diff --git a/src/UnitTests/Matrices/DenseMatrixTest.cpp b/src/UnitTests/Matrices/DenseMatrixTest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..46f6b9bd3531652feb15f10d60e5736ddfb627fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/UnitTests/Matrices/DenseMatrixTest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+                          SparseMatrixTest.cpp -  description
+                             -------------------
+    begin                : Nov 2, 2018
+    copyright            : (C) 2018 by Tomas Oberhuber et al.
+    email                : tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ ***************************************************************************/
+/* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+#include "SparseMatrixTest.h"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/UnitTests/Matrices/DenseMatrixTest.cu b/src/UnitTests/Matrices/DenseMatrixTest.cu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..01c23c1937b6ea39c2c99647207d74297ea588c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/UnitTests/Matrices/DenseMatrixTest.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+                          SparseMatrixTest.cu -  description
+                             -------------------
+    begin                : Nov 2, 2018
+    copyright            : (C) 2018 by Tomas Oberhuber et al.
+    email                : tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ ***************************************************************************/
+/* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+#include "SparseMatrixTest.h"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/UnitTests/Matrices/DenseMatrixTest.h b/src/UnitTests/Matrices/DenseMatrixTest.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..804a5a4aeb30658dbfe107e566c4ab8628d5e18f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/UnitTests/Matrices/DenseMatrixTest.h
@@ -0,0 +1,897 @@
+                          SparseMatrixTest.h -  description
+                             -------------------
+    begin                : Nov 2, 2018
+    copyright            : (C) 2018 by Tomas Oberhuber et al.
+    email                : tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ ***************************************************************************/
+/* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+// TODO
+ * getType()                        ::HOW?  How to test this for each format? edit string how?
+ *      Found the mistake for Cuda instead of Devices::Cuda. Incorrect String in src/TNL/Devices/Cuda.cpp
+ * getTypeVirtual()                 ::TEST? This just calls getType().
+ * getSerializationType()           ::TEST? This just calls HostType::getType().
+ * getSerializationTypeVirtual()    ::TEST? This just calls getSerializationType().
+ * setDimensions()                      ::DONE
+ * setCompressedRowLengths()            ::DONE
+ * getRowLength()                   ::USED! In test_SetCompressedRowLengths() to verify the test itself.
+ * getRowLengthFast()               ::TEST? How to test __cuda_callable__? ONLY TEST ON CPU FOR NOW
+ * setLike()                            ::DONE
+ * reset()                              ::DONE
+ * setElementFast()                 ::TEST? How to test __cuda_callable__? ONLY TEST ON CPU FOR NOW
+ * setElement()                         ::DONE
+ * addElementFast()                 ::TEST? How to test __cuda_callable__? ONLY TEST ON CPU FOR NOW
+ * addElement()                         ::DONE
+ * setRowFast()                     ::TEST? How to test __cuda_callable__? ONLY TEST ON CPU FOR NOW
+ * setRow()                             ::DONE
+ * addRowFast()                     ::TEST? How to test __cuda_callable__? ONLY TEST ON CPU FOR NOW
+ * addRow()                         ::NOT IMPLEMENTED! This calls addRowFast() which isn't implemented. Implement? Is it supposed to add an extra row to the matrix or add elements of a row to another row in the matrix?
+ * getElementFast()                 ::TEST? How to test __cuda_callable__? ONLY TEST ON CPU FOR NOW
+ * getElement()                     ::USED! In test_SetElement(), test_AddElement() and test_setRow() to verify the test itself.
+ * getRowFast()                     ::TEST? How to test __cuda_callable__? ONLY TEST ON CPU FOR NOW
+ * MatrixRow getRow()               ::TEST? How to test __cuda_callable__? ONLY TEST ON CPU FOR NOW
+ * ConstMatrixRow getRow()          ::TEST? How to test __cuda_callable__? ONLY TEST ON CPU FOR NOW
+ * rowVectorProduct()               ::TEST? How to test __cuda_callable__? ONLY TEST ON CPU FOR NOW
+ * vectorProduct()                  ::HOW? Throwing abort CUDA illegal memory access errors.
+ * addMatrix()                      ::NOT IMPLEMENTED!
+ * getTransposition()               ::NOT IMPLMENETED!
