From 8b74db0459062fb92eb199d7e215b4e6d728286f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Jakub=20Klinkovsk=C3=BD?= <>
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2019 10:25:34 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Updated documentation for Vector and VectorView

 src/TNL/Containers/Array.h        |  6 +-
 src/TNL/Containers/Vector.h       | 84 +++++++++++++++++---------
 src/TNL/Containers/Vector.hpp     |  8 +--
 src/TNL/Containers/VectorView.h   | 98 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 src/TNL/Containers/VectorView.hpp | 34 +++++------
 5 files changed, 172 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/TNL/Containers/Array.h b/src/TNL/Containers/Array.h
index 52ca90369f..ded017ea5f 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Containers/Array.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Containers/Array.h
@@ -116,14 +116,14 @@ class Array
              const AllocatorType& allocator = AllocatorType() );
-       * \brief Copy constructor.
+       * \brief Copy constructor (makes a deep copy).
        * \param array The array to be copied.
       explicit Array( const Array& array );
-       * \brief Copy constructor with a specific allocator.
+       * \brief Copy constructor with a specific allocator (makes a deep copy).
        * \param array The array to be copied.
        * \param allocator The allocator to be associated with this array.
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ class Array
       explicit Array( const Array& array, const AllocatorType& allocator );
-       * \brief Copy constructor.
+       * \brief Copy constructor (makes a deep copy).
        * \param array The array to be copied.
        * \param begin The first index which should be copied.
diff --git a/src/TNL/Containers/Vector.h b/src/TNL/Containers/Vector.h
index 4d5f6f0527..12e24a229f 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Containers/Vector.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Containers/Vector.h
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ namespace Containers {
  * The template parameters have the same meaning as in \ref Array, with \e Real
  * corresponding to \e Array's \e Value parameter.
- * \tparam Real   A numeric type for the vector values, e.g. \ref float or
+ * \tparam Real   An arithmetic type for the vector values, e.g. \ref float or
  *                \ref double.
  * \tparam Device The device to be used for the execution of vector operations.
  * \tparam Index  The indexing type.
@@ -51,27 +51,27 @@ public:
    using ViewType = VectorView< Real, Device, Index >;
    using ConstViewType = VectorView< std::add_const_t< Real >, Device, Index >;
-   //! \brief Default constructor.
+   // constructors and assignment operators inherited from the class Array
+   using Array< Real, Device, Index, Allocator >::Array;
+   using Array< Real, Device, Index, Allocator >::operator=;
+   //! \brief Constructs an empty array with zero size.
    Vector() = default;
-   //! \brief Default copy constructor.
+   //! \brief Copy constructor (makes a deep copy).
    explicit Vector( const Vector& ) = default;
-   //! \brief Copy constructor with a specific allocator.
+   //! \brief Copy constructor with a specific allocator (makes a deep copy).
    explicit Vector( const Vector& vector, const AllocatorType& allocator );
    //! \brief Default move constructor.
    Vector( Vector&& ) = default;
-   //! \brief Default copy-assignment operator.
+   //! \brief Copy-assignment operator for copying data from another vector.
    Vector& operator=( const Vector& ) = default;
-   //! \brief Default move-assignment operator.
+   //! \brief Move-assignment operator for acquiring data from \e rvalues.
    Vector& operator=( Vector&& ) = default;
-   //! Constructors and assignment operators are inherited from the class \ref Array.
-   using Array< Real, Device, Index, Allocator >::Array;
-   using Array< Real, Device, Index, Allocator >::operator=;
-   /** \brief Returns type of vector Real value, Device type and the type of Index. */
+   //! \brief Returns a \ref String representation of the vector type in C++ style.
    static String getType();
-   /** \brief Returns type of vector Real value, Device type and the type of Index. */
+   //! \brief Returns a \ref String representation of the vector type in C++ style.
    virtual String getTypeVirtual() const;
@@ -114,6 +114,15 @@ public:
     * \brief Assigns a vector expression to this vector.
+    *
+    * The assignment is evaluated element-wise. The vector expression must
+    * either evaluate to a scalar or a vector. If it evaluates to a vector
+    * with a different size than this vector, this vector is reallocated to
+    * match the size of the vector expression.
