diff --git a/examples/navier-stokes/navierStokesSolver_impl.h b/examples/navier-stokes/navierStokesSolver_impl.h
index 528e84ccfa9107e74819046fcada6cc13dba53e7..f10e8eb64c7f157f8dd2426baa8e65e51e9f55af 100644
--- a/examples/navier-stokes/navierStokesSolver_impl.h
+++ b/examples/navier-stokes/navierStokesSolver_impl.h
@@ -51,9 +51,6 @@ navierStokesSolver< Mesh, EulerScheme > :: navierStokesSolver()
   T( 0.0 ),
   rhsIndex( 0 )
-   this -> mesh. setName( "navier-stokes-mesh" );
-   this -> dofVector. setName( "navier-stokes-dof-vector" );
 template< typename Mesh, typename EulerScheme >
diff --git a/src/core/arrays/tnlArray.h b/src/core/arrays/tnlArray.h
index 6ebf9399b58afc449d8f5ec3fefa9cdfcd0df2cd..fb6e017b80938cfc09a0919c3d0b0eed37da8072 100644
--- a/src/core/arrays/tnlArray.h
+++ b/src/core/arrays/tnlArray.h
@@ -42,8 +42,6 @@ class tnlArray : public virtual tnlObject
-   tnlArray( const tnlString& name );
    static tnlString getType();
    tnlString getTypeVirtual() const;
diff --git a/src/core/arrays/tnlArray_impl.h b/src/core/arrays/tnlArray_impl.h
index 3655f886914843aa421983532d67cf3743f3a7db..dff8c2502de1447564b049ad5632370c1051f788 100644
--- a/src/core/arrays/tnlArray_impl.h
+++ b/src/core/arrays/tnlArray_impl.h
@@ -36,15 +36,6 @@ tnlArray< Element, Device, Index > :: tnlArray()
-template< typename Element,
-           typename Device,
-           typename Index >
-tnlArray< Element, Device, Index > :: tnlArray( const tnlString& name )
-: size( 0 ), data( 0 )
-   this -> setName( name );
 template< typename Element,
            typename Device,
            typename Index >
@@ -88,7 +79,6 @@ bool tnlArray< Element, Device, Index > :: setSize( const Index size )
    tnlAssert( size >= 0,
               cerr << "You try to set size of tnlArray to negative value."
-                   << "Name: " << this -> getName() << endl
                    << "New size: " << size << endl );
    if( this->size == size ) return true;
    if( this->data )
@@ -101,8 +91,7 @@ bool tnlArray< Element, Device, Index > :: setSize( const Index size )
    if( ! this->data )
       cerr << "I am not able to allocate new array with size "
-           << ( double ) this->size * sizeof( ElementType ) / 1.0e9 << " GB for "
-           << this->getName() << "." << endl;
+           << ( double ) this->size * sizeof( ElementType ) / 1.0e9 << " GB." << endl;
       this -> size = 0;
       return false;
@@ -117,8 +106,6 @@ bool tnlArray< Element, Device, Index > :: setLike( const Array& array )
    tnlAssert( array. getSize() >= 0,
               cerr << "You try to set size of tnlArray to negative value."
-                   << "Name: " << this -> getName() << endl
-                   << "Array name:" << array. getName()
                    << "Array size: " << array. getSize() << endl );
    return setSize( array.getSize() );
@@ -157,8 +144,7 @@ template< typename Element,
 void tnlArray< Element, Device, Index > :: setElement( const Index i, const Element& x )
    tnlAssert( 0 <= i && i < this -> getSize(),
-              cerr << "Wrong index for setElement method in tnlArray with name "
-                   << this -> getName()
+              cerr << "Wrong index for setElement method in tnlArray "
                    << " index is " << i
                    << " and array size is " << this -> getSize() );
    return tnlArrayOperations< Device > :: setMemoryElement( &( this -> data[ i ] ), x );
@@ -170,8 +156,7 @@ template< typename Element,
 Element tnlArray< Element, Device, Index > :: getElement( Index i ) const
    tnlAssert( 0 <= i && i < this -> getSize(),
-              cerr << "Wrong index for getElement method in tnlArray with name "
-                   << this -> getName()
+              cerr << "Wrong index for getElement method in tnlArray "
                    << " index is " << i
                    << " and array size is " << this -> getSize() );
    return tnlArrayOperations< Device > :: getMemoryElement( & ( this -> data[ i ] ) );
@@ -184,8 +169,7 @@ __cuda_callable__
 Element& tnlArray< Element, Device, Index > :: operator[] ( Index i )
    tnlAssert( 0 <= i && i < this -> getSize(),
-              cerr << "Wrong index for operator[] in tnlArray with name "
-                   << this -> getName()
+              cerr << "Wrong index for operator[] in tnlArray "
                    << " index is " << i
                    << " and array size is " << this -> getSize() );
    return this->data[ i ];
@@ -198,8 +182,7 @@ __cuda_callable__
 const Element& tnlArray< Element, Device, Index > :: operator[] ( Index i ) const
    tnlAssert( 0 <= i && i < this -> getSize(),
-              cerr << "Wrong index for operator[] in tnlArray with name "
-                   << this -> getName()
+              cerr << "Wrong index for operator[] in tnlArray "
                    << " index is " << i
                    << " and array size is " << this -> getSize() );
    return this->data[ i ];
@@ -212,9 +195,7 @@ tnlArray< Element, Device, Index >&
    tnlArray< Element, Device, Index > :: operator = ( const tnlArray< Element, Device, Index >& array )
    tnlAssert( array. getSize() == this -> getSize(),
-           cerr << "Source name: " << array. getName() << endl
-                << "Source size: " << array. getSize() << endl
-                << "Target name: " << this -> getName() << endl
+           cerr << "Source size: " << array. getSize() << endl
                 << "Target size: " << this -> getSize() << endl );
    tnlArrayOperations< Device > :: 
    template copyMemory< Element,
@@ -234,9 +215,7 @@ tnlArray< Element, Device, Index >&
    tnlArray< Element, Device, Index > :: operator = ( const Array& array )
    tnlAssert( array. getSize() == this -> getSize(),
-           cerr << "Source name: " << array. getName() << endl
-                << "Source size: " << array. getSize() << endl
-                << "Target name: " << this -> getName() << endl
+           cerr << "Source size: " << array. getSize() << endl
                 << "Target size: " << this -> getSize() << endl );
    tnlArrayOperations< Device,
                        typename Array :: DeviceType > ::
@@ -339,7 +318,6 @@ bool tnlArray< Element, Device, Index > :: save( tnlFile& file ) const
    if( this -> size != 0 && ! tnlArrayIO< Element, Device, Index >::save( file, this -> data, this -> size ) )
       cerr << "I was not able to save " << this->getType()
-           << " " << this -> getName()
            << " with size " << this -> getSize() << endl;
       return false;
@@ -372,7 +350,6 @@ bool tnlArray< Element, Device, Index > :: load( tnlFile& file )
       if( ! tnlArrayIO< Element, Device, Index >::load( file, this -> data, this -> size ) )
          cerr << "I was not able to load " << this->getType()
-                    << " " << this -> getName()
                     << " with size " << this -> getSize() << endl;
          return false;
diff --git a/src/core/arrays/tnlConstSharedArray_impl.h b/src/core/arrays/tnlConstSharedArray_impl.h
index 49b525a77fe014faa06df9dd9085bbad41e4b75b..ce0065859c45fe94f40c8879307f6f5e55e46045 100644
--- a/src/core/arrays/tnlConstSharedArray_impl.h
+++ b/src/core/arrays/tnlConstSharedArray_impl.h
@@ -78,11 +78,9 @@ void tnlConstSharedArray< Element, Device, Index > :: bind( const Element* data,
    tnlAssert( size >= 0,
               cerr << "You try to set size of tnlConstSharedArray to negative value."
-                   << "Name: " << this -> getName() << endl
                    << "New size: " << size << endl );
    tnlAssert( data != 0,
-              cerr << "You try to use null pointer to data for tnlConstSharedArray."
-                   << "Name: " << this -> getName() );
+              cerr << "You try to use null pointer to data for tnlConstSharedArray." );
    this -> size = size;
    this -> data = data;
@@ -141,7 +139,6 @@ Element tnlConstSharedArray< Element, Device, Index > :: getElement( Index i ) c
    tnlAssert( 0 <= i && i < this -> getSize(),
               cerr << "Wrong index for getElement method in tnlConstSharedArray with name "
-                   << this -> getName()
                    << " index is " << i
                    << " and array size is " << this -> getSize() );
    return tnlArrayOperations< Device >::getMemoryElement( &( this -> data[ i ] ) );
@@ -155,7 +152,6 @@ const Element& tnlConstSharedArray< Element, Device, Index > :: operator[] ( Ind
    tnlAssert( 0 <= i && i < this -> getSize(),
               cerr << "Wrong index for operator[] in tnlConstSharedArray with name "
-                   << this -> getName()
                    << " index is " << i
                    << " and array size is " << this -> getSize() );
    // TODO: add static assert - this does not make sense for tnlCudaDevice
@@ -241,7 +237,7 @@ template< typename Element,
 bool tnlConstSharedArray< Element, Device, Index > :: save( tnlFile& file ) const
    tnlAssert( this -> size != 0,
-              cerr << "You try to save empty array. Its name is " << this -> getName() );
+              cerr << "You try to save empty array." );
    if( ! tnlObject :: save( file ) )
       return false;
 #ifdef HAVE_NOT_CXX11
@@ -252,7 +248,7 @@ bool tnlConstSharedArray< Element, Device, Index > :: save( tnlFile& file ) cons
       return false;
    if( ! file. write< Element, Device, Index >( this -> data, this -> size ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to WRITE tnlConstSharedArray " << this -> getName()
+      cerr << "I was not able to WRITE tnlConstSharedArray " 
            << " with size " << this -> getSize() << endl;
       return false;
diff --git a/src/core/arrays/tnlMultiArray.h b/src/core/arrays/tnlMultiArray.h
index eb24d7afa552628755684120d775a35ea0b89987..0a9345d5b791152ec8c421ed0de1f62669e2d999 100644
--- a/src/core/arrays/tnlMultiArray.h
+++ b/src/core/arrays/tnlMultiArray.h
@@ -43,8 +43,6 @@ class tnlMultiArray< 1, Element, Device, Index > : public tnlArray< Element, Dev
-   tnlMultiArray( const tnlString& name );
    static tnlString getType();
    tnlString getTypeVirtual() const;
@@ -124,8 +122,6 @@ class tnlMultiArray< 2, Element, Device, Index > : public tnlArray< Element, Dev
-   tnlMultiArray( const tnlString& name );
    static tnlString getType();
    tnlString getTypeVirtual() const;
@@ -209,8 +205,6 @@ class tnlMultiArray< 3, Element, Device, Index > : public tnlArray< Element, Dev
-   tnlMultiArray( const tnlString& name );
    static tnlString getType();
    tnlString getTypeVirtual() const;
@@ -294,8 +288,6 @@ class tnlMultiArray< 4, Element, Device, Index > : public tnlArray< Element, Dev
-   tnlMultiArray( const tnlString& name );
    static tnlString getType();
    tnlString getTypeVirtual() const;
diff --git a/src/core/arrays/tnlMultiArray1D_impl.h b/src/core/arrays/tnlMultiArray1D_impl.h
index b45aabdedb0bf4b5f5d8cb72a2d39070597cd98b..2ac13a53af9fc4bc71a5a5f1f48f1c6ab66d26fd 100644
--- a/src/core/arrays/tnlMultiArray1D_impl.h
+++ b/src/core/arrays/tnlMultiArray1D_impl.h
@@ -23,12 +23,6 @@ tnlMultiArray< 1, Element, Device, Index > :: tnlMultiArray()
-template< typename Element, typename Device, typename Index >
-tnlMultiArray< 1, Element, Device, Index > :: tnlMultiArray( const tnlString& name )
-   this -> setName( name );
 template< typename Element, typename Device, typename Index >
 tnlString tnlMultiArray< 1, Element, Device, Index > :: getType()
@@ -155,10 +149,8 @@ bool tnlMultiArray< 1, Element, Device, Index > :: operator == ( const MultiArra
    // TODO: Static assert on dimensions
    tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == array. getDimensions(),
               cerr << "You are attempting to compare two arrays with different dimensions." << endl
-                   << "First array name is " << this -> getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
-                   << "Second array is " << array. getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << array. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
+                   << "First array dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
+                   << "Second array dimensions are ( " << array. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
    return tnlArray< Element, Device, Index > :: operator == ( array );
@@ -176,10 +168,8 @@ tnlMultiArray< 1, Element, Device, Index >&
    // TODO: Static assert on dimensions
    tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == array. getDimensions(),
               cerr << "You are attempting to assign two arrays with different dimensions." << endl
-                   << "First array name is " << this -> getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
-                   << "Second array is " << array. getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << array. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
+                   << "First array dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
+                   << "Second array dimensions are ( " << array. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
    tnlArray< Element, Device, Index > :: operator = ( array );
    return ( *this );
@@ -192,10 +182,8 @@ tnlMultiArray< 1, Element, Device, Index >&
    // TODO: Static assert on dimensions
    tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == array. getDimensions(),
               cerr << "You are attempting to assign two arrays with different dimensions." << endl
-                   << "First array name is " << this -> getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
-                   << "Second array is " << array. getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << array. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
+                   << "First array dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
+                   << "Second array dimensions are ( " << array. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
    tnlArray< Element, Device, Index > :: operator = ( array );
    return ( *this );
@@ -205,14 +193,12 @@ bool tnlMultiArray< 1, Element, Device, Index > :: save( tnlFile& file ) const
    if( ! tnlArray< Element, Device, Index > :: save( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to write the tnlArray of tnlMultiArray "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to write the tnlArray of tnlMultiArray." << endl;
       return false;
    if( ! dimensions. save( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to write the dimensions of tnlMultiArray "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to write the dimensions of tnlMultiArray." << endl;
       return false;
    return true;
@@ -223,14 +209,12 @@ bool tnlMultiArray< 1, Element, Device, Index > :: load( tnlFile& file )
    if( ! tnlArray< Element, Device, Index > :: load( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to read the tnlArray of tnlMultiArray "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to read the tnlArray of tnlMultiArray." << endl;
       return false;
    if( ! dimensions. load( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to read the dimensions of tnlMultiArray "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to read the dimensions of tnlMultiArray." << endl;
       return false;
    return true;
diff --git a/src/core/arrays/tnlMultiArray2D_impl.h b/src/core/arrays/tnlMultiArray2D_impl.h
index cc10ee13d4ccb96750a2f63df0e02932bbc2c27e..2b51149244a19719c77cfe01b65f47c5484739de 100644
--- a/src/core/arrays/tnlMultiArray2D_impl.h
+++ b/src/core/arrays/tnlMultiArray2D_impl.h
@@ -25,13 +25,6 @@ tnlMultiArray< 2, Element, Device, Index > :: tnlMultiArray()
-template< typename Element, typename Device, typename Index >
-tnlMultiArray< 2, Element, Device, Index > :: tnlMultiArray( const tnlString& name )
-   this -> setName( name );
 template< typename Element, typename Device, typename Index >
 tnlString tnlMultiArray< 2, Element, Device, Index > :: getType()
@@ -168,10 +161,8 @@ bool tnlMultiArray< 2, Element, Device, Index > :: operator == ( const MultiArra
    // TODO: Static assert on dimensions
    tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == array. getDimensions(),
               cerr << "You are attempting to compare two arrays with different dimensions." << endl
-                   << "First array name is " << this -> getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
-                   << "Second array is " << array. getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << array. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
+                   << "First array dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
+                   << "Second array dimensions are ( " << array. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
    return tnlArray< Element, Device, Index > :: operator == ( array );
@@ -189,10 +180,8 @@ tnlMultiArray< 2, Element, Device, Index >&
    // TODO: Static assert on dimensions
    tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == array. getDimensions(),
               cerr << "You are attempting to assign two arrays with different dimensions." << endl
-                   << "First array name is " << this -> getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
-                   << "Second array is " << array. getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << array. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
+                   << "First array dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
+                   << "Second array dimensions are ( " << array. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
    tnlArray< Element, Device, Index > :: operator = ( array );
    return ( *this );
@@ -205,10 +194,8 @@ tnlMultiArray< 2, Element, Device, Index >&
    // TODO: Static assert on dimensions
    tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == array. getDimensions(),
               cerr << "You are attempting to assign two arrays with different dimensions." << endl
-                   << "First array name is " << this -> getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
-                   << "Second array is " << array. getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << array. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
+                   << "First array dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
+                   << "Second array dimensions are ( " << array. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
    tnlArray< Element, Device, Index > :: operator = ( array );
    return ( *this );
@@ -218,14 +205,12 @@ bool tnlMultiArray< 2, Element, Device, Index > :: save( tnlFile& file ) const
    if( ! tnlArray< Element, Device, Index > :: save( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to write the tnlArray of tnlMultiArray "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to write the tnlArray of tnlMultiArray." << endl;
       return false;
    if( ! dimensions. save( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to write the dimensions of tnlMultiArray "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to write the dimensions of tnlMultiArray." << endl;
       return false;
    return true;
@@ -236,14 +221,12 @@ bool tnlMultiArray< 2, Element, Device, Index > :: load( tnlFile& file )
    if( ! tnlArray< Element, Device, Index > :: load( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to read the tnlArray of tnlMultiArray "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to read the tnlArray of tnlMultiArray." << endl;
       return false;
    if( ! dimensions. load( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to read the dimensions of tnlMultiArray "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to read the dimensions of tnlMultiArray." << endl;
       return false;
    return true;
diff --git a/src/core/arrays/tnlMultiArray3D_impl.h b/src/core/arrays/tnlMultiArray3D_impl.h
index 3cd8dfbd237ba327d54d77d9359041320b95ead0..25a91599dfa95d51d2817818315a711ce3adc916 100644
--- a/src/core/arrays/tnlMultiArray3D_impl.h
+++ b/src/core/arrays/tnlMultiArray3D_impl.h
@@ -25,12 +25,6 @@ tnlMultiArray< 3, Element, Device, Index > :: tnlMultiArray()
-template< typename Element, typename Device, typename Index >
-tnlMultiArray< 3, Element, Device, Index > :: tnlMultiArray( const tnlString& name )
-   this -> setName( name );
 template< typename Element, typename Device, typename Index >
 tnlString tnlMultiArray< 3, Element, Device, Index > :: getType()
@@ -191,10 +185,8 @@ bool tnlMultiArray< 3, Element, Device, Index > :: operator == ( const MultiArra
    // TODO: Static assert on dimensions
    tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == array. getDimensions(),
               cerr << "You are attempting to compare two arrays with different dimensions." << endl
-                   << "First array name is " << this -> getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
-                   << "Second array is " << array. getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << array. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
+                   << "First array dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
+                   << "Second array dimensions are ( " << array. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
    return tnlArray< Element, Device, Index > :: operator == ( array );
@@ -212,10 +204,8 @@ tnlMultiArray< 3, Element, Device, Index >&
    // TODO: Static assert on dimensions
    tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == array. getDimensions(),
               cerr << "You are attempting to assign two arrays with different dimensions." << endl
-                   << "First array name is " << this -> getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
-                   << "Second array is " << array. getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << array. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
+                   << "First array dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
+                   << "Second array dimensions are ( " << array. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
    tnlArray< Element, Device, Index > :: operator = ( array );
    return ( *this );
@@ -228,10 +218,8 @@ tnlMultiArray< 3, Element, Device, Index >&
    // TODO: Static assert on dimensions
    tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == array. getDimensions(),
               cerr << "You are attempting to assign two arrays with different dimensions." << endl
-                   << "First array name is " << this -> getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
-                   << "Second array is " << array. getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << array. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
+                   << "First array dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
+                   << "Second array dimensions are ( " << array. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
    tnlArray< Element, Device, Index > :: operator = ( array );
    return ( *this );
@@ -241,14 +229,12 @@ bool tnlMultiArray< 3, Element, Device, Index > :: save( tnlFile& file ) const
    if( ! tnlArray< Element, Device, Index > :: save( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to write the tnlArray of tnlMultiArray "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to write the tnlArray of tnlMultiArray." << endl;
       return false;
    if( ! dimensions. save( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to write the dimensions of tnlMultiArray "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to write the dimensions of tnlMultiArray." << endl;
       return false;
    return true;
@@ -259,14 +245,12 @@ bool tnlMultiArray< 3, Element, Device, Index > :: load( tnlFile& file )
    if( ! tnlArray< Element, Device, Index > :: load( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to read the tnlArray of tnlMultiArray "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to read the tnlArray of tnlMultiArray." << endl;
       return false;
    if( ! dimensions. load( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to read the dimensions of tnlMultiArray "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to read the dimensions of tnlMultiArray." << endl;
       return false;
    return true;
diff --git a/src/core/arrays/tnlMultiArray4D_impl.h b/src/core/arrays/tnlMultiArray4D_impl.h
index a2ebfcd21f709f8da7ad77d1ec96d3ee54f03a06..67d492fa119a6b6b980e5228702b060a694becfc 100644
--- a/src/core/arrays/tnlMultiArray4D_impl.h
+++ b/src/core/arrays/tnlMultiArray4D_impl.h
@@ -25,12 +25,6 @@ tnlMultiArray< 4, Element, Device, Index > :: tnlMultiArray()
-template< typename Element, typename Device, typename Index >
-tnlMultiArray< 4, Element, Device, Index > :: tnlMultiArray( const tnlString& name )
-   this -> setName( name );
 template< typename Element, typename Device, typename Index >
 tnlString tnlMultiArray< 4, Element, Device, Index > :: getType()
@@ -205,10 +199,8 @@ bool tnlMultiArray< 4, Element, Device, Index > :: operator == ( const MultiArra
    // TODO: Static assert on dimensions
    tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == array. getDimensions(),
               cerr << "You are attempting to compare two arrays with different dimensions." << endl
-                   << "First array name is " << this -> getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
-                   << "Second array is " << array. getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << array. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
+                   << "First array dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
+                   << "Second array dimensions are ( " << array. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
    return tnlArray< Element, Device, Index > :: operator == ( array );
@@ -226,10 +218,8 @@ tnlMultiArray< 4, Element, Device, Index >&
    // TODO: Static assert on dimensions
    tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == array. getDimensions(),
               cerr << "You are attempting to assign two arrays with different dimensions." << endl
-                   << "First array name is " << this -> getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
-                   << "Second array is " << array. getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << array. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
+                   << "First array dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
+                   << "Second array dimensions are ( " << array. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
    tnlArray< Element, Device, Index > :: operator = ( array );
    return ( *this );
@@ -242,10 +232,8 @@ tnlMultiArray< 4, Element, Device, Index >&
    // TODO: Static assert on dimensions
    tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == array. getDimensions(),
               cerr << "You are attempting to assign two arrays with different dimensions." << endl
-                   << "First array name is " << this -> getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
-                   << "Second array is " << array. getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << array. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
+                   << "First array dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
+                   << "Second array dimensions are ( " << array. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
    tnlArray< Element, Device, Index > :: operator = ( array );
    return ( *this );
@@ -255,14 +243,12 @@ bool tnlMultiArray< 4, Element, Device, Index > :: save( tnlFile& file ) const
    if( ! tnlArray< Element, Device, Index > :: save( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to write the tnlArray of tnlMultiArray "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to write the tnlArray of tnlMultiArray." << endl;
       return false;
    if( ! dimensions. save( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to write the dimensions of tnlMultiArray "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to write the dimensions of tnlMultiArray." << endl;
       return false;
    return true;
@@ -273,14 +259,12 @@ bool tnlMultiArray< 4, Element, Device, Index > :: load( tnlFile& file )
    if( ! tnlArray< Element, Device, Index > :: load( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to read the tnlArray of tnlMultiArray "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to read the tnlArray of tnlMultiArray." << endl;
       return false;
    if( ! dimensions. load( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to read the dimensions of tnlMultiArray "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to read the dimensions of tnlMultiArray." << endl;
       return false;
    return true;
diff --git a/src/core/arrays/tnlSharedArray_impl.h b/src/core/arrays/tnlSharedArray_impl.h
index c58802aef78569d31543cfb22f2028abea756347..8ec3257f4963dabaa28e97e1e685e007b7e57f2b 100644
--- a/src/core/arrays/tnlSharedArray_impl.h
+++ b/src/core/arrays/tnlSharedArray_impl.h
@@ -104,11 +104,9 @@ void tnlSharedArray< Element, Device, Index > :: bind( Element* data,
    tnlAssert( size >= 0,
               cerr << "You try to set size of tnlSharedArray to negative value."
-                   << "Name: " << this -> getName() << endl
                    << "New size: " << size << endl );
    tnlAssert( data != 0,
-              cerr << "You try to use null pointer to data for tnlSharedArray."
-                   << "Name: " << this -> getName() );
+              cerr << "You try to use null pointer to data for tnlSharedArray." );
    this -> size = size;
    this -> data = data;
@@ -184,8 +182,7 @@ template< typename Element,
 void tnlSharedArray< Element, Device, Index > :: setElement( const Index i, const Element& x )
    tnlAssert( 0 <= i && i < this -> getSize(),
-              cerr << "Wrong index for setElement method in tnlSharedArray with name "
-                   << this -> getName()
+              cerr << "Wrong index for setElement method in tnlSharedArray "
                    << " index is " << i
                    << " and array size is " << this -> getSize() );
    return tnlArrayOperations< Device >::setMemoryElement( & ( this -> data[ i ] ), x );
@@ -197,8 +194,7 @@ template< typename Element,
 Element tnlSharedArray< Element, Device, Index > :: getElement( Index i ) const
    tnlAssert( 0 <= i && i < this -> getSize(),
-              cerr << "Wrong index for getElement method in tnlSharedArray with name "
-                   << this -> getName()
+              cerr << "Wrong index for getElement method in tnlSharedArray "
                    << " index is " << i
                    << " and array size is " << this -> getSize() );
    return tnlArrayOperations< Device >::getMemoryElement( &( this -> data[ i ] ) );
@@ -211,8 +207,7 @@ __cuda_callable__
 Element& tnlSharedArray< Element, Device, Index > :: operator[] ( Index i )
    tnlAssert( 0 <= i && i < this -> getSize(),
-              cerr << "Wrong index for operator[] in tnlSharedArray with name "
-                   << this -> getName()
+              cerr << "Wrong index for operator[] in tnlSharedArray "
                    << " index is " << i
                    << " and array size is " << this -> getSize() );
    return this->data[ i ];
@@ -225,8 +220,7 @@ __cuda_callable__
 const Element& tnlSharedArray< Element, Device, Index > :: operator[] ( Index i ) const
    tnlAssert( 0 <= i && i < this -> getSize(),
-              cerr << "Wrong index for operator[] in tnlSharedArray with name "
-                   << this -> getName()
+              cerr << "Wrong index for operator[] in tnlSharedArray "
                    << " index is " << i
                    << " and array size is " << this -> getSize() );
    return this->data[ i ];
@@ -239,9 +233,7 @@ tnlSharedArray< Element, Device, Index >&
     tnlSharedArray< Element, Device, Index > :: operator = ( const tnlSharedArray< Element, Device, Index >& array )
    tnlAssert( array. getSize() == this -> getSize(),
-           cerr << "Source name: " << array. getName() << endl
-                << "Source size: " << array. getSize() << endl
-                << "Target name: " << this -> getName() << endl
+           cerr << "Source size: " << array. getSize() << endl
                 << "Target size: " << this -> getSize() << endl );
    tnlArrayOperations< Device > ::
    template copyMemory< Element,
@@ -260,9 +252,7 @@ template< typename Element,
 tnlSharedArray< Element, Device, Index >& tnlSharedArray< Element, Device, Index > :: operator = ( const Array& array )
    tnlAssert( array. getSize() == this -> getSize(),
-           cerr << "Source name: " << array. getName() << endl
-                << "Source size: " << array. getSize() << endl
-                << "Target name: " << this -> getName() << endl
+           cerr << "Source size: " << array. getSize() << endl
                 << "Target size: " << this -> getSize() << endl );
    tnlArrayOperations< typename Array :: DeviceType,
                        Device > ::
@@ -307,8 +297,7 @@ template< typename Element,
           typename Index >
 void tnlSharedArray< Element, Device, Index > :: setValue( const Element& e )
-   tnlAssert( this -> size != 0,
-              cerr << "Array name is " << this -> getName() );
+   tnlAssert( this -> size != 0, );
    tnlArrayOperations< Device >::template setMemory< Element, Index >
                               ( this -> getData(), e, this -> getSize() );
@@ -354,7 +343,7 @@ template< typename Element,
 bool tnlSharedArray< Element, Device, Index > :: save( tnlFile& file ) const
    tnlAssert( this -> size != 0,
-              cerr << "You try to save empty array. Its name is " << this -> getName() );
+              cerr << "You try to save empty array." << endl );
    if( ! tnlObject :: save( file ) )
       return false;
 #ifdef HAVE_NOT_CXX11
@@ -365,8 +354,7 @@ bool tnlSharedArray< Element, Device, Index > :: save( tnlFile& file ) const
       return false;
    if( ! file. write< Element, Device, Index >( this -> data, this -> size ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to WRITE tnlSharedArray " << this -> getName()
-           << " with size " << this -> getSize() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to WRITE tnlSharedArray with size " << this -> getSize() << endl;
       return false;
    return true;
@@ -398,16 +386,14 @@ bool tnlSharedArray< Element, Device, Index > :: load( tnlFile& file )
    if( _size != this->size )
       cerr << "Error: The size " << _size << " of the data to be load is different from the " <<
-               "allocated array. This is not possible in the shared array ( in " << this->getName() <<
-               " )." << endl;
+               "allocated array. This is not possible in the shared array." << endl;
       return false;
    if( _size )
       if( ! file. read< Element, Device, Index >( this -> data, this -> size ) )
-         cerr << "I was not able to READ tnlSharedArray " << this -> getName()
-              << " with size " << this -> getSize() << endl;
+         cerr << "I was not able to READ tnlSharedArray with size " << this -> getSize() << endl;
          return false;
diff --git a/src/core/containers/tnlContainer_impl.h b/src/core/containers/tnlContainer_impl.h
index 5a0d10946a70d18cdc5894c685dc95d858fefb21..7a536a860e43ba433574a7809e1c5ae0827ef6ab 100644
--- a/src/core/containers/tnlContainer_impl.h
+++ b/src/core/containers/tnlContainer_impl.h
@@ -88,8 +88,7 @@ bool tnlContainer< Element, Device, Index >::save( tnlFile& file ) const
    if( ! tnlObject::save( file ) ||
        ! this->data.save( file ) )
-      cerr << "I am no able to save " << this->getType()
-           << " " << this->getName() << "." << endl;
+      cerr << "I am no able to save " << this->getType() << "." << endl;
       return false;
    return true;
@@ -101,8 +100,7 @@ bool tnlContainer< Element, Device, Index >::load( tnlFile& file )
    if( ! tnlObject::load( file ) ||
        ! this->data.load( file ) )
-      cerr << "I am no able to load " << this->getType()
-           << " " << this->getName() << "." << endl;
+      cerr << "I am no able to load " << this->getType() << "." << endl;
       return false;
    return true;
diff --git a/src/core/containers/tnlStaticContainer_impl.h b/src/core/containers/tnlStaticContainer_impl.h
index 2ea081a9a3bdfda26577cc086832ef55de3c558d..009e43b89947d7c6bf4a396eadb41908ec348865 100644
--- a/src/core/containers/tnlStaticContainer_impl.h
+++ b/src/core/containers/tnlStaticContainer_impl.h
@@ -70,8 +70,7 @@ bool tnlStaticContainer< Size, Element >::save( tnlFile& file ) const
    if( ! tnlObject::save( file ) ||
        ! this->data.save( file ) )
-      cerr << "I am no able to save " << this->getType()
-           << " " << this->getName() << "." << endl;
+      cerr << "I am no able to save " << this->getType() << "." << endl;
       return false;
    return true;
@@ -83,8 +82,7 @@ bool tnlStaticContainer< Size, Element >::load( tnlFile& file )
    if( ! tnlObject::load( file ) ||
        ! this->data.load( file ) )
-      cerr << "I am no able to load " << this->getType()
-           << " " << this->getName() << "." << endl;
+      cerr << "I am no able to load " << this->getType() << "." << endl;
       return false;
    return true;
diff --git a/src/core/tnlCurve.h b/src/core/tnlCurve.h
index 89ead3407a12a45bb3846b8bef24520f6af633ae..dce343e3ee02435933fd6599427ce1f66e9b31a3 100644
--- a/src/core/tnlCurve.h
+++ b/src/core/tnlCurve.h
@@ -184,14 +184,12 @@ template< class T > bool Write( const tnlCurve< T >& curve,
       tnlFile file;
       if( ! file. open( tnlString( file_name ) + tnlString( ".tnl" ), tnlWriteMode ) )
-         cerr << "I am not able to open the file " << file_name << " for drawing curve "
-              << curve. getName() <<"." << endl;
+         cerr << "I am not able to open the file " << file_name << " for drawing curve." << endl;
          return false;
       if( ! curve. save( file ) )
-         cerr << "I am not able to write to the file " << file_name << " for drawing grid "
-              << curve. getName() <<"." << endl;
+         cerr << "I am not able to write to the file " << file_name << " for drawing grid." << endl;
          return false;
       file. close();
@@ -202,8 +200,7 @@ template< class T > bool Write( const tnlCurve< T >& curve,
       file. open( file_name, ios :: out );
       if( ! file )
-         cerr << "I am not able to to open the file " << file_name << " for drawing curve "
-              << curve. getName() <<"." << endl;
+         cerr << "I am not able to to open the file " << file_name << " for drawing curve." << endl;
          return false;
       bool result = Write( curve, file, format, step );
diff --git a/src/core/tnlObject.cpp b/src/core/tnlObject.cpp
index 6e32643b6896feda8f1ed2a1592bbffe07d7fb40..f4b2ed0f13184a20c3fb421b90fb04876f088a18 100644
--- a/src/core/tnlObject.cpp
+++ b/src/core/tnlObject.cpp
@@ -25,21 +25,15 @@
 #include <cstring>
 #include <stdio.h>
-const char magic_number[] = "SIM33";
+const char magic_number[] = "TNLMN";
 tnlObject :: tnlObject()
-: name( "<no name>" )
-   dbgFunctionName( "tnlObject", "tnlObject" );
-   dbgCout( "Initiating object " << getName() );
 tnlObject :: tnlObject( const tnlString& _name )
-: name( _name )
-   dbgFunctionName( "tnlObject", "tnlObject" );
-   dbgCout( "Initiating object " << getName() );
 tnlString tnlObject :: getType()
@@ -62,16 +56,6 @@ tnlString tnlObject :: getSerializationTypeVirtual() const
    return this->getSerializationType();
-void tnlObject :: setName( const tnlString& name)
-   this -> name = name;
-const tnlString& tnlObject :: getName() const
-   return name;
 bool tnlObject :: save( tnlFile& file ) const
    dbgFunctionName( "tnlObject", "Save" );
@@ -82,9 +66,7 @@ bool tnlObject :: save( tnlFile& file ) const
    if( ! file. write( magic_number, strlen( magic_number ) ) )
       return false;
-   dbgCout( "Writing object name " << name );
-   if( ! this->getSerializationTypeVirtual().save( file ) ||
-       ! name. save( file ) ) return false;
+   if( ! this->getSerializationTypeVirtual().save( file ) ) return false;
    return true;
@@ -100,8 +82,6 @@ bool tnlObject :: load( tnlFile& file )
       cerr << "Given file contains instance of " << objectType << " but " << getSerializationTypeVirtual() << " is expected." << endl;
       return false;
-   dbgCout( "Reading object name " );
-   if( ! name. load( file ) ) return false;
    return true;
@@ -144,7 +124,6 @@ bool tnlObject :: load( const tnlString& fileName )
 bool getObjectType( tnlFile& file, tnlString& type )
    dbgFunctionName( "", "getObjectType" );
-   dbgCout( "Checking magic number." );
    char mn[ 10 ];
 #ifdef HAVE_NOT_CXX11
    if( ! file. read< char, tnlHost, int >( mn, strlen( magic_number ) ) )
@@ -155,7 +134,8 @@ bool getObjectType( tnlFile& file, tnlString& type )
       cerr << "Unable to read file " << file. getFileName() << " ... " << endl;
       return false;
-   if( strncmp( mn, magic_number, 5 ) != 0 ) return false;
+   if( strncmp( mn, magic_number, 5 ) != 0 &&
+       strncmp( mn, "SIM33", 5 ) != 0 ) return false;
    if( ! type. load( file ) ) return false;
    return true;
diff --git a/src/core/tnlObject.h b/src/core/tnlObject.h
index ad6338bd5e348364168cb0133c7365cd52319d1c..be9f0f26d7cc4b7969978aab0d407dd8fda5db72 100644
--- a/src/core/tnlObject.h
+++ b/src/core/tnlObject.h
@@ -61,16 +61,6 @@ class tnlObject
    virtual tnlString getSerializationTypeVirtual() const;
-   /****
-    *  Name getter
-    */
-    void setName( const tnlString& name );
-   /****
-    *  Name getter
-    */
-   const tnlString& getName() const;
    //! Method for saving the object to a file as a binary data
    virtual bool save( tnlFile& file ) const;
@@ -84,10 +74,6 @@ class tnlObject
    //! Destructor
    virtual ~tnlObject(){};
-   protected:
-   //! Object name
-   tnlString name;
 bool getObjectType( tnlFile& file, tnlString& type );
diff --git a/src/core/vectors/tnlMultiVector1D_impl.h b/src/core/vectors/tnlMultiVector1D_impl.h
index 6e1b6a6695f41c38454f24a8493d9ae68b4bbe90..1fe506de95cbb7890a50f3df9c8485aa3a70650e 100644
--- a/src/core/vectors/tnlMultiVector1D_impl.h
+++ b/src/core/vectors/tnlMultiVector1D_impl.h
@@ -25,12 +25,6 @@ tnlMultiVector< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: tnlMultiVector()
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-tnlMultiVector< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: tnlMultiVector( const tnlString& name )
-   this -> setName( name );
 template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
 tnlString tnlMultiVector< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: getType()
@@ -147,10 +141,8 @@ bool tnlMultiVector< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: operator == ( const MultiVector
    // TODO: Static assert on dimensions
    tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == Vector. getDimensions(),
               cerr << "You are attempting to compare two Vectors with different dimensions." << endl
-                   << "First Vector name is " << this -> getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
-                   << "Second Vector is " << Vector. getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << Vector. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
+                   << "First Vector name dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
+                   << "Second Vector dimensions are ( " << Vector. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
    return tnlVector< Real, Device, Index > :: operator == ( Vector );
@@ -168,10 +160,8 @@ tnlMultiVector< 1, Real, Device, Index >&
    // TODO: Static assert on dimensions
    tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == Vector. getDimensions(),
               cerr << "You are attempting to assign two Vectors with different dimensions." << endl
-                   << "First Vector name is " << this -> getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
-                   << "Second Vector is " << Vector. getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << Vector. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
+                   << "First vector dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
+                   << "Second vector dimensions are ( " << Vector. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
    tnlVector< Real, Device, Index > :: operator = ( Vector );
    return ( *this );
@@ -184,10 +174,8 @@ tnlMultiVector< 1, Real, Device, Index >&
    // TODO: Static assert on dimensions
    tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == Vector. getDimensions(),
               cerr << "You are attempting to assign two Vectors with different dimensions." << endl
-                   << "First Vector name is " << this -> getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
-                   << "Second Vector is " << Vector. getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << Vector. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
+                   << "First vector dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
+                   << "Second vector dimensions are ( " << Vector. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
    tnlVector< Real, Device, Index > :: operator = ( Vector );
    return ( *this );
@@ -197,14 +185,12 @@ bool tnlMultiVector< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: save( tnlFile& file ) const
    if( ! tnlVector< Real, Device, Index > :: save( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to write the tnlVector of tnlMultiVector "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to write the tnlVector of tnlMultiVector." << endl;
       return false;