+ * performSORIteration()            ::HOW? Throws segmentation fault CUDA.
+ * operator=()                      ::HOW? What is this supposed to enable? Overloading operators?
+ * save( File& file)                ::USED! In save( String& fileName )
+ * load( File& file )               ::USED! In load( String& fileName )
+ * save( String& fileName )             ::DONE
+ * load( String& fileName )             ::DONE
+ * print()                              ::DONE
+ * setCudaKernelType()              ::NOT SUPPOSED TO TEST! via notes from 8.11.2018 supervisor meeting.
+ * getCudaKernelType()              ::NOT SUPPOSED TO TEST! via notes from 8.11.2018 supervisor meeting.
+ * setCudaWarpSize()                ::NOT SUPPOSED TO TEST! via notes from 8.11.2018 supervisor meeting.
+ * getCudaWarpSize()                ::NOT SUPPOSED TO TEST! via notes from 8.11.2018 supervisor meeting.
+ * setHybridModeSplit()             ::NOT SUPPOSED TO TEST! via notes from 8.11.2018 supervisor meeting.
+ * getHybridModeSplit()             ::NOT SUPPOSED TO TEST! via notes from 8.11.2018 supervisor meeting.
+ * spmvCudaVectorized()             ::TEST? How to test __device__?
+ * vectorProductCuda()              ::TEST? How to test __device__?
+ */
+ * For every function, EXPECT_EQ needs to be done, even for zeros in matrices.
+ * Figure out __cuda_callable_. When trying to call __cuda_callable__ functions
+ *      a segmentation fault (core dumped) is thrown.
+ *  ==>__cuda_callable__ works only for CPU at the moment. (for loops vs thread kernel assignment)
+ */
+#include <TNL/Matrices/CSR.h>
+#include <TNL/Matrices/Ellpack.h>
+#include <TNL/Matrices/SlicedEllpack.h>
+#include <TNL/Containers/VectorView.h>
+#include <TNL/Math.h>
+#include <iostream>
+using CSR_host_float = TNL::Matrices::CSR< float, TNL::Devices::Host, int >;
+using CSR_host_int = TNL::Matrices::CSR< int, TNL::Devices::Host, int >;
+using CSR_cuda_float = TNL::Matrices::CSR< float, TNL::Devices::Cuda, int >;
+using CSR_cuda_int = TNL::Matrices::CSR< int, TNL::Devices::Cuda, int >;
+#ifdef HAVE_GTEST 
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+template< typename MatrixHostFloat, typename MatrixHostInt >
+void host_test_GetType()
+    MatrixHostFloat mtrxHostFloat;
+    MatrixHostInt mtrxHostInt;
+    EXPECT_EQ( mtrxHostFloat.getType(), TNL::String( "Matrices::CSR< float, Devices::Host >" ) );
+    EXPECT_EQ( mtrxHostInt.getType(), TNL::String( "Matrices::CSR< int, Devices::Host >" ) );
+// QUESITON: Cant these two functions be combined into one? Because if no CUDA is present and we were to call
+//           CUDA into the function in the TEST, to be tested, then we could have a problem.
