From 3b986213231d04c1f16a2955b37545266a8073a3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Tom=C3=A1=C5=A1=20Oberhuber?= <>
Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2019 17:59:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Implementing SparseMatrix using Segments.

 src/TNL/Containers/Segments/CSR.h |  25 +-
 src/TNL/Matrices/SparseMatrix.h   |  74 ++-
 src/TNL/Matrices/SparseMatrix.hpp | 744 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 3 files changed, 632 insertions(+), 211 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/TNL/Containers/Segments/CSR.h b/src/TNL/Containers/Segments/CSR.h
index 3aa53e76cb..f86def78ed 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Containers/Segments/CSR.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Containers/Segments/CSR.h
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ namespace TNL {
 template< typename Device,
           typename Index >
-class Segments
+class CSR
@@ -29,29 +29,24 @@ class Segments
-      CSR( const SizesHolder& sizes );
+      CSR( const Vector< IndexType, DeviceType, IndexType >& sizes );
-      CSR( const CSR& csr );
+      CSR( const CSR& segments );
-      CSR( const CSR&& csr );
-      /**
-       * \brief Set number of segments
-       */
-      //void setSegmentsCount();
+      CSR( const CSR&& segments );
        * \brief Set sizes of particular segmenets.
       template< typename SizesHolder = OffsetsHolder >
-      void setSizes( const SizesHolder& sizes )
+      void setSizes( const SizesHolder& sizes );
        * \brief Number segments.
-      Index getSize() const;
+      IndexType getSize() const;
-      Index getStorageSize() const;
+      IndexType getStorageSize() const;
       IndexType getGlobalIndex( const Index segmentIdx, const Index localIdx ) const;
@@ -62,13 +57,13 @@ class Segments
        * function 'f' with arguments 'args'
       template< typename Function, typename... Args >
-      void forAll( Function& f, Args args ) const;
+      void forAll( Function& f, Args... args ) const;
        * \brief Go over all segments and perform a reduction in each of them.
       template< typename Fetch, typename Reduction, typename ResultKeeper, typename... Args >
-      void segmentsReduction( Fetch& fetch, Reduction& reduction, ResultKeeper& keeper, Args args );
+      void segmentsReduction( Fetch& fetch, Reduction& reduction, ResultKeeper& keeper, Args... args );
@@ -80,4 +75,4 @@ class Segments
    }  // namespace Conatiners
 } // namespace TNL
-#include <TNL/Containers/Segments/CSR.h>
\ No newline at end of file
+#include <TNL/Containers/Segments/CSR.h>
diff --git a/src/TNL/Matrices/SparseMatrix.h b/src/TNL/Matrices/SparseMatrix.h
index acca39bf4f..e266dc66db 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Matrices/SparseMatrix.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Matrices/SparseMatrix.h
@@ -10,19 +10,46 @@
 #pragma once
+#include <TNL/Matrices/Matrix.h>
+#include <TNL/Allocators/Default.h>
 namespace TNL {
 namespace Matrices {
 template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
-class SparseMatrix : public Matrix< Real, typename Organization::Device, typename Organization::Index >
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device = Devices::Host,
+          typename Index = int,
+          typename RealAllocator = typename Allocators::Default< Device >::template Allocator< Real >,
+          typename IndexAllocator = typename Allocators::Default< Device >::template Allocator< Index > >
+class SparseMatrix : public Matrix< Real, Device, Index, RealAllocator >
       using RealType = Real;
-      using OrganizationType = Organization;
-      using DeviceType = typename Organization::DeviceType;
-      using IndexType = typename Organization::IndexType;
+      template< typename Device_, typename Index_ >
+      using SegmentsTemplate = Segments< Device_, Index_ >;
+      using SegmentsType = Segments< Device, Index >;
+      using DeviceType = Device;
+      using IndexType = Index;
+      using RealAllocatorType = RealAllocator;
+      using IndexAllocatorType = IndexAllocator;
+      using CompressedRowLengthsVectorView = Containers::VectorView< IndexType, DeviceType, IndexType >;
+      using ConstCompressedRowLengthsVectorView = typename CompressedRowLengthsVectorView::ConstViewType;
+      using ValuesVectorType = typename Matrix< Real, Device, Index, RealAllocator >::ValuesVector;
+      using ColumnsVectorType = Containers::Vector< IndexType, DeviceType, IndexType, IndexAllocatorType >;
+      SparseMatrix( const RealAllocatorType& realAllocator = RealAllocatorType(),
+                    const IndexAllocatorType& indexAllocator = IndexAllocatorType() );
+      SparseMatrix( const SparseMatrix& m );
+      SparseMatrix( const SparseMatrix&& m );
+      SparseMatrix( const IndexType rows,
+                    const IndexType columns,
+                    const RealAllocatorType& realAllocator = RealAllocatorType(),
+                    const IndexAllocatorType& indexAllocator = IndexAllocatorType() );
       static String getSerializationType();
@@ -43,8 +70,10 @@ class SparseMatrix : public Matrix< Real, typename Organization::Device, typenam
       IndexType getNonZeroRowLengthFast( const IndexType row ) const;
-      template< typename Real2, typename Device2, typename Index2 >
-      void setLike( const CSR< Real2, Device2, Index2 >& matrix );
+      template< typename Real2, template< typename, typename > class Segments2, typename Device2, typename Index2, typename RealAllocator2, typename IndexAllocator2 >
+      void setLike( const SparseMatrix< Real2, Segments2, Device2, Index2, RealAllocator2, IndexAllocator2 >& matrix );
+      IndexType getNumberOfNonzeroMatrixElements() const;