    if( ! dimensions. save( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to write the dimensions of tnlMultiVector "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to write the dimensions of tnlMultiVector." << endl;
       return false;
    return true;
@@ -215,14 +201,12 @@ bool tnlMultiVector< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: load( tnlFile& file )
    if( ! tnlVector< Real, Device, Index > :: load( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to read the tnlVector of tnlMultiVector "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to read the tnlVector of tnlMultiVector." << endl;
       return false;
    if( ! dimensions. load( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to read the dimensions of tnlMultiVector "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to read the dimensions of tnlMultiVector." << endl;
       return false;
    return true;
diff --git a/src/core/vectors/tnlMultiVector2D_impl.h b/src/core/vectors/tnlMultiVector2D_impl.h
index a964b062e641695bfcc29f30861c4c43b50f35f4..be3f3874d9f68504a3b9ff4ea09cc39f7c9fe3e8 100644
--- a/src/core/vectors/tnlMultiVector2D_impl.h
+++ b/src/core/vectors/tnlMultiVector2D_impl.h
@@ -25,13 +25,6 @@ tnlMultiVector< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: tnlMultiVector()
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-tnlMultiVector< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: tnlMultiVector( const tnlString& name )
-   this -> setName( name );
 template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
 tnlString tnlMultiVector< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getType()
@@ -155,10 +148,8 @@ bool tnlMultiVector< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: operator == ( const MultiVector
    // TODO: Static assert on dimensions
    tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == Vector. getDimensions(),
               cerr << "You are attempting to compare two Vectors with different dimensions." << endl
-                   << "First Vector name is " << this -> getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
-                   << "Second Vector is " << Vector. getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << Vector. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
+                   << "First vector dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
+                   << "Second vector dimensions are ( " << Vector. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
    return tnlVector< Real, Device, Index > :: operator == ( Vector );
@@ -176,10 +167,8 @@ tnlMultiVector< 2, Real, Device, Index >&
    // TODO: Static assert on dimensions
    tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == Vector. getDimensions(),
               cerr << "You are attempting to assign two Vectors with different dimensions." << endl
-                   << "First Vector name is " << this -> getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
-                   << "Second Vector is " << Vector. getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << Vector. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
+                   << "First vector dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
+                   << "Second vector dimensions are ( " << Vector. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
    tnlVector< Real, Device, Index > :: operator = ( Vector );
    return ( *this );
@@ -192,10 +181,8 @@ tnlMultiVector< 2, Real, Device, Index >&
    // TODO: Static assert on dimensions
    tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == Vector. getDimensions(),
               cerr << "You are attempting to assign two Vectors with different dimensions." << endl
-                   << "First Vector name is " << this -> getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
-                   << "Second Vector is " << Vector. getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << Vector. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
+                   << "First vector dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
+                   << "Second vector dimensions are ( " << Vector. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
    tnlVector< Real, Device, Index > :: operator = ( Vector );
    return ( *this );
@@ -205,14 +192,12 @@ bool tnlMultiVector< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: save( tnlFile& file ) const
    if( ! tnlVector< Real, Device, Index > :: save( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to write the tnlVector of tnlMultiVector "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to write the tnlVector of tnlMultiVector."  << endl;
       return false;
    if( ! dimensions. save( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to write the dimensions of tnlMultiVector "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to write the dimensions of tnlMultiVector." << endl;
       return false;
    return true;
@@ -223,14 +208,12 @@ bool tnlMultiVector< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: load( tnlFile& file )
    if( ! tnlVector< Real, Device, Index > :: load( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to read the tnlVector of tnlMultiVector "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to read the tnlVector of tnlMultiVector." << endl;
       return false;
    if( ! dimensions. load( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to read the dimensions of tnlMultiVector "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to read the dimensions of tnlMultiVector." << endl;
       return false;
    return true;
diff --git a/src/core/vectors/tnlMultiVector3D_impl.h b/src/core/vectors/tnlMultiVector3D_impl.h
index 3a19302c373be1f7b56db3fee36b688aa6aa6a04..a549954007be0df8a18ba2461688de0ac6d59065 100644
--- a/src/core/vectors/tnlMultiVector3D_impl.h
+++ b/src/core/vectors/tnlMultiVector3D_impl.h
@@ -25,12 +25,6 @@ tnlMultiVector< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: tnlMultiVector()
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-tnlMultiVector< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: tnlMultiVector( const tnlString& name )
-   this -> setName( name );
 template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
 tnlString tnlMultiVector< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: getType()
@@ -174,10 +168,8 @@ bool tnlMultiVector< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: operator == ( const MultiVector
    // TODO: Static assert on dimensions
    tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == Vector. getDimensions(),
               cerr << "You are attempting to compare two Vectors with different dimensions." << endl
-                   << "First Vector name is " << this -> getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
-                   << "Second Vector is " << Vector. getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << Vector. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
+                   << "First vector dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
+                   << "Second vector dimensions are ( " << Vector. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
    return tnlVector< Real, Device, Index > :: operator == ( Vector );
@@ -195,10 +187,8 @@ tnlMultiVector< 3, Real, Device, Index >&
    // TODO: Static assert on dimensions
    tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == Vector. getDimensions(),
               cerr << "You are attempting to assign two Vectors with different dimensions." << endl
-                   << "First Vector name is " << this -> getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
-                   << "Second Vector is " << Vector. getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << Vector. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
+                   << "First vector dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
+                   << "Second vector dimensions are ( " << Vector. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
    tnlVector< Real, Device, Index > :: operator = ( Vector );
    return ( *this );
@@ -211,10 +201,8 @@ tnlMultiVector< 3, Real, Device, Index >&
    // TODO: Static assert on dimensions
    tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == Vector. getDimensions(),
               cerr << "You are attempting to assign two Vectors with different dimensions." << endl
-                   << "First Vector name is " << this -> getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
-                   << "Second Vector is " << Vector. getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << Vector. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
+                   << "First vector dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
+                   << "Second vector dimensions are ( " << Vector. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
    tnlVector< Real, Device, Index > :: operator = ( Vector );
    return ( *this );
@@ -224,14 +212,12 @@ bool tnlMultiVector< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: save( tnlFile& file ) const
    if( ! tnlVector< Real, Device, Index > :: save( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to write the tnlVector of tnlMultiVector "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to write the tnlVector of tnlMultiVector." << endl;
       return false;
    if( ! dimensions. save( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to write the dimensions of tnlMultiVector "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to write the dimensions of tnlMultiVector." << endl;
       return false;
    return true;
@@ -242,14 +228,12 @@ bool tnlMultiVector< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: load( tnlFile& file )
    if( ! tnlVector< Real, Device, Index > :: load( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to read the tnlVector of tnlMultiVector "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to read the tnlVector of tnlMultiVector." << endl;
       return false;
    if( ! dimensions. load( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to read the dimensions of tnlMultiVector "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to read the dimensions of tnlMultiVector." << endl;
       return false;
    return true;
diff --git a/src/core/vectors/tnlMultiVector4D_impl.h b/src/core/vectors/tnlMultiVector4D_impl.h
index b843e4838df4691c6f101bdc793e3dad71c7aebe..2e34a41bbae4458b3c912c7107494bd9370f2015 100644
--- a/src/core/vectors/tnlMultiVector4D_impl.h
+++ b/src/core/vectors/tnlMultiVector4D_impl.h
@@ -25,12 +25,6 @@ tnlMultiVector< 4, Real, Device, Index > :: tnlMultiVector()
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-tnlMultiVector< 4, Real, Device, Index > :: tnlMultiVector( const tnlString& name )
-   this -> setName( name );
 template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
 tnlString tnlMultiVector< 4, Real, Device, Index > :: getType()
@@ -191,10 +185,8 @@ bool tnlMultiVector< 4, Real, Device, Index > :: operator == ( const MultiVector
    // TODO: Static assert on dimensions
    tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == Vector. getDimensions(),
               cerr << "You are attempting to compare two Vectors with different dimensions." << endl
-                   << "First Vector name is " << this -> getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
-                   << "Second Vector is " << Vector. getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << Vector. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
+                   << "First vector dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
+                   << "Second vector dimensions are ( " << Vector. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
    return tnlVector< Real, Device, Index > :: operator == ( Vector );
@@ -212,10 +204,8 @@ tnlMultiVector< 4, Real, Device, Index >&
    // TODO: Static assert on dimensions
    tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == Vector. getDimensions(),
               cerr << "You are attempting to assign two Vectors with different dimensions." << endl
-                   << "First Vector name is " << this -> getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
-                   << "Second Vector is " << Vector. getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << Vector. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
+                   << "First vector dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
+                   << "Second vector dimensions are ( " << Vector. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
    tnlVector< Real, Device, Index > :: operator = ( Vector );
    return ( *this );
@@ -228,10 +218,8 @@ tnlMultiVector< 4, Real, Device, Index >&
    // TODO: Static assert on dimensions
    tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == Vector. getDimensions(),
               cerr << "You are attempting to assign two Vectors with different dimensions." << endl
-                   << "First Vector name is " << this -> getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
-                   << "Second Vector is " << Vector. getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << Vector. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
+                   << "First vector dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
+                   << "Second vector dimensions are ( " << Vector. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
    tnlVector< Real, Device, Index > :: operator = ( Vector );
    return ( *this );
@@ -241,14 +229,12 @@ bool tnlMultiVector< 4, Real, Device, Index > :: save( tnlFile& file ) const
    if( ! tnlVector< Real, Device, Index > :: save( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to write the tnlVector of tnlMultiVector "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to write the tnlVector of tnlMultiVector." << endl;
       return false;
    if( ! dimensions. save( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to write the dimensions of tnlMultiVector "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to write the dimensions of tnlMultiVector." << endl;
       return false;
    return true;
@@ -259,14 +245,12 @@ bool tnlMultiVector< 4, Real, Device, Index > :: load( tnlFile& file )
    if( ! tnlVector< Real, Device, Index > :: load( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to read the tnlVector of tnlMultiVector "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to read the tnlVector of tnlMultiVector." << endl;
       return false;
    if( ! dimensions. load( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to read the dimensions of tnlMultiVector "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to read the dimensions of tnlMultiVector." << endl;
       return false;
    return true;
diff --git a/src/core/vectors/tnlVector.h b/src/core/vectors/tnlVector.h
index be32ab03b7eaab1b199cc55d71ec1e9f15a9c51c..a5c029e1048ba973e9aa915787231371c742a55d 100644
--- a/src/core/vectors/tnlVector.h
+++ b/src/core/vectors/tnlVector.h
@@ -39,9 +39,7 @@ class tnlVector : public tnlArray< Real, Device, Index >
-   tnlVector( const tnlString& name );
-   tnlVector( const tnlString& name, const Index size );
+   tnlVector( const Index size );
    static tnlString getType();
diff --git a/src/core/vectors/tnlVectorOperationsCuda_impl.h b/src/core/vectors/tnlVectorOperationsCuda_impl.h
index 41d537fb5f9c4cb85bd7e4bf503048765b43198b..ccd191e63fd521f48f63d44039525e9d844071cd 100644
--- a/src/core/vectors/tnlVectorOperationsCuda_impl.h
+++ b/src/core/vectors/tnlVectorOperationsCuda_impl.h
@@ -45,8 +45,7 @@ typename Vector :: RealType tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda > :: getVectorMax( cons
    typedef typename Vector :: RealType Real;
    typedef typename Vector :: IndexType Index;
-   tnlAssert( v. getSize() > 0,
-              cerr << "Vector name is " << v. getName() );
+   tnlAssert( v. getSize() > 0, );
    Real result( 0 );
    tnlParallelReductionMax< Real, Index > operation;
@@ -64,8 +63,7 @@ typename Vector :: RealType tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda > :: getVectorMin( cons
    typedef typename Vector :: RealType Real;
    typedef typename Vector :: IndexType Index;
-   tnlAssert( v. getSize() > 0,
-              cerr << "Vector name is " << v. getName() );
+   tnlAssert( v. getSize() > 0, );
    Real result( 0 );
    tnlParallelReductionMin< Real, Index > operation;
@@ -83,8 +81,7 @@ typename Vector :: RealType tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda > :: getVectorAbsMax( c
    typedef typename Vector :: RealType Real;
    typedef typename Vector :: IndexType Index;
-   tnlAssert( v. getSize() > 0,
-              cerr << "Vector name is " << v. getName() );
+   tnlAssert( v. getSize() > 0, );
    Real result( 0 );
    tnlParallelReductionAbsMax< Real, Index > operation;
@@ -102,8 +99,7 @@ typename Vector :: RealType tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda > :: getVectorAbsMin( c
    typedef typename Vector :: RealType Real;
    typedef typename Vector :: IndexType Index;
-   tnlAssert( v. getSize() > 0,
-              cerr << "Vector name is " << v. getName() );
+   tnlAssert( v. getSize() > 0, );
    Real result( 0 );
    tnlParallelReductionAbsMin< Real, Index > operation;
@@ -122,8 +118,7 @@ typename Vector :: RealType tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda > :: getVectorLpNorm( c
    typedef typename Vector :: RealType Real;
    typedef typename Vector :: IndexType Index;
-   tnlAssert( v. getSize() > 0,
-              cerr << "Vector name is " << v. getName() );
+   tnlAssert( v. getSize() > 0, );
    tnlAssert( p > 0.0,
               cerr << " p = " << p );
@@ -144,8 +139,7 @@ typename Vector :: RealType tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda > :: getVectorSum( cons
    typedef typename Vector :: RealType Real;
    typedef typename Vector :: IndexType Index;
-   tnlAssert( v. getSize() > 0,
-              cerr << "Vector name is " << v. getName() );
+   tnlAssert( v. getSize() > 0, );
    Real result( 0 );
    tnlParallelReductionSum< Real, Index > operation;
@@ -164,10 +158,8 @@ typename Vector1 :: RealType tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda > :: getVectorDifferen
    typedef typename Vector1 :: RealType Real;
    typedef typename Vector1 :: IndexType Index;
-   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() > 0,
-              cerr << "Vector name is " << v1. getName() );
-   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(),
-              cerr << "Vector names are " << v1. getName() << " and " << v2. getName() );
+   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() > 0, );
+   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(), );
    Real result( 0 );
    tnlParallelReductionDiffMax< Real, Index > operation;
@@ -186,10 +178,8 @@ typename Vector1 :: RealType tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda > :: getVectorDifferen
    typedef typename Vector1 :: RealType Real;
    typedef typename Vector1 :: IndexType Index;
-   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() > 0,
-              cerr << "Vector name is " << v1. getName() );
-   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(),
-              cerr << "Vector names are " << v1. getName() << " and " << v2. getName() );
+   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() > 0, );
+   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(), );
    Real result( 0 );
    tnlParallelReductionDiffMin< Real, Index > operation;
@@ -209,10 +199,8 @@ typename Vector1 :: RealType tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda > :: getVectorDifferen
    typedef typename Vector1 :: RealType Real;
    typedef typename Vector1 :: IndexType Index;
-   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() > 0,
-              cerr << "Vector name is " << v1. getName() );
-   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(),
-              cerr << "Vector names are " << v1. getName() << " and " << v2. getName() );
+   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() > 0, );
+   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(), );
    Real result( 0 );
    tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMax< Real, Index > operation;
@@ -231,10 +219,8 @@ typename Vector1 :: RealType tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda > :: getVectorDifferen
    typedef typename Vector1 :: RealType Real;
    typedef typename Vector1 :: IndexType Index;
-   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() > 0,
-              cerr << "Vector name is " << v1. getName() );
-   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(),
-              cerr << "Vector names are " << v1. getName() << " and " << v2. getName() );
+   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() > 0, );
+   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(), );
    Real result( 0 );
    tnlParallelReductionDiffAbsMin< Real, Index > operation;
@@ -258,10 +244,8 @@ getVectorDifferenceLpNorm( const Vector1& v1,
    tnlAssert( p > 0.0,
               cerr << " p = " << p );
-   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() > 0,
-              cerr << "Vector name is " << v1. getName() );
-   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(),
-              cerr << "Vector names are " << v1. getName() << " and " << v2. getName() );
+   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() > 0, );
+   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(), );
    Real result( 0 );
    tnlParallelReductionDiffLpNorm< Real, Index > operation;
@@ -281,10 +265,8 @@ typename Vector1 :: RealType tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda > :: getVectorDifferen
    typedef typename Vector1 :: RealType Real;
    typedef typename Vector1 :: IndexType Index;
-   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() > 0,
-              cerr << "Vector name is " << v1. getName() );
-   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(),
-              cerr << "Vector names are " << v1. getName() << " and " << v2. getName() );
+   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() > 0, );
+   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(), );
    Real result( 0 );
    tnlParallelReductionDiffSum< Real, Index > operation;
@@ -319,8 +301,7 @@ void tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda > :: vectorScalarMultiplication( Vector& v,
    typedef typename Vector :: RealType Real;
    typedef typename Vector :: IndexType Index;
-   tnlAssert( v. getSize() > 0,
-              cerr << "Vector name is " << v. getName() );
+   tnlAssert( v. getSize() > 0, );
    #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
       dim3 blockSize( 0 ), gridSize( 0 );
@@ -345,10 +326,8 @@ typename Vector1 :: RealType tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda > :: getScalarProduct(
    typedef typename Vector1 :: RealType Real;
    typedef typename Vector1 :: IndexType Index;
-   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() > 0,
-              cerr << "Vector name is " << v1. getName() );
-   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(),
-              cerr << "Vector names are " << v1. getName() << " and " << v2. getName() );
+   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() > 0, );
+   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(), );
    Real result( 0 );
 /*#if defined HAVE_CUBLAS && defined HAVE_CUDA
@@ -402,10 +381,8 @@ void tnlVectorOperations< tnlCuda > :: addVector( Vector1& y,
    typedef typename Vector1 :: RealType Real;
    typedef typename Vector1 :: IndexType Index;
-   tnlAssert( y. getSize() > 0,
-              cerr << "Vector name is " << y. getName() );
-   tnlAssert( y. getSize() == x. getSize(),
-              cerr << "Vector names are " << x. getName() << " and " << y. getName() );
+   tnlAssert( y. getSize() > 0, );
+   tnlAssert( y. getSize() == x. getSize(), );
    tnlAssert( y.getData() != 0, );
    tnlAssert( x.getData() != 0, );
@@ -476,12 +453,9 @@ addVectors( Vector1& v,
    typedef typename Vector1 :: RealType Real;
    typedef typename Vector1 :: IndexType Index;
-   tnlAssert( v.getSize() > 0,
-              cerr << "Vector name is " << v.getName() );
-   tnlAssert( v.getSize() == v1.getSize(),
-              cerr << "Vector names are " << v.getName() << " and " << v1.getName() );
-   tnlAssert( v.getSize() == v2.getSize(),
-              cerr << "Vector names are " << v.getName() << " and " << v2.getName() );
+   tnlAssert( v.getSize() > 0, );
+   tnlAssert( v.getSize() == v1.getSize(), );
+   tnlAssert( v.getSize() == v2.getSize(), );
    tnlAssert( v.getData() != 0, );
    tnlAssert( v1.getData() != 0, );
    tnlAssert( v2.getData() != 0, );
diff --git a/src/core/vectors/tnlVectorOperationsHost_impl.h b/src/core/vectors/tnlVectorOperationsHost_impl.h
index 29d8485eb08c20501b6cefe1c49bb3e055fb091a..25de5f300e536a261b0528ac1ea40e719eda07e5 100644
--- a/src/core/vectors/tnlVectorOperationsHost_impl.h
+++ b/src/core/vectors/tnlVectorOperationsHost_impl.h
@@ -42,8 +42,7 @@ typename Vector::RealType tnlVectorOperations< tnlHost >::getVectorMax( const Ve
    typedef typename Vector :: RealType Real;
    typedef typename Vector :: IndexType Index;
-   tnlAssert( v. getSize() > 0,
-              cerr << "Vector name is " << v. getName() );
+   tnlAssert( v. getSize() > 0, );
    Real result = v. getElement( 0 );
    const Index n = v. getSize();
    for( Index i = 1; i < n; i ++ )
@@ -56,8 +55,7 @@ typename Vector :: RealType tnlVectorOperations< tnlHost > :: getVectorMin( cons
    typedef typename Vector :: RealType Real;
    typedef typename Vector :: IndexType Index;
-   tnlAssert( v. getSize() > 0,
-              cerr << "Vector name is " << v. getName() );
+   tnlAssert( v. getSize() > 0, );
    Real result = v. getElement( 0 );
    const Index n = v. getSize();
    for( Index i = 1; i < n; i ++ )
@@ -70,8 +68,7 @@ typename Vector :: RealType tnlVectorOperations< tnlHost > :: getVectorAbsMax( c
    typedef typename Vector :: RealType Real;
    typedef typename Vector :: IndexType Index;
-   tnlAssert( v. getSize() > 0,
-                 cerr << "Vector name is " << v. getName() );
+   tnlAssert( v. getSize() > 0, );
    Real result = fabs( v. getElement( 0 ) );
    const Index n = v. getSize();
    for( Index i = 1; i < n; i ++ )
@@ -85,8 +82,7 @@ typename Vector :: RealType tnlVectorOperations< tnlHost > :: getVectorAbsMin( c
    typedef typename Vector :: RealType Real;
    typedef typename Vector :: IndexType Index;
-   tnlAssert( v. getSize() > 0,
-                 cerr << "Vector name is " << v. getName() );
+   tnlAssert( v. getSize() > 0, );
    Real result = fabs( v. getElement( 0 ) );
    const Index n = v. getSize();
    for( Index i = 1; i < n; i ++ )
@@ -101,8 +97,7 @@ typename Vector :: RealType tnlVectorOperations< tnlHost > :: getVectorLpNorm( c
    typedef typename Vector :: RealType Real;
    typedef typename Vector :: IndexType Index;
-   tnlAssert( v. getSize() > 0,
-                 cerr << "Vector name is " << v. getName() );
+   tnlAssert( v. getSize() > 0, );
    tnlAssert( p > 0.0,
               cerr << " p = " << p );
    if( p == 1.0 )
@@ -137,8 +132,7 @@ typename Vector :: RealType tnlVectorOperations< tnlHost > :: getVectorSum( cons
    typedef typename Vector :: RealType Real;
    typedef typename Vector :: IndexType Index;
-   tnlAssert( v. getSize() > 0,
-                 cerr << "Vector name is " << v. getName() );
+   tnlAssert( v. getSize() > 0, );
    Real result = v. getElement( 0 );
    const Index n = v. getSize();
@@ -153,10 +147,8 @@ typename Vector1 :: RealType tnlVectorOperations< tnlHost > :: getVectorDifferen
    typedef typename Vector1 :: RealType Real;
    typedef typename Vector1 :: IndexType Index;
-   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() > 0,
-              cerr << "Vector name is " << v1. getName() );
-   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(),
-              cerr << "Vector names are " << v1. getName() << " and " << v2. getName() );
+   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() > 0, );
+   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(), );
    Real result = v1. getElement( 0 ) - v2. getElement( 0 );
    const Index n = v1. getSize();
    for( Index i = 1; i < n; i ++ )
@@ -171,10 +163,8 @@ typename Vector1 :: RealType tnlVectorOperations< tnlHost > :: getVectorDifferen
    typedef typename Vector1 :: RealType Real;
    typedef typename Vector1 :: IndexType Index;
-   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() > 0,
-              cerr << "Vector name is " << v1. getName() );
-   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(),
-              cerr << "Vector names are " << v1. getName() << " and " << v2. getName() );
+   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() > 0, );
+   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(), );
    Real result = v1. getElement( 0 ) - v2. getElement( 0 );
    const Index n = v1. getSize();
@@ -190,10 +180,8 @@ typename Vector1 :: RealType tnlVectorOperations< tnlHost > :: getVectorDifferen
    typedef typename Vector1 :: RealType Real;
    typedef typename Vector1 :: IndexType Index;
-   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() > 0,
-              cerr << "Vector name is " << v1. getName() );
-   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(),
-              cerr << "Vector names are " << v1. getName() << " and " << v2. getName() );
+   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() > 0, );
+   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(), );
    Real result = fabs( v1. getElement( 0 ) - v2. getElement( 0 ) );
    const Index n = v1. getSize();
@@ -209,10 +197,8 @@ typename Vector1 :: RealType tnlVectorOperations< tnlHost > :: getVectorDifferen
    typedef typename Vector1 :: RealType Real;
    typedef typename Vector1 :: IndexType Index;
-   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() > 0,
-              cerr << "Vector name is " << v1. getName() );
-   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(),
-              cerr << "Vector names are " << v1. getName() << " and " << v2. getName() );
+   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() > 0, );
+   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(), );
    Real result = fabs( v1. getElement( 0 ) - v2. getElement( 0 ) );
    const Index n = v1. getSize();
@@ -232,10 +218,8 @@ typename Vector1 :: RealType tnlVectorOperations< tnlHost > :: getVectorDifferen
    tnlAssert( p > 0.0,
               cerr << " p = " << p );
-   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() > 0,
-              cerr << "Vector name is " << v1. getName() );
-   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(),
-              cerr << "Vector names are " << v1. getName() << " and " << v2. getName() );
+   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() > 0, );
+   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(), );
    if( p == 1.0 )
@@ -271,10 +255,8 @@ typename Vector1 :: RealType tnlVectorOperations< tnlHost > :: getVectorDifferen
    typedef typename Vector1 :: RealType Real;
    typedef typename Vector1 :: IndexType Index;
-   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() > 0,
-              cerr << "Vector name is " << v1. getName() );
-   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(),
-              cerr << "Vector names are " << v1. getName() << " and " << v2. getName() );
+   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() > 0, );
+   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(), );
    Real result = v1. getElement( 0 ) - v2. getElement( 0 );
    const Index n = v1. getSize();
@@ -291,8 +273,7 @@ void tnlVectorOperations< tnlHost > :: vectorScalarMultiplication( Vector& v,
    typedef typename Vector :: RealType Real;
    typedef typename Vector :: IndexType Index;
-   tnlAssert( v. getSize() > 0,
-              cerr << "Vector name is " << v. getName() );
+   tnlAssert( v. getSize() > 0, );
    const Index n = v. getSize();
    for( Index i = 0; i < n; i ++ )
@@ -307,10 +288,8 @@ typename Vector1 :: RealType tnlVectorOperations< tnlHost > :: getScalarProduct(
    typedef typename Vector1 :: RealType Real;
    typedef typename Vector1 :: IndexType Index;
-   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() > 0,
-              cerr << "Vector name is " << v1. getName() );
-   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(),
-              cerr << "Vector names are " << v1. getName() << " and " << v2. getName() );
+   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() > 0, );
+   tnlAssert( v1. getSize() == v2. getSize(), );
    Real result = 0;
    const Index n = v1. getSize();
@@ -331,10 +310,8 @@ void tnlVectorOperations< tnlHost > :: addVector( Vector1& y,
    typedef typename Vector1 :: RealType Real;
    typedef typename Vector1 :: IndexType Index;
-   tnlAssert( x. getSize() > 0,
-              cerr << "Vector name is " << x. getName() );
-   tnlAssert( x. getSize() == y. getSize(),
-              cerr << "Vector names are " << x. getName() << " and " << y. getName() );
+   tnlAssert( x. getSize() > 0, );
+   tnlAssert( x. getSize() == y. getSize(), );
    const Index n = y. getSize();
    if( thisMultiplicator == 1.0 )
@@ -360,13 +337,9 @@ addVectors( Vector1& v,
    typedef typename Vector1 :: RealType Real;
    typedef typename Vector1 :: IndexType Index;
-   tnlAssert( v.getSize() > 0,
-              cerr << "Vector name is " << v.getName() );
-   tnlAssert( v.getSize() == v1.getSize(),
-              cerr << "Vector names are " << v.getName() << " and " << v1.getName() );
-   tnlAssert( v.getSize() == v2.getSize(),
-              cerr << "Vector names are " << v.getName() << " and " << v2.getName() );
+   tnlAssert( v.getSize() > 0, );
+   tnlAssert( v.getSize() == v1.getSize(), );
+   tnlAssert( v.getSize() == v2.getSize(), );
    const Index n = v.getSize();
    if( thisMultiplicator == 1.0 )
diff --git a/src/core/vectors/tnlVector_impl.h b/src/core/vectors/tnlVector_impl.h
index c0d08a6ae2baea5e04aabfb27479839707287439..4f7bfb8b5abb9afcca2378473026906794113b3c 100644
--- a/src/core/vectors/tnlVector_impl.h
+++ b/src/core/vectors/tnlVector_impl.h
@@ -31,17 +31,8 @@ tnlVector< Real, Device, Index > :: tnlVector()
 template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
-tnlVector< Real, Device, Index > :: tnlVector( const tnlString& name )
+tnlVector< Real, Device, Index > :: tnlVector( const Index size )
-   this -> setName( name );
-template< typename Real,
-          typename Device,
-          typename Index >
-tnlVector< Real, Device, Index > :: tnlVector( const tnlString& name, const Index size )
-   this -> setName( name );
    this -> setSize( size );
diff --git a/src/legacy/CMakeLists.txt b/src/legacy/CMakeLists.txt
index e5716caa29486217a4d5d866609a145d3d74049d..d97b78740023dd147b62fba4d2fe2324aa8c27c4 100755
--- a/src/legacy/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/legacy/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 SET( headers  )
diff --git a/src/legacy/benchmarks/matrix-solvers-benchmark.h b/src/legacy/benchmarks/matrix-solvers-benchmark.h
index 01bc0824bccef1b6bee22564a8e8c8bd75191b4a..69325136ee7a5805964bdb71ffafc6fdf47baa94 100644
--- a/src/legacy/benchmarks/matrix-solvers-benchmark.h
+++ b/src/legacy/benchmarks/matrix-solvers-benchmark.h
@@ -256,7 +256,6 @@ bool benchmarkMatrix( const tnlParameterContainer&  parameters )
    typedef tnlCSRMatrix< Real, tnlHost, Index > csrMatrixType;
    tnlString inputFile = parameters. getParameter< tnlString >( "input-file" );
    csrMatrixType csrMatrix;
-   csrMatrix.setName( "matrix-solvers-benchmark:csrMatrix" );
    if( ! csrMatrix. load( inputFile ) )
       cerr << "Unable to load file " << inputFile << endl;
diff --git a/src/legacy/benchmarks/tnlSpmvBenchmarkBase_impl.h b/src/legacy/benchmarks/tnlSpmvBenchmarkBase_impl.h
index 9066c57d7e5b8b76806346e5651a5232c384210f..dd51338e56a6ad4251de8c0a9c49060a90897ad4 100644
--- a/src/legacy/benchmarks/tnlSpmvBenchmarkBase_impl.h
+++ b/src/legacy/benchmarks/tnlSpmvBenchmarkBase_impl.h
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ tnlSpmvBenchmarkBase< Matrix >::tnlSpmvBenchmarkBase()
      benchmarkStatusColumnWidth( 12 ),
      infoColumnWidth( 20 )
-   matrix.setName( "spmvBenchmark::matrix" );
 template< typename  Matrix >
diff --git a/src/legacy/diff/tnlMPIMesh2D.h b/src/legacy/diff/tnlMPIMesh2D.h
index 83c6bbfa4fbaea36a32ccbdd4c97484ef20d268d..367f8f43696c00f13560ebfd08dbd793c6ad3930 100644
--- a/src/legacy/diff/tnlMPIMesh2D.h
+++ b/src/legacy/diff/tnlMPIMesh2D.h
@@ -460,7 +460,6 @@ bool tnlMPIMesh< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: CreateMesh( const tnlGridOld< 2, Re
       ay = u. GetAy();
       hx = u. GetHx();
       hy = u. GetHy();
-      name. setString( u. getName(). getString() );  
    :: MPIBcast< double >( ax, 1, root, original_comm );
    :: MPIBcast< double >( ay, 1, root, original_comm );
@@ -483,7 +482,6 @@ bool tnlMPIMesh< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: CreateMesh( const tnlGridOld< 2, Re
                         hx, hy );
    //cout << "Node " << MPIGetRank() << " mesh size " 
    //     << sub_u -> GetXSize() << "x" << sub_u -> GetYSize() << endl;
-   sub_u. setName( name. getString() );
    MPI_Allreduce( &err, &all_err, 1, MPI_INT,MPI_SUM, mesh_comm );
    if( all_err != 0 ) return false;
diff --git a/src/legacy/diff/tnlMPIMesh3D.h b/src/legacy/diff/tnlMPIMesh3D.h
index 9e28be84b038ec68006788b27e4050fadb84ad09..30e3a2c31d44af200491348275daec2f8644dd53 100644
--- a/src/legacy/diff/tnlMPIMesh3D.h
+++ b/src/legacy/diff/tnlMPIMesh3D.h
@@ -578,7 +578,6 @@ bool tnlMPIMesh< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: CreateMesh( const tnlGridOld< 3, Re
       hx = u. GetHx();
       hy = u. GetHy();
       hz = u. GetHz();
-      name. setString( u. getName(). getString() );  
    :: MPIBcast< double >( ax, 1, root, original_comm );
    :: MPIBcast< double >( ay, 1, root, original_comm );
@@ -614,7 +613,6 @@ bool tnlMPIMesh< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: CreateMesh( const tnlGridOld< 3, Re
            << " rank " << MPIGetRank( original_comm ) << "." << endl;
       err = 1;
-   sub_u. setName( name. getString() );
    dbgCout( "Subdomain is as: Ax = " << sub_u. GetAx() << 
                             " Ay = " << sub_u. GetAy() << 
diff --git a/src/legacy/matrices/tnlAdaptiveRgCSRMatrix.h b/src/legacy/matrices/tnlAdaptiveRgCSRMatrix.h
index d5e02d7712d2c91409d2e0a07ebd8178db9602a0..0f9e338bbac4cdd203916165435b7d17a411a98d 100644
--- a/src/legacy/matrices/tnlAdaptiveRgCSRMatrix.h
+++ b/src/legacy/matrices/tnlAdaptiveRgCSRMatrix.h
@@ -926,13 +926,14 @@ void tnlAdaptiveRgCSRMatrix< Real, Device, Index > :: printOutGroup( ostream& st
 template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
 void tnlAdaptiveRgCSRMatrix< Real, Device, Index > :: printOut( ostream& str,
+                                                                const tnlString& name, 
                                                                 const tnlString& format,
 		                                                          const Index lines ) const
    if( format == "" || format == "text" )
       str << "Structure of tnlAdaptiveRgCSRMatrix" << endl;
-      str << "Matrix name:" << this -> getName() << endl;
+      str << "Matrix name:" << name << endl;
       str << "Matrix size:" << this -> getSize() << endl;
       str << "Allocated elements:" << nonzeroElements. getSize() << endl;
       str << "Number of groups: " << numberOfGroups << endl;
@@ -954,7 +955,7 @@ void tnlAdaptiveRgCSRMatrix< Real, Device, Index > :: printOut( ostream& str,
    if( format == "html" )
       str << "<h1>Structure of tnlAdaptiveRgCSRMatrix</h1>" << endl;
-      str << "<b>Matrix name:</b> " << this -> getName() << "<p>" << endl;
+      str << "<b>Matrix name:</b> " << name << "<p>" << endl;
       str << "<b>Matrix size:</b> " << this -> getSize() << "<p>" << endl;
       str << "<b>Allocated elements:</b> " << nonzeroElements. getSize() << "<p>" << endl;
       str << "<b>Number of groups:</b> " << this -> numberOfGroups << "<p>" << endl;
diff --git a/src/legacy/matrices/tnlCSRMatrix.h b/src/legacy/matrices/tnlCSRMatrix.h
index 79e531fd0452605b9a5b33f4ac0ca1490703a37a..b59f0e31397a5eda5f261c05575db22f84cf04f2 100644
--- a/src/legacy/matrices/tnlCSRMatrix.h
+++ b/src/legacy/matrices/tnlCSRMatrix.h
@@ -798,11 +798,12 @@ tnlCSRMatrix< Real, Device, Index >& tnlCSRMatrix< Real, Device, Index > :: oper
 template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
 void tnlCSRMatrix< Real, Device, Index > :: printOut( ostream& str,
+                                                      const tnlString& name, 
                                                       const tnlString& format,
 		                                                const Index lines ) const
    str << "Structure of tnlCSRMatrix" << endl;
-   str << "Matrix name:" << this -> getName() << endl;
+   str << "Matrix name:" << name << endl;
    str << "Matrix size:" << this -> getSize() << endl;
    str << "Allocated elements:" << nonzero_elements. getSize() << endl;
    str << "Matrix rows:" << endl;
diff --git a/src/legacy/matrices/tnlEllpackMatrix.h b/src/legacy/matrices/tnlEllpackMatrix.h
index 16146ec3f27626954a1b39e2f68b0ff716670075..33b3c28919b370a704b9b43e772a2580905e504d 100644
--- a/src/legacy/matrices/tnlEllpackMatrix.h
+++ b/src/legacy/matrices/tnlEllpackMatrix.h
@@ -308,10 +308,11 @@ void tnlEllpackMatrix< Real, tnlHost, Index > :: vectorProduct( const tnlVector<
 template< typename Real, typename Index >
-void tnlEllpackMatrix< Real, tnlHost, Index > :: printOut( ostream& str ) const
+void tnlEllpackMatrix< Real, tnlHost, Index > :: printOut( ostream& str,
+                                                           const tnlString& name ) const
    str << "Structure of tnlEllpackMatrix" << endl;
-   str << "Matrix name:" << this -> getName() << endl;
+   str << "Matrix name:" << name << endl;
    str << "Matrix size:" << this -> getSize() << endl;
    str << "Allocated elements:" << ellpack_nonzero_elements. getSize() << endl;
    str << "Matrix row length:" << row_length << endl;
@@ -328,6 +329,4 @@ void tnlEllpackMatrix< Real, tnlHost, Index > :: printOut( ostream& str ) const
diff --git a/src/legacy/matrices/tnlFastCSRMatrix.h b/src/legacy/matrices/tnlFastCSRMatrix.h
index b00df4b26605550ad2a9a8ca4468e0ca01fab0ab..ffd3c7dc179cfb5789b035aa598222ce719aa687 100644
--- a/src/legacy/matrices/tnlFastCSRMatrix.h
+++ b/src/legacy/matrices/tnlFastCSRMatrix.h
@@ -474,10 +474,11 @@ bool tnlFastCSRMatrix< Real, tnlHost, Index > :: Load( istream& file )
 template< typename Real, typename Index >
 void tnlFastCSRMatrix< Real, tnlHost, Index > :: printOut( ostream& str,
-		                                            const Index lines ) const
+                                                           const tnlString& name,
+		                                                     const Index lines ) const
    str << "Structure of tnlFastCSRMatrix" << endl;
-   str << "Matrix name:" << this -> getName() << endl;
+   str << "Matrix name:" << name << endl;
    str << "Matrix size:" << this -> getSize() << endl;
    str << "Allocated elements:" << nonzero_elements. getSize() << endl;
    str << "Matrix rows:" << endl;
diff --git a/src/legacy/matrices/tnlFastRgCSRMatrix.h b/src/legacy/matrices/tnlFastRgCSRMatrix.h
index b5003985bd45645aadd720f8219300d9f05d5812..b11e0b1fb2dc659df73b27f7ae94d52d2a7c33ac 100644
--- a/src/legacy/matrices/tnlFastRgCSRMatrix.h
+++ b/src/legacy/matrices/tnlFastRgCSRMatrix.h
@@ -610,10 +610,11 @@ void tnlFastRgCSRMatrix< Real, tnlHost, Index > :: vectorProduct( const tnlVecto
 template< typename Real, typename Index >
 void tnlFastRgCSRMatrix< Real, tnlHost, Index > :: printOut( ostream& str,
-		                                                     const Index lines ) const
+                                                             const tnlString& name, 
+		                                                       const Index lines ) const
    str << "Structure of tnlFastRgCSRMatrix" << endl;
-   str << "Matrix name:" << this -> getName() << endl;
+   str << "Matrix name:" << name << endl;
    str << "Matrix size:" << this -> getSize() << endl;
    str << "Allocated elements:" << nonzero_elements. getSize() << endl;
    str << "Matrix blocks: " << block_offsets. getSize() << endl;
diff --git a/src/legacy/matrices/tnlFastRgCSRMatrixCUDA.h b/src/legacy/matrices/tnlFastRgCSRMatrixCUDA.h
index ba7ef95556c177f0077d860d1ed75a0f3bb4bea7..96f89a69fd2acdbbe9c6d0b0584ded7637358b16 100644
--- a/src/legacy/matrices/tnlFastRgCSRMatrixCUDA.h
+++ b/src/legacy/matrices/tnlFastRgCSRMatrixCUDA.h
@@ -350,10 +350,11 @@ void tnlFastRgCSRMatrix< Real, tnlCuda, Index > :: vectorProduct( const tnlVecto
 template< typename Real, typename Index >
 void tnlFastRgCSRMatrix< Real, tnlCuda, Index > :: printOut( ostream& str,
-		                                                     const int lines ) const
+                                                             const tnlString& name,
+		                                                       const int lines ) const
    str << "Structure of tnlFastRgCSRMatrix" << endl;
-   str << "Matrix name:" << this -> getName() << endl;
+   str << "Matrix name:" << name << endl;
    str << "Matrix size:" << this -> getSize() << endl;
    str << "Allocated elements:" << nonzero_elements. getSize() << endl;
    str << "Matrix blocks: " << block_offsets. getSize() << endl;
diff --git a/src/legacy/matrices/tnlMatrix.h b/src/legacy/matrices/tnlMatrix.h
index c8245cde094eefb3e17883215e9e740827553e5e..db31c122a3103ee73942da5040a99e6ad91bbec9 100644
--- a/src/legacy/matrices/tnlMatrix.h
