diff --git a/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/VectorOperationsMIC_impl.h b/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/VectorOperationsMIC_impl.h
index 80d61914608b3cb679788195864672ea140a0443..ae462d7a8b7d5c7a425e243543f90b8c4444d03b 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/VectorOperationsMIC_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/VectorOperationsMIC_impl.h
@@ -13,203 +13,218 @@
 #pragma once
 #include <TNL/Devices/MIC.h>
+#include <TNL/Math.h>
 namespace TNL {
-namespace Containers {   
+namespace Containers {
 namespace Algorithms {
 //static const int OpenMPVectorOperationsThreshold = 65536; // TODO: check this threshold
 template< typename Vector >
-void VectorOperations< Devices::MIC >::addElement( Vector& v,
-                                                 const typename Vector::IndexType i,
-                                                 const typename Vector::RealType& value )
+VectorOperations< Devices::MIC >::
+addElement( Vector& v,
+            const typename Vector::IndexType i,
+            const typename Vector::RealType& value )
-  // v[ i ] += value;
-    //cout << "Errorous function, not clear wher should be called (device or Host)" << endl;
-    v.setElement(i,v.getElemet(i)+value);
+   // v[ i ] += value;
+   //cout << "Errorous function, not clear wher should be called (device or Host)" << endl;
+   v.setElement(i,v.getElemet(i)+value);
 template< typename Vector >
-void VectorOperations< Devices::MIC >::addElement( Vector& v,
-                                                 const typename Vector::IndexType i,
-                                                 const typename Vector::RealType& value,
-                                                 const typename Vector::RealType& thisElementMultiplicator )
+VectorOperations< Devices::MIC >::
+addElement( Vector& v,
+            const typename Vector::IndexType i,
+            const typename Vector::RealType& value,
+            const typename Vector::RealType& thisElementMultiplicator )
    //v[ i ] = thisElementMultiplicator * v[ i ] + value;
-    //    cout << "Errorous function, not clear wher should be called (device or Host)" << endl;
-    v.setElement(i,thisElementMultiplicator*v.getElemet(i)+value);
+   //cout << "Errorous function, not clear wher should be called (device or Host)" << endl;
+   v.setElement(i,thisElementMultiplicator*v.getElemet(i)+value);
 template< typename Vector >
-typename Vector::RealType VectorOperations< Devices::MIC >::getVectorMax( const Vector& v )
+typename Vector::RealType
+VectorOperations< Devices::MIC >::
+getVectorMax( const Vector& v )
- //tady je moĹľnost paralelizace  
-  typename Vector :: RealType result;
-  typename Vector ::IndexType size=v.getSize();
-  Devices::MICHider<const typename Vector :: RealType > vct;
-  vct.pointer=v.getData();
-  #pragma offload target(mic) in(vct,size) out(result)
+   //tady je moĹľnost paralelizace
+   typename Vector::RealType result;
+   typename Vector::IndexType size=v.getSize();
+   Devices::MICHider<const typename Vector::RealType > vct;
+   vct.pointer=v.getData();
+   #pragma offload target(mic) in(vct,size) out(result)
-       result=vct.pointer[0];
-       for(typename Vector ::IndexType i=1;i<size;i++)
-       {
-           if(result<vct.pointer[i])
-               result=vct.pointer[i];
-       }
-   }    
+      result=vct.pointer[0];
+      for(typename Vector::IndexType i=1;i<size;i++)
+      {
+         if(result<vct.pointer[i])
+            result=vct.pointer[i];
+      }
+   }
    return result;
 template< typename Vector >
-typename Vector :: RealType VectorOperations< Devices::MIC > :: getVectorMin( const Vector& v )
+typename Vector::RealType
+VectorOperations< Devices::MIC >::
+getVectorMin( const Vector& v )
