From d40a55e3f1e9795f5ca3ef669fe980b8effeb1e3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Fencl <>
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2018 18:38:41 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] FIM method implemented for GPU and FIM-FSM implemented for
 CPU (parallel).

 .../tnlDirectEikonalMethodsBase.h             |   18 +-
 .../tnlDirectEikonalMethodsBase_impl.h        | 2045 +++++++++--------
 .../tnlFastSweepingMethod2D_impl.h            |  620 +++--
 3 files changed, 1440 insertions(+), 1243 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/TNL/Experimental/Hamilton-Jacobi/Solvers/hamilton-jacobi/tnlDirectEikonalMethodsBase.h b/src/TNL/Experimental/Hamilton-Jacobi/Solvers/hamilton-jacobi/tnlDirectEikonalMethodsBase.h
index 08ed947ed7..cbb1a1ff6a 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Experimental/Hamilton-Jacobi/Solvers/hamilton-jacobi/tnlDirectEikonalMethodsBase.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Experimental/Hamilton-Jacobi/Solvers/hamilton-jacobi/tnlDirectEikonalMethodsBase.h
@@ -74,12 +74,16 @@ class tnlDirectEikonalMethodsBase< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > >
                                          const MeshEntity& cell,
                                          const RealType velocity = 1.0 );
-      __cuda_callable__ bool updateCell( volatile Real sArray[18][18],
+      template< int sizeSArray >
+      __cuda_callable__ bool updateCell( volatile Real *sArray,
                                          int thri, int thrj, const Real hx, const Real hy,
                                          const Real velocity = 1.0 );
+      template< int sizeSArray >
       void updateBlocks( InterfaceMapType interfaceMap,
                          MeshFunctionType aux,
-                         ArrayContainer BlockIterHost, int numThreadsPerBlock );
+                         MeshFunctionType helpFunc,
+                         ArrayContainer BlockIterHost, int numThreadsPerBlock/*, Real **sArray*/ );
       void getNeighbours( ArrayContainer BlockIterHost, int numBlockX, int numBlockY  );
@@ -119,9 +123,6 @@ T1 meet2DCondition( T1 a, T1 b, const T2 ha, const T2 hb, const T1 value, double
 template < typename T1 >
 __cuda_callable__ void sortMinims( T1 pom[] );
-template < typename Index >
-void GetNeighbours( TNL::Containers::Array< int, Devices::Host, Index > BlockIter, int numBlockX, int numBlockY );
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
 template < typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
 __global__ void CudaInitCaller( const Functions::MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index > >& input, 
@@ -134,11 +135,12 @@ __global__ void CudaUpdateCellCaller( tnlDirectEikonalMethodsBase< Meshes::Grid<
                                       Functions::MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index > >& aux,
                                       bool *BlockIterDevice );
-template < typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
+template < int sizeSArray, typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
 __global__ void CudaUpdateCellCaller( tnlDirectEikonalMethodsBase< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > > ptr,
                                       const Functions::MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >, 2, bool >& interfaceMap,
-                                      Functions::MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > >& aux,
-                                      TNL::Containers::Array< int, Devices::Cuda, Index > BlockIterDevice, int ne = 1 );
+                                      const Functions::MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > >& aux,
