diff --git a/src/TNL/Config/CMakeLists.txt b/src/TNL/Config/CMakeLists.txt
index 3e11699a7f9503986d991eb6e2d4dd98df9b1c02..b88a173fe84f6df4002e4cf5f1c07896844bcf8f 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Config/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/TNL/Config/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,25 +1,13 @@
-SET( headers 
+SET( headers
-     ConfigDescription.h     	    
+     ConfigDescription.h
+     make_unique.h
-    )
-set( common_SOURCES
-     ${CURRENT_DIR}/ConfigDescription.cpp 
-     ${CURRENT_DIR}/ParameterContainer.cpp )
-SET( tnl_config_SOURCES 
-     ${common_SOURCES}
-SET( tnl_config_CUDA__SOURCES
-     ${common_SOURCES} 
+     parseCommandLine.h
diff --git a/src/TNL/Config/ConfigDescription.cpp b/src/TNL/Config/ConfigDescription.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e8859523cc17d596e691f3d60b978d0c4eeed276..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/TNL/Config/ConfigDescription.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-                          Config::ConfigDescription.cpp  -  description
-                             -------------------
-    begin                : 2007/06/09
-    copyright            : (C) 2007 by Tomas Oberhuber
-    email                : tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
- ***************************************************************************/
-/* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
-#include <fstream>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <string>
-#include <TNL/Config/ConfigDescription.h>
-#include <TNL/Config/ParameterContainer.h>
-namespace TNL {
-namespace Config {
-printUsage( const char* program_name ) const
-   std::cout << "Usage of: " << program_name << std::endl << std::endl;
-   const int entries_num = entries.size();
-   int max_name_length( 0 );
-   int max_type_length( 0 );
-   for( int j = 0; j < entries_num; j++ )
-      if( ! entries[ j ]->isDelimiter() )
-      {
-         max_name_length = std::max( max_name_length,
-                     entries[ j ] -> name. getLength() );
-         max_type_length = std::max( max_type_length,
-                     entries[ j ] -> getUIEntryType().getLength() );
-      }
-   max_name_length += 2; // this is for '--'
-   for( int j = 0; j < entries_num; j++ )
-   {
-      if( entries[ j ]->isDelimiter() )
-      {
-         std::cout << std::endl;
-         std::cout << entries[ j ]->description;
-         std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
-      }
-      else
-      {
-         std::cout << std::setw( max_name_length + 3 ) << String( "--" ) + entries[ j ]->name
-              << std::setw( max_type_length + 5 ) << entries[ j ] -> getUIEntryType()
-              << "    " << entries[ j ]->description;
-         if( entries[ j ] -> required )
-            std::cout << " *** REQUIRED ***";
-         if( entries[ j ]->hasEnumValues() )
-         {
-            std::cout << std::endl
-                 << std::setw( max_name_length + 3 ) << ""
-                 << std::setw( max_type_length + 5 ) << ""
-                 << "    ";
-            entries[ j ]->printEnumValues();
-         }
-         if( entries[ j ]->hasDefaultValue )
-         {
-            std::cout << std::endl
-                 << std::setw( max_name_length + 3 ) << ""
-                 << std::setw( max_type_length + 5 ) << ""
-                 << "    ";
-            std::cout << "- Default value is: " << entries[ j ]->printDefaultValue();
-         }
-         std::cout << std::endl;
-      }
-   }
-   std::cout << std::endl;
-addMissingEntries( Config::ParameterContainer& parameter_container ) const
-   const int size = entries.size();
-   for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
-   {
