diff --git a/src/core/tnlCuda.h b/src/core/tnlCuda.h
index 2429b9e98e1ddbc99dad6a8f5198329b9a0f1599..3e48f30d256730720eaea3924bc5199192e63a7b 100644
--- a/src/core/tnlCuda.h
+++ b/src/core/tnlCuda.h
@@ -27,57 +27,29 @@ class tnlCuda
-   static tnlString getDeviceType()
-   {
-      return tnlString( "tnlCuda" );
-   }
+   static tnlString getDeviceType();
-   static tnlDeviceEnum getDevice()
-   {
-      return tnlCudaDevice;
-   };
+   static tnlDeviceEnum getDevice();
    template< typename Element, typename Index >
-   static void allocateMemory( Element*& data, const Index size )
-   {
-      allocateMemoryCuda( data, size );
-   }
+   static void allocateMemory( Element*& data, const Index size );
    template< typename Element >
-   static void freeMemory( Element* data )
-   {
-      freeMemoryCuda( data );
-   }
+   static void freeMemory( Element* data );
    template< typename Element >
    static void setMemoryElement( Element* data,
-                                 const Element& value )
-   {
-      setMemoryCuda( data, value, 1 );
-   }
+                                 const Element& value );
    template< typename Element >
-   static Element getMemoryElement( const Element* data )
-   {
-      Element result;
-      copyMemoryCudaToHost( &result, data, 1 );
-      return result;
-   }
+   static Element getMemoryElement( const Element* data );
    template< typename Element, typename Index >
-   static Element& getArrayElementReference( Element* data, const Index i )
-   {
-      tnlAssert( false, );
-      abort();
-   }
+   static Element& getArrayElementReference( Element* data, const Index i );
    template< typename Element, typename Index >
-   static const Element& getArrayElementReference(const Element* data, const Index i )
-   {
-      tnlAssert( false, );
-      abort();
-   }
+   static const Element& getArrayElementReference(const Element* data, const Index i );
    template< typename DestinationElement,
              typename SourceElement,
@@ -85,76 +57,36 @@ class tnlCuda
              typename Device >
    static bool memcpy( DestinationElement* destination,
                        const SourceElement* source,
-                       const Index size )
-   {
-      switch( Device :: getDevice() )
-      {
-         case tnlHostDevice:
-            return copyMemoryHostToCuda( destination, source, size );
-         case tnlCudaDevice:
-            return copyMemoryCudaToCuda( destination, source, size );
-      }
-      return true;
-   }
+                       const Index size );
    template< typename Element, typename Index, typename Device >
    static bool memcpy( Element* destination,
                        const Element* source,
-                       const Index size )
-   {
-      return tnlCuda :: memcpy< Element, Element, Index, Device >
-                              ( destination,
-                                source,
-                                size );
-   }
+                       const Index size );
    template< typename Element, typename Index, typename Device >
    static bool memcmp( const Element* data1,
                        const Element* data2,
-                       const Index size )
-   {
-      switch( Device :: getDevice() )
-      {
-         case tnlHostDevice:
-            return compareMemoryHostCuda( data2, data1, size );
-         case tnlCudaDevice:
-            return compareMemoryCuda( data1, data2, size );
-      }
-   }
+                       const Index size );
    template< typename Element, typename Index >
    static bool memset( Element* destination,
                        const Element& value,
-                       const Index size )
-   {
-      return setMemoryCuda( destination, value, size );
-   }
-   static int getMaxGridSize()
-   {
-      return maxGridSize;
-   }
-   static void setMaxGridSize( int newMaxGridSize )
-   {
-      maxGridSize = newMaxGridSize;
-   }
-   static int getMaxBlockSize()
-   {
-      return maxBlockSize;
-   }
-   static void setMaxBlockSize( int newMaxBlockSize )
-   {
-      maxBlockSize = newMaxBlockSize;
-   }
+                       const Index size );
+   static int getMaxGridSize();
+   static void setMaxGridSize( int newMaxGridSize );
+   static int getMaxBlockSize();
+   static void setMaxBlockSize( int newMaxBlockSize );
    static int maxGridSize, maxBlockSize;
+#include <implementation/core/tnlCuda_impl.h>
 #endif /* TNLCUDA_H_ */
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/CMakeLists.txt b/src/implementation/core/CMakeLists.txt
index 0ccd327a2cb0a291fd28cee923d7ce075677353a..9fa5e317c9298e97ab004aa3c2556530f1fcbd82 100755
--- a/src/implementation/core/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/implementation/core/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( cuda )
 SET( headers vector-operations.h
+             tnlCuda_impl.h
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/memory-operations.h b/src/implementation/core/memory-operations.h
index c5c14fcd7b61b54baee7b1c83b0367b9a6228ae6..3dfd2ee83de9d03561de7bd2b5f079c95d8cbfed 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/memory-operations.h