+    *
+    * \param expression The vector expression to be evaluated and assigned to
+    *                   this vector.
+    * \return Reference to this vector.
    template< typename VectorExpression,
@@ -122,6 +131,8 @@ public:
     * \brief Assigns a value or an array - same as \ref Array::operator=.
+    *
+    * \return Reference to this vector.
    // operator= from the base class should be hidden according to the C++14 standard,
    // although GCC does not do that - see
@@ -135,37 +146,53 @@ public:
-    * \brief This function subtracts \e vector from this vector and returns the resulting vector.
+    * \brief Adds elements of this vector and a vector expression and
+    * stores the result in this vector.
-    * The subtraction is applied to all the vector elements separately.
-    * \param vector Reference to another vector.
+    * The addition is evaluated element-wise. The vector expression must
+    * either evaluate to a scalar or a vector of the same size as this vector.
+    *
+    * \param expression Reference to a vector expression.
+    * \return Reference to this vector.
    template< typename VectorExpression >
-   Vector& operator-=( const VectorExpression& expression );
+   Vector& operator+=( const VectorExpression& expression );
-    * \brief This function adds \e vector to this vector and returns the resulting vector.
+    * \brief Subtracts elements of this vector and a vector expression and
+    * stores the result in this vector.
-    * The addition is applied to all the vector elements separately.
-    * \param vector Reference to another vector.
+    * The subtraction is evaluated element-wise. The vector expression must
+    * either evaluate to a scalar or a vector of the same size as this vector.
+    *
+    * \param expression Reference to a vector expression.
+    * \return Reference to this vector.
    template< typename VectorExpression >
-   Vector& operator+=( const VectorExpression& expression );
+   Vector& operator-=( const VectorExpression& expression );
-    * \brief This function multiplies this vector by \e c and returns the resulting vector.
+    * \brief Multiplies elements of this vector and a vector expression and
+    * stores the result in this vector.
+    *
+    * The multiplication is evaluated element-wise. The vector expression must
+    * either evaluate to a scalar or a vector of the same size as this vector.
-    * The multiplication is applied to all the vector elements separately.
-    * \param c Multiplicator.
+    * \param expression Reference to a vector expression.
+    * \return Reference to this vector.
    template< typename VectorExpression >
    Vector& operator*=( const VectorExpression& expression );
-    * \brief This function divides this vector by \e c and returns the resulting vector.
+    * \brief Divides elements of this vector and a vector expression and
+    * stores the result in this vector.
-    * The division is applied to all the vector elements separately.
-    * \param c Divisor.
+    * The division is evaluated element-wise. The vector expression must
+    * either evaluate to a scalar or a vector of the same size as this vector.
+    *
+    * \param expression Reference to a vector expression.
+    * \return Reference to this vector.
    template< typename VectorExpression >
    Vector& operator/=( const VectorExpression& expression );
@@ -179,10 +206,11 @@ public:
     * \brief Returns specific sums of elements of this vector.
+    * FIXME: computePrefixSum does not exist
+    *
     * Does the same as \ref computePrefixSum, but computes only sums for elements
     * with the index in range from \e begin to \e end. The other elements of this
-    * vector remain untouched - with the same value. Therefore this method returns
-    * a new vector with the length of this vector.
+    * vector remain untouched - with the same value.
     * \param begin Index of the element in this vector which to begin with.
     * \param end Index of the element in this vector which to end with.
diff --git a/src/TNL/Containers/Vector.hpp b/src/TNL/Containers/Vector.hpp
index 27fb4f8666..87dd93f692 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Containers/Vector.hpp
+++ b/src/TNL/Containers/Vector.hpp
@@ -119,9 +119,9 @@ template< typename Real,
    template< typename VectorExpression >
 Vector< Real, Device, Index, Allocator >&
 Vector< Real, Device, Index, Allocator >::
-operator-=( const VectorExpression& expression )
+operator+=( const VectorExpression& expression )
-   Algorithms::VectorAssignmentWithOperation< Vector, VectorExpression >::subtraction( *this, expression );
+   Algorithms::VectorAssignmentWithOperation< Vector, VectorExpression >::addition( *this, expression );
    return *this;
@@ -132,9 +132,9 @@ template< typename Real,
    template< typename VectorExpression >
 Vector< Real, Device, Index, Allocator >&
 Vector< Real, Device, Index, Allocator >::
-operator+=( const VectorExpression& expression )
+operator-=( const VectorExpression& expression )
-   Algorithms::VectorAssignmentWithOperation< Vector, VectorExpression >::addition( *this, expression );
+   Algorithms::VectorAssignmentWithOperation< Vector, VectorExpression >::subtraction( *this, expression );
    return *this;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Containers/VectorView.h b/src/TNL/Containers/VectorView.h
index 9f6e8bfd21..5b2b2230a7 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Containers/VectorView.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Containers/VectorView.h
@@ -19,6 +19,17 @@
 namespace TNL {
 namespace Containers {
+ * \brief \e VectorView extends \ref ArrayView with algebraic operations.
