From 3f891223ca0065800b1952252d2f179f3853310b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tomas Oberhuber <>
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2019 16:04:24 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Fixed use of buffer in CUDA paralell reduction.

 .../Algorithms/CommonVectorOperations.hpp     |   4 +-
 .../Algorithms/CudaReductionKernel.h          | 250 +++++++++++-------
 src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/Reduction.hpp   |  25 +-
 3 files changed, 165 insertions(+), 114 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/CommonVectorOperations.hpp b/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/CommonVectorOperations.hpp
index 5430f6eacd..ef3317cb7a 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/CommonVectorOperations.hpp
+++ b/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/CommonVectorOperations.hpp
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ CommonVectorOperations< Device >::
 getVectorMax( const Vector& v )
    TNL_ASSERT_GT( v.getSize(), 0, "Vector size must be positive." );
    using RealType = typename Vector::RealType;
    using IndexType = typename Vector::IndexType;
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ CommonVectorOperations< Device >::
 getVectorMin( const Vector& v )
    TNL_ASSERT_GT( v.getSize(), 0, "Vector size must be positive." );
    using RealType = typename Vector::RealType;
    using IndexType = typename Vector::IndexType;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/CudaReductionKernel.h b/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/CudaReductionKernel.h
index a90e0a3aab..8701b8b7df 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/CudaReductionKernel.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/CudaReductionKernel.h
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ CudaReductionKernel( const Result zero,
    using IndexType = Index;
    using ResultType = Result;
    ResultType* sdata = Devices::Cuda::getSharedMemory< ResultType >();
@@ -178,22 +178,14 @@ CudaReductionKernel( const Result zero,
-template< typename DataFetcher,
-   typename Reduction,
-   typename VolatileReduction,
-   typename Index,
-   typename Result >
-CudaReductionKernelLauncher( const Index size,
-                             const Reduction& reduction,
-                             const VolatileReduction& volatileReduction,
-                             const DataFetcher& dataFetcher,
-                             const Result& zero,
-                             Result*& output )
+template< typename Index,
+          typename Result >
+struct CudaReductionKernelLauncher
    using IndexType = Index;
    using ResultType = Result;
+   ////
    // The number of blocks should be a multiple of the number of multiprocessors
    // to ensure optimum balancing of the load. This is very important, because
    // we run the kernel with a fixed number of blocks, so the amount of work per
@@ -203,93 +195,159 @@ CudaReductionKernelLauncher( const Index size,
    // where blocksPerMultiprocessor is determined according to the number of
    // available registers on the multiprocessor.
    // On Tesla K40c, desGridSize = 8 * 15 = 120.
-   const int activeDevice = Devices::CudaDeviceInfo::getActiveDevice();
-   const int blocksdPerMultiprocessor = Devices::CudaDeviceInfo::getRegistersPerMultiprocessor( activeDevice )
-                                      / ( Reduction_maxThreadsPerBlock * Reduction_registersPerThread );
-   const int desGridSize = blocksdPerMultiprocessor * Devices::CudaDeviceInfo::getCudaMultiprocessors( activeDevice );
-   dim3 blockSize, gridSize;
-   blockSize.x = Reduction_maxThreadsPerBlock;
-   gridSize.x = min( Devices::Cuda::getNumberOfBlocks( size, blockSize.x ), desGridSize );
-   // create reference to the reduction buffer singleton and set size
-   const size_t buf_size = desGridSize * sizeof( ResultType );
-   CudaReductionBuffer& cudaReductionBuffer = CudaReductionBuffer::getInstance();
-   cudaReductionBuffer.setSize( buf_size );
-   output = cudaReductionBuffer.template getData< ResultType >();
-   // when there is only one warp per blockSize.x, we need to allocate two warps
-   // worth of shared memory so that we don't index shared memory out of bounds
-   const IndexType shmem = (blockSize.x <= 32)
-            ? 2 * blockSize.x * sizeof( ResultType )
-            : blockSize.x * sizeof( ResultType );
+   CudaReductionKernelLauncher( const Index size )
+   : activeDevice( Devices::CudaDeviceInfo::getActiveDevice() ),
+     blocksdPerMultiprocessor( Devices::CudaDeviceInfo::getRegistersPerMultiprocessor( activeDevice )
+                               / ( Reduction_maxThreadsPerBlock * Reduction_registersPerThread ) ),
+     desGridSize( blocksdPerMultiprocessor * Devices::CudaDeviceInfo::getCudaMultiprocessors( activeDevice ) ),
+     originalSize( size )
+   {
+   }
-   /***
-    * Depending on the blockSize we generate appropriate template instance.
