowsLengthsVector& rowLengths )
+                                     const typename ChunkedEllpack< Real, Device, Index >::CompressedRowLengthsVector& rowLengths )
          matrix.resolveSliceSizes( rowLengths );
@@ -1337,7 +1337,7 @@ class ChunkedEllpackDeviceDependentCode< Devices::Cuda >
       template< typename Real,
                 typename Index >
       static void resolveSliceSizes( ChunkedEllpack< Real, Device, Index >& matrix,
-                                     const typename ChunkedEllpack< Real, Device, Index >::CompressedRowsLengthsVector& rowLengths )
+                                     const typename ChunkedEllpack< Real, Device, Index >::CompressedRowLengthsVector& rowLengths )
diff --git a/src/TNL/Matrices/Dense.h b/src/TNL/Matrices/Dense.h
index f95c4b626e70d64c4fb41e3cc012fde5a04e6b43..10145c1b9240238feff4a826832021dabc204b18 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Matrices/Dense.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Matrices/Dense.h
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class Dense : public Matrix< Real, Device, Index >
    typedef Real RealType;
    typedef Device DeviceType;
    typedef Index IndexType;
-   typedef typename Matrix< Real, Device, Index >::CompressedRowsLengthsVector CompressedRowsLengthsVector;
+   typedef typename Matrix< Real, Device, Index >::CompressedRowLengthsVector CompressedRowLengthsVector;
    typedef Dense< Real, Device, Index > ThisType;
    typedef Dense< Real, Devices::Host, Index > HostType;
    typedef Dense< Real, Devices::Cuda, Index > CudaType;
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class Dense : public Matrix< Real, Device, Index >
     * This method is only for the compatibility with the sparse matrices.
-   bool setCompressedRowsLengths( const CompressedRowsLengthsVector& rowLengths );
+   bool setCompressedRowLengths( const CompressedRowLengthsVector& rowLengths );
     * Returns maximal number of the nonzero matrix elements that can be stored
diff --git a/src/TNL/Matrices/Dense_impl.h b/src/TNL/Matrices/Dense_impl.h
index 783e3b6035a8120c2525da5a9832dd86ecef28ae..167e6a424052af62911076b26bcf09bc3c1c059b 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Matrices/Dense_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Matrices/Dense_impl.h
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ bool Dense< Real, Device, Index >::setLike( const Dense< Real2, Device2, Index2
 template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
-bool Dense< Real, Device, Index >::setCompressedRowsLengths( const CompressedRowsLengthsVector& rowLengths )
+bool Dense< Real, Device, Index >::setCompressedRowLengths( const CompressedRowLengthsVector& rowLengths )
    return true;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Matrices/Ellpack.h b/src/TNL/Matrices/Ellpack.h
index 64bb18123d1011cb0678c62bcf57936d98617aed..0082d414dcc545875c1d8473526ec5fbfbd5cd0b 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Matrices/Ellpack.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Matrices/Ellpack.h
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class Ellpack : public Sparse< Real, Device, Index >
    typedef Real RealType;
    typedef Device DeviceType;
    typedef Index IndexType;
-   typedef typename Sparse< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType >::CompressedRowsLengthsVector CompressedRowsLengthsVector;
+   typedef typename Sparse< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType >::CompressedRowLengthsVector CompressedRowLengthsVector;
    typedef typename Sparse< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType >::ValuesVector ValuesVector;
    typedef typename Sparse< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType >::ColumnIndexesVector ColumnIndexesVector;
    typedef Ellpack< Real, Device, Index > ThisType;
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ class Ellpack : public Sparse< Real, Device, Index >
    bool setDimensions( const IndexType rows,
                        const IndexType columns );
-   bool setCompressedRowsLengths( const CompressedRowsLengthsVector& rowLengths );
+   bool setCompressedRowLengths( const CompressedRowLengthsVector& rowLengths );
-   bool setConstantCompressedRowsLengths( const IndexType& rowLengths );
+   bool setConstantCompressedRowLengths( const IndexType& rowLengths );
    IndexType getRowLength( const IndexType row ) const;
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class Ellpack : public Sparse< Real, Device, Index >
    /*template< typename Matrix >
    bool copyFrom( const Matrix& matrix,
-                  const CompressedRowsLengthsVector& rowLengths );*/
+                  const CompressedRowLengthsVector& rowLengths );*/
    bool setElementFast( const IndexType row,
diff --git a/src/TNL/Matrices/Ellpack_impl.h b/src/TNL/Matrices/Ellpack_impl.h
index c183b4777368e49a30b9b8ba5e6efa97e52c2591..6a98fd86b280a6a30c94fc6bf2fa641f064cb0b8 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Matrices/Ellpack_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Matrices/Ellpack_impl.h
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ bool Ellpack< Real, Device, Index >::setDimensions( const IndexType rows,
 template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
-bool Ellpack< Real, Device, Index >::setCompressedRowsLengths( const CompressedRowsLengthsVector& rowLengths )
+bool Ellpack< Real, Device, Index >::setCompressedRowLengths( const CompressedRowLengthsVector& rowLengths )
    TNL_ASSERT( this->getRows() > 0, );
    TNL_ASSERT( this->getColumns() > 0, );
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ bool Ellpack< Real, Device, Index >::setCompressedRowsLengths( const CompressedR
 template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
-bool Ellpack< Real, Device, Index >::setConstantCompressedRowsLengths( const IndexType& rowLengths )
+bool Ellpack< Real, Device, Index >::setConstantCompressedRowLengths( const IndexType& rowLengths )
    TNL_ASSERT( rowLengths > 0,
               std::cerr << " rowLengths = " << rowLengths );
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ bool Ellpack< Real, Device, Index >::operator != ( const Ellpack< Real2, Device2
           typename Index >
    template< typename Matrix >
 bool Ellpack< Real, Device, Index >::copyFrom( const Matrix& matrix,
-                                                        const CompressedRowsLengthsVector& rowLengths )
+                                                        const CompressedRowLengthsVector& rowLengths )
    return Matrix< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType >::copyFrom( matrix, rowLengths );
@@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ template<
 __global__ void EllpackVectorProductCudaKernel(
    const Index rows,
    const Index columns,
-   const Index compressedRowsLengths,
+   const Index compressedRowLengths,
    const Index alignedRows,
    const Index paddingIndex,
    const Index* columnIndexes,
@@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ __global__ void EllpackVectorProductCudaKernel(
    Index el( 0 );
    Real result( 0.0 );
    Index columnIndex;
-   while( el++ < compressedRowsLengths &&
+   while( el++ < compressedRowLengths &&
           ( columnIndex = columnIndexes[ i ] ) < columns &&
           columnIndex != paddingIndex )
diff --git a/src/TNL/Matrices/Matrix.h b/src/TNL/Matrices/Matrix.h
index 57e95defa1219fd27eb79b24e954df3a4ee1defa..f8117165c4355068dc8cc083370f34165f74e4c2 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Matrices/Matrix.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Matrices/Matrix.h
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class Matrix : public virtual Object
    typedef Real RealType;
    typedef Device DeviceType;
    typedef Index IndexType;
-   typedef Containers::Vector< IndexType, DeviceType, IndexType > CompressedRowsLengthsVector;
+   typedef Containers::Vector< IndexType, DeviceType, IndexType > CompressedRowLengthsVector;
    typedef Containers::Vector< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType > ValuesVector;
@@ -35,11 +35,11 @@ class Matrix : public virtual Object
    virtual bool setDimensions( const IndexType rows,
                                const IndexType columns );
-   virtual bool setCompressedRowsLengths( const CompressedRowsLengthsVector& rowLengths ) = 0;
+   virtual bool setCompressedRowLengths( const CompressedRowLengthsVector& rowLengths ) = 0;
    virtual IndexType getRowLength( const IndexType row ) const = 0;
-   virtual void getCompressedRowsLengths( Containers::Vector< IndexType, DeviceType, IndexType >& rowLengths ) const;
+   virtual void getCompressedRowLengths( Containers::Vector< IndexType, DeviceType, IndexType >& rowLengths ) const;
    template< typename Real2, typename Device2, typename Index2 >
    bool setLike( const Matrix< Real2, Device2, Index2 >& matrix );
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class Matrix : public virtual Object
    template< typename Matrix >
    bool copyFrom( const Matrix& matrix,
-                  const CompressedRowsLengthsVector& rowLengths );
+                  const CompressedRowLengthsVector& rowLengths );
    virtual bool save( File& file ) const;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Matrices/MatrixReader.h b/src/TNL/Matrices/MatrixReader.h
index 1bcb88842a65455b9e93bf4620af9a9748cbdbfb..fb9788b5fbd736b8448660f1f8cd20a5ec44a7a9 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Matrices/MatrixReader.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Matrices/MatrixReader.h
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class MatrixReader
    static bool readMtxFileHostMatrix( std::istream& file,
                                       Matrix& matrix,
-                                      typename Matrix::CompressedRowsLengthsVector& rowLengths,
+                                      typename Matrix::CompressedRowLengthsVector& rowLengths,
                                       bool verbose );
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class MatrixReader
                               bool& symmetricMatrix,
                               bool verbose );
-   static bool computeCompressedRowsLengthsFromMtxFile( std::istream& file,
+   static bool computeCompressedRowLengthsFromMtxFile( std::istream& file,
                                              Containers::Vector< int, Devices::Host, int >& rowLengths,
                                              const int columns,
                                              const int rows,
diff --git a/src/TNL/Matrices/MatrixReader_impl.h b/src/TNL/Matrices/MatrixReader_impl.h
index 87ddf93d3b7bfa665d5f0e441c6c74a99294857d..4d0058e5aa6892430f9e84248734c684ad130e8f 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Matrices/MatrixReader_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Matrices/MatrixReader_impl.h
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ bool MatrixReader< Matrix >::readMtxFile( std::istream& file,
 template< typename Matrix >
 bool MatrixReader< Matrix >::readMtxFileHostMatrix( std::istream& file,
                                                        Matrix& matrix,
-                                                       typename Matrix::CompressedRowsLengthsVector& rowLengths,
+                                                       typename Matrix::CompressedRowLengthsVector& rowLengths,
                                                        bool verbose )
    IndexType rows, columns;
@@ -62,10 +62,10 @@ bool MatrixReader< Matrix >::readMtxFileHostMatrix( std::istream& file,
       return false;
-   if( ! computeCompressedRowsLengthsFromMtxFile( file, rowLengths, columns, rows, symmetricMatrix, verbose ) )
+   if( ! computeCompressedRowLengthsFromMtxFile( file, rowLengths, columns, rows, symmetricMatrix, verbose ) )
       return false;
-   if( ! matrix.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths ) )
+   if( ! matrix.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths ) )
       return false;
    if( ! readMatrixElementsFromMtxFile( file, matrix, symmetricMatrix, verbose ) )
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ bool MatrixReader< Matrix >::readMtxHeader( std::istream& file,
 template< typename Matrix >
-bool MatrixReader< Matrix >::computeCompressedRowsLengthsFromMtxFile( std::istream& file,
+bool MatrixReader< Matrix >::computeCompressedRowLengthsFromMtxFile( std::istream& file,
                                                               Containers::Vector< int, Devices::Host, int >& rowLengths,
                                                               const int columns,
                                                               const int rows,
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ class MatrixReaderDeviceDependentCode< Devices::Host >
                             Matrix& matrix,
                             bool verbose )
-      typename Matrix::CompressedRowsLengthsVector rowLengths;
+      typename Matrix::CompressedRowLengthsVector rowLengths;
       return MatrixReader< Matrix >::readMtxFileHostMatrix( file, matrix, rowLengths, verbose );
@@ -403,17 +403,17 @@ class MatrixReaderDeviceDependentCode< Devices::Cuda >
                             bool verbose )
       typedef typename Matrix::HostType HostMatrixType;
-      typedef typename HostMatrixType::CompressedRowsLengthsVector CompressedRowsLengthsVector;
+      typedef typename HostMatrixType::CompressedRowLengthsVector CompressedRowLengthsVector;
       HostMatrixType hostMatrix;
-      CompressedRowsLengthsVector rowLengthsVector;
+      CompressedRowLengthsVector rowLengthsVector;
       if( ! MatrixReader< HostMatrixType >::readMtxFileHostMatrix( file, hostMatrix, rowLengthsVector, verbose ) )
          return false;
-      typename Matrix::CompressedRowsLengthsVector cudaCompressedRowsLengthsVector;
-      cudaCompressedRowsLengthsVector.setLike( rowLengthsVector );
-      cudaCompressedRowsLengthsVector = rowLengthsVector;
-      if( ! matrix.copyFrom( hostMatrix, cudaCompressedRowsLengthsVector ) )
+      typename Matrix::CompressedRowLengthsVector cudaCompressedRowLengthsVector;
+      cudaCompressedRowLengthsVector.setLike( rowLengthsVector );
+      cudaCompressedRowLengthsVector = rowLengthsVector;
+      if( ! matrix.copyFrom( hostMatrix, cudaCompressedRowLengthsVector ) )
          return false;
       return true;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Matrices/MatrixSetter.h b/src/TNL/Matrices/MatrixSetter.h
index 8eae6671851112a2fb22ad19611437d59a030377..8dd15f6a75c4079c20f6801168c4a0ec81da12be 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Matrices/MatrixSetter.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Matrices/MatrixSetter.h
@@ -15,22 +15,22 @@ namespace Matrices {
 template< typename DifferentialOperator,
           typename BoundaryConditions,
-          typename CompressedRowsLengthsVector >
+          typename CompressedRowLengthsVector >
 class MatrixSetterTraversalUserData
-      typedef typename CompressedRowsLengthsVector::DeviceType DeviceType;
+      typedef typename CompressedRowLengthsVector::DeviceType DeviceType;
       const DifferentialOperator* differentialOperator;
       const BoundaryConditions* boundaryConditions;
-      CompressedRowsLengthsVector* rowLengths;
+      CompressedRowLengthsVector* rowLengths;
       MatrixSetterTraversalUserData( const DifferentialOperator* differentialOperator,
                                      const BoundaryConditions* boundaryConditions,
-                                     CompressedRowsLengthsVector* rowLengths )
+                                     CompressedRowLengthsVector* rowLengths )
       : differentialOperator( differentialOperator ),
         boundaryConditions( boundaryConditions ),
         rowLengths( rowLengths )
@@ -41,26 +41,26 @@ class MatrixSetterTraversalUserData
 template< typename Mesh,
           typename DifferentialOperator,
           typename BoundaryConditions,
-          typename CompressedRowsLengthsVector >
+          typename CompressedRowLengthsVector >
 class MatrixSetter
    typedef Mesh MeshType;
    typedef SharedPointer< MeshType > MeshPointer;
    typedef typename MeshType::DeviceType DeviceType;
-   typedef typename CompressedRowsLengthsVector::RealType IndexType;
+   typedef typename CompressedRowLengthsVector::RealType IndexType;
    typedef MatrixSetterTraversalUserData< DifferentialOperator,
-                                          CompressedRowsLengthsVector > TraversalUserData;
+                                          CompressedRowLengthsVector > TraversalUserData;
    typedef SharedPointer< DifferentialOperator, DeviceType > DifferentialOperatorPointer;
    typedef SharedPointer< BoundaryConditions, DeviceType > BoundaryConditionsPointer;
-   typedef SharedPointer< CompressedRowsLengthsVector, DeviceType > CompressedRowsLengthsVectorPointer;
+   typedef SharedPointer< CompressedRowLengthsVector, DeviceType > CompressedRowLengthsVectorPointer;
    template< typename EntityType >
-   void getCompressedRowsLengths( const MeshPointer& meshPointer,
+   void getCompressedRowLengths( const MeshPointer& meshPointer,
                                   const DifferentialOperatorPointer& differentialOperatorPointer,
                                   const BoundaryConditionsPointer& boundaryConditionsPointer,
-                                  CompressedRowsLengthsVectorPointer& rowLengthsPointer ) const;
+                                  CompressedRowLengthsVectorPointer& rowLengthsPointer ) const;
    class TraversalBoundaryEntitiesProcessor
@@ -97,32 +97,32 @@ class MatrixSetter
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename DifferentialOperator,
           typename BoundaryConditions,
-          typename CompressedRowsLengthsVector >
-class MatrixSetter< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >,
+          typename CompressedRowLengthsVector >
+class MatrixSetter< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >,
-                       CompressedRowsLengthsVector >
+                       CompressedRowLengthsVector >
-   typedef Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index > MeshType;
+   typedef Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index > MeshType;
    typedef typename MeshType::DeviceType DeviceType;
-   typedef typename CompressedRowsLengthsVector::RealType IndexType;
+   typedef typename CompressedRowLengthsVector::RealType IndexType;
    typedef typename MeshType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
    typedef MatrixSetterTraversalUserData< DifferentialOperator,
-                                             CompressedRowsLengthsVector > TraversalUserData;
+                                             CompressedRowLengthsVector > TraversalUserData;
    template< typename EntityType >
-   void getCompressedRowsLengths( const MeshType& mesh,
+   void getCompressedRowLengths( const MeshType& mesh,
                        const DifferentialOperator& differentialOperator,
                        const BoundaryConditions& boundaryConditions,
-                       CompressedRowsLengthsVector& rowLengths ) const;
+                       CompressedRowLengthsVector& rowLengths ) const;
    class TraversalBoundaryEntitiesProcessor
diff --git a/src/TNL/Matrices/MatrixSetter_impl.h b/src/TNL/Matrices/MatrixSetter_impl.h
index d67feadb9ca01fce69089e7b66d180ee88cc8ecf..98f39be7087c890f29edd8ce1e3d4777cb875479 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Matrices/MatrixSetter_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Matrices/MatrixSetter_impl.h
@@ -18,14 +18,14 @@ namespace Matrices {
 template< typename Mesh,
           typename DifferentialOperator,
           typename BoundaryConditions,
-          typename CompressedRowsLengthsVector >
+          typename CompressedRowLengthsVector >
    template< typename EntityType >
-MatrixSetter< Mesh, DifferentialOperator, BoundaryConditions, CompressedRowsLengthsVector >::
-getCompressedRowsLengths( const MeshPointer& meshPointer,
+MatrixSetter< Mesh, DifferentialOperator, BoundaryConditions, CompressedRowLengthsVector >::
+getCompressedRowLengths( const MeshPointer& meshPointer,
                           const DifferentialOperatorPointer& differentialOperatorPointer,
                           const BoundaryConditionsPointer& boundaryConditionsPointer,
-                          CompressedRowsLengthsVectorPointer& rowLengthsPointer ) const
+                          CompressedRowLengthsVectorPointer& rowLengthsPointer ) const
       SharedPointer< TraversalUserData, DeviceType >
diff --git a/src/TNL/Matrices/Matrix_impl.h b/src/TNL/Matrices/Matrix_impl.h
index 19e40ae200eaabb1c27ca2e4054b3c23c6c726d6..fb881d16f2eb01845750026525425345bc4167b5 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Matrices/Matrix_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Matrices/Matrix_impl.h
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ template< typename Real,
 template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
-void Matrix< Real, Device, Index >::getCompressedRowsLengths( Containers::Vector< IndexType, DeviceType, IndexType >& rowLengths ) const
+void Matrix< Real, Device, Index >::getCompressedRowLengths( Containers::Vector< IndexType, DeviceType, IndexType >& rowLengths ) const
    rowLengths.setSize( this->getRows() );
    for( IndexType row = 0; row < this->getRows(); row++ )
@@ -91,13 +91,13 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Index >
    template< typename MatrixT >
 bool Matrix< Real, Device, Index >::copyFrom( const MatrixT& matrix,
-                                              const CompressedRowsLengthsVector& rowLengths )
+                                              const CompressedRowLengthsVector& rowLengths )
    /*tnlStaticTNL_ASSERT( DeviceType::DeviceType == Devices::HostDevice, );
    tnlStaticTNL_ASSERT( DeviceType::DeviceType == Matrix:DeviceType::DeviceType, );*/
    this->setLike( matrix );
-   if( ! this->setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths ) )
+   if( ! this->setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths ) )
       return false;
    Containers::Vector< RealType, Devices::Host, IndexType > values;
    Containers::Vector< IndexType, Devices::Host, IndexType > columns;
@@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ Matrix< Real, Device, Index >& Matrix< Real, Device, Index >::operator = ( const
    this->setLike( m );
    Containers::Vector< IndexType, DeviceType, IndexType > rowLengths;
-   m.getCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
-   this->setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+   m.getCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
+   this->setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
    Containers::Vector< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType > rowValues;
    Containers::Vector< IndexType, DeviceType, IndexType > rowColumns;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Matrices/Multidiagonal.h b/src/TNL/Matrices/Multidiagonal.h
index 407178fe29c4840e5694e1ff4db3adf73c9ab482..5acd602ac2a7b4c34b3a52d99a34f2297c71c527 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Matrices/Multidiagonal.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Matrices/Multidiagonal.h
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class Multidiagonal : public Matrix< Real, Device, Index >
    typedef Real RealType;
    typedef Device DeviceType;
    typedef Index IndexType;
-   typedef typename Matrix< Real, Device, Index >::CompressedRowsLengthsVector CompressedRowsLengthsVector;
+   typedef typename Matrix< Real, Device, Index >::CompressedRowLengthsVector CompressedRowLengthsVector;
    typedef Multidiagonal< Real, Device, Index > ThisType;
    typedef Multidiagonal< Real, Devices::Host, Index > HostType;
    typedef Multidiagonal< Real, Devices::Cuda, Index > CudaType;
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class Multidiagonal : public Matrix< Real, Device, Index >
    bool setDimensions( const IndexType rows,
                        const IndexType columns );
-   bool setCompressedRowsLengths( const CompressedRowsLengthsVector& rowLengths );
+   bool setCompressedRowLengths( const CompressedRowLengthsVector& rowLengths );
    IndexType getRowLength( const IndexType row ) const;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Matrices/MultidiagonalMatrixSetter.h b/src/TNL/Matrices/MultidiagonalMatrixSetter.h
index f49e92fa57f052e37b5b60a2cfe56641aa477ef2..d25a21581802f63b1b16b83ed91649014a3b16df 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Matrices/MultidiagonalMatrixSetter.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Matrices/MultidiagonalMatrixSetter.h
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class MultidiagonalMatrixSetter< Meshes::Grid< 1, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >
       typedef MeshIndex MeshIndexType;
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 1, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex > MeshType;
       typedef typename MeshType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      enum { Dimensions = 1 };
+      enum { Dimension = 1 };
       template< typename Real, typename Index >
       static bool setupMatrix( const MeshType& mesh,
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class MultidiagonalMatrixSetter< Meshes::Grid< 2, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >
       typedef MeshIndex MeshIndexType;
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 2, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex > MeshType;
       typedef typename MeshType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      enum { Dimensions = 2 };
+      enum { Dimension = 2 };
       template< typename Real, typename Index >
       static bool setupMatrix( const MeshType& mesh,
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class MultidiagonalMatrixSetter< Meshes::Grid< 3, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >
       typedef MeshIndex MeshIndexType;
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 3, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex > MeshType;
       typedef typename MeshType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      enum { Dimensions = 3 };
+      enum { Dimension = 3 };
       template< typename Real, typename Index >
       static bool setupMatrix( const MeshType& mesh,
diff --git a/src/TNL/Matrices/Multidiagonal_impl.h b/src/TNL/Matrices/Multidiagonal_impl.h
index 0e2aed933a19a0cf6e539e8179ac9544be4fa2ab..9545a2070c66b7c27a7cf2cb2e7a2e716bc74d64 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Matrices/Multidiagonal_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Matrices/Multidiagonal_impl.h
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ bool Multidiagonal< Real, Device, Index >::setDimensions( const IndexType rows,
 template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
-bool Multidiagonal< Real, Device, Index >::setCompressedRowsLengths( const CompressedRowsLengthsVector& rowLengths )
+bool Multidiagonal< Real, Device, Index >::setCompressedRowLengths( const CompressedRowLengthsVector& rowLengths )
     * TODO: implement some check here similar to the one in the tridiagonal matrix
diff --git a/src/TNL/Matrices/SlicedEllpack.h b/src/TNL/Matrices/SlicedEllpack.h
index cb1395a089cd412ec63bb945366ed1ba8fb857c6..ebae0c936e4a8b95beecc503e771ce1ed5d0b666 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Matrices/SlicedEllpack.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Matrices/SlicedEllpack.h
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Index,
           int SliceSize >
 __global__ void SlicedEllpack_computeMaximalRowLengthInSlices_CudaKernel( SlicedEllpack< Real, Devices::Cuda, Index, SliceSize >* matrix,
-                                                                                   const typename SlicedEllpack< Real, Devices::Cuda, Index, SliceSize >::CompressedRowsLengthsVector* rowLengths,
+                                                                                   const typename SlicedEllpack< Real, Devices::Cuda, Index, SliceSize >::CompressedRowLengthsVector* rowLengths,
                                                                                    int gridIdx );
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class SlicedEllpack : public Sparse< Real, Device, Index >
    typedef Real RealType;
    typedef Device DeviceType;
    typedef Index IndexType;
-   typedef typename Sparse< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType >::CompressedRowsLengthsVector CompressedRowsLengthsVector;
+   typedef typename Sparse< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType >::CompressedRowLengthsVector CompressedRowLengthsVector;
    typedef typename Sparse< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType >::ValuesVector ValuesVector;
    typedef typename Sparse< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType >::ColumnIndexesVector ColumnIndexesVector;
    typedef SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index > ThisType;
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class SlicedEllpack : public Sparse< Real, Device, Index >
    bool setDimensions( const IndexType rows,
                        const IndexType columns );
-   bool setCompressedRowsLengths( const CompressedRowsLengthsVector& rowLengths );
+   bool setCompressedRowLengths( const CompressedRowLengthsVector& rowLengths );
    IndexType getRowLength( const IndexType row ) const;
@@ -190,19 +190,19 @@ class SlicedEllpack : public Sparse< Real, Device, Index >
-   Containers::Vector< Index, Device, Index > slicePointers, sliceCompressedRowsLengths;
+   Containers::Vector< Index, Device, Index > slicePointers, sliceCompressedRowLengths;
    typedef SlicedEllpackDeviceDependentCode< DeviceType > DeviceDependentCode;
    friend class SlicedEllpackDeviceDependentCode< DeviceType >;
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
    /*friend __global__ void SlicedEllpack_computeMaximalRowLengthInSlices_CudaKernel< Real, Index, SliceSize >( SlicedEllpack< Real, Devices::Cuda, Index, SliceSize >* matrix,
-                                                                                      const typename SlicedEllpack< Real, Devices::Cuda, Index, SliceSize >::CompressedRowsLengthsVector* rowLengths,
+                                                                                      const typename SlicedEllpack< Real, Devices::Cuda, Index, SliceSize >::CompressedRowLengthsVector* rowLengths,
                                                                                       int gridIdx );
    // TODO: The friend declaration above does not work because of __global__ storage specifier. Therefore we declare the following method as public. Fix this, when possible.
-   __device__ void computeMaximalRowLengthInSlicesCuda( const CompressedRowsLengthsVector& rowLengths,
+   __device__ void computeMaximalRowLengthInSlicesCuda( const CompressedRowLengthsVector& rowLengths,
                                                         const IndexType sliceIdx );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Matrices/SlicedEllpack_impl.h b/src/TNL/Matrices/SlicedEllpack_impl.h
index d80d9f47982068b39fd1305435bd3714637d3cdc..097f1b6772ceb4035ceba25732872de122377051 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Matrices/SlicedEllpack_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Matrices/SlicedEllpack_impl.h
@@ -64,12 +64,12 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           int SliceSize >
-bool SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::setCompressedRowsLengths( const CompressedRowsLengthsVector& rowLengths )
+bool SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::setCompressedRowLengths( const CompressedRowLengthsVector& rowLengths )
    TNL_ASSERT( this->getRows() > 0, );
    TNL_ASSERT( this->getColumns() > 0, );
    const IndexType slices = roundUpDivision( this->rows, SliceSize );
-   if( ! this->sliceCompressedRowsLengths.setSize( slices ) ||
+   if( ! this->sliceCompressedRowLengths.setSize( slices ) ||
        ! this->slicePointers.setSize( slices + 1 ) )
       return false;
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ template< typename Real,
 Index SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::getRowLength( const IndexType row ) const
    const IndexType slice = row / SliceSize;
-   return this->sliceCompressedRowsLengths.getElement( slice );
+   return this->sliceCompressedRowLengths.getElement( slice );
 template< typename Real,
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ bool SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::setLike( const SlicedEllpa
    if( !Sparse< Real, Device, Index >::setLike( matrix ) ||
        ! this->slicePointers.setLike( matrix.slicePointers ) ||
-       ! this->sliceCompressedRowsLengths.setLike( matrix.sliceCompressedRowsLengths ) )
+       ! this->sliceCompressedRowLengths.setLike( matrix.sliceCompressedRowLengths ) )
       return false;
    return true;
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ void SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::reset()
    Sparse< Real, Device, Index >::reset();
-   this->sliceCompressedRowsLengths.reset();
+   this->sliceCompressedRowLengths.reset();
 template< typename Real,
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ bool SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize > :: setRowFast( const IndexT
                                                                              const IndexType elements )
    const IndexType sliceIdx = row / SliceSize;
-   const IndexType rowLength = this->sliceCompressedRowsLengths[ sliceIdx ];
+   const IndexType rowLength = this->sliceCompressedRowLengths[ sliceIdx ];
    if( elements > rowLength )
       return false;
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ bool SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize > :: setRow( const IndexType
                                                                          const IndexType elements )
    const IndexType sliceIdx = row / SliceSize;
-   const IndexType rowLength = this->sliceCompressedRowsLengths.getElement( sliceIdx );
+   const IndexType rowLength = this->sliceCompressedRowLengths.getElement( sliceIdx );
    if( elements > rowLength )
       return false;
@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ getRow( const IndexType rowIndex )
    const IndexType slice = rowIndex / SliceSize;
    return MatrixRow( &this->columnIndexes[ rowBegin ],
                      &this->values[ rowBegin ],
-                     this->sliceCompressedRowsLengths[ slice ],
+                     this->sliceCompressedRowLengths[ slice ],
                      step );
@@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ getRow( const IndexType rowIndex ) const
    const IndexType slice = rowIndex / SliceSize;
    return ConstMatrixRow( &this->columnIndexes[ rowBegin ],
                           &this->values[ rowBegin ],
-                          this->sliceCompressedRowsLengths[ slice ],
+                          this->sliceCompressedRowLengths[ slice ],
                           step );
@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ bool SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::performSORIteration( const
    RealType sum( 0.0 );
    /*const IndexType sliceIdx = row / SliceSize;
-   const IndexType rowLength = this->sliceCompressedRowsLengths[ sliceIdx ];
+   const IndexType rowLength = this->sliceCompressedRowLengths[ sliceIdx ];
    IndexType elementPtr = this->slicePointers[ sliceIdx ] +
                           rowLength * ( row - sliceIdx * SliceSize );
    const IndexType rowEnd( elementPtr + rowLength );*/
@@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ bool SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::save( File& file ) const
    if( ! Sparse< Real, Device, Index >::save( file ) ||
        ! this->slicePointers.save( file ) ||
-       ! this->sliceCompressedRowsLengths.save( file ) )
+       ! this->sliceCompressedRowLengths.save( file ) )
       return false;
    return true;
@@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ bool SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::load( File& file )
    if( ! Sparse< Real, Device, Index >::load( file ) ||
        ! this->slicePointers.load( file ) ||
-       ! this->sliceCompressedRowsLengths.load( file ) )
+       ! this->sliceCompressedRowLengths.load( file ) )
       return false;
    return true;
@@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ void SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::print( std::ostream& str )
       str <<"Row: " << row << " -> ";
       const IndexType sliceIdx = row / SliceSize;
-      const IndexType rowLength = this->sliceCompressedRowsLengths.getElement( sliceIdx );
+      const IndexType rowLength = this->sliceCompressedRowLengths.getElement( sliceIdx );
       IndexType elementPtr = this->slicePointers.getElement( sliceIdx ) +
                              rowLength * ( row - sliceIdx * SliceSize );
       const IndexType rowEnd( elementPtr + rowLength );
@@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           int SliceSize >
-__device__ void SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::computeMaximalRowLengthInSlicesCuda( const CompressedRowsLengthsVector& rowLengths,
+__device__ void SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::computeMaximalRowLengthInSlicesCuda( const CompressedRowLengthsVector& rowLengths,
                                                                                                                const IndexType sliceIdx )
    Index rowIdx = sliceIdx * SliceSize;
@@ -662,7 +662,7 @@ __device__ void SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::computeMaximalR
-   this->sliceCompressedRowsLengths[ sliceIdx ] = maxRowLength;
+   this->sliceCompressedRowLengths[ sliceIdx ] = maxRowLength;
    this->slicePointers[ sliceIdx ] = maxRowLength * SliceSize;
    if( threadIdx.x == 0 )
       this->slicePointers[ this->slicePointers.getSize() - 1 ] = 0;
@@ -688,7 +688,7 @@ class SlicedEllpackDeviceDependentCode< Devices::Host >
          const Index sliceIdx = row / SliceSize;
          const Index slicePointer = matrix.slicePointers.getElement( sliceIdx );
-         const Index rowLength = matrix.sliceCompressedRowsLengths.getElement( sliceIdx );
+         const Index rowLength = matrix.sliceCompressedRowLengths.getElement( sliceIdx );
          rowBegin = slicePointer + rowLength * ( row - sliceIdx * SliceSize );
          rowEnd = rowBegin + rowLength;
@@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ class SlicedEllpackDeviceDependentCode< Devices::Host >
          const Index sliceIdx = row / SliceSize;
          const Index slicePointer = matrix.slicePointers[ sliceIdx ];
-         const Index rowLength = matrix.sliceCompressedRowsLengths[ sliceIdx ];
+         const Index rowLength = matrix.sliceCompressedRowLengths[ sliceIdx ];
          rowBegin = slicePointer + rowLength * ( row - sliceIdx * SliceSize );
          rowEnd = rowBegin + rowLength;
@@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ class SlicedEllpackDeviceDependentCode< Devices::Host >
                 typename Index,
                 int SliceSize >
       static bool computeMaximalRowLengthInSlices( SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >& matrix,
-                                                   const typename SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index >::CompressedRowsLengthsVector& rowLengths )
+                                                   const typename SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index >::CompressedRowLengthsVector& rowLengths )
          Index row( 0 ), slice( 0 ), sliceRowLength( 0 );
          while( row < matrix.getRows() )
@@ -727,14 +727,14 @@ class SlicedEllpackDeviceDependentCode< Devices::Host >
             sliceRowLength = max( rowLengths.getElement( row++ ), sliceRowLength );
             if( row % SliceSize == 0 )
-               matrix.sliceCompressedRowsLengths.setElement( slice, sliceRowLength );
+               matrix.sliceCompressedRowLengths.setElement( slice, sliceRowLength );
                matrix.slicePointers.setElement( slice++, sliceRowLength * SliceSize );
                sliceRowLength = 0;
          if( row % SliceSize != 0 )
-            matrix.sliceCompressedRowsLengths.setElement( slice, sliceRowLength );
+            matrix.sliceCompressedRowLengths.setElement( slice, sliceRowLength );
             matrix.slicePointers.setElement( slice++, sliceRowLength * SliceSize );
          matrix.slicePointers.setElement( matrix.slicePointers.getSize() - 1, 0 );
@@ -764,7 +764,7 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Index,
           int SliceSize >
 __global__ void SlicedEllpack_computeMaximalRowLengthInSlices_CudaKernel( SlicedEllpack< Real, Devices::Cuda, Index, SliceSize >* matrix,
-                                                                                   const typename SlicedEllpack< Real, Devices::Cuda, Index, SliceSize >::CompressedRowsLengthsVector* rowLengths,
+                                                                                   const typename SlicedEllpack< Real, Devices::Cuda, Index, SliceSize >::CompressedRowLengthsVector* rowLengths,
                                                                                    int gridIdx )
    const Index sliceIdx = gridIdx * Devices::Cuda::getMaxGridSize() * blockDim.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
@@ -781,7 +781,7 @@ __global__ void SlicedEllpackVectorProductCudaKernel(
    const Index rows,
    const Index columns,
    const Index* slicePointers,
-   const Index* sliceCompressedRowsLengths,
+   const Index* sliceCompressedRowLengths,
    const Index paddingIndex,
    const Index* columnIndexes,
    const Real* values,
@@ -794,7 +794,7 @@ __global__ void SlicedEllpackVectorProductCudaKernel(
    const Index sliceIdx = rowIdx / SliceSize;
    const Index slicePointer = slicePointers[ sliceIdx ];
-   const Index rowLength = sliceCompressedRowsLengths[ sliceIdx ];
+   const Index rowLength = sliceCompressedRowLengths[ sliceIdx ];
    Index i = slicePointer + rowIdx - sliceIdx * SliceSize;
    const Index rowEnd = i + rowLength * SliceSize;
    Real result( 0.0 );
@@ -829,7 +829,7 @@ class SlicedEllpackDeviceDependentCode< Devices::Cuda >
          const Index sliceIdx = row / SliceSize;
          const Index slicePointer = matrix.slicePointers.getElement( sliceIdx );
-         const Index rowLength = matrix.sliceCompressedRowsLengths.getElement( sliceIdx );
+         const Index rowLength = matrix.sliceCompressedRowLengths.getElement( sliceIdx );
          rowBegin = slicePointer + row - sliceIdx * SliceSize;
          rowEnd = rowBegin + rowLength * SliceSize;
@@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ class SlicedEllpackDeviceDependentCode< Devices::Cuda >
          const Index sliceIdx = row / SliceSize;
          const Index slicePointer = matrix.slicePointers[ sliceIdx ];
-         const Index rowLength = matrix.sliceCompressedRowsLengths[ sliceIdx ];
+         const Index rowLength = matrix.sliceCompressedRowLengths[ sliceIdx ];
          rowBegin = slicePointer + row - sliceIdx * SliceSize;
          rowEnd = rowBegin + rowLength * SliceSize;
@@ -860,13 +860,13 @@ class SlicedEllpackDeviceDependentCode< Devices::Cuda >
                 typename Index,
                 int SliceSize >
       static bool computeMaximalRowLengthInSlices( SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >& matrix,
-                                                   const typename SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index >::CompressedRowsLengthsVector& rowLengths )
+                                                   const typename SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index >::CompressedRowLengthsVector& rowLengths )
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
          typedef SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize > Matrix;
-         typedef typename Matrix::CompressedRowsLengthsVector CompressedRowsLengthsVector;
+         typedef typename Matrix::CompressedRowLengthsVector CompressedRowLengthsVector;
          Matrix* kernel_matrix = Devices::Cuda::passToDevice( matrix );
-         CompressedRowsLengthsVector* kernel_rowLengths = Devices::Cuda::passToDevice( rowLengths );
+         CompressedRowLengthsVector* kernel_rowLengths = Devices::Cuda::passToDevice( rowLengths );
          const Index numberOfSlices = roundUpDivision( matrix.getRows(), SliceSize );
          dim3 cudaBlockSize( 256 ), cudaGridSize( Devices::Cuda::getMaxGridSize() );
          const Index cudaBlocks = roundUpDivision( numberOfSlices, cudaBlockSize.x );
@@ -916,7 +916,7 @@ class SlicedEllpackDeviceDependentCode< Devices::Cuda >
                 ( matrix.getRows(),
-                  matrix.sliceCompressedRowsLengths.getData(),
+                  matrix.sliceCompressedRowLengths.getData(),
diff --git a/src/TNL/Matrices/Sparse.h b/src/TNL/Matrices/Sparse.h
index 27a021f038eab6553924792aec2739d080253960..c1f6e168ed8dcf7d3be44cea43bbdc3dc4ff707f 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Matrices/Sparse.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Matrices/Sparse.h
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class Sparse : public Matrix< Real, Device, Index >
    typedef Real RealType;
    typedef Device DeviceType;
    typedef Index IndexType;
-   typedef typename Matrix< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType >::CompressedRowsLengthsVector CompressedRowsLengthsVector;
+   typedef typename Matrix< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType >::CompressedRowLengthsVector CompressedRowLengthsVector;
    typedef typename Matrix< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType >::ValuesVector ValuesVector;
    typedef Containers::Vector< IndexType, DeviceType, IndexType > ColumnIndexesVector;
    typedef Matrix< Real, Device, Index > BaseType;
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class Sparse : public Matrix< Real, Device, Index >
-   virtual bool setCompressedRowsLengths( const CompressedRowsLengthsVector& rowLengths ) = 0;
+   virtual bool setCompressedRowLengths( const CompressedRowLengthsVector& rowLengths ) = 0;
    template< typename Real2, typename Device2, typename Index2 >
    bool setLike( const Sparse< Real2, Device2, Index2 >& matrix );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Matrices/Tridiagonal.h b/src/TNL/Matrices/Tridiagonal.h
index 5457f12f18053bc869640966958d703c31f99a4c..88c9cc9164d8bff79a1cef9b304b368e6ac3c606 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Matrices/Tridiagonal.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Matrices/Tridiagonal.h
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class Tridiagonal : public Matrix< Real, Device, Index >
    typedef Real RealType;
    typedef Device DeviceType;
    typedef Index IndexType;
-   typedef typename Matrix< Real, Device, Index >::CompressedRowsLengthsVector CompressedRowsLengthsVector;
+   typedef typename Matrix< Real, Device, Index >::CompressedRowLengthsVector CompressedRowLengthsVector;
    typedef Tridiagonal< Real, Device, Index > ThisType;
    typedef Tridiagonal< Real, Devices::Host, Index > HostType;
    typedef Tridiagonal< Real, Devices::Cuda, Index > CudaType;
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class Tridiagonal : public Matrix< Real, Device, Index >
    bool setDimensions( const IndexType rows,
                        const IndexType columns );
-   bool setCompressedRowsLengths( const CompressedRowsLengthsVector& rowLengths );
+   bool setCompressedRowLengths( const CompressedRowLengthsVector& rowLengths );
    IndexType getRowLength( const IndexType row ) const;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Matrices/Tridiagonal_impl.h b/src/TNL/Matrices/Tridiagonal_impl.h
index 7876f07cb7e816817f6ca59aadebd32afb9874be..9d15ba841de1a7d64d284aa4e6301d8b9e6f6e48 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Matrices/Tridiagonal_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Matrices/Tridiagonal_impl.h
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ bool Tridiagonal< Real, Device, Index >::setDimensions( const IndexType rows,
 template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
-bool Tridiagonal< Real, Device, Index >::setCompressedRowsLengths( const CompressedRowsLengthsVector& rowLengths )
+bool Tridiagonal< Real, Device, Index >::setCompressedRowLengths( const CompressedRowLengthsVector& rowLengths )
    if( rowLengths[ 0 ] > 2 )
       return false;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/CMakeLists.txt b/src/TNL/Meshes/CMakeLists.txt
index b97985a544941ef4a3107ba38a8cd4e1259d414a..b06294793cbe0f662d9c07e2002930e1cdc03fdc 100755
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ SET( headers Grid.h
-             MeshDimensionsTag.h             
+             MeshDimensionTag.h             
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/DummyMesh.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/DummyMesh.h
index 3b57ed34905a8929c3a52c7246c29eb490bff9f0..efbf1be40615463610df3a4ceec361b634884582 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/DummyMesh.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/DummyMesh.h
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ class DummyMesh
    typedef Index IndexType;
    typedef DummyMesh< Real, Device, Index > ThisType;
-   static const int meshDimensions = 1;
+   static const int meshDimension = 1;
-   constexpr static int getMeshDimensions() { return meshDimensions; }
+   constexpr static int getMeshDimension() { return meshDimension; }
    const Real& getParametricStep(){ return 0.0; }
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/Grid.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/Grid.h
index d5966b033e582c32633d03c4aa0a4a05ae870155..07053991262385c8fd19e72377693c6748fc84de 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/Grid.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/Grid.h
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 namespace TNL {
 namespace Meshes {
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real = double,
           typename Device = Devices::Host,
           typename Index = int >
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/CMakeLists.txt b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/CMakeLists.txt
index 7e39623121c8dba1ee95332a69fada92a561bbd5..eeecd7bc50bbbac8492066be8f7bf9bf20b19e4d 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ SET( headers BoundaryGridEntityChecker.h
-             NeighbourGridEntitiesStorage.h
-             NeighbourGridEntityGetter1D_impl.h
-             NeighbourGridEntityGetter2D_impl.h
-             NeighbourGridEntityGetter3D_impl.h
-             NeighbourGridEntityGetter.h
+             NeighborGridEntitiesStorage.h
+             NeighborGridEntityGetter1D_impl.h
+             NeighborGridEntityGetter2D_impl.h
+             NeighborGridEntityGetter3D_impl.h
+             NeighborGridEntityGetter.h
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid1D.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid1D.h
index d2a96c4ad5bae4bf19374c90a60cfbd5d146b100..51b082a66f3deef4d444099e64a62cc6388c0685 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid1D.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid1D.h
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 #include <TNL/Logger.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntityTopology.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntityGetter.h>
-#include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighbourGridEntityGetter.h>
+#include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighborGridEntityGetter.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/GridEntity.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/GridEntityConfig.h>
@@ -31,23 +31,23 @@ class Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index > : public Object
    typedef Real RealType;
    typedef Device DeviceType;
    typedef Index IndexType;
-   typedef Containers::StaticVector< 1, Real > VertexType;
+   typedef Containers::StaticVector< 1, Real > PointType;
    typedef Containers::StaticVector< 1, Index > CoordinatesType;
    typedef Grid< 1, Real, Devices::Host, Index > HostType;
    typedef Grid< 1, Real, Devices::Cuda, Index > CudaType;
    typedef Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index > ThisType;
-   static const int meshDimensions = 1;
+   static const int meshDimension = 1;
-   template< int EntityDimensions,
+   template< int EntityDimension,
              typename Config = GridEntityCrossStencilStorage< 1 > >
-   using MeshEntity = GridEntity< ThisType, EntityDimensions, Config >;
+   using MeshEntity = GridEntity< ThisType, EntityDimension, Config >;
-   typedef MeshEntity< meshDimensions, GridEntityCrossStencilStorage< 1 > > Cell;
+   typedef MeshEntity< meshDimension, GridEntityCrossStencilStorage< 1 > > Cell;
    typedef MeshEntity< 0 > Face;
    typedef MeshEntity< 0 > Vertex;
-   static constexpr int getMeshDimensions() { return meshDimensions; };
+   static constexpr int getMeshDimension() { return meshDimension; };
@@ -66,14 +66,14 @@ class Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index > : public Object
    __cuda_callable__ inline
    const CoordinatesType& getDimensions() const;
-   void setDomain( const VertexType& origin,
-                   const VertexType& proportions );
+   void setDomain( const PointType& origin,
+                   const PointType& proportions );
-   inline const VertexType& getOrigin() const;
+   inline const PointType& getOrigin() const;
-   inline const VertexType& getProportions() const;
+   inline const PointType& getProportions() const;
    template< typename EntityType >
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index > : public Object
    inline const RealType& getCellMeasure() const;
-   inline const VertexType& getSpaceSteps() const;
+   inline const PointType& getSpaceSteps() const;
    template< int xPow >
@@ -146,9 +146,9 @@ class Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index > : public Object
    IndexType numberOfCells, numberOfVertices;
-   VertexType origin, proportions;
+   PointType origin, proportions;
-   VertexType spaceSteps;
+   PointType spaceSteps;
    RealType spaceStepsProducts[ 5 ];
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid1D_impl.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid1D_impl.h
index cac0ad3da8884483d4f48e91b62baba5b30b0dda..b985708db5e9f653feb65f990cc3143f88dffa1b 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid1D_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid1D_impl.h
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 #include <TNL/Assert.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GnuplotWriter.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntityGetter_impl.h>
-#include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighbourGridEntityGetter1D_impl.h>
+#include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighborGridEntityGetter1D_impl.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid1D.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntityMeasureGetter.h>
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ template< typename Real,
 String Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >::getType()
    return String( "Meshes::Grid< " ) +
-          String( getMeshDimensions() ) + ", " +
+          String( getMeshDimension() ) + ", " +
           String( TNL::getType< RealType >() ) + ", " +
           String( Device::getDeviceType() ) + ", " +
           String( TNL::getType< IndexType >() ) + " >";
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ const typename Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >::CoordinatesType&
 template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
-void Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >::setDomain( const VertexType& origin,
-                                                     const VertexType& proportions )
+void Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >::setDomain( const PointType& origin,
+                                                     const PointType& proportions )
    this->origin = origin;
    this->proportions = proportions;
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index  >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-const typename Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >::VertexType&
+const typename Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >::PointType&
   Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >::getOrigin() const
    return this->origin;
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-const typename Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >::VertexType&
+const typename Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >::PointType&
    Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >::getProportions() const
    return this->proportions;
@@ -155,10 +155,10 @@ Index
 Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >::
 getEntitiesCount() const
-   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimensions <= 1 &&
-                  EntityType::entityDimensions >= 0, "Wrong grid entity dimensions." );
+   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimension <= 1 &&
+                  EntityType::entityDimension >= 0, "Wrong grid entity dimension." );
-   switch( EntityType::entityDimensions )
+   switch( EntityType::entityDimension )
       case 1:
          return this->numberOfCells;
@@ -177,8 +177,8 @@ EntityType
 Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >::
 getEntity( const IndexType& entityIndex ) const
-   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimensions <= 1 &&
-                  EntityType::entityDimensions >= 0, "Wrong grid entity dimensions." );
+   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimension <= 1 &&
+                  EntityType::entityDimension >= 0, "Wrong grid entity dimension." );
    return GridEntityGetter< ThisType, EntityType >::getEntity( *this, entityIndex );
@@ -192,8 +192,8 @@ Index
 Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >::
 getEntityIndex( const EntityType& entity ) const
-   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimensions <= 1 &&
-                  EntityType::entityDimensions >= 0, "Wrong grid entity dimensions." );
+   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimension <= 1 &&
+                  EntityType::entityDimension >= 0, "Wrong grid entity dimension." );
    return GridEntityGetter< ThisType, EntityType >::getEntityIndex( *this, entity );
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-const typename Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >::VertexType&
+const typename Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >::PointType&
 Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >::
 getSpaceSteps() const
@@ -391,12 +391,12 @@ bool Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >::write( const MeshFunction& function,
    const RealType hx = getSpaceSteps(). x();
    if( format == "gnuplot" )
-      typename ThisType::template MeshEntity< getMeshDimensions() > entity( *this );
+      typename ThisType::template MeshEntity< getMeshDimension() > entity( *this );
       for( entity.getCoordinates().x() = 0;
            entity.getCoordinates().x() < getDimensions(). x();
            entity.getCoordinates().x() ++ )
-         VertexType v = entity.getCenter();
+         PointType v = entity.getCenter();
          GnuplotWriter::write( file,  v );
          GnuplotWriter::write( file,  function[ this->getEntityIndex( entity ) ] );
          file << std::endl;
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ void
 Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >::
 writeProlog( Logger& logger )
-   logger.writeParameter( "Dimensions:", getMeshDimensions() );
+   logger.writeParameter( "Dimension:", getMeshDimension() );
    logger.writeParameter( "Domain origin:", this->origin );
    logger.writeParameter( "Domain proportions:", this->proportions );
    logger.writeParameter( "Domain dimensions:", this->dimensions );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid2D.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid2D.h
index 6c7dfca7f61089f61c8ec2d9e5d4be995f3c9906..941616248461dc0930a9debf3b7d6e3912e7b157 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid2D.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid2D.h
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 #include <TNL/Meshes/Grid.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntityTopology.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntityGetter.h>
-#include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighbourGridEntityGetter.h>
+#include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighborGridEntityGetter.h>
 namespace TNL {
 namespace Meshes {
@@ -28,31 +28,31 @@ class Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > : public Object
    typedef Real RealType;
    typedef Device DeviceType;
    typedef Index IndexType;
-   typedef Containers::StaticVector< 2, Real > VertexType;
+   typedef Containers::StaticVector< 2, Real > PointType;
    typedef Containers::StaticVector< 2, Index > CoordinatesType;
    typedef Grid< 2, Real, Devices::Host, Index > HostType;
    typedef Grid< 2, Real, Devices::Cuda, Index > CudaType;
    typedef Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > ThisType;
-   static const int meshDimensions = 2;
+   static const int meshDimension = 2;
-   template< int EntityDimensions,
+   template< int EntityDimension,
              typename Config = GridEntityNoStencilStorage >//CrossStencilStorage< 1 > >
-   using MeshEntity = GridEntity< ThisType, EntityDimensions, Config >;
+   using MeshEntity = GridEntity< ThisType, EntityDimension, Config >;
-   typedef MeshEntity< meshDimensions, GridEntityCrossStencilStorage< 1 > > Cell;
-   typedef MeshEntity< meshDimensions - 1, GridEntityNoStencilStorage > Face;
+   typedef MeshEntity< meshDimension, GridEntityCrossStencilStorage< 1 > > Cell;
+   typedef MeshEntity< meshDimension - 1, GridEntityNoStencilStorage > Face;
    typedef MeshEntity< 0 > Vertex;
    // TODO: remove this
-   //template< int EntityDimensions, 
+   //template< int EntityDimension, 
    //          typename Config = GridEntityNoStencilStorage >//CrossStencilStorage< 1 > >
-   //using TestMeshEntity = tnlTestGridEntity< ThisType, EntityDimensions, Config >;
-   //typedef TestMeshEntity< meshDimensions, GridEntityCrossStencilStorage< 1 > > TestCell;
+   //using TestMeshEntity = tnlTestGridEntity< ThisType, EntityDimension, Config >;
+   //typedef TestMeshEntity< meshDimension, GridEntityCrossStencilStorage< 1 > > TestCell;
-   static constexpr int getMeshDimensions() { return meshDimensions; };
+   static constexpr int getMeshDimension() { return meshDimension; };
@@ -71,13 +71,13 @@ class Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > : public Object
    inline const CoordinatesType& getDimensions() const;
-   void setDomain( const VertexType& origin,
-                   const VertexType& proportions );
+   void setDomain( const PointType& origin,
+                   const PointType& proportions );
-   inline const VertexType& getOrigin() const;
+   inline const PointType& getOrigin() const;
-   inline const VertexType& getProportions() const;
+   inline const PointType& getProportions() const;
    template< typename EntityType >
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ class Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > : public Object
    inline const RealType& getCellMeasure() const;
-   inline const VertexType& getSpaceSteps() const;
+   inline const PointType& getSpaceSteps() const;
    template< int xPow, int yPow >
@@ -154,9 +154,9 @@ class Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > : public Object
    IndexType numberOfCells, numberOfNxFaces, numberOfNyFaces, numberOfFaces, numberOfVertices;
-   VertexType origin, proportions;
+   PointType origin, proportions;
-   VertexType spaceSteps;
+   PointType spaceSteps;
    RealType spaceStepsProducts[ 5 ][ 5 ];
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid2D_impl.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid2D_impl.h
index 4d0d87fb2f1d7f752c6330c94c90137b7cb3830d..90cfdad79bcdfe976c5b86021e081ce7637fa836 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid2D_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid2D_impl.h
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 #include <TNL/Assert.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GnuplotWriter.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntityGetter_impl.h>
-#include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighbourGridEntityGetter2D_impl.h>
+#include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighborGridEntityGetter2D_impl.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntityMeasureGetter.h>
 namespace TNL {
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ template< typename Real,
 String Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getType()
    return String( "Meshes::Grid< " ) +
-          String( getMeshDimensions() ) + ", " +
+          String( getMeshDimension() ) + ", " +
           String( TNL::getType< RealType >() ) + ", " +
           String( Device :: getDeviceType() ) + ", " +
           String( TNL::getType< IndexType >() ) + " >";
@@ -168,8 +168,8 @@ Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getDimensions() const
 template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
-void Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: setDomain( const VertexType& origin,
-                                                     const VertexType& proportions )
+void Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: setDomain( const PointType& origin,
+                                                     const PointType& proportions )
    this->origin = origin;
    this->proportions = proportions;
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-const typename Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::VertexType&
+const typename Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::PointType&
 Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::getOrigin() const
    return this->origin;
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-const typename Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: VertexType&
+const typename Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: PointType&
    Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getProportions() const
    return this->proportions;
@@ -205,10 +205,10 @@ Index
 Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::
 getEntitiesCount() const
-   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimensions <= 2 &&
-                  EntityType::entityDimensions >= 0, "Wrong grid entity dimensions." );
+   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimension <= 2 &&
+                  EntityType::entityDimension >= 0, "Wrong grid entity dimension." );
-   switch( EntityType::entityDimensions )
+   switch( EntityType::entityDimension )
       case 2:
          return this->numberOfCells;
@@ -229,8 +229,8 @@ EntityType
 Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::
 getEntity( const IndexType& entityIndex ) const
-   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimensions <= 2 &&
-                  EntityType::entityDimensions >= 0, "Wrong grid entity dimensions." );
+   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimension <= 2 &&
+                  EntityType::entityDimension >= 0, "Wrong grid entity dimension." );
    return GridEntityGetter< ThisType, EntityType >::getEntity( *this, entityIndex );
@@ -244,8 +244,8 @@ Index
 Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::
 getEntityIndex( const EntityType& entity ) const
-   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimensions <= 2 &&
-                  EntityType::entityDimensions >= 0, "Wrong grid entity dimensions." );
+   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimension <= 2 &&
+                  EntityType::entityDimension >= 0, "Wrong grid entity dimension." );
    return GridEntityGetter< ThisType, EntityType >::getEntityIndex( *this, entity );
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-const typename Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::VertexType&
+const typename Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::PointType&
 Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::
 getSpaceSteps() const
@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ bool Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: writeMesh( const String& fileName,
            << std::endl << std::endl;
       MeshEntity< 0 > vertex( *this );
       CoordinatesType& vertexCoordinates = vertex.getCoordinates();
-      VertexType v;
+      PointType v;
       for( Index j = 0; j < this->dimensions. y(); j ++ )
          file << "draw( ";
@@ -506,13 +506,13 @@ bool Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: writeMesh( const String& fileName,
       for( Index i = 0; i < this->dimensions. x(); i ++ )
          for( Index j = 0; j < this->dimensions. y(); j ++ )
-            VertexType v1, v2, c;
+            PointType v1, v2, c;
              * East edge normal
-            /*v1 = this->getVertex( CoordinatesType( i + 1, j ), v1 );
-            v2 = this->getVertex( CoordinatesType( i + 1, j + 1 ), v2 );
+            /*v1 = this->getPoint( CoordinatesType( i + 1, j ), v1 );
+            v2 = this->getPoint( CoordinatesType( i + 1, j + 1 ), v2 );
             c = ( ( Real ) 0.5 ) * ( v1 + v2 );
             this->getEdgeNormal< 1, 0 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v );
             v *= 0.5;
@@ -522,8 +522,8 @@ bool Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: writeMesh( const String& fileName,
              * West edge normal
-            /*this->getVertex< -1, -1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v1 );
-            this->getVertex< -1, 1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v2 );
+            /*this->getPoint< -1, -1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v1 );
+            this->getPoint< -1, 1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v2 );
             c = ( ( Real ) 0.5 ) * ( v1 + v2 );
             this->getEdgeNormal< -1, 0 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v );
             v *= 0.5;
@@ -533,8 +533,8 @@ bool Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: writeMesh( const String& fileName,
              * North edge normal
-            /*this->getVertex< 1, 1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v1 );
-            this->getVertex< -1, 1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v2 );
+            /*this->getPoint< 1, 1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v1 );
+            this->getPoint< -1, 1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v2 );
             c = ( ( Real ) 0.5 ) * ( v1 + v2 );
             this->getEdgeNormal< 0, 1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v );
             v *= 0.5;
@@ -544,8 +544,8 @@ bool Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: writeMesh( const String& fileName,
              * South edge normal
-            /*this->getVertex< 1, -1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v1 );
-            this->getVertex< -1, -1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v2 );
+            /*this->getPoint< 1, -1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v1 );
+            this->getPoint< -1, -1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v2 );
             c = ( ( Real ) 0.5 ) * ( v1 + v2 );
             this->getEdgeNormal< 0, -1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v );
             v *= 0.5;
@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ bool Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: write( const MeshFunction& function,
          for( cellCoordinates.x() = 0; cellCoordinates.x() < getDimensions(). x(); cellCoordinates.x() ++ )
-            VertexType v = cell.getCenter();
+            PointType v = cell.getCenter();
             GnuplotWriter::write( file,  v );
             GnuplotWriter::write( file,  function[ this->getEntityIndex( cell ) ] );
             file << std::endl;
@@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ void
 Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::
 writeProlog( Logger& logger )
-   logger.writeParameter( "Dimensions:", getMeshDimensions() );
+   logger.writeParameter( "Dimension:", getMeshDimension() );
    logger.writeParameter( "Domain origin:", this->origin );
    logger.writeParameter( "Domain proportions:", this->proportions );
    logger.writeParameter( "Domain dimensions:", this->dimensions );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid3D.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid3D.h
index 860b5e473528cf0de601648a77bb0bd6f0aba490..4c732d5085221d838fb6ada80c49db2f958f3b40 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid3D.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid3D.h
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 #include <TNL/Meshes/Grid.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntityTopology.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntityGetter.h>
-#include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighbourGridEntityGetter.h>
+#include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighborGridEntityGetter.h>
 namespace TNL {
 namespace Meshes {
@@ -28,24 +28,24 @@ class Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > : public Object
    typedef Real RealType;
    typedef Device DeviceType;
    typedef Index IndexType;
-   typedef Containers::StaticVector< 3, Real > VertexType;
+   typedef Containers::StaticVector< 3, Real > PointType;
    typedef Containers::StaticVector< 3, Index > CoordinatesType;
    typedef Grid< 3, Real, Devices::Host, Index > HostType;
    typedef Grid< 3, Real, Devices::Cuda, Index > CudaType;
    typedef Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > ThisType;
-   static const int meshDimensions = 3;
+   static const int meshDimension = 3;
-   template< int EntityDimensions,
+   template< int EntityDimension,
              typename Config = GridEntityCrossStencilStorage< 1 > >
-   using MeshEntity = GridEntity< ThisType, EntityDimensions, Config >;
+   using MeshEntity = GridEntity< ThisType, EntityDimension, Config >;
-   typedef MeshEntity< meshDimensions, GridEntityCrossStencilStorage< 1 > > Cell;
-   typedef MeshEntity< meshDimensions - 1 > Face;
+   typedef MeshEntity< meshDimension, GridEntityCrossStencilStorage< 1 > > Cell;
+   typedef MeshEntity< meshDimension - 1 > Face;
    typedef MeshEntity< 1 > Edge;
    typedef MeshEntity< 0 > Vertex;
-   static constexpr int getMeshDimensions() { return meshDimensions; };
+   static constexpr int getMeshDimension() { return meshDimension; };
@@ -64,13 +64,13 @@ class Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > : public Object
    inline const CoordinatesType& getDimensions() const;
-   void setDomain( const VertexType& origin,
-                   const VertexType& proportions );
+   void setDomain( const PointType& origin,
+                   const PointType& proportions );
-   inline const VertexType& getOrigin() const;
+   inline const PointType& getOrigin() const;
-   inline const VertexType& getProportions() const;
+   inline const PointType& getProportions() const;
    template< typename EntityType >
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ class Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > : public Object
    inline const RealType& getCellMeasure() const;
-   inline const VertexType& getSpaceSteps() const;
+   inline const PointType& getSpaceSteps() const;
    template< int xPow, int yPow, int zPow >
@@ -149,11 +149,11 @@ class Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > : public Object
           numberOfDxEdges, numberOfDyEdges, numberOfDzEdges, numberOfDxAndDyEdges, numberOfEdges,
-   VertexType origin, proportions;
+   PointType origin, proportions;
-   IndexType cellZNeighboursStep;
+   IndexType cellZNeighborsStep;
-   VertexType spaceSteps;
+   PointType spaceSteps;
    RealType spaceStepsProducts[ 5 ][ 5 ][ 5 ];
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ class Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > : public Object
    friend class GridEntityGetter;
    template< typename, int, typename >
-   friend class NeighbourGridEntityGetter;
+   friend class NeighborGridEntityGetter;
 } // namespace Meshes
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid3D_impl.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid3D_impl.h
index d9cdaa1dfe62359328f11c369cd16d0a43d168d5..935a2c198666fd6b581cd3c7b36bc165c3bde374 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid3D_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid3D_impl.h
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 #include <iomanip>
 #include <TNL/Assert.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntityGetter_impl.h>
-#include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighbourGridEntityGetter3D_impl.h>
+#include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighborGridEntityGetter3D_impl.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid3D.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntityMeasureGetter.h>
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ template< typename Real,
 String Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: getType()
    return String( "Meshes::Grid< " ) +
-          String( meshDimensions ) + ", " +
+          String( meshDimension ) + ", " +
           String( TNL::getType< RealType >() ) + ", " +
           String( Device :: getDeviceType() ) + ", " +
           String( TNL::getType< IndexType >() ) + " >";
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ void Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: setDimensions( const Index xSize, const I
    this->numberOfVertices = ( xSize + 1 ) * ( ySize + 1 ) * ( zSize + 1 );
-   this->cellZNeighboursStep = xSize * ySize;
+   this->cellZNeighborsStep = xSize * ySize;
@@ -214,8 +214,8 @@ const typename Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: CoordinatesType&
 template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
-void Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: setDomain( const VertexType& origin,
-                                                     const VertexType& proportions )
+void Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: setDomain( const PointType& origin,
+                                                     const PointType& proportions )
    this->origin = origin;
    this->proportions = proportions;
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-const typename Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >::VertexType&
+const typename Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >::PointType&
 Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >::getOrigin() const
    return this->origin;
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-const typename Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: VertexType&
+const typename Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: PointType&
    Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: getProportions() const
 	return this->proportions;
@@ -251,10 +251,10 @@ Index
 Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >::
 getEntitiesCount() const
-   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimensions <= 3 &&
-                  EntityType::entityDimensions >= 0, "Wrong grid entity dimensions." );
+   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimension <= 3 &&
+                  EntityType::entityDimension >= 0, "Wrong grid entity dimension." );
-   switch( EntityType::entityDimensions )
+   switch( EntityType::entityDimension )
       case 3:
          return this->numberOfCells;
@@ -277,8 +277,8 @@ EntityType
 Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >::
 getEntity( const IndexType& entityIndex ) const
-   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimensions <= 3 &&
-                  EntityType::entityDimensions >= 0, "Wrong grid entity dimensions." );
+   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimension <= 3 &&
+                  EntityType::entityDimension >= 0, "Wrong grid entity dimension." );
    return GridEntityGetter< ThisType, EntityType >::getEntity( *this, entityIndex );
@@ -292,8 +292,8 @@ Index
 Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >::
 getEntityIndex( const EntityType& entity ) const
-   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimensions <= 3 &&
-                  EntityType::entityDimensions >= 0, "Wrong grid entity dimensions." );
+   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimension <= 3 &&
+                  EntityType::entityDimension >= 0, "Wrong grid entity dimension." );
    return GridEntityGetter< ThisType, EntityType >::getEntityIndex( *this, entity );
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-const typename Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >::VertexType&
+const typename Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >::PointType&
 Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >::
 getSpaceSteps() const
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ typename GridFunction::RealType
                                                  const typename GridFunction::RealType& p ) const
    typename GridFunction::RealType lpNorm( 0.0 );
-   MeshEntity< getMeshDimensions() > cell;
+   MeshEntity< getMeshDimension() > cell;
    for( cell.getCoordinates().z() = 0;
         cell.getCoordinates().z() < getDimensions().z();
         cell.getCoordinates().z()++ )
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ template< typename Real,
                                                                            const GridFunction& f2 ) const
    typename GridFunction::RealType maxDiff( -1.0 );
-   MeshEntity< getMeshDimensions() > cell( *this );
+   MeshEntity< getMeshDimension() > cell( *this );
    for( cell.getCoordinates().z() = 0;
         cell.getCoordinates().z() < getDimensions().z();
         cell.getCoordinates().z()++ )
@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ template< typename Real,
                                                                  const typename GridFunction::RealType& p ) const
    typename GridFunction::RealType lpNorm( 0.0 );
-   MeshEntity< getMeshDimensions() > cell( *this );
+   MeshEntity< getMeshDimension() > cell( *this );
    for( cell.getCoordinates().z() = 0;
         cell.getCoordinates().z() < getDimensions().z();
@@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ bool Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: write( const MeshFunction& function,
                  cell.getCoordinates().x() < getDimensions().x();
                  cell.getCoordinates().x()++ )
-               VertexType v = cell.getCenter();
+               PointType v = cell.getCenter();
                GnuplotWriter::write( file, v );
                GnuplotWriter::write( file, function[ this->template getEntityIndex( cell ) ] );
                file << std::endl;
@@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ void
 Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >::
 writeProlog( Logger& logger )
-   logger.writeParameter( "Dimensions:", getMeshDimensions() );
+   logger.writeParameter( "Dimension:", getMeshDimension() );
    logger.writeParameter( "Domain origin:", this->origin );
    logger.writeParameter( "Domain proportions:", this->proportions );
    logger.writeParameter( "Domain dimensions:", this->dimensions );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntityCenterGetter.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntityCenterGetter.h
index 0f58430dd84e23f78492cc279ab24f571ccce9bb..853b7810feaca9076d183b37bb44a76e79e2c18f 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntityCenterGetter.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntityCenterGetter.h
@@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ class GridEntityCenterGetter< GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
       typedef GridEntity< GridType, 1, Config > GridEntityType;
-      typedef typename GridType::VertexType VertexType;
+      typedef typename GridType::PointType PointType;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      static VertexType getEntityCenter( const GridEntityType& entity )
+      static PointType getEntityCenter( const GridEntityType& entity )
          const GridType& grid = entity.getMesh();
-         return VertexType(
+         return PointType(
             grid.getOrigin().x() + ( entity.getCoordinates().x() + 0.5 ) * grid.getSpaceSteps().x() );
@@ -53,13 +53,13 @@ class GridEntityCenterGetter< GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
       typedef GridEntity< GridType, 0, Config > GridEntityType;
-      typedef typename GridType::VertexType VertexType;
+      typedef typename GridType::PointType PointType;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      static VertexType getEntityCenter( const GridEntityType& entity )
+      static PointType getEntityCenter( const GridEntityType& entity )
          const GridType& grid = entity.getMesh();
-         return VertexType(
+         return PointType(
             grid.getOrigin().x() + ( entity.getCoordinates().x() ) * grid.getSpaceSteps().x() );
@@ -77,13 +77,13 @@ class GridEntityCenterGetter< GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
       typedef GridEntity< GridType, 2, Config > GridEntityType;
-      typedef typename GridType::VertexType VertexType;
+      typedef typename GridType::PointType PointType;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      static VertexType getEntityCenter( const GridEntityType& entity )
+      static PointType getEntityCenter( const GridEntityType& entity )
          const GridType& grid = entity.getMesh();
-         return VertexType(
+         return PointType(
             grid.getOrigin().x() + ( entity.getCoordinates().x() + 0.5 ) * grid.getSpaceSteps().x(),
             grid.getOrigin().y() + ( entity.getCoordinates().y() + 0.5 ) * grid.getSpaceSteps().y() );
@@ -99,13 +99,13 @@ class GridEntityCenterGetter< GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
       typedef GridEntity< GridType, 1, Config > GridEntityType;
-      typedef typename GridType::VertexType VertexType;
+      typedef typename GridType::PointType PointType;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      static VertexType getEntityCenter( const GridEntityType& entity )
+      static PointType getEntityCenter( const GridEntityType& entity )
          const GridType& grid = entity.getMesh();
-         return VertexType(
+         return PointType(
             grid.getOrigin().x() +
                ( entity.getCoordinates().x() + 0.5 * entity.getBasis().x() ) * grid.getSpaceSteps().x(),
             grid.getOrigin().y() +
@@ -124,13 +124,13 @@ class GridEntityCenterGetter< GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
       typedef GridEntity< GridType, 0, Config > GridEntityType;
-      typedef typename GridType::VertexType VertexType;
+      typedef typename GridType::PointType PointType;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      static VertexType getEntityCenter( const GridEntityType& entity )
+      static PointType getEntityCenter( const GridEntityType& entity )
          const GridType& grid = entity.getMesh();
-         return VertexType(
+         return PointType(
             grid.getOrigin().x() + entity.getCoordinates().x() * grid.getSpaceSteps().x(),
             grid.getOrigin().y() + entity.getCoordinates().y() * grid.getSpaceSteps().y() );
@@ -143,21 +143,21 @@ class GridEntityCenterGetter< GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >
 template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
-          int EntityDimensions,
+          int EntityDimension,
           typename Config >
-class GridEntityCenterGetter< GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimensions, Config > >
+class GridEntityCenterGetter< GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimension, Config > >
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimensions, Config > GridEntityType;
-      typedef typename GridType::VertexType VertexType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimension, Config > GridEntityType;
+      typedef typename GridType::PointType PointType;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      static VertexType getEntityCenter( const GridEntityType& entity )
+      static PointType getEntityCenter( const GridEntityType& entity )
          const GridType& grid = entity.getMesh();
-         return VertexType(
+         return PointType(
             grid.getOrigin().x() +
                ( entity.getCoordinates().x() + 0.5 * entity.getBasis().x() ) * grid.getSpaceSteps().x(),
             grid.getOrigin().y() +
@@ -177,13 +177,13 @@ class GridEntityCenterGetter< GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
       typedef GridEntity< GridType, 3, Config > GridEntityType;
-      typedef typename GridType::VertexType VertexType;
+      typedef typename GridType::PointType PointType;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      static VertexType getEntityCenter( const GridEntityType& entity )
+      static PointType getEntityCenter( const GridEntityType& entity )
          const GridType& grid = entity.getMesh();
-         return VertexType(
+         return PointType(
             grid.getOrigin().x() + ( entity.getCoordinates().x() + 0.5 ) * grid.getSpaceSteps().x(),
             grid.getOrigin().y() + ( entity.getCoordinates().y() + 0.5 ) * grid.getSpaceSteps().y(),
             grid.getOrigin().z() + ( entity.getCoordinates().z() + 0.5 ) * grid.getSpaceSteps().z() );
@@ -200,13 +200,13 @@ class GridEntityCenterGetter< GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
       typedef GridEntity< GridType, 0, Config > GridEntityType;
-      typedef typename GridType::VertexType VertexType;
+      typedef typename GridType::PointType PointType;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      static VertexType getEntityCenter( const GridEntityType& entity )
+      static PointType getEntityCenter( const GridEntityType& entity )
          const GridType& grid = entity.getMesh();
-         return VertexType(
+         return PointType(
             grid.getOrigin().x() + ( entity.getCoordinates().x() ) * grid.getSpaceSteps().x(),
             grid.getOrigin().y() + ( entity.getCoordinates().y() ) * grid.getSpaceSteps().y(),
             grid.getOrigin().z() + ( entity.getCoordinates().z() ) * grid.getSpaceSteps().z() );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntityGetter.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntityGetter.h
index 1467e99476e310cc56c47c84123f87c638010c0b..17f764052a8bda7d266dc209bab4bc1d43abe88a 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntityGetter.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntityGetter.h
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ namespace Meshes {
 template< typename Grid,
           typename GridEntity,
-          int EntityDimensions = GridEntity::entityDimensions >
+          int EntityDimension = GridEntity::entityDimension >
 class GridEntityGetter
    //static_assert( false, "Wrong mesh type or entity topology." );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntityGetter_impl.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntityGetter_impl.h
index 4c51e936a3078597c649aa293d8c451e4d542e3c..15ad36fac490dd33f351566bde7cbd0af1228044 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntityGetter_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntityGetter_impl.h
@@ -25,20 +25,20 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename GridEntity,
-          int EntityDimensions >
+          int EntityDimension >
 class GridEntityGetter<
    Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >,
-   EntityDimensions >
+   EntityDimension >
-      static const int entityDimensions = EntityDimensions;
+      static const int entityDimension = EntityDimension;
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
       typedef typename GridType::IndexType IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      //typedef typename GridType::template GridEntity< entityDimensions > GridEntity;
+      //typedef typename GridType::template GridEntity< entityDimension > GridEntity;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
       static GridEntity getEntity( const GridType& grid,
@@ -47,12 +47,12 @@ class GridEntityGetter<
          TNL_ASSERT( index >= 0 && index < grid.template getEntitiesCount< GridEntity >(),
               std::cerr << " index = " << index
                    << " grid.getEntitiesCount<>() = " << grid.template getEntitiesCount< GridEntity >()
-                   << " entityDimensions = " << entityDimensions );
+                   << " entityDimension = " << entityDimension );
          return GridEntity
             ( grid,
               CoordinatesType( index ),
               typename GridEntity::EntityOrientationType( 0 ),
-              typename GridEntity::EntityBasisType( EntityDimensions ) );
+              typename GridEntity::EntityBasisType( EntityDimension ) );
       __cuda_callable__ inline
@@ -60,10 +60,10 @@ class GridEntityGetter<
                                        const GridEntity& entity )
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() >= CoordinatesType( 0 ) &&
-                    entity.getCoordinates() < grid.getDimensions() + CoordinatesType( 1 - entityDimensions ),
+                    entity.getCoordinates() < grid.getDimensions() + CoordinatesType( 1 - entityDimension ),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " grid.getDimensions() = " << grid.getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << entityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << entityDimension );
          return entity.getCoordinates().x();
@@ -79,12 +79,12 @@ class GridEntityGetter< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >, GridEntity, 2 >
-      static const int entityDimensions = 2;
+      static const int entityDimension = 2;
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
       typedef typename GridType::IndexType IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      //typedef typename GridType::template GridEntity< entityDimensions > GridEntity;
+      //typedef typename GridType::template GridEntity< entityDimension > GridEntity;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
       static GridEntity getEntity( const GridType& grid,
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ class GridEntityGetter< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >, GridEntity, 2 >
          TNL_ASSERT( index >= 0 && index < grid.template getEntitiesCount< GridEntity >(),
            std::cerr << " index = " << index
                 << " grid.getEntitiesCount<>() = " << grid.template getEntitiesCount< GridEntity >()
-                << " entityDimensions = " << entityDimensions );
+                << " entityDimension = " << entityDimension );
          const CoordinatesType dimensions = grid.getDimensions();
@@ -131,12 +131,12 @@ class GridEntityGetter< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >, GridEntity, 1 >
-      static const int entityDimensions = 1;
+      static const int entityDimension = 1;
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
       typedef typename GridType::IndexType IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      //typedef typename GridType::template GridEntity< entityDimensions, EntityConfig > GridEntity;
+      //typedef typename GridType::template GridEntity< entityDimension, EntityConfig > GridEntity;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
       static GridEntity getEntity( const GridType& grid,
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ class GridEntityGetter< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >, GridEntity, 1 >
          TNL_ASSERT( index >= 0 && index < grid.template getEntitiesCount< GridEntity >(),
            std::cerr << " index = " << index
                 << " grid.getEntitiesCount<>() = " << grid.template getEntitiesCount< GridEntity >()
-                << " entityDimensions = " << entityDimensions );
+                << " entityDimension = " << entityDimension );
          const CoordinatesType dimensions = grid.getDimensions();
@@ -194,12 +194,12 @@ class GridEntityGetter< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >, GridEntity, 0 >
-      static const int entityDimensions = 0;
+      static const int entityDimension = 0;
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
       typedef typename GridType::IndexType IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      //typedef typename GridType::template GridEntity< entityDimensions > GridEntity;
+      //typedef typename GridType::template GridEntity< entityDimension > GridEntity;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
       static GridEntity getEntity( const GridType& grid,
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ class GridEntityGetter< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >, GridEntity, 0 >
          TNL_ASSERT( index >= 0 && index < grid.template getEntitiesCount< GridEntity >(),
            std::cerr << " index = " << index
                 << " grid.getEntitiesCount<>() = " << grid.template getEntitiesCount< GridEntity >()
-                << " entityDimensions = " << entityDimensions );
+                << " entityDimension = " << entityDimension );
          const CoordinatesType dimensions = grid.getDimensions();
@@ -247,12 +247,12 @@ class GridEntityGetter< Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >, GridEntity, 3 >
-      static const int entityDimensions = 3;
+      static const int entityDimension = 3;
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
       typedef typename GridType::IndexType IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      //typedef typename GridType::template GridEntity< entityDimensions > GridEntity;
+      //typedef typename GridType::template GridEntity< entityDimension > GridEntity;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
       static GridEntity getEntity( const GridType& grid,
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ class GridEntityGetter< Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >, GridEntity, 3 >
          TNL_ASSERT( index >= 0 && index < grid.template getEntitiesCount< GridEntity >(),
            std::cerr << " index = " << index
                 << " grid.getEntitiesCount<>() = " << grid.template getEntitiesCount< GridEntity >()
-                << " entityDimensions = " << entityDimensions );
+                << " entityDimension = " << entityDimension );
          const CoordinatesType dimensions = grid.getDimensions();
@@ -299,12 +299,12 @@ class GridEntityGetter< Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >, GridEntity, 2 >
-      static const int entityDimensions = 2;
+      static const int entityDimension = 2;
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
       typedef typename GridType::IndexType IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      //typedef typename GridType::template GridEntity< entityDimensions > GridEntity;
+      //typedef typename GridType::template GridEntity< entityDimension > GridEntity;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
       static GridEntity getEntity( const GridType& grid,
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ class GridEntityGetter< Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >, GridEntity, 2 >
          TNL_ASSERT( index >= 0 && index < grid.template getEntitiesCount< GridEntity >(),
            std::cerr << " index = " << index
                 << " grid.getEntitiesCount<>() = " << grid.template getEntitiesCount< GridEntity >()
-                << " entityDimensions = " << entityDimensions );
+                << " entityDimension = " << entityDimension );
          const CoordinatesType dimensions = grid.getDimensions();
@@ -389,12 +389,12 @@ class GridEntityGetter< Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >, GridEntity, 1 >
-      static const int entityDimensions = 1;
+      static const int entityDimension = 1;
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
       typedef typename GridType::IndexType IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      //typedef typename GridType::template GridEntity< entityDimensions > GridEntity;
+      //typedef typename GridType::template GridEntity< entityDimension > GridEntity;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
       static GridEntity getEntity( const GridType& grid,
@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ class GridEntityGetter< Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >, GridEntity, 1 >
          TNL_ASSERT( index >= 0 && index < grid.template getEntitiesCount< GridEntity >(),
            std::cerr << " index = " << index
                 << " grid.getEntitiesCount<>() = " << grid.template getEntitiesCount< GridEntity >()
-                << " entityDimensions = " << entityDimensions );
+                << " entityDimension = " << entityDimension );
          const CoordinatesType dimensions = grid.getDimensions();
@@ -479,12 +479,12 @@ class GridEntityGetter< Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >, GridEntity, 0 >
-      static const int entityDimensions = 0;
+      static const int entityDimension = 0;
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
       typedef typename GridType::IndexType IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      //typedef typename GridType::template GridEntity< entityDimensions > GridEntity;
+      //typedef typename GridType::template GridEntity< entityDimension > GridEntity;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
       static GridEntity getEntity( const GridType& grid,
@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ class GridEntityGetter< Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >, GridEntity, 0 >
          TNL_ASSERT( index >= 0 && index < grid.template getEntitiesCount< GridEntity >(),
            std::cerr << " index = " << index
                 << " grid.getEntitiesCount<>() = " << grid.template getEntitiesCount< GridEntity >()
-                << " entityDimensions = " << entityDimensions );
+                << " entityDimension = " << entityDimension );
          const CoordinatesType dimensions = grid.getDimensions();
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntityMeasureGetter.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntityMeasureGetter.h
index 0bf847c3e83c3d36e741f1b974eb4da4d3c36b6a..a9823bf6c4e8b84d0daf0991f1ed87a722d12cfc 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntityMeasureGetter.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntityMeasureGetter.h
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ namespace TNL {
 namespace Meshes {
 template< typename Grid,
-          int EntityDimensions >
+          int EntityDimension >
 class GridEntityMeasureGetter
@@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ class GridEntityMeasureGetter
  * Common implementation for vertices
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
-class GridEntityMeasureGetter< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, 0 >
+class GridEntityMeasureGetter< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, 0 >
-      typedef Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
+      typedef Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
       template< typename EntityType >
       __cuda_callable__ inline
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntityTopology.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntityTopology.h
index 7d0bf23049d219b924ec24bdcdb529a705fbc6c2..716b2dcc2d662174dbf2006c450993adcce81bb4 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntityTopology.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntityTopology.h
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ namespace Meshes {
 template< typename Grid,
-          int EntityDimensions,
+          int EntityDimension,
           typename EntityOrientation_,
           typename EntityProportions_ >
 class GridEntityTopology
@@ -25,17 +25,17 @@ class GridEntityTopology
       typedef Grid GridType;
       // TODO: restore when CUDA allows it
-      //static const int meshDimensions = GridType::Dimensions;
-      enum { meshDimensions = GridType::Dimensions };
+      //static const int meshDimension = GridType::Dimension;
+      enum { meshDimension = GridType::Dimension };
-      static const int entityDimensions = EntityDimensions;
+      static const int entityDimension = EntityDimension;
       typedef EntityOrientation_ EntityOrientation;
       typedef EntityProportions_ EntityProportions;
       // TODO: restore when CUDA allows it
-   //static_assert( meshDimensions == EntityOrientation_::size,
+   //static_assert( meshDimension == EntityOrientation_::size,
    //               "Entity orientation is not a proper static multiindex." );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntity_impl.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntity_impl.h
index 6cb58269e73c1d12d75d8e5b8f3b610b12c9156d..2fdfd8687fd2410d6a55698884bcfdd0d41b6a3d 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntity_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntity_impl.h
@@ -19,44 +19,44 @@
 namespace TNL {
 namespace Meshes {
-/*template< int Dimensions,
+/*template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,          typename Config,
-          int EntityDimensions >
+          int EntityDimension >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimensions >::
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimension >::
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
-          int EntityDimensions,
+          int EntityDimension,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimensions, Config >::
-GridEntity( const Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >& grid )
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimension, Config >::
+GridEntity( const Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >& grid )
 : grid( grid ),
   entityIndex( -1 ),
   coordinates( 0 ),
   orientation( 0 ),
   basis( 0 ),
-  neighbourEntitiesStorage( *this )
+  neighborEntitiesStorage( *this )
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
-          int EntityDimensions,
+          int EntityDimension,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimensions, Config >::
-GridEntity( const Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >& grid,
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimension, Config >::
+GridEntity( const Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >& grid,
                const CoordinatesType& coordinates,
                const EntityOrientationType& orientation,
                const EntityBasisType& basis )
@@ -65,214 +65,214 @@ GridEntity( const Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >& grid,
   coordinates( coordinates ),
   orientation( orientation ),
   basis( basis ),
-  neighbourEntitiesStorage( *this )
+  neighborEntitiesStorage( *this )
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
-          int EntityDimensions,
+          int EntityDimension,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimensions, Config >::CoordinatesType&
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimensions, Config >::
+const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimension, Config >::CoordinatesType&
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimension, Config >::
 getCoordinates() const
    return this->coordinates;
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
-          int EntityDimensions,
+          int EntityDimension,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimensions, Config >::CoordinatesType&
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimensions, Config >::
+typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimension, Config >::CoordinatesType&
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimension, Config >::
    return this->coordinates;
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
-          int EntityDimensions,
+          int EntityDimension,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimensions, Config >::
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimension, Config >::
 setCoordinates( const CoordinatesType& coordinates )
    this->coordinates = coordinates;
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
-          int EntityDimensions,
+          int EntityDimension,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimensions, Config >::
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimension, Config >::
    this->entityIndex = this->grid.getEntityIndex( *this );
-   this->neighbourEntitiesStorage.refresh( this->grid, this->entityIndex );
+   this->neighborEntitiesStorage.refresh( this->grid, this->entityIndex );
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
-          int EntityDimensions,
+          int EntityDimension,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimensions, Config >::
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimension, Config >::
 getIndex() const
-   typedef Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
-   typedef typename GridType::template MeshEntity< EntityDimensions > EntityType;
+   typedef Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
+   typedef typename GridType::template MeshEntity< EntityDimension > EntityType;
    TNL_ASSERT( this->entityIndex >= 0 &&
               this-> entityIndex < grid.template getEntitiesCount< EntityType >(),
               std::cerr << "this->entityIndex = " << this->entityIndex
-                   << " grid.template getEntitiesCount< EntityDimensions >() = " << grid.template getEntitiesCount< EntityType >() );
+                   << " grid.template getEntitiesCount< EntityDimension >() = " << grid.template getEntitiesCount< EntityType >() );
    TNL_ASSERT( this->entityIndex == grid.getEntityIndex( *this ),
               std::cerr << "this->entityIndex = " << this->entityIndex
                    << " grid.getEntityIndex( *this ) = " << grid.getEntityIndex( *this ) );
    return this->entityIndex;
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
-          int EntityDimensions,
+          int EntityDimension,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimensions, Config >::EntityOrientationType&
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimensions, Config >::
+const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimension, Config >::EntityOrientationType&
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimension, Config >::
 getOrientation() const
    return this->orientation;
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
-          int EntityDimensions,
+          int EntityDimension,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimensions, Config >::
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimension, Config >::
 setOrientation( const EntityOrientationType& orientation )
    this->orientation = orientation;
    this->basis = EntityBasisType( 1 ) - abs( orientation );
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
-          int EntityDimensions,
+          int EntityDimension,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimensions, Config >::EntityBasisType&
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimensions, Config >::
+const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimension, Config >::EntityBasisType&
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimension, Config >::
 getBasis() const
    return this->basis;
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
-          int EntityDimensions,
+          int EntityDimension,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimensions, Config >::
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimension, Config >::
 setBasis( const EntityBasisType& basis )
    this->basis = basis;
    this->orientation = EntityOrientationType( 1 ) - abs( basis );
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
-          int EntityDimensions,
+          int EntityDimension,
           typename Config >
-   template< int NeighbourEntityDimensions >
+   template< int NeighborEntityDimension >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimensions, Config >::template NeighbourEntities< NeighbourEntityDimensions >&
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimensions, Config >::
-getNeighbourEntities() const
+const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimension, Config >::template NeighborEntities< NeighborEntityDimension >&
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimension, Config >::
+getNeighborEntities() const
-   return neighbourEntitiesStorage.template getNeighbourEntities< NeighbourEntityDimensions >();
+   return neighborEntitiesStorage.template getNeighborEntities< NeighborEntityDimension >();
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
-          int EntityDimensions,
+          int EntityDimension,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimensions, Config >::
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimension, Config >::
 isBoundaryEntity() const
    return BoundaryGridEntityChecker< ThisType >::isBoundaryEntity( *this );
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
-          int EntityDimensions,
+          int EntityDimension,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-typename Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >::VertexType
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimensions, Config >::
+typename Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >::PointType
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimension, Config >::
 getCenter() const
    return GridEntityCenterGetter< ThisType >::getEntityCenter( *this );
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
-          int EntityDimensions,
+          int EntityDimension,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimensions, Config >::RealType&
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimensions, Config >::
+const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimension, Config >::RealType&
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimension, Config >::
 getMeasure() const
-   return GridEntityMeasureGetter< GridType, EntityDimensions >::getMeasure( this->getMesh(), *this );
+   return GridEntityMeasureGetter< GridType, EntityDimension >::getMeasure( this->getMesh(), *this );
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
-          int EntityDimensions,
+          int EntityDimension,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimensions, Config >::GridType&
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimensions, Config >::
+const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimension, Config >::GridType&
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimension, Config >::
 getMesh() const
    return this->grid;
@@ -281,38 +281,38 @@ getMesh() const
  * Specialization for cells
-/*template< int Dimensions,
+/*template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Dimensions >::
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, Dimension >::
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Dimensions, Config >::
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, Dimension, Config >::
 GridEntity( const GridType& grid )
 : grid( grid ),
   entityIndex( -1 ),
-  neighbourEntitiesStorage( *this )
+  neighborEntitiesStorage( *this )
    this->coordinates = CoordinatesType( ( Index ) 0 );
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Dimensions, Config >::
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, Dimension, Config >::
 GridEntity( const GridType& grid,
                const CoordinatesType& coordinates,
                const EntityOrientationType& orientation,
@@ -320,184 +320,184 @@ GridEntity( const GridType& grid,
 : grid( grid ),
   entityIndex( -1 ),
   coordinates( coordinates ),
-  neighbourEntitiesStorage( *this )
+  neighborEntitiesStorage( *this )
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Dimensions, Config >::CoordinatesType&
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Dimensions, Config >::
+const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, Dimension, Config >::CoordinatesType&
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, Dimension, Config >::
 getCoordinates() const
    return this->coordinates;
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Dimensions, Config >::CoordinatesType&
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Dimensions, Config >::
+typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, Dimension, Config >::CoordinatesType&
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, Dimension, Config >::
    return this->coordinates;
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Dimensions, Config >::
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, Dimension, Config >::
 setCoordinates( const CoordinatesType& coordinates )
    this->coordinates = coordinates;
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Dimensions, Config >::
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, Dimension, Config >::
    this->entityIndex = this->grid.getEntityIndex( *this );
-   this->neighbourEntitiesStorage.refresh( this->grid, this->entityIndex );
+   this->neighborEntitiesStorage.refresh( this->grid, this->entityIndex );
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Dimensions, Config >::
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, Dimension, Config >::
 getIndex() const
    TNL_ASSERT( this->entityIndex >= 0 &&
               this-> entityIndex < grid.template getEntitiesCount< ThisType >(),
               std::cerr << "this->entityIndex = " << this->entityIndex
-                   << " grid.template getEntitiesCount< Dimensions >() = " << grid.template getEntitiesCount< ThisType >() );
+                   << " grid.template getEntitiesCount< Dimension >() = " << grid.template getEntitiesCount< ThisType >() );
    TNL_ASSERT( this->entityIndex == grid.getEntityIndex( *this ),
               std::cerr << "this->index = " << this->entityIndex
                    << " grid.getEntityIndex( *this ) = " << grid.getEntityIndex( *this ) );
    return this->entityIndex;
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Dimensions, Config >::EntityOrientationType
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Dimensions, Config >::
+const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, Dimension, Config >::EntityOrientationType
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, Dimension, Config >::
 getOrientation() const
    return EntityOrientationType( ( IndexType ) 0 );
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Dimensions, Config >::EntityBasisType
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Dimensions, Config >::
+const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, Dimension, Config >::EntityBasisType
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, Dimension, Config >::
 getBasis() const
    return EntityBasisType( ( IndexType ) 1 );
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
-   template< int NeighbourEntityDimensions >
+   template< int NeighborEntityDimension >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Dimensions, Config >::template NeighbourEntities< NeighbourEntityDimensions >&
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Dimensions, Config >::
-getNeighbourEntities() const
+const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, Dimension, Config >::template NeighborEntities< NeighborEntityDimension >&
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, Dimension, Config >::
+getNeighborEntities() const
-   return neighbourEntitiesStorage.template getNeighbourEntities< NeighbourEntityDimensions >();
+   return neighborEntitiesStorage.template getNeighborEntities< NeighborEntityDimension >();
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Dimensions, Config >::
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, Dimension, Config >::
 isBoundaryEntity() const
    return BoundaryGridEntityChecker< ThisType >::isBoundaryEntity( *this );
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-typename Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >::VertexType
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Dimensions, Config >::
+typename Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >::PointType
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, Dimension, Config >::
 getCenter() const
    return GridEntityCenterGetter< ThisType >::getEntityCenter( *this );
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Dimensions, Config >::RealType&
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Dimensions, Config >::
+const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, Dimension, Config >::RealType&
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, Dimension, Config >::
 getMeasure() const
    return this->getMesh().getCellMeasure();
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Dimensions, Config >::VertexType&
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Dimensions, Config >::
+const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, Dimension, Config >::PointType&
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, Dimension, Config >::
 getEntityProportions() const
    return grid.getSpaceSteps();
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Dimensions, Config >::GridType&
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Dimensions, Config >::
+const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, Dimension, Config >::GridType&
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, Dimension, Config >::
 getMesh() const
    return this->grid;
@@ -507,28 +507,28 @@ getMesh() const
  * Specialization for vertices
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::
 GridEntity( const GridType& grid )
  : grid( grid ),
    entityIndex( -1 ),
    coordinates( 0 ),
-   neighbourEntitiesStorage( *this )
+   neighborEntitiesStorage( *this )
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::
 GridEntity( const GridType& grid,
                const CoordinatesType& coordinates,
                const EntityOrientationType& orientation,
@@ -536,74 +536,74 @@ GridEntity( const GridType& grid,
 : grid( grid ),
   entityIndex( -1 ),
   coordinates( coordinates ),
-  neighbourEntitiesStorage( *this )
+  neighborEntitiesStorage( *this )
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::CoordinatesType&
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::
+const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::CoordinatesType&
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::
 getCoordinates() const
    return this->coordinates;
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::CoordinatesType&
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::
+typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::CoordinatesType&
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::
    return this->coordinates;
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::
 setCoordinates( const CoordinatesType& coordinates )
    this->coordinates = coordinates;
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::
    this->entityIndex = this->grid.getEntityIndex( *this );
-   this->neighbourEntitiesStorage.refresh( this->grid, this->entityIndex );
+   this->neighborEntitiesStorage.refresh( this->grid, this->entityIndex );
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::
 getIndex() const
-   typedef Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
+   typedef Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
    typedef typename GridType::Vertex Vertex;
    TNL_ASSERT( this->entityIndex >= 0 &&
               this-> entityIndex < grid.template getEntitiesCount< Vertex >(),
@@ -615,107 +615,107 @@ getIndex() const
    return this->entityIndex;
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::EntityOrientationType
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::
+const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::EntityOrientationType
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::
 getOrientation() const
    return EntityOrientationType( ( IndexType ) 0 );
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::EntityBasisType
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::
+const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::EntityBasisType
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::
 getBasis() const
    return EntityBasisType( ( IndexType ) 0 );
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
-   template< int NeighbourEntityDimensions >
+   template< int NeighborEntityDimension >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::template NeighbourEntities< NeighbourEntityDimensions >&
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::
-getNeighbourEntities() const
+const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::template NeighborEntities< NeighborEntityDimension >&
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::
+getNeighborEntities() const
-   return neighbourEntitiesStorage.template getNeighbourEntities< NeighbourEntityDimensions >();
+   return neighborEntitiesStorage.template getNeighborEntities< NeighborEntityDimension >();
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::
 isBoundaryEntity() const
    return BoundaryGridEntityChecker< ThisType >::isBoundaryEntity( *this );
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-typename Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >::VertexType
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::
+typename Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >::PointType
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::
 getCenter() const
    return GridEntityCenterGetter< ThisType >::getEntityCenter( *this );
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::RealType
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::
+const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::RealType
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::
 getMeasure() const
    return 0.0;
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::VertexType
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::
+typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::PointType
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::
 getEntityProportions() const
-   return VertexType( 0.0 );
+   return PointType( 0.0 );
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::GridType&
-GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::
+const typename GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::GridType&
+GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >::
 getMesh() const
    return this->grid;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridTraverser_impl.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridTraverser_impl.h
index 3cedde53c4285aa8cf1434309fc41998891d9a53..2adfb1b4cd34988f60760ff77635b51097226194 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridTraverser_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridTraverser_impl.h
@@ -302,26 +302,114 @@ GridTraverser2D(
    UserData* userData,
    const typename GridEntity::CoordinatesType begin,
    const typename GridEntity::CoordinatesType end,
-   const Index gridXIdx,
-   const Index gridYIdx,
+   const dim3 gridIdx,
    const GridEntityParameters... gridEntityParameters )
    typedef Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Devices::Cuda, Index > GridType;
    typename GridType::CoordinatesType coordinates;
-   coordinates.x() = begin.x() + ( gridXIdx * Devices::Cuda::getMaxGridSize() + blockIdx.x ) * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
-   coordinates.y() = begin.y() + ( gridYIdx * Devices::Cuda::getMaxGridSize() + blockIdx.y ) * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;  
-   if( ( !processOnlyBoundaryEntities && coordinates <= end ) ||
-       (  processOnlyBoundaryEntities &&
-          ( coordinates.x() == begin.x() || coordinates.y() == begin.y() ||
-            coordinates.x() == end.x() || coordinates.y() == end.y() ) ) )
-   { 
+   coordinates.x() = begin.x() + Devices::Cuda::getGlobalThreadIdx_x( gridIdx );
+   coordinates.y() = begin.y() + Devices::Cuda::getGlobalThreadIdx_y( gridIdx );
+   /*if( processOnlyBoundaryEntities && 
+      ( GridEntity::getMeshDimension() == 2 || GridEntity::getMeshDimension() == 0 ) )
+   {
+      if( coordinates.x() == begin.x() || coordinates.x() == end.x() ||
+          coordinates.y() == begin.y() || coordinates.y() == end.y() )
+      {
+         GridEntity entity( *grid, coordinates, gridEntityParameters... );
+         entity.refresh();
+         EntitiesProcessor::processEntity
+         ( *grid,
+           *userData,
+           entity );
+      }
+      return;
+   }*/
+   if( coordinates <= end )
+   {
       GridEntity entity( *grid, coordinates, gridEntityParameters... );
-      EntitiesProcessor::processEntity( entity.getMesh(), *userData, entity );      
+      if( ! processOnlyBoundaryEntities || entity.isBoundaryEntity() )
+      {
+         EntitiesProcessor::processEntity
+         ( *grid,
+           *userData,
+           entity );
+      }
+template< typename Real,
+          typename Index,
+          typename GridEntity,
+          typename UserData,
+          typename EntitiesProcessor,
+          bool processOnlyBoundaryEntities,
+          typename... GridEntityParameters >
+__global__ void 
+   const Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Devices::Cuda, Index >* grid,
+   UserData* userData,
+   const Index beginX,
+   const Index endX,
+   const Index fixedY,
+   const dim3 gridIdx,
+   const GridEntityParameters... gridEntityParameters )
+   typedef Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Devices::Cuda, Index > GridType;
+   typename GridType::CoordinatesType coordinates;
+   coordinates.x() = beginX + Devices::Cuda::getGlobalThreadIdx_x( gridIdx );
+   coordinates.y() = fixedY;  
+   if( coordinates.x() <= endX )
+   {
+      GridEntity entity( *grid, coordinates, gridEntityParameters... );
+      entity.refresh();
+      EntitiesProcessor::processEntity
+      ( *grid,
+        *userData,
+        entity );
+   }   
+template< typename Real,
+          typename Index,
+          typename GridEntity,
+          typename UserData,
+          typename EntitiesProcessor,
+          bool processOnlyBoundaryEntities,
+          typename... GridEntityParameters >
+__global__ void 
+   const Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Devices::Cuda, Index >* grid,
+   UserData* userData,
+   const Index beginY,
+   const Index endY,
+   const Index fixedX,
+   const dim3 gridIdx,
+   const GridEntityParameters... gridEntityParameters )
+   typedef Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Devices::Cuda, Index > GridType;
+   typename GridType::CoordinatesType coordinates;
+   coordinates.x() = fixedX;
+   coordinates.y() = beginY + Devices::Cuda::getGlobalThreadIdx_x( gridIdx );
+   if( coordinates.y() <= endY )
+   {
+      GridEntity entity( *grid, coordinates, gridEntityParameters... );
+      entity.refresh();
+      EntitiesProcessor::processEntity
+      ( *grid,
+        *userData,
+        entity );
+   }   
 template< typename Real,
@@ -344,36 +432,110 @@ processEntities(
    const int& stream,
    const GridEntityParameters&... gridEntityParameters )
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA   
-   dim3 cudaBlockSize( 16, 16 );
-   dim3 cudaBlocks;
-   cudaBlocks.x = Devices::Cuda::getNumberOfBlocks( end.x() - begin.x() + 1, cudaBlockSize.x );
-   cudaBlocks.y = Devices::Cuda::getNumberOfBlocks( end.y() - begin.y() + 1, cudaBlockSize.y );
-   const IndexType cudaXGrids = Devices::Cuda::getNumberOfGrids( cudaBlocks.x );
-   const IndexType cudaYGrids = Devices::Cuda::getNumberOfGrids( cudaBlocks.y );
-   auto& pool = CudaStreamPool::getInstance();
-   const cudaStream_t& s = pool.getStream( stream );
-   Devices::Cuda::synchronizeDevice();
-   for( IndexType gridYIdx = 0; gridYIdx < cudaYGrids; gridYIdx ++ )
-      for( IndexType gridXIdx = 0; gridXIdx < cudaXGrids; gridXIdx ++ )
-         GridTraverser2D< Real, Index, GridEntity, UserData, EntitiesProcessor, processOnlyBoundaryEntities, GridEntityParameters... >
-            <<< cudaBlocks, cudaBlockSize, 0, s >>>
-            ( &gridPointer.template getData< Devices::Cuda >(),
-              &userDataPointer.template modifyData< Devices::Cuda >(),
-              begin,
-              end,
-              gridXIdx,
-              gridYIdx,
-              gridEntityParameters... );
-   // only launches into the stream 0 are synchronized
-   if( stream == 0 )
+#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
+   if( processOnlyBoundaryEntities && 
+      ( GridEntity::getMeshDimension() == 2 || GridEntity::getMeshDimension() == 0 ) )
-      cudaStreamSynchronize( s );
+      dim3 cudaBlockSize( 256 );
+      dim3 cudaBlocksCountAlongX, cudaGridsCountAlongX,
+           cudaBlocksCountAlongY, cudaGridsCountAlongY;
+      Devices::Cuda::setupThreads( cudaBlockSize, cudaBlocksCountAlongX, cudaGridsCountAlongX, end.x() - begin.x() + 1 );
+      Devices::Cuda::setupThreads( cudaBlockSize, cudaBlocksCountAlongY, cudaGridsCountAlongY, end.y() - begin.y() - 1 );
+      auto& pool = CudaStreamPool::getInstance();
+      Devices::Cuda::synchronizeDevice();
+      const cudaStream_t& s1 = pool.getStream( stream );
+      const cudaStream_t& s2 = pool.getStream( stream + 1 );
+      dim3 gridIdx, cudaGridSize;
+      for( gridIdx.x = 0; gridIdx.x < cudaGridsCountAlongX.x; gridIdx.x++ )
+      {
+         Devices::Cuda::setupGrid( cudaBlocksCountAlongX, cudaGridsCountAlongX, gridIdx, cudaGridSize );
+         //Devices::Cuda::printThreadsSetup( cudaBlockSize, cudaBlocksCountAlongX, cudaGridSize, cudaGridsCountAlongX );
+         GridTraverser2DBoundaryAlongX< Real, Index, GridEntity, UserData, EntitiesProcessor, processOnlyBoundaryEntities, GridEntityParameters... >
+               <<< cudaGridSize, cudaBlockSize, 0, s1 >>>
+               ( &gridPointer.template getData< Devices::Cuda >(),
+                 &userDataPointer.template modifyData< Devices::Cuda >(),
+                 begin.x(),
+                 end.x(),
+                 begin.y(),
+                 gridIdx,
+                 gridEntityParameters... );
+         GridTraverser2DBoundaryAlongX< Real, Index, GridEntity, UserData, EntitiesProcessor, processOnlyBoundaryEntities, GridEntityParameters... >
+               <<< cudaGridSize, cudaBlockSize, 0, s2 >>>
+               ( &gridPointer.template getData< Devices::Cuda >(),
+                 &userDataPointer.template modifyData< Devices::Cuda >(),
+                 begin.x(),
+                 end.x(),
+                 end.y(),
+                 gridIdx,