+                                      Functions::MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > >& helpFunc,
+                                      TNL::Containers::Array< int, Devices::Cuda, Index > BlockIterDevice, int oddEvenBlock =0);
 template < typename Index >
 __global__ void CudaParallelReduc( TNL::Containers::Array< int, Devices::Cuda, Index > BlockIterDevice,
diff --git a/src/TNL/Experimental/Hamilton-Jacobi/Solvers/hamilton-jacobi/tnlDirectEikonalMethodsBase_impl.h b/src/TNL/Experimental/Hamilton-Jacobi/Solvers/hamilton-jacobi/tnlDirectEikonalMethodsBase_impl.h
index 1f9fc5eeba..95971c9b87 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Experimental/Hamilton-Jacobi/Solvers/hamilton-jacobi/tnlDirectEikonalMethodsBase_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Experimental/Hamilton-Jacobi/Solvers/hamilton-jacobi/tnlDirectEikonalMethodsBase_impl.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
- /* 
  * File:   tnlDirectEikonalMethodsBase_impl.h
  * Author: oberhuber
@@ -13,233 +13,259 @@
 #include "tnlFastSweepingMethod.h"
 template< typename Real,
-          typename Device,
-          typename Index >
+        typename Device,
+        typename Index >
 tnlDirectEikonalMethodsBase< Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index > >::
 initInterface( const MeshFunctionPointer& _input,
-               MeshFunctionPointer& _output,
-               InterfaceMapPointer& _interfaceMap  )
+        MeshFunctionPointer& _output,
+        InterfaceMapPointer& _interfaceMap  )
-    if( std::is_same< Device, Devices::Cuda >::value )
-    {
+  if( std::is_same< Device, Devices::Cuda >::value )
+  {
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-        const MeshType& mesh = _input->getMesh();
-        const int cudaBlockSize( 16 );
-        int numBlocksX = Devices::Cuda::getNumberOfBlocks( mesh.getDimensions().x(), cudaBlockSize );
-        dim3 blockSize( cudaBlockSize );
-        dim3 gridSize( numBlocksX );
-        Devices::Cuda::synchronizeDevice();
-        CudaInitCaller<<< gridSize, blockSize >>>( _input.template getData< Device >(),
-                                                   _output.template modifyData< Device >(),
-                                                   _interfaceMap.template modifyData< Device >() );
-        cudaDeviceSynchronize();
+    const MeshType& mesh = _input->getMesh();
+    const int cudaBlockSize( 16 );
+    int numBlocksX = Devices::Cuda::getNumberOfBlocks( mesh.getDimensions().x(), cudaBlockSize );
+    dim3 blockSize( cudaBlockSize );
+    dim3 gridSize( numBlocksX );
+    Devices::Cuda::synchronizeDevice();
+    CudaInitCaller<<< gridSize, blockSize >>>( _input.template getData< Device >(),
+            _output.template modifyData< Device >(),
+            _interfaceMap.template modifyData< Device >() );
+    cudaDeviceSynchronize();
-    }
-    if( std::is_same< Device, Devices::Host >::value )
-    {
-        const MeshType& mesh = _input->getMesh();
-        typedef typename MeshType::Cell Cell;
-        const MeshFunctionType& input = _input.getData();
-        MeshFunctionType& output = _output.modifyData();
-        InterfaceMapType& interfaceMap = _interfaceMap.modifyData();
-        Cell cell( mesh );
-        for( cell.getCoordinates().x() = 0;
+  }
+  if( std::is_same< Device, Devices::Host >::value )
+  {
+    const MeshType& mesh = _input->getMesh();
+    typedef typename MeshType::Cell Cell;
+    const MeshFunctionType& input = _input.getData();
+    MeshFunctionType& output = _output.modifyData();
+    InterfaceMapType& interfaceMap = _interfaceMap.modifyData();
+    Cell cell( mesh );
+    for( cell.getCoordinates().x() = 0;
             cell.getCoordinates().x() < mesh.getDimensions().x();
             cell.getCoordinates().x() ++ )