+++ b/src/legacy/matrices/tnlMatrix.h
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ Index tnlMatrix< Real, Device, Index > :: getArtificialZeroElements() const
 template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
 Index tnlMatrix< Real, Device, Index > :: getNonzeroElementsInRow( const Index& row ) const
-   tnlAssert( false, cerr << "not implemented yet - matrix name is " << this -> getName() );
+   tnlAssert( false, cerr << "not implemented yet." );
     * TODO: this method should be abstract
diff --git a/src/legacy/matrices/tnlRgCSRMatrix.h b/src/legacy/matrices/tnlRgCSRMatrix.h
index df7216035e61d000b2a19c2c5312f6fc15cd7bfb..f6d3f98bcdebd7e59908687ec757dff026d19e79 100644
--- a/src/legacy/matrices/tnlRgCSRMatrix.h
+++ b/src/legacy/matrices/tnlRgCSRMatrix.h
@@ -498,10 +498,12 @@ bool tnlRgCSRMatrix< Real, Device, Index > :: copyFrom( const tnlCSRMatrix< Real
 template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
    template< typename Device2 >
-bool tnlRgCSRMatrix< Real, Device, Index > :: copyFrom( const tnlRgCSRMatrix< Real, Device2, Index >& rgCSRMatrix )
+tnlRgCSRMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::
+copyFrom( const tnlRgCSRMatrix< Real, Device2, Index >& rgCSRMatrix )
    dbgFunctionName( "tnlRgCSRMatrix< Real, Device, Index >", "copyFrom" );
-   tnlAssert( rgCSRMatrix. getSize() > 0, cerr << "Copying from matrix " << rgCSRMatrix. getName() << " with non-positiove size." );
+   tnlAssert( rgCSRMatrix. getSize() > 0, cerr << "Copying from matrix with non-positiove size." );
    this -> cudaBlockSize = rgCSRMatrix. cudaBlockSize;
    this -> groupSize = rgCSRMatrix. groupSize;
@@ -797,13 +799,14 @@ void tnlRgCSRMatrix< Real, Device, Index > :: vectorProduct( const tnlVector< Re
 template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
 void tnlRgCSRMatrix< Real, Device, Index > :: printOut( ostream& str,
+                                                        const tnlString& name,
                                                         const tnlString& format,
 		                                                  const Index lines ) const
    if( format == "" || format == "text" )
       str << "Structure of tnlRgCSRMatrix" << endl;
-      str << "Matrix name:" << this -> getName() << endl;
+      str << "Matrix name:" << name << endl;
       str << "Matrix size:" << this -> getSize() << endl;
       str << "Allocated elements:" << nonzeroElements. getSize() << endl;
       str << "Number of groups: " << groupOffsets. getSize() << endl;
@@ -851,7 +854,7 @@ void tnlRgCSRMatrix< Real, Device, Index > :: printOut( ostream& str,
    if( format == "html" )
       str << "<h1>Structure of tnlRgCSRMatrix</h1>" << endl;
-      str << "<b>Matrix name:</b> " << this -> getName() << "<p>" << endl;
+      str << "<b>Matrix name:</b> " << name << "<p>" << endl;
       str << "<b>Matrix size:</b> " << this -> getSize() << "<p>" << endl;
       str << "<b>Allocated elements:</b> " << nonzeroElements. getSize() << "<p>" << endl;
       str << "<b>Number of groups:</b> " << this -> numberOfGroups << "<p>" << endl;
diff --git a/src/legacy/mesh/CMakeLists.txt b/src/legacy/mesh/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100755
index bafbc607fa6e450304d74f49bb82a24d70449904..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/legacy/mesh/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( implementation )
-SET( headers tnlDistributedGrid.h
-             tnlGridOld.h )
-set( tnl_legacy_mesh_SOURCES 
-     ${tnl_legacy_mesh_implementation_SOURCES} 
-INSTALL( FILES ${headers} DESTINATION include/tnl-${tnlVersion}/legacy/mesh )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/legacy/mesh/implementation/CMakeLists.txt b/src/legacy/mesh/implementation/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 13fd6057a11db6f1ca1cc9896619f9b68842dcb7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/legacy/mesh/implementation/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-SET( headers tnlGrid1D_impl.h
-             tnlGrid2D_impl.h
-             tnlGrid3D_impl.h )
-SET( CURRENT_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/legacy/mesh/implementation )
-set( tnl_legacy_mesh_implementation_SOURCES
-     ${CURRENT_DIR}/tnlGridOld_impl.cpp 
-INSTALL( FILES ${headers} DESTINATION include/tnl-${tnlVersion}/legacy/mesh/implementation )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/legacy/mesh/implementation/tnlGrid1D_impl.h b/src/legacy/mesh/implementation/tnlGrid1D_impl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e61c4122e86ad9ff509e19cc766f28e15943ec17..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/legacy/mesh/implementation/tnlGrid1D_impl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,751 +0,0 @@
-                          tnlGridOld1D_impl.h  -  description
-                             -------------------
-    begin                : Nov 22, 2012
-    copyright            : (C) 2012 by Tomas Oberhuber
-    email                : tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
- ***************************************************************************/
- *                                                                         *
- *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
- *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
- *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
- *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
- *                                                                         *
- ***************************************************************************/
-#ifndef tnlGridOld1D_IMPL_H_
-#define tnlGridOld1D_IMPL_H_
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-template< int Dimensions, typename Real, typename Index >
-__global__ void setConstantDirichletBC( const Index xSize,
-                                        const Real bc,
-                                        Real* u );
-template< int Dimensions, typename Real, typename Index >
-__global__ void setDirichletBC( const Index xSize,
-                                const Real* bc,
-                                Real* u );
-template< int Dimensions, typename Real, typename Index >
-__global__ void setConstantNeumannBC( const Index xSize,
-                                      const Real hx,
-                                      const Real bc,
-                                      Real* u );
-template< int Dimensions, typename Real, typename Index >
-__global__ void setNeumannBC( const Index xSize,
-                              const Real hx,
-                              const Real* bc,
-                              Real* u );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: tnlGridOld()
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: tnlGridOld( const tnlString& name )
-   this -> setName( name );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: tnlGridOld( const tnlString& name,
-                                              const tnlGridOld< 1, Real, tnlHost, Index >& grid )
-   this -> setName( name );
-   this -> setLike( grid );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: tnlGridOld( const tnlString& name,
-                                              const tnlGridOld< 1, Real, tnlCuda, Index >& grid )
-   this -> setName( name );
-   this -> setLike( grid );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-const tnlStaticVector< 1, Index >& tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: getDimensions() const
-   return tnlMultiVector< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: getDimensions();
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-bool tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: setDimensions( const tnlStaticVector< 1, Index >& dimensions )
-   if( ! tnlMultiVector< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: setDimensions( dimensions ) )
-      return false;
-   spaceSteps[ 0 ] = ( domainUpperCorner[ 0 ] - domainLowerCorner[ 0 ] ) / ( Real ) ( this -> getDimensions()[ 0 ] - 1 );
-   return true;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-bool tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: setDomain( const tnlStaticVector< 1, Real >& origin,
-                                                     const tnlStaticVector< 1, Real >& proportions )
-   if( origin >= proportions )
-   {
-      cerr << "Wrong parameters for the grid domain of " << this -> getName() << ". The low corner must by smaller than the high corner." << endl
-               << "origin = " << origin << endl << "proportions = " << proportions << endl;
-      return false;
-   }
-   domainLowerCorner = origin;
-   domainUpperCorner = proportions;
-   spaceSteps[ 0 ] = ( domainUpperCorner[ 0 ] - domainLowerCorner[ 0 ] ) / ( Real ) ( this -> getDimensions()[ 0 ] - 1 );
-   return true;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-   template< typename Grid >
-bool tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: setLike( const Grid& v )
-   return tnlMultiVector< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: setDimensions( v. getDimensions() ) &&
-          this -> setDomain( v. getDomainLowerCorner(), v. getDomainUpperCorner() );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-const tnlStaticVector< 1, Real >& tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: getDomainLowerCorner() const
-   return this -> domainLowerCorner;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-const tnlStaticVector< 1, Real >& tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: getDomainUpperCorner() const
-   return this -> domainUpperCorner;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-const tnlStaticVector< 1, Real >& tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: getSpaceSteps() const
-   return spaceSteps;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-tnlString tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: getType() const
-   return tnlString( "tnlGridOld< ") +
-          tnlString( "1" ) +
-          tnlString( ", " ) +
-          tnlString( ::getType< Real >() ) +
-          tnlString( ", " ) +
-          Device :: getDeviceType() +
-          tnlString( ", " ) +
-          tnlString( ::getType< Index >() ) +
-          tnlString( " >" );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-bool tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: operator == ( const tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index >& grid ) const
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDomainLowerCorner() == grid. getDomainLowerCorner() &&
-              this -> getDomainUpperCorner() == grid. getDomainUpperCorner(),
-              cerr << "You are attempting to compare two grids with different domains." << endl
-                   << "First grid name is " << this -> getName()
-                   << " domain is ( " << this -> getDomainLowerCorner() << " )- ("
-                                      << this -> getDomainUpperCorner() << ")" << endl
-                   << "Second grid is " << grid. getName()
-                   << " domain is ( " << grid. getDomainLowerCorner() << " )- ("
-                                      << grid. getDomainUpperCorner() << ")" << endl; );
-   return tnlMultiVector< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: operator == ( grid );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-bool tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: operator != ( const tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index >& grid ) const
-   return ! ( (* this ) == grid );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-  template< typename Real2, typename Device2, typename Index2 >
-tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index >&
-tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index >
-:: operator = ( const tnlGridOld< 1, Real2, Device2, Index2 >& grid )
-   tnlMultiVector< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: operator = ( grid );
-   return ( *this );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: getValue( const tnlStaticVector< 1, Real >& point ) const
-   tnlAssert( 0, cerr << "Interpolation is not implemented yet.");
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: getValue( const Real& x ) const
-   return this -> getValue( tnlStaticVector< 1, Real >( x ) );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: Partial_x_f( const Index i1 ) const
-   tnlAssert( i1 >= 0 &&
-              i1 < ( this -> getDimensions(). x() - 1 ),
-              cerr << " i1 = " << i1 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                   ( this -> getDimensions(). y() - 1  ) << " )" << endl; );
-   const Real& Hx = spaceSteps[ 0 ];
-   tnlAssert( Hx > 0, cerr << "Hx = " << Hx << endl; );
-   return ( this -> getElementIndex( i1 + 1 ) -
-            this ->  getElementIndex( i1 ) ) / Hx;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: Partial_x_b( const Index i1 ) const
-   tnlAssert( i1 > 0 &&
-              i1 <= ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1 ),
-              cerr << " i1 = " << i1 << " and it should be in ( 0, " <<
-                   ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl; );
-   const Real& Hx = spaceSteps[ 0 ];
-   tnlAssert( Hx > 0, cerr << "Hx = " << Hx << endl; );
-   return ( this -> getElement( i1 ) -
-            this -> getElement( i1 - 1 ) ) / Hx;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: Partial_x( const Index i1 ) const
-   tnlAssert( i1 > 0 &&
-              i1 < ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1 ),
-              cerr << " i1 = " << i1 << " and it should be in ( 0, " <<
-                   ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1  ) << " ) " << endl; );
-   const Real& Hx = spaceSteps[ 0 ];
-   tnlAssert( Hx > 0, cerr << "Hx = " << Hx << endl; );
-   return ( this -> getElement( i1 + 1 ) -
-            this -> getElement( i1 - 1 ) ) / ( 2.0 * Hx );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: Partial_xx( const Index i1 ) const
-   tnlAssert( i1 > 0 &&
-              i1 < ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1 ),
-              cerr << " i1 = " << i1 << " and it should be in ( 0, " <<
-                   ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1  ) << " ) " << endl; );
-   const Real& Hx = spaceSteps[ 0 ];
-   tnlAssert( Hx > 0, cerr << "Hx = " << Hx << endl; );
-   return ( this -> getElement( i1 + 1 ) -
-            2.0 * this -> getElement( i1 ) +
-            this -> getElement( i1 - 1 ) ) / ( Hx * Hx );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-void tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: setDirichletBC( const tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index >&bc,
-                                                          const tnlStaticVector< 1, bool >& lowerBC,
-                                                          const tnlStaticVector< 1, bool >& upperBC )
-   if( Device :: getDevice() == tnlHostDevice )
-   {
-      const Index xSize = this -> getDimensions(). x();
-      if( lowerBC. x() )
-         ( *this )( 0 ) = bc( 0 );
-      if( upperBC. x() )
-         ( *this )( xSize - 1 ) = bc( xSize - 1 );
-   }
-   if( Device :: getDevice() == tnlCudaDevice )
-   {
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-      {
-         tnlAssert( false, );
-         /*const Index size = this -> getSize();
-         const Index desBlockSize = 64;
-         const Index gridSize = size / desBlockSize + ( size % desBlockSize != 0 );
-         dim3 gridDim( 0 ), blockDim( 0 );
-         gridDim. x = gridSize;
-         blockDim. x = desBlockSize;
-         :: setDirichletBC< 2, Real, Index ><<< gridDim, blockDim >>>( this -> getDimensions(). x(),
-                                                                       this -> getDimensions(). y(),
-                                                                       bc. getData(),
-                                                                       this -> getData() );*/
-      }
-   }
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-void tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: setDirichletBC( const Real& bcValue,
-                                                                   const tnlStaticVector< 1, bool >& lowerBC,
-                                                                   const tnlStaticVector< 1, bool >& upperBC )
-   if( Device :: getDevice() == tnlHostDevice )
-   {
-      const Index xSize = this -> getDimensions(). x();
-      if( lowerBC. x() )
-         ( *this )( 0 ) = bcValue;
-      if( upperBC. x() )
-         ( *this )( xSize - 1 ) = bcValue;
-   }
-   if( Device :: getDevice() == tnlCudaDevice )
-   {
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-      tnlAssert( false, );
-      /*{
-         const Index size = this -> getSize();
-         const Index desBlockSize = 64;
-         const Index gridSize = size / desBlockSize + ( size % desBlockSize != 0 );
-         dim3 gridDim( 0 ), blockDim( 0 );
-         gridDim. x = gridSize;
-         blockDim. x = desBlockSize;
-         :: setConstantDirichletBC< 2, Real, Index ><<< gridDim, blockDim >>>( this -> getDimensions(). x(),
-                                                                               this -> getDimensions(). y(),
-                                                                               bcValue,
-                                                                               this -> getData() );
-      }*/
-   }
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-void tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: setNeumannBC( const tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index >&bc,
-                                                        const tnlStaticVector< 1, bool >& lowerBC,
-                                                        const tnlStaticVector< 1, bool >& upperBC )
-   if( Device :: getDevice() == tnlHostDevice )
-   {
-      const Real& hx = this -> getSpaceSteps(). x();
-      const Index xSize = this -> getDimensions(). x();
-      if( lowerBC. x() )
-         ( *this )( 0 ) = ( *this )( 1 ) + hx * bc( 0 );
-      if( upperBC. x() )
-         ( *this )( xSize - 1 ) = ( *this )( xSize - 1 ) + hx * bc( xSize -1 );
-   }
-   if( Device :: getDevice() == tnlCudaDevice )
-   {
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-      tnlAssert( false, );
-      /*{
-         const Index size = this -> getSize();
-         const Index desBlockSize = 64;
-         const Index gridSize = size / desBlockSize + ( size % desBlockSize != 0 );
-         dim3 gridDim( 0 ), blockDim( 0 );
-         gridDim. x = gridSize;
-         blockDim. x = desBlockSize;
-         ::setNeumannBC< 2, Real, Index ><<< gridDim, blockDim >>>( this -> getDimensions(). x(),
-                                                                    this -> getDimensions(). y(),
-                                                                    this -> getSpaceSteps(). x(),
-                                                                    this -> getSpaceSteps(). y(),
-                                                                    bc. getData(),
-                                                                    this -> getData() );
-      }*/
-   }
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-void tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: setNeumannBC( const Real& bcValue,
-                                                                 const tnlStaticVector< 1, bool >& lowerBC,
-                                                                 const tnlStaticVector< 1, bool >& upperBC )
-   if( Device :: getDevice() == tnlHostDevice )
-   {
-      const Real& hx = this -> getSpaceSteps(). x();
-      const Index xSize = this -> getDimensions(). x();
-      if( lowerBC. x() )
-         ( *this )( 0 ) = ( *this )( 1 ) + hx * bcValue;
-      if( upperBC. x() )
-         ( *this )( xSize - 1 ) = ( *this )( xSize - 1 ) + hx * bcValue;
-   }
-   if( Device :: getDevice() == tnlCudaDevice )
-   {
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-      tnlAssert( false, )
-      /*{
-         const Index size = this -> getSize();
-         const Index desBlockSize = 64;
-         const Index gridSize = size / desBlockSize + ( size % desBlockSize != 0 );
-         dim3 gridDim( 0 ), blockDim( 0 );
-         gridDim. x = gridSize;
-         blockDim. x = desBlockSize;
-         :: setConstantNeumannBC< 2, Real, Index ><<< gridDim, blockDim >>>( this -> getDimensions(). x(),
-                                                                             this -> getDimensions(). y(),
-                                                                             this -> getSpaceSteps(). x(),
-                                                                             this -> getSpaceSteps(). y(),
-                                                                             bcValue,
-                                                                             this -> getData() );
-      }*/
-   }
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: getMax() const
-   return tnlMax( * this );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: getMin() const
-   return tnlMin( * this );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: getAbsMax() const
-   return tnlAbsMax( * this );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: getAbsMin() const
-   return tnlAbsMin( * this );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: getLpNorm( const Real& p ) const
-   Real result = this -> lpNorm( p );
-   return result * getSpaceSteps(). x();
-/*template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: getSum() const
-   return tnlMultiVector< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: sum( * this );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: getDifferenceMax( const tnlVector< Real, Device, Index >& v ) const
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == v. getDimensions(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDomainLoweCorner() == v. getDomainLowerCorner() &&
-              this -> getDomainUpperCorner() == v. getDomainUpperCorner(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   return v. differenceMax( *this );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: getDifferenceMin( const tnlVector< Real, Device, Index >& v ) const
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == v. getDimensions(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDomainLoweCorner() == v. getDomainLowerCorner() &&
-              this -> getDomainUpperCorner() == v. getDomainUpperCorner(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   return v. differenceMin( *this );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: getDifferenceAbsMax( const tnlVector< Real, Device, Index >& v ) const
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == v. getDimensions(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDomainLoweCorner() == v. getDomainLowerCorner() &&
-              this -> getDomainUpperCorner() == v. getDomainUpperCorner(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   return v. differenceAbsMax( *this );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: getDifferenceAbsMin( const tnlVector< Real, Device, Index >& v ) const
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == v. getDimensions(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDomainLoweCorner() == v. getDomainLowerCorner() &&
-              this -> getDomainUpperCorner() == v. getDomainUpperCorner(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   return v. differenceAbsMin( *this );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: getDifferenceLpNorm( const tnlVector< Real, Device, Index >& v, const Real& p ) const
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == v. getDimensions(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDomainLoweCorner() == v. getDomainLowerCorner() &&
-              this -> getDomainUpperCorner() == v. getDomainUpperCorner(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   Real result = v. differenceLpNorm( * this, p );
-   return result * getSpaceSteps(). x();
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: getDifferenceSum( const tnlVector< Real, Device, Index >& v ) const
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == v. getDimensions(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDomainLoweCorner() == v. getDomainLowerCorner() &&
-              this -> getDomainUpperCorner() == v. getDomainUpperCorner(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   return this -> differenceSum( v );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-void tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: scalarMultiplication( const Real& alpha )
-   return this -> scalarMultiplication( alpha );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: scalarProduct( const tnlVector< Real, Device, Index >& v ) const
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == v. getDimensions(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDomainLoweCorner() == v. getDomainLowerCorner() &&
-              this -> getDomainUpperCorner() == v. getDomainUpperCorner(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   return this -> scalarProduct( v );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-void tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: alphaXPlusY( const Real& alpha,
-                                                         const tnlVector< Real, Device, Index >& x )
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == v. getDimensions(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDomainLoweCorner() == v. getDomainLowerCorner() &&
-              this -> getDomainUpperCorner() == v. getDomainUpperCorner(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   this -> alphaXPlusY( alpha, x );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-void tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: saxmy( const Real& alpha,
-                                                     const tnlVector< Real, Device, Index >& x )
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == v. getDimensions(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDomainLoweCorner() == v. getDomainLowerCorner() &&
-              this -> getDomainUpperCorner() == v. getDomainUpperCorner(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   this -> saxmy( alpha, x );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-bool tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: save( tnlFile& file ) const
-   if( ! tnlMultiVector< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: save( file ) )
-   {
-      cerr << "I was not able to write the tnlMultiVector of the tnlGridOld "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
-      return false;
-   }
-   if( ! domainLowerCorner. save( file ) ||
-       ! domainUpperCorner. save( file ) ||
-       ! spaceSteps. save( file ) )
-   {
-      cerr << "I was not able to write the domain decsription of the tnlGridOld "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
-      return false;
-   }
-   return true;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-bool tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: load( tnlFile& file )
-   if( ! tnlMultiVector< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: load( file ) )
-   {
-      cerr << "I was not able to read the tnlMultiVector of the tnlGridOld "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
-      return false;
-   }
-   if( ! domainLowerCorner. load( file ) ||
-       ! domainUpperCorner. load( file ) ||
-       ! spaceSteps. load( file ) )
-   {
-      cerr << "I was not able to read the domain description of the tnlGridOld "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
-      return false;
-   }
-   return true;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-bool tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: save( const tnlString& fileName ) const
-   return tnlObject :: save( fileName );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-bool tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: load( const tnlString& fileName )
-   return tnlObject :: load( fileName );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-bool tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: draw( const tnlString& fileName,
-                                                         const tnlString& format,
-                                                         const tnlStaticVector< 1, Index > steps ) const
-   tnlAssert( steps > ( tnlStaticVector< 1, Index >( 0 ) ),
-              cerr << "Wrong steps of increment ( " << steps << " )"
-                   << " for drawing the tnlGridOld " << this -> getName() << "." << endl; );
-   if( format == "tnl" )
-      return this -> save( fileName );
-   fstream file;
-   file. open( fileName. getString(), ios :: out );
-   if( ! file )
-   {
-      cerr << " I am not able to open the file " << fileName
-           << " for drawing the tnlGridOld " << this -> getName() << "." << endl;
-      return false;
-   }
-   if( format == "gnuplot" )
-   {
-      const Index xSize = this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ];
-      const Real& ax = this -> getDomainLowerCorner()[ tnlX ];
-      const Real& hx = this -> getSpaceSteps()[ tnlX ];
-      for( Index i = 0; i < xSize; i += steps[ tnlX ] )
-               file << setprecision( 12 )
-                    << ax + i * hx * steps[ tnlX ]
-                    << " "
-                    << this -> getElement( i )
-                    << endl;
-      return true;
-   }
-   cerr << endl << "I do not know a format " << format << " for tnlGridOld with 2 dimensions.";
-   return false;
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-template< int Dimensions, typename Real, typename Index >
-__global__ void  setConstantDirichletBC( const Index xSize,
-                                         const Real bc,
-                                         Real* u )
-   /*const Index ij = blockIdx. x * blockDim. x + threadIdx. x;
-   const Index i = ij / ySize;
-   const Index j = ij % ySize;
-   if( ij < xSize * ySize &&
-       ( i == 0 || j == 0 || i == xSize - 1 || j == ySize - 1 ) )
-   {
-      u[ ij ] = bc;
-   }*/
-template< int Dimensions, typename Real, typename Index >
-__global__ void setDirichletBC( const Index xSize,
-                                const Real* bc,
-                                Real* u )
-   /*const Index ij = blockIdx. x * blockDim. x + threadIdx. x;
-   const Index i = ij / ySize;
-   const Index j = ij % ySize;
-   if( ij < xSize * ySize &&
-       ( i == 0 || j == 0 || i == xSize - 1 || j == ySize - 1 ) )
-   {
-      u[ ij ] = bc[ ij ];
-   }*/
-template< int Dimensions, typename Real, typename Index >
-__global__ void setConstantNeumannBC( const Index xSize,
-                                      const Real hx,
-                                      const Real bc,
-                                      Real* u )
-   /*const Index ij = blockIdx. x * blockDim. x + threadIdx. x;
-   const Index i = ij / ySize;
-   const Index j = ij % ySize;
-   if( ij < xSize * ySize &&
-       ( i == 0 || j == 0 || i == xSize - 1 || j == ySize - 1 ) )
-   {
-     if( i == 0 )
-        u[ ij ] = u[ ij + ySize ] + hx * bc;
-     if( i == xSize - 1 )
-        u[ ij ] = u[ ij - ySize ] + hx * bc;
-     __syncthreads();
-     if( j == 0 )
-        u[ ij ] = u[ ij + 1 ] + hy * bc;
-     if( j == ySize - 1 )
-        u[ ij ] = u[ ij - 1 ] + hy * bc;
-   }*/
-template< int Dimensions, typename Real, typename Index >
-__global__ void setNeumannBC( const Index xSize,
-                              const Real hx,
-                              const Real* bc,
-                              Real* u )
-   /*const Index ij = blockIdx. x * blockDim. x + threadIdx. x;
-   const Index i = ij / ySize;
-   const Index j = ij % ySize;
-   if( ij < xSize * ySize &&
-       ( i == 0 || j == 0 || i == xSize - 1 || j == ySize - 1 ) )
-   {
-     if( i == 0 )
-        u[ ij ] = u[ ij + ySize ] + hx * bc[ ij ];
-     if( i == xSize - 1 )
-        u[ ij ] = u[ ij - ySize ] + hx * bc[ ij ];
-     __syncthreads();
-     if( j == 0 )
-        u[ ij ] = u[ ij + 1 ] + hy * bc[ ij ];
-     if( j == ySize - 1 )
-        u[ ij ] = u[ ij - 1 ] + hy * bc[ ij ];
-   }*/
-#endif /* tnlGrid1D_IMPL_H_ */
diff --git a/src/legacy/mesh/implementation/tnlGrid2D_impl.h b/src/legacy/mesh/implementation/tnlGrid2D_impl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a6d9a668588c62c9133feec4a89b6c3f2d0f032..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/legacy/mesh/implementation/tnlGrid2D_impl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,948 +0,0 @@
-                          tnlGridOld2D_impl.h  -  description
-                             -------------------
-    begin                : Nov 22, 2012
-    copyright            : (C) 2012 by Tomas Oberhuber
-    email                : tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
- ***************************************************************************/
- *                                                                         *
- *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
- *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
- *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
- *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
- *                                                                         *
- ***************************************************************************/
-#ifndef tnlGridOld2D_IMPL_H_
-#define tnlGridOld2D_IMPL_H_
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-template< int Dimensions, typename Real, typename Index >
-__global__ void setConstantDirichletBC( const Index xSize,
-                                        const Index ySize,
-                                        const Real bc,
-                                        Real* u );
-template< int Dimensions, typename Real, typename Index >
-__global__ void setDirichletBC( const Index xSize,
-                                const Index ySize,
-                                const Real* bc,
-                                Real* u );
-template< int Dimensions, typename Real, typename Index >
-__global__ void setConstantNeumannBC( const Index xSize,
-                                      const Index ySize,
-                                      const Real hx,
-                                      const Real hy,
-                                      const Real bc,
-                                      Real* u );
-template< int Dimensions, typename Real, typename Index >
-__global__ void setNeumannBC( const Index xSize,
-                              const Index ySize,
-                              const Real hx,
-                              const Real hy,
-                              const Real* bc,
-                              Real* u );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: tnlGridOld()
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: tnlGridOld( const tnlString& name )
-   this -> setName( name );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: tnlGridOld( const tnlString& name,
-                                              const tnlGridOld< 2, Real, tnlHost, Index >& grid )
-   this -> setName( name );
-   this -> setLike( grid );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: tnlGridOld( const tnlString& name,
-                                              const tnlGridOld< 2, Real, tnlCuda, Index >& grid )
-   this -> setName( name );
-   this -> setLike( grid );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-const tnlStaticVector< 2, Index >& tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getDimensions() const
-   return tnlMultiVector< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getDimensions();
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-bool tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: setDimensions( const tnlStaticVector< 2, Index >& dimensions )
-   if( ! tnlMultiVector< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: setDimensions( dimensions ) )
-      return false;
-   spaceSteps[ 0 ] = ( domainUpperCorner[ 0 ] - domainLowerCorner[ 0 ] ) / ( Real ) ( this -> getDimensions()[ 0 ] - 1 );
-   spaceSteps[ 1 ] = ( domainUpperCorner[ 1 ] - domainLowerCorner[ 1 ] ) / ( Real ) ( this -> getDimensions()[ 1 ] - 1 );
-   return true;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-bool tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: setDomain( const tnlStaticVector< 2, Real >& origin,
-                                                     const tnlStaticVector< 2, Real >& proportions )
-   if( origin >= proportions )
-   {
-      cerr << "Wrong parameters for the grid domain of " << this -> getName() << ". The low corner must by smaller than the high corner." << endl
-               << "origin = " << origin << endl << "proportions = " << proportions << endl;
-      return false;
-   }
-   domainLowerCorner = origin;
-   domainUpperCorner = proportions;
-   spaceSteps[ 0 ] = ( domainUpperCorner[ 0 ] - domainLowerCorner[ 0 ] ) / ( Real ) ( this -> getDimensions()[ 0 ] - 1 );
-   spaceSteps[ 1 ] = ( domainUpperCorner[ 1 ] - domainLowerCorner[ 1 ] ) / ( Real ) ( this -> getDimensions()[ 1 ] - 1 );
-   return true;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-   template< typename Grid >
-bool tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: setLike( const Grid& v )
-   return tnlMultiVector< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: setLike( v ) &&
-          this -> setDomain( v. getDomainLowerCorner(), v. getDomainUpperCorner() );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-const tnlStaticVector< 2, Real >& tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getDomainLowerCorner() const
-   return this -> domainLowerCorner;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-const tnlStaticVector< 2, Real >& tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getDomainUpperCorner() const
-   return this -> domainUpperCorner;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-const tnlStaticVector< 2, Real >& tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getSpaceSteps() const
-   return spaceSteps;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-tnlString tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getType() const
-   return tnlString( "tnlGridOld< ") +
-          tnlString( "2" ) +
-          tnlString( ", " ) +
-          tnlString( ::getType< Real >() ) +
-          tnlString( ", " ) +
-          Device :: getDeviceType() +
-          tnlString( ", " ) +
-          tnlString( ::getType< Index >() ) +
-          tnlString( " >" );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-bool tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: operator == ( const tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index >& grid ) const
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDomainLowerCorner() == grid. getDomainLowerCorner() &&
-              this -> getDomainUpperCorner() == grid. getDomainUpperCorner(),
-              cerr << "You are attempting to compare two grids with different domains." << endl
-                   << "First grid name is " << this -> getName()
-                   << " domain is ( " << this -> getDomainLowerCorner() << " )- ("
-                                      << this -> getDomainUpperCorner() << ")" << endl
-                   << "Second grid is " << grid. getName()
-                   << " domain is ( " << grid. getDomainLowerCorner() << " )- ("
-                                      << grid. getDomainUpperCorner() << ")" << endl; );
-   return tnlMultiVector< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: operator == ( grid );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-bool tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: operator != ( const tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index >& grid ) const
-   return ! ( (* this ) == grid );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-  template< typename Real2, typename Device2, typename Index2 >
-tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index >&
-tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index >
-:: operator = ( const tnlGridOld< 2, Real2, Device2, Index2 >& grid )
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == grid. getDimensions(),
-              cerr << "You are attempting to assign two arrays with different dimensions." << endl
-                   << "First array name is " << this -> getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
-                   << "Second array is " << grid. getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << grid. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
-   tnlVector< Real, Device, Index > :: operator = ( grid );
-   return ( *this );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getValue( const tnlStaticVector< 2, Real >& point ) const
-   Real x = ( point[ 0 ] - domainLowerCorner[ 0 ] ) / spaceSteps[ 0 ];
-   Real y = ( point[ 1 ] - domainLowerCorner[ 1 ] ) / spaceSteps[ 1 ];
-   Index ix = ( Index ) ( x );
-   Index iy = ( Index ) ( y );
-   Real dx = x - ( Real ) ix;
-   Real dy = y - ( Real ) iy;
-   if( iy >= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1 )
-   {
-      if( ix >= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1 )
-         return  this -> getElement( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1,
-                                     this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1 );
-      return ( Real( 1.0 ) - dx ) * this -> getElement( ix,
-                                                        this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1 ) +
-                                                        dx * this -> getElement( ix + 1,
-                                                        this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1 );
-      if( ix >= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1 )
-         return ( Real( 1.0 ) - dy ) * this -> getElement( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1,
-                                                           iy ) +
-                                                           dy * this -> getElement( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1,
-                                                           iy + 1 );
-      Real a1, a2;
-      a1 = ( Real( 1.0 ) - dx ) * this -> getElement( ix, iy ) +
-                             dx * this -> getElement( ix + 1, iy );
-      a2 = ( Real( 1.0 ) - dx ) * this -> getElement( ix, iy + 1 ) +
-                             dx * this -> getElement( ix + 1, iy + 1 );
-      return ( Real( 1.0 ) - dy ) * a1 + dy * a2;
-   }
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getValue( const Real& x,
-                                                    const Real& y ) const
-   return this -> getValue( tnlStaticVector< 2, Real >( x, y ) );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: Partial_x_f( const Index i1,
-                                                       const Index i2 ) const
-   tnlAssert( i1 >= 0 && i2 >= 0 &&
-              i1 < this -> getDimensions(). x() - 1 && i2 <= this -> getDimensions(). y() - 1,
-              cerr << " i1 = " << i1 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions() .x() - 1  ) << " ) " << endl
-                   << " i2 = " << i2 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions(). y() - 1  ) << " ] " << endl; );
-   const Real& Hx = spaceSteps[ 0 ];
-   tnlAssert( Hx > 0, cerr << "Hx = " << Hx << endl; );
-   return ( this -> getElement( i1 + 1, i2 ) -
-            this ->  getElement( i1, i2 ) ) / Hx;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: Partial_x_b( const Index i1,
-                                                       const Index i2 ) const
-   tnlAssert( i1 > 0 && i2 >= 0 &&
-              i1 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1 && i2 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1,
-              cerr << " i1 = " << i1 << " and it should be in ( 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl
-                   << " i2 = " << i2 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl; );
-   const Real& Hx = spaceSteps[ 0 ];
-   tnlAssert( Hx > 0, cerr << "Hx = " << Hx << endl; );
-   return ( this -> getElement( i1, i2 ) -
-            this -> getElement( i1 - 1, i2 ) ) / Hx;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: Partial_x( const Index i1,
-                                                     const Index i2 ) const
-   tnlAssert( i1 > 0 && i2 >= 0 &&
-              i1 < this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1 && i2 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1,
-              cerr << " i1 = " << i1 << " and it should be in ( 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1  ) << " ) " << endl
-                   << " i2 = " << i2 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl; );
-   const Real& Hx = spaceSteps[ 0 ];
-   tnlAssert( Hx > 0, cerr << "Hx = " << Hx << endl; );
-   return ( this -> getElement( i1 + 1, i2 ) -
-            this -> getElement( i1 - 1, i2 ) ) / ( 2.0 * Hx );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: Partial_xx( const Index i1,
-                                                      const Index i2 ) const
-   tnlAssert( i1 > 0 && i2 >= 0 &&
-              i1 < this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1 && i2 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1,
-              cerr << " i1 = " << i1 << " and it should be in ( 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1  ) << " ) " << endl
-                   << " i2 = " << i2 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl; );
-   const Real& Hx = spaceSteps[ 0 ];