+                 gridEntityParameters... );
+      }
+      const cudaStream_t& s3 = pool.getStream( stream + 2 );
+      const cudaStream_t& s4 = pool.getStream( stream + 3 );
+      for( gridIdx.x = 0; gridIdx.x < cudaGridsCountAlongY.x; gridIdx.x++ )
+      {
+         Devices::Cuda::setupGrid( cudaBlocksCountAlongY, cudaGridsCountAlongY, gridIdx, cudaGridSize );
+         GridTraverser2DBoundaryAlongY< Real, Index, GridEntity, UserData, EntitiesProcessor, processOnlyBoundaryEntities, GridEntityParameters... >
+               <<< cudaGridSize, cudaBlockSize, 0, s3 >>>
+               ( &gridPointer.template getData< Devices::Cuda >(),
+                 &userDataPointer.template modifyData< Devices::Cuda >(),
+                 begin.y() + 1,
+                 end.y() - 1,
+                 begin.x(),
+                 gridIdx,
+                 gridEntityParameters... );
+         GridTraverser2DBoundaryAlongY< Real, Index, GridEntity, UserData, EntitiesProcessor, processOnlyBoundaryEntities, GridEntityParameters... >
+               <<< cudaGridSize, cudaBlockSize, 0, s4 >>>
+               ( &gridPointer.template getData< Devices::Cuda >(),
+                 &userDataPointer.template modifyData< Devices::Cuda >(),
+                 begin.y() + 1,
+                 end.y() - 1,
+                 end.x(),
+                 gridIdx,
+                 gridEntityParameters... );
+      }
+      cudaStreamSynchronize( s1 );
+      cudaStreamSynchronize( s2 );
+      cudaStreamSynchronize( s3 );
+      cudaStreamSynchronize( s4 );
+   else
+   {
+      dim3 cudaBlockSize( 16, 16 );
+      dim3 cudaBlocksCount, cudaGridsCount;
+      Devices::Cuda::setupThreads( cudaBlockSize, cudaBlocksCount, cudaGridsCount,
+                                   end.x() - begin.x() + 1,
+                                   end.y() - begin.y() + 1 );
+      auto& pool = CudaStreamPool::getInstance();
+      const cudaStream_t& s = pool.getStream( stream );
+      Devices::Cuda::synchronizeDevice();
+      dim3 gridIdx, cudaGridSize;
+      for( gridIdx.y = 0; gridIdx.y < cudaGridsCount.y; gridIdx.y ++ )
+         for( gridIdx.x = 0; gridIdx.x < cudaGridsCount.x; gridIdx.x ++ )
+         {
+            Devices::Cuda::setupGrid( cudaBlocksCount, cudaGridsCount, gridIdx, cudaGridSize );
+	    //Devices::Cuda::printThreadsSetup( cudaBlockSize, cudaBlocksCount, cudaGridSize, cudaGridsCount );
+            GridTraverser2D< Real, Index, GridEntity, UserData, EntitiesProcessor, processOnlyBoundaryEntities, GridEntityParameters... >
+               <<< cudaGridSize, cudaBlockSize, 0, s >>>
+               ( &gridPointer.template getData< Devices::Cuda >(),
+                 &userDataPointer.template modifyData< Devices::Cuda >(),
+                 begin,
+                 end,
+                 gridIdx,
+                 gridEntityParameters... );
+         }
+      // only launches into the stream 0 are synchronized
+      if( stream == 0 )
+      {
+         cudaStreamSynchronize( s );
+         checkCudaDevice;
+      }
+   }
@@ -507,31 +669,17 @@ GridTraverser3D(
    UserData* userData,
    const typename GridEntity::CoordinatesType begin,
    const typename GridEntity::CoordinatesType end,
-   const Index gridXIdx,
-   const Index gridYIdx,
-   const Index gridZIdx,
+   const dim3 gridIdx,
    const GridEntityParameters... gridEntityParameters )
    typedef Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Devices::Cuda, Index > GridType;
    typename GridType::CoordinatesType coordinates;
-   coordinates.x() = begin.x() + ( gridXIdx * Devices::Cuda::getMaxGridSize() + blockIdx.x ) * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
-   coordinates.y() = begin.y() + ( gridYIdx * Devices::Cuda::getMaxGridSize() + blockIdx.y ) * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
-   coordinates.z() = begin.z() + ( gridZIdx * Devices::Cuda::getMaxGridSize() + blockIdx.z ) * blockDim.z + threadIdx.z;
-   if( ( !processOnlyBoundaryEntities && coordinates <= end ) ||
-    (  processOnlyBoundaryEntities &&
-       ( coordinates.x() == begin.x() || coordinates.y() == begin.y() || coordinates.z() == begin.z() ||
-         coordinates.x() == end.x() || coordinates.y() == end.y() || coordinates.z() == end.z() ) ) )
-   { 
-      GridEntity entity( *grid, coordinates, gridEntityParameters... );
-      entity.refresh();
-      EntitiesProcessor::processEntity( entity.getMesh(), *userData, entity );      
-   }
+   coordinates.x() = begin.x() + Devices::Cuda::getGlobalThreadIdx_x( gridIdx );
+   coordinates.y() = begin.y() + Devices::Cuda::getGlobalThreadIdx_y( gridIdx );
+   coordinates.z() = begin.z() + Devices::Cuda::getGlobalThreadIdx_z( gridIdx );
-   /*if( coordinates <= end )
+   if( coordinates <= end )
       GridEntity entity( *grid, coordinates, gridEntityParameters... );
@@ -542,7 +690,118 @@ GridTraverser3D(
            entity );
-   }*/
+   }
+template< typename Real,
+          typename Index,
+          typename GridEntity,
+          typename UserData,
+          typename EntitiesProcessor,
+          bool processOnlyBoundaryEntities,
+          typename... GridEntityParameters >
+__global__ void 
+   const Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Devices::Cuda, Index >* grid,
+   UserData* userData,
+   const Index beginX,
+   const Index endX,
+   const Index beginY,
+   const Index endY,   
+   const Index fixedZ,
+   const dim3 gridIdx,
+   const GridEntityParameters... gridEntityParameters )
+   typedef Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Devices::Cuda, Index > GridType;
+   typename GridType::CoordinatesType coordinates;
+   coordinates.x() = beginX + Devices::Cuda::getGlobalThreadIdx_x( gridIdx );
+   coordinates.y() = beginY + Devices::Cuda::getGlobalThreadIdx_y( gridIdx );
+   coordinates.z() = fixedZ;  
+   if( coordinates.x() <= endX && coordinates.y() <= endY )
+   {
+      GridEntity entity( *grid, coordinates, gridEntityParameters... );
+      entity.refresh();
+      EntitiesProcessor::processEntity
+      ( *grid,
+        *userData,
+        entity );
+   }
+template< typename Real,
+          typename Index,
+          typename GridEntity,
+          typename UserData,
+          typename EntitiesProcessor,
+          bool processOnlyBoundaryEntities,
+          typename... GridEntityParameters >
+__global__ void 
+   const Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Devices::Cuda, Index >* grid,
+   UserData* userData,
+   const Index beginX,
+   const Index endX,
+   const Index beginZ,
+   const Index endZ,   
+   const Index fixedY,
+   const dim3 gridIdx,
+   const GridEntityParameters... gridEntityParameters )
+   typedef Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Devices::Cuda, Index > GridType;
+   typename GridType::CoordinatesType coordinates;
+   coordinates.x() = beginX + Devices::Cuda::getGlobalThreadIdx_x( gridIdx );
+   coordinates.y() = fixedY;
+   coordinates.z() = beginZ + Devices::Cuda::getGlobalThreadIdx_y( gridIdx );
+   if( coordinates.x() <= endX && coordinates.z() <= endZ )
+   {
+      GridEntity entity( *grid, coordinates, gridEntityParameters... );
+      entity.refresh();
+      EntitiesProcessor::processEntity
+      ( *grid,
+        *userData,
+        entity );
+   }   
+template< typename Real,
+          typename Index,
+          typename GridEntity,
+          typename UserData,
+          typename EntitiesProcessor,
+          bool processOnlyBoundaryEntities,
+          typename... GridEntityParameters >
+__global__ void 
+   const Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Devices::Cuda, Index >* grid,
+   UserData* userData,
+   const Index beginY,
+   const Index endY,
+   const Index beginZ,
+   const Index endZ,   
+   const Index fixedX,
+   const dim3 gridIdx,
+   const GridEntityParameters... gridEntityParameters )
+   typedef Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Devices::Cuda, Index > GridType;
+   typename GridType::CoordinatesType coordinates;
+   coordinates.x() = fixedX;
+   coordinates.y() = beginY + Devices::Cuda::getGlobalThreadIdx_x( gridIdx );
+   coordinates.z() = beginZ + Devices::Cuda::getGlobalThreadIdx_y( gridIdx );
+   if( coordinates.y() <= endY && coordinates.z() <= endZ )
+   {
+      GridEntity entity( *grid, coordinates, gridEntityParameters... );
+      entity.refresh();
+      EntitiesProcessor::processEntity
+      ( *grid,
+        *userData,
+        entity );
+   }   
@@ -568,38 +827,157 @@ processEntities(
    const GridEntityParameters&... gridEntityParameters )
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA   
-   dim3 cudaBlockSize( 8, 8, 8 );
-   dim3 cudaBlocks;
-   cudaBlocks.x = Devices::Cuda::getNumberOfBlocks( end.x() - begin.x() + 1, cudaBlockSize.x );
-   cudaBlocks.y = Devices::Cuda::getNumberOfBlocks( end.y() - begin.y() + 1, cudaBlockSize.y );
-   cudaBlocks.z = Devices::Cuda::getNumberOfBlocks( end.z() - begin.z() + 1, cudaBlockSize.z );
-   const IndexType cudaXGrids = Devices::Cuda::getNumberOfGrids( cudaBlocks.x );
-   const IndexType cudaYGrids = Devices::Cuda::getNumberOfGrids( cudaBlocks.y );
-   const IndexType cudaZGrids = Devices::Cuda::getNumberOfGrids( cudaBlocks.z );
+   if( processOnlyBoundaryEntities && 
+      ( GridEntity::getMeshDimension() == 3 || GridEntity::getMeshDimension() == 0 ) )
+   {
+      dim3 cudaBlockSize( 16, 16 );
+      const IndexType entitiesAlongX = end.x() - begin.x() + 1;
+      const IndexType entitiesAlongY = end.y() - begin.y() + 1;
+      const IndexType entitiesAlongZ = end.z() - begin.z() + 1;
+      dim3 cudaBlocksCountAlongXY, cudaBlocksCountAlongXZ, cudaBlocksCountAlongYZ,
+           cudaGridsCountAlongXY, cudaGridsCountAlongXZ, cudaGridsCountAlongYZ;
+      Devices::Cuda::setupThreads( cudaBlockSize, cudaBlocksCountAlongXY, cudaGridsCountAlongXY, entitiesAlongX, entitiesAlongY );
+      Devices::Cuda::setupThreads( cudaBlockSize, cudaBlocksCountAlongXZ, cudaGridsCountAlongXZ, entitiesAlongX, entitiesAlongZ - 2 );
+      Devices::Cuda::setupThreads( cudaBlockSize, cudaBlocksCountAlongYZ, cudaGridsCountAlongYZ, entitiesAlongY - 2, entitiesAlongZ - 2 );
-   auto& pool = CudaStreamPool::getInstance();
-   const cudaStream_t& s = pool.getStream( stream );
+      auto& pool = CudaStreamPool::getInstance();
+      Devices::Cuda::synchronizeDevice();
+      const cudaStream_t& s1 = pool.getStream( stream );
+      const cudaStream_t& s2 = pool.getStream( stream + 1 );
+      const cudaStream_t& s3 = pool.getStream( stream + 2 );
+      const cudaStream_t& s4 = pool.getStream( stream + 3 );
+      const cudaStream_t& s5 = pool.getStream( stream + 4 );
+      const cudaStream_t& s6 = pool.getStream( stream + 5 );
+      dim3 gridIdx, gridSize;
+      for( gridIdx.y = 0; gridIdx.y < cudaGridsCountAlongXY.y; gridIdx.y++ )
+         for( gridIdx.x = 0; gridIdx.x < cudaGridsCountAlongXY.x; gridIdx.x++ )
+         {
+            Devices::Cuda::setupGrid( cudaBlocksCountAlongXY, cudaGridsCountAlongXY, gridIdx, gridSize );
+            GridTraverser3DBoundaryAlongXY< Real, Index, GridEntity, UserData, EntitiesProcessor, processOnlyBoundaryEntities, GridEntityParameters... >
+                  <<< cudaBlocksCountAlongXY, cudaBlockSize, 0 , s1 >>>
+                  ( &gridPointer.template getData< Devices::Cuda >(),
+                    &userDataPointer.template modifyData< Devices::Cuda >(),
+                    begin.x(),
+                    end.x(),
+                    begin.y(),
+                    end.y(),
+                    begin.z(),
+                    gridIdx,
+                    gridEntityParameters... );
+            GridTraverser3DBoundaryAlongXY< Real, Index, GridEntity, UserData, EntitiesProcessor, processOnlyBoundaryEntities, GridEntityParameters... >
+                  <<< cudaBlocksCountAlongXY, cudaBlockSize, 0, s2 >>>
+                  ( &gridPointer.template getData< Devices::Cuda >(),
+                    &userDataPointer.template modifyData< Devices::Cuda >(),
+                    begin.x(),
+                    end.x(),
+                    begin.y(),
+                    end.y(),
+                    end.z(),
+                    gridIdx,
+                    gridEntityParameters... );
+         }
+      for( gridIdx.y = 0; gridIdx.y < cudaGridsCountAlongXZ.y; gridIdx.y++ )
+         for( gridIdx.x = 0; gridIdx.x < cudaGridsCountAlongXZ.x; gridIdx.x++ )
+         {
+            Devices::Cuda::setupGrid( cudaBlocksCountAlongXZ, cudaGridsCountAlongXZ, gridIdx, gridSize );
+            GridTraverser3DBoundaryAlongXZ< Real, Index, GridEntity, UserData, EntitiesProcessor, processOnlyBoundaryEntities, GridEntityParameters... >
+                  <<< cudaBlocksCountAlongXZ, cudaBlockSize, 0, s3 >>>
+                  ( &gridPointer.template getData< Devices::Cuda >(),
+                    &userDataPointer.template modifyData< Devices::Cuda >(),
+                    begin.x(),
+                    end.x(),               
+                    begin.z() + 1,
+                    end.z() - 1,
+                    begin.y(),
+                    gridIdx,
+                    gridEntityParameters... );
+            GridTraverser3DBoundaryAlongXZ< Real, Index, GridEntity, UserData, EntitiesProcessor, processOnlyBoundaryEntities, GridEntityParameters... >
+                  <<< cudaBlocksCountAlongXZ, cudaBlockSize, 0, s4 >>>
+                  ( &gridPointer.template getData< Devices::Cuda >(),
+                    &userDataPointer.template modifyData< Devices::Cuda >(),
+                    begin.x(),
+                    end.x(),               
+                    begin.z() + 1,
+                    end.z() - 1,
+                    end.y(),
+                    gridIdx,
+                    gridEntityParameters... );
+         }
+      for( gridIdx.y = 0; gridIdx.y < cudaGridsCountAlongYZ.y; gridIdx.y++ )
+         for( gridIdx.x = 0; gridIdx.x < cudaGridsCountAlongYZ.x; gridIdx.x++ )
+         {
+            Devices::Cuda::setupGrid( cudaBlocksCountAlongYZ, cudaGridsCountAlongYZ, gridIdx, gridSize );
+            GridTraverser3DBoundaryAlongYZ< Real, Index, GridEntity, UserData, EntitiesProcessor, processOnlyBoundaryEntities, GridEntityParameters... >
+                  <<< cudaBlocksCountAlongYZ, cudaBlockSize, 0, s5 >>>
+                  ( &gridPointer.template getData< Devices::Cuda >(),
+                    &userDataPointer.template modifyData< Devices::Cuda >(),
+                    begin.y() + 1,
+                    end.y() - 1,               
+                    begin.z() + 1,
+                    end.z() - 1,
+                    begin.x(),
+                    gridIdx,
+                    gridEntityParameters... );
+            GridTraverser3DBoundaryAlongYZ< Real, Index, GridEntity, UserData, EntitiesProcessor, processOnlyBoundaryEntities, GridEntityParameters... >
+                  <<< cudaBlocksCountAlongYZ, cudaBlockSize, 0, s6 >>>
+                  ( &gridPointer.template getData< Devices::Cuda >(),
+                    &userDataPointer.template modifyData< Devices::Cuda >(),
+                    begin.y() + 1,
+                    end.y() - 1,               
+                    begin.z() + 1,
+                    end.z() - 1,
+                    end.x(),
+                    gridIdx,
+                    gridEntityParameters... );
+         }
+      cudaStreamSynchronize( s1 );
+      cudaStreamSynchronize( s2 );
+      cudaStreamSynchronize( s3 );
+      cudaStreamSynchronize( s4 );
+      cudaStreamSynchronize( s5 );
+      cudaStreamSynchronize( s6 );      
+      checkCudaDevice;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      dim3 cudaBlockSize( 8, 8, 8 );
+      dim3 cudaBlocksCount, cudaGridsCount;
+      Devices::Cuda::setupThreads( cudaBlockSize, cudaBlocksCount, cudaGridsCount,
+                                   end.x() - begin.x() + 1,
+                                   end.y() - begin.y() + 1,
+                                   end.z() - begin.z() + 1 );
-   Devices::Cuda::synchronizeDevice();
-   for( IndexType gridZIdx = 0; gridZIdx < cudaZGrids; gridZIdx ++ )
-      for( IndexType gridYIdx = 0; gridYIdx < cudaYGrids; gridYIdx ++ )
-         for( IndexType gridXIdx = 0; gridXIdx < cudaXGrids; gridXIdx ++ )
-            GridTraverser3D< Real, Index, GridEntity, UserData, EntitiesProcessor, processOnlyBoundaryEntities, GridEntityParameters... >
-               <<< cudaBlocks, cudaBlockSize, 0, s >>>
-               ( &gridPointer.template getData< Devices::Cuda >(),
-                 &userDataPointer.template modifyData< Devices::Cuda >(),
-                 begin,
-                 end,
-                 gridXIdx,
-                 gridYIdx,
-                 gridZIdx,
-                 gridEntityParameters... );
+      auto& pool = CudaStreamPool::getInstance();
+      const cudaStream_t& s = pool.getStream( stream );
-   // only launches into the stream 0 are synchronized
-   if( stream == 0 )
-   {
-      cudaStreamSynchronize( s );
-      checkCudaDevice;
+      Devices::Cuda::synchronizeDevice();
+      dim3 gridIdx, gridSize;
+      for( gridIdx.z = 0; gridIdx.z < cudaGridsCount.z; gridIdx.z ++ )
+         for( gridIdx.y = 0; gridIdx.y < cudaGridsCount.y; gridIdx.y ++ )
+            for( gridIdx.x = 0; gridIdx.x < cudaGridsCount.x; gridIdx.x ++ )
+            {
+               Devices::Cuda::setupGrid( cudaBlocksCount, cudaGridsCount, gridIdx, gridSize );
+               GridTraverser3D< Real, Index, GridEntity, UserData, EntitiesProcessor, processOnlyBoundaryEntities, GridEntityParameters... >
+                  <<< gridSize, cudaBlockSize, 0, s >>>
+                  ( &gridPointer.template getData< Devices::Cuda >(),
+                    &userDataPointer.template modifyData< Devices::Cuda >(),
+                    begin,
+                    end,
+                    gridIdx,
+                    gridEntityParameters... );
+            }
+      // only launches into the stream 0 are synchronized
+      if( stream == 0 )
+      {
+         cudaStreamSynchronize( s );
+         checkCudaDevice;
+      }
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighborGridEntitiesStorage.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighborGridEntitiesStorage.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6447ee981a110f1d22be93a8fe39ccb8a25c2219
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighborGridEntitiesStorage.h
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+                          NeighborGridEntitiesStorage.h  -  description
+                             -------------------
+    begin                : Dec 18, 2015
+    copyright            : (C) 2015 by Tomas Oberhuber
+    email                : tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ ***************************************************************************/
+/* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+#pragma once
+#include <TNL/Devices/Cuda.h>
+#include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDimensionTag.h>
+#include <TNL/Meshes/GridEntityConfig.h>
+#include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighborGridEntityGetter.h>
+namespace TNL {
+namespace Meshes {
+template< typename GridEntity,
+          int NeighborEntityDimension,
+          typename GridEntityConfig,
+          bool storage = GridEntityConfig::template neighborEntityStorage< GridEntity >( NeighborEntityDimension ) >
+class NeighborGridEntityLayer{};   
+template< typename GridEntity,
+          int NeighborEntityDimension,
+          typename GridEntityConfig >
+class NeighborGridEntityLayer< GridEntity, NeighborEntityDimension, GridEntityConfig, true >
+: public NeighborGridEntityLayer< GridEntity, NeighborEntityDimension - 1, GridEntityConfig >
+   public:
+      typedef NeighborGridEntityLayer< GridEntity, NeighborEntityDimension - 1, GridEntityConfig > BaseType;
+      typedef NeighborGridEntityGetter< GridEntity, NeighborEntityDimension > NeighborEntityGetterType;
+      using BaseType::getNeighborEntities;
+      __cuda_callable__
+      NeighborGridEntityLayer( const GridEntity& entity )
+      : BaseType( entity ),
+        neighborEntities( entity )
+      {}
+      __cuda_callable__
+      const NeighborEntityGetterType& getNeighborEntities( const MeshDimensionTag< NeighborEntityDimension>& tag ) const
+      {
+         return this->neighborEntities;
+      }
+      __cuda_callable__
+      void refresh( const typename GridEntity::GridType& grid,
+                    const typename GridEntity::GridType::IndexType& entityIndex )
+      {
+         BaseType::refresh( grid, entityIndex );
+         neighborEntities.refresh( grid, entityIndex );
+      }
+   protected:
+      NeighborEntityGetterType neighborEntities;
+template< typename GridEntity,
+          typename GridEntityConfig >
+class NeighborGridEntityLayer< GridEntity, 0, GridEntityConfig, true >
+   public:
+      typedef NeighborGridEntityGetter< GridEntity, 0 > NeighborEntityGetterType;
+      __cuda_callable__
+      NeighborGridEntityLayer( const GridEntity& entity )
+      : neighborEntities( entity )
+      {}
+      __cuda_callable__
+      const NeighborEntityGetterType& getNeighborEntities( const MeshDimensionTag< 0 >& tag ) const
+      {
+         return this->neighborEntities;
+      }
+      __cuda_callable__
+      void refresh( const typename GridEntity::GridType& grid,
+                    const typename GridEntity::GridType::IndexType& entityIndex )
+      {
+         neighborEntities.refresh( grid, entityIndex );
+      }
+   protected:
+      NeighborEntityGetterType neighborEntities;
+template< typename GridEntity,
+          int NeighborEntityDimension,
+          typename GridEntityConfig >
+class NeighborGridEntityLayer< GridEntity, NeighborEntityDimension, GridEntityConfig, false >
+: public NeighborGridEntityLayer< GridEntity, NeighborEntityDimension - 1, GridEntityConfig >
+   public:
+      typedef NeighborGridEntityLayer< GridEntity, NeighborEntityDimension - 1, GridEntityConfig > BaseType;      
+      typedef NeighborGridEntityGetter< GridEntity, NeighborEntityDimension > NeighborEntityGetterType;
+      using BaseType::getNeighborEntities;
+      __cuda_callable__
+      NeighborGridEntityLayer( const GridEntity& entity )
+      : BaseType( entity )
+      {}
+      __cuda_callable__
+      const NeighborEntityGetterType& getNeighborEntities( const MeshDimensionTag< NeighborEntityDimension >& tag ) const {}
+      __cuda_callable__
+      void refresh( const typename GridEntity::GridType& grid,
+                    const typename GridEntity::GridType::IndexType& entityIndex ) {}
+template< typename GridEntity,
+          typename GridEntityConfig >
+class NeighborGridEntityLayer< GridEntity, 0, GridEntityConfig, false >
+   public:
+      typedef NeighborGridEntityGetter< GridEntity, 0 > NeighborEntityGetterType;
+      __cuda_callable__
+      NeighborGridEntityLayer( const GridEntity& entity ){}
+      __cuda_callable__
+      const NeighborEntityGetterType& getNeighborEntities( const MeshDimensionTag< 0 >& tag ) const {}
+      __cuda_callable__
+      void refresh( const typename GridEntity::GridType& grid,
+                    const typename GridEntity::GridType::IndexType& entityIndex ) {}
+template< typename GridEntity,
+          typename GridEntityConfig >
+class NeighborGridEntitiesStorage
+: public NeighborGridEntityLayer< GridEntity, GridEntity::meshDimension, GridEntityConfig >
+   typedef NeighborGridEntityLayer< GridEntity, GridEntity::meshDimension, GridEntityConfig > BaseType;
+   public:
+      using BaseType::getNeighborEntities;
+      using BaseType::refresh;
+      __cuda_callable__
+      NeighborGridEntitiesStorage( const GridEntity& entity )
+      : BaseType( entity )
+      {}
+      template< int EntityDimension >
+      __cuda_callable__
+      const NeighborGridEntityGetter< GridEntity, EntityDimension >&
+      getNeighborEntities() const
+      {
+         return BaseType::getNeighborEntities( MeshDimensionTag< EntityDimension >() );
+      }
+} // namespace Meshes
+} // namespace TNL
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighbourGridEntityGetter.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighborGridEntityGetter.h
similarity index 78%
rename from src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighbourGridEntityGetter.h
rename to src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighborGridEntityGetter.h
index e956b31c45732650101f0cc3b11157cf77ecce00..300fa97d55df6adca4d2013eea2d543b8d00f07b 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighbourGridEntityGetter.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighborGridEntityGetter.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-                          NeighbourGridEntityGetter.h  -  description
+                          NeighborGridEntityGetter.h  -  description
     begin                : Nov 23, 2015
     copyright            : (C) 2015 by Tomas Oberhuber
@@ -17,17 +17,17 @@ namespace TNL {
 namespace Meshes {
 template< typename GridEntity,
-          int NeighbourEntityDimensions,
+          int NeighborEntityDimension,
           typename EntityStencilTag =
-            GridEntityStencilStorageTag< GridEntity::ConfigType::template neighbourEntityStorage< GridEntity >( NeighbourEntityDimensions ) > >
-class NeighbourGridEntityGetter
+            GridEntityStencilStorageTag< GridEntity::ConfigType::template neighborEntityStorage< GridEntity >( NeighborEntityDimension ) > >
+class NeighborGridEntityGetter
       // TODO: not all specializations are implemented yet
-      NeighbourGridEntityGetter( const GridEntity& entity )
+      NeighborGridEntityGetter( const GridEntity& entity )
          //TNL_ASSERT( false, );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighbourGridEntityGetter1D_impl.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighborGridEntityGetter1D_impl.h
similarity index 73%
rename from src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighbourGridEntityGetter1D_impl.h
rename to src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighborGridEntityGetter1D_impl.h
index 246c508d49ba4eb9ce010f5182d20d077e09f873..20013f3d3e0d0c5285316e916c94e77841ca8a1a 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighbourGridEntityGetter1D_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighborGridEntityGetter1D_impl.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-                          NeighbourGridEntityGetter1D_impl.h  -  description
+                          NeighborGridEntityGetter1D_impl.h  -  description
     begin                : Nov 23, 2015
     copyright            : (C) 2015 by Tomas Oberhuber
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 #pragma once
-#include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighbourGridEntityGetter.h>
+#include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighborGridEntityGetter.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid1D.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid2D.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid3D.h>
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ namespace Meshes {
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
- * | EntityDimenions | NeighbourEntityDimensions |  Stored Stencil   |
+ * | EntityDimenions | NeighborEntityDimension |  Stored Stencil   |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
  * |       1         |              1            |       ----        |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
@@ -30,43 +30,43 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
-class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
+class NeighborGridEntityGetter<
    GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >, 1, Config >,
    GridEntityStencilStorageTag< GridEntityNoStencil > >
-      static const int EntityDimensions = 1;
-      static const int NeighbourEntityDimensions = 1;
+      static const int EntityDimension = 1;
+      static const int NeighborEntityDimension = 1;
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimensions, Config > GridEntityType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighbourEntityDimensions, Config > NeighbourGridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimension, Config > GridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighborEntityDimension, Config > NeighborGridEntityType;
       typedef Real RealType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighbourGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
+      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighborGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
+      NeighborGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
       : entity( entity )
       template< int step >
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityType getEntity() const
+      NeighborGridEntityType getEntity() const
          TNL_ASSERT( this->entity.getCoordinates() >= CoordinatesType( 0 ) &&
                     this->entity.getCoordinates() < this->entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << this->entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( step ) >= CoordinatesType( 0 ) &&
                     entity.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( step ) < entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
-         return NeighbourGridEntity( CoordinatesType( entity.getCoordinates().x() + step ) );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
+         return NeighborGridEntity( CoordinatesType( entity.getCoordinates().x() + step ) );
       template< int step >
@@ -77,12 +77,12 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
                     entity.getCoordinates() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( step ) >= CoordinatesType( 0 ) &&
                     entity.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( step ) < entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          return this->entity.getIndex() + step;
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
- * | EntityDimenions | NeighbourEntityDimensions |  Stored Stencil   |
+ * | EntityDimenions | NeighborEntityDimension |  Stored Stencil   |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
  * |       1         |              1            |  Cross/Full       |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
@@ -107,46 +107,46 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Index,
           typename Config,
           typename StencilStorage >
-class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
+class NeighborGridEntityGetter<
    GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >, 1, Config >,
    StencilStorage >
-      static const int EntityDimensions = 1;
-      static const int NeighbourEntityDimensions = 1;
+      static const int EntityDimension = 1;
+      static const int NeighborEntityDimension = 1;
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimensions, Config > GridEntityType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighbourEntityDimensions, Config > NeighbourGridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimension, Config > GridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighborEntityDimension, Config > NeighborGridEntityType;
       typedef Real RealType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighbourGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
-      typedef NeighbourGridEntityGetter< GridEntityType, 1, StencilStorage > ThisType;
+      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighborGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
+      typedef NeighborGridEntityGetter< GridEntityType, 1, StencilStorage > ThisType;
       static const int stencilSize = Config::getStencilSize();
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
+      NeighborGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
       : entity( entity )
       template< int step >
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityType getEntity() const
+      NeighborGridEntityType getEntity() const
          TNL_ASSERT( this->entity.getCoordinates() >= CoordinatesType( 0 ) &&
                     this->entity.getCoordinates() < this->entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << this->entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( step ) >= CoordinatesType( 0 ) &&
                     entity.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( step ) < entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
-         return NeighbourGridEntityType( this->entity.getMesh(), CoordinatesType( entity.getCoordinates().x() + step ) );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
+         return NeighborGridEntityType( this->entity.getMesh(), CoordinatesType( entity.getCoordinates().x() + step ) );
       template< int step >
@@ -157,12 +157,12 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
                     entity.getCoordinates() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( step ) >= CoordinatesType( 0 ) &&
                     entity.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( step ) < entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
 #ifndef HAVE_CUDA  // TODO: fix it -- does not work with nvcc
          if( step < -stencilSize || step > stencilSize )
             return this->entity.getIndex() + step;
@@ -179,9 +179,9 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
-            static void exec( ThisType& neighbourEntityGetter, const IndexType& entityIndex )
+            static void exec( ThisType& neighborEntityGetter, const IndexType& entityIndex )
-               neighbourEntityGetter.stencil[ index + stencilSize ] = entityIndex + index;
+               neighborEntityGetter.stencil[ index + stencilSize ] = entityIndex + index;
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
- * | EntityDimenions | NeighbourEntityDimensions |  Stored Stencil   |
+ * | EntityDimenions | NeighborEntityDimension |  Stored Stencil   |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
  * |       1         |              0            |       None        |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
@@ -211,43 +211,43 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
-class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
+class NeighborGridEntityGetter<
    GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >, 1, Config >,
    GridEntityStencilStorageTag< GridEntityNoStencil > >
-      static const int EntityDimensions = 1;
-      static const int NeighbourEntityDimensions = 0;
+      static const int EntityDimension = 1;
+      static const int NeighborEntityDimension = 0;
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimensions, Config > GridEntityType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighbourEntityDimensions, Config > NeighbourGridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimension, Config > GridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighborEntityDimension, Config > NeighborGridEntityType;
       typedef Real RealType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighbourGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
+      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighborGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
+      NeighborGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
       : entity( entity )
       template< int step >
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityType getEntity() const
+      NeighborGridEntityType getEntity() const
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() >= CoordinatesType( 0 ) &&
                     entity.getCoordinates() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates().x() + step + ( step < 0 ) >= CoordinatesType( 0 ) &&
                     entity.getCoordinates().x() + step + ( step < 0 ) <= entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
-         return NeighbourGridEntity( CoordinatesType( entity.getCoordinates().x() + step + ( step < 0 ) ) );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
+         return NeighborGridEntity( CoordinatesType( entity.getCoordinates().x() + step + ( step < 0 ) ) );
       template< int step >
@@ -258,12 +258,12 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
                     entity.getCoordinates() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates().x() + step + ( step < 0 ) >= CoordinatesType( 0 ).x() &&
                     entity.getCoordinates().x() + step + ( step < 0 ) <= entity.getMesh().getDimensions().x(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          return this->entity.getIndex() + step + ( step < 0 );
@@ -274,13 +274,13 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
       const GridEntityType& entity;
-      //NeighbourGridEntityGetter(){};
+      //NeighborGridEntityGetter(){};
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
- * | EntityDimenions | NeighbourEntityDimensions |  Stored Stencil   |
+ * | EntityDimenions | NeighborEntityDimension |  Stored Stencil   |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
  * |       0         |              1            |       None        |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
@@ -290,25 +290,25 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Index,
           typename Config,
           typename StencilStorage >
-class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
+class NeighborGridEntityGetter<
    GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >,
    StencilStorage > //GridEntityStencilStorageTag< GridEntityNoStencil > >
-      static const int EntityDimensions = 0;
-      static const int NeighbourEntityDimensions = 1;
+      static const int EntityDimension = 0;
+      static const int NeighborEntityDimension = 1;
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimensions, Config > GridEntityType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighbourEntityDimensions, Config > NeighbourGridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimension, Config > GridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighborEntityDimension, Config > NeighborGridEntityType;
       typedef Real RealType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighbourGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
+      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighborGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
+      NeighborGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
       : entity( entity )
@@ -316,19 +316,19 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
       template< int step >
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityType getEntity() const
+      NeighborGridEntityType getEntity() const
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() >= CoordinatesType( 0 ) &&
                     entity.getCoordinates() <= entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates().x() + step - ( step > 0 ) >= CoordinatesType( 0 ) &&
                     entity.getCoordinates().x() + step - ( step > 0 ) < entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
-         return NeighbourGridEntity( CoordinatesType( entity.getCoordinates().x() + step - ( step > 0 ) ) );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
+         return NeighborGridEntity( CoordinatesType( entity.getCoordinates().x() + step - ( step > 0 ) ) );
       template< int step >
@@ -339,12 +339,12 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
                     entity.getCoordinates() <= entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates().x() + step - ( step > 0 ) >= 0 &&
                     entity.getCoordinates().x() + step - ( step > 0 ) < entity.getMesh().getDimensions().x(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          return this->entity.getIndex() + step - ( step > 0 );
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
 /****   TODO: Implement this, now it is only a copy of specialization for none stencil storage
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
- * | EntityDimenions | NeighbourEntityDimensions |  Stored Stencil   |
+ * | EntityDimenions | NeighborEntityDimension |  Stored Stencil   |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
  * |       0         |              1            |       Cross       |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
@@ -367,44 +367,44 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
-class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
+class NeighborGridEntityGetter<
    GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >,
    GridEntityStencilStorageTag< GridEntityCrossStencil > >
-      static const int EntityDimensions = 0;
-      static const int NeighbourEntityDimensions = 1;
+      static const int EntityDimension = 0;
+      static const int NeighborEntityDimension = 1;
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimensions, Config > GridEntityType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighbourEntityDimensions, Config > NeighbourGridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimension, Config > GridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighborEntityDimension, Config > NeighborGridEntityType;
       typedef Real RealType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighbourGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
+      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighborGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
+      NeighborGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
       : entity( entity )
       template< int step >
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityType getEntity() const
+      NeighborGridEntityType getEntity() const
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() >= CoordinatesType( 0 ) &&
                     entity.getCoordinates() <= entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates().x() + step - ( step > 0 ) >= CoordinatesType( 0 ) &&
                     entity.getCoordinates().x() + step - ( step > 0 ) < entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
-         return NeighbourGridEntity( CoordinatesType( entity.getCoordinates().x() + step - ( step > 0 ) ) );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
+         return NeighborGridEntity( CoordinatesType( entity.getCoordinates().x() + step - ( step > 0 ) ) );
       template< int step >
@@ -415,12 +415,12 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
                     entity.getCoordinates() <= entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates().x() + step - ( step > 0 ) >= CoordinatesType( 0 ) &&
                     entity.getCoordinates().x() + step - ( step > 0 ) < entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          return this->entity.getIndex() + step - ( step > 0 );
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
- * | EntityDimenions | NeighbourEntityDimensions |  Stored Stencil   |
+ * | EntityDimenions | NeighborEntityDimension |  Stored Stencil   |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
  * |       0         |              0            |       None        |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
@@ -444,43 +444,43 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
-class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
+class NeighborGridEntityGetter<
    GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >,
    GridEntityStencilStorageTag< GridEntityNoStencil > >
-      static const int EntityDimensions = 0;
-      static const int NeighbourEntityDimensions = 0;
+      static const int EntityDimension = 0;
+      static const int NeighborEntityDimension = 0;
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimensions, Config > GridEntityType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighbourEntityDimensions, Config > NeighbourGridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimension, Config > GridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighborEntityDimension, Config > NeighborGridEntityType;
       typedef Real RealType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighbourGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
+      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighborGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
+      NeighborGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
       : entity( entity )
       template< int step >
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityType getEntity() const
+      NeighborGridEntityType getEntity() const
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() >= CoordinatesType( 0 ) &&
                     entity.getCoordinates() <= entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates().x() + step >= CoordinatesType( 0 ) &&
                     entity.getCoordinates().x() + step <= entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
-         return NeighbourGridEntity( CoordinatesType( entity.getCoordinates().x() + step ) );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
+         return NeighborGridEntity( CoordinatesType( entity.getCoordinates().x() + step ) );
       template< int step >
@@ -491,12 +491,12 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
                     entity.getCoordinates() <= entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates().x() + step >= CoordinatesType( 0 ) &&
                     entity.getCoordinates().x() + step <= entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          return this->entity.getIndex() + step;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighbourGridEntityGetter2D_impl.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighborGridEntityGetter2D_impl.h
similarity index 77%
rename from src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighbourGridEntityGetter2D_impl.h
rename to src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighborGridEntityGetter2D_impl.h
index b87c08d325ccb08fc4bb17f267f8bd4e34d0d436..461e7107b9dfeb220358b38302f3f8499f8f8508 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighbourGridEntityGetter2D_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighborGridEntityGetter2D_impl.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-                          NeighbourGridEntityGetter2D_impl.h  -  description
+                          NeighborGridEntityGetter2D_impl.h  -  description
     begin                : Nov 23, 2015
     copyright            : (C) 2015 by Tomas Oberhuber
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 #pragma once
-#include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighbourGridEntityGetter.h>
+#include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighborGridEntityGetter.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid1D.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid2D.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid3D.h>
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ namespace Meshes {
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
- * | EntityDimenions | NeighbourEntityDimensions |  Stencil Storage  |
+ * | EntityDimenions | NeighborEntityDimension |  Stencil Storage  |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
  * |       2         |              2            | No specialization |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
@@ -30,43 +30,43 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Index,
           typename Config,
           typename StencilStorage >
-class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
+class NeighborGridEntityGetter<
    GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >, 2, Config >,
    StencilStorage >
-      static const int EntityDimensions = 2;
-      static const int NeighbourEntityDimensions = 2;
+      static const int EntityDimension = 2;
+      static const int NeighborEntityDimension = 2;
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimensions, Config > GridEntityType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighbourEntityDimensions, Config > NeighbourGridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimension, Config > GridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighborEntityDimension, Config > NeighborGridEntityType;
       typedef Real RealType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighbourGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
+      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighborGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
+      NeighborGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
       : entity( entity )
       template< int stepX, int stepY >
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityType getEntity() const
+      NeighborGridEntityType getEntity() const
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() >= CoordinatesType( 0, 0 ) &&
                     entity.getCoordinates() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY ) >= CoordinatesType( 0, 0 ) &&
                     entity.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY ) < entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY ) = " << entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY )
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
-         return NeighbourGridEntityType( this->grid,
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
+         return NeighborGridEntityType( this->grid,
                                          CoordinatesType( entity.getCoordinates().x() + stepX,
                                                           entity.getCoordinates().y() + stepY ) );
@@ -79,12 +79,12 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
                     entity.getCoordinates() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY ) >= CoordinatesType( 0, 0 ) &&
                     entity.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY ) < entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY ) = " << entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY )
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          return this->entity.getIndex() + stepY * entity.getMesh().getDimensions().x() + stepX;
@@ -95,12 +95,12 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
       const GridEntityType& entity;
-      //NeighbourGridEntityGetter(){};
+      //NeighborGridEntityGetter(){};
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
- * | EntityDimenions | NeighbourEntityDimensions |  Stencil Storage  |
+ * | EntityDimenions | NeighborEntityDimension |  Stencil Storage  |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
  * |       2         |              2            |       Cross       |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
@@ -109,48 +109,48 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
-class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
+class NeighborGridEntityGetter<
    GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >, 2, Config >,
    GridEntityStencilStorageTag< GridEntityCrossStencil > >
-      static const int EntityDimensions = 2;
-      static const int NeighbourEntityDimensions = 2;
+      static const int EntityDimension = 2;
+      static const int NeighborEntityDimension = 2;
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimensions, Config > GridEntityType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighbourEntityDimensions, Config > NeighbourGridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimension, Config > GridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighborEntityDimension, Config > NeighborGridEntityType;
       typedef Real RealType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighbourGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
+      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighborGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
       typedef GridEntityStencilStorageTag< GridEntityCrossStencil > StencilStorage;
-      typedef NeighbourGridEntityGetter< GridEntityType, 2, StencilStorage > ThisType;
+      typedef NeighborGridEntityGetter< GridEntityType, 2, StencilStorage > ThisType;
       static const int stencilSize = Config::getStencilSize();
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
+      NeighborGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
       : entity( entity )
       template< int stepX, int stepY >
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityType getEntity() const
+      NeighborGridEntityType getEntity() const
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() >= CoordinatesType( 0, 0 ) &&
                     entity.getCoordinates() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY ) >= CoordinatesType( 0, 0 ) &&
                     entity.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY ) < entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY ) = " << entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY )
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
-            return NeighbourGridEntityType( this->entity.getMesh(),
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
+            return NeighborGridEntityType( this->entity.getMesh(),
                                             CoordinatesType( entity.getCoordinates().x() + stepX,
                                                              entity.getCoordinates().y() + stepY ) );
@@ -163,12 +163,12 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
                     entity.getCoordinates() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY ) >= CoordinatesType( 0, 0 ) &&
                     entity.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY ) < entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY ) = " << entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY )
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
 #ifndef HAVE_CUDA // TODO: fix this to work with CUDA
          if( ( stepX != 0 && stepY != 0 ) ||
              ( stepX < -stencilSize || stepX > stencilSize ||
@@ -189,9 +189,9 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
-            static void exec( ThisType& neighbourEntityGetter, const IndexType& entityIndex )
+            static void exec( ThisType& neighborEntityGetter, const IndexType& entityIndex )
-               neighbourEntityGetter.stencilX[ index + stencilSize ] = entityIndex + index;
+               neighborEntityGetter.stencilX[ index + stencilSize ] = entityIndex + index;
@@ -201,10 +201,10 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
-            static void exec( ThisType& neighbourEntityGetter, const IndexType& entityIndex )
+            static void exec( ThisType& neighborEntityGetter, const IndexType& entityIndex )
-               neighbourEntityGetter.stencilY[ index + stencilSize ] =
-                  entityIndex + index * neighbourEntityGetter.entity.getMesh().getDimensions().x();
+               neighborEntityGetter.stencilY[ index + stencilSize ] =
+                  entityIndex + index * neighborEntityGetter.entity.getMesh().getDimensions().x();
@@ -226,12 +226,12 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
       IndexType stencilX[ 2 * stencilSize + 1 ];
       IndexType stencilY[ 2 * stencilSize + 1 ];
-      //NeighbourGridEntityGetter(){};
+      //NeighborGridEntityGetter(){};
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
- * | EntityDimenions | NeighbourEntityDimensions |  Stencil Storage  |
+ * | EntityDimenions | NeighborEntityDimension |  Stencil Storage  |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
  * |       2         |              1            |       None        |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
@@ -241,33 +241,33 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Index,
           typename Config,
           typename StencilStorage >
-class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
+class NeighborGridEntityGetter<
    GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >, 2, Config >,
    StencilStorage >
-      static const int EntityDimensions = 2;
-      static const int NeighbourEntityDimensions = 1;
+      static const int EntityDimension = 2;
+      static const int NeighborEntityDimension = 1;
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimensions, Config > GridEntityType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighbourEntityDimensions, Config > NeighbourGridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimension, Config > GridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighborEntityDimension, Config > NeighborGridEntityType;
       typedef Real RealType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighbourGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
+      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighborGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
       typedef typename GridEntityType::EntityOrientationType EntityOrientationType;
       typedef typename GridEntityType::EntityBasisType EntityBasisType;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
+      NeighborGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
       : entity( entity )
       template< int stepX, int stepY >
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityType getEntity() const
+      NeighborGridEntityType getEntity() const
          TNL_ASSERT( ! stepX + ! stepY == 1,
                     std::cerr << "Only one of the steps can be non-zero: stepX = " << stepX << " stepY = " << stepY );
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
                     entity.getCoordinates() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() +
                        CoordinatesType( stepX + ( stepX < 0 ),
                                         stepY + ( stepY < 0 ) ) >= CoordinatesType( 0, 0 ) &&
@@ -286,8 +286,8 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX + ( stepX < 0 ), stepY + ( stepY < 0 ) ) = "
                    << entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX + ( stepX < 0 ), stepY + ( stepY < 0 ) )
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
-         return NeighbourGridEntityType( this->entity.getMesh(),
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
+         return NeighborGridEntityType( this->entity.getMesh(),
                                          CoordinatesType( entity.getCoordinates().x() + stepX + ( stepX < 0 ),
                                                           entity.getCoordinates().y() + stepY + ( stepY < 0 ) ),
                                          EntityOrientationType( stepX ? (stepX > 0 ? 1 : -1) : 0,
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
- * | EntityDimenions | NeighbourEntityDimensions |  Stencil Storage  |
+ * | EntityDimenions | NeighborEntityDimension |  Stencil Storage  |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
  * |       2         |            0              |       None        |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
@@ -322,31 +322,31 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Index,
           typename Config,
           typename StencilStorage >
-class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
+class NeighborGridEntityGetter<
    GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >, 2, Config >,
    StencilStorage >
-      static const int EntityDimensions = 2;
-      static const int NeighbourEntityDimensions = 0;
+      static const int EntityDimension = 2;
+      static const int NeighborEntityDimension = 0;
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimensions, Config > GridEntityType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighbourEntityDimensions, Config > NeighbourGridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimension, Config > GridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighborEntityDimension, Config > NeighborGridEntityType;
       typedef Real RealType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighbourGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
+      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighborGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
+      NeighborGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
       : entity( entity )
       template< int stepX, int stepY >
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityType getEntity() const
+      NeighborGridEntityType getEntity() const
          TNL_ASSERT( stepX != 0 && stepY != 0,
                     std::cerr << " stepX = " << stepX << " stepY = " << stepY );
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
                     entity.getCoordinates() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() +
                        CoordinatesType( stepX + ( stepX < 0 ), stepY + ( stepY < 0 ) ) >= CoordinatesType( 0, 0 ) &&
                     entity.getCoordinates() +
@@ -364,8 +364,8 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
                    << entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX + ( stepX < 0 ), stepY + ( stepY < 0 ) )
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() + CoordinatesType( sign( stepX ), sign( stepY ) ) = "
                    << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()  + CoordinatesType( sign( stepX ), sign( stepY ) )
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
-         return NeighbourGridEntityType( this->grid,
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
+         return NeighborGridEntityType( this->grid,
                                          CoordinatesType( entity.getCoordinates().x() + stepX + ( stepX < 0 ),
                                                           entity.getCoordinates().y() + stepY + ( stepY < 0 ) ) );
@@ -384,12 +384,12 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
       const GridEntityType& entity;
-      //NeighbourGridEntityGetter(){};
+      //NeighborGridEntityGetter(){};
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
- * | EntityDimenions | NeighbourEntityDimensions |  Stencil Storage  |
+ * | EntityDimenions | NeighborEntityDimension |  Stencil Storage  |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
  * |       1         |              2            |       None        |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
@@ -399,31 +399,31 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Index,
           typename Config,
           typename StencilStorage >
-class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
+class NeighborGridEntityGetter<
    GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >, 1, Config >,
    StencilStorage >
-      static const int EntityDimensions = 1;
-      static const int NeighbourEntityDimensions = 2;
+      static const int EntityDimension = 1;
+      static const int NeighborEntityDimension = 2;
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimensions, Config > GridEntityType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighbourEntityDimensions, Config > NeighbourGridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimension, Config > GridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighborEntityDimension, Config > NeighborGridEntityType;
       typedef Real RealType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighbourGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
+      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighborGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
+      NeighborGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
       : entity( entity )
       template< int stepX, int stepY >
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityType getEntity() const
+      NeighborGridEntityType getEntity() const
          /*TNL_ASSERT( ( ( !! stepX ) == ( !! entity.getOrientation().x() ) ) &&
                     ( ( !! stepY ) == ( !! entity.getOrientation().y() ) ),
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
                     entity.getCoordinates() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions() + entity.getOrientation(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() + entity.getOrientation() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions() + entity.getOrientation()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() +
                        CoordinatesType( stepX - ( stepX > 0 ) * ( entity.getOrientation().x() != 0.0 ),
                                         stepY - ( stepY > 0 ) * ( entity.getOrientation().y() != 0.0 ) ) >= CoordinatesType( 0, 0 ) &&
@@ -443,8 +443,8 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX + ( stepX < 0 )  * ( entity.getOrientation().x() != 0.0 ), stepY + ( stepY < 0 ) * ( entity.getOrientation().y() != 0.0 ) ) = "
                    << entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX + ( stepX < 0 ), stepY + ( stepY < 0 ) )
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
-         return NeighbourGridEntityType( this->entity.getMesh(),
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
+         return NeighborGridEntityType( this->entity.getMesh(),
                      CoordinatesType( entity.getCoordinates().x() + stepX - ( stepX > 0 ) * ( entity.getOrientation().x() != 0.0 ),
                                       entity.getCoordinates().y() + stepY - ( stepY > 0 ) * ( entity.getOrientation().y() != 0.0 ) ) );
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
- * | EntityDimenions | NeighbourEntityDimensions |  Stencil Storage  |
+ * | EntityDimenions | NeighborEntityDimension |  Stencil Storage  |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
  * |       0         |              0            |       None        |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
@@ -476,43 +476,43 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Index,
           typename Config,
           typename StencilStorage >
-class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
+class NeighborGridEntityGetter<
    GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >,
    StencilStorage >
-      static const int EntityDimensions = 0;
-      static const int NeighbourEntityDimensions = 0;
+      static const int EntityDimension = 0;
+      static const int NeighborEntityDimension = 0;
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimensions, Config > GridEntityType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighbourEntityDimensions, Config > NeighbourGridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimension, Config > GridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighborEntityDimension, Config > NeighborGridEntityType;
       typedef Real RealType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighbourGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
+      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighborGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
+      NeighborGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
       : entity( entity )
       template< int stepX, int stepY >
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityType getEntity() const
+      NeighborGridEntityType getEntity() const
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() >= CoordinatesType( 0, 0 ) &&
                     entity.getCoordinates() <= entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY ) >= CoordinatesType( 0, 0 ) &&
                     entity.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY ) <= entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY ) = " << entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY )
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
-         return NeighbourGridEntityType( this->grid,
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
+         return NeighborGridEntityType( this->grid,
                                          CoordinatesType( entity.getCoordinates().x() + stepX,
                                                           entity.getCoordinates().y() + stepY ) );
@@ -525,12 +525,12 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
                     entity.getCoordinates() <= entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY ) >= CoordinatesType( 0, 0 ) &&
                     entity.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY ) <= entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY ) = " << entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY )
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          return this->entity.getIndex() + stepY * ( entity.getMesh().getDimensions().x() + 1 ) + stepX;
@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
       const GridEntityType& entity;
-      //NeighbourGridEntityGetter(){};
+      //NeighborGridEntityGetter(){};
 } // namespace Meshes
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighbourGridEntityGetter3D_impl.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighborGridEntityGetter3D_impl.h
similarity index 79%
rename from src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighbourGridEntityGetter3D_impl.h
rename to src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighborGridEntityGetter3D_impl.h
index e14eb0fbc1c62c2f49296de72d9a601c4f5d609e..bfe398777d5265dc1e392061f563450679b441be 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighbourGridEntityGetter3D_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighborGridEntityGetter3D_impl.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-                          NeighbourGridEntityGetter3D_impl.h  -  description
+                          NeighborGridEntityGetter3D_impl.h  -  description
     begin                : Nov 23, 2015
     copyright            : (C) 2015 by Tomas Oberhuber
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 #pragma once
-#include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighbourGridEntityGetter.h>
+#include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighborGridEntityGetter.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid1D.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid2D.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Grid3D.h>
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ namespace Meshes {
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
- * | EntityDimenions | NeighbourEntityDimensions |  Stored Stencil   |
+ * | EntityDimenions | NeighborEntityDimension |  Stored Stencil   |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
  * |       3         |              3            |       None        |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
@@ -30,43 +30,43 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
-class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
+class NeighborGridEntityGetter<
    GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >, 3, Config >,
    GridEntityStencilStorageTag< GridEntityNoStencil > >
-      static const int EntityDimensions = 3;
-      static const int NeighbourEntityDimensions = 3;
+      static const int EntityDimension = 3;
+      static const int NeighborEntityDimension = 3;
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimensions, Config > GridEntityType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighbourEntityDimensions, Config > NeighbourGridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimension, Config > GridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighborEntityDimension, Config > NeighborGridEntityType;
       typedef Real RealType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighbourGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
+      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighborGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
+      NeighborGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
       : entity( entity )
       template< int stepX, int stepY, int stepZ >
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityType getEntity() const
+      NeighborGridEntityType getEntity() const
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() >= CoordinatesType( 0, 0, 0 ) &&
                     entity.getCoordinates() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY ) >= CoordinatesType( 0, 0, 0 ) &&
                     entity.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY ) < entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY ) = " << entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY )
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
-         return NeighbourGridEntity( CoordinatesType( entity.getCoordinates().x() + stepX,
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
+         return NeighborGridEntity( CoordinatesType( entity.getCoordinates().x() + stepX,
                                                       entity.getCoordinates().y() + stepY,
                                                       entity.getCoordinates().z() + stepZ ) );
@@ -79,13 +79,13 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
                     entity.getCoordinates() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY, stepZ ) >= CoordinatesType( 0, 0, 0 ) &&
                     entity.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY, stepZ ) < entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY, stepZ ) = "
                    << entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY, stepZ )
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          return this->entity.getIndex() + ( stepZ * entity.getMesh().getDimensions().y() + stepY ) * entity.getMesh().getDimensions().x() + stepX;
@@ -96,14 +96,14 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
       const GridEntityType& entity;
-      //NeighbourGridEntityGetter(){};
+      //NeighborGridEntityGetter(){};
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
- * | EntityDimenions | NeighbourEntityDimensions |  Stored Stencil   |
+ * | EntityDimenions | NeighborEntityDimension |  Stored Stencil   |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
  * |       3         |              3            |       Cross       |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
@@ -112,47 +112,47 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
-class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
+class NeighborGridEntityGetter<
    GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >, 3, Config >,
    GridEntityStencilStorageTag< GridEntityCrossStencil > >
-      static const int EntityDimensions = 3;
-      static const int NeighbourEntityDimensions = 3;
+      static const int EntityDimension = 3;
+      static const int NeighborEntityDimension = 3;
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimensions, Config > GridEntityType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighbourEntityDimensions, Config > NeighbourGridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimension, Config > GridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighborEntityDimension, Config > NeighborGridEntityType;
       typedef Real RealType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighbourGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
+      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighborGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
       typedef GridEntityStencilStorageTag< GridEntityCrossStencil > StencilStorage;
-      typedef NeighbourGridEntityGetter< GridEntityType, 3, StencilStorage > ThisType;
+      typedef NeighborGridEntityGetter< GridEntityType, 3, StencilStorage > ThisType;
       static const int stencilSize = Config::getStencilSize();
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
+      NeighborGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
       : entity( entity )
       template< int stepX, int stepY, int stepZ >
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityType getEntity() const
+      NeighborGridEntityType getEntity() const
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() >= CoordinatesType( 0, 0, 0 ) &&
                     entity.getCoordinates() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY, stepZ ) >= CoordinatesType( 0, 0, 0 ) &&
                     entity.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY, stepZ ) < entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY ) = " << entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY, stepZ )
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
-         return NeighbourGridEntityType( this->entity.getMesh(), CoordinatesType( entity.getCoordinates().x() + stepX,
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
+         return NeighborGridEntityType( this->entity.getMesh(), CoordinatesType( entity.getCoordinates().x() + stepX,
                                                       entity.getCoordinates().y() + stepY,
                                                       entity.getCoordinates().z() + stepZ ) );
@@ -165,13 +165,13 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
                     entity.getCoordinates() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY, stepZ ) >= CoordinatesType( 0, 0, 0 ) &&
                     entity.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY, stepZ ) < entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY, stepZ ) = "
                    << entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY, stepZ )
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
 #ifndef HAVE_CUDA // TODO: fix this to work with CUDA
          if( ( stepX != 0 && stepY != 0 && stepZ != 0 ) ||
              ( stepX < -stencilSize || stepX > stencilSize ||
@@ -195,9 +195,9 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
-            static void exec( ThisType& neighbourEntityGetter, const IndexType& entityIndex )
+            static void exec( ThisType& neighborEntityGetter, const IndexType& entityIndex )
-               neighbourEntityGetter.stencilX[ index + stencilSize ] = entityIndex + index;
+               neighborEntityGetter.stencilX[ index + stencilSize ] = entityIndex + index;
@@ -207,10 +207,10 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
-            static void exec( ThisType& neighbourEntityGetter, const IndexType& entityIndex )
+            static void exec( ThisType& neighborEntityGetter, const IndexType& entityIndex )
-               neighbourEntityGetter.stencilY[ index + stencilSize ] =
-                  entityIndex + index * neighbourEntityGetter.entity.getMesh().getDimensions().x();
+               neighborEntityGetter.stencilY[ index + stencilSize ] =
+                  entityIndex + index * neighborEntityGetter.entity.getMesh().getDimensions().x();
@@ -220,10 +220,10 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
-            static void exec( ThisType& neighbourEntityGetter, const IndexType& entityIndex )
+            static void exec( ThisType& neighborEntityGetter, const IndexType& entityIndex )
-               neighbourEntityGetter.stencilZ[ index + stencilSize ] =
-                  entityIndex + index * neighbourEntityGetter.entity.getMesh().cellZNeighboursStep;
+               neighborEntityGetter.stencilZ[ index + stencilSize ] =
+                  entityIndex + index * neighborEntityGetter.entity.getMesh().cellZNeighborsStep;
@@ -248,12 +248,12 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
       IndexType stencilY[ 2 * stencilSize + 1 ];
       IndexType stencilZ[ 2 * stencilSize + 1 ];
-      //NeighbourGridEntityGetter(){};
+      //NeighborGridEntityGetter(){};
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
- * | EntityDimenions | NeighbourEntityDimensions |  Stored Stencil   |
+ * | EntityDimenions | NeighborEntityDimension |  Stored Stencil   |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
  * |       3         |              2            |       None        |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
@@ -262,33 +262,33 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
-class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
+class NeighborGridEntityGetter<
    GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >, 3, Config >,
    GridEntityStencilStorageTag< GridEntityNoStencil > >
-      static const int EntityDimensions = 3;
-      static const int NeighbourEntityDimensions = 2;
+      static const int EntityDimension = 3;
+      static const int NeighborEntityDimension = 2;
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimensions, Config > GridEntityType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighbourEntityDimensions, Config > NeighbourGridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimension, Config > GridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighborEntityDimension, Config > NeighborGridEntityType;
       typedef Real RealType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighbourGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
+      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighborGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
       typedef typename GridEntityType::EntityOrientationType EntityOrientationType;
       typedef typename GridEntityType::EntityBasisType EntityBasisType;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
+      NeighborGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
       : entity( entity )
       template< int stepX, int stepY, int stepZ >
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityType getEntity() const
+      NeighborGridEntityType getEntity() const
          TNL_ASSERT( ! stepX + ! stepY + ! stepZ == 2,
                     std::cerr << "Only one of the steps can be non-zero: stepX = " << stepX
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
                     entity.getCoordinates() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() +
                        CoordinatesType( stepX + ( stepX < 0 ),
                                         stepY + ( stepY < 0 ),
@@ -312,8 +312,8 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX + ( stepX < 0 ), stepY + ( stepY < 0 ), stepZ + ( stepZ < 0 ) ) = "
                    << entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX + ( stepX < 0 ), stepY + ( stepY < 0 ), stepZ + ( stepZ < 0 ) )
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
-         return NeighbourGridEntityType( this->entity.getMesh(),
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
+         return NeighborGridEntityType( this->entity.getMesh(),
                                          CoordinatesType( entity.getCoordinates().x() + stepX + ( stepX < 0 ),
                                                           entity.getCoordinates().y() + stepY + ( stepY < 0 ),
                                                           entity.getCoordinates().z() + stepZ + ( stepZ < 0 ) ),
@@ -337,12 +337,12 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
       const GridEntityType& entity;
-      //NeighbourGridEntityGetter(){};
+      //NeighborGridEntityGetter(){};
 /****      TODO: Finish it, knonw it is only a copy of specialization for none stored stencil
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
- * | EntityDimenions | NeighbourEntityDimensions |  Stored Stencil   |
+ * | EntityDimenions | NeighborEntityDimension |  Stored Stencil   |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
  * |       3         |              2            |       Cross       |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
@@ -351,33 +351,33 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
-class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
+class NeighborGridEntityGetter<
    GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >, 3, Config >,
    GridEntityStencilStorageTag< GridEntityCrossStencil > >
-      static const int EntityDimensions = 3;
-      static const int NeighbourEntityDimensions = 2;
+      static const int EntityDimension = 3;
+      static const int NeighborEntityDimension = 2;
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimensions, Config > GridEntityType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighbourEntityDimensions, Config > NeighbourGridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimension, Config > GridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighborEntityDimension, Config > NeighborGridEntityType;
       typedef Real RealType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighbourGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
+      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighborGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
       typedef typename GridEntityType::EntityOrientationType EntityOrientationType;
       typedef typename GridEntityType::EntityBasisType EntityBasisType;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
+      NeighborGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
       : entity( entity )
       template< int stepX, int stepY, int stepZ >
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityType getEntity() const
+      NeighborGridEntityType getEntity() const
          TNL_ASSERT( ! stepX + ! stepY + ! stepZ == 2,
                     std::cerr << "Only one of the steps can be non-zero: stepX = " << stepX
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
                     entity.getCoordinates() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() +
                        CoordinatesType( stepX + ( stepX < 0 ),
                                         stepY + ( stepY < 0 ),
@@ -401,8 +401,8 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX + ( stepX < 0 ), stepY + ( stepY < 0 ), stepZ + ( stepZ < 0 ) ) = "
                    << entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX + ( stepX < 0 ), stepY + ( stepY < 0 ), stepZ + ( stepZ < 0 ) )
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
-         return NeighbourGridEntityType( this->entity.getMesh(),
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
+         return NeighborGridEntityType( this->entity.getMesh(),
                                          CoordinatesType( entity.getCoordinates().x() + stepX + ( stepX < 0 ),
                                                           entity.getCoordinates().y() + stepY + ( stepY < 0 ),
                                                           entity.getCoordinates().z() + stepZ + ( stepZ < 0 ) ),
@@ -426,13 +426,13 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
       const GridEntityType& entity;
-      //NeighbourGridEntityGetter(){};
+      //NeighborGridEntityGetter(){};
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
- * | EntityDimenions | NeighbourEntityDimensions |  Stored Stencil   |
+ * | EntityDimenions | NeighborEntityDimension |  Stored Stencil   |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
  * |       3         |              1            |       None        |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
@@ -441,33 +441,33 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
-class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
+class NeighborGridEntityGetter<
    GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >, 3, Config >,
    GridEntityStencilStorageTag< GridEntityNoStencil > >
-      static const int EntityDimensions = 3;
-      static const int NeighbourEntityDimensions = 1;
+      static const int EntityDimension = 3;
+      static const int NeighborEntityDimension = 1;
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimensions, Config > GridEntityType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighbourEntityDimensions, Config > NeighbourGridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimension, Config > GridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighborEntityDimension, Config > NeighborGridEntityType;
       typedef Real RealType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighbourGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
+      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighborGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
       typedef typename GridEntityType::EntityOrientationType EntityOrientationType;
       typedef typename GridEntityType::EntityBasisType EntityBasisType;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
+      NeighborGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
       : entity( entity )
       template< int stepX, int stepY, int stepZ >
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityType getEntity() const
+      NeighborGridEntityType getEntity() const
          TNL_ASSERT( ! stepX + ! stepY + ! stepZ == 1,
                     std::cerr << "Exactly two of the steps must be non-zero: stepX = " << stepX
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
                     entity.getCoordinates() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() +
                        CoordinatesType( stepX + ( stepX < 0 ),
                                         stepY + ( stepY < 0 ),
@@ -491,8 +491,8 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX + ( stepX < 0 ), stepY + ( stepY < 0 ), stepZ + ( stepZ < 0 ) ) = "
                    << entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX + ( stepX < 0 ), stepY + ( stepY < 0 ), stepZ + ( stepZ < 0 ) )
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
-         return NeighbourGridEntity( CoordinatesType( entity.getCoordinates().x() + stepX + ( stepX < 0 ),
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
+         return NeighborGridEntity( CoordinatesType( entity.getCoordinates().x() + stepX + ( stepX < 0 ),
                                                       entity.getCoordinates().y() + stepY + ( stepY < 0 ),
                                                       entity.getCoordinates().z() + stepZ + ( stepZ < 0 ) ),
                                      EntityOrientationType( !!stepX, !!stepY, !!stepZ ),
@@ -513,13 +513,13 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
       const GridEntityType& entity;
-      //NeighbourGridEntityGetter(){};
+      //NeighborGridEntityGetter(){};
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
- * | EntityDimenions | NeighbourEntityDimensions |  Stored Stencil   |
+ * | EntityDimenions | NeighborEntityDimension |  Stored Stencil   |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
  * |       3         |            0              |       None        |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
@@ -528,31 +528,31 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
-class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
+class NeighborGridEntityGetter<
    GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >, 3, Config >,
    GridEntityStencilStorageTag< GridEntityNoStencil > >
-      static const int EntityDimensions = 3;
-      static const int NeighbourEntityDimensions = 0;
+      static const int EntityDimension = 3;
+      static const int NeighborEntityDimension = 0;
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimensions, Config > GridEntityType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighbourEntityDimensions, Config > NeighbourGridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimension, Config > GridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighborEntityDimension, Config > NeighborGridEntityType;
       typedef Real RealType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighbourGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
+      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighborGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
+      NeighborGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
       : entity( entity )
       template< int stepX, int stepY,int stepZ >
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityType getEntity() const
+      NeighborGridEntityType getEntity() const
          TNL_ASSERT( stepX != 0 && stepY != 0 && stepZ != 0,
                     std::cerr << " stepX = " << stepX
@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
                     entity.getCoordinates() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() +
                        CoordinatesType( stepX + ( stepX < 0 ),
                                         stepY + ( stepY < 0 ),
@@ -577,8 +577,8 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
                    << entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX + ( stepX < 0 ), stepY + ( stepY < 0 ), stepZ + ( stepZ < 0 ) )
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() + CoordinatesType( sign( stepX ), sign( stepY ), sign( stepZ ) ) = "
                    << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()  + CoordinatesType( sign( stepX ), sign( stepY ), sign( stepZ ) )
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
-         return NeighbourGridEntity( CoordinatesType( entity.getCoordinates().x() + stepX + ( stepX < 0 ),
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
+         return NeighborGridEntity( CoordinatesType( entity.getCoordinates().x() + stepX + ( stepX < 0 ),
                                                       entity.getCoordinates().y() + stepY + ( stepY < 0 ),
                                                       entity.getCoordinates().z() + stepZ + ( stepZ < 0 ) ) );
@@ -597,12 +597,12 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
       const GridEntityType& entity;
-      //NeighbourGridEntityGetter(){};
+      //NeighborGridEntityGetter(){};
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
- * | EntityDimenions | NeighbourEntityDimensions |  Stored Stencil   |
+ * | EntityDimenions | NeighborEntityDimension |  Stored Stencil   |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
  * |       2         |              3            |       None        |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
@@ -611,31 +611,31 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
-class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
+class NeighborGridEntityGetter<
    GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >, 2, Config >,
    GridEntityStencilStorageTag< GridEntityNoStencil > >
-      static const int EntityDimensions = 2;
-      static const int NeighbourEntityDimensions = 3;
+      static const int EntityDimension = 2;
+      static const int NeighborEntityDimension = 3;
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimensions, Config > GridEntityType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighbourEntityDimensions, Config > NeighbourGridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimension, Config > GridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighborEntityDimension, Config > NeighborGridEntityType;
       typedef Real RealType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighbourGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
+      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighborGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
+      NeighborGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
       : entity( entity )
       template< int stepX, int stepY, int stepZ >
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityType getEntity() const
+      NeighborGridEntityType getEntity() const
          /*TNL_ASSERT( ( ( !! stepX ) == ( !! entity.getOrientation().x() ) ) &&
                     ( ( !! stepY ) == ( !! entity.getOrientation().y() ) ) &&
@@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
                     entity.getCoordinates() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions() + entity.getOrientation(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() + entity.getOrientation() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions() + entity.getOrientation()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() +
                        CoordinatesType( stepX - ( stepX > 0 ) * ( entity.getOrientation().x() != 0.0 ),
                                         stepY - ( stepY > 0 ) * ( entity.getOrientation().y() != 0.0 ),
@@ -662,8 +662,8 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
                         stepY + ( stepY < 0 ) * ( entity.getOrientation().y() != 0.0 ),
                         stepZ + ( stepZ < 0 ) * ( entity.getOrientation().z() != 0.0 ) )
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
-         return NeighbourGridEntityType( entity.getMesh(),
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
+         return NeighborGridEntityType( entity.getMesh(),
                                          CoordinatesType( entity.getCoordinates().x() + stepX - ( stepX > 0 ) * ( entity.getOrientation().x() != 0.0 ),
                                                           entity.getCoordinates().y() + stepY - ( stepY > 0 ) * ( entity.getOrientation().y() != 0.0 ),
                                                           entity.getCoordinates().z() + stepZ - ( stepZ > 0 ) * ( entity.getOrientation().z() != 0.0 ) ) );
@@ -683,12 +683,12 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
       const GridEntityType& entity;
-      //NeighbourGridEntityGetter(){};
+      //NeighborGridEntityGetter(){};
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
- * | EntityDimenions | NeighbourEntityDimensions |  Stored Stencil   |
+ * | EntityDimenions | NeighborEntityDimension |  Stored Stencil   |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
  * |       0         |              0            |       None        |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
@@ -697,44 +697,44 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
-class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
+class NeighborGridEntityGetter<
    GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >,
    GridEntityStencilStorageTag< GridEntityNoStencil > >
-      static const int EntityDimensions = 0;
-      static const int NeighbourEntityDimensions = 0;
+      static const int EntityDimension = 0;
+      static const int NeighborEntityDimension = 0;
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimensions, Config > GridEntityType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighbourEntityDimensions, Config > NeighbourGridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimension, Config > GridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighborEntityDimension, Config > NeighborGridEntityType;
       typedef Real RealType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighbourGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
+      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighborGridEntityType > GridEntityGetterType;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
+      NeighborGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
       : entity( entity )
       template< int stepX, int stepY, int stepZ >
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      NeighbourGridEntityType getEntity() const
+      NeighborGridEntityType getEntity() const
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() >= CoordinatesType( 0, 0, 0 ) &&
                     entity.getCoordinates() <= entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY, stepZ ) >= CoordinatesType( 0, 0, 0 ) &&
                     entity.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY, stepZ ) <= entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY, stepZ ) = "
                    << entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY, stepZ )
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
-         return NeighbourGridEntity( CoordinatesType( entity.getCoordinates().x() + stepX,
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
+         return NeighborGridEntity( CoordinatesType( entity.getCoordinates().x() + stepX,
                                                       entity.getCoordinates().y() + stepY,
                                                       entity.getCoordinates().z() + stepZ ) );
@@ -747,13 +747,13 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
                     entity.getCoordinates() <= entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates() = " << entity.getCoordinates()
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          TNL_ASSERT( entity.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY, stepZ ) >= CoordinatesType( 0, 0, 0 ) &&
                     entity.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY, stepZ ) <= entity.getMesh().getDimensions(),
               std::cerr << "entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY, stepZ ) = "
                    << entity.getCoordinates()  + CoordinatesType( stepX, stepY, stepZ )
                    << " entity.getMesh().getDimensions() = " << entity.getMesh().getDimensions()
-                   << " EntityDimensions = " << EntityDimensions );
+                   << " EntityDimension = " << EntityDimension );
          return this->entity.getIndex() + stepZ * ( entity.getMesh().getDimensions().y() + 1 + stepY ) * ( entity.getMesh().getDimensions().x() + 1 ) + stepX;
@@ -764,7 +764,7 @@ class NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
       const GridEntityType& entity;
-      //NeighbourGridEntityGetter(){};
+      //NeighborGridEntityGetter(){};
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighbourGridEntitiesStorage.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighbourGridEntitiesStorage.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ad2edb43108d768a289493f3c33c16f497a72b1f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighbourGridEntitiesStorage.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-                          NeighbourGridEntitiesStorage.h  -  description
-                             -------------------
-    begin                : Dec 18, 2015
-    copyright            : (C) 2015 by Tomas Oberhuber
-    email                : tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
- ***************************************************************************/
-/* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
-#pragma once
-#include <TNL/Devices/Cuda.h>
-#include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDimensionsTag.h>
-#include <TNL/Meshes/GridEntityConfig.h>
-#include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighbourGridEntityGetter.h>
-namespace TNL {
-namespace Meshes {
-template< typename GridEntity,
-          int NeighbourEntityDimensions,
-          typename GridEntityConfig,
-          bool storage = GridEntityConfig::template neighbourEntityStorage< GridEntity >( NeighbourEntityDimensions ) >
-class NeighbourGridEntityLayer{};   
-template< typename GridEntity,
-          int NeighbourEntityDimensions,
-          typename GridEntityConfig >
-class NeighbourGridEntityLayer< GridEntity, NeighbourEntityDimensions, GridEntityConfig, true >
-: public NeighbourGridEntityLayer< GridEntity, NeighbourEntityDimensions - 1, GridEntityConfig >
-   public:
-      typedef NeighbourGridEntityLayer< GridEntity, NeighbourEntityDimensions - 1, GridEntityConfig > BaseType;
-      typedef NeighbourGridEntityGetter< GridEntity, NeighbourEntityDimensions > NeighbourEntityGetterType;
-      using BaseType::getNeighbourEntities;
-      __cuda_callable__
-      NeighbourGridEntityLayer( const GridEntity& entity )
-      : BaseType( entity ),
-        neighbourEntities( entity )
-      {}
-      __cuda_callable__
-      const NeighbourEntityGetterType& getNeighbourEntities( const MeshDimensionsTag< NeighbourEntityDimensions>& tag ) const
-      {
-         return this->neighbourEntities;
-      }
-      __cuda_callable__
-      void refresh( const typename GridEntity::GridType& grid,
-                    const typename GridEntity::GridType::IndexType& entityIndex )
-      {
-         BaseType::refresh( grid, entityIndex );
-         neighbourEntities.refresh( grid, entityIndex );
-      }
-   protected:
-      NeighbourEntityGetterType neighbourEntities;
-template< typename GridEntity,
-          typename GridEntityConfig >
-class NeighbourGridEntityLayer< GridEntity, 0, GridEntityConfig, true >
-   public:
-      typedef NeighbourGridEntityGetter< GridEntity, 0 > NeighbourEntityGetterType;
-      __cuda_callable__
-      NeighbourGridEntityLayer( const GridEntity& entity )
-      : neighbourEntities( entity )
-      {}
-      __cuda_callable__
-      const NeighbourEntityGetterType& getNeighbourEntities( const MeshDimensionsTag< 0 >& tag ) const
-      {
-         return this->neighbourEntities;
-      }
-      __cuda_callable__
-      void refresh( const typename GridEntity::GridType& grid,
-                    const typename GridEntity::GridType::IndexType& entityIndex )
-      {
-         neighbourEntities.refresh( grid, entityIndex );
-      }
-   protected:
-      NeighbourEntityGetterType neighbourEntities;
-template< typename GridEntity,
-          int NeighbourEntityDimensions,
-          typename GridEntityConfig >
-class NeighbourGridEntityLayer< GridEntity, NeighbourEntityDimensions, GridEntityConfig, false >
-: public NeighbourGridEntityLayer< GridEntity, NeighbourEntityDimensions - 1, GridEntityConfig >
-   public:
-      typedef NeighbourGridEntityLayer< GridEntity, NeighbourEntityDimensions - 1, GridEntityConfig > BaseType;      
-      typedef NeighbourGridEntityGetter< GridEntity, NeighbourEntityDimensions > NeighbourEntityGetterType;
-      using BaseType::getNeighbourEntities;
-      __cuda_callable__
-      NeighbourGridEntityLayer( const GridEntity& entity )
-      : BaseType( entity )
-      {}
-      __cuda_callable__
-      const NeighbourEntityGetterType& getNeighbourEntities( const MeshDimensionsTag< NeighbourEntityDimensions >& tag ) const {}
-      __cuda_callable__
-      void refresh( const typename GridEntity::GridType& grid,
-                    const typename GridEntity::GridType::IndexType& entityIndex ) {}
-template< typename GridEntity,
-          typename GridEntityConfig >
-class NeighbourGridEntityLayer< GridEntity, 0, GridEntityConfig, false >
-   public:
-      typedef NeighbourGridEntityGetter< GridEntity, 0 > NeighbourEntityGetterType;
-      __cuda_callable__
-      NeighbourGridEntityLayer( const GridEntity& entity ){}
-      __cuda_callable__
-      const NeighbourEntityGetterType& getNeighbourEntities( const MeshDimensionsTag< 0 >& tag ) const {}
-      __cuda_callable__
-      void refresh( const typename GridEntity::GridType& grid,
-                    const typename GridEntity::GridType::IndexType& entityIndex ) {}
-template< typename GridEntity,
-          typename GridEntityConfig >
-class NeighbourGridEntitiesStorage
-: public NeighbourGridEntityLayer< GridEntity, GridEntity::meshDimensions, GridEntityConfig >
-   typedef NeighbourGridEntityLayer< GridEntity, GridEntity::meshDimensions, GridEntityConfig > BaseType;
-   public:
-      using BaseType::getNeighbourEntities;
-      using BaseType::refresh;
-      __cuda_callable__
-      NeighbourGridEntitiesStorage( const GridEntity& entity )
-      : BaseType( entity )
-      {}
-      template< int EntityDimensions >
-      __cuda_callable__
-      const NeighbourGridEntityGetter< GridEntity, EntityDimensions >&
-      getNeighbourEntities() const
-      {
-         return BaseType::getNeighbourEntities( MeshDimensionsTag< EntityDimensions >() );
-      }
-} // namespace Meshes
-} // namespace TNL
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Traverser_Grid1D_impl.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Traverser_Grid1D_impl.h
index 9abc83b529dc3a7f19a55825737c19ff54a549e1..ce571abac7da7b0460fdd7e70f451b91fb15d4ec 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Traverser_Grid1D_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Traverser_Grid1D_impl.h
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ processBoundaryEntities( const GridPointer& gridPointer,
     * Boundary cells
-   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimensions == 1, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
+   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimension == 1, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
    GridTraverser< GridType >::template processEntities< GridEntity, EntitiesProcessor, UserData, true >(
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ processInteriorEntities( const GridPointer& gridPointer,
     * Interior cells
-   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimensions == 1, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
+   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimension == 1, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
    GridTraverser< GridType >::template processEntities< GridEntity, EntitiesProcessor, UserData, false >(
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ processAllEntities(
     * All cells
-   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimensions == 1, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
+   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimension == 1, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
    GridTraverser< GridType >::template processEntities< GridEntity, EntitiesProcessor, UserData, false >(
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ processBoundaryEntities( const GridPointer& gridPointer,
     * Boundary vertices
-   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimensions == 0, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
+   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimension == 0, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
    GridTraverser< GridType >::template processEntities< GridEntity, EntitiesProcessor, UserData, true >(
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ processInteriorEntities( const GridPointer& gridPointer,
     * Interior vertices
-   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimensions == 0, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
+   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimension == 0, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
    GridTraverser< GridType >::template processEntities< GridEntity, EntitiesProcessor, UserData, false >(
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ processAllEntities(
     * All vertices
-   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimensions == 0, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
+   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimension == 0, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
    GridTraverser< GridType >::template processEntities< GridEntity, EntitiesProcessor, UserData, false >(
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Traverser_Grid2D_impl.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Traverser_Grid2D_impl.h
index 4b57a2642165f3b0804a23d5cc09e83356f307a7..0cb38fa1c857b40b517f4e60f5121ec9c9b495a4 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Traverser_Grid2D_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Traverser_Grid2D_impl.h
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ processBoundaryEntities( const GridPointer& gridPointer,
     * Boundary cells
-   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimensions == 2, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
+   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimension == 2, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
    GridTraverser< GridType >::template processEntities< GridEntity, EntitiesProcessor, UserData, true, 1, 1 >(
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ processInteriorEntities( const GridPointer& gridPointer,
     * Interior cells
-   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimensions == 2, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
+   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimension == 2, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
    GridTraverser< GridType >::template processEntities< GridEntity, EntitiesProcessor, UserData, false >(
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ processAllEntities( const GridPointer& gridPointer,
     * All cells
-   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimensions == 2, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
+   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimension == 2, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
    GridTraverser< GridType >::template processEntities< GridEntity, EntitiesProcessor, UserData, false >(
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ processBoundaryEntities( const GridPointer& gridPointer,
     * Boundary faces
-   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimensions == 1, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
+   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimension == 1, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
    GridTraverser< GridType >::template processEntities< GridEntity, EntitiesProcessor, UserData, true, 1, 0, CoordinatesType, CoordinatesType >(
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ processInteriorEntities( const GridPointer& gridPointer,
     * Interior faces
-   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimensions == 1, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
+   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimension == 1, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
    GridTraverser< GridType >::template processEntities< GridEntity, EntitiesProcessor, UserData, false, 1, 1, CoordinatesType, CoordinatesType >(
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ processAllEntities( const GridPointer& gridPointer,
     * All faces
-   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimensions == 1, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
+   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimension == 1, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
    GridTraverser< GridType >::template processEntities< GridEntity, EntitiesProcessor, UserData, false, 1, 1, CoordinatesType, CoordinatesType >(
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ processBoundaryEntities( const GridPointer& gridPointer,
     * Boundary vertices
-   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimensions == 0, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
+   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimension == 0, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
    GridTraverser< GridType >::template processEntities< GridEntity, EntitiesProcessor, UserData, true, 1, 1 >(
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ processInteriorEntities( const GridPointer& gridPointer,
     * Interior vertices
-   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimensions == 0, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
+   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimension == 0, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
    GridTraverser< GridType >::template processEntities< GridEntity, EntitiesProcessor, UserData, false >(
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ processAllEntities( const GridPointer& gridPointer,
     * All vertices
-   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimensions == 0, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
+   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimension == 0, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
    GridTraverser< GridType >::template processEntities< GridEntity, EntitiesProcessor, UserData, false >(
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Traverser_Grid3D_impl.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Traverser_Grid3D_impl.h
index 42e16f64f75ca6096966e0c50d41d5f9bd252090..5f98a59d55855099162f70718ef4d75f3e8f9107 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Traverser_Grid3D_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Traverser_Grid3D_impl.h
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ processBoundaryEntities( const GridPointer& gridPointer,
     * Boundary cells
-   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimensions == 3, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
+   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimension == 3, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
    GridTraverser< GridType >::template processEntities< GridEntity, EntitiesProcessor, UserData, true, 1, 1, 1 >(
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ processInteriorEntities( const GridPointer& gridPointer,
     * Interior cells
-   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimensions == 3, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
+   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimension == 3, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
    GridTraverser< GridType >::template processEntities< GridEntity, EntitiesProcessor, UserData, false >(
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ processAllEntities( const GridPointer& gridPointer,
     * All cells
-   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimensions == 3, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
+   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimension == 3, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
    GridTraverser< GridType >::template processEntities< GridEntity, EntitiesProcessor, UserData, false >(
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ processBoundaryEntities( const GridPointer& gridPointer,
     * Boundary faces
-   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimensions == 2, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
+   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimension == 2, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
    GridTraverser< GridType >::template processEntities< GridEntity, EntitiesProcessor, UserData, true, 1, 0, 0, CoordinatesType, CoordinatesType >(
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ processInteriorEntities( const GridPointer& gridPointer,
     * Interior faces
-   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimensions == 2, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
+   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimension == 2, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
    GridTraverser< GridType >::template processEntities< GridEntity, EntitiesProcessor, UserData, false, 1, 1, 1, CoordinatesType, CoordinatesType >(
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ processAllEntities( const GridPointer& gridPointer,
     * All faces
-   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimensions == 2, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
+   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimension == 2, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
    GridTraverser< GridType >::template processEntities< GridEntity, EntitiesProcessor, UserData, false, 1, 1, 1, CoordinatesType, CoordinatesType >(
       CoordinatesType( 0, 0, 0 ),
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ processBoundaryEntities( const GridPointer& gridPointer,
     * Boundary edges
-   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimensions == 1, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
+   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimension == 1, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
    GridTraverser< GridType >::template processEntities< GridEntity, EntitiesProcessor, UserData, true, 0, 1, 1, CoordinatesType, CoordinatesType >(
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ processInteriorEntities( const GridPointer& gridPointer,
     * Interior edges
-   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimensions == 1, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
+   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimension == 1, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
    GridTraverser< GridType >::template processEntities< GridEntity, EntitiesProcessor, UserData, false, 1, 1, 1, CoordinatesType, CoordinatesType >(
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ processAllEntities( const GridPointer& gridPointer,
     * All edges
-   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimensions == 1, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
+   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimension == 1, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
    GridTraverser< GridType >::template processEntities< GridEntity, EntitiesProcessor, UserData, false, 1, 1, 1, CoordinatesType, CoordinatesType >(
       CoordinatesType( 0, 0, 0 ),
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ processBoundaryEntities( const GridPointer& gridPointer,
     * Boundary vertices
-   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimensions == 0, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
+   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimension == 0, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
    GridTraverser< GridType >::template processEntities< GridEntity, EntitiesProcessor, UserData, true, 1, 1, 1 >(
@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ processInteriorEntities( const GridPointer& gridPointer,
     * Interior vertices
-   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimensions == 0, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
+   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimension == 0, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
    GridTraverser< GridType >::template processEntities< GridEntity, EntitiesProcessor, UserData, false >(
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ processAllEntities( const GridPointer& gridPointer,
     * All vertices
-   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimensions == 0, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
+   static_assert( GridEntity::entityDimension == 0, "The entity has wrong dimensions." );
    GridTraverser< GridType >::template processEntities< GridEntity, EntitiesProcessor, UserData, false >(
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridEntity.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridEntity.h
index aa70096e36a3749deb73838ea312c74e34fdd432..9afcb2e26a77117568d726d09fb080d18e97ae2a 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridEntity.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridEntity.h
@@ -10,15 +10,15 @@
 #pragma once
-#include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighbourGridEntitiesStorage.h>
+#include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighborGridEntitiesStorage.h>
 namespace TNL {
 namespace Meshes {
 template< typename GridEntity,
-          int NeighbourEntityDimensions,
+          int NeighborEntityDimension,
           typename StencilStorage >
-class NeighbourGridEntityGetter;
+class NeighborGridEntityGetter;
 template< typename GridEntityType >
 class BoundaryGridEntityChecker;
@@ -28,51 +28,51 @@ class GridEntityCenterGetter;
 template< typename Grid,
-          int EntityDimensions,
+          int EntityDimension,
           typename Config >
 class GridEntity
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
-          int EntityDimensions,
+          int EntityDimension,
           typename Config >
-class GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimensions, Config >
+class GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimension, Config >
-      typedef Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
+      typedef Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
       typedef GridType MeshType;
       typedef typename GridType::RealType RealType;
       typedef typename GridType::IndexType IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
       typedef Config ConfigType;
-      static const int meshDimensions = GridType::meshDimensions;
+      static const int meshDimension = GridType::meshDimension;
-      static const int entityDimensions = EntityDimensions;
+      static const int entityDimension = EntityDimension;
-      constexpr static int getDimensions() { return EntityDimensions; };
+      constexpr static int getDimension() { return EntityDimension; };
-      constexpr static int getMeshDimensions() { return meshDimensions; };            
+      constexpr static int getMeshDimension() { return meshDimension; };            
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< meshDimensions, IndexType > EntityOrientationType;
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< meshDimensions, IndexType > EntityBasisType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, entityDimensions, Config > ThisType;
-      typedef typename GridType::VertexType VertexType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< meshDimension, IndexType > EntityOrientationType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< meshDimension, IndexType > EntityBasisType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, entityDimension, Config > ThisType;
+      typedef typename GridType::PointType PointType;
-      typedef NeighbourGridEntitiesStorage< ThisType, Config > NeighbourGridEntitiesStorageType;
+      typedef NeighborGridEntitiesStorage< ThisType, Config > NeighborGridEntitiesStorageType;
-      template< int NeighbourEntityDimensions = entityDimensions >
-      using NeighbourEntities =
-         NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
-            GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >,
-                           EntityDimensions,
+      template< int NeighborEntityDimension = entityDimension >
+      using NeighborEntities =
+         NeighborGridEntityGetter<
+            GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >,
+                           EntityDimension,
                            Config >,
-            NeighbourEntityDimensions >;
+            NeighborEntityDimension >;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
       GridEntity( const GridType& grid );
@@ -116,16 +116,16 @@ class GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimensi
       __cuda_callable__ inline
       void setBasis( const EntityBasisType& basis );
-      template< int NeighbourEntityDimensions = entityDimensions >
+      template< int NeighborEntityDimension = entityDimension >
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      const NeighbourEntities< NeighbourEntityDimensions >&
-      getNeighbourEntities() const;
+      const NeighborEntities< NeighborEntityDimension >&
+      getNeighborEntities() const;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
       bool isBoundaryEntity() const;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      VertexType getCenter() const;
+      PointType getCenter() const;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
       const RealType& getMeasure() const;
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ class GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimensi
       EntityBasisType basis;
-      NeighbourGridEntitiesStorageType neighbourEntitiesStorage;
+      NeighborGridEntitiesStorageType neighborEntitiesStorage;
       //__cuda_callable__ inline
@@ -158,44 +158,44 @@ class GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimensi
  * Specializations for cells
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
-class GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Dimensions, Config >
+class GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, Dimension, Config >
-      typedef Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
+      typedef Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
       typedef GridType MeshType;
       typedef typename GridType::RealType RealType;
       typedef typename GridType::IndexType IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      typedef typename GridType::VertexType VertexType;
+      typedef typename GridType::PointType PointType;
       typedef Config ConfigType;
-      static const int meshDimensions = GridType::meshDimensions;
+      static const int meshDimension = GridType::meshDimension;
-      static const int entityDimensions = meshDimensions;
+      static const int entityDimension = meshDimension;
-      constexpr static int getDimensions() { return entityDimensions; };
+      constexpr static int getDimension() { return entityDimension; };
-      constexpr static int getMeshDimensions() { return meshDimensions; };
+      constexpr static int getMeshDimension() { return meshDimension; };
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< meshDimensions, IndexType > EntityOrientationType;
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< meshDimensions, IndexType > EntityBasisType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, entityDimensions, Config > ThisType;
-      typedef NeighbourGridEntitiesStorage< ThisType, Config > NeighbourGridEntitiesStorageType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< meshDimension, IndexType > EntityOrientationType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< meshDimension, IndexType > EntityBasisType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, entityDimension, Config > ThisType;
+      typedef NeighborGridEntitiesStorage< ThisType, Config > NeighborGridEntitiesStorageType;
-      template< int NeighbourEntityDimensions = entityDimensions >
-      using NeighbourEntities =
-         NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
-            GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >,
-                           entityDimensions,
+      template< int NeighborEntityDimension = entityDimension >
+      using NeighborEntities =
+         NeighborGridEntityGetter<
+            GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >,
+                           entityDimension,
                            Config >,
-            NeighbourEntityDimensions >;
+            NeighborEntityDimension >;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
@@ -240,22 +240,22 @@ class GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Dimensions, C
       __cuda_callable__ inline
       void setBasis( const EntityBasisType& basis ){};
-      template< int NeighbourEntityDimensions = Dimensions >
+      template< int NeighborEntityDimension = Dimension >
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      const NeighbourEntities< NeighbourEntityDimensions >&
-      getNeighbourEntities() const;
+      const NeighborEntities< NeighborEntityDimension >&
+      getNeighborEntities() const;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
       bool isBoundaryEntity() const;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      VertexType getCenter() const;
+      PointType getCenter() const;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
       const RealType& getMeasure() const;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      const VertexType& getEntityProportions() const;
+      const PointType& getEntityProportions() const;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
       const GridType& getMesh() const;
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ class GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Dimensions, C
       CoordinatesType coordinates;
-      NeighbourGridEntitiesStorageType neighbourEntitiesStorage;
+      NeighborGridEntitiesStorageType neighborEntitiesStorage;
       //__cuda_callable__ inline
@@ -281,43 +281,43 @@ class GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Dimensions, C
  * Specialization for vertices
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
-class GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >
+class GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >
-      typedef Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
+      typedef Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
       typedef GridType MeshType;
       typedef typename GridType::RealType RealType;
       typedef typename GridType::IndexType IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      typedef typename GridType::VertexType VertexType;
+      typedef typename GridType::PointType PointType;
       typedef Config ConfigType;
-      static const int meshDimensions = GridType::meshDimensions;
+      static const int meshDimension = GridType::meshDimension;
-      static const int entityDimensions = 0;
+      static const int entityDimension = 0;
-      constexpr static int getDimensions() { return entityDimensions; };
+      constexpr static int getDimension() { return entityDimension; };
-      constexpr static int getMeshDimensions() { return meshDimensions; };
+      constexpr static int getMeshDimension() { return meshDimension; };
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< meshDimensions, IndexType > EntityOrientationType;
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< meshDimensions, IndexType > EntityBasisType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, entityDimensions, Config > ThisType;
-      typedef NeighbourGridEntitiesStorage< ThisType, Config > NeighbourGridEntitiesStorageType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< meshDimension, IndexType > EntityOrientationType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< meshDimension, IndexType > EntityBasisType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, entityDimension, Config > ThisType;
+      typedef NeighborGridEntitiesStorage< ThisType, Config > NeighborGridEntitiesStorageType;
-      template< int NeighbourEntityDimensions = entityDimensions >
-      using NeighbourEntities =
-         NeighbourGridEntityGetter<
-            GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >,
-                           entityDimensions,
+      template< int NeighborEntityDimension = entityDimension >
+      using NeighborEntities =
+         NeighborGridEntityGetter<
+            GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >,
+                           entityDimension,
                            Config >,
-            NeighbourEntityDimensions >;
+            NeighborEntityDimension >;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
@@ -363,22 +363,22 @@ class GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >
       void setBasis( const EntityBasisType& basis ){};
-      template< int NeighbourEntityDimensions = entityDimensions >
+      template< int NeighborEntityDimension = entityDimension >
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      const NeighbourEntities< NeighbourEntityDimensions >&
-      getNeighbourEntities() const;
+      const NeighborEntities< NeighborEntityDimension >&
+      getNeighborEntities() const;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
       bool isBoundaryEntity() const;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      VertexType getCenter() const;
+      PointType getCenter() const;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
       const RealType getMeasure() const;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      VertexType getEntityProportions() const;
+      PointType getEntityProportions() const;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
       const GridType& getMesh() const;
@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ class GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, 0, Config >
       CoordinatesType coordinates;
-      NeighbourGridEntitiesStorageType neighbourEntitiesStorage;
+      NeighborGridEntitiesStorageType neighborEntitiesStorage;
       friend class BoundaryGridEntityChecker< ThisType >;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridEntityConfig.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridEntityConfig.h
index 89b45f649137d02a78481a3762e15c40c0c6dfd0..8c30a7bbaadc11efbb8c089d92a350ee66e2282d 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/GridEntityConfig.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/GridEntityConfig.h
@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ class GridEntityStencilStorageTag
- * This class says what neighbour grid entity indexes shall be pre-computed and stored in the
- * grid entity structure. If neighbourEntityStorage() returns false, nothing is stored.