-           {
-               cell.refresh();
-               output[ cell.getIndex() ] =
-               input( cell ) >= 0 ? std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max() :
-                                  -std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max();
-               interfaceMap[ cell.getIndex() ] = false;
-           }
-        const RealType& h = mesh.getSpaceSteps().x();
-        for( cell.getCoordinates().x() = 0;
-             cell.getCoordinates().x() < mesh.getDimensions().x() - 1;
-             cell.getCoordinates().x() ++ )
+    {
+      cell.refresh();
+      output[ cell.getIndex() ] =
+              input( cell ) >= 0 ? std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max() :
+                -std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max();
+      interfaceMap[ cell.getIndex() ] = false;
+    }
+    const RealType& h = mesh.getSpaceSteps().x();
+    for( cell.getCoordinates().x() = 0;
+            cell.getCoordinates().x() < mesh.getDimensions().x() - 1;
+            cell.getCoordinates().x() ++ )
+    {
+      cell.refresh();
+      const RealType& c = input( cell );      
+      if( ! cell.isBoundaryEntity()  )
+      {
+        const auto& neighbors = cell.getNeighborEntities();
+        Real pom = 0;
+        //const IndexType& c = cell.getIndex();
+        const IndexType e = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  1 >();
+        if( c * input[ e ] <= 0 )
-           cell.refresh();
-           const RealType& c = input( cell );      
-           if( ! cell.isBoundaryEntity()  )
-           {
-              const auto& neighbors = cell.getNeighborEntities();
-              Real pom = 0;
-              //const IndexType& c = cell.getIndex();
-              const IndexType e = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  1 >();
-              if( c * input[ e ] <= 0 )
-              {
-                pom = TNL::sign( c )*( h * c )/( c - input[ e ]);
-                if( TNL::abs( output[ cell.getIndex() ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) )
-                    output[ cell.getIndex() ] = pom;
-                pom = pom - TNL::sign( c )*h; //output[ e ] = (hx * c)/( c - input[ e ]) - hx;
-                if( TNL::abs( output[ e ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) )
-                    output[ e ] = pom; 
-                interfaceMap[ cell.getIndex() ] = true;
-                interfaceMap[ e ] = true;
-              }
-           }
+          pom = TNL::sign( c )*( h * c )/( c - input[ e ]);
+          if( TNL::abs( output[ cell.getIndex() ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) )
+            output[ cell.getIndex() ] = pom;
+          pom = pom - TNL::sign( c )*h; //output[ e ] = (hx * c)/( c - input[ e ]) - hx;
+          if( TNL::abs( output[ e ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) )
+            output[ e ] = pom; 
+          interfaceMap[ cell.getIndex() ] = true;
+          interfaceMap[ e ] = true;
+      }
+  }
 template< typename Real,
-          typename Device,
-          typename Index >
+        typename Device,
+        typename Index >
+template< int sizeSArray >
 tnlDirectEikonalMethodsBase< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > >::
 updateBlocks( InterfaceMapType interfaceMap,
-              MeshFunctionType aux,
-              ArrayContainer BlockIterHost, int numThreadsPerBlock )
+        MeshFunctionType aux,
+        MeshFunctionType helpFunc,
+        ArrayContainer BlockIterHost, int numThreadsPerBlock/*, Real **sArray*/ )
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule( dynamic )
   for( int i = 0; i < BlockIterHost.getSize(); i++ )
     if( BlockIterHost[ i ] )