-    */
-   switch( blockSize.x )
+   template< typename DataFetcher,
+             typename Reduction,
+             typename VolatileReduction >
+   int start( const Reduction& reduction,
+              const VolatileReduction& volatileReduction,
+              const DataFetcher& dataFetcher,
+              const Result& zero,
+              ResultType*& output )
-      case 512:
-         CudaReductionKernel< 512 >
-         <<< gridSize, blockSize, shmem >>>( zero, dataFetcher, reduction, volatileReduction, size, output);
-         break;
-      case 256:
-         cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(CudaReductionKernel< 256, Result, DataFetcher, Reduction, VolatileReduction, Index >, cudaFuncCachePreferShared);
-         CudaReductionKernel< 256 >
-         <<< gridSize, blockSize, shmem >>>( zero, dataFetcher, reduction, volatileReduction, size, output);
-         break;
-      case 128:
-         cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(CudaReductionKernel< 128, Result, DataFetcher, Reduction, VolatileReduction, Index >, cudaFuncCachePreferShared);
-         CudaReductionKernel< 128 >
-         <<< gridSize, blockSize, shmem >>>( zero, dataFetcher, reduction, volatileReduction, size, output);
-         break;
-      case  64:
-         cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(CudaReductionKernel<  64, Result, DataFetcher, Reduction, VolatileReduction, Index >, cudaFuncCachePreferShared);
-         CudaReductionKernel<  64 >
-         <<< gridSize, blockSize, shmem >>>( zero, dataFetcher, reduction, volatileReduction, size, output);
-         break;
-      case  32:
-         cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(CudaReductionKernel<  32, Result, DataFetcher, Reduction, VolatileReduction, Index >, cudaFuncCachePreferShared);
-         CudaReductionKernel<  32 >
-         <<< gridSize, blockSize, shmem >>>( zero, dataFetcher, reduction, volatileReduction, size, output);
-         break;
-      case  16:
-         cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(CudaReductionKernel<  16, Result, DataFetcher, Reduction, VolatileReduction, Index >, cudaFuncCachePreferShared);
-         CudaReductionKernel<  16 >
-         <<< gridSize, blockSize, shmem >>>( zero, dataFetcher, reduction, volatileReduction, size, output);
-         break;
-     case   8:
-         cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(CudaReductionKernel<   8, Result, DataFetcher, Reduction, VolatileReduction, Index >, cudaFuncCachePreferShared);
-         CudaReductionKernel<   8 >
-         <<< gridSize, blockSize, shmem >>>( zero, dataFetcher, reduction, volatileReduction, size, output);
-         break;
-      case   4:
-         cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(CudaReductionKernel<   4, Result, DataFetcher, Reduction, VolatileReduction, Index >, cudaFuncCachePreferShared);
-         CudaReductionKernel<   4 >
-         <<< gridSize, blockSize, shmem >>>( zero, dataFetcher, reduction, volatileReduction, size, output);
-         break;
-      case   2:
-         cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(CudaReductionKernel<   2, Result, DataFetcher, Reduction, VolatileReduction, Index >, cudaFuncCachePreferShared);
-         CudaReductionKernel<   2 >
-         <<< gridSize, blockSize, shmem >>>( zero, dataFetcher, reduction, volatileReduction, size, output);
-         break;
-      case   1:
-         TNL_ASSERT( false, std::cerr << "blockSize should not be 1." << std::endl );
-      default:
-         TNL_ASSERT( false, std::cerr << "Block size is " << blockSize. x << " which is none of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 or 512." );
+      ////
+      // create reference to the reduction buffer singleton and set size
+      const size_t buf_size = 2 * desGridSize * sizeof( ResultType );
+      CudaReductionBuffer& cudaReductionBuffer = CudaReductionBuffer::getInstance();
+      cudaReductionBuffer.setSize( buf_size );
+      output = cudaReductionBuffer.template getData< ResultType >();
+      this-> reducedSize = this->launch( originalSize, reduction, volatileReduction, dataFetcher, zero, output );
+      return this->reducedSize;