- * Otherwise, if neighbour entity storage is enabled, we may store either only neighbour entities in a cross like this
+ * This class says what neighbor grid entity indexes shall be pre-computed and stored in the
+ * grid entity structure. If neighborEntityStorage() returns false, nothing is stored.
+ * Otherwise, if neighbor entity storage is enabled, we may store either only neighbor entities in a cross like this
  *                X
  *   X            X
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class GridEntityStencilStorageTag
  *   X            X
  *                X
- * or all neighbour entities like this
+ * or all neighbor entities like this
  *           XXXXX
  *  XXX      XXXXX
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class GridEntityNoStencilStorage
       template< typename GridEntity >
-      constexpr static bool neighbourEntityStorage( int neighbourEntityStorage )
+      constexpr static bool neighborEntityStorage( int neighborEntityStorage )
          return false;
@@ -70,10 +70,10 @@ class GridEntityCrossStencilStorage
       template< typename GridEntity >
-      constexpr static bool neighbourEntityStorage( const int neighbourEntityDimensions )
+      constexpr static bool neighborEntityStorage( const int neighborEntityDimension )
-         return ( GridEntity::entityDimensions == GridEntity::GridType::meshDimensions &&
-                  neighbourEntityDimensions == GridEntity::GridType::meshDimensions )
+         return ( GridEntity::entityDimension == GridEntity::GridType::meshDimension &&
+                  neighborEntityDimension == GridEntity::GridType::meshDimension )
                // FIXME: how is GridEntityCrossStencil cast to int?
                 * GridEntityCrossStencil;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/Mesh.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/Mesh.h
index b04c0af49a1d2e30891ee46710bfced1ce69a96f..47060304a5072def2801b54990df03a54c368e24 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/Mesh.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/Mesh.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <ostream>
@@ -36,34 +42,34 @@ class Mesh : public Object/*,
       typedef typename MeshTraitsType::CellType                 CellType;
       typedef typename MeshTraitsType::VertexType               VertexType;
       typedef typename MeshTraitsType::PointType                PointType;
-      static const int dimensions = MeshTraitsType::meshDimensions;
-      template< int Dimensions > using EntityTraits = typename MeshTraitsType::template EntityTraits< Dimensions >;
-      template< int Dimensions > using EntityType = typename EntityTraits< Dimensions >::EntityType;
+      static const int dimension = MeshTraitsType::meshDimension;
+      template< int Dimension > using EntityTraits = typename MeshTraitsType::template EntityTraits< Dimension >;
+      template< int Dimension > using EntityType = typename EntityTraits< Dimension >::EntityType;
       static String getType();
       virtual String getTypeVirtual() const;
-      static constexpr int getDimensions();
+      static constexpr int getMeshDimension();
-      template< int Dimensions >
+      template< int Dimension >
       bool entitiesAvalable() const;
       GlobalIndexType getNumberOfCells() const;
       // TODO: rename to getEntitiesCount
-      template< int Dimensions >
+      template< int Dimension >
       GlobalIndexType getNumberOfEntities() const;
       CellType& getCell( const GlobalIndexType entityIndex );
       const CellType& getCell( const GlobalIndexType entityIndex ) const;
-      template< int Dimensions >
-       EntityType< Dimensions >& getEntity( const GlobalIndexType entityIndex );
+      template< int Dimension >
+       EntityType< Dimension >& getEntity( const GlobalIndexType entityIndex );
-      template< int Dimensions >
-      const EntityType< Dimensions >& getEntity( const GlobalIndexType entityIndex ) const;
+      template< int Dimension >
+      const EntityType< Dimension >& getEntity( const GlobalIndexType entityIndex ) const;
       bool save( File& file ) const;
@@ -77,18 +83,18 @@ class Mesh : public Object/*,
       bool operator==( const Mesh& mesh ) const;
       // TODO: this is only for mesh intializer - remove it if possible
-      template< typename DimensionsTag >
-           typename EntityTraits< DimensionsTag::value >::StorageArrayType& entitiesArray();
+      template< typename DimensionTag >
+           typename EntityTraits< DimensionTag::value >::StorageArrayType& entitiesArray();
-      template< typename DimensionsTag, typename SuperDimensionsTag >
+      template< typename DimensionTag, typename SuperDimensionTag >
            typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::GlobalIdArrayType& superentityIdsArray();
       template< typename EntityTopology, typename SuperdimensionsTag >
       typename MeshTraitsType::template SuperentityTraits< EntityTopology, SuperdimensionsTag::value >::StorageNetworkType&
-         return entitiesStorage.template getSuperentityStorageNetwork< SuperdimensionsTag >( MeshDimensionsTag< EntityTopology::dimensions >() );
+         return entitiesStorage.template getSuperentityStorageNetwork< SuperdimensionsTag >( MeshDimensionTag< EntityTopology::dimensions >() );
       bool init( const typename MeshTraitsType::PointArrayType& points,
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshBuilder.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshBuilder.h
index 2eac2aa8b717868d19bbee442a6755d49727ee47..cfa5058a280edadcfa489b971f9dbbac9e2ada98 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshBuilder.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshBuilder.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/traits/MeshTraits.h>
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshConfigBase.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshConfigBase.h
index 78b047cbab1cebc8f754c211901bb6b8dbe665fa..523afce5b6d84824632eb1b9fd9d01c35ea2ffcb 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshConfigBase.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshConfigBase.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 namespace TNL {
@@ -20,7 +26,7 @@ namespace Meshes {
  * mesh storage layer.
 template< typename Cell,
-          int WorldDimensions = Cell::dimensions,
+          int WorldDimension = Cell::dimensions,
           typename Real = double,
           typename GlobalIndex = int,
           typename LocalIndex = GlobalIndex,
@@ -33,8 +39,8 @@ struct MeshConfigBase
    typedef LocalIndex  LocalIndexType;
    typedef Id          IdType;
-   static const int worldDimensions = WorldDimensions;
-   static const int meshDimensions = Cell::dimensions;
+   static const int worldDimension = WorldDimension;
+   static const int meshDimension = Cell::dimensions;
    static String getType()
@@ -50,20 +56,20 @@ struct MeshConfigBase
        *  Vertices and cells must always be stored
       return true;
-		//return ( dimensions == 0 || dimensions == cellDimensions );
+		//return ( dimensions == 0 || dimensions == cellDimension );
     *  Storage of subentities of mesh entities
 	template< typename MeshEntity >
-	static constexpr bool subentityStorage( MeshEntity, int SubentityDimensions )
+	static constexpr bool subentityStorage( MeshEntity, int SubentityDimension )
        *  Vertices must always be stored
       return true;
-		//return ( SubentityDimensions == 0 );
+		//return ( SubentityDimension == 0 );
@@ -71,22 +77,22 @@ struct MeshConfigBase
     * It must be false for vertices and cells.
 	template< typename MeshEntity >
-	static constexpr bool subentityOrientationStorage( MeshEntity, int SubentityDimensions )
+	static constexpr bool subentityOrientationStorage( MeshEntity, int SubentityDimension )
-		return ( SubentityDimensions > 0 );
+		return ( SubentityDimension > 0 );
     *  Storage of superentities of mesh entities
 	template< typename MeshEntity >
-	static constexpr bool superentityStorage( MeshEntity, int SuperentityDimensions )
+	static constexpr bool superentityStorage( MeshEntity, int SuperentityDimension )
       return true;
 		//return false;
-   static_assert( WorldDimensions >= Cell::dimensions, "The number of the cell dimensions cannot be larger than the world dimension." );
+   static_assert( WorldDimension >= Cell::dimensions, "The number of the cell dimensions cannot be larger than the world dimension." );
 } // namespace Meshes
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshEntityId.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshEntityId.h
index d3aa829b7d669830d947992e076e5c2a0e252590..c514b1b09d86d25998851de8779772d871439766 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshEntityId.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshEntityId.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 namespace TNL {
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshEntityIntegrityChecker.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshEntityIntegrityChecker.h
index 3cb41850e52b93f8b290932bd4b3318f0fe363a0..2eabfa69e9e72a2b9e3a96aa4c8a3d11d87eaa19 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshEntityIntegrityChecker.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshEntityIntegrityChecker.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 namespace TNL {
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshEntityOrientation.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshEntityOrientation.h
index 3d96ec68c643da0a464f470245a08c0521bc9b00..f497c6306015e97aa60a00728e1153770b94ded1 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshEntityOrientation.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshEntityOrientation.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/traits/MeshTraits.h>
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshEntityReferenceOrientation.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshEntityReferenceOrientation.h
index 335923a49cdf5d79d7fe9627ae9e7653446552e0..bad26901bc0cdbfb1366ea28eecf34103c82e745 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshEntityReferenceOrientation.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshEntityReferenceOrientation.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 namespace TNL {
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshEntity_impl.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshEntity_impl.h
index fe533414aa505d28681402e7bdf450e156222a89..9e9ff9b8aac46c8434d00b55c4b9361bcdcecc4d 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshEntity_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshEntity_impl.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/Meshes/MeshEntity.h>
@@ -89,7 +95,7 @@ void
 MeshEntity< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >::
 print( std::ostream& str ) const
-   str << "\t Mesh entity dimensions: " << EntityTopology::dimensions << std::endl;
+   str << "\t Mesh entity dimension: " << EntityTopology::dimensions << std::endl;
    MeshSubentityStorageLayers< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >::print( str );
    MeshSuperentityAccess< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >::print( str );
@@ -110,7 +116,7 @@ template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology >
 constexpr int
 MeshEntity< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >::
-getEntityDimensions() const
+getEntityDimension() const
    return EntityTopology::dimensions;
@@ -152,7 +158,7 @@ getSubentityIndex( const LocalIndexType localIndex) const
                    << " subentitiesCount = "
                    << SubentityTraits< Subdimensions >::count );
    typedef MeshSubentityStorageLayers< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >  SubentityBaseType;
-   return SubentityBaseType::getSubentityIndex( MeshDimensionsTag< Subdimensions >(),
+   return SubentityBaseType::getSubentityIndex( MeshDimensionTag< Subdimensions >(),
                                                 localIndex );
@@ -165,7 +171,7 @@ MeshEntity< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >::
    static_assert( SubentityTraits< Subdimensions >::storageEnabled, "You try to get subentities which are not configured for storage." );
    typedef MeshSubentityStorageLayers< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >  SubentityBaseType;
-   return SubentityBaseType::getSubentitiesIndices( MeshDimensionsTag< Subdimensions >() );
+   return SubentityBaseType::getSubentitiesIndices( MeshDimensionTag< Subdimensions >() );
 template< typename MeshConfig,
@@ -177,59 +183,59 @@ getSubentitiesIndices() const
    static_assert( SubentityTraits< Subdimensions >::storageEnabled, "You try to set subentities which are not configured for storage." );
    typedef MeshSubentityStorageLayers< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >  SubentityBaseType;
-   return SubentityBaseType::getSubentitiesIndices( MeshDimensionsTag< Subdimensions >() );
+   return SubentityBaseType::getSubentitiesIndices( MeshDimensionTag< Subdimensions >() );
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology >
-   template< int SuperDimensions >
+   template< int SuperDimension >
 typename MeshEntity< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >::LocalIndexType
 MeshEntity< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >::
 getNumberOfSuperentities() const
-   static_assert( SuperentityTraits< SuperDimensions >::available, "You try to get number of superentities which are not configured for storage." );
+   static_assert( SuperentityTraits< SuperDimension >::available, "You try to get number of superentities which are not configured for storage." );
    typedef MeshSuperentityAccess< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >  SuperentityBaseType;
-   return SuperentityBaseType::getNumberOfSuperentities( MeshDimensionsTag< SuperDimensions >() );
+   return SuperentityBaseType::getNumberOfSuperentities( MeshDimensionTag< SuperDimension >() );
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology >
-   template< int SuperDimensions >
+   template< int SuperDimension >
 typename MeshEntity< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >::GlobalIndexType
 MeshEntity< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >::
 getSuperentityIndex( const LocalIndexType localIndex ) const
-   static_assert( SuperentityTraits< SuperDimensions >::storageEnabled, "You try to get superentity which is not configured for storage." );
-   TNL_ASSERT( localIndex < this->getNumberOfSuperentities< SuperDimensions >(),
+   static_assert( SuperentityTraits< SuperDimension >::storageEnabled, "You try to get superentity which is not configured for storage." );
+   TNL_ASSERT( localIndex < this->getNumberOfSuperentities< SuperDimension >(),
               std::cerr << " localIndex = " << localIndex
-                   << " this->getNumberOfSuperentities< Dimensions >() = " << this->getNumberOfSuperentities< SuperDimensions >() << std::endl; );
+                   << " this->getNumberOfSuperentities< Dimension >() = " << this->getNumberOfSuperentities< SuperDimension >() << std::endl; );
    typedef MeshSuperentityAccess< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >  SuperentityBaseType;
-   return SuperentityBaseType::getSuperentityIndex( MeshDimensionsTag< SuperDimensions >(),
+   return SuperentityBaseType::getSuperentityIndex( MeshDimensionTag< SuperDimension >(),
                                                     localIndex );
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology >
-   template< int SuperDimensions >
-typename MeshEntity< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >::template SuperentityTraits< SuperDimensions >::AccessArrayType&
+   template< int SuperDimension >
+typename MeshEntity< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >::template SuperentityTraits< SuperDimension >::AccessArrayType&
 MeshEntity< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >::
-   static_assert( SuperentityTraits< SuperDimensions >::storageEnabled, "You try to get superentities which are not configured for storage." );
+   static_assert( SuperentityTraits< SuperDimension >::storageEnabled, "You try to get superentities which are not configured for storage." );
    typedef MeshSuperentityAccess< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >  SuperentityBaseType;
-   //return SuperentityBaseType::getSuperentitiesIndices( MeshDimensionsTag< Dimensions >() );
+   //return SuperentityBaseType::getSuperentitiesIndices( MeshDimensionTag< Dimension >() );
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology >
-   template< int SuperDimensions >
-const typename MeshEntity< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >::template SuperentityTraits< SuperDimensions >::AccessArrayType&
+   template< int SuperDimension >
+const typename MeshEntity< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >::template SuperentityTraits< SuperDimension >::AccessArrayType&
 MeshEntity< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >::
 getSuperentitiesIndices() const
-   static_assert( SuperentityTraits< SuperDimensions >::storageEnabled, "You try to get superentities which are not configured for storage." );
+   static_assert( SuperentityTraits< SuperDimension >::storageEnabled, "You try to get superentities which are not configured for storage." );
    typedef MeshSuperentityAccess< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >  SuperentityBaseType;
-   return SuperentityBaseType::getSubentitiesIndices( MeshDimensionsTag< SuperDimensions >() );
+   return SuperentityBaseType::getSubentitiesIndices( MeshDimensionTag< SuperDimension >() );
 template< typename MeshConfig,
@@ -270,15 +276,15 @@ getVerticesIndices() const
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology >
-   template< int Dimensions >
+   template< int Dimension >
 typename MeshEntity< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >::IdPermutationArrayAccessorType
 MeshEntity< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >::
 subentityOrientation( LocalIndexType index ) const
-   static const LocalIndexType subentitiesCount = SubentityTraits< Dimensions >::count;
+   static const LocalIndexType subentitiesCount = SubentityTraits< Dimension >::count;
    TNL_ASSERT( 0 <= index && index < subentitiesCount, );
-   return SubentityStorageLayers::subentityOrientation( MeshDimensionsTag< Dimensions >(), index );
+   return SubentityStorageLayers::subentityOrientation( MeshDimensionTag< Dimension >(), index );
@@ -300,7 +306,7 @@ setSubentityIndex( const LocalIndexType localIndex,
                    << " subentitiesCount = "
                    << SubentityTraits< Subdimensions >::count );
    typedef MeshSubentityStorageLayers< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >  SubentityBaseType;
-   SubentityBaseType::setSubentityIndex( MeshDimensionsTag< Subdimensions >(),
+   SubentityBaseType::setSubentityIndex( MeshDimensionTag< Subdimensions >(),
                                          globalIndex );
@@ -312,7 +318,7 @@ typename MeshEntity< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >::template SubentityTraits< Sub
 MeshEntity< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >::
-   return SubentityStorageLayers::subentityIdsArray( MeshDimensionsTag< Subdimensions >() );
+   return SubentityStorageLayers::subentityIdsArray( MeshDimensionTag< Subdimensions >() );
 template< typename MeshConfig,
@@ -322,7 +328,7 @@ typename MeshEntity< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >::IdArrayAccessorType&
 MeshEntity< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >::
-   return SuperentityAccessBase::superentityIdsArray( MeshDimensionsTag< Superdimensions >());
+   return SuperentityAccessBase::superentityIdsArray( MeshDimensionTag< Superdimensions >());
 template< typename MeshConfig,
@@ -332,7 +338,7 @@ typename MeshEntity< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >::template SubentityTraits< Sub
 MeshEntity< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >::
-   return SubentityStorageLayers::subentityOrientationsArray( MeshDimensionsTag< Subdimensions >() );
+   return SubentityStorageLayers::subentityOrientationsArray( MeshDimensionTag< Subdimensions >() );
@@ -388,7 +394,7 @@ void
 MeshEntity< MeshConfig, MeshVertexTopology >::
 print( std::ostream& str ) const
-   str << "\t Mesh entity dimensions: " << MeshVertexTopology::dimensions << std::endl;
+   str << "\t Mesh entity dimension: " << MeshVertexTopology::dimensions << std::endl;
    str << "\t Coordinates = ( " << point << " )";
    MeshSuperentityAccess< MeshConfig, MeshVertexTopology >::print( str );
@@ -407,7 +413,7 @@ operator==( const MeshEntity& entity ) const
 template< typename MeshConfig >
 constexpr int
 MeshEntity< MeshConfig, MeshVertexTopology >::
-getEntityDimensions() const
+getEntityDimension() const
    return EntityTopology::dimensions;
@@ -419,7 +425,7 @@ MeshEntity< MeshConfig, MeshVertexTopology >::
 getNumberOfSuperentities() const
    typedef MeshSuperentityAccess< MeshConfig, MeshVertexTopology >  SuperentityBaseType;
-   return SuperentityBaseType::getNumberOfSuperentities( MeshDimensionsTag< Superdimensions >() );
+   return SuperentityBaseType::getNumberOfSuperentities( MeshDimensionTag< Superdimensions >() );
 template< typename MeshConfig >
@@ -429,7 +435,7 @@ MeshEntity< MeshConfig, MeshVertexTopology >::
    typedef MeshSuperentityAccess< MeshConfig, MeshVertexTopology >  SuperentityBaseType;
-   return SuperentityBaseType::getSuperentitiesIndices( MeshDimensionsTag< Superdimensions >() );
+   return SuperentityBaseType::getSuperentitiesIndices( MeshDimensionTag< Superdimensions >() );
 template< typename MeshConfig >
@@ -439,20 +445,20 @@ MeshEntity< MeshConfig, MeshVertexTopology >::
 getSuperentitiesIndeces() const
    typedef MeshSuperentityAccess< MeshConfig, MeshVertexTopology >  SuperentityBaseType;
-   return SuperentityBaseType::getSubentitiesIndices( MeshDimensionsTag< Superdimensions >() );
+   return SuperentityBaseType::getSubentitiesIndices( MeshDimensionTag< Superdimensions >() );
 template< typename MeshConfig >
-   template< int Dimensions >
+   template< int Dimension >
 typename MeshEntity< MeshConfig, MeshVertexTopology >::GlobalIndexType
 MeshEntity< MeshConfig, MeshVertexTopology >::
 getSuperentityIndex( const LocalIndexType localIndex ) const
-   TNL_ASSERT( localIndex < this->getNumberOfSuperentities< Dimensions >(),
+   TNL_ASSERT( localIndex < this->getNumberOfSuperentities< Dimension >(),
               std::cerr << " localIndex = " << localIndex
-                   << " this->getNumberOfSuperentities< Dimensions >() = " << this->getNumberOfSuperentities< Dimensions >() << std::endl; );
+                   << " this->getNumberOfSuperentities< Dimension >() = " << this->getNumberOfSuperentities< Dimension >() << std::endl; );
    typedef MeshSuperentityAccess< MeshConfig, MeshVertexTopology >  SuperentityBaseType;
-   return SuperentityBaseType::getSuperentityIndex( MeshDimensionsTag< Dimensions >(),
+   return SuperentityBaseType::getSuperentityIndex( MeshDimensionTag< Dimension >(),
                                                     localIndex );
@@ -478,7 +484,7 @@ typename MeshEntity< MeshConfig, MeshVertexTopology >::MeshTraitsType::IdArrayAc
 MeshEntity< MeshConfig, MeshVertexTopology >::
-   return SuperentityAccessBase::superentityIdsArray( MeshDimensionsTag< Superdimensions >());
+   return SuperentityAccessBase::superentityIdsArray( MeshDimensionTag< Superdimensions >());
 template< typename MeshConfig,
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshIntegrityChecker.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshIntegrityChecker.h
index 71c0a106835d0dbbf0159ca76aedf781fe346582..42ddaa1d2dded36a364bcdafe3ab66828be45c61 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshIntegrityChecker.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshIntegrityChecker.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/Meshes/Mesh.h>
@@ -19,10 +25,10 @@ namespace Meshes {
 template< typename MeshType >
 class MeshIntegrityChecker
 : public MeshIntegrityCheckerLayer< MeshType,
-                                       MeshDimensionsTag< MeshType::Config::CellType::dimensions > >
+                                       MeshDimensionTag< MeshType::Config::CellType::dimensions > >
-      typedef MeshDimensionsTag< MeshType::Config::CellType::dimensions > DimensionsTag;
-      typedef MeshIntegrityCheckerLayer< MeshType, DimensionsTag > BaseType;
+      typedef MeshDimensionTag< MeshType::Config::CellType::dimensions > DimensionTag;
+      typedef MeshIntegrityCheckerLayer< MeshType, DimensionTag > BaseType;
       static bool checkMesh( const MeshType& mesh )
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshIntegrityCheckerLayer.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshIntegrityCheckerLayer.h
index 8ce8d050a7f7f603aba5260103e5d12da1de4ee4..302ed0b05ad395eb1fdf4d1a26228c49f5bdfbad 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshIntegrityCheckerLayer.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshIntegrityCheckerLayer.h
@@ -8,32 +8,38 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/traits/MeshEntityTraits.h>
-#include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDimensionsTag.h>
+#include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDimensionTag.h>
 namespace TNL {
 namespace Meshes {
 template< typename MeshType,
-          typename DimensionsTag,
+          typename DimensionTag,
           bool EntityStorageTag = MeshEntityTraits< typename MeshType::Config,
-                                                       DimensionsTag::value >::storageEnabled >
+                                                       DimensionTag::value >::storageEnabled >
 class MeshIntegrityCheckerLayer;
 template< typename MeshType,
-          typename DimensionsTag >
+          typename DimensionTag >
 class MeshIntegrityCheckerLayer< MeshType,
-                                    DimensionsTag,
+                                    DimensionTag,
                                     true >
    : public MeshIntegrityCheckerLayer< MeshType,
-                                          typename DimensionsTag::Decrement >
+                                          typename DimensionTag::Decrement >
       typedef MeshIntegrityCheckerLayer< MeshType,
-                                            typename DimensionsTag::Decrement >     BaseType;
-      enum { dimensions = DimensionsTag::value };
+                                            typename DimensionTag::Decrement >     BaseType;
+      enum { dimensions = DimensionTag::value };
       static bool checkEntities( const MeshType& mesh )
@@ -55,7 +61,7 @@ class MeshIntegrityCheckerLayer< MeshType,
 template< typename MeshType >
 class MeshIntegrityCheckerLayer< MeshType,
-                                    MeshDimensionsTag< 0 >,
+                                    MeshDimensionTag< 0 >,
                                     true >
@@ -79,19 +85,19 @@ class MeshIntegrityCheckerLayer< MeshType,
 template< typename MeshType,
-          typename DimensionsTag >
+          typename DimensionTag >
 class MeshIntegrityCheckerLayer< MeshType,
-                                    DimensionsTag,
+                                    DimensionTag,
                                     false >
    : public MeshIntegrityCheckerLayer< MeshType,
-                                          typename DimensionsTag::Decrement >
+                                          typename DimensionTag::Decrement >
 template< typename MeshType >
 class MeshIntegrityCheckerLayer< MeshType,
-                                    MeshDimensionsTag< 0 >,
+                                    MeshDimensionTag< 0 >,
                                     false >
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshReaderNetgen.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshReaderNetgen.h
index 4ca58293bdeaec73512608b60bf3d9e01332df6e..d3264a480aefc1bc82a42ae3affb08f95a73e517 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshReaderNetgen.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshReaderNetgen.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <fstream>
@@ -225,7 +231,7 @@ class MeshReaderNetgen
        return true;
-   int getDimensions() const
+   int getDimension() const
       return this->dimensions;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshWriterNetgen.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshWriterNetgen.h
index 757807734a02438ab1150b48cf3c1ff97ffeffef..82cbc84a24ae2b57bbac34d5b995a6a99befc627 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshWriterNetgen.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshWriterNetgen.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <fstream>
@@ -37,7 +43,7 @@ class MeshWriterNetgen
       outputFile << std::setprecision( 6 );
       outputFile << fixed;
-      const int meshDimensions = MeshType::meshDimensions;
+      const int meshDimension = MeshType::meshDimension;
       typedef typename MeshType::template EntitiesTraits< 0 >::GlobalIndexType VerticesIndexType;
       typedef typename MeshType::PointType                                     PointType;
       const VerticesIndexType numberOfVertices = mesh.getNumberOfVertices();
@@ -46,23 +52,23 @@ class MeshWriterNetgen
          const PointType& point = mesh.getVertex( i ).getPoint();
          outputFile << " ";
-         for( int d = 0; d < meshDimensions; d++ )
+         for( int d = 0; d < meshDimension; d++ )
             outputFile << " " << point[ d ];
          outputFile << std::endl;
-      typedef typename MeshType::template EntitiesTraits< meshDimensions >::GlobalIndexType CellIndexType;
-      typedef typename MeshType::template EntitiesTraits< meshDimensions >::Type            CellType;
+      typedef typename MeshType::template EntitiesTraits< meshDimension >::GlobalIndexType CellIndexType;
+      typedef typename MeshType::template EntitiesTraits< meshDimension >::Type            CellType;
       typedef typename CellType::LocalIndexType                                             LocalIndexType;
-      const CellIndexType numberOfCells = mesh.template getNumberOfEntities< meshDimensions >();
+      const CellIndexType numberOfCells = mesh.template getNumberOfEntities< meshDimension >();
       outputFile << numberOfCells << std::endl;
       for( CellIndexType cellIdx = 0; cellIdx < numberOfCells; cellIdx++ )
-         const CellType& cell = mesh.template getEntity< meshDimensions >( cellIdx );
+         const CellType& cell = mesh.template getEntity< meshDimension >( cellIdx );
          outputFile << "   1";
          for( LocalIndexType cellVertexIdx = 0;
-              cellVertexIdx < meshDimensions + 1;
+              cellVertexIdx < meshDimension + 1;
               cellVertexIdx++ )
             outputFile << " " << cell.getVertexIndex( cellVertexIdx );
          outputFile << std::endl;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshWriterVTKLegacy.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshWriterVTKLegacy.h
index ff4673a790ebfd08ecf33c93916be5b3990a5f7d..930e00e5ba977111f3b9f4adf30a00d7d2a62003 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshWriterVTKLegacy.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshWriterVTKLegacy.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <fstream>
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/Mesh_impl.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/Mesh_impl.h
index cff4831ee7b50424de181f1a2d38edd07801aeaf..eb5f457a6b4449832e750ac96eecba033e173ded 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/Mesh_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/Mesh_impl.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/Meshes/Mesh.h>
@@ -34,27 +40,27 @@ getTypeVirtual() const
 template< typename MeshConfig >
 constexpr int
 Mesh< MeshConfig >::
-   return dimensions;
+   return dimension;
 template< typename MeshConfig >
-   template< int Dimensions >
+   template< int Dimension >
 Mesh< MeshConfig >::
 entitiesAvalable() const
-   return MeshTraitsType::template EntityTraits< Dimensions >::available;
+   return MeshTraitsType::template EntityTraits< Dimension >::available;
 template< typename MeshConfig >
-   template< int Dimensions >
+   template< int Dimension >
 typename Mesh< MeshConfig >::GlobalIndexType
 Mesh< MeshConfig >::
 getNumberOfEntities() const
-   return entitiesStorage.getNumberOfEntities( MeshDimensionsTag< Dimensions >() );
+   return entitiesStorage.getNumberOfEntities( MeshDimensionTag< Dimension >() );
 template< typename MeshConfig >
@@ -62,7 +68,7 @@ typename Mesh< MeshConfig >::GlobalIndexType
 Mesh< MeshConfig >::
 template getNumberOfCells() const
-   return entitiesStorage.getNumberOfEntities( MeshDimensionsTag< dimensions >() );
+   return entitiesStorage.getNumberOfEntities( MeshDimensionTag< dimensions >() );
 template< typename MeshConfig >
@@ -70,7 +76,7 @@ typename Mesh< MeshConfig >::CellType&
 Mesh< MeshConfig >::
 getCell( const GlobalIndexType cellIndex )
-   return entitiesStorage.getEntity( MeshDimensionsTag< dimensions >(), cellIndex );
+   return entitiesStorage.getEntity( MeshDimensionTag< dimensions >(), cellIndex );
 template< typename MeshConfig >
@@ -78,25 +84,25 @@ const typename Mesh< MeshConfig >::CellType&
 Mesh< MeshConfig >::
 getCell( const GlobalIndexType cellIndex ) const
-   return entitiesStorage.getEntity( MeshDimensionsTag< dimensions >(), cellIndex );
+   return entitiesStorage.getEntity( MeshDimensionTag< dimensions >(), cellIndex );
 template< typename MeshConfig >
-   template< int Dimensions >
-typename Mesh< MeshConfig >::template EntityType< Dimensions >&
+   template< int Dimension >
+typename Mesh< MeshConfig >::template EntityType< Dimension >&
 Mesh< MeshConfig >::
 getEntity( const GlobalIndexType entityIndex )
-   return entitiesStorage.getEntity( MeshDimensionsTag< Dimensions >(), entityIndex );
+   return entitiesStorage.getEntity( MeshDimensionTag< Dimension >(), entityIndex );
 template< typename MeshConfig >
-   template< int Dimensions >
-const typename Mesh< MeshConfig >::template EntityType< Dimensions >&
+   template< int Dimension >
+const typename Mesh< MeshConfig >::template EntityType< Dimension >&
 Mesh< MeshConfig >::
 getEntity( const GlobalIndexType entityIndex ) const
-   return entitiesStorage.getEntity( MeshDimensionsTag< Dimensions >(), entityIndex );
+   return entitiesStorage.getEntity( MeshDimensionTag< Dimension >(), entityIndex );
 template< typename MeshConfig >
@@ -144,21 +150,21 @@ operator==( const Mesh& mesh ) const
 template< typename MeshConfig >
-   template< typename DimensionsTag >
-typename Mesh< MeshConfig >::template EntityTraits< DimensionsTag::value >::StorageArrayType&
+   template< typename DimensionTag >
+typename Mesh< MeshConfig >::template EntityTraits< DimensionTag::value >::StorageArrayType&
 Mesh< MeshConfig >::
-   return entitiesStorage.entitiesArray( DimensionsTag() );
+   return entitiesStorage.entitiesArray( DimensionTag() );
 template< typename MeshConfig >
-   template< typename DimensionsTag, typename SuperDimensionsTag >
+   template< typename DimensionTag, typename SuperDimensionTag >
 typename Mesh< MeshConfig >::MeshTraitsType::GlobalIdArrayType&
 Mesh< MeshConfig >::
-   return entitiesStorage.template superentityIdsArray< SuperDimensionsTag >( DimensionsTag() );
+   return entitiesStorage.template superentityIdsArray< SuperDimensionTag >( DimensionTag() );
 template< typename MeshConfig >
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/config/MeshConfigValidator.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/config/MeshConfigValidator.h
index d4556a0999339e939de01dacb97364265d461ee0..ba079790e1d18079e881b4b19af4935fa68df1b6 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/config/MeshConfigValidator.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/config/MeshConfigValidator.h
@@ -8,11 +8,17 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/Assert.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshEntityTopology.h>
-#include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDimensionsTag.h>
+#include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDimensionTag.h>
 namespace TNL {
 namespace Meshes {
@@ -33,7 +39,7 @@ public MeshConfigValidatorSubtopologyLayer< MeshConfig, MeshEntity, typename dim
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename MeshEntity >
-class MeshConfigValidatorSubtopologyLayer< MeshConfig, MeshEntity, MeshDimensionsTag< 0 > >
+class MeshConfigValidatorSubtopologyLayer< MeshConfig, MeshEntity, MeshDimensionTag< 0 > >
    static_assert( ! MeshConfig::subentityStorage( MeshEntity(), 0 ) ||
                     MeshConfig::entityStorage( 0 ), "entities that are stored as subentities must be stored" );
@@ -55,7 +61,7 @@ public MeshConfigValidatorSupertopologyLayer< MeshConfig, MeshEntity, typename d
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename MeshEntity >
-class MeshConfigValidatorSupertopologyLayer< MeshConfig, MeshEntity, MeshDimensionsTag< MeshEntity::dimensions > >
+class MeshConfigValidatorSupertopologyLayer< MeshConfig, MeshEntity, MeshDimensionTag< MeshEntity::dimensions > >
@@ -64,10 +70,10 @@ class MeshConfigValidatorLayer :
  public MeshConfigValidatorLayer< MeshConfig, dimensions - 1 >,
  public MeshConfigValidatorSubtopologyLayer< MeshConfig,
                                                 typename MeshSubtopology< typename MeshConfig::CellTopology, dimensions >::Topology,
-                                                MeshDimensionsTag< dimensions - 1 > >,
+                                                MeshDimensionTag< dimensions - 1 > >,
  public MeshConfigValidatorSupertopologyLayer< MeshConfig,
                                                   typename MeshSubtopology< typename MeshConfig::CellTopology, dimensions >::Topology,
-                                                  MeshDimensionsTag< MeshConfig::CellTopology::dimensions > >
+                                                  MeshDimensionTag< MeshConfig::CellTopology::dimensions > >
 	typedef typename MeshSubtopology< typename MeshConfig::CellTopology, dimensions >::Topology Topology;
@@ -84,7 +90,7 @@ class MeshConfigValidatorLayerCell :
    public MeshConfigValidatorLayer< MeshConfig, MeshConfig::CellTopology::dimensions - 1 >,
    public MeshConfigValidatorSubtopologyLayer< MeshConfig,
                                                   typename MeshConfig::CellTopology,
-                                                  MeshDimensionsTag< MeshConfig::CellTopology::dimensions - 1 > >
+                                                  MeshDimensionTag< MeshConfig::CellTopology::dimensions - 1 > >
 	typedef typename MeshConfig::CellTopology    CellTopology;
  	static const int dimensions =  CellTopology::dimensions;
@@ -95,13 +101,13 @@ class MeshConfigValidatorLayerCell :
 template<typename MeshConfig >
 class MeshConfigValidator : public MeshConfigValidatorLayerCell< MeshConfig >
-	static const int meshDimensions = MeshConfig::CellTopology::dimensions;
+	static const int meshDimension = MeshConfig::CellTopology::dimensions;
-	static_assert(1 <= meshDimensions, "zero dimensional meshes are not supported");
-	static_assert( meshDimensions <= MeshConfig::worldDimensions, "world dimension must not be less than mesh dimension");
+	static_assert(1 <= meshDimension, "zero dimensional meshes are not supported");
+	static_assert( meshDimension <= MeshConfig::worldDimension, "world dimension must not be less than mesh dimension");
 	static_assert( MeshConfig::entityStorage( 0 ), "mesh vertices must be stored");
-	static_assert( MeshConfig::entityStorage( meshDimensions ), "mesh cells must be stored");
+	static_assert( MeshConfig::entityStorage( meshDimension ), "mesh cells must be stored");
 } // namespace Meshes
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/initializer/MeshEntityInitializer.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/initializer/MeshEntityInitializer.h
index 37e0988199855dce3208b97fb6cbb1f22ec027fe..162ff643063852e9315236fc2ab3ecbe545cd091 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/initializer/MeshEntityInitializer.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/initializer/MeshEntityInitializer.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/StaticFor.h>
@@ -24,11 +30,11 @@ class MeshInitializer;
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology,
-          typename DimensionsTag,
-          bool SubentityStorage = MeshSubentityTraits< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionsTag::value >::storageEnabled,
-          bool SubentityOrientationStorage = MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::template SubentityTraits< EntityTopology, DimensionsTag::value >::orientationEnabled,
+          typename DimensionTag,
+          bool SubentityStorage = MeshSubentityTraits< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionTag::value >::storageEnabled,
+          bool SubentityOrientationStorage = MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::template SubentityTraits< EntityTopology, DimensionTag::value >::orientationEnabled,
           bool SuperentityStorage = MeshSuperentityTraits< MeshConfig,
-                                                              typename MeshSubentityTraits< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionsTag::value >::SubentityTopology,
+                                                              typename MeshSubentityTraits< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionTag::value >::SubentityTopology,
                                                               EntityTopology::dimensions >::storageEnabled >
 class MeshEntityInitializerLayer;
@@ -37,30 +43,30 @@ template< typename MeshConfig,
 class MeshEntityInitializer
    : public MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                           MeshDimensionsTag< EntityTopology::dimensions - 1 > >
+                                           MeshDimensionTag< EntityTopology::dimensions - 1 > >
-   typedef MeshDimensionsTag< EntityTopology::dimensions >                                 DimensionsTag;
+   typedef MeshDimensionTag< EntityTopology::dimensions >                                 DimensionTag;
       typedef MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                           MeshDimensionsTag< EntityTopology::dimensions - 1 > > BaseType;
+                                           MeshDimensionTag< EntityTopology::dimensions - 1 > > BaseType;
       MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                     MeshDimensionsTag< EntityTopology::dimensions - 1 > >   SubentityBaseType;
+                                     MeshDimensionTag< EntityTopology::dimensions - 1 > >   SubentityBaseType;
       MeshSuperentityStorageInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                          MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::DimensionsTag > SuperentityBaseType;
+                                          MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::DimensionTag > SuperentityBaseType;
-   static const int Dimensions = DimensionsTag::value;
+   static const int Dimension = DimensionTag::value;
    typedef MeshTraits< MeshConfig >                                                 MeshTraitsType;
    typedef typename MeshTraitsType::GlobalIndexType                                 GlobalIndexType;
    typedef typename MeshTraitsType::LocalIndexType                                  LocalIndexType;
-   typedef typename MeshTraitsType::template EntityTraits< Dimensions >             EntityTraitsType;
+   typedef typename MeshTraitsType::template EntityTraits< Dimension >             EntityTraitsType;
    typedef typename EntityTraitsType::EntityType                                    EntityType;
    typedef typename MeshTraitsType::template SubentityTraits< EntityTopology, 0 >   SubvertexTraits;
@@ -130,34 +136,34 @@ class MeshEntityInitializer< MeshConfig, MeshVertexTopology >
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology,
-          typename DimensionsTag >
+          typename DimensionTag >
 class MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                     DimensionsTag,
+                                     DimensionTag,
                                      true >
    : public MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                           typename DimensionsTag::Decrement >
+                                           typename DimensionTag::Decrement >
    typedef MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                          typename DimensionsTag::Decrement >                BaseType;
+                                          typename DimensionTag::Decrement >                BaseType;
-   static const int Dimensions = DimensionsTag::value;
+   static const int Dimension = DimensionTag::value;
    typedef MeshTraits< MeshConfig >                                                          MeshTraitsType;
-   typedef typename MeshTraitsType::template SubentityTraits< EntityTopology, Dimensions >   SubentityTraitsType;
+   typedef typename MeshTraitsType::template SubentityTraits< EntityTopology, Dimension >   SubentityTraitsType;
    typedef typename SubentityTraitsType::SubentityContainerType                              SubentityContainerType;
    typedef typename SubentityTraitsType::AccessArrayType                                     SharedContainerType;
    typedef typename SharedContainerType::ElementType                                         GlobalIndexType;
    typedef MeshInitializer< MeshConfig >                                                     InitializerType;
    typedef MeshEntityInitializer< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >                               EntityInitializerType;
-   typedef MeshDimensionsTag< EntityTopology::dimensions >                                    EntityDimensionsTag;
+   typedef MeshDimensionTag< EntityTopology::dimensions >                                    EntityDimensionTag;
    typedef MeshEntity< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >                                          EntityType;
    typedef MeshEntitySeed< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >                                      SeedType;
-   typedef MeshSubentitySeedsCreator< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionsTag >            SubentitySeedsCreatorType;
+   typedef MeshSubentitySeedsCreator< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionTag >            SubentitySeedsCreatorType;
    typedef typename SubentityTraitsType::IdArrayType                                         IdArrayType;
    typedef typename MeshTraitsType::LocalIndexType                                           LocalIndexType;
@@ -165,17 +171,17 @@ class MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
    static void initSubentities( EntityType& entity, GlobalIndexType entityIndex, const SeedType& entitySeed,
                                 InitializerType& meshInitializer )
-      //cout << "   Initiating subentities with " << DimensionsTag::value << " dimensions ... " << std::endl;
+      //cout << "   Initiating subentities with " << DimensionTag::value << " dimensions ... " << std::endl;
       auto subentitySeeds = SubentitySeedsCreatorType::create( entitySeed );
-      IdArrayType& subentityIdsArray = InitializerType::template subentityIdsArray< DimensionsTag >( entity );
+      IdArrayType& subentityIdsArray = InitializerType::template subentityIdsArray< DimensionTag >( entity );
       for( LocalIndexType i = 0; i < subentitySeeds.getSize(); i++ )
          //cout << "    Adding subentity " << subentityIdsArray[ i ] << std::endl;
          subentityIdsArray[ i ] = meshInitializer.findEntitySeedIndex( subentitySeeds[ i ] );
-            template getSuperentityInitializer< DimensionsTag >().
-               addSuperentity( EntityDimensionsTag(), subentityIdsArray[ i ], entityIndex );
+            template getSuperentityInitializer< DimensionTag >().
+               addSuperentity( EntityDimensionTag(), subentityIdsArray[ i ], entityIndex );
       BaseType::initSubentities( entity, entityIndex, entitySeed, meshInitializer );
@@ -189,33 +195,33 @@ class MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology,
-          typename DimensionsTag >
+          typename DimensionTag >
 class MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                     DimensionsTag,
+                                     DimensionTag,
                                      true >
    : public MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                           typename DimensionsTag::Decrement >
+                                           typename DimensionTag::Decrement >
    typedef MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                          typename DimensionsTag::Decrement >                   BaseType;
+                                          typename DimensionTag::Decrement >                   BaseType;
-   typedef MeshSubentityTraits< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionsTag::value >                     SubentitiesTraits;
+   typedef MeshSubentityTraits< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionTag::value >                     SubentitiesTraits;
    typedef typename SubentitiesTraits::SubentityContainerType                                  SubentityContainerType;
    typedef typename SubentitiesTraits::AccessArrayType                                     SharedContainerType;
    typedef typename SharedContainerType::ElementType                                           GlobalIndexType;
    typedef MeshInitializer< MeshConfig >                                                          InitializerType;
    typedef MeshEntityInitializer< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >                                         EntityInitializerType;
-   typedef MeshDimensionsTag< EntityTopology::dimensions >                                                EntityDimensionsTag;
+   typedef MeshDimensionTag< EntityTopology::dimensions >                                                EntityDimensionTag;
    typedef MeshEntity< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >                                                    EntityType;
    typedef MeshEntitySeed< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >                                                SeedType;
-   typedef MeshSubentitySeedsCreator< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionsTag >                      SubentitySeedsCreatorType;
-   typedef typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::template SubentityTraits< EntityTopology, DimensionsTag::value >::IdArrayType IdArrayType;
+   typedef MeshSubentitySeedsCreator< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionTag >                      SubentitySeedsCreatorType;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::template SubentityTraits< EntityTopology, DimensionTag::value >::IdArrayType IdArrayType;
    typedef typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::LocalIndexType                                             LocalIndexType;
    typedef typename SubentitiesTraits::OrientationArrayType                                    OrientationArrayType;
@@ -223,21 +229,21 @@ class MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
    static void initSubentities( EntityType& entity, GlobalIndexType entityIndex, const SeedType& entitySeed,
                                 InitializerType& meshInitializer )
-      //cout << "   Initiating subentities with " << DimensionsTag::value << " dimensions ... " << std::endl;
+      //cout << "   Initiating subentities with " << DimensionTag::value << " dimensions ... " << std::endl;
       auto subentitySeeds = SubentitySeedsCreatorType::create( entitySeed );
-      IdArrayType& subentityIdsArray = InitializerType::template subentityIdsArray< DimensionsTag >( entity );
-      OrientationArrayType &subentityOrientationsArray = InitializerType::template subentityOrientationsArray< DimensionsTag >( entity );
+      IdArrayType& subentityIdsArray = InitializerType::template subentityIdsArray< DimensionTag >( entity );
+      OrientationArrayType &subentityOrientationsArray = InitializerType::template subentityOrientationsArray< DimensionTag >( entity );
       for( LocalIndexType i = 0; i < subentitySeeds.getSize(); i++ )
          //cout << "    Adding subentity " << subentityIdsArray[ i ] << std::endl;
          GlobalIndexType subentityIndex = meshInitializer.findEntitySeedIndex( subentitySeeds[ i ] );
          subentityIdsArray[ i ] = subentityIndex;
-         subentityOrientationsArray[ i ] = meshInitializer.template getReferenceOrientation< DimensionsTag >( subentityIndex ).createOrientation( subentitySeeds[ i ] );
+         subentityOrientationsArray[ i ] = meshInitializer.template getReferenceOrientation< DimensionTag >( subentityIndex ).createOrientation( subentitySeeds[ i ] );
          //cout << "    Subentity orientation = " << subentityOrientationsArray[ i ].getSubvertexPermutation() << std::endl;
-            template getSuperentityInitializer< DimensionsTag >().
-               addSuperentity( EntityDimensionsTag(), subentityIdsArray[ i ], entityIndex );
+            template getSuperentityInitializer< DimensionTag >().
+               addSuperentity( EntityDimensionTag(), subentityIdsArray[ i ], entityIndex );
       BaseType::initSubentities( entity, entityIndex, entitySeed, meshInitializer );
@@ -252,33 +258,33 @@ class MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology,
-          typename DimensionsTag >
+          typename DimensionTag >
 class MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                     DimensionsTag,
+                                     DimensionTag,
                                      false >
    : public MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                           typename DimensionsTag::Decrement >
+                                           typename DimensionTag::Decrement >
    typedef MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                          typename DimensionsTag::Decrement >                   BaseType;
+                                          typename DimensionTag::Decrement >                   BaseType;
-   typedef MeshSubentityTraits< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionsTag::value >                     SubentitiesTraits;
+   typedef MeshSubentityTraits< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionTag::value >                     SubentitiesTraits;
    typedef typename SubentitiesTraits::SubentityContainerType                                  SubentityContainerType;
    typedef typename SubentitiesTraits::SharedContainerType                                     SharedContainerType;
    typedef typename SharedContainerType::ElementType                                           GlobalIndexType;
    typedef MeshInitializer< MeshConfig >                                                          InitializerType;
    typedef MeshEntityInitializer< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >                                         EntityInitializerType;
-   typedef MeshDimensionsTag< EntityTopology::dimensions >                                                EntityDimensionsTag;
+   typedef MeshDimensionTag< EntityTopology::dimensions >                                                EntityDimensionTag;
    typedef MeshEntity< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >                                                    EntityType;
    typedef MeshEntitySeed< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >                                                SeedType;
-   typedef MeshSubentitySeedsCreator< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionsTag >                      SubentitySeedsCreatorType;
-   typedef typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::template SubentityTraits< EntityTopology, DimensionsTag >::IdArrayType IdArrayType;
+   typedef MeshSubentitySeedsCreator< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionTag >                      SubentitySeedsCreatorType;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::template SubentityTraits< EntityTopology, DimensionTag >::IdArrayType IdArrayType;
    typedef typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::LocalIndexType                                             LocalIndexType;
    typedef typename SubentitiesTraits::OrientationArrayType                                    OrientationArrayType;
@@ -286,16 +292,16 @@ class MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
    static void initSubentities( EntityType& entity, GlobalIndexType entityIndex, const SeedType& entitySeed,
                                 InitializerType& meshInitializer )
-      //cout << "   Initiating subentities with " << DimensionsTag::value << " dimensions ... " << std::endl;
+      //cout << "   Initiating subentities with " << DimensionTag::value << " dimensions ... " << std::endl;
       auto subentitySeeds = SubentitySeedsCreatorType::create( entitySeed );
-      IdArrayType& subentityIdsArray = InitializerType::template subentityIdsArray< DimensionsTag >( entity );
-      OrientationArrayType &subentityOrientationsArray = InitializerType::template subentityOrientationsArray< DimensionsTag >( entity );
+      IdArrayType& subentityIdsArray = InitializerType::template subentityIdsArray< DimensionTag >( entity );
+      OrientationArrayType &subentityOrientationsArray = InitializerType::template subentityOrientationsArray< DimensionTag >( entity );
       for( LocalIndexType i = 0; i < subentitySeeds.getSize(); i++ )
          //cout << "    Adding subentity " << subentityIdsArray[ i ] << std::endl;
          subentityIdsArray[ i ] = meshInitializer.findEntitySeedIndex( subentitySeeds[ i ] );
-         subentityOrientationsArray[ i ] = meshInitializer.template getReferenceOrientation< DimensionsTag >( subentitySeeds[ i ] ).createOrientation( subentitySeeds[ i ] );
+         subentityOrientationsArray[ i ] = meshInitializer.template getReferenceOrientation< DimensionTag >( subentitySeeds[ i ] ).createOrientation( subentitySeeds[ i ] );
       BaseType::initSubentities( entity, entityIndex, entitySeed, meshInitializer );
@@ -304,45 +310,45 @@ class MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology,
-          typename DimensionsTag >
+          typename DimensionTag >
 class MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                     DimensionsTag,
+                                     DimensionTag,
                                      false >
    : public MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                           typename DimensionsTag::Decrement >
+                                           typename DimensionTag::Decrement >
    typedef MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                          typename DimensionsTag::Decrement >                   BaseType;
+                                          typename DimensionTag::Decrement >                   BaseType;
    typedef typename MeshSubentityTraits< MeshConfig,
-                                              DimensionsTag::value >::SubentityContainerType          SubentityContainerType;
+                                              DimensionTag::value >::SubentityContainerType          SubentityContainerType;
    typedef typename MeshSubentityTraits< MeshConfig,
-                                              DimensionsTag::value >::SharedContainerType             SharedContainerType;
+                                              DimensionTag::value >::SharedContainerType             SharedContainerType;
    typedef typename SharedContainerType::ElementType                                           GlobalIndexType;
    typedef MeshInitializer< MeshConfig >                                                     InitializerType;
    typedef MeshEntityInitializer< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >                                    EntityInitializerType;
    typedef MeshEntity< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >                                               EntityType;
    typedef MeshEntitySeed< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >                                           SeedType;
-   typedef MeshSubentitySeedsCreator< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionsTag >                 SubentitySeedsCreatorType;
-   typedef typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::template SubentityTraits< EntityTopology, DimensionsTag >::IdArrayType IdArrayType;
+   typedef MeshSubentitySeedsCreator< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionTag >                 SubentitySeedsCreatorType;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::template SubentityTraits< EntityTopology, DimensionTag >::IdArrayType IdArrayType;
    typedef typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::LocalIndexType                                             LocalIndexType;
    static void initSubentities( EntityType& entity, GlobalIndexType entityIndex, const SeedType& entitySeed,
                                 InitializerType& meshInitializer )
-      //cout << "   Initiating subentities with " << DimensionsTag::value << " dimensions ... " << std::endl;
+      //cout << "   Initiating subentities with " << DimensionTag::value << " dimensions ... " << std::endl;
       auto subentitySeeds = SubentitySeedsCreatorType::create( entitySeed );
-		IdArrayType& subentityIdsArray = InitializerType::template subentityIdsArray< DimensionsTag >( entity );
+		IdArrayType& subentityIdsArray = InitializerType::template subentityIdsArray< DimensionTag >( entity );
 		for( LocalIndexType i = 0; i < subentitySeeds.getSize(); i++)
 			subentityIdsArray[ i ] = meshInitializer.findEntitySeedIndex( subentitySeeds[ i ] );
@@ -352,36 +358,36 @@ class MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology,
-          typename DimensionsTag >
+          typename DimensionTag >
 class MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                     DimensionsTag,
+                                     DimensionTag,
                                      true >
    : public MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                           typename DimensionsTag::Decrement >
+                                           typename DimensionTag::Decrement >
    typedef MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                          typename DimensionsTag::Decrement >                BaseType;
+                                          typename DimensionTag::Decrement >                BaseType;
    typedef typename MeshSubentityTraits< MeshConfig,
-                                              DimensionsTag::value >::SubentityContainerType        SubentityContainerType;
+                                              DimensionTag::value >::SubentityContainerType        SubentityContainerType;
    typedef typename MeshSubentityTraits< MeshConfig,
-                                              DimensionsTag::value >::SharedContainerType           SharedContainerType;
+                                              DimensionTag::value >::SharedContainerType           SharedContainerType;
    typedef typename SharedContainerType::DataType                                            GlobalIndexType;
    typedef MeshInitializer< MeshConfig >                                                   InitializerType;
    typedef MeshEntityInitializer< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >                                  EntityInitializerType;
-   typedef MeshDimensionsTag< EntityTopology::dimensions >                                      EntityDimensionsTag;
+   typedef MeshDimensionTag< EntityTopology::dimensions >                                      EntityDimensionTag;
    typedef MeshEntity< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >                                           EntityType;
    typedef MeshEntitySeed< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >                                           SeedType;
-   typedef MeshSubentitySeedsCreator< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionsTag >                 SubentitySeedsCreatorType;
-   typedef typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::template SubentityTraits< EntityTopology, DimensionsTag >::IdArrayType IdArrayType;
+   typedef MeshSubentitySeedsCreator< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionTag >                 SubentitySeedsCreatorType;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::template SubentityTraits< EntityTopology, DimensionTag >::IdArrayType IdArrayType;
    typedef typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::LocalIndexType                                             LocalIndexType;
@@ -390,15 +396,15 @@ class MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
       static void initSubentities( EntityType& entity, GlobalIndexType entityIndex, const SeedType& entitySeed,
                                    InitializerType& meshInitializer )
-         //cout << "   Initiating subentities with " << DimensionsTag::value << " dimensions ... " << std::endl;
+         //cout << "   Initiating subentities with " << DimensionTag::value << " dimensions ... " << std::endl;
          auto subentitySeeds = SubentitySeedsCreatorType::create( entitySeed );
-         IdArrayType& subentityIdsArray = InitializerType::template subentityIdsArray< DimensionsTag >( entity );
+         IdArrayType& subentityIdsArray = InitializerType::template subentityIdsArray< DimensionTag >( entity );
          for( LocalIndexType i = 0; i < subentitySeeds.getSize(); i++)
             GlobalIndexType subentityIndex = meshInitializer.findEntitySeedIndex( subentitySeeds[ i ] );
-               template getSuperentityInitializer< DimensionsTag >().
-                  addSuperentity( EntityDimensionsTag(), subentityIndex, entityIndex );
+               template getSuperentityInitializer< DimensionTag >().