- //tady je moĹľnost paralelizace  
-  typename Vector :: RealType result;
-  typename Vector ::IndexType size=v.getSize();
-  Devices::MICHider<const typename Vector :: RealType > vct;
-  vct.pointer=v.getData();
-  #pragma offload target(mic) in(vct,size) out(result)
+   //tady je moĹľnost paralelizace
+   typename Vector::RealType result;
+   typename Vector::IndexType size=v.getSize();
+   Devices::MICHider<const typename Vector::RealType > vct;
+   vct.pointer=v.getData();
+   #pragma offload target(mic) in(vct,size) out(result)
-       result=vct.pointer[0];
-       for(typename Vector ::IndexType i=1;i<size;i++)
-       {
-           if(result>vct.pointer[i])
-               result=vct.pointer[i];
-       }
-   }    
+      result=vct.pointer[0];
+      for(typename Vector::IndexType i=1;i<size;i++)
+      {
+         if(result>vct.pointer[i])
+            result=vct.pointer[i];
+      }
+   }
    return result;
 template< typename Vector >
-typename Vector :: RealType VectorOperations< Devices::MIC > :: getVectorAbsMax( const Vector& v )
+typename Vector::RealType
+VectorOperations< Devices::MIC >::
+getVectorAbsMax( const Vector& v )
- //tady je moĹľnost paralelizace  
-  typename Vector :: RealType result;
-  typename Vector ::IndexType size=v.getSize();
-  Devices::MICHider<const typename Vector :: RealType > vct;
-  vct.pointer=v.getData();
-  #pragma offload target(mic) in(vct,size) out(result)
+   //tady je moĹľnost paralelizace
+   typename Vector::RealType result;
+   typename Vector::IndexType size=v.getSize();
+   Devices::MICHider<const typename Vector::RealType > vct;
+   vct.pointer=v.getData();
+   #pragma offload target(mic) in(vct,size) out(result)
-       result=std::fabs(vct.pointer[0]);
-       for(typename Vector ::IndexType i=1;i<size;i++)
-       {
-           if(result<std::fabs(vct.pointer[i]))
-               result=std::fabs(vct.pointer[i]);
-       }
-   }    
+      result=TNL::abs(vct.pointer[0]);
+      for(typename Vector::IndexType i=1;i<size;i++)
+      {
+         if(result<TNL::abs(vct.pointer[i]))
+            result=TNL::abs(vct.pointer[i]);
+      }
+   }
    return result;
 template< typename Vector >
-typename Vector :: RealType VectorOperations< Devices::MIC > :: getVectorAbsMin( const Vector& v )
+typename Vector::RealType
+VectorOperations< Devices::MIC >::
+getVectorAbsMin( const Vector& v )
- //tady je moĹľnost paralelizace  
-  typename Vector :: RealType result;
-  typename Vector ::IndexType size=v.getSize();
-  Devices::MICHider<const typename Vector :: RealType > vct;
-  vct.pointer=v.getData();
-  #pragma offload target(mic) in(vct,size) out(result)
+   //tady je moĹľnost paralelizace
+   typename Vector::RealType result;
+   typename Vector::IndexType size=v.getSize();
+   Devices::MICHider<const typename Vector::RealType > vct;
+   vct.pointer=v.getData();
+   #pragma offload target(mic) in(vct,size) out(result)
-       result=std::fabs(vct.pointer[0]);
-       for(typename Vector ::IndexType i=1;i<size;i++)
-       {
-           if(result>std::fabs(vct.pointer[i]))
-               result=std::fabs(vct.pointer[i]);
-       }
-   }    
+      result=TNL::abs(vct.pointer[0]);
+      for(typename Vector::IndexType i=1;i<size;i++)
+      {
+         if(result>TNL::abs(vct.pointer[i]))
+            result=TNL::abs(vct.pointer[i]);
+      }
+   }
    return result;
 template< typename Vector >
 typename Vector::RealType
-VectorOperations< Devices::MIC >::getVectorL1Norm( const Vector& v )
+VectorOperations< Devices::MIC >::
+getVectorL1Norm( const Vector& v )
-   typedef typename Vector :: RealType Real;
-   typedef typename Vector :: IndexType Index;
+   typedef typename Vector::RealType Real;
+   typedef typename Vector::IndexType Index;
    TNL_ASSERT( v. getSize() > 0, );