+ *
+ * The template parameters have the same meaning as in \ref ArrayView, with
+ * \e Real corresponding to \e ArrayView's \e Value parameter.
+ *
+ * \tparam Real   An arithmetic type for the vector values, e.g. \ref float or
+ *                \ref double.
+ * \tparam Device The device to be used for the execution of vector operations.
+ * \tparam Index  The indexing type.
+ */
 template< typename Real = double,
           typename Device = Devices::Host,
           typename Index = int >
@@ -36,22 +47,27 @@ public:
    using ViewType = VectorView< Real, Device, Index >;
    using ConstViewType = VectorView< std::add_const_t< Real >, Device, Index >;
-   //! Constructors and assignment operators are inherited from the class \ref Array.
+   // constructors and assignment operators inherited from the class ArrayView
    using ArrayView< Real, Device, Index >::ArrayView;
    using ArrayView< Real, Device, Index >::operator=;
    // In C++14, default constructors cannot be inherited, although Clang
    // and GCC since version 7.0 inherit them.
+   //! \brief Constructs an empty array view with zero size.
    VectorView() = default;
+   //! \brief Constructor for the initialization by a base class object.
    // initialization by base class is not a copy constructor so it has to be explicit
    template< typename Real_ >  // template catches both const and non-const qualified Element
    VectorView( const ArrayView< Real_, Device, Index >& view )
    : BaseType( view ) {}
+   //! \brief Returns a \ref String representation of the vector view type.
+   static String getType();
     * \brief Returns a modifiable view of the vector view.
@@ -82,8 +98,17 @@ public:
    ConstViewType getConstView( IndexType begin = 0, IndexType end = 0 ) const;
-   static String getType();
+   /**
+    * \brief Assigns a vector expression to this vector view.
+    *
+    * The assignment is evaluated element-wise. The vector expression must
+    * either evaluate to a scalar or a vector of the same size as this vector
+    * view.
+    *
+    * \param expression The vector expression to be evaluated and assigned to
+    *                   this vector view.
+    * \return Reference to this vector view.
+    */
    template< typename VectorExpression,
              typename = std::enable_if_t< Expressions::IsExpressionTemplate< VectorExpression >::value > >
@@ -91,6 +116,8 @@ public:
     * \brief Assigns a value or an array - same as \ref ArrayView::operator=.
+    *
+    * \return Reference to this vector view.
    // operator= from the base class should be hidden according to the C++14 standard,
    // although GCC does not do that - see
@@ -103,21 +130,80 @@ public:
       return ArrayView< Real, Device, Index >::operator=(data);
+   /**
+    * \brief Adds elements of this vector view and a vector expression and
+    * stores the result in this vector view.
+    *
+    * The addition is evaluated element-wise. The vector expression must
+    * either evaluate to a scalar or a vector of the same size as this vector
+    * view.
+    *
+    * \param expression Reference to a vector expression.
+    * \return Reference to this vector view.
+    */
    template< typename VectorExpression >
-   VectorView& operator-=( const VectorExpression& expression );
+   VectorView& operator+=( const VectorExpression& expression );
+   /**
+    * \brief Subtracts elements of this vector view and a vector expression and
+    * stores the result in this vector view.
+    *
+    * The subtraction is evaluated element-wise. The vector expression must
+    * either evaluate to a scalar or a vector of the same size as this vector
+    * view.
+    *
+    * \param expression Reference to a vector expression.
+    * \return Reference to this vector view.