+                  addSuperentity( EntityDimensionTag(), subentityIndex, entityIndex );
          BaseType::initSubentities( entity, entityIndex, entitySeed, meshInitializer );
@@ -406,42 +412,42 @@ class MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology,
-          typename DimensionsTag >
+          typename DimensionTag >
 class MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                     DimensionsTag,
+                                     DimensionTag,
                                      false >
    : public MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                           typename DimensionsTag::Decrement >
+                                           typename DimensionTag::Decrement >
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology >
 class MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                     MeshDimensionsTag< 0 >,
+                                     MeshDimensionTag< 0 >,
                                      true >
-   typedef MeshDimensionsTag< 0 >                                  DimensionsTag;
+   typedef MeshDimensionTag< 0 >                                  DimensionTag;
    typedef MeshSubentityTraits< MeshConfig,
-                                     DimensionsTag::value >                 SubentitiesTraits;
+                                     DimensionTag::value >                 SubentitiesTraits;
    typedef typename SubentitiesTraits::AccessArrayType           SharedContainerType;
    typedef typename SharedContainerType::ElementType                 GlobalIndexType;
    typedef MeshInitializer< MeshConfig >                           InitializerType;
    typedef MeshEntityInitializer< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >          EntityInitializerType;
-   typedef MeshDimensionsTag< EntityTopology::dimensions >              EntityDimensionsTag;
+   typedef MeshDimensionTag< EntityTopology::dimensions >              EntityDimensionTag;
    typedef MeshEntity< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >                                                    EntityType;
       typedef MeshEntitySeed< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >                                           SeedType;
-   typedef MeshSubentitySeedsCreator< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionsTag >                 SubentitySeedsCreatorType;
-   typedef typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::template SubentityTraits< EntityTopology, DimensionsTag::value >::IdArrayType IdArrayType;
+   typedef MeshSubentitySeedsCreator< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionTag >                 SubentitySeedsCreatorType;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::template SubentityTraits< EntityTopology, DimensionTag::value >::IdArrayType IdArrayType;
    typedef typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::LocalIndexType                                             LocalIndexType;
@@ -450,10 +456,10 @@ class MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
       static void initSubentities( EntityType& entity, GlobalIndexType entityIndex, const SeedType& entitySeed,
                                    InitializerType& meshInitializer )
-         //cout << "   Initiating subentities with " << DimensionsTag::value << " dimensions ... " << std::endl;
-		   const IdArrayType &subentityIdsArray = InitializerType::template subentityIdsArray< DimensionsTag >(entity);
+         //cout << "   Initiating subentities with " << DimensionTag::value << " dimensions ... " << std::endl;
+		   const IdArrayType &subentityIdsArray = InitializerType::template subentityIdsArray< DimensionTag >(entity);
 		   for( LocalIndexType i = 0; i < subentityIdsArray.getSize(); i++ )
-			   meshInitializer.template getSuperentityInitializer< DimensionsTag >().addSuperentity( EntityDimensionsTag(), subentityIdsArray[ i ], entityIndex);
+			   meshInitializer.template getSuperentityInitializer< DimensionTag >().addSuperentity( EntityDimensionTag(), subentityIdsArray[ i ], entityIndex);
@@ -462,7 +468,7 @@ template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology >
 class MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                     MeshDimensionsTag< 0 >,
+                                     MeshDimensionTag< 0 >,
                                      false >
@@ -470,16 +476,16 @@ class MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
    typedef MeshInitializer< MeshConfig >         InitializerType;
    typedef MeshEntityInitializer< MeshConfig,
                                      EntityTopology >   EntityInitializerType;
-   typedef MeshDimensionsTag< 0 >                   DimensionsTag;
+   typedef MeshDimensionTag< 0 >                   DimensionTag;
    typedef MeshSubentityTraits< MeshConfig,
-                                     DimensionsTag::value >                 SubentitiesTraits;
+                                     DimensionTag::value >                 SubentitiesTraits;
    typedef typename SubentitiesTraits::SharedContainerType           SharedContainerType;
    typedef typename SharedContainerType::ElementType                 GlobalIndexType;
    typedef MeshEntity< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >                                                    EntityType;
       typedef MeshEntitySeed< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >                                           SeedType;
-   typedef MeshSubentitySeedsCreator< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionsTag >                 SubentitySeedsCreatorType;
-   typedef typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::template SubentityTraits< EntityTopology, DimensionsTag >::IdArrayType IdArrayType;
+   typedef MeshSubentitySeedsCreator< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionTag >                 SubentitySeedsCreatorType;
+   typedef typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::template SubentityTraits< EntityTopology, DimensionTag >::IdArrayType IdArrayType;
    typedef typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::LocalIndexType                                             LocalIndexType;
@@ -495,17 +501,17 @@ template< typename MeshConfig,
           bool SuperEntityStorage >
 class MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                     MeshDimensionsTag< 0 >,
+                                     MeshDimensionTag< 0 >,
                                      SuperEntityStorage > // Forces termination of recursive inheritance (prevents compiler from generating huge error logs)
    typedef MeshInitializer< MeshConfig >                  InitializerType;
    typedef MeshEntityInitializer< MeshConfig, EntityTopology > EntityInitializerType;
-   typedef MeshDimensionsTag< 0 >                   DimensionsTag;
+   typedef MeshDimensionTag< 0 >                   DimensionTag;
    typedef MeshSubentityTraits< MeshConfig,
-                                     DimensionsTag::value >                 SubentitiesTraits;
+                                     DimensionTag::value >                 SubentitiesTraits;
    typedef typename SubentitiesTraits::SharedContainerType           SharedContainerType;
    typedef typename SharedContainerType::ElementType                 GlobalIndexType;
    typedef MeshEntity< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >                                                    EntityType;
@@ -519,17 +525,17 @@ template< typename MeshConfig,
           bool SuperEntityStorage >
 class MeshEntityInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                     MeshDimensionsTag< 0 >,
+                                     MeshDimensionTag< 0 >,
                                      SuperEntityStorage > // Forces termination of recursive inheritance (prevents compiler from generating huge error logs)
    typedef MeshInitializer< MeshConfig >                  InitializerType;
    typedef MeshEntityInitializer< MeshConfig, EntityTopology > EntityInitializerType;
-   typedef MeshDimensionsTag< 0 >                   DimensionsTag;
+   typedef MeshDimensionTag< 0 >                   DimensionTag;
    typedef MeshSubentityTraits< MeshConfig,
-                                     DimensionsTag::value >                 SubentitiesTraits;
+                                     DimensionTag::value >                 SubentitiesTraits;
    typedef typename SubentitiesTraits::SharedContainerType           SharedContainerType;
    typedef typename SharedContainerType::ElementType                 GlobalIndexType;
    typedef MeshEntity< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >                                                    EntityType;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/initializer/MeshEntitySeed.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/initializer/MeshEntitySeed.h
index 4fecf51bd4c4f5fd77ebcf3f1c3dca58202febda..a0f7e561bfead6e1602d3ca754ece09475b29faf 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/initializer/MeshEntitySeed.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/initializer/MeshEntitySeed.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/traits/MeshTraits.h>
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/initializer/MeshEntitySeedKey.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/initializer/MeshEntitySeedKey.h
index f3326bf319fdce2adddd0fec9541b3ac7e5fa332..32ecff1df3b89d6db6c6f96b22aefa3e67f046c2 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/initializer/MeshEntitySeedKey.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/initializer/MeshEntitySeedKey.h
@@ -8,9 +8,15 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
-#include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDimensionsTag.h>
+#include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDimensionTag.h>
 namespace TNL {
 namespace Meshes {
@@ -21,7 +27,7 @@ class MeshEntitySeed;
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology,
-          int Dimensions >
+          int Dimension >
 class MeshSubentityTraits;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/initializer/MeshInitializer.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/initializer/MeshInitializer.h
index 703843c27e7c00bba3912c807e5d18dc71e011fd..e690d35918246db0e51c7206d9a2d90ae2739a6c 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/initializer/MeshInitializer.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/initializer/MeshInitializer.h
@@ -8,9 +8,15 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
-#include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDimensionsTag.h>
+#include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDimensionTag.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/traits/MeshEntityTraits.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/traits/MeshSubentityTraits.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/traits/MeshSuperentityTraits.h>
@@ -28,11 +34,11 @@ template< typename MeshConfig >
 class Mesh;
 template< typename MeshConfig,
-          typename DimensionsTag,
+          typename DimensionTag,
           bool EntityStorage =
-             MeshEntityTraits< MeshConfig, DimensionsTag::value >::storageEnabled,
+             MeshEntityTraits< MeshConfig, DimensionTag::value >::storageEnabled,
           bool EntityReferenceOrientationStorage =
-             MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::template EntityTraits< DimensionsTag::value >::orientationNeeded >
+             MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::template EntityTraits< DimensionTag::value >::orientationNeeded >
 class MeshInitializerLayer;
@@ -43,22 +49,22 @@ class MeshEntityInitializer;
 template< typename MeshConfig >
 class MeshInitializer
    : public MeshInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                     typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::DimensionsTag >
+                                     typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::DimensionTag >
       typedef Mesh< MeshConfig >                                  MeshType;
       typedef MeshTraits< MeshConfig >                            MeshTraitsType;
-      static const int Dimensions = MeshTraitsType::meshDimensions;
-      typedef MeshDimensionsTag< Dimensions >                      DimensionsTag;
-      typedef MeshInitializerLayer< MeshConfig, DimensionsTag >   BaseType;
+      static const int Dimension = MeshTraitsType::meshDimension;
+      typedef MeshDimensionTag< Dimension >                      DimensionTag;
+      typedef MeshInitializerLayer< MeshConfig, DimensionTag >   BaseType;
       typedef typename MeshTraitsType::PointArrayType             PointArrayType;
       typedef typename MeshTraitsType::CellSeedArrayType          CellSeedArrayType;
       typedef typename MeshTraitsType::GlobalIndexType            GlobalIndexType;
-      template< typename DimensionsTag, typename SuperdimensionsTag > using SuperentityStorageNetwork =
+      template< typename DimensionTag, typename SuperdimensionsTag > using SuperentityStorageNetwork =
       typename MeshTraitsType::template SuperentityTraits<
-         typename MeshTraitsType::template EntityTraits< DimensionsTag::value >::EntityTopology,
+         typename MeshTraitsType::template EntityTraits< DimensionTag::value >::EntityTopology,
          SuperdimensionsTag::value >::StorageNetworkType;
@@ -90,39 +96,39 @@ class MeshInitializer
          return true;
-      template<typename SubDimensionsTag, typename EntityType >
-      static typename MeshTraitsType::template SubentityTraits< typename EntityType::EntityTopology, SubDimensionsTag::value >::IdArrayType&
+      template<typename SubDimensionTag, typename EntityType >
+      static typename MeshTraitsType::template SubentityTraits< typename EntityType::EntityTopology, SubDimensionTag::value >::IdArrayType&
       subentityIdsArray( EntityType& entity )
-         return entity.template subentityIdsArray< SubDimensionsTag::value >();
+         return entity.template subentityIdsArray< SubDimensionTag::value >();
-      template< typename SuperDimensionsTag, typename MeshEntity>
+      template< typename SuperDimensionTag, typename MeshEntity>
       static typename MeshTraitsType::IdArrayAccessorType&
       superentityIdsArray( MeshEntity& entity )
-         return entity.template superentityIdsArray< SuperDimensionsTag::value >();
+         return entity.template superentityIdsArray< SuperDimensionTag::value >();
-      template<typename SubDimensionsTag, typename MeshEntity >
-      static typename MeshTraitsType::template SubentityTraits< typename MeshEntity::EntityTopology, SubDimensionsTag::value >::OrientationArrayType&
+      template<typename SubDimensionTag, typename MeshEntity >
+      static typename MeshTraitsType::template SubentityTraits< typename MeshEntity::EntityTopology, SubDimensionTag::value >::OrientationArrayType&
       subentityOrientationsArray( MeshEntity &entity )
-         return entity.template subentityOrientationsArray< SubDimensionsTag::value >();
+         return entity.template subentityOrientationsArray< SubDimensionTag::value >();
-      template< typename DimensionsTag >
-      typename MeshTraitsType::template EntityTraits< DimensionsTag::value >::StorageArrayType&
+      template< typename DimensionTag >
+      typename MeshTraitsType::template EntityTraits< DimensionTag::value >::StorageArrayType&
-         return mesh->template entitiesArray< DimensionsTag >();
+         return mesh->template entitiesArray< DimensionTag >();
-      template< typename DimensionsTag, typename SuperDimensionsTag >
+      template< typename DimensionTag, typename SuperDimensionTag >
       typename MeshTraitsType::GlobalIdArrayType&
-         return mesh->template superentityIdsArray< DimensionsTag, SuperDimensionsTag >();
+         return mesh->template superentityIdsArray< DimensionTag, SuperDimensionTag >();
       template< typename EntityTopology, typename SuperdimensionsTag >
@@ -138,19 +144,19 @@ class MeshInitializer
          vertex.setPoint( point );
-      template< typename DimensionsTag >
-      MeshSuperentityStorageInitializer< MeshConfig, typename MeshTraitsType::template EntityTraits< DimensionsTag::value >::EntityTopology >&
+      template< typename DimensionTag >
+      MeshSuperentityStorageInitializer< MeshConfig, typename MeshTraitsType::template EntityTraits< DimensionTag::value >::EntityTopology >&
-         return BaseType::getSuperentityInitializer( DimensionsTag() );
+         return BaseType::getSuperentityInitializer( DimensionTag() );
-      template< typename DimensionsTag >
-      const MeshEntityReferenceOrientation< MeshConfig, typename MeshTraitsType::template EntityTraits< DimensionsTag::value >::EntityTopology >&
+      template< typename DimensionTag >
+      const MeshEntityReferenceOrientation< MeshConfig, typename MeshTraitsType::template EntityTraits< DimensionTag::value >::EntityTopology >&
       getReferenceOrientation( GlobalIndexType index) const
-         return BaseType::getReferenceOrientation( DimensionsTag(), index);
+         return BaseType::getReferenceOrientation( DimensionTag(), index);
@@ -167,19 +173,19 @@ class MeshInitializer
 template< typename MeshConfig >
 class MeshInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                               typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::DimensionsTag,
+                               typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::DimensionTag,
                                false >
    : public MeshInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                     typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::DimensionsTag::Decrement >
+                                     typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::DimensionTag::Decrement >
    typedef MeshTraits< MeshConfig >                                              MeshTraitsType;
-   static const int Dimensions = MeshTraitsType::meshDimensions;
-   typedef MeshDimensionsTag< Dimensions >                                        DimensionsTag;
-   typedef MeshInitializerLayer< MeshConfig, typename DimensionsTag::Decrement > BaseType;
+   static const int Dimension = MeshTraitsType::meshDimension;
+   typedef MeshDimensionTag< Dimension >                                        DimensionTag;
+   typedef MeshInitializerLayer< MeshConfig, typename DimensionTag::Decrement > BaseType;
    typedef Mesh< MeshConfig >                                                    MeshType;
-   typedef typename MeshTraitsType::template EntityTraits< Dimensions >          EntityTraitsType;
+   typedef typename MeshTraitsType::template EntityTraits< Dimension >          EntityTraitsType;
    typedef typename EntityTraitsType::EntityTopology                             EntityTopology;
    typedef typename MeshTraitsType::GlobalIndexType                              GlobalIndexType;
    typedef typename MeshTraitsType::CellTopology                                 CellTopology;
@@ -204,8 +210,8 @@ class MeshInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
       void initEntities( InitializerType &initializer, const PointArrayType &points, const CellSeedArrayType &cellSeeds)
-         StorageArrayType &entityArray = initializer.template meshEntitiesArray< DimensionsTag >();
-         //cout << " Initiating entities with " << DimensionsTag::value << " dimensions ... " << std::endl;
+         StorageArrayType &entityArray = initializer.template meshEntitiesArray< DimensionTag >();
+         //cout << " Initiating entities with " << DimensionTag::value << " dimensions ... " << std::endl;
          entityArray.setSize( cellSeeds.getSize() );
          for( GlobalIndexType i = 0; i < entityArray.getSize(); i++ )
@@ -226,7 +232,7 @@ class MeshInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
       using BaseType::getSuperentityInitializer;
-      SuperentityInitializerType& getSuperentityInitializer( DimensionsTag )
+      SuperentityInitializerType& getSuperentityInitializer( DimensionTag )
          return this->superentityInitializer;
@@ -260,7 +266,7 @@ class MeshInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-      typedef  typename MeshEntityTraits< MeshConfig, DimensionsTag::value >::SeedIndexedSetType                     SeedIndexedSet;
+      typedef  typename MeshEntityTraits< MeshConfig, DimensionTag::value >::SeedIndexedSetType                     SeedIndexedSet;
       SeedIndexedSet seedsIndexedSet;
       SuperentityInitializerType superentityInitializer;
@@ -272,20 +278,20 @@ class MeshInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
  * - entities orientation storage is turned off
 template< typename MeshConfig,
-          typename DimensionsTag >
+          typename DimensionTag >
 class MeshInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                               DimensionsTag,
+                               DimensionTag,
                                false >
    : public MeshInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                     typename DimensionsTag::Decrement >
+                                     typename DimensionTag::Decrement >
       typedef MeshTraits< MeshConfig >                                           MeshTraitsType;
-   static const int Dimensions = DimensionsTag::value;
-   typedef MeshInitializerLayer< MeshConfig, typename DimensionsTag::Decrement > BaseType;
+   static const int Dimension = DimensionTag::value;
+   typedef MeshInitializerLayer< MeshConfig, typename DimensionTag::Decrement > BaseType;
    typedef Mesh< MeshConfig >                                                    MeshType;
-   typedef typename MeshTraitsType::template EntityTraits< Dimensions >          EntityTraitsType;
+   typedef typename MeshTraitsType::template EntityTraits< Dimension >          EntityTraitsType;
    typedef typename EntityTraitsType::EntityTopology                             EntityTopology;
    typedef typename MeshTraitsType::GlobalIndexType                              GlobalIndexType;
    typedef typename MeshTraitsType::CellTopology                                 CellTopology;
@@ -305,20 +311,20 @@ class MeshInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
    typedef typename
       MeshSubentityTraits< MeshConfig,
                                 typename MeshConfig::CellTopology,
-                                DimensionsTag::value >::SubentityContainerType SubentitiesContainerType;
+                                DimensionTag::value >::SubentityContainerType SubentitiesContainerType;
       using BaseType::getEntityInitializer;
-      EntityInitializerType& getEntityInitializer( DimensionsTag, GlobalIndexType index )
+      EntityInitializerType& getEntityInitializer( DimensionTag, GlobalIndexType index )
          //return entityInitializerContainer[ index ];
       void createEntitySeedsFromCellSeeds( const CellSeedArrayType& cellSeeds )
-         typedef MeshSubentitySeedsCreator< MeshConfig, CellTopology, DimensionsTag >  SubentitySeedsCreator;
-         //cout << " Creating mesh entities with " << DimensionsTag::value << " dimensions ... " << std::endl;
+         typedef MeshSubentitySeedsCreator< MeshConfig, CellTopology, DimensionTag >  SubentitySeedsCreator;
+         //cout << " Creating mesh entities with " << DimensionTag::value << " dimensions ... " << std::endl;
          for( GlobalIndexType i = 0; i < cellSeeds.getSize(); i++ )
             //cout << "  Creating mesh entities from cell number " << i << " : " << cellSeeds[ i ] << std::endl;
@@ -344,15 +350,15 @@ class MeshInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
       using BaseType::getSuperentityInitializer;
-      SuperentityInitializerType& getSuperentityInitializer( DimensionsTag )
+      SuperentityInitializerType& getSuperentityInitializer( DimensionTag )
          return this->superentityInitializer;
       void initEntities( InitializerType& initializer, const PointArrayType& points )
-         StorageArrayType &entityArray = initializer.template meshEntitiesArray< DimensionsTag >();
-         //cout << " Initiating entities with " << DimensionsTag::value << " dimensions ... " << std::endl;
+         StorageArrayType &entityArray = initializer.template meshEntitiesArray< DimensionTag >();
+         //cout << " Initiating entities with " << DimensionTag::value << " dimensions ... " << std::endl;
          entityArray.setSize( this->seedsIndexedSet.getSize() );
          EntitySeedArrayType seedsArray;
          seedsArray.setSize( this->seedsIndexedSet.getSize() );
@@ -372,7 +378,7 @@ class MeshInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
       void createEntityReferenceOrientations() const {}
-      typedef  typename MeshEntityTraits< MeshConfig, DimensionsTag::value >::SeedIndexedSetType                     SeedIndexedSet;
+      typedef  typename MeshEntityTraits< MeshConfig, DimensionTag::value >::SeedIndexedSetType                     SeedIndexedSet;
       SeedIndexedSet seedsIndexedSet;
       SuperentityInitializerType superentityInitializer;
@@ -383,20 +389,20 @@ class MeshInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
  * - entities orientation storage is turned on
 template< typename MeshConfig,
-          typename DimensionsTag >
+          typename DimensionTag >
 class MeshInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                            DimensionsTag,
+                            DimensionTag,
                             true >
    : public MeshInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                     typename DimensionsTag::Decrement >
+                                     typename DimensionTag::Decrement >
    typedef MeshInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                    typename DimensionsTag::Decrement >       BaseType;
+                                    typename DimensionTag::Decrement >       BaseType;
    typedef Mesh< MeshConfig >                                                 MeshType;
    typedef typename MeshType::MeshTraitsType                                  MeshTraitsType;
-   typedef typename MeshType::template EntityTraits< DimensionsTag::value >   EntityTraitsType;
+   typedef typename MeshType::template EntityTraits< DimensionTag::value >   EntityTraitsType;
    typedef typename EntityTraitsType::EntityTopology                          EntityTopology;
    typedef typename EntityTraitsType::EntityType                              EntityType;
    typedef typename EntityTraitsType::StorageArrayType                        ContainerType;
@@ -422,20 +428,20 @@ class MeshInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
    typedef typename
       MeshSubentityTraits< MeshConfig,
                                 typename MeshConfig::CellTopology,
-                                DimensionsTag::value >::SubentityContainerType SubentitiesContainerType;
+                                DimensionTag::value >::SubentityContainerType SubentitiesContainerType;
       using BaseType::getEntityInitializer;
-      EntityInitializerType& getEntityInitializer( DimensionsTag, GlobalIndexType index )
+      EntityInitializerType& getEntityInitializer( DimensionTag, GlobalIndexType index )
          //return entityInitializerContainer[ index ];
       void createEntitySeedsFromCellSeeds( const CellSeedArrayType& cellSeeds )
-         typedef MeshSubentitySeedsCreator< MeshConfig, CellTopology, DimensionsTag >  SubentitySeedsCreator;
-         //cout << " Creating mesh entities with " << DimensionsTag::value << " dimensions ... " << std::endl;
+         typedef MeshSubentitySeedsCreator< MeshConfig, CellTopology, DimensionTag >  SubentitySeedsCreator;
+         //cout << " Creating mesh entities with " << DimensionTag::value << " dimensions ... " << std::endl;
          for( GlobalIndexType i = 0; i < cellSeeds.getSize(); i++ )
             //cout << "  Creating mesh entities from cell number " << i << " : " << cellSeeds[ i ] << std::endl;
@@ -460,15 +466,15 @@ class MeshInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
       using BaseType::getSuperentityInitializer;
-      SuperentityInitializerType& getSuperentityInitializer( DimensionsTag )
+      SuperentityInitializerType& getSuperentityInitializer( DimensionTag )
          return this->superentityInitializer;
       void initEntities( InitializerType& initializer, const PointArrayType& points )
-         EntityArrayType &entityArray = initializer.template meshEntitiesArray< DimensionsTag >();
-         //cout << " Initiating entities with " << DimensionsTag::value << " dimensions ... " << std::endl;
+         EntityArrayType &entityArray = initializer.template meshEntitiesArray< DimensionTag >();
+         //cout << " Initiating entities with " << DimensionTag::value << " dimensions ... " << std::endl;
          entityArray.setSize( this->seedsIndexedSet.getSize() );
          SeedArrayType seedsArray;
          seedsArray.setSize( this->seedsIndexedSet.getSize() );
@@ -486,14 +492,14 @@ class MeshInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
       using BaseType::getReferenceOrientation;
-      const ReferenceOrientationType& getReferenceOrientation( DimensionsTag, GlobalIndexType index) const
+      const ReferenceOrientationType& getReferenceOrientation( DimensionTag, GlobalIndexType index) const
          return this->referenceOrientations[ index ];
       void createEntityReferenceOrientations()
-         //cout << " Creating entity reference orientations with " << DimensionsTag::value << " dimensions ... " << std::endl;
+         //cout << " Creating entity reference orientations with " << DimensionTag::value << " dimensions ... " << std::endl;
          SeedArrayType seedsArray;
          seedsArray.setSize( this->seedsIndexedSet.getSize() );
          this->seedsIndexedSet.toArray( seedsArray );
@@ -508,7 +514,7 @@ class MeshInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-      typedef  typename MeshEntityTraits< MeshConfig, DimensionsTag::value >::SeedIndexedSetType                     SeedIndexedSet;
+      typedef  typename MeshEntityTraits< MeshConfig, DimensionTag::value >::SeedIndexedSetType                     SeedIndexedSet;
       SeedIndexedSet seedsIndexedSet;
       SuperentityInitializerType superentityInitializer;
       ReferenceOrientationArrayType referenceOrientations;
@@ -518,13 +524,13 @@ class MeshInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
  * Mesh initializer layer for entities not being stored
 template< typename MeshConfig,
-          typename DimensionsTag >
+          typename DimensionTag >
 class MeshInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                               DimensionsTag,
+                               DimensionTag,
                                false >
    : public MeshInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                     typename DimensionsTag::Decrement >
+                                     typename DimensionTag::Decrement >
@@ -534,15 +540,15 @@ class MeshInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
 template< typename MeshConfig >
 class MeshInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                               MeshDimensionsTag< 0 >,
+                               MeshDimensionTag< 0 >,
                                false >
    typedef Mesh< MeshConfig >                                                 MeshType;
    typedef typename MeshType::MeshTraitsType                                  MeshTraitsType;
-   typedef MeshDimensionsTag< 0 >                                              DimensionsTag;
+   typedef MeshDimensionTag< 0 >                                              DimensionTag;
-   typedef typename MeshType::template EntityTraits< DimensionsTag::value >   EntityTraitsType;
+   typedef typename MeshType::template EntityTraits< DimensionTag::value >   EntityTraitsType;
    typedef typename EntityTraitsType::EntityTopology                          EntityTopology;
    typedef typename EntityTraitsType::StorageArrayType                        ContainerType;
    typedef typename EntityTraitsType::AccessArrayType                         SharedContainerType;
@@ -574,7 +580,7 @@ class MeshInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
          return *( this->mesh );
-      VertexInitializerType& getEntityInitializer( DimensionsTag, GlobalIndexType index )
+      VertexInitializerType& getEntityInitializer( DimensionTag, GlobalIndexType index )
          TNL_ASSERT( index >= 0 && index < vertexInitializerContainer.getSize(),
                   std::cerr << " index = " << index
@@ -586,7 +592,7 @@ class MeshInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
       void initEntities( InitializerType& initializer, const PointArrayType& points )
-         EntityArrayType &vertexArray = initializer.template meshEntitiesArray< DimensionsTag >();
+         EntityArrayType &vertexArray = initializer.template meshEntitiesArray< DimensionTag >();
          vertexArray.setSize( points.getSize() );
          for( GlobalIndexType i = 0; i < vertexArray.getSize(); i++ )
             EntityInitializerType::setVertexPoint( vertexArray[i], points[i], initializer );
@@ -598,10 +604,10 @@ class MeshInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
       void createEntityInitializers()
-         vertexInitializerContainer.setSize( this->getMesh().template getNumberOfEntities< DimensionsTag::value >() );
+         vertexInitializerContainer.setSize( this->getMesh().template getNumberOfEntities< DimensionTag::value >() );
-      SuperentityInitializerType& getSuperentityInitializer( DimensionsTag )
+      SuperentityInitializerType& getSuperentityInitializer( DimensionTag )
          return this->superentityInitializer;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/initializer/MeshSubentitySeedCreator.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/initializer/MeshSubentitySeedCreator.h
index 3e5233e8344b205442b78c27328a4dba1a0044ed..f7069f4cf5d5e674f61b37d8f604a10dd0c17140 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/initializer/MeshSubentitySeedCreator.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/initializer/MeshSubentitySeedCreator.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/StaticFor.h>
@@ -17,11 +23,11 @@ namespace Meshes {
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology,
-          typename SubDimensionsTag >
+          typename SubDimensionTag >
 class MeshSubentitySeedsCreator
 	typedef typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::LocalIndexType                                                      LocalIndexType;
-	typedef typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::template SubentityTraits< EntityTopology, SubDimensionsTag::value > SubentityTraits;
+	typedef typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::template SubentityTraits< EntityTopology, SubDimensionTag::value > SubentityTraits;
 	typedef typename SubentityTraits::SubentityTopology                                                               SubentityTopology;
 	typedef typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::IdArrayAccessorType                                                 IdArrayAccessorType;
 	typedef typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::template SubentityTraits< SubentityTopology, 0 >                    SubentityVertexTraits;
@@ -32,7 +38,7 @@ class MeshSubentitySeedsCreator
       typedef typename SubentityTraits::SeedArrayType SubentitySeedArray;
       typedef MeshEntitySeed< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >  EntitySeed;
-      //typedef typename MeshEntityTraits< MeshConfig, SubDimensionsTag >::SeedIndexedSetType                     SeedIndexedSet;
+      //typedef typename MeshEntityTraits< MeshConfig, SubDimensionTag >::SeedIndexedSetType                     SeedIndexedSet;
       //template< typename SeedIndexedSet >
       static SubentitySeedArray create( const EntitySeed &entitySeed  )
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/initializer/MeshSuperentityStorageInitializer.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/initializer/MeshSuperentityStorageInitializer.h
index af39848bfaa7c7dde09e2df5fe29d81bf4b43781..587cb03a30c89f22a82a05045ef2dad456b3ab02 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/initializer/MeshSuperentityStorageInitializer.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/initializer/MeshSuperentityStorageInitializer.h
@@ -8,9 +8,15 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
-#include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDimensionsTag.h>
+#include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDimensionTag.h>
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <vector>
@@ -22,48 +28,48 @@ class MeshInitializer;
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology,
-          typename DimensionsTag,
-          bool SuperentityStorage = MeshSuperentityTraits< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionsTag::value >::storageEnabled >
+          typename DimensionTag,
+          bool SuperentityStorage = MeshSuperentityTraits< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionTag::value >::storageEnabled >
 class MeshSuperentityStorageInitializerLayer;
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology >
 class MeshSuperentityStorageInitializer :
-   public MeshSuperentityStorageInitializerLayer< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, MeshDimensionsTag< MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::meshDimensions > >
+   public MeshSuperentityStorageInitializerLayer< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, MeshDimensionTag< MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::meshDimension > >
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology,
-          typename DimensionsTag >
+          typename DimensionTag >
 class MeshSuperentityStorageInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                          DimensionsTag,
+                                          DimensionTag,
                                           true >
    : public MeshSuperentityStorageInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                                typename DimensionsTag::Decrement >
+                                                typename DimensionTag::Decrement >
    typedef MeshSuperentityStorageInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                                      typename DimensionsTag::Decrement >      BaseType;
+                                                      typename DimensionTag::Decrement >      BaseType;
-   static const int Dimensions = DimensionsTag::value;
-   typedef MeshDimensionsTag< EntityTopology::dimensions >                                       EntityDimensions;
+   static const int Dimension = DimensionTag::value;
+   typedef MeshDimensionTag< EntityTopology::dimensions >                                       EntityDimension;
    typedef MeshTraits< MeshConfig >                                                             MeshTraitsType;
    typedef typename MeshTraitsType::GlobalIdArrayType                                           GlobalIdArrayType; 
    typedef typename MeshTraitsType::GlobalIndexType                                             GlobalIndexType;
    typedef typename MeshTraitsType::LocalIndexType                                              LocalIndexType;
    typedef MeshInitializer< MeshConfig >                                                        MeshInitializerType;
-   typedef typename MeshTraitsType::template SuperentityTraits< EntityTopology, Dimensions >    SuperentityTraitsType;
+   typedef typename MeshTraitsType::template SuperentityTraits< EntityTopology, Dimension >    SuperentityTraitsType;
    typedef typename SuperentityTraitsType::StorageNetworkType                                   SuperentityStorageNetwork;
       using BaseType::addSuperentity;
-      void addSuperentity( DimensionsTag, GlobalIndexType entityIndex, GlobalIndexType superentityIndex)
+      void addSuperentity( DimensionTag, GlobalIndexType entityIndex, GlobalIndexType superentityIndex)
-         //cout << "Adding superentity with " << DimensionsTag::value << " dimensions of enity with " << EntityDimensions::value << " ... " << std::endl;
+         //cout << "Adding superentity with " << DimensionTag::value << " dimensions of enity with " << EntityDimension::value << " ... " << std::endl;
          indexPairs.push_back( IndexPair{ entityIndex, superentityIndex } );
@@ -75,11 +81,11 @@ class MeshSuperentityStorageInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
                     []( IndexPair pair0, IndexPair pair1 ){ return ( pair0.entityIndex < pair1.entityIndex ); } );*/
-         GlobalIdArrayType &superentityIdsArray = meshInitializer.template meshSuperentityIdsArray< EntityDimensions, DimensionsTag >();
+         GlobalIdArrayType &superentityIdsArray = meshInitializer.template meshSuperentityIdsArray< EntityDimension, DimensionTag >();
          superentityIdsArray.setSize( static_cast< GlobalIndexType >( indexPairs.size() )  );
          GlobalIndexType currentBegin = 0;
          GlobalIndexType lastEntityIndex = 0;
-        std::cout << "There are " << superentityIdsArray.getSize() << " superentities with " << DimensionsTag::value << " dimensions of enities with " << EntityDimensions::value << " ... " << std::endl;
+        std::cout << "There are " << superentityIdsArray.getSize() << " superentities with " << DimensionTag::value << " dimensions of enities with " << EntityDimension::value << " ... " << std::endl;
          for( GlobalIndexType i = 0; i < superentityIdsArray.getSize(); i++)
             superentityIdsArray[ i ] = indexPairs[i].superentityIndex;
@@ -87,26 +93,26 @@ class MeshSuperentityStorageInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
             //cout << "Adding superentity " << indexPairs[i].superentityIndex << " to entity " << lastEntityIndex << std::endl;
             if( indexPairs[ i ].entityIndex != lastEntityIndex )
-               meshInitializer.template superentityIdsArray< DimensionsTag >( meshInitializer.template meshEntitiesArray< EntityDimensions >()[ lastEntityIndex ] ).bind( superentityIdsArray, currentBegin, i - currentBegin );
+               meshInitializer.template superentityIdsArray< DimensionTag >( meshInitializer.template meshEntitiesArray< EntityDimension >()[ lastEntityIndex ] ).bind( superentityIdsArray, currentBegin, i - currentBegin );
                currentBegin = i;
                lastEntityIndex = indexPairs[ i ].entityIndex;
-         meshInitializer.template superentityIdsArray< DimensionsTag >( meshInitializer.template meshEntitiesArray< EntityDimensions >()[ lastEntityIndex ] ).bind( superentityIdsArray, currentBegin, superentityIdsArray.getSize() - currentBegin );
+         meshInitializer.template superentityIdsArray< DimensionTag >( meshInitializer.template meshEntitiesArray< EntityDimension >()[ lastEntityIndex ] ).bind( superentityIdsArray, currentBegin, superentityIdsArray.getSize() - currentBegin );
           * Network initializer
-         SuperentityStorageNetwork& superentityStorageNetwork = meshInitializer.template meshSuperentityStorageNetwork< EntityTopology, DimensionsTag >();
+         SuperentityStorageNetwork& superentityStorageNetwork = meshInitializer.template meshSuperentityStorageNetwork< EntityTopology, DimensionTag >();
          //GlobalIndexType lastEntityIndex( 0 );
-            meshInitializer.template meshEntitiesArray< EntityDimensions >().getSize(),
-            meshInitializer.template meshEntitiesArray< DimensionsTag >().getSize() );
+            meshInitializer.template meshEntitiesArray< EntityDimension >().getSize(),
+            meshInitializer.template meshEntitiesArray< DimensionTag >().getSize() );
          lastEntityIndex = 0;
          typename SuperentityStorageNetwork::ValuesAllocationVectorType storageNetworkAllocationVector;
-         storageNetworkAllocationVector.setSize( meshInitializer.template meshEntitiesArray< EntityDimensions >().getSize() );
+         storageNetworkAllocationVector.setSize( meshInitializer.template meshEntitiesArray< EntityDimension >().getSize() );
          storageNetworkAllocationVector.setValue( 0 );
          for( GlobalIndexType i = 0; i < superentityIdsArray.getSize(); i++)
@@ -145,18 +151,18 @@ class MeshSuperentityStorageInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology,
-          typename DimensionsTag >
+          typename DimensionTag >
 class MeshSuperentityStorageInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                          DimensionsTag,
+                                          DimensionTag,
                                           false >
    : public MeshSuperentityStorageInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                                typename DimensionsTag::Decrement >
+                                                typename DimensionTag::Decrement >
    typedef MeshSuperentityStorageInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                                typename DimensionsTag::Decrement > BaseType;
+                                                typename DimensionTag::Decrement > BaseType;
    typedef MeshInitializer< MeshConfig >                                      MeshInitializerType;
@@ -169,7 +175,7 @@ template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology >
 class MeshSuperentityStorageInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                          MeshDimensionsTag< EntityTopology::dimensions >,
+                                          MeshDimensionTag< EntityTopology::dimensions >,
                                           true >
    typedef MeshInitializer< MeshConfig >                                      MeshInitializerType;
@@ -183,7 +189,7 @@ template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology >
 class MeshSuperentityStorageInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                          MeshDimensionsTag< EntityTopology::dimensions >,
+                                          MeshDimensionTag< EntityTopology::dimensions >,
                                           false >
    typedef MeshInitializer< MeshConfig >                                      MeshInitializerType;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/layers/MeshStorageLayer.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/layers/MeshStorageLayer.h
index 00b7ed5e912346242a633dc7637d15499c23836f..bd31795a5cb2d774d8a76e87aa6c4c99b96dcab4 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/layers/MeshStorageLayer.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/layers/MeshStorageLayer.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/File.h>
@@ -19,35 +25,35 @@ namespace TNL {
 namespace Meshes {
 template< typename MeshConfig,
-          typename DimensionsTag,
-          bool EntityStorage = MeshEntityTraits< MeshConfig, DimensionsTag::value >::storageEnabled >
+          typename DimensionTag,
+          bool EntityStorage = MeshEntityTraits< MeshConfig, DimensionTag::value >::storageEnabled >
 class MeshStorageLayer;
 template< typename MeshConfig >
 class MeshStorageLayers
-   : public MeshStorageLayer< MeshConfig, typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::DimensionsTag >
+   : public MeshStorageLayer< MeshConfig, typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::DimensionTag >
 template< typename MeshConfig,
-          typename DimensionsTag >
+          typename DimensionTag >
 class MeshStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
-                           DimensionsTag,
+                           DimensionTag,
                            true >
-   : public MeshStorageLayer< MeshConfig, typename DimensionsTag::Decrement >,
+   : public MeshStorageLayer< MeshConfig, typename DimensionTag::Decrement >,
      public MeshSuperentityStorageLayers< MeshConfig,
-                                             typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::template EntityTraits< DimensionsTag::value >::EntityTopology >
+                                             typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::template EntityTraits< DimensionTag::value >::EntityTopology >
-      static const int Dimensions = DimensionsTag::value;
-      typedef MeshStorageLayer< MeshConfig, typename DimensionsTag::Decrement >   BaseType;
+      static const int Dimension = DimensionTag::value;
+      typedef MeshStorageLayer< MeshConfig, typename DimensionTag::Decrement >   BaseType;
       typedef MeshSuperentityStorageLayers< MeshConfig,
-                                               typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::template EntityTraits< DimensionsTag::value >::EntityTopology > SuperentityStorageBaseType;
+                                               typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::template EntityTraits< DimensionTag::value >::EntityTopology > SuperentityStorageBaseType;
       typedef MeshTraits< MeshConfig >                                             MeshTraitsType;
-      typedef typename MeshTraitsType::template EntityTraits< Dimensions >         EntityTraitsType;
+      typedef typename MeshTraitsType::template EntityTraits< Dimension >         EntityTraitsType;
       typedef typename EntityTraitsType::StorageArrayType                          StorageArrayType;
       typedef typename EntityTraitsType::AccessArrayType                           AccessArrayType;
@@ -64,29 +70,29 @@ class MeshStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
-      GlobalIndexType getNumberOfEntities( DimensionsTag ) const
+      GlobalIndexType getNumberOfEntities( DimensionTag ) const
          return this->entities.getSize();
-      EntityType& getEntity( DimensionsTag,
+      EntityType& getEntity( DimensionTag,
                              const GlobalIndexType entityIndex )
          return this->entities[ entityIndex ];
-      const EntityType& getEntity( DimensionsTag,
+      const EntityType& getEntity( DimensionTag,
                                    const GlobalIndexType entityIndex ) const
          return this->entities[ entityIndex ];
-      AccessArrayType& getEntities( DimensionsTag )
+      AccessArrayType& getEntities( DimensionTag )
          return this->sharedEntities;
-      const AccessArrayType& getEntities( DimensionsTag ) const
+      const AccessArrayType& getEntities( DimensionTag ) const
          return this->sharedEntities;
@@ -96,7 +102,7 @@ class MeshStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
          if( ! BaseType::save( file ) ||
              ! this->entities.save( file ) )
-            std::cerr << "Saving of the mesh entities with " << DimensionsTag::value << " dimensions failed." << std::endl;
+            std::cerr << "Saving of the mesh entities with " << DimensionTag::value << " dimensions failed." << std::endl;
             return false;
          return true;
@@ -104,11 +110,11 @@ class MeshStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
       bool load( File& file )
-         //cout << "Loading mesh layer with dimensions " << DimensionsTag::value << std::endl;
+         //cout << "Loading mesh layer with dimensions " << DimensionTag::value << std::endl;
          if( ! BaseType::load( file ) ||
              ! this->entities.load( file ) )
-            std::cerr << "Loading of the mesh entities with " << DimensionsTag::value << " dimensions failed." << std::endl;
+            std::cerr << "Loading of the mesh entities with " << DimensionTag::value << " dimensions failed." << std::endl;
             return false;
          this->entitiesAccess.bind( this->entities );
@@ -118,7 +124,7 @@ class MeshStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
       void print( std::ostream& str ) const
          BaseType::print( str );
-         str << "The entities with " << DimensionsTag::value << " dimensions are: " << std::endl;
+         str << "The entities with " << DimensionTag::value << " dimensions are: " << std::endl;
          for( GlobalIndexType i = 0; i < entities.getSize();i ++ )
             str << i << " ";
@@ -144,44 +150,44 @@ class MeshStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
       using BaseType::entitiesArray;
-      typename EntityTraitsType::StorageArrayType& entitiesArray( DimensionsTag )
+      typename EntityTraitsType::StorageArrayType& entitiesArray( DimensionTag )
          return entities;
       using BaseType::superentityIdsArray;
-      template< typename SuperDimensionsTag >
-      typename MeshTraitsType::GlobalIdArrayType& superentityIdsArray( DimensionsTag )
+      template< typename SuperDimensionTag >
+      typename MeshTraitsType::GlobalIdArrayType& superentityIdsArray( DimensionTag )
-         return SuperentityStorageBaseType::superentityIdsArray( SuperDimensionsTag() );
+         return SuperentityStorageBaseType::superentityIdsArray( SuperDimensionTag() );
       using BaseType::getSuperentityStorageNetwork;
       template< typename SuperdimensionsTag >
       typename MeshTraitsType::template SuperentityTraits< EntityTopology, SuperdimensionsTag::value >::StorageNetworkType&
-      getSuperentityStorageNetwork( MeshDimensionsTag< EntityTopology::dimensions > )
+      getSuperentityStorageNetwork( MeshDimensionTag< EntityTopology::dimensions > )
          return SuperentityStorageBaseType::getStorageNetwork( SuperdimensionsTag() );
 template< typename MeshConfig,
-          typename DimensionsTag >
-class MeshStorageLayer< MeshConfig, DimensionsTag, false >
-   : public MeshStorageLayer< MeshConfig, typename DimensionsTag::Decrement  >
+          typename DimensionTag >
+class MeshStorageLayer< MeshConfig, DimensionTag, false >
+   : public MeshStorageLayer< MeshConfig, typename DimensionTag::Decrement  >
 template< typename MeshConfig >
-class MeshStorageLayer< MeshConfig, MeshDimensionsTag< 0 >, true > :
+class MeshStorageLayer< MeshConfig, MeshDimensionTag< 0 >, true > :
    public MeshSuperentityStorageLayers< MeshConfig,
                                            MeshVertexTopology >
-   typedef MeshDimensionsTag< 0 >                        DimensionsTag;
+   typedef MeshDimensionTag< 0 >                        DimensionTag;
    typedef MeshSuperentityStorageLayers< MeshConfig,
                                             MeshVertexTopology >     SuperentityStorageBaseType;
@@ -233,29 +239,29 @@ class MeshStorageLayer< MeshConfig, MeshDimensionsTag< 0 >, true > :
     * with higher dimensions entities storage layers.
-   GlobalIndexType getNumberOfEntities( DimensionsTag ) const
+   GlobalIndexType getNumberOfEntities( DimensionTag ) const
       return this->vertices.getSize();
-   VertexType& getEntity( DimensionsTag,
+   VertexType& getEntity( DimensionTag,
                           const GlobalIndexType entityIndex )
       return this->vertices[ entityIndex ];
-   const VertexType& getEntity( DimensionsTag,
+   const VertexType& getEntity( DimensionTag,
                                 const GlobalIndexType entityIndex ) const
       return this->vertices.getElement( entityIndex );
-   AccessArrayType& getEntities( DimensionsTag )
+   AccessArrayType& getEntities( DimensionTag )
       return this->sharedVertices;
-   const AccessArrayType& getEntities( DimensionsTag ) const
+   const AccessArrayType& getEntities( DimensionTag ) const
       return this->sharedVertices;
@@ -264,7 +270,7 @@ class MeshStorageLayer< MeshConfig, MeshDimensionsTag< 0 >, true > :
       if( ! this->vertices.save( file ) )
-         std::cerr << "Saving of the mesh entities with " << DimensionsTag::value << " dimensions failed." << std::endl;
+         std::cerr << "Saving of the mesh entities with " << DimensionTag::value << " dimensions failed." << std::endl;
          return false;
       return true;
@@ -274,7 +280,7 @@ class MeshStorageLayer< MeshConfig, MeshDimensionsTag< 0 >, true > :
       if( ! this->vertices.load( file ) )
-         std::cerr << "Loading of the mesh entities with " << DimensionsTag::value << " dimensions failed." << std::endl;
+         std::cerr << "Loading of the mesh entities with " << DimensionTag::value << " dimensions failed." << std::endl;
          return false;
       this->verticesAccess.bind( this->vertices );
@@ -305,20 +311,20 @@ class MeshStorageLayer< MeshConfig, MeshDimensionsTag< 0 >, true > :
    // TODO: this is only for the mesh initializer - fix it
-      typename EntityTraitsType::StorageArrayType& entitiesArray( DimensionsTag )
+      typename EntityTraitsType::StorageArrayType& entitiesArray( DimensionTag )
          return vertices;
-      template< typename SuperDimensionsTag >
-      typename MeshTraitsType::GlobalIdArrayType& superentityIdsArray( DimensionsTag )
+      template< typename SuperDimensionTag >
+      typename MeshTraitsType::GlobalIdArrayType& superentityIdsArray( DimensionTag )
-         return SuperentityStorageBaseType::superentityIdsArray( SuperDimensionsTag() );
+         return SuperentityStorageBaseType::superentityIdsArray( SuperDimensionTag() );
       template< typename SuperdimensionsTag >
-      typename MeshTraitsType::template SuperentityTraits< EntityTopology, SuperdimensionsTag::value >::StorageNetworkType& getSuperentityStorageNetwork( MeshDimensionsTag< EntityTopology::dimensions > )
+      typename MeshTraitsType::template SuperentityTraits< EntityTopology, SuperdimensionsTag::value >::StorageNetworkType& getSuperentityStorageNetwork( MeshDimensionTag< EntityTopology::dimensions > )
          return SuperentityStorageBaseType::getStorageNetwork( SuperdimensionsTag() );
@@ -329,7 +335,7 @@ class MeshStorageLayer< MeshConfig, MeshDimensionsTag< 0 >, true > :
  * Forces termination of recursive inheritance (prevents compiler from generating huge error logs)
 template< typename MeshConfig >
-class MeshStorageLayer< MeshConfig, MeshDimensionsTag< 0 >, false >
+class MeshStorageLayer< MeshConfig, MeshDimensionTag< 0 >, false >
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/layers/MeshSubentityStorageLayer.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/layers/MeshSubentityStorageLayer.h
index 6acf7017df34aab6c4258a25085aaa3973308e86..13d40fd980f9616741eaf14986c6010ab9fb9beb 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/layers/MeshSubentityStorageLayer.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/layers/MeshSubentityStorageLayer.h
@@ -8,10 +8,16 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/File.h>
-#include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDimensionsTag.h>
+#include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDimensionTag.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/traits/MeshSubentityTraits.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshEntityOrientation.h>
@@ -20,11 +26,11 @@ namespace Meshes {
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology,
-          typename DimensionsTag,
+          typename DimensionTag,
           bool SubentityStorage =
-            MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::template SubentityTraits< EntityTopology, DimensionsTag::value >::storageEnabled,
+            MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::template SubentityTraits< EntityTopology, DimensionTag::value >::storageEnabled,
           bool SubentityOrientationStorage =
-            MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::template SubentityTraits< EntityTopology, DimensionsTag::value >::orientationEnabled >
+            MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::template SubentityTraits< EntityTopology, DimensionTag::value >::orientationEnabled >
 class MeshSubentityStorageLayer;
@@ -33,32 +39,32 @@ template< typename MeshConfig,
 class MeshSubentityStorageLayers
    : public MeshSubentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                          MeshDimensionsTag< EntityTopology::dimensions - 1 > >
+                                          MeshDimensionTag< EntityTopology::dimensions - 1 > >
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology,
-          typename DimensionsTag >
+          typename DimensionTag >
 class MeshSubentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                    DimensionsTag,
+                                    DimensionTag,
                                     true >
    : public MeshSubentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                          typename DimensionsTag::Decrement >
+                                          typename DimensionTag::Decrement >
    typedef MeshSubentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                         typename DimensionsTag::Decrement > BaseType;
+                                         typename DimensionTag::Decrement > BaseType;
-   static const int Dimensions = DimensionsTag::value;
+   static const int Dimension = DimensionTag::value;
    typedef MeshTraits< MeshConfig >                                                      MeshTraitsType;
-   typedef typename MeshTraitsType::template SubentityTraits< EntityTopology, Dimensions >   SubentityTraitsType;
+   typedef typename MeshTraitsType::template SubentityTraits< EntityTopology, Dimension >   SubentityTraitsType;
    typedef typename MeshTraitsType::GlobalIndexType                                          GlobalIndexType;
    typedef typename MeshTraitsType::LocalIndexType                                           LocalIndexType;
    typedef typename SubentityTraitsType::IdArrayType                                         IdArrayType;
@@ -72,7 +78,7 @@ class MeshSubentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
-      //cout << "      Destroying " << this->sharedSubentitiesIndices.getSize() << " subentities with "<< DimensionsTag::value << " dimensions." << std::endl;
+      //cout << "      Destroying " << this->sharedSubentitiesIndices.getSize() << " subentities with "<< DimensionTag::value << " dimensions." << std::endl;
    MeshSubentityStorageLayer& operator = ( const MeshSubentityStorageLayer& layer )
@@ -87,7 +93,7 @@ class MeshSubentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
       if( ! BaseType::save( file ) ||
           ! this->subentitiesIndices.save( file ) )
-         std::cerr << "Saving of the entity subentities layer with " << DimensionsTag::value << " failed." << std::endl;
+         std::cerr << "Saving of the entity subentities layer with " << DimensionTag::value << " failed." << std::endl;
          return false;
       return true;
@@ -98,7 +104,7 @@ class MeshSubentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
       if( ! BaseType::load( file ) ||
           ! this->subentitiesIndices.load( file ) )
-         std::cerr << "Loading of the entity subentities layer with " << DimensionsTag::value << " failed." << std::endl;
+         std::cerr << "Loading of the entity subentities layer with " << DimensionTag::value << " failed." << std::endl;
          return false;
       return true;
@@ -108,7 +114,7 @@ class MeshSubentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
       BaseType::print( str );
       str << std::endl;
-      str << "\t Subentities with " << DimensionsTag::value << " dimensions are: " << subentitiesIndices << ".";
+      str << "\t Subentities with " << DimensionTag::value << " dimensions are: " << subentitiesIndices << ".";
    bool operator==( const MeshSubentityStorageLayer& layer  ) const
@@ -126,24 +132,24 @@ class MeshSubentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
     * Define setter/getter for the current level of the subentities
-   void setSubentityIndex( DimensionsTag,
+   void setSubentityIndex( DimensionTag,
                            const LocalIndexType localIndex,
                            const GlobalIndexType globalIndex )
       this->subentitiesIndices[ localIndex ] = globalIndex;
-   GlobalIndexType getSubentityIndex( DimensionsTag,
+   GlobalIndexType getSubentityIndex( DimensionTag,
                                       const LocalIndexType localIndex ) const
       return this->subentitiesIndices[ localIndex ];
    using BaseType::subentityIdsArray;
-   IdArrayType& subentityIdsArray( DimensionsTag ) { return this->subentitiesIndices; }
+   IdArrayType& subentityIdsArray( DimensionTag ) { return this->subentitiesIndices; }
    using BaseType::subentityOrientation;
-   IdPermutationArrayAccessorType subentityOrientation( DimensionsTag, LocalIndexType index) const
+   IdPermutationArrayAccessorType subentityOrientation( DimensionTag, LocalIndexType index) const
       TNL_ASSERT( 0 <= index && index < SubentityTraitsType::count, );
@@ -151,7 +157,7 @@ class MeshSubentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
    using BaseType::subentityOrientationsArray;
-	OrientationArrayType& subentityOrientationsArray( DimensionsTag ) { return this->subentityOrientations; }
+	OrientationArrayType& subentityOrientationsArray( DimensionTag ) { return this->subentityOrientations; }
       IdArrayType subentitiesIndices;
@@ -162,25 +168,25 @@ class MeshSubentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology,
-          typename DimensionsTag >
+          typename DimensionTag >
 class MeshSubentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                    DimensionsTag,
+                                    DimensionTag,
                                     false >
    : public MeshSubentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                          typename DimensionsTag::Decrement >
+                                          typename DimensionTag::Decrement >
    typedef MeshSubentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                         typename DimensionsTag::Decrement > BaseType;
+                                         typename DimensionTag::Decrement > BaseType;
-   static const int Dimensions = DimensionsTag::value;
+   static const int Dimension = DimensionTag::value;
    typedef MeshTraits< MeshConfig >                                                      MeshTraitsType;
-   typedef typename MeshTraitsType::template SubentityTraits< EntityTopology, Dimensions >   SubentityTraitsType;
+   typedef typename MeshTraitsType::template SubentityTraits< EntityTopology, Dimension >   SubentityTraitsType;
    typedef typename MeshTraitsType::GlobalIndexType                                          GlobalIndexType;
    typedef typename MeshTraitsType::LocalIndexType                                           LocalIndexType;
    typedef typename SubentityTraitsType::IdArrayType                                         IdArrayType;
@@ -194,7 +200,7 @@ class MeshSubentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
-      //cout << "      Destroying " << this->sharedSubentitiesIndices.getSize() << " subentities with "<< DimensionsTag::value << " dimensions." << std::endl;
+      //cout << "      Destroying " << this->sharedSubentitiesIndices.getSize() << " subentities with "<< DimensionTag::value << " dimensions." << std::endl;
    MeshSubentityStorageLayer& operator = ( const MeshSubentityStorageLayer& layer )
@@ -209,7 +215,7 @@ class MeshSubentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
       if( ! BaseType::save( file ) ||
           ! this->subentitiesIndices.save( file ) )
-         std::cerr << "Saving of the entity subentities layer with " << DimensionsTag::value << " failed." << std::endl;
+         std::cerr << "Saving of the entity subentities layer with " << DimensionTag::value << " failed." << std::endl;
          return false;
       return true;
@@ -220,7 +226,7 @@ class MeshSubentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
       if( ! BaseType::load( file ) ||
           ! this->subentitiesIndices.load( file ) )
-         std::cerr << "Loading of the entity subentities layer with " << DimensionsTag::value << " failed." << std::endl;
+         std::cerr << "Loading of the entity subentities layer with " << DimensionTag::value << " failed." << std::endl;
          return false;
       return true;
@@ -230,7 +236,7 @@ class MeshSubentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
       BaseType::print( str );
       str << std::endl;
-      str << "\t Subentities with " << DimensionsTag::value << " dimensions are: " << subentitiesIndices << ".";
+      str << "\t Subentities with " << DimensionTag::value << " dimensions are: " << subentitiesIndices << ".";
    bool operator==( const MeshSubentityStorageLayer& layer  ) const
@@ -248,21 +254,21 @@ class MeshSubentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
     * Define setter/getter for the current level of the subentities
-   void setSubentityIndex( DimensionsTag,
+   void setSubentityIndex( DimensionTag,
                            const LocalIndexType localIndex,
                            const GlobalIndexType globalIndex )
       this->subentitiesIndices[ localIndex ] = globalIndex;
-   GlobalIndexType getSubentityIndex( DimensionsTag,
+   GlobalIndexType getSubentityIndex( DimensionTag,
                                       const LocalIndexType localIndex ) const
       return this->subentitiesIndices[ localIndex ];
    using BaseType::subentityIdsArray;
-   IdArrayType& subentityIdsArray( DimensionsTag ) { return this->subentitiesIndices; }
+   IdArrayType& subentityIdsArray( DimensionTag ) { return this->subentitiesIndices; }
    using BaseType::subentityOrientationsArray;
    void subentityOrientationsArray() {}
@@ -273,15 +279,15 @@ class MeshSubentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology,
-          typename DimensionsTag >
+          typename DimensionTag >
 class MeshSubentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                    DimensionsTag,
+                                    DimensionTag,
                                     false >
    : public MeshSubentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                          typename DimensionsTag::Decrement >
+                                          typename DimensionTag::Decrement >
@@ -290,16 +296,16 @@ template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology >
 class MeshSubentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                    MeshDimensionsTag< 0 >,
+                                    MeshDimensionTag< 0 >,
                                     false >
-   typedef MeshDimensionsTag< 0 >                           DimensionsTag;
+   typedef MeshDimensionTag< 0 >                           DimensionTag;
-   static const int Dimensions = 0;
+   static const int Dimension = 0;
    typedef MeshTraits< MeshConfig >                                                          MeshTraitsType;
-   typedef typename MeshTraitsType::template SubentityTraits< EntityTopology, Dimensions >   SubentityTraitsType;
+   typedef typename MeshTraitsType::template SubentityTraits< EntityTopology, Dimension >   SubentityTraitsType;
    typedef typename MeshTraitsType::GlobalIndexType                                          GlobalIndexType;
    typedef typename MeshTraitsType::LocalIndexType                                           LocalIndexType;
    typedef typename SubentityTraitsType::IdArrayType                                         IdArrayType;
@@ -311,7 +317,7 @@ class MeshSubentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
-      //cout << "      Destroying " << this->sharedVerticesIndices.getSize() << " subentities with "<< DimensionsTag::value << " dimensions." << std::endl;
+      //cout << "      Destroying " << this->sharedVerticesIndices.getSize() << " subentities with "<< DimensionTag::value << " dimensions." << std::endl;
@@ -325,7 +331,7 @@ class MeshSubentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
       if( ! this->verticesIndices.save( file ) )
-         std::cerr << "Saving of the entity subentities layer with " << DimensionsTag::value << " failed." << std::endl;
+         std::cerr << "Saving of the entity subentities layer with " << DimensionTag::value << " failed." << std::endl;
          return false;
       return true;
@@ -335,7 +341,7 @@ class MeshSubentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
       if( ! this->verticesIndices.load( file ) )
-         std::cerr << "Loading of the entity subentities layer with " << DimensionsTag::value << " failed." << std::endl;
+         std::cerr << "Loading of the entity subentities layer with " << DimensionTag::value << " failed." << std::endl;
          return false;
       return true;
@@ -343,7 +349,7 @@ class MeshSubentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
    void print( std::ostream& str ) const
-      str << "\t Subentities with " << DimensionsTag::value << " dimensions are: " << this->verticesIndices << ".";
+      str << "\t Subentities with " << DimensionTag::value << " dimensions are: " << this->verticesIndices << ".";
    bool operator==( const MeshSubentityStorageLayer& layer  ) const
@@ -351,19 +357,19 @@ class MeshSubentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
       return ( verticesIndices == layer.verticesIndices );
-   GlobalIndexType getSubentityIndex( DimensionsTag,
+   GlobalIndexType getSubentityIndex( DimensionTag,
                                       const LocalIndexType localIndex ) const
       return this->verticesIndices[ localIndex ];
-   void setSubentityIndex( DimensionsTag,
+   void setSubentityIndex( DimensionTag,
                            const LocalIndexType localIndex,
                            const GlobalIndexType globalIndex )
       this->verticesIndices[ localIndex ] = globalIndex;
-   IdArrayType& subentityIdsArray( DimensionsTag ) { return this->verticesIndices; }
+   IdArrayType& subentityIdsArray( DimensionTag ) { return this->verticesIndices; }
@@ -380,7 +386,7 @@ template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology >
 class MeshSubentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                    MeshDimensionsTag< 0 >,
+                                    MeshDimensionTag< 0 >,
                                     false >
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/layers/MeshSuperentityAccess.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/layers/MeshSuperentityAccess.h
index 79c11d294c288a403862b5f1641ac7e2cca5ff16..44476c81cdb57ce40482ba63b5b62206176dfc8f 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/layers/MeshSuperentityAccess.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/layers/MeshSuperentityAccess.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/traits/MeshTraits.h>
@@ -17,9 +23,9 @@ namespace Meshes {
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename MeshEntity,
-          typename DimensionsTag,
+          typename DimensionTag,
           bool SuperentityStorage =
-             MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::template SuperentityTraits< MeshEntity, DimensionsTag::value >::storageEnabled >
+             MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::template SuperentityTraits< MeshEntity, DimensionTag::value >::storageEnabled >
 class MeshSuperentityAccessLayer;
@@ -28,12 +34,12 @@ template< typename MeshConfig,
 class MeshSuperentityAccess :
    public MeshSuperentityAccessLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                         MeshDimensionsTag< MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::meshDimensions > >
+                                         MeshDimensionTag< MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::meshDimension > >
       typedef MeshSuperentityAccessLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                             MeshDimensionsTag< MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::meshDimensions > > BaseType;
+                                             MeshDimensionTag< MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::meshDimension > > BaseType;
       bool operator == ( const MeshSuperentityAccess< MeshConfig, MeshEntity>& a ) const { return true; } // TODO: fix
@@ -46,38 +52,38 @@ class MeshSuperentityAccess :
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename MeshEntity,
-          typename Dimensions >
+          typename Dimension >
 class MeshSuperentityAccessLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                     Dimensions,
+                                     Dimension,
                                      true > :
-   public MeshSuperentityAccessLayer< MeshConfig, MeshEntity, typename Dimensions::Decrement >
+   public MeshSuperentityAccessLayer< MeshConfig, MeshEntity, typename Dimension::Decrement >
-	typedef MeshSuperentityAccessLayer< MeshConfig, MeshEntity, typename Dimensions::Decrement > BaseType;
+	typedef MeshSuperentityAccessLayer< MeshConfig, MeshEntity, typename Dimension::Decrement > BaseType;
       typedef MeshTraits< MeshConfig >                                                             MeshTraitsType;
-      typedef typename MeshTraitsType::template SuperentityTraits< MeshEntity, Dimensions::value > SuperentityTraitsType;
+      typedef typename MeshTraitsType::template SuperentityTraits< MeshEntity, Dimension::value > SuperentityTraitsType;
       typedef typename MeshTraitsType::IdArrayAccessorType                                         IdArrayAccessorType;
       typedef typename SuperentityTraitsType::StorageNetworkType                                   StorageNetworkType;
       typedef typename SuperentityTraitsType::SuperentityAccessorType                              SuperentityAccessorType;
       //typedef typename StorageNetworkType::PortsType                            SuperentityAccessorType;
 	   using BaseType::superentityIds;
-	   IdArrayAccessorType superentityIds( Dimensions ) const { return m_superentityIndices; }
+	   IdArrayAccessorType superentityIds( Dimension ) const { return m_superentityIndices; }
 	   using BaseType::superentityIdsArray;
-	   IdArrayAccessorType &superentityIdsArray( Dimensions ) { return m_superentityIndices; }
+	   IdArrayAccessorType &superentityIdsArray( Dimension ) { return m_superentityIndices; }
       using BaseType::getSuperentityIndices;
-      const SuperentityAccessorType& getSuperentityIndices( Dimensions ) const
+      const SuperentityAccessorType& getSuperentityIndices( Dimension ) const
          std::cerr << "###" << std::endl;
          return this->superentityIndices;
-      SuperentityAccessorType& getSuperentityIndices( Dimensions )
+      SuperentityAccessorType& getSuperentityIndices( Dimension )
          std::cerr << "######" << std::endl;
          return this->superentityIndices;
@@ -85,12 +91,12 @@ class MeshSuperentityAccessLayer< MeshConfig,
       void print( std::ostream& str ) const
-         str << "Superentities with " << Dimensions::value << " dimensions are: " <<
+         str << "Superentities with " << Dimension::value << " dimensions are: " <<
             this->superentityIndices << std::endl;
          BaseType::print( str );
-      //bool operator == ( const MeshSuperentityAccessLayer< MeshConfig, MeshEntity, Dimensions, tnlStorageTraits< true > >& l ) { return true; } // TODO: fix
+      //bool operator == ( const MeshSuperentityAccessLayer< MeshConfig, MeshEntity, Dimension, tnlStorageTraits< true > >& l ) { return true; } // TODO: fix
 	   IdArrayAccessorType m_superentityIndices;
@@ -101,12 +107,12 @@ class MeshSuperentityAccessLayer< MeshConfig,
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename MeshEntity,
-          typename Dimensions >
+          typename Dimension >
 class MeshSuperentityAccessLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                     Dimensions,
+                                     Dimension,
                                      false > :
-   public MeshSuperentityAccessLayer< MeshConfig, MeshEntity, typename Dimensions::Decrement >
+   public MeshSuperentityAccessLayer< MeshConfig, MeshEntity, typename Dimension::Decrement >
@@ -114,7 +120,7 @@ template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename MeshEntity >
 class MeshSuperentityAccessLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                     MeshDimensionsTag< MeshEntity::dimensions >,
+                                     MeshDimensionTag< MeshEntity::dimensions >,
                                      false >
@@ -133,7 +139,7 @@ template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename MeshEntity >
 class MeshSuperentityAccessLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                     MeshDimensionsTag< MeshEntity::dimensions >,
+                                     MeshDimensionTag< MeshEntity::dimensions >,
                                      true >
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/layers/MeshSuperentityAccessor.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/layers/MeshSuperentityAccessor.h
index 80eb5c0ce5dd7cd048fe430090d6e6c2fea8b84b..ebe8ee41940190935657615eef3b95419def2d41 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/layers/MeshSuperentityAccessor.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/layers/MeshSuperentityAccessor.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 namespace TNL {
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/layers/MeshSuperentityStorageLayer.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/layers/MeshSuperentityStorageLayer.h
index 82ba0cf1c294fdbe78f956e03ca2d31b82e70304..d02a1beafb69f6fbf1d86592c0dbc78f9dc4ce07 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/layers/MeshSuperentityStorageLayer.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/layers/MeshSuperentityStorageLayer.h
@@ -8,10 +8,16 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/File.h>
-#include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDimensionsTag.h>
+#include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDimensionTag.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/traits/MeshTraits.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/traits/MeshSuperentityTraits.h>
@@ -20,9 +26,9 @@ namespace Meshes {
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology,
-          typename DimensionsTag,
+          typename DimensionTag,
           bool SuperentityStorage =
-             MeshSuperentityTraits< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionsTag::value >::storageEnabled >
+             MeshSuperentityTraits< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionTag::value >::storageEnabled >
 class MeshSuperentityStorageLayer;
 template< typename MeshConfig,
@@ -30,22 +36,22 @@ template< typename MeshConfig,
 class MeshSuperentityStorageLayers
    : public MeshSuperentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                            MeshDimensionsTag< MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::meshDimensions > >
+                                            MeshDimensionTag< MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::meshDimension > >
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology,
-          typename DimensionsTag >
-class MeshSuperentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionsTag, true >
-   : public MeshSuperentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, typename DimensionsTag::Decrement >
+          typename DimensionTag >
+class MeshSuperentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionTag, true >
+   : public MeshSuperentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, typename DimensionTag::Decrement >
-      MeshSuperentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, typename DimensionsTag::Decrement >  BaseType;
+      MeshSuperentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, typename DimensionTag::Decrement >  BaseType;
-   static const int Dimensions = DimensionsTag::value;
+   static const int Dimension = DimensionTag::value;
    typedef MeshTraits< MeshConfig >                                                          MeshTraitsType;
-   typedef typename MeshTraitsType::template SuperentityTraits< EntityTopology, Dimensions > SuperentityTraitsType;
+   typedef typename MeshTraitsType::template SuperentityTraits< EntityTopology, Dimension > SuperentityTraitsType;
@@ -71,7 +77,7 @@ class MeshSuperentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionsTag, tr
-       std::cerr << "      Destroying " << this->superentitiesIndices.getSize() << " superentities with "<< DimensionsTag::value << " dimensions." << std::endl;
+       std::cerr << "      Destroying " << this->superentitiesIndices.getSize() << " superentities with "<< DimensionTag::value << " dimensions." << std::endl;
        std::cerr << "         this->superentitiesIndices.getName() = " << this->superentitiesIndices.getName() << std::endl;
        std::cerr << "         this->sharedSuperentitiesIndices.getName() = " << this->sharedSuperentitiesIndices.getName() << std::endl;
@@ -87,7 +93,7 @@ class MeshSuperentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionsTag, tr
      * Define setter/getter for the current level of the superentities
-    bool setNumberOfSuperentities( DimensionsTag,
+    bool setNumberOfSuperentities( DimensionTag,
                                    const LocalIndexType size )
        if( ! this->superentitiesIndices.setSize( size ) )
@@ -97,30 +103,30 @@ class MeshSuperentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionsTag, tr
        return true;
-    LocalIndexType getNumberOfSuperentities( DimensionsTag ) const
+    LocalIndexType getNumberOfSuperentities( DimensionTag ) const
        return this->superentitiesIndices.getSize();
-    void setSuperentityIndex( DimensionsTag,
+    void setSuperentityIndex( DimensionTag,
                               const LocalIndexType localIndex,
                               const GlobalIndexType globalIndex )
        this->superentitiesIndices[ localIndex ] = globalIndex;
-    GlobalIndexType getSuperentityIndex( DimensionsTag,
+    GlobalIndexType getSuperentityIndex( DimensionTag,
                                          const LocalIndexType localIndex ) const
        return this->superentitiesIndices[ localIndex ];
-    AccessArrayType& getSuperentitiesIndices( DimensionsTag )
+    AccessArrayType& getSuperentitiesIndices( DimensionTag )
        return this->sharedSuperentitiesIndices;
-    const AccessArrayType& getSuperentitiesIndices( DimensionsTag ) const
+    const AccessArrayType& getSuperentitiesIndices( DimensionTag ) const
        return this->sharedSuperentitiesIndices;
@@ -130,7 +136,7 @@ class MeshSuperentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionsTag, tr
        if( ! BaseType::save( file ) ||
            ! this->superentitiesIndices.save( file ) )
-          //cerr << "Saving of the entity superentities layer with " << DimensionsTag::value << " failed." << std::endl;
+          //cerr << "Saving of the entity superentities layer with " << DimensionTag::value << " failed." << std::endl;
           return false;
        return true;
@@ -141,7 +147,7 @@ class MeshSuperentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionsTag, tr
        if( ! BaseType::load( file ) ||
            ! this->superentitiesIndices.load( file ) )
-          //cerr << "Loading of the entity superentities layer with " << DimensionsTag::value << " failed." << std::endl;
+          //cerr << "Loading of the entity superentities layer with " << DimensionTag::value << " failed." << std::endl;
           return false;
        return true;
@@ -150,7 +156,7 @@ class MeshSuperentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionsTag, tr
     void print( std::ostream& str ) const
        BaseType::print( str );
-       str << std::endl << "\t Superentities with " << DimensionsTag::value << " dimensions are: " << this->superentitiesIndices << ".";
+       str << std::endl << "\t Superentities with " << DimensionTag::value << " dimensions are: " << this->superentitiesIndices << ".";
     bool operator==( const MeshSuperentityStorageLayer& layer  ) const
@@ -171,13 +177,13 @@ class MeshSuperentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionsTag, tr
       using BaseType::superentityIdsArray;
-      typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::GlobalIdArrayType& superentityIdsArray( DimensionsTag )
+      typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::GlobalIdArrayType& superentityIdsArray( DimensionTag )
          return this->superentitiesIndices;
       using BaseType::getStorageNetwork;
-      StorageNetworkType& getStorageNetwork( DimensionsTag )
+      StorageNetworkType& getStorageNetwork( DimensionTag )
          return this->storageNetwork;
@@ -185,9 +191,9 @@ class MeshSuperentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionsTag, tr
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology,
-          typename DimensionsTag >
-class MeshSuperentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionsTag, false >
-   : public MeshSuperentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, typename DimensionsTag::Decrement >
+          typename DimensionTag >
+class MeshSuperentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionTag, false >
+   : public MeshSuperentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, typename DimensionTag::Decrement >
@@ -195,16 +201,16 @@ class MeshSuperentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, DimensionsTag, fa
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology >
-class MeshSuperentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, MeshDimensionsTag< EntityTopology::dimensions >, false >
+class MeshSuperentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, MeshDimensionTag< EntityTopology::dimensions >, false >
-   static const int Dimensions = EntityTopology::dimensions;
-   typedef MeshDimensionsTag< EntityTopology::dimensions >        DimensionsTag;
+   static const int Dimension = EntityTopology::dimensions;
+   typedef MeshDimensionTag< EntityTopology::dimensions >        DimensionTag;
-   typedef MeshSuperentityTraits< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, Dimensions >      SuperentityTraits;
+   typedef MeshSuperentityTraits< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, Dimension >      SuperentityTraits;
    typedef MeshSuperentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                           DimensionsTag,
+                                           DimensionTag,
                                            false > ThisType;
@@ -218,12 +224,12 @@ class MeshSuperentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, MeshDimensionsTag
     * These methods are due to 'using BaseType::...;' in the derived classes.
-   bool setNumberOfSuperentities( DimensionsTag,
+   bool setNumberOfSuperentities( DimensionTag,
                                    const LocalIndexType size );
-   LocalIndexType getNumberOfSuperentities( DimensionsTag ) const;
-   GlobalIndexType getSuperentityIndex( DimensionsTag,
+   LocalIndexType getNumberOfSuperentities( DimensionTag ) const;
+   GlobalIndexType getSuperentityIndex( DimensionTag,
                                         const LocalIndexType localIndex ){}
-   void setSuperentityIndex( DimensionsTag,
+   void setSuperentityIndex( DimensionTag,
                              const LocalIndexType localIndex,
                              const GlobalIndexType globalIndex ) {}
@@ -248,13 +254,13 @@ class MeshSuperentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, MeshDimensionsTag
       return true;
-   typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::GlobalIdArrayType& superentityIdsArray( DimensionsTag )
+   typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::GlobalIdArrayType& superentityIdsArray( DimensionTag )
       TNL_ASSERT( false, );
       //return this->superentitiesIndices;
-   StorageNetworkType& getStorageNetwork( DimensionsTag )
+   StorageNetworkType& getStorageNetwork( DimensionTag )
       TNL_ASSERT( false, );
      //return this->storageNetwork;
@@ -266,18 +272,18 @@ template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology >
 class MeshSuperentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                      MeshDimensionsTag< EntityTopology::dimensions >,
+                                      MeshDimensionTag< EntityTopology::dimensions >,
                                       true >
-   static const int Dimensions = EntityTopology::dimensions;
-   typedef MeshDimensionsTag< Dimensions >                          DimensionsTag;
+   static const int Dimension = EntityTopology::dimensions;
+   typedef MeshDimensionTag< Dimension >                          DimensionTag;
    typedef MeshSuperentityTraits< MeshConfig,
-                                     Dimensions >               SuperentityTraits;
+                                     Dimension >               SuperentityTraits;
    typedef MeshSuperentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
-                                           DimensionsTag,
+                                           DimensionTag,
                                            true > ThisType;
@@ -291,12 +297,12 @@ class MeshSuperentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
     * These methods are due to 'using BaseType::...;' in the derived classes.
-   bool setNumberOfSuperentities( DimensionsTag,
+   bool setNumberOfSuperentities( DimensionTag,
                                    const LocalIndexType size );
-   LocalIndexType getNumberOfSuperentities( DimensionsTag ) const;
-   GlobalIndexType getSuperentityIndex( DimensionsTag,
+   LocalIndexType getNumberOfSuperentities( DimensionTag ) const;
+   GlobalIndexType getSuperentityIndex( DimensionTag,
                                         const LocalIndexType localIndex ){}
-   void setSuperentityIndex( DimensionsTag,
+   void setSuperentityIndex( DimensionTag,
                              const LocalIndexType localIndex,
                              const GlobalIndexType globalIndex ) {}
@@ -321,13 +327,13 @@ class MeshSuperentityStorageLayer< MeshConfig,
       return true;
-   typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::GlobalIdArrayType& superentityIdsArray( DimensionsTag )
+   typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::GlobalIdArrayType& superentityIdsArray( DimensionTag )
       TNL_ASSERT( false, );
       //return this->superentitiesIndices;
-   StorageNetworkType& getStorageNetwork( DimensionsTag )
+   StorageNetworkType& getStorageNetwork( DimensionTag )
       TNL_ASSERT( false, );
       //return this->storageNetwork;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/traits/MeshEntityTraits.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/traits/MeshEntityTraits.h
index b6d31f6a395faf9b746958e1cf1c9df28c2c2201..c8c8be6b9a5c45dea478cacfa349d4525d82aad9 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/traits/MeshEntityTraits.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/traits/MeshEntityTraits.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/Containers/StaticVector.h>
@@ -28,26 +34,26 @@ template< typename MeshConfig, typename EntityTopology > class MeshEntitySeedKey
 template< typename MeshConfig, typename EntityTopology > class MeshEntityReferenceOrientation;
 template< typename MeshConfig,
-          typename DimensionsTag,
-          typename SuperDimensionsTag = MeshDimensionsTag< MeshConfig::meshDimensions > >
+          typename DimensionTag,
+          typename SuperDimensionTag = MeshDimensionTag< MeshConfig::meshDimension > >
 class MeshEntityOrientationNeeded
-	static_assert( 0 <= DimensionsTag::value && DimensionsTag::value < MeshConfig::CellTopology::dimensions, "invalid dimensions" );
-	static_assert( DimensionsTag::value < SuperDimensionsTag::value && SuperDimensionsTag::value <= MeshConfig::CellTopology::dimensions, "invalid superentity dimensions");
+	static_assert( 0 <= DimensionTag::value && DimensionTag::value < MeshConfig::CellTopology::dimensions, "invalid dimensions" );
+	static_assert( DimensionTag::value < SuperDimensionTag::value && SuperDimensionTag::value <= MeshConfig::CellTopology::dimensions, "invalid superentity dimension");
-	typedef typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::template EntityTraits< SuperDimensionsTag::value >::EntityTopology SuperentityTopology;
+	typedef typename MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::template EntityTraits< SuperDimensionTag::value >::EntityTopology SuperentityTopology;
-	static const bool previousSuperDimensionsValue = MeshEntityOrientationNeeded< MeshConfig, DimensionsTag, typename SuperDimensionsTag::Decrement >::value;
-	static const bool thisSuperDimensionsValue = MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::template SubentityTraits< SuperentityTopology, DimensionsTag::value >::orientationEnabled;
+	static const bool previousSuperDimensionValue = MeshEntityOrientationNeeded< MeshConfig, DimensionTag, typename SuperDimensionTag::Decrement >::value;
+	static const bool thisSuperDimensionValue = MeshTraits< MeshConfig >::template SubentityTraits< SuperentityTopology, DimensionTag::value >::orientationEnabled;
-      static const bool value = ( previousSuperDimensionsValue || thisSuperDimensionsValue );
+      static const bool value = ( previousSuperDimensionValue || thisSuperDimensionValue );
-template< typename MeshConfig, typename DimensionsTag >
-class MeshEntityOrientationNeeded< MeshConfig, DimensionsTag, DimensionsTag >
+template< typename MeshConfig, typename DimensionTag >
+class MeshEntityOrientationNeeded< MeshConfig, DimensionTag, DimensionTag >
-	static_assert( 0 <= DimensionsTag::value && DimensionsTag::value <= MeshConfig::CellTopology::dimensions, "invalid dimensions" );
+	static_assert( 0 <= DimensionTag::value && DimensionTag::value <= MeshConfig::CellTopology::dimensions, "invalid dimensions" );
       static const bool value = false;
@@ -55,17 +61,17 @@ class MeshEntityOrientationNeeded< MeshConfig, DimensionsTag, DimensionsTag >
 template< typename MeshConfig,
-          int Dimensions >
+          int Dimension >
 class MeshEntityTraits
-      static const bool storageEnabled = MeshConfig::entityStorage( Dimensions );
-      static const bool orientationNeeded = MeshEntityOrientationNeeded< MeshConfig, MeshDimensionsTag< Dimensions > >::value;
+      static const bool storageEnabled = MeshConfig::entityStorage( Dimension );
+      static const bool orientationNeeded = MeshEntityOrientationNeeded< MeshConfig, MeshDimensionTag< Dimension > >::value;
       typedef typename MeshConfig::GlobalIndexType                                 GlobalIndexType;
       typedef typename MeshConfig::LocalIndexType                                  LocalIndexType;
-      typedef typename MeshEntityTopology< MeshConfig, Dimensions >::Topology   EntityTopology;
+      typedef typename MeshEntityTopology< MeshConfig, Dimension >::Topology   EntityTopology;
       typedef MeshEntity< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >                          EntityType;
       typedef MeshEntitySeed< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >                      SeedType;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/traits/MeshSubentityTraits.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/traits/MeshSubentityTraits.h
index 9ff9103bf4a6cf02920b09e0cbb2067f741bd080..cbdd144932f6509f14082ea4d7981ba3e3ee47bf 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/traits/MeshSubentityTraits.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/traits/MeshSubentityTraits.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/Containers/StaticArray.h>
@@ -23,16 +29,16 @@ template< typename MeshConfig, typename EntityTopology > class MeshEntityOrienta
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology,
-          int Dimensions >
+          int Dimension >
 class MeshSubentityTraits
-      static const bool storageEnabled = MeshConfig::subentityStorage( EntityTopology(), Dimensions );
-      static const bool orientationEnabled = MeshConfig::subentityOrientationStorage( EntityTopology(), Dimensions );
+      static const bool storageEnabled = MeshConfig::subentityStorage( EntityTopology(), Dimension );
+      static const bool orientationEnabled = MeshConfig::subentityOrientationStorage( EntityTopology(), Dimension );
       typedef typename MeshConfig::GlobalIndexType                                GlobalIndexType;
       typedef typename MeshConfig::LocalIndexType                                 LocalIndexType;
-      typedef MeshSubtopology< EntityTopology, Dimensions >                    Subtopology;
+      typedef MeshSubtopology< EntityTopology, Dimension >                    Subtopology;
       typedef typename Subtopology::Topology                                      SubentityTopology;
       typedef MeshEntity< MeshConfig, SubentityTopology >                      SubentityType;
       typedef MeshEntitySeed< MeshConfig, SubentityTopology >                  Seed;
@@ -52,16 +58,16 @@ class MeshSubentityTraits
       typedef Containers::StaticArray< count, LocalIndexType >               IdPermutationArrayType;
       template< LocalIndexType subentityIndex,
-                LocalIndexType subentityVertexIndex >
-      struct Vertex
+                LocalIndexType subentityPointIndex >
+      struct Point
-         enum { index = tnlSubentityVertex< EntityTopology,
+         enum { index = tnlSubentityPoint< EntityTopology,
-                                            subentityVertexIndex>::index };
+                                            subentityPointIndex>::index };
-      static_assert( EntityTopology::dimensions > Dimensions, "You try to create subentities traits where subentity dimensions are not smaller than the entity dimensions." );
+      static_assert( EntityTopology::dimensions > Dimension, "You try to create subentities traits where subentity dimension are not smaller than the entity dimension." );
 } // namespace Meshes
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/traits/MeshSuperentityTraits.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/traits/MeshSuperentityTraits.h
index 1f2739e3fd4da1b51b498e6b56e4c9bd8ae24790..b4e816399673a2a71ddcc46bac1e273923afdea8 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/traits/MeshSuperentityTraits.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/traits/MeshSuperentityTraits.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/Containers/Array.h>
@@ -25,7 +31,7 @@ namespace Meshes {
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename EntityTopology,
-          int Dimensions >
+          int Dimension >
 class MeshSuperentityTraits
@@ -34,10 +40,10 @@ class MeshSuperentityTraits
    typedef typename MeshConfig::LocalIndexType                               LocalIndexType;
-   static const bool storageEnabled = MeshConfig::template superentityStorage< EntityTopology >( EntityTopology(), Dimensions );
+   static const bool storageEnabled = MeshConfig::template superentityStorage< EntityTopology >( EntityTopology(), Dimension );
    //typedef tnlStorageTraits< storageEnabled >                               SuperentityStorageTag;
    typedef MeshEntity< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >                            EntityType;
-   typedef MeshEntityTraits< MeshConfig, Dimensions >                     EntityTraits;
+   typedef MeshEntityTraits< MeshConfig, Dimension >                     EntityTraits;
    typedef typename EntityTraits::EntityTopology                             SuperentityTopology;
    typedef typename EntityTraits::EntityType                                 SuperentityType;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/traits/MeshTraits.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/traits/MeshTraits.h
index 8bfca4c14c22ba0ee99ad6a0a80a48bde7446303..4cd115593b534804fd9815f466214388f6556cfa 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/traits/MeshTraits.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/traits/MeshTraits.h
@@ -8,13 +8,19 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/Containers/StaticVector.h>
 #include <TNL/Containers/Array.h>
 #include <TNL/Containers/SharedArray.h>
 #include <TNL/Containers/ConstSharedArray.h>
-#include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDimensionsTag.h>
+#include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDimensionTag.h>
 namespace TNL {
 namespace Meshes {
@@ -22,9 +28,9 @@ namespace Meshes {
 struct MeshVertexTopology;
 template< typename MeshConfig, typename EntityTopology > class MeshEntity;
 template< typename MeshConfig, typename EntityTopology > class MeshEntitySeed;
-template< typename MeshConfig, int Dimensions > class MeshEntityTraits;
-template< typename MeshConfig, typename MeshEntity, int SubDimensions > class MeshSubentityTraits;
-template< typename MeshConfig, typename MeshEntity, int SuperDimensions > class MeshSuperentityTraits;
+template< typename MeshConfig, int Dimension > class MeshEntityTraits;
+template< typename MeshConfig, typename MeshEntity, int SubDimension > class MeshSubentityTraits;
+template< typename MeshConfig, typename MeshEntity, int SuperDimension > class MeshSuperentityTraits;
 template< typename MeshConfig,
           typename Device = Devices::Host >
@@ -32,8 +38,8 @@ class MeshTraits
-      static const int meshDimensions = MeshConfig::CellTopology::dimensions;
-      static const int worldDimensions = MeshConfig::worldDimensions;
+      static const int meshDimension = MeshConfig::CellTopology::dimensions;
+      static const int worldDimension = MeshConfig::worldDimension;
       typedef Device                                                               DeviceType;
       typedef typename MeshConfig::GlobalIndexType                                 GlobalIndexType;
@@ -42,7 +48,7 @@ class MeshTraits
       typedef typename MeshConfig::CellTopology                                    CellTopology;
       typedef MeshEntity< MeshConfig, CellTopology >                            CellType;
       typedef MeshEntity< MeshConfig, MeshVertexTopology >                   VertexType;
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< worldDimensions, typename MeshConfig::RealType >    PointType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< worldDimension, typename MeshConfig::RealType >    PointType;
       typedef MeshEntitySeed< MeshConfig, CellTopology >                        CellSeedType;
       typedef Containers::Array< PointType, Devices::Host, GlobalIndexType >                  PointArrayType;
@@ -51,17 +57,17 @@ class MeshTraits
       typedef Containers::tnlConstSharedArray< GlobalIndexType, Devices::Host, LocalIndexType >  IdArrayAccessorType;
       typedef Containers::tnlConstSharedArray< LocalIndexType, Devices::Host, LocalIndexType >   IdPermutationArrayAccessorType;
-      template< int Dimensions > using EntityTraits =
-         MeshEntityTraits< MeshConfig, Dimensions >;
+      template< int Dimension > using EntityTraits =
+         MeshEntityTraits< MeshConfig, Dimension >;
-      template< typename EntityTopology, int SubDimensions > using SubentityTraits =
-         MeshSubentityTraits< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, SubDimensions >;
+      template< typename EntityTopology, int SubDimension > using SubentityTraits =
+         MeshSubentityTraits< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, SubDimension >;
-      template< typename EntityTopology, int SuperDimensions > using SuperentityTraits =
-         MeshSuperentityTraits< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, SuperDimensions >;
+      template< typename EntityTopology, int SuperDimension > using SuperentityTraits =
+         MeshSuperentityTraits< MeshConfig, EntityTopology, SuperDimension >;
-      typedef MeshDimensionsTag< meshDimensions >                                   DimensionsTag;
+      typedef MeshDimensionTag< meshDimension >                                   DimensionTag;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDimensionsTag.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDimensionTag.h
similarity index 75%
rename from src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDimensionsTag.h
rename to src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDimensionTag.h
index 3f29b03ae56db4645e3b24480a99b4ef33a7f24d..10dbcdaf71605a627f29154074dd1e76d0cc0df9 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDimensionsTag.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDimensionTag.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-                          MeshDimensionsTag.h  -  description
+                          MeshDimensionTag.h  -  description
     begin                : Feb 11, 2014
     copyright            : (C) 2014 by Tomas Oberhuber
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/Assert.h>
@@ -26,25 +32,25 @@ namespace Meshes {
  * Therefore one cannot specialize the mesh layers just by integers saying the mesh
  * layer dimensions but instead this tag must be used. This makes the code more difficult
  * to read and we would like to avoid it if it is possible sometime.
- * On the other hand, MeshDimensionsTag is also used for method overloading when
+ * On the other hand, MeshDimensionTag is also used for method overloading when
  * asking for different mesh entities. In this case it makes sense and it cannot be
  * replaced.