       void reset();
@@ -106,11 +135,11 @@ class SparseMatrix : public Matrix< Real, typename Organization::Device, typenam
                        IndexType* columns,
                        RealType* values ) const;
-      __cuda_callable__
+      /*__cuda_callable__
       MatrixRow getRow( const IndexType rowIndex );
-      ConstMatrixRow getRow( const IndexType rowIndex ) const;
+      ConstMatrixRow getRow( const IndexType rowIndex ) const;*/
       template< typename Vector >
@@ -123,14 +152,15 @@ class SparseMatrix : public Matrix< Real, typename Organization::Device, typenam
                           OutVector& outVector ) const;
       // TODO: add const RealType& multiplicator = 1.0 )
-      template< typename Real2, typename Index2 >
-      void addMatrix( const CSR< Real2, Device, Index2 >& matrix,
+      /*template< typename Real2, typename Index2 >
+      void addMatrix( const SparseMatrix< Real2, Segments, Device, Index2 >& matrix,
                       const RealType& matrixMultiplicator = 1.0,
                       const RealType& thisMatrixMultiplicator = 1.0 );
       template< typename Real2, typename Index2 >
-      void getTransposition( const CSR< Real2, Device, Index2 >& matrix,
+      void getTransposition( const SparseMatrix< Real2, Segments, Device, Index2 >& matrix,
                              const RealType& matrixMultiplicator = 1.0 );
+       */
       template< typename Vector1, typename Vector2 >
       bool performSORIteration( const Vector1& b,
@@ -139,12 +169,16 @@ class SparseMatrix : public Matrix< Real, typename Organization::Device, typenam
                                 const RealType& omega = 1.0 ) const;
       // copy assignment
-      CSR& operator=( const CSR& matrix );
+      SparseMatrix& operator=( const SparseMatrix& matrix );
       // cross-device copy assignment
-      template< typename Real2, typename Device2, typename Index2,
-                typename = typename Enabler< Device2 >::type >
-      CSR& operator=( const CSR< Real2, Device2, Index2 >& matrix );
+      template< typename Real2, 
+                template< typename, typename > class Segments2,
+                typename Device2,
+                typename Index2,
+                typename RealAllocator2,
+                typename IndexAllocator2 >
+      SparseMatrix& operator=( const SparseMatrix< Real2, Segments2, Device2, Index2, RealAllocator2, IndexAllocator2 >& matrix );
       void save( File& file ) const;
@@ -155,9 +189,13 @@ class SparseMatrix : public Matrix< Real, typename Organization::Device, typenam
       void load( const String& fileName );
       void print( std::ostream& str ) const;
+   protected:
+      ColumnsVectorType columnsVector;
 }  // namespace Conatiners
-} // namespace TNL
\ No newline at end of file
+} // namespace TNL
+#include <TNL/Matrices/SparseMatrix.hpp>
diff --git a/src/TNL/Matrices/SparseMatrix.hpp b/src/TNL/Matrices/SparseMatrix.hpp
index 2d11bb21e7..abfc1619db 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Matrices/SparseMatrix.hpp
+++ b/src/TNL/Matrices/SparseMatrix.hpp
@@ -10,211 +10,599 @@
 #pragma once
+#include <TNL/Matrices/SparseMatrix.h>
 namespace TNL {
 namespace Matrices {
-template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
-static String getSerializationType();
-template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
-String getSerializationTypeVirtual() const;
-template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
-void setDimensions( const IndexType rows,
-                 const IndexType columns );
-template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
-void setCompressedRowLengths( ConstCompressedRowLengthsVectorView rowLengths );
-template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
-IndexType getRowLength( const IndexType row ) const;
-template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
+   template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+SparseMatrix( const RealAllocatorType& realAllocator,
+              const IndexAllocatorType& indexAllocator )
+   : Matrix< Real, Device, Index, RealAllocator >( realAllocator ), columnsVector( indexAllocator )
+template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+SparseMatrix( const SparseMatrix& m )
+   : Matrix< Real, Device, Index, RealAllocator >( m ), columnsVector( m.columnsVector )
+template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+SparseMatrix( const SparseMatrix&& m )
+   : Matrix< Real, Device, Index, RealAllocator >( std::move( m ) ), columnsVector( std::move( m.columnsVector ) )
+template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+SparseMatrix( const IndexType rows,
+              const IndexType columns,
+              const RealAllocatorType& realAllocator,
+              const IndexAllocatorType& indexAllocator )
+: Matrix< Real, Device, Index, RealAllocator >( rows, columns, realAllocator ), columnsVector( indexAllocator )
+template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+   return String( "Matrices::SparseMatrix< " ) +
+             TNL::getSerializationType< RealType >() + ", " +
+             TNL::getSerializationType< SegmentsType >() + ", [any_device], " +
+             TNL::getSerializationType< IndexType >() + ", [any_allocator] >";
+template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+getSerializationTypeVirtual() const
+   return this->getSerializationType();
+template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+setDimensions( const IndexType rows,
+               const IndexType columns )
+template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+setCompressedRowLengths( ConstCompressedRowLengthsVectorView rowLengths )
+template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+getRowLength( const IndexType row ) const