+    */
    template< typename VectorExpression >
-   VectorView& operator+=( const VectorExpression& expression );
+   VectorView& operator-=( const VectorExpression& expression );
+   /**
+    * \brief Multiplies elements of this vector view and a vector expression and
+    * stores the result in this vector view.
+    *
+    * The multiplication is evaluated element-wise. The vector expression must
+    * either evaluate to a scalar or a vector of the same size as this vector
+    * view.
+    *
+    * \param expression Reference to a vector expression.
+    * \return Reference to this vector view.
+    */
    template< typename VectorExpression >
    VectorView& operator*=( const VectorExpression& expression );
+   /**
+    * \brief Divides elements of this vector view and a vector expression and
+    * stores the result in this vector view.
+    *
+    * The division is evaluated element-wise. The vector expression must
+    * either evaluate to a scalar or a vector of the same size as this vector
+    * view.
+    *
+    * \param expression Reference to a vector expression.
+    * \return Reference to this vector view.
+    */
    template< typename VectorExpression >
    VectorView& operator/=( const VectorExpression& expression );
+   /**
+    * \brief Returns sum of all vector elements.
+    */
    template< typename ResultType = NonConstReal >
    ResultType sum() const;
+   /**
+    * \brief Returns specific sums of elements of this vector view.
+    *
+    * FIXME: computePrefixSum does not exist
+    *
+    * Does the same as \ref computePrefixSum, but computes only sums for elements
+    * with the index in range from \e begin to \e end. The other elements of this
+    * vector remain untouched - with the same value.
+    *
+    * \param begin Index of the element in this vector view which to begin with.
+    * \param end Index of the element in this vector view which to end with.
+    */
    template< Algorithms::PrefixSumType Type = Algorithms::PrefixSumType::Inclusive >
    void prefixSum( IndexType begin = 0, IndexType end = 0 );
@@ -138,5 +224,5 @@ public:
 } // namespace Containers
 } // namespace TNL
-#include <TNL/Containers/VectorViewExpressions.h>
 #include <TNL/Containers/VectorView.hpp>
+#include <TNL/Containers/VectorViewExpressions.h>
diff --git a/src/TNL/Containers/VectorView.hpp b/src/TNL/Containers/VectorView.hpp
index e9cb16a570..0054f8c755 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Containers/VectorView.hpp
+++ b/src/TNL/Containers/VectorView.hpp
@@ -19,6 +19,19 @@
 namespace TNL {
 namespace Containers {
+template< typename Real,
+          typename Device,
+          typename Index >
+VectorView< Real, Device, Index >::
+   return String( "Containers::VectorView< " ) +
+                  TNL::getType< Real >() + ", " +
+                  Device::getDeviceType() + ", " +
+                  TNL::getType< Index >() + " >";
 template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
@@ -45,19 +58,6 @@ getConstView( const IndexType begin, IndexType end ) const
    return ConstViewType( this->getData() + begin, end - begin );;
-template< typename Real,
-          typename Device,
-          typename Index >
-VectorView< Real, Device, Index >::
-   return String( "Containers::VectorView< " ) +
-                  TNL::getType< Real >() + ", " +
-                  Device::getDeviceType() + ", " +
-                  TNL::getType< Index >() + " >";
 template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
@@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ template< typename Real,
    template< typename VectorExpression >
 VectorView< Real, Device, Index >&
 VectorView< Real, Device, Index >::
-operator-=( const VectorExpression& expression )
+operator+=( const VectorExpression& expression )
-   Algorithms::VectorAssignmentWithOperation< VectorView, VectorExpression >::subtraction( *this, expression );
+   Algorithms::VectorAssignmentWithOperation< VectorView, VectorExpression >::addition( *this, expression );
    return *this;
@@ -87,9 +87,9 @@ template< typename Real,
    template< typename VectorExpression >
 VectorView< Real, Device, Index >&
 VectorView< Real, Device, Index >::
-operator+=( const VectorExpression& expression )
+operator-=( const VectorExpression& expression )
-   Algorithms::VectorAssignmentWithOperation< VectorView, VectorExpression >::addition( *this, expression );
+   Algorithms::VectorAssignmentWithOperation< VectorView, VectorExpression >::subtraction( *this, expression );
    return *this;