+template< typename MatrixCudaFloat, typename MatrixCudaInt >
+void cuda_test_GetType()
+    MatrixCudaFloat mtrxCudaFloat;
+    MatrixCudaInt mtrxCudaInt;
+    EXPECT_EQ( mtrxCudaFloat.getType(), TNL::String( "Matrices::CSR< float, Cuda >" ) );    // This is mistakenly labeled in /src/TNL/Devices/Cuda.cpp
+    EXPECT_EQ( mtrxCudaInt.getType(), TNL::String( "Matrices::CSR< int, Cuda >" ) );        // Should be Devices::Cuda
+template< typename Matrix >
+void test_SetDimensions()
+    const int rows = 9;
+    const int cols = 8;
+    Matrix m;
+    m.setDimensions( rows, cols );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getRows(), 9 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getColumns(), 8 );
+template< typename Matrix >
+void test_SetCompressedRowLengths()
+    const int rows = 10;
+    const int cols = 11;
+    Matrix m;
+    m.reset();
+    m.setDimensions( rows, cols );
+    typename Matrix::CompressedRowLengthsVector rowLengths;
+    rowLengths.setSize( rows );
+    rowLengths.setValue( 3 );
+    int value = 1;
+    for( int i = 2; i < rows; i++ )
+        rowLengths.setElement( i, value++ );
+    m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getRowLength( 0 ), 3 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getRowLength( 1 ), 3 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getRowLength( 2 ), 1 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getRowLength( 3 ), 2 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getRowLength( 4 ), 3 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getRowLength( 5 ), 4 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getRowLength( 6 ), 5 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getRowLength( 7 ), 6 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getRowLength( 8 ), 7 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getRowLength( 9 ), 8 );
+template< typename Matrix1, typename Matrix2 >
+void test_SetLike()
+    const int rows = 8;
+    const int cols = 7;
+    Matrix1 m1;
+    m1.reset();
+    m1.setDimensions( rows + 1, cols + 2 );
+    Matrix2 m2;
+    m2.reset();
+    m2.setDimensions( rows, cols );
+    m1.setLike( m2 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m1.getRows(), m2.getRows() );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m1.getColumns(), m2.getColumns() );
+template< typename Matrix >
+void test_Reset()
+ * Sets up the following 5x4 sparse matrix:
+ *
+ *    /  0  0  0  0 \
+ *    |  0  0  0  0 |
+ *    |  0  0  0  0 |
+ *    |  0  0  0  0 |
+ *    \  0  0  0  0 /
+ */
+    const int rows = 5;
+    const int cols = 4;
+    Matrix m;
+    m.setDimensions( rows, cols );
+    m.reset();
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getRows(), 0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getColumns(), 0 );
+template< typename Matrix >
+void test_SetElement()
+ * Sets up the following 5x5 sparse matrix:
+ *
+ *    /  1  0  0  0  0 \
+ *    |  0  2  0  0  0 |
+ *    |  0  0  3  0  0 |
+ *    |  0  0  0  4  0 |
+ *    \  0  0  0  0  5 /
+ */
+    const int rows = 5;
+    const int cols = 5;
+    Matrix m;
+    m.reset();
+    m.setDimensions( rows, cols );
+    typename Matrix::CompressedRowLengthsVector rowLengths;
+    rowLengths.setSize( rows );
+    rowLengths.setValue( 1 );
+    m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );    
+    int value = 1;
+    for( int i = 0; i < rows; i++ )
+        m.setElement( i, i, value++ );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 0, 0 ), 1 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 0, 1 ), 0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 0, 2 ), 0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 0, 3 ), 0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 0, 4 ), 0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 1, 0 ), 0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 1, 1 ), 2 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 1, 2 ), 0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 1, 3 ), 0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 1, 4 ), 0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 2, 0 ), 0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 2, 1 ), 0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 2, 2 ), 3 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 2, 3 ), 0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 2, 4 ), 0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 3, 0 ), 0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 3, 1 ), 0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 3, 2 ), 0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 3, 3 ), 4 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 3, 4 ), 0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 4, 0 ), 0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 4, 1 ), 0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 4, 2 ), 0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 4, 3 ), 0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 4, 4 ), 5 );
+template< typename Matrix >
+void test_AddElement()
+ * Sets up the following 6x5 sparse matrix:
+ *
+ *    /  1  2  3  0  0 \
+ *    |  0  4  5  6  0 |
+ *    |  0  0  7  8  9 |
+ *    | 10  0  0  0  0 |
+ *    |  0 11  0  0  0 |
+ *    \  0  0  0 12  0 /
+ */
+    const int rows = 6;
+    const int cols = 5;
+    Matrix m;
+    m.reset();
+    m.setDimensions( rows, cols );
+    typename Matrix::CompressedRowLengthsVector rowLengths;
+    rowLengths.setSize( rows );
+    rowLengths.setValue( 3 );
+    m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
+    int value = 1;
+    for( int i = 0; i < cols - 2; i++ )     // 0th row
+        m.setElement( 0, i, value++ );
+    for( int i = 1; i < cols - 1; i++ )     // 1st row
+        m.setElement( 1, i, value++ );
+    for( int i = 2; i < cols; i++ )         // 2nd row
+        m.setElement( 2, i, value++ );
+        m.setElement( 3, 0, value++ );      // 3rd row
+        m.setElement( 4, 1, value++ );      // 4th row
+        m.setElement( 5, 3, value++ );      // 5th row
+    // Check the set elements
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 0, 0 ),  1 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 0, 1 ),  2 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 0, 2 ),  3 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 0, 3 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 0, 4 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 1, 0 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 1, 1 ),  4 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 1, 2 ),  5 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 1, 3 ),  6 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 1, 4 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 2, 0 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 2, 1 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 2, 2 ),  7 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 2, 3 ),  8 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 2, 4 ),  9 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 3, 0 ), 10 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 3, 1 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 3, 2 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 3, 3 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 3, 4 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 4, 0 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 4, 1 ), 11 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 4, 2 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 4, 3 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 4, 4 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 5, 0 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 5, 1 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 5, 2 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 5, 3 ), 12 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 5, 4 ),  0 );
+    // Add new elements to the old elements with a multiplying factor applied to the old elements.