+++ b/src/implementation/core/memory-operations.h
@@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ __global__ void setVectorValueCudaKernel( Element* data,
                                           const Element value )
    Index elementIdx = blockDim. x * blockIdx. x + threadIdx. x;
-   const Index gridSize = blockDim. x * gridDim. x;
+   const Index maxGridSize = blockDim. x * gridDim. x;
    while( elementIdx < size )
       data[ elementIdx ] = value;
-      elementIdx += gridSize;
+      elementIdx += maxGridSize;
@@ -159,6 +159,42 @@ bool copyMemoryHostToCuda( Element* destination,
+template< typename DestinationElement,
+          typename SourceElement,
+          typename Index >
+bool copyMemoryHostToCuda( DestinationElement* destination,
+                           const SourceElement* source,
+                           const Index size )
+#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
+   DestinationElement* buffer = new DestinationElement[ tnlGPUvsCPUTransferBufferSize ];
+   if( ! buffer )
+   {
+      cerr << "Unable to allocate supporting buffer to transfer data between the CUDA device and the host." << endl;
+      return false;
+   }
+   Index i( 0 );
+   while( i < size )
+   {
+      Index j( 0 );
+      while( j < tnlGPUvsCPUTransferBufferSize && i + j < size )
+         buffer[ j ] = source[ i + j++ ];
+      if( ! copyMemoryHostTuCuda( buffer,
+                                  &destination[ i ],
+                                  j ) )
+      {
+         delete[] buffer;
+         return false;
+      }
+      i += j;
+   }
+   delete[] buffer;
+   return true;
+   cerr << "CUDA support is missing on this system " << __FILE__ << " line " << __LINE__ << "." << endl;
+   return false;
 template< typename Element, typename Index >
 bool copyMemoryCudaToHost( Element* destination,
@@ -189,22 +225,29 @@ bool copyMemoryCudaToHost( DestinationElement* destination,
                            const SourceElement* source,
                            const Index size )
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-   abort(); // TODO: fix this
-   cudaMemcpy( destination,
-               source,
-               size * sizeof( SourceElement ),
-               cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost );
-   if( ! checkCudaDevice )
+   SourceElement* buffer = new SourceElement[ tnlGPUvsCPUTransferBufferSize ];
+   if( ! buffer )
-      cerr << "Transfer of data from CUDA device to host failed." << endl;
+      cerr << "Unable to allocate supporting buffer to transfer data between the CUDA device and the host." << endl;
       return false;
+   Index i( 0 );
+   while( i < size )
+   {
+      if( ! copyMemoryCudaToHost( &source[ i ],
+                                  buffer,
+                                  Min( size - i, tnlGPUvsCPUTransferBufferSize ) ) )
+      {
+         delete[] buffer;
+         return false;
+      }
+      Index j( 0 );
+      while( j < tnlGPUvsCPUTransferBufferSize && i + j < size )
+         destination[ i + j ] = buffer[ j++ ];
+      i += j;
+   }
+   delete[] buffer;
    return true;
-   cerr << "CUDA support is missing on this system " << __FILE__ << " line " << __LINE__ << "." << endl;
-   return false;
@@ -363,19 +406,19 @@ extern template bool setMemoryHost( float* data, const float& value, const long
 extern template bool setMemoryHost( double* data, const double& value, const long int size );
 extern template bool setMemoryHost( long double* data, const long double& value, const long int size );
-extern template bool setMemoryCuda( char* data, const char& value, const int size );
-extern template bool setMemoryCuda( int* data, const int& value, const int size );
-extern template bool setMemoryCuda( long int* data, const long int& value, const int size );
-extern template bool setMemoryCuda( float* data, const float& value, const int size );
-extern template bool setMemoryCuda( double* data, const double& value, const int size );
-extern template bool setMemoryCuda( long double* data, const long double& value, const int size );
-extern template bool setMemoryCuda( char* data, const char& value, const long int size );
-extern template bool setMemoryCuda( int* data, const int& value, const long int size );
-extern template bool setMemoryCuda( long int* data, const long int& value, const long int size );
-extern template bool setMemoryCuda( float* data, const float& value, const long int size );
-extern template bool setMemoryCuda( double* data, const double& value, const long int size );
-extern template bool setMemoryCuda( long double* data, const long double& value, const long int size );
+extern template bool setMemoryCuda( char* data, const char& value, const int size, const int maxGridSize );
+extern template bool setMemoryCuda( int* data, const int& value, const int size, const int maxGridSize );
+extern template bool setMemoryCuda( long int* data, const long int& value, const int size, const int maxGridSize );