    Real result( 0.0 );
    const Index n = v. getSize();
    Devices::MICHider<const Real > vct;
-#pragma offload target(mic) in(vct,n) inout(result)
-    #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:result)// if( n > OpenMPVectorOperationsThreshold ) // TODO: check this threshold
-        for( Index i = 0; i < n; i ++ )
-            result += std::fabs( vct.pointer[ i ] );
+   #pragma offload target(mic) in(vct,n) inout(result)
+   {
+      #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:result)// if( n > OpenMPVectorOperationsThreshold ) // TODO: check this threshold
+      for( Index i = 0; i < n; i ++ )
+         result += TNL::abs( vct.pointer[ i ] );
+   }
    return result;
 template< typename Vector >
 typename Vector::RealType
-VectorOperations< Devices::MIC >::getVectorL2Norm( const Vector& v )
+VectorOperations< Devices::MIC >::
+getVectorL2Norm( const Vector& v )
-   typedef typename Vector :: RealType Real;
-   typedef typename Vector :: IndexType Index;
+   typedef typename Vector::RealType Real;
+   typedef typename Vector::IndexType Index;
    TNL_ASSERT( v. getSize() > 0, );
    Real result( 0.0 );
    const Index n = v. getSize();
    Devices::MICHider<const Real > vct;
-#pragma offload target(mic) in(vct,n) inout(result)
-    #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:result) //if( n > OpenMPVectorOperationsThreshold ) // TODO: check this threshold       
-   for( Index i = 0; i < n; i ++ )
+   #pragma offload target(mic) in(vct,n) inout(result)
-      const Real& aux = vct.pointer[ i ];
-      result += aux * aux;
+      #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:result) //if( n > OpenMPVectorOperationsThreshold ) // TODO: check this threshold
+      for( Index i = 0; i < n; i ++ )
+      {
+         const Real& aux = vct.pointer[ i ];
+         result += aux * aux;
+      }
-   return std::sqrt( result );
+   return TNL::sqrt( result );
 template< typename Vector >
 typename Vector::RealType
-VectorOperations< Devices::MIC >:: getVectorLpNorm( const Vector& v,
-                 const typename Vector :: RealType& p )
+VectorOperations< Devices::MIC >::
+getVectorLpNorm( const Vector& v,
+                 const typename Vector::RealType& p )
-   typedef typename Vector :: RealType Real;
-   typedef typename Vector :: IndexType Index;
+   typedef typename Vector::RealType Real;
+   typedef typename Vector::IndexType Index;
    TNL_ASSERT( v. getSize() > 0, );
    TNL_ASSERT( p > 0.0,
-              std::cerr << " p = " << p );
+               std::cerr << " p = " << p );
    if( p == 1.0 )
       return getVectorL1Norm( v );
    if( p == 2.0 )
       return getVectorL2Norm( v );
    Real result( 0.0 );
    const Index n = v. getSize();
    Devices::MICHider<const Real > vct;
-#pragma offload target(mic) in(vct,n) inout(result)
-    #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:result) //if( n > OpenMPVectorOperationsThreshold ) // TODO: check this threshold       
-   for( Index i = 0; i < n; i ++ )
+   #pragma offload target(mic) in(vct,n) inout(result)
-      result += pow( std::fabs( vct.pointer[ i ] ), p );
+      #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:result) //if( n > OpenMPVectorOperationsThreshold ) // TODO: check this threshold
+      for( Index i = 0; i < n; i ++ )
+      {
+         result += TNL::pow( TNL::abs( vct.pointer[ i ] ), p );
+      }
-   return pow( result, 1.0 / p );
+   return TNL::pow( result, 1.0 / p );
 template< typename Vector >
-typename Vector :: RealType VectorOperations< Devices::MIC > :: getVectorSum( const Vector& v )
+typename Vector::RealType
+VectorOperations< Devices::MIC >::
+getVectorSum( const Vector& v )
-   typedef typename Vector :: RealType Real;
-   typedef typename Vector :: IndexType Index;