+template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
-IndexType getRowLengthFast( const IndexType row ) const;
-template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
-IndexType getNonZeroRowLength( const IndexType row ) const;
-template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+getRowLengthFast( const IndexType row ) const
+template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+getNonZeroRowLength( const IndexType row ) const
+template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
-IndexType getNonZeroRowLengthFast( const IndexType row ) const;
-template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
-template< typename Real2, typename Device2, typename Index2 >
-void setLike( const CSR< Real2, Device2, Index2 >& matrix );
-template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
-void reset();
-template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+getNonZeroRowLengthFast( const IndexType row ) const
+template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
+   template< typename Real2, template< typename, typename > class Segments2,  typename Device2, typename Index2, typename RealAllocator2, typename IndexAllocator2 >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+setLike( const SparseMatrix< Real2, Segments2, Device2, Index2, RealAllocator2, IndexAllocator2 >& matrix )
+template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+getNumberOfNonzeroMatrixElements() const
+template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
-bool setElementFast( const IndexType row,
-                  const IndexType column,
-                  const RealType& value );
-template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
-bool setElement( const IndexType row,
-              const IndexType column,
-              const RealType& value );
-template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+setElementFast( const IndexType row,
+                const IndexType column,
+                const RealType& value )
+template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+setElement( const IndexType row,
+            const IndexType column,
+            const RealType& value )
+template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
-bool addElementFast( const IndexType row,
-                  const IndexType column,
-                  const RealType& value,
-                  const RealType& thisElementMultiplicator = 1.0 );
-template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
-bool addElement( const IndexType row,
-              const IndexType column,
-              const RealType& value,
-              const RealType& thisElementMultiplicator = 1.0 );
-template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+addElementFast( const IndexType row,
+                const IndexType column,
+                const RealType& value,
+                const RealType& thisElementMultiplicator )
+template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+addElement( const IndexType row,
+            const IndexType column,
+            const RealType& value,
+            const RealType& thisElementMultiplicator )
+template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
-bool setRowFast( const IndexType row,
-              const IndexType* columnIndexes,
-              const RealType* values,
-              const IndexType elements );
-template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
-bool setRow( const IndexType row,
-          const IndexType* columnIndexes,
-          const RealType* values,
-          const IndexType elements );
-template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+setRowFast( const IndexType row,
+            const IndexType* columnIndexes,
+            const RealType* values,
+            const IndexType elements )
+template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+setRow( const IndexType row,
+        const IndexType* columnIndexes,
+        const RealType* values,
+        const IndexType elements )
+template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
-bool addRowFast( const IndexType row,
-              const IndexType* columns,
-              const RealType* values,
-              const IndexType numberOfElements,
-              const RealType& thisElementMultiplicator = 1.0 );
-template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
-bool addRow( const IndexType row,
-          const IndexType* columns,
-          const RealType* values,
-          const IndexType numberOfElements,
-          const RealType& thisElementMultiplicator = 1.0 );
-template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+addRowFast( const IndexType row,
+            const IndexType* columns,
+            const RealType* values,
+            const IndexType numberOfElements,
+            const RealType& thisElementMultiplicator )
+template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+addRow( const IndexType row,
+        const IndexType* columns,
+        const RealType* values,
+        const IndexType numberOfElements,
+        const RealType& thisElementMultiplicator )
+template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
-RealType getElementFast( const IndexType row,
-                      const IndexType column ) const;
-template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
-RealType getElement( const IndexType row,
-                  const IndexType column ) const;
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+getElementFast( const IndexType row,
+                const IndexType column ) const
+template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+getElement( const IndexType row,
+            const IndexType column ) const
