diff --git a/netbeans_build.sh b/netbeans_build.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index d369d791c7f35e713c65102065e8ebbf4c3e8070..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/netbeans_build.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-module load gcc-5.3.0 cmake-3.4.3 intel_parallel_studio_ex-2016.1
-cd Debug
-make -j 6 tnlMICArrayTest-dbg
-#make -j 6 tnlMICVectorTest-dbg
-make -j 6 tnl-heat-equation-dbg
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/netbeans_run_debug_satanexperimental.sh b/netbeans_run_debug_satanexperimental.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index f6b910dd0b0a61ee35286feea2e33133aeabdd0f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/netbeans_run_debug_satanexperimental.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-function heat_eq {
-#cd Debug/bin
-export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`"/../lib":$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
-#ldd ./tnl-heat-equation${ext}
-#procnum=4 #useless for MIC
-#export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2
-proportions=`echo "$dofSize/64"|bc`
-origin=`echo "$proportions/-2"|bc`
-./tnl-grid-setup${ext} --dimensions ${dimension} \
-               --proportions-x ${proportions} \
-               --proportions-y ${proportions} \
-               --proportions-z ${proportions} \
-               --origin-x ${origin} \
-               --origin-y ${origin} \
-               --origin-z ${origin} \
-               --size-x ${dofSize} \
-               --size-y ${dofSize} \
-               --size-z ${dofSize}
-./tnl-init${ext} --mesh mesh.tnl \
-         --test-function ${analyticFunction} \
-         --output-file init.tnl \
-         --amplitude ${amplitude} \
-         --wave-length ${waveLength} \
-         --wave-length-x ${waveLengthX} \
-         --wave-length-y ${waveLengthY} \
-         --wave-length-z ${waveLengthZ} \
-             --waves-number ${wavesNumber} \
-             --waves-number-x ${wavesNumberX} \
-             --waves-number-y ${wavesNumberY} \
-             --waves-number-z ${wavesNumberZ} \
-             --phase ${phase} \
-             --phase-x ${phaseX} \
-             --phase-y ${phaseY} \
-             --phase-z ${phaseZ} \
-             --sigma ${sigma}
-./tnl-heat-equation${ext} --device mic \
-                  --boundary-conditions-type dirichlet \
-                  --boundary-conditions-constant 0.0 \
-                  --time-discretisation explicit \
-                  --discrete-solver euler \
-                  --snapshot-period 0.005 \
-                  --final-time 0.04 \
-                  --time-step 0.00005 \
-                  --time-step-order 0 \
-                  --openmp-enabled true \
-                  --openmp-max-threads 8 
-./tnl-view${ext} --mesh mesh.tnl \
-         --input-files *.tnl \ 
-seznam=`ls u-*.gplt`
-for fname in $seznam ; 
-   echo "Drawing $fname"
- gnuplot << EOF
-     set terminal unknown
-     set pm3d
-     set data style lines
-     #set view 33,33 #3D
-     #unset xtics 
-     #unset ytics
-     #unset ztics
-     unset border
-     set output '$fname.png'
-     #set yrange [-1.2:1.2]
-     set zrange [-1.1:1.1]    
-     set terminal png
-     set title "Numerical solution" 
-     splot '$fname' with line 
-module load gcc-5.3.0 cmake-3.4.3 intel_parallel_studio_ex-2016.1
-cd Debug/bin
- heat_eq
diff --git a/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/ArrayOperationsMIC_impl.h b/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/ArrayOperationsMIC_impl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9db320b831a4370d6dae51ff7db0462e5197bcee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TNL/Containers/Algorithms/ArrayOperationsMIC_impl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+                          ArrayOperationsMIC_impl.h  -  description
+                             -------------------
+    begin                : Mar 4, 2013
+    copyright            : (C) 2013 by Tomas Oberhuber
+    email                : tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz
+ ***************************************************************************/
+/* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
+#pragma once 
+#include <iostream>
+#include <TNL/tnlConfig.h>
+#include <TNL/Math.h>
+#include <TNL/Containers/Algorithms/ArrayOperations.h>
+#include <TNL/Containers/Algorithms/Reduction.h>
+#include <TNL/Containers/Algorithms/reduction-operations.h>
+#define MIC_STACK_VAR_LIM 5*1024*1024
+namespace TNL {
+namespace Containers {   
+namespace Algorithms {
+template< typename Element, typename Index >
+ArrayOperations< Devices::MIC >::
+allocateMemory( Element*& data,
+                const Index size )
+#ifdef HAVE_MIC
+   data=(Element*) Devices::MIC::AllocMIC(size*sizeof(Element));
+   if(data)
+       return true;
+   else
+       return false;
+   MICSupportMissingMessage;
+   return false;
+template< typename Element >
+ArrayOperations< Devices::MIC >::
+freeMemory( Element* data )
+   TNL_ASSERT( data, );
+#ifdef HAVE_MIC
+    Devices::MIC::FreeMIC( data );
+    return true;
+    MICSupportMissingMessage;;
+     true;
+template< typename Element >
+ArrayOperations< Devices::MIC >::
+setMemoryElement( Element* data,
+                  const Element& value )
+   TNL_ASSERT( data, );
+   ArrayOperations< Devices::MIC >::setMemory( data, value, 1 );
+template< typename Element >
+ArrayOperations< Devices::MIC >::
+getMemoryElement( const Element* data )
+   TNL_ASSERT( data, );
+   Element result;
+   ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::MIC >::copyMemory< Element, Element, int >( &result, data, 1 );
+   return result;
+template< typename Element, typename Index >
+ArrayOperations< Devices::MIC >::
+getArrayElementReference( Element* data, const Index i )
+   TNL_ASSERT( data, );
+   return data[ i ];
+template< typename Element, typename Index >
+Element& ArrayOperations< Devices::MIC >::
+getArrayElementReference( const Element* data, const Index i )
+   TNL_ASSERT( data, );
+   return data[ i ];
+template< typename Element, typename Index >
+ArrayOperations< Devices::MIC >::
+setMemory( Element* data,
+           const Element& value,
+           const Index size )
+   TNL_ASSERT( data, );
+#ifdef HAVE_MIC
+   Element tmp=value;
+   Devices::MICHider<Element> hide_ptr;
+   hide_ptr.pointer=data;
+   #pragma offload target(mic) in(hide_ptr,tmp,size)
+   {
+       Element * dst= hide_ptr.pointer;
+       for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
+           dst[i]=tmp;
+   }
+   return true;
+   MICSupportMissingMessage;;
+   return false;
+template< typename DestinationElement,
+          typename SourceElement,
+          typename Index >
+ArrayOperations< Devices::MIC >::
+copyMemory( DestinationElement* destination,
+            const SourceElement* source,
+            const Index size )
+   TNL_ASSERT( destination, );
+   TNL_ASSERT( source, );
+   #ifdef HAVE_MIC
+      if( std::is_same< DestinationElement, SourceElement >::value )
+      {
+         Devices::MICHider<void> src_ptr;
+         src_ptr.pointer=(void*)source;
+         Devices::MICHider<void> dst_ptr;
+         dst_ptr.pointer=(void*)destination;
+         #pragma offload target(mic) in(src_ptr,dst_ptr,size)
+         {
+             memcpy(dst_ptr.pointer,src_ptr.pointer,size*sizeof(DestinationElement));
+         }
+         return true;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         Devices::MICHider<const SourceElement> src_ptr;
+         src_ptr.pointer=source;
+         Devices::MICHider<DestinationElement> dst_ptr;
+         dst_ptr.pointer=destination;
+         #pragma offload target(mic) in(src_ptr,dst_ptr,size)
+         {
+             for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
+                 dst_ptr.pointer[i]=src_ptr.pointer[i];
+         }
+         return true;
+      }
+   #else
+      MICSupportMissingMessage;;
+   #endif
+      return false;
+template< typename Element1,
+          typename Element2,
+          typename Index >
+ArrayOperations< Devices::MIC >::
+compareMemory( const Element1* destination,
+               const Element2* source,
+               const Index size )
+   TNL_ASSERT( destination, );
+   TNL_ASSERT( source, );