-      const char* entry_name = entries[ i ]->name.getString();
-      if( entries[ i ]->hasDefaultValue &&
-          ! parameter_container.checkParameter( entry_name ) )
-      {
-         if( entries[ i ]->getEntryType() == "String" )
-         {
-            ConfigEntry< String >& entry = dynamic_cast< ConfigEntry< String >& >( *entries[ i ] );
-            parameter_container.addParameter< String >( entry_name, entry.defaultValue );
-            continue;
-         }
-         if( entries[ i ]->getEntryType() == "bool" )
-         {
-            ConfigEntry< bool >& entry = dynamic_cast< ConfigEntry< bool >& >( *entries[ i ] );
-            parameter_container.addParameter< bool >( entry_name, entry.defaultValue );
-            continue;
-         }
-         if( entries[ i ]->getEntryType() == "int" )
-         {
-            ConfigEntry< int >& entry = dynamic_cast< ConfigEntry< int >& >( *entries[ i ] );
-            parameter_container.addParameter< int >( entry_name, entry.defaultValue );
-            continue;
-         }
-         if( entries[ i ]->getEntryType() == "double" )
-         {
-            ConfigEntry< double >& entry = dynamic_cast< ConfigEntry< double >& >( *entries[ i ] );
-            parameter_container.addParameter< double >( entry_name, entry.defaultValue );
-            continue;
-         }
-      }
-   }
-checkMissingEntries( Config::ParameterContainer& parameter_container,
-                     bool printUsage,
-                     const char* programName ) const
-   const int size = entries.size();
-   std::vector< std::string > missingParameters;
-   for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
-   {
-      const char* entry_name = entries[ i ] -> name.getString();
-      if( entries[ i ] -> required &&
-          ! parameter_container.checkParameter( entry_name ) )
-         missingParameters.push_back( entry_name );
-   }
-   if( missingParameters.size() > 0 )
-   {
-      std::cerr << "Some mandatory parameters are misssing. They are listed at the end. " << std::endl;
-      if( printUsage )
-         this->printUsage( programName );
-      std::cerr << "Add the following missing parameters to the command line: " << std::endl << "   ";
-      for( int i = 0; i < (int) missingParameters.size(); i++ )
-         std::cerr << "--" << missingParameters[ i ] << " ... ";
-      std::cerr << std::endl;
-      return false;
-   }
-   return true;
-} // namespace Config
-} // namespace TNL
diff --git a/src/TNL/Config/ConfigDescription.h b/src/TNL/Config/ConfigDescription.h
index 6aa1c52f8e96616eb0d4ea75503510092791c42c..7d05b0976318c0bc60411fb7c9d62a57bb884528 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Config/ConfigDescription.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Config/ConfigDescription.h
@@ -10,20 +10,11 @@
 #pragma once
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <string>
 #include <vector>
 #include <memory>
-// std::make_unique does not exist until C++14
-// https://stackoverflow.com/a/9657991
-#if __cplusplus < 201402L
-namespace std {
-   template<typename T, typename ...Args>
-   std::unique_ptr<T> make_unique( Args&& ...args )
-   {
-      return std::unique_ptr<T>( new T( std::forward<Args>(args)... ) );
-   }
+#include "make_unique.h"
 #include <TNL/Assert.h>
 #include <TNL/String.h>
@@ -32,12 +23,11 @@ namespace std {
 #include <TNL/Config/ConfigEntry.h>
 #include <TNL/Config/ConfigEntryList.h>
 #include <TNL/Config/ConfigDelimiter.h>
+#include <TNL/Config/ParameterContainer.h>
 namespace TNL {
 namespace Config {
-class ParameterContainer;
 class ConfigDescription
@@ -245,21 +235,130 @@ public:
     * If there is missing entry with defined default value in the Config::ParameterContainer it is going to be added.
     * \param parameter_container Name of the ParameterContainer object.