-   tnlAssert( Hx > 0, cerr << "Hx = " << Hx << endl; );
-   return ( this -> getElement( i1 + 1, i2 ) -
-            2.0 * this -> getElement( i1, i2 ) +
-            this -> getElement( i1 - 1, i2 ) ) / ( Hx * Hx );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: Partial_y_f( const Index i1,
-                                                       const Index i2 ) const
-   tnlAssert( i1 >= 0 && i2 >= 0 &&
-              i1 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1 && i2 < this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1,
-              cerr << " i1 = " << i1 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl
-                   << " i2 = " << i2 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1  ) << " ) " << endl; );
-   const Real& Hy = spaceSteps[ 1 ];
-   tnlAssert( Hy > 0, cerr << "Hy = " << Hy << endl; );
-   return ( this -> getElement( i1, i2 + 1 ) -
-            this -> getElement( i1, i2 ) ) / Hy;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: Partial_y_b( const Index i1,
-                                                       const Index i2 ) const
-   tnlAssert( i1 >= 0 && i2 > 0 &&
-              i1 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1 && i2 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1,
-              cerr << " i1 = " << i1 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl
-                   << " i2 = " << i2 << " and it should be in ( 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl; );
-   const Real& Hy = spaceSteps[ 1 ];
-   tnlAssert( Hy > 0, cerr << "Hy = " << Hy << endl; );
-   return ( this -> getElement( i1, i2 ) -
-            this -> getElement( i1, i2 - 1 ) ) / Hy;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: Partial_y( const Index i1,
-                                                     const Index i2 ) const
-   tnlAssert( i1 >= 0 && i2 > 0 &&
-              i1 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1 && i2 < this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1,
-              cerr << " i1 = " << i1 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl
-                   << " i2 = " << i2 << " and it should be in ( 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1  ) << " ) " << endl; );
-   const Real& Hy = spaceSteps[ 1 ];
-   tnlAssert( Hy > 0, cerr << "Hy = " << Hy << endl; );
-   return ( this -> getElement( i1, i2 + 1 ) -
-            this -> getElement( i1, i2 - 1 ) ) / ( 2.0 * Hy );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: Partial_yy( const Index i1,
-                                                      const Index i2 ) const
-   tnlAssert( i1 >= 0 && i2 > 0 &&
-              i1 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1 && i2 < this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1,
-              cerr << " i1 = " << i1 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl
-                   << " i2 = " << i2 << " and it should be in ( 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1  ) << " ) " << endl; );
-   const Real& Hy = spaceSteps[ 1 ];
-   tnlAssert( Hy > 0, cerr << "Hy = " << Hy << endl; );
-   return ( this -> getElement( i1, i2 + 1 ) -
-            2.0 * this -> getElement( i1, i2 ) +
-            this -> getElement( i1, i2 - 1 ) ) / ( Hy * Hy );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-void tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: setDirichletBC( const tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index >&bc,
-                                                          const tnlStaticVector< 2, bool >& lowerBC,
-                                                          const tnlStaticVector< 2, bool >& upperBC )
-   if( Device :: getDevice() == tnlHostDevice )
-   {
-      const Index xSize = this -> getDimensions(). x();
-      const Index ySize = this -> getDimensions(). y();
-      Index i, j;
-      if( lowerBC. x() )
-         for( i = 0; i < xSize; i ++ )
-            ( *this )( i, 0 ) = bc( i, 0 );
-      if( upperBC. x() )
-         for( i = 0; i < xSize; i ++ )
-            ( *this )( i, ySize - 1 ) = bc( i, ySize - 1 );
-      if( lowerBC. y() )
-         for( j = 0; j < ySize; j ++ )
-            ( *this )( 0, j ) = bc( 0, j );
-      if( upperBC. y() )
-         for( j = 0; j < ySize; j ++ )
-            ( *this )( xSize - 1, j ) = bc( xSize - 1, j );
-   }
-   if( Device :: getDevice() == tnlCudaDevice )
-   {
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-         const Index size = this -> getSize();
-         const Index desBlockSize = 64;
-         const Index gridSize = size / desBlockSize + ( size % desBlockSize != 0 );
-         dim3 gridDim( 0 ), blockDim( 0 );
-         gridDim. x = gridSize;
-         blockDim. x = desBlockSize;
-         :: setDirichletBC< 2, Real, Index ><<< gridDim, blockDim >>>( this -> getDimensions(). x(),
-                                                                       this -> getDimensions(). y(),
-                                                                       bc. getData(),
-                                                                       this -> getData() );
-   }
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-void tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: setDirichletBC( const Real& bcValue,
-                                                          const tnlStaticVector< 2, bool >& lowerBC,
-                                                          const tnlStaticVector< 2, bool >& upperBC )
-   if( Device :: getDevice() == tnlHostDevice )
-   {
-      const Index xSize = this -> getDimensions(). x();
-      const Index ySize = this -> getDimensions(). y();
-      Index i, j;
-      if( lowerBC. x() )
-         for( i = 0; i < xSize; i ++ )
-            ( *this )( i, 0 ) = bcValue;
-      if( upperBC. x() )
-         for( i = 0; i < xSize; i ++ )
-            ( *this )( i, ySize - 1 ) = bcValue;
-      if( lowerBC. y() )
-         for( j = 0; j < ySize; j ++ )
-            ( *this )( 0, j ) = bcValue;
-      if( upperBC. y() )
-         for( j = 0; j < ySize; j ++ )
-            ( *this )( xSize - 1, j ) = bcValue;
-   }
-   if( Device :: getDevice() == tnlCudaDevice )
-   {
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-         const Index size = this -> getSize();
-         const Index desBlockSize = 64;
-         const Index gridSize = size / desBlockSize + ( size % desBlockSize != 0 );
-         dim3 gridDim( 0 ), blockDim( 0 );
-         gridDim. x = gridSize;
-         blockDim. x = desBlockSize;
-         :: setConstantDirichletBC< 2, Real, Index ><<< gridDim, blockDim >>>( this -> getDimensions(). x(),
-                                                                               this -> getDimensions(). y(),
-                                                                               bcValue,
-                                                                               this -> getData() );
-   }
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-void tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: setNeumannBC( const tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index >&bc,
-                                                                 const tnlStaticVector< 2, bool >& lowerBC,
-                                                                 const tnlStaticVector< 2, bool >& upperBC )
-   if( Device :: getDevice() == tnlHostDevice )
-   {
-      const Real& hx = this -> getSpaceSteps(). x();
-      const Real& hy = this -> getSpaceSteps(). y();
-      const Index xSize = this -> getDimensions(). x();
-      const Index ySize = this -> getDimensions(). y();
-      Index i, j;
-      if( lowerBC. x() )
-         for( i = 0; i < xSize; i ++ )
-             ( *this )( i, 0 ) = ( *this )( i, 1 ) + hy * bc( i, 0 );
-      if( upperBC. x() )
-         for( i = 0; i < xSize; i ++ )
-            ( *this )( i, ySize - 1 ) = ( *this )( i, ySize - 2 ) + hy * bc( i, ySize - 1 );
-      if( lowerBC. y() )
-         for( j = 0; j < ySize; j ++ )
-            ( *this )( 0, j ) = ( *this )( 1, j ) + hx * bc( 0, j );
-      if( upperBC. y() )
-         for( j = 0; j < ySize; j ++ )
-            ( *this )( xSize - 1, j ) = ( *this )( xSize - 2, j ) + hx * bc( xSize - 1, j );
-   }
-   if( Device :: getDevice() == tnlCudaDevice )
-   {
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-      const Index size = this -> getSize();
-      const Index desBlockSize = 64;
-      const Index gridSize = size / desBlockSize + ( size % desBlockSize != 0 );
-      dim3 gridDim( 0 ), blockDim( 0 );
-      gridDim. x = gridSize;
-      blockDim. x = desBlockSize;
-      ::setNeumannBC< 2, Real, Index ><<< gridDim, blockDim >>>( this -> getDimensions(). x(),
-                                                                 this -> getDimensions(). y(),
-                                                                 this -> getSpaceSteps(). x(),
-                                                                 this -> getSpaceSteps(). y(),
-                                                                 bc. getData(),
-                                                                 this -> getData() );
-   }
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-void tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: setNeumannBC( const Real& bcValue,
-                                                                 const tnlStaticVector< 2, bool >& lowerBC,
-                                                                 const tnlStaticVector< 2, bool >& upperBC )
-   if( Device :: getDevice() == tnlHostDevice )
-   {
-      const Real& hx = this -> getSpaceSteps(). x();
-      const Real& hy = this -> getSpaceSteps(). y();
-      const Index xSize = this -> getDimensions(). x();
-      const Index ySize = this -> getDimensions(). y();
-      Index i, j;
-      if( lowerBC. x() )
-         for( i = 0; i < xSize; i ++ )
-            ( *this )( i, 0 ) = ( *this )( i, 1 ) + hy * bcValue;
-      if( upperBC. x() )
-         for( i = 0; i < xSize; i ++ )
-            ( *this )( i, ySize - 1 ) = ( *this )( i, ySize - 2 ) + hy * bcValue;
-      if( lowerBC. y() )
-         for( j = 0; j < ySize; j ++ )
-            ( *this )( 0, j ) = ( *this )( 1, j ) + hx * bcValue;
-      if( upperBC. y() )
-         for( j = 0; j < ySize; j ++ )
-            ( *this )( xSize - 1, j ) = ( *this )( xSize - 2, j ) + hx * bcValue;
-   }
-   if( Device :: getDevice() == tnlCudaDevice )
-   {
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-      const Index size = this -> getSize();
-      const Index desBlockSize = 64;
-      const Index gridSize = size / desBlockSize + ( size % desBlockSize != 0 );
-      dim3 gridDim( 0 ), blockDim( 0 );
-      gridDim. x = gridSize;
-      blockDim. x = desBlockSize;
-      :: setConstantNeumannBC< 2, Real, Index ><<< gridDim, blockDim >>>( this -> getDimensions(). x(),
-                                                                          this -> getDimensions(). y(),
-                                                                          this -> getSpaceSteps(). x(),
-                                                                          this -> getSpaceSteps(). y(),
-                                                                          bcValue,
-                                                                          this -> getData() );
-   }
-/*template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getMax() const
-   return tnlMax( * this );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getMin() const
-   return tnlMin( * this );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getAbsMax() const
-   return tnlAbsMax( * this );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getAbsMin() const
-   return tnlAbsMin( * this );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getLpNorm( const Real& p ) const
-   Real result = this -> lpNorm( p );
-   return result * getSpaceSteps(). x()
-                 * getSpaceSteps(). y();
-/*template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getSum() const
-   return tnlMultiVector< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: sum( * this );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getDifferenceMax( const tnlVector< Real, Device, Index >& v ) const
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == v. getDimensions(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDomainLoweCorner() == v. getDomainLowerCorner() &&
-              this -> getDomainUpperCorner() == v. getDomainUpperCorner(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   return v. differenceMax( *this );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getDifferenceMin( const tnlVector< Real, Device, Index >& v ) const
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == v. getDimensions(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDomainLoweCorner() == v. getDomainLowerCorner() &&
-              this -> getDomainUpperCorner() == v. getDomainUpperCorner(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   return v. differenceMin( *this );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getDifferenceAbsMax( const tnlVector< Real, Device, Index >& v ) const
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == v. getDimensions(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDomainLoweCorner() == v. getDomainLowerCorner() &&
-              this -> getDomainUpperCorner() == v. getDomainUpperCorner(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   return v. differenceAbsMax( *this );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getDifferenceAbsMin( const tnlVector< Real, Device, Index >& v ) const
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == v. getDimensions(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDomainLoweCorner() == v. getDomainLowerCorner() &&
-              this -> getDomainUpperCorner() == v. getDomainUpperCorner(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   return v. differenceAbsMin( *this );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getDifferenceLpNorm( const tnlVector< Real, Device, Index >& v, const Real& p ) const
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == v. getDimensions(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDomainLoweCorner() == v. getDomainLowerCorner() &&
-              this -> getDomainUpperCorner() == v. getDomainUpperCorner(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   Real result = v. differenceLpNorm( * this, p );
-   return result * getSpaceSteps(). x()
-                 * getSpaceSteps(). y();
-/*template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getDifferenceSum( const tnlVector< Real, Device, Index >& v ) const
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == v. getDimensions(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDomainLoweCorner() == v. getDomainLowerCorner() &&
-              this -> getDomainUpperCorner() == v. getDomainUpperCorner(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   return this -> differenceSum( v );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-void tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: scalarMultiplication( const Real& alpha )
-   return this -> scalarMultiplication( alpha );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: scalarProduct( const tnlVector< Real, Device, Index >& v ) const
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == v. getDimensions(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDomainLoweCorner() == v. getDomainLowerCorner() &&
-              this -> getDomainUpperCorner() == v. getDomainUpperCorner(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   return this -> scalarProduct( v );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-void tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: alphaXPlusY( const Real& alpha,
-                                                         const tnlVector< Real, Device, Index >& x )
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == v. getDimensions(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDomainLoweCorner() == v. getDomainLowerCorner() &&
-              this -> getDomainUpperCorner() == v. getDomainUpperCorner(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   this -> alphaXPlusY( alpha, x );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-void tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: saxmy( const Real& alpha,
-                                                     const tnlVector< Real, Device, Index >& x )
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == v. getDimensions(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDomainLoweCorner() == v. getDomainLowerCorner() &&
-              this -> getDomainUpperCorner() == v. getDomainUpperCorner(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   this -> saxmy( alpha, x );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-bool tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: save( tnlFile& file ) const
-   if( ! tnlMultiVector< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: save( file ) )
-   {
-      cerr << "I was not able to write the tnlMultiVector of the tnlGridOld "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
-      return false;
-   }
-   if( ! domainLowerCorner. save( file ) ||
-       ! domainUpperCorner. save( file ) ||
-       ! spaceSteps. save( file ) )
-   {
-      cerr << "I was not able to write the domain decsription of the tnlGridOld "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
-      return false;
-   }
-   return true;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-bool tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: load( tnlFile& file )
-   if( ! tnlMultiVector< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: load( file ) )
-   {
-      cerr << "I was not able to read the tnlMultiVector of the tnlGridOld "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
-      return false;
-   }
-   if( ! domainLowerCorner. load( file ) ||
-       ! domainUpperCorner. load( file ) ||
-       ! spaceSteps. load( file ) )
-   {
-      cerr << "I was not able to read the domain description of the tnlGridOld "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
-      return false;
-   }
-   return true;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-bool tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: save( const tnlString& fileName ) const
-   return tnlObject :: save( fileName );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-bool tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: load( const tnlString& fileName )
-   return tnlObject :: load( fileName );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-bool tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: draw( const tnlString& fileName,
-                                                         const tnlString& format,
-                                                         const tnlStaticVector< 2, Index > steps ) const
-   tnlAssert( steps > ( tnlStaticVector< 2, Index >( 0 ) ),
-              cerr << "Wrong steps of increment ( " << steps << " )"
-                   << " for drawing the tnlGridOld " << this -> getName() << "." << endl; );
-   if( format == "tnl" )
-      return this -> save( fileName );
-   fstream file;
-   file. open( fileName. getString(), ios :: out );
-   if( ! file )
-   {
-      cerr << " I am not able to open the file " << fileName
-           << " for drawing the tnlGridOld " << this -> getName() << "." << endl;
-      return false;
-   }
-   const Index xSize = this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ];
-   const Index ySize = this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ];
-   const Real& ax = this -> getDomainLowerCorner()[ tnlX ];
-   const Real& ay = this -> getDomainLowerCorner()[ tnlY ];
-   const Real& hx = this -> getSpaceSteps()[ tnlX ];
-   const Real& hy = this -> getSpaceSteps()[ tnlY ];
-   if( format == "gnuplot" )
-   {
-      for( Index i = 0; i < xSize; i += steps[ tnlX ] )
-      {
-         for( Index j = 0; j < ySize; j += steps[ tnlY ] )
-         {
-            file << setprecision( 12 )
-                 << ax + Real( i ) * hx * steps[ tnlX ]
-                 << " "
-                 << ay + Real( j ) * hy * steps[ tnlY ]
-                 << " "
-                 << this -> getElement( i, j )
-                 << endl;
-         }
-         file << endl;
-      }
-      return true;
-   }
-   if( format == "vti" )
-   {
-      file << "<VTKFile type=\"ImagegetString\" version=\"0.1\" byte_order=\"LittleEndian\">" << endl;
-      file << "<ImagegetString WholeExtent=\""
-           << 0 << " " << xSize - 1 << " " << 0 << " " << ySize - 1
-           << " 0 0\" Origin=\"0 0 0\" Spacing=\""
-           << hx * steps[ tnlX ] << " " << hy * steps[ tnlY ] << " 0\">" << endl;
-      file << "<Piece Extent=\"0 " << xSize - 1 << " 0 " << ySize - 1 <<" 0 0\">" << endl;
-      file << "<PointgetString Scalars=\"order_parameter\">" << endl;
-      file << "<getStringArray Name=\"order_parameter\" type=\"Float32\" format=\"ascii\">" << endl;
-      file. flags( ios_base::scientific );
-      Index iStep = steps[ tnlX ];
-      Index jStep = steps[ tnlY ];
-      for( Index j = 0; j <= ySize - jStep; j += jStep )
-         for( Index i = 0; i <= xSize - iStep; i += iStep )
-              file << this -> getElement( i, j ) << " ";
-      file << endl;
-      file << "</getStringArray>" << endl;
-      file << "</PointgetString>" << endl;
-      file << "</Piece>" << endl;
-      file << "</ImagegetString>" << endl;
-      file << "</VTKFile>" << endl;
-      return true;
-   }
-   cerr << endl << "I do not know a format " << format << " for tnlGridOld with 2 dimensions.";
-   return false;
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-template< int Dimensions, typename Real, typename Index >
-__global__ void  setConstantDirichletBC( const Index xSize,
-                                         const Index ySize,
-                                         const Real bc,
-                                         Real* u )
-   const Index ij = blockIdx. x * blockDim. x + threadIdx. x;
-   const Index i = ij / ySize;
-   const Index j = ij % ySize;
-   if( ij < xSize * ySize &&
-       ( i == 0 || j == 0 || i == xSize - 1 || j == ySize - 1 ) )
-   {
-      u[ ij ] = bc;
-   }
-template< int Dimensions, typename Real, typename Index >
-__global__ void setDirichletBC( const Index xSize,
-                                const Index ySize,
-                                const Real* bc,
-                                Real* u )
-   const Index ij = blockIdx. x * blockDim. x + threadIdx. x;
-   const Index i = ij / ySize;
-   const Index j = ij % ySize;
-   if( ij < xSize * ySize &&
-       ( i == 0 || j == 0 || i == xSize - 1 || j == ySize - 1 ) )
-   {
-      u[ ij ] = bc[ ij ];
-   }
-template< int Dimensions, typename Real, typename Index >
-__global__ void setConstantNeumannBC( const Index xSize,
-                                      const Index ySize,
-                                      const Real hx,
-                                      const Real hy,
-                                      const Real bc,
-                                      Real* u )
-   const Index ij = blockIdx. x * blockDim. x + threadIdx. x;
-   const Index i = ij / ySize;
-   const Index j = ij % ySize;
-   if( ij < xSize * ySize &&
-       ( i == 0 || j == 0 || i == xSize - 1 || j == ySize - 1 ) )
-   {
-     if( i == 0 )
-        u[ ij ] = u[ ij + ySize ] + hx * bc;
-     if( i == xSize - 1 )
-        u[ ij ] = u[ ij - ySize ] + hx * bc;
-     __syncthreads();
-     if( j == 0 )
-        u[ ij ] = u[ ij + 1 ] + hy * bc;
-     if( j == ySize - 1 )
-        u[ ij ] = u[ ij - 1 ] + hy * bc;
-   }
-template< int Dimensions, typename Real, typename Index >
-__global__ void setNeumannBC( const Index xSize,
-                              const Index ySize,
-                              const Real hx,
-                              const Real hy,
-                              const Real* bc,
-                              Real* u )
-   const Index ij = blockIdx. x * blockDim. x + threadIdx. x;
-   const Index i = ij / ySize;
-   const Index j = ij % ySize;
-   if( ij < xSize * ySize &&
-       ( i == 0 || j == 0 || i == xSize - 1 || j == ySize - 1 ) )
-   {
-     if( i == 0 )
-        u[ ij ] = u[ ij + ySize ] + hx * bc[ ij ];
-     if( i == xSize - 1 )
-        u[ ij ] = u[ ij - ySize ] + hx * bc[ ij ];
-     __syncthreads();
-     if( j == 0 )
-        u[ ij ] = u[ ij + 1 ] + hy * bc[ ij ];
-     if( j == ySize - 1 )
-        u[ ij ] = u[ ij - 1 ] + hy * bc[ ij ];
-   }
-#endif /* tnlGrid2D_IMPL_H_ */
diff --git a/src/legacy/mesh/implementation/tnlGrid3D_impl.h b/src/legacy/mesh/implementation/tnlGrid3D_impl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e3d7757e7bb2b97a13eb97a8bfb4de6470d99515..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/legacy/mesh/implementation/tnlGrid3D_impl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1157 +0,0 @@
-                          tnlGridOld3D_impl.h  -  description
-                             -------------------
-    begin                : Nov 22, 2012
-    copyright            : (C) 2012 by Tomas Oberhuber
-    email                : tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
- ***************************************************************************/
- *                                                                         *
- *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
- *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
- *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
- *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
- *                                                                         *
- ***************************************************************************/
-#ifndef tnlGridOld3D_IMPL_H_
-#define tnlGridOld3D_IMPL_H_
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-/*template< int Dimensions, typename Real, typename Index >
-__global__ void setConstantDirichletBC( const Index xSize,
-                                        const Index ySize,
-                                        const Real bc,
-                                        Real* u );
-template< int Dimensions, typename Real, typename Index >
-__global__ void setDirichletBC( const Index xSize,
-                                const Index ySize,
-                                const Real* bc,
-                                Real* u );
-template< int Dimensions, typename Real, typename Index >
-__global__ void setConstantNeumannBC( const Index xSize,
-                                      const Index ySize,
-                                      const Real hx,
-                                      const Real hy,
-                                      const Real bc,
-                                      Real* u );
-template< int Dimensions, typename Real, typename Index >
-__global__ void setNeumannBC( const Index xSize,
-                              const Index ySize,
-                              const Real hx,
-                              const Real hy,
-                              const Real* bc,
-                              Real* u );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: tnlGridOld()
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: tnlGridOld( const tnlString& name )
-   this -> setName( name );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: tnlGridOld( const tnlString& name,
-                                             const tnlGridOld< 3,Real, tnlHost, Index >& grid )
-   this -> setName( name );
-   this -> setLike( grid );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: tnlGridOld( const tnlString& name,
-                                              const tnlGridOld< 3,Real, tnlCuda, Index >& grid )
-   this -> setName( name );
-   this -> setLike( grid );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-const tnlStaticVector< 3,Index >& tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: getDimensions() const
-   return tnlMultiVector< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: getDimensions();
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-bool tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: setDimensions( const tnlStaticVector< 3,Index >& dimensions )
-   if( ! tnlMultiVector< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: setDimensions( dimensions ) )
-      return false;
-   spaceSteps[ 0 ] = ( domainUpperCorner[ 0 ] - domainLowerCorner[ 0 ] ) / ( Real ) ( this -> getDimensions()[ 0 ] - 1 );
-   spaceSteps[ 1 ] = ( domainUpperCorner[ 1 ] - domainLowerCorner[ 1 ] ) / ( Real ) ( this -> getDimensions()[ 1 ] - 1 );
-   spaceSteps[ 2 ] = ( domainUpperCorner[ 2 ] - domainLowerCorner[ 2 ] ) / ( Real ) ( this -> getDimensions()[ 2 ] - 1 );
-   return true;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-bool tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: setDomain( const tnlStaticVector< 3,Real >& origin,
-                                                     const tnlStaticVector< 3,Real >& proportions )
-   if( origin >= proportions )
-   {
-      cerr << "Wrong parameters for the grid domain of " << this -> getName() << ". The low corner must by smaller than the high corner." << endl
-               << "origin = " << origin << endl << "proportions = " << proportions << endl;
-      return false;
-   }
-   domainLowerCorner = origin;
-   domainUpperCorner = proportions;
-   spaceSteps[ 0 ] = ( domainUpperCorner[ 0 ] - domainLowerCorner[ 0 ] ) / ( Real ) ( this -> getDimensions()[ 0 ] - 1 );
-   spaceSteps[ 1 ] = ( domainUpperCorner[ 1 ] - domainLowerCorner[ 1 ] ) / ( Real ) ( this -> getDimensions()[ 1 ] - 1 );
-   spaceSteps[ 2 ] = ( domainUpperCorner[ 2 ] - domainLowerCorner[ 2 ] ) / ( Real ) ( this -> getDimensions()[ 2 ] - 1 );
-   return true;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-   template< typename Grid >
-bool tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: setLike( const Grid& v )
-   return tnlMultiVector< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: setLike( v ) &&
-          this -> setDomain( v. getDomainLowerCorner(), v. getDomainUpperCorner() );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-const tnlStaticVector< 3,Real >& tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: getDomainLowerCorner() const
-   return this -> domainLowerCorner;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-const tnlStaticVector< 3,Real >& tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: getDomainUpperCorner() const
-   return this -> domainUpperCorner;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-const tnlStaticVector< 3,Real >& tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: getSpaceSteps() const
-   return spaceSteps;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-tnlString tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: getType() const
-   return tnlString( "tnlGridOld< ") +
-          tnlString( "3" ) +
-          tnlString( ", " ) +
-          tnlString( ::getType< Real >() ) +
-          tnlString( ", " ) +
-          Device :: getDeviceType() +
-          tnlString( ", " ) +
-          tnlString( ::getType< Index >() ) +
-          tnlString( " >" );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-bool tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: operator == ( const tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index >& grid ) const
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDomainLowerCorner() == grid. getDomainLowerCorner() &&
-              this -> getDomainUpperCorner() == grid. getDomainUpperCorner(),
-              cerr << "You are attempting to compare two grids with different domains." << endl
-                   << "First grid name is " << this -> getName()
-                   << " domain is ( " << this -> getDomainLowerCorner() << " )- ("
-                                      << this -> getDomainUpperCorner() << ")" << endl
-                   << "Second grid is " << grid. getName()
-                   << " domain is ( " << grid. getDomainLowerCorner() << " )- ("
-                                      << grid. getDomainUpperCorner() << ")" << endl; );
-   return tnlMultiVector< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: operator == ( grid );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-bool tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: operator != ( const tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index >& grid ) const
-   return ! ( (* this ) == grid );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-  template< typename Real2, typename Device2, typename Index2 >
-tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index >&
-tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index >
-:: operator = ( const tnlGridOld< 3,Real2, Device2, Index2 >& grid )
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == grid. getDimensions(),
-              cerr << "You are attempting to assign two arrays with different dimensions." << endl
-                   << "First array name is " << this -> getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << this -> getDimensions() << " )" << endl
-                   << "Second array is " << grid. getName()
-                   << " dimensions are ( " << grid. getDimensions() << " )" << endl; );
-   tnlVector< Real, Device, Index > :: operator = ( grid );
-   return ( *this );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: getValue( const tnlStaticVector< 3,Real >& point ) const
-   tnlAssert( 0, cerr << "Interpolation is not implemented yet.");
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: getValue( const Real& x,
-                                                             const Real& y,
-                                                             const Real& z ) const
-   return this -> getValue( tnlStaticVector< 3, Real >( x, y, z ) );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: Partial_x_f( const Index i1,
-                                                      const Index i2,
-                                                      const Index i3 ) const
-   tnlAssert( i1 >= 0 && i2 >= 0 && i3 >= 0 &&
-              i1 < this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1 &&
-              i2 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1 &&
-              i3 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlZ ] - 1,
-              cerr << " i1 = " << i1 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1  ) << " ) " << endl
-                   << " i2 = " << i2 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl
-                   << " i3 = " << i3 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlZ ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl; );
-   const Real& Hx = spaceSteps[ 0 ];
-   tnlAssert( Hx > 0, cerr << "Hx = " << Hx << endl; );
-   return ( this -> getElement( i1 + 1, i2, i3 ) -
-            this ->  getElement( i1, i2, i3 ) ) / Hx;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: Partial_x_b( const Index i1,
-                                                      const Index i2,
-                                                      const Index i3 ) const
-   tnlAssert( i1 > 0 && i2 >= 0 && i3 >= 0 &&
-              i1 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1 &&
-              i2 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1 &&
-              i3 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlZ ] - 1,
-              cerr << " i1 = " << i1 << " and it should be in ( 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl
-                   << " i2 = " << i2 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl
-                   << " i3 = " << i3 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlZ ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl; );
-   const Real& Hx = spaceSteps[ 0 ];
-   tnlAssert( Hx > 0, cerr << "Hx = " << Hx << endl; );
-   return ( this -> getElement( i1, i2, i3 ) -
-            this ->  getElement( i1 - 1, i2, i3 ) ) / Hx;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: Partial_x( const Index i1,
-                                                    const Index i2,
-                                                    const Index i3 ) const
-   tnlAssert( i1 > 0 && i2 >= 0 && i3 >= 0 &&
-              i1 < this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1 &&
-              i2 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1 &&
-              i3 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlZ ] - 1,
-              cerr << " i1 = " << i1 << " and it should be in ( 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1  ) << " ) " << endl
-                   << " i2 = " << i2 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl
-                   << " i3 = " << i3 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlZ ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl; );
-   const Real& Hx = spaceSteps[ 0 ];
-   tnlAssert( Hx > 0, cerr << "Hx = " << Hx << endl; );
-   return ( this -> getElement( i1 + 1, i2, i3 ) -
-            this -> getElement( i1 - 1, i2, i3 ) ) / ( 2.0 * Hx );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: Partial_xx( const Index i1,
-                                                     const Index i2,
-                                                     const Index i3 ) const
-   tnlAssert( i1 > 0 && i2 >= 0 && i3 >= 0 &&
-              i1 < this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1 &&
-              i2 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1 &&
-              i3 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlZ ] - 1,
-              cerr << " i1 = " << i1 << " and it should be in ( 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1  ) << " ) " << endl
-                   << " i2 = " << i2 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl
-                   << " i3 = " << i3 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlZ ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl; );
-   const Real& Hx = spaceSteps[ 0 ];
-   tnlAssert( Hx > 0, cerr << "Hx = " << Hx << endl; );
-   return ( this -> getElement( i1 + 1, i2, i3 ) -
-            2.0 * this -> getElement( i1, i2, i3 ) +
-            this -> getElement( i1 - 1, i2, i3 ) ) / ( Hx * Hx );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: Partial_y_f( const Index i1,
-                                                      const Index i2,
-                                                      const Index i3 ) const
-   tnlAssert( i1 >= 0 && i2 >= 0 && i3 >= 0 &&
-              i1 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1 &&
-              i2 < this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1 &&
-              i3 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlZ ] - 1,
-              cerr << " i1 = " << i1 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl
-                   << " i2 = " << i2 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1  ) << " ) " << endl
-                   << " i3 = " << i3 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlZ ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl; );
-   const Real& Hy = spaceSteps[ 1 ];
-   tnlAssert( Hy > 0, cerr << "Hy = " << Hy << endl; );
-   return ( this -> getElement( i1, i2 + 1, i3 ) -
-            this -> getElement( i1, i2, i3 ) ) / Hy;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: Partial_y_b( const Index i1,
-                                                      const Index i2,
-                                                      const Index i3 ) const
-   tnlAssert( i1 >= 0 && i2 > 0 && i3 >= 0 &&
-              i1 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1 &&
-              i2 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1 &&
-              i3 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlZ ] - 1,
-              cerr << " i1 = " << i1 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl
-                   << " i2 = " << i2 << " and it should be in ( 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl
-                   << " i3 = " << i3 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlZ ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl; );
-   const Real& Hy = spaceSteps[ 1 ];
-   tnlAssert( Hy > 0, cerr << "Hy = " << Hy << endl; );
-   return ( this -> getElement( i1, i2, i3 ) -
-            this -> getElement( i1, i2 - 1, i3 ) ) / Hy;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: Partial_y( const Index i1,
-                                                    const Index i2,
-                                                    const Index i3 ) const
-   tnlAssert( i1 >= 0 && i2 > 0 && i3 >= 0 &&
-              i1 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1 &&
-              i2 < this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1 &&
-              i3 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlZ ] - 1,
-              cerr << " i1 = " << i1 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl
-                   << " i2 = " << i2 << " and it should be in ( 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1  ) << " ) " << endl
-                   << " i3 = " << i3 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlZ ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl; );
-   const Real& Hy = spaceSteps[ 1 ];
-   tnlAssert( Hy > 0, cerr << "Hy = " << Hy << endl; );
-   return ( this -> getElement( i1, i2 + 1, i3 ) -
-            this -> getElement( i1, i2 - 1, i3 ) ) / ( 2.0 * Hy );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: Partial_yy( const Index i1,
-                                                     const Index i2,
-                                                     const Index i3 ) const
-   tnlAssert( i1 >= 0 && i2 > 0 && i3 >= 0 &&
-              i1 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1 &&
-              i2 < this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1 &&
-              i3 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlZ ] - 1,
-              cerr << " i1 = " << i1 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl
-                   << " i2 = " << i2 << " and it should be in ( 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1  ) << " ) " << endl
-                   << " i3 = " << i3 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlZ ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl; );
-   const Real& Hy = spaceSteps[ 1 ];
-   tnlAssert( Hy > 0, cerr << "Hy = " << Hy << endl; );
-   return ( this -> getElement( i1, i2 + 1, i3 ) -
-            2.0 * this -> getElement( i1, i2, i3 ) +
-            this -> getElement( i1, i2 - 1, i3 ) ) / ( Hy * Hy );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: Partial_z_f( const Index i1,
-                                                      const Index i2,
-                                                      const Index i3 ) const
-   tnlAssert( i1 >= 0 && i2 >= 0 && i3 >= 0 &&
-              i1 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1 &&
-              i2 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1 &&
-              i3 < this -> getDimensions()[ tnlZ ] - 1,
-              cerr << " i1 = " << i1 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl
-                   << " i2 = " << i2 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl
-                   << " i3 = " << i3 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlZ ] - 1  ) << " ) " << endl; );
-   const Real& Hz = spaceSteps[ 2 ];
-   tnlAssert( Hz > 0, cerr << "Hz = " << Hz << endl; );
-   return ( this -> getElement( i1, i2, i3 + 1 ) -
-            this -> getElement( i1, i2, i3 ) ) / Hz;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: Partial_z_b( const Index i1,
-                                                      const Index i2,
-                                                      const Index i3 ) const
-   tnlAssert( i1 >= 0 && i2 >= 0 && i3 > 0 &&
-              i1 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1 &&
-              i2 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1 &&
-              i3 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlZ ] - 1,
-              cerr << " i1 = " << i1 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl
-                   << " i2 = " << i2 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl
-                   << " i3 = " << i3 << " and it should be in ( 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlZ ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl; );
-   const Real& Hz = spaceSteps[ 2 ];
-   tnlAssert( Hz > 0, cerr << "Hz = " << Hz << endl; );
-   return ( this -> getElement( i1, i2, i3 ) -
-            this -> getElement( i1, i2, i3 - 1 ) ) / Hz;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: Partial_z( const Index i1,
-                                                    const Index i2,
-                                                    const Index i3 ) const
-   tnlAssert( i1 >= 0 && i2 >= 0 && i3 > 0 &&
-              i1 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1 &&
-              i2 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1 &&
-              i3 < this -> getDimensions()[ tnlZ ] - 1,
-              cerr << " i1 = " << i1 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl
-                   << " i2 = " << i2 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl
-                   << " i3 = " << i3 << " and it should be in ( 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlZ ] - 1  ) << " ) " << endl; );
-   const Real& Hz = spaceSteps[ 2 ];
-   tnlAssert( Hz > 0, cerr << "Hz = " << Hz << endl; );
-   return ( this -> getElement( i1, i2, i3 + 1 ) -