+   #ifdef HAVE_MIC
+      if( std::is_same< Element1, Element2 >::value )
+      {
+         Devices::MICHider<void> src_ptr;
+         src_ptr.pointer=(void*)source;
+         Devices::MICHider<void> dst_ptr;
+         dst_ptr.pointer=(void*)destination;
+         int ret=0;
+         #pragma offload target(mic) in(src_ptr,dst_ptr,size) out(ret)
+         {
+             ret=memcmp(dst_ptr.pointer,src_ptr.pointer,size*sizeof(Element1));
+         }
+         if(ret==0)
+             return true;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         Devices::MICHider<const Element1> src_ptr;
+         src_ptr.pointer=source;
+         Devices::MICHider<const Element2> dst_ptr;
+         dst_ptr.pointer=destination;
+         bool ret=false;
+         #pragma offload target(mic) in(src_ptr,dst_ptr,size) out(ret)
+         {
+             int i=0;
+             for(i=0;i<size;i++)
+                 if(dst_ptr.pointer[i]!=src_ptr.pointer[i])
+                     break;
+             if(i==size)
+                 ret=true;
+             else
+                 ret=false;
+         }
+         return ret;
+      }
+   #else
+      MICSupportMissingMessage;;
+   #endif
+   return false;   
+ * Operations MIC -> Host
+ */
+template< typename DestinationElement,
+          typename SourceElement,
+          typename Index >
+ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::MIC >::
+copyMemory( DestinationElement* destination,
+            const SourceElement* source,
+            const Index size )
+   TNL_ASSERT( destination, );
+   TNL_ASSERT( source, );
+   #ifdef HAVE_MIC
+      if( std::is_same< DestinationElement, SourceElement >::value )
+      {
+         Devices::MICHider<void> src_ptr;
+         src_ptr.pointer=(void*)source;
+         //JAKA KONSTANTA se vejde do stacku 5MB?
+         if(size<MIC_STACK_VAR_LIM)
+         {
+            uint8_t tmp[size*sizeof(SourceElement)];
+            #pragma offload target(mic) in(src_ptr,size) out(tmp)
+            {
+                 memcpy((void*)&tmp,src_ptr.pointer,size*sizeof(SourceElement));
+            }
+            memcpy((void*)destination,(void*)&tmp,size*sizeof(SourceElement));
+            return true;
+         }
+         else
+         {
+             //direct -- pomalejší
+             uint8_t* tmp=(uint8_t*)destination;
+             #pragma offload target(mic) in(src_ptr,size) out(tmp:length(size))
+             {
+                 memcpy((void*)tmp,src_ptr.pointer,size*sizeof(SourceElement));
+             }
+             return true;
+         }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         Devices::MICHider<const SourceElement> src_ptr;
+         src_ptr.pointer=source; 
+         if(size<MIC_STACK_VAR_LIM)
+         {
+            uint8_t tmp[size*sizeof(DestinationElement)];
+            #pragma offload target(mic) in(src_ptr,size) out(tmp)
+            {
+                 DestinationElement *dst=(DestinationElement*)&tmp;
+                 for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
+                     dst[i]=src_ptr.pointer[i];
+            }
+            memcpy((void*)destination,(void*)&tmp,size*sizeof(DestinationElement));
+            return true;
+         }
+         else
+         {
+             //direct pseudo heap-- pomalejší
+             uint8_t* tmp=(uint8_t*)destination;
+             #pragma offload target(mic) in(src_ptr,size) out(tmp:length(size*sizeof(DestinationElement)))
+             {
+                 DestinationElement *dst=(DestinationElement*)tmp;
+                 for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
+                     dst[i]=src_ptr.pointer[i];
+             }
+             return true;
+         }
+      }
+   #else
+      MICSupportMissingMessage;;
+   #endif
+   return false;
+template< typename Element1,
+          typename Element2,
+          typename Index >
+ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::MIC >::
+compareMemory( const Element1* destination,
+               const Element2* source,
+               const Index size )
+   /***
+    * Here, destination is on host and source is on MIC device.