       MeshType mesh = interfaceMap.template getMesh< Devices::Host >();
       int dimX = mesh.getDimensions().x(); int dimY = mesh.getDimensions().y();
-      int numOfBlockx = dimY/numThreadsPerBlock + ((dimY%numThreadsPerBlock != 0) ? 1:0);
-      int numOfBlocky = dimX/numThreadsPerBlock + ((dimX%numThreadsPerBlock != 0) ? 1:0);
+      //std::cout << "dimX = " << dimX << " ,dimY = " << dimY << std::endl;
+      int numOfBlocky = dimY/numThreadsPerBlock + ((dimY%numThreadsPerBlock != 0) ? 1:0);
+      int numOfBlockx = dimX/numThreadsPerBlock + ((dimX%numThreadsPerBlock != 0) ? 1:0);
+      //std::cout << "numOfBlockx = " << numOfBlockx << " ,numOfBlocky = " << numOfBlocky << std::endl;
       int xkolik = numThreadsPerBlock + 1;
       int ykolik = numThreadsPerBlock + 1;
       int blIdx = i%numOfBlockx;
-      int blIdy = i/numOfBlocky;
+      int blIdy = i/numOfBlockx;
+      //std::cout << "blIdx = " << blIdx << " ,blIdy = " << blIdy << std::endl;
       if( numOfBlockx - 1 == blIdx )
         xkolik = dimX - (blIdx)*numThreadsPerBlock+1;
       if( numOfBlocky -1 == blIdy )
         ykolik = dimY - (blIdy)*numThreadsPerBlock+1;
+      //std::cout << "xkolik = " << xkolik << " ,ykolik = " << ykolik << std::endl;
       /*bool changed[numThreadsPerBlock*numThreadsPerBlock];
-      changed[ 0 ] = 1;*/
+       changed[ 0 ] = 1;*/
       Real hx = mesh.getSpaceSteps().x();
       Real hy = mesh.getSpaceSteps().y();
-      Real changed1[ 16*16 ];
-      /*Real changed2[ 16*16 ];
-      Real changed3[ 16*16 ];
-      Real changed4[ 16*16 ];*/
-      Real sArray[18][18];
+      bool changed = false;
+      RealType *sArray;
+      sArray = new Real[ sizeSArray * sizeSArray ];
+      if( sArray == nullptr )
+        std::cout << "Error while allocating memory for sArray." << std::endl;
+      for( int thri = 0; thri < sizeSArray; thri++ ){
+        for( int thrj = 0; thrj < sizeSArray; thrj++ )
+          sArray/*[i]*/[ thri * sizeSArray + thrj ] = std::numeric_limits< Real >::max();
+      }
-      for( int thri = 0; thri < numThreadsPerBlock + 2; thri++ )
-        for( int thrj = 0; thrj < numThreadsPerBlock + 2; thrj++ )
-          sArray[thrj][thri] = std::numeric_limits< Real >::max();
       BlockIterHost[ blIdy * numOfBlockx + blIdx ] = 0;
       for( int thrj = 0; thrj < numThreadsPerBlock + 1; thrj++ )
         if( dimX > (blIdx+1) * numThreadsPerBlock  && thrj+1 < ykolik )
-          sArray[thrj+1][xkolik] = aux[ blIdy*numThreadsPerBlock*dimX - dimX + blIdx*numThreadsPerBlock - 1 + (thrj+1)*dimX + xkolik ];
-        else
-         sArray[thrj+1][xkolik] = std::numeric_limits< Real >::max();
+          sArray/*[i]*/[ ( thrj+1 )* sizeSArray +xkolik] = aux[ blIdy*numThreadsPerBlock*dimX - dimX + blIdx*numThreadsPerBlock - 1 + (thrj+1)*dimX + xkolik ];
         if( blIdx != 0 && thrj+1 < ykolik )
-          sArray[thrj+1][0] = aux[ blIdy*numThreadsPerBlock*dimX - dimX + blIdx*numThreadsPerBlock - 1 + (thrj+1)*dimX ];
-        else
-          sArray[thrj+1][0] = std::numeric_limits< Real >::max();
+          sArray/*[i]*/[(thrj+1)* sizeSArray] = aux[ blIdy*numThreadsPerBlock*dimX - dimX + blIdx*numThreadsPerBlock - 1 + (thrj+1)*dimX ];
         if( dimY > (blIdy+1) * numThreadsPerBlock  && thrj+1 < xkolik )
-          sArray[ykolik][thrj+1] = aux[ blIdy*numThreadsPerBlock*dimX - dimX + blIdx*numThreadsPerBlock - 1 + ykolik*dimX + thrj+1 ];
-        else
-          sArray[ykolik][thrj+1] = std::numeric_limits< Real >::max();
+          sArray/*[i]*/[ykolik * sizeSArray + thrj+1] = aux[ blIdy*numThreadsPerBlock*dimX - dimX + blIdx*numThreadsPerBlock - 1 + ykolik*dimX + thrj+1 ];
         if( blIdy != 0 && thrj+1 < xkolik )
-          sArray[0][thrj+1] = aux[ blIdy*numThreadsPerBlock*dimX - dimX + blIdx*numThreadsPerBlock - 1 + thrj+1 ];