+extern template bool setMemoryCuda( float* data, const float& value, const int size, const int maxGridSize );
+extern template bool setMemoryCuda( double* data, const double& value, const int size, const int maxGridSize );
+extern template bool setMemoryCuda( long double* data, const long double& value, const int size, const int maxGridSize );
+extern template bool setMemoryCuda( char* data, const char& value, const long int size, const int maxGridSize );
+extern template bool setMemoryCuda( int* data, const int& value, const long int size, const int maxGridSize );
+extern template bool setMemoryCuda( long int* data, const long int& value, const long int size, const int maxGridSize );
+extern template bool setMemoryCuda( float* data, const float& value, const long int size, const int maxGridSize );
+extern template bool setMemoryCuda( double* data, const double& value, const long int size, const int maxGridSize );
+extern template bool setMemoryCuda( long double* data, const long double& value, const long int size, const int maxGridSize );
 extern template bool copyMemoryHostToHost( char* destination, const char* source, const int size );
 extern template bool copyMemoryHostToHost( int* destination, const int* source, const int size );
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/memory-operations_impl.cu b/src/implementation/core/memory-operations_impl.cu
index 17535c9a1788286d3ae9d927092bd81cd7e6593d..b493f1c0ad803cce93915d9b549f79f214198c75 100644
--- a/src/implementation/core/memory-operations_impl.cu
+++ b/src/implementation/core/memory-operations_impl.cu
@@ -75,19 +75,19 @@ template bool setMemoryHost( float* data, const float& value, const long int siz
 template bool setMemoryHost( double* data, const double& value, const long int size );
 template bool setMemoryHost( long double* data, const long double& value, const long int size );
-template bool setMemoryCuda( char* data, const char& value, const int size );
-template bool setMemoryCuda( int* data, const int& value, const int size );
-template bool setMemoryCuda( long int* data, const long int& value, const int size );
-template bool setMemoryCuda( float* data, const float& value, const int size );
-template bool setMemoryCuda( double* data, const double& value, const int size );
-template bool setMemoryCuda( long double* data, const long double& value, const int size );
-template bool setMemoryCuda( char* data, const char& value, const long int size );
-template bool setMemoryCuda( int* data, const int& value, const long int size );
-template bool setMemoryCuda( long int* data, const long int& value, const long int size );
-template bool setMemoryCuda( float* data, const float& value, const long int size );
-template bool setMemoryCuda( double* data, const double& value, const long int size );
-template bool setMemoryCuda( long double* data, const long double& value, const long int size );
+template bool setMemoryCuda( char* data, const char& value, const int size, const int maxGridSize );
+template bool setMemoryCuda( int* data, const int& value, const int size, const int maxGridSize );
+template bool setMemoryCuda( long int* data, const long int& value, const int size, const int maxGridSize );
+template bool setMemoryCuda( float* data, const float& value, const int size, const int maxGridSize );
+template bool setMemoryCuda( double* data, const double& value, const int size, const int maxGridSize );
+template bool setMemoryCuda( long double* data, const long double& value, const int size, const int maxGridSize );
+template bool setMemoryCuda( char* data, const char& value, const long int size, const int maxGridSize );
+template bool setMemoryCuda( int* data, const int& value, const long int size, const int maxGridSize );
+template bool setMemoryCuda( long int* data, const long int& value, const long int size, const int maxGridSize );
+template bool setMemoryCuda( float* data, const float& value, const long int size, const int maxGridSize );
+template bool setMemoryCuda( double* data, const double& value, const long int size, const int maxGridSize );
+template bool setMemoryCuda( long double* data, const long double& value, const long int size, const int maxGridSize );
 template bool copyMemoryHostToHost( char* destination, const char* source, const int size );
 template bool copyMemoryHostToHost( int* destination, const int* source, const int size );
@@ -181,4 +181,4 @@ template bool compareMemoryCuda( const float* data1, const float* data2, const l
 template bool compareMemoryCuda( const double* data1, const double* data2, const long int size );
 template bool compareMemoryCuda( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const long int size );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/implementation/core/tnlCuda_impl.h b/src/implementation/core/tnlCuda_impl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dcaa8df4984377a3f4c6d7a7e4a8b8fb06e24b41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/implementation/core/tnlCuda_impl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+                          tnlCuda_impl.h  -  description
+                             -------------------