 template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
-void getRowFast( const IndexType row,
-              IndexType* columns,
-              RealType* values ) const;
-template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+getRowFast( const IndexType row,
+            IndexType* columns,
+            RealType* values ) const
+/*template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
-MatrixRow getRow( const IndexType rowIndex );
-template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+getRow( const IndexType rowIndex )
+template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
-ConstMatrixRow getRow( const IndexType rowIndex ) const;
-template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
-template< typename Vector >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+getRow( const IndexType rowIndex ) const
+template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
+   template< typename Vector >
-typename Vector::RealType rowVectorProduct( const IndexType row,
-                                         const Vector& vector ) const;
-template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
+typename Vector::RealType
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+rowVectorProduct( const IndexType row,
+                  const Vector& vector ) const
+template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
 template< typename InVector,
        typename OutVector >
-void vectorProduct( const InVector& inVector,
-                 OutVector& outVector ) const;
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+vectorProduct( const InVector& inVector,
+               OutVector& outVector ) const
 // TODO: add const RealType& multiplicator = 1.0 )
-template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
-template< typename Real2, typename Index2 >
-void addMatrix( const CSR< Real2, Device, Index2 >& matrix,
-             const RealType& matrixMultiplicator = 1.0,
-             const RealType& thisMatrixMultiplicator = 1.0 );
-template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
+/*template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
+template< typename Real2, template< typename, typename > class Segments2, typename Index2, typename RealAllocator2, typename IndexAllocator2 >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+addMatrix( const SparseMatrix< Real2, Segments2, Device, Index2, RealAllocator2, IndexAllocator2 >& matrix,
+           const RealType& matrixMultiplicator,
+           const RealType& thisMatrixMultiplicator )
+template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
 template< typename Real2, typename Index2 >
-void getTransposition( const CSR< Real2, Device, Index2 >& matrix,
-                    const RealType& matrixMultiplicator = 1.0 );
-template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+getTransposition( const SparseMatrix< Real2, Device, Index2 >& matrix,
+                  const RealType& matrixMultiplicator )
+template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
 template< typename Vector1, typename Vector2 >
-bool performSORIteration( const Vector1& b,
-                       const IndexType row,
-                       Vector2& x,
-                       const RealType& omega = 1.0 ) const;
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+performSORIteration( const Vector1& b,
+                     const IndexType row,
+                     Vector2& x,
+                     const RealType& omega ) const
 // copy assignment
 template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
-CSR& operator=( const CSR& matrix );
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >&
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+operator=( const SparseMatrix& matrix )
 // cross-device copy assignment
 template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
-template< typename Real2, typename Device2, typename Index2,
-       typename = typename Enabler< Device2 >::type >
-CSR& operator=( const CSR< Real2, Device2, Index2 >& matrix );
-template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
-void save( File& file ) const;
-template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
-void load( File& file );
-template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
-void save( const String& fileName ) const;
-template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
-void load( const String& fileName );
-template< typename Real,
-          typename Organization >
-void print( std::ostream& str ) const;
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
+   template< typename Real2,
+             template< typename, typename > class Segments2,
+             typename Device2,
+             typename Index2,
+             typename RealAllocator2,
+             typename IndexAllocator2 >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >&
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+operator=( const SparseMatrix< Real2, Segments2, Device2, Index2, RealAllocator2, IndexAllocator2 >& matrix )
+template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+save( File& file ) const
+template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+load( File& file )
+template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+save( const String& fileName ) const
+template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+load( const String& fileName )
+template< typename Real,
+          template< typename, typename > class Segments,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index,
+          typename RealAllocator,
+          typename IndexAllocator >
+SparseMatrix< Real, Segments, Device, Index, RealAllocator, IndexAllocator >::
+print( std::ostream& str ) const
    } //namespace Matrices