diff --git a/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/VectorOperationsCuda_impl.h b/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/VectorOperationsCuda_impl.h
index 705369fe0ab0d2a3baca0fb7e7f1964da2372c10..c32f44bbaf3a318a8d43b9116baac563b26cdf5e 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/VectorOperationsCuda_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/VectorOperationsCuda_impl.h
@@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ computePrefixSum( Vector& v,
                                    &v.getData()[ begin ],
                                    &v.getData()[ begin ],
-                                   Algorithms::inclusivePrefixSum );
+                                   Algorithms::PrefixSumType::inclusive );
    throw Exceptions::CudaSupportMissing();
@@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ computeExclusivePrefixSum( Vector& v,
                                    &v.getData()[ begin ],
                                    &v.getData()[ begin ],
-                                   Algorithms::exclusivePrefixSum );
+                                   Algorithms::PrefixSumType::exclusive );
diff --git a/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/VectorOperationsHost_impl.h b/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/VectorOperationsHost_impl.h
index b103340c26ee1d5c4b8135a3e53224ca823e6fe4..d8cbca17eae6398235a165455872d7c9284dacd9 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/VectorOperationsHost_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/VectorOperationsHost_impl.h
@@ -627,6 +627,7 @@ computePrefixSum( Vector& v,
    typedef typename Vector::IndexType Index;
+   // TODO: parallelize with OpenMP
    for( Index i = begin + 1; i < end; i++ )
       v[ i ] += v[ i - 1 ];
@@ -641,6 +642,7 @@ computeExclusivePrefixSum( Vector& v,
    typedef typename Vector::IndexType Index;
    typedef typename Vector::RealType Real;
+   // TODO: parallelize with OpenMP
    Real aux( v[ begin ] );
    v[ begin ] = 0.0;
    for( Index i = begin + 1; i < end; i++ )
diff --git a/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/cuda-prefix-sum.h b/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/cuda-prefix-sum.h
index 2c7ec97c5dee2adea84d8c67bafce27fda4fc3aa..37215a99570676c04a9681ec0540f752e15a26f4 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/cuda-prefix-sum.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/cuda-prefix-sum.h
@@ -14,8 +14,11 @@ namespace TNL {
 namespace Containers {
 namespace Algorithms {
-enum enumPrefixSumType { exclusivePrefixSum = 0,
-                         inclusivePrefixSum };
+enum class PrefixSumType
+   exclusive,
+   inclusive
 template< typename DataType,
           typename Operation,
@@ -25,7 +28,7 @@ bool cudaPrefixSum( const Index size,
                     const DataType *deviceInput,
                     DataType* deviceOutput,
                     const Operation& operation,
-                    const enumPrefixSumType prefixSumType = inclusivePrefixSum );
+                    const PrefixSumType prefixSumType = PrefixSumType::inclusive );
 } // namespace Algorithms
 } // namespace Containers
diff --git a/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/cuda-prefix-sum_impl.h b/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/cuda-prefix-sum_impl.h
index 384a9c8c252713142bdd98bfac26cf7c9bb43b6e..85f8eace6944f27ce84e602b5333b153a0010c0d 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/cuda-prefix-sum_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/cuda-prefix-sum_impl.h
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 #include <iostream>
+#include <TNL/Math.h>
 #include <TNL/Devices/Cuda.h>
 #include <TNL/Exceptions/CudaBadAlloc.h>
 #include <TNL/Containers/Algorithms/reduction-operations.h>
@@ -25,56 +26,56 @@ namespace Algorithms {
 template< typename DataType,
           typename Operation,
           typename Index >
-__global__ void cudaFirstPhaseBlockPrefixSum( const enumPrefixSumType prefixSumType,
-                                              Operation operation,
-                                              const Index size,
-                                              const Index elementsInBlock,
-                                              const DataType* input,
-                                              DataType* output,
-                                              DataType* auxArray )
+__global__ void
+cudaFirstPhaseBlockPrefixSum( const PrefixSumType prefixSumType,
+                              Operation operation,
+                              const Index size,
+                              const Index elementsInBlock,
+                              const DataType* input,
+                              DataType* output,
+                              DataType* auxArray )
    DataType* sharedData = TNL::Devices::Cuda::getSharedMemory< DataType >();
    DataType* auxData = &sharedData[ elementsInBlock + elementsInBlock / Devices::Cuda::getNumberOfSharedMemoryBanks() + 2 ];
-   DataType* warpSums = &auxData[ blockDim. x ];
+   DataType* warpSums = &auxData[ blockDim.x ];
-   const Index lastElementIdx = size - blockIdx. x * elementsInBlock;
+   const Index lastElementIdx = size - blockIdx.x * elementsInBlock;
    Index lastElementInBlock = ( lastElementIdx < elementsInBlock ?