-template< int Dimensions >
-class MeshDimensionsTag
+template< int Dimension >
+class MeshDimensionTag
-      static const int value = Dimensions;
+      static const int value = Dimension;
-      typedef MeshDimensionsTag< Dimensions - 1 > Decrement;
+      typedef MeshDimensionTag< Dimension - 1 > Decrement;
       static_assert( value >= 0, "The value of the dimensions cannot be negative." );
-class MeshDimensionsTag< 0 >
+class MeshDimensionTag< 0 >
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshEntity.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshEntity.h
index 9f188a8b316f2e9e1284d507b53a53e8828ea952..0aedeb356d1074741efcc6ebaef1bb6a0334b261 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshEntity.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshEntity.h
@@ -8,13 +8,19 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/File.h>
 #include <TNL/Containers/DynamicTypeTag.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/MeshEntityId.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/traits/MeshTraits.h>
-#include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDimensionsTag.h>
+#include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDimensionTag.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshVertexTopology.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/layers/MeshSubentityStorageLayer.h>
 #include <TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/layers/MeshSuperentityStorageLayer.h>
@@ -47,8 +53,8 @@ class MeshEntity
       template< int Subdimensions > using SubentityTraits =
       typename MeshTraitsType::template SubentityTraits< EntityTopology, Subdimensions >;
-      template< int SuperDimensions > using SuperentityTraits =
-      typename MeshTraitsType::template SuperentityTraits< EntityTopology, SuperDimensions >;
+      template< int SuperDimension > using SuperentityTraits =
+      typename MeshTraitsType::template SuperentityTraits< EntityTopology, SuperDimension >;
       MeshEntity( const SeedType& entitySeed );
@@ -68,7 +74,7 @@ class MeshEntity
       bool operator==( const MeshEntity& entity ) const;
-      constexpr int getEntityDimensions() const;
+      constexpr int getEntityDimension() const;
        * Subentities
@@ -91,17 +97,17 @@ class MeshEntity
        * Superentities
-      template< int SuperDimensions >
+      template< int SuperDimension >
       LocalIndexType getNumberOfSuperentities() const;
-      template< int SuperDimensions >
+      template< int SuperDimension >
       GlobalIndexType getSuperentityIndex( const LocalIndexType localIndex ) const;
-      template< int SuperDimensions >
-         typename SuperentityTraits< SuperDimensions >::AccessArrayType& getSuperentitiesIndices();
+      template< int SuperDimension >
+         typename SuperentityTraits< SuperDimension >::AccessArrayType& getSuperentitiesIndices();
-      template< int SuperDimensions >
-         const typename SuperentityTraits< SuperDimensions >::AccessArrayType& getSuperentitiesIndices() const;
+      template< int SuperDimension >
+         const typename SuperentityTraits< SuperDimension >::AccessArrayType& getSuperentitiesIndices() const;
        * Vertices
@@ -114,7 +120,7 @@ class MeshEntity
       const typename SubentityTraits< 0 >::AccessArrayType& getVerticesIndices() const;
-      template< int Dimensions >
+      template< int Dimension >
       IdPermutationArrayAccessorType subentityOrientation( LocalIndexType index ) const;
@@ -162,8 +168,8 @@ class MeshEntity< MeshConfig, MeshVertexTopology >
       typedef typename MeshTraitsType::IdPermutationArrayAccessorType IdPermutationArrayAccessorType;
       typedef MeshEntitySeed< MeshConfig, EntityTopology >     SeedType;
-      template< int SuperDimensions > using SuperentityTraits =
-      typename MeshTraitsType::template SuperentityTraits< EntityTopology, SuperDimensions >;
+      template< int SuperDimension > using SuperentityTraits =
+      typename MeshTraitsType::template SuperentityTraits< EntityTopology, SuperDimension >;
       static String getType();
@@ -179,7 +185,7 @@ class MeshEntity< MeshConfig, MeshVertexTopology >
       bool operator==( const MeshEntity& entity ) const;
-      constexpr int getEntityDimensions() const;
+      constexpr int getEntityDimension() const;
       template< int Superdimensions > LocalIndexType getNumberOfSuperentities() const;
@@ -189,7 +195,7 @@ class MeshEntity< MeshConfig, MeshVertexTopology >
       template< int Superdimensions >
          const typename SuperentityTraits< Superdimensions >::AccessArrayType& getSuperentitiesIndeces() const;
-      template< int Dimensions >
+      template< int Dimension >
       GlobalIndexType getSuperentityIndex( const LocalIndexType localIndex ) const;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshEdgeTopology.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshEdgeTopology.h
index 1edb84a262f5d429088ed0dbb2b41807c7ed8c1f..34e8778baa434e444a50e01068d06812e44992d1 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshEdgeTopology.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshEdgeTopology.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshEntityTopology.h>
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshEntityTopology.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshEntityTopology.h
index 306e138d1b84f4aca72e760f6ba858c88593f7d1..589bec5db38d2cc7a406b8abd3092251f8247628 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshEntityTopology.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshEntityTopology.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 namespace TNL {
@@ -27,13 +33,13 @@ struct tnlSubentityVertex;
 template< typename MeshConfig,
-          int Dimensions >
+          int Dimension >
 class MeshEntityTopology
    typedef typename MeshSubtopology< typename MeshConfig::CellTopology,
-                                        Dimensions >::Topology Topology;
+                                        Dimension >::Topology Topology;
 template< typename MeshConfig >
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshHexahedronTopology.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshHexahedronTopology.h
index 7a3e08a9991d2ed60d4ff34fccf72fd0e96e41ae..4dc1ff3acae2a5579885bf00963150d86cc52844 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshHexahedronTopology.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshHexahedronTopology.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshQuadrilateralTopology.h>
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshQuadrilateralTopology.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshQuadrilateralTopology.h
index bb650528beca40aa35d9a877cb6590dd6ede8000..4dd844e4c9c0b3bd195c9f3387f8bbfa7d3557e2 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshQuadrilateralTopology.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshQuadrilateralTopology.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshEdgeTopology.h>
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshSimplexTopology.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshSimplexTopology.h
index e331db4d945b2242607968784e32ca99fcdad7a2..2120a71c7a120ab996e4b68777bcea99bfad5e22 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshSimplexTopology.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshSimplexTopology.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshSubtopology.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshSubtopology.h
index 8f522299dead491890eb200d283e55962cf20e3f..df9d813302025b4f6373f6ff4dc2f032b72a96ba 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshSubtopology.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshSubtopology.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 namespace TNL {
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshTetrahedronTopology.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshTetrahedronTopology.h
index fc881e6d79c5581ac5595804a80485d55d7a58c8..4f0067c255af28cf33d2dc4c5140053dbc8c8052 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshTetrahedronTopology.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshTetrahedronTopology.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshTriangleTopology.h>
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshTriangleTopology.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshTriangleTopology.h
index 4b693014675108b573fe2147f5dbf35c23c90447..0305c4355cc289548bf8fe3381f9fd08c71b513a 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshTriangleTopology.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshTriangleTopology.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshEdgeTopology.h>
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshVertexTopology.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshVertexTopology.h
index 4a8e48b67ebb29770fefcae35dc061368524cff0..5c70978f74687cf8999dd91b1ae811d1e8db9410 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshVertexTopology.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshVertexTopology.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Zabka Vitezslav, zabkav@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 namespace TNL {
diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/Traverser.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/Traverser.h
index 3350d7b1b16af58515c9b1e662242987a05fcca9..206227e9b360a2beaf5fccb8ce4ec26aadec375e 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/Traverser.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/Traverser.h
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ namespace Meshes {
 template< typename Mesh,
           typename MeshEntity,
-          int EntitiesDimensions = MeshEntity::entityDimensions >
+          int EntitiesDimension = MeshEntity::entityDimension >
 class Traverser{};
 } // namespace Meshes
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/DirichletBoundaryConditions.h b/src/TNL/Operators/DirichletBoundaryConditions.h
index 0e50373b7fcecd45472fa5f4275a0f3b13e8eae6..bd2d54739250d80bf493aace2d22e267cf11adc6 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/DirichletBoundaryConditions.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/DirichletBoundaryConditions.h
@@ -19,15 +19,15 @@ namespace TNL {
 namespace Operators {
 template< typename Mesh,
-          typename Function = Functions::Analytic::Constant< Mesh::getMeshDimensions(), typename Mesh::RealType >,
-          int MeshEntitiesDimensions = Mesh::getMeshDimensions(),
+          typename Function = Functions::Analytic::Constant< Mesh::getMeshDimension(), typename Mesh::RealType >,
+          int MeshEntitiesDimension = Mesh::getMeshDimension(),
           typename Real = typename Mesh::RealType,
           typename Index = typename Mesh::IndexType >
 class DirichletBoundaryConditions
 : public Operator< Mesh,
-                   MeshEntitiesDimensions,
-                   MeshEntitiesDimensions,
+                   MeshEntitiesDimension,
+                   MeshEntitiesDimension,
                    Index >
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ class DirichletBoundaryConditions
       typedef SharedPointer< Mesh > MeshPointer;
       typedef Containers::Vector< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType> DofVectorType;
-      typedef typename MeshType::VertexType VertexType;
+      typedef typename MeshType::PointType PointType;
-      static constexpr int getMeshDimensions() { return MeshType::meshDimensions; }
+      static constexpr int getDimension() { return MeshType::meshDimension; }
       static void configSetup( Config::ConfigDescription& config,
                                const String& prefix = "" )
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ class DirichletBoundaryConditions
                                  const EntityType& entity,
                                  const RealType& time = 0 ) const
-         //static_assert( EntityType::getDimensions() == MeshEntitiesDimensions, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." );
+         //static_assert( EntityType::getDimension() == MeshEntitiesDimension, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." );
          return Functions::FunctionAdapter< MeshType, Function >::template getValue( this->function, entity, time );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/ExactFunctionInverseOperator.h b/src/TNL/Operators/ExactFunctionInverseOperator.h
index dca0666ab6889e1b4d016f53b8a89d747f8cdb47..7833d05445fd6c49f0971a5c57c0d7c4cdcea37c 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/ExactFunctionInverseOperator.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/ExactFunctionInverseOperator.h
@@ -18,17 +18,17 @@
 namespace TNL {
 namespace Operators {
-template< int Dimensions,
-          typename InnerOperator= ExactIdentityOperator< Dimensions > >
+template< int Dimension,
+          typename InnerOperator= ExactIdentityOperator< Dimension > >
 class ExactFunctionInverseOperator
-   : public Functions::Domain< Dimensions, Functions::SpaceDomain >
+   : public Functions::Domain< Dimension, Functions::SpaceDomain >
       static String getType()
          return String( "ExactFunctionInverseOperator< " ) +
-                String( Dimensions) + " >";
+                String( Dimension) + " >";
       InnerOperator& getInnerOperator()
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class ExactFunctionInverseOperator
       typename Function::RealType
          operator()( const Function& function,
-                     const typename Function::VertexType& v,
+                     const typename Function::PointType& v,
                      const typename Function::RealType& time = 0.0 ) const
          typedef typename Function::RealType RealType;
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class ExactFunctionInverseOperator
       typename Function::RealType
          getPartialDerivative( const Function& function,
-                               const typename Function::VertexType& v,
+                               const typename Function::PointType& v,
                                const typename Function::RealType& time = 0.0 ) const
          static_assert( XDerivative >= 0 && YDerivative >= 0 && ZDerivative >= 0,
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/ExactIdentityOperator.h b/src/TNL/Operators/ExactIdentityOperator.h
index ee7ea78304f1996aef915ba760410c539d20944e..7c39938df87fb6a1863d82ea13d54e2e4e482c1a 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/ExactIdentityOperator.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/ExactIdentityOperator.h
@@ -17,23 +17,23 @@
 namespace TNL {
 namespace Operators {
-template< int Dimensions >
+template< int Dimension >
 class ExactIdentityOperator
-   : public Functions::Domain< Dimensions, Functions::SpaceDomain >
+   : public Functions::Domain< Dimension, Functions::SpaceDomain >
       static String getType()
          return String( "ExactIdentityOperator< " ) +
-                String( Dimensions) + " >";
+                String( Dimension) + " >";
       template< typename Function >
       typename Function::RealType
          operator()( const Function& function,
-                     const typename Function::VertexType& v,
+                     const typename Function::PointType& v,
                      const typename Function::RealType& time = 0.0 ) const
          return function( v, time );
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class ExactIdentityOperator
       typename Function::RealType
          getPartialDerivative( const Function& function,
-                               const typename Function::VertexType& v,
+                               const typename Function::PointType& v,
                                const typename Function::RealType& time = 0.0 ) const
          static_assert( XDerivative >= 0 && YDerivative >= 0 && ZDerivative >= 0,
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/ExactOperatorComposition.h b/src/TNL/Operators/ExactOperatorComposition.h
index b2d487832563ee501fed1a8e9bf214c552230603..e1a3ca6230402269aea0113a9666d043be0f2d43 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/ExactOperatorComposition.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/ExactOperatorComposition.h
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class ExactOperatorComposition
       template< typename Function >
       __cuda_callable__ inline
       typename Function::RealType operator()( const Function& function,
-                                              const typename Function::VertexType& v,
+                                              const typename Function::PointType& v,
                                               const typename Function::RealType& time = 0.0 ) const
          return OuterOperator( innerOperator( function, v, time), v, time );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/FiniteDifferences_impl.h b/src/TNL/Operators/FiniteDifferences_impl.h
index 51cc742999d7fc40bdb2e5fd75363ecc3ec6a335..3d5b5bace6fa1cd9d9566581fbe113ebba06437d 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/FiniteDifferences_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/FiniteDifferences_impl.h
@@ -69,22 +69,22 @@ Real FiniteDifferences< Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index > >::getDifference(
    if( YDifferenceOrder > 0 || ZDifferenceOrder > 0 )
       return 0.0;
    const RealType hx = grid.getSpaceSteps().x();
-   auto neighbourEntities = cell.getNeighbourEntities();
+   auto neighborEntities = cell.getNeighborEntities();
    IndexType cellIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( cell );
    if( XDifferenceOrder == 1 )
       if( XDifferenceDirection == 0 )
-         return ( function[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >() ] -
-                  function[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >() ] ) / ( 2.0 * hx );
+         return ( function[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >() ] -
+                  function[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >() ] ) / ( 2.0 * hx );
-         return ( function[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< XDifferenceDirection >() ] -
+         return ( function[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< XDifferenceDirection >() ] -
                   function[ cellIndex ] ) / ( XDifferenceDirection * hx );
    if( XDifferenceOrder == 2 )
-      return ( function[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >() ] -
+      return ( function[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >() ] -
                2.0 * function[ cellIndex ] +
-               function[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >() ] ) / (  hx * hx );
+               function[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >() ] ) / (  hx * hx );
@@ -121,33 +121,33 @@ Real FiniteDifferences< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > >::getDifference(
    if( ZDifferenceOrder > 0 )
       return 0.0;
-   auto neighbourEntities = cell.getNeighbourEntities();
+   auto neighborEntities = cell.getNeighborEntities();
    IndexType cellIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( cell );
    if( XDifferenceOrder == 1 )
       const RealType hx = grid.getSpaceSteps().x();
-      return ( function[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< XDifferenceDirection, 0 >( cellIndex ) ] -
+      return ( function[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< XDifferenceDirection, 0 >( cellIndex ) ] -
                function[ cellIndex ] ) / ( XDifferenceDirection * hx );
    if( XDifferenceOrder == 2 )
       const RealType hx = grid.getSpaceSteps().x();
-      return ( function[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0 >( cellIndex ) ] -
+      return ( function[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0 >( cellIndex ) ] -
                2.0 * function[ cellIndex ] +
-               function[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0 >( cellIndex ) ] ) / (  hx * hx );
+               function[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0 >( cellIndex ) ] ) / (  hx * hx );
    if( YDifferenceOrder == 1 )
       const RealType hy = grid.getSpaceSteps().y();
-      return ( function[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, YDifferenceDirection >( cellIndex ) ] -
+      return ( function[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, YDifferenceDirection >( cellIndex ) ] -
                function[ cellIndex ] ) / ( YDifferenceDirection * hy );
    if( YDifferenceOrder == 2 )
       const RealType hy = grid.getSpaceSteps().y();
-      return ( function[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1 >( cellIndex ) ] -
+      return ( function[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1 >( cellIndex ) ] -
                2.0 * function[ cellIndex ] +
-               function[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1 >( cellIndex ) ] ) / (  hy * hy );
+               function[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1 >( cellIndex ) ] ) / (  hy * hy );
@@ -184,47 +184,47 @@ Real FiniteDifferences< Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > >::getDifference(
                                                                                const CellType& cell,
                                                                                const GridFunction& function )
-   auto neighbourEntities = cell.getNeighbourEntities();
+   auto neighborEntities = cell.getNeighborEntities();
    IndexType cellIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( cell );
    if( XDifferenceOrder == 1 )
       const RealType hx = grid.getSpaceSteps().x();
-      return ( function[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< XDifferenceDirection, 0, 0 >( cellIndex ) ] -
+      return ( function[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< XDifferenceDirection, 0, 0 >( cellIndex ) ] -
                function[ cellIndex ] ) / ( XDifferenceDirection * hx );
    if( XDifferenceOrder == 2 )
       const RealType hx = grid.getSpaceSteps().x();
-      return ( function[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0, 0 >( cellIndex ) ] -
+      return ( function[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0, 0 >( cellIndex ) ] -
                2.0 * function[ cellIndex ] +
-               function[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0, 0 >( cellIndex ) ] ) / (  hx * hx );
+               function[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0, 0 >( cellIndex ) ] ) / (  hx * hx );
    if( YDifferenceOrder == 1 )
       const RealType hy = grid.getSpaceSteps().y();
-      return ( function[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, YDifferenceDirection, 0 >( cellIndex ) ] -
+      return ( function[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, YDifferenceDirection, 0 >( cellIndex ) ] -
                function[ cellIndex ] ) / ( YDifferenceDirection * hy );
    if( YDifferenceOrder == 2 )
       const RealType hy = grid.getSpaceSteps().y();
-      return ( function[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1, 0 >( cellIndex ) ] -
+      return ( function[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1, 0 >( cellIndex ) ] -
                2.0 * function[ cellIndex ] +
-               function[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1, 0 >( cellIndex ) ] ) / (  hy * hy );
+               function[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1, 0 >( cellIndex ) ] ) / (  hy * hy );
    if( ZDifferenceOrder == 1 )
       const RealType hz = grid.getSpaceSteps().z();
-      return ( function[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, ZDifferenceDirection >( cellIndex ) ] -
+      return ( function[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, ZDifferenceDirection >( cellIndex ) ] -
                function[ cellIndex ] ) / ( ZDifferenceDirection * hz );
    if( ZDifferenceOrder == 2 )
       const RealType hz = grid.getSpaceSteps().z();
-      return ( function[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, 1 >( cellIndex ) ] -
+      return ( function[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, 1 >( cellIndex ) ] -
                2.0 * function[ cellIndex ] +
-               function[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, -1 >( cellIndex ) ] ) / (  hz * hz );
+               function[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, -1 >( cellIndex ) ] ) / (  hz * hz );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/FunctionInverseOperator.h b/src/TNL/Operators/FunctionInverseOperator.h
index 1a849f9ed2de751d16000dfc6d1e41b357755f9c..f202d870cf79e1888fc3a9daf7701b94bfb928c8 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/FunctionInverseOperator.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/FunctionInverseOperator.h
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ template< typename OperatorT >
 class FunctionInverseOperator
 : public Operator< typename OperatorT::MeshType,
-                      OperatorT::getPreimageEntitiesDimensions(),
-                      OperatorT::getImageEntitiesDimensions(),
+                      OperatorT::getPreimageEntitiesDimension(),
+                      OperatorT::getImageEntitiesDimension(),
                       typename OperatorT::RealType,
                       typename OperatorT::IndexType >
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/IdentityOperator.h b/src/TNL/Operators/IdentityOperator.h
index afe0e3d2a314fb02dde40990a188c461f207b7c3..f48fbc8347887b8d923ff36622acde08d47d6d98 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/IdentityOperator.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/IdentityOperator.h
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ namespace Operators {
 template< typename MeshFunction >
 class IdentityOperator
-   : public Domain< MeshFunction::getDimensions(), MeshFunction::getDomainType() >
+   : public Domain< MeshFunction::getMeshDimension(), MeshFunction::getDomainType() >
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class IdentityOperator
          const MeshEntity& meshEntity,
          const RealType& time = 0 ) const
-         static_assert( MeshFunction::getDimensions() == InnerOperator::getDimensions(),
+         static_assert( MeshFunction::getMeshDimension() == InnerOperator::getDimension(),
             "Mesh function and operator have both different number of dimensions." );
          return this->meshFunction( meshEntity, time );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/NeumannBoundaryConditions.h b/src/TNL/Operators/NeumannBoundaryConditions.h
index 1461135eebaa135043e1f60452a178f2633b4737..91f09fd0ea6ce08651bb392655244d56db0f16b1 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/NeumannBoundaryConditions.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/NeumannBoundaryConditions.h
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class NeumannBoundaryConditions< Meshes::Grid< 1, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >,
    typedef Function FunctionType;
    typedef Containers::Vector< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType> DofVectorType;
-   typedef Containers::StaticVector< 1, RealType > VertexType;
+   typedef Containers::StaticVector< 1, RealType > PointType;
    typedef typename MeshType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
    typedef NeumannBoundaryConditions< MeshType, Function, Real, Index > ThisType;
    typedef NeumannBoundaryConditionsBase< Function > BaseType;
@@ -109,13 +109,13 @@ class NeumannBoundaryConditions< Meshes::Grid< 1, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >,
                               const RealType& time = 0 ) const
       const MeshType& mesh = entity.getMesh();
-      const auto& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+      const auto& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
       const IndexType& index = entity.getIndex();
       if( entity.getCoordinates().x() == 0 )
-         return u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >() ] - entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().x() * 
+         return u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >() ] - entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().x() * 
             Functions::FunctionAdapter< MeshType, FunctionType >::getValue( this->function, entity, time );
-         return u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >() ] + entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().x() * 
+         return u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >() ] + entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().x() * 
             Functions::FunctionAdapter< MeshType, FunctionType >::getValue( this->function, entity, time );   
@@ -142,19 +142,19 @@ class NeumannBoundaryConditions< Meshes::Grid< 1, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >,
                                      Matrix& matrix,
                                      Vector& b ) const
-         const auto& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const auto& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const IndexType& index = entity.getIndex();
          typename Matrix::MatrixRow matrixRow = matrix.getRow( index );
          if( entity.getCoordinates().x() == 0 )
             matrixRow.setElement( 0, index, 1.0 );
-            matrixRow.setElement( 1, neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(), -1.0 );
+            matrixRow.setElement( 1, neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(), -1.0 );
             b[ index ] = - entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().x() * 
                Functions::FunctionAdapter< MeshType, FunctionType >::getValue( this->function, entity, time );
-            matrixRow.setElement( 0, neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(), -1.0 );
+            matrixRow.setElement( 0, neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(), -1.0 );
             matrixRow.setElement( 1, index, 1.0 );
             b[ index ] = entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().x() *
                Functions::FunctionAdapter< MeshType, FunctionType >::getValue( this->function, entity, time );
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ class NeumannBoundaryConditions< Meshes::Grid< 2, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >,
       typedef Function FunctionType;
       typedef Containers::Vector< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType> DofVectorType;
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< 2, RealType > VertexType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< 2, RealType > PointType;
       typedef typename MeshType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
       typedef NeumannBoundaryConditions< MeshType, Function, Real, Index > ThisType;
       typedef NeumannBoundaryConditionsBase< Function > BaseType;
@@ -203,27 +203,27 @@ class NeumannBoundaryConditions< Meshes::Grid< 2, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >,
                                  const RealType& time = 0 ) const
          const MeshType& mesh = entity.getMesh();
-         const auto& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const auto& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const IndexType& index = entity.getIndex();
          if( entity.getCoordinates().x() == 0 )
-            return u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0 >() ] - entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().x() *
+            return u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0 >() ] - entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().x() *
                Functions::FunctionAdapter< MeshType, FunctionType >::getValue( this->function, entity, time );
          if( entity.getCoordinates().x() == entity.getMesh().getDimensions().x() - 1 )
-            return u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0 >() ] + entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().x() *
+            return u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0 >() ] + entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().x() *
                Functions::FunctionAdapter< MeshType, FunctionType >::getValue( this->function, entity, time );
          if( entity.getCoordinates().y() == 0 )
-            return u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1 >() ] - entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().y() *
+            return u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1 >() ] - entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().y() *
                Functions::FunctionAdapter< MeshType, FunctionType >::getValue( this->function, entity, time );
          // The following line is commented to avoid compiler warning
          //if( entity.getCoordinates().y() == entity.getMesh().getDimensions().y() - 1 )
-            return u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1 >() ] + entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().y() *
+            return u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1 >() ] + entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().y() *
                Functions::FunctionAdapter< MeshType, FunctionType >::getValue( this->function, entity, time );
@@ -249,19 +249,19 @@ class NeumannBoundaryConditions< Meshes::Grid< 2, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >,
                               Matrix& matrix,
                               Vector& b ) const
-         const auto& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const auto& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const IndexType& index = entity.getIndex();
          typename Matrix::MatrixRow matrixRow = matrix.getRow( index );
          if( entity.getCoordinates().x() == 0 )
             matrixRow.setElement( 0, index,                                                1.0 );
-            matrixRow.setElement( 1, neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0 >(), -1.0 );
+            matrixRow.setElement( 1, neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0 >(), -1.0 );
             b[ index ] = - entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().x() *
                Functions::FunctionAdapter< MeshType, FunctionType >::getValue( this->function, entity, time );
          if( entity.getCoordinates().x() == entity.getMesh().getDimensions().x() - 1 )
-            matrixRow.setElement( 0, neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0 >(), -1.0 );
+            matrixRow.setElement( 0, neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0 >(), -1.0 );
             matrixRow.setElement( 1, index,                                                 1.0 );
             b[ index ] = entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().x() *
                Functions::FunctionAdapter< MeshType, FunctionType >::getValue( this->function, entity, time );
@@ -269,13 +269,13 @@ class NeumannBoundaryConditions< Meshes::Grid< 2, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >,
          if( entity.getCoordinates().y() == 0 )
             matrixRow.setElement( 0, index,                                                1.0 );
-            matrixRow.setElement( 1, neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1 >(), -1.0 );
+            matrixRow.setElement( 1, neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1 >(), -1.0 );
             b[ index ] = - entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().y() *
                Functions::FunctionAdapter< MeshType, FunctionType >::getValue( this->function, entity, time );
          if( entity.getCoordinates().y() == entity.getMesh().getDimensions().y() - 1 )
-            matrixRow.setElement( 0, neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1 >(), -1.0 );
+            matrixRow.setElement( 0, neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1 >(), -1.0 );
             matrixRow.setElement( 1, index,                                                 1.0 );
             b[ index ] = entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().y() *
                Functions::FunctionAdapter< MeshType, FunctionType >::getValue( this->function, entity, time );
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ class NeumannBoundaryConditions< Meshes::Grid< 3, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >,
       typedef Function FunctionType;
       typedef Containers::Vector< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType> DofVectorType;
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< 3, RealType > VertexType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< 3, RealType > PointType;
       typedef typename MeshType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
       typedef NeumannBoundaryConditions< MeshType, Function, Real, Index > ThisType;
       typedef NeumannBoundaryConditionsBase< Function > BaseType;   
@@ -322,37 +322,37 @@ class NeumannBoundaryConditions< Meshes::Grid< 3, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >,
                                  const RealType& time = 0 ) const
          const MeshType& mesh = entity.getMesh();
-         const auto& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const auto& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const IndexType& index = entity.getIndex();
          if( entity.getCoordinates().x() == 0 )
-            return u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0, 0 >() ] - entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().x() *
+            return u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0, 0 >() ] - entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().x() *
                Functions::FunctionAdapter< MeshType, FunctionType >::getValue( this->function, entity, time );
          if( entity.getCoordinates().x() == entity.getMesh().getDimensions().x() - 1 )
-            return u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0, 0 >() ] + entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().x() *
+            return u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0, 0 >() ] + entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().x() *
                Functions::FunctionAdapter< MeshType, FunctionType >::getValue( this->function, entity, time );
          if( entity.getCoordinates().y() == 0 )
-            return u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1, 0 >() ] - entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().y() *
+            return u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1, 0 >() ] - entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().y() *
                Functions::FunctionAdapter< MeshType, FunctionType >::getValue( this->function, entity, time );
          if( entity.getCoordinates().y() == entity.getMesh().getDimensions().y() - 1 )
-            return u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1, 0 >() ] + entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().y() *
+            return u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1, 0 >() ] + entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().y() *
                Functions::FunctionAdapter< MeshType, FunctionType >::getValue( this->function, entity, time );
          if( entity.getCoordinates().z() == 0 )
-            return u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, 1 >() ] - entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().z() *
+            return u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, 1 >() ] - entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().z() *
                Functions::FunctionAdapter< MeshType, FunctionType >::getValue( this->function, entity, time );
          // The following line is commented to avoid compiler warning
          //if( entity.getCoordinates().z() == entity.getMesh().getDimensions().z() - 1 )
-            return u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, -1 >() ] + entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().z() *
+            return u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, -1 >() ] + entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().z() *
                Functions::FunctionAdapter< MeshType, FunctionType >::getValue( this->function, entity, time );
@@ -379,19 +379,19 @@ class NeumannBoundaryConditions< Meshes::Grid< 3, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >,
                                      Matrix& matrix,
                                      Vector& b ) const
-         const auto& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const auto& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const IndexType& index = entity.getIndex();
          typename Matrix::MatrixRow matrixRow = matrix.getRow( index );
          if( entity.getCoordinates().x() == 0 )
             matrixRow.setElement( 0, index,                                                   1.0 );
-            matrixRow.setElement( 1, neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0, 0 >(), -1.0 );
+            matrixRow.setElement( 1, neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0, 0 >(), -1.0 );
             b[ index ] = - entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().x() *
                Functions::FunctionAdapter< MeshType, FunctionType >::getValue( this->function, entity, time );
          if( entity.getCoordinates().x() == entity.getMesh().getDimensions().x() - 1 )
-            matrixRow.setElement( 0, neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0, 0 >(), -1.0 );
+            matrixRow.setElement( 0, neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0, 0 >(), -1.0 );
             matrixRow.setElement( 1, index,                                                    1.0 );
             b[ index ] = entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().x() *
                Functions::FunctionAdapter< MeshType, FunctionType >::getValue( this->function, entity, time );
@@ -399,13 +399,13 @@ class NeumannBoundaryConditions< Meshes::Grid< 3, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >,
          if( entity.getCoordinates().y() == 0 )
             matrixRow.setElement( 0, index,                                                   1.0 );
-            matrixRow.setElement( 1, neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1, 0 >(), -1.0 );
+            matrixRow.setElement( 1, neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1, 0 >(), -1.0 );
             b[ index ] = - entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().y() * 
                Functions::FunctionAdapter< MeshType, FunctionType >::getValue( this->function, entity, time );
          if( entity.getCoordinates().y() == entity.getMesh().getDimensions().y() - 1 )
-            matrixRow.setElement( 0, neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1, 0 >(), -1.0 );
+            matrixRow.setElement( 0, neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1, 0 >(), -1.0 );
             matrixRow.setElement( 1, index,                                                    1.0 );
             b[ index ] = entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().y() *
                Functions::FunctionAdapter< MeshType, FunctionType >::getValue( this->function, entity, time );
@@ -413,13 +413,13 @@ class NeumannBoundaryConditions< Meshes::Grid< 3, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >,
          if( entity.getCoordinates().z() == 0 )
             matrixRow.setElement( 0, index,                                                   1.0 );
-            matrixRow.setElement( 1, neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, 1 >(), -1.0 );
+            matrixRow.setElement( 1, neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, 1 >(), -1.0 );
             b[ index ] = - entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().z() *
                Functions::FunctionAdapter< MeshType, FunctionType >::getValue( this->function, entity, time );
          if( entity.getCoordinates().z() == entity.getMesh().getDimensions().z() - 1 )
-            matrixRow.setElement( 0, neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, -1 >(), -1.0 );
+            matrixRow.setElement( 0, neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, -1 >(), -1.0 );
             matrixRow.setElement( 1, index,                                                    1.0 );
             b[ index ] = entity.getMesh().getSpaceSteps().z() *
                Functions::FunctionAdapter< MeshType, FunctionType >::getValue( this->function, entity, time );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/Operator.h b/src/TNL/Operators/Operator.h
index f0cf536e1eacb460ac3144719408a769d7d19989..b18e31fc4fbc0b453840733871afdbcd360afc8f 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/Operator.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/Operator.h
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ namespace Operators {
 template< typename Mesh,
           Functions::DomainType DomainType = Functions::MeshInteriorDomain,
-          int PreimageEntitiesDimensions = Mesh::getMeshDimensions(),
-          int ImageEntitiesDimensions = Mesh::getMeshDimensions(),
+          int PreimageEntitiesDimension = Mesh::getMeshDimension(),
+          int ImageEntitiesDimension = Mesh::getMeshDimension(),
           typename Real = typename Mesh::RealType,
           typename Index = typename Mesh::IndexType >
-class Operator : public Functions::Domain< Mesh::getMeshDimensions(), DomainType >
+class Operator : public Functions::Domain< Mesh::getMeshDimension(), DomainType >
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ class Operator : public Functions::Domain< Mesh::getMeshDimensions(), DomainType
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef void ExactOperatorType;
-      constexpr static int getMeshDimensions() { return MeshType::getMeshDimensions(); }
-      constexpr static int getPreimageEntitiesDimensions() { return PreimageEntitiesDimensions; }
-      constexpr static int getImageEntitiesDimensions() { return ImageEntitiesDimensions; }
+      constexpr static int getDimension() { return MeshType::getMeshDimension(); }
+      constexpr static int getPreimageEntitiesDimension() { return PreimageEntitiesDimension; }
+      constexpr static int getImageEntitiesDimension() { return ImageEntitiesDimension; }
       bool refresh( const RealType& time = 0.0 ) { return true; }
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/OperatorComposition.h b/src/TNL/Operators/OperatorComposition.h
index c935a3741607e025808c7664f07fb1077284602a..e4730c2429c9f98b6f331bd7564fc78c226708d8 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/OperatorComposition.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/OperatorComposition.h
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ template< typename OuterOperator,
 class OperatorComposition
    : public Operator< typename InnerOperator::MeshType,
-                         InnerOperator::getPreimageEntitiesDimensions(),
-                         OuterOperator::getImageEntitiesDimensions(),
+                         InnerOperator::getPreimageEntitiesDimension(),
+                         OuterOperator::getImageEntitiesDimension(),
                          typename InnerOperator::RealType,
                          typename OuterOperator::IndexType >
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ class OperatorComposition
       typedef typename InnerOperator::MeshType MeshType;
-      typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType, InnerOperator::getPreimageEntitiesDimensions() > PreimageFunctionType;
-      typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType, InnerOperator::getImageEntitiesDimensions() > ImageFunctionType;
+      typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType, InnerOperator::getPreimageEntitiesDimension() > PreimageFunctionType;
+      typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType, InnerOperator::getImageEntitiesDimension() > ImageFunctionType;
       typedef Functions::OperatorFunction< InnerOperator, PreimageFunctionType, InnerBoundaryConditions > InnerOperatorFunction;
       typedef Functions::OperatorFunction< InnerOperator, ImageFunctionType > OuterOperatorFunction;
       typedef typename InnerOperator::RealType RealType;
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ class OperatorComposition
                                            typename InnerOperator::ExactOperatorType > ExactOperatorType;
       typedef SharedPointer< MeshType > MeshPointer;
-      static constexpr int getPreimageEntitiesDimensions() { return InnerOperator::getImageEntitiesDimensions(); };
-      static constexpr int getImageEntitiesDimensions() { return OuterOperator::getImageEntitiesDimensions(); };
+      static constexpr int getPreimageEntitiesDimension() { return InnerOperator::getImageEntitiesDimension(); };
+      static constexpr int getImageEntitiesDimension() { return OuterOperator::getImageEntitiesDimension(); };
       OperatorComposition( OuterOperator& outerOperator,
                               InnerOperator& innerOperator,
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class OperatorComposition
          const MeshEntity& meshEntity,
          const RealType& time = 0.0 ) const
-         static_assert( MeshFunction::getDimensions() == InnerOperator::getDimensions(),
+         static_assert( MeshFunction::getMeshDimension() == InnerOperator::getDimension(),
             "Mesh function and operator have both different number of dimensions." );
          //InnerOperatorFunction innerOperatorFunction( innerOperator, function );
          return outerOperator( innerOperatorFunction, meshEntity, time );
@@ -118,15 +118,15 @@ class OperatorComposition
 template< typename OuterOperator,
           typename InnerOperator >
 class OperatorComposition< OuterOperator, InnerOperator, void >
-   : public Functions::Domain< InnerOperator::getDimensions(), InnerOperator::getDomainType() >
+   : public Functions::Domain< InnerOperator::getDimension(), InnerOperator::getDomainType() >
       static_assert( std::is_same< typename OuterOperator::MeshType, typename InnerOperator::MeshType >::value,
          "Both operators have different mesh types." );
       typedef typename InnerOperator::MeshType MeshType;
-      typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType, InnerOperator::getPreimageEntitiesDimensions() > PreimageFunctionType;
-      typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType, InnerOperator::getImageEntitiesDimensions() > ImageFunctionType;
+      typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType, InnerOperator::getPreimageEntitiesDimension() > PreimageFunctionType;
+      typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType, InnerOperator::getImageEntitiesDimension() > ImageFunctionType;
       typedef Functions::OperatorFunction< InnerOperator, PreimageFunctionType, void > InnerOperatorFunction;
       typedef Functions::OperatorFunction< InnerOperator, ImageFunctionType > OuterOperatorFunction;
       typedef typename InnerOperator::RealType RealType;
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ class OperatorComposition< OuterOperator, InnerOperator, void >
       bool refresh( const RealType& time = 0.0 )
          return this->innerOperatorFunction.refresh( time );
-         /*MeshFunction< MeshType, MeshType::getMeshDimensions() - 1 > f( this->innerOperatorFunction.getMesh() );
+         /*MeshFunction< MeshType, MeshType::getMeshDimension() - 1 > f( this->innerOperatorFunction.getMesh() );
          f = this->innerOperatorFunction;
          this->innerOperatorFunction.getPreimageFunction().write( "preimageFunction", "gnuplot" );
          f.write( "innerFunction", "gnuplot" );
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ class OperatorComposition< OuterOperator, InnerOperator, void >
          const MeshEntity& meshEntity,
          const RealType& time = 0.0 ) const
-         static_assert( MeshFunction::getDimensions() == InnerOperator::getDimensions(),
+         static_assert( MeshFunction::getMeshDimension() == InnerOperator::getDimension(),
             "Mesh function and operator have both different number of dimensions." );
          //InnerOperatorFunction innerOperatorFunction( innerOperator, function );
          return outerOperator( innerOperatorFunction, meshEntity, time );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/ExactLinearDiffusion.h b/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/ExactLinearDiffusion.h
index 46a88172fdb74673e291fe14394ea0367ac2fb25..790fa0777996839904b2c8270720dde20afc8946 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/ExactLinearDiffusion.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/ExactLinearDiffusion.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Szekely Ondrej, ondra.szekely@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/Functions/Domain.h>
@@ -15,7 +21,7 @@
 namespace TNL {
 namespace Operators {   
-template< int Dimensions >
+template< int Dimension >
 class ExactLinearDiffusion
@@ -24,14 +30,14 @@ class ExactLinearDiffusion< 1 > : public Functions::Domain< 1, Functions::SpaceD
-      static const int Dimensions = 1;
+      static const int Dimension = 1;
       static String getType();
       template< typename Function >
       __cuda_callable__ inline
       typename Function::RealType operator()( const Function& function,
-                                              const typename Function::VertexType& v,
+                                              const typename Function::PointType& v,
                                               const typename Function::RealType& time = 0.0 ) const;
@@ -40,14 +46,14 @@ class ExactLinearDiffusion< 2 > : public Functions::Domain< 2, Functions::SpaceD
-      static const int Dimensions = 2;
+      static const int Dimension = 2;
       static String getType();
       template< typename Function >
       __cuda_callable__ inline
       typename Function::RealType operator()( const Function& function,
-                                              const typename Function::VertexType& v,
+                                              const typename Function::PointType& v,
                                               const typename Function::RealType& time = 0.0 ) const;
@@ -56,14 +62,14 @@ class ExactLinearDiffusion< 3 > : public Functions::Domain< 3 >
-      static const int Dimensions = 3;
+      static const int Dimension = 3;
       static String getType();
       template< typename Function >
       __cuda_callable__ inline
       typename Function::RealType operator()( const Function& function,
-                                              const typename Function::VertexType& v,
+                                              const typename Function::PointType& v,
                                               const typename Function::RealType& time = 0.0 ) const;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/ExactLinearDiffusion_impl.h b/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/ExactLinearDiffusion_impl.h
index 3e85c193b2071372f79c9f7ed283d872a41a0b7c..0aabb1027e38d3390ca009813e7ac1bf54cb006d 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/ExactLinearDiffusion_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/ExactLinearDiffusion_impl.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Szekely Ondrej, ondra.szekely@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 namespace TNL {
@@ -25,7 +31,7 @@ __cuda_callable__ inline
 typename Function::RealType
 ExactLinearDiffusion< 1 >::
 operator()( const Function& function,
-            const typename Function::VertexType& v,
+            const typename Function::PointType& v,
             const typename Function::RealType& time ) const
    return function.template getPartialDerivative< 2, 0, 0 >( v, time );
@@ -43,7 +49,7 @@ __cuda_callable__ inline
 typename Function::RealType
 ExactLinearDiffusion< 2 >::
 operator()( const Function& function,
-            const typename Function::VertexType& v,
+            const typename Function::PointType& v,
           const typename Function::RealType& time ) const
    return function.template getPartialDerivative< 2, 0, 0 >( v, time ) +
@@ -62,7 +68,7 @@ __cuda_callable__ inline
 typename Function::RealType
 ExactLinearDiffusion< 3 >::
 operator()( const Function& function,
-            const typename Function::VertexType& v,
+            const typename Function::PointType& v,
             const typename Function::RealType& time ) const
    return function.template getPartialDerivative< 2, 0, 0 >( v, time ) +
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/ExactMeanCurvature.h b/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/ExactMeanCurvature.h
index 04ac9df5d0642fdb9a6681b576099f7d8e6dd439..fbc2260efad49c99337d7af994bc3c61ef89c90e 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/ExactMeanCurvature.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/ExactMeanCurvature.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Szekely Ondrej, ondra.szekely@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/Operators/diffusion/ExactNonlinearDiffusion.h>
@@ -17,21 +23,21 @@
 namespace TNL {
 namespace Operators {   
-template< int Dimensions,
-          typename InnerOperator = ExactIdentityOperator< Dimensions > >
+template< int Dimension,
+          typename InnerOperator = ExactIdentityOperator< Dimension > >
 class ExactMeanCurvature
-: public Functions::Domain< Dimensions, Functions::SpaceDomain >
+: public Functions::Domain< Dimension, Functions::SpaceDomain >
-      typedef ExactGradientNorm< Dimensions > ExactGradientNormType;
-      typedef ExactFunctionInverseOperator< Dimensions, ExactGradientNormType > FunctionInverse;
-      typedef ExactNonlinearDiffusion< Dimensions, FunctionInverse > NonlinearDiffusion;
+      typedef ExactGradientNorm< Dimension > ExactGradientNormType;
+      typedef ExactFunctionInverseOperator< Dimension, ExactGradientNormType > FunctionInverse;
+      typedef ExactNonlinearDiffusion< Dimension, FunctionInverse > NonlinearDiffusion;
       static String getType()
          return String( "ExactMeanCurvature< " ) +
-                String( Dimensions) + ", " +
+                String( Dimension) + ", " +
                 InnerOperator::getType() + " >";
@@ -45,7 +51,7 @@ class ExactMeanCurvature
       typename Function::RealType
          operator()( const Function& function,
-                     const typename Function::VertexType& v,
+                     const typename Function::PointType& v,
                      const typename Function::RealType& time = 0.0 ) const
          return this->nonlinearDiffusion( function, v, time );
@@ -58,7 +64,7 @@ class ExactMeanCurvature
       typename Function::RealType
          getPartialDerivative( const Function& function,
-                               const typename Function::VertexType& v,
+                               const typename Function::PointType& v,
                                const typename Function::RealType& time = 0.0 ) const
          static_assert( XDerivative >= 0 && YDerivative >= 0 && ZDerivative >= 0,
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/ExactNonlinearDiffusion.h b/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/ExactNonlinearDiffusion.h
index d1fc5e574ce2fbcd7f5e856d66c7bbc0a11b9c9f..25381e2bb48bcdbdbde8f419c1cac856f621d7fd 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/ExactNonlinearDiffusion.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/ExactNonlinearDiffusion.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Szekely Ondrej, ondra.szekely@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/Functions/Domain.h>
@@ -17,9 +23,9 @@
 namespace TNL {
 namespace Operators {   
-template<  int Dimensions,
+template<  int Dimension,
            typename Nonlinearity,
-           typename InnerOperator = ExactIdentityOperator< Dimensions > >
+           typename InnerOperator = ExactIdentityOperator< Dimension > >
 class ExactNonlinearDiffusion
@@ -60,7 +66,7 @@ class ExactNonlinearDiffusion< 1, Nonlinearity, InnerOperator >
       typename Function::RealType
       operator()( const Function& function,
-                  const typename Function::VertexType& v,
+                  const typename Function::PointType& v,
                   const typename Function::RealType& time = 0.0 ) const
          typedef typename Function::RealType RealType;
@@ -114,7 +120,7 @@ class ExactNonlinearDiffusion< 2, Nonlinearity, InnerOperator >
       typename Function::RealType
       operator()( const Function& function,
-                  const typename Function::VertexType& v,
+                  const typename Function::PointType& v,
                   const typename Function::RealType& time = 0.0 ) const
          typedef typename Function::RealType RealType;
@@ -173,7 +179,7 @@ class ExactNonlinearDiffusion< 3, Nonlinearity, InnerOperator >
       typename Function::RealType
       operator()( const Function& function,
-                  const typename Function::VertexType& v,
+                  const typename Function::PointType& v,
                   const typename Function::RealType& time = 0.0 ) const
          typedef typename Function::RealType RealType;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/FiniteVolumeNonlinearOperator.h b/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/FiniteVolumeNonlinearOperator.h
index 6daa0a2de9e8c33622c9525af9c13ffc52d38b54..93e5d48e95acc6b9a66378d1f449791925900ec0 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/FiniteVolumeNonlinearOperator.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/FiniteVolumeNonlinearOperator.h
@@ -7,6 +7,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Szekely Ondrej, ondra.szekely@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/Containers/Vector.h>
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/FiniteVolumeNonlinearOperator_impl.h b/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/FiniteVolumeNonlinearOperator_impl.h
index dc223e6bcbb5399cd7c660c00f5891d1da6a8d34..083160467875cc0e4f40b15c63b7cf59c222a68b 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/FiniteVolumeNonlinearOperator_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/FiniteVolumeNonlinearOperator_impl.h
@@ -7,6 +7,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Szekely Ondrej, ondra.szekely@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include "FiniteVolumeNonlinearOperator.h"
@@ -124,14 +130,14 @@ operator()( const MeshEntity& entity,
             const Vector& u,
             const Real& time ) const
-   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();      
+   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();      
    const typename MeshEntity::MeshType& mesh = entity.getMesh();
    const IndexType& cellIndex = entity.getIndex();
    return operatorQ( entity, u, time ) * 
-      ( (  u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1, 0 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] ) * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2, 0 >() / operatorQ.operator()( entity, u, time, 1 )
-      + (  u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, 1 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] ) * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2 >() / operatorQ.operator()( entity, u, time, 0, 1 ) 
-      - ( -u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0 >() ] + u[ cellIndex ] ) * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2, 0 >() / operatorQ.operator()( entity, u, time, -1)
-      - ( -u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,-1 >() ] + u[ cellIndex ] ) * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2 >() / operatorQ.operator()( entity, u, time, 0, -1) );
+      ( (  u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1, 0 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] ) * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2, 0 >() / operatorQ.operator()( entity, u, time, 1 )
+      + (  u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, 1 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] ) * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2 >() / operatorQ.operator()( entity, u, time, 0, 1 ) 
+      - ( -u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0 >() ] + u[ cellIndex ] ) * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2, 0 >() / operatorQ.operator()( entity, u, time, -1)
+      - ( -u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,-1 >() ] + u[ cellIndex ] ) * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2 >() / operatorQ.operator()( entity, u, time, 0, -1) );
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -174,7 +180,7 @@ setMatrixElements( const RealType& time,
                     Matrix& matrix ) const
    typename Matrix::MatrixRow matrixRow = matrix.getRow( index );
-   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
    const RealType aCoef = - tau * operatorQ.operator()( entity, u, time ) * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2 >() / 
                        operatorQ.operator()( entity, u, time, 0, -1 );
    const RealType bCoef = - tau * operatorQ.operator()( entity, u, time ) * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2, 0 >() / 
@@ -188,11 +194,11 @@ setMatrixElements( const RealType& time,
                        operatorQ.operator()( entity, u, time, 1 );
    const RealType eCoef = - tau * operatorQ.operator()( entity, u, time ) * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2 >() / 
                        operatorQ.operator()(  entity, u, time, 0, 1 );
-   matrixRow.setElement( 0, neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(), aCoef );
-   matrixRow.setElement( 1, neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(), bCoef );
+   matrixRow.setElement( 0, neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(), aCoef );
+   matrixRow.setElement( 1, neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(), bCoef );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, entity.getIndex(),                                     cCoef );
-   matrixRow.setElement( 3, neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(), dCoef );
-   matrixRow.setElement( 4, neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(), eCoef );
+   matrixRow.setElement( 3, neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(), dCoef );
+   matrixRow.setElement( 4, neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(), eCoef );
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -227,21 +233,21 @@ operator()( const MeshEntity& entity,
             const Vector& u,
             const Real& time ) const
-   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
    const typename MeshEntity::MeshType& mesh = entity.getMesh();
    const IndexType& cellIndex = entity.getIndex();
    return operatorQ( entity, u, time ) * 
-      ( (u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0,0 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ]) 
+      ( (u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0,0 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ]) 
           * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2, 0, 0 >() / operatorQ( entity, u, time, 1 )
-          + ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1,0 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ]) * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2, 0 >()/
+          + ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1,0 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ]) * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2, 0 >()/
           operatorQ( entity, u, time, 0, 1 ) 
-          + ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,0,1 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ]) * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, 0, -2 >()/
+          + ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,0,1 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ]) * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, 0, -2 >()/
           operatorQ( entity, u, time, 0, 0, 1 ) 
-          - ( - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,0,0 >() ]  + u[ cellIndex ]) 
+          - ( - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,0,0 >() ]  + u[ cellIndex ]) 
           * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2, 0, 0 >() / operatorQ( entity, u, time, -1)
-          -( - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,-1,0 >() ] + u[ cellIndex ]) * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2, 0 >()
+          -( - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,-1,0 >() ] + u[ cellIndex ]) * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2, 0 >()
           /operatorQ( entity, u, time, 0, -1) 
-          -( - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,0,-1 >() ] + u[ cellIndex ]) * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, 0, -2 >()
+          -( - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,0,-1 >() ] + u[ cellIndex ]) * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, 0, -2 >()
           /operatorQ( entity, u, time, 0, 0, -1) );
@@ -287,7 +293,7 @@ setMatrixElements( const RealType& time,
                     Matrix& matrix ) const
    typename Matrix::MatrixRow matrixRow = matrix.getRow( index );
-   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
    const RealType aCoef = - tau * operatorQ( entity, u, time ) *
                        mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, 0, -2 >() / operatorQ.operator()( entity, u, time, 0, 0, -1 );
    const RealType bCoef = - tau * operatorQ( entity, u, time ) * 
@@ -307,13 +313,13 @@ setMatrixElements( const RealType& time,
                        mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2, 0 >() / operatorQ.operator()( entity, u, time, 0, 1, 0 );
    const RealType gCoef = - tau * operatorQ.operator()( entity, u, time ) * 
                        mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, 0, -2 >() / operatorQ.operator()( entity, u, time, 0, 0, 1 );
-   matrixRow.setElement( 0, neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,0,-1 >(), aCoef );
-   matrixRow.setElement( 1, neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,-1,0 >(), bCoef );
-   matrixRow.setElement( 2, neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,0,0 >(), cCoef );
+   matrixRow.setElement( 0, neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,0,-1 >(), aCoef );
+   matrixRow.setElement( 1, neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,-1,0 >(), bCoef );
+   matrixRow.setElement( 2, neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,0,0 >(), cCoef );
    matrixRow.setElement( 3, entity.getIndex(),                                     dCoef );
-   matrixRow.setElement( 4, neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0,0 >(),  eCoef );
-   matrixRow.setElement( 5, neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1,0 >(),  fCoef );
-   matrixRow.setElement( 6, neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,0,1 >(),  gCoef );
+   matrixRow.setElement( 4, neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0,0 >(),  eCoef );
+   matrixRow.setElement( 5, neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1,0 >(),  fCoef );
+   matrixRow.setElement( 6, neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,0,1 >(),  gCoef );
 } // namespace Operators
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/LinearDiffusion.h b/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/LinearDiffusion.h
index dd38c170daa48b4473c6e08a7a8e775fdc89578d..8844e547ad9f8b9f53f12b47eddb08caf8d30f7c 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/LinearDiffusion.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/LinearDiffusion.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Szekely Ondrej, ondra.szekely@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/Containers/Vector.h>
@@ -46,9 +52,9 @@ class LinearDiffusion< Meshes::Grid< 1,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, Inde
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef ExactLinearDiffusion< 1 > ExactOperatorType;
-      static const int Dimensions = MeshType::meshDimensions;
+      static const int Dimension = MeshType::meshDimension;
-      static constexpr int getMeshDimensions() { return Dimensions; }
+      static constexpr int getDimension() { return Dimension; }
       static String getType();
@@ -97,9 +103,9 @@ class LinearDiffusion< Meshes::Grid< 2, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, Ind
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef ExactLinearDiffusion< 2 > ExactOperatorType;
-      static const int Dimensions = MeshType::meshDimensions;
+      static const int Dimension = MeshType::meshDimension;
-      static constexpr int getMeshDimensions() { return Dimensions; }
+      static constexpr int getDimension() { return Dimension; }
       static String getType();
@@ -147,9 +153,9 @@ class LinearDiffusion< Meshes::Grid< 3, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, Ind
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef ExactLinearDiffusion< 3 > ExactOperatorType;
-      static const int Dimensions = MeshType::meshDimensions;
+      static const int Dimension = MeshType::meshDimension;
-      static constexpr int getMeshDimensions() { return Dimensions; }
+      static constexpr int getDimension() { return Dimension; }
       static String getType();
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/LinearDiffusion_impl.h b/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/LinearDiffusion_impl.h
index c20e8fa39ffe917ab69511a63894b50f13aac744..6edc08d85fb2152b9735ba04b98152943e4a516a 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/LinearDiffusion_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/LinearDiffusion_impl.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Szekely Ondrej, ondra.szekely@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/Operators/diffusion/LinearDiffusion.h>
@@ -46,13 +52,13 @@ operator()( const PreimageFunction& u,
             const MeshEntity& entity,
             const Real& time ) const
-   static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 1, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." );
-   static_assert( PreimageFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 1, "Wrong preimage function" );
-   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+   static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 1, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." );
+   static_assert( PreimageFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 1, "Wrong preimage function" );
+   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
    const RealType& hxSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< - 2 >();
-   return ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >() ]
+   return ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >() ]
             - 2.0 * u[ entity.getIndex() ]
-            + u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >() ] ) * hxSquareInverse;
+            + u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >() ] ) * hxSquareInverse;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -92,15 +98,15 @@ setMatrixElements( const PreimageFunction& u,
                    Matrix& matrix,
                    Vector& b ) const
-   static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 1, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." );
-   static_assert( PreimageFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 1, "Wrong preimage function" );
-   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+   static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 1, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." );
+   static_assert( PreimageFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 1, "Wrong preimage function" );
+   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
    const IndexType& index = entity.getIndex();
    typename Matrix::MatrixRow matrixRow = matrix.getRow( index );
    const RealType lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2 >();
-   matrixRow.setElement( 0, neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(),      - lambdaX );
+   matrixRow.setElement( 0, neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(),      - lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, index,                                              2.0 * lambdaX );
-   matrixRow.setElement( 2, neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(),       - lambdaX );
+   matrixRow.setElement( 2, neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(),       - lambdaX );
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -151,15 +157,15 @@ operator()( const PreimageFunction& u,
             const EntityType& entity,
             const Real& time ) const
-   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimensions == 2, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." );
-   static_assert( PreimageFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 2, "Wrong preimage function" );
-   const typename EntityType::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimension == 2, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." );
+   static_assert( PreimageFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 2, "Wrong preimage function" );
+   const typename EntityType::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
    const RealType& hxSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2, 0 >();
    const RealType& hySquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2 >();
-   return ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >() ]
-          + u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >() ] ) * hxSquareInverse +
-          ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >() ]
-          + u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >() ] ) * hySquareInverse
+   return ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >() ]
+          + u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >() ] ) * hxSquareInverse +
+          ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >() ]
+          + u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >() ] ) * hySquareInverse
           - 2.0 * u[ entity.getIndex() ] * ( hxSquareInverse + hySquareInverse );
@@ -183,18 +189,18 @@ setMatrixElements( const PreimageFunction& u,
                    Matrix& matrix,
                    Vector& b ) const
-   static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 2, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." );
-   static_assert( PreimageFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 2, "Wrong preimage function" );
+   static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 2, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." );
+   static_assert( PreimageFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 2, "Wrong preimage function" );
    const IndexType& index = entity.getIndex();
    typename Matrix::MatrixRow matrixRow = matrix.getRow( index );
    const RealType lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2, 0 >();
    const RealType lambdaY = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2 >();
-   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
-   matrixRow.setElement( 0, neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1 >(), -lambdaY );
-   matrixRow.setElement( 1, neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0 >(), -lambdaX );
+   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
+   matrixRow.setElement( 0, neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1 >(), -lambdaY );
+   matrixRow.setElement( 1, neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0 >(), -lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, index,                                                        2.0 * ( lambdaX + lambdaY ) );
-   matrixRow.setElement( 3, neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0 >(),   -lambdaX );
-   matrixRow.setElement( 4, neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1 >(),   -lambdaY );
+   matrixRow.setElement( 3, neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0 >(),   -lambdaX );
+   matrixRow.setElement( 4, neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1 >(),   -lambdaY );
@@ -228,18 +234,18 @@ operator()( const PreimageFunction& u,
             const EntityType& entity,
             const Real& time ) const
-   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimensions == 3, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." );
-   static_assert( PreimageFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 3, "Wrong preimage function" );
-   const typename EntityType::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimension == 3, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." );
+   static_assert( PreimageFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 3, "Wrong preimage function" );
+   const typename EntityType::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
    const RealType& hxSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2,  0,  0 >();
    const RealType& hySquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0, -2,  0 >();
    const RealType& hzSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0,  0, -2 >();
-   return (   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >() ]
-            + u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >() ] ) * hxSquareInverse +
-          (   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >() ]
-            + u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >() ] ) * hySquareInverse +
-          (   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >() ]
-            + u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >() ] ) * hzSquareInverse
+   return (   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >() ]
+            + u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >() ] ) * hxSquareInverse +
+          (   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >() ]
+            + u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >() ] ) * hySquareInverse +
+          (   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >() ]
+            + u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >() ] ) * hzSquareInverse
          - 2.0 * u[ entity.getIndex() ] * ( hxSquareInverse + hySquareInverse + hzSquareInverse );
@@ -280,21 +286,21 @@ setMatrixElements( const PreimageFunction& u,
                    Matrix& matrix,
                    Vector& b ) const
-   static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 3, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." );
-   static_assert( PreimageFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 3, "Wrong preimage function" );
-   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+   static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 3, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." );
+   static_assert( PreimageFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 3, "Wrong preimage function" );
+   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
    const IndexType& index = entity.getIndex();
    typename Matrix::MatrixRow matrixRow = matrix.getRow( index );
    const RealType lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2, 0, 0 >();
    const RealType lambdaY = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2, 0 >();
    const RealType lambdaZ = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, 0, -2 >();
-   matrixRow.setElement( 0, neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, -1 >(), -lambdaZ );
-   matrixRow.setElement( 1, neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1, 0 >(), -lambdaY );
-   matrixRow.setElement( 2, neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0, 0 >(), -lambdaX );
+   matrixRow.setElement( 0, neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, -1 >(), -lambdaZ );
+   matrixRow.setElement( 1, neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1, 0 >(), -lambdaY );
+   matrixRow.setElement( 2, neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0, 0 >(), -lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 3, index,                             2.0 * ( lambdaX + lambdaY + lambdaZ ) );
-   matrixRow.setElement( 4, neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0, 0 >(),   -lambdaX );
-   matrixRow.setElement( 5, neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1, 0 >(),   -lambdaY );
-   matrixRow.setElement( 6, neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, 1 >(),   -lambdaZ );
+   matrixRow.setElement( 4, neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0, 0 >(),   -lambdaX );
+   matrixRow.setElement( 5, neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1, 0 >(),   -lambdaY );
+   matrixRow.setElement( 6, neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, 1 >(),   -lambdaZ );
 } // namespace Operators
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/NonlinearDiffusion_impl.h b/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/NonlinearDiffusion_impl.h
index da4b1d281f43fbe6bdc18fe4712a13036bbaa3bd..0dbc269883acadf563cf6fa6f5c28c185e24436f 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/NonlinearDiffusion_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/NonlinearDiffusion_impl.h
@@ -1,9 +1,25 @@
+                          NonlinearDiffusion.h  -  description
+                             -------------------
+    begin                : Aug 8, 2014
+    copyright            : (C) 2014 by Tomas Oberhuber
+    email                : tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ ***************************************************************************/
+/* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
 #pragma once
 #include "NonlinearDiffusion.h"
 #include <TNL/Meshes/Grid.h>
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Szekely Ondrej, ondra.szekely@gmail.com
+ */
 namespace TNL {
 namespace Operators {
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/OneSidedMeanCurvature.h b/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/OneSidedMeanCurvature.h
index f6d2871c199d4c147173171bbb25260fc8f03225..5e3e4d59c2aa98d09d8cbee72a105bf2dcfb37c6 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/OneSidedMeanCurvature.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/OneSidedMeanCurvature.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Szekely Ondrej, ondra.szekely@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/Operators/Operator.h>
@@ -27,7 +33,7 @@ template< typename Mesh,
           typename Index = typename Mesh::IndexType,
           bool EvaluateNonlinearityOnFly = false >
 class OneSidedMeanCurvature
-   : public Operator< Mesh, Functions::MeshInteriorDomain, Mesh::getMeshDimensions(), Mesh::getMeshDimensions(), Real, Index >
+   : public Operator< Mesh, Functions::MeshInteriorDomain, Mesh::getMeshDimension(), Mesh::getMeshDimension(), Real, Index >
@@ -37,12 +43,12 @@ class OneSidedMeanCurvature
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef FDMGradientNorm< MeshType, ForwardFiniteDifference, RealType, IndexType > GradientNorm;
       typedef FunctionInverseOperator< GradientNorm > NonlinearityOperator;
-      typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType, MeshType::getMeshDimensions(), RealType > NonlinearityMeshFunction;
-      typedef Functions::Analytic::Constant< MeshType::getMeshDimensions(), RealType > NonlinearityBoundaryConditionsFunction;
+      typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType, MeshType::getMeshDimension(), RealType > NonlinearityMeshFunction;
+      typedef Functions::Analytic::Constant< MeshType::getMeshDimension(), RealType > NonlinearityBoundaryConditionsFunction;
       typedef NeumannBoundaryConditions< MeshType, NonlinearityBoundaryConditionsFunction > NonlinearityBoundaryConditions;
       typedef Functions::OperatorFunction< NonlinearityOperator, NonlinearityMeshFunction, NonlinearityBoundaryConditions, EvaluateNonlinearityOnFly > Nonlinearity;
       typedef OneSidedNonlinearDiffusion< Mesh, Nonlinearity, RealType, IndexType > NonlinearDiffusion;
-      typedef ExactMeanCurvature< Mesh::getMeshDimensions(), RealType > ExactOperatorType;
+      typedef ExactMeanCurvature< Mesh::getMeshDimension(), RealType > ExactOperatorType;
       OneSidedMeanCurvature( const MeshPointer& meshPointer )
       : nonlinearityOperator( gradientNorm ),
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/OneSidedNonlinearDiffusion.h b/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/OneSidedNonlinearDiffusion.h
index 652bf8ba1801f0ea17f0c0881bbe277d08e1f546..9f6e72aa5ea303fe121f447cb2e8d081c32ec497 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/OneSidedNonlinearDiffusion.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/diffusion/OneSidedNonlinearDiffusion.h
@@ -8,6 +8,11 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Szekely Ondrej, ondra.szekely@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
@@ -42,8 +47,8 @@ class OneSidedNonlinearDiffusion< Meshes::Grid< 1,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >,
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Nonlinearity NonlinearityType;
-      typedef typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshType::getMeshDimensions() > CellType;
-      typedef ExactNonlinearDiffusion< MeshType::getMeshDimensions(), typename Nonlinearity::ExactOperatorType, Real > ExactOperatorType;
+      typedef typename MeshType::template MeshEntity< MeshType::getMeshDimension() > CellType;
+      typedef ExactNonlinearDiffusion< MeshType::getMeshDimension(), typename Nonlinearity::ExactOperatorType, Real > ExactOperatorType;
       OneSidedNonlinearDiffusion( const Nonlinearity& nonlinearity )
       : nonlinearity( nonlinearity ){}
@@ -64,12 +69,12 @@ class OneSidedNonlinearDiffusion< Meshes::Grid< 1,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >,
                        const MeshEntity& entity,
                        const RealType& time = 0.0 ) const
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const typename MeshEntity::MeshType& mesh = entity.getMesh();
          const RealType& hx_div = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2 >();
          const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex();
-         const IndexType& east = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1 >();
-         const IndexType& west = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >();
+         const IndexType& east = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1 >();
+         const IndexType& west = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >();
          const RealType& u_c = u[ center ];
          const RealType u_x_f = ( u[ east ] - u_c );
          const RealType u_x_b = ( u_c - u[ west ] );
@@ -100,10 +105,10 @@ class OneSidedNonlinearDiffusion< Meshes::Grid< 1,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >,
                                      Vector& b ) const
          typename Matrix::MatrixRow matrixRow = matrix.getRow( index );
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex();
-         const IndexType& east = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1 >();
-         const IndexType& west = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >();
+         const IndexType& east = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1 >();
+         const IndexType& west = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >();
          const RealType lambda_x = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2 >();
          const RealType& nonlinearity_center = this->nonlinearity[ center ];
          const RealType& nonlinearity_west = this->nonlinearity[ west ];
@@ -137,7 +142,7 @@ class OneSidedNonlinearDiffusion< Meshes::Grid< 2, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Nonlinearity NonlinearityType;
-      typedef ExactNonlinearDiffusion< MeshType::getMeshDimensions(), typename Nonlinearity::ExactOperatorType, Real > ExactOperatorType;
+      typedef ExactNonlinearDiffusion< MeshType::getMeshDimension(), typename Nonlinearity::ExactOperatorType, Real > ExactOperatorType;
       OneSidedNonlinearDiffusion( const Nonlinearity& nonlinearity )
       : nonlinearity( nonlinearity ){}
@@ -158,15 +163,15 @@ class OneSidedNonlinearDiffusion< Meshes::Grid< 2, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >
                        const MeshEntity& entity,
                        const RealType& time = 0.0 ) const
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const typename MeshEntity::MeshType& mesh = entity.getMesh();
          const RealType& hx_div = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2,  0 >();
          const RealType& hy_div = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0, -2 >();
          const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex();
-         const IndexType& east = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1, 0 >();
-         const IndexType& west = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0 >();
-         const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,  1 >();
-         const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1 >();
+         const IndexType& east = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1, 0 >();
+         const IndexType& west = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0 >();
+         const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,  1 >();
+         const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1 >();
          const RealType& u_c = u[ center ];
          const RealType u_x_f = ( u[ east ] - u_c );
          const RealType u_x_b = ( u_c - u[ west ] );
@@ -200,12 +205,12 @@ class OneSidedNonlinearDiffusion< Meshes::Grid< 2, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >
                                      Vector& b ) const
          typename Matrix::MatrixRow matrixRow = matrix.getRow( index );
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex();
-         const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >();
-         const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >();
-         const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >();
-         const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >();
+         const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >();
+         const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >();
+         const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >();
+         const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >();
          const RealType lambda_x = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2,  0 >();
          const RealType lambda_y = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0, -2 >();
          const RealType& nonlinearity_center = this->nonlinearity[ center ];
@@ -246,7 +251,7 @@ class OneSidedNonlinearDiffusion< Meshes::Grid< 3, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Nonlinearity NonlinearityType;
-      typedef ExactNonlinearDiffusion< MeshType::getMeshDimensions(), typename Nonlinearity::ExactOperatorType, Real > ExactOperatorType;
+      typedef ExactNonlinearDiffusion< MeshType::getMeshDimension(), typename Nonlinearity::ExactOperatorType, Real > ExactOperatorType;
       OneSidedNonlinearDiffusion( const Nonlinearity& nonlinearity )
       : nonlinearity( nonlinearity ){}
@@ -267,18 +272,18 @@ class OneSidedNonlinearDiffusion< Meshes::Grid< 3, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >
                        const MeshEntity& entity,
                        const RealType& time = 0.0 ) const
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const typename MeshEntity::MeshType& mesh = entity.getMesh();
          const RealType& hx_div = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2,  0,  0 >();
          const RealType& hy_div = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0, -2,  0 >();
          const RealType& hz_div = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0,  0, -2 >();
          const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex();
-         const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >();
-         const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >();
-         const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >();
-         const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >();
-         const IndexType& up    = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >();
-         const IndexType& down  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >();
+         const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >();
+         const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >();
+         const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >();
+         const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >();
+         const IndexType& up    = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >();
+         const IndexType& down  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >();
          const RealType& u_c = u[ center ];
          const RealType u_x_f = ( u[ east ] - u_c );
@@ -317,14 +322,14 @@ class OneSidedNonlinearDiffusion< Meshes::Grid< 3, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >
                                      Vector& b ) const
          typename Matrix::MatrixRow matrixRow = matrix.getRow( index );
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex();
-         const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >();
-         const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >();
-         const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >();
-         const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >();
-         const IndexType& up    = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >();
-         const IndexType& down  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >();
+         const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >();
+         const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >();
+         const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >();
+         const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >();
+         const IndexType& up    = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >();
+         const IndexType& down  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >();
          const RealType lambda_x = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2,  0,  0 >();
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/euler/fvm/LaxFridrichs.h b/src/TNL/Operators/euler/fvm/LaxFridrichs.h
index 60e0a86246ca6b6eaebccb5d7f92217d9ff8f267..8033c80f97d665cc642bbbf11868a4e44b910273 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/euler/fvm/LaxFridrichs.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/euler/fvm/LaxFridrichs.h
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class LaxFridrichs< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index, GridGeometry >, Pressu
    typedef Real RealType;
    typedef Device DeviceType;
    typedef Index IndexType;
-   typedef typename MeshType :: VertexType VertexType;
+   typedef typename MeshType :: PointType PointType;
    typedef typename MeshType :: CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ class LaxFridrichs< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index, tnlIdenticalGridGeomet
    typedef Real RealType;
    typedef Device DeviceType;
    typedef Index IndexType;
-   typedef typename MeshType :: VertexType VertexType;
+   typedef typename MeshType :: PointType PointType;
    typedef typename MeshType :: CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/euler/fvm/LaxFridrichs_impl.h b/src/TNL/Operators/euler/fvm/LaxFridrichs_impl.h
index 88a780ad3bdf4a5da12e0d167b90dfb56938335e..428be093a8656461dee19a1bdc126cc0cb080cad 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/euler/fvm/LaxFridrichs_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/euler/fvm/LaxFridrichs_impl.h
@@ -151,10 +151,10 @@ void LaxFridrichs< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index, GridGeometry >, Pressur
    TNL_ASSERT( pressureGradient, std::cerr << "No pressure gradient was set in the the Lax-Fridrichs scheme." )
    const IndexType& c = centralVolume;
-   const IndexType e = this->mesh -> getElementNeighbour( centralVolume,  1,  0 );
-   const IndexType w = this->mesh -> getElementNeighbour( centralVolume, -1,  0 );
-   const IndexType n = this->mesh -> getElementNeighbour( centralVolume,  0,  1 );
-   const IndexType s = this->mesh -> getElementNeighbour( centralVolume,  0, -1 );
+   const IndexType e = this->mesh -> getElementNeighbor( centralVolume,  1,  0 );
+   const IndexType w = this->mesh -> getElementNeighbor( centralVolume, -1,  0 );
+   const IndexType n = this->mesh -> getElementNeighbor( centralVolume,  0,  1 );
+   const IndexType s = this->mesh -> getElementNeighbor( centralVolume,  0, -1 );
    const RealType u1_e = rho_u1[ e ] / regularize( rho[ e ] );
    const RealType u1_w = rho_u1[ w ] / regularize( rho[ w ] );
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ void LaxFridrichs< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index, GridGeometry >, Pressur
    const RealType u2_w = rho_u2[ w ] / regularize( rho[ w ] );
-    * Get the central volume and its neighbours (east, north, west, south) coordinates
+    * Get the central volume and its neighbors (east, north, west, south) coordinates
    CoordinatesType c_coordinates, e_coordinates, n_coordinates, w_coordinates, s_coordinates;
    this->mesh -> getElementCoordinates( c, c_coordinates );
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ void LaxFridrichs< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index, GridGeometry >, Pressur
     * Get the edge normals
-   VertexType e_normal, w_normal, n_normal, s_normal;
+   PointType e_normal, w_normal, n_normal, s_normal;
    this->mesh -> template getEdgeNormal<  1,  0 >( c_coordinates, e_normal );
    this->mesh -> template getEdgeNormal< -1,  0 >( c_coordinates, w_normal );
    this->mesh -> template getEdgeNormal<  0,  1 >( c_coordinates, n_normal );
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ void LaxFridrichs< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index, GridGeometry >, Pressur
     * Compute the pressure gradient
-   VertexType grad_p;
+   PointType grad_p;
    pressureGradient -> getGradient( c, grad_p );
@@ -407,10 +407,10 @@ void LaxFridrichs< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index, tnlIdenticalGridGeometr
    const RealType hy = this->mesh -> getParametricStep(). y();
    const IndexType& c = centralVolume;
-   const IndexType e = this->mesh -> getElementNeighbour( centralVolume,  1,  0 );
-   const IndexType w = this->mesh -> getElementNeighbour( centralVolume, -1,  0 );
-   const IndexType n = this->mesh -> getElementNeighbour( centralVolume,  0,  1 );
-   const IndexType s = this->mesh -> getElementNeighbour( centralVolume,  0, -1 );
+   const IndexType e = this->mesh -> getElementNeighbor( centralVolume,  1,  0 );
+   const IndexType w = this->mesh -> getElementNeighbor( centralVolume, -1,  0 );
+   const IndexType n = this->mesh -> getElementNeighbor( centralVolume,  0,  1 );
+   const IndexType s = this->mesh -> getElementNeighbor( centralVolume,  0, -1 );
     * rho_t + ( rho u_1 )_x + ( rho u_2 )_y =  0
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ void LaxFridrichs< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index, tnlIdenticalGridGeometr
     * Compute the pressure gradient
-   VertexType grad_p;
+   PointType grad_p;
    pressureGradient -> getGradient( c, grad_p );
@@ -465,10 +465,10 @@ void LaxFridrichs< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index, tnlIdenticalGridGeometr
    const RealType hy = this->mesh -> getParametricStep(). y();
    const IndexType& c = centralVolume;
-   const IndexType e = this->mesh -> getElementNeighbour( centralVolume,  1,  0 );
-   const IndexType w = this->mesh -> getElementNeighbour( centralVolume, -1,  0 );
-   const IndexType n = this->mesh -> getElementNeighbour( centralVolume,  0,  1 );
-   const IndexType s = this->mesh -> getElementNeighbour( centralVolume,  0, -1 );
+   const IndexType e = this->mesh -> getElementNeighbor( centralVolume,  1,  0 );
+   const IndexType w = this->mesh -> getElementNeighbor( centralVolume, -1,  0 );
+   const IndexType n = this->mesh -> getElementNeighbor( centralVolume,  0,  1 );
+   const IndexType s = this->mesh -> getElementNeighbor( centralVolume,  0, -1 );
     * rho_t + ( rho u_1 )_x + ( rho u_2 )_y =  0
@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ void LaxFridrichs< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index, tnlIdenticalGridGeometr
     * Compute the pressure gradient
-   VertexType grad_p;
+   PointType grad_p;
    pressureGradient -> getGradient( c, grad_p );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/fdm/BackwardFiniteDifference.h b/src/TNL/Operators/fdm/BackwardFiniteDifference.h
index ae88272967acefb399b582582e04c93a171f5dd6..ecc94c6a4e34bdae4eb61b856a2513edf25da033 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/fdm/BackwardFiniteDifference.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/fdm/BackwardFiniteDifference.h
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class BackwardFiniteDifference
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename MeshReal,
           typename MeshDevice,
           typename MeshIndex,
@@ -36,19 +36,19 @@ template< int Dimensions,
           int ZDifference,
           typename Real,
           typename Index >
-class BackwardFiniteDifference< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, MeshReal, MeshDevice, MeshIndex >, XDifference, YDifference, ZDifference, Real, Index >
-: public Operator< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, MeshReal, MeshDevice, MeshIndex >,
-                      Functions::MeshInteriorDomain, Dimensions, Dimensions, Real, Index >
+class BackwardFiniteDifference< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, MeshReal, MeshDevice, MeshIndex >, XDifference, YDifference, ZDifference, Real, Index >
+: public Operator< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, MeshReal, MeshDevice, MeshIndex >,
+                      Functions::MeshInteriorDomain, Dimension, Dimension, Real, Index >
-      typedef Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, MeshReal, MeshDevice, MeshIndex > MeshType;
+      typedef Meshes::Grid< Dimension, MeshReal, MeshDevice, MeshIndex > MeshType;
       typedef Real RealType;
       typedef MeshDevice DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
-      typedef ExactDifference< Dimensions, XDifference, YDifference, ZDifference > ExactOperatorType;
+      typedef ExactDifference< Dimension, XDifference, YDifference, ZDifference > ExactOperatorType;
-      static constexpr int getMeshDimensions() { return Dimensions; }
+      static constexpr int getDimension() { return Dimension; }
       static String getType()
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class BackwardFiniteDifference< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, MeshReal, MeshDevice,
                               const MeshEntity& entity,
                               const RealType& time = 0.0 ) const
-         static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == Dimensions,
+         static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == Dimension,
             "Finite differences can be evaluate only on mesh cells, i.e. the dimensions count of the mesh entities of mesh function must be the same as mesh dimensions count." );
          const int XDirection = -1 * ( XDifference != 0 );
          const int YDirection = -1 * ( YDifference != 0 );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/fdm/CentralFiniteDifference.h b/src/TNL/Operators/fdm/CentralFiniteDifference.h
index 3d2bbe7a413d72e1883c16a015c85354e540c68f..a9514d9f3e9354505d72aa675f6cdc0a76a16382 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/fdm/CentralFiniteDifference.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/fdm/CentralFiniteDifference.h
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class CentralFiniteDifference
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename MeshReal,
           typename MeshDevice,
           typename MeshIndex,
@@ -36,19 +36,19 @@ template< int Dimensions,
           int ZDifference,
           typename Real,
           typename Index >
-class CentralFiniteDifference< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, MeshReal, MeshDevice, MeshIndex >, XDifference, YDifference, ZDifference, Real, Index >
-: public Operator< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, MeshReal, MeshDevice, MeshIndex >,
-                      Functions::MeshInteriorDomain, Dimensions, Dimensions, Real, Index >
+class CentralFiniteDifference< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, MeshReal, MeshDevice, MeshIndex >, XDifference, YDifference, ZDifference, Real, Index >
+: public Operator< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, MeshReal, MeshDevice, MeshIndex >,
+                      Functions::MeshInteriorDomain, Dimension, Dimension, Real, Index >
-      typedef Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, MeshReal, MeshDevice, MeshIndex > MeshType;
+      typedef Meshes::Grid< Dimension, MeshReal, MeshDevice, MeshIndex > MeshType;
       typedef Real RealType;
       typedef MeshDevice DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
-      typedef ExactDifference< Dimensions, XDifference, YDifference, ZDifference > ExactOperatorType;
+      typedef ExactDifference< Dimension, XDifference, YDifference, ZDifference > ExactOperatorType;
-      //static constexpr int getMeshDimensions() { return Dimensions; }
+      //static constexpr int getDimension() { return Dimension; }
       static String getType()
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class CentralFiniteDifference< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, MeshReal, MeshDevice, M
                               const MeshEntity& entity,
                               const RealType& time = 0.0 ) const
-         static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == Dimensions,
+         static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == Dimension,
             "Finite differences can be evaluate only on mesh cells, i.e. the dimensions count of the mesh entities of mesh function must be the same as mesh dimensions count." );
          return FiniteDifferences< MeshType, Real, Index, XDifference, YDifference, ZDifference, 0, 0, 0 >::getValue( u, entity );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/fdm/ExactDifference.h b/src/TNL/Operators/fdm/ExactDifference.h
index 7acf467edfd4f575c62ee8b2b6207fd56b58fd9a..5efffc1b8436a529a4478561fde9326bc323787c 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/fdm/ExactDifference.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/fdm/ExactDifference.h
@@ -13,19 +13,19 @@
 namespace TNL {
 namespace Operators {   
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           int XDerivative,
           int YDerivative,
           int ZDerivative >
 class ExactDifference
-   : public Functions::Domain< Dimensions, Functions::SpaceDomain >
+   : public Functions::Domain< Dimension, Functions::SpaceDomain >
       static String getType()
          return String( "ExactDifference< " ) +
-            String( Dimensions ) + ", " +
+            String( Dimension ) + ", " +
             String( XDerivative ) + ", " +
             String( YDerivative ) + ", " +
             String( ZDerivative ) + " >";
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class ExactDifference
       typename Function::RealType operator()(
          const Function& function,
-         const typename Function::VertexType& vertex,
+         const typename Function::PointType& vertex,
          const typename Function::RealType& time = 0 ) const
          return function.template getPartialDerivative<
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/fdm/FiniteDifferences_1D.h b/src/TNL/Operators/fdm/FiniteDifferences_1D.h
index 127d454d159ff058ce5e3d7ec5afd7e6b820f228..622e4c4585169179df679ca352610d06dd2ec4e1 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/fdm/FiniteDifferences_1D.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/fdm/FiniteDifferences_1D.h
@@ -66,10 +66,10 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hxDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1 >();
          const Real& u_c = u[ entity.getIndex() ];
-         return ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >()] - u_c ) * hxDiv;
+         return ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >()] - u_c ) * hxDiv;
@@ -93,10 +93,10 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hxDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1 >();
          const Real& u_c = u[ entity.getIndex() ];
-         return ( u_c - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >()] ) * hxDiv;
+         return ( u_c - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >()] ) * hxDiv;
@@ -120,10 +120,10 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hxDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1 >();
-         return ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >() ] -
-                  u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >() ] ) * ( 0.5 * hxDiv );
+         return ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >() ] -
+                  u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >() ] ) * ( 0.5 * hxDiv );
@@ -147,12 +147,12 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hxSquareDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2 >();
          const Real& u_c = u[ entity.getIndex() ];
-         return ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 2 >() ] -
+         return ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 2 >() ] -
                   2.0 * u_c +
-                  u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >() ] ) * hxSquareDiv;
+                  u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >() ] ) * hxSquareDiv;
@@ -173,12 +173,12 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hxSquareDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2 >();
          const Real& u_c = u[ entity.getIndex() ];
-         return ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -2 >() ] -
+         return ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -2 >() ] -
                   2.0 * u_c +
-                  u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >() ] ) * hxSquareDiv;
+                  u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >() ] ) * hxSquareDiv;
@@ -199,12 +199,12 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hxSquareDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2 >();
          const Real& u_c = u[ entity.getIndex() ];
-         return ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >() ] -
+         return ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >() ] -
                   2.0 * u_c +
-                  u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >() ] ) * hxSquareDiv;
+                  u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >() ] ) * hxSquareDiv;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/fdm/FiniteDifferences_2D.h b/src/TNL/Operators/fdm/FiniteDifferences_2D.h
index d287b50d210d36abdbe9d373bc4b1567aa70968c..4ea67b93159038745e137e0c6decc17c234e720e 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/fdm/FiniteDifferences_2D.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/fdm/FiniteDifferences_2D.h
@@ -66,10 +66,10 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hxDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0 >();
          const Real& u_c = u[ entity.getIndex() ];
-         return ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0 >()] - u_c ) * hxDiv;
+         return ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0 >()] - u_c ) * hxDiv;
@@ -90,10 +90,10 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hyDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1 >();
          const Real& u_c = u[ entity.getIndex() ];
-         return ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1 >()] - u_c ) * hyDiv;
+         return ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1 >()] - u_c ) * hyDiv;
@@ -117,10 +117,10 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hxDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1,  0 >();
          const Real& u_c = u[ entity.getIndex() ];
-         return ( u_c - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0 >()] ) * hxDiv;
+         return ( u_c - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0 >()] ) * hxDiv;
@@ -141,10 +141,10 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hyDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1 >();
          const Real& u_c = u[ entity.getIndex() ];
-         return ( u_c - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1 >()] ) * hyDiv;
+         return ( u_c - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1 >()] ) * hyDiv;
@@ -168,10 +168,10 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hxDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0 >();
-         return ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0 >() ] -
-                  u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0 >() ] ) * ( 0.5 * hxDiv );
+         return ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0 >() ] -
+                  u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0 >() ] ) * ( 0.5 * hxDiv );
@@ -192,10 +192,10 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hyDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1 >();
-         return ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,  1 >() ] -
-                  u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1 >() ] ) * ( 0.5 * hyDiv );
+         return ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,  1 >() ] -
+                  u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1 >() ] ) * ( 0.5 * hyDiv );
@@ -220,12 +220,12 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hxSquareDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2,0 >();
          const Real& u_c = u[ entity.getIndex() ];
-         return ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 2, 0 >() ] -
+         return ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 2, 0 >() ] -
                   2.0 * u_c +
-                  u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0 >() ] ) * hxSquareDiv;
+                  u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0 >() ] ) * hxSquareDiv;
@@ -246,12 +246,12 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hxSquareDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2, 0 >();
          const Real& u_c = u[ entity.getIndex() ];
-         return ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -2, 0 >() ] -
+         return ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -2, 0 >() ] -
                   2.0 * u_c +
-                  u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0 >() ] ) * hxSquareDiv;
+                  u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0 >() ] ) * hxSquareDiv;
@@ -272,12 +272,12 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hxSquareDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2, 0 >();
          const Real& u_c = u[ entity.getIndex() ];
-         return ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1, 0 >() ] -
+         return ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1, 0 >() ] -
                   2.0 * u_c +
-                  u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0 >() ] ) * hxSquareDiv;
+                  u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0 >() ] ) * hxSquareDiv;
@@ -298,12 +298,12 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hxSquareDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2 >();
          const Real& u_c = u[ entity.getIndex() ];
-         return ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 2 >() ] -
+         return ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 2 >() ] -
                   2.0 * u_c +
-                  u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1 >() ] ) * hxSquareDiv;
+                  u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1 >() ] ) * hxSquareDiv;
@@ -324,12 +324,12 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hxSquareDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2 >();
          const Real& u_c = u[ entity.getIndex() ];
-         return ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -2 >() ] -
+         return ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -2 >() ] -
                   2.0 * u_c +
-                  u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1 >() ] ) * hxSquareDiv;
+                  u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1 >() ] ) * hxSquareDiv;
@@ -351,12 +351,12 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hySquareDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2 >();
          const Real& u_c = u[ entity.getIndex() ];
-         return ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,  1 >() ] -
+         return ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,  1 >() ] -
                   2.0 * u_c +
-                  u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1 >() ] ) * hySquareDiv;
+                  u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1 >() ] ) * hySquareDiv;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/fdm/FiniteDifferences_3D.h b/src/TNL/Operators/fdm/FiniteDifferences_3D.h
index 569a1c7645e4bf5904875ac208dab390c601050d..895aeaddac1be89b57b308becf80b27cd9576c4d 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/fdm/FiniteDifferences_3D.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/fdm/FiniteDifferences_3D.h
@@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hxDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0, 0 >();
          const Real& u_c = u[ entity.getIndex() ];
-         return ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0, 0 >()] - u_c ) * hxDiv;
+         return ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0, 0 >()] - u_c ) * hxDiv;
@@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hyDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1, 0 >();
          const Real& u_c = u[ entity.getIndex() ];
-         return ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1, 0 >()] - u_c ) * hyDiv;
+         return ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1, 0 >()] - u_c ) * hyDiv;
@@ -81,10 +81,10 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hzDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, 0, -1 >();
          const Real& u_c = u[ entity.getIndex() ];
-         return ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, 1 >()] - u_c ) * hzDiv;
+         return ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, 1 >()] - u_c ) * hzDiv;
@@ -108,10 +108,10 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hxDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0, 0 >();
          const Real& u_c = u[ entity.getIndex() ];
-         return ( u_c - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0, 0 >()] ) * hxDiv;
+         return ( u_c - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0, 0 >()] ) * hxDiv;
@@ -132,10 +132,10 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hyDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1, 0 >();
          const Real& u_c = u[ entity.getIndex() ];
-         return ( u_c - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1, 0 >()] ) * hyDiv;
+         return ( u_c - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1, 0 >()] ) * hyDiv;
@@ -156,10 +156,10 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hzDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, 0, -1 >();
          const Real& u_c = u[ entity.getIndex() ];
-         return ( u_c - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, -1 >()] ) * hzDiv;
+         return ( u_c - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, -1 >()] ) * hzDiv;
@@ -183,10 +183,10 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hxDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0, 0 >();
-         return ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0, 0 >() ] -
-                  u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0, 0 >() ] ) * ( 0.5 * hxDiv );
+         return ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0, 0 >() ] -
+                  u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0, 0 >() ] ) * ( 0.5 * hxDiv );
@@ -207,10 +207,10 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hyDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1, 0 >();
-         return ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1, 0 >() ] -
-                  u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1, 0 >() ] ) * ( 0.5 * hyDiv );
+         return ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1, 0 >() ] -
+                  u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1, 0 >() ] ) * ( 0.5 * hyDiv );
@@ -231,10 +231,10 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hzDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, 0, -1 >();
-         return ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, 1 >() ] -
-                  u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, -1 >() ] ) * ( 0.5 * hzDiv );
+         return ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, 1 >() ] -
+                  u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, -1 >() ] ) * ( 0.5 * hzDiv );
@@ -258,12 +258,12 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hxSquareDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2, 0, 0 >();
          const Real& u_c = u[ entity.getIndex() ];
-         return ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 2, 0, 0 >() ] -
+         return ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 2, 0, 0 >() ] -
                   2.0 * u_c +
-                  u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0, 0 >() ] ) * hxSquareDiv;
+                  u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0, 0 >() ] ) * hxSquareDiv;
@@ -284,12 +284,12 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hxSquareDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2, 0, 0 >();
          const Real& u_c = u[ entity.getIndex() ];
-         return ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -2, 0, 0 >() ] -
+         return ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -2, 0, 0 >() ] -
                   2.0 * u_c +
-                  u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0, 0 >() ] ) * hxSquareDiv;
+                  u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0, 0 >() ] ) * hxSquareDiv;
@@ -310,12 +310,12 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hxSquareDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2, 0, 0 >();
          const Real& u_c = u[ entity.getIndex() ];
-         return ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1, 0, 0 >() ] -
+         return ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1, 0, 0 >() ] -
                   2.0 * u_c +
-                  u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0, 0 >() ] ) * hxSquareDiv;
+                  u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0, 0 >() ] ) * hxSquareDiv;
@@ -336,12 +336,12 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hxSquareDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2, 0 >();
          const Real& u_c = u[ entity.getIndex() ];
-         return ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 2, 0 >() ] -
+         return ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 2, 0 >() ] -
                   2.0 * u_c +
-                  u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1, 0 >() ] ) * hxSquareDiv;
+                  u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1, 0 >() ] ) * hxSquareDiv;
@@ -362,12 +362,12 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hxSquareDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2, 0 >();
          const Real& u_c = u[ entity.getIndex() ];
-         return ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -2, 0 >() ] -
+         return ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -2, 0 >() ] -
                   2.0 * u_c +
-                  u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1, 0 >() ] ) * hxSquareDiv;
+                  u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1, 0 >() ] ) * hxSquareDiv;
@@ -388,12 +388,12 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hySquareDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2, 0 >();
          const Real& u_c = u[ entity.getIndex() ];
-         return ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,  1, 0 >() ] -
+         return ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,  1, 0 >() ] -
                   2.0 * u_c +
-                  u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1, 0 >() ] ) * hySquareDiv;
+                  u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1, 0 >() ] ) * hySquareDiv;
@@ -414,12 +414,12 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hxSquareDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, 0, -2 >();
          const Real& u_c = u[ entity.getIndex() ];
-         return ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, 2 >() ] -
+         return ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, 2 >() ] -
                   2.0 * u_c +
-                  u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, 1 >() ] ) * hxSquareDiv;
+                  u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, 1 >() ] ) * hxSquareDiv;
@@ -440,12 +440,12 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hxSquareDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, 0, -2 >();
          const Real& u_c = u[ entity.getIndex() ];
-         return ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, -2 >() ] -
+         return ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, -2 >() ] -
                   2.0 * u_c +
-                  u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, -1 >() ] ) * hxSquareDiv;
+                  u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, -1 >() ] ) * hxSquareDiv;
@@ -466,12 +466,12 @@ class FiniteDifferences<
       static Real getValue( const MeshFunction& u,
                             const MeshEntity& entity )
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          const Real& hzSquareDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, 0, -2 >();
          const Real& u_c = u[ entity.getIndex() ];
-         return ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0,  1 >() ] -
+         return ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0,  1 >() ] -
                   2.0 * u_c +
-                  u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, -1 >() ] ) * hzSquareDiv;
+                  u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, -1 >() ] ) * hzSquareDiv;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/fdm/ForwardFiniteDifference.h b/src/TNL/Operators/fdm/ForwardFiniteDifference.h
index 8039f1ee60ca5c5c9f2f627e15df27fb10dad5c3..1de01680cd16c115aaaed34d95437537d3d67e88 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/fdm/ForwardFiniteDifference.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/fdm/ForwardFiniteDifference.h
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class ForwardFiniteDifference
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename MeshReal,
           typename MeshDevice,
           typename MeshIndex,
@@ -37,19 +37,19 @@ template< int Dimensions,
           int ZDifference,
           typename Real,
           typename Index >
-class ForwardFiniteDifference< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, MeshReal, MeshDevice, MeshIndex >, XDifference, YDifference, ZDifference, Real, Index >
-: public Operator< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, MeshReal, MeshDevice, MeshIndex >,
-                      Functions::MeshInteriorDomain, Dimensions, Dimensions, Real, Index >
+class ForwardFiniteDifference< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, MeshReal, MeshDevice, MeshIndex >, XDifference, YDifference, ZDifference, Real, Index >
+: public Operator< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, MeshReal, MeshDevice, MeshIndex >,
+                      Functions::MeshInteriorDomain, Dimension, Dimension, Real, Index >
-      typedef Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, MeshReal, MeshDevice, MeshIndex > MeshType;
+      typedef Meshes::Grid< Dimension, MeshReal, MeshDevice, MeshIndex > MeshType;
       typedef Real RealType;
       typedef MeshDevice DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
-      typedef ExactDifference< Dimensions, XDifference, YDifference, ZDifference > ExactOperatorType;
+      typedef ExactDifference< Dimension, XDifference, YDifference, ZDifference > ExactOperatorType;
-      static constexpr int getMeshDimensions() { return Dimensions; }
+      static constexpr int getDimension() { return Dimension; }
       static String getType()
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class ForwardFiniteDifference< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, MeshReal, MeshDevice, M
                               const MeshEntity& entity,
                               const RealType& time = 0.0 ) const
-         static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == Dimensions,
+         static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == Dimension,
             "Finite differences can be evaluate only on mesh cells, i.e. the dimensions count of the mesh entities of mesh function must be the same as mesh dimensions count." );
          const int XDirection = 1 * ( XDifference != 0 );
          const int YDirection = 1 * ( YDifference != 0 );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/geometric/CoFVMGradientNorm.h b/src/TNL/Operators/geometric/CoFVMGradientNorm.h
index af7c8c75de76a693ff4a19c97cf92291d6edf245..70b4da29c58e8892740056aa309c3fd24f27ec04 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/geometric/CoFVMGradientNorm.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/geometric/CoFVMGradientNorm.h
@@ -20,36 +20,36 @@ namespace TNL {
 namespace Operators {   
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions = Mesh::getMeshDimensions(),
+          int MeshEntityDimension = Mesh::getMeshDimension(),
           typename Real = typename Mesh::RealType,
           typename Index = typename Mesh::IndexType >
 class CoFVMGradientNorm
-template< int MeshDimensions,
+template< int MeshDimension,
           typename MeshReal,
           typename Device,
           typename MeshIndex,
           typename Real,
           typename Index >
-class CoFVMGradientNorm< Meshes::Grid< MeshDimensions, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, MeshDimensions, Real, Index >
+class CoFVMGradientNorm< Meshes::Grid< MeshDimension, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, MeshDimension, Real, Index >
 : public OperatorComposition<
-   MeshEntitiesInterpolants< Meshes::Grid< MeshDimensions, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >,
-                                MeshDimensions - 1,
-                                MeshDimensions >,
-   CoFVMGradientNorm< Meshes::Grid< MeshDimensions, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, MeshDimensions - 1, Real, Index > >
+   MeshEntitiesInterpolants< Meshes::Grid< MeshDimension, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >,
+                                MeshDimension - 1,
+                                MeshDimension >,
+   CoFVMGradientNorm< Meshes::Grid< MeshDimension, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, MeshDimension - 1, Real, Index > >
-      typedef Meshes::Grid< MeshDimensions, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex > MeshType;
+      typedef Meshes::Grid< MeshDimension, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex > MeshType;