-   void addMissingEntries( Config::ParameterContainer& parameter_container ) const;
+   void addMissingEntries( Config::ParameterContainer& parameter_container ) const
+   {
+      const int size = entries.size();
+      for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
+      {
+         const char* entry_name = entries[ i ]->name.getString();
+         if( entries[ i ]->hasDefaultValue &&
+             ! parameter_container.checkParameter( entry_name ) )
+         {
+            if( entries[ i ]->getEntryType() == "String" )
+            {
+               ConfigEntry< String >& entry = dynamic_cast< ConfigEntry< String >& >( *entries[ i ] );
+               parameter_container.addParameter< String >( entry_name, entry.defaultValue );
+               continue;
+            }
+            if( entries[ i ]->getEntryType() == "bool" )
+            {
+               ConfigEntry< bool >& entry = dynamic_cast< ConfigEntry< bool >& >( *entries[ i ] );
+               parameter_container.addParameter< bool >( entry_name, entry.defaultValue );
+               continue;
+            }
+            if( entries[ i ]->getEntryType() == "int" )
+            {
+               ConfigEntry< int >& entry = dynamic_cast< ConfigEntry< int >& >( *entries[ i ] );
+               parameter_container.addParameter< int >( entry_name, entry.defaultValue );
+               continue;
+            }
+            if( entries[ i ]->getEntryType() == "double" )
+            {
+               ConfigEntry< double >& entry = dynamic_cast< ConfigEntry< double >& >( *entries[ i ] );
+               parameter_container.addParameter< double >( entry_name, entry.defaultValue );
+               continue;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+   }
    //! Check for all entries with the flag 'required'.
    /*! Returns false if any parameter is missing.
    bool checkMissingEntries( Config::ParameterContainer& parameter_container,
                              bool printUsage,
-                             const char* programName ) const;
+                             const char* programName ) const
+   {
+      const int size = entries.size();
+      std::vector< std::string > missingParameters;
+      for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
+      {
+         const char* entry_name = entries[ i ] -> name.getString();
+         if( entries[ i ] -> required &&
+             ! parameter_container.checkParameter( entry_name ) )
+            missingParameters.push_back( entry_name );
+      }
+      if( missingParameters.size() > 0 )
+      {
+         std::cerr << "Some mandatory parameters are misssing. They are listed at the end. " << std::endl;
+         if( printUsage )
+            this->printUsage( programName );
+         std::cerr << "Add the following missing parameters to the command line: " << std::endl << "   ";
+         for( int i = 0; i < (int) missingParameters.size(); i++ )
+            std::cerr << "--" << missingParameters[ i ] << " ... ";
+         std::cerr << std::endl;
+         return false;
+      }
+      return true;
+   }
     * \brief Prints configuration description with the \e program_name at the top.
     * \param program_name Name of the program
-   void printUsage( const char* program_name ) const;
+   void printUsage( const char* program_name ) const
+   {
+      std::cout << "Usage of: " << program_name << std::endl << std::endl;
+      const int entries_num = entries.size();
+      int max_name_length( 0 );
+      int max_type_length( 0 );
+      for( int j = 0; j < entries_num; j++ )
+         if( ! entries[ j ]->isDelimiter() )
+         {
+            max_name_length = std::max( max_name_length,
+                        entries[ j ] -> name. getLength() );
+            max_type_length = std::max( max_type_length,
+                        entries[ j ] -> getUIEntryType().getLength() );
+         }
+      max_name_length += 2; // this is for '--'
+      for( int j = 0; j < entries_num; j++ )
+      {
+         if( entries[ j ]->isDelimiter() )
+         {
+            std::cout << std::endl;
+            std::cout << entries[ j ]->description;
+            std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            std::cout << std::setw( max_name_length + 3 ) << String( "--" ) + entries[ j ]->name
+                 << std::setw( max_type_length + 5 ) << entries[ j ] -> getUIEntryType()
+                 << "    " << entries[ j ]->description;
+            if( entries[ j ] -> required )
+               std::cout << " *** REQUIRED ***";
+            if( entries[ j ]->hasEnumValues() )
+            {
+               std::cout << std::endl
+                    << std::setw( max_name_length + 3 ) << ""
+                    << std::setw( max_type_length + 5 ) << ""
+                    << "    ";
+               entries[ j ]->printEnumValues();
+            }
+            if( entries[ j ]->hasDefaultValue )
+            {
+               std::cout << std::endl
+                    << std::setw( max_name_length + 3 ) << ""
+                    << std::setw( max_type_length + 5 ) << ""
+                    << "    ";
+               std::cout << "- Default value is: " << entries[ j ]->printDefaultValue();
+            }
+            std::cout << std::endl;
+         }
+      }
+      std::cout << std::endl;
+   }
    //bool parseConfigDescription( const char* file_name );
@@ -270,3 +369,5 @@ protected:
 } //namespace Config
 } //namespace TNL
+#include <TNL/Config/parseCommandLine.h>
diff --git a/src/TNL/Config/ParameterContainer.h b/src/TNL/Config/ParameterContainer.h
index 632865f0d28414a4d08752cbe21857b41f2dd610..209b77a7c4cf659ca5391931686d14f3825533f4 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Config/ParameterContainer.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Config/ParameterContainer.h
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
 #include <vector>
 #include <memory>
+#include "make_unique.h"
-#include <TNL/Config/ConfigDescription.h>
 #include <TNL/param-types.h>
 //#include <TNL/Debugging/StackBacktrace.h>
@@ -58,14 +58,25 @@ public:
    template< class T >
    bool addParameter( const String& name,
-                      const T& value );
+                      const T& value )
+   {
+      parameters.push_back( std::make_unique< Parameter< T > >( name, TNL::getType< T >(), value ) );
+      return true;
+   }
     * \brief Checks whether the parameter \e name already exists in ParameterContainer.