+ * The following setup results in the following 6x5 sparse matrix:
+ *
+ *    /  3  6  9  0  0 \
+ *    |  0 12 15 18  0 |
+ *    |  0  0 21 24 27 |
+ *    | 30 11 12  0  0 |
+ *    |  0 35 14 15  0 |
+ *    \  0  0 16 41 18 /
+ */
+    int newValue = 1;
+    for( int i = 0; i < cols - 2; i++ )         // 0th row
+        m.addElement( 0, i, newValue++, 2.0 );
+    for( int i = 1; i < cols - 1; i++ )         // 1st row
+        m.addElement( 1, i, newValue++, 2.0 );
+    for( int i = 2; i < cols; i++ )             // 2nd row
+        m.addElement( 2, i, newValue++, 2.0 );
+    for( int i = 0; i < cols - 2; i++ )         // 3rd row
+        m.addElement( 3, i, newValue++, 2.0 );
+    for( int i = 1; i < cols - 1; i++ )         // 4th row
+        m.addElement( 4, i, newValue++, 2.0 );
+    for( int i = 2; i < cols; i++ )             // 5th row
+        m.addElement( 5, i, newValue++, 2.0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 0, 0 ),  3 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 0, 1 ),  6 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 0, 2 ),  9 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 0, 3 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 0, 4 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 1, 0 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 1, 1 ), 12 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 1, 2 ), 15 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 1, 3 ), 18 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 1, 4 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 2, 0 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 2, 1 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 2, 2 ), 21 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 2, 3 ), 24 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 2, 4 ), 27 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 3, 0 ), 30 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 3, 1 ), 11 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 3, 2 ), 12 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 3, 3 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 3, 4 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 4, 0 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 4, 1 ), 35 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 4, 2 ), 14 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 4, 3 ), 15 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 4, 4 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 5, 0 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 5, 1 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 5, 2 ), 16 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 5, 3 ), 41 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 5, 4 ), 18 );
+template< typename Matrix >
+void test_SetRow()
+ * Sets up the following 3x7 sparse matrix:
+ *
+ *    /  0  0  0  1  1  1  0 \
+ *    |  2  2  2  0  0  0  0 |
+ *    \  3  3  3  0  0  0  0 /
+ */
+    const int rows = 3;
+    const int cols = 7;
+    Matrix m;
+    m.reset();
+    m.setDimensions( rows, cols );
+    typename Matrix::CompressedRowLengthsVector rowLengths;
+    rowLengths.setSize( rows );
+    rowLengths.setValue( 6 );
+    rowLengths.setElement( 1, 3 );
+    m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
+    int value = 1;
+    for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
+    {
+        m.setElement( 0, i + 3, value );
+        m.setElement( 1, i, value + 1 );
+        m.setElement( 2, i, value + 2);
+    }
+    int row1 [ 3 ] = { 11, 11, 11 }; int colIndexes1 [3] = { 0, 1, 2 };
+    int row2 [ 3 ] = { 22, 22, 22 }; int colIndexes2 [3] = { 0, 1, 2 };
+    int row3 [ 3 ] = { 33, 33, 33 }; int colIndexes3 [3] = { 3, 4, 5 };
+    m.setRow( 0, colIndexes1, row1, 3 );
+    m.setRow( 1, colIndexes2, row2, 3 );
