diff --git a/src/TNL/Solvers/Linear/CG.h b/src/TNL/Solvers/Linear/CG.h
index 146dd7947226f700257bc24e6a3985cf941094de..b87caf24784affb9e425fd7ca7748134995d10e0 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Solvers/Linear/CG.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Solvers/Linear/CG.h
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ public:
    void setSize( IndexType size );
-   Containers::Vector< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType >  r, new_r, p, Ap;
+   Containers::Vector< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType >  r, p, Ap, z;
 } // namespace Linear
diff --git a/src/TNL/Solvers/Linear/CG_impl.h b/src/TNL/Solvers/Linear/CG_impl.h
index 4b0a707d4adbf676c6c2abcb446543fac5bd7797..c8d6b2de6d322090fa9bb0c44dd4d3f025f5023c 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Solvers/Linear/CG_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Solvers/Linear/CG_impl.h
@@ -33,81 +33,100 @@ solve( ConstVectorViewType b, VectorViewType x )
    RealType alpha, beta, s1, s2;
-   RealType bNorm = b.lpNorm( ( RealType ) 2.0 );
+   // initialize the norm of the preconditioned right-hand-side
+   RealType normb;
+   if( this->preconditioner ) {
+      this->preconditioner->solve( b, r );
+      normb = r.lpNorm( 2.0 );
+   }
+   else
+      normb = b.lpNorm( 2.0 );
+   if( normb == 0.0 )
+      normb = 1.0;
     * r_0 = b - A x_0, p_0 = r_0
    this->matrix->vectorProduct( x, r );
    r.addVector( b, 1.0, -1.0 );
-   p = r;
-   s1 = r.scalarProduct( r );
-   // TODO
-   //this->setResidue( std::sqrt(s1) / bNorm );
-   this->setResidue( std::sqrt(s1) );
+   if( this->preconditioner ) {
+      // z_0 = M^{-1} r_0
+      this->preconditioner->solve( r, z );
+      // p_0 = z_0
+      p = z;
+      // s1 = (r_0, z_0)
+      s1 = r.scalarProduct( z );
+   }
+   else {
+      // p_0 = r_0
+      p = r;
+      // s1 = (r_0, r_0)
+      s1 = r.scalarProduct( r );
+   }
+   this->setResidue( std::sqrt(s1) / normb );
    while( this->nextIteration() )
-      /****
-       * 1. alpha_j = ( r_j, r_j ) / ( A * p_j, p_j )
-       */
+      // s2 = (A * p_j, p_j)
       this->matrix->vectorProduct( p, Ap );
       s2 = Ap.scalarProduct( p );
-      /****
-       * if s2 = 0 => p = 0 => r = 0 => we have the solution (provided A != 0)
-       */
-      if( s2 == 0.0 ) break;
-      else alpha = s1 / s2;
+      // if s2 = 0 => p = 0 => r = 0 => we have the solution (provided A != 0)
+      if( s2 == 0.0 ) {
+         this->setResidue( 0.0 );
+         break;
+      }
-      /****
-       * 2. x_{j+1} = x_j + \alpha_j p_j
-       */
-      x.addVector( p, alpha );
-      /****
-       * 3. r_{j+1} = r_j - \alpha_j A * p_j
-       */
-      new_r.addVectors( r, 1, Ap, -alpha, 0 );
+      // alpha_j = (r_j, z_j) / (A * p_j, p_j)
+      alpha = s1 / s2;
-      /****
-       * 4. beta_j = ( r_{j+1}, r_{j+1} ) / ( r_j, r_j )
-       */
-      s2 = s1;
-      s1 = new_r.scalarProduct( new_r );
+      // x_{j+1} = x_j + alpha_j p_j
+      x.addVector( p, alpha );
-      /****
-       * if s2 = 0 => r = 0 => we have the solution
-       */
+      // r_{j+1} = r_j - alpha_j A * p_j
+      r.addVector( Ap, -alpha );
+      if( this->preconditioner ) {
+         // z_{j+1} = M^{-1} * r_{j+1}
+         this->preconditioner->solve( r, z );
+         // beta_j = (r_{j+1}, z_{j+1}) / (r_j, z_j)
+         s2 = s1;
+         s1 = r.scalarProduct( z );
+      }
+      else {
+         // beta_j = (r_{j+1}, r_{j+1}) / (r_j, r_j)
+         s2 = s1;
+         s1 = r.scalarProduct( r );
+      }
+      // if s2 = 0 => r = 0 => we have the solution
       if( s2 == 0.0 ) beta = 0.0;
       else beta = s1 / s2;
-      /****
-       * 5. p_{j+1} = r_{j+1} + beta_j * p_j
-       */
-      p.addVector( new_r, 1.0, beta );
-      /****
-       * 6. r_{j+1} = new_r
-       */
-      new_r.swap( r );
+      if( this->preconditioner )
+         // p_{j+1} = z_{j+1} + beta_j * p_j
+         p.addVector( z, 1.0, beta );
+      else
+         // p_{j+1} = r_{j+1} + beta_j * p_j
+         p.addVector( r, 1.0, beta );
-      // TODO
-      //this->setResidue( std::sqrt(s1) / bNorm );
-      this->setResidue( std::sqrt(s1) );
+      this->setResidue( std::sqrt(s1) / normb );
    this->refreshSolverMonitor( true );
    return this->checkConvergence();
 template< typename Matrix >
-void CG< Matrix > :: setSize( IndexType size )
+void CG< Matrix >::
+setSize( IndexType size )
    r.setSize( size );
-   new_r.setSize( size );
    p.setSize( size );
    Ap.setSize( size );
+   z.setSize( size );
 } // namespace Linear