     * \param name Name of the parameter.
-   bool checkParameter( const String& name ) const;
+   bool checkParameter( const String& name ) const
+   {
+      const int size = parameters.size();
+      for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
+         if( parameters[ i ]->name == name )
+            return true;
+      return false;
+   }
     * \brief Assigns new \e value to the parameter \e name.
@@ -76,7 +87,25 @@ public:
    template< class T >
    bool setParameter( const String& name,
-                      const T& value );
+                      const T& value )
+   {
+      for( int i = 0; i < (int) parameters.size(); i++ ) {
+         if( parameters[ i ]->name == name ) {
+            if( parameters[ i ]->type == TNL::getType< T >() ) {
+               Parameter< T >& parameter = dynamic_cast< Parameter< T >& >( *parameters[ i ] );
+               parameter.value = value;
+               return true;
+            }
+            else {
+               std::cerr << "Parameter " << name << " already exists with different type "
+                         << parameters[ i ]->type << " not "
+                         << TNL::getType< T >() << std::endl;
+               throw 0;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      return addParameter< T >( name, value );
+   }
     * \brief Checks whether the parameter \e name is given the \e value.
@@ -133,49 +162,80 @@ public:
       throw 0;
    //! Broadcast to other nodes in MPI cluster
-   //void MPIBcast( int root, MPI_Comm mpi_comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD );
-   std::vector< std::unique_ptr< ParameterBase > > parameters;
-bool parseCommandLine( int argc, char* argv[],
-                       const ConfigDescription& config_description,
-                       ParameterContainer& parameters,
-                       bool printUsage = true );
-template< class T >
-addParameter( const String& name, const T& value )
-   parameters.push_back( std::make_unique< Parameter< T > >( name, TNL::getType< T >(), value ) );
-   return true;
-template< class T >
-setParameter( const String& name,
-              const T& value )
-   for( int i = 0; i < (int) parameters.size(); i++ ) {
-      if( parameters[ i ]->name == name ) {
-         if( parameters[ i ]->type == TNL::getType< T >() ) {
-            Parameter< T >& parameter = dynamic_cast< Parameter< T >& >( *parameters[ i ] );
-            parameter.value = value;
-            return true;
+   void MPIBcast( int root, MPI_Comm mpi_comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD )
+   {
+   #ifdef USE_MPI
+      int i;
+      int size = parameters. getSize();
+      :: MPIBcast( size, 1, root, mpi_comm );
+      for( i = 0; i < size; i ++ )
+      {
+         if( MPIGetRank() == root )
+         {
+            tnlParameterBase* param = parameters[ i ];
+            param -> type. MPIBcast( root, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
+            param -> name. MPIBcast( root, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
+            if( param -> type == "String" )
+            {
+               ( ( tnlParameter< String >* ) param ) -> value. MPIBcast( root, mpi_comm );
+            }
+            if( param -> type == "bool" )
+            {
+               :: MPIBcast( ( ( tnlParameter< bool >* ) param ) -> value, 1, root, mpi_comm );
+            }
+            if( param -> type == "int" )
+            {
+               :: MPIBcast( ( ( tnlParameter< int >* ) param ) -> value, 1, root, mpi_comm );
+            }
+            if( param -> type == "double" )
+            {
+               :: MPIBcast( ( ( tnlParameter< double >* ) param ) -> value, 1, root, mpi_comm );
+            }
-         else {
-            std::cerr << "Parameter " << name << " already exists with different type "
-                      << parameters[ i ]->type << " not "
-                      << TNL::getType< T >() << std::endl;
-            throw 0;
+         else
+         {
+            String param_type, param_name;