                                 lastElementIdx : elementsInBlock );
     * Load data into the shared memory.
-   const Index blockOffset = blockIdx. x * elementsInBlock;
-   Index idx = threadIdx. x;
-   if( prefixSumType == exclusivePrefixSum )
+   const Index blockOffset = blockIdx.x * elementsInBlock;
+   Index idx = threadIdx.x;
+   if( prefixSumType == PrefixSumType::exclusive )
       if( idx == 0 )
          sharedData[ 0 ] = operation.initialValue();
       while( idx < elementsInBlock && blockOffset + idx < size )
          sharedData[ Devices::Cuda::getInterleaving( idx + 1 ) ] = input[ blockOffset + idx ];
-         idx += blockDim. x;
+         idx += blockDim.x;
       while( idx < elementsInBlock && blockOffset + idx < size )
          sharedData[ Devices::Cuda::getInterleaving( idx ) ] = input[ blockOffset + idx ];
-         idx += blockDim. x;
+         idx += blockDim.x;
     * Perform the sequential prefix-sum.
-   const int chunkSize = elementsInBlock / blockDim. x;
-   const int chunkOffset = threadIdx. x * chunkSize;
-   const int numberOfChunks = lastElementInBlock / chunkSize +
-                            ( lastElementInBlock % chunkSize != 0 );
+   const int chunkSize = elementsInBlock / blockDim.x;
+   const int chunkOffset = threadIdx.x * chunkSize;
+   const int numberOfChunks = roundUpDivision( lastElementInBlock, chunkSize );
    if( chunkOffset < lastElementInBlock )
-      auxData[ threadIdx. x ] =
+      auxData[ threadIdx.x ] =
          sharedData[ Devices::Cuda::getInterleaving( chunkOffset ) ];
@@ -84,22 +85,22 @@ __global__ void cudaFirstPhaseBlockPrefixSum( const enumPrefixSumType prefixSumT
       operation.commonReductionOnDevice( sharedData[ Devices::Cuda::getInterleaving( chunkOffset + chunkPointer ) ],
                                          sharedData[ Devices::Cuda::getInterleaving( chunkOffset + chunkPointer - 1 ) ] );
-      auxData[ threadIdx. x ] =
+      auxData[ threadIdx.x ] =
          sharedData[ Devices::Cuda::getInterleaving( chunkOffset + chunkPointer  ) ];
-      chunkPointer ++;
+      chunkPointer++;
     *  Perform the parallel prefix-sum inside warps.
-   const int threadInWarpIdx = threadIdx. x % Devices::Cuda::getWarpSize();
-   const int warpIdx = threadIdx. x / Devices::Cuda::getWarpSize();
+   const int threadInWarpIdx = threadIdx.x % Devices::Cuda::getWarpSize();
+   const int warpIdx = threadIdx.x / Devices::Cuda::getWarpSize();
    for( int stride = 1; stride < Devices::Cuda::getWarpSize(); stride *= 2 )
-      if( threadInWarpIdx >= stride && threadIdx. x < numberOfChunks )
-         operation.commonReductionOnDevice( auxData[ threadIdx. x ], auxData[ threadIdx. x - stride ] );
+      if( threadInWarpIdx >= stride && threadIdx.x < numberOfChunks )
+         operation.commonReductionOnDevice( auxData[ threadIdx.x ], auxData[ threadIdx.x - stride ] );
    if( threadInWarpIdx == Devices::Cuda::getWarpSize() - 1 )
-      warpSums[ warpIdx ] = auxData[ threadIdx. x ];
+      warpSums[ warpIdx ] = auxData[ threadIdx.x ];
@@ -115,13 +116,13 @@ __global__ void cudaFirstPhaseBlockPrefixSum( const enumPrefixSumType prefixSumT
     * Shift the warp prefix-sums.