-   // return the size of the output array on the CUDA device
-   return gridSize.x;
+   template< typename Reduction,
+             typename VolatileReduction >
+   Result finish( const Reduction& reduction,
+                  const VolatileReduction& volatileReduction,
+                  const Result& zero )
+   {
+      ////
+      // Input is the first half of the buffer, output is the second half
+      const size_t buf_size = desGridSize * sizeof( ResultType );
+      CudaReductionBuffer& cudaReductionBuffer = CudaReductionBuffer::getInstance();
+      ResultType* input = cudaReductionBuffer.template getData< ResultType >();
+      ResultType* output = &input[ buf_size ];
+      auto copyFetch = [=] __cuda_callable__ ( IndexType i ) { return input[ i ]; };
+      while( this->reducedSize > 1 )
+      {
+         this-> reducedSize = this->launch( this->reducedSize, reduction, volatileReduction, copyFetch, zero, output );
+         std::swap( input, output );
+      }
+      ////
+      // Copy result on CPU
+      ResultType result;
+      ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::Cuda >::copyMemory( &result, output, 1 );
+      return result;
+   }
+   protected:
+      template< typename DataFetcher,
+                typename Reduction,
+                typename VolatileReduction >
+      int launch( const Index size,
+                  const Reduction& reduction,
+                  const VolatileReduction& volatileReduction,
+                  const DataFetcher& dataFetcher,
+                  const Result& zero,
+                  Result* output )
+      {
+         dim3 blockSize, gridSize;
+         blockSize.x = Reduction_maxThreadsPerBlock;
+         gridSize.x = min( Devices::Cuda::getNumberOfBlocks( size, blockSize.x ), desGridSize );
+         ////
+         // when there is only one warp per blockSize.x, we need to allocate two warps
+         // worth of shared memory so that we don't index shared memory out of bounds
+         const IndexType shmem = (blockSize.x <= 32)
+                  ? 2 * blockSize.x * sizeof( ResultType )
+                  : blockSize.x * sizeof( ResultType );
+        /***
+         * Depending on the blockSize we generate appropriate template instance.
+         */
+        switch( blockSize.x )
+        {
+           case 512:
+              CudaReductionKernel< 512 >
+              <<< gridSize, blockSize, shmem >>>( zero, dataFetcher, reduction, volatileReduction, size, output);
+              break;
+           case 256:
+              cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(CudaReductionKernel< 256, Result, DataFetcher, Reduction, VolatileReduction, Index >, cudaFuncCachePreferShared);
+              CudaReductionKernel< 256 >
+              <<< gridSize, blockSize, shmem >>>( zero, dataFetcher, reduction, volatileReduction, size, output);
+              break;
+           case 128:
+              cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(CudaReductionKernel< 128, Result, DataFetcher, Reduction, VolatileReduction, Index >, cudaFuncCachePreferShared);
+              CudaReductionKernel< 128 >
+              <<< gridSize, blockSize, shmem >>>( zero, dataFetcher, reduction, volatileReduction, size, output);
+              break;
+           case  64:
+              cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(CudaReductionKernel<  64, Result, DataFetcher, Reduction, VolatileReduction, Index >, cudaFuncCachePreferShared);
+              CudaReductionKernel<  64 >
+              <<< gridSize, blockSize, shmem >>>( zero, dataFetcher, reduction, volatileReduction, size, output);
+              break;
+           case  32:
+              cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(CudaReductionKernel<  32, Result, DataFetcher, Reduction, VolatileReduction, Index >, cudaFuncCachePreferShared);
+              CudaReductionKernel<  32 >
+              <<< gridSize, blockSize, shmem >>>( zero, dataFetcher, reduction, volatileReduction, size, output);
+              break;
+           case  16:
+              cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(CudaReductionKernel<  16, Result, DataFetcher, Reduction, VolatileReduction, Index >, cudaFuncCachePreferShared);