+    m.setRow( 2, colIndexes3, row3, 3 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 0, 0 ), 11 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 0, 1 ), 11 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 0, 2 ), 11 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 0, 3 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 0, 4 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 0, 5 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 0, 6 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 1, 0 ), 22 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 1, 1 ), 22 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 1, 2 ), 22 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 1, 3 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 1, 4 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 1, 5 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 1, 6 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 2, 0 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 2, 1 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 2, 2 ),  0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 2, 3 ), 33 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 2, 4 ), 33 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 2, 5 ), 33 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( m.getElement( 2, 6 ),  0 );
+template< typename Matrix >
+void test_VectorProduct()
+ * Sets up the following 5x4 sparse matrix:
+ *
+ *    /  1  2  3  0 \
+ *    |  0  0  0  4 |
+ *    |  5  6  7  0 |
+ *    |  0  8  9 10 |
+ *    \  0  0 11 12 /
+ */
+    const int m_rows = 5;
+    const int m_cols = 4;
+    Matrix m;
+    m.reset();
+    m.setDimensions( m_rows, m_cols );
+    typename Matrix::CompressedRowLengthsVector rowLengths;
+    rowLengths.setSize( m_rows );
+    rowLengths.setValue( 3 );
+    m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
+    int value = 1;
+    for( int i = 0; i < m_cols - 1; i++ )   // 0th row
+        m.setElement( 0, i, value++ );
+        m.setElement( 1, 3, value++ );      // 1st row
+    for( int i = 0; i < m_cols - 1; i++ )   // 2nd row
+        m.setElement( 2, i, value++ );
+    for( int i = 1; i < m_cols; i++ )       // 3rd row
+        m.setElement( 3, i, value++ );
+    for( int i = 2; i < m_cols; i++ )       // 4th row
+        m.setElement( 4, i, value++ );
+    #include <TNL/Containers/Vector.h>
+    #include <TNL/Containers/VectorView.h>
+    using namespace TNL;
+    using namespace TNL::Containers;
+    using namespace TNL::Containers::Algorithms;
+    Vector< int, Devices::Host, int > inVector;
+    inVector.setSize( 4 );
+    for( int i = 0; i < inVector.getSize(); i++ )        
+        inVector.setElement( i, 2 );
+    Vector< int, Devices::Host, int > outVector;  
+    outVector.setSize( 5 );
+    for( int j = 0; j < outVector.getSize(); j++ )
+        outVector.setElement( j, 0 );
+    m.vectorProduct( inVector, outVector); // ERROR: This throws an error when Vector<> declarations are used.
+    EXPECT_EQ( outVector.getElement( 0 ), 12 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( outVector.getElement( 1 ),  8 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( outVector.getElement( 2 ), 36 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( outVector.getElement( 3 ), 54 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( outVector.getElement( 4 ), 46 );
+template< typename Matrix >
+void test_PerformSORIteration()
+ * Sets up the following 4x4 sparse matrix:
+ *
+ *    /  4  1  0  0 \
+ *    |  1  4  1  0 |
+ *    |  0  1  4  1 |
+ *    \  0  0  1  4 /
+ */
+    const int m_rows = 4;
+    const int m_cols = 4;
+    Matrix m;
+    m.reset();
+    m.setDimensions( m_rows, m_cols );
+    typename Matrix::CompressedRowLengthsVector rowLengths;
+    rowLengths.setSize( m_rows );
+    rowLengths.setValue( 3 );
+    m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