    if( warpIdx > 0 )
-      operation.commonReductionOnDevice( auxData[ threadIdx. x ], warpSums[ warpIdx - 1 ] );
+      operation.commonReductionOnDevice( auxData[ threadIdx.x ], warpSums[ warpIdx - 1 ] );
     *  Store the result back in global memory.
-   idx = threadIdx. x;
+   idx = threadIdx.x;
    while( idx < elementsInBlock && blockOffset + idx < size )
       const Index chunkIdx = idx / chunkSize;
@@ -130,49 +131,49 @@ __global__ void cudaFirstPhaseBlockPrefixSum( const enumPrefixSumType prefixSumT
          chunkShift = auxData[ chunkIdx - 1 ];
       operation.commonReductionOnDevice( sharedData[ Devices::Cuda::getInterleaving( idx ) ], chunkShift );
       output[ blockOffset + idx ] = sharedData[ Devices::Cuda::getInterleaving( idx ) ];
-      idx += blockDim. x;
+      idx += blockDim.x;
-   if( threadIdx. x == 0 )
+   if( threadIdx.x == 0 )
-      if( prefixSumType == exclusivePrefixSum )
+      if( prefixSumType == PrefixSumType::exclusive )
-         /*auxArray[ blockIdx. x ] = operation.commonReductionOnDevice( Devices::Cuda::getInterleaving( lastElementInBlock - 1 ),
+         /*auxArray[ blockIdx.x ] = operation.commonReductionOnDevice( Devices::Cuda::getInterleaving( lastElementInBlock - 1 ),
                                                                       Devices::Cuda::getInterleaving( lastElementInBlock ),
                                                                       sharedData );*/
          DataType aux = operation.initialValue();
          operation.commonReductionOnDevice( aux, sharedData[ Devices::Cuda::getInterleaving( lastElementInBlock - 1 ) ] );
          operation.commonReductionOnDevice( aux, sharedData[ Devices::Cuda::getInterleaving( lastElementInBlock ) ] );
-         auxArray[ blockIdx. x ] = aux;
+         auxArray[ blockIdx.x ] = aux;
-         auxArray[ blockIdx. x ] = sharedData[ Devices::Cuda::getInterleaving( lastElementInBlock - 1 ) ];
+         auxArray[ blockIdx.x ] = sharedData[ Devices::Cuda::getInterleaving( lastElementInBlock - 1 ) ];
 template< typename DataType,
           typename Operation,
           typename Index >
-__global__ void cudaSecondPhaseBlockPrefixSum( Operation operation,
-                                               const Index size,
-                                               const Index elementsInBlock,
-                                               const Index gridShift,
-                                               const DataType* auxArray,
-                                               DataType* data )
+__global__ void
+cudaSecondPhaseBlockPrefixSum( Operation operation,
+                               const Index size,
+                               const Index elementsInBlock,
+                               const Index gridShift,
+                               const DataType* auxArray,
+                               DataType* data )
-   if( blockIdx. x > 0 )
+   if( blockIdx.x > 0 )
       DataType shift( gridShift );
-      operation.commonReductionOnDevice( shift, auxArray[ blockIdx. x - 1 ] );
+      operation.commonReductionOnDevice( shift, auxArray[ blockIdx.x - 1 ] );
-      const Index readOffset = blockIdx. x * elementsInBlock;
-      Index readIdx = threadIdx. x;
+      const Index readOffset = blockIdx.x * elementsInBlock;
+      Index readIdx = threadIdx.x;
       while( readIdx < elementsInBlock && readOffset + readIdx < size )
          operation.commonReductionOnDevice( data[ readIdx + readOffset ], shift );
-         readIdx += blockDim. x;