-        else
-          sArray[0][thrj+1] = std::numeric_limits< Real >::max();
+          sArray/*[i]*/[thrj+1] = aux[ blIdy*numThreadsPerBlock*dimX - dimX + blIdx*numThreadsPerBlock - 1 + thrj+1 ];
-      for( int k = 0; k < numThreadsPerBlock; k++ )
-        for( int l = 0; l < numThreadsPerBlock; l++ ) 
-          sArray[k+1][l+1] = aux[ blIdy * numThreadsPerBlock * dimX + numThreadsPerBlock * blIdx  + k*dimX + l ];
-      for( int k = 0; k < numThreadsPerBlock; k++ ) 
+      for( int k = 0; k < numThreadsPerBlock; k++ ){
+        for( int l = 0; l < numThreadsPerBlock; l++ )
+          if( blIdy * numThreadsPerBlock + k < dimY && blIdx * numThreadsPerBlock + l < dimX )
+            sArray/*[i]*/[(k+1) * sizeSArray + l+1] = aux[ blIdy * numThreadsPerBlock * dimX + numThreadsPerBlock * blIdx  + k*dimX + l ];
+      }
+      bool pom = false;
+      for( int k = 0; k < numThreadsPerBlock; k++ ){ 
         for( int l = 0; l < numThreadsPerBlock; l++ ){
-          changed1[ k*numThreadsPerBlock + l ] = 0;
-          /*changed2[ k*numThreadsPerBlock + l ] = 0;
-          changed3[ k*numThreadsPerBlock + l ] = 0;
-          changed4[ k*numThreadsPerBlock + l ] = 0;*/
-          if( blIdy * numThreadsPerBlock * dimX + numThreadsPerBlock * blIdx  + k*dimX + l < dimX*dimY )
-          {
+          if( blIdy * numThreadsPerBlock + k < dimY && blIdx * numThreadsPerBlock + l < dimX ){
+            //std::cout << "proslo i = " << k * numThreadsPerBlock + l << std::endl;
             if( ! interfaceMap[ blIdy * numThreadsPerBlock * dimX + numThreadsPerBlock * blIdx  + k*dimX + l ] )
-              changed1[ k*numThreadsPerBlock + l ] = this->updateCell( sArray, l+1, k+1, hx,hy);
+              pom = this->updateCell<sizeSArray>( sArray/*[i]*/, l+1, k+1, hx,hy);
+              changed = changed || pom;
-      for( int k = numThreadsPerBlock-1; k > -1; k-- ) 
-        for( int l = 0; l < numThreadsPerBlock; l++ ) { 
-          if( blIdy * numThreadsPerBlock * dimX + numThreadsPerBlock * blIdx  + k*dimX + l < dimX*dimY )
+      }
+      /* "aux-1pruch.tnl" );
+      for( int k = 0; k < sizeSArray; k++ ){ 
+        for( int l = 0; l < sizeSArray; l++ ) {
+          std::cout << sArray[ k * sizeSArray + l] << " ";
+        }
+        std::cout << std::endl;
+      }*/
+      for( int k = 0; k < numThreadsPerBlock; k++ ) 
+        for( int l = numThreadsPerBlock-1; l >-1; l-- ) { 
+          if( blIdy * numThreadsPerBlock + k < dimY && blIdx * numThreadsPerBlock + l < dimX )
             if( ! interfaceMap[ blIdy * numThreadsPerBlock * dimX + numThreadsPerBlock * blIdx  + k*dimX + l ] )
-              /*changed2[ k*numThreadsPerBlock + l ] = */this->updateCell( sArray, l+1, k+1, hx,hy);
+              this->updateCell<sizeSArray>( sArray/*[i]*/, l+1, k+1, hx,hy);
-      for( int k = 0; k < numThreadsPerBlock; k++ ) 
-        for( int l = numThreadsPerBlock-1; l >-1; l-- ) { 
-          if( blIdy * numThreadsPerBlock * dimX + numThreadsPerBlock * blIdx  + k*dimX + l < dimX*dimY )
+      /* "aux-2pruch.tnl" );
+      for( int k = 0; k < sizeSArray; k++ ){ 
+        for( int l = 0; l < sizeSArray; l++ ) {
+          std::cout << sArray[ k * sizeSArray + l] << " ";
+        }
+        std::cout << std::endl;
+      }*/
+      for( int k = numThreadsPerBlock-1; k > -1; k-- ) 
+        for( int l = 0; l < numThreadsPerBlock; l++ ) {
+          if( blIdy * numThreadsPerBlock + k < dimY && blIdx * numThreadsPerBlock + l < dimX )
             if( ! interfaceMap[ blIdy * numThreadsPerBlock * dimX + numThreadsPerBlock * blIdx  + k*dimX + l ] )
-              /*changed3[ k*numThreadsPerBlock + l ] = */this->updateCell( sArray, l+1, k+1, hx,hy);
+              this->updateCell<sizeSArray>( sArray/*[i]*/, l+1, k+1, hx,hy);