+            param_type. MPIBcast( root, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
+            param_name. MPIBcast( root, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
+            if( param_type == "mString" )
+            {
+               String val;
+               val. MPIBcast( root, mpi_comm );
+               addParameter< String >( param_name. getString(),
+                                        val );
+            }
+            if( param_type == "bool" )
+            {
+               bool val;
+               :: MPIBcast( val, 1, root, mpi_comm );
+               addParameter< bool >( param_name. getString(),
+                                     val );
+            }
+            if( param_type == "int" )
+            {
+               int val;
+               :: MPIBcast( val, 1, root, mpi_comm );
+               addParameter< int >( param_name. getString(),
+                                    val );
+            }
+            if( param_type == "double" )
+            {
+               double val;
+               :: MPIBcast( val, 1, root, mpi_comm );
+               addParameter< double >( param_name. getString(),
+                                       val );
+            }
+   #endif
-   return addParameter< T >( name, value );
+   std::vector< std::unique_ptr< ParameterBase > > parameters;
 } // namespace Config
diff --git a/src/TNL/Config/make_unique.h b/src/TNL/Config/make_unique.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4a4078a028e2c1cb9feec357080d20bc3f05454b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TNL/Config/make_unique.h
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#pragma once
+// std::make_unique does not exist until C++14
+// https://stackoverflow.com/a/9657991
+#if __cplusplus < 201402L
+#include <memory>
+namespace std {
+   template<typename T, typename ...Args>
+   std::unique_ptr<T> make_unique( Args&& ...args )
+   {
+      return std::unique_ptr<T>( new T( std::forward<Args>(args)... ) );
+   }
diff --git a/src/TNL/Config/ParameterContainer.cpp b/src/TNL/Config/parseCommandLine.h
similarity index 63%
rename from src/TNL/Config/ParameterContainer.cpp
rename to src/TNL/Config/parseCommandLine.h
index f318acabb45c046dc2b07023f4fbe2d66d691218..2c8c62090aea9eb6c71789d322ca2d9bb070a391 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Config/ParameterContainer.cpp
+++ b/src/TNL/Config/parseCommandLine.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-                          Config::ParameterContainer.cpp  -  description
+                          parseCommandLine.h  -  description
     begin                : 2007/06/15
     copyright            : (C) 2007 by Tomas Oberhuber
@@ -8,121 +8,47 @@
 /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
-#include <ctype.h>
+#pragma once
 #include <cstring>
-#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string>
-#include "ParameterContainer.h"
-#include <TNL/Object.h>
+//#include <TNL/Object.h>
+#include <TNL/Config/ConfigDescription.h>
+#include <TNL/Config/ParameterContainer.h>
 namespace TNL {
-namespace Config {    
-bool matob( const char* value, bool& ret_val )
-   if( strcasecmp( value, "yes" ) == 0 ||
-       strcasecmp( value, "true" ) == 0  )
-   {
-      ret_val =  true;
-      return true;
-   }
-   if( strcasecmp( value, "no" ) == 0 ||
-       strcasecmp( value, "false" ) == 0  )
-   {
-      ret_val = false;
-      return true;
-   }
-   return false;
-checkParameter( const String& name ) const
-   const int size = parameters.size();
-   for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
-      if( parameters[ i ]->name == name )
-         return true;
-   return false;
-/*void ParameterContainer::MPIBcast( int root, MPI_Comm mpi_comm )
-#ifdef USE_MPI
-   int i;
-   int size = parameters. getSize();
-   :: MPIBcast( size, 1, root, mpi_comm );
-   for( i = 0; i < size; i ++ )
-   {
-      if( MPIGetRank() == root )
-      {
-         tnlParameterBase* param = parameters[ i ];
-         param -> type. MPIBcast( root, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