+         readIdx += blockDim.x;
@@ -181,84 +182,69 @@ __global__ void cudaSecondPhaseBlockPrefixSum( Operation operation,
 template< typename DataType,
           typename Operation,
           typename Index >
-bool cudaRecursivePrefixSum( const enumPrefixSumType prefixSumType,
-                             Operation& operation,
-                             const Index size,
-                             const Index blockSize,
-                             const Index elementsInBlock,
-                             const Index gridShift,
-                             const DataType* input,
-                             DataType *output )
+cudaRecursivePrefixSum( const PrefixSumType prefixSumType,
+                        Operation& operation,
+                        const Index size,
+                        const Index blockSize,
+                        const Index elementsInBlock,
+                        const Index gridShift,
+                        const DataType* input,
+                        DataType *output )
-   const Index numberOfBlocks = ceil( ( double ) size / ( double ) elementsInBlock );
+   const Index numberOfBlocks = roundUpDivision( size, elementsInBlock );
    const Index auxArraySize = numberOfBlocks * sizeof( DataType );
-   DataType *auxArray1, *auxArray2;
-   if( cudaMalloc( ( void** ) &auxArray1, auxArraySize ) != cudaSuccess ||
-       cudaMalloc( ( void** ) &auxArray2, auxArraySize ) != cudaSuccess  )
-      throw Exceptions::CudaBadAlloc();
+   Array< DataType, Devices::Cuda > auxArray1, auxArray2;
+   auxArray1.setSize( auxArraySize );
+   auxArray2.setSize( auxArraySize );
     * Setup block and grid size.
    dim3 cudaBlockSize( 0 ), cudaGridSize( 0 );
-   cudaBlockSize. x = blockSize;
-   cudaGridSize. x = size / elementsInBlock +
-                     ( size % elementsInBlock != 0 );
+   cudaBlockSize.x = blockSize;
+   cudaGridSize.x = roundUpDivision( size, elementsInBlock );
     * Run the kernel.
-   size_t sharedDataSize = elementsInBlock +
-                           elementsInBlock / Devices::Cuda::getNumberOfSharedMemoryBanks() + 2;
-   size_t sharedMemory = ( sharedDataSize + blockSize + Devices::Cuda::getWarpSize()  ) * sizeof( DataType );
-   cudaFirstPhaseBlockPrefixSum< DataType, Operation, Index >
-                                <<< cudaGridSize, cudaBlockSize, sharedMemory >>>
-                                (  prefixSumType,
-                                   operation,
-                                   size,
-                                   elementsInBlock,
-                                   input,
-                                   output,
-                                   auxArray1 );
-   {
-      std::cerr << "The CUDA kernel 'cudaFirstPhaseBlockPrefixSum' ended with error." << std::endl;
-      cudaFree( auxArray1 );
-      cudaFree( auxArray2 );
-      return false;
-   }
+   const std::size_t sharedDataSize = elementsInBlock +
+                                      elementsInBlock / Devices::Cuda::getNumberOfSharedMemoryBanks() + 2;
+   const std::size_t sharedMemory = ( sharedDataSize + blockSize + Devices::Cuda::getWarpSize()  ) * sizeof( DataType );
+   cudaFirstPhaseBlockPrefixSum<<< cudaGridSize, cudaBlockSize, sharedMemory >>>
+      ( prefixSumType,
+        operation,
+        size,
+        elementsInBlock,
+        input,
+        output,
+        auxArray1.getData() );
     * In auxArray1 there is now a sum of numbers in each block.
     * We must compute prefix-sum of auxArray1 and then shift
     * each block.