+    */
+   TNL_ASSERT( destination, );
+   TNL_ASSERT( source, );
+   TNL_ASSERT( size >= 0, std::cerr << "size = " << size );
+   #ifdef HAVE_MIC
+    Index compared( 0 );
+    Index transfer( 0 );
+    Index max_transfer=MIC_STACK_VAR_LIM/sizeof(Element2);
+    uint8_t host_buffer[max_transfer*sizeof(Element2)];
+    Devices::MICHider<const Element2> src_ptr;
+    while( compared < size )
+    {
+      transfer=min(size-compared,max_transfer);
+      src_ptr.pointer=source+compared;
+      #pragma offload target(mic) out(host_buffer) in(src_ptr,transfer)
+      {
+          memcpy((void*)&host_buffer,(void*)src_ptr.pointer,transfer*sizeof(Element2));
+      }
+      if( ! ArrayOperations< Devices::Host >::compareMemory( &destination[ compared ], (Element2*)&host_buffer, transfer ) )
+      {         
+         return false;
+      }
+      compared += transfer;
+    }
+    return true;    
+   #else
+      MICSupportMissingMessage;
+      return false;
+   #endif
+ * Operations Host -> MIC
+ */
+template< typename DestinationElement,
+          typename SourceElement,
+          typename Index >
+ArrayOperations< Devices::MIC, Devices::Host >::
+copyMemory( DestinationElement* destination,
+            const SourceElement* source,
+            const Index size )
+   TNL_ASSERT( destination, );
+   TNL_ASSERT( source, );
+   TNL_ASSERT( size >= 0, std::cerr << "size = " << size );
+    #ifdef HAVE_MIC
+      if( std::is_same< DestinationElement, SourceElement >::value )
+      {
+         Devices::MICHider<void> dst_ptr;
+         dst_ptr.pointer=(void*)destination;
+         //JAKA KONSTANTA se vejde do stacku 5MB?
+         if(size<MIC_STACK_VAR_LIM)
+         {
+            uint8_t tmp[size*sizeof(SourceElement)];
+            memcpy((void*)&tmp,(void*)source,size*sizeof(SourceElement));
+            #pragma offload target(mic) in(dst_ptr,tmp,size)
+            {
+                 memcpy(dst_ptr.pointer,(void*)&tmp,size*sizeof(SourceElement));
+            }
+            return true;
+         }
+         else
+         {
+             //direct pseudo heap-- pomalejší
+             uint8_t* tmp=(uint8_t*)source;
+             #pragma offload target(mic) in(dst_ptr,size) in(tmp:length(size))
+             {
+                 memcpy(dst_ptr.pointer,(void*)tmp,size*sizeof(SourceElement));
+             }
+             return true;
+         }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         Devices::MICHider<DestinationElement> dst_ptr;
+         dst_ptr.pointer=destination; 
+         if(size<MIC_STACK_VAR_LIM)
+         {
+            uint8_t tmp[size*sizeof(SourceElement)];
+            memcpy((void*)&tmp,(void*)source,size*sizeof(SourceElement));
+            #pragma offload target(mic) in(dst_ptr,size,tmp)
+            {
+                 SourceElement *src=(SourceElement*)&tmp;
+                 for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
+                     dst_ptr.pointer[i]=src[i];
+            }            
+            return true;
+         }
+         else
+         {
+             //direct pseudo heap-- pomalejší
+             uint8_t* tmp=(uint8_t*)source;
+             #pragma offload target(mic) in(dst_ptr,size) in(tmp:length(size*sizeof(SourceElement)))
+             {
+                 SourceElement *src=(SourceElement*)tmp;
+                 for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
+                     dst_ptr.pointer[i]=src[i];
+             }
+             return true;
+         }
+      }
+   #else
+      MICSupportMissingMessage;;
+   #endif
+   return false;
+template< typename Element1,
+          typename Element2,
+          typename Index >
+ArrayOperations< Devices::MIC, Devices::Host >::
+compareMemory( const Element1* hostData,
+               const Element2* deviceData,
+               const Index size )
+   TNL_ASSERT( hostData, );
+   TNL_ASSERT( deviceData, );
+   TNL_ASSERT( size >= 0, std::cerr << "size = " << size );
+   return ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::MIC >::compareMemory( deviceData, hostData, size );
+} // namespace Algorithms
+} // namespace Containers
+} // namespace TNL