-         param -> name. MPIBcast( root, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
-         if( param -> type == "String" )
-         {
-            ( ( tnlParameter< String >* ) param ) -> value. MPIBcast( root, mpi_comm );
-         }
-         if( param -> type == "bool" )
-         {
-            :: MPIBcast( ( ( tnlParameter< bool >* ) param ) -> value, 1, root, mpi_comm );
-         }
-         if( param -> type == "int" )
-         {
-            :: MPIBcast( ( ( tnlParameter< int >* ) param ) -> value, 1, root, mpi_comm );
-         }
-         if( param -> type == "double" )
-         {
-            :: MPIBcast( ( ( tnlParameter< double >* ) param ) -> value, 1, root, mpi_comm );
-         }
-      }
-      else
-      {
-         String param_type, param_name;
-         param_type. MPIBcast( root, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
-         param_name. MPIBcast( root, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
-         if( param_type == "mString" )
-         {
-            String val;
-            val. MPIBcast( root, mpi_comm );
-            addParameter< String >( param_name. getString(),
-                                     val );
-         }
-         if( param_type == "bool" )
-         {
-            bool val;
-            :: MPIBcast( val, 1, root, mpi_comm );
-            addParameter< bool >( param_name. getString(),
-                                  val );
-         }
-         if( param_type == "int" )
-         {
-            int val;
-            :: MPIBcast( val, 1, root, mpi_comm );
-            addParameter< int >( param_name. getString(),
-                                 val );
-         }
-         if( param_type == "double" )
-         {
-            double val;
-            :: MPIBcast( val, 1, root, mpi_comm );
-            addParameter< double >( param_name. getString(),
-                                    val );
-         }
-      }
-   }
+std::vector< String >
+parseObjectType( const String& objectType );
+namespace Config {
+inline bool
 parseCommandLine( int argc, char* argv[],
                   const Config::ConfigDescription& config_description,
                   Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
-                  bool printUsage )
+                  bool printUsage = true )
+   auto iequals = []( const std::string& a, const std::string& b )
+   {
+      if( a.size() != b.size() )
+         return false;
+      for( unsigned int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++ )
+         if( std::tolower(a[i]) != std::tolower(b[i]) )
+            return false;
+      return true;
+   };
+   auto matob = [iequals]( const char* value )
+   {
+      if( iequals( value, "yes" ) || iequals( value, "true" ) )
+         return true;
+      if( iequals( value, "no" ) || iequals( value, "false" ) )
+         return true;
+      return false;
+   };
    int i;
    bool parse_error( false );
    for( i = 1; i < argc; i ++ )
@@ -177,13 +103,12 @@ parseCommandLine( int argc, char* argv[],
                if( parsedEntryType[ 1 ] == "bool" )
-                  bool bool_val;
-                  if( ! matob( value, bool_val ) )
+                  if( ! matob( value ) )
                      std::cerr << "Yes/true or no/false is required for the parameter " << option << "." << std::endl;
                      parse_error = true;
-                  else bool_list.push_back( bool_val );
+                  else bool_list.push_back( true );
                if( parsedEntryType[ 1 ] == "int" )
@@ -216,13 +141,12 @@ parseCommandLine( int argc, char* argv[],
             if( parsedEntryType[ 0 ] == "bool" )
-               bool bool_val;
-               if( ! matob( value, bool_val ) )
+               if( ! matob( value ) )
                   std::cerr << "Yes/true or no/false is required for the parameter " << option << "." << std::endl;
                   parse_error = true;
-               else parameters.addParameter< bool >( option, bool_val );
+               else parameters.addParameter< bool >( option, true );
             if( parsedEntryType[ 0 ] == "int" )