-   if( numberOfBlocks > 1 &&
-       ! cudaRecursivePrefixSum< DataType, Operation, Index >
-                               ( inclusivePrefixSum,
-                                 operation,
-                                 numberOfBlocks,
-                                 blockSize,
-                                 elementsInBlock,
-                                 0,
-                                 auxArray1,
-                                 auxArray2 ) )
-      return false;
-   cudaSecondPhaseBlockPrefixSum< DataType, Operation, Index >
-                                <<< cudaGridSize, cudaBlockSize >>>
-                                 ( operation, size, elementsInBlock, gridShift, auxArray2, output );
-   {
-      std::cerr << "The CUDA kernel 'cudaSecondPhaseBlockPrefixSum' ended with error." << std::endl;
-      cudaFree( auxArray1 );
-      cudaFree( auxArray2 );
-      return false;
-   }
-   cudaFree( auxArray1 );
-   cudaFree( auxArray2 );
-   return true;
+   if( numberOfBlocks > 1 )
+       cudaRecursivePrefixSum( PrefixSumType::inclusive,
+                               operation,
+                               numberOfBlocks,
+                               blockSize,
+                               elementsInBlock,
+                               (Index) 0,
+                               auxArray1.getData(),
+                               auxArray2.getData() );
+   cudaSecondPhaseBlockPrefixSum<<< cudaGridSize, cudaBlockSize >>>
+      ( operation,
+        size,
+        elementsInBlock,
+        gridShift,
+        auxArray2.getData(),
+        output );
@@ -266,85 +252,74 @@ bool cudaRecursivePrefixSum( const enumPrefixSumType prefixSumType,
 template< typename DataType,
           typename Operation,
           typename Index >
-bool cudaGridPrefixSum( enumPrefixSumType prefixSumType,
-                        Operation& operation,
-                        const Index size,
-                        const Index blockSize,
-                        const Index elementsInBlock,
-                        const DataType *deviceInput,
-                        DataType *deviceOutput,
-                        Index& gridShift )
+cudaGridPrefixSum( PrefixSumType prefixSumType,
+                   Operation& operation,
+                   const Index size,
+                   const Index blockSize,
+                   const Index elementsInBlock,
+                   const DataType *deviceInput,
+                   DataType *deviceOutput,
+                   Index& gridShift )
-   if( ! cudaRecursivePrefixSum< DataType, Operation, Index >
-                               ( prefixSumType,
-                                 operation,
-                                 size,
-                                 blockSize,
-                                 elementsInBlock,
-                                 gridShift,
-                                 deviceInput,
-                                 deviceOutput ) )
-      return false;
-   if( cudaMemcpy( &gridShift,
-                   &deviceOutput[ size - 1 ],
-                   sizeof( DataType ),
-                   cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost ) != cudaSuccess )
-   {
-      std::cerr << "I am not able to copy data from device to host." << std::endl;
-      return false;
-   }
-   return true;
+   cudaRecursivePrefixSum( prefixSumType,
+                           operation,
+                           size,
+                           blockSize,
+                           elementsInBlock,
+                           gridShift,
+                           deviceInput,
+                           deviceOutput );
+   cudaMemcpy( &gridShift,
+               &deviceOutput[ size - 1 ],
+               sizeof( DataType ),
+               cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost );
 template< typename DataType,
           typename Operation,
           typename Index >
-bool cudaPrefixSum( const Index size,
-                    const Index blockSize,
-                    const DataType *deviceInput,
-                    DataType* deviceOutput,
-                    Operation& operation,
-                    const enumPrefixSumType prefixSumType )
+cudaPrefixSum( const Index size,
+               const Index blockSize,
+               const DataType *deviceInput,
+               DataType* deviceOutput,
+               Operation& operation,
+               const PrefixSumType prefixSumType )
     * Compute the number of grids
    const Index elementsInBlock = 8 * blockSize;
-   const Index gridSize = size / elementsInBlock + ( size % elementsInBlock != 0 );
-   const Index maxGridSize = 65536;
-   const Index gridsNumber = gridSize / maxGridSize + ( gridSize % maxGridSize != 0 );
+   const Index numberOfBlocks = roundUpDivision( size, elementsInBlock );
+   const auto maxGridSize = Devices::Cuda::getMaxGridSize();
+   const Index numberOfGrids = Devices::Cuda::getNumberOfGrids( numberOfBlocks, maxGridSize );
     * Loop over all grids.