-            this -> getElement( i1, i2, i3 - 1 ) ) / ( 2.0 * Hz );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: Partial_zz( const Index i1,
-                                                     const Index i2,
-                                                     const Index i3 ) const
-   tnlAssert( i1 >= 0 && i2 >= 0 && i3 > 0 &&
-              i1 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1 &&
-              i2 <= this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1 &&
-              i3 < this -> getDimensions()[ tnlZ ] - 1,
-              cerr << " i1 = " << i1 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl
-                   << " i2 = " << i2 << " and it should be in [ 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ] - 1  ) << " ] " << endl
-                   << " i3 = " << i3 << " and it should be in ( 0, " <<
-                      ( this -> getDimensions()[ tnlZ ] - 1  ) << " ) " << endl; );
-   const Real& Hz = spaceSteps[ 2 ];
-   tnlAssert( Hz > 0, cerr << "Hz = " << Hz << endl; );
-   return ( this -> getElement( i1, i2, i3 + 1 ) -
-            2.0 * this -> getElement( i1, i2, i3 ) +
-            this -> getElement( i1, i2, i3 - 1 ) ) / ( Hz * Hz );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-void tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: setDirichletBC( const tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index >&bc,
-                                                         const tnlStaticVector< 3,bool >& lowerBC,
-                                                         const tnlStaticVector< 3,bool >& upperBC )
-   if( Device :: getDevice() == tnlHostDevice )
-   {
-      const Index xSize = this -> getDimensions(). x();
-      const Index ySize = this -> getDimensions(). y();
-      const Index zSize = this -> getDimensions(). z();
-      Index i, j, k;
-      if( lowerBC. x() )
-         for( i = 0; i < xSize; i ++ )
-            for( k = 0; k < zSize; k ++ )
-               ( *this )( i, 0, k ) = bc( i, 0, k );
-      if( upperBC. x() )
-         for( i = 0; i < xSize; i ++ )
-            for( k = 0; k < zSize; k ++ )
-               ( *this )( i, ySize - 1, k ) = ( i, ySize - 1, k );
-      if( lowerBC. y() )
-         for( j = 0; j < ySize; j ++ )
-            for( k = 0; k < zSize; k ++ )
-               ( *this )( 0, j, k ) = bc( 0, j, k );
-      if( upperBC. y() )
-         for( j = 0; j < ySize; j ++ )
-            for( k = 0; k < zSize; k ++ )
-               ( *this )( xSize - 1, j, k ) = bc( xSize - 1, j, k );
-      if( lowerBC. z() )
-         for( i = 0; i < xSize; i ++ )
-            for( j = 0; j < ySize; j ++ )
-               ( *this )( i, j, 0 ) = bc( i, j, 0 );
-      if( upperBC. z() )
-         for( i = 0; i < xSize; i ++ )
-            for( j = 0; j < ySize; j ++ )
-               ( *this )( i, j, zSize - 1 ) = bc( i, j, zSize - 1 );
-   }
-   if( Device :: getDevice() == tnlCudaDevice )
-   {
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-      tnlAssert( false, );
-      /*const Index size = this -> getSize();
-      const Index desBlockSize = 64;
-      const Index gridSize = size / desBlockSize + ( size % desBlockSize != 0 );
-      dim3 gridDim( 0 ), blockDim( 0 );
-      gridDim. x = gridSize;
-      blockDim. x = desBlockSize;
-      :: setDirichletBC< 3,Real, Index ><<< gridDim, blockDim >>>( this -> getDimensions(). x(),
-                                                                    this -> getDimensions(). y(),
-                                                                    bc. getData(),
-                                                                    this -> getData() );*/
-   }
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-void tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: setDirichletBC( const Real& bcValue,
-                                                         const tnlStaticVector< 3,bool >& lowerBC,
-                                                         const tnlStaticVector< 3,bool >& upperBC )
-   if( Device :: getDevice() == tnlHostDevice )
-   {
-      const Index xSize = this -> getDimensions(). x();
-      const Index ySize = this -> getDimensions(). y();
-      const Index zSize = this -> getDimensions(). z();
-      Index i, j, k;
-      if( lowerBC. x() )
-         for( i = 0; i < xSize; i ++ )
-            for( k = 0; k < zSize; k ++ )
-               ( *this )( i, 0, k ) = bcValue;
-      if( upperBC. x() )
-         for( i = 0; i < xSize; i ++ )
-            for( k = 0; k < zSize; k ++ )
-               ( *this )( i, ySize - 1, k ) = bcValue;
-      if( lowerBC. y() )
-         for( j = 0; j < ySize; j ++ )
-            for( k = 0; k < zSize; k ++ )
-               ( *this )( 0, j, k ) = bcValue;
-      if( upperBC. y() )
-         for( j = 0; j < ySize; j ++ )
-            for( k = 0; k < zSize; k ++ )
-               ( *this )( xSize - 1, j, k ) = bcValue;
-      if( lowerBC. z() )
-         for( i = 0; i < xSize; i ++ )
-            for( j = 0; j < ySize; j ++ )
-               ( *this )( i, j, 0 ) = bcValue;
-      if( upperBC. z() )
-         for( i = 0; i < xSize; i ++ )
-            for( j = 0; j < ySize; j ++ )
-               ( *this )( i, j, zSize - 1 ) =  bcValue;
-   }
-   if( Device :: getDevice() == tnlCudaDevice )
-   {
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-      const Index size = this -> getSize();
-      const Index desBlockSize = 64;
-      const Index gridSize = size / desBlockSize + ( size % desBlockSize != 0 );
-      dim3 gridDim( 0 ), blockDim( 0 );
-      gridDim. x = gridSize;
-      blockDim. x = desBlockSize;
-      :: setConstantDirichletBC< 3,Real, Index ><<< gridDim, blockDim >>>( this -> getDimensions(). x(),
-                                                                            this -> getDimensions(). y(),
-                                                                            bcValue,
-                                                                            this -> getData() );
-   }
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-void tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: setNeumannBC( const tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index >&bc,
-                                                       const tnlStaticVector< 3,bool >& lowerBC,
-                                                       const tnlStaticVector< 3,bool >& upperBC )
-   if( Device :: getDevice() == tnlHostDevice )
-   {
-      const Real& hx = this ->  getSpaceSteps(). x();
-      const Real& hy = this ->  getSpaceSteps(). y();
-      const Real& hz = this ->  getSpaceSteps(). z();
-      const Index xSize = this -> getDimensions(). x();
-      const Index ySize = this -> getDimensions(). y();
-      const Index zSize = this -> getDimensions(). z();
-      Index i, j, k;
-      if( lowerBC. x() )
-         for( i = 0; i < xSize; i ++ )
-            for( k = 0; k < zSize; k ++ )
-               ( *this )( i, 0, k ) = ( *this )( i, 1, k ) + hy * bc. getElement( i, 0, k );
-      if( upperBC. x() )
-         for( i = 0; i < xSize; i ++ )
-            for( k = 0; k < zSize; k ++ )
-               ( *this )( i, ySize - 1, k ) = ( *this )( i, ySize - 2, k ) + hy * bc( i, ySize - 1, k );
-      if( lowerBC. y() )
-         for( j = 0; j < ySize; j ++ )
-            for( k = 0; k < zSize; k ++ )
-               ( *this )( 0, j, k ) =  ( *this )( 1, j, k ) + hx * bc( 0, j, k );
-      if( upperBC. y() )
-         for( j = 0; j < ySize; j ++ )
-            for( k = 0; k < zSize; k ++ )
-               ( *this )( xSize - 1, j, k ) = ( *this )( xSize - 2, j, k ) + hx * bc( xSize - 1, j, k );
-      if( lowerBC. z() )
-         for( i = 0; i < xSize; i ++ )
-            for( j = 0; j < ySize; j ++ )
-               ( *this )( i, j, 0 ) = ( *this )( i, j, 1 ) + hz * bc( i, j, 0 );
-      if( upperBC. z() )
-         for( i = 0; i < xSize; i ++ )
-            for( j = 0; j < ySize; j ++ )
-               ( *this )( i, j, zSize - 1 ) = ( *this )( i, j, zSize - 2 ) + hz * bc( i, j, zSize - 1 );
-   }
-   if( Device :: getDevice() == tnlCudaDevice )
-   {
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-      /*
-      const Index size = this -> getSize();
-      const Index desBlockSize = 64;
-      const Index gridSize = size / desBlockSize + ( size % desBlockSize != 0 );
-      dim3 gridDim( 0 ), blockDim( 0 );
-      gridDim. x = gridSize;
-      blockDim. x = desBlockSize;
-      ::setNeumannBC< 3,Real, Index ><<< gridDim, blockDim >>>( this -> getDimensions(). x(),
-                                                                 this -> getDimensions(). y(),
-                                                                 this -> getSpaceSteps(). x(),
-                                                                 this -> getSpaceSteps(). y(),
-                                                                 bc. getData(),
-                                                                 this -> getData() );
-                                                                 */
-   }
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-void tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: setNeumannBC( const Real& bcValue,
-                                                       const tnlStaticVector< 3,bool >& lowerBC,
-                                                       const tnlStaticVector< 3,bool >& upperBC )
-   if( Device :: getDevice() == tnlHostDevice )
-   {
-      const Real& hx = this -> getSpaceSteps(). x();
-      const Real& hy = this -> getSpaceSteps(). y();
-      const Real& hz = this -> getSpaceSteps(). z();
-      const Index xSize = this -> getDimensions(). x();
-      const Index ySize = this -> getDimensions(). y();
-      const Index zSize = this -> getDimensions(). z();
-      Index i, j, k;
-      if( lowerBC. x() )
-         for( i = 0; i < xSize; i ++ )
-            for( k = 0; k < zSize; k ++ )
-               ( *this )( i, 0, k ) = ( *this )( i, 1, k ) + hy * bcValue;
-      if( upperBC. x() )
-         for( i = 0; i < xSize; i ++ )
-            for( k = 0; k < zSize; k ++ )
-               ( *this )( i, ySize - 1, k ) = ( *this )( i, ySize - 2, k ) + hy * bcValue;
-      if( lowerBC. y() )
-         for( j = 0; j < ySize; j ++ )
-            for( k = 0; k < zSize; k ++ )
-               ( *this )( 0, j, k ) = ( *this )( 1, j, k ) + hx * bcValue;
-      if( upperBC. y() )
-         for( j = 0; j < ySize; j ++ )
-            for( k = 0; k < zSize; k ++ )
-               ( *this )( xSize - 1, j, k ) = ( *this )( xSize - 2, j, k ) + hx * bcValue;
-      if( lowerBC. z() )
-         for( i = 0; i < xSize; i ++ )
-            for( j = 0; j < ySize; j ++ )
-               ( *this )( i, j, 0 ) = ( *this )( i, j, 1 ) + hz * bcValue;
-      if( upperBC. z() )
-         for( i = 0; i < xSize; i ++ )
-            for( j = 0; j < ySize; j ++ )
-               ( *this )( i, j, zSize - 1 ) = ( *this )( i, j, zSize - 2 ) + hz * bcValue;
-   }
-   if( Device :: getDevice() == tnlCudaDevice )
-   {
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-      const Index size = this -> getSize();
-      const Index desBlockSize = 64;
-      const Index gridSize = size / desBlockSize + ( size % desBlockSize != 0 );
-      dim3 gridDim( 0 ), blockDim( 0 );
-      gridDim. x = gridSize;
-      blockDim. x = desBlockSize;
-      :: setConstantNeumannBC< 3,Real, Index ><<< gridDim, blockDim >>>( this -> getDimensions(). x(),
-                                                                          this -> getDimensions(). y(),
-                                                                          this -> getSpaceSteps(). x(),
-                                                                          this -> getSpaceSteps(). y(),
-                                                                          bcValue,
-                                                                          this -> getData() );
-   }
-/*template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: getMax() const
-   return tnlMax( * this );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: getMin() const
-   return tnlMin( * this );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: getAbsMax() const
-   return tnlAbsMax( * this );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: getAbsMin() const
-   return tnlAbsMin( * this );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: getLpNorm( const Real& p ) const
-   Real result = this -> lpNorm( p );
-   return result * getSpaceSteps(). x()
-                 * getSpaceSteps(). y()
-                 * getSpaceSteps(). z();
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: getSum() const
-   return tnlMultiVector< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: sum( * this );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: getDifferenceMax( const tnlVector< Real, Device, Index >& v ) const
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == v. getDimensions(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDomainLoweCorner() == v. getDomainLowerCorner() &&
-              this -> getDomainUpperCorner() == v. getDomainUpperCorner(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   return v. differenceMax( *this );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: getDifferenceMin( const tnlVector< Real, Device, Index >& v ) const
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == v. getDimensions(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDomainLoweCorner() == v. getDomainLowerCorner() &&
-              this -> getDomainUpperCorner() == v. getDomainUpperCorner(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   return v. differenceMin( *this );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: getDifferenceAbsMax( const tnlVector< Real, Device, Index >& v ) const
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == v. getDimensions(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDomainLoweCorner() == v. getDomainLowerCorner() &&
-              this -> getDomainUpperCorner() == v. getDomainUpperCorner(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   return v. differenceAbsMax( *this );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: getDifferenceAbsMin( const tnlVector< Real, Device, Index >& v ) const
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == v. getDimensions(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDomainLoweCorner() == v. getDomainLowerCorner() &&
-              this -> getDomainUpperCorner() == v. getDomainUpperCorner(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   return v. differenceAbsMin( *this );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: getDifferenceLpNorm( const tnlVector< Real, Device, Index >& v, const Real& p ) const
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == v. getDimensions(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDomainLoweCorner() == v. getDomainLowerCorner() &&
-              this -> getDomainUpperCorner() == v. getDomainUpperCorner(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   Real result = v. differenceLpNorm( * this, p );
-   return result * getSpaceSteps(). x()
-                 * getSpaceSteps(). y()
-                 * getSpaceSteps(). z();
-/*template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: getDifferenceSum( const tnlVector< Real, Device, Index >& v ) const
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == v. getDimensions(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDomainLoweCorner() == v. getDomainLowerCorner() &&
-              this -> getDomainUpperCorner() == v. getDomainUpperCorner(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   return this -> differenceSum( v );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-void tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: scalarMultiplication( const Real& alpha )
-   return this -> scalarMultiplication( alpha );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-Real tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: scalarProduct( const tnlVector< Real, Device, Index >& v ) const
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == v. getDimensions(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDomainLoweCorner() == v. getDomainLowerCorner() &&
-              this -> getDomainUpperCorner() == v. getDomainUpperCorner(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   return this -> scalarProduct( v );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-void tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: alphaXPlusY( const Real& alpha,
-                                                         const tnlVector< Real, Device, Index >& x )
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == v. getDimensions(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDomainLoweCorner() == v. getDomainLowerCorner() &&
-              this -> getDomainUpperCorner() == v. getDomainUpperCorner(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   this -> alphaXPlusY( alpha, x );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-void tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: saxmy( const Real& alpha,
-                                                     const tnlVector< Real, Device, Index >& x )
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDimensions() == v. getDimensions(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   tnlAssert( this -> getDomainLoweCorner() == v. getDomainLowerCorner() &&
-              this -> getDomainUpperCorner() == v. getDomainUpperCorner(),
-              cerr << "The grid names are " << this -> getName()
-                   << " and " << v. getName()
-                   << "To get grids with the same parameters use the method setLike." << endl; );
-   this -> saxmy( alpha, x );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-bool tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: save( tnlFile& file ) const
-   if( ! tnlMultiVector< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: save( file ) )
-   {
-      cerr << "I was not able to write the tnlMultiVector of the tnlGridOld "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
-      return false;
-   }
-   if( ! domainLowerCorner. save( file ) ||
-       ! domainUpperCorner. save( file ) ||
-       ! spaceSteps. save( file ) )
-   {
-      cerr << "I was not able to write the domain decsription of the tnlGridOld "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
-      return false;
-   }
-   return true;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-bool tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: load( tnlFile& file )
-   if( ! tnlMultiVector< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: load( file ) )
-   {
-      cerr << "I was not able to read the tnlMultiVector of the tnlGridOld "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
-      return false;
-   }
-   if( ! domainLowerCorner. load( file ) ||
-       ! domainUpperCorner. load( file ) ||
-       ! spaceSteps. load( file ) )
-   {
-      cerr << "I was not able to read the domain description of the tnlGridOld "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
-      return false;
-   }
-   return true;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-bool tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: save( const tnlString& fileName ) const
-   return tnlObject :: save( fileName );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-bool tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: load( const tnlString& fileName )
-   return tnlObject :: load( fileName );
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-bool tnlGridOld< 3,Real, Device, Index > :: draw( const tnlString& fileName,
-                                                         const tnlString& format,
-                                                         const tnlStaticVector< 3,Index > steps ) const
-   tnlAssert( steps > ( tnlStaticVector< 3,Index >( 0 ) ),
-              cerr << "Wrong steps of increment ( " << steps << " )"
-                   << " for drawing the tnlGridOld " << this -> getName() << "." << endl; );
-   if( format == "tnl" )
-      return this -> save( fileName );
-   fstream file;
-   file. open( fileName. getString(), ios :: out );
-   if( ! file )
-   {
-      cerr << " I am not able to open the file " << fileName
-           << " for drawing the tnlGridOld " << this -> getName() << "." << endl;
-      return false;
-   }
-   const Index xSize = this -> getDimensions()[ tnlX ];
-   const Index ySize = this -> getDimensions()[ tnlY ];
-   const Index zSize = this -> getDimensions()[ tnlZ ];
-   const Real& ax = this -> getDomainLowerCorner()[ tnlX ];
-   const Real& ay = this -> getDomainLowerCorner()[ tnlY ];
-   const Real& az = this -> getDomainLowerCorner()[ tnlZ ];
-   const Real& hx = this -> getSpaceSteps()[ tnlX ];
-   const Real& hy = this -> getSpaceSteps()[ tnlY ];
-   const Real& hz = this -> getSpaceSteps()[ tnlZ ];
-   if( format == "gnuplot" )
-   {
-      cout << "GNUPLOT is not supported for tnlGridOld3D." << endl;
-      return false;
-   }
-   if( format == "vti" )
-   {
-      file << "<VTKFile type=\"ImagegetString\" version=\"0.1\" byte_order=\"LittleEndian\">" << endl;
-      file << "<ImagegetString WholeExtent=\""
-           << "0 " << xSize - 1
-           << " 0 " << ySize - 1
-           << " 0 " << zSize - 1 << "\" Origin=\"0 0 0\" Spacing=\""
-           << hx * steps[ tnlX ] << " " << hy * steps[ tnlY ] << " " << hz * steps[ tnlZ ] << "\">" << endl;
-      file << "<Piece Extent=\"0 "
-           << xSize - 1 << " 0 "
-           << ySize - 1 << " 0 "
-           << zSize - 1 << "\">" << endl;
-      file << "<PointgetString Scalars=\"order_parameter\">" << endl;
-      file << "<getStringArray Name=\"order_parameter\" type=\"Float32\" format=\"ascii\">" << endl;
-      file. flags( ios_base::scientific );
-      Index iStep = steps[ tnlX ];
-      Index jStep = steps[ tnlY ];
-      Index kStep = steps[ tnlZ ];
-      for( Index k = 0; k <= zSize - kStep; k += kStep )
-         for( Index j = 0; j <= ySize - jStep; j += jStep )
-            for( Index i = 0; i <= xSize - iStep; i += iStep )
-            {
-              file << this -> getElement( i, j, k ) << " ";
-            }
-      file << endl;
-      file << "</getStringArray>" << endl;
-      file << "</PointgetString>" << endl;
-      file << "</Piece>" << endl;
-      file << "</ImagegetString>" << endl;
-      file << "</VTKFile>" << endl;
-      return true;
-   }
-   if( format == "povray" )
-   {
-      file. put( ( char ) ( xSize >> 8 ) );
-      file. put( ( char ) ( xSize & 0xff ) );
-      file. put( ( char ) ( ySize >> 8 ) );
-      file. put( ( char ) ( ySize & 0xff ) );
-      file. put( ( char ) ( zSize >> 8 ) );
-      file. put( ( char ) ( zSize & 0xff ) );
-      Real min( this -> getElement( 0, 0, 0 ) ), max( this -> getElement( 0, 0, 0 ) );
-      for( Index k = 0; k < zSize; k ++ )
-         for( Index j = 0; j < ySize; j ++ )
-            for( Index i = 0; i < xSize; i ++ )
-            {
-               min = Min( min, this -> getElement( i, j, k ) );
-               max = Max( max, this -> getElement( i, j, k ) );
-            }
-      for( Index k = 0; k < zSize; k ++ )
-         for( Index j = 0; j < ySize; j ++ )
-            for( Index i = 0; i < xSize; i ++ )
-            {
-               int v = Real( 255.0 ) * ( this -> getElement( i, j, k ) - min ) / ( max - min );
-               file. write( ( char* ) &v, sizeof( int ) );
-            }
-      return true;
-   }
-   cerr << endl << "I do not know a format " << format << " for tnlGridOld with 3 dimensions.";
-   return false;
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-template< int Dimensions, typename Real, typename Index >
-__global__ void  setConstantDirichletBC( const Index xSize,
-                                         const Index ySize,
-                                         const Real bc,
-                                         Real* u )
-   const Index ij = blockIdx. x * blockDim. x + threadIdx. x;
-   const Index i = ij / ySize;
-   const Index j = ij % ySize;
-   if( ij < xSize * ySize &&
-       ( i == 0 || j == 0 || i == xSize - 1 || j == ySize - 1 ) )
-   {
-      u[ ij ] = bc;
-   }
-template< int Dimensions, typename Real, typename Index >
-__global__ void setDirichletBC( const Index xSize,
-                                const Index ySize,
-                                const Real* bc,
-                                Real* u )
-   const Index ij = blockIdx. x * blockDim. x + threadIdx. x;
-   const Index i = ij / ySize;
-   const Index j = ij % ySize;
-   if( ij < xSize * ySize &&
-       ( i == 0 || j == 0 || i == xSize - 1 || j == ySize - 1 ) )
-   {
-      u[ ij ] = bc[ ij ];
-   }
-template< int Dimensions, typename Real, typename Index >
-__global__ void setConstantNeumannBC( const Index xSize,
-                                      const Index ySize,
-                                      const Real hx,
-                                      const Real hy,
-                                      const Real bc,
-                                      Real* u )
-   const Index ij = blockIdx. x * blockDim. x + threadIdx. x;
-   const Index i = ij / ySize;
-   const Index j = ij % ySize;
-   if( ij < xSize * ySize &&
-       ( i == 0 || j == 0 || i == xSize - 1 || j == ySize - 1 ) )
-   {
-     if( i == 0 )
-        u[ ij ] = u[ ij + ySize ] + hx * bc;
-     if( i == xSize - 1 )
-        u[ ij ] = u[ ij - ySize ] + hx * bc;
-     __syncthreads();
-     if( j == 0 )
-        u[ ij ] = u[ ij + 1 ] + hy * bc;
-     if( j == ySize - 1 )
-        u[ ij ] = u[ ij - 1 ] + hy * bc;
-   }
-template< int Dimensions, typename Real, typename Index >
-__global__ void setNeumannBC( const Index xSize,
-                              const Index ySize,
-                              const Real hx,
-                              const Real hy,
-                              const Real* bc,
-                              Real* u )
-   const Index ij = blockIdx. x * blockDim. x + threadIdx. x;
-   const Index i = ij / ySize;
-   const Index j = ij % ySize;
-   if( ij < xSize * ySize &&
-       ( i == 0 || j == 0 || i == xSize - 1 || j == ySize - 1 ) )
-   {
-     if( i == 0 )
-        u[ ij ] = u[ ij + ySize ] + hx * bc[ ij ];
-     if( i == xSize - 1 )
-        u[ ij ] = u[ ij - ySize ] + hx * bc[ ij ];
-     __syncthreads();
-     if( j == 0 )
-        u[ ij ] = u[ ij + 1 ] + hy * bc[ ij ];
-     if( j == ySize - 1 )
-        u[ ij ] = u[ ij - 1 ] + hy * bc[ ij ];
-   }
-#endif /* tnlGrid3D_IMPL_H_ */
diff --git a/src/legacy/mesh/implementation/tnlGridOld_impl.cpp b/src/legacy/mesh/implementation/tnlGridOld_impl.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4caed2850ee70f5ec173e641e7a94b7c25f92b4c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/legacy/mesh/implementation/tnlGridOld_impl.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-                          tnlGridOld_impl.cpp  -  description
-                             -------------------
-    begin                : Mar 18, 2013
-    copyright            : (C) 2013 by Tomas Oberhuber
-    email                : tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
- ***************************************************************************/
- *                                                                         *
- *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
- *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
- *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
- *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
- *                                                                         *
- ***************************************************************************/
-#include <legacy/mesh/tnlGridOld.h>
-template class tnlGridOld< 1, float,  tnlHost, int >;
-template class tnlGridOld< 1, double, tnlHost, int >;
-template class tnlGridOld< 1, float,  tnlHost, long int >;
-template class tnlGridOld< 1, double, tnlHost, long int >;
-template class tnlGridOld< 2, float,  tnlHost, int >;
-template class tnlGridOld< 2, double, tnlHost, int >;
-template class tnlGridOld< 2, float,  tnlHost, long int >;
-template class tnlGridOld< 2, double, tnlHost, long int >;
-template class tnlGridOld< 3, float,  tnlHost, int >;
-template class tnlGridOld< 3, double, tnlHost, int >;
-template class tnlGridOld< 3, float,  tnlHost, long int >;
-template class tnlGridOld< 3, double, tnlHost, long int >;
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-template class tnlGridOld< 1, float,  tnlCuda, int >;
-template class tnlGridOld< 1, double, tnlCuda, int >;
-template class tnlGridOld< 1, float,  tnlCuda, long int >;
-template class tnlGridOld< 1, double, tnlCuda, long int >;
-template class tnlGridOld< 2, float,  tnlCuda, int >;
-template class tnlGridOld< 2, double, tnlCuda, int >;
-template class tnlGridOld< 2, float,  tnlCuda, long int >;
-template class tnlGridOld< 2, double, tnlCuda, long int >;
-template class tnlGridOld< 3, float,  tnlCuda, int >;
-template class tnlGridOld< 3, double, tnlCuda, int >;
-template class tnlGridOld< 3, float,  tnlCuda, long int >;
-template class tnlGridOld< 3, double, tnlCuda, long int >;
diff --git a/src/legacy/mesh/tnlGridOld.h b/src/legacy/mesh/tnlGridOld.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fbae218608a51bcf44aa562e826673e50f91218a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/legacy/mesh/tnlGridOld.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,505 +0,0 @@
-                          tnlGridOld.h  -  description
-                             -------------------
-    begin                : Dec 12, 2010
-    copyright            : (C) 2010 by Tomas Oberhuber
-    email                : tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
- ***************************************************************************/
- *                                                                         *
- *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
- *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
- *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
- *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
- *                                                                         *
- ***************************************************************************/
-#ifndef tnlGridOld_H_
-#define tnlGridOld_H_
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <core/tnlAssert.h>
-#include <core/vectors/tnlMultiVector.h>
-#include <core/vectors/tnlVector.h>
-using namespace std;
-template< int Dimensions, typename Real = double, typename Device = tnlHost, typename Index = int >
-class tnlGridOld : public tnlMultiVector< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-class tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index > : public tnlMultiVector< 1, Real, Device, Index >
-   public:
-   tnlGridOld();
-   //! We do not allow copy constructor without object name.
-   //tnlGridOld( const tnlGridOld< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >& a );
-   tnlGridOld( const tnlString& name );
-   tnlGridOld( const tnlString& name,
-            const tnlGridOld< 1, Real, tnlHost, Index >& grid );
-   tnlGridOld( const tnlString& name,
-            const tnlGridOld< 1, Real, tnlCuda, Index >& grid );
-   const tnlStaticVector< 1, Index >& getDimensions() const;
-   //! Sets the dimensions
-   /***
-    * This method also must recompute space steps. It is save to call setDimensions and
-    * setDomain in any order. Both recompute the space steps.
-    */
-   bool setDimensions( const tnlStaticVector< 1, Index >& dimensions );
-   //! Sets the computation domain in form of "rectangle".
-   /***
-    * This method also must recompute space steps. It is save to call setDimensions and
-    * setDomain in any order. Both recompute the space steps.
-    */
-   bool setDomain( const tnlStaticVector< 1, Real >& lowerCorner,
-                   const tnlStaticVector< 1, Real >& upperCorner );
-   template< typename Grid >
-   bool setLike( const Grid& v );
-   const tnlStaticVector< 1, Real >& getDomainLowerCorner() const;
-   const tnlStaticVector< 1, Real >& getDomainUpperCorner() const;
-   const tnlStaticVector< 1, Real >& getSpaceSteps() const;
-   tnlString getType() const;
-   bool operator == ( const tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index >& array ) const;
-   bool operator != ( const tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index >& array ) const;
-   template< typename Real2, typename Device2, typename Index2 >
-   tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index >& operator = ( const tnlGridOld< 1, Real2, Device2, Index2 >& array );
-   //! This method interpolates value at given point.
-   Real getValue( const tnlStaticVector< 1, Real >& point ) const;
-   //! Interpolation for 1D grid.
-   Real getValue( const Real& x ) const;
-   //! Forward difference w.r.t x
-   Real Partial_x_f( const Index i1 ) const;
-   //! Backward difference w.r.t x
-   Real Partial_x_b( const Index i1 ) const;
-   //! Central difference w.r.t. x
-   Real Partial_x( const Index i1 ) const;
-   //! Second order difference w.r.t. x
-   Real Partial_xx( const Index i1 ) const;
-   //! Set space dependent Dirichlet boundary conditions
-   void setDirichletBC( const tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index >&bc,
-                        const tnlStaticVector< 1, bool >& lowerBC,
-                        const tnlStaticVector< 1, bool >& upperBC );
-   //! Set constant Dirichlet boundary conditions
-   void setDirichletBC( const Real& bc,
-                        const tnlStaticVector< 1, bool >& lowerBC,
-                        const tnlStaticVector< 1, bool >& upperBC );
-   //! Set space dependent Neumann boundary conditions
-   void setNeumannBC( const tnlGridOld< 1, Real, Device, Index >&bc,
-                      const tnlStaticVector< 1, bool >& lowerBC,
-                      const tnlStaticVector< 1, bool >& upperBC );
-   //! Set constant Neumann boundary conditions
-   void setNeumannBC( const Real& bc,
-                      const tnlStaticVector< 1, bool >& lowerBC,
-                      const tnlStaticVector< 1, bool >& upperBC );
-   Real getLpNorm( const Real& p ) const;
-   Real getDifferenceLpNorm( const tnlVector< Real, Device, Index >& v, const Real& p ) const;
-   //! Method for saving the object to a file as a binary data
-   bool save( tnlFile& file ) const;
-   //! Method for restoring the object from a file
-   bool load( tnlFile& file );
-   bool save( const tnlString& fileName ) const;
-   bool load( const tnlString& fileName );
-   //! This method writes the grid in some format suitable for some other preprocessing.
-   /*! Possible formats are:
-    *  1) Gnuplot format (gnuplot)
-    *  2) VTI format (vti)
-    *  3) Povray format (povray) - only for 3D.
-    */
-   bool draw( const tnlString& fileName,
-              const tnlString& format,
-              const tnlStaticVector< 1, Index > steps = ( tnlStaticVector< 1, Index > ) 1 ) const;
-   protected:
-   tnlStaticVector< 1, Real > domainLowerCorner, domainUpperCorner, spaceSteps;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-class tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index > : public tnlMultiVector< 2, Real, Device, Index >
-   public:
-   tnlGridOld();
-   //! We do not allow copy constructor without object name.
-   //tnlGridOld( const tnlGridOld< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >& a );
-   tnlGridOld( const tnlString& name );
-   tnlGridOld( const tnlString& name,
-            const tnlGridOld< 2, Real, tnlHost, Index >& grid );
-   tnlGridOld( const tnlString& name,
-            const tnlGridOld< 2, Real, tnlCuda, Index >& grid );
-   const tnlStaticVector< 2, Index >& getDimensions() const;
-   //! Sets the dimensions
-   /***
-    * This method also must recompute space steps. It is save to call setDimensions and
-    * setDomain in any order. Both recompute the space steps.
-    */
-   bool setDimensions( const tnlStaticVector< 2, Index >& dimensions );
-   //! Sets the computation domain in form of "rectangle".
-   /***
-    * This method also must recompute space steps. It is save to call setDimensions and
-    * setDomain in any order. Both recompute the space steps.
-    */
-   bool setDomain( const tnlStaticVector< 2, Real >& lowerCorner,
-                   const tnlStaticVector< 2, Real >& upperCorner );
-   template< typename Grid >
-   bool setLike( const Grid& v );
-   const tnlStaticVector< 2, Real >& getDomainLowerCorner() const;
-   const tnlStaticVector< 2, Real >& getDomainUpperCorner() const;
-   const tnlStaticVector< 2, Real >& getSpaceSteps() const;
-   tnlString getType() const;
-   bool operator == ( const tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index >& array ) const;
-   bool operator != ( const tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index >& array ) const;
-   template< typename Real2, typename Device2, typename Index2 >
-   tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index >& operator = ( const tnlGridOld< 2, Real2, Device2, Index2 >& array );
-   //! This method interpolates value at given point.
-   Real getValue( const tnlStaticVector< 2, Real >& point ) const;
-   //! Interpolation for 2D grid.
-   Real getValue( const Real& x,
-                  const Real& y ) const;
-   //! Forward difference w.r.t x in two dimensions
-   Real Partial_x_f( const Index i1,
-                     const Index i2 ) const;
-   //! Backward difference w.r.t x in two dimensions
-   Real Partial_x_b( const Index i1,
-                     const Index i2 ) const;
-   //! Central difference w.r.t. x in two dimensions
-   Real Partial_x( const Index i1,
-                   const Index i2 ) const;
-   //! Second order difference w.r.t. x in two dimensions
-   Real Partial_xx( const Index i1,
-                    const Index i2 ) const;
-   //! Forward difference w.r.t y
-   Real Partial_y_f( const Index i1,
-                     const Index i2 ) const;
-   //! Backward difference w.r.t y
-   Real Partial_y_b( const Index i1,
-                     const Index i2 ) const;
-   //! Central difference w.r.t y
-   Real Partial_y( const Index i1,
-                   const Index i2 ) const;
-   //! Second order difference w.r.t. y
-   Real Partial_yy( const Index i1,
-                    const Index i2 ) const;
-   //! Set space dependent Dirichlet boundary conditions
-   void setDirichletBC( const tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index >&bc,
-                        const tnlStaticVector< 2, bool >& lowerBC,
-                        const tnlStaticVector< 2, bool >& upperBC );
-   //! Set constant Dirichlet boundary conditions
-   void setDirichletBC( const Real& bc,
-                        const tnlStaticVector< 2, bool >& lowerBC,
-                        const tnlStaticVector< 2, bool >& upperBC );
-   //! Set space dependent Neumann boundary conditions
-   void setNeumannBC( const tnlGridOld< 2, Real, Device, Index >&bc,
-                      const tnlStaticVector< 2, bool >& lowerBC,
-                      const tnlStaticVector< 2, bool >& upperBC );
-   //! Set constant Neumann boundary conditions
-   void setNeumannBC( const Real& bc,
-                      const tnlStaticVector< 2, bool >& lowerBC,
-                      const tnlStaticVector< 2, bool >& upperBC );
-   Real getLpNorm( const Real& p ) const;
-   Real getDifferenceLpNorm( const tnlVector< Real, Device, Index >& v, const Real& p ) const;
-   //! Method for saving the object to a file as a binary data
-   bool save( tnlFile& file ) const;
-   //! Method for restoring the object from a file
-   bool load( tnlFile& file );
-   bool save( const tnlString& fileName ) const;
-   bool load( const tnlString& fileName );
-   //! This method writes the grid in some format suitable for some other preprocessing.
-   /*! Possible formats are:
-    *  1) Gnuplot format (gnuplot)
-    *  2) VTI format (vti)
-    *  3) Povray format (povray) - only for 3D.
-    */
-   bool draw( const tnlString& fileName,
-              const tnlString& format,
-              const tnlStaticVector< 2, Index > steps = ( tnlStaticVector< 2, Index > ) 1 ) const;
-   protected:
-   tnlStaticVector< 2, Real > domainLowerCorner, domainUpperCorner, spaceSteps;
-template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
-class tnlGridOld< 3, Real, Device, Index > : public tnlMultiVector< 3, Real, Device, Index >
-   public:
-   tnlGridOld();
-   //! We do not allow copy constructor without object name.
-   //tnlGridOld( const tnlGridOld< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >& a );
-   tnlGridOld( const tnlString& name );
-   tnlGridOld( const tnlString& name,
-            const tnlGridOld< 3, Real, tnlHost, Index >& grid );
-   tnlGridOld( const tnlString& name,
-            const tnlGridOld< 3, Real, tnlCuda, Index >& grid );
-   const tnlStaticVector< 3, Index >& getDimensions() const;
-   //! Sets the dimensions
-   /***
-    * This method also must recompute space steps. It is save to call setDimensions and
-    * setDomain in any order. Both recompute the space steps.
-    */
-   bool setDimensions( const tnlStaticVector< 3, Index >& dimensions );
-   //! Sets the computation domain in form of "rectangle".
-   /***
-    * This method also must recompute space steps. It is save to call setDimensions and
-    * setDomain in any order. Both recompute the space steps.
-    */
-   bool setDomain( const tnlStaticVector< 3, Real >& lowerCorner,
-                   const tnlStaticVector< 3, Real >& upperCorner );
-   template< typename Grid >
-   bool setLike( const Grid& v );
-   const tnlStaticVector< 3, Real >& getDomainLowerCorner() const;
-   const tnlStaticVector< 3, Real >& getDomainUpperCorner() const;
-   const tnlStaticVector< 3, Real >& getSpaceSteps() const;
-   tnlString getType() const;
-   bool operator == ( const tnlGridOld< 3, Real, Device, Index >& array ) const;
-   bool operator != ( const tnlGridOld< 3, Real, Device, Index >& array ) const;
-   template< typename Real2, typename Device2, typename Index2 >
-   tnlGridOld< 3, Real, Device, Index >& operator = ( const tnlGridOld< 3, Real2, Device2, Index2 >& array );
-   //! This method interpolates value at given point.
-   Real getValue( const tnlStaticVector< 3, Real >& point ) const;
-   //! Interpolation for 3D grid.
-   Real getValue( const Real& x,
-                  const Real& y,
-                  const Real& z ) const;
-   //! Forward difference w.r.t x in three dimensions
-   Real Partial_x_f( const Index i1,
-                     const Index i2,
-                     const Index i3 ) const;
-   //! Backward difference w.r.t x in three dimensions
-   Real Partial_x_b( const Index i1,
-                     const Index i2,
-                     const Index i3 ) const;
-   //! Central difference w.r.t. x
-   Real Partial_x( const Index i1,
-                   const Index i2,
-                   const Index i3 ) const;
-   //! Second order difference w.r.t. x
-   Real Partial_xx( const Index i1,
-                    const Index i2,
-                    const Index i3 ) const;
-   //! Forward difference w.r.t y in three dimensions
-   Real Partial_y_f( const Index i1,
-                     const Index i2,
-                     const Index i3 ) const;
-   //! Backward difference w.r.t y in three dimensions
-   Real Partial_y_b( const Index i1,
-                     const Index i2,
-                     const Index i3 ) const;
-   //! Central difference w.r.t y
-   Real Partial_y( const Index i1,
-                   const Index i2,
-                   const Index i3 ) const;
-   //! Second order difference w.r.t. y in three dimensions
-   Real Partial_yy( const Index i1,
-                    const Index i2,
-                    const Index i3 ) const;
-   //! Forward difference w.r.t z
-   Real Partial_z_f( const Index i1,
-                     const Index i2,
-                     const Index i3 ) const;
-   //! Backward difference w.r.t z
-   Real Partial_z_b( const Index i1,
-                     const Index i2,
-                     const Index i3 ) const;
-   //! Central difference w.r.t z
-   Real Partial_z( const Index i1,
-                   const Index i2,
-                   const Index i3 ) const;
-   //! Second order difference w.r.t. z
-   Real Partial_zz( const Index i1,
-                    const Index i2,
-                    const Index i3 ) const;
-   //! Set space dependent Dirichlet boundary conditions
-   void setDirichletBC( const tnlGridOld< 3, Real, Device, Index >&bc,
-                        const tnlStaticVector< 3, bool >& lowerBC,
-                        const tnlStaticVector< 3, bool >& upperBC );
-   //! Set constant Dirichlet boundary conditions
-   void setDirichletBC( const Real& bc,
-                        const tnlStaticVector< 3, bool >& lowerBC,
-                        const tnlStaticVector< 3, bool >& upperBC );
-   //! Set space dependent Neumann boundary conditions
-   void setNeumannBC( const tnlGridOld< 3, Real, Device, Index >&bc,
-                      const tnlStaticVector< 3, bool >& lowerBC,
-                      const tnlStaticVector< 3, bool >& upperBC );
-   //! Set constant Neumann boundary conditions
-   void setNeumannBC( const Real& bc,
-                      const tnlStaticVector< 3, bool >& lowerBC,
-                      const tnlStaticVector< 3, bool >& upperBC );
-   Real getLpNorm( const Real& p ) const;
-   Real getDifferenceLpNorm( const tnlVector< Real, Device, Index >& v, const Real& p ) const;
-   //! Method for saving the object to a file as a binary data
-   bool save( tnlFile& file ) const;
-   //! Method for restoring the object from a file
-   bool load( tnlFile& file );
-   bool save( const tnlString& fileName ) const;
-   bool load( const tnlString& fileName );
-   //! This method writes the grid in some format suitable for some other preprocessing.