       typedef typename MeshType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
       typedef Real RealType;
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
-      typedef CoFVMGradientNorm< MeshType, MeshDimensions - 1, Real, Index > InnerOperator;
-      typedef MeshEntitiesInterpolants< MeshType, MeshDimensions - 1, MeshDimensions > OuterOperator;
+      typedef CoFVMGradientNorm< MeshType, MeshDimension - 1, Real, Index > InnerOperator;
+      typedef MeshEntitiesInterpolants< MeshType, MeshDimension - 1, MeshDimension > OuterOperator;
       typedef OperatorComposition< OuterOperator, InnerOperator > BaseType;
-      typedef ExactGradientNorm< MeshDimensions, RealType > ExactOperatorType;
+      typedef ExactGradientNorm< MeshDimension, RealType > ExactOperatorType;
       typedef SharedPointer< MeshType > MeshPointer;
       CoFVMGradientNorm( const OuterOperator& outerOperator,
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class CoFVMGradientNorm< Meshes::Grid< MeshDimensions, MeshReal, Device, MeshInd
          return String( "CoFVMGradientNorm< " ) +
             MeshType::getType() + ", " +
-            String( MeshDimensions ) + ", " +
+            String( MeshDimension ) + ", " +
            TNL::getType< Real >() + ", " +
            TNL::getType< Index >() + " >";
@@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ class CoFVMGradientNorm< Meshes::Grid< MeshDimensions, MeshReal, Device, MeshInd
          this->getInnerOperator().setEps( eps );
-      static constexpr int getPreimageEntitiesDimensions() { return MeshDimensions; };
-      static constexpr int getImageEntitiesDimensions() { return MeshDimensions; };
+      static constexpr int getPreimageEntitiesDimension() { return MeshDimension; };
+      static constexpr int getImageEntitiesDimension() { return MeshDimension; };
@@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ class CoFVMGradientNorm< Meshes::Grid< 1,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, 0, Real,
    typedef Index IndexType;
    typedef ExactGradientNorm< 1, RealType > ExactOperatorType;
-   constexpr static int getPreimageEntitiesDimensions() { return MeshType::getMeshDimensions(); };
-   constexpr static int getImageEntitiesDimensions() { return MeshType::getMeshDimensions() - 1; };
+   constexpr static int getPreimageEntitiesDimension() { return MeshType::getMeshDimension(); };
+   constexpr static int getImageEntitiesDimension() { return MeshType::getMeshDimension() - 1; };
    : epsSquare( 0.0 ){}
@@ -114,15 +114,15 @@ class CoFVMGradientNorm< Meshes::Grid< 1,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, 0, Real,
                     const MeshEntity& entity,
                     const Real& time = 0.0 ) const
-      static_assert( MeshFunction::getDimensions() == 1,
+      static_assert( MeshFunction::getMeshDimension() == 1,
          "The mesh function u must be stored on mesh cells.." );
-      static_assert( MeshEntity::getDimensions() == 0,
+      static_assert( MeshEntity::getMeshDimension() == 0,
          "The complementary finite volume gradient norm may be evaluated only on faces." );
-      const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.template getNeighbourEntities< 1 >();
+      const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.template getNeighborEntities< 1 >();
       const RealType& hxDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1 >();
-      const RealType& u_x = ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1 >() ] -
-                              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >() ] ) * hxDiv;
+      const RealType& u_x = ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1 >() ] -
+                              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >() ] ) * hxDiv;
       return ::sqrt( this->epsSquare + ( u_x * u_x ) );
@@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ class CoFVMGradientNorm< Meshes::Grid< 2, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, 1, Real
    typedef Index IndexType;
    typedef ExactGradientNorm< 2, RealType > ExactOperatorType;
-   constexpr static int getPreimageEntitiesDimensions() { return MeshType::getMeshDimensions(); };
-   constexpr static int getImageEntitiesDimensions() { return MeshType::getMeshDimensions() - 1; };
+   constexpr static int getPreimageEntitiesDimension() { return MeshType::getMeshDimension(); };
+   constexpr static int getImageEntitiesDimension() { return MeshType::getMeshDimension() - 1; };
    : epsSquare( 0.0 ){}
@@ -176,41 +176,41 @@ class CoFVMGradientNorm< Meshes::Grid< 2, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, 1, Real
                     const MeshEntity& entity,
                     const Real& time = 0.0 ) const
-      static_assert( MeshFunction::getDimensions() == 2,
+      static_assert( MeshFunction::getMeshDimension() == 2,
          "The mesh function u must be stored on mesh cells.." );
-      static_assert( MeshEntity::getDimensions() == 1,
+      static_assert( MeshEntity::getMeshDimension() == 1,
          "The complementary finite volume gradient norm may be evaluated only on faces." );
-      const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.template getNeighbourEntities< 2 >();
+      const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.template getNeighborEntities< 2 >();
       const RealType& hxDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1,  0 >();
       const RealType& hyDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0, -1 >();
       if( entity.getOrientation().x() != 0.0 )
          const RealType u_x =
-            ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1, 0 >()] -
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0 >()] ) * hxDiv;
+            ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1, 0 >()] -
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0 >()] ) * hxDiv;
          RealType u_y;
          if( entity.getCoordinates().y() > 0 )
             if( entity.getCoordinates().y() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions().y() - 1 )
                u_y = 0.25 *
-                  ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  1 >() ] +
-                    u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  1 >() ] -
-                    u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1, -1 >() ] -
-                    u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, -1 >() ] ) * hyDiv;
+                  ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  1 >() ] +
+                    u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  1 >() ] -
+                    u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1, -1 >() ] -
+                    u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, -1 >() ] ) * hyDiv;
             else // if( entity.getCoordinates().y() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions().y() - 1 )
                u_y = 0.5 *
-                  ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >() ] +
-                    u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >() ] -
-                    u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1, -1 >() ] -
-                    u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, -1 >() ] ) * hyDiv;
+                  ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >() ] +
+                    u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >() ] -
+                    u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1, -1 >() ] -
+                    u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, -1 >() ] ) * hyDiv;
          else // if( entity.getCoordinates().y() > 0 )
             u_y = 0.5 *
-               ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  1 >() ] +
-                 u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  1 >() ] -
-                 u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >() ] -
-                 u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >() ] ) * hyDiv;
+               ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  1 >() ] +
+                 u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  1 >() ] -
+                 u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >() ] -
+                 u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >() ] ) * hyDiv;
          return ::sqrt( this->epsSquare + u_x * u_x + u_y * u_y );
@@ -219,28 +219,28 @@ class CoFVMGradientNorm< Meshes::Grid< 2, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, 1, Real
          if( entity.getCoordinates().x() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions().x() - 1 )
             u_x = 0.25 *
-            ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  1 >() ] +
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1, -1 >() ] -
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  1 >() ] -
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, -1 >() ] ) * hxDiv;
+            ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  1 >() ] +
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1, -1 >() ] -
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  1 >() ] -
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, -1 >() ] ) * hxDiv;
          else // if( entity.getCoordinates().x() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions().x() - 1 )
             u_x = 0.5 *
-            ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >() ] +
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >() ] -
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  1 >() ] -
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, -1 >() ] ) * hxDiv;
+            ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >() ] +
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >() ] -
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  1 >() ] -
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, -1 >() ] ) * hxDiv;
       else // if( entity.getCoordinates().x() > 0 )
          u_x = 0.5 *
-            ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  1 >() ] +
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1, -1 >() ] -
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >() ] -
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >() ] ) * hxDiv;
+            ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  1 >() ] +
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1, -1 >() ] -
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >() ] -
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >() ] ) * hxDiv;
       const RealType u_y =
-         ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,  1 >()] -
-           u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1 >()] ) * hyDiv;
+         ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,  1 >()] -
+           u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1 >()] ) * hyDiv;
       return ::sqrt( this->epsSquare + u_x * u_x + u_y * u_y );
@@ -272,8 +272,8 @@ class CoFVMGradientNorm< Meshes::Grid< 3, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, 2, Real
    typedef Index IndexType;
    typedef ExactGradientNorm< 3, RealType > ExactOperatorType;
-   constexpr static int getPreimageEntitiesDimensions() { return MeshType::getMeshDimensions(); };
-   constexpr static int getImageEntitiesDimensions() { return MeshType::getMeshDimensions() - 1; };
+   constexpr static int getPreimageEntitiesDimension() { return MeshType::getMeshDimension(); };
+   constexpr static int getImageEntitiesDimension() { return MeshType::getMeshDimension() - 1; };
    : epsSquare( 0.0 ){}
@@ -292,47 +292,47 @@ class CoFVMGradientNorm< Meshes::Grid< 3, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, 2, Real
                     const MeshEntity& entity,
                     const Real& time = 0.0 ) const
-      static_assert( MeshFunction::getDimensions() == 3,
+      static_assert( MeshFunction::getMeshDimension() == 3,
          "The mesh function u must be stored on mesh cells.." );
-      static_assert( MeshEntity::getDimensions() == 2,
+      static_assert( MeshEntity::getMeshDimension() == 2,
          "The complementary finite volume gradient norm may be evaluated only on faces." );
-      const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.template getNeighbourEntities< 3 >();
+      const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.template getNeighborEntities< 3 >();
       const RealType& hxDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1,  0,  0 >();
       const RealType& hyDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0, -1,  0 >();
       const RealType& hzDiv = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0,  0, -1 >();
       if( entity.getOrientation().x() != 0.0 )
          const RealType u_x =
-            ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >()] -
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >()] ) * hxDiv;
+            ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >()] -
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >()] ) * hxDiv;
          RealType u_y;
          if( entity.getCoordinates().y() > 0 )
             if( entity.getCoordinates().y() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions().y() - 1 )
                u_y = 0.25 *
-               ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  1,  0 >() ] +
-                 u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  1,  0 >() ] -
-                 u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1, -1,  0 >() ] -
-                 u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, -1,  0 >() ] ) * hyDiv;
+               ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  1,  0 >() ] +
+                 u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  1,  0 >() ] -
+                 u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1, -1,  0 >() ] -
+                 u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, -1,  0 >() ] ) * hyDiv;
             else // if( entity.getCoordinates().y() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions().y() - 1 )
                u_y = 0.5 *
-               ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >() ] +
-                 u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >() ] -
-                 u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1, -1,  0 >() ] -
-                 u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, -1,  0 >() ] ) * hyDiv;
+               ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >() ] +
+                 u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >() ] -
+                 u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1, -1,  0 >() ] -
+                 u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, -1,  0 >() ] ) * hyDiv;
          else // if( entity.getCoordinates().y() > 0 )
             u_y = 0.5 *
-            ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  1,  0 >() ] +
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  1,  0 >() ] -
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >() ] -
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >() ] ) * hyDiv;
+            ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  1,  0 >() ] +
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  1,  0 >() ] -
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >() ] -
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >() ] ) * hyDiv;
          RealType u_z;
@@ -341,27 +341,27 @@ class CoFVMGradientNorm< Meshes::Grid< 3, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, 2, Real
             if( entity.getCoordinates().z() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions().z() - 1 )
                u_z = 0.25 *
-               ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  1 >() ] +
-                 u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  1 >() ] -
-                 u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0, -1 >() ] -
-                 u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0, -1 >() ] ) * hzDiv;
+               ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  1 >() ] +
+                 u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  1 >() ] -
+                 u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0, -1 >() ] -
+                 u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0, -1 >() ] ) * hzDiv;
             else //if( entity.getCoordinates().z() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions().z() - 1 )
                u_z = 0.5 *
-               ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >() ] +
-                 u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >() ] -
-                 u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0, -1 >() ] -
-                 u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0, -1 >() ] ) * hzDiv;
+               ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >() ] +
+                 u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >() ] -
+                 u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0, -1 >() ] -
+                 u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0, -1 >() ] ) * hzDiv;
          else //if( entity.getCoordinates().z() > 0 )
             u_z = 0.5 *
-            ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  1 >() ] +
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  1 >() ] -
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >() ] -
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >() ] ) * hzDiv;
+            ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  1 >() ] +
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  1 >() ] -
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >() ] -
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >() ] ) * hzDiv;
          return ::sqrt( this->epsSquare + u_x * u_x + u_y * u_y + u_z * u_z );
@@ -373,58 +373,58 @@ class CoFVMGradientNorm< Meshes::Grid< 3, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, 2, Real
             if( entity.getCoordinates().x() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions().x() - 1 )
                u_x = 0.25 *
-               ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  1,  0 >() ] +
-                 u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1, -1,  0 >() ] -
-                 u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  1,  0 >() ] -
-                 u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, -1,  0 >() ] ) * hxDiv;
+               ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  1,  0 >() ] +
+                 u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1, -1,  0 >() ] -
+                 u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  1,  0 >() ] -
+                 u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, -1,  0 >() ] ) * hxDiv;
             else // if( entity.getCoordinates().x() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions().x() - 1 )
                u_x = 0.5 *
-               ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >() ] +
-                 u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >() ] -
-                 u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  1,  0 >() ] -
-                 u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, -1,  0 >() ] ) * hxDiv;
+               ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >() ] +
+                 u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >() ] -
+                 u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  1,  0 >() ] -
+                 u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, -1,  0 >() ] ) * hxDiv;
          else // if( entity.getCoordinates().x() > 0 )
             u_x = 0.5 *
-            ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  1,  0 >() ] +
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1, -1,  0 >() ] -
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >() ] -
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >() ] ) * hxDiv;
+            ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  1,  0 >() ] +
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1, -1,  0 >() ] -
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >() ] -
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >() ] ) * hxDiv;
          const RealType u_y =
-            ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >()] -
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >()] ) * hyDiv;
+            ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >()] -
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >()] ) * hyDiv;
          RealType u_z;
          if( entity.getCoordinates().z() > 0 )
             if( entity.getCoordinates().z() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions().z() - 1 )
                u_z = 0.25 *
-               ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  1 >() ] +
-                 u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  1 >() ] -
-                 u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1, -1 >() ] -
-                 u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1, -1 >() ] ) * hzDiv;
+               ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  1 >() ] +
+                 u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  1 >() ] -
+                 u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1, -1 >() ] -
+                 u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1, -1 >() ] ) * hzDiv;
             else // if( entity.getCoordinates().z() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions().z() - 1 )
                u_z = 0.5 *
-               ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >() ] +
-                 u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >() ] -
-                 u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1, -1 >() ] -
-                 u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1, -1 >() ] ) * hzDiv;
+               ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >() ] +
+                 u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >() ] -
+                 u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1, -1 >() ] -
+                 u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1, -1 >() ] ) * hzDiv;
          else // if( entity.getCoordinates().z() > 0 )
             u_z = 0.5 *
-            ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  1 >() ] +
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  1 >() ] -
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >() ] -
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >() ] ) * hzDiv;
+            ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  1 >() ] +
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  1 >() ] -
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >() ] -
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >() ] ) * hzDiv;
          return ::sqrt( this->epsSquare + u_x * u_x + u_y * u_y + u_z * u_z );
@@ -434,28 +434,28 @@ class CoFVMGradientNorm< Meshes::Grid< 3, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, 2, Real
          if( entity.getCoordinates().x() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions().x() - 1 )
             u_x = 0.25 *
-            ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  1 >() ] +
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0, -1 >() ] -
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  1 >() ] -
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0, -1 >() ] ) * hxDiv;
+            ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  1 >() ] +
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0, -1 >() ] -
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  1 >() ] -
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0, -1 >() ] ) * hxDiv;
          else // if( entity.getCoordinates().x() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions().x() - 1 )
             u_x = 0.5 *
-            ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >() ] +
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >() ] -
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  1 >() ] -
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0, -1 >() ] ) * hxDiv;
+            ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >() ] +
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >() ] -
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  1 >() ] -
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0, -1 >() ] ) * hxDiv;
       else // if( entity.getCoordinates().x() > 0 )
          u_x = 0.5 *
-         ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  1 >() ] +
-           u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0, -1 >() ] -
-           u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >() ] -
-           u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >() ] ) * hxDiv;
+         ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  1 >() ] +
+           u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0, -1 >() ] -
+           u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >() ] -
+           u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >() ] ) * hxDiv;
       RealType u_y;
       if( entity.getCoordinates().y() > 0 )
@@ -463,31 +463,31 @@ class CoFVMGradientNorm< Meshes::Grid< 3, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, 2, Real
          if( entity.getCoordinates().y() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions().y() - 1 )
             u_y = 0.25 *
-            ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  1 >() ] +
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1, -1 >() ] -
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  1 >() ] -
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1, -1 >() ] ) * hyDiv;
+            ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  1 >() ] +
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1, -1 >() ] -
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  1 >() ] -
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1, -1 >() ] ) * hyDiv;
          else //if( entity.getCoordinates().y() < entity.getMesh().getDimensions().y() - 1 )
             u_y = 0.5 *
-            ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >() ] +
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >() ] -
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  1 >() ] -
-              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1, -1 >() ] ) * hyDiv;
+            ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >() ] +
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >() ] -
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  1 >() ] -
+              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1, -1 >() ] ) * hyDiv;
       else //if( entity.getCoordinates().y() > 0 )
          u_y = 0.5 *
-         ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  1 >() ] +
-           u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1, -1 >() ] -
-           u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >() ] -
-           u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >() ] ) * hyDiv;
+         ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  1 >() ] +
+           u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1, -1 >() ] -
+           u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >() ] -
+           u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >() ] ) * hyDiv;
       const RealType u_z =
-         ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >()] -
-           u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >()] ) * hzDiv;
+         ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >()] -
+           u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >()] ) * hzDiv;
       return ::sqrt( this->epsSquare + u_x * u_x + u_y * u_y + u_z * u_z );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/geometric/ExactGradientNorm.h b/src/TNL/Operators/geometric/ExactGradientNorm.h
index 0de3d0c6488686fbcc80273e2b8d91284df55d77..48d67a12a8392f3838a5bbc19751325e0e651528 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/geometric/ExactGradientNorm.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/geometric/ExactGradientNorm.h
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 namespace TNL {
 namespace Operators {   
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real = double >
 class ExactGradientNorm
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class ExactGradientNorm< 1, Real >
       typename Function::RealType
          operator()( const Function& function,
-                     const typename Function::VertexType& v,
+                     const typename Function::PointType& v,
                      const typename Function::RealType& time = 0.0 ) const
          typedef typename Function::RealType RealType;
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class ExactGradientNorm< 1, Real >
       typename Function::RealType
          getPartialDerivative( const Function& function,
-                               const typename Function::VertexType& v,
+                               const typename Function::PointType& v,
                                const typename Function::RealType& time = 0.0 ) const
          static_assert( XDerivative >= 0 && YDerivative >= 0 && ZDerivative >= 0,
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ class ExactGradientNorm< 2, Real >
       typename Function::RealType
          operator()( const Function& function,
-                     const typename Function::VertexType& v,
+                     const typename Function::PointType& v,
                      const typename Function::RealType& time = 0.0 ) const
          typedef typename Function::RealType RealType;
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ class ExactGradientNorm< 2, Real >
       typename Function::RealType
          getPartialDerivative( const Function& function,
-                               const typename Function::VertexType& v,
+                               const typename Function::PointType& v,
                                const typename Function::RealType& time = 0.0 ) const
          static_assert( XDerivative >= 0 && YDerivative >= 0 && ZDerivative >= 0,
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ class ExactGradientNorm< 3, Real >
       typename Function::RealType
          operator()( const Function& function,
-                     const typename Function::VertexType& v,
+                     const typename Function::PointType& v,
                      const typename Function::RealType& time = 0.0 ) const
          typedef typename Function::RealType RealType;
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ class ExactGradientNorm< 3, Real >
       typename Function::RealType
          getPartialDerivative( const Function& function,
-                               const typename Function::VertexType& v,
+                               const typename Function::PointType& v,
                                const typename Function::RealType& time = 0.0 ) const
          static_assert( XDerivative >= 0 && YDerivative >= 0 && ZDerivative >= 0,
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/interpolants/MeshEntitiesInterpolants.h b/src/TNL/Operators/interpolants/MeshEntitiesInterpolants.h
index 31207e35e80292fa44717290dec5b4eab2f3082f..ca9381d1f418e1a033d39c4619678b94856afc63 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/interpolants/MeshEntitiesInterpolants.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/interpolants/MeshEntitiesInterpolants.h
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ namespace TNL {
 namespace Operators {   
 template< typename Mesh,
-          int InEntityDimensions,
+          int InEntityDimension,
           int OutEntityDimenions >
 class MeshEntitiesInterpolants
@@ -42,16 +42,16 @@ class MeshEntitiesInterpolants< Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >, 1, 0 >
                        const MeshEntity& entity,
                        const Real& time = 0.0 ) const
-         static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntityDimensions() == 1,
+         static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntityDimension() == 1,
             "Mesh function must be defined on cells." );
          static_assert( std::is_same< typename MeshEntity::MeshType, MeshType >::value,
             "The mesh entity belongs to other mesh type then the interpolants." );
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
-         return 0.5 * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >() ] +
-                        u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1 >() ] );
+         return 0.5 * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >() ] +
+                        u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1 >() ] );
@@ -74,16 +74,16 @@ class MeshEntitiesInterpolants< Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >, 0, 1 >
                        const MeshEntity& entity,
                        const Real& time = 0.0 ) const
-         static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 0,
+         static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 0,
             "Mesh function must be defined on vertices (or faces in case on 1D grid)." );
          static_assert( std::is_same< typename MeshEntity::MeshType, MeshType >::value,
             "The mesh entity belongs to other mesh type then the interpolants." );
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 0 >& neighbourEntities = entity.template getNeighbourEntities< 0 >();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 0 >& neighborEntities = entity.template getNeighborEntities< 0 >();
-         return 0.5 * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >() ] +
-                        u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1 >() ] );
+         return 0.5 * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >() ] +
+                        u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1 >() ] );
@@ -106,20 +106,20 @@ class MeshEntitiesInterpolants< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >, 2, 1 >
                        const MeshEntity& entity,
                        const Real& time = 0.0 ) const
-         static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntityDimensions() == 2,
+         static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntityDimension() == 2,
             "Mesh function must be defined on cells." );
          static_assert( std::is_same< typename MeshEntity::MeshType, MeshType >::value,
             "The mesh entity belongs to other mesh type then the interpolants." );
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          if( entity.getOrientation().x() == 1.0 )
-            return 0.5 * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0 >() ] +
-                           u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1, 0 >() ] );
+            return 0.5 * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0 >() ] +
+                           u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1, 0 >() ] );
-            return 0.5 * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1 >() ] +
-                           u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,  1 >() ] );
+            return 0.5 * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1 >() ] +
+                           u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,  1 >() ] );
@@ -142,18 +142,18 @@ class MeshEntitiesInterpolants< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >, 2, 0 >
                        const MeshEntity& entity,
                        const Real& time = 0.0 ) const
-         static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntityDimensions() == 2,
+         static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntityDimension() == 2,
             "Mesh function must be defined on cells." );
          static_assert( std::is_same< typename MeshEntity::MeshType, MeshType >::value,
             "The mesh entity belongs to other mesh type then the interpolants." );
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
-         return 0.25 * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  1 >() ] +
-                         u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  1 >() ] +
-                         u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, -1 >() ] +
-                         u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1, -1 >() ] );
+         return 0.25 * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  1 >() ] +
+                         u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  1 >() ] +
+                         u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, -1 >() ] +
+                         u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1, -1 >() ] );
@@ -176,18 +176,18 @@ class MeshEntitiesInterpolants< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >, 1, 2 >
                        const MeshEntity& entity,
                        const Real& time = 0.0 ) const
-         static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 1,
+         static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 1,
             "Mesh function must be defined on faces." );
          static_assert( std::is_same< typename MeshEntity::MeshType, MeshType >::value,
             "The mesh entity belongs to other mesh type then the interpolants." );
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.template getNeighbourEntities< 1 >();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.template getNeighborEntities< 1 >();
-         return 0.25 * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >() ] +
-                         u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >() ] +
-                         u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >() ] +
-                         u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >() ] );
+         return 0.25 * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >() ] +
+                         u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >() ] +
+                         u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >() ] +
+                         u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >() ] );
@@ -210,18 +210,18 @@ class MeshEntitiesInterpolants< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >, 0, 2 >
                        const MeshEntity& entity,
                        const Real& time = 0.0 ) const
-         static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntityDimensions() == 1,
+         static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntityDimension() == 1,
             "Mesh function must be defined on vertices." );
          static_assert( std::is_same< typename MeshEntity::MeshType, MeshType >::value,
             "The mesh entity belongs to other mesh type then the interpolants." );
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 0 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 0 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
-         return 0.25 * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  1 >() ] +
-                         u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  1 >() ] +
-                         u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, -1 >() ] +
-                         u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1, -1 >() ] );
+         return 0.25 * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  1 >() ] +
+                         u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  1 >() ] +
+                         u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, -1 >() ] +
+                         u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1, -1 >() ] );
@@ -244,23 +244,23 @@ class MeshEntitiesInterpolants< Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >, 3, 2 >
                        const MeshEntity& entity,
                        const Real& time = 0.0 ) const
-         static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntityDimensions() == 3,
+         static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntityDimension() == 3,
             "Mesh function must be defined on cells." );
          static_assert( std::is_same< typename MeshEntity::MeshType, MeshType >::value,
             "The mesh entity belongs to other mesh type then the interpolants." );
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
          if( entity.getOrientation().x() == 1.0 )
-            return 0.5 * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >() ] +
-                           u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >() ] );
+            return 0.5 * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >() ] +
+                           u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >() ] );
          if( entity.getOrientation().y() == 1.0 )
-            return 0.5 * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >() ] +
-                           u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >() ] );
+            return 0.5 * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >() ] +
+                           u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >() ] );
-            return 0.5 * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >() ] +
-                           u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >() ] );
+            return 0.5 * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >() ] +
+                           u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >() ] );
@@ -283,20 +283,20 @@ class MeshEntitiesInterpolants< Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >, 2, 3 >
                        const MeshEntity& entity,
                        const Real& time = 0.0 ) const
-         static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 2,
+         static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 2,
             "Mesh function must be defined on faces." );
          static_assert( std::is_same< typename MeshEntity::MeshType, MeshType >::value,
             "The mesh entity belongs to other mesh type then the interpolants." );
-         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.template getNeighbourEntities< 2 >();
+         const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.template getNeighborEntities< 2 >();
-         return 1.0 / 6.0 * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >() ] +
-                              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >() ] +
-                              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >() ] +
-                              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >() ] +
-                              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >() ] +
-                              u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >() ] );
+         return 1.0 / 6.0 * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >() ] +
+                              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >() ] +
+                              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >() ] +
+                              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >() ] +
+                              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >() ] +
+                              u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >() ] );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/operator-Q/tnlFiniteVolumeOperatorQ_impl.h b/src/TNL/Operators/operator-Q/tnlFiniteVolumeOperatorQ_impl.h
index 4338bbe680660c5a0c1edff4a00d0b7b7feeb01c..9a974d0fada826ebd45f3e94f4c246eadddebd45 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/operator-Q/tnlFiniteVolumeOperatorQ_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/operator-Q/tnlFiniteVolumeOperatorQ_impl.h
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ void
 tnlFiniteVolumeOperatorQ< Meshes::Grid< 2, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, Index, 1 >::
 update( const MeshType& mesh, const RealType& time )
-    CoordinatesType dimensions = mesh.getDimensions();
+    CoordinatesType dimensions = mesh.getMeshDimension();
     CoordinatesType coordinates;
     for( coordinates.x()=1; coordinates.x() < dimensions.x()-1; coordinates.x()++ )
@@ -270,37 +270,37 @@ boundaryDerivative(
    const IndexType& dy,
    const IndexType& dz ) const
-   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();      
+   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();      
    const IndexType& cellIndex = entity.getIndex();
     if ( ( AxeX == 1 ) && ( AxeY == 0 ) && ( AxeZ == 0 ) )
         if ( ( dx == 1 ) && ( dy == 0 ) && ( dz == 0 ) )
-            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0 >() * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] );
+            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0 >() * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] );
         if ( ( dx == -1 ) && ( dy == 0 ) && ( dz == 0 ) )
-            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0 >() * ( u[ cellIndex ] - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,0 >() ] );
+            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0 >() * ( u[ cellIndex ] - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,0 >() ] );
         if ( ( dx == 0 ) && ( dy == 1 ) && ( dz == 0 ) )
-            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0 >() * 0.25 * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0 >() ] + 
-                   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,1 >() ] - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,0 >() ] -
-                   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,1 >() ] );
+            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0 >() * 0.25 * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0 >() ] + 
+                   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,1 >() ] - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,0 >() ] -
+                   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,1 >() ] );
         if ( ( dx == 0 ) && ( dy == -1 ) && ( dz == 0 ) )
-            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0 >() * 0.25 * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0 >() ] + 
-                   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,-1 >() ] - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,0 >() ] -
-                   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,-1 >() ] );
+            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0 >() * 0.25 * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0 >() ] + 
+                   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,-1 >() ] - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,0 >() ] -
+                   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,-1 >() ] );
     if ( ( AxeX == 0 ) && ( AxeY == 1 ) && ( AxeZ == 0 ) )
         if ( ( dx == 0 ) && ( dy == 1 ) && ( dz == 0 ) )
-            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1 >() * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] );
+            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1 >() * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] );
         if ( ( dx == 0 ) && ( dy == -1 ) && ( dz == 0 ) )
-            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1 >() * ( u[ cellIndex ] - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,-1 >() ] );
+            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1 >() * ( u[ cellIndex ] - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,-1 >() ] );
         if ( ( dx == 1 ) && ( dy == 0 ) && ( dz == 0 ) )
-            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1 >() * 0.25 * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1 >() ] + 
-                   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,1 >() ] - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,-1 >() ] -
-                   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,-1 >() ] );
+            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1 >() * 0.25 * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1 >() ] + 
+                   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,1 >() ] - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,-1 >() ] -
+                   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,-1 >() ] );
         if ( ( dx == -1 ) && ( dy == 0 ) && ( dz == 0 ) )
-            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1 >() * 0.25 * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1 >() ] + 
-                   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,1 >() ] - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,-1 >() ] -
-                   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,-1 >() ] );
+            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1 >() * 0.25 * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1 >() ] + 
+                   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,1 >() ] - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,-1 >() ] -
+                   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,-1 >() ] );
     return 0.0;
@@ -321,14 +321,14 @@ operator()( const MeshEntity& entity,
           const IndexType& dy,
           const IndexType& dz ) const
-   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
    const typename MeshEntity::MeshType& mesh = entity.getMesh();
    const IndexType& cellIndex = entity.getIndex();
     if ( ( dx == 0 ) && ( dy == 0 ) && ( dz == 0 ) )
-        return ::sqrt( this->eps + ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] ) * 
-                ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] )
-                * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1 >() * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1 >() + ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] ) 
-                * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] ) * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0 >() * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0 >() );
+        return ::sqrt( this->eps + ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] ) * 
+                ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] )
+                * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1 >() * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1 >() + ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] ) 
+                * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] ) * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0 >() * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0 >() );
     if ( ( dx == 1 ) && ( dy == 0 ) && ( dz == 0 ) )
         return ::sqrt( this->eps + this->template boundaryDerivative< MeshEntity, Vector,1,0 >( mesh, entity, u, time, 1, 0 ) * 
                this->template boundaryDerivative< MeshEntity, Vector,1,0 >( mesh, entity, u, time, 1, 0 ) + 
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ void
 tnlFiniteVolumeOperatorQ< Meshes::Grid< 3, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, Index, 1 >::
 update( const MeshType& mesh, const RealType& time )
-    CoordinatesType dimensions = mesh.getDimensions();
+    CoordinatesType dimensions = mesh.getMeshDimension();
     CoordinatesType coordinates;
     for( coordinates.x()=1; coordinates.x() < dimensions.x()-1; coordinates.x()++ )
@@ -480,76 +480,76 @@ boundaryDerivative(
    const IndexType& dy,
    const IndexType& dz ) const
-   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
    const IndexType& cellIndex = entity.getIndex();    
     if ( ( AxeX == 1 ) && ( AxeY == 0 ) && ( AxeZ == 0 ) )
         if ( ( dx == 1 ) && ( dy == 0 ) && ( dz == 0 ) )
-            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0, 0 >() * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0,0 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] );
+            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0, 0 >() * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0,0 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] );
         if ( ( dx == -1 ) && ( dy == 0 ) && ( dz == 0 ) )
-            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0, 0 >() * ( u[ cellIndex ] - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,0,0 >() ] );
+            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0, 0 >() * ( u[ cellIndex ] - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,0,0 >() ] );
         if ( ( dx == 0 ) && ( dy == 1 ) && ( dz == 0 ) )
-            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0, 0 >() * 0.25 * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0,0 >() ] + 
-                   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,1,0 >() ] - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,0,0 >() ] -
-                   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,1,0 >() ] );
+            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0, 0 >() * 0.25 * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0,0 >() ] + 
+                   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,1,0 >() ] - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,0,0 >() ] -
+                   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,1,0 >() ] );
         if ( ( dx == 0 ) && ( dy == -1 ) && ( dz == 0 ) )
-            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0, 0 >() * 0.25 * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0,0 >() ] + 
-                   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,-1,0 >() ] - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,0,0 >() ] -
-                   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,-1,0 >() ] );
+            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0, 0 >() * 0.25 * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0,0 >() ] + 
+                   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,-1,0 >() ] - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,0,0 >() ] -
+                   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,-1,0 >() ] );
         if ( ( dx == 0 ) && ( dy == 0 ) && ( dz == 1 ) )
-            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0, 0 >() * 0.25 * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0,0 >() ] + 
-                   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0,1 >() ] - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,0,0 >() ] -
-                   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,0,1 >() ] );
+            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0, 0 >() * 0.25 * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0,0 >() ] + 
+                   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0,1 >() ] - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,0,0 >() ] -
+                   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,0,1 >() ] );
         if ( ( dx == 0 ) && ( dy == 0 ) && ( dz == -1 ) )
-            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0, 0 >() * 0.25 * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0,0 >() ] + 
-                   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0,-1 >() ] - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,0,0 >() ] -
-                   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,0,-1 >() ] );
+            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0, 0 >() * 0.25 * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0,0 >() ] + 
+                   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0,-1 >() ] - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,0,0 >() ] -
+                   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,0,-1 >() ] );
     if ( ( AxeX == 0 ) && ( AxeY == 1 ) && ( AxeZ == 0 ) )
         if ( ( dx == 0 ) && ( dy == 1 ) && ( dz == 0 ) )
-            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1, 0 >() * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1,0 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] );
+            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1, 0 >() * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1,0 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] );
         if ( ( dx == 0 ) && ( dy == -1 ) && ( dz == 0 ) )
-            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1, 0 >() * ( u[ cellIndex ] - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,-1,0 >() ] );
+            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1, 0 >() * ( u[ cellIndex ] - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,-1,0 >() ] );
         if ( ( dx == 1 ) && ( dy == 0 ) && ( dz == 0 ) )
-            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1, 0 >() * 0.25 * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1,0 >() ] + 
-                   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,1,0 >() ] - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,-1,0 >() ] -
-                   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,-1,0 >() ] );
+            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1, 0 >() * 0.25 * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1,0 >() ] + 
+                   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,1,0 >() ] - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,-1,0 >() ] -
+                   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,-1,0 >() ] );
         if ( ( dx == -1 ) && ( dy == 0 ) && ( dz == 0 ) )
-            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1, 0 >() * 0.25 * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1,0 >() ] + 
-                   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,1,0 >() ] - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,-1,0 >() ] -
-                   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,-1,0 >() ] );
+            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1, 0 >() * 0.25 * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1,0 >() ] + 
+                   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,1,0 >() ] - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,-1,0 >() ] -
+                   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,-1,0 >() ] );
         if ( ( dx == 0 ) && ( dy == 0 ) && ( dz == 1 ) )
-            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1, 0 >() * 0.25 * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1,0 >() ] + 
-                   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1,1 >() ] - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,-1,0 >() ] -
-                   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,-1,1 >() ] );
+            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1, 0 >() * 0.25 * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1,0 >() ] + 
+                   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1,1 >() ] - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,-1,0 >() ] -
+                   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,-1,1 >() ] );
         if ( ( dx == 0 ) && ( dy == 0 ) && ( dz == -1 ) )
-            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1, 0 >() * 0.25 * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1,0 >() ] + 
-                   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1,-1 >() ] - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,-1,0 >() ] -
-                   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,-1,-1 >() ] );
+            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1, 0 >() * 0.25 * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1,0 >() ] + 
+                   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1,-1 >() ] - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,-1,0 >() ] -
+                   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,-1,-1 >() ] );
     if ( ( AxeX == 0 ) && ( AxeY == 0 ) && ( AxeZ == 1 ) )
         if ( ( dx == 0 ) && ( dy == 0 ) && ( dz == 1 ) )
-            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, 0, -1 >() * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,0,1 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] );
+            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, 0, -1 >() * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,0,1 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] );
         if ( ( dx == 0 ) && ( dy == 0 ) && ( dz == -1 ) )
-            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, 0, -1 >() * ( u[ cellIndex ] - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,0,-1 >() ] );
+            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, 0, -1 >() * ( u[ cellIndex ] - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,0,-1 >() ] );
         if ( ( dx == 1 ) && ( dy == 0 ) && ( dz == 0 ) )
-            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, 0, -1 >() * 0.25 * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,0,1 >() ] + 
-                   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0,1 >() ] - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,0,-1 >() ] -
-                   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0,-1 >() ] );
+            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, 0, -1 >() * 0.25 * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,0,1 >() ] + 
+                   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0,1 >() ] - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,0,-1 >() ] -
+                   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0,-1 >() ] );
         if ( ( dx == -1 ) && ( dy == 0 ) && ( dz == 0 ) )
-            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, 0, -1 >() * 0.25 * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,0,1 >() ] + 
-                   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,0,1 >() ] - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,0,-1 >() ] -
-                   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,0,-1 >() ] );
+            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, 0, -1 >() * 0.25 * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,0,1 >() ] + 
+                   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,0,1 >() ] - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,0,-1 >() ] -
+                   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,0,-1 >() ] );
         if ( ( dx == 0 ) && ( dy == 1 ) && ( dz == 0 ) )
-            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, 0, -1 >() * 0.25 * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,0,1 >() ] + 
-                   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1,1 >() ] - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,0,-1 >() ] -
-                   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1,-1 >() ] );
+            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, 0, -1 >() * 0.25 * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,0,1 >() ] + 
+                   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1,1 >() ] - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,0,-1 >() ] -
+                   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1,-1 >() ] );
         if ( ( dx == 0 ) && ( dy == -1 ) && ( dz == 0 ) )
-            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, 0, -1 >() * 0.25 * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,0,1 >() ] + 
-                   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,-1,1 >() ] - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,0,-1 >() ] -
-                   u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,-1,-1 >() ] );
+            return mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, 0, -1 >() * 0.25 * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,0,1 >() ] + 
+                   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,-1,1 >() ] - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,0,-1 >() ] -
+                   u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,-1,-1 >() ] );
     return 0.0;
@@ -571,16 +571,16 @@ operator()(
    const IndexType& dy,
    const IndexType& dz ) const
-   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const typename MeshEntity::MeshType& mesh = entity.getMesh();
    const IndexType& cellIndex = entity.getIndex();     
     if ( ( dx == 0 ) && ( dy == 0 ) && ( dz == 0 ) )
-        return ::sqrt( this->eps + ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1,0 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] ) * 
-                ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1,0 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] )
-                * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1, 0 >() * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1, 0 >() + ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0,0 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] ) 
-                * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0,0 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] ) * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0, 0 >() * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0, 0 >()
-                + ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,0,1 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] ) 
-                * ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,0,1 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] ) * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, 0, -1 >() * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, 0, -1 >() );
+        return ::sqrt( this->eps + ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1,0 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] ) * 
+                ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,1,0 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] )
+                * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1, 0 >() * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1, 0 >() + ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0,0 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] ) 
+                * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,0,0 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] ) * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0, 0 >() * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0, 0 >()
+                + ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,0,1 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] ) 
+                * ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,0,1 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] ) * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, 0, -1 >() * mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, 0, -1 >() );
     if ( ( dx == 1 ) && ( dy == 0 ) && ( dz == 0 ) )
         return ::sqrt( this->eps + this->template boundaryDerivative< MeshEntity, Vector,1,0,0 >( mesh, entity, u, time, 1, 0, 0 ) * 
                this->template boundaryDerivative< MeshEntity, Vector,1,0,0 >( mesh, entity, u, time, 1, 0, 0 ) + 
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/operator-Q/tnlOneSideDiffOperatorQ_impl.h b/src/TNL/Operators/operator-Q/tnlOneSideDiffOperatorQ_impl.h
index 483680f5a174b11c917fa34b22bc8fdbc47cb788..21f5e44f08ec29fe365de11cfcbb5fb898f9af26 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/operator-Q/tnlOneSideDiffOperatorQ_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/operator-Q/tnlOneSideDiffOperatorQ_impl.h
@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
             const Real& time ) const
    const IndexType& cellIndex = entity.getIndex();
-   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();      
+   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();      
    const typename MeshEntity::MeshType& mesh = entity.getMesh();
-   const RealType& u_x = ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] ) *
+   const RealType& u_x = ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >() ] - u[ cellIndex ] ) *
                          mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1 >();
    return ::sqrt( this->epsSquare + u_x * u_x );          
@@ -79,12 +79,12 @@ getValueStriped( const MeshFunction& u,
                  const Real& time ) const
    const IndexType& cellIndex = entity.getIndex();
-   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();      
+   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();      
    const typename MeshEntity::MeshType& mesh = entity.getMesh();
    const RealType& u_c = u[ cellIndex ];
-   const RealType& u_x_f = ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >() ] - u_c ) * 
+   const RealType& u_x_f = ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >() ] - u_c ) * 
                            mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1 >();
-   const RealType& u_x_b = ( u_c - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >() ] ) * 
+   const RealType& u_x_b = ( u_c - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >() ] ) * 
                            mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1 >();   
    return ::sqrt( this->epsSquare + 0.5 * ( u_x_f * u_x_f + u_x_b * u_x_b ) );
@@ -134,12 +134,12 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
             const Real& time ) const
    const IndexType& cellIndex = entity.getIndex();
-   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();      
+   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();      
    const typename MeshEntity::MeshType& mesh = entity.getMesh();
    const RealType& u_c = u[ cellIndex ];
-   const RealType u_x = ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0 >() ] - u_c ) *
+   const RealType u_x = ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0 >() ] - u_c ) *
                          mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0 >();
-   const RealType u_y = ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1 >() ] - u_c ) *
+   const RealType u_y = ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1 >() ] - u_c ) *
                          mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1 >();
    return ::sqrt( this->epsSquare + u_x * u_x + u_y * u_y ); 
@@ -158,16 +158,16 @@ getValueStriped( const MeshFunction& u,
                  const Real& time ) const
    const IndexType& cellIndex = entity.getIndex();
-   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();      
+   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();      
    const typename MeshEntity::MeshType& mesh = entity.getMesh();
    const RealType& u_c = u[ cellIndex ];
-   const RealType u_x_f = ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0 >() ] - u_c ) *
+   const RealType u_x_f = ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0 >() ] - u_c ) *
                           mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0 >();
-   const RealType u_y_f = ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1 >() ] - u_c ) *
+   const RealType u_y_f = ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1 >() ] - u_c ) *
                           mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1 >();
-   const RealType u_x_b = ( u_c - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0 >() ] ) *
+   const RealType u_x_b = ( u_c - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0 >() ] ) *
                           mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0 >();
-   const RealType u_y_b = ( u_c - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1 >() ] ) *
+   const RealType u_y_b = ( u_c - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1 >() ] ) *
                           mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1 >();
    return ::sqrt( this->epsSquare + 
@@ -219,15 +219,15 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
             const Real& time ) const
    const IndexType& cellIndex = entity.getIndex();
-   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();      
+   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();      
    const typename MeshEntity::MeshType& mesh = entity.getMesh();
    const RealType& u_c =u[ cellIndex ];
-   const RealType u_x = ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0, 0 >() ] - u_c ) *
+   const RealType u_x = ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0, 0 >() ] - u_c ) *
                          mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0, 0 >();
-   const RealType u_y = ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1, 0 >() ] - u_c ) *
+   const RealType u_y = ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1, 0 >() ] - u_c ) *
                          mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1, 0 >();
-   const RealType u_z = ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, 1 >() ] - u_c ) *
+   const RealType u_z = ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, 1 >() ] - u_c ) *
                          mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, 0, -1 >();
    return ::sqrt( this->epsSquare + u_x * u_x + u_y * u_y + u_z * u_z ); 
@@ -246,21 +246,21 @@ getValueStriped( const MeshFunction& u,
                  const Real& time ) const
    const IndexType& cellIndex = entity.getIndex();
-   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();      
+   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();      
    const typename MeshEntity::MeshType& mesh = entity.getMesh();
    const RealType& u_c = u[ cellIndex ];
-   const RealType u_x_f = ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0, 0 >() ] - u_c ) *
+   const RealType u_x_f = ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0, 0 >() ] - u_c ) *
                           mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0, 0 >();
-   const RealType u_y_f = ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1, 0 >() ] - u_c ) *
+   const RealType u_y_f = ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1, 0 >() ] - u_c ) *
                           mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1, 0 >();
-   const RealType u_z_f = ( u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, 1 >() ] - u_c ) *
+   const RealType u_z_f = ( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, 1 >() ] - u_c ) *
                           mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, 0, -1 >();   
-   const RealType u_x_b = ( u_c - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0, 0 >() ] ) *
+   const RealType u_x_b = ( u_c - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0, 0 >() ] ) *
                           mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< -1, 0, 0 >();
-   const RealType u_y_b = ( u_c - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1, 0 >() ] ) *
+   const RealType u_y_b = ( u_c - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1, 0 >() ] ) *
                           mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -1, 0 >();
-   const RealType u_z_b = ( u_c - u[ neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, -1 >() ] ) *
+   const RealType u_z_b = ( u_c - u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, -1 >() ] ) *
                           mesh.template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, 0, -1 >();
    return ::sqrt( this->epsSquare + 
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/operator-curvature/ExactOperatorCurvature.h b/src/TNL/Operators/operator-curvature/ExactOperatorCurvature.h
index 68cf12eda4ade12447205891675ec6a86b314b6c..2c7d15fe99ab715a6a5ea8a98710f3cceddc29ad 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/operator-curvature/ExactOperatorCurvature.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/operator-curvature/ExactOperatorCurvature.h
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 namespace TNL {
 namespace Operators {   
-template< typename ExactOperatorQ, int Dimensions >
+template< typename ExactOperatorQ, int Dimension >
 class ExactOperatorCurvature
@@ -27,20 +27,20 @@ class ExactOperatorCurvature< OperatorQ, 1 >
-      enum { Dimensions = 1 };
+      enum { Dimension = 1 };
       static String getType();
 #ifdef HAVE_NOT_CXX11      
-      template< int XDiffOrder = 0, int YDiffOrder = 0, int ZDiffOrder = 0, typename Function, typename Vertex, typename Real >
+      template< int XDiffOrder = 0, int YDiffOrder = 0, int ZDiffOrder = 0, typename Function, typename Point, typename Real >
-      template< int XDiffOrder = 0, int YDiffOrder = 0, int ZDiffOrder = 0, typename Function, typename Vertex, typename Real = typename Vertex::RealType >
+      template< int XDiffOrder = 0, int YDiffOrder = 0, int ZDiffOrder = 0, typename Function, typename Point, typename Real = typename Point::RealType >
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
       __device__ __host__
       static Real getValue( const Function& function,
-                            const Vertex& v,
+                            const Point& v,
                             const Real& time = 0.0, const Real& eps = 1.0 );
@@ -50,20 +50,20 @@ class ExactOperatorCurvature< ExactOperatorQ, 2 >
-      enum { Dimensions = 2 };
+      enum { Dimension = 2 };
       static String getType();
 #ifdef HAVE_NOT_CXX11      
-      template< int XDiffOrder = 0, int YDiffOrder = 0, int ZDiffOrder = 0, typename Function, typename Vertex, typename Real >
+      template< int XDiffOrder = 0, int YDiffOrder = 0, int ZDiffOrder = 0, typename Function, typename Point, typename Real >
-      template< int XDiffOrder = 0, int YDiffOrder = 0, int ZDiffOrder = 0, typename Function, typename Vertex, typename Real = typename Vertex::RealType >
+      template< int XDiffOrder = 0, int YDiffOrder = 0, int ZDiffOrder = 0, typename Function, typename Point, typename Real = typename Point::RealType >
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
       __device__ __host__
       static Real getValue( const Function& function,
-                            const Vertex& v,
+                            const Point& v,
                             const Real& time = 0.0, const Real& eps = 1.0 );
@@ -72,28 +72,28 @@ class ExactOperatorCurvature< ExactOperatorQ, 3 >
-      enum { Dimensions = 3 };
+      enum { Dimension = 3 };
       static String getType();
 #ifdef HAVE_NOT_CXX11      
-      template< int XDiffOrder = 0, int YDiffOrder = 0, int ZDiffOrder = 0, typename Function, typename Vertex, typename Real >
+      template< int XDiffOrder = 0, int YDiffOrder = 0, int ZDiffOrder = 0, typename Function, typename Point, typename Real >
-      template< int XDiffOrder = 0, int YDiffOrder = 0, int ZDiffOrder = 0, typename Function, typename Vertex, typename Real = typename Vertex::RealType >
+      template< int XDiffOrder = 0, int YDiffOrder = 0, int ZDiffOrder = 0, typename Function, typename Point, typename Real = typename Point::RealType >
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
       __device__ __host__
       static Real getValue( const Function& function,
-                            const Vertex& v,
+                            const Point& v,
                             const Real& time = 0.0, const Real& eps = 1.0 )
          return 0;
-template< typename ExactOperatorQ, int Dimensions >
-class tnlFunctionType< ExactOperatorCurvature< ExactOperatorQ, Dimensions > >
+template< typename ExactOperatorQ, int Dimension >
+class tnlFunctionType< ExactOperatorCurvature< ExactOperatorQ, Dimension > >
       enum { Type = tnlSpaceDomain };
diff --git a/src/TNL/Operators/operator-curvature/ExactOperatorCurvature_impl.h b/src/TNL/Operators/operator-curvature/ExactOperatorCurvature_impl.h
index ef268feb31381bc4fe5d534eda2c87c6a2f9dde9..f07610f4b1d777b1a99a05405e3fa44a50eb5bd1 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Operators/operator-curvature/ExactOperatorCurvature_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Operators/operator-curvature/ExactOperatorCurvature_impl.h
@@ -24,21 +24,21 @@ getType()
 template< typename OperatorQ >
-template< int XDiffOrder, int YDiffOrder, int ZDiffOrder, typename Function, typename Vertex, typename Real >
+template< int XDiffOrder, int YDiffOrder, int ZDiffOrder, typename Function, typename Point, typename Real >
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
    __device__ __host__
 tnlExactOperatorQ< 1 >::
 getValue( const Function& function,
-          const Vertex& v,
+          const Point& v,
           const Real& time, const Real& eps )
    if( YDiffOrder != 0 || ZDiffOrder != 0 )
         return 0.0;
    if (XDiffOrder == 0)
-        return function.template getValue< 2, 0, 0, Vertex >( v, time )/ExactOperatorQ::template getValue< 0, 0, 0 >( function, v, time, eps ) -
-               ( function.template getValue< 1, 0, 0, Vertex >( v, time ) * ExactOperatorQ::template getValue< 1, 0, 0 >( function, v, time, eps ) )
+        return function.template getValue< 2, 0, 0, Point >( v, time )/ExactOperatorQ::template getValue< 0, 0, 0 >( function, v, time, eps ) -
+               ( function.template getValue< 1, 0, 0, Point >( v, time ) * ExactOperatorQ::template getValue< 1, 0, 0 >( function, v, time, eps ) )
                 / ( ExactOperatorQ::template getValue< 0, 0, 0 >( function, v, time, eps ) * ExactOperatorQ::template getValue< 0, 0, 0 >( function, v, time, eps ) );
    return 0;
@@ -51,22 +51,22 @@ getType()
    return "ExactOperatorCurvature< " + ExactOperatorQ::getType() + ",2 >";
-template< int XDiffOrder, int YDiffOrder, int ZDiffOrder, typename Function, typename Vertex, typename Real >
+template< int XDiffOrder, int YDiffOrder, int ZDiffOrder, typename Function, typename Point, typename Real >
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
    __device__ __host__
 tnlExactOperatorQ< 2 >::
 getValue( const Function& function,
-          const Vertex& v,
+          const Point& v,
           const Real& time, const Real& eps )
    if( ZDiffOrder != 0 )
         return 0.0;
    if (XDiffOrder == 0 && YDiffOrder == 0 )
-        return ( function.template getValue< 2, 0, 0, Vertex >( v, time ) * function.template getValue< 0, 2, 0, Vertex >( v, time ) )
-               /ExactOperatorQ::template getValue< 0, 0, 0 >( function, v, time, eps ) - ( function.template getValue< 1, 0, 0, Vertex >( v, time ) *
-               ExactOperatorQ::template getValue< 1, 0, 0 >( function, v, time, eps ) + function.template getValue< 0, 1, 0, Vertex >( v, time ) *
+        return ( function.template getValue< 2, 0, 0, Point >( v, time ) * function.template getValue< 0, 2, 0, Point >( v, time ) )
+               /ExactOperatorQ::template getValue< 0, 0, 0 >( function, v, time, eps ) - ( function.template getValue< 1, 0, 0, Point >( v, time ) *
+               ExactOperatorQ::template getValue< 1, 0, 0 >( function, v, time, eps ) + function.template getValue< 0, 1, 0, Point >( v, time ) *
                ExactOperatorQ::template getValue< 0, 1, 0 >( function, v, time, eps ) )
                 / ( ExactOperatorQ::template getValue< 0, 0, 0 >( function, v, time, eps ) * ExactOperatorQ::template getValue< 0, 0, 0 >( function, v, time, eps ) );
    return 0;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Problems/HeatEquationEocRhs.h b/src/TNL/Problems/HeatEquationEocRhs.h
index 4243cebb10b806cf40c69146ab0362d7a0753677..c4d8e8a10f0829e60723ec2299ebbf0f027128d5 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Problems/HeatEquationEocRhs.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Problems/HeatEquationEocRhs.h
@@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ namespace Problems {
 template< typename ExactOperator,
           typename TestFunction >
 class HeatEquationEocRhs
- : public Functions::Domain< TestFunction::Dimensions, Functions::SpaceDomain >
+ : public Functions::Domain< TestFunction::Dimension, Functions::SpaceDomain >
       typedef ExactOperator ExactOperatorType;
       typedef TestFunction TestFunctionType;
       typedef typename TestFunction::RealType RealType;
-      typedef typename TestFunction::VertexType VertexType;
+      typedef typename TestFunction::PointType PointType;
       bool setup( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
                   const String& prefix = "" )
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class HeatEquationEocRhs
-      RealType operator()( const VertexType& vertex,
+      RealType operator()( const PointType& vertex,
                          const RealType& time = 0.0 ) const
          return testFunction.getTimeDerivative( vertex, time )
diff --git a/src/TNL/Problems/HeatEquationProblem.h b/src/TNL/Problems/HeatEquationProblem.h
index 25e5a193383a1132a2cc7e38403b258213de6d7a..f446fda8d3dfca9a09aadb45e5352025f8333faf 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Problems/HeatEquationProblem.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Problems/HeatEquationProblem.h
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
 #include <TNL/Functions/MeshFunction.h>
 #include <TNL/Timer.h>
 #include <TNL/Solvers/PDE/ExplicitUpdater.h>
+#include <TNL/Solvers/PDE/LinearSystemAssembler.h>
+#include <TNL/Solvers/PDE/BackwardTimeDiscretisation.h>
 namespace TNL {
 namespace Problems {
@@ -120,6 +122,14 @@ class HeatEquationProblem : public PDEProblem< Mesh,
          Timer gpuTransferTimer;
          Solvers::PDE::ExplicitUpdater< Mesh, MeshFunctionType, DifferentialOperator, BoundaryCondition, RightHandSide > explicitUpdater;
+         Solvers::PDE::LinearSystemAssembler< Mesh, 
+                                              MeshFunctionType,
+                                              DifferentialOperator,
+                                              BoundaryCondition,
+                                              RightHandSide,
+                                              Solvers::PDE::BackwardTimeDiscretisation,
+                                              DofVectorType > systemAssembler;
 } // namespace Problems
diff --git a/src/TNL/Problems/HeatEquationProblem_impl.h b/src/TNL/Problems/HeatEquationProblem_impl.h
index 49058f6a41084b374f0bb03d3ca39a692aa63069..039f983eee5946164d680592260f1f90dbedec21 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Problems/HeatEquationProblem_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Problems/HeatEquationProblem_impl.h
@@ -21,8 +21,6 @@
 #include <TNL/Matrices/MultidiagonalMatrixSetter.h>
 #include <TNL/Logger.h>
 #include <TNL/Solvers/PDE/BoundaryConditionsSetter.h>
-#include <TNL/Solvers/PDE/LinearSystemAssembler.h>
-#include <TNL/Solvers/PDE/BackwardTimeDiscretisation.h>
 #include "HeatEquationProblem.h"
@@ -154,18 +152,18 @@ setupLinearSystem( const MeshPointer& meshPointer,
                    MatrixPointer& matrixPointer )
    const IndexType dofs = this->getDofs( meshPointer );
-   typedef typename MatrixPointer::ObjectType::CompressedRowsLengthsVector CompressedRowsLengthsVectorType;
-   SharedPointer< CompressedRowsLengthsVectorType > rowLengthsPointer;
+   typedef typename MatrixPointer::ObjectType::CompressedRowLengthsVector CompressedRowLengthsVectorType;
+   SharedPointer< CompressedRowLengthsVectorType > rowLengthsPointer;
    if( ! rowLengthsPointer->setSize( dofs ) )
       return false;
-   Matrices::MatrixSetter< MeshType, DifferentialOperator, BoundaryCondition, CompressedRowsLengthsVectorType > matrixSetter;
-   matrixSetter.template getCompressedRowsLengths< typename Mesh::Cell >(
+   Matrices::MatrixSetter< MeshType, DifferentialOperator, BoundaryCondition, CompressedRowLengthsVectorType > matrixSetter;
+   matrixSetter.template getCompressedRowLengths< typename Mesh::Cell >(
       rowLengthsPointer );
    matrixPointer->setDimensions( dofs, dofs );
-   if( ! matrixPointer->setCompressedRowsLengths( *rowLengthsPointer ) )
+   if( ! matrixPointer->setCompressedRowLengths( *rowLengthsPointer ) )
       return false;
    return true;
    //return MultidiagonalMatrixSetter< Mesh >::setupMatrix( mesh, matrix );
@@ -219,27 +217,11 @@ getExplicitUpdate( const RealType& time,
    this->bindDofs( meshPointer, uDofs );
-   MeshFunctionPointer fuPointer( meshPointer, fuDofs );   
-   explicitUpdater.template update< typename Mesh::Cell >(
-      time,
-      meshPointer,
-      this->differentialOperatorPointer,
-      this->boundaryConditionPointer,
-      this->rightHandSidePointer,
-      this->uPointer,
-      fuPointer );
-   //std::cerr << "******************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
-   //std::cerr << "******************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
-   //std::cerr << "******************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
-   /*Solvers::PDE::BoundaryConditionsSetter< MeshFunctionType, BoundaryCondition > boundaryConditionsSetter;
-   boundaryConditionsSetter.template apply< typename Mesh::Cell >(
-      this->boundaryConditionPointer,
-      time + tau,
-      this->uPointer );*/
-   /*uPointer->write( "u.txt", "gnuplot" );
-   fuPointer->write( "fu.txt", "gnuplot" );
-   getchar();*/
+   MeshFunctionPointer fuPointer( meshPointer, fuDofs );
+   this->explicitUpdater.setDifferentialOperator( this->differentialOperatorPointer ),
+   this->explicitUpdater.setBoundaryConditions( this->boundaryConditionPointer ),
+   this->explicitUpdater.setRightHandSide( this->rightHandSidePointer ),
+   this->explicitUpdater.template update< typename Mesh::Cell >( time, tau, meshPointer, this->uPointer, fuPointer );
 template< typename Mesh,
@@ -258,49 +240,16 @@ assemblyLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
                       MeshDependentDataPointer& meshDependentData )
    this->bindDofs( meshPointer, dofsPointer );
-   Solvers::PDE::LinearSystemAssembler< Mesh,
-                             MeshFunctionType,
-                             DifferentialOperator,
-                             BoundaryCondition,
-                             RightHandSide,
-                             Solvers::PDE::BackwardTimeDiscretisation,
-                             typename MatrixPointer::ObjectType,
-                             DofVectorType > systemAssembler;
-   systemAssembler.template assembly< typename Mesh::Cell >(
+   this->systemAssembler.setDifferentialOperator( this->differentialOperatorPointer );
+   this->systemAssembler.setBoundaryConditions( this->boundaryConditionPointer );
+   this->systemAssembler.setRightHandSide( this->rightHandSidePointer );
+   this->systemAssembler.template assembly< typename Mesh::Cell, typename MatrixPointer::ObjectType >( 
-      this->differentialOperatorPointer,
-      this->boundaryConditionPointer,
-      this->rightHandSidePointer,
       bPointer );
-   //matrixPointer->print( std::cout );
-   //getchar();
-   /*cout << endl << b << endl;
-   cout << endl << u << endl;
-   abort();*/
-   /*cout << "Matrix multiplication test ..." << std::endl;
-   Vector< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType > y;
-   y.setLike( u );
-   Timer timer;
-   timer.reset();
-   timer.start();
-   for( int i = 0; i < 100; i++ )
-      matrix.vectorProduct( u, y );
-   timer.stop();
-  std::cout << "The time is " << timer.getRealTime();
-  std::cout << "Scalar product test ..." << std::endl;
-   timer.reset();
-   RealType a;
-   timer.start();
-   for( int i = 0; i < 100; i++ )
-      a = y.scalarProduct( u );
-   timer.stop();
-  std::cout << "The time is " << timer.getRealTime();
-  std::cout << std::endl;
-   abort();*/
 } // namespace Problems
diff --git a/src/TNL/Problems/MeanCurvatureFlowEocProblem.h b/src/TNL/Problems/MeanCurvatureFlowEocProblem.h
index a756ffea10ecf4c9780ce776024303ca570511ae..057b331bb7a048e9e8f23416e911b9dc443b5743 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Problems/MeanCurvatureFlowEocProblem.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Problems/MeanCurvatureFlowEocProblem.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Szekely Ondrej, ondra.szekely@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/Problems/MeanCurvatureFlowProblem.h>
diff --git a/src/TNL/Problems/MeanCurvatureFlowEocProblem_impl.h b/src/TNL/Problems/MeanCurvatureFlowEocProblem_impl.h
index 57df68026df292fb74af638babcb222875d1ed89..065e39ac6c18a5a2d103c93ea805dd6e1b51a2b6 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Problems/MeanCurvatureFlowEocProblem_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Problems/MeanCurvatureFlowEocProblem_impl.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Szekely Ondrej, ondra.szekely@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 namespace TNL {
diff --git a/src/TNL/Problems/MeanCurvatureFlowEocRhs.h b/src/TNL/Problems/MeanCurvatureFlowEocRhs.h
index cb07a2a13e74fd109a9e9a005e0e5482d19ee52e..8898c8f6bbb00edcfc5cce127e3a3db755302d0b 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Problems/MeanCurvatureFlowEocRhs.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Problems/MeanCurvatureFlowEocRhs.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Szekely Ondrej, ondra.szekely@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/Functions/Domain.h>
@@ -17,15 +23,15 @@ namespace Problems {
 template< typename ExactOperator,
           typename TestFunction,
-          int Dimensions >
-class MeanCurvatureFlowEocRhs : public Domain< Dimensions, SpaceDomain >
+          int Dimension >
+class MeanCurvatureFlowEocRhs : public Domain< Dimension, SpaceDomain >
       typedef ExactOperator ExactOperatorType;
       typedef TestFunction TestFunctionType;
       typedef typename TestFunctionType::RealType RealType;
-      typedef StaticVector< Dimensions, RealType > VertexType;
+      typedef StaticVector< Dimension, RealType > PointType;
       bool setup( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
                   const String& prefix = "" )
@@ -35,10 +41,10 @@ class MeanCurvatureFlowEocRhs : public Domain< Dimensions, SpaceDomain >
          return true;
-      template< typename Vertex,
+      template< typename Point,
                 typename Real >
-      Real operator()( const Vertex& vertex,
+      Real operator()( const Point& vertex,
                        const Real& time ) const
          return testFunction.getTimeDerivative( vertex, time )
diff --git a/src/TNL/Problems/MeanCurvatureFlowProblem.h b/src/TNL/Problems/MeanCurvatureFlowProblem.h
index af5a34df8c320b7b86d7b1d60acca95e2ad89364..0e7a88df3312b5fde78ec4964b4984ed95500f8d 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Problems/MeanCurvatureFlowProblem.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Problems/MeanCurvatureFlowProblem.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Szekely Ondrej, ondra.szekely@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/Operators/diffusion/OneSidedMeanCurvature.h>
diff --git a/src/TNL/Problems/MeanCurvatureFlowProblem_impl.h b/src/TNL/Problems/MeanCurvatureFlowProblem_impl.h
index c9092b12ce64fa409ae83a758fbd32ac1694d909..79c730732fff1fea884d623076e08ce32dc3bf96 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Problems/MeanCurvatureFlowProblem_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Problems/MeanCurvatureFlowProblem_impl.h
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+ * Authors:
+ * Oberhuber Tomas, tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ * Szekely Ondrej, ondra.szekely@gmail.com
+ */
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/FileName.h>
@@ -132,19 +138,19 @@ setupLinearSystem( const MeshType& mesh,
                    Matrix& matrix )
    const IndexType dofs = this->getDofs( mesh );
-   typedef typename MatrixType::CompressedRowsLengthsVector CompressedRowsLengthsVectorType;
-   CompressedRowsLengthsVectorType rowLengths;
+   typedef typename MatrixType::CompressedRowLengthsVector CompressedRowLengthsVectorType;
+   CompressedRowLengthsVectorType rowLengths;
    if( ! rowLengths.setSize( dofs ) )
       return false;
-   MatrixSetter< MeshType, DifferentialOperator, BoundaryCondition, CompressedRowsLengthsVectorType > matrixSetter;
-   matrixSetter.template getCompressedRowsLengths< typename Mesh::Cell >(
+   MatrixSetter< MeshType, DifferentialOperator, BoundaryCondition, CompressedRowLengthsVectorType > matrixSetter;
+   matrixSetter.template getCompressedRowLengths< typename Mesh::Cell >(
    matrix.setDimensions( dofs, dofs );
-   if( ! matrix.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths ) )
+   if( ! matrix.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths ) )
       return false;
    return true;
@@ -202,21 +208,12 @@ getExplicitUpdate( const RealType& time,
    MeshFunctionType fu( mesh, outDofs );
    //differentialOperator.nonlinearDiffusionOperator.operatorQ.update( mesh, time );
    ExplicitUpdater< Mesh, MeshFunctionType, DifferentialOperator, BoundaryCondition, RightHandSide > explicitUpdater;
-   explicitUpdater.template update< typename Mesh::Cell >(
-      time,
-      mesh,
-      this->differentialOperator,
-      this->boundaryCondition,
-      this->rightHandSide,
-      u,
-      fu );
+   explicitUpdater.setDifferentialOperator( this->differentialOperatorPointer );
+   explicitUpdater.setBoundaryConditions( this->boundaryConditionPointer );
+   explicitUpdater.setRightHandSide( this->rightHandSidePointer );
+   explicitUpdater.template update< typename Mesh::Cell >( time, tau, mesh, u, fu );
-   BoundaryConditionsSetter< MeshFunctionType, BoundaryCondition > boundaryConditionsSetter;
-   boundaryConditionsSetter.template apply< typename Mesh::Cell >(
-      this->boundaryCondition,
-      time,
-      u );
    /*cout << "u = " << u << std::endl;
   std::cout << "fu = " << fu << std::endl;
    u.save( "u.tnl" );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Solvers/BuildConfigTags.h b/src/TNL/Solvers/BuildConfigTags.h
index 190290299ed5a29cf3a5640c31a9e48d647045c2..003974c3b39c3fae2ce7645803e70a0b5312ea05 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Solvers/BuildConfigTags.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Solvers/BuildConfigTags.h
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ template< typename ConfigTag > struct ConfigTagMeshResolve{ enum { enabled = tru
  * 1, 2, and 3 dimensions are enabled by default
-template< typename ConfigTag, int Dimensions > struct ConfigTagDimensions{ enum { enabled = ( Dimensions > 0 && Dimensions <= 3 ) }; };
+template< typename ConfigTag, int Dimension > struct ConfigTagDimension{ enum { enabled = ( Dimension > 0 && Dimension <= 3 ) }; };
  * Up to the exceptions enlisted below, all mesh types are disabled by default.
@@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ template< typename ConfigTag, typename MeshType > struct ConfigTagMesh{ enum { e
  * Use of Grid is enabled for allowed dimensions and Real, Device and Index types.
-template< typename ConfigTag, int Dimensions, typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-   struct ConfigTagMesh< ConfigTag, Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index > >
-      { enum { enabled = ConfigTagDimensions< ConfigTag, Dimensions >::enabled  &&
+template< typename ConfigTag, int Dimension, typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
+   struct ConfigTagMesh< ConfigTag, Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index > >
+      { enum { enabled = ConfigTagDimension< ConfigTag, Dimension >::enabled  &&
                          ConfigTagReal< ConfigTag, Real >::enabled &&
                          ConfigTagDevice< ConfigTag, Device >::enabled &&
                          ConfigTagIndex< ConfigTag, Index >::enabled }; };
diff --git a/src/TNL/Solvers/FastBuildConfigTag.h b/src/TNL/Solvers/FastBuildConfigTag.h
index c0490f2ccf4a9febfa6708f996d30b4668ffc3e8..45ab71b8d84b447a178f3a1c338b1a9f4cf050ca 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Solvers/FastBuildConfigTag.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Solvers/FastBuildConfigTag.h
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ template<> struct ConfigTagIndex< FastBuildConfig, long int >{ enum { enabled =
  * Use of Grid is enabled for allowed dimensions and Real, Device and Index types.
-template< int Dimensions, typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-   struct ConfigTagMesh< FastBuildConfig, Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index > >
-      { enum { enabled = ConfigTagDimensions< FastBuildConfig, Dimensions >::enabled  &&
+template< int Dimension, typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
+   struct ConfigTagMesh< FastBuildConfig, Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index > >
+      { enum { enabled = ConfigTagDimension< FastBuildConfig, Dimension >::enabled  &&
                          ConfigTagReal< FastBuildConfig, Real >::enabled &&
                          ConfigTagDevice< FastBuildConfig, Device >::enabled &&
                          ConfigTagIndex< FastBuildConfig, Index >::enabled }; };
diff --git a/src/TNL/Solvers/MeshTypeResolver.h b/src/TNL/Solvers/MeshTypeResolver.h
index 604b2dfbe70e4286a6ba5bcb3d00fa39cf7874cc..d24bd8afa89c8d56257dd7d8d38684a7b853e210 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Solvers/MeshTypeResolver.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Solvers/MeshTypeResolver.h
@@ -50,24 +50,24 @@ class MeshTypeResolver< ProblemSetter, Real, Device, Index, ConfigTag, true >
-   static bool resolveMeshDimensions( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
+   static bool resolveMeshDimension( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
                                       const Containers::List< String >& parsedMeshType );
    // Overload for disabled dimensions
-   template< int MeshDimensions,
-             typename = typename std::enable_if< ! ConfigTagDimensions<ConfigTag,MeshDimensions>::enabled >::type,
+   template< int MeshDimension,
+             typename = typename std::enable_if< ! ConfigTagDimension<ConfigTag,MeshDimension>::enabled >::type,
              typename = void >
    static bool resolveMeshRealType( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
                                     const Containers::List< String >& parsedMeshType );
    // Overload for enabled dimensions
-   template< int MeshDimensions,
-             typename = typename std::enable_if< ConfigTagDimensions<ConfigTag,MeshDimensions>::enabled >::type >
+   template< int MeshDimension,
+             typename = typename std::enable_if< ConfigTagDimension<ConfigTag,MeshDimension>::enabled >::type >
    static bool resolveMeshRealType( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
                                     const Containers::List< String >& parsedMeshType );
    // Overload for disabled real types
-   template< int MeshDimensions,
+   template< int MeshDimension,
              typename MeshRealType,
              typename = typename std::enable_if< ! ConfigTagReal<ConfigTag, MeshRealType>::enabled >::type,
              typename = void >
@@ -75,14 +75,14 @@ class MeshTypeResolver< ProblemSetter, Real, Device, Index, ConfigTag, true >
                                      const Containers::List< String >& parsedMeshType );
    // Overload for enabled real types
-   template< int MeshDimensions,
+   template< int MeshDimension,
              typename MeshRealType,
              typename = typename std::enable_if< ConfigTagReal<ConfigTag, MeshRealType>::enabled >::type >
    static bool resolveMeshIndexType( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
                                      const Containers::List< String >& parsedMeshType );
    // Overload for disabled index types
-   template< int MeshDimensions,
+   template< int MeshDimension,
              typename MeshRealType,
              typename MeshIndexType,
              typename = typename std::enable_if< ! ConfigTagIndex<ConfigTag, MeshIndexType>::enabled >::type,
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class MeshTypeResolver< ProblemSetter, Real, Device, Index, ConfigTag, true >
                                 const Containers::List< String >& parsedMeshType );
    // Overload for enabled index types
-   template< int MeshDimensions,
+   template< int MeshDimension,
              typename MeshRealType,
              typename MeshIndexType,
              typename = typename std::enable_if< ConfigTagIndex<ConfigTag, MeshIndexType>::enabled >::type >
@@ -100,30 +100,30 @@ class MeshTypeResolver< ProblemSetter, Real, Device, Index, ConfigTag, true >
-   template< int Dimensions, bool DimensionsSupport, typename MeshTypeResolver >
-    friend class MeshTypeResolverDimensionsSupportChecker;
+   template< int Dimension, bool DimensionSupport, typename MeshTypeResolver >
+    friend class MeshTypeResolverDimensionSupportChecker;
-/*template< int Dimensions, bool DimensionsSupport, typename MeshTypeResolver >
-class MeshTypeResolverDimensionsSupportChecker
+/*template< int Dimension, bool DimensionSupport, typename MeshTypeResolver >
+class MeshTypeResolverDimensionSupportChecker
-template< int Dimensions, typename MeshTypeResolver >
-class MeshTypeResolverDimensionsSupportChecker< Dimensions, true, MeshTypeResolver >
+template< int Dimension, typename MeshTypeResolver >
+class MeshTypeResolverDimensionSupportChecker< Dimension, true, MeshTypeResolver >
-   static bool checkDimensions( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
+   static bool checkDimension( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
                                 const Containers::List< String >& parsedMeshType );
-template< int Dimensions, typename MeshTypeResolver >
-class MeshTypeResolverDimensionsSupportChecker< Dimensions, false, MeshTypeResolver >
+template< int Dimension, typename MeshTypeResolver >
+class MeshTypeResolverDimensionSupportChecker< Dimension, false, MeshTypeResolver >
-   static bool checkDimensions( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
+   static bool checkDimension( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
                                 const Containers::List< String >& parsedMeshType );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Solvers/MeshTypeResolver_impl.h b/src/TNL/Solvers/MeshTypeResolver_impl.h
index d1b1b6d4263387a71f1192c2391b1c8f5217c3d0..c342c58f34204e5e42f163c637bf60aaed2f2df6 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Solvers/MeshTypeResolver_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Solvers/MeshTypeResolver_impl.h
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ bool MeshTypeResolver< ProblemSetter, Real, Device, Index, ConfigTag, true >::ru
       std::cerr << "Unable to parse the mesh type " << meshType << "." << std::endl;
       return false;
-   return resolveMeshDimensions( parameters, parsedMeshType );
+   return resolveMeshDimension( parameters, parsedMeshType );
 template< template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index, typename MeshType, typename ConfigTag, typename SolverStarter > class ProblemSetter,
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ template< template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index, typename Mes
           typename ConfigTag >
 MeshTypeResolver< ProblemSetter, Real, Device, Index, ConfigTag, true >::
-resolveMeshDimensions( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
+resolveMeshDimension( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
                        const Containers::List< String >& parsedMeshType )
    int dimensions = atoi( parsedMeshType[ 1 ].getString() );
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ resolveMeshDimensions( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
       return resolveMeshRealType< 2 >( parameters, parsedMeshType );
    if( dimensions == 3 )
       return resolveMeshRealType< 3 >( parameters, parsedMeshType );
-   std::cerr << "Dimensions higher than 3 are not supported." << std::endl;
+   std::cerr << "Dimension higher than 3 are not supported." << std::endl;
    return false;
@@ -95,13 +95,13 @@ template< template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index, typename Mes
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename ConfigTag >
-   template< int MeshDimensions, typename, typename >
+   template< int MeshDimension, typename, typename >
 MeshTypeResolver< ProblemSetter, Real, Device, Index, ConfigTag, true >::
 resolveMeshRealType( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
                      const Containers::List< String >& parsedMeshType )
-   std::cerr << "Mesh dimension " << MeshDimensions << " is not supported." << std::endl;
+   std::cerr << "Mesh dimension " << MeshDimension << " is not supported." << std::endl;
    return false;
@@ -110,18 +110,18 @@ template< template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index, typename Mes
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename ConfigTag >
-   template< int MeshDimensions, typename >
+   template< int MeshDimension, typename >
 MeshTypeResolver< ProblemSetter, Real, Device, Index, ConfigTag, true >::
 resolveMeshRealType( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
                      const Containers::List< String >& parsedMeshType )
    if( parsedMeshType[ 2 ] == "float" )
-      return resolveMeshIndexType< MeshDimensions, float >( parameters, parsedMeshType );
+      return resolveMeshIndexType< MeshDimension, float >( parameters, parsedMeshType );
    if( parsedMeshType[ 2 ] == "double" )
-      return resolveMeshIndexType< MeshDimensions, double >( parameters, parsedMeshType );
+      return resolveMeshIndexType< MeshDimension, double >( parameters, parsedMeshType );
    if( parsedMeshType[ 2 ] == "long-double" )
-      return resolveMeshIndexType< MeshDimensions, long double >( parameters, parsedMeshType );
+      return resolveMeshIndexType< MeshDimension, long double >( parameters, parsedMeshType );
    std::cerr << "The type '" << parsedMeshType[ 2 ] << "' is not allowed for real type." << std::endl;
    return false;
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ template< template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index, typename Mes
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename ConfigTag >
-   template< int MeshDimensions,
+   template< int MeshDimension,
              typename MeshRealType,
              typename, typename >
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ template< template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index, typename Mes
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename ConfigTag >
-   template< int MeshDimensions,
+   template< int MeshDimension,
              typename MeshRealType,
              typename >
@@ -157,11 +157,11 @@ resolveMeshIndexType( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
                       const Containers::List< String >& parsedMeshType )
    if( parsedMeshType[ 4 ] == "short int" )
-      return resolveMeshType< MeshDimensions, MeshRealType, short int >( parameters, parsedMeshType );
+      return resolveMeshType< MeshDimension, MeshRealType, short int >( parameters, parsedMeshType );
    if( parsedMeshType[ 4 ] == "int" )
-      return resolveMeshType< MeshDimensions, MeshRealType, int >( parameters, parsedMeshType );
+      return resolveMeshType< MeshDimension, MeshRealType, int >( parameters, parsedMeshType );
    if( parsedMeshType[ 4 ] == "long int" )
-      return resolveMeshType< MeshDimensions, MeshRealType, long int >( parameters, parsedMeshType );
+      return resolveMeshType< MeshDimension, MeshRealType, long int >( parameters, parsedMeshType );
    std::cerr << "The type '" << parsedMeshType[ 4 ] << "' is not allowed for indexing type." << std::endl;
    return false;
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ template< template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index, typename Mes
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename ConfigTag >
-   template< int MeshDimensions,
+   template< int MeshDimension,
              typename MeshRealType,
              typename MeshIndexType,
              typename, typename >
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ template< template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index, typename Mes
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename ConfigTag >
-   template< int MeshDimensions,
+   template< int MeshDimension,
              typename MeshRealType,
              typename MeshIndexType,
              typename >
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ resolveMeshType( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
    if( parsedMeshType[ 0 ] == "Meshes::Grid" )
-      typedef Meshes::Grid< MeshDimensions, MeshRealType, Device, MeshIndexType > MeshType;
+      typedef Meshes::Grid< MeshDimension, MeshRealType, Device, MeshIndexType > MeshType;
       return MeshResolverTerminator< ProblemSetter, Real, Device, Index, MeshType, ConfigTag >::run( parameters );
    std::cerr << "Unknown mesh type " << parsedMeshType[ 0 ] << "." << std::endl;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Solvers/PDE/CMakeLists.txt b/src/TNL/Solvers/PDE/CMakeLists.txt
index 0f98d12a9f92b80279e810041ec9e4ba42f7bfaa..a9a9771a8d0ded43a6efe86396d7c915143db597 100755
--- a/src/TNL/Solvers/PDE/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/TNL/Solvers/PDE/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -3,9 +3,7 @@ SET( headers BackwardTimeDiscretisation.h
-             ExplicitUpdater_impl.h
-             LinearSystemAssembler_impl.h
diff --git a/src/TNL/Solvers/PDE/ExplicitUpdater.h b/src/TNL/Solvers/PDE/ExplicitUpdater.h
index d06ac77ffb379a57382d44c97b5e7ca7868cbfe6..cc4056b70eeb082154dedbf2e2c6318a8949a77a 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Solvers/PDE/ExplicitUpdater.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Solvers/PDE/ExplicitUpdater.h
@@ -13,6 +13,12 @@
 #include <TNL/Functions/FunctionAdapter.h>
 #include <TNL/Timer.h>
 #include <TNL/SharedPointer.h>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Traverser_Grid1D.h>
+#include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Traverser_Grid2D.h>
+#include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Traverser_Grid3D.h>
+#include <TNL/Solvers/PDE/ExplicitUpdater.h>
 namespace TNL {
 namespace Solvers {
@@ -47,7 +53,7 @@ class ExplicitUpdaterTraverserUserData
-      void setUserData( const Real& time,
+      /*void setUserData( const Real& time,
                         const DifferentialOperator* differentialOperator,
                         const BoundaryConditions* boundaryConditions,
                         const RightHandSide* rightHandSide,
@@ -60,7 +66,7 @@ class ExplicitUpdaterTraverserUserData
          this->rightHandSide = rightHandSide;
          this->u = u;
          this->fu = fu;
-      }
+      }*/
@@ -78,24 +84,67 @@ class ExplicitUpdater
       typedef typename MeshFunction::DeviceType DeviceType;
       typedef typename MeshFunction::IndexType IndexType;
       typedef ExplicitUpdaterTraverserUserData< RealType,
-                                                   MeshFunction,
-                                                   DifferentialOperator,
-                                                   BoundaryConditions,
-                                                   RightHandSide > TraverserUserData;
+                                                MeshFunction,
+                                                DifferentialOperator,
+                                                BoundaryConditions,
+                                                RightHandSide > TraverserUserData;
       typedef SharedPointer< DifferentialOperator, DeviceType > DifferentialOperatorPointer;
       typedef SharedPointer< BoundaryConditions, DeviceType > BoundaryConditionsPointer;
       typedef SharedPointer< RightHandSide, DeviceType > RightHandSidePointer;
       typedef SharedPointer< MeshFunction, DeviceType > MeshFunctionPointer;
       typedef SharedPointer< TraverserUserData, DeviceType > TraverserUserDataPointer;
+      void setDifferentialOperator( const DifferentialOperatorPointer& differentialOperatorPointer )
+      {
+         this->userDataPointer->differentialOperator = &differentialOperatorPointer.template getData< DeviceType >();
+      }
+      void setBoundaryConditions( const BoundaryConditionsPointer& boundaryConditionsPointer )
+      {
+         this->userDataPointer->boundaryConditions = &boundaryConditionsPointer.template getData< DeviceType >();
+      }
+      void setRightHandSide( const RightHandSidePointer& rightHandSidePointer )
+      {
+         this->userDataPointer->rightHandSide = &rightHandSidePointer.template getData< DeviceType >();
+      }
       template< typename EntityType >
       void update( const RealType& time,
+                   const RealType& tau,
                    const MeshPointer& meshPointer,
-                   const DifferentialOperatorPointer& differentialOperatorPointer,
-                   const BoundaryConditionsPointer& boundaryConditionsPointer,
-                   const RightHandSidePointer& rightHandSidePointer,
                    MeshFunctionPointer& uPointer,
-                   MeshFunctionPointer& fuPointer );
+                   MeshFunctionPointer& fuPointer )
+      {
+         static_assert( std::is_same< MeshFunction,
+                                      Containers::Vector< typename MeshFunction::RealType,
+                                                 typename MeshFunction::DeviceType,
+                                                 typename MeshFunction::IndexType > >::value != true,
+            "Error: I am getting Vector instead of MeshFunction or similar object. You might forget to bind DofVector into MeshFunction in you method getExplicitUpdate."  );
+         TNL_ASSERT( this->userDataPointer->differentialOperator, 
+            std::cerr << "The differential operator is not correctly set-up. Use method setDifferentialOperator() to do it." << std::endl );
+         TNL_ASSERT( this->userDataPointer->boundaryConditions, 
+            std::cerr << "The boundary conditions are not correctly set-up. Use method setBoundaryCondtions() to do it." << std::endl );
+         TNL_ASSERT( this->userDataPointer->rightHandSide, 
+            std::cerr << "The right-hand side is not correctly set-up. Use method setRightHandSide() to do it." << std::endl );
+         this->userDataPointer->time = time;
+         this->userDataPointer->u = &uPointer.template modifyData< DeviceType >();
+         this->userDataPointer->fu = &fuPointer.template modifyData< DeviceType >();
+         Meshes::Traverser< MeshType, EntityType > meshTraverser;
+         meshTraverser.template processInteriorEntities< TraverserUserData,
+                                                         TraverserInteriorEntitiesProcessor >
+                                                       ( meshPointer,
+                                                         userDataPointer );
+         this->userDataPointer->time = time + tau;
+         meshTraverser.template processBoundaryEntities< TraverserUserData,
+                                             TraverserBoundaryEntitiesProcessor >
+                                           ( meshPointer,
+                                             userDataPointer );
+      }
       class TraverserBoundaryEntitiesProcessor
@@ -118,7 +167,7 @@ class ExplicitUpdater
-            typedef typename MeshType::VertexType VertexType;
+            typedef typename MeshType::PointType PointType;
             template< typename EntityType >
@@ -145,5 +194,3 @@ class ExplicitUpdater
 } // namespace Solvers
 } // namespace TNL
-#include <TNL/Solvers/PDE/ExplicitUpdater_impl.h>
diff --git a/src/TNL/Solvers/PDE/ExplicitUpdater_impl.h b/src/TNL/Solvers/PDE/ExplicitUpdater_impl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 72b044e5e619087f4566d02ab8ae698b875e46f3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/TNL/Solvers/PDE/ExplicitUpdater_impl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-                          ExplicitUpdater_impl.h  -  description
-                             -------------------
-    begin                : Jul 29, 2014
-    copyright            : (C) 2014 by Tomas Oberhuber
-    email                : tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
- ***************************************************************************/
-/* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
-#pragma once
-#include <type_traits>
-#include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Traverser_Grid1D.h>
-#include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Traverser_Grid2D.h>
-#include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Traverser_Grid3D.h>
-#include <TNL/Solvers/PDE/ExplicitUpdater.h>
-namespace TNL {
-namespace Solvers {
-namespace PDE {   
-template< typename Mesh,
-          typename MeshFunction,
-          typename DifferentialOperator,
-          typename BoundaryConditions,
-          typename RightHandSide >
-   template< typename EntityType >
-ExplicitUpdater< Mesh, MeshFunction, DifferentialOperator, BoundaryConditions, RightHandSide >::
-update( const RealType& time,
-        const MeshPointer& meshPointer,
-        const DifferentialOperatorPointer& differentialOperatorPointer,        
-        const BoundaryConditionsPointer& boundaryConditionsPointer,
-        const RightHandSidePointer& rightHandSidePointer,
-        MeshFunctionPointer& uPointer,
-        MeshFunctionPointer& fuPointer )
-   static_assert( std::is_same< MeshFunction,
-                                Containers::Vector< typename MeshFunction::RealType,
-                                           typename MeshFunction::DeviceType,
-                                           typename MeshFunction::IndexType > >::value != true,
-      "Error: I am getting Vector instead of MeshFunction or similar object. You might forget to bind DofVector into MeshFunction in you method getExplicitUpdate."  );
-   {
-      //SharedPointer< TraverserUserData, DeviceType >
-      this->userDataPointer->setUserData( time,
-                                          &differentialOperatorPointer.template getData< DeviceType >(),
-                                          &boundaryConditionsPointer.template getData< DeviceType >(),
-                                          &rightHandSidePointer.template getData< DeviceType >(),
-                                          &uPointer.template modifyData< DeviceType >(),
-                                          &fuPointer.template modifyData< DeviceType >() );
-      Meshes::Traverser< MeshType, EntityType > meshTraverser;
-      meshTraverser.template processBoundaryEntities< TraverserUserData,
-                                                      TraverserBoundaryEntitiesProcessor >
-                                                    ( meshPointer,
-                                                      userDataPointer );
-      meshTraverser.template processInteriorEntities< TraverserUserData,
-                                                      TraverserInteriorEntitiesProcessor >
-                                                    ( meshPointer,
-                                                      userDataPointer );
-   }
-} // namespace PDE
-} // namespace Solvers
-} // namespace TNL
diff --git a/src/TNL/Solvers/PDE/LinearSystemAssembler.h b/src/TNL/Solvers/PDE/LinearSystemAssembler.h
index 42efd0e346f9f3b7d185dc527e9cf743d29c5f0a..6b96f0b66cda28c970a38153e5ec637892746e88 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Solvers/PDE/LinearSystemAssembler.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Solvers/PDE/LinearSystemAssembler.h
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename DifferentialOperator,
           typename BoundaryConditions,
           typename RightHandSide,
-          typename Matrix,
           typename DofVector >
 class LinearSystemAssemblerTraverserUserData
@@ -41,26 +40,18 @@ class LinearSystemAssemblerTraverserUserData
       DofVector* b = NULL;
-      Matrix* matrix = NULL;
-      void setUserData( const Real& time,
-                        const Real& tau,
-                        const DifferentialOperator* differentialOperator,
-                        const BoundaryConditions* boundaryConditions,
-                        const RightHandSide* rightHandSide,
-                        const MeshFunction* u,
-                        Matrix* matrix,
-                        DofVector* b )
-      {
-         this->time = time;
-         this->tau = tau;
-         this->differentialOperator = differentialOperator;
-         this->boundaryConditions = boundaryConditions;
-         this->rightHandSide = rightHandSide;
-         this->u = u;
-         this->b = b;
-         this->matrix = matrix;
-      }
+      void* matrix = NULL;
+      LinearSystemAssemblerTraverserUserData()
+      : time( 0.0 ),
+        tau( 0.0 ),
+        differentialOperator( NULL ),
+        boundaryConditions( NULL ),
+        rightHandSide( NULL ),
+        u( NULL ),
+        b( NULL ),
+        matrix( NULL )
+      {}
@@ -70,7 +61,6 @@ template< typename Mesh,
           typename BoundaryConditions,
           typename RightHandSide,
           typename TimeDiscretisation,
-          typename Matrix,
           typename DofVector >
 class LinearSystemAssembler
@@ -80,36 +70,70 @@ class LinearSystemAssembler
    typedef typename MeshFunction::RealType RealType;
    typedef typename MeshFunction::DeviceType DeviceType;
    typedef typename MeshFunction::IndexType IndexType;
-   typedef Matrix MatrixType;
    typedef LinearSystemAssemblerTraverserUserData< RealType,
-                                                      MeshFunction,
-                                                      DifferentialOperator,
-                                                      BoundaryConditions,
-                                                      RightHandSide,
-                                                      MatrixType,
-                                                      DofVector > TraverserUserData;
-   typedef SharedPointer< Matrix, DeviceType > MatrixPointer;
+                                                   MeshFunction,
+                                                   DifferentialOperator,
+                                                   BoundaryConditions,
+                                                   RightHandSide,
+                                                   DofVector > TraverserUserData;
+   //typedef SharedPointer< Matrix, DeviceType > MatrixPointer;
    typedef SharedPointer< DifferentialOperator, DeviceType > DifferentialOperatorPointer;
    typedef SharedPointer< BoundaryConditions, DeviceType > BoundaryConditionsPointer;
    typedef SharedPointer< RightHandSide, DeviceType > RightHandSidePointer;
    typedef SharedPointer< MeshFunction, DeviceType > MeshFunctionPointer;
    typedef SharedPointer< DofVector, DeviceType > DofVectorPointer;
-   template< typename EntityType >
+   void setDifferentialOperator( const DifferentialOperatorPointer& differentialOperatorPointer )
+   {
+      this->userDataPointer->differentialOperator = &differentialOperatorPointer.template getData< DeviceType >();
+   }
+   void setBoundaryConditions( const BoundaryConditionsPointer& boundaryConditionsPointer )
+   {
+      this->userDataPointer->boundaryConditions = &boundaryConditionsPointer.template getData< DeviceType >();
+   }
+   void setRightHandSide( const RightHandSidePointer& rightHandSidePointer )
+   {
+      this->userDataPointer->rightHandSide = &rightHandSidePointer.template getData< DeviceType >();
+   }
+   template< typename EntityType, typename Matrix >
    void assembly( const RealType& time,
                   const RealType& tau,
                   const MeshPointer& meshPointer,
-                  const DifferentialOperatorPointer& differentialOperatorPointer,
-                  const BoundaryConditionsPointer& boundaryConditionsPointer,
-                  const RightHandSidePointer& rightHandSidePointer,
                   const MeshFunctionPointer& uPointer,
-                  MatrixPointer& matrixPointer,
-                  DofVectorPointer& bPointer );
+                  SharedPointer< Matrix >& matrixPointer,
+                  DofVectorPointer& bPointer )
+   {
+      static_assert( std::is_same< MeshFunction,
+                                Containers::Vector< typename MeshFunction::RealType,
+                                           typename MeshFunction::DeviceType,
+                                           typename MeshFunction::IndexType > >::value != true,
+      "Error: I am getting Vector instead of MeshFunction or similar object. You might forget to bind DofVector into MeshFunction in you method getExplicitUpdate."  );
+      const IndexType maxRowLength = matrixPointer.template getData< Devices::Host >().getMaxRowLength();
+      TNL_ASSERT( maxRowLength > 0, );
+      this->userDataPointer->time = time;
+      this->userDataPointer->tau = tau;
+      this->userDataPointer->u = &uPointer.template getData< DeviceType >();
+      this->userDataPointer->matrix = ( void* ) &matrixPointer.template modifyData< DeviceType >();
+      this->userDataPointer->b = &bPointer.template modifyData< DeviceType >();
+      Meshes::Traverser< MeshType, EntityType > meshTraverser;
+      meshTraverser.template processBoundaryEntities< TraverserUserData,
+                                                      TraverserBoundaryEntitiesProcessor< Matrix> >
+                                                    ( meshPointer,
+                                                      userDataPointer );
+      meshTraverser.template processInteriorEntities< TraverserUserData,
+                                                      TraverserInteriorEntitiesProcessor< Matrix > >
+                                                    ( meshPointer,
+                                                      userDataPointer );
+   }
-      class TraverserBoundaryEntitiesProcessor
+   template< typename Matrix >
+   class TraverserBoundaryEntitiesProcessor
@@ -125,11 +149,12 @@ class LinearSystemAssembler
                  userData.time + userData.tau,
-                 ( *userData.matrix ),
+                 ( * ( Matrix* ) ( userData.matrix ) ),
                  ( *userData.b ) );
+   template< typename Matrix >
    class TraverserInteriorEntitiesProcessor
@@ -146,7 +171,7 @@ class LinearSystemAssembler
                  userData.time + userData.tau,
-                 ( *userData.matrix ),
+                 ( *( Matrix* )( userData.matrix ) ),
                  ( *userData.b ) );
             typedef Functions::FunctionAdapter< MeshType, RightHandSide > RhsFunctionAdapter;
@@ -155,7 +180,7 @@ class LinearSystemAssembler
                ( ( *userData.rightHandSide ),
                  userData.time );
-            TimeDiscretisation::applyTimeDiscretisation( ( *userData.matrix ),
+            TimeDiscretisation::applyTimeDiscretisation( ( *( Matrix* )( userData.matrix ) ),
                                                          ( *userData.b )[ entity.getIndex() ],
                                                          MeshFunctionAdapter::getValue( ( *userData.u ), entity, userData.time ),
@@ -171,5 +196,3 @@ protected:
 } // namespace PDE
 } // namespace Solvers
 } // namespace TNL
-#include <TNL/Solvers/PDE/LinearSystemAssembler_impl.h>
diff --git a/src/TNL/Solvers/PDE/LinearSystemAssembler_impl.h b/src/TNL/Solvers/PDE/LinearSystemAssembler_impl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f3ce27918d9d36f7eead7bf16c50a59569e3c2b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/TNL/Solvers/PDE/LinearSystemAssembler_impl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-                          LinearSystemAssembler_impl.h  -  description
-                             -------------------
-    begin                : Oct 12, 2014
-    copyright            : (C) 2014 by Tomas Oberhuber
-    email                : tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
- ***************************************************************************/
-/* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
-#pragma once
-#include <type_traits>
-#include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Traverser_Grid1D.h>
-#include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Traverser_Grid2D.h>
-#include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Traverser_Grid3D.h>
-namespace TNL {
-namespace Solvers {
-namespace PDE {   
-template< typename Mesh,
-          typename MeshFunction,
-          typename DifferentialOperator,
-          typename BoundaryConditions,
-          typename RightHandSide,
-          typename TimeDiscretisation,
-          typename Matrix,
-          typename DofVector >
-   template< typename EntityType >
-LinearSystemAssembler< Mesh, MeshFunction, DifferentialOperator, BoundaryConditions, RightHandSide, TimeDiscretisation, Matrix, DofVector >::
-assembly( const RealType& time,
-          const RealType& tau,
-          const MeshPointer& meshPointer,
-          const DifferentialOperatorPointer& differentialOperatorPointer,
-          const BoundaryConditionsPointer& boundaryConditionsPointer,
-          const RightHandSidePointer& rightHandSidePointer,
-          const MeshFunctionPointer& uPointer,
-          MatrixPointer& matrixPointer,
-          DofVectorPointer& bPointer )
-      static_assert( std::is_same< MeshFunction,
-                                Containers::Vector< typename MeshFunction::RealType,
-                                           typename MeshFunction::DeviceType,
-                                           typename MeshFunction::IndexType > >::value != true,
-      "Error: I am getting Vector instead of MeshFunction or similar object. You might forget to bind DofVector into MeshFunction in you method getExplicitUpdate."  );
-   const IndexType maxRowLength = matrixPointer.template getData< Devices::Host >().getMaxRowLength();
-   TNL_ASSERT( maxRowLength > 0, );
-   {
-      this->userDataPointer->setUserData(
-            time,
-            tau,
-            &differentialOperatorPointer.template getData< DeviceType >(),
-            &boundaryConditionsPointer.template getData< DeviceType >(),
-            &rightHandSidePointer.template getData< DeviceType >(),
-            &uPointer.template getData< DeviceType >(),
-            &matrixPointer.template modifyData< DeviceType >(),
-            &bPointer.template modifyData< DeviceType >() );
-      Meshes::Traverser< MeshType, EntityType > meshTraverser;
-      meshTraverser.template processBoundaryEntities< TraverserUserData,
-                                                      TraverserBoundaryEntitiesProcessor >
-                                                    ( meshPointer,
-                                                      userDataPointer );
-      meshTraverser.template processInteriorEntities< TraverserUserData,
-                                                      TraverserInteriorEntitiesProcessor >
-                                                    ( meshPointer,
-                                                      userDataPointer );
-   }
-} // namespace PDE
-} // namespace Solvers
-} // namespace TNL
diff --git a/src/TNL/legacy/mesh/tnlDistributedGrid.h b/src/TNL/legacy/mesh/tnlDistributedGrid.h
index b6d0b718dff4924ab92e78484b13d1bd3083e3ec..6cdc286e9535c54e19a47e92cae58e286d6feaca 100644
--- a/src/TNL/legacy/mesh/tnlDistributedGrid.h
+++ b/src/TNL/legacy/mesh/tnlDistributedGrid.h
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 #include <TNL/Object.h>
 #include <TNL/tnlCommunicator.h>
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename GridType,
           typename Device = Devices::Host,
           typename Real = double,
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class tnlDistributedGrid : public Object
    //! We do not allow copy constructor without object name.