-   Index gridShift( 0 );
-   for( Index gridIdx = 0; gridIdx < gridsNumber; gridIdx ++ )
+   Index gridShift = 0;
+   for( Index gridIdx = 0; gridIdx < numberOfGrids; gridIdx++ )
        * Compute current grid size and size of data to be scanned
-      Index gridSize = ( size - gridIdx * maxGridSize * elementsInBlock ) /
-                     elementsInBlock;
       Index currentSize = size - gridIdx * maxGridSize * elementsInBlock;
-      if( gridSize > maxGridSize )
-      {
-         gridSize = maxGridSize;
+      if( currentSize / elementsInBlock > maxGridSize )
          currentSize = maxGridSize * elementsInBlock;
-      }
-      Index gridOffset = gridIdx * maxGridSize * elementsInBlock;
-      if( ! cudaGridPrefixSum< DataType, Operation, Index >
-                             ( prefixSumType,
-                               operation,
-                               currentSize,
-                               blockSize,
-                               elementsInBlock,
-                               &deviceInput[ gridOffset ],
-                               &deviceOutput[ gridOffset ],
-                               gridShift ) )
-         return false;
+      const Index gridOffset = gridIdx * maxGridSize * elementsInBlock;
+      cudaGridPrefixSum( prefixSumType,
+                         operation,
+                         currentSize,
+                         blockSize,
+                         elementsInBlock,
+                         &deviceInput[ gridOffset ],
+                         &deviceOutput[ gridOffset ],
+                         gridShift );
-   return true;
@@ -353,7 +328,7 @@ extern template bool cudaPrefixSum( const int size,
                                     const int *deviceInput,
                                     int* deviceOutput,
                                     tnlParallelReductionSum< int, int >& operation,
-                                    const enumPrefixSumType prefixSumType );
+                                    const PrefixSumType prefixSumType );
 extern template bool cudaPrefixSum( const int size,
@@ -361,14 +336,14 @@ extern template bool cudaPrefixSum( const int size,
                                     const float *deviceInput,
                                     float* deviceOutput,
                                     tnlParallelReductionSum< float, int >& operation,
-                                    const enumPrefixSumType prefixSumType );
+                                    const PrefixSumType prefixSumType );
 extern template bool cudaPrefixSum( const int size,
                                     const int blockSize,
                                     const double *deviceInput,
                                     double* deviceOutput,
                                     tnlParallelReductionSum< double, int >& operation,
-                                    const enumPrefixSumType prefixSumType );
+                                    const PrefixSumType prefixSumType );
 extern template bool cudaPrefixSum( const int size,
@@ -376,7 +351,7 @@ extern template bool cudaPrefixSum( const int size,
                                     const long double *deviceInput,
                                     long double* deviceOutput,
                                     tnlParallelReductionSum< long double, int >& operation,
-                                    const enumPrefixSumType prefixSumType );
+                                    const PrefixSumType prefixSumType );
@@ -385,7 +360,7 @@ extern template bool cudaPrefixSum( const long int size,
                                     const int *deviceInput,
                                     int* deviceOutput,
                                     tnlParallelReductionSum< int, long int >& operation,
-                                    const enumPrefixSumType prefixSumType );
+                                    const PrefixSumType prefixSumType );
 extern template bool cudaPrefixSum( const long int size,
@@ -393,14 +368,14 @@ extern template bool cudaPrefixSum( const long int size,
                                     const float *deviceInput,
                                     float* deviceOutput,
                                     tnlParallelReductionSum< float, long int >& operation,
-                                    const enumPrefixSumType prefixSumType );
+                                    const PrefixSumType prefixSumType );
 extern template bool cudaPrefixSum( const long int size,
                                     const long int blockSize,
                                     const double *deviceInput,
                                     double* deviceOutput,
                                     tnlParallelReductionSum< double, long int >& operation,
-                                    const enumPrefixSumType prefixSumType );
+                                    const PrefixSumType prefixSumType );
 extern template bool cudaPrefixSum( const long int size,
@@ -408,7 +383,7 @@ extern template bool cudaPrefixSum( const long int size,
                                     const long double *deviceInput,
                                     long double* deviceOutput,
                                     tnlParallelReductionSum< long double, long int >& operation,
-                                    const enumPrefixSumType prefixSumType );
+                                    const PrefixSumType prefixSumType );