-   /*! Possible formats are:
-    *  1) Gnuplot format (gnuplot)
-    *  2) VTI format (vti)
-    *  3) Povray format (povray) - only for 3D.
-    */
-   bool draw( const tnlString& fileName,
-              const tnlString& format,
-              const tnlStaticVector< 3, Index > steps = ( tnlStaticVector< 3, Index > ) 1 ) const;
-   protected:
-   tnlStaticVector< 3, Real > domainLowerCorner, domainUpperCorner, spaceSteps;
-#include <legacy/mesh/implementation/tnlGrid1D_impl.h>
-#include <legacy/mesh/implementation/tnlGrid2D_impl.h>
-#include <legacy/mesh/implementation/tnlGrid3D_impl.h>
-extern template class tnlGridOld< 1, float,  tnlHost, int >;
-extern template class tnlGridOld< 1, double, tnlHost, int >;
-extern template class tnlGridOld< 1, float,  tnlHost, long int >;
-extern template class tnlGridOld< 1, double, tnlHost, long int >;
-extern template class tnlGridOld< 2, float,  tnlHost, int >;
-extern template class tnlGridOld< 2, double, tnlHost, int >;
-extern template class tnlGridOld< 2, float,  tnlHost, long int >;
-extern template class tnlGridOld< 2, double, tnlHost, long int >;
-extern template class tnlGridOld< 3, float,  tnlHost, int >;
-extern template class tnlGridOld< 3, double, tnlHost, int >;
-extern template class tnlGridOld< 3, float,  tnlHost, long int >;
-extern template class tnlGridOld< 3, double, tnlHost, long int >;
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-extern template class tnlGridOld< 1, float,  tnlCuda, int >;
-extern template class tnlGridOld< 1, double, tnlCuda, int >;
-extern template class tnlGridOld< 1, float,  tnlCuda, long int >;
-extern template class tnlGridOld< 1, double, tnlCuda, long int >;
-extern template class tnlGridOld< 2, float,  tnlCuda, int >;
-extern template class tnlGridOld< 2, double, tnlCuda, int >;
-extern template class tnlGridOld< 2, float,  tnlCuda, long int >;
-extern template class tnlGridOld< 2, double, tnlCuda, long int >;
-extern template class tnlGridOld< 3, float,  tnlCuda, int >;
-extern template class tnlGridOld< 3, double, tnlCuda, int >;
-extern template class tnlGridOld< 3, float,  tnlCuda, long int >;
-extern template class tnlGridOld< 3, double, tnlCuda, long int >;
-#endif /* tnlGridOld_H_ */
diff --git a/src/matrices/tnlCSRMatrix_impl.h b/src/matrices/tnlCSRMatrix_impl.h
index d99ee5732fb53c4111bfe60de1914fd4f484946d..14e889e1d813e28703886ea285869fe895657849 100644
--- a/src/matrices/tnlCSRMatrix_impl.h
+++ b/src/matrices/tnlCSRMatrix_impl.h
@@ -486,8 +486,7 @@ bool tnlCSRMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::performSORIteration( const Vector& b,
    tnlAssert( row >=0 && row < this->getRows(),
               cerr << "row = " << row
-                   << " this->getRows() = " << this->getRows()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName() << endl );
+                   << " this->getRows() = " << this->getRows() << endl );
    RealType diagonalValue( 0.0 );
    RealType sum( 0.0 );
@@ -505,7 +504,7 @@ bool tnlCSRMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::performSORIteration( const Vector& b,
    if( diagonalValue == ( Real ) 0.0 )
-      cerr << "There is zero on the diagonal in " << row << "-th row of the matrix " << this->getName() << ". I cannot perform SOR iteration." << endl;
+      cerr << "There is zero on the diagonal in " << row << "-th row of the matrix. I cannot perform SOR iteration." << endl;
       return false;
    x[ row ] = ( 1.0 - omega ) * x[ row ] + omega / diagonalValue * ( b[ row ] - sum );
diff --git a/src/matrices/tnlChunkedEllpackMatrix.h b/src/matrices/tnlChunkedEllpackMatrix.h
index dc89069ced382f9c28bde37a5a76c290282e7f92..8c39d44d5d6c19939efa0332432ba7d88e0c57a3 100644
--- a/src/matrices/tnlChunkedEllpackMatrix.h
+++ b/src/matrices/tnlChunkedEllpackMatrix.h
@@ -229,7 +229,8 @@ class tnlChunkedEllpackMatrix : public tnlSparseMatrix< Real, Device, Index >
    void print( ostream& str ) const;
-   void printStructure( ostream& str ) const;
+   void printStructure( ostream& str,
+                        const tnlString& = "" ) const;
diff --git a/src/matrices/tnlChunkedEllpackMatrix_impl.h b/src/matrices/tnlChunkedEllpackMatrix_impl.h
index 49ea5e9ab286a91bc44cfb8b2fb7bd187b152f80..a867c847fc99099ab4fa82b621f3e017efe6e27e 100644
--- a/src/matrices/tnlChunkedEllpackMatrix_impl.h
+++ b/src/matrices/tnlChunkedEllpackMatrix_impl.h
@@ -42,12 +42,6 @@ tnlChunkedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::tnlChunkedEllpackMatrix()
   desiredChunkSize( 16 ),
   numberOfSlices( 0 )
-   this->values.setName( "tnlChunkedEllpackMatrix::values" );
-   this->columnIndexes.setName( "tnlChunkedEllpackMatrix::columnIndexes" );
-   rowToChunkMapping.setName( "tnlChunkedEllpackMatrix::rowToChunkMapping" );
-   rowToSliceMapping.setName( "tnlChunkedEllpackMatrix::rowToSliceMapping" );
-   rowPointers.setName( "tnlChunkedEllpackMatrix::rowPointers" );
-   slices.setName( "tnlChunkedEllpackMatrix::slices" );
 template< typename Real,
@@ -353,9 +347,7 @@ bool tnlChunkedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::operator == ( const tnlChun
               cerr << "this->getRows() = " << this->getRows()
                    << " matrix.getRows() = " << matrix.getRows()
                    << " this->getColumns() = " << this->getColumns()
-                   << " matrix.getColumns() = " << matrix.getColumns()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName()
-                   << " matrix.getName() = " << matrix.getName() );
+                   << " matrix.getColumns() = " << matrix.getColumns() );
    // TODO: implement this
    return false;
@@ -1154,8 +1146,7 @@ bool tnlChunkedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::performSORIteration( const
    tnlAssert( row >=0 && row < this->getRows(),
               cerr << "row = " << row
-                   << " this->getRows() = " << this->getRows()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName() << endl );
+                   << " this->getRows() = " << this->getRows() << endl );
    RealType diagonalValue( 0.0 );
    RealType sum( 0.0 );
@@ -1176,7 +1167,7 @@ bool tnlChunkedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::performSORIteration( const
    if( diagonalValue == ( Real ) 0.0 )
-      cerr << "There is zero on the diagonal in " << row << "-th row of thge matrix " << this->getName() << ". I cannot perform SOR iteration." << endl;
+      cerr << "There is zero on the diagonal in " << row << "-th row of a matrix. I cannot perform SOR iteration." << endl;
       return false;
    x. setElement( row, x[ row ] + omega / diagonalValue * ( b[ row ] - sum ) );
@@ -1258,11 +1249,12 @@ void tnlChunkedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::print( ostream& str ) const
 template< typename Real,
           typename Device,
           typename Index >
-void tnlChunkedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::printStructure( ostream& str ) const
+void tnlChunkedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::printStructure( ostream& str,
+                                                                     const tnlString& name ) const
    const IndexType numberOfSlices = this->getNumberOfSlices();
    str << "Matrix type: " << getType() << endl
-       << "Marix name: " << this->getName() << endl
+       << "Marix name: " << name << endl
        << "Rows: " << this->getRows() << endl
        << "Columns: " << this->getColumns() << endl
        << "Slices: " << numberOfSlices << endl;
diff --git a/src/matrices/tnlDenseMatrix_impl.h b/src/matrices/tnlDenseMatrix_impl.h
index aa5f316aa027ccc916c7042ac034aaa9e657364c..557070f17207fb357e1b16094cabab3dbcb498ee 100644
--- a/src/matrices/tnlDenseMatrix_impl.h
+++ b/src/matrices/tnlDenseMatrix_impl.h
@@ -217,8 +217,7 @@ bool tnlDenseMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::setRowFast( const IndexType row,
    tnlAssert( elements <= this->getColumns(),
             cerr << " elements = " << elements
-                 << " this->columns = " << this->getColumns()
-                 << " this->getName() = " << this->getName() );
+                 << " this->columns = " << this->getColumns() );
    for( IndexType i = 0; i < elements; i++ )
       this->setElementFast( row, columns[ i ], values[ i ] );
    return true;
@@ -234,8 +233,7 @@ bool tnlDenseMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::setRow( const IndexType row,
    tnlAssert( elements <= this->getColumns(),
             cerr << " elements = " << elements
-                 << " this->columns = " << this->getColumns()
-                 << " this->getName() = " << this->getName() );
+                 << " this->columns = " << this->getColumns() );
    for( IndexType i = 0; i < elements; i++ )
       this->setElement( row, columns[ i ], values[ i ] );
    return true;
@@ -253,8 +251,7 @@ bool tnlDenseMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::addRowFast( const IndexType row,
    tnlAssert( elements <= this->columns,
             cerr << " elements = " << elements
-                 << " this->columns = " << this->columns
-                 << " this->getName() = " << this->getName() );
+                 << " this->columns = " << this->columns );
    for( IndexType i = 0; i < elements; i++ )
       this->setElementFast( row, columns[ i ],
                             thisRowMultiplicator * this->getElementFast( row, columns[ i ] ) + values[ i ] );
@@ -272,8 +269,7 @@ bool tnlDenseMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::addRow( const IndexType row,
    tnlAssert( elements <= this->columns,
             cerr << " elements = " << elements
-                 << " this->columns = " << this->columns
-                 << " this->getName() = " << this->getName() );
+                 << " this->columns = " << this->columns );
    for( IndexType i = 0; i < elements; i++ )
       this->setElement( row, columns[ i ],
                         thisRowMultiplicator * this->getElement( row, columns[ i ] ) + values[ i ] );
@@ -378,14 +374,10 @@ void tnlDenseMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::vectorProduct( const InVector& inVec
    tnlAssert( this->getColumns() == inVector.getSize(),
             cerr << "Matrix columns: " << this->getColumns() << endl
-                 << "Matrix name: " << this->getName() << endl
-                 << "Vector size: " << inVector.getSize() << endl
-                 << "Vector name: " << inVector.getName() << endl );
+                 << "Vector size: " << inVector.getSize() << endl );
    tnlAssert( this->getRows() == outVector.getSize(),
                cerr << "Matrix rows: " << this->getRows() << endl
-                    << "Matrix name: " << this->getName() << endl
-                    << "Vector size: " << outVector.getSize() << endl
-                    << "Vector name: " << outVector.getName() << endl );
+                    << "Vector size: " << outVector.getSize() << endl );
    DeviceDependentCode::vectorProduct( *this, inVector, outVector );
@@ -402,10 +394,8 @@ void tnlDenseMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::addMatrix( const Matrix& matrix,
               this->getRows() == matrix.getRows(),
             cerr << "This matrix columns: " << this->getColumns() << endl
                  << "This matrix rows: " << this->getRows() << endl
-                 << "This matrix name: " << this->getName() << endl
                  << "That matrix columns: " << matrix.getColumns() << endl
-                 << "That matrix rows: " << matrix.getRows() << endl
-                 << "That matrix name: " << matrix.getName() << endl );
+                 << "That matrix rows: " << matrix.getRows() << endl );
    if( thisMatrixMultiplicator == 1.0 )
       this->values.addVector( matrix.values, matrixMultiplicator );
@@ -526,13 +516,10 @@ void tnlDenseMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::getMatrixProduct( const Matrix1& mat
               this->getColumns() == matrix2.getColumns(),
             cerr << "This matrix columns: " << this->getColumns() << endl
                  << "This matrix rows: " << this->getRows() << endl
-                 << "This matrix name: " << this->getName() << endl
                  << "Matrix1 columns: " << matrix1.getColumns() << endl
                  << "Matrix1 rows: " << matrix1.getRows() << endl
-                 << "Matrix1 name: " << matrix1.getName() << endl
                  << "Matrix2 columns: " << matrix2.getColumns() << endl
-                 << "Matrix2 rows: " << matrix2.getRows() << endl
-                 << "Matrix2 name: " << matrix2.getName() << endl );
+                 << "Matrix2 rows: " << matrix2.getRows() << endl );
    if( Device::getDevice() == tnlHostDevice )
       for( IndexType i = 0; i < this->getRows(); i += tileDim )
@@ -763,11 +750,9 @@ void tnlDenseMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::getTransposition( const Matrix& matr
    tnlAssert( this->getColumns() == matrix.getRows() &&
               this->getRows() == matrix.getColumns(),
                cerr << "This matrix columns: " << this->getColumns() << endl
-                    << "This matrix rows: " << this->getRows() << endl
-                    << "This matrix name: " << this->getName() << endl
+                    << "This matrix rows: " << this->getRows() << endl                    
                     << "That matrix columns: " << matrix.getColumns() << endl
-                    << "That matrix rows: " << matrix.getRows() << endl
-                    << "That matrix name: " << matrix.getName() << endl );
+                    << "That matrix rows: " << matrix.getRows() << endl );
    if( Device::getDevice() == tnlHostDevice )
diff --git a/src/matrices/tnlEllpackMatrix_impl.h b/src/matrices/tnlEllpackMatrix_impl.h
index 088dd84e404b0663e18f0b53552f1738aa5138f4..410f58b1be0199ccb7a211629466a5e868867cc0 100644
--- a/src/matrices/tnlEllpackMatrix_impl.h
+++ b/src/matrices/tnlEllpackMatrix_impl.h
@@ -138,9 +138,7 @@ bool tnlEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::operator == ( const tnlEllpackMatr
               cerr << "this->getRows() = " << this->getRows()
                    << " matrix.getRows() = " << matrix.getRows()
                    << " this->getColumns() = " << this->getColumns()
-                   << " matrix.getColumns() = " << matrix.getColumns()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName()
-                   << " matrix.getName() = " << matrix.getName() );
+                   << " matrix.getColumns() = " << matrix.getColumns() );
    // TODO: implement this
    return false;
@@ -539,8 +537,7 @@ bool tnlEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index > :: performSORIteration( const Vecto
    tnlAssert( row >=0 && row < this->getRows(),
               cerr << "row = " << row
-                   << " this->getRows() = " << this->getRows()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName() << endl );
+                   << " this->getRows() = " << this->getRows() << endl );
    RealType diagonalValue( 0.0 );
    RealType sum( 0.0 );
@@ -560,7 +557,7 @@ bool tnlEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index > :: performSORIteration( const Vecto
    if( diagonalValue == ( Real ) 0.0 )
-      cerr << "There is zero on the diagonal in " << row << "-th row of thge matrix " << this->getName() << ". I cannot perform SOR iteration." << endl;
+      cerr << "There is zero on the diagonal in " << row << "-th row of a matrix. I cannot perform SOR iteration." << endl;
       return false;
    x[ row ] = ( 1.0 - omega ) * x[ row ] + omega / diagonalValue * ( b[ row ] - sum );
diff --git a/src/matrices/tnlMultidiagonalMatrix_impl.h b/src/matrices/tnlMultidiagonalMatrix_impl.h
index c64660b8f3087ffae4e7876a02f7ffec62cf652d..f425782cfdd10bcee847d548b5178b1852020278 100644
--- a/src/matrices/tnlMultidiagonalMatrix_impl.h
+++ b/src/matrices/tnlMultidiagonalMatrix_impl.h
@@ -193,9 +193,7 @@ bool tnlMultidiagonalMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::operator == ( const tnlMulti
               cerr << "this->getRows() = " << this->getRows()
                    << " matrix.getRows() = " << matrix.getRows()
                    << " this->getColumns() = " << this->getColumns()
-                   << " matrix.getColumns() = " << matrix.getColumns()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName()
-                   << " matrix.getName() = " << matrix.getName() );
+                   << " matrix.getColumns() = " << matrix.getColumns() );
    return ( this->diagonals == matrix.diagonals &&
             this->values == matrix.values );
@@ -512,14 +510,10 @@ void tnlMultidiagonalMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::vectorProduct( const InVecto
    tnlAssert( this->getColumns() == inVector.getSize(),
             cerr << "Matrix columns: " << this->getColumns() << endl
-                 << "Matrix name: " << this->getName() << endl
-                 << "Vector size: " << inVector.getSize() << endl
-                 << "Vector name: " << inVector.getName() << endl );
+                 << "Vector size: " << inVector.getSize() << endl );
    tnlAssert( this->getRows() == outVector.getSize(),
                cerr << "Matrix rows: " << this->getRows() << endl
-                    << "Matrix name: " << this->getName() << endl
-                    << "Vector size: " << outVector.getSize() << endl
-                    << "Vector name: " << outVector.getName() << endl );
+                    << "Vector size: " << outVector.getSize() << endl );
    DeviceDependentCode::vectorProduct( *this, inVector, outVector );
@@ -572,8 +566,7 @@ bool tnlMultidiagonalMatrix< Real, Device, Index > :: performSORIteration( const
    tnlAssert( row >=0 && row < this->getRows(),
               cerr << "row = " << row
-                   << " this->getRows() = " << this->getRows()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName() << endl );
+                   << " this->getRows() = " << this->getRows() << endl );
    RealType diagonalValue( 0.0 );
    RealType sum( 0.0 );
@@ -595,7 +588,7 @@ bool tnlMultidiagonalMatrix< Real, Device, Index > :: performSORIteration( const
    if( diagonalValue == ( Real ) 0.0 )
-      cerr << "There is zero on the diagonal in " << row << "-th row of thge matrix " << this->getName() << ". I cannot perform SOR iteration." << endl;
+      cerr << "There is zero on the diagonal in " << row << "-th row of thge matrix. I cannot perform SOR iteration." << endl;
       return false;
    x[ row ] = ( 1.0 - omega ) * x[ row ] + omega / diagonalValue * ( b[ row ] - sum );
@@ -668,12 +661,10 @@ bool tnlMultidiagonalMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::getElementIndex( const Index
    tnlAssert( row >=0 && row < this->rows,
             cerr << "row = " << row
-                 << " this->rows = " << this->rows
-                 << " this->getName() = " << this->getName() << endl );
+                 << " this->rows = " << this->rows << endl );
    tnlAssert( column >=0 && column < this->columns,
             cerr << "column = " << column
-                 << " this->columns = " << this->columns
-                 << " this->getName() = " << this->getName() << endl );
+                 << " this->columns = " << this->columns << endl );
    typedef tnlMultidiagonalMatrixDeviceDependentCode< Device > DDCType;
    IndexType i( 0 );
@@ -699,12 +690,10 @@ bool tnlMultidiagonalMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::getElementIndexFast( const I
    tnlAssert( row >=0 && row < this->rows,
             cerr << "row = " << row
-                 << " this->rows = " << this->rows
-                 << " this->getName() = " << this->getName() << endl );
+                 << " this->rows = " << this->rows << endl );
    tnlAssert( column >=0 && column < this->columns,
             cerr << "column = " << column
-                 << " this->columns = " << this->columns
-                 << " this->getName() = " << this->getName() << endl );
+                 << " this->columns = " << this->columns << endl );
    typedef tnlMultidiagonalMatrixDeviceDependentCode< Device > DDCType;
    IndexType i( 0 );
diff --git a/src/matrices/tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix_impl.h b/src/matrices/tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix_impl.h
index 0b79139f846b4dd7a515db4ec5f8033451c53350..442ebb514dc38ab251f1aad763afc48630b5dfb9 100644
--- a/src/matrices/tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix_impl.h
+++ b/src/matrices/tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix_impl.h
@@ -137,9 +137,7 @@ bool tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::operator == ( con
               cerr << "this->getRows() = " << this->getRows()
                    << " matrix.getRows() = " << matrix.getRows()
                    << " this->getColumns() = " << this->getColumns()
-                   << " matrix.getColumns() = " << matrix.getColumns()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName()
-                   << " matrix.getName() = " << matrix.getName() );
+                   << " matrix.getColumns() = " << matrix.getColumns() );
    // TODO: implement this
    return false;
@@ -549,8 +547,7 @@ bool tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::performSORIterati
    tnlAssert( row >=0 && row < this->getRows(),
               cerr << "row = " << row
-                   << " this->getRows() = " << this->getRows()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName() << endl );
+                   << " this->getRows() = " << this->getRows() << endl );
    RealType diagonalValue( 0.0 );
    RealType sum( 0.0 );
@@ -573,7 +570,7 @@ bool tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::performSORIterati
    if( diagonalValue == ( Real ) 0.0 )
-      cerr << "There is zero on the diagonal in " << row << "-th row of the matrix " << this->getName() << ". I cannot perform SOR iteration." << endl;
+      cerr << "There is zero on the diagonal in " << row << "-th row of a matrix. I cannot perform SOR iteration." << endl;
       return false;
    x[ row ] = ( 1.0 - omega ) * x[ row ] + omega / diagonalValue * ( b[ row ] - sum );
diff --git a/src/matrices/tnlTridiagonalMatrix_impl.h b/src/matrices/tnlTridiagonalMatrix_impl.h
index 56b7aee702867da7cceec2e106a11ac7819da866..6791f7b48fa5966121e1f0a2e045f1cf95f98506 100644
--- a/src/matrices/tnlTridiagonalMatrix_impl.h
+++ b/src/matrices/tnlTridiagonalMatrix_impl.h
@@ -247,8 +247,7 @@ bool tnlTridiagonalMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::setRowFast( const IndexType ro
    tnlAssert( elements <= this->columns,
             cerr << " elements = " << elements
-                 << " this->columns = " << this->columns
-                 << " this->getName() = " << this->getName() );
+                 << " this->columns = " << this->columns );
    return this->addRowFast( row, columns, values, elements, 0.0 );
@@ -262,8 +261,7 @@ bool tnlTridiagonalMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::setRow( const IndexType row,
    tnlAssert( elements <= this->columns,
             cerr << " elements = " << elements
-                 << " this->columns = " << this->columns
-                 << " this->getName() = " << this->getName() );
+                 << " this->columns = " << this->columns );
    return this->addRow( row, columns, values, elements, 0.0 );
@@ -279,8 +277,7 @@ bool tnlTridiagonalMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::addRowFast( const IndexType ro
    tnlAssert( elements <= this->columns,
             cerr << " elements = " << elements
-                 << " this->columns = " << this->columns
-                 << " this->getName() = " << this->getName() );
+                 << " this->columns = " << this->columns );
    if( elements > 3 )
       return false;
    for( IndexType i = 0; i < elements; i++ )
@@ -304,8 +301,7 @@ bool tnlTridiagonalMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::addRow( const IndexType row,
    tnlAssert( elements <= this->columns,
             cerr << " elements = " << elements
-                 << " this->columns = " << this->columns
-                 << " this->getName() = " << this->getName() );
+                 << " this->columns = " << this->columns );
    if( elements > 3 )
       return false;
    for( IndexType i = 0; i < elements; i++ )
@@ -419,14 +415,10 @@ void tnlTridiagonalMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::vectorProduct( const InVector&
    tnlAssert( this->getColumns() == inVector.getSize(),
             cerr << "Matrix columns: " << this->getColumns() << endl
-                 << "Matrix name: " << this->getName() << endl
-                 << "Vector size: " << inVector.getSize() << endl
-                 << "Vector name: " << inVector.getName() << endl );
+                 << "Vector size: " << inVector.getSize() << endl );
    tnlAssert( this->getRows() == outVector.getSize(),
                cerr << "Matrix rows: " << this->getRows() << endl
-                    << "Matrix name: " << this->getName() << endl
-                    << "Vector size: " << outVector.getSize() << endl
-                    << "Vector name: " << outVector.getName() << endl );
+                    << "Vector size: " << outVector.getSize() << endl );
    DeviceDependentCode::vectorProduct( *this, inVector, outVector );
@@ -441,8 +433,7 @@ void tnlTridiagonalMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::addMatrix( const tnlTridiagona
    tnlAssert( this->getRows() == matrix.getRows(),
             cerr << "This matrix columns: " << this->getColumns() << endl
-                 << "This matrix rows: " << this->getRows() << endl
-                 << "This matrix name: " << this->getName() << endl );
+                 << "This matrix rows: " << this->getRows() << endl );
    if( thisMatrixMultiplicator == 1.0 )
       this->values.addVector( matrix.values, matrixMultiplicator );
@@ -551,7 +542,7 @@ bool tnlTridiagonalMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::save( tnlFile& file ) const
    if( ! tnlMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::save( file ) ||
        ! this->values.save( file ) )
-      cerr << "Unable to save the tridiagonal matrix " << this->getName() << "." << endl;
+      cerr << "Unable to save a tridiagonal matrix." << endl;
       return false;
    return true;
@@ -565,7 +556,7 @@ bool tnlTridiagonalMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::load( tnlFile& file )
    if( ! tnlMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::load( file ) ||
        ! this->values.load( file ) )
-      cerr << "Unable to save the tridiagonal matrix " << this->getName() << "." << endl;
+      cerr << "Unable to save a tridiagonal matrix." << endl;
       return false;
    return true;
diff --git a/src/mesh/layers/tnlMeshStorageLayer.h b/src/mesh/layers/tnlMeshStorageLayer.h
index 405a9799de11082f7dbdb7520d3b5489e5bd57f4..7f580fd1ff4edb770274f111999aace8ed883161 100644
--- a/src/mesh/layers/tnlMeshStorageLayer.h
+++ b/src/mesh/layers/tnlMeshStorageLayer.h
@@ -70,8 +70,6 @@ class tnlMeshStorageLayer< ConfigTag,
-      this->entities.setName( tnlString( "tnlMeshStorageLayer < " ) + tnlString( DimensionsTraits::value ) + " >::entities" );
-      this->sharedEntities.setName( tnlString( "tnlMeshStorageLayer < " ) + tnlString( DimensionsTraits::value ) + " >::sharedEntities" );
@@ -198,8 +196,6 @@ class tnlMeshStorageLayer< ConfigTag,
-      this->vertices.setName( tnlString( "tnlMeshStorageLayer < " ) + tnlString( DimensionsTraits::value ) + " >::vertices" );
-      this->sharedVertices.setName( tnlString( "tnlMeshStorageLayer < " ) + tnlString( DimensionsTraits::value ) + " >::sharedVertices" );
diff --git a/src/mesh/layers/tnlMeshSubentityStorageLayer.h b/src/mesh/layers/tnlMeshSubentityStorageLayer.h
index ce7e54c82e714720723afd7aa125134657779056..375ae8e0af05dd53f52b936079401c9764fb5c14 100644
--- a/src/mesh/layers/tnlMeshSubentityStorageLayer.h
+++ b/src/mesh/layers/tnlMeshSubentityStorageLayer.h
@@ -73,8 +73,6 @@ class tnlMeshSubentityStorageLayer< ConfigTag,
       this->subentitiesIndices.setValue( -1 );
       this->sharedSubentitiesIndices.bind( this->subentitiesIndices );
-      this->sharedSubentitiesIndices.setName( "sharedSubentitiesIndices" );
-      //this->subentitiesIndices.setName( "subentitiesIndices" );
diff --git a/src/mesh/layers/tnlMeshSuperentityStorageLayer.h b/src/mesh/layers/tnlMeshSuperentityStorageLayer.h
index d7184117c9eff82b5c260307d25f69f2b183bde6..0a7923082352ef2720f14121071baadbc6cb5fa7 100644
--- a/src/mesh/layers/tnlMeshSuperentityStorageLayer.h
+++ b/src/mesh/layers/tnlMeshSuperentityStorageLayer.h
@@ -79,15 +79,11 @@ class tnlMeshSuperentityStorageLayer< ConfigTag,
-       this->superentitiesIndices.setName( tnlString( "tnlMeshSuperentityStorageLayer < " ) + tnlString( DimensionsTraits::value ) + " >::superentitiesIndices" );
-       this->sharedSuperentitiesIndices.setName( tnlString( "tnlMeshSuperentityStorageLayer < " ) + tnlString( DimensionsTraits::value ) + " >::sharedSuperentitiesIndices" );
        cerr << "      Destroying " << this->superentitiesIndices.getSize() << " superentities with "<< DimensionsTraits::value << " dimensions." << endl;
-       cerr << "         this->superentitiesIndices.getName() = " << this->superentitiesIndices.getName() << endl;
-       cerr << "         this->sharedSuperentitiesIndices.getName() = " << this->sharedSuperentitiesIndices.getName() << endl;
     tnlMeshSuperentityStorageLayer& operator = ( const tnlMeshSuperentityStorageLayer& layer )
diff --git a/src/mesh/tnlGrid1D_impl.h b/src/mesh/tnlGrid1D_impl.h
index 61006531c3ce3478c64301de225203d10596c16d..776d9570c502c2bb77372660392ffff94a25a4a1 100644
--- a/src/mesh/tnlGrid1D_impl.h
+++ b/src/mesh/tnlGrid1D_impl.h
@@ -165,8 +165,7 @@ Index tnlGrid< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: getCellIndex( const CoordinatesType&
    tnlAssert( cellCoordinates.x() >= 0 && cellCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x(),
               cerr << "cellCoordinates.x() = " << cellCoordinates.x()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x() );
    return cellCoordinates.x();
@@ -179,8 +178,7 @@ tnlGrid< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: getCellCoordinates( const Index cellIndex )
    tnlAssert( cellIndex >= 0 && cellIndex < this->getNumberOfCells(),
               cerr << " cellIndex = " << cellIndex
-                   << " this->getNumberOfCells() = " << this->getNumberOfCells()
-                   << " this->getName() " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getNumberOfCells() = " << this->getNumberOfCells() );
    return CoordinatesType( cellIndex );
@@ -192,8 +190,7 @@ Index tnlGrid< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: getVertexIndex( const CoordinatesType
    tnlAssert( vertexCoordinates.x() >= 0 && vertexCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x() + 1,
               cerr << "vertexCoordinates.x() = " << vertexCoordinates.x()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().x() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().x() + 1
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().x() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().x() + 1 );
    return vertexCoordinates.x();
@@ -206,8 +203,7 @@ tnlGrid< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: getVertexCoordinates( const Index vertexInd
    tnlAssert( vertexIndex >= 0 && vertexIndex < this->getNumberOfVertices(),
               cerr << " vertexIndex = " << vertexIndex
-                   << " this->getNumberOfVertices() = " << this->getNumberOfVertices()
-                   << " this->getName() " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getNumberOfVertices() = " << this->getNumberOfVertices() );
    return CoordinatesType( vertexIndex );
@@ -222,8 +218,7 @@ Index tnlGrid< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: getCellNextToCell( const IndexType& c
               cellIndex + dx < this->getNumberOfCells(),
               cerr << " cellIndex = " << cellIndex
                    << " dx = " << dx
-                   << " this->getNumberOfCells() = " << this->getNumberOfCells()
-                   << " this->getName() " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getNumberOfCells() = " << this->getNumberOfCells() );
    return cellIndex + dx;
@@ -281,8 +276,7 @@ Vertex tnlGrid< 1, Real, Device, Index >::getCellCenter( const CoordinatesType&
    tnlAssert( cellCoordinates.x() >= 0 && cellCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x(),
               cerr << "cellCoordinates.x() = " << cellCoordinates.x()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); )
+                   << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x() );
    return this->origin.x() + ( cellCoordinates.x() + 0.5 ) * this->cellProportions.x();
@@ -295,8 +289,7 @@ Vertex tnlGrid< 1, Real, Device, Index >::getCellCenter( const IndexType& cellIn
    tnlAssert( cellIndex >= 0 && cellIndex < this->getNumberOfCells(),
               cerr << " cellIndex = " << cellIndex
-                   << " this->getNumberOfCells() = " << this->getNumberOfCells()
-                   << " this->getName() " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getNumberOfCells() = " << this->getNumberOfCells() );
    return this->getCellCenter< VertexType >( this->getCellCoordinates( cellIndex ) );
@@ -309,8 +302,7 @@ Vertex tnlGrid< 1, Real, Device, Index >::getVertex( const CoordinatesType& vert
    tnlAssert( vertexCoordinates.x() >= 0 && vertexCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x() + 1,
               cerr << "vertexCoordinates.x() = " << vertexCoordinates.x()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x() );
    return Vertex( this->origin.x() + vertexCoordinates.x() * this->cellProportions.x() );
@@ -340,8 +332,7 @@ bool tnlGrid< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: isBoundaryCell( const CoordinatesType&
    tnlAssert( cellCoordinates.x() >= 0 && cellCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x(),
               cerr << "cellCoordinates.x() = " << cellCoordinates.x()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x() );
    if( cellCoordinates.x() == 0 || cellCoordinates.x() == this->getDimensions().x() - 1 )
       return true;
    return false;
@@ -357,8 +348,7 @@ isBoundaryCell( const IndexType& cellIndex ) const
    tnlAssert( cellIndex >= 0 && cellIndex < this->getNumberOfCells(),
               cerr << " cellIndex = " << cellIndex
-                   << " this->getNumberOfCells() = " << this->getNumberOfCells()
-                   << " this->getName() " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getNumberOfCells() = " << this->getNumberOfCells() );
    return this->isBoundaryCell( this->getCellCoordinates( cellIndex ) );
@@ -370,8 +360,7 @@ bool tnlGrid< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: isBoundaryVertex( const CoordinatesTyp
    tnlAssert( vertexCoordinates.x() >= 0 && vertexCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x() + 1,
               cerr << "vertexCoordinates.x() = " << vertexCoordinates.x()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().x() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().x() + 1
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().x() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().x() + 1 );
    if( vertexCoordinates.x() == 0 || vertexCoordinates.x() == this->getDimensions().x() )
       return true;
    return false;
@@ -425,8 +414,7 @@ bool tnlGrid< 1, Real, Device, Index >::save( tnlFile& file ) const
        ! this->proportions.save( file ) ||
        ! this->dimensions.save( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to save the domain description of the tnlGrid "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to save the domain description of a tnlGrid." << endl;
       return false;
    return true;
@@ -444,8 +432,7 @@ bool tnlGrid< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: load( tnlFile& file )
        ! this->proportions.load( file ) ||
        ! dimensions.load( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to load the domain description of the tnlGrid "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to load the domain description of a tnlGrid." << endl;
       return false;
    this -> setDimensions( dimensions );
@@ -490,8 +477,9 @@ bool tnlGrid< 1, Real, Device, Index > :: write( const MeshFunction& function,
    if( this->getNumberOfCells() != function. getSize() )
-      cerr << "The size ( " << function. getSize() << " ) of the mesh function " << function. getName()
-           << " does not agree with the DOFs ( " << this -> getNumberOfCells() << " ) of the mesh " << this -> getName() << "." << endl;
+      cerr << "The size ( " << function. getSize()
+           << " ) of the mesh function does not agree with the DOFs ( " 
+           << this -> getNumberOfCells() << " ) of a mesh." << endl;
       return false;
    fstream file;
diff --git a/src/mesh/tnlGrid2D_impl.h b/src/mesh/tnlGrid2D_impl.h
index 632fc6de2c0aef346ae38a4036a291bf466d40dc..000077e05fddc0ed29d0a43a0b5e4d524f7132a5 100644
--- a/src/mesh/tnlGrid2D_impl.h
+++ b/src/mesh/tnlGrid2D_impl.h
@@ -181,12 +181,10 @@ Index tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getCellIndex( const CoordinatesType&
    tnlAssert( cellCoordinates.x() >= 0 && cellCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x(),
               cerr << "cellCoordinates.x() = " << cellCoordinates.x()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x() );
    tnlAssert( cellCoordinates.y() >= 0 && cellCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y(),
               cerr << "cellCoordinates.y() = " << cellCoordinates.y()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); )
+                   << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y() )
    return cellCoordinates.y() * this->dimensions.x() + cellCoordinates.x();
@@ -200,8 +198,7 @@ tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::getCellCoordinates( const Index cellIndex ) c
    tnlAssert( cellIndex >= 0 && cellIndex < this->getNumberOfCells(),
               cerr << " cellIndex = " << cellIndex
-                   << " this->getNumberOfCells() = " << this->getNumberOfCells()
-                   << " this->getName() " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getNumberOfCells() = " << this->getNumberOfCells() );
    return CoordinatesType( cellIndex % this->getDimensions().x(), cellIndex / this->getDimensions().x() );
@@ -217,22 +214,18 @@ Index tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::getFaceIndex( const CoordinatesType& fa
       tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.x() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x() + 1,
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.x() = " << faceCoordinates.x()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().x() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().x() + 1
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().x() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().x() + 1 );
       tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.y() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y(),
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.y() = " << faceCoordinates.y()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y()
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y() );
       return faceCoordinates.y() * ( this->getDimensions().x() + 1 ) + faceCoordinates.x();
    tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.x() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x(),
               cerr << "faceCoordinates.x() = " << faceCoordinates.x()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x() );
    tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.y() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y() + 1,
               cerr << "faceCoordinates.y() = " << faceCoordinates.y()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1 );
    return this->numberOfNxFaces + faceCoordinates.y() * this->getDimensions().x() + faceCoordinates.x();
@@ -245,8 +238,7 @@ tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::getFaceCoordinates( const Index faceIndex, in
    tnlAssert( faceIndex >= 0 && faceIndex < ( this->template getNumberOfFaces< 1, 1 >() ),
               cerr << " faceIndex = " << faceIndex
-                   << " this->getNumberOfFaces() = " << ( this->template getNumberOfFaces< 1, 1 >() )
-                   << " this->getName() " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getNumberOfFaces() = " << ( this->template getNumberOfFaces< 1, 1 >() ) );
    if( faceIndex < this->numberOfNxFaces )
       nx = 1;
@@ -269,12 +261,10 @@ Index tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getVertexIndex( const CoordinatesType
    tnlAssert( vertexCoordinates.x() >= 0 && vertexCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x() + 1,
               cerr << "vertexCoordinates.x() = " << vertexCoordinates.x()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().x() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().x() + 1
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().x() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().x() + 1 );
    tnlAssert( vertexCoordinates.y() >= 0 && vertexCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y() + 1,
               cerr << "vertexCoordinates.y() = " << vertexCoordinates.y()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1 );
    return vertexCoordinates.y() * ( this->dimensions.x() +1 ) + vertexCoordinates.x();
@@ -287,8 +277,7 @@ tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getVertexCoordinates( const Index vertexInd
    tnlAssert( vertexIndex >= 0 && vertexIndex < this->getNumberOfVertices(),
               cerr << " vertexIndex = " << vertexIndex
-                   << " this->getNumberOfVertices() = " << this->getNumberOfVertices()
-                   << " this->getName() " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getNumberOfVertices() = " << this->getNumberOfVertices() );
    const IndexType aux = this->dimensions.x() + 1;
    return CoordinatesType( vertexIndex % aux, vertexIndex / aux );
@@ -306,8 +295,7 @@ Index tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::getCellNextToCell( const IndexType& cel
               cerr << " cellIndex = " << cellIndex
                    << " dx = " << dx
                    << " dy = " << dy
-                   << " this->getNumberOfCells() = " << this->getNumberOfCells()
-                   << " this->getName() " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getNumberOfCells() = " << this->getNumberOfCells() );
    return result;
@@ -331,8 +319,7 @@ Index tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::getFaceNextToCell( const IndexType& cel
               cerr << " cellIndex = " << cellIndex
                    << " nx = " << nx
                    << " ny = " << ny
-                   << " this->getNumberOfCells() = " << ( this->getNumberOfCells() )
-                   << " this->getName() " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getNumberOfCells() = " << ( this->getNumberOfCells() ) );
    return result;
@@ -474,12 +461,10 @@ Vertex tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getCellCenter( const CoordinatesType
    tnlAssert( cellCoordinates.x() >= 0 && cellCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x(),
               cerr << "cellCoordinates.x() = " << cellCoordinates.x()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x() );
    tnlAssert( cellCoordinates.y() >= 0 && cellCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y(),
               cerr << "cellCoordinates.y() = " << cellCoordinates.y()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y() );
    return Vertex( this->origin.x() + ( cellCoordinates.x() + 0.5 ) * this->cellProportions.x(),
                   this->origin.y() + ( cellCoordinates.y() + 0.5 ) * this->cellProportions.y() );
@@ -494,8 +479,7 @@ Vertex tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::getCellCenter( const IndexType& cellIn
    tnlAssert( cellIndex >= 0 && cellIndex < this->getNumberOfCells(),
               cerr << " cellIndex = " << cellIndex
-                   << " this->getNumberOfCells() = " << this->getNumberOfCells()
-                   << " this->getName() " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getNumberOfCells() = " << this->getNumberOfCells() );
