diff --git a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/initializer/MeshSuperentityStorageInitializer.h b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/initializer/MeshSuperentityStorageInitializer.h
index 7bc2fa8a38dcf0190c8c4fb24c6d25f9e83d6fa4..6fc7cdfc300f362cb218ec29f6ccab38008a0eea 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/initializer/MeshSuperentityStorageInitializer.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Meshes/MeshDetails/initializer/MeshSuperentityStorageInitializer.h
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ class MeshSuperentityStorageInitializerLayer< MeshConfig,
       void addSuperentity( DimensionsTag, GlobalIndexType entityIndex, GlobalIndexType superentityIndex)
-         //std::cout << "Adding superentity with " << DimensionsTag::value << " dimensions of entity with " << EntityDimensions::value << " dimensions ... " << std::endl;
+         //std::cout << "Adding superentity with " << DimensionsTag::value << " dimensions of entity with " << EntityDimensions::value << " dimensions: entityIndex = " << entityIndex << ", superentityIndex = " << superentityIndex << std::endl;
          auto& indexSet = this->dynamicStorageNetwork[ entityIndex ];
          Assert( indexSet.count( superentityIndex ) == 0,
                     std::cerr << "Superentity " << superentityIndex << " with dimensions " << DimensionsTag::value
diff --git a/src/UnitTests/Meshes/MeshTest.h b/src/UnitTests/Meshes/MeshTest.h
index 6e1da8ab3671701f0afd95d6b9558d3b07b27dbc..47787a3bbaa3df6cb20f9d1e6271c139177d00fa 100644
--- a/src/UnitTests/Meshes/MeshTest.h
+++ b/src/UnitTests/Meshes/MeshTest.h
@@ -439,8 +439,8 @@ TEST( MeshTest, RegularMeshOfQuadrilateralsTest )
          const IndexType vertex0 = j * ( xSize + 1 ) + i;
          const IndexType vertex1 = j * ( xSize + 1 ) + i + 1;
-         const IndexType vertex2 = ( j + 1 ) * ( xSize + 1 ) + i;
-         const IndexType vertex3 = ( j + 1 ) * ( xSize + 1 ) + i + 1;
+         const IndexType vertex2 = ( j + 1 ) * ( xSize + 1 ) + i + 1;
+         const IndexType vertex3 = ( j + 1 ) * ( xSize + 1 ) + i;
          meshBuilder.getCellSeed( cellIdx   ).setCornerId( 0, vertex0 );
          meshBuilder.getCellSeed( cellIdx   ).setCornerId( 1, vertex1 );
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ TEST( MeshTest, RegularMeshOfQuadrilateralsTest )
 TEST( MeshTest, RegularMeshOfHexahedronsTest )
    using HexahedronMeshEntityType = MeshEntity< TestHexahedronMeshConfig, MeshHexahedronTopology >;
-   using TriangleMeshEntityType = typename HexahedronMeshEntityType::SubentityTraits< 2 >::SubentityType;
+   using QuadrilateralMeshEntityType = typename HexahedronMeshEntityType::SubentityTraits< 2 >::SubentityType;
    using EdgeMeshEntityType = typename HexahedronMeshEntityType::SubentityTraits< 1 >::SubentityType;
    using VertexMeshEntityType = typename HexahedronMeshEntityType::SubentityTraits< 0 >::SubentityType;