+              CudaReductionKernel<  16 >
+              <<< gridSize, blockSize, shmem >>>( zero, dataFetcher, reduction, volatileReduction, size, output);
+              break;
+          case   8:
+              cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(CudaReductionKernel<   8, Result, DataFetcher, Reduction, VolatileReduction, Index >, cudaFuncCachePreferShared);
+              CudaReductionKernel<   8 >
+              <<< gridSize, blockSize, shmem >>>( zero, dataFetcher, reduction, volatileReduction, size, output);
+              break;
+           case   4:
+              cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(CudaReductionKernel<   4, Result, DataFetcher, Reduction, VolatileReduction, Index >, cudaFuncCachePreferShared);
+              CudaReductionKernel<   4 >
+              <<< gridSize, blockSize, shmem >>>( zero, dataFetcher, reduction, volatileReduction, size, output);
+              break;
+           case   2:
+              cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(CudaReductionKernel<   2, Result, DataFetcher, Reduction, VolatileReduction, Index >, cudaFuncCachePreferShared);
+              CudaReductionKernel<   2 >
+              <<< gridSize, blockSize, shmem >>>( zero, dataFetcher, reduction, volatileReduction, size, output);
+              break;
+           case   1:
+              TNL_ASSERT( false, std::cerr << "blockSize should not be 1." << std::endl );
+           default:
+              TNL_ASSERT( false, std::cerr << "Block size is " << blockSize. x << " which is none of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 or 512." );
+        }
+        ////
+        // return the size of the output array on the CUDA device
+        return gridSize.x;
+      }
+      const int activeDevice;
+      const int blocksdPerMultiprocessor;
+      const int desGridSize;
+      const IndexType originalSize;
+      IndexType reducedSize;
 } // namespace Algorithms
diff --git a/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/Reduction.hpp b/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/Reduction.hpp
index 22121de25f..31c93504cc 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/Reduction.hpp
+++ b/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/Reduction.hpp
@@ -91,11 +91,13 @@ Reduction< Devices::Cuda >::
+   CudaReductionKernelLauncher< IndexType, ResultType > reductionLauncher( size );
     * Reduce the data on the CUDA device.
    ResultType* deviceAux1( 0 );
-   IndexType reducedSize = CudaReductionKernelLauncher( size,
+   IndexType reducedSize = reductionLauncher.start( 
@@ -112,7 +114,6 @@ Reduction< Devices::Cuda >::
        * Transfer the reduced data from device to host.
-      //ResultType* resultArray[ reducedSize ];
       std::unique_ptr< ResultType[] > resultArray{ new ResultType[ reducedSize ] };
       ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::Cuda >::copyMemory( resultArray.get(), deviceAux1, reducedSize );
@@ -139,15 +140,7 @@ Reduction< Devices::Cuda >::
        * Data can't be safely reduced on host, so continue with the reduction on the CUDA device.
-      auto copyFetch = [=] __cuda_callable__ ( IndexType i ) { return deviceAux1[ i ]; };
-      while( reducedSize > 1 ) {
-         reducedSize = CudaReductionKernelLauncher( reducedSize,
-            reduction,
-            volatileReduction,
-            copyFetch,
-            zero,
-            deviceAux1 );
-      }
+      auto result = reductionLauncher.finish( reduction, volatileReduction, zero );
@@ -156,14 +149,14 @@ Reduction< Devices::Cuda >::
-      ResultType resultArray[ 1 ];
-      ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::Cuda >::copyMemory( resultArray, deviceAux1, reducedSize );
-      const ResultType result = resultArray[ 0 ];
+      //ResultType resultArray[ 1 ];
+      //ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::Cuda >::copyMemory( resultArray, deviceAux1, reducedSize );
+      //const ResultType result = resultArray[ 0 ];
          std::cout << "   Transferring the result to CPU took " << timer.getRealTime() << " sec. " << std::endl;
-      #endif
+      #endif*/
       return result;