    return this->getCellCenter< VertexType >( this->getCellCoordinates( cellIndex ) );
@@ -511,12 +495,10 @@ Vertex tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getFaceCenter( const CoordinatesType
       tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.x() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x() + 1,
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.x() = " << faceCoordinates.x()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().x() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().x() + 1
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().x() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().x() + 1 );
       tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.y() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y(),
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.y() = " << faceCoordinates.y()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y()
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y() );
       return Vertex( this->origin.x() + faceCoordinates.x() * this->cellProportions.x(),
                      this->origin.y() + ( faceCoordinates.y() + 0.5 ) * this->cellProportions.y() );
@@ -524,12 +506,10 @@ Vertex tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: getFaceCenter( const CoordinatesType
       tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.x() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x(),
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.x() = " << faceCoordinates.x()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x() );
       tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.y() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y() + 1,
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.y() = " << faceCoordinates.y()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1 );
       return Vertex( this->origin.x() + ( faceCoordinates.x() + 0.5 ) * this->cellProportions.x(),
                      this->origin.y() + faceCoordinates.y() * this->cellProportions.y() );
@@ -545,12 +525,10 @@ Vertex tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::getVertex( const CoordinatesType& vert
    tnlAssert( vertexCoordinates.x() >= 0 && vertexCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x() + 1,
               cerr << "vertexCoordinates.x() = " << vertexCoordinates.x()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x() );
    tnlAssert( vertexCoordinates.y() >= 0 && vertexCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y() + 1,
               cerr << "vertexCoordinates.y() = " << vertexCoordinates.y()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y() );
    return Vertex( this->origin.x() + vertexCoordinates.x() * this->cellProportions.x(),
                   this->origin.y() + vertexCoordinates.y() * this->cellProportions.y() );
@@ -593,12 +571,10 @@ bool tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: isBoundaryCell( const CoordinatesType&
    tnlAssert( cellCoordinates.x() >= 0 && cellCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x(),
               cerr << "cellCoordinates.x() = " << cellCoordinates.x()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x() );
    tnlAssert( cellCoordinates.y() >= 0 && cellCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y(),
               cerr << "cellCoordinates.y() = " << cellCoordinates.y()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y() );
    if( cellCoordinates.x() == 0 || cellCoordinates.x() == this->getDimensions().x() - 1 ||
        cellCoordinates.y() == 0 || cellCoordinates.y() == this->getDimensions().y() - 1 )
@@ -617,8 +593,7 @@ isBoundaryCell( const IndexType& cellIndex ) const
    tnlAssert( cellIndex >= 0 && cellIndex < this->getNumberOfCells(),
               cerr << " cellIndex = " << cellIndex
-                   << " this->getNumberOfCells() = " << this->getNumberOfCells()
-                   << " this->getName() " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getNumberOfCells() = " << this->getNumberOfCells() );
    return this->isBoundaryCell( this->getCellCoordinates( cellIndex ) );
@@ -635,24 +610,20 @@ bool tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: isBoundaryFace( const CoordinatesType&
       tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.x() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x() + 1,
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.x() = " << faceCoordinates.x()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().x() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().x() + 1
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().x() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().x() + 1 );
       tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.y() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y(),
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.y() = " << faceCoordinates.y()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y()
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y() );
       if( faceCoordinates.x() == 0 || faceCoordinates.x() == this->getDimensions().x() )
          return true;
       return false;
    tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.x() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x(),
               cerr << "faceCoordinates.x() = " << faceCoordinates.x()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x() );
    tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.y() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y() + 1,
               cerr << "faceCoordinates.y() = " << faceCoordinates.y()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1 );
    if( faceCoordinates.y() == 0 || faceCoordinates.y() == this->getDimensions().y() )
       return true;
    return false;
@@ -667,12 +638,10 @@ bool tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: isBoundaryVertex( const CoordinatesTyp
    tnlAssert( vertexCoordinates.x() >= 0 && vertexCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x() + 1,
               cerr << "vertexCoordinates.x() = " << vertexCoordinates.x()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().x() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().x() + 1
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().x() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().x() + 1 );
    tnlAssert( vertexCoordinates.y() >= 0 && vertexCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y() + 1,
               cerr << "vertexCoordinates.y() = " << vertexCoordinates.y()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1 );
    if( vertexCoordinates.x() == 0 || vertexCoordinates.x() == this->getDimensions().x() ||
        vertexCoordinates.y() == 0 || vertexCoordinates.y() == this->getDimensions().y() )
@@ -751,8 +720,7 @@ bool tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: save( tnlFile& file ) const
        ! this->proportions.save( file ) ||
        ! this -> dimensions.save( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to save the domain description of the tnlGrid "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to save the domain description of a tnlGrid." << endl;
       return false;
    return true;
@@ -770,8 +738,7 @@ bool tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: load( tnlFile& file )
        ! this->proportions.load( file ) ||
        ! dimensions.load( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to load the domain description of the tnlGrid "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to load the domain description of a tnlGrid." << endl;
       return false;
    this -> setDimensions( dimensions );
@@ -914,8 +881,9 @@ bool tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index > :: write( const MeshFunction& function,
    if( this->getNumberOfCells() != function. getSize() )
-      cerr << "The size ( " << function. getSize() << " ) of the mesh function " << function. getName()
-           << " does not agree with the DOFs ( " << this->getNumberOfCells() << " ) of the mesh " << this -> getName() << "." << endl;
+      cerr << "The size ( " << function. getSize() 
+           << " ) of a mesh function does not agree with the DOFs ( " 
+           << this->getNumberOfCells() << " ) of a mesh." << endl;
       return false;
    fstream file;
diff --git a/src/mesh/tnlGrid3D_impl.h b/src/mesh/tnlGrid3D_impl.h
index 147f038e595789a7d6ce4d0d4d4b74aa0fb18a4c..377500c4e6f8b4a6b3f23357e55deb0acdd764e7 100644
--- a/src/mesh/tnlGrid3D_impl.h
+++ b/src/mesh/tnlGrid3D_impl.h
@@ -209,16 +209,13 @@ Index tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: getCellIndex( const CoordinatesType&
    tnlAssert( cellCoordinates.x() >= 0 && cellCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x(),
               cerr << "cellCoordinates.x() = " << cellCoordinates.x()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x() );
    tnlAssert( cellCoordinates.y() >= 0 && cellCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y(),
               cerr << "cellCoordinates.y() = " << cellCoordinates.y()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y() );
    tnlAssert( cellCoordinates.z() >= 0 && cellCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions().z(),
               cerr << "cellCoordinates.z() = " << cellCoordinates.z()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().z() = " << this->getDimensions().z()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().z() = " << this->getDimensions().z() );
    return ( cellCoordinates.z() * this->dimensions.y() + cellCoordinates.y() ) * this->dimensions.x() + cellCoordinates.x();
@@ -231,8 +228,7 @@ tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: getCellCoordinates( const Index cellIndex )
    tnlAssert( cellIndex >= 0 && cellIndex < this->getNumberOfCells(),
               cerr << " cellIndex = " << cellIndex
-                   << " this->getNumberOfCells() = " << this->getNumberOfCells()
-                   << " this->getName() " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getNumberOfCells() = " << this->getNumberOfCells() );
    return CoordinatesType( cellIndex % this->dimensions.x(),
                            ( cellIndex / this->dimensions.x() ) % this->dimensions.y(),
@@ -251,32 +247,26 @@ Index tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index >::getFaceIndex( const CoordinatesType& fa
       tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.x() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x() + 1,
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.x() = " << faceCoordinates.x()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().x() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().x() + 1
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().x() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().x() + 1 );
       tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.y() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y(),
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.y() = " << faceCoordinates.y()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y()
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y() );
       tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.z() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions().z(),
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.z() = " << faceCoordinates.z()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().z() = " << this->getDimensions().z()
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().z() = " << this->getDimensions().z() );
       return ( faceCoordinates.z() * this->getDimensions().y() + faceCoordinates.y() ) * ( this->getDimensions().x() + 1 ) + faceCoordinates.x();
    if( ny )
       tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.x() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x(),
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.x() = " << faceCoordinates.x()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x() );
       tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.y() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y() + 1,
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.y() = " << faceCoordinates.y()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1 );
       tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.z() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions().z(),
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.z() = " << faceCoordinates.z()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().z() = " << this->getDimensions().z()
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().z() = " << this->getDimensions().z() );
       return this->numberOfNxFaces + ( faceCoordinates.z() * ( this->getDimensions().y() + 1 ) + faceCoordinates.y() ) * this->getDimensions().x() + faceCoordinates.x();
@@ -284,16 +274,13 @@ Index tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index >::getFaceIndex( const CoordinatesType& fa
       tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.x() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x(),
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.x() = " << faceCoordinates.x()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x() );
       tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.y() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y(),
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.y() = " << faceCoordinates.y()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().y()= " << this->getDimensions().y()
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().y()= " << this->getDimensions().y() );
       tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.z() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions().z() + 1,
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.z() = " << faceCoordinates.z()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().z() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().z() + 1
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().z() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().z() + 1 );
       return this->numberOfNxAndNyFaces + ( faceCoordinates.z() * this->getDimensions().y() + faceCoordinates.y() ) * this->getDimensions().x() + faceCoordinates.x();
@@ -308,8 +295,7 @@ tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index >::getFaceCoordinates( const Index faceIndex, in
    tnlAssert( faceIndex >= 0 && faceIndex < this->getNumberOfFaces(),
               cerr << " faceIndex = " << faceIndex
-                   << " this->getNumberOfFaces() = " << this->getNumberOfFaces()
-                   << " this->getName() " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getNumberOfFaces() = " << this->getNumberOfFaces() );
    if( faceIndex < this->numberOfNxFaces )
       nx = 1;
@@ -352,32 +338,26 @@ Index tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: getEdgeIndex( const CoordinatesType&
       tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.x() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x(),
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.x() = " << edgeCoordinates.x()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x() );
       tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.y() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y() + 1,
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.y() = " << edgeCoordinates.y()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1 );
       tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.z() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions().z() + 1,
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.z() = " << edgeCoordinates.z()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().z() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().z() + 1
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().z() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().z() + 1 );
       return ( edgeCoordinates.z() * ( this->getDimensions().y() + 1 ) + edgeCoordinates.y() ) * this->getDimensions().x() + edgeCoordinates.x();
    if( dy )
       tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.x() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x() + 1,
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.x() = " << edgeCoordinates.x()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().x() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().x() + 1
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().x() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().x() + 1 );
       tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.y() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y(),
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.y() = " << edgeCoordinates.y()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y()
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y() );
       tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.z() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions().z() + 1,
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.z() = " << edgeCoordinates.z()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().z() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().z() + 1
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().z() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().z() + 1; );
       return this->numberOfDxEdges + ( edgeCoordinates.z() * this->getDimensions().y() + edgeCoordinates.y() ) * ( this->getDimensions().x() + 1 ) + edgeCoordinates.x();
@@ -385,16 +365,13 @@ Index tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: getEdgeIndex( const CoordinatesType&
       tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.x() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x() + 1,
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.x() = " << edgeCoordinates.x()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x() );
       tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.y() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y() + 1,
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.y() = " << edgeCoordinates.y()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1 );
       tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.z() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions().z(),
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.z() = " << edgeCoordinates.z()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().z() = " << this->getDimensions().z()
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().z() = " << this->getDimensions().z() );
       return this->numberOfDxAndDyEdges + ( edgeCoordinates.z() * ( this->getDimensions().y() + 1 ) + edgeCoordinates.y() ) * ( this->getDimensions().x() + 1 ) + edgeCoordinates.x();
@@ -409,8 +386,7 @@ tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: getEdgeCoordinates( const Index edgeIndex,
    tnlAssert( edgeIndex >= 0 && edgeIndex < this->getNumberOfEdges(),
               cerr << " edgeIndex = " << edgeIndex
-                   << " this->getNumberOfEdges() = " << this->getNumberOfEdges()
-                   << " this->getName() " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getNumberOfEdges() = " << this->getNumberOfEdges() );
    if( edgeIndex < this->numberOfDxEdges )
       dx = 1;
@@ -452,16 +428,13 @@ Index tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: getVertexIndex( const CoordinatesType
    tnlAssert( vertexCoordinates.x() >= 0 && vertexCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x() + 1,
               cerr << "vertexCoordinates.x() = " << vertexCoordinates.x()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().x() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().x() + 1
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().x() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().x() + 1 );
    tnlAssert( vertexCoordinates.y() >= 0 && vertexCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y() + 1,
               cerr << "vertexCoordinates.y() = " << vertexCoordinates.y()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1 );
    tnlAssert( vertexCoordinates.z() >= 0 && vertexCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions().z() + 1,
               cerr << "vertexCoordinates.z() = " << vertexCoordinates.z()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().z() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().z() + 1
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().z() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().z() + 1 );
    return ( vertexCoordinates.z() * ( this->getDimensions().y() + 1 ) + vertexCoordinates.y() ) *  ( this->getDimensions().x() + 1 ) + vertexCoordinates.x();
@@ -475,8 +448,7 @@ tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: getVertexCoordinates( const Index vertexInd
    tnlAssert( vertexIndex >= 0 && vertexIndex < this->getNumberOfVertices(),
               cerr << " vertexIndex = " << vertexIndex
-                   << " this->getNumberOfVertices() = " << this->getNumberOfVertices()
-                   << " this->getName() " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getNumberOfVertices() = " << this->getNumberOfVertices() );
    const IndexType auxX = this->getDimensions().x() + 1;
    const IndexType auxY = this->getDimensions().y() + 1;
    const IndexType auxZ = this->getDimensions().z() + 1;
@@ -502,8 +474,7 @@ Index tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: getCellNextToCell( const IndexType& c
                    << " dx = " << dx
                    << " dy = " << dy
                    << " dz = " << dz
-                   << " this->getNumberOfCells() = " << this->getNumberOfCells()
-                   << " this->getName() " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getNumberOfCells() = " << this->getNumberOfCells() );
    return cellIndex + dx +
           dy * this->getDimensions().x() +
           dz * this->cellZNeighboursStep;
@@ -533,8 +504,7 @@ Index tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index >::getFaceNextToCell( const IndexType& cel
                    << " nx = " << nx
                    << " ny = " << ny
                    << " nz = " << nz
-                   << " this->getNumberOfCells() = " << this->getNumberOfCells()
-                   << " this->getName() " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getNumberOfCells() = " << this->getNumberOfCells() );
    return result;
@@ -582,8 +552,7 @@ Index tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index >::getCellNextToFace( const IndexType& fac
                    << " nx = " << nx
                    << " ny = " << ny
                    << " nz = " << nz
-                   << " this->getNumberOfCells() = " << this->getNumberOfCells()
-                   << " this->getName() " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getNumberOfCells() = " << this->getNumberOfCells() );
    return result;
@@ -768,16 +737,13 @@ Vertex tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: getCellCenter( const CoordinatesType
    tnlAssert( cellCoordinates.x() >= 0 && cellCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x(),
               cerr << "cellCoordinates.x() = " << cellCoordinates.x()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x() );
    tnlAssert( cellCoordinates.y() >= 0 && cellCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y(),
               cerr << "cellCoordinates.y() = " << cellCoordinates.y()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y() );
    tnlAssert( cellCoordinates.z() >= 0 && cellCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions().z(),
               cerr << "cellCoordinates.z() = " << cellCoordinates.z()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().z() = " << this->getDimensions().z()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().z() = " << this->getDimensions().z() );
    return Vertex( this->origin.x() + ( cellCoordinates.x() + 0.5 ) * this->cellProportions.x(),
@@ -794,8 +760,7 @@ Vertex tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index >::getCellCenter( const IndexType& cellIn
    tnlAssert( cellIndex >= 0 && cellIndex < this->getNumberOfCells(),
               cerr << " cellIndex = " << cellIndex
-                   << " this->getNumberOfCells() = " << this->getNumberOfCells()
-                   << " this->getName() " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getNumberOfCells() = " << this->getNumberOfCells() );
    return this->getCellCenter< VertexType >( this->getCellCoordinates( cellIndex ) );
@@ -811,16 +776,13 @@ Vertex tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: getFaceCenter( const CoordinatesType
       tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.x() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x() + 1,
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.x() = " << faceCoordinates.x()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().x() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().x() + 1
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().x() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().x() + 1 );
       tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.y() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y(),
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.y() = " << faceCoordinates.y()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y()
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y() );
       tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.z() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions().z(),
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.z() = " << faceCoordinates.z()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().z() = " << this->getDimensions().z()
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().z() = " << this->getDimensions().z() );
       return Vertex( this->origin.x() + faceCoordinates.x() * this->cellProportions().x(),
                      this->origin.y() + ( faceCoordinates.y() + 0.5 ) * this->cellProportions().y(),
                      this->origin.z() + ( faceCoordinates.y() + 0.5 ) * this->cellProportions().z() );
@@ -829,16 +791,13 @@ Vertex tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: getFaceCenter( const CoordinatesType
       tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.x() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x(),
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.x() = " << faceCoordinates.x()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x() );
       tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.y() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y() + 1,
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.y() = " << faceCoordinates.y()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1 );
       tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.z() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions().z(),
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.z() = " << faceCoordinates.z()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().z() = " << this->getDimensions().z()
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().z() = " << this->getDimensions().z() );
       return Vertex( this->origin.x() + ( faceCoordinates.x() + 0.5 ) * this->cellProportions().x(),
                      this->origin.y() + faceCoordinates.y() * this->cellProportions().y(),
@@ -848,16 +807,13 @@ Vertex tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: getFaceCenter( const CoordinatesType
       tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.x() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x(),
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.x() = " << faceCoordinates.x()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x() );
       tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.y() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y(),
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.y() = " << faceCoordinates.y()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().y()= " << this->getDimensions().y()
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().y()= " << this->getDimensions().y() );
       tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.z() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions().z() + 1,
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.z() = " << faceCoordinates.z()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().z() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().z() + 1
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().z() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().z() + 1 );
       return Vertex( this->origin.x() + ( faceCoordinates.x() + 0.5 ) * this->cellProportions().x(),
                      this->origin.y() + ( faceCoordinates.y() + 0.5 ) * this->cellProportions().y(),
                      this->origin.z() + faceCoordinates.z() * this->cellProportions().z() );
@@ -876,16 +832,13 @@ Vertex tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: getEdgeCenter( const CoordinatesType
       tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.x() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x(),
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.x() = " << edgeCoordinates.x()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x() );
       tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.y() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y() + 1,
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.y() = " << edgeCoordinates.y()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1 );
       tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.z() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions().z() + 1,
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.z() = " << edgeCoordinates.z()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().z() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().z() + 1
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().z() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().z() + 1 );
       return Vertex( this->origin.x() + ( edgeCoordinates.x() + 0.5 ) * this->cellProportions().x(),
                      this->origin.y() + edgeCoordinates.y() * this->cellProportions().y(),
                      this->origin.z() + edgeCoordinates.z() * this->cellProportions().z() );
@@ -894,16 +847,13 @@ Vertex tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: getEdgeCenter( const CoordinatesType
       tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.x() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x() + 1,
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.x() = " << edgeCoordinates.x()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().x() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().x() + 1
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().x() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().x() + 1 );
       tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.y() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y(),
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.y() = " << edgeCoordinates.y()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y()
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y() );
       tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.z() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions().z() + 1,
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.z() = " << edgeCoordinates.z()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().z() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().z() + 1
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().z() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().z() + 1 );
       return Vertex( this->origin.x() + edgeCoordinates.x() * this->cellProportions().x(),
                      this->origin.y() + ( edgeCoordinates.y() + 0.5 ) * this->cellProportions().y(),
                      this->origin.z() + edgeCoordinates.z() * this->cellProportions().z() );
@@ -912,16 +862,13 @@ Vertex tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: getEdgeCenter( const CoordinatesType
       tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.x() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x() + 1,
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.x() = " << edgeCoordinates.x()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x() );
       tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.y() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y() + 1,
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.y() = " << edgeCoordinates.y()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1 );
       tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.z() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions().z(),
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.z() = " << edgeCoordinates.z()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().z() = " << this->getDimensions().z()
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().z() = " << this->getDimensions().z() );
       return Vertex( this->origin.x() + edgeCoordinates.x() * this->cellProportions().x(),
                      this->origin.y() + edgeCoordinates.y() * this->cellProportions().y(),
                      this->origin.z() + ( edgeCoordinates.z() + 0.5 ) * this->cellProportions().z() );
@@ -937,16 +884,13 @@ Vertex tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index >::getVertex( const CoordinatesType& vert
    tnlAssert( vertexCoordinates.x() >= 0 && vertexCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x() + 1,
               cerr << "vertexCoordinates.x() = " << vertexCoordinates.x()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x() );
    tnlAssert( vertexCoordinates.y() >= 0 && vertexCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y() + 1,
               cerr << "vertexCoordinates.y() = " << vertexCoordinates.y()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y() );
    tnlAssert( vertexCoordinates.z() >= 0 && vertexCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions().z() + 1,
               cerr << "vertexCoordinates.z() = " << vertexCoordinates.z()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().z() = " << this->getDimensions().z()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().z() = " << this->getDimensions().z() );
    return Vertex( this->origin.x() + vertexCoordinates.x() * this->cellProportions.x(),
                   this->origin.y() + vertexCoordinates.y() * this->cellProportions.y(),
@@ -1003,16 +947,13 @@ bool tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: isBoundaryCell( const CoordinatesType&
    tnlAssert( cellCoordinates.x() >= 0 && cellCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x(),
               cerr << "cellCoordinates.x() = " << cellCoordinates.x()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x() );
    tnlAssert( cellCoordinates.y() >= 0 && cellCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y(),
               cerr << "cellCoordinates.y() = " << cellCoordinates.y()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y() );
    tnlAssert( cellCoordinates.z() >= 0 && cellCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions().z(),
               cerr << "cellCoordinates.z() = " << cellCoordinates.z()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().z() = " << this->getDimensions().z()
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().z() = " << this->getDimensions().z() );
    if( cellCoordinates.x() == 0 || cellCoordinates.x() == this->getDimensions().x() - 1 ||
@@ -1032,8 +973,7 @@ isBoundaryCell( const IndexType& cellIndex ) const
    tnlAssert( cellIndex >= 0 && cellIndex < this->getNumberOfCells(),
               cerr << " cellIndex = " << cellIndex
-                   << " this->getNumberOfCells() = " << this->getNumberOfCells()
-                   << " this->getName() " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getNumberOfCells() = " << this->getNumberOfCells() );
    return this->isBoundaryCell( this->getCellCoordinates( cellIndex ) );
@@ -1049,12 +989,10 @@ bool tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: isBoundaryFace( const CoordinatesType&
       tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.x() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x() + 1,
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.x() = " << faceCoordinates.x()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().x() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().x() + 1
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().x() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().x() + 1 );
       tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.y() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y(),
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.y() = " << faceCoordinates.y()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y()
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y() );
       if( faceCoordinates.x() == 0 || faceCoordinates.x() == this->getDimensions().y() )
          return true;
       return false;
@@ -1063,12 +1001,10 @@ bool tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: isBoundaryFace( const CoordinatesType&
       tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.x() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x(),
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.x() = " << faceCoordinates.x()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x() );
       tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.y() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y() + 1,
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.y() = " << faceCoordinates.y()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1 );
       if( faceCoordinates.y() == 0 || faceCoordinates.y() == this->getDimensions().y() )
          return true;
       return false;
@@ -1077,16 +1013,13 @@ bool tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: isBoundaryFace( const CoordinatesType&
       tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.x() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x(),
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.x() = " << faceCoordinates.x()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x() );
       tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.y() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y(),
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.y() = " << faceCoordinates.y()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().y()= " << this->getDimensions().y()
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().y()= " << this->getDimensions().y() );
       tnlAssert( faceCoordinates.z() >= 0 && faceCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions().z() + 1,
                  cerr << "faceCoordinates.z() = " << faceCoordinates.z()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().z() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().z() + 1
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().z() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().z() + 1 );
       if( faceCoordinates.z() == 0 || faceCoordinates.z() == this->getDimensions().z() )
          return true;
       return false;
@@ -1105,16 +1038,13 @@ bool tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index >::isBoundaryEdge( const CoordinatesType& e
       tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.x() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x(),
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.x() = " << edgeCoordinates.x()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x() );
       tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.y() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y() + 1,
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.y() = " << edgeCoordinates.y()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1 );
       tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.z() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions().z() + 1,
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.z() = " << edgeCoordinates.z()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().z() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().z() + 1
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().z() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().z() + 1 );
       if( edgeCoordinates.y() == 0 || edgeCoordinates.y() == this->getDimensions().y() ||
           edgeCoordinates.z() == 0 || edgeCoordinates.z() == this->getDimensions().z() )
          return true;
@@ -1124,16 +1054,13 @@ bool tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index >::isBoundaryEdge( const CoordinatesType& e
       tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.x() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x() + 1,
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.x() = " << edgeCoordinates.x()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().x() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().x() + 1
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().x() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().x() + 1 );
       tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.y() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y(),
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.y() = " << edgeCoordinates.y()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y()
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().y() = " << this->getDimensions().y() );
       tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.z() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions().z() + 1,
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.z() = " << edgeCoordinates.z()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().z() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().z() + 1
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().z() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().z() + 1 );
       if( edgeCoordinates.x() == 0 || edgeCoordinates.x() == this->getDimensions().x() ||
           edgeCoordinates.z() == 0 || edgeCoordinates.z() == this->getDimensions().z() )
          return true;
@@ -1144,16 +1071,13 @@ bool tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index >::isBoundaryEdge( const CoordinatesType& e
       tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.x() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x() + 1,
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.x() = " << edgeCoordinates.x()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x()
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().x() = " << this->getDimensions().x() );
       tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.y() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y() + 1,
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.y() = " << edgeCoordinates.y()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1 );
       tnlAssert( edgeCoordinates.z() >= 0 && edgeCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions().z(),
                  cerr << "edgeCoordinates.z() = " << edgeCoordinates.z()
-                      << " this->getDimensions().z() = " << this->getDimensions().z()
-                      << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                      << " this->getDimensions().z() = " << this->getDimensions().z() );
       if( edgeCoordinates.x() == 0 || edgeCoordinates.x() == this->getDimensions().x() ||
           edgeCoordinates.y() == 0 || edgeCoordinates.y() == this->getDimensions().y() )
          return true;
@@ -1169,16 +1093,13 @@ bool tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: isBoundaryVertex( const CoordinatesTyp
    tnlAssert( vertexCoordinates.x() >= 0 && vertexCoordinates.x() < this->getDimensions().x() + 1,
               cerr << "vertexCoordinates.x() = " << vertexCoordinates.x()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().x() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().x() + 1
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().x() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().x() + 1 );
    tnlAssert( vertexCoordinates.y() >= 0 && vertexCoordinates.y() < this->getDimensions().y() + 1,
               cerr << "vertexCoordinates.y() = " << vertexCoordinates.y()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().y() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().y() + 1 );