-   tnlDistributedGrid( const tnlDistributedGrid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >& a );
+   tnlDistributedGrid( const tnlDistributedGrid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >& a );
@@ -33,29 +33,29 @@ class tnlDistributedGrid : public Object
    bool init( tnlCommunicator* communicator,
               const GridType& grid,
-              const StaticVector< Dimensions, Index >& subdomainOverlaps );
+              const StaticVector< Dimension, Index >& subdomainOverlaps );
    tnlCommunicator< Device >* getCommunicator() const;
-   const StaticVector< Dimensions, Real >& getDomainLowerCorner() const;
+   const StaticVector< Dimension, Real >& getDomainLowerCorner() const;
-   const StaticVector< Dimensions, Real >& getDomainUpperCorner() const;
+   const StaticVector< Dimension, Real >& getDomainUpperCorner() const;
-   const StaticVector< Dimensions, Index >& getDimensions() const;
+   const StaticVector< Dimension, Index >& getDimensions() const;
-   const StaticVector< Dimensions, int >& getGridDimensions() const;
+   const StaticVector< Dimension, int >& getGridDimensions() const;
-   const StaticVector< Dimensions, int >& getLowerNeighbors() const;
+   const StaticVector< Dimension, int >& getLowerNeighbors() const;
-   const StaticVector< Dimensions, Index >& getLowerSubdomainsOverlaps() const;
+   const StaticVector< Dimension, Index >& getLowerSubdomainsOverlaps() const;
-   const StaticVector< Dimensions, int >& getNodeCoordinates() const;
+   const StaticVector< Dimension, int >& getNodeCoordinates() const;
-   const StaticVector< Dimensions, Index >& getSubdomainDimensions() const;
+   const StaticVector< Dimension, Index >& getSubdomainDimensions() const;
-   const StaticVector< Dimensions, Index >& getUpperSubdomainsOverlaps() const;
+   const StaticVector< Dimension, Index >& getUpperSubdomainsOverlaps() const;
-   const StaticVector< Dimensions, int >& getUppperNeighbors() const;
+   const StaticVector< Dimension, int >& getUppperNeighbors() const;
@@ -66,39 +66,39 @@ class tnlDistributedGrid : public Object
     * This is naturally generalized to more dimensions.
-   StaticVector< Dimensions, Real > domainLowerCorner;
+   StaticVector< Dimension, Real > domainLowerCorner;
    //! In 2D this is the right top corner of the global domain.
     * This is naturally generalized to more dimensions.
-   StaticVector< Dimensions, Real > domainUpperCorner;
+   StaticVector< Dimension, Real > domainUpperCorner;
-   //! Dimensions of the global domain.
-   StaticVector< Dimensions, Index > globalDimensions;
+   //! Dimension of the global domain.
+   StaticVector< Dimension, Index > globalDimensions;
-   //! Dimensions of the local subdomain.
-   StaticVector< Dimensions, Index > subdomainDimensions;
+   //! Dimension of the local subdomain.
+   StaticVector< Dimension, Index > subdomainDimensions;
    //! Number of the distributed grid nodes along each dimension.
-   StaticVector< Dimensions, int > gridDimensions;
+   StaticVector< Dimension, int > gridDimensions;
    //! Coordinates of this node of the distributed grid.
-   StaticVector< Dimensions, int > nodeCoordinates;
+   StaticVector< Dimension, int > nodeCoordinates;
    //! Here are device IDs taken from the tnlCommunicator.
     * In 2D, this is the device ID of the neighbor on the
     * right and above.
-   StaticVector< Dimensions, int > uppperNeighbors;
+   StaticVector< Dimension, int > uppperNeighbors;
    //! Here are device IDs taken from the tnlCommunicator.
     * In 2D, this is the device ID of the neighbor on the
     * left and below.
-   StaticVector< Dimensions, int > lowerNeighbors;
+   StaticVector< Dimension, int > lowerNeighbors;
    //! Here are widths of overlaps at subdomain boundaries with neighbors.
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ class tnlDistributedGrid : public Object
     * between neighboring nodes. In 2D, here are overlaps
     * with the neighbors on the right and above.
-   StaticVector< Dimensions, Index > upperSubdomainsOverlaps;
+   StaticVector< Dimension, Index > upperSubdomainsOverlaps;
    //! Here are widths of overlaps at subdomain boundaries with neighbors.
@@ -114,88 +114,88 @@ class tnlDistributedGrid : public Object
     * between neighboring nodes. In 2D, here are overlaps
     * with the neighbors on the left and below.
-   StaticVector< Dimensions, Index > lowerSubdomainsOverlaps;
+   StaticVector< Dimension, Index > lowerSubdomainsOverlaps;
-template< int Dimensions, typename GridType, typename Device, typename Real, typename Index >
-tnlDistributedGrid< Dimensions, GridType, Device, Real, Index > :: tnlDistributedGrid( const String& name )
+template< int Dimension, typename GridType, typename Device, typename Real, typename Index >
+tnlDistributedGrid< Dimension, GridType, Device, Real, Index > :: tnlDistributedGrid( const String& name )
  : Object( name )
-template< int Dimensions, typename GridType, typename Device, typename Real, typename Index >
-bool tnlDistributedGrid< Dimensions, GridType, Device, Real, Index > :: init( tnlCommunicator* communicator,
+template< int Dimension, typename GridType, typename Device, typename Real, typename Index >
+bool tnlDistributedGrid< Dimension, GridType, Device, Real, Index > :: init( tnlCommunicator* communicator,
                                                                               const GridType& grid,
-                                                                              const StaticVector< Dimensions, int >& gridDimensions,
-                                                                              const StaticVector< Dimensions, Index >& subdomainOverlaps )
+                                                                              const StaticVector< Dimension, int >& gridDimensions,
+                                                                              const StaticVector< Dimension, Index >& subdomainOverlaps )
-template< int Dimensions, typename GridType, typename Device, typename Real, typename Index >
-tnlCommunicator* tnlDistributedGrid< Dimensions, GridType, Device, Real, Index > :: getCommunicator() const
+template< int Dimension, typename GridType, typename Device, typename Real, typename Index >
+tnlCommunicator* tnlDistributedGrid< Dimension, GridType, Device, Real, Index > :: getCommunicator() const
     return communicator;
-template< int Dimensions, typename GridType, typename Device, typename Real, typename Index >
-const StaticVector< Dimensions, Real >& tnlDistributedGrid< Dimensions, GridType, Device, Real, Index > :: getDomainLowerCorner() const
+template< int Dimension, typename GridType, typename Device, typename Real, typename Index >
+const StaticVector< Dimension, Real >& tnlDistributedGrid< Dimension, GridType, Device, Real, Index > :: getDomainLowerCorner() const
     return domainLowerCorner;
-template< int Dimensions, typename GridType, typename Device, typename Real, typename Index >
-const StaticVector< Dimensions, Real >& tnlDistributedGrid< Dimensions, GridType, Device, Real, Index > :: getDomainUpperCorner() const
+template< int Dimension, typename GridType, typename Device, typename Real, typename Index >
+const StaticVector< Dimension, Real >& tnlDistributedGrid< Dimension, GridType, Device, Real, Index > :: getDomainUpperCorner() const
     return domainUpperCorner;
-template< int Dimensions, typename GridType, typename Device, typename Real, typename Index >
-const StaticVector< Dimensions, Index >& tnlDistributedGrid< Dimensions, GridType, Device, Real, Index > :: getDimensions() const
+template< int Dimension, typename GridType, typename Device, typename Real, typename Index >
+const StaticVector< Dimension, Index >& tnlDistributedGrid< Dimension, GridType, Device, Real, Index > :: getDimensions() const
     return globalDimensions;
-template< int Dimensions, typename GridType, typename Device, typename Real, typename Index >
-const StaticVector< Dimensions, int >& tnlDistributedGrid< Dimensions, GridType, Device, Real, Index > :: getGridDimensions() const
+template< int Dimension, typename GridType, typename Device, typename Real, typename Index >
+const StaticVector< Dimension, int >& tnlDistributedGrid< Dimension, GridType, Device, Real, Index > :: getGridDimensions() const
     return gridDimensions;
-template< int Dimensions, typename GridType, typename Device, typename Real, typename Index >
-const StaticVector< Dimensions, int >& tnlDistributedGrid< Dimensions, GridType, Device, Real, Index > :: getLowerNeighbors() const
+template< int Dimension, typename GridType, typename Device, typename Real, typename Index >
+const StaticVector< Dimension, int >& tnlDistributedGrid< Dimension, GridType, Device, Real, Index > :: getLowerNeighbors() const
     return lowerNeighbors;
-template< int Dimensions, typename GridType, typename Device, typename Real, typename Index >
-const StaticVector< Dimensions, Index >& tnlDistributedGrid< Dimensions, GridType, Device, Real, Index > :: getLowerSubdomainsOverlaps() const
+template< int Dimension, typename GridType, typename Device, typename Real, typename Index >
+const StaticVector< Dimension, Index >& tnlDistributedGrid< Dimension, GridType, Device, Real, Index > :: getLowerSubdomainsOverlaps() const
     return lowerSubdomainsOverlaps;
-template< int Dimensions, typename GridType, typename Device, typename Real, typename Index >
-const StaticVector< Dimensions, int >& tnlDistributedGrid< Dimensions, GridType, Device, Real, Index > :: getNodeCoordinates() const
+template< int Dimension, typename GridType, typename Device, typename Real, typename Index >
+const StaticVector< Dimension, int >& tnlDistributedGrid< Dimension, GridType, Device, Real, Index > :: getNodeCoordinates() const
     return nodeCoordinates;
-template< int Dimensions, typename GridType, typename Device, typename Real, typename Index >
-const StaticVector< Dimensions, Index >& tnlDistributedGrid< Dimensions, GridType, Device, Real, Index > :: getSubdomainDimensions() const
+template< int Dimension, typename GridType, typename Device, typename Real, typename Index >
+const StaticVector< Dimension, Index >& tnlDistributedGrid< Dimension, GridType, Device, Real, Index > :: getSubdomainDimensions() const
     return subdomainDimensions;
-template< int Dimensions, typename GridType, typename Device, typename Real, typename Index >
-const StaticVector< Dimensions, Index >& tnlDistributedGrid< Dimensions, GridType, Device, Real, Index > :: getUpperSubdomainsOverlaps() const
+template< int Dimension, typename GridType, typename Device, typename Real, typename Index >
+const StaticVector< Dimension, Index >& tnlDistributedGrid< Dimension, GridType, Device, Real, Index > :: getUpperSubdomainsOverlaps() const
     return upperSubdomainsOverlaps;
-template< int Dimensions, typename GridType, typename Device, typename Real, typename Index >
-const StaticVector< Dimensions, int >& tnlDistributedGrid< Dimensions, GridType, Device, Real, Index > :: getUppperNeighbors() const
+template< int Dimension, typename GridType, typename Device, typename Real, typename Index >
+const StaticVector< Dimension, int >& tnlDistributedGrid< Dimension, GridType, Device, Real, Index > :: getUppperNeighbors() const
     return uppperNeighbors;
diff --git a/src/Tools/tnl-diff.h b/src/Tools/tnl-diff.h
index 73036199d0dcb70c3d32ad1fcfae7d1f4e68318e..dc2ff7ca243198fa434b7badf0a8880f5cddf2db 100644
--- a/src/Tools/tnl-diff.h
+++ b/src/Tools/tnl-diff.h
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ bool computeDifferenceOfMeshFunctions( const MeshPointer& meshPointer, const Con
       std::cout << std::endl;
    typedef typename MeshPointer::ObjectType Mesh;
-   Functions::MeshFunction< Mesh, Mesh::getMeshDimensions(), Real > v1( meshPointer ), v2( meshPointer ), diff( meshPointer );
+   Functions::MeshFunction< Mesh, Mesh::getMeshDimension(), Real > v1( meshPointer ), v2( meshPointer ), diff( meshPointer );
    Real totalL1Diff( 0.0 ), totalL2Diff( 0.0 ), totalMaxDiff( 0.0 );
    for( int i = 0; i < inputFiles. getSize(); i ++ )
diff --git a/src/Tools/tnl-grid-setup.h b/src/Tools/tnl-grid-setup.h
index b92db8a380f464287c656ff9e088d3768395eb68..d76133e4a1e3274cc1ec1fdd6dd92c5b86548f64 100644
--- a/src/Tools/tnl-grid-setup.h
+++ b/src/Tools/tnl-grid-setup.h
@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ bool setupGrid( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters )
       std::cout << "Writing the grid to the file " << outputFile << " .... ";
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 1, RealType, Devices::Host, IndexType > GridType;
-      typedef typename GridType::VertexType VertexType;
+      typedef typename GridType::PointType PointType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
       GridType grid;
-      grid.setDomain( VertexType( originX ), VertexType( proportionsX ) );
+      grid.setDomain( PointType( originX ), PointType( proportionsX ) );
       grid.setDimensions( CoordinatesType( sizeX ) );
       if( ! grid.save( outputFile ) )
@@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ bool setupGrid( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters )
      std::cout << "Writing the grid to the file " << outputFile << " .... ";
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 2, RealType, Devices::Host, IndexType > GridType;
-      typedef typename GridType::VertexType VertexType;
+      typedef typename GridType::PointType PointType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
       GridType grid;
-      grid.setDomain( VertexType( originX, originY ), VertexType( proportionsX, proportionsY ) );
+      grid.setDomain( PointType( originX, originY ), PointType( proportionsX, proportionsY ) );
       grid.setDimensions( CoordinatesType( sizeX, sizeY ) );
       if( ! grid.save( outputFile ) )
@@ -80,10 +80,10 @@ bool setupGrid( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters )
      std::cout << "Writing the grid to the file " << outputFile << " .... ";
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 3, RealType, Devices::Host, IndexType > GridType;
-      typedef typename GridType::VertexType VertexType;
+      typedef typename GridType::PointType PointType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
       GridType grid;
-      grid.setDomain( VertexType( originX, originY, originZ ), VertexType( proportionsX, proportionsY, proportionsZ ) );
+      grid.setDomain( PointType( originX, originY, originZ ), PointType( proportionsX, proportionsY, proportionsZ ) );
       grid.setDimensions( CoordinatesType( sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ ) );
       if( ! grid.save( outputFile ) )
diff --git a/src/Tools/tnl-init.h b/src/Tools/tnl-init.h
index 98f0e461751a955f73a92bee419f29917bc7b3a5..182f51b28536b06ac86d5e76c3d997e01367c83a 100644
--- a/src/Tools/tnl-init.h
+++ b/src/Tools/tnl-init.h
@@ -34,14 +34,14 @@ bool renderFunction( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters )
    if( ! meshPointer->load( meshFile ) )
       return false;
-   typedef Functions::TestFunction< MeshType::meshDimensions, RealType > FunctionType;
+   typedef Functions::TestFunction< MeshType::meshDimension, RealType > FunctionType;
    typedef SharedPointer< FunctionType, typename MeshType::DeviceType > FunctionPointer;
    FunctionPointer function;
    std::cout << "Setting up the function ... " << std::endl;
    if( ! function->setup( parameters, "" ) )
       return false;
    std::cout << "done." << std::endl;
-   typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType, MeshType::meshDimensions > MeshFunctionType;
+   typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType, MeshType::meshDimension > MeshFunctionType;
    typedef SharedPointer< MeshFunctionType, typename MeshType::DeviceType > MeshFunctionPointer;
    MeshFunctionPointer meshFunction( meshPointer );
    //if( ! discreteFunction.setSize( mesh.template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::Cell >() ) )
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ bool resolveRealType( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters )
-template< int Dimensions, typename RealType, typename IndexType >
+template< int Dimension, typename RealType, typename IndexType >
 bool resolveMesh( const Containers::List< String >& parsedMeshType,
                   const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters )
@@ -208,40 +208,40 @@ bool resolveMesh( const Containers::List< String >& parsedMeshType,
    if( parsedMeshType[ 0 ] == "Meshes::Grid" ||
        parsedMeshType[ 0 ] == "tnlGrid" )  // TODO: remove deprecated type name
-      typedef Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, RealType, Devices::Host, IndexType > MeshType;
+      typedef Meshes::Grid< Dimension, RealType, Devices::Host, IndexType > MeshType;
       return resolveRealType< MeshType >( parameters );
    std::cerr << "Unknown mesh type." << std::endl;
    return false;
-template< int Dimensions, typename RealType >
+template< int Dimension, typename RealType >
 bool resolveIndexType( const Containers::List< String >& parsedMeshType,
                        const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters )
   std::cout << "+ -> Setting index type to " << parsedMeshType[ 4 ] << " ... " << std::endl;
    if( parsedMeshType[ 4 ] == "int" )
-      return resolveMesh< Dimensions, RealType, int >( parsedMeshType, parameters );
+      return resolveMesh< Dimension, RealType, int >( parsedMeshType, parameters );
    if( parsedMeshType[ 4 ] == "long int" )
-      return resolveMesh< Dimensions, RealType, long int >( parsedMeshType, parameters );
+      return resolveMesh< Dimension, RealType, long int >( parsedMeshType, parameters );
    return false;
-template< int Dimensions >
+template< int Dimension >
 bool resolveRealType( const Containers::List< String >& parsedMeshType,
                       const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters )
   std::cout << "+ -> Setting real type to " << parsedMeshType[ 2 ] << " ... " << std::endl;
    if( parsedMeshType[ 2 ] == "float" )
-      return resolveIndexType< Dimensions, float >( parsedMeshType, parameters );
+      return resolveIndexType< Dimension, float >( parsedMeshType, parameters );
    if( parsedMeshType[ 2 ] == "double" )
-      return resolveIndexType< Dimensions, double >( parsedMeshType, parameters );
+      return resolveIndexType< Dimension, double >( parsedMeshType, parameters );
    if( parsedMeshType[ 2 ] == "long-double" )
-      return resolveIndexType< Dimensions, long double >( parsedMeshType, parameters );
+      return resolveIndexType< Dimension, long double >( parsedMeshType, parameters );
    return false;
diff --git a/src/Tools/tnl-mesh-convert.h b/src/Tools/tnl-mesh-convert.h
index 320258f934fc3cc0f9a5464aba1284d651dd0e0b..a45e8d0e4b11d14cf5ad7af0a82404b2f6f01162 100644
--- a/src/Tools/tnl-mesh-convert.h
+++ b/src/Tools/tnl-mesh-convert.h
@@ -73,9 +73,9 @@ bool readNetgenMesh( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters )
    if( ! meshReader.detectMesh( inputFileName ) )
       return false;
-  std::cout << "Reading mesh with " << meshReader.getDimensions() << " dimensions..." << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "Reading mesh with " << meshReader.getDimension() << " dimensions..." << std::endl;
-   if( meshReader.getDimensions() == 2 )
+   if( meshReader.getDimension() == 2 )
       if( meshReader.getVerticesInCell() == 3 )
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ bool readNetgenMesh( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters )
          return convertMesh< MeshReaderNetgen, MeshType >( parameters );
-   if( meshReader.getDimensions() == 3 )
+   if( meshReader.getDimension() == 3 )
       if( meshReader.getVerticesInCell() == 4 )
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ bool readNetgenMesh( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters )
          return convertMesh< MeshReaderNetgen, MeshType >( parameters );
-   std::cerr << "Wrong mesh dimensions were detected ( " << meshReader.getDimensions() << " )." << std::endl;
+   std::cerr << "Wrong mesh dimensions were detected ( " << meshReader.getDimension() << " )." << std::endl;
    return false;
diff --git a/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/Makefile.in b/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/Makefile.in
index 48f3908b58d9888aa6cda6959ba65c96745793c7..c2954e00e8f855f14bd52eda44fc77f95c8a9416 100644
--- a/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/Makefile.in
+++ b/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/Makefile.in
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-# Uncomment the following line to enable CUDA
-#WITH_CUDA = yes
 TARGET = {problemBaseName}
 INSTALL_DIR = ${{HOME}}/local
@@ -16,11 +13,12 @@ endif
 SOURCES = {problemBaseName}.cpp
 HEADERS = {problemBaseName}.h
-OBJECTS = {problemBaseName}.o
 ifdef WITH_CUDA
    OBJECTS = {problemBaseName}-cuda.o
+   OBJECTS = {problemBaseName}.o
 all: $(TARGET)
diff --git a/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/build-config-tag.h.in b/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/build-config-tag.h.in
index b965a6db1c0a8a4a01dafb2a4c77bf211e8bb298..c72d8c1b9dd30c104ff3530cef8c715c04a0e7ee 100644
--- a/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/build-config-tag.h.in
+++ b/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/build-config-tag.h.in
@@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ template<> struct ConfigTagIndex< {problemBaseName}BuildConfigTag, long int >{{
  * With how many dimensions may have the problem to be solved...
-template< int Dimensions > struct ConfigTagDimensions< {problemBaseName}BuildConfigTag, Dimensions >{{ enum {{ enabled = ( Dimensions == 1 ) }}; }};
+template< int Dimension > struct ConfigTagDimension< {problemBaseName}BuildConfigTag, Dimension >{{ enum {{ enabled = ( Dimension == 1 ) }}; }};
  * Use of Meshes::Grid is enabled for allowed dimensions and Real, Device and Index types.
-template< int Dimensions, typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-   struct ConfigTagMesh< {problemBaseName}BuildConfigTag, Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index > >
-      {{ enum {{ enabled = ConfigTagDimensions< {problemBaseName}BuildConfigTag, Dimensions >::enabled  &&
+template< int Dimension, typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
+   struct ConfigTagMesh< {problemBaseName}BuildConfigTag, Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index > >
+      {{ enum {{ enabled = ConfigTagDimension< {problemBaseName}BuildConfigTag, Dimension >::enabled  &&
                          ConfigTagReal< {problemBaseName}BuildConfigTag, Real >::enabled &&
                          ConfigTagDevice< {problemBaseName}BuildConfigTag, Device >::enabled &&
                          ConfigTagIndex< {problemBaseName}BuildConfigTag, Index >::enabled }}; }};
diff --git a/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/explicit-laplace-grid-1d_impl.h.in b/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/explicit-laplace-grid-1d_impl.h.in
index d952cb637c3ca0afdedd577a7b6341d65c8e211e..1e1eaa44a175c7688f1b6864e9f7e5ffaea1fa5e 100644
--- a/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/explicit-laplace-grid-1d_impl.h.in
+++ b/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/explicit-laplace-grid-1d_impl.h.in
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
    const RealType& hxSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
    return ( u[ west ] - 2.0 * u[ center ]  + u[ east ] ) * hxSquareInverse;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/explicit-laplace-grid-2d_impl.h.in b/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/explicit-laplace-grid-2d_impl.h.in
index ad817b3b31fc422759a76d4093336e67dee6a6dc..8c3b7d796ce12d8bb96fda55e47d55568bd8d5bd 100644
--- a/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/explicit-laplace-grid-2d_impl.h.in
+++ b/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/explicit-laplace-grid-2d_impl.h.in
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
    const RealType& hxSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2, 0 >(); 
    const RealType& hySquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >();         
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >();         
    return ( u[ west ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ east ]  ) * hxSquareInverse +
           ( u[ south ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ north ] ) * hySquareInverse;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/explicit-laplace-grid-3d_impl.h.in b/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/explicit-laplace-grid-3d_impl.h.in
index 7b2f234c2037ee8de516d2d04a0877e307e64e12..aa6ff5f3f7fcc731c57667cc3e12c52ca0087218 100644
--- a/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/explicit-laplace-grid-3d_impl.h.in
+++ b/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/explicit-laplace-grid-3d_impl.h.in
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
    const RealType& hySquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0, -2,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& hzSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0,  0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >();         
-   const IndexType& up    = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& down  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >();         
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >();         
+   const IndexType& up    = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& down  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >();         
    return ( u[ west ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ east ]  ) * hxSquareInverse +
           ( u[ south ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ north ] ) * hySquareInverse +
           ( u[ up ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ down ] ) * hzSquareInverse;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/implicit-laplace-grid-1d_impl.h.in b/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/implicit-laplace-grid-1d_impl.h.in
index de086c72e305d76b2130e0a2e09da73f68c40fd1..e5a139e22c202672510f59b607c5d099d2772c4e 100644
--- a/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/implicit-laplace-grid-1d_impl.h.in
+++ b/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/implicit-laplace-grid-1d_impl.h.in
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, west,   - lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, center, 2.0 * lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, east,   - lambdaX );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/implicit-laplace-grid-2d_impl.h.in b/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/implicit-laplace-grid-2d_impl.h.in
index 048949469ddff7d49bbd7ca82e74ff322fa789cd..808d829a88028d9e75c6a6bbaa1b092d3ce4d361 100644
--- a/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/implicit-laplace-grid-2d_impl.h.in
+++ b/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/implicit-laplace-grid-2d_impl.h.in
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2, 0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaY = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >();         
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >();         
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, south,  -lambdaY );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, west,   -lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, center, 2.0 * ( lambdaX + lambdaY ) );
diff --git a/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/implicit-laplace-grid-3d_impl.h.in b/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/implicit-laplace-grid-3d_impl.h.in
index 2343334c4044143815dc5ebfad19fc2c26e767c3..7bbec43866834f69db96e250aaaec9af8c717586 100644
--- a/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/implicit-laplace-grid-3d_impl.h.in
+++ b/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/implicit-laplace-grid-3d_impl.h.in
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
    const RealType& lambdaY = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0, -2,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaZ = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0,  0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >();         
-   const IndexType& up    = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& down  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >();                 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >();         
+   const IndexType& up    = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& down  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >();                 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, down,   -lambdaZ );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, south,  -lambdaY );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, west,   -lambdaX );
diff --git a/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/main.h.in b/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/main.h.in
index 4fd410563132bbc17a77a0d359aad58961fda339..f836967c83ccc88fed8898a0c344a9ea08e40906 100644
--- a/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/main.h.in
+++ b/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/main.h.in
@@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ class {problemBaseName}Setter
       static bool run( const Config::ParameterContainer & parameters )
-          enum {{ Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() }};
+          enum {{ Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() }};
           typedef {operatorName}< MeshType, Real, Index > ApproximateOperator;
           typedef {problemBaseName}Rhs< MeshType, Real > RightHandSide;    
-          typedef Containers::StaticVector < MeshType::getMeshDimensions(), Real > Vertex;
+          typedef Containers::StaticVector < MeshType::getMeshDimension(), Real > Vertex;
           * Resolve the template arguments of your solver here.
@@ -71,10 +71,10 @@ class {problemBaseName}Setter
           String boundaryConditionsType = parameters.getParameter< String >( "boundary-conditions-type" );
           if( parameters.checkParameter( "boundary-conditions-constant" ) )
-             typedef Functions::Analytic::Constant< Dimensions, Real > ConstantFunction;
+             typedef Functions::Analytic::Constant< Dimension, Real > ConstantFunction;
              if( boundaryConditionsType == "dirichlet" )
-                typedef Operators::DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, ConstantFunction, MeshType::getMeshDimensions(), Real, Index > BoundaryConditions;
+                typedef Operators::DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, ConstantFunction, MeshType::getMeshDimension(), Real, Index > BoundaryConditions;
                 typedef {problemBaseName}Problem< MeshType, BoundaryConditions, RightHandSide, ApproximateOperator > Problem;
                 SolverStarter solverStarter;
                 return solverStarter.template run< Problem >( parameters );
@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ class {problemBaseName}Setter
           typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunction;
           if( boundaryConditionsType == "dirichlet" )
-          {{
-             typedef Operators::DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, MeshFunction, MeshType::getMeshDimensions(), Real, Index > BoundaryConditions;
+          {{    
+             typedef Operators::DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, MeshFunction, MeshType::getMeshDimension(), Real, Index > BoundaryConditions;
              typedef {problemBaseName}Problem< MeshType, BoundaryConditions, RightHandSide, ApproximateOperator > Problem;
              SolverStarter solverStarter;
              return solverStarter.template run< Problem >( parameters );
diff --git a/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/operator-grid-specialization.h.in b/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/operator-grid-specialization.h.in
index de06efc27e04caa98c02521abd936c88c7a7c259..e67c5e007a02f45bce36eb079ae529c27f7dce0f 100644
--- a/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/operator-grid-specialization.h.in
+++ b/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/operator-grid-specialization.h.in
@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@ template< typename MeshReal,
           typename MeshIndex,
           typename Real,
           typename Index >
-class {operatorName}< TNL::Meshes::Grid< {meshDimensions}, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, Index >
+class {operatorName}< TNL::Meshes::Grid< {meshDimension}, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, Index >
-      typedef TNL::Meshes::Grid< {meshDimensions}, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex > MeshType;
+      typedef TNL::Meshes::Grid< {meshDimension}, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex > MeshType;
       typedef typename MeshType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
       typedef Real RealType;
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef TNL::Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum {{ Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() }};
+      enum {{ Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() }};
       static TNL::String getType();
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ class {operatorName}< TNL::Meshes::Grid< {meshDimensions}, MeshReal, Device, Mes
                        const MeshEntity& entity,
                        const RealType& time = 0.0 ) const;
-      __cuda_callable__
       template< typename MeshEntity >    
+      __cuda_callable__
       Index getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
                                       const IndexType& index,
                                       const MeshEntity& entity ) const;
diff --git a/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/operator-grid-specialization_impl.h.in b/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/operator-grid-specialization_impl.h.in
index cf73e55f5805a133a269b6a856ecf5be04804af1..3e7d0d670f5de48659c146bbf7b1fb62287e4a38 100644
--- a/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/operator-grid-specialization_impl.h.in
+++ b/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/operator-grid-specialization_impl.h.in
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * {meshDimensions}D problem
+ * {meshDimension}D problem
 template< typename MeshReal,
           typename Device,
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ template< typename MeshReal,
           typename Real,
           typename Index >
-{operatorName}< TNL::Meshes::Grid< {meshDimensions}, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, Index >::
+{operatorName}< TNL::Meshes::Grid< {meshDimension}, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, Index >::
    return TNL::String( "{operatorName}< " ) +
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ template< typename MeshReal,
 template< typename MeshFunction, typename MeshEntity >
-{operatorName}< TNL::Meshes::Grid< {meshDimensions}, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, Index >::
+{operatorName}< TNL::Meshes::Grid< {meshDimension}, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, Index >::
 operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
             const MeshEntity& entity,
             const Real& time ) const
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == {meshDimensions}, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." );
-   static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == {meshDimensions}, "Wrong preimage function" );
-   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< {meshDimensions} >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+   static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == {meshDimension}, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." );
+   static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == {meshDimension}, "Wrong preimage function" );
+   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< {meshDimension} >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ template< typename MeshReal,
 template< typename MeshEntity >
-{operatorName}< TNL::Meshes::Grid< {meshDimensions}, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, Index >::
+{operatorName}< TNL::Meshes::Grid< {meshDimension}, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, Index >::
 getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
                           const IndexType& index,
                           const MeshEntity& entity ) const
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ template< typename MeshReal,
-{operatorName}< TNL::Meshes::Grid< {meshDimensions}, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, Index >::
+{operatorName}< TNL::Meshes::Grid< {meshDimension}, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, Index >::
 setMatrixElements( const PreimageFunction& u,
                    const MeshEntity& entity,
                    const RealType& time,
@@ -84,15 +84,15 @@ setMatrixElements( const PreimageFunction& u,
                    Matrix& matrix,
                    Vector& b ) const
-   static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == {meshDimensions}, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." );
-   static_assert( PreimageFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == {meshDimensions}, "Wrong preimage function" );
+   static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == {meshDimension}, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." );
+   static_assert( PreimageFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == {meshDimension}, "Wrong preimage function" );
     * Setup the non-zero elements of the linear system here.
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< {meshDimensions} >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities();
+   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< {meshDimension} >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities();
    const IndexType& index = entity.getIndex();
    typename Matrix::MatrixRow matrixRow = matrix.getRow( index );
diff --git a/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/problem.h.in b/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/problem.h.in
index 32fcf2f07a2e020b3b25a3761561e4849f9bca50..dd53ffe43f77e58a5dd49cdc51306820a0b07249 100644
--- a/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/problem.h.in
+++ b/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/problem.h.in
@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
 #include <TNL/Problems/PDEProblem.h>
 #include <TNL/Functions/MeshFunction.h>
+#include <TNL/Solvers/PDE/ExplicitUpdater.h>
+#include <TNL/Solvers/PDE/LinearSystemAssembler.h>
+#include <TNL/Solvers/PDE/BackwardTimeDiscretisation.h>
 template< typename Mesh,
           typename BoundaryCondition,
@@ -85,6 +89,16 @@ class {problemBaseName}Problem:
       DifferentialOperatorPointer differentialOperator;
       BoundaryConditionPointer boundaryCondition;
       RightHandSidePointer rightHandSide;
+      TNL::Solvers::PDE::ExplicitUpdater< Mesh, MeshFunctionType, DifferentialOperator, BoundaryCondition, RightHandSide > explicitUpdater;
+      TNL::Solvers::PDE::LinearSystemAssembler< Mesh, 
+                                                MeshFunctionType,
+                                                DifferentialOperator,
+                                                BoundaryCondition,
+                                                RightHandSide,
+                                                TNL::Solvers::PDE::BackwardTimeDiscretisation,
+                                                DofVectorType > systemAssembler;
 #include "{problemBaseName}Problem_impl.h"
diff --git a/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/problem_impl.h.in b/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/problem_impl.h.in
index 18ba3a287ab6d6df79a3d3d594aa8a12147f8c0a..d0b1162383eea26cf35282ecb78b9b5143f4abdb 100644
--- a/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/problem_impl.h.in
+++ b/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/problem_impl.h.in
@@ -117,17 +117,17 @@ setupLinearSystem( const MeshPointer& meshPointer,
                    MatrixPointer& matrixPointer )
    const IndexType dofs = this->getDofs( meshPointer );
-   typedef typename MatrixPointer::ObjectType::CompressedRowsLengthsVector CompressedRowsLengthsVectorType;
-   TNL::SharedPointer< CompressedRowsLengthsVectorType > rowLengthsPointer;
+   typedef typename MatrixPointer::ObjectType::CompressedRowLengthsVector CompressedRowLengthsVectorType;
+   TNL::SharedPointer< CompressedRowLengthsVectorType > rowLengthsPointer;
    if( ! rowLengthsPointer->setSize( dofs ) )
       return false;
-   TNL::Matrices::MatrixSetter< MeshType, DifferentialOperator, BoundaryCondition, CompressedRowsLengthsVectorType > matrixSetter;
-   matrixSetter.template getCompressedRowsLengths< typename Mesh::Cell >( meshPointer,
-                                                                          differentialOperator,
-                                                                          boundaryCondition,
-                                                                          rowLengthsPointer );
+   TNL::Matrices::MatrixSetter< MeshType, DifferentialOperator, BoundaryCondition, CompressedRowLengthsVectorType > matrixSetter;
+   matrixSetter.template getCompressedRowLengths< typename Mesh::Cell >( meshPointer,
+                                                                         differentialOperator,
+                                                                         boundaryCondition,
+                                                                         rowLengthsPointer );
    matrixPointer->setDimensions( dofs, dofs );
-   if( ! matrixPointer->setCompressedRowsLengths( *rowLengthsPointer ) )
+   if( ! matrixPointer->setCompressedRowLengths( *rowLengthsPointer ) )
       return false;
    return true;
@@ -177,22 +177,12 @@ getExplicitUpdate( const RealType& time,
     * You may use supporting mesh dependent data if you need.
-   this->bindDofs( mesh, _u );
-   TNL::Solvers::PDE::ExplicitUpdater< Mesh, MeshFunctionType, DifferentialOperator, BoundaryCondition, RightHandSide > explicitUpdater;
-   TNL::SharedPointer< MeshFunctionType > u( mesh, _u ); 
-   TNL::SharedPointer< MeshFunctionType > fu( mesh, _fu ); 
-   explicitUpdater.template update< typename Mesh::Cell >( time,
-                                                           mesh,
-                                                           this->differentialOperator,
-                                                           this->boundaryCondition,
-                                                           this->rightHandSide,
-                                                           u,
-                                                           fu );
-   TNL::Solvers::PDE::BoundaryConditionsSetter< MeshFunctionType, BoundaryCondition > boundaryConditionsSetter; 
-   boundaryConditionsSetter.template apply< typename Mesh::Cell >( 
-      this->boundaryCondition, 
-      time + tau,
-      u );
+   TNL::SharedPointer< MeshFunctionType > uPointer( mesh, _u ); 
+   TNL::SharedPointer< MeshFunctionType > fuPointer( mesh, _fu ); 
+   this->explicitUpdater.setDifferentialOperator( this->differentialOperator ),
+   this->explicitUpdater.setBoundaryConditions( this->boundaryCondition ),
+   this->explicitUpdater.setRightHandSide( this->rightHandSide ),
+   this->explicitUpdater.template update< typename Mesh::Cell >( time, tau, mesh, uPointer, fuPointer );
 template< typename Mesh,
@@ -210,23 +200,21 @@ assemblyLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
                       DofVectorPointer& b,
                       MeshDependentDataPointer& meshDependentData )
-   TNL::Solvers::PDE::LinearSystemAssembler< Mesh,
-                             MeshFunctionType,
-                             DifferentialOperator,
-                             BoundaryCondition,
-                             RightHandSide,
-                             TNL::Solvers::PDE::BackwardTimeDiscretisation,
-                             typename MatrixPointer::ObjectType,
-                             DofVectorType > systemAssembler;
+   /****
+    * If you implement a (semi-)implicit solver, this method is supposed
+    * to assembly the global linear system in each time step.
+    * You may use supporting mesh dependent data if you need.
+    */
-   TNL::SharedPointer< TNL::Functions::MeshFunction< Mesh > > u( mesh, _u );
-   systemAssembler.template assembly< typename Mesh::Cell >( time,
-                                                             tau,
-                                                             mesh,
-                                                             this->differentialOperator,
-                                                             this->boundaryCondition,
-                                                             this->rightHandSide,
-                                                             u,
-                                                             matrixPointer,
-                                                             b );
+   TNL::SharedPointer< TNL::Functions::MeshFunction< Mesh > > uPointer( mesh, _u );
+   this->systemAssembler.setDifferentialOperator( this->differentialOperator );
+   this->systemAssembler.setBoundaryConditions( this->boundaryCondition );
+   this->systemAssembler.setRightHandSide( this->rightHandSide );
+   this->systemAssembler.template assembly< typename Mesh::Cell, typename MatrixPointer::ObjectType >( 
+      time,
+      tau,
+      mesh,
+      uPointer,
+      matrixPointer,
+      b );
diff --git a/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/rhs.h.in b/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/rhs.h.in
index 71f3d1e79eebc705c73e9e0b522a5ae93e0a0ce5..ffd1b78813dbfcd2f17809fcea69f2d999e86b89 100644
--- a/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/rhs.h.in
+++ b/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/rhs.h.in
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 template< typename Mesh, typename Real >
 class {problemBaseName}Rhs
-  : public TNL::Functions::Domain< Mesh::meshDimensions, TNL::Functions::MeshDomain >
+  : public TNL::Functions::Domain< Mesh::meshDimension, TNL::Functions::MeshDomain >
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ class {problemBaseName}Rhs
       Real operator()( const MeshEntity& entity,
                        const Real& time = 0.0 ) const    
-         typedef typename MeshEntity::MeshType::VertexType VertexType;
-         VertexType v = entity.getCenter();        
+         typedef typename MeshEntity::MeshType::PointType PointType;
+         PointType p = entity.getCenter();        
          return 0.0;    
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/tnl-quickstart.py b/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/tnl-quickstart.py
index 4242a2c085fae5d83cc5747632035439d7fbd5d7..f456952696ad52d06fb7e3806e885dbc62d33be1 100644
--- a/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/tnl-quickstart.py
+++ b/src/Tools/tnl-quickstart/tnl-quickstart.py
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ print( "----------------------------------")
 definitions = {}
-definitions['problemName'] = input( "Problam name:" )
+definitions['problemName'] = input( "Problem name:" )
 definitions['problemBaseName'] = input( "Problem class base name (base name acceptable in C++ code):" )
 definitions['operatorName'] = input( "Operator name:")
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ with open( definitions['problemBaseName']+".h", 'w') as file:
 with open( TNL.Config.tnl_install_prefix+"/share/tnl-" + TNL.Config.tnl_version + "/main.cu.in", 'r') as ftemp:
     templateString = ftemp.read()
-with open( definitions['problemBaseName']+".cu", 'w') as file:
+with open( definitions['problemBaseName']+"-cuda.cu", 'w') as file:
     file.write( templateString.format(**definitions ) )
 with open( TNL.Config.tnl_install_prefix+"/share/tnl-" + TNL.Config.tnl_version + "/main.cpp.in", 'r') as ftemp:
@@ -65,19 +65,19 @@ with open( definitions['problemBaseName'] + "Problem_impl.h", 'w') as file:
 # Operator
 dimensions = [ '1', '2', '3' ]
-for meshDimensions in dimensions:
-   definitions[ 'meshDimensions' ] = meshDimensions
-   key = 'operatorGridSpecializationHeader_' + meshDimensions + 'D'
+for meshDimension in dimensions:
+   definitions[ 'meshDimension' ] = meshDimension
+   key = 'operatorGridSpecializationHeader_' + meshDimension + 'D'
    with open( TNL.Config.tnl_install_prefix+"/share/tnl-" + TNL.Config.tnl_version + "/operator-grid-specialization.h.in", 'r') as ftemp:
        templateString = ftemp.read()
    definitions[ key ] = templateString.format( **definitions )
-   with open( TNL.Config.tnl_install_prefix+"/share/tnl-" + TNL.Config.tnl_version + "/explicit-laplace-grid-" + meshDimensions + "d_impl.h.in", 'r') as ftemp:
+   with open( TNL.Config.tnl_install_prefix+"/share/tnl-" + TNL.Config.tnl_version + "/explicit-laplace-grid-" + meshDimension + "d_impl.h.in", 'r') as ftemp:
       definitions[ 'explicitScheme' ] = ftemp.read();
-   with open( TNL.Config.tnl_install_prefix+"/share/tnl-" + TNL.Config.tnl_version + "/implicit-laplace-grid-" + meshDimensions + "d_impl.h.in", 'r') as ftemp:
+   with open( TNL.Config.tnl_install_prefix+"/share/tnl-" + TNL.Config.tnl_version + "/implicit-laplace-grid-" + meshDimension + "d_impl.h.in", 'r') as ftemp:
       definitions[ 'semiimplicitScheme' ] = ftemp.read();
-   key = 'operatorGridSpecializationImplementation_' + meshDimensions + 'D'
+   key = 'operatorGridSpecializationImplementation_' + meshDimension + 'D'
    with open( TNL.Config.tnl_install_prefix+"/share/tnl-" + TNL.Config.tnl_version + "/operator-grid-specialization_impl.h.in", 'r') as ftemp:
        templateString = ftemp.read()
    definitions[ key ] = templateString.format( **definitions )
diff --git a/src/Tools/tnl-view.h b/src/Tools/tnl-view.h
index 60c366c4aa581f4cb107d12b1357aef61e966440..a0594fc8a384bab44f1572a9511fc9735d569213 100644
--- a/src/Tools/tnl-view.h
+++ b/src/Tools/tnl-view.h
@@ -70,43 +70,43 @@ bool writeMeshFunction( const typename MeshFunction::MeshPointer& meshPointer,
 template< typename MeshPointer,
-          int EntityDimensions,
+          int EntityDimension,
           typename Real >
 bool setMeshFunctionRealType( const MeshPointer& meshPointer,
                               const String& inputFileName,
                               const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters  )
-   return writeMeshFunction< Functions::MeshFunction< typename MeshPointer::ObjectType, EntityDimensions, Real > >( meshPointer, inputFileName, parameters );
+   return writeMeshFunction< Functions::MeshFunction< typename MeshPointer::ObjectType, EntityDimension, Real > >( meshPointer, inputFileName, parameters );
 template< typename MeshPointer,
-          int EntityDimensions >
+          int EntityDimension >
 bool setMeshEntityType( const MeshPointer& meshPointer,
                         const String& inputFileName,
                         const Containers::List< String >& parsedObjectType,
                         const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters )
    if( parsedObjectType[ 3 ] == "float" )
-      return setMeshFunctionRealType< MeshPointer, EntityDimensions, float >( meshPointer, inputFileName, parameters );
+      return setMeshFunctionRealType< MeshPointer, EntityDimension, float >( meshPointer, inputFileName, parameters );
    if( parsedObjectType[ 3 ] == "double" )
-      return setMeshFunctionRealType< MeshPointer, EntityDimensions, double >( meshPointer, inputFileName, parameters );
+      return setMeshFunctionRealType< MeshPointer, EntityDimension, double >( meshPointer, inputFileName, parameters );
    if( parsedObjectType[ 3 ] == "long double" )
-      return setMeshFunctionRealType< MeshPointer, EntityDimensions, long double >( meshPointer, inputFileName, parameters );
+      return setMeshFunctionRealType< MeshPointer, EntityDimension, long double >( meshPointer, inputFileName, parameters );
    std::cerr << "Unsupported arithmetics " << parsedObjectType[ 3 ] << " in mesh function " << inputFileName << std::endl;
    return false;
 template< typename MeshReal,
           typename MeshIndex >
-bool setMeshEntityDimensions( const SharedPointer< Meshes::Grid< 1, MeshReal, Devices::Host, MeshIndex > >& meshPointer,
+bool setMeshEntityDimension( const SharedPointer< Meshes::Grid< 1, MeshReal, Devices::Host, MeshIndex > >& meshPointer,
                               const String& inputFileName,
                               const Containers::List< String >& parsedObjectType,
                               const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters )
    typedef Meshes::Grid< 1, MeshReal, Devices::Host, MeshIndex > Mesh;
    typedef SharedPointer< Mesh > MeshPointer;
-   int meshEntityDimensions = atoi( parsedObjectType[ 2 ].getString() );
-   switch( meshEntityDimensions )
+   int meshEntityDimension = atoi( parsedObjectType[ 2 ].getString() );
+   switch( meshEntityDimension )
       case 0:
          return setMeshEntityType< MeshPointer, 0 >( meshPointer, inputFileName, parsedObjectType, parameters );
@@ -115,22 +115,22 @@ bool setMeshEntityDimensions( const SharedPointer< Meshes::Grid< 1, MeshReal, De
          return setMeshEntityType< MeshPointer, 1 >( meshPointer, inputFileName, parsedObjectType, parameters );
-         std::cerr << "Unsupported mesh functions entity dimensions count " << meshEntityDimensions << "." << std::endl;
+         std::cerr << "Unsupported mesh functions entity dimension count " << meshEntityDimension << "." << std::endl;
          return false;
 template< typename MeshReal,
           typename MeshIndex >
-bool setMeshEntityDimensions( const SharedPointer< Meshes::Grid< 2, MeshReal, Devices::Host, MeshIndex > >& meshPointer,
+bool setMeshEntityDimension( const SharedPointer< Meshes::Grid< 2, MeshReal, Devices::Host, MeshIndex > >& meshPointer,
                               const String& inputFileName,
                               const Containers::List< String >& parsedObjectType,
                               const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters )
    typedef Meshes::Grid< 2, MeshReal, Devices::Host, MeshIndex > Mesh;
    typedef SharedPointer< Mesh > MeshPointer;
-   int meshEntityDimensions = atoi( parsedObjectType[ 2 ].getString() );
-   switch( meshEntityDimensions )
+   int meshEntityDimension = atoi( parsedObjectType[ 2 ].getString() );
+   switch( meshEntityDimension )
       case 0:
          return setMeshEntityType< MeshPointer, 0 >( meshPointer, inputFileName, parsedObjectType, parameters );
@@ -142,22 +142,22 @@ bool setMeshEntityDimensions( const SharedPointer< Meshes::Grid< 2, MeshReal, De
          return setMeshEntityType< MeshPointer, 2 >( meshPointer, inputFileName, parsedObjectType, parameters );
-         std::cerr << "Unsupported mesh functions entity dimensions count " << meshEntityDimensions << "." << std::endl;
+         std::cerr << "Unsupported mesh functions entity dimension count " << meshEntityDimension << "." << std::endl;
          return false;
 template< typename MeshReal,
           typename MeshIndex >
-bool setMeshEntityDimensions( const SharedPointer< Meshes::Grid< 3, MeshReal, Devices::Host, MeshIndex > >& meshPointer,
+bool setMeshEntityDimension( const SharedPointer< Meshes::Grid< 3, MeshReal, Devices::Host, MeshIndex > >& meshPointer,
                               const String& inputFileName,
                               const Containers::List< String >& parsedObjectType,
                               const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters )
    typedef Meshes::Grid< 3, MeshReal, Devices::Host, MeshIndex > Mesh;
    typedef SharedPointer< Mesh > MeshPointer;
-   int meshEntityDimensions = atoi( parsedObjectType[ 2 ].getString() );
-   switch( meshEntityDimensions )
+   int meshEntityDimension = atoi( parsedObjectType[ 2 ].getString() );
+   switch( meshEntityDimension )
       case 0:
          return setMeshEntityType< MeshPointer, 0 >( meshPointer, inputFileName, parsedObjectType, parameters );
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ bool setMeshEntityDimensions( const SharedPointer< Meshes::Grid< 3, MeshReal, De
          return setMeshEntityType< MeshPointer, 3 >( meshPointer, inputFileName, parsedObjectType, parameters );
-         std::cerr << "Unsupported mesh functions entity dimensions count " << meshEntityDimensions << "." << std::endl;
+         std::cerr << "Unsupported mesh functions entity dimension count " << meshEntityDimension << "." << std::endl;
          return false;
@@ -188,11 +188,11 @@ bool setMeshFunction( const MeshPointer& meshPointer,
       std::cerr << "Incompatible mesh type for the mesh function " << inputFileName << "." << std::endl;
       return false;
-   return setMeshEntityDimensions( meshPointer, inputFileName, parsedObjectType, parameters );
+   return setMeshEntityDimension( meshPointer, inputFileName, parsedObjectType, parameters );
-template< typename MeshPointer, typename Element, typename Real, typename Index, int Dimensions >
+template< typename MeshPointer, typename Element, typename Real, typename Index, int Dimension >
 bool convertObject( const MeshPointer& meshPointer,
                     const String& inputFileName,
                     const Containers::List< String >& parsedObjectType,
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ bool convertObject( const MeshPointer& meshPointer,
       Containers::Vector< Element, Devices::Host, typename MeshType::IndexType > vector;
       if( ! vector.load( inputFileName ) )
          return false;
-      Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType, MeshType::meshDimensions, Element > mf;
+      Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType, MeshType::meshDimension, Element > mf;
       mf.bind( meshPointer, vector );
       if( ! mf.write( outputFileName, outputFormat ) )
          return false;
@@ -229,14 +229,14 @@ bool convertObject( const MeshPointer& meshPointer,
        parsedObjectType[ 0 ] == "tnlMultiVector" ||      // TODO: remove deprecated type names  
        parsedObjectType[ 0 ] == "tnlSharedMultiVector" ) //
-      Containers::MultiVector< Dimensions, Element, Devices::Host, Index > multiVector;
+      Containers::MultiVector< Dimension, Element, Devices::Host, Index > multiVector;
       if( ! multiVector. load( inputFileName ) )
          return false;
-      typedef Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Devices::Host, Index > GridType;
-      typedef typename GridType::VertexType VertexType;
+      typedef Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Devices::Host, Index > GridType;
+      typedef typename GridType::PointType PointType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
       GridType grid;
-      grid. setDomain( VertexType( 0.0 ), VertexType( 1.0 ) );
+      grid. setDomain( PointType( 0.0 ), PointType( 1.0 ) );
       grid. setDimensions( CoordinatesType( multiVector. getDimensions() ) );
       const Real spaceStep = grid. getSpaceSteps(). x();
       if( ! grid. write( multiVector, outputFileName, outputFormat ) )
diff --git a/src/UnitTests/Containers/MultiArrayTest.h b/src/UnitTests/Containers/MultiArrayTest.h
index 413ae01ca3b9ab9e701d6273110e2c46b1501339..a14fb919e4cbb34b7aaec0f1cb219280f803b06b 100644
--- a/src/UnitTests/Containers/MultiArrayTest.h
+++ b/src/UnitTests/Containers/MultiArrayTest.h
@@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ __global__ void testSetGetElementKernel( MultiArray< 3, ElementType, Devices::Cu
 TEST( MultiArrayTest, testConstructorDestructor )
    using namespace TNL::Containers;
-   MultiArray< Dimensions, ElementType, Device, IndexType > u;
+   MultiArray< Dimension, ElementType, Device, IndexType > u;
 TEST( MultiArrayTest, testSetSize )
    using namespace TNL::Containers;
-   MultiArray< Dimensions, ElementType, Device, IndexType > u, v;
+   MultiArray< Dimension, ElementType, Device, IndexType > u, v;
    u. setDimensions( 10 );
    v. setDimensions( 10 );
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ IndexType getDiagonalElement( Containers::MultiArray< 3, ElementType, Device, In
 TEST( MultiArrayTest, testSetGetElement )
    using namespace TNL::Containers;
-   MultiArray< Dimensions, ElementType, Device, IndexType > u;
+   MultiArray< Dimension, ElementType, Device, IndexType > u;
    u. setDimensions( 10 );
    if( std::is_same< Device, Devices::Host >::value )
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ TEST( MultiArrayTest, testSetGetElement )
    if( std::is_same< Device, Devices::Cuda >::value )
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-      MultiArray< Dimensions, ElementType, Device, IndexType >* kernel_u =
+      MultiArray< Dimension, ElementType, Device, IndexType >* kernel_u =
                Devices::Cuda::passToDevice( u );
       testSetGetElementKernel<<< 1, 16 >>>( kernel_u );
       Devices::Cuda::freeFromDevice( kernel_u );
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ TEST( MultiArrayTest, testSetGetElement )
 TEST( MultiArrayTest, testComparisonOperator )
    using namespace TNL::Containers;
-   MultiArray< Dimensions, ElementType, Device, IndexType > u, v, w;
+   MultiArray< Dimension, ElementType, Device, IndexType > u, v, w;
    u.setDimensions( 10 );
    v.setDimensions( 10 );
    w.setDimensions( 10 );
@@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ TEST( MultiArrayTest, testComparisonOperator )
 TEST( MultiArrayTest, testEquivalenceOperator )
    using namespace TNL::Containers;
-   MultiArray< Dimensions, ElementType, Device, IndexType > u;
-   MultiArray< Dimensions, ElementType, Device, IndexType > v;
+   MultiArray< Dimension, ElementType, Device, IndexType > u;
+   MultiArray< Dimension, ElementType, Device, IndexType > v;
    u. setDimensions( 10 );
    v. setDimensions( 10 );
    for( int i = 0; i < 10; i ++ )
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ TEST( MultiArrayTest, testEquivalenceOperator )
 TEST( MultiArrayTest, testGetSize )
    using namespace TNL::Containers;
-   MultiArray< Dimensions, ElementType, Device, IndexType > u;
+   MultiArray< Dimension, ElementType, Device, IndexType > u;
    const int maxSize = 10;
    for( int i = 1; i < maxSize; i ++ )
       u. setDimensions( i );
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ TEST( MultiArrayTest, testGetSize )
 TEST( MultiArrayTest, testReset )
    using namespace TNL::Containers;
-   MultiArray< Dimensions, ElementType, Device, IndexType > u;
+   MultiArray< Dimension, ElementType, Device, IndexType > u;
    u.setDimensions( 100 );
    ASSERT_EQ( u. getDimensions().x(), 100 );
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ TEST( MultiArrayTest, testSetSizeAndDestructor )
    using namespace TNL::Containers;
    for( int i = 1; i < 100; i ++ )
-      MultiArray< Dimensions, ElementType, Device, IndexType > u;
+      MultiArray< Dimension, ElementType, Device, IndexType > u;
       u. setDimensions( i );
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ TEST( MultiArrayTest, testSetSizeAndDestructor )
 TEST( MultiArrayTest, testSaveAndLoad )
    using namespace TNL::Containers;
-   MultiArray< Dimensions, ElementType, Device, IndexType > v;
+   MultiArray< Dimension, ElementType, Device, IndexType > v;
    const int size( 10 );
    ASSERT_TRUE( v. setDimensions( size ) );
    for( int i = 0; i < size; i ++ )
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ TEST( MultiArrayTest, testSaveAndLoad )
    file. open( "test-file.tnl", tnlWriteMode );
    ASSERT_TRUE( v. save( file ) );
    file. close();
-   MultiArray< Dimensions, ElementType, Device, IndexType > u;
+   MultiArray< Dimension, ElementType, Device, IndexType > u;
    file. open( "test-file.tnl", tnlReadMode );
    ASSERT_TRUE( u. load( file ) );
    file. close();
diff --git a/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/BenchmarkLaplace.h b/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/BenchmarkLaplace.h
index 00d22ea2a39c12e1ba5855bc7852bfbc3fbad48c..51d957f1bf421ecbce3bb8606e6d2b8f0172410a 100644
--- a/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/BenchmarkLaplace.h
+++ b/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/BenchmarkLaplace.h
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ template< typename MeshReal,
 class BenchmarkLaplace< Meshes::Grid< 1, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, Index >
 : public Operators::Operator< Meshes::Grid< 1, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >,
-                              Meshes::Grid< 1, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >::getMeshDimensions(),
-                              Meshes::Grid< 1, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >::getMeshDimensions(),
+                              Meshes::Grid< 1, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >::getMeshDimension(),
+                              Meshes::Grid< 1, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >::getMeshDimension(),
                               Index >
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class BenchmarkLaplace< Meshes::Grid< 1, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, In
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ template< typename MeshReal,
 class BenchmarkLaplace< Meshes::Grid< 2,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, Index >
 : public Operators::Operator< Meshes::Grid< 2, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >,
-                              Meshes::Grid< 2, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >::getMeshDimensions(),
-                              Meshes::Grid< 2, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >::getMeshDimensions(),
+                              Meshes::Grid< 2, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >::getMeshDimension(),
+                              Meshes::Grid< 2, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >::getMeshDimension(),
                               Index >
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class BenchmarkLaplace< Meshes::Grid< 2,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, Ind
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
@@ -115,8 +115,8 @@ template< typename MeshReal,
 class BenchmarkLaplace< Meshes::Grid< 3,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, Index >
 : public Operators::Operator< Meshes::Grid< 3, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >,
-                              Meshes::Grid< 3, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >::getMeshDimensions(),
-                              Meshes::Grid< 3, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >::getMeshDimensions(),
+                              Meshes::Grid< 3, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >::getMeshDimension(),
+                              Meshes::Grid< 3, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >::getMeshDimension(),
                               Index >
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ class BenchmarkLaplace< Meshes::Grid< 3,MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, Ind
       typedef Device DeviceType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunctionType;
-      enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+      enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
       static String getType();
diff --git a/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/BenchmarkLaplace_impl.h b/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/BenchmarkLaplace_impl.h
index 7a58b9774432cb080d7d04b3475f646b1dc10960..c780716eea0ec3edca70314c5291226323470ffe 100644
--- a/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/BenchmarkLaplace_impl.h
+++ b/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/BenchmarkLaplace_impl.h
@@ -37,14 +37,14 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 1, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 1, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 1, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 1, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& hxSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
    return ( u[ west ] - 2.0 * u[ center ]  + u[ east ] ) * hxSquareInverse;
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -95,11 +95,11 @@ setMatrixElements( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 1 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 1 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, west,   - lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, center, 2.0 * lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, east,   - lambdaX );
@@ -141,17 +141,17 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   /*static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 2, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-   static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 2, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+   /*static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 2, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+   static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 2, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+   const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& hxSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2, 0 >(); 
    const RealType& hySquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); */
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); */
    const IndexType& xSize = entity.getMesh().getDimensions().x();
    const IndexType& c = entity.getIndex();
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -208,14 +208,14 @@ setMatrixElements( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 2 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 2 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2, 0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaY = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< 0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, south,  -lambdaY );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, west,   -lambdaX );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, center, 2.0 * ( lambdaX + lambdaY ) );
@@ -259,20 +259,20 @@ operator()( const MeshFunction& u,
     * The following example is the Laplace operator approximated 
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == 3, "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." ); 
-    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimensions() == 3, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimension == 3, "Wrong mesh entity dimension." ); 
+    static_assert( MeshFunction::getEntitiesDimension() == 3, "Wrong preimage function" ); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& hxSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2,  0,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& hySquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0, -2,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& hzSquareInverse = entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0,  0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& up    = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& down  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& up    = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& down  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
    return ( u[ west ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ east ]  ) * hxSquareInverse +
           ( u[ south ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ north ] ) * hySquareInverse +
           ( u[ up ] - 2.0 * u[ center ] + u[ down ] ) * hzSquareInverse;
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-   return 2*Dimensions + 1;
+   return 2*Dimension + 1;
 template< typename MeshReal,
@@ -325,17 +325,17 @@ setMatrixElements( const RealType& time,
     * by the Finite difference method.
-    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighbourEntities< 3 >& neighbourEntities = entity.getNeighbourEntities(); 
+    const typename MeshEntity::template NeighborEntities< 3 >& neighborEntities = entity.getNeighborEntities(); 
    const RealType& lambdaX = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts< -2,  0,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaY = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0, -2,  0 >(); 
    const RealType& lambdaZ = tau * entity.getMesh().template getSpaceStepsProducts<  0,  0, -2 >(); 
    const IndexType& center = entity.getIndex(); 
-   const IndexType& east  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& west  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& north = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& south = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
-   const IndexType& up    = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
-   const IndexType& down  = neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& east  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& west  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& north = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& south = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >(); 
+   const IndexType& up    = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >(); 
+   const IndexType& down  = neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >(); 
    matrixRow.setElement( 0, down,   -lambdaZ );
    matrixRow.setElement( 1, south,  -lambdaY );
    matrixRow.setElement( 2, west,   -lambdaX );
diff --git a/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/HeatEquationBenchmarkBuildConfigTag.h b/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/HeatEquationBenchmarkBuildConfigTag.h
index d80f2293d8514eb189dbee57d7f118059f05d992..96a18586f5a8f03b149f9227b776dca6396be9e6 100644
--- a/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/HeatEquationBenchmarkBuildConfigTag.h
+++ b/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/HeatEquationBenchmarkBuildConfigTag.h
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ template<> struct ConfigTagIndex< HeatEquationBenchmarkBuildConfigTag, long int
  * Use of Grid is enabled for allowed dimensions and Real, Device and Index types.
-template< int Dimensions, typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-   struct ConfigTagMesh< HeatEquationBenchmarkBuildConfigTag, Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index > >
-      { enum { enabled = ( Dimensions == 2 )  &&
+template< int Dimension, typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
+   struct ConfigTagMesh< HeatEquationBenchmarkBuildConfigTag, Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index > >
+      { enum { enabled = ( Dimension == 2 )  &&
                          ConfigTagReal< HeatEquationBenchmarkBuildConfigTag, Real >::enabled &&
                          ConfigTagDevice< HeatEquationBenchmarkBuildConfigTag, Device >::enabled &&
                          ConfigTagIndex< HeatEquationBenchmarkBuildConfigTag, Index >::enabled }; };
diff --git a/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/HeatEquationBenchmarkProblem_impl.h b/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/HeatEquationBenchmarkProblem_impl.h
index 0d457445bd8e172a80852d25e74bf185aa8b087e..07e78a73abb8daf9794d49d293afba0e6b59deb6 100644
--- a/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/HeatEquationBenchmarkProblem_impl.h
+++ b/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/HeatEquationBenchmarkProblem_impl.h
@@ -139,17 +139,17 @@ setupLinearSystem( const MeshType& mesh,
                    Matrix& matrix )
    const IndexType dofs = this->getDofs( mesh );
-   typedef typename Matrix::CompressedRowsLengthsVector CompressedRowsLengthsVectorType;
-   CompressedRowsLengthsVectorType rowLengths;
+   typedef typename Matrix::CompressedRowLengthsVector CompressedRowLengthsVectorType;
+   CompressedRowLengthsVectorType rowLengths;
    if( ! rowLengths.setSize( dofs ) )
       return false;
-   Matrices::MatrixSetter< MeshType, DifferentialOperator, BoundaryCondition, CompressedRowsLengthsVectorType > matrixSetter;
-   matrixSetter.template getCompressedRowsLengths< typename Mesh::Cell >( mesh,
+   Matrices::MatrixSetter< MeshType, DifferentialOperator, BoundaryCondition, CompressedRowLengthsVectorType > matrixSetter;
+   matrixSetter.template getCompressedRowLengths< typename Mesh::Cell >( mesh,
                                                                           rowLengths );
    matrix.setDimensions( dofs, dofs );
-   if( ! matrix.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths ) )
+   if( ! matrix.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths ) )
       return false;
    return true;
@@ -267,11 +267,11 @@ boundaryConditionsTemplatedCompact( const GridType* grid,
-/*template< typename EntityType, int Dimensions >
-struct EntityPointer : public EntityPointer< EntityType, Dimensions - 1 >
+/*template< typename EntityType, int Dimension >
+struct EntityPointer : public EntityPointer< EntityType, Dimension - 1 >
    __device__ EntityPointer( const EntityType* ptr )
-      : EntityPointer< EntityType, Dimensions - 1 >( ptr ), pointer( ptr )
+      : EntityPointer< EntityType, Dimension - 1 >( ptr ), pointer( ptr )
@@ -524,15 +524,12 @@ getExplicitUpdate( const RealType& time,
          this->u->bind( mesh, uDofs );
          this->fu->bind( mesh, fuDofs );         
          //explicitUpdater.setGPUTransferTimer( this->gpuTransferTimer ); 
-         this->explicitUpdater.template update< typename Mesh::Cell >( 
-            time,
-            mesh,
-            this->differentialOperatorPointer,
-            this->boundaryConditionPointer,
-            this->rightHandSidePointer,
-            this->u,
-            this->fu );
-            }
+         explicitUpdater.setDifferentialOperator( this->differentialOperatorPointer );
+         explicitUpdater.setBoundaryConditions( this->boundaryConditionPointer );
+         explicitUpdater.setRightHandSide( this->rightHandSidePointer );
+         this->explicitUpdater.template update< typename Mesh::Cell >( time, tau, mesh, this->u, this->fu );
+      }
@@ -558,21 +555,15 @@ assemblyLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
-                             typename MatrixPointer::ObjectType,
                              typename DofVectorPointer::ObjectType > systemAssembler;
    typedef Functions::MeshFunction< Mesh > MeshFunctionType;
    typedef SharedPointer< MeshFunctionType, DeviceType > MeshFunctionPointer;
    MeshFunctionPointer u( mesh, *_u );
-   systemAssembler.template assembly< typename Mesh::Cell >( time,
-                                                             tau,
-                                                             mesh,
-                                                             this->differentialOperator,
-                                                             this->boundaryCondition,
-                                                             this->rightHandSide,
-                                                             u,
-                                                             matrix,
-                                                             b );
+   systemAssembler.setDifferentialOperator( this->differentialOperator );
+   systemAssembler.setBoundaryConditions( this->boundaryCondition );
+   systemAssembler.setRightHandSide( this->rightHandSide );
+   systemAssembler.template assembly< typename Mesh::Cell >( time, tau, mesh, u, matrix, b );
 template< typename Mesh,
diff --git a/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/HeatEquationBenchmarkRhs.h b/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/HeatEquationBenchmarkRhs.h
index 393028f2cbf1015705a3d5869a1cf215fa3a3293..9ba4c06c944e0906399fe3079dc98e2fc2ddbc3f 100644
--- a/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/HeatEquationBenchmarkRhs.h
+++ b/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/HeatEquationBenchmarkRhs.h
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 #define HeatEquationBenchmarkRHS_H_
 #include <TNL/Functions/Domain.h>
 template< typename Mesh, typename Real >class HeatEquationBenchmarkRhs
-  : public Functions::Domain< Mesh::meshDimensions, Functions::MeshDomain > 
+  : public Functions::Domain< Mesh::meshDimension, Functions::MeshDomain > 
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ template< typename Mesh, typename Real >class HeatEquationBenchmarkRhs
       Real operator()( const MeshEntity& entity,
                        const Real& time = 0.0 ) const
-         typedef typename MeshEntity::MeshType::VertexType VertexType;
-         VertexType v = entity.getCenter();
+         typedef typename MeshEntity::MeshType::PointType PointType;
+         PointType v = entity.getCenter();
          return 0.0;
diff --git a/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/TestGridEntity.h b/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/TestGridEntity.h
index e72140e45871d62fb9ae7926e3aa7a53a9d31642..3492b219807f4650ed665b2ee57c77754f5934f1 100644
--- a/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/TestGridEntity.h
+++ b/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/TestGridEntity.h
@@ -18,12 +18,12 @@
 #pragma once 
 template< typename GridEntity >
-class TestNeighbourGridEntitiesStorage
+class TestNeighborGridEntitiesStorage
-      TestNeighbourGridEntitiesStorage( const GridEntity& entity )
+      TestNeighborGridEntitiesStorage( const GridEntity& entity )
       : entity( entity )
@@ -31,61 +31,61 @@ class TestNeighbourGridEntitiesStorage
 template< typename Grid,          
-          int EntityDimensions >
+          int EntityDimension >
 class TestGridEntity
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,          
-          int EntityDimensions >
-class TestGridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimensions >
+          int EntityDimension >
+class TestGridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, EntityDimension >
-      static const int entityDimensions = EntityDimensions;
+      static const int entityDimension = EntityDimension;
  * Specializations for cells
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
-class TestGridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Dimensions >
+class TestGridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, Dimension >
-      typedef Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
+      typedef Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
       typedef GridType MeshType;
       typedef typename GridType::RealType RealType;
       typedef typename GridType::IndexType IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      typedef typename GridType::VertexType VertexType;
+      typedef typename GridType::PointType PointType;
       //typedef Config ConfigType;
-      static const int meshDimensions = GridType::meshDimensions;
+      static const int meshDimension = GridType::meshDimension;
-      static const int entityDimensions = meshDimensions;
+      static const int entityDimension = meshDimension;
-      constexpr static int getDimensions() { return entityDimensions; };
+      constexpr static int getDimensions() { return entityDimension; };
-      constexpr static int getMeshDimensions() { return meshDimensions; };
+      constexpr static int getDimension() { return meshDimension; };
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< meshDimensions, IndexType > EntityOrientationType;
-      typedef Containers::StaticVector< meshDimensions, IndexType > EntityBasisType;
-      typedef TestGridEntity< GridType, entityDimensions > ThisType;
-      typedef TestNeighbourGridEntitiesStorage< ThisType > NeighbourGridEntitiesStorageType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< meshDimension, IndexType > EntityOrientationType;
+      typedef Containers::StaticVector< meshDimension, IndexType > EntityBasisType;
+      typedef TestGridEntity< GridType, entityDimension > ThisType;
+      typedef TestNeighborGridEntitiesStorage< ThisType > NeighborGridEntitiesStorageType;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
       TestGridEntity( const GridType& grid )
       : grid( grid ),
         /*entityIndex( -1 ),*/
-        neighbourEntitiesStorage( *this )
+        neighborEntitiesStorage( *this )
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class TestGridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Dimension
       : grid( grid ),
         /*entityIndex( -1 ),
         coordinates( coordinates ),*/
-        neighbourEntitiesStorage( *this )
+        neighborEntitiesStorage( *this )
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ class TestGridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Dimension
       EntityBasisType basis;
-      NeighbourGridEntitiesStorageType neighbourEntitiesStorage;
+      NeighborGridEntitiesStorageType neighborEntitiesStorage;
diff --git a/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/tnl-benchmark-heat-equation.h b/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/tnl-benchmark-heat-equation.h
index 6cacb6a2be3531c981b77b3cfb7ca46be59db374..3db5347a724356c11cf9afe8407ad7cacb5d4300 100644
--- a/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/tnl-benchmark-heat-equation.h
+++ b/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/tnl-benchmark-heat-equation.h
@@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ class HeatEquationBenchmarkSetter
       static bool run( const Config::ParameterContainer & parameters )
-          enum { Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions() };
+          enum { Dimension = MeshType::getMeshDimension() };
           typedef BenchmarkLaplace< MeshType, Real, Index > ApproximateOperator;
           typedef HeatEquationBenchmarkRhs< MeshType, Real > RightHandSide;
-          typedef Containers::StaticVector < MeshType::getMeshDimensions(), Real > Vertex;
+          typedef Containers::StaticVector < MeshType::getMeshDimension(), Real > Point;
           * Resolve the template arguments of your solver here.