+    m.setElement( 0, 0, 4.0 );        // 0th row
+    m.setElement( 0, 1, 1.0);
+    m.setElement( 1, 0, 1.0 );        // 1st row
+    m.setElement( 1, 1, 4.0 );
+    m.setElement( 1, 2, 1.0 );
+    m.setElement( 2, 1, 1.0 );        // 2nd row
+    m.setElement( 2, 2, 4.0 );
+    m.setElement( 2, 3, 1.0 );
+    m.setElement( 3, 2, 1.0 );        // 3rd row
+    m.setElement( 3, 3, 4.0 );
+    float bVector [ 4 ] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
+    float xVector [ 4 ] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
+    m.performSORIteration( bVector, 0, xVector, 1);
+    EXPECT_EQ( xVector[ 0 ], 0.0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( xVector[ 1 ], 1.0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( xVector[ 2 ], 1.0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( xVector[ 3 ], 1.0 );
+    m.performSORIteration( bVector, 1, xVector, 1);
+    EXPECT_EQ( xVector[ 0 ], 0.0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( xVector[ 1 ], 0.0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( xVector[ 2 ], 1.0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( xVector[ 3 ], 1.0 );
+    m.performSORIteration( bVector, 2, xVector, 1);
+    EXPECT_EQ( xVector[ 0 ], 0.0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( xVector[ 1 ], 0.0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( xVector[ 2 ], 0.0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( xVector[ 3 ], 1.0 );
+    m.performSORIteration( bVector, 3, xVector, 1);
+    EXPECT_EQ( xVector[ 0 ], 0.0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( xVector[ 1 ], 0.0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( xVector[ 2 ], 0.0 );
+    EXPECT_EQ( xVector[ 3 ], 0.25 );
+template< typename Matrix >
+void test_SaveAndLoad()
+ * Sets up the following 4x4 sparse matrix:
+ *
+ *    /  1  2  3  0 \
+ *    |  0  4  0  5 |
+ *    |  6  7  8  0 |
+ *    \  0  9 10 11 /
+ */
+    const int m_rows = 4;
+    const int m_cols = 4;
+    Matrix savedMatrix;
+    savedMatrix.reset();
+    savedMatrix.setDimensions( m_rows, m_cols );
+    typename Matrix::CompressedRowLengthsVector rowLengths;
+    rowLengths.setSize( m_rows );
+    rowLengths.setValue( 3 );
+    savedMatrix.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
+    int value = 1;
+    for( int i = 0; i < m_cols - 1; i++ )   // 0th row
+        savedMatrix.setElement( 0, i, value++ );
+        savedMatrix.setElement( 1, 1, value++ );
+        savedMatrix.setElement( 1, 3, value++ );      // 1st row
+    for( int i = 0; i < m_cols - 1; i++ )   // 2nd row
+        savedMatrix.setElement( 2, i, value++ );
+    for( int i = 1; i < m_cols; i++ )       // 3rd row
+        savedMatrix.setElement( 3, i, value++ );
+    savedMatrix.save( "matrixFile" );
+    Matrix loadedMatrix;
+    loadedMatrix.reset();
+    loadedMatrix.setDimensions( m_rows, m_cols );
+    typename Matrix::CompressedRowLengthsVector rowLengths2;
+    rowLengths2.setSize( m_rows );
+    rowLengths2.setValue( 3 );
+    loadedMatrix.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths2 );
+    loadedMatrix.load( "matrixFile" );
+    EXPECT_EQ( savedMatrix.getElement( 0, 0 ), loadedMatrix.getElement( 0, 0 ) );
+    EXPECT_EQ( savedMatrix.getElement( 0, 1 ), loadedMatrix.getElement( 0, 1 ) );
+    EXPECT_EQ( savedMatrix.getElement( 0, 2 ), loadedMatrix.getElement( 0, 2 ) );
+    EXPECT_EQ( savedMatrix.getElement( 0, 3 ), loadedMatrix.getElement( 0, 3 ) );
+    EXPECT_EQ( savedMatrix.getElement( 1, 0 ), loadedMatrix.getElement( 1, 0 ) );
+    EXPECT_EQ( savedMatrix.getElement( 1, 1 ), loadedMatrix.getElement( 1, 1 ) );
+    EXPECT_EQ( savedMatrix.getElement( 1, 2 ), loadedMatrix.getElement( 1, 2 ) );
+    EXPECT_EQ( savedMatrix.getElement( 1, 3 ), loadedMatrix.getElement( 1, 3 ) );
+    EXPECT_EQ( savedMatrix.getElement( 2, 0 ), loadedMatrix.getElement( 2, 0 ) );