-      for( int k = numThreadsPerBlock-1; k > -1; k-- ) 
+      /* "aux-3pruch.tnl" );
+      for( int k = 0; k < sizeSArray; k++ ){ 
+        for( int l = 0; l < sizeSArray; l++ ) {
+          std::cout << sArray[ k * sizeSArray + l] << " ";
+        }
+        std::cout << std::endl;
+      }*/
+      for( int k = numThreadsPerBlock-1; k > -1; k-- ){
         for( int l = numThreadsPerBlock-1; l >-1; l-- ) { 
-          if( blIdy * numThreadsPerBlock * dimX + numThreadsPerBlock * blIdx  + k*dimX + l < dimX*dimY )
+          if( blIdy * numThreadsPerBlock + k < dimY && blIdx * numThreadsPerBlock + l < dimX )
             if( ! interfaceMap[ blIdy * numThreadsPerBlock * dimX + numThreadsPerBlock * blIdx  + k*dimX + l ] )
-              /*changed4[ k*numThreadsPerBlock + l ] = */this->updateCell( sArray, l+1, k+1, hx,hy);
+              this->updateCell<sizeSArray>( sArray/*[i]*/, l+1, k+1, hx,hy);
-      for( int k = numThreadsPerBlock-1; k > -1; k-- ) 
-        for( int l = numThreadsPerBlock-1; l >-1; l-- ){
-          changed1[ 0 ] = changed1[ 0 ] || changed1[ k*numThreadsPerBlock + l ];
-          /*changed2[ 0 ] = changed2[ 0 ] || changed2[ k*numThreadsPerBlock + l ];
-          changed3[ 0 ] = changed3[ 0 ] || changed3[ k*numThreadsPerBlock + l ];
-          changed4[ 0 ] = changed4[ 0 ] || changed4[ k*numThreadsPerBlock + l ];*/
+      }
+      /* "aux-4pruch.tnl" );
+      for( int k = 0; k < sizeSArray; k++ ){ 
+        for( int l = 0; l < sizeSArray; l++ ) {
+          std::cout << sArray[ k * sizeSArray + l] << " ";
+        std::cout << std::endl;
+      }*/
-      if( changed1[ 0 ] /*|| changed2[ 0 ] ||changed3[ 0 ] ||changed4[ 0 ]*/ )
+      if( changed ){
         BlockIterHost[ blIdy * numOfBlockx + blIdx ] = 1;
+      }
       for( int k = 0; k < numThreadsPerBlock; k++ ){ 
-        for( int l = 0; l < numThreadsPerBlock; l++ ) {       
-          if( blIdy * numThreadsPerBlock * dimX + numThreadsPerBlock * blIdx  + k*dimX + l < dimX*dimY &&
-              (!interfaceMap[ blIdy * numThreadsPerBlock * dimX + numThreadsPerBlock * blIdx  + k*dimX + l ]) )
-            aux[ blIdy * numThreadsPerBlock * dimX + numThreadsPerBlock * blIdx  + k*dimX + l ] = sArray[ k + 1 ][ l + 1 ];
+        for( int l = 0; l < numThreadsPerBlock; l++ ) {
+          if( blIdy * numThreadsPerBlock + k < dimY && blIdx * numThreadsPerBlock + l < dimX )      
+            helpFunc[ blIdy * numThreadsPerBlock * dimX + numThreadsPerBlock * blIdx  + k*dimX + l ] = sArray/*[i]*/[ (k + 1)* sizeSArray + l + 1 ];
           //std::cout<< sArray[k+1][l+1];
+      //delete []sArray;
 template< typename Real,
-          typename Device,
-          typename Index >
+        typename Device,
+        typename Index >
 tnlDirectEikonalMethodsBase< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > >::
 getNeighbours( ArrayContainer BlockIterHost, int numBlockX, int numBlockY )
@@ -249,643 +275,643 @@ getNeighbours( ArrayContainer BlockIterHost, int numBlockX, int numBlockY )
   for(int i = 0; i < numBlockX * numBlockY; i++)
-    BlockIterPom[ i ] = 0;  
-    if( BlockIterHost[ i ] )
-    {
-      // i = k*numBlockY + m;
-      int m=0, k=0;
-      m = i%numBlockX;
-      k = i/numBlockX;
-      if( k > 0 )
-        BlockIterPom[i - numBlockX] = 1;
-      if( k < numBlockY - 1 )
-        BlockIterPom[i + numBlockX] = 1;
-      if( m < numBlockX - 1 )
-        BlockIterPom[ i+1 ] = 1;
-      if( m > 0 )
-        BlockIterPom[ i-1 ] = 1;
+    BlockIterPom[ i ] = 0;//BlockIterPom[ i ] = 0;
+    int m=0, k=0;
+    m = i%numBlockX;
+    k = i/numBlockX;
+    if( m > 0 && BlockIterHost[ i - 1 ] ){
+      BlockIterPom[ i ] = 1;
+    }else if( m < numBlockX -1 && BlockIterHost[ i + 1 ] ){
+      BlockIterPom[ i