    tnlAssert( vertexCoordinates.z() >= 0 && vertexCoordinates.z() < this->getDimensions().z() + 1,
               cerr << "vertexCoordinates.z() = " << vertexCoordinates.z()
-                   << " this->getDimensions().z() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().z() + 1
-                   << " this->getName() = " << this->getName(); );
+                   << " this->getDimensions().z() + 1 = " << this->getDimensions().z() + 1 );
    if( vertexCoordinates.x() == 0 || vertexCoordinates.x() == this->getDimensions().x() ||
        vertexCoordinates.y() == 0 || vertexCoordinates.y() == this->getDimensions().y() ||
@@ -1269,8 +1190,7 @@ bool tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: save( tnlFile& file ) const
        ! this->proportions.save( file ) ||
        ! this->dimensions.save( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to save the domain description of the tnlGrid "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to save the domain description of a tnlGrid." << endl;
       return false;
    return true;
@@ -1288,8 +1208,7 @@ bool tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: load( tnlFile& file )
        ! this->proportions.load( file ) ||
        ! dimensions.load( file ) )
-      cerr << "I was not able to load the domain description of the tnlGrid "
-           << this -> getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "I was not able to load the domain description of a tnlGrid." << endl;
       return false;
    this->setDimensions( dimensions );
@@ -1332,8 +1251,8 @@ bool tnlGrid< 3, Real, Device, Index > :: write( const MeshFunction& function,
    if( this -> getNumberOfCells() != function. getSize() )
-      cerr << "The size ( " << function. getSize() << " ) of the mesh function " << function. getName()
-           << " does not agree with the DOFs ( " << this -> getNumberOfCells() << " ) of the mesh " << this -> getName() << "." << endl;
+      cerr << "The size ( " << function. getSize() 
+           << " ) of a mesh function does not agree with the DOFs ( " << this -> getNumberOfCells() << " ) of a mesh." << endl;
       return false;
    fstream file;
diff --git a/src/mesh/tnlMesh.h b/src/mesh/tnlMesh.h
index 6455c7d03ec37827c8b53239f7247adbac1a0c9c..7eec5cd0baf4a8795c9a75a0b38a2f185c3fba67 100644
--- a/src/mesh/tnlMesh.h
+++ b/src/mesh/tnlMesh.h
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class tnlMesh : public tnlObject,
-      cerr << "Destroying mesh " << this->getName() << endl;
+      cerr << "Destroying mesh." << endl;
    static tnlString getType()
diff --git a/src/operators/euler/fvm/tnlLaxFridrichs_impl.h b/src/operators/euler/fvm/tnlLaxFridrichs_impl.h
index e38cd028f3de8d7a70ccc0dbd46957333f07ace1..c5b014ee6fa4d709e6487fca2357eb7f910bfa09 100644
--- a/src/operators/euler/fvm/tnlLaxFridrichs_impl.h
+++ b/src/operators/euler/fvm/tnlLaxFridrichs_impl.h
@@ -31,9 +31,6 @@ tnlLaxFridrichs< tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index, GridGeometry >,
   mesh( 0 ),
   pressureGradient( 0 )
-   rho. setName( "Lax-Fridrichs:rho" );
-   rho_u1. setName( "Lax-Fridrichs:rho_u1" );
-   rho_u2. setName( "Lax-Fridrichs:rho_u2" );
 template< typename Real,
@@ -99,7 +96,6 @@ template< typename Real,
 void tnlLaxFridrichs< tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index, GridGeometry >, PressureGradient  > :: setRho( Vector& rho )
    this->rho.bind( rho );
-   this->rho.setName( tnlString( "bind Of " ) + rho. getName() );
 template< typename Real,
@@ -111,7 +107,6 @@ template< typename Real,
 void tnlLaxFridrichs< tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index, GridGeometry >, PressureGradient  > :: setRhoU1( Vector& rho_u1 )
    this -> rho_u1. bind( rho_u1 );
-   this -> rho_u1. setName( tnlString( "bind Of " ) + rho_u1. getName() );
 template< typename Real,
@@ -123,7 +118,6 @@ template< typename Real,
 void tnlLaxFridrichs< tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index, GridGeometry >, PressureGradient  > :: setRhoU2( Vector& rho_u2 )
    this -> rho_u2. bind( rho_u2 );
-   this -> rho_u2. setName( tnlString( "bind Of " ) + rho_u2. getName() );
 template< typename Real,
@@ -135,7 +129,6 @@ template< typename Real,
 void tnlLaxFridrichs< tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index, GridGeometry >, PressureGradient  > :: setE( Vector& e )
    this->e.bind( e );
-   this->e.setName( tnlString( "bind Of " ) + e.getName() );
 template< typename Real,
@@ -349,7 +342,6 @@ template< typename Real,
 void tnlLaxFridrichs< tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index, tnlIdenticalGridGeometry >, PressureGradient  > :: setRho( Vector& rho )
    this -> rho. bind( rho );
-   this -> rho. setName( tnlString( "bind Of " ) + rho. getName() );
 template< typename Real,
@@ -360,7 +352,6 @@ template< typename Real,
 void tnlLaxFridrichs< tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index, tnlIdenticalGridGeometry >, PressureGradient  > :: setRhoU1( Vector& rho_u1 )
    this -> rho_u1. bind( rho_u1 );
-   this -> rho_u1. setName( tnlString( "bind Of " ) + rho_u1. getName() );
 template< typename Real,
@@ -371,7 +362,6 @@ template< typename Real,
 void tnlLaxFridrichs< tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index, tnlIdenticalGridGeometry >, PressureGradient  > :: setRhoU2( Vector& rho_u2 )
    this -> rho_u2. bind( rho_u2 );
-   this -> rho_u2. setName( tnlString( "bind Of " ) + rho_u2. getName() );
 template< typename Real,
@@ -382,7 +372,6 @@ template< typename Real,
 void tnlLaxFridrichs< tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index, tnlIdenticalGridGeometry >, PressureGradient  > :: setE( Vector& e )
    this->energy.bind( e );
-   this->energy.setName( tnlString( "bind Of " ) + e.getName() );
 template< typename Real,
@@ -393,7 +382,6 @@ template< typename Real,
 void tnlLaxFridrichs< tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index, tnlIdenticalGridGeometry >, PressureGradient  > :: setP( Vector& p )
    this->p.bind( p );
-   this->p.setName( tnlString( "bind Of " ) + p.getName() );
 template< typename Real,
diff --git a/src/operators/gradient/tnlCentralFDMGradient_impl.h b/src/operators/gradient/tnlCentralFDMGradient_impl.h
index d8cc6bd3b9dc2696855601ede5f7612d3e0bbee9..41eac268a450bd5f87f17b4f66a56314553cfaa4 100644
--- a/src/operators/gradient/tnlCentralFDMGradient_impl.h
+++ b/src/operators/gradient/tnlCentralFDMGradient_impl.h
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ template< typename Real,
 void tnlCentralFDMGradient< tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index, GridGeometry > > :: setFunction( Vector& f )
    this -> f. bind( f );
-   this -> f. setName( tnlString( "bind Of " ) + f. getName() );
 template< typename Real,
@@ -115,7 +114,6 @@ template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
 void tnlCentralFDMGradient< tnlGrid< 2, Real, Device, Index, tnlIdenticalGridGeometry > > :: setFunction( Vector& f )
    this -> f. bind( f );
-   this -> f. setName( tnlString( "bind Of " ) + f. getName() );
 template< typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
diff --git a/src/solvers/cfd/navier-stokes/tnlNavierStokesSolver_impl.h b/src/solvers/cfd/navier-stokes/tnlNavierStokesSolver_impl.h
index ff67a95f6aa12f93863a04afbc7750014a36ab35..085eadf14febf6d65334361dbd2d5b16693c51f9 100644
--- a/src/solvers/cfd/navier-stokes/tnlNavierStokesSolver_impl.h
+++ b/src/solvers/cfd/navier-stokes/tnlNavierStokesSolver_impl.h
@@ -33,11 +33,6 @@ tnlNavierStokesSolver< AdvectionScheme, DiffusionScheme, BoundaryConditions >::t
   R( 0.0 ),
   T( 0.0 )
-   this->rho.setName( "navier-stokes-rho" );
-   this->u1.setName( "navier-stokes-u1");
-   this->u2.setName( "navier-stokes-u2" );
-   this->p.setName( "navier-stokes-p" );
-   this->energy.setName( "navier-stokes-energy" );
 template< typename AdvectionScheme,
diff --git a/src/solvers/linear/krylov/tnlGMRESSolver_impl.h b/src/solvers/linear/krylov/tnlGMRESSolver_impl.h
index cbf970a2297203cbd94c2f2f4f8d44ff7c3e2e26..13582c94a8bfba630dd6d368a8a6fb3491f7dc38 100644
--- a/src/solvers/linear/krylov/tnlGMRESSolver_impl.h
+++ b/src/solvers/linear/krylov/tnlGMRESSolver_impl.h
@@ -21,16 +21,7 @@
 template< typename Matrix,
            typename Preconditioner >
 tnlGMRESSolver< Matrix, Preconditioner > :: tnlGMRESSolver()
-: tnlObject( "no-name" ),
-  _r( "tnlGMRESSolver::_r" ),
-  _w( "tnlGMRESSolver::_w" ),
-  _v( "tnlGMRESSolver::_v" ),
-  _M_tmp( "tnlGMRESSolver::_M_tmp" ),
-  _s( "tnlGMRESSolver::_s" ),
-  _cs( "tnlGMRESSolver::_cs" ),
-  _sn( "tnlGMRESSolver::_sn" ),
-  _H( "tnlGMRESSolver:_H" ),
-  size( 0 ),
+: size( 0 ),
   restarting( 10 ),
   matrix( 0 ),
   preconditioner( 0 )
@@ -159,10 +150,7 @@ bool tnlGMRESSolver< Matrix, Preconditioner > :: solve( const Vector& b, Vector&
    this->setResidue( beta / normb );
-   tnlSharedVector< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType > vi;
-   //vi. setName( "tnlGMRESSolver::vi" );
-   tnlSharedVector< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType > vk;
-   //vk. setName( "tnlGMRESSolver::vk" );
+   tnlSharedVector< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType > vi, vk;
    while( this->nextIteration() )
       const IndexType m = restarting;
@@ -321,15 +309,13 @@ void tnlGMRESSolver< Matrix, Preconditioner > :: update( IndexType k,
                                                          tnlVector< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType >& v,
                                                          Vector& x )
-   //dbgFunctionName( "tnlGMRESSolver", "Update" );
-   tnlVector< RealType, tnlHost, IndexType > y( "tnlGMRESSolver::update:y" );
+   tnlVector< RealType, tnlHost, IndexType > y;
    y. setSize( m + 1 );
    IndexType i, j;
    for( i = 0; i <= m ; i ++ )
       y[ i ] = s[ i ];
-   //dbgCout_ARRAY( y, m + 1 );
    // Backsolve:
    for( i = k; i >= 0; i--)
@@ -337,10 +323,8 @@ void tnlGMRESSolver< Matrix, Preconditioner > :: update( IndexType k,
       for( j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--)
          y[ j ] -= H[ j + i * ( m + 1 ) ] * y[ i ];
-   //dbgCout_ARRAY( y, m + 1 );
    tnlSharedVector< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType > vi;
-   vi. setName( "tnlGMRESSolver::update:vi" );
    for( i = 0; i <= k; i++)
       vi. bind( &( v. getData()[ i * this->size ] ), x. getSize() );
diff --git a/src/solvers/ode/tnlEulerSolver_impl.h b/src/solvers/ode/tnlEulerSolver_impl.h
index ad83fe96893c7f91e1ab5ed569e16ad697029e74..e2258b39dd9b1410599e4d447ea8921b754c811f 100644
--- a/src/solvers/ode/tnlEulerSolver_impl.h
+++ b/src/solvers/ode/tnlEulerSolver_impl.h
@@ -30,10 +30,8 @@ __global__ void updateUEuler( const Index size,
 template< typename Problem >
 tnlEulerSolver< Problem > :: tnlEulerSolver()
-: k1( "tnlEulerSolver:k1" ),
-  cflCondition( 0.0 )
+: cflCondition( 0.0 )
-   //this->setName( "EulerSolver" );
 template< typename Problem >
diff --git a/src/solvers/ode/tnlMersonSolver_impl.h b/src/solvers/ode/tnlMersonSolver_impl.h
index 95241e39acf21bc1868a09115d3a50fdf7b1bac5..bc512effd6a874b3458860ad78de26ebc8893bd2 100644
--- a/src/solvers/ode/tnlMersonSolver_impl.h
+++ b/src/solvers/ode/tnlMersonSolver_impl.h
@@ -89,13 +89,7 @@ __global__ void updateUMerson( const Index size,
 template< typename Problem >
 tnlMersonSolver< Problem > :: tnlMersonSolver()
-: k1( "tnlMersonSolver:k1" ),
-  k2( "tnlMersonSolver:k2" ),
-  k3( "tnlMersonSolver:k3" ),
-  k4( "tnlMersonSolver:k4" ),
-  k5( "tnlMersonSolver:k5" ),
-  kAux( "tnlMersonSolver:kAux" ),
-  adaptivity( 0.00001 )
+: adaptivity( 0.00001 )
diff --git a/src/solvers/pde/tnlPDESolver_impl.h b/src/solvers/pde/tnlPDESolver_impl.h
index b289344ab6f26a459906247d40da533d52052aeb..8c1cf924762dca784d7637213106a247fdd84002 100644
--- a/src/solvers/pde/tnlPDESolver_impl.h
+++ b/src/solvers/pde/tnlPDESolver_impl.h
@@ -34,8 +34,6 @@ tnlPDESolver()
   ioCpuTimer( 0 ),
   computeCpuTimer( 0 )
-   this->dofs.setName( "dofs" );
-   this->meshDependentData.setName( "meshDependentData" );
 template< typename Problem,
@@ -321,13 +319,13 @@ tnlPDESolver< Problem, TimeStepper >::
    tnlAssert( timeStepper != 0,
-              cerr << "No time stepper was set in tnlPDESolver with name " << this -> getName() );
+              cerr << "No time stepper was set in tnlPDESolver." );
    tnlAssert( problem != 0,
-              cerr << "No problem was set in tnlPDESolver with name " << this -> getName() );
+              cerr << "No problem was set in tnlPDESolver." );
    if( snapshotPeriod == 0 )
-      cerr << "No snapshot tau was set in tnlPDESolver " << this -> getName() << "." << endl;
+      cerr << "No snapshot tau was set in tnlPDESolver." << endl;
       return false;
    RealType t( this->initialTime );
diff --git a/src/solvers/tnlFastBuildConfigTag.h b/src/solvers/tnlFastBuildConfigTag.h
index 23b603cf7a24e19262c6b9b0dba8dc02319b93b0..119c378f315c053867a59e7fa8e26d8e9dac4fc4 100644
--- a/src/solvers/tnlFastBuildConfigTag.h
+++ b/src/solvers/tnlFastBuildConfigTag.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-                          tnlFastBuildConfig.h  -  description
+                          tnlFastBuildConfigTag.h  -  description
     begin                : Jul 7, 2014
     copyright            : (C) 2014 by Tomas Oberhuber
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
  *                                                                         *
 #include <solvers/tnlBuildConfigTags.h>
@@ -61,4 +61,4 @@ template<> struct tnlConfigTagTimeDiscretisation< tnlFastBuildConfig, tnlImplici
 template<> struct tnlConfigTagExplicitSolver< tnlFastBuildConfig, tnlExplicitEulerSolverTag >{ enum { enabled = false }; };
diff --git a/src/solvers/tnlSolverStarter_impl.h b/src/solvers/tnlSolverStarter_impl.h
index 09e61c33e25d96b0d63cbe30891d21b274f7a296..140465d5c7cb4f44e0a62b378e193f22e6d165cf 100644
--- a/src/solvers/tnlSolverStarter_impl.h
+++ b/src/solvers/tnlSolverStarter_impl.h
@@ -467,7 +467,6 @@ bool tnlSolverStarter< ConfigTag > :: setDiscreteSolver( Problem& problem,
                             typename Problem :: DiscreteSolverPreconditioner > DiscreteSolver;
       DiscreteSolver solver;
       double omega = parameters. getParameter< double >( "sor-omega" );
-      solver. setName( "sor-solver" );
       solver. setOmega( omega );
       //solver. setVerbose( this -> verbose );
       return setSemiImplicitTimeDiscretisation< Problem >( problem, parameters, solver );
@@ -478,7 +477,6 @@ bool tnlSolverStarter< ConfigTag > :: setDiscreteSolver( Problem& problem,
       typedef tnlCGSolver< typename Problem :: DiscreteSolverMatrixType,
                            typename Problem :: DiscreteSolverPreconditioner > DiscreteSolver;
       DiscreteSolver solver;
-      solver. setName( "cg-solver" );
       //solver. setVerbose( this -> verbose );
       return setSemiImplicitTimeDiscretisation< Problem >( problem, parameters, solver );
@@ -488,7 +486,6 @@ bool tnlSolverStarter< ConfigTag > :: setDiscreteSolver( Problem& problem,
       typedef tnlBICGStabSolver< typename Problem :: DiscreteSolverMatrixType,
                                  typename Problem :: DiscreteSolverPreconditioner > DiscreteSolver;
       DiscreteSolver solver;
-      solver. setName( "bicg-solver" );
       //solver. setVerbose( this -> verbose );
       return setSemiImplicitTimeDiscretisation< Problem >( problem, parameters, solver );
@@ -499,7 +496,6 @@ bool tnlSolverStarter< ConfigTag > :: setDiscreteSolver( Problem& problem,
                               typename Problem :: DiscreteSolverPreconditioner > DiscreteSolver;
       DiscreteSolver solver;
       int restarting = parameters. getParameter< int >( "gmres-restarting" );
-      solver. setName( "gmres-solver" );
       solver. setRestarting( restarting );
       //solver. setVerbose( this -> verbose );
       return setSemiImplicitTimeDiscretisation< Problem >( problem, parameters, solver );
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/core/arrays/tnlArrayTester.h b/tests/unit-tests/core/arrays/tnlArrayTester.h
index e9dedf9999dd0361d7bef7a64cd867baf1f67dbd..2b8ea2120b006d097f1677d1fd6804908377116b 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/core/arrays/tnlArrayTester.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/core/arrays/tnlArrayTester.h
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class tnlArrayTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
    void testSetGetElement()
-      tnlArray< ElementType, Device, IndexType > u( "tnlArrayTester :: u" );
+      tnlArray< ElementType, Device, IndexType > u;
       u. setSize( 10 );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i ++ )
          u. setElement( i, i );
@@ -120,9 +120,9 @@ class tnlArrayTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
    void testComparisonOperator()
-      tnlArray< ElementType, Device, IndexType > u( "tnlArrayTester :: u" );
-      tnlArray< ElementType, Device, IndexType > v( "tnlArrayTester :: v" );
-      tnlArray< ElementType, Device, IndexType > w( "tnlArrayTester :: w" );
+      tnlArray< ElementType, Device, IndexType > u;
+      tnlArray< ElementType, Device, IndexType > v;
+      tnlArray< ElementType, Device, IndexType > w;
       u. setSize( 10 );
       v. setSize( 10 );
       w. setSize( 10 );
@@ -142,8 +142,6 @@ class tnlArrayTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       tnlArray< ElementType, Device, IndexType > u;
       tnlArray< ElementType, Device, IndexType > v;
-      u. setName( "tnlArrayTester :: testAssignmentOperator :: u" );
-      v. setName( "tnlArrayTester :: testAssignmentOperator :: v" );
       u. setSize( 10 );
       v. setSize( 10 );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i ++ )
@@ -170,7 +168,7 @@ class tnlArrayTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
    void testGetSize()
-      tnlArray< ElementType, Device, IndexType > u( "tnlArrayTester :: testSetSize - u" );
+      tnlArray< ElementType, Device, IndexType > u;
       const int maxSize = 10;
       for( int i = 0; i < maxSize; i ++ )
          u. setSize( i );
@@ -180,7 +178,7 @@ class tnlArrayTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
    void testReset()
-      tnlArray< ElementType, Device, IndexType > u( "tnlArrayTester :: testReset - u" );
+      tnlArray< ElementType, Device, IndexType > u;
       u. setSize( 100 );
       CPPUNIT_ASSERT( u. getSize() == 100 );
       u. reset();
@@ -196,14 +194,14 @@ class tnlArrayTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       for( int i = 0; i < 100; i ++ )
-         tnlArray< ElementType, Device, IndexType > u( "tnlArrayTester :: testSetSizeAndDestructor - u" );
+         tnlArray< ElementType, Device, IndexType > u;
          u. setSize( i );
    void testSaveAndLoad()
-      tnlArray< ElementType, Device, IndexType > v( "test-array-v" );
+      tnlArray< ElementType, Device, IndexType > v;
       v. setSize( 100 );
       for( int i = 0; i < 100; i ++ )
          v. setElement( i, 3.14147 );
@@ -211,7 +209,7 @@ class tnlArrayTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       file. open( "test-file.tnl", tnlWriteMode );
       v. save( file );
       file. close();
-      tnlArray< ElementType, Device, IndexType > u( "test-array-u" );
+      tnlArray< ElementType, Device, IndexType > u;
       file. open( "test-file.tnl", tnlReadMode );
       u. load( file );
       file. close();
@@ -220,7 +218,7 @@ class tnlArrayTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
    void testUnusualStructures()
-      tnlArray< testingClassForArrayTester >u ( "test-array" );
+      tnlArray< testingClassForArrayTester >u;
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/core/arrays/tnlMultiArrayTester.h b/tests/unit-tests/core/arrays/tnlMultiArrayTester.h
index d8df75763ed8341b2f9c6bb7b5288f5d8d47d800..be799d741dd9b96f4ebd7129e3f7df4db8005d64 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/core/arrays/tnlMultiArrayTester.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/core/arrays/tnlMultiArrayTester.h
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ class tnlMultiArrayTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
    void testSetGetElement()
-      tnlMultiArray< Dimensions, ElementType, Device, IndexType > u( "tnlMultiArrayTester :: u" );
+      tnlMultiArray< Dimensions, ElementType, Device, IndexType > u;
       u. setDimensions( 10 );
       if( Device::getDevice() == tnlHostDevice )
@@ -161,9 +161,7 @@ class tnlMultiArrayTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
    void testComparisonOperator()
-      tnlMultiArray< Dimensions, ElementType, Device, IndexType > u( "tnlMultiArrayTester :: u" );
-      tnlMultiArray< Dimensions, ElementType, Device, IndexType > v( "tnlMultiArrayTester :: v" );
-      tnlMultiArray< Dimensions, ElementType, Device, IndexType > w( "tnlMultiArrayTester :: w" );
+      tnlMultiArray< Dimensions, ElementType, Device, IndexType > u, v, w;
       u.setDimensions( 10 );
       v.setDimensions( 10 );
       w.setDimensions( 10 );
@@ -186,8 +184,6 @@ class tnlMultiArrayTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       tnlMultiArray< Dimensions, ElementType, Device, IndexType > u;
       tnlMultiArray< Dimensions, ElementType, Device, IndexType > v;
-      u. setName( "tnlMultiArrayTester :: testEquivalenceOperator :: u" );
-      v. setName( "tnlMultiArrayTester :: testEquivalenceOperator :: v" );
       u. setDimensions( 10 );
       v. setDimensions( 10 );
       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i ++ )
@@ -199,7 +195,7 @@ class tnlMultiArrayTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
    void testGetSize()
-      tnlMultiArray< Dimensions, ElementType, Device, IndexType > u( "tnlMultiArrayTester :: testSetSize - u" );
+      tnlMultiArray< Dimensions, ElementType, Device, IndexType > u;
       const int maxSize = 10;
       for( int i = 1; i < maxSize; i ++ )
          u. setDimensions( i );
@@ -209,7 +205,7 @@ class tnlMultiArrayTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
    void testReset()
-      tnlMultiArray< Dimensions, ElementType, Device, IndexType > u( "tnlMultiArrayTester :: testReset - u" );
+      tnlMultiArray< Dimensions, ElementType, Device, IndexType > u;
       u.setDimensions( 100 );
       CPPUNIT_ASSERT( u. getDimensions().x() == 100 );
@@ -225,14 +221,14 @@ class tnlMultiArrayTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       for( int i = 1; i < 100; i ++ )
-         tnlMultiArray< Dimensions, ElementType, Device, IndexType > u( "tnlMultiArrayTester :: testSetSizeAndDestructor - u" );
+         tnlMultiArray< Dimensions, ElementType, Device, IndexType > u;
          u. setDimensions( i );
    void testSaveAndLoad()
-      tnlMultiArray< Dimensions, ElementType, Device, IndexType > v( "test-multi-array-v" );
+      tnlMultiArray< Dimensions, ElementType, Device, IndexType > v;
       const int size( 10 );
       CPPUNIT_ASSERT( v. setDimensions( size ) );
       for( int i = 0; i < size; i ++ )
@@ -241,7 +237,7 @@ class tnlMultiArrayTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       file. open( "test-file.tnl", tnlWriteMode );
       CPPUNIT_ASSERT( v. save( file ) );
       file. close();
-      tnlMultiArray< Dimensions, ElementType, Device, IndexType > u( "test-multi-array-u" );
+      tnlMultiArray< Dimensions, ElementType, Device, IndexType > u;
       file. open( "test-file.tnl", tnlReadMode );
       CPPUNIT_ASSERT( u. load( file ) );
       file. close();
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/core/arrays/tnlSharedArrayTester.h b/tests/unit-tests/core/arrays/tnlSharedArrayTester.h
index 668203944b6fb5d17d04c4a35d7941006ebe06e0..20153f05fc2a3b4361130e90d419189a6235eaea 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/core/arrays/tnlSharedArrayTester.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/core/arrays/tnlSharedArrayTester.h
@@ -69,12 +69,7 @@ class tnlSharedArrayTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
    void testComparisonOperator()
-      tnlSharedArray< ElementType, Device, IndexType > u;
-      u. setName( "tnlSharedArrayTester :: u" );
-      tnlSharedArray< ElementType, Device, IndexType > v;
-      v. setName( "tnlSharedArrayTester :: v" );
-      tnlSharedArray< ElementType, Device, IndexType > w;
-      w. setName( "tnlSharedArrayTester :: w" );
+      tnlSharedArray< ElementType, Device, IndexType > u, v, w;
       ElementType uData[ 10 ], vData[ 10 ], wData[ 10 ];
       u. bind( uData, 10 );
       v. bind( vData, 10 );
@@ -93,10 +88,7 @@ class tnlSharedArrayTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
    void testAssignmentOperator()
-      tnlSharedArray< ElementType, Device, IndexType > u;
-      tnlSharedArray< ElementType, Device, IndexType > v;
-      u. setName( "tnlSharedArrayTester :: u" );
-      v. setName( "tnlSharedArrayTester :: v" );
+      tnlSharedArray< ElementType, Device, IndexType > u, v;
       ElementType uData[ 10 ], vData[ 10 ];
       u. bind( uData, 10 );
       v. bind( vData, 10 );
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/core/vectors/tnlVectorOperationsTester.h b/tests/unit-tests/core/vectors/tnlVectorOperationsTester.h
index 2732fe86aadac54698169ec71df48066bb414b19..f452b8b10b875d98b65aa62822a72b05c33f401c 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/core/vectors/tnlVectorOperationsTester.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/core/vectors/tnlVectorOperationsTester.h
@@ -375,7 +375,6 @@ class tnlVectorOperationsTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       const int size( 10000 );
       tnlVector< Real, Device > v;
       v.setSize( size );
-      v.setName( "prefixSumTest::v" );
       setOnesSequence( v );
@@ -399,7 +398,6 @@ class tnlVectorOperationsTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
       const int size( 10000 );
       tnlVector< Real, Device > v;
       v.setSize( size );
-      v.setName( "exclusivePrefixSumTest::v" );
       setOnesSequence( v );
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/matrices/tnlDenseMatrixTester.h b/tests/unit-tests/matrices/tnlDenseMatrixTester.h
index e14257a4cbbd8de7846f33f19e6d7e87ffddc7d0..a4ea8c6cc6e4cf271284c8144a9ea133483c7240 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/matrices/tnlDenseMatrixTester.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/matrices/tnlDenseMatrixTester.h
@@ -176,7 +176,6 @@ class tnlDenseMatrixTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
          m.setElement( i, i, i );
       tnlVector< IndexType, tnlHost, IndexType > columns;
-      columns.setName( "tnlDenseMatrixTester:columns" );
       tnlVector< RealType, tnlHost, IndexType > values;
       columns.setSize( 10 );
       values.setSize( 10 );
@@ -209,7 +208,6 @@ class tnlDenseMatrixTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
          m.setElement( i, i, i );
       tnlVector< IndexType, Device, IndexType > columns;
-      columns.setName( "tnlDenseMatrixTester:columns" );
       tnlVector< RealType, Device, IndexType > values;
       columns.setSize( 10 );
       values.setSize( 10 );
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/matrices/tnlRgCSRMatrixTester.h b/tests/unit-tests/matrices/tnlRgCSRMatrixTester.h
index 4978d8e7c16ab8e1cc4caac36c9239fe94ef09d6..6b24cbb1b2a04e7837a4a28f0ea18963dcdff30d 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/matrices/tnlRgCSRMatrixTester.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/matrices/tnlRgCSRMatrixTester.h
@@ -94,8 +94,7 @@ template< class T > class tnlRgCSRMatrixTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase,
       const int size = 12;
       tnlCSRMatrix< T > csrMatrix;
-      csrMatrix.setName( "test-matrix:Empty" );
-      tnlRgCSRMatrix< T > argcsrMatrix( "test-matrix:Empty" );
+      tnlRgCSRMatrix< T > argcsrMatrix;
       this -> setEmptyMatrix( csrMatrix, size );
       argcsrMatrix. copyFrom( csrMatrix );
@@ -111,8 +110,7 @@ template< class T > class tnlRgCSRMatrixTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase,
       const int size = 12;
       tnlCSRMatrix< T > csrMatrix;
-      csrMatrix.setName( "test-matrix:Diagonal" );
-      tnlRgCSRMatrix< T > argcsrMatrix( "test-matrix:Diagonal" );
+      tnlRgCSRMatrix< T > argcsrMatrix;
       this -> setDiagonalMatrix( csrMatrix, size );
       argcsrMatrix. copyFrom( csrMatrix );
@@ -127,8 +125,7 @@ template< class T > class tnlRgCSRMatrixTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase,
    void ifTriDiagonalMatrixIsStoredProperly()
       tnlCSRMatrix< T > csrMatrix;
-      csrMatrix.setName( "test-matrix:Tridiagonal" );
-      tnlRgCSRMatrix< T > argcsrMatrix( "test-matrix:Tridiagonal" );
+      tnlRgCSRMatrix< T > argcsrMatrix;
       int size = 12;
       this -> setTridiagonalMatrix( csrMatrix, size );
       argcsrMatrix. copyFrom( csrMatrix );
@@ -145,8 +142,7 @@ template< class T > class tnlRgCSRMatrixTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase,
    void ifUpperTriangularMatrixIsStoredProperly()
       tnlCSRMatrix< T > csrMatrix;
-      csrMatrix.setName( "test-matrix:upperTriangular" );
-      tnlRgCSRMatrix< T > argcsrMatrix( "test-matrix:upperTriangular" );
+      tnlRgCSRMatrix< T > argcsrMatrix;
       const int size = 12;
       this -> setUpperTriangularMatrix( csrMatrix, size );
       argcsrMatrix. copyFrom( csrMatrix );
@@ -163,8 +159,7 @@ template< class T > class tnlRgCSRMatrixTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase,
    void ifFullMatrixIsStoredProperly()
       tnlCSRMatrix< T > csrMatrix;
-      csrMatrix.setName( "test-matrix:upperTriangular" );
-      tnlRgCSRMatrix< T > argcsrMatrix( "test-matrix:upperTriangular" );
+      tnlRgCSRMatrix< T > argcsrMatrix;
       const int size = 12;
       this -> setUpperTriangularMatrix( csrMatrix, size );
       argcsrMatrix. copyFrom( csrMatrix );
@@ -181,8 +176,7 @@ template< class T > class tnlRgCSRMatrixTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase,
    void ifBcsstk20MatrixIsStoredProperly()
       tnlCSRMatrix< T > csrMatrix;
-      csrMatrix.setName( "test-matrix:upperTriangular" );
-      tnlRgCSRMatrix< T > argcsrMatrix( "test-matrix:upperTriangular" );
+      tnlRgCSRMatrix< T > argcsrMatrix;
       const int size = 12;
       this -> setBcsstk20Matrix( csrMatrix );
       argcsrMatrix. copyFrom( csrMatrix );
@@ -200,12 +194,11 @@ template< class T > class tnlRgCSRMatrixTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase,
       const int size = 35;
       tnlCSRMatrix< T > csrMatrix;
-      csrMatrix.setName( "test-matrix:Diagonal" );
-      tnlRgCSRMatrix< T > argcsrMatrix( "test-matrix:Diagonal" );
+      tnlRgCSRMatrix< T > argcsrMatrix;
       this -> setEmptyMatrix( csrMatrix, size );
       argcsrMatrix. copyFrom( csrMatrix );
-      tnlVector< T > x( "x" ), b1( "b1" ), b2( "b2" );
+      tnlVector< T > x, b1, b2;
       x. setSize( size );
       b1. setSize( size );
       b2. setSize( size );
@@ -220,12 +213,11 @@ template< class T > class tnlRgCSRMatrixTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase,
       const int size = 35;
       tnlCSRMatrix< T > csrMatrix;
-      csrMatrix.setName( "test-matrix:Diagonal" );
-      tnlRgCSRMatrix< T > argcsrMatrix( "test-matrix:Diagonal" );
+      tnlRgCSRMatrix< T > argcsrMatrix;
       this -> setDiagonalMatrix( csrMatrix, size );
       argcsrMatrix. copyFrom( csrMatrix );
-      tnlVector< T > x( "x" ), b1( "b1" ), b2( "b2" );
+      tnlVector< T > x, b1, b2;
       x. setSize( size );
       b1. setSize( size );
       b2. setSize( size );
@@ -240,12 +232,11 @@ template< class T > class tnlRgCSRMatrixTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase,
       const int size = 12;
       tnlCSRMatrix< T > csrMatrix;
-      csrMatrix.setName( "test-matrix:TriDiagonal" );
-      tnlRgCSRMatrix< T > argcsrMatrix( "test-matrix:TriDiagonal" );
+      tnlRgCSRMatrix< T > argcsrMatrix;
       this -> setTridiagonalMatrix( csrMatrix, size );
       argcsrMatrix. copyFrom( csrMatrix );
-      tnlVector< T > x( "x" ), b1( "b1" ), b2( "b2" );
+      tnlVector< T > x, b1, b2;
       x. setSize( size );
       b1. setSize( size );
       b2. setSize( size );
@@ -260,12 +251,11 @@ template< class T > class tnlRgCSRMatrixTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase,
       const int size = 12;
       tnlCSRMatrix< T > csrMatrix;
-      csrMatrix.setName( "test-matrix:TriDiagonal" );
-      tnlRgCSRMatrix< T > argcsrMatrix( "test-matrix:TriDiagonal" );
+      tnlRgCSRMatrix< T > argcsrMatrix;
       this -> setUpperTriangularMatrix( csrMatrix, size );
       argcsrMatrix. copyFrom( csrMatrix );
-      tnlVector< T > x( "x" ), b1( "b1" ), b2( "b2" );
+      tnlVector< T > x, b1, b2;
       x. setSize( size );
       b1. setSize( size );
       b2. setSize( size );
@@ -280,12 +270,11 @@ template< class T > class tnlRgCSRMatrixTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase,
       const int size = 12;
       tnlCSRMatrix< T > csrMatrix;
-      csrMatrix.setName( "test-matrix:TriDiagonal" );
-      tnlRgCSRMatrix< T > argcsrMatrix( "test-matrix:TriDiagonal" );
+      tnlRgCSRMatrix< T > argcsrMatrix;
       this -> setFullMatrix( csrMatrix, size );
       argcsrMatrix. copyFrom( csrMatrix );
-      tnlVector< T > x( "x" ), b1( "b1" ), b2( "b2" );
+      tnlVector< T > x, b1, b2;
       x. setSize( size );
       b1. setSize( size );
       b2. setSize( size );
@@ -299,8 +288,7 @@ template< class T > class tnlRgCSRMatrixTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase,
    void ifSpmvWithBcsstk20MatrixWorks()
       tnlCSRMatrix< T > csrMatrix;
-      csrMatrix.setName( "test-matrix:TriDiagonal" );
-      tnlRgCSRMatrix< T > argcsrMatrix( "test-matrix:TriDiagonal" );
+      tnlRgCSRMatrix< T > argcsrMatrix;
       this -> setBcsstk20Matrix( csrMatrix );
       argcsrMatrix. copyFrom( csrMatrix );
       const int size = csrMatrix. getRows();
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/mesh/tnlMeshTester.h b/tests/unit-tests/mesh/tnlMeshTester.h
index efc5858d7fcfa1a4c8dfd9e458ad4b33021e29f8..64df322ec60515140d684ed6f866a9bae684d6e6 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/mesh/tnlMeshTester.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/mesh/tnlMeshTester.h
@@ -156,7 +156,6 @@ class tnlMeshTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
        tnlMesh< TestTriangleMeshConfig > mesh, mesh2;
-       mesh.setName( "mesh" );
        mesh.setNumberOfVertices( 4 );
        mesh.setVertex( 0, PointType( 0.0, 0.0 ) );
        mesh.setVertex( 1, PointType( 1.0, 0.0 ) );
@@ -182,7 +181,6 @@ class tnlMeshTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT( mesh2.load( "mesh.tnl" ) );
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT( mesh == mesh2 );
-       //mesh2.setName( "mesh2" );
        //mesh.print( cout );
        //mesh2.print( cout );
diff --git a/tools/src/tnl-grid-setup.h b/tools/src/tnl-grid-setup.h
index fdbc5d784068db8cbe12e2801e859fb85df3d95a..bd4521d2bea09ca094406d5adb4b6b1472658a09 100644
--- a/tools/src/tnl-grid-setup.h
+++ b/tools/src/tnl-grid-setup.h
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ bool setupGrid( const tnlParameterContainer& parameters )
       typedef typename GridType::VertexType VertexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
       GridType grid;
-      grid.setName( gridName );
       grid.setDomain( VertexType( originX ), VertexType( proportionsX ) );
       grid.setDimensions( CoordinatesType( sizeX ) );
       if( ! grid.save( outputFile ) )
@@ -65,7 +64,6 @@ bool setupGrid( const tnlParameterContainer& parameters )
       typedef typename GridType::VertexType VertexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
       GridType grid;
-      grid.setName( gridName );
       grid.setDomain( VertexType( originX, originY ), VertexType( proportionsX, proportionsY ) );
       grid.setDimensions( CoordinatesType( sizeX, sizeY ) );
       if( ! grid.save( outputFile ) )
@@ -92,7 +90,6 @@ bool setupGrid( const tnlParameterContainer& parameters )
       typedef typename GridType::VertexType VertexType;
       typedef typename GridType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
       GridType grid;
-      grid.setName( gridName );
       grid.setDomain( VertexType( originX, originY, originZ ), VertexType( proportionsX, proportionsY, proportionsZ ) );
       grid.setDimensions( CoordinatesType( sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ ) );
       if( ! grid.save( outputFile ) )
diff --git a/tools/tnl-quickstart/tnl-quickstart.py b/tools/tnl-quickstart/tnl-quickstart.py
index bed01df046ada91ed847b1d4294493f448da9c91..75683a95b07f05a089dd9bd45be7974749c2e681 100644
--- a/tools/tnl-quickstart/tnl-quickstart.py
+++ b/tools/tnl-quickstart/tnl-quickstart.py
@@ -57,8 +57,7 @@ def generateMain( problemName, problemBaseName, operatorName ):
     file = open( problemBaseName + ".h", "w" )
     file.write( "#include <tnlConfig.h>\n" )
     file.write( "#include <solvers/tnlSolver.h>\n" )
-    file.write( "#include <solvers/tnlConfigTags.h>\n" )
-    file.write( "#include <solvers/tnlFastBuildConfig.h>\n" )    
+    file.write( "#include <solvers/tnlBuildConfigTags.h>\n" )
     file.write( "#include <operators/tnlAnalyticDirichletBoundaryConditions.h>\n" )
     file.write( "#include <operators/tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions.h>\n" )
     file.write( "#include <operators/tnlAnalyticNeumannBoundaryConditions.h>\n" )
@@ -66,9 +65,10 @@ def generateMain( problemName, problemBaseName, operatorName ):
     file.write( "#include <functors/tnlConstantFunction.h>\n" )
     file.write( "#include \"" + problemBaseName + "Problem.h\"\n" )
     file.write( "#include \"" + operatorName + ".h\"\n" )
-    file.write( "#include \"" + problemBaseName + "Rhs.h\"\n" )    
+    file.write( "#include \"" + problemBaseName + "Rhs.h\"\n" )
+    file.write( "#include \"" + problemBaseName + "BuildConfigTag.h\"\n" )
     file.write( "\n" )
-    file.write( "typedef tnlFastBuildConfig BuildConfig;\n" )    
+    file.write( "typedef " + problemBaseName + "BuildConfigTag BuildConfig;\n" )    
     file.write( "\n" )    
     file.write( "/****\n" )    
     file.write( " * Uncoment the following (and comment the previous line) for the complete build.\n" )    
@@ -375,17 +375,17 @@ def generateProblem( problemName, problemBaseName ):
     file.write( "                   Matrix& matrix )\n" )
     file.write( "{\n" )
     file.write( "   const IndexType dofs = this->getDofs( mesh );\n" )
-    file.write( "   typedef typename Matrix::RowLengthsVector RowLengthsVectorType;\n" )
-    file.write( "   RowLengthsVectorType rowLengths;\n" )
+    file.write( "   typedef typename Matrix::CompressedRowsLengthsVector CompressedRowsLengthsVectorType;\n" )
+    file.write( "   CompressedRowsLengthsVectorType rowLengths;\n" )
     file.write( "   if( ! rowLengths.setSize( dofs ) )\n" )
     file.write( "      return false;\n" )
-    file.write( "   tnlMatrixSetter< MeshType, DifferentialOperator, BoundaryCondition, RowLengthsVectorType > matrixSetter;\n" )
-    file.write( "   matrixSetter.template getRowLengths< Mesh::Dimensions >( mesh,\n" )
-    file.write( "                                                            differentialOperator,\n" )
-    file.write( "                                                            boundaryCondition,\n" )
-    file.write( "                                                            rowLengths );\n" )
+    file.write( "   tnlMatrixSetter< MeshType, DifferentialOperator, BoundaryCondition, CompressedRowsLengthsVectorType > matrixSetter;\n" )
+    file.write( "   matrixSetter.template getCompressedRowsLengths< Mesh::Dimensions >( mesh,\n" )
+    file.write( "                                                                       differentialOperator,\n" )
+    file.write( "                                                                       boundaryCondition,\n" )
+    file.write( "                                                                       rowLengths );\n" )
     file.write( "   matrix.setDimensions( dofs, dofs );\n" )
-    file.write( "   if( ! matrix.setRowLengths( rowLengths ) )\n" )
+    file.write( "   if( ! matrix.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths ) )\n" )
     file.write( "      return false;\n" )
     file.write( "   return true;\n" )
     file.write( "}\n" )
@@ -731,6 +731,54 @@ def generateRhs( problemBaseName ):
     file.write( "#endif /* " + problemBaseName + "RHS_H_ */\n" )    
+def generateBuildConfigTags( problemBaseName ):
+    file = open( problemBaseName + "BuildConfigTag.h", "w" )
+    file.write( "#ifndef " + problemBaseName + "BUILDCONFIGTAG_H_\n" )
+    file.write( "#define " + problemBaseName + "BUILDCONFIGTAG_H_\n" )
+    file.write( "\n" )
+    file.write( "#include <solvers/tnlBuildConfigTags.h>\n" )
+    file.write( "\n" )
+    file.write( "class " + problemBaseName + "BuildConfigTag{};\n" )
+    file.write( "\n" )
+    file.write( "/****\n" )
+    file.write( " * Turn off support for float and long double.\n" )
+    file.write( " */\n" )
+    file.write( "template<> struct tnlConfigTagReal< " + problemBaseName + "BuildConfigTag, float > { enum { enabled = false }; };\n" )
+    file.write( "template<> struct tnlConfigTagReal< " + problemBaseName + "BuildConfigTag, long double > { enum { enabled = false }; };\n" )
+    file.write( "\n" )
+    file.write( "/****\n" )
+    file.write( " * Turn off support for short int and long int indexing.\n" )
+    file.write( " */\n" )
+    file.write( "template<> struct tnlConfigTagIndex< " + problemBaseName + "BuildConfigTag, short int >{ enum { enabled = false }; };\n" )
+    file.write( "template<> struct tnlConfigTagIndex< " + problemBaseName + "BuildConfigTag, long int >{ enum { enabled = false }; };\n" )
+    file.write( "\n" )
+    file.write( "/****\n" )
+    file.write( " * Use of tnlGrid is enabled for allowed dimensions and Real, Device and Index types.\n" )
+    file.write( " */\n" )
+    file.write( "\n" )
+    file.write( "template< int Dimensions, typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >\n" )
+    file.write( "   struct tnlConfigTagMesh< " + problemBaseName + "BuildConfigTag, tnlGrid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index > >\n" )
+    file.write( "      { enum { enabled = tnlConfigTagDimensions< " + problemBaseName + "BuildConfigTag, Dimensions >::enabled  &&\n" )
+    file.write( "                         tnlConfigTagReal< " + problemBaseName + "BuildConfigTag, Real >::enabled &&\n" )
+    file.write( "                         tnlConfigTagDevice< " + problemBaseName + "BuildConfigTag, Device >::enabled &&\n" )
+    file.write( "                         tnlConfigTagIndex< " + problemBaseName + "BuildConfigTag, Index >::enabled }; };\n" )
+    file.write( "\n" )
+    file.write( "/****\n" )
+    file.write( " * Please, chose your preferred time discretisation  here.\n" )
+    file.write( " */\n" )
+    file.write( "template<> struct tnlConfigTagTimeDiscretisation< " + problemBaseName + "BuildConfigTag, tnlExplicitTimeDiscretisationTag >{ enum { enabled = true }; };\n" )
+    file.write( "template<> struct tnlConfigTagTimeDiscretisation< " + problemBaseName + "BuildConfigTag, tnlSemiImplicitTimeDiscretisationTag >{ enum { enabled = true }; };\n" )
+    file.write( "template<> struct tnlConfigTagTimeDiscretisation< " + problemBaseName + "BuildConfigTag, tnlImplicitTimeDiscretisationTag >{ enum { enabled = false }; };\n" )
+    file.write( "\n" )
+    file.write( "/****\n" )
+    file.write( " * Only the Runge-Kutta-Merson solver is enabled by default.\n" )
+    file.write( " */\n" )
+    file.write( "template<> struct tnlConfigTagExplicitSolver< " + problemBaseName + "BuildConfigTag, tnlExplicitEulerSolverTag >{ enum { enabled = false }; };\n" )
+    file.write( "\n" )        
+    file.write( "#endif /* " + problemBaseName + "BUILDCONFIGTAG_H_ */\n" )        
+    file.close()
 def generateRunScript( problemBaseName ):
     file = open( "run-" + problemBaseName, "w" )
     file.write( "#!/usr/bin/env bash\n" ) 
@@ -764,4 +812,5 @@ generateMain( problemName, problemBaseName, operatorName )
 generateProblem( problemName, problemBaseName )
 generateOperator( operatorName )
 generateRhs( problemBaseName )
+generateBuildConfigTags( problemBaseName )
 generateRunScript( problemBaseName )
\ No newline at end of file