+    begin                : Jul 11, 2013
+    copyright            : (C) 2013 by Tomas Oberhuber
+    email                : tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ *                                                                         *
+ *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
+ *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
+ *                                                                         *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#ifndef TNLCUDA_IMPL_H_
+#define TNLCUDA_IMPL_H_
+inline tnlString tnlCuda :: getDeviceType()
+   return tnlString( "tnlCuda" );
+inline tnlDeviceEnum tnlCuda :: getDevice()
+   return tnlCudaDevice;
+template< typename Element, typename Index >
+void tnlCuda :: allocateMemory( Element*& data, const Index size )
+   allocateMemoryCuda( data, size );
+template< typename Element >
+void tnlCuda :: freeMemory( Element* data )
+   freeMemoryCuda( data );
+template< typename Element >
+void tnlCuda :: setMemoryElement( Element* data,
+                                         const Element& value )
+   setMemoryCuda( data, value, 1, maxGridSize );
+template< typename Element >
+Element tnlCuda :: getMemoryElement( const Element* data )
+   Element result;
+   copyMemoryCudaToHost( &result, data, 1 );
+   return result;
+template< typename Element, typename Index >
+Element& tnlCuda :: getArrayElementReference( Element* data, const Index i )
+   tnlAssert( false, );
+   abort();
+template< typename Element, typename Index >
+const Element& tnlCuda :: getArrayElementReference(const Element* data, const Index i )
+   tnlAssert( false, );
+   abort();
+template< typename DestinationElement,
+          typename SourceElement,
+          typename Index,
+          typename Device >
+bool tnlCuda :: memcpy( DestinationElement* destination,
+                        const SourceElement* source,
+                        const Index size )
+   switch( Device :: getDevice() )
+   {
+      case tnlHostDevice:
+         return copyMemoryHostToCuda( destination, source, size );
+      case tnlCudaDevice:
+         return copyMemoryCudaToCuda( destination, source, size );
+   }
+   return true;
+template< typename Element, typename Index, typename Device >
+bool tnlCuda :: memcpy( Element* destination,
+                        const Element* source,
+                        const Index size )
+   return tnlCuda :: memcpy< Element, Element, Index, Device >
+                           ( destination,
+                             source,
+                             size );
+template< typename Element, typename Index, typename Device >
+bool tnlCuda :: memcmp( const Element* data1,
+                        const Element* data2,
+                        const Index size )
+   switch( Device :: getDevice() )
+   {
+      case tnlHostDevice:
+         return compareMemoryHostCuda( data2, data1, size );
+      case tnlCudaDevice:
+         return compareMemoryCuda( data1, data2, size );
+   }
+template< typename Element, typename Index >
+bool tnlCuda :: memset( Element* destination,
+                        const Element& value,
+                        const Index size )
+   return setMemoryCuda( destination, value, size, maxGridSize );
+inline int tnlCuda :: getMaxGridSize()
+   return maxGridSize;
+inline void tnlCuda :: setMaxGridSize( int newMaxGridSize )
+   maxGridSize = newMaxGridSize;
+inline int tnlCuda :: getMaxBlockSize()
+   return maxBlockSize;
+inline void tnlCuda :: setMaxBlockSize( int newMaxBlockSize )
+   maxBlockSize = newMaxBlockSize;
+#endif /* TNLCUDA_IMPL_H_ */
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/core/cuda/tnlCudaMemoryOperationsTester.h b/tests/unit-tests/core/cuda/tnlCudaMemoryOperationsTester.h
index 4ba5f58a38da9776709941fc9fff5b7208c537d1..6be0197eb1996c4f3475a65acac13f9539c4ac15 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/core/cuda/tnlCudaMemoryOperationsTester.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/core/cuda/tnlCudaMemoryOperationsTester.h
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class tnlCudaMemoryOperationsTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       allocateMemoryHost( hostData, size );
       allocateMemoryCuda( deviceData, size );
       setMemoryHost( hostData, 0, size );
-      setMemoryCuda( deviceData, 13, size );
+      setMemoryCuda( deviceData, 13, size, maxCudaGridSize );
       CPPUNIT_ASSERT( checkCudaDevice );
       copyMemoryCudaToHost( hostData, deviceData, size );
       CPPUNIT_ASSERT( checkCudaDevice );
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ class tnlCudaMemoryOperationsTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       allocateMemoryHost( hostData, size );
       allocateMemoryCuda( deviceData, size );
       setMemoryHost( hostData, 0, size );
-      setMemoryCuda( deviceData, 13, size );
+      setMemoryCuda( deviceData, 13, size, maxCudaGridSize );
       CPPUNIT_ASSERT( checkCudaDevice );
       copyMemoryCudaToHost( hostData, deviceData, size );
       CPPUNIT_ASSERT( checkCudaDevice );