+    EXPECT_EQ( savedMatrix.getElement( 2, 1 ), loadedMatrix.getElement( 2, 1 ) );
+    EXPECT_EQ( savedMatrix.getElement( 2, 2 ), loadedMatrix.getElement( 2, 2 ) );
+    EXPECT_EQ( savedMatrix.getElement( 2, 3 ), loadedMatrix.getElement( 2, 3 ) );
+    EXPECT_EQ( savedMatrix.getElement( 3, 0 ), loadedMatrix.getElement( 3, 0 ) );
+    EXPECT_EQ( savedMatrix.getElement( 3, 1 ), loadedMatrix.getElement( 3, 1 ) );
+    EXPECT_EQ( savedMatrix.getElement( 3, 2 ), loadedMatrix.getElement( 3, 2 ) );
+    EXPECT_EQ( savedMatrix.getElement( 3, 3 ), loadedMatrix.getElement( 3, 3 ) );
+    std::cout << "\nThis will create a file called 'matrixFile' (of the matrix created in the test function), in .../tnl-dev/Debug/bin/!\n\n";
+template< typename Matrix >
+void test_Print()
+ * Sets up the following 5x4 sparse matrix:
+ *
+ *    /  1  2  3  0 \
+ *    |  0  0  0  4 |
+ *    |  5  6  7  0 |
+ *    |  0  8  9 10 |
+ *    \  0  0 11 12 /
+ */
+    const int m_rows = 5;
+    const int m_cols = 4;
+    Matrix m;
+    m.reset();
+    m.setDimensions( m_rows, m_cols );
+    typename Matrix::CompressedRowLengthsVector rowLengths;
+    rowLengths.setSize( m_rows );
+    rowLengths.setValue( 3 );
+    m.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
+    int value = 1;
+    for( int i = 0; i < m_cols - 1; i++ )   // 0th row
+        m.setElement( 0, i, value++ );
+        m.setElement( 1, 3, value++ );      // 1st row
+    for( int i = 0; i < m_cols - 1; i++ )   // 2nd row
+        m.setElement( 2, i, value++ );
+    for( int i = 1; i < m_cols; i++ )       // 3rd row
+        m.setElement( 3, i, value++ );
+    for( int i = 2; i < m_cols; i++ )       // 4th row
+        m.setElement( 4, i, value++ );
+    // This is from: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5193173/getting-cout-output-to-a-stdstring
+    #include <sstream>
+    std::stringstream printed;
+    std::stringstream couted;
+    // This is from: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19485536/redirect-output-of-an-function-printing-to-console-to-string
+    //change the underlying buffer and save the old buffer
+    auto old_buf = std::cout.rdbuf(printed.rdbuf()); 
+    m.print( std::cout ); //all the std::cout goes to ss
+    std::cout.rdbuf(old_buf); //reset
+    //printed << printed.str() << std::endl;
+    couted << "Row: 0 ->  Col:0->1	 Col:1->2	 Col:2->3\t\n"
+               "Row: 1 ->  Col:3->4\t\n"
+               "Row: 2 ->  Col:0->5	 Col:1->6	 Col:2->7\t\n"
+               "Row: 3 ->  Col:1->8	 Col:2->9	 Col:3->10\t\n"
+               "Row: 4 ->  Col:2->11	 Col:3->12\t\n";
+    EXPECT_EQ( printed.str(), couted.str() );
+//// test_getType is not general enough yet. DO NOT TEST IT YET.
+//TEST( SparseMatrixTest, CSR_GetTypeTest_Host )
+//   host_test_GetType< CSR_host_float, CSR_host_int >();
+//#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
+//TEST( SparseMatrixTest, CSR_GetTypeTest_Cuda )
+//   cuda_test_GetType< CSR_cuda_float, CSR_cuda_int >();
+TEST( SparseMatrixTest, CSR_setDimensionsTest_Host )
+   test_SetDimensions< CSR_host_int >();
+#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
+TEST( SparseMatrixTest, CSR_setDimensionsTest_Cuda )
+   test_SetDimensions< CSR_cuda_int >();
+TEST( SparseMatrixTest, CSR_setCompressedRowLengthsTest_Host )
+   test_SetCompressedRowLengths< CSR_host_int >();
+#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
+TEST( SparseMatrixTest, CSR_setCompressedRowLengthsTest_Cuda )
+   test_SetCompressedRowLengths< CSR_cuda_int >();
+TEST( SparseMatrixTest, CSR_setLikeTest_Host )
+   test_SetLike< CSR_host_int, CSR_host_float >();
+#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
+TEST( SparseMatrixTest, CSR_setLikeTest_Cuda )
+   test_SetLike< CSR_cuda_int, CSR_cuda_float >();
+TEST( SparseMatrixTest, CSR_resetTest_Host )
+    test_Reset< CSR_host_int >();