+   typedef typename Vector::RealType Real;
+   typedef typename Vector::IndexType Index;
    TNL_ASSERT( v. getSize() > 0, );
    Real result( 0.0 );
@@ -217,114 +232,121 @@ typename Vector :: RealType VectorOperations< Devices::MIC > :: getVectorSum( co
    Devices::MICHider<const Real > vct;
-#pragma offload target(mic) in(vct,n) inout(result)
-    #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:result)// if( n > OpenMPVectorOperationsThreshold ) // TODO: check this threshold
-        for( Index i = 0; i < n; i ++ )
-            result += vct.pointer[ i ] ;
+   #pragma offload target(mic) in(vct,n) inout(result)
+   {
+      #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:result)// if( n > OpenMPVectorOperationsThreshold ) // TODO: check this threshold
+      for( Index i = 0; i < n; i ++ )
+         result += vct.pointer[ i ] ;
+   }
    return result;
 template< typename Vector1, typename Vector2 >
-typename Vector1 :: RealType VectorOperations< Devices::MIC> :: getVectorDifferenceMax( const Vector1& v1,
-                                                                                       const Vector2& v2 )
+typename Vector1::RealType
+VectorOperations< Devices::MIC>::
+getVectorDifferenceMax( const Vector1& v1,
+                        const Vector2& v2 )
-   typedef typename Vector1 :: RealType Real;
-   typedef typename Vector1 :: IndexType Index;
+   typedef typename Vector1::RealType Real;
+   typedef typename Vector1::IndexType Index;
    TNL_ASSERT( v1. getSize() > 0, );
    TNL_ASSERT( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(), );
    Real result( 0.0 );
    const Index n = v1. getSize();
    Devices::MICHider<const Real > vct1;
    Devices::MICHider<const Real > vct2;
-#pragma offload target(mic) in(n,vct1,vct2) out(result) 
-   result = vct1.pointer[0] - vct2.pointer[0];
-   for( Index i = 1; i < n; i ++ )
-      result = max( result, vct1.pointer[ i ] - vct2.pointer[ i ] );
+   #pragma offload target(mic) in(n,vct1,vct2) out(result)
+   {
+      result = vct1.pointer[0] - vct2.pointer[0];
+      for( Index i = 1; i < n; i ++ )
+         result = TNL::max( result, vct1.pointer[ i ] - vct2.pointer[ i ] );
+   }
    return result;
 template< typename Vector1, typename Vector2 >
-typename Vector1 :: RealType VectorOperations< Devices::MIC > :: getVectorDifferenceMin( const Vector1& v1,
-                                                                                       const Vector2& v2 )
+typename Vector1::RealType
+VectorOperations< Devices::MIC >::
+getVectorDifferenceMin( const Vector1& v1,
+                        const Vector2& v2 )
-   typedef typename Vector1 :: RealType Real;
-   typedef typename Vector1 :: IndexType Index;
+   typedef typename Vector1::RealType Real;
+   typedef typename Vector1::IndexType Index;
    TNL_ASSERT( v1. getSize() > 0, );
    TNL_ASSERT( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(), );
    Real result( 0.0 );
    const Index n = v1. getSize();
    Devices::MICHider<const Real > vct1;
    Devices::MICHider<const Real > vct2;
-#pragma offload target(mic) in(n,vct1,vct2) out(result) 
-   result = vct1.pointer[0] - vct2.pointer[0];
-   for( Index i = 1; i < n; i ++ )
-      result = min( result, vct1.pointer[ i ] - vct2.pointer[ i ] );
+   #pragma offload target(mic) in(n,vct1,vct2) out(result)
+   {
+      result = vct1.pointer[0] - vct2.pointer[0];
+      for( Index i = 1; i < n; i ++ )
+         result = TNL::min( result, vct1.pointer[ i ] - vct2.pointer[ i ] );
+   }
    return result;
 template< typename Vector1, typename Vector2 >
-typename Vector1 :: RealType VectorOperations< Devices::MIC > :: getVectorDifferenceAbsMax( const Vector1& v1,
-                                                                                          const Vector2& v2 )
+typename Vector1::RealType
+VectorOperations< Devices::MIC >::
+getVectorDifferenceAbsMax( const Vector1& v1,
+                           const Vector2& v2 )
-    typedef typename Vector1 :: RealType Real;
-   typedef typename Vector1 :: IndexType Index;
+   typedef typename Vector1::RealType Real;
+   typedef typename Vector1::IndexType Index;
    TNL_ASSERT( v1. getSize() > 0, );
    TNL_ASSERT( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(), );
    Real result( 0.0 );
    const Index n = v1. getSize();
    Devices::MICHider<const Real > vct1;
    Devices::MICHider<const Real > vct2;
-#pragma offload target(mic) in(n,vct1,vct2) out(result) 
-   result = std::fabs(vct1.pointer[0] - vct2.pointer[0]);
-   for( Index i = 1; i < n; i ++ )
-      result = max( result, std::fabs(vct1.pointer[ i ] - vct2.pointer[ i ]) );
-   return result;   
+   #pragma offload target(mic) in(n,vct1,vct2) out(result)
+   {
+      result = TNL::abs(vct1.pointer[0] - vct2.pointer[0]);
+      for( Index i = 1; i < n; i ++ )
+         result = TNL::max( result, TNL::abs(vct1.pointer[ i ] - vct2.pointer[ i ]) );
+   }
+   return result;
 template< typename Vector1, typename Vector2 >
-typename Vector1 :: RealType VectorOperations< Devices::MIC > :: getVectorDifferenceAbsMin( const Vector1& v1,
-                                                                                          const Vector2& v2 )
+typename Vector1::RealType
+VectorOperations< Devices::MIC >::
+getVectorDifferenceAbsMin( const Vector1& v1,
+                           const Vector2& v2 )
-   typedef typename Vector1 :: RealType Real;
-   typedef typename Vector1 :: IndexType Index;
+   typedef typename Vector1::RealType Real;
+   typedef typename Vector1::IndexType Index;
    TNL_ASSERT( v1. getSize() > 0, );
    TNL_ASSERT( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(), );
    Real result( 0.0 );
    const Index n = v1. getSize();
    Devices::MICHider<const Real > vct1;
    Devices::MICHider<const Real > vct2;
-#pragma offload target(mic) in(n,vct1,vct2) out(result) 
-   result = std::fabs(vct1.pointer[0] - vct2.pointer[0]);
-   for( Index i = 1; i < n; i ++ )
-      result = min( result, std::fabs(vct1.pointer[ i ] - vct2.pointer[ i ]) );
-   return result;   
+   #pragma offload target(mic) in(n,vct1,vct2) out(result)
+   {
+      result = TNL::abs(vct1.pointer[0] - vct2.pointer[0]);
+      for( Index i = 1; i < n; i ++ )
+         result = TNL::min( result, TNL::abs(vct1.pointer[ i ] - vct2.pointer[ i ]) );
+   }
+   return result;
 template< typename Vector1, typename Vector2 >
@@ -333,8 +355,8 @@ VectorOperations< Devices::MIC >::
 getVectorDifferenceL1Norm( const Vector1& v1,
                            const Vector2& v2 )
-   typedef typename Vector1 :: RealType Real;
-   typedef typename Vector1 :: IndexType Index;
+   typedef typename Vector1::RealType Real;
+   typedef typename Vector1::IndexType Index;
    TNL_ASSERT( v1. getSize() > 0, );
    TNL_ASSERT( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(), );
@@ -345,14 +367,13 @@ getVectorDifferenceL1Norm( const Vector1& v1,
    Devices::MICHider<const Real > vct2;
-#pragma offload target(mic) in(n,vct1,vct2) inout(result) 
-   for( Index i = 0; i < n; i ++ )
-      result += std::fabs( vct1.pointer[ i ] - vct2.pointer[ i ] );
+   #pragma offload target(mic) in(n,vct1,vct2) inout(result)
+   {
+      for( Index i = 0; i < n; i ++ )
+         result += TNL::abs( vct1.pointer[ i ] - vct2.pointer[ i ] );
+   }
    return result;
 template< typename Vector1, typename Vector2 >
@@ -361,32 +382,30 @@ VectorOperations< Devices::MIC >::
 getVectorDifferenceL2Norm( const Vector1& v1,
                            const Vector2& v2 )
-   typedef typename Vector1 :: RealType Real;
-   typedef typename Vector1 :: IndexType Index;
+   typedef typename Vector1::RealType Real;
+   typedef typename Vector1::IndexType Index;
    TNL_ASSERT( v1. getSize() > 0, );
    TNL_ASSERT( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(), );
    Real result( 0.0 );
    const Index n = v1. getSize();
    Devices::MICHider<const Real > vct1;
    Devices::MICHider<const Real > vct2;
-#pragma offload target(mic) in(n,vct1,vct2) inout(result) 
-   for( Index i = 0; i < n; i ++ )
+   #pragma offload target(mic) in(n,vct1,vct2) inout(result)
-      Real aux = std::fabs( vct1.pointer[ i ] - vct2.pointer[ i ] );
-      result += aux * aux;
+      for( Index i = 0; i < n; i ++ )
+      {
+         Real aux = TNL::abs( vct1.pointer[ i ] - vct2.pointer[ i ] );
+         result += aux * aux;
+      }
- return std::sqrt( result );
+   return TNL::sqrt( result );
@@ -397,9 +416,8 @@ getVectorDifferenceLpNorm( const Vector1& v1,
                            const Vector2& v2,
                            const typename Vector1::RealType& p )
-   typedef typename Vector1 :: RealType Real;
-   typedef typename Vector1 :: IndexType Index;
+   typedef typename Vector1::RealType Real;
+   typedef typename Vector1::IndexType Index;
    TNL_ASSERT( p > 0.0,
               std::cerr << " p = " << p );
@@ -413,29 +431,30 @@ getVectorDifferenceLpNorm( const Vector1& v1,
    Real result( 0.0 );
    const Index n = v1. getSize();
    Devices::MICHider<const Real > vct1;
    Devices::MICHider<const Real > vct2;
-#pragma offload target(mic) in(n,vct1,vct2) inout(result) 
-   for( Index i = 0; i < n; i ++ )
+   #pragma offload target(mic) in(n,vct1,vct2) inout(result)
-      result += pow( std::fabs( vct1.pointer[ i ] - vct2.pointer[ i ] ), p );
+      for( Index i = 0; i < n; i ++ )
+      {
+         result += TNL::pow( TNL::abs( vct1.pointer[ i ] - vct2.pointer[ i ] ), p );
+      }
-   return pow( result, 1.0 / p );
+   return TNL::pow( result, 1.0 / p );
 template< typename Vector1, typename Vector2 >
-typename Vector1::RealType VectorOperations< Devices::MIC > :: getVectorDifferenceSum( const Vector1& v1,
-                                                                                     const Vector2& v2 )
+typename Vector1::RealType
+VectorOperations< Devices::MIC >::
+getVectorDifferenceSum( const Vector1& v1,
+                        const Vector2& v2 )
-   typedef typename Vector1 :: RealType Real;
-   typedef typename Vector1 :: IndexType Index;
+   typedef typename Vector1::RealType Real;
+   typedef typename Vector1::IndexType Index;
    TNL_ASSERT( v1. getSize() > 0, );
    TNL_ASSERT( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(), );
@@ -446,22 +465,24 @@ typename Vector1::RealType VectorOperations< Devices::MIC > :: getVectorDifferen
    Devices::MICHider<const Real > vct2;
-#pragma offload target(mic) in(n,vct1,vct2) inout(result) 
-   for( Index i = 0; i < n; i ++ )
-      result +=  vct1.pointer[ i ] - vct2.pointer[ i ];
+   #pragma offload target(mic) in(n,vct1,vct2) inout(result)
+   {
+      for( Index i = 0; i < n; i ++ )
+         result +=  vct1.pointer[ i ] - vct2.pointer[ i ];
+   }
    return result;
 template< typename Vector >
-void VectorOperations< Devices::MIC > :: vectorScalarMultiplication( Vector& v,
-                                                                   const typename Vector :: RealType& alpha )
+VectorOperations< Devices::MIC >::
+vectorScalarMultiplication( Vector& v,
+                            const typename Vector::RealType& alpha )
-   typedef typename Vector :: RealType Real;
-   typedef typename Vector :: IndexType Index;
+   typedef typename Vector::RealType Real;
+   typedef typename Vector::IndexType Index;
    TNL_ASSERT( v. getSize() > 0, );
@@ -469,22 +490,23 @@ void VectorOperations< Devices::MIC > :: vectorScalarMultiplication( Vector& v,
    Devices::MICHider<Real > vct;
    Real a=alpha;
-#pragma offload target(mic) in(vct,a,n)
-   for( Index i = 0; i < n; i ++ )
-      vct.pointer[ i ] *= a;
+   #pragma offload target(mic) in(vct,a,n)
+   {
+      for( Index i = 0; i < n; i ++ )
+         vct.pointer[ i ] *= a;
+   }
 template< typename Vector1, typename Vector2 >
-typename Vector1 :: RealType VectorOperations< Devices::MIC > :: getScalarProduct( const Vector1& v1,
-                                                                                 const Vector2& v2 )
+typename Vector1::RealType
+VectorOperations< Devices::MIC >::
+getScalarProduct( const Vector1& v1,
+                  const Vector2& v2 )
-   typedef typename Vector1 :: RealType Real;
-   typedef typename Vector1 :: IndexType Index;
+   typedef typename Vector1::RealType Real;
+   typedef typename Vector1::IndexType Index;
    TNL_ASSERT( v1. getSize() > 0, );
    TNL_ASSERT( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(), );
@@ -494,14 +516,13 @@ typename Vector1 :: RealType VectorOperations< Devices::MIC > :: getScalarProduc
    Devices::MICHider<const Real > vct2;
-#pragma offload target(mic) in(vct1,vct2,n) inout(result)
-#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:result)// if( n > OpenMPVectorOperationsThreshold ) // TODO: check this threshold
-   for( Index i = 0; i < n; i++ )
-      result += vct1.pointer[ i ] * vct2.pointer[ i ];
+   #pragma offload target(mic) in(vct1,vct2,n) inout(result)
+   {
+      #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:result)// if( n > OpenMPVectorOperationsThreshold ) // TODO: check this threshold
+      for( Index i = 0; i < n; i++ )
+         result += vct1.pointer[ i ] * vct2.pointer[ i ];
+   }
    /*Real result1( 0.0 ), result2( 0.0 ), result3( 0.0 ), result4( 0.0 ),
         result5( 0.0 ), result6( 0.0 ), result7( 0.0 ), result8( 0.0 );
    Index i( 0 );
@@ -520,20 +541,22 @@ typename Vector1 :: RealType VectorOperations< Devices::MIC > :: getScalarProduc
    Real result = result1 + result2 + result3 + result4 + result5 +result6 +result7 +result8;
    while( i < n )
       result += v1[ i ] * v2[ i++ ];*/
-   return result;      
+   return result;
 template< typename Vector1, typename Vector2 >
-void VectorOperations< Devices::MIC > :: addVector( Vector1& y,
-                                                  const Vector2& x,
-                                                  const typename Vector2::RealType& alpha,
-                                                  const typename Vector1::RealType& thisMultiplicator )
+VectorOperations< Devices::MIC >::
+addVector( Vector1& y,
+           const Vector2& x,
+           const typename Vector2::RealType& alpha,
+           const typename Vector1::RealType& thisMultiplicator )
-   typedef typename Vector1 :: RealType Real;
-   typedef typename Vector1 :: IndexType Index;
+   typedef typename Vector1::RealType Real;
+   typedef typename Vector1::IndexType Index;
    TNL_ASSERT( x. getSize() > 0, );
    TNL_ASSERT( x. getSize() == y. getSize(), );
    const Index n = y. getSize();
    Devices::MICHider<Real> vct;
    Devices::MICHider<const Real> vct2;
@@ -541,13 +564,12 @@ void VectorOperations< Devices::MIC > :: addVector( Vector1& y,
    Real a=alpha;
    Real t=thisMultiplicator;
-#pragma offload target(mic) in(vct,vct2,n,a,t)
+   #pragma offload target(mic) in(vct,vct2,n,a,t)
+   {
       for( Index i = 0; i < n; i ++ )
          vct.pointer[ i ] = t * vct.pointer[ i ] + a * vct2.pointer[ i ];
+   }
 template< typename Vector1,
@@ -562,62 +584,62 @@ addVectors( Vector1& v,
             const typename Vector3::RealType& multiplicator2,
             const typename Vector1::RealType& thisMultiplicator )
-   typedef typename Vector1 :: RealType Real;
-   typedef typename Vector1 :: IndexType Index;
+   typedef typename Vector1::RealType Real;
+   typedef typename Vector1::IndexType Index;
    TNL_ASSERT( v.getSize() > 0, );
    TNL_ASSERT( v.getSize() == v1.getSize(), );
    TNL_ASSERT( v.getSize() == v2.getSize(), );
-    const Index n = v. getSize();
-    Devices::MICHider<Real> vct;
-    Devices::MICHider<const Real> vct1;
-    Devices::MICHider<const Real> vct2;
-    vct.pointer=v.getData();
-    vct1.pointer=v1.getData();
-    vct2.pointer=v2.getData();
-    Real t=thisMultiplicator;
-    Real m1=multiplicator1;
-    Real m2=multiplicator2;
-#pragma offload target(mic) in(vct,vct1,vct2,n,t,m1,m2)
+   const Index n = v. getSize();
+   Devices::MICHider<Real> vct;
+   Devices::MICHider<const Real> vct1;
+   Devices::MICHider<const Real> vct2;
+   vct.pointer=v.getData();
+   vct1.pointer=v1.getData();
+   vct2.pointer=v2.getData();
+   Real t=thisMultiplicator;
+   Real m1=multiplicator1;
+   Real m2=multiplicator2;
+   #pragma offload target(mic) in(vct,vct1,vct2,n,t,m1,m2)
+   {
       for( Index i = 0; i < n; i ++ )
          vct.pointer[ i ] = t * vct.pointer[ i ] + m1 * vct1.pointer[ i ] + m2 * vct2.pointer[ i ];
+   }
 template< typename Vector >
-void VectorOperations< Devices::MIC >::computePrefixSum( Vector& v,
-                                                       typename Vector::IndexType begin,
-                                                       typename Vector::IndexType end )
+VectorOperations< Devices::MIC >::
+computePrefixSum( Vector& v,
+                  typename Vector::IndexType begin,
+                  typename Vector::IndexType end )
    typedef typename Vector::IndexType Index;
    //std::cout << v.getSize()<< "    " << end <<endl;
    TNL_ASSERT( v.getSize() > 0, );
    TNL_ASSERT( v.getSize() >= end, );
    TNL_ASSERT( v.getSize() > begin, );
    TNL_ASSERT( end > begin, );
-   Devices::MICHider<typename Vector :: RealType> vct;
+   Devices::MICHider<typename Vector::RealType> vct;
-#pragma offload target(mic) in(vct,begin,end)
-   for( Index i = begin + 1; i < end; i++ )
-      vct.pointer[ i ] += vct.pointer[ i - 1 ];
+   #pragma offload target(mic) in(vct,begin,end)
+   {
+      for( Index i = begin + 1; i < end; i++ )
+         vct.pointer[ i ] += vct.pointer[ i - 1 ];
+   }
 template< typename Vector >
-void VectorOperations< Devices::MIC >::computeExclusivePrefixSum( Vector& v,
-                                                                typename Vector::IndexType begin,
-                                                                typename Vector::IndexType end )
+VectorOperations< Devices::MIC >::
+computeExclusivePrefixSum( Vector& v,
+                           typename Vector::IndexType begin,
+                           typename Vector::IndexType end )
    typedef typename Vector::IndexType Index;
    typedef typename Vector::RealType Real;
    TNL_ASSERT( v.getSize() > 0, );
@@ -625,25 +647,23 @@ void VectorOperations< Devices::MIC >::computeExclusivePrefixSum( Vector& v,
    TNL_ASSERT( v.getSize() > begin, );
    TNL_ASSERT( begin >= 0, );
    TNL_ASSERT( end > begin, );
    Devices::MICHider<Real> vct;
-#pragma offload target(mic) in(vct,begin,end)
-   Real aux( vct.pointer[ begin ] );
-   vct.pointer[ begin ] = 0.0;
-   for( Index i = begin + 1; i < end; i++ )
+   #pragma offload target(mic) in(vct,begin,end)
-      Real x = vct.pointer[ i ];
-      vct.pointer[ i ] = aux;
-      aux += x;
+      Real aux( vct.pointer[ begin ] );
+      vct.pointer[ begin ] = 0.0;
+      for( Index i = begin + 1; i < end; i++ )
+      {
+         Real x = vct.pointer[ i ];
+         vct.pointer[ i ] = aux;
+         aux += x;
+      }
- }
 } // namespace Algorithms
 } // namespace Containers
 } // namespace TNL