@@ -72,10 +72,10 @@ class HeatEquationBenchmarkSetter
           String boundaryConditionsType = parameters.getParameter< String >( "boundary-conditions-type" );
           if( parameters.checkParameter( "boundary-conditions-constant" ) )
-             typedef Functions::Analytic::Constant< Dimensions, Real > Constant;
+             typedef Functions::Analytic::Constant< Dimension, Real > Constant;
              if( boundaryConditionsType == "dirichlet" )
-                typedef Operators::DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, Constant, MeshType::getMeshDimensions(), Real, Index > BoundaryConditions;
+                typedef Operators::DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, Constant, MeshType::getMeshDimension(), Real, Index > BoundaryConditions;
                 typedef HeatEquationBenchmarkProblem< MeshType, BoundaryConditions, RightHandSide, ApproximateOperator > Problem;
                 SolverStarter solverStarter;
                 return solverStarter.template run< Problem >( parameters );
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class HeatEquationBenchmarkSetter
           typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunction;
           if( boundaryConditionsType == "dirichlet" )
-             typedef Operators::DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, MeshFunction, MeshType::getMeshDimensions(), Real, Index > BoundaryConditions;
+             typedef Operators::DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, MeshFunction, MeshType::getMeshDimension(), Real, Index > BoundaryConditions;
              typedef HeatEquationBenchmarkProblem< MeshType, BoundaryConditions, RightHandSide, ApproximateOperator > Problem;
              SolverStarter solverStarter;
              return solverStarter.template run< Problem >( parameters );
diff --git a/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/tnl-benchmark-simple-heat-equation.h b/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/tnl-benchmark-simple-heat-equation.h
index a53770568e4a0305e3cb0279c3f307e4a9139e69..77423501931f05d544fa8874d2d55c9a902b3674 100644
--- a/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/tnl-benchmark-simple-heat-equation.h
+++ b/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/tnl-benchmark-simple-heat-equation.h
@@ -312,11 +312,11 @@ bool solveHeatEquationCuda( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
    typedef Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Devices::Cuda, Index > GridType;
-   typedef typename GridType::VertexType VertexType;
+   typedef typename GridType::PointType PointType;
    typedef SharedPointer< GridType > GridPointer;
    GridPointer gridPointer;
    gridPointer->setDimensions( gridXSize, gridYSize );
-   gridPointer->setDomain( VertexType( 0.0, 0.0 ), VertexType( domainXSize, domainYSize ) );
+   gridPointer->setDomain( PointType( 0.0, 0.0 ), PointType( domainXSize, domainYSize ) );
    Containers::Vector< Real, Devices::Cuda, Index > vecU;
    vecU.bind( cuda_u, gridXSize * gridYSize );
    Functions::MeshFunction< GridType > meshFunction;
@@ -558,10 +558,10 @@ bool solveHeatEquationHost( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
     * Saving the result
    typedef Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Devices::Host, Index > GridType;
-   typedef typename GridType::VertexType VertexType;
+   typedef typename GridType::PointType PointType;
    SharedPointer< GridType > gridPointer;
    gridPointer->setDimensions( gridXSize, gridYSize );
-   gridPointer->setDomain( VertexType( 0.0, 0.0 ), VertexType( domainXSize, domainYSize ) );
+   gridPointer->setDomain( PointType( 0.0, 0.0 ), PointType( domainXSize, domainYSize ) );
    Containers::Vector< Real, Devices::Host, Index > vecU;
    vecU.bind( u, gridXSize * gridYSize );
    Functions::MeshFunction< GridType > meshFunction;
diff --git a/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/tnlTestGrid2D.h b/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/tnlTestGrid2D.h
index c4d33c9b06b9942b35cd04c0c4ff069e1050c44a..041e5b21d807551a055d4fec75ce4a8f35247186 100644
--- a/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/tnlTestGrid2D.h
+++ b/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/tnlTestGrid2D.h
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 #include <core/vectors/tnlStaticVector.h>
 #include <core/vectors/tnlVector.h>
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real = double,
           typename Device = Devices::Host,
           typename Index = int >
@@ -32,12 +32,12 @@ class Grid : public tnlObject
 #include <mesh/grids/GridEntityTopology.h>
 #include <mesh/grids/GridEntityGetter.h>
 #include <mesh/grids/GridEntityConfig.h>
-#include <mesh/grids/NeighbourGridEntityGetter.h>
+#include <mesh/grids/NeighborGridEntityGetter.h>
 #include <core/tnlLogger.h>
 // TODO: remove this
 //#include <../tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/tnlTestGridEntity.h>
-//#include <../tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityGetter2D_impl.h>
+//#include <../tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/tnlTestNeighborGridEntityGetter2D_impl.h>
 template< typename Real,
@@ -50,31 +50,31 @@ class Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > : public tnlObject
    typedef Real RealType;
    typedef Device DeviceType;
    typedef Index IndexType;
-   typedef tnlStaticVector< 2, Real > VertexType;
+   typedef tnlStaticVector< 2, Real > PointType;
    typedef tnlStaticVector< 2, Index > CoordinatesType;
    typedef Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Devices::Host, Index > HostType;
    typedef Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, tnlCuda, Index > CudaType;   
    typedef Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > ThisType;
-   static const int meshDimensions = 2;
+   static const int meshDimension = 2;
-   //template< int EntityDimensions, 
+   //template< int EntityDimension, 
    //          typename Config = GridEntityNoStencilStorage >//CrossStencilStorage< 1 > >
-   //using MeshEntity = GridEntity< ThisType, EntityDimensions, Config >;
+   //using MeshEntity = GridEntity< ThisType, EntityDimension, Config >;
-   //typedef MeshEntity< meshDimensions, GridEntityCrossStencilStorage< 1 > > Cell;
-   //typedef MeshEntity< meshDimensions - 1, GridEntityNoStencilStorage > Face;
-   //typedef MeshEntity< 0 > Vertex;
+   //typedef MeshEntity< meshDimension, GridEntityCrossStencilStorage< 1 > > Cell;
+   //typedef MeshEntity< meshDimension - 1, GridEntityNoStencilStorage > Face;
+   //typedef MeshEntity< 0 > Point;
    // TODO: remove this
-   template< int EntityDimensions, 
+   template< int EntityDimension, 
              typename Config = GridEntityNoStencilStorage >//CrossStencilStorage< 1 > >
-   using TestMeshEntity = tnlTestGridEntity< ThisType, EntityDimensions, Config >;
-   typedef TestMeshEntity< meshDimensions, GridEntityCrossStencilStorage< 1 > > TestCell;
+   using TestMeshEntity = tnlTestGridEntity< ThisType, EntityDimension, Config >;
+   typedef TestMeshEntity< meshDimension, GridEntityCrossStencilStorage< 1 > > TestCell;
-   static constexpr int getMeshDimensions() { return meshDimensions; };
+   static constexpr int getMeshDimension() { return meshDimension; };
@@ -93,13 +93,13 @@ class Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > : public tnlObject
    inline const CoordinatesType& getDimensions() const;
-   void setDomain( const VertexType& origin,
-                   const VertexType& proportions );
+   void setDomain( const PointType& origin,
+                   const PointType& proportions );
-   inline const VertexType& getOrigin() const;
+   inline const PointType& getOrigin() const;
-   inline const VertexType& getProportions() const;
+   inline const PointType& getProportions() const;
    template< typename EntityType >
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ class Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > : public tnlObject
    RealType getCellMeasure() const;
-   inline VertexType getSpaceSteps() const;
+   inline PointType getSpaceSteps() const;
    template< int xPow, int yPow >
@@ -176,9 +176,9 @@ class Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > : public tnlObject
    IndexType numberOfCells, numberOfNxFaces, numberOfNyFaces, numberOfFaces, numberOfVertices;
-   VertexType origin, proportions;
+   PointType origin, proportions;
-   VertexType spaceSteps;
+   PointType spaceSteps;
    RealType spaceStepsProducts[ 5 ][ 5 ];
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ class Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > : public tnlObject
 #include <core/tnlTNL_ASSERT.h>
 #include <mesh/GnuplotWriter.h>
 #include <mesh/grids/GridEntityGetter_impl.h>
-#include <mesh/grids/NeighbourGridEntityGetter2D_impl.h>
+#include <mesh/grids/NeighborGridEntityGetter2D_impl.h>
 #include <mesh/grids/GridEntityMeasureGetter.h>
 using namespace std;
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ template< typename Real,
 tnlString Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getType()
    return tnlString( "Meshes::Grid< " ) +
-          tnlString( getMeshDimensions() ) + ", " +
+          tnlString( getMeshDimension() ) + ", " +
           tnlString( ::getType< RealType >() ) + ", " +
           tnlString( Device :: getDeviceType() ) + ", " +
           tnlString( ::getType< IndexType >() ) + " >";
@@ -344,8 +344,8 @@ Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getDimensions() const
 template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
-void Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: setDomain( const VertexType& origin,
-                                                     const VertexType& proportions )
+void Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: setDomain( const PointType& origin,
+                                                     const PointType& proportions )
    this->origin = origin;
    this->proportions = proportions;
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
 __cuda_callable__ inline 
-const typename Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::VertexType&
+const typename Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::PointType&
 Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::getOrigin() const
    return this->origin;
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
 __cuda_callable__ inline 
-const typename Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: VertexType&
+const typename Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: PointType&
    Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getProportions() const
    return this->proportions;
@@ -381,10 +381,10 @@ Index
 Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >:: 
 getEntitiesCount() const
-   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimensions <= 2 &&
-                  EntityType::entityDimensions >= 0, "Wrong grid entity dimensions." );
+   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimension <= 2 &&
+                  EntityType::entityDimension >= 0, "Wrong grid entity dimension." );
-   switch( EntityType::entityDimensions )
+   switch( EntityType::entityDimension )
       case 2:
          return this->numberOfCells;
@@ -405,8 +405,8 @@ EntityType
 Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::
 getEntity( const IndexType& entityIndex ) const
-   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimensions <= 2 &&
-                  EntityType::entityDimensions >= 0, "Wrong grid entity dimensions." );
+   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimension <= 2 &&
+                  EntityType::entityDimension >= 0, "Wrong grid entity dimension." );
    return GridEntityGetter< ThisType, EntityType >::getEntity( *this, entityIndex );
@@ -420,8 +420,8 @@ Index
 Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::
 getEntityIndex( const EntityType& entity ) const
-   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimensions <= 2 &&
-                  EntityType::entityDimensions >= 0, "Wrong grid entity dimensions." );
+   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimension <= 2 &&
+                  EntityType::entityDimension >= 0, "Wrong grid entity dimension." );
    return GridEntityGetter< ThisType, EntityType >::getEntityIndex( *this, entity );
@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-typename Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::VertexType
+typename Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::PointType
 Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::
 getSpaceSteps() const
@@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ bool Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: writeMesh( const tnlString& fileN
            << endl << endl;
       MeshEntity< 0 > vertex( *this );
       CoordinatesType& vertexCoordinates = vertex.getCoordinates();
-      VertexType v;
+      PointType v;
       for( Index j = 0; j < this->dimensions. y(); j ++ )
          file << "draw( ";
@@ -682,13 +682,13 @@ bool Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: writeMesh( const tnlString& fileN
       for( Index i = 0; i < this->dimensions. x(); i ++ )
          for( Index j = 0; j < this->dimensions. y(); j ++ )
-            VertexType v1, v2, c;
+            PointType v1, v2, c;
              * East edge normal
-            /*v1 = this->getVertex( CoordinatesType( i + 1, j ), v1 );
-            v2 = this->getVertex( CoordinatesType( i + 1, j + 1 ), v2 );
+            /*v1 = this->getPoint( CoordinatesType( i + 1, j ), v1 );
+            v2 = this->getPoint( CoordinatesType( i + 1, j + 1 ), v2 );
             c = ( ( Real ) 0.5 ) * ( v1 + v2 );
             this->getEdgeNormal< 1, 0 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v );
             v *= 0.5;
@@ -698,8 +698,8 @@ bool Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: writeMesh( const tnlString& fileN
              * West edge normal
-            /*this->getVertex< -1, -1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v1 );
-            this->getVertex< -1, 1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v2 );
+            /*this->getPoint< -1, -1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v1 );
+            this->getPoint< -1, 1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v2 );
             c = ( ( Real ) 0.5 ) * ( v1 + v2 );
             this->getEdgeNormal< -1, 0 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v );
             v *= 0.5;
@@ -709,8 +709,8 @@ bool Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: writeMesh( const tnlString& fileN
              * North edge normal
-            /*this->getVertex< 1, 1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v1 );
-            this->getVertex< -1, 1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v2 );
+            /*this->getPoint< 1, 1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v1 );
+            this->getPoint< -1, 1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v2 );
             c = ( ( Real ) 0.5 ) * ( v1 + v2 );
             this->getEdgeNormal< 0, 1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v );
             v *= 0.5;
@@ -720,8 +720,8 @@ bool Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: writeMesh( const tnlString& fileN
              * South edge normal
-            /*this->getVertex< 1, -1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v1 );
-            this->getVertex< -1, -1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v2 );
+            /*this->getPoint< 1, -1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v1 );
+            this->getPoint< -1, -1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v2 );
             c = ( ( Real ) 0.5 ) * ( v1 + v2 );
             this->getEdgeNormal< 0, -1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v );
             v *= 0.5;
@@ -765,7 +765,7 @@ bool Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: write( const MeshFunction& functi
          for( cellCoordinates.x() = 0; cellCoordinates.x() < getDimensions(). x(); cellCoordinates.x() ++ )
-            VertexType v = cell.getCenter();
+            PointType v = cell.getCenter();
             GnuplotWriter::write( file,  v );
             GnuplotWriter::write( file,  function[ this->getEntityIndex( cell ) ] );
             file << endl;
@@ -784,7 +784,7 @@ void
 Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::
 writeProlog( tnlLogger& logger )
-   logger.writeParameter( "Dimensions:", getMeshDimensions() );
+   logger.writeParameter( "Dimension:", getMeshDimension() );
    logger.writeParameter( "Domain origin:", this->origin );
    logger.writeParameter( "Domain proportions:", this->proportions );
    logger.writeParameter( "Domain dimensions:", this->dimensions );
@@ -801,7 +801,7 @@ writeProlog( tnlLogger& logger )
 #ifdef UNDEF
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real = double,
           typename Device = Devices::Host,
           typename Index = int >
@@ -826,31 +826,31 @@ class Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > : public tnlObject
    typedef Real RealType;
    typedef Device DeviceType;
    typedef Index IndexType;
-   typedef tnlStaticVector< 2, Real > VertexType;
+   typedef tnlStaticVector< 2, Real > PointType;
    typedef tnlStaticVector< 2, Index > CoordinatesType;
    typedef Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Devices::Host, Index > HostType;
    typedef Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, tnlCuda, Index > CudaType;   
    typedef Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > ThisType;
-   static const int meshDimensions = 2;
+   static const int meshDimension = 2;
-   /*template< int EntityDimensions, 
+   /*template< int EntityDimension, 
              typename Config = GridEntityNoStencilStorage >//CrossStencilStorage< 1 > >
-   using MeshEntity = GridEntity< ThisType, EntityDimensions, Config >;
+   using MeshEntity = GridEntity< ThisType, EntityDimension, Config >;
-   typedef MeshEntity< meshDimensions, GridEntityCrossStencilStorage< 1 > > Cell;
-   typedef MeshEntity< meshDimensions - 1, GridEntityNoStencilStorage > Face;
-   typedef MeshEntity< 0 > Vertex;*/
+   typedef MeshEntity< meshDimension, GridEntityCrossStencilStorage< 1 > > Cell;
+   typedef MeshEntity< meshDimension - 1, GridEntityNoStencilStorage > Face;
+   typedef MeshEntity< 0 > Point;*/
    // TODO: remove this
-   template< int EntityDimensions, 
+   template< int EntityDimension, 
              typename Config = GridEntityNoStencilStorage >//CrossStencilStorage< 1 > >
-   using TestMeshEntity = tnlTestGridEntity< ThisType, EntityDimensions, Config >;
-   typedef TestMeshEntity< meshDimensions, GridEntityCrossStencilStorage< 1 > > Cell;
+   using TestMeshEntity = tnlTestGridEntity< ThisType, EntityDimension, Config >;
+   typedef TestMeshEntity< meshDimension, GridEntityCrossStencilStorage< 1 > > Cell;
-   static constexpr int getMeshDimensions() { return meshDimensions; };
+   static constexpr int getMeshDimension() { return meshDimension; };
@@ -869,13 +869,13 @@ class Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > : public tnlObject
    inline const CoordinatesType& getDimensions() const;
-   void setDomain( const VertexType& origin,
-                   const VertexType& proportions );
+   void setDomain( const PointType& origin,
+                   const PointType& proportions );
-   inline const VertexType& getOrigin() const;
+   inline const PointType& getOrigin() const;
-   inline const VertexType& getProportions() const;
+   inline const PointType& getProportions() const;
    template< typename EntityType >
@@ -897,7 +897,7 @@ class Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > : public tnlObject
    RealType getCellMeasure() const;
-   inline VertexType getSpaceSteps() const;
+   inline PointType getSpaceSteps() const;
    template< int xPow, int yPow >
@@ -952,9 +952,9 @@ class Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > : public tnlObject
    IndexType numberOfCells, numberOfNxFaces, numberOfNyFaces, numberOfFaces, numberOfVertices;
-   VertexType origin, proportions;
+   PointType origin, proportions;
-   VertexType spaceSteps;
+   PointType spaceSteps;
    RealType spaceStepsProducts[ 5 ][ 5 ];
@@ -980,7 +980,7 @@ template< typename Real,
 tnlString Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getType()
    return tnlString( "Meshes::Grid< " ) +
-          tnlString( getMeshDimensions() ) + ", " +
+          tnlString( getMeshDimension() ) + ", " +
           tnlString( ::getType< RealType >() ) + ", " +
           tnlString( Device :: getDeviceType() ) + ", " +
           tnlString( ::getType< IndexType >() ) + " >";
@@ -1109,8 +1109,8 @@ Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getDimensions() const
 template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
-void Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: setDomain( const VertexType& origin,
-                                                     const VertexType& proportions )
+void Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: setDomain( const PointType& origin,
+                                                     const PointType& proportions )
    this->origin = origin;
    this->proportions = proportions;
@@ -1121,7 +1121,7 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
 __cuda_callable__ inline 
-const typename Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::VertexType&
+const typename Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::PointType&
 Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::getOrigin() const
    return this->origin;
@@ -1131,7 +1131,7 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
 __cuda_callable__ inline 
-const typename Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: VertexType&
+const typename Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: PointType&
    Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getProportions() const
    return this->proportions;
@@ -1146,10 +1146,10 @@ Index
 Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >:: 
 getEntitiesCount() const
-   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimensions <= 2 &&
-                  EntityType::entityDimensions >= 0, "Wrong grid entity dimensions." );
+   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimension <= 2 &&
+                  EntityType::entityDimension >= 0, "Wrong grid entity dimension." );
-   switch( EntityType::entityDimensions )
+   switch( EntityType::entityDimension )
       case 2:
          return this->numberOfCells;
@@ -1170,8 +1170,8 @@ EntityType
 Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::
 getEntity( const IndexType& entityIndex ) const
-   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimensions <= 2 &&
-                  EntityType::entityDimensions >= 0, "Wrong grid entity dimensions." );
+   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimension <= 2 &&
+                  EntityType::entityDimension >= 0, "Wrong grid entity dimension." );
    return GridEntityGetter< ThisType, EntityType >::getEntity( *this, entityIndex );
@@ -1185,8 +1185,8 @@ Index
 Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::
 getEntityIndex( const EntityType& entity ) const
-   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimensions <= 2 &&
-                  EntityType::entityDimensions >= 0, "Wrong grid entity dimensions." );
+   static_assert( EntityType::entityDimension <= 2 &&
+                  EntityType::entityDimension >= 0, "Wrong grid entity dimension." );
    return GridEntityGetter< ThisType, EntityType >::getEntityIndex( *this, entity );
@@ -1219,7 +1219,7 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
 __cuda_callable__ inline
-typename Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::VertexType
+typename Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::PointType
 Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::
 getSpaceSteps() const
@@ -1395,7 +1395,7 @@ bool Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: writeMesh( const tnlString& fileN
            << endl << endl;
       TestMeshEntity< 0 > vertex( *this );
       CoordinatesType& vertexCoordinates = vertex.getCoordinates();
-      VertexType v;
+      PointType v;
       for( Index j = 0; j < this->dimensions. y(); j ++ )
          file << "draw( ";
@@ -1447,13 +1447,13 @@ bool Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: writeMesh( const tnlString& fileN
       for( Index i = 0; i < this->dimensions. x(); i ++ )
          for( Index j = 0; j < this->dimensions. y(); j ++ )
-            VertexType v1, v2, c;
+            PointType v1, v2, c;
              * East edge normal
-            /*v1 = this->getVertex( CoordinatesType( i + 1, j ), v1 );
-            v2 = this->getVertex( CoordinatesType( i + 1, j + 1 ), v2 );
+            /*v1 = this->getPoint( CoordinatesType( i + 1, j ), v1 );
+            v2 = this->getPoint( CoordinatesType( i + 1, j + 1 ), v2 );
             c = ( ( Real ) 0.5 ) * ( v1 + v2 );
             this->getEdgeNormal< 1, 0 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v );
             v *= 0.5;
@@ -1463,8 +1463,8 @@ bool Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: writeMesh( const tnlString& fileN
              * West edge normal
-            /*this->getVertex< -1, -1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v1 );
-            this->getVertex< -1, 1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v2 );
+            /*this->getPoint< -1, -1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v1 );
+            this->getPoint< -1, 1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v2 );
             c = ( ( Real ) 0.5 ) * ( v1 + v2 );
             this->getEdgeNormal< -1, 0 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v );
             v *= 0.5;
@@ -1474,8 +1474,8 @@ bool Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: writeMesh( const tnlString& fileN
              * North edge normal
-            /*this->getVertex< 1, 1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v1 );
-            this->getVertex< -1, 1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v2 );
+            /*this->getPoint< 1, 1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v1 );
+            this->getPoint< -1, 1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v2 );
             c = ( ( Real ) 0.5 ) * ( v1 + v2 );
             this->getEdgeNormal< 0, 1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v );
             v *= 0.5;
@@ -1485,8 +1485,8 @@ bool Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: writeMesh( const tnlString& fileN
              * South edge normal
-            /*this->getVertex< 1, -1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v1 );
-            this->getVertex< -1, -1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v2 );
+            /*this->getPoint< 1, -1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v1 );
+            this->getPoint< -1, -1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v2 );
             c = ( ( Real ) 0.5 ) * ( v1 + v2 );
             this->getEdgeNormal< 0, -1 >( CoordinatesType( i, j ), v );
             v *= 0.5;
@@ -1530,7 +1530,7 @@ bool Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: write( const MeshFunction& functi
          for( cellCoordinates.x() = 0; cellCoordinates.x() < getDimensions(). x(); cellCoordinates.x() ++ )
-            VertexType v = cell.getCenter();
+            PointType v = cell.getCenter();
             GnuplotWriter::write( file,  v );
             GnuplotWriter::write( file,  function[ this->getEntityIndex( cell ) ] );
             file << endl;
@@ -1549,7 +1549,7 @@ void
 Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::
 writeProlog( tnlLogger& logger )
-   logger.writeParameter( "Dimensions:", getMeshDimensions() );
+   logger.writeParameter( "Dimension:", getMeshDimension() );
    logger.writeParameter( "Domain origin:", this->origin );
    logger.writeParameter( "Domain proportions:", this->proportions );
    logger.writeParameter( "Domain dimensions:", this->dimensions );
diff --git a/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/tnlTestGridEntity.h b/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/tnlTestGridEntity.h
index db0228ff1685026ca9a9a55b86ba1195fa58f4b0..d798bc374af4bb1fb4826ebbbbbb0056ebd09941 100644
--- a/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/tnlTestGridEntity.h
+++ b/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/tnlTestGridEntity.h
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #pragma once
 template< typename Grid,          
-          int EntityDimensions,
+          int EntityDimension,
           typename Config >
 class tnlTestGridEntity
@@ -27,51 +27,51 @@ class tnlTestGridEntity
  * Specializations for cells
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
-class tnlTestGridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Dimensions, Config >
+class tnlTestGridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >, Dimension, Config >
-      typedef Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
+      typedef Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
       typedef GridType MeshType;
       typedef typename GridType::RealType RealType;
       typedef typename GridType::IndexType IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      typedef typename GridType::VertexType VertexType;
+      typedef typename GridType::PointType PointType;
       typedef Config ConfigType;
-      static const int meshDimensions = GridType::meshDimensions;
+      static const int meshDimension = GridType::meshDimension;
-      static const int entityDimensions = meshDimensions;
+      static const int entityDimension = meshDimension;
-      constexpr static int getDimensions() { return entityDimensions; };
+      constexpr static int getDimension() { return entityDimension; };
-      constexpr static int getMeshDimensions() { return meshDimensions; };
+      constexpr static int getDimension() { return meshDimension; };
-      typedef tnlStaticVector< meshDimensions, IndexType > EntityOrientationType;
-      typedef tnlStaticVector< meshDimensions, IndexType > EntityBasisType;
-      typedef tnlTestGridEntity< GridType, entityDimensions, Config > ThisType;
-      //typedef tnlTestNeighbourGridEntitiesStorage< ThisType > NeighbourGridEntitiesStorageType;
+      typedef tnlStaticVector< meshDimension, IndexType > EntityOrientationType;
+      typedef tnlStaticVector< meshDimension, IndexType > EntityBasisType;
+      typedef tnlTestGridEntity< GridType, entityDimension, Config > ThisType;
+      //typedef tnlTestNeighborGridEntitiesStorage< ThisType > NeighborGridEntitiesStorageType;
-      /*template< int NeighbourEntityDimensions = entityDimensions >
-      using NeighbourEntities = 
-         tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityGetter<
-            tnlTestGridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >,
-                           entityDimensions,
+      /*template< int NeighborEntityDimension = entityDimension >
+      using NeighborEntities = 
+         tnlTestNeighborGridEntityGetter<
+            tnlTestGridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimension, Real, Device, Index >,
+                           entityDimension,
                            Config >,
-            NeighbourEntityDimensions >;*/
+            NeighborEntityDimension >;*/
       __cuda_callable__ inline
       tnlTestGridEntity( const GridType& grid )
       : grid( grid ),
         entityIndex( -1 )/*,
-        neighbourEntitiesStorage( *this )*/
+        neighborEntitiesStorage( *this )*/
          this->coordinates = CoordinatesType( ( Index ) 0 );
          this->orientation = EntityOrientationType( ( Index ) 0 );
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class tnlTestGridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Dimens
       : grid( grid ),
         entityIndex( -1 ),
         coordinates( coordinates )/*,
-        neighbourEntitiesStorage( *this )*/
+        neighborEntitiesStorage( *this )*/
          this->orientation = EntityOrientationType( ( Index ) 0 );
          this->basis = EntityBasisType( ( Index ) 1 );
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class tnlTestGridEntity< Meshes::Grid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Dimens
       EntityBasisType basis;
-      //NeighbourGridEntitiesStorageType neighbourEntitiesStorage;
+      //NeighborGridEntitiesStorageType neighborEntitiesStorage;
diff --git a/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/tnlTestNeighbourGridEntitiesStorage.h b/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/tnlTestNeighbourGridEntitiesStorage.h
index 410aa195976294a6681c44c7591c82c66135870c..f066ef3e3d2ea95531ddbdcbf27714d2f551875c 100644
--- a/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/tnlTestNeighbourGridEntitiesStorage.h
+++ b/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/tnlTestNeighbourGridEntitiesStorage.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-                          tnlTestNeighbourGridEntitiesStorage.h  -  description
+                          tnlTestNeighborGridEntitiesStorage.h  -  description
     begin                : Dec 18, 2015
     copyright            : (C) 2015 by Tomas Oberhuber
@@ -19,24 +19,24 @@
 #pragma once
 #include <core/tnlCuda.h>
-#include <mesh/MeshDimensionsTag.h>
-#include "tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityGetter.h"
+#include <mesh/MeshDimensionTag.h>
+#include "tnlTestNeighborGridEntityGetter.h"
 template< typename GridEntity,
-          int NeighbourEntityDimensions >
-class tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityLayer 
-: public tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityLayer< GridEntity, NeighbourEntityDimensions - 1 >
+          int NeighborEntityDimension >
+class tnlTestNeighborGridEntityLayer 
+: public tnlTestNeighborGridEntityLayer< GridEntity, NeighborEntityDimension - 1 >
-      typedef tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityLayer< GridEntity, NeighbourEntityDimensions - 1 > BaseType;
-      typedef tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityGetter< GridEntity, NeighbourEntityDimensions > NeighbourEntityGetterType;
+      typedef tnlTestNeighborGridEntityLayer< GridEntity, NeighborEntityDimension - 1 > BaseType;
+      typedef tnlTestNeighborGridEntityGetter< GridEntity, NeighborEntityDimension > NeighborEntityGetterType;
-      using BaseType::getNeighbourEntities;
+      using BaseType::getNeighborEntities;
-      tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityLayer( const GridEntity& entity )
-      : neighbourEntities( entity ),
+      tnlTestNeighborGridEntityLayer( const GridEntity& entity )
+      : neighborEntities( entity ),
         BaseType( entity ) 
@@ -45,51 +45,51 @@ class tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityLayer
                     const typename GridEntity::GridType::IndexType& entityIndex )
          BaseType::refresh( grid, entityIndex );
-         neighbourEntities.refresh( grid, entityIndex );
+         neighborEntities.refresh( grid, entityIndex );
-      NeighbourEntityGetterType neighbourEntities;
+      NeighborEntityGetterType neighborEntities;
 template< typename GridEntity >
-class tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityLayer< GridEntity, 0 >
+class tnlTestNeighborGridEntityLayer< GridEntity, 0 >
-      typedef tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityGetter< GridEntity, 0 > NeighbourEntityGetterType;     
+      typedef tnlTestNeighborGridEntityGetter< GridEntity, 0 > NeighborEntityGetterType;     
-      tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityLayer( const GridEntity& entity )
-      : neighbourEntities( entity )
+      tnlTestNeighborGridEntityLayer( const GridEntity& entity )
+      : neighborEntities( entity )
       void refresh( const typename GridEntity::GridType& grid, 
                     const typename GridEntity::GridType::IndexType& entityIndex )
-         neighbourEntities.refresh( grid, entityIndex );
+         neighborEntities.refresh( grid, entityIndex );
-      NeighbourEntityGetterType neighbourEntities;
+      NeighborEntityGetterType neighborEntities;
 template< typename GridEntity >
-class tnlTestNeighbourGridEntitiesStorage
-: public tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityLayer< GridEntity, GridEntity::meshDimensions >
+class tnlTestNeighborGridEntitiesStorage
+: public tnlTestNeighborGridEntityLayer< GridEntity, GridEntity::meshDimension >
-   typedef tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityLayer< GridEntity, GridEntity::meshDimensions > BaseType;
+   typedef tnlTestNeighborGridEntityLayer< GridEntity, GridEntity::meshDimension > BaseType;
-      using BaseType::getNeighbourEntities;
+      using BaseType::getNeighborEntities;
-      tnlTestNeighbourGridEntitiesStorage( const GridEntity& entity )
+      tnlTestNeighborGridEntitiesStorage( const GridEntity& entity )
       : BaseType( entity )
diff --git a/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityGetter.h b/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityGetter.h
index 946be827f9c760d315866a10059fc3f2afa442f4..521c58ff56902084a602e33bf131808e33d54862 100644
--- a/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityGetter.h
+++ b/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityGetter.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-                          tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityGetter.h  -  description
+                          tnlTestNeighborGridEntityGetter.h  -  description
     begin                : Nov 23, 2015
     copyright            : (C) 2015 by Tomas Oberhuber
@@ -21,17 +21,17 @@
 template< typename GridEntity,
-          int NeighbourEntityDimensions,
+          int NeighborEntityDimension,
           typename EntityStencilTag = 
-            GridEntityStencilStorageTag< GridEntity::ConfigType::template neighbourEntityStorage< GridEntity >( NeighbourEntityDimensions ) > >
-class tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityGetter
+            GridEntityStencilStorageTag< GridEntity::ConfigType::template neighborEntityStorage< GridEntity >( NeighborEntityDimension ) > >
+class tnlTestNeighborGridEntityGetter
       // TODO: not all specializations are implemented yet
-      tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityGetter( const GridEntity& entity )
+      tnlTestNeighborGridEntityGetter( const GridEntity& entity )
          //tnlTNL_ASSERT( false, );
@@ -50,25 +50,25 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Index,
           typename Config,
           typename StencilStorage >
-class tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityGetter< 
+class tnlTestNeighborGridEntityGetter< 
    GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >, 2, Config >,
    StencilStorage >
-      static const int EntityDimensions = 2;
-      static const int NeighbourEntityDimensions = 2;
+      static const int EntityDimension = 2;
+      static const int NeighborEntityDimension = 2;
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimensions, Config > GridEntityType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighbourEntityDimensions, Config > NeighbourGridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimension, Config > GridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighborEntityDimension, Config > NeighborGridEntityType;
       typedef Real RealType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighbourGridEntityType > GridEntityGetter;
+      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighborGridEntityType > GridEntityGetter;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
+      tnlTestNeighborGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
       : entity( entity )
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityGetter<
       const GridEntityType& entity;
-      //tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityGetter(){};      
+      //tnlTestNeighborGridEntityGetter(){};      
diff --git a/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityGetter2D_impl.h b/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityGetter2D_impl.h
index b3a0f6df44a8fb1aa2aa435444f8910fff563685..3115229c73c17167ea02ac6f6640f2772cfeea5b 100644
--- a/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityGetter2D_impl.h
+++ b/tests/benchmarks/heat-equation-benchmark/tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityGetter2D_impl.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-                          tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityGetter2D_impl.h  -  description
+                          tnlTestNeighborGridEntityGetter2D_impl.h  -  description
     begin                : Nov 23, 2015
     copyright            : (C) 2015 by Tomas Oberhuber
@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@
 #pragma once
-#include "tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityGetter.h"
+#include "tnlTestNeighborGridEntityGetter.h"
 #include <mesh/grids/Grid2D.h>
 #include <core/tnlStaticFor.h>
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
- * | EntityDimenions | NeighbourEntityDimensions |  Stencil Storage  |
+ * | EntityDimenions | NeighborEntityDimension |  Stencil Storage  |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
  * |       2         |              2            | No specialization |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
@@ -33,25 +33,25 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Index,
           typename Config,
           typename StencilStorage >
-class tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityGetter< 
+class tnlTestNeighborGridEntityGetter< 
    GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >, 2, Config >,
    StencilStorage >
-      static const int EntityDimensions = 2;
-      static const int NeighbourEntityDimensions = 2;
+      static const int EntityDimension = 2;
+      static const int NeighborEntityDimension = 2;
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimensions, Config > GridEntityType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighbourEntityDimensions, Config > NeighbourGridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimension, Config > GridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighborEntityDimension, Config > NeighborGridEntityType;
       typedef Real RealType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighbourGridEntityType > GridEntityGetter;
+      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighborGridEntityType > GridEntityGetter;
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
+      tnlTestNeighborGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
       : entity( entity )
@@ -62,12 +62,12 @@ class tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityGetter<
       const GridEntityType& entity;
-      //tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityGetter(){};      
+      //tnlTestNeighborGridEntityGetter(){};      
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
- * | EntityDimenions | NeighbourEntityDimensions |  Stencil Storage  |
+ * | EntityDimenions | NeighborEntityDimension |  Stencil Storage  |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
  * |       2         |              2            |       Cross       |
  * +-----------------+---------------------------+-------------------+
@@ -76,30 +76,30 @@ template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index,
           typename Config >
-class tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityGetter< 
+class tnlTestNeighborGridEntityGetter< 
    GridEntity< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >, 2, Config >,
    GridEntityStencilStorageTag< GridEntityCrossStencil > >
-      static const int EntityDimensions = 2;
-      static const int NeighbourEntityDimensions = 2;
+      static const int EntityDimension = 2;
+      static const int NeighborEntityDimension = 2;
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > GridType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimensions, Config > GridEntityType;
-      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighbourEntityDimensions, Config > NeighbourGridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, EntityDimension, Config > GridEntityType;
+      typedef GridEntity< GridType, NeighborEntityDimension, Config > NeighborGridEntityType;
       typedef Real RealType;
       typedef Index IndexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighbourGridEntityType > GridEntityGetter;
+      typedef GridEntityGetter< GridType, NeighborGridEntityType > GridEntityGetter;
       typedef GridEntityStencilStorageTag< GridEntityCrossStencil > StencilStorage;
-      typedef tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityGetter< GridEntityType, 2, StencilStorage > ThisType;
+      typedef tnlTestNeighborGridEntityGetter< GridEntityType, 2, StencilStorage > ThisType;
       static const int stencilSize = Config::getStencilSize();
       __cuda_callable__ inline
-      tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
+      tnlTestNeighborGridEntityGetter( const GridEntityType& entity )
       : entity( entity )
@@ -110,9 +110,9 @@ class tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityGetter<
-            static void exec( ThisType& neighbourEntityGetter, const IndexType& entityIndex )
+            static void exec( ThisType& neighborEntityGetter, const IndexType& entityIndex )
-               neighbourEntityGetter.stencilX[ index + stencilSize ] = entityIndex + index;
+               neighborEntityGetter.stencilX[ index + stencilSize ] = entityIndex + index;
@@ -122,10 +122,10 @@ class tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityGetter<
-            static void exec( ThisType& neighbourEntityGetter, const IndexType& entityIndex )
+            static void exec( ThisType& neighborEntityGetter, const IndexType& entityIndex )
-               neighbourEntityGetter.stencilY[ index + stencilSize ] = 
-                  entityIndex + index * neighbourEntityGetter.entity.getMesh().getDimensions().x();
+               neighborEntityGetter.stencilY[ index + stencilSize ] = 
+                  entityIndex + index * neighborEntityGetter.entity.getMesh().getDimensions().x();
@@ -147,6 +147,6 @@ class tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityGetter<
       IndexType stencilX[ 2 * stencilSize + 1 ];
       IndexType stencilY[ 2 * stencilSize + 1 ];
-      //tnlTestNeighbourGridEntityGetter(){};      
+      //tnlTestNeighborGridEntityGetter(){};      
diff --git a/tests/benchmarks/spmv.h b/tests/benchmarks/spmv.h
index 126a3d6f57d2f321d3338f7dfc44a71341204ab0..6fbd68dfb2bae574e47a05ea1f7e49f2b90532d4 100644
--- a/tests/benchmarks/spmv.h
+++ b/tests/benchmarks/spmv.h
@@ -142,14 +142,14 @@ benchmarkSpMV( Benchmark & benchmark,
     deviceRowLengths.setValue( elementsPerRow );
-    if( ! hostMatrix.setCompressedRowsLengths( hostRowLengths ) ) {
+    if( ! hostMatrix.setCompressedRowLengths( hostRowLengths ) ) {
         const char* msg = "error: allocation of host matrix failed";
         std::cerr << msg << std::endl;
         benchmark.addErrorMessage( msg, 2 );
         return false;
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-    if( ! deviceMatrix.setCompressedRowsLengths( deviceRowLengths ) ) {
+    if( ! deviceMatrix.setCompressedRowLengths( deviceRowLengths ) ) {
         const char* msg = "error: allocation of device matrix failed";
         std::cerr << msg << std::endl;
         benchmark.addErrorMessage( msg, 2 );
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/core/multimaps/tnlIndexMultimapTester.h b/tests/unit-tests/core/multimaps/tnlIndexMultimapTester.h
index b7951a294bf75c0bf79c899d47dba6a0e1c8a125..2e077e9c3d9057e90819073cf48f56743e113096 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/core/multimaps/tnlIndexMultimapTester.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/core/multimaps/tnlIndexMultimapTester.h
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ class tnlIndexMultimapTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
          IndexVector rowLengths;
          rowLengths.setSize( m1.getRows() );
          rowLengths.setValue( 5 );
-         m1.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+         m1.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
          m2.setLike( m1 );
          CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m1.getRows() == m2.getRows() );
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ class tnlIndexMultimapTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 7 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       if( DeviceType::getDevice() == Devices::HostDevice )
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ class tnlIndexMultimapTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 7 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
          m.setElement( i, i, i );
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ class tnlIndexMultimapTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 7 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) Devices::HostDevice )
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ class tnlIndexMultimapTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 10 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
          m.setElement( i, i, i );
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ class tnlIndexMultimapTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 9; i >= 0; i-- )
          for( int j = 9; j >= 0; j-- )
             m.setElement( i, j, i+j );
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ class tnlIndexMultimapTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 10 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) Devices::HostDevice )
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ class tnlIndexMultimapTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) Devices::HostDevice )
          for( int i = 9; i >= 0; i-- )
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ class tnlIndexMultimapTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
          rowLengths.setElement( i, i+1 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
          for( int j = 0; j <= i; j++ )
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ class tnlIndexMultimapTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 9; i >= 0; i-- )
          for( int j = i; j >= 0; j-- )
             m.setElement( i, j, i + j );
@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ class tnlIndexMultimapTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
          rowLengths.setElement( i, i+1 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) Devices::HostDevice )
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ class tnlIndexMultimapTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) Devices::HostDevice )
          for( int i = 9; i >= 0; i-- )
@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ class tnlIndexMultimapTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 7 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
          m.setElement( i, i, i );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
@@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ class tnlIndexMultimapTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 7 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       RealType values[ 1 ];
       IndexType columnIndexes[ 1 ];
@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ class tnlIndexMultimapTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 7 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) Devices::HostDevice )
@@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ class tnlIndexMultimapTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 10 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       RealType values[ 10 ];
       IndexType columnIndexes[ 10 ];
@@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ class tnlIndexMultimapTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 9; i >= 0; i-- )
          for( int j = 9; j >= 0; j-- )
@@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ class tnlIndexMultimapTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 10 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       RealType values[ 10 ];
       IndexType columnIndexes[ 10 ];
@@ -745,7 +745,7 @@ class tnlIndexMultimapTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) Devices::HostDevice )
@@ -790,7 +790,7 @@ class tnlIndexMultimapTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
          rowLengths.setElement( i, i+1 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       RealType values[ 10 ];
@@ -815,7 +815,7 @@ class tnlIndexMultimapTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 9; i >= 0; i-- )
          for( int j = i; j >= 0; j-- )
@@ -840,7 +840,7 @@ class tnlIndexMultimapTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
          rowLengths.setElement( i, i+1 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       RealType values[ 10 ];
@@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ class tnlIndexMultimapTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) Devices::HostDevice )
@@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ class tnlIndexMultimapTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 7 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
          v.setElement( i, i );
@@ -962,7 +962,7 @@ class tnlIndexMultimapTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( size );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
          for( int j = 0; j < size; j++ )
@@ -987,7 +987,7 @@ class tnlIndexMultimapTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( size );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
          for( int j = 0; j <= i; j++ )
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/functions/tnlOperatorFunctionTest.h b/tests/unit-tests/functions/tnlOperatorFunctionTest.h
index 302f0295a6a440ac38bb6559063993667be46cab..d50852c60d3929e4c388d6774c8c1702fc185583 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/functions/tnlOperatorFunctionTest.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/functions/tnlOperatorFunctionTest.h
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ class OperatorFunctionTest
    typedef typename OperatorType::RealType RealType;
    typedef typename OperatorType::IndexType IndexType;
    typedef typename MeshType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-   typedef typename MeshType::VertexType VertexType;
-   typedef Functions::Analytic::ExpBump< MeshType::getMeshDimensions(), RealType > TestFunctionType;
-   typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType, MeshType::getMeshDimensions() > MeshFunctionType;
+   typedef typename MeshType::PointType PointType;
+   typedef Functions::Analytic::ExpBump< MeshType::getMeshDimension(), RealType > TestFunctionType;
+   typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType, MeshType::getMeshDimension() > MeshFunctionType;
    typedef SharedPointer< MeshType > MeshPointer;
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class OperatorFunctionTest
       MeshPointer meshPointer;
       typedef Functions::OperatorFunction< Operator, MeshFunctionType, void, EvaluateOnFly > OperatorFunctionType;
       meshPointer->setDimensions( CoordinatesType( 25 ) );
-      meshPointer->setDomain( VertexType( -1.0 ), VertexType( 2.0 ) );
+      meshPointer->setDomain( PointType( -1.0 ), PointType( 2.0 ) );
       TestFunctionType testFunction;
       testFunction.setAmplitude( 1.0 );
       testFunction.setSigma( 1.0 );
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class OperatorFunctionTest
       typedef Operators::DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType > BoundaryConditionsType;
       typedef Functions::OperatorFunction< Operator, MeshFunctionType, BoundaryConditionsType, EvaluateOnFly > OperatorFunctionType;
       mesh->setDimensions( CoordinatesType( 25 ) );
-      mesh->setDomain( VertexType( -1.0 ), VertexType( 2.0 ) );
+      mesh->setDomain( PointType( -1.0 ), PointType( 2.0 ) );
       TestFunctionType testFunction;
       testFunction.setAmplitude( 1.0 );
       testFunction.setSigma( 1.0 );
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/matrices/tnlChunkedEllpackMatrixTester.h b/tests/unit-tests/matrices/tnlChunkedEllpackMatrixTester.h
index f5acdf0f5dabe2b7c47e6bec9e63ce5da38e3b9f..a98a85ab103f1354481a1d67f926f7f4b2c650db 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/matrices/tnlChunkedEllpackMatrixTester.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/matrices/tnlChunkedEllpackMatrixTester.h
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ class ChunkedEllpackTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m1.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 5 );
-      m1.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m1.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       m2.setLike( m1 );
       CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m1.getRows() == m2.getRows() );
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class ChunkedEllpackTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 7 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 0; i < 7; i++ )
          CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.setElement( 0, i, i ) );
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ class ChunkedEllpackTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 7 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
          m.setElement( i, i, i );
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ class ChunkedEllpackTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 10 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
          m.setElement( i, i, i );
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ class ChunkedEllpackTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
       m.setNumberOfChunksInSlice( SliceSize );
       m.setDesiredChunkSize( ChunkSize );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 9; i >= 0; i-- )
          for( int j = 9; j >= 0; j-- )
             m.setElement( i, j, i+j );
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ class ChunkedEllpackTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
          rowLengths.setElement( i, i+1 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
          for( int j = 0; j <= i; j++ )
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ class ChunkedEllpackTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 9; i >= 0; i-- )
          for( int j = i; j >= 0; j-- )
             m.setElement( i, j, i + j );
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ class ChunkedEllpackTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 7 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
          m.setElement( i, i, i );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ class ChunkedEllpackTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 7 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
          v.setElement( i, i );
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/matrices/tnlEllpackMatrixTester.h b/tests/unit-tests/matrices/tnlEllpackMatrixTester.h
index d4042a6465b52118d6ec1c18cf97bed0b794d349..f6982932826c87eab6c48278e1f46a0e2ca21981 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/matrices/tnlEllpackMatrixTester.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/matrices/tnlEllpackMatrixTester.h
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class EllpackTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       MatrixType m1, m2;
       m1.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
-      m1.setConstantCompressedRowsLengths( 5 );
+      m1.setConstantCompressedRowLengths( 5 );
       m2.setLike( m1 );
       CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m1.getRows() == m2.getRows() );
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class EllpackTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       MatrixType m;
       m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
-      m.setConstantCompressedRowsLengths( 7 );
+      m.setConstantCompressedRowLengths( 7 );
       for( int i = 0; i < 7; i++ )
          CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.setElement( 0, i, i ) );
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class EllpackTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       MatrixType m;
       m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
-      m.setConstantCompressedRowsLengths( 7 );
+      m.setConstantCompressedRowLengths( 7 );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
          m.setElement( i, i, i );
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ class EllpackTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       MatrixType m;
       m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
-      m.setConstantCompressedRowsLengths( 10 );
+      m.setConstantCompressedRowLengths( 10 );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
          m.setElement( i, i, i );
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ class EllpackTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
-      m.setConstantCompressedRowsLengths( 10 );
+      m.setConstantCompressedRowLengths( 10 );
       for( int i = 9; i >= 0; i-- )
          for( int j = 9; j >= 0; j-- )
             m.setElement( i, j, i+j );
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ class EllpackTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       MatrixType m;
       m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
-      m.setConstantCompressedRowsLengths( 7 );
+      m.setConstantCompressedRowLengths( 7 );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
          m.setElement( i, i, i );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ class EllpackTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       w.setSize( size );
       MatrixType m;
       m.setDimensions( size, size );
-      m.setConstantCompressedRowsLengths( 7 );
+      m.setConstantCompressedRowLengths( 7 );
       for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
          v.setElement( i, i );
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/matrices/tnlSlicedEllpackMatrixTester.h b/tests/unit-tests/matrices/tnlSlicedEllpackMatrixTester.h
index 4a4cb7bac11f669cb68628f56b7b166c5cfc6e6c..32e4443f5291e06f5817e21f48b3a5e6866d9ab3 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/matrices/tnlSlicedEllpackMatrixTester.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/matrices/tnlSlicedEllpackMatrixTester.h
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class SlicedEllpackTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m1.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 5 );
-      m1.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m1.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       m2.setLike( m1 );
       CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m1.getRows() == m2.getRows() );
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class SlicedEllpackTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 7 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 0; i < 7; i++ )
          CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.setElement( 0, i, i ) );
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class SlicedEllpackTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 7 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
          m.setElement( i, i, i );
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ class SlicedEllpackTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 10 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
          m.setElement( i, i, i );
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ class SlicedEllpackTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 9; i >= 0; i-- )
          for( int j = 9; j >= 0; j-- )
             m.setElement( i, j, i+j );
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ class SlicedEllpackTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
          rowLengths.setElement( i, i+1 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
          for( int j = 0; j <= i; j++ )
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ class SlicedEllpackTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 9; i >= 0; i-- )
          for( int j = i; j >= 0; j-- )
             m.setElement( i, j, i + j );
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ class SlicedEllpackTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 7 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
          m.setElement( i, i, i );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ class SlicedEllpackTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 7 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
          v.setElement( i, i );
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/matrices/tnlSparseMatrixTester.h b/tests/unit-tests/matrices/tnlSparseMatrixTester.h
index ea1fd9c9ff0a7e883a56ae2792c161267a3c2863..0bf1da58c83c8df00f55ff6066525cae28e2899d 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/matrices/tnlSparseMatrixTester.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/matrices/tnlSparseMatrixTester.h
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ class SparseTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m1.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 5 );
-      m1.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m1.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       m2.setLike( m1 );
       CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m1.getRows() == m2.getRows() );
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ class SparseTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 7 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 0; i < 7; i++ )
          CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.setElement( 0, i, i ) );
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ class SparseTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 7 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       if( std::is_same< DeviceType, Devices::Host >::value )
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ class SparseTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 7 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
          m.setElement( i, i, i );
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ class SparseTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 7 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       if( std::is_same< DeviceType, Devices::Host >::value )
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ class SparseTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 10 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
          m.setElement( i, i, i );
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ class SparseTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 9; i >= 0; i-- )
          for( int j = 9; j >= 0; j-- )
             m.setElement( i, j, i+j );
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ class SparseTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 10 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       if( std::is_same< DeviceType, Devices::Host >::value )
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ class SparseTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       if( std::is_same< DeviceType, Devices::Host >::value )
          for( int i = 9; i >= 0; i-- )
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ class SparseTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
          rowLengths.setElement( i, i+1 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
          for( int j = 0; j <= i; j++ )
@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ class SparseTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 9; i >= 0; i-- )
          for( int j = i; j >= 0; j-- )
             m.setElement( i, j, i + j );
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ class SparseTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
          rowLengths.setElement( i, i+1 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       if( std::is_same< DeviceType, Devices::Host >::value )
@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ class SparseTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       if( std::is_same< DeviceType, Devices::Host >::value )
          for( int i = 9; i >= 0; i-- )
@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ class SparseTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 7 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
          m.setElement( i, i, i );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ class SparseTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 7 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       RealType values[ 1 ];
       IndexType columnIndexes[ 1 ];
@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ class SparseTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 7 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       if( std::is_same< DeviceType, Devices::Host >::value )
@@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ class SparseTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 10 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       RealType values[ 10 ];
       IndexType columnIndexes[ 10 ];
@@ -673,7 +673,7 @@ class SparseTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 9; i >= 0; i-- )
          for( int j = 9; j >= 0; j-- )
@@ -694,7 +694,7 @@ class SparseTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 10 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       RealType values[ 10 ];
       IndexType columnIndexes[ 10 ];
@@ -743,7 +743,7 @@ class SparseTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       if( std::is_same< DeviceType, Devices::Host >::value )
@@ -788,7 +788,7 @@ class SparseTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
          rowLengths.setElement( i, i+1 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       RealType values[ 10 ];
@@ -813,7 +813,7 @@ class SparseTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 9; i >= 0; i-- )
          for( int j = i; j >= 0; j-- )
@@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ class SparseTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
          rowLengths.setElement( i, i+1 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       RealType values[ 10 ];
@@ -884,7 +884,7 @@ class SparseTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       if( std::is_same< DeviceType, Devices::Host >::value )
@@ -936,7 +936,7 @@ class SparseTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( 7 );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
          v.setElement( i, i );
@@ -960,7 +960,7 @@ class SparseTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( size );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
          for( int j = 0; j < size; j++ )
@@ -985,7 +985,7 @@ class SparseTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       IndexVector rowLengths;
       rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
       rowLengths.setValue( size );
-      m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
+      m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
       for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
          for( int j = 0; j <= i; j++ )
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/mesh/tnlGrid1DTester.h b/tests/unit-tests/mesh/tnlGrid1DTester.h
index 6e56d5810deb6578f3369068199e47406c5d5e4a..c5d8c8a7377b292c07157e0d32d00cbe8b97eb3b 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/mesh/tnlGrid1DTester.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/mesh/tnlGrid1DTester.h
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class GridTester< 1, RealType, Device, IndexType >: public CppUnit :: TestCase
    typedef typename CppUnit::TestCaller< TesterType > TestCallerType;
    typedef Meshes::Grid< 1, RealType, Device, IndexType > GridType;
    typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-   typedef typename GridType::VertexType VertexType;
+   typedef typename GridType::PointType PointType;
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class GridTester< 1, RealType, Device, IndexType >: public CppUnit :: TestCase
    void setDomainTest()
       GridType grid;
-      grid.setDomain( VertexType( 0.0 ), VertexType( 1.0 ) );
+      grid.setDomain( PointType( 0.0 ), PointType( 1.0 ) );
       grid.setDimensions( 10 );
       CPPUNIT_ASSERT( grid.getSpaceSteps().x() == 0.1 );
@@ -71,14 +71,14 @@ class GridTester< 1, RealType, Device, IndexType >: public CppUnit :: TestCase
       GridType grid;
       grid.setDimensions( xSize );
-      typename GridType::Vertex vertex( grid );
+      typename GridType::Point vertex( grid );
       for( vertex.getCoordinates().x() = 0;
            vertex.getCoordinates().x() < xSize;
            vertex.getCoordinates().x()++ )
          CPPUNIT_ASSERT( grid.getEntityIndex( vertex ) >= 0 );
-         CPPUNIT_ASSERT( grid.getEntityIndex( vertex ) < grid.template getEntitiesCount< typename GridType::Vertex >() );
-         CPPUNIT_ASSERT( grid.template getEntity< typename GridType::Vertex >( grid.getEntityIndex( vertex ) ).getCoordinates() == vertex.getCoordinates() );
+         CPPUNIT_ASSERT( grid.getEntityIndex( vertex ) < grid.template getEntitiesCount< typename GridType::Point >() );
+         CPPUNIT_ASSERT( grid.template getEntity< typename GridType::Point >( grid.getEntityIndex( vertex ) ).getCoordinates() == vertex.getCoordinates() );
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/mesh/tnlGrid2DTester.h b/tests/unit-tests/mesh/tnlGrid2DTester.h
index c80d92115d5581bc382df65f4d005ac238dcbc82..fcb9b47131f90684d0538d0d67a3842073ca1dd3 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/mesh/tnlGrid2DTester.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/mesh/tnlGrid2DTester.h
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class GridTester< 2, RealType, Device, IndexType >: public CppUnit :: TestCase
    typedef typename CppUnit::TestCaller< TesterType > TestCallerType;
    typedef Meshes::Grid< 2, RealType, Device, IndexType > GridType;
    typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-   typedef typename GridType::VertexType VertexType;
+   typedef typename GridType::PointType PointType;
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class GridTester< 2, RealType, Device, IndexType >: public CppUnit :: TestCase
    void setDomainTest()
       GridType grid;
-      grid.setDomain( VertexType( 0.0, 0.0 ), VertexType( 1.0, 1.0 ) );
+      grid.setDomain( PointType( 0.0, 0.0 ), PointType( 1.0, 1.0 ) );
       grid.setDimensions( 10, 20 );
       CPPUNIT_ASSERT( grid.getSpaceSteps().x() == 0.1 );
@@ -130,9 +130,9 @@ class GridTester< 2, RealType, Device, IndexType >: public CppUnit :: TestCase
       const IndexType ySize( 17 );
       GridType grid;
-      typedef typename GridType::template MeshEntity< 0 > VertexType;
-      typedef typename VertexType::EntityBasisType BasisType;
-      VertexType vertex( grid );
+      typedef typename GridType::template MeshEntity< 0 > PointType;
+      typedef typename PointType::EntityBasisType BasisType;
+      PointType vertex( grid );
       CoordinatesType& vertexCoordinates = vertex.getCoordinates();
       grid.setDimensions( xSize, ySize );
@@ -143,10 +143,10 @@ class GridTester< 2, RealType, Device, IndexType >: public CppUnit :: TestCase
               vertex.getCoordinates().x() < xSize + 1;
               vertex.getCoordinates().x()++ )
-            const IndexType vertexIndex = grid.template getEntityIndex< typename GridType::Vertex >( vertex );
+            const IndexType vertexIndex = grid.template getEntityIndex< typename GridType::Point >( vertex );
             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( vertexIndex >= 0 );
-            CPPUNIT_ASSERT( vertexIndex < grid.template getEntitiesCount< typename GridType::Vertex >() );
-            CPPUNIT_ASSERT( grid.template getEntity< typename GridType::Vertex >( vertexIndex ).getCoordinates() == vertex.getCoordinates() );
+            CPPUNIT_ASSERT( vertexIndex < grid.template getEntitiesCount< typename GridType::Point >() );
+            CPPUNIT_ASSERT( grid.template getEntity< typename GridType::Point >( vertexIndex ).getCoordinates() == vertex.getCoordinates() );
@@ -174,29 +174,29 @@ class GridTester< 2, RealType, Device, IndexType >: public CppUnit :: TestCase
                const CellType auxCell( grid, cell.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( -1, 0 ) );
                const IndexType auxCellIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( auxCell );
-               auto neighbourEntities = cell.getNeighbourEntities();
-               CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( auxCellIndex == neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0 >() ) );
+               auto neighborEntities = cell.getNeighborEntities();
+               CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( auxCellIndex == neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0 >() ) );
             if( cell.getCoordinates().x() < xSize - 1 )
                const CellType auxCell( grid, cell.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( 1, 0 ) );
                const IndexType auxCellIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( auxCell );
-               auto neighbourEntities = cell.getNeighbourEntities();
-               CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( auxCellIndex == neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0 >() ) );
+               auto neighborEntities = cell.getNeighborEntities();
+               CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( auxCellIndex == neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0 >() ) );
             if( cell.getCoordinates().y() > 0 )
                const CellType auxCell( grid, cell.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( 0, -1 ) );
                const IndexType auxCellIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( auxCell );
-               auto neighbourEntities = cell.getNeighbourEntities();
-               CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( auxCellIndex == neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1 >() ) );
+               auto neighborEntities = cell.getNeighborEntities();
+               CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( auxCellIndex == neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1 >() ) );
             if( cell.getCoordinates().y() < ySize - 1 )
                const CellType auxCell( grid, cell.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( 0, 1 ) );
                const IndexType auxCellIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( auxCell );
-               auto neighbourEntities = cell.getNeighbourEntities();
-               CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( auxCellIndex == neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1 >() ) );
+               auto neighborEntities = cell.getNeighborEntities();
+               CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( auxCellIndex == neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1 >() ) );
@@ -224,35 +224,35 @@ class GridTester< 2, RealType, Device, IndexType >: public CppUnit :: TestCase
             //const IndexType cellIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( cell );
             cell.refresh(); //setIndex( cellIndex );
-            auto neighbourEntities = cell.template getNeighbourEntities< GridType::Face::entityDimensions >();
+            auto neighborEntities = cell.template getNeighborEntities< GridType::Face::entityDimension >();
             FaceType face1( grid,
                             EntityOrientationType( -1, 0 ),
                             EntityBasisType( 0, 1 ) );
             IndexType face1Index = grid.template getEntityIndex( face1 );
-            CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( face1Index == neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0 >() ) );
+            CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( face1Index == neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0 >() ) );
             FaceType face2( grid,
                             cell.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( 1, 0 ),
                             EntityOrientationType( 1, 0 ),
                             EntityBasisType( 0, 1 ) );
             IndexType face2Index = grid.template getEntityIndex( face2 );
-            CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( face2Index == neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0 >() ) );
+            CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( face2Index == neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0 >() ) );
             FaceType face3( grid,
                             EntityOrientationType( 0, -1 ),
                             EntityBasisType( 1, 0 ) );
             IndexType face3Index = grid.template getEntityIndex( face3 );
-            CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( face3Index == neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1 >() ) );
+            CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( face3Index == neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1 >() ) );
             FaceType face4( grid,
                             cell.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( 0, 1 ),
                             EntityOrientationType( 0, 1 ),
                             EntityBasisType( 1, 0 ) );
             IndexType face4Index = grid.template getEntityIndex( face4 );
-            CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( face4Index == neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1 >() ) );
+            CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( face4Index == neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1 >() ) );
@@ -281,20 +281,20 @@ class GridTester< 2, RealType, Device, IndexType >: public CppUnit :: TestCase
                face.setOrientation( EntityOrientationType( 1, 0 ) );
                //const IndexType faceIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( face );
                face.refresh(); //setIndex( faceIndex );
-               auto neighbourCells = face.template getNeighbourEntities< GridType::Cell::entityDimensions >();
+               auto neighborCells = face.template getNeighborEntities< GridType::Cell::entityDimension >();
                if( face.getCoordinates().x() > 0 )
                   CellType cell( grid, face.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( -1, 0 ) );
                   IndexType cellIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( cell );
-                  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( cellIndex == neighbourCells.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0 >() ) );
+                  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( cellIndex == neighborCells.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0 >() ) );
                if( face.getCoordinates().x() < xSize )
                   CellType cell( grid, face.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( 0, 0 ) );
                   IndexType cellIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( cell );
-                  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( cellIndex == neighbourCells.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0 >() ) );
+                  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( cellIndex == neighborCells.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0 >() ) );
             if( face.getCoordinates().x() < xSize )
@@ -302,19 +302,19 @@ class GridTester< 2, RealType, Device, IndexType >: public CppUnit :: TestCase
                face.setOrientation( EntityOrientationType( 0, 1 ) );
                //const IndexType faceIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( face );
                face.refresh();//setIndex( faceIndex );
-               auto neighbourCells = face.template getNeighbourEntities< GridType::Cell::entityDimensions >();
+               auto neighborCells = face.template getNeighborEntities< GridType::Cell::entityDimension >();
                if( face.getCoordinates().y() > 0 )
                   CellType cell( grid, face.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( 0, -1 ) );
                   IndexType cellIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( cell );
-                  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( cellIndex == neighbourCells.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1 >() ) );
+                  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( cellIndex == neighborCells.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1 >() ) );
                if( face.getCoordinates().y() < ySize )
                   CellType cell( grid, face.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( 0, 0 ) );
                   IndexType cellIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( cell );
-                  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( cellIndex == neighbourCells.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1 >() ) );
+                  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( cellIndex == neighborCells.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1 >() ) );
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/mesh/tnlGrid3DTester.h b/tests/unit-tests/mesh/tnlGrid3DTester.h
index e6dd2249a7c118fca6251f17370153fd08ac5353..fed97012f5fcb2305e6ec0d3d582e7c6e8f98231 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/mesh/tnlGrid3DTester.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/mesh/tnlGrid3DTester.h
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class GridTester< 3, RealType, Device, IndexType >: public CppUnit :: TestCase
    typedef typename CppUnit::TestCaller< TesterType > TestCallerType;
    typedef Meshes::Grid< 3, RealType, Device, IndexType > GridType;
    typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-   typedef typename GridType::VertexType VertexType;
+   typedef typename GridType::PointType PointType;
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class GridTester< 3, RealType, Device, IndexType >: public CppUnit :: TestCase
    void setDomainTest()
       GridType grid;
-      grid.setDomain( VertexType( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ), VertexType( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ) );
+      grid.setDomain( PointType( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ), PointType( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ) );
       grid.setDimensions( 10, 20, 40 );
       CPPUNIT_ASSERT( grid.getSpaceSteps().x() == 0.1 );
@@ -241,10 +241,10 @@ class GridTester< 3, RealType, Device, IndexType >: public CppUnit :: TestCase
       GridType grid;
       grid.setDimensions( xSize, ySize, zSize );
-      typedef typename GridType::template MeshEntity< 0 > VertexType;
-      typedef typename VertexType::EntityOrientationType OrientationType;
-      typedef typename VertexType::EntityBasisType BasisType;
-      VertexType vertex( grid );
+      typedef typename GridType::template MeshEntity< 0 > PointType;
+      typedef typename PointType::EntityOrientationType OrientationType;
+      typedef typename PointType::EntityBasisType BasisType;
+      PointType vertex( grid );
       for( vertex.getCoordinates().z() = 0;
            vertex.getCoordinates().z() < zSize + 1;
@@ -291,43 +291,43 @@ class GridTester< 3, RealType, Device, IndexType >: public CppUnit :: TestCase
                   CellType auxCell( grid, cell.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( -1, 0, 0 ) );
                   const IndexType auxCellIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( auxCell );
-                  auto neighbourEntities = cell.getNeighbourEntities();
-                  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( auxCellIndex == neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0, 0 >() ) );
+                  auto neighborEntities = cell.getNeighborEntities();
+                  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( auxCellIndex == neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0, 0 >() ) );
                if( cell.getCoordinates().x() < xSize - 1 )
                   CellType auxCell( grid, cell.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( 1, 0, 0 ) );
                   const IndexType auxCellIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( auxCell );
-                  auto neighbourEntities = cell.getNeighbourEntities();
-                  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( auxCellIndex == neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0, 0 >() ) );
+                  auto neighborEntities = cell.getNeighborEntities();
+                  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( auxCellIndex == neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0, 0 >() ) );
                if( cell.getCoordinates().y() > 0 )
                   CellType auxCell( grid, cell.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( 0, -1, 0 ) );
                   const IndexType auxCellIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( auxCell );
-                  auto neighbourEntities = cell.getNeighbourEntities();
-                  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( auxCellIndex == neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1, 0 >() ) );
+                  auto neighborEntities = cell.getNeighborEntities();
+                  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( auxCellIndex == neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1, 0 >() ) );
                if( cell.getCoordinates().y() < ySize - 1 )
                   CellType auxCell( grid, cell.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( 0, 1, 0 ) );
                   const IndexType auxCellIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( auxCell );
-                  auto neighbourEntities = cell.getNeighbourEntities();
-                  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( auxCellIndex == neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1, 0 >() ) );
+                  auto neighborEntities = cell.getNeighborEntities();
+                  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( auxCellIndex == neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1, 0 >() ) );
                if( cell.getCoordinates().z() > 0 )
                   CellType auxCell( grid, cell.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( 0, 0, -1 ) );
                   const IndexType auxCellIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( auxCell );
-                  auto neighbourEntities = cell.getNeighbourEntities();
-                  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( auxCellIndex == neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, -1 >() ) );
+                  auto neighborEntities = cell.getNeighborEntities();
+                  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( auxCellIndex == neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, -1 >() ) );
                if( cell.getCoordinates().z() < zSize - 1 )
                   CellType auxCell( grid, cell.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( 0, 0, 1 ) );
                   const IndexType auxCellIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( auxCell );
-                  auto neighbourEntities = cell.getNeighbourEntities();
-                  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( auxCellIndex == neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, 1 >() ) );
+                  auto neighborEntities = cell.getNeighborEntities();
+                  CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( auxCellIndex == neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, 1 >() ) );
@@ -357,44 +357,44 @@ class GridTester< 3, RealType, Device, IndexType >: public CppUnit :: TestCase
                //const IndexType cellIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( cell );
                cell.refresh();//setIndex( cellIndex );
-               auto neighbourEntities = cell.template getNeighbourEntities< GridType::Face::entityDimensions >();
+               auto neighborEntities = cell.template getNeighborEntities< GridType::Face::entityDimension >();
                face.setCoordinates( cell.getCoordinates() );
                face.setOrientation( EntityOrientationType( 1, 0, 0 ) );
                //CoordinatesType faceCoordinates( i, j, k );
                IndexType faceIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( face );
-               CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( faceIndex == neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0, 0 >() ) );
+               CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( faceIndex == neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0, 0 >() ) );
                //faceCoordinates = CoordinatesType( i + 1, j, k );
                face.setCoordinates( cell.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( 1, 0, 0 ) );
                face.setOrientation( EntityOrientationType( 1, 0 , 0 ) );
                faceIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( face );
-               CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( faceIndex == neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0, 0 >() ) );
+               CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( faceIndex == neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0, 0 >() ) );
                //faceCoordinates = CoordinatesType( i, j, k );
                face.setCoordinates( cell.getCoordinates() );
                face.setOrientation( EntityOrientationType( 0, -1, 0 ) );
                faceIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( face );
-               CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( faceIndex == neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1, 0 >() ) );
+               CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( faceIndex == neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1, 0 >() ) );
                //faceCoordinates = CoordinatesType( i, j + 1, k );
                face.setCoordinates( cell.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( 0, 1, 0 ) );
                face.setOrientation( EntityOrientationType( 0, 1, 0 ) );
                faceIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( face );
-               CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( faceIndex == neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1, 0 >() ) );
+               CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( faceIndex == neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1, 0 >() ) );
                //faceCoordinates = CoordinatesType( i, j, k );
                face.setCoordinates( cell.getCoordinates() );
                face.setOrientation( EntityOrientationType( 0, 0, -1 ) );
                faceIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( face );
-               CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( faceIndex == neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, -1 >() ) );
+               CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( faceIndex == neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, -1 >() ) );
                //faceCoordinates = CoordinatesType( i, j, k + 1 );
                face.setCoordinates( cell.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( 0, 0, 1 ) );
                face.setOrientation( EntityOrientationType( 0, 0, 1 ) );
                faceIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( face );
-               CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( faceIndex == neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, 1 >() ) );
+               CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( faceIndex == neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, 1 >() ) );
@@ -428,20 +428,20 @@ class GridTester< 3, RealType, Device, IndexType >: public CppUnit :: TestCase
                   face.setOrientation( EntityOrientationType( 1, 0, 0  ) );
                   //const IndexType faceIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( face );
                   face.refresh();//setIndex( faceIndex );
-                  auto neighbourEntities = face.template getNeighbourEntities< GridType::Cell::entityDimensions >();
+                  auto neighborEntities = face.template getNeighborEntities< GridType::Cell::entityDimension >();
                   if( face.getCoordinates().x() > 0 )
                      CellType cell( grid, face.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( -1, 0, 0 ) );
                      IndexType cellIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( cell );
-                     CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( cellIndex == neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0, 0 >() ) );
+                     CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( cellIndex == neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0, 0 >() ) );
                   if( face.getCoordinates().x() < xSize )
                      CellType cell( grid, face.getCoordinates() );
                      IndexType cellIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( cell );
-                     CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( cellIndex == neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0, 0 >() ) );
+                     CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( cellIndex == neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0, 0 >() ) );
                if( face.getCoordinates().x() < xSize && face.getCoordinates().z() < zSize )
@@ -449,19 +449,19 @@ class GridTester< 3, RealType, Device, IndexType >: public CppUnit :: TestCase
                   face.setOrientation( EntityOrientationType( 0, 1, 0  ) );
                   //const IndexType faceIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( face );
                   face.refresh();//setIndex( faceIndex );
-                  auto neighbourEntities = face.template getNeighbourEntities< GridType::Cell::entityDimensions >();
+                  auto neighborEntities = face.template getNeighborEntities< GridType::Cell::entityDimension >();
                   if( face.getCoordinates().y() > 0 )
                      CellType cell( grid, face.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( 0, -1, 0 ) );
                      IndexType cellIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( cell );
-                     CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( cellIndex == neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1, 0 >() ) );
+                     CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( cellIndex == neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1, 0 >() ) );
                   if( face.getCoordinates().y() < ySize )
                      CellType cell( grid, face.getCoordinates() );
                      IndexType cellIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( cell );
-                     CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( cellIndex == neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1, 0 >() ) );
+                     CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( cellIndex == neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1, 0 >() ) );
                if( face.getCoordinates().x() < xSize && face.getCoordinates().y() < ySize )
@@ -469,19 +469,19 @@ class GridTester< 3, RealType, Device, IndexType >: public CppUnit :: TestCase
                   face.setOrientation( EntityOrientationType( 0, 0, 1  ) );
                   //const IndexType faceIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( face );
                   face.refresh();//setIndex( faceIndex );
-                  auto neighbourEntities = face.template getNeighbourEntities< GridType::Cell::entityDimensions >();
+                  auto neighborEntities = face.template getNeighborEntities< GridType::Cell::entityDimension >();
                   if( face.getCoordinates().z() > 0 )
                      CellType cell( grid, face.getCoordinates() + CoordinatesType( 0, 0, -1 ) );
                      IndexType cellIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( cell );
-                     CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( cellIndex == neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, -1 >() ) );
+                     CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( cellIndex == neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, -1 >() ) );
                   if( face.getCoordinates().z() < zSize )
                      CellType cell( grid, face.getCoordinates() );
                      IndexType cellIndex = grid.getEntityIndex( cell );
-                     CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( cellIndex == neighbourEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, 1 >() ) );
+                     CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ( cellIndex == neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, 1 >() ) );
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/mesh/tnlGridTester.h b/tests/unit-tests/mesh/tnlGridTester.h
index ed0bf311997508415bb7ce6ea19b7a2a05e280f0..da49138ad2d7b4989d37d7b1e5f5c01150119705 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/mesh/tnlGridTester.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/mesh/tnlGridTester.h
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 #include <TNL/Meshes/Grid.h>
-template< int Dimensions, typename RealType, typename Device, typename IndexType >
+template< int Dimension, typename RealType, typename Device, typename IndexType >
 class GridTester{};
 #include "tnlGrid1DTester.h"
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/mesh/tnlMeshEntityTester.h b/tests/unit-tests/mesh/tnlMeshEntityTester.h
index 0a9797dfc060378c20a2852b5565e86764b2177f..a62dd4eefeb73154a114a0491783cf2f9a6e300b 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/mesh/tnlMeshEntityTester.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/mesh/tnlMeshEntityTester.h
@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ class TestTriangleMeshConfig : public MeshConfigBase< MeshTriangleTopology >
       template< typename MeshEntity >
-      static constexpr bool subentityStorage( MeshEntity entity, int subentityDimensions )
+      static constexpr bool subentityStorage( MeshEntity entity, int subentityDimension )
          return true;
       template< typename MeshEntity >
-      static constexpr bool superentityStorage( MeshEntity entity, int superentityDimensions )
+      static constexpr bool superentityStorage( MeshEntity entity, int superentityDimension )
          return true;
@@ -52,13 +52,13 @@ class TestTetrahedronMeshConfig : public MeshConfigBase< MeshTetrahedronTopology
       template< typename MeshEntity >
-      static constexpr bool subentityStorage( MeshEntity entity, int subentityDimensions )
+      static constexpr bool subentityStorage( MeshEntity entity, int subentityDimension )
          return true;
       template< typename MeshEntity >
-      static constexpr bool superentityStorage( MeshEntity entity, int superentityDimensions )
+      static constexpr bool superentityStorage( MeshEntity entity, int superentityDimension )
          return true;
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/mesh/tnlMeshTester.h b/tests/unit-tests/mesh/tnlMeshTester.h
index 9c5c72074d12b830867e25b6eb80f062fe0b4d28..39aaaf43d79776ecc2ae756ffa97005d0c45363f 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/mesh/tnlMeshTester.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/mesh/tnlMeshTester.h
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ class TestTriangleMeshConfig : public MeshConfigBase< MeshTriangleTopology >
       static constexpr bool entityStorage( int dimensions ) { return true; };
-      template< typename MeshEntity > static constexpr bool subentityStorage( MeshEntity, int SubentityDimensions ) { return true; };
-      //template< typename MeshEntity > static constexpr bool subentityOrientationStorage( MeshEntity, int SubentityDimensions ) { return true; };
-      template< typename MeshEntity > static constexpr bool superentityStorage( MeshEntity, int SuperentityDimensions ) { return true; };
+      template< typename MeshEntity > static constexpr bool subentityStorage( MeshEntity, int SubentityDimension ) { return true; };
+      //template< typename MeshEntity > static constexpr bool subentityOrientationStorage( MeshEntity, int SubentityDimension ) { return true; };
+      template< typename MeshEntity > static constexpr bool superentityStorage( MeshEntity, int SuperentityDimension ) { return true; };
 class TestQuadrilateralMeshConfig : public MeshConfigBase< MeshQuadrilateralTopology >
@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ class TestQuadrilateralMeshConfig : public MeshConfigBase< MeshQuadrilateralTopo
       static constexpr bool entityStorage( int dimensions ) { return true; };
-      template< typename MeshEntity > static constexpr bool subentityStorage( MeshEntity, int SubentityDimensions ) { return true; };
-      template< typename MeshEntity > static constexpr bool subentityOrientationStorage( MeshEntity, int SubentityDimensions ) { return ( SubentityDimensions % 2 != 0 ); };
-      template< typename MeshEntity > static constexpr bool superentityStorage( MeshEntity, int SuperentityDimensions ) { return true; };
+      template< typename MeshEntity > static constexpr bool subentityStorage( MeshEntity, int SubentityDimension ) { return true; };
+      template< typename MeshEntity > static constexpr bool subentityOrientationStorage( MeshEntity, int SubentityDimension ) { return ( SubentityDimension % 2 != 0 ); };
+      template< typename MeshEntity > static constexpr bool superentityStorage( MeshEntity, int SuperentityDimension ) { return true; };
 class TestTetrahedronMeshConfig : public MeshConfigBase< MeshTetrahedronTopology >
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ class TestTetrahedronMeshConfig : public MeshConfigBase< MeshTetrahedronTopology
       static constexpr bool entityStorage( int dimensions ) { return true; };
-      template< typename MeshEntity > static constexpr bool subentityStorage( MeshEntity, int SubentityDimensions ) { return true; };
-      template< typename MeshEntity > static constexpr bool subentityOrientationStorage( MeshEntity, int SubentityDimensions ) {  return ( SubentityDimensions % 2 != 0 ); };
-      template< typename MeshEntity > static constexpr bool superentityStorage( MeshEntity, int SuperentityDimensions ) { return true; };
+      template< typename MeshEntity > static constexpr bool subentityStorage( MeshEntity, int SubentityDimension ) { return true; };
+      template< typename MeshEntity > static constexpr bool subentityOrientationStorage( MeshEntity, int SubentityDimension ) {  return ( SubentityDimension % 2 != 0 ); };
+      template< typename MeshEntity > static constexpr bool superentityStorage( MeshEntity, int SuperentityDimension ) { return true; };
 class TestHexahedronMeshConfig : public MeshConfigBase< MeshHexahedronTopology >
@@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ class TestHexahedronMeshConfig : public MeshConfigBase< MeshHexahedronTopology >
       static constexpr bool entityStorage( int dimensions ) { return true; };
-      template< typename MeshEntity > static constexpr bool subentityStorage( MeshEntity, int SubentityDimensions ) { return true; };
-      template< typename MeshEntity > static constexpr bool subentityOrientationStorage( MeshEntity, int SubentityDimensions ) {  return ( SubentityDimensions % 2 != 0 ); };
-      template< typename MeshEntity > static constexpr bool superentityStorage( MeshEntity, int SuperentityDimensions ) { return true; };
+      template< typename MeshEntity > static constexpr bool subentityStorage( MeshEntity, int SubentityDimension ) { return true; };
+      template< typename MeshEntity > static constexpr bool subentityOrientationStorage( MeshEntity, int SubentityDimension ) {  return ( SubentityDimension % 2 != 0 ); };
+      template< typename MeshEntity > static constexpr bool superentityStorage( MeshEntity, int SuperentityDimension ) { return true; };
 template< typename RealType, typename Device, typename IndexType >
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/operators/diffusion/tnlLinearDiffusionTest.h b/tests/unit-tests/operators/diffusion/tnlLinearDiffusionTest.h
index 0416a13739a174cc34b98680af4a455d10804ae1..5d7c110553e2c528944b4c2256624ef69347a80b 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/operators/diffusion/tnlLinearDiffusionTest.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/operators/diffusion/tnlLinearDiffusionTest.h
@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ class LinearDiffusionTest
       void runUnitTest()
          RealType coarseErrors[ 3 ], fineErrors[ 3 ];
-         this->getApproximationError( coarseMeshSize[ MeshType::getMeshDimensions() - 1 ], coarseErrors );
-         this->getApproximationError( 2 * coarseMeshSize[ MeshType::getMeshDimensions() - 1 ], fineErrors );
+         this->getApproximationError( coarseMeshSize[ MeshType::getMeshDimension() - 1 ], coarseErrors );
+         this->getApproximationError( 2 * coarseMeshSize[ MeshType::getMeshDimension() - 1 ], fineErrors );
          this->checkEoc( coarseErrors, fineErrors, eoc, tolerance, verbose );
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ template< typename Mesh,
           bool verbose >
 bool setTestFunction()
-   return runTest< Mesh, Functions::Analytic::ExpBump< Mesh::getMeshDimensions(), double >, write, verbose >();
+   return runTest< Mesh, Functions::Analytic::ExpBump< Mesh::getMeshDimension(), double >, write, verbose >();
 template< typename Device,
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/operators/diffusion/tnlOneSidedMeanCurvatureTest.h b/tests/unit-tests/operators/diffusion/tnlOneSidedMeanCurvatureTest.h
index 42e24d21df3ab0700d12d95df2432df93d6a9545..b86372509e4dd4d233ff5f30f0da69ab5d3917c0 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/operators/diffusion/tnlOneSidedMeanCurvatureTest.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/operators/diffusion/tnlOneSidedMeanCurvatureTest.h
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ class OneSidedMeanCurvatureTest
       void runUnitTest()
          RealType coarseErrors[ 3 ], fineErrors[ 3 ];
-         this->getApproximationError( coarseMeshSize[ MeshType::getMeshDimensions() - 1 ], coarseErrors );
-         this->getApproximationError( 2 * coarseMeshSize[ MeshType::getMeshDimensions() - 1 ], fineErrors );
+         this->getApproximationError( coarseMeshSize[ MeshType::getMeshDimension() - 1 ], coarseErrors );
+         this->getApproximationError( 2 * coarseMeshSize[ MeshType::getMeshDimension() - 1 ], fineErrors );
          this->checkEoc( coarseErrors, fineErrors, eoc, tolerance, verbose );
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ template< typename Mesh,
           bool verbose >
 bool setTestFunction()
-   return runTest< Mesh, Functions::Analytic::ExpBump< Mesh::getMeshDimensions(), double >, write, verbose >();
+   return runTest< Mesh, Functions::Analytic::ExpBump< Mesh::getMeshDimension(), double >, write, verbose >();
 template< typename Device,
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/operators/fdm/tnlFiniteDifferencesTest.h b/tests/unit-tests/operators/fdm/tnlFiniteDifferencesTest.h
index b5cb4817da17090f55cd537142d2aab4493322c1..7e401899a67fd9be56acdaef120888b0528e2721 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/operators/fdm/tnlFiniteDifferencesTest.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/operators/fdm/tnlFiniteDifferencesTest.h
@@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ class tnlFiniteDifferenceTest
       void runUnitTest()
          RealType coarseErrors[ 3 ], fineErrors[ 3 ];
-         this->getApproximationError( coarseMeshSize[ MeshType::getMeshDimensions() - 1 ], coarseErrors );
-         this->getApproximationError( 2 * coarseMeshSize[ MeshType::getMeshDimensions() - 1 ], fineErrors );
+         this->getApproximationError( coarseMeshSize[ MeshType::getMeshDimension() - 1 ], coarseErrors );
+         this->getApproximationError( 2 * coarseMeshSize[ MeshType::getMeshDimension() - 1 ], fineErrors );
          this->checkEoc( coarseErrors, fineErrors, this->eoc, this->tolerance, verbose );
@@ -160,8 +160,8 @@ template< typename Mesh,
           bool Verbose >
 bool setFunction()
-    const int Dimensions = Mesh::meshDimensions;
-    typedef Functions::Analytic::ExpBump< Dimensions, RealType >  Function;
+    const int Dimension = Mesh::meshDimension;
+    typedef Functions::Analytic::ExpBump< Dimension, RealType >  Function;
     return setFiniteDifferenceOperator< Mesh, Function, RealType, IndexType, XDifference, YDifference, ZDifference, MeshSize, WriteFunctions, Verbose  >();
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/operators/geometric/tnlCoFVMGradientNormTest.h b/tests/unit-tests/operators/geometric/tnlCoFVMGradientNormTest.h
index 0553b6df2812db2318d03d5dfd2ff4c45ec9b119..9b84c08fc310c7e525dffc08fefd0f68f14d292f 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/operators/geometric/tnlCoFVMGradientNormTest.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/operators/geometric/tnlCoFVMGradientNormTest.h
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ class CoFVMGradientNormTest
       void runUnitTest()
          RealType coarseErrors[ 3 ], fineErrors[ 3 ];
-         this->getApproximationError( coarseMeshSize[ MeshType::getMeshDimensions() - 1 ], coarseErrors );
-         this->getApproximationError( 2 * coarseMeshSize[ MeshType::getMeshDimensions() - 1 ], fineErrors );
+         this->getApproximationError( coarseMeshSize[ MeshType::getMeshDimension() - 1 ], coarseErrors );
+         this->getApproximationError( 2 * coarseMeshSize[ MeshType::getMeshDimension() - 1 ], fineErrors );
          this->checkEoc( coarseErrors, fineErrors, this->eoc, this->tolerance, verbose );
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ template< typename Mesh,
           bool verbose >
 bool setTestFunction()
-   return setDifferenceOperator< Mesh, Functions::Analytic::ExpBump< Mesh::getMeshDimensions(), double >, write, verbose >();
+   return setDifferenceOperator< Mesh, Functions::Analytic::ExpBump< Mesh::getMeshDimension(), double >, write, verbose >();
 template< typename Device,
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/operators/geometric/tnlFDMGradientNormTest.h b/tests/unit-tests/operators/geometric/tnlFDMGradientNormTest.h
index 1be915a7cb9058d7104698cb35d42d1379846d8c..7a47af33c8ea42da3ef977dfbb7a659c2c3265d5 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/operators/geometric/tnlFDMGradientNormTest.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/operators/geometric/tnlFDMGradientNormTest.h
@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ class FDMGradientNormTest
       void runUnitTest()
          RealType coarseErrors[ 3 ], fineErrors[ 3 ];
-         this->getApproximationError( coarseMeshSize[ MeshType::getMeshDimensions() - 1 ], coarseErrors );
-         this->getApproximationError( 2 * coarseMeshSize[ MeshType::getMeshDimensions() - 1 ], fineErrors );
+         this->getApproximationError( coarseMeshSize[ MeshType::getMeshDimension() - 1 ], coarseErrors );
+         this->getApproximationError( 2 * coarseMeshSize[ MeshType::getMeshDimension() - 1 ], fineErrors );
          this->checkEoc( coarseErrors, fineErrors, this->eoc, this->tolerance, verbose );
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ template< typename Mesh,
           bool verbose >
 bool setTestFunction()
-   return setDifferenceOperator< Mesh, Functions::Analytic::ExpBump< Mesh::getMeshDimensions(), double >, write, verbose >();
+   return setDifferenceOperator< Mesh, Functions::Analytic::ExpBump< Mesh::getMeshDimension(), double >, write, verbose >();
 template< typename Device,
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/operators/geometric/tnlTwoSidedGradientNormTest.h b/tests/unit-tests/operators/geometric/tnlTwoSidedGradientNormTest.h
index 045daa55f7604363fa7a3880525b3bbf9dc722ef..d32193ccffb45d79cab4dd5d4be58f4ab9538262 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/operators/geometric/tnlTwoSidedGradientNormTest.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/operators/geometric/tnlTwoSidedGradientNormTest.h
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ class TwoSidedGradientNormTest
       void runUnitTest()
          RealType coarseErrors[ 3 ], fineErrors[ 3 ];
-         this->getApproximationError( coarseMeshSize[ MeshType::getMeshDimensions() - 1 ], coarseErrors );
-         this->getApproximationError( 2 * coarseMeshSize[ MeshType::getMeshDimensions() - 1 ], fineErrors );
+         this->getApproximationError( coarseMeshSize[ MeshType::getMeshDimension() - 1 ], coarseErrors );
+         this->getApproximationError( 2 * coarseMeshSize[ MeshType::getMeshDimension() - 1 ], fineErrors );
          this->checkEoc( coarseErrors, fineErrors, this->eoc, this->tolerance, verbose );
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ template< typename Mesh,
           bool verbose >
 bool setTestFunction()
-   return setDifferenceOperator< Mesh, Functions::Analytic::ExpBump< Mesh::getMeshDimensions(), double >, write, verbose >();
+   return setDifferenceOperator< Mesh, Functions::Analytic::ExpBump< Mesh::getMeshDimension(), double >, write, verbose >();
 template< typename Device,
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/operators/tnlApproximationError.h b/tests/unit-tests/operators/tnlApproximationError.h
index a61f5128ffbe3da8c8b3ab047ba0cb93f9d0511c..fcbf8404275f9be76d78fb4f3b9ef574dce3e46f 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/operators/tnlApproximationError.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/operators/tnlApproximationError.h
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ class tnlApproximationError
       typedef typename ApproximateOperator::MeshType MeshType;
       typedef typename MeshType::DeviceType DeviceType;
       typedef typename MeshType::IndexType IndexType;
-      typedef typename MeshType::VertexType VertexType;
+      typedef typename MeshType::PointType PointType;
       typedef SharedPointer< MeshType > MeshPointer;
-      typedef Functions::Analytic::Constant< MeshType::meshDimensions, RealType > ConstantType;
+      typedef Functions::Analytic::Constant< MeshType::meshDimension, RealType > ConstantType;
       typedef Operators::DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, Function  > BoundaryConditionsType;
       static void getError( const ExactOperator& exactOperator,
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class tnlApproximationError
                             bool writeFunctions )
          typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType, MeshEntity::getDimensions() > MeshFunction;
-         typedef Operators::DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, Functions::Analytic::Constant< MeshType::meshDimensions > > DirichletBoundaryConditions;
+         typedef Operators::DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, Functions::Analytic::Constant< MeshType::meshDimension > > DirichletBoundaryConditions;
          typedef Functions::OperatorFunction< DirichletBoundaryConditions, MeshFunction > BoundaryOperatorFunction;
          typedef Functions::OperatorFunction< ApproximateOperator, MeshFunction > OperatorFunction;
          typedef Functions::ExactOperatorFunction< ExactOperator, Function > ExactOperatorFunction;
@@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ class tnlApproximationError
          String meshSizeString( meshPointer->getDimensions().x() );
          String dimensionsString;
-         if( MeshType::getMeshDimensions() == 1 )
+         if( MeshType::getMeshDimension() == 1 )
             dimensionsString = "1D-";
-         if( MeshType::getMeshDimensions() == 2 )
+         if( MeshType::getMeshDimension() == 2 )
             dimensionsString = "2D-";
-         if( MeshType::getMeshDimensions() == 3 )
+         if( MeshType::getMeshDimension() == 3 )
             dimensionsString = "3D-";
          //if( writeFunctions )
@@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ class tnlApproximationError< Mesh, ExactOperator, ApproximateOperator, Function,
       typedef Mesh MeshType;
       typedef typename MeshType::DeviceType DeviceType;
       typedef typename MeshType::IndexType IndexType;
-      typedef typename MeshType::VertexType VertexType;
-      typedef Constant< MeshType::meshDimensions, RealType > ConstantType;
+      typedef typename MeshType::PointType PointType;
+      typedef Constant< MeshType::meshDimension, RealType > ConstantType;
       typedef DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, Function  > BoundaryConditionsType;
       static void getError( const Mesh& mesh,
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/operators/tnlOperatorCompositionTest.h b/tests/unit-tests/operators/tnlOperatorCompositionTest.h
index f872c323ff75c828e527ff82df5ce791231c51d3..0a380191e4ac0c5806eedbc8e60a4ad846c83960 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/operators/tnlOperatorCompositionTest.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/operators/tnlOperatorCompositionTest.h
@@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ class OperatorCompositionTest
    typedef typename OperatorType::RealType RealType;
    typedef typename OperatorType::IndexType IndexType;
    typedef typename MeshType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-   typedef typename MeshType::VertexType VertexType;
-   typedef Functions::Analytic::ExpBump< MeshType::getMeshDimensions(), typename MeshType::RealType > TestFunctionType;
-   typedef Functions::Analytic::Constant< MeshType::getMeshDimensions(), typename MeshType::RealType > Constant;
+   typedef typename MeshType::PointType PointType;
+   typedef Functions::Analytic::ExpBump< MeshType::getMeshDimension(), typename MeshType::RealType > TestFunctionType;
+   typedef Functions::Analytic::Constant< MeshType::getMeshDimension(), typename MeshType::RealType > Constant;
    typedef Operators::NeumannBoundaryConditions< MeshType, Constant > BoundaryConditions;
    typedef Operators::OperatorComposition< OperatorType, OperatorType, BoundaryConditions > OperatorComposition;
-   typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType, MeshType::getMeshDimensions() > MeshFunctionType;
+   typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType, MeshType::getMeshDimension() > MeshFunctionType;
    typedef Functions::OperatorFunction< OperatorType, MeshFunctionType, BoundaryConditions > OperatorFunction;
    typedef Functions::OperatorFunction< OperatorType, OperatorFunction, BoundaryConditions > OperatorFunction2;
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class OperatorCompositionTest
       SharedPointer< MeshType > mesh;
       mesh->setDimensions( CoordinatesType( 25 ) );
-      mesh->setDomain( VertexType( -1.0 ), VertexType( 2.0 ) );
+      mesh->setDomain( PointType( -1.0 ), PointType( 2.0 ) );
       TestFunctionType testFunction;
       testFunction.setAmplitude( 1.0 );
       testFunction.setSigma( 1.0 );
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/operators/tnlPDEOperatorEocTestFunctionSetter.h b/tests/unit-tests/operators/tnlPDEOperatorEocTestFunctionSetter.h
index d7e733892c999db690a627070799f51c36db23cf..6a540aa61dfbf55d0e3014ed46cecb139043eea3 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/operators/tnlPDEOperatorEocTestFunctionSetter.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/operators/tnlPDEOperatorEocTestFunctionSetter.h
@@ -20,15 +20,15 @@ class tnlPDEOperatorEocTestFunctionSetter
-template< int Dimensions,
+template< int Dimension,
           typename Real >
-class tnlPDEOperatorEocTestFunctionSetter< Functions::Analytic::ExpBump< Dimensions, Real > >
+class tnlPDEOperatorEocTestFunctionSetter< Functions::Analytic::ExpBump< Dimension, Real > >
-   static_assert( Dimensions >= 0 && Dimensions <= 3,
-      "Wrong parameter Dimensions." );
+   static_assert( Dimension >= 0 && Dimension <= 3,
+      "Wrong parameter Dimension." );
-      typedef Functions::Analytic::ExpBump< Dimensions, Real > FunctionType;
+      typedef Functions::Analytic::ExpBump< Dimension, Real > FunctionType;
       static void setup( FunctionType& function )
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/operators/tnlPDEOperatorEocTestMeshSetter.h b/tests/unit-tests/operators/tnlPDEOperatorEocTestMeshSetter.h
index 9f983e5483c82d0cdb1fc7accdcebb1a3b93a234..4c96be678bd5372772346d8db77e5ae70157a7dd 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/operators/tnlPDEOperatorEocTestMeshSetter.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/operators/tnlPDEOperatorEocTestMeshSetter.h
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class tnlPDEOperatorEocTestMeshSetter< Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index > >
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index > MeshType;
-      typedef typename MeshType::VertexType VertexType;
+      typedef typename MeshType::PointType PointType;
       typedef typename MeshType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
       typedef Real RealType;
       typedef Device DeviceType;
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class tnlPDEOperatorEocTestMeshSetter< Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index > >
       static bool setup( MeshType& mesh, const IndexType meshSize )
-         VertexType origin, proportions;
+         PointType origin, proportions;
          origin.x() = -2.0;
          proportions.x() = 4.0;
          mesh.setDomain( origin, proportions );
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class tnlPDEOperatorEocTestMeshSetter< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > >
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > MeshType;
-      typedef typename MeshType::VertexType VertexType;
+      typedef typename MeshType::PointType PointType;
       typedef typename MeshType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
       typedef Real RealType;
       typedef Device DeviceType;
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class tnlPDEOperatorEocTestMeshSetter< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > >
       static bool setup( MeshType& mesh, const IndexType meshSize )
-         VertexType origin, proportions;
+         PointType origin, proportions;
          origin.x() = -1.0;
          origin.y() = -1.0;
          proportions.x() = 2.0;
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class tnlPDEOperatorEocTestMeshSetter< Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > >
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > MeshType;
-      typedef typename MeshType::VertexType VertexType;
+      typedef typename MeshType::PointType PointType;
       typedef typename MeshType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
       typedef Real RealType;
       typedef Device DeviceType;
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ class tnlPDEOperatorEocTestMeshSetter< Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > >
       static bool setup( MeshType& mesh, const IndexType meshSize )
-         VertexType origin, proportions;
+         PointType origin, proportions;
          origin.x() = -1.0;
          origin.y() = -1.0;
          origin.z() = -1.0;
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/operators/tnlPDEOperatorEocTestSetter.h b/tests/unit-tests/operators/tnlPDEOperatorEocTestSetter.h
index f6d37712a172528ce33d17d58a9aa254e66d30e8..fea04bbe33de7b1eba90fc06e73a1eab971ff17b 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/operators/tnlPDEOperatorEocTestSetter.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/operators/tnlPDEOperatorEocTestSetter.h
@@ -41,14 +41,14 @@ class tnlPDEOperatorEocTestSetter< ApproximateOperator,
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index > MeshType;
       typedef ExactOperator ExactOperatorType;
       typedef ApproximateOperator ApproximateOperatorType;
-      typedef typename MeshType::VertexType VertexType;
+      typedef typename MeshType::PointType PointType;
       typedef typename MeshType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
       typedef ExpBump< 1, Real > FunctionType;
    static void setMesh( MeshType& mesh,
                         const IndexType& size )
-      VertexType origin, proportions;
+      PointType origin, proportions;
       origin.x() = -2.0;
       proportions.x() = 4.0;
       mesh.setDomain( origin, proportions );
@@ -82,14 +82,14 @@ class tnlPDEOperatorEocTestSetter< ApproximateOperator,
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > MeshType;
       typedef ExactOperator ExactOperatorType;
       typedef ApproximateOperator ApproximateOperatorType;
-      typedef typename MeshType::VertexType VertexType;
+      typedef typename MeshType::PointType PointType;
       typedef typename MeshType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
       typedef ExpBump< 2, Real > FunctionType;
    static void setMesh( MeshType& mesh,
                         const IndexType& size )
-      VertexType origin, proportions;
+      PointType origin, proportions;
       origin.x() = -1.0;
       origin.y() = -1.0;
       proportions.x() = 2.0;
@@ -126,14 +126,14 @@ class tnlPDEOperatorEocTestSetter< ApproximateOperator,
       typedef Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > MeshType;
       typedef ExactOperator ExactOperatorType;
       typedef ApproximateOperator ApproximateOperatorType;
-      typedef typename MeshType::VertexType VertexType;
+      typedef typename MeshType::PointType PointType;
       typedef typename MeshType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
       typedef ExpBump< 3, Real > FunctionType;
    static void setMesh( MeshType& mesh,
                         const IndexType& size )
-      VertexType origin, proportions;
+      PointType origin, proportions;
       origin.x() = -1.0;
       origin.y() = -1.0;
       origin.z() = -1.0;