+#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
+TEST( SparseMatrixTest, CSR_resetTest_Cuda )
+    test_Reset< CSR_cuda_int >();
+TEST( SparseMatrixTest, CSR_setElementTest_Host )
+    test_SetElement< CSR_host_int >();
+#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
+TEST( SparseMatrixTest, CSR_setElementTest_Cuda )
+    test_SetElement< CSR_cuda_int >();
+TEST( SparseMatrixTest, CSR_addElementTest_Host )
+    test_AddElement< CSR_host_int >();
+#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
+TEST( SparseMatrixTest, CSR_addElementTest_Cuda )
+    test_AddElement< CSR_cuda_int >();
+TEST( SparseMatrixTest, CSR_setRowTest_Host )
+    test_SetRow< CSR_host_int >();
+#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
+TEST( SparseMatrixTest, CSR_setRowTest_Cuda )
+    test_SetRow< CSR_cuda_int >();
+TEST( SparseMatrixTest, CSR_vectorProductTest_Host )
+    test_VectorProduct< CSR_host_int >();
+#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
+TEST( SparseMatrixTest, CSR_vectorProductTest_Cuda )
+//    test_VectorProduct< CSR_cuda_int >();
+    bool testRan = false;
+    EXPECT_TRUE( testRan );
+    std::cout << "\nTEST DID NOT RUN. NOT WOKRING.\n\n";
+    std::cout << "If launched, this test throws the following message: \n";
+    std::cout << "      terminate called after throwing an instance of 'TNL::Exceptions::CudaRuntimeError'\n";
+    std::cout << "        what():  CUDA ERROR 77 (cudaErrorIllegalAddress): an illegal memory access was encountered.\n";
+    std::cout << "      Source: line 57 in /home/lukas/tnl-dev/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/ArrayOperationsCuda_impl.h: an illegal memory access was encountered\n";
+    std::cout << "      [1]    7238 abort (core dumped)  ./SparseMatrixTest-dbg\n\n";
+TEST( SparseMatrixTest, CSR_perforSORIterationTest_Host )
+    test_PerformSORIteration< CSR_host_float >();
+#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
+TEST( SparseMatrixTest, CSR_perforSORIterationTest_Cuda )
+//    test_PerformSORIteration< CSR_cuda_float >();
+    bool testRan = false;
+    EXPECT_TRUE( testRan );
+    std::cout << "\nTEST DID NOT RUN. NOT WORKING.\n\n";
+    std::cout << "If launched, this test throws the following message: \n";
+    std::cout << "      [1]    16958 segmentation fault (core dumped)  ./SparseMatrixTest-dbg\n\n";
+TEST( SparseMatrixTest, CSR_saveAndLoadTest_Host )
+    test_SaveAndLoad< CSR_host_int >();
+#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
+TEST( SparseMatrixTest, CSR_saveAndLoadTest_Cuda )
+    test_SaveAndLoad< CSR_cuda_int >();
+TEST( SparseMatrixTest, CSR_printTest_Host )
+    test_Print< CSR_host_int >();
+#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
+TEST( SparseMatrixTest, CSR_printTest_Cuda )
+    test_Print< CSR_cuda_int >();
+#include "../GtestMissingError.h"
+int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
+#ifdef HAVE_GTEST
+   ::testing::InitGoogleTest( &argc, argv );
+   return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
+   throw GtestMissingError();
diff --git a/src/UnitTests/Matrices/SparseMatrixTest.h b/src/UnitTests/Matrices/SparseMatrixTest.h
index 804a5a4aeb30658dbfe107e566c4ab8628d5e18f..4648004852c08934a5e85cb6ffc23c3c035cfc58 100644
--- a/src/UnitTests/Matrices/SparseMatrixTest.h
+++ b/src/UnitTests/Matrices/SparseMatrixTest.h
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
  * getType()                        ::HOW?  How to test this for each format? edit string how?
  *      Found the mistake for Cuda instead of Devices::Cuda. Incorrect String in src/TNL/Devices/Cuda.cpp
+ *      MISSING: indexType is missing in CSR_impl.h
  * getTypeVirtual()                 ::TEST? This just calls getType().
  * getSerializationType()           ::TEST? This just calls HostType::getType().
  * getSerializationTypeVirtual()    ::TEST? This just calls getSerializationType().