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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..21c479a2cdf65ff588bbc82077baf11c1825cb22
--- /dev/null
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+## How to configure git
+It is important to [configure your git username and email address](
+since every git commit will use this information to identify you as the author:
+    git config --global user.name "John Doe"
+    git config --global user.email "john.doe@example.com"
+In the TNL project, this username should be your real name (given name and
+family name) and the email address should be the email address used in the
+Gitlab profile. You should use the same configuration on all computers where
+you make commits. If you have made some commits with a different email address
+in the past, you can also add secondary email addresses to the Gitlab profile.
+## How to write good commit messages
+Begin with a short summary line a.k.a. message subject:
+- Use up to 50 characters; this is the git official preference.
+- Finish without a sentence-ending period.
+Continue with a longer description a.k.a. message body:
+- Add a blank line after the summary line, then write as much as you want.
+- Use up to 72 characters per line for typical text for word wrap.
+- Use as many characters as needed for atypical text, such as URLs, terminal
+  output, formatted messages, etc.
+- Include any kind of notes, links, examples, etc. as you want.
+See [5 Useful Tips For A Better Commit Message](
+https://robots.thoughtbot.com/5-useful-tips-for-a-better-commit-message) and
+[How to Write a Git Commit Message](https://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/)
+for examples and reasoning.
+## How to split commits
+Extensive changes should be split into multiple commits so that only related
+changes are made in each commit. All changes made in a commit should be
+described in its commit message. If describing all changes would not result in
+a good commit message, you should probably make multiple separate commits.
+Multiple small commits are better than one big commit, because later they can be
+easily [squashed](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Rewriting-History)
+together, whereas splitting a big commit into logical parts is significantly
+more difficult.
+> __Tip:__ Use `git add -p` to stage only part of your working tree for the next
+> commit. See [git add -p: The most powerful git feature you're not using yet](
+## Rebase-based workflow
+The development of new features should follow the rebase-based workflow:
+- Create a new _feature_ branch based on the main branch (`develop`).
+- Make commits with your work in the feature branch.
+- When there are other new commits in the `develop` branch, you should do a
+  [rebase](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Branching-Rebasing) to rewind your
+  commits on top of the current develop branch.
+    - If there are conflicts, you will need to resolve them manually. Hence, it
+      is a good practice to rebase as often as possible (generally as soon as
+      the changes appear in the `develop` branch) and to split commits into
+      logical parts.
+- When your work is ready for review, you can open a [merge request](
+  https://mmg-gitlab.fjfi.cvut.cz/gitlab/tnl/tnl-dev/merge_requests/new).
+    - If the branch is not ready for merge yet, prepend `[WIP]` to the merge
+      request title to indicate _work in progress_ and to prevent a premature
+      merge.
+    - This is also a good time to squash small commits (e.g. typos, forgotten
+      changes or trivial corrections) with relevant bigger commits to make the
+      review easier.
+- When reviewed, the feature branch can be merged into the develop branch.
+The main advantages of this workflow are linear history, clear commits and
+reduction of merge conflicts. See [A rebase-based workflow](
+https://brokenco.de/2010/04/02/a-rebase-based-workflow.html) and
+[Why is rebase-then-merge better than just merge](https://stackoverflow.com/a/457988)
+([complement](https://stackoverflow.com/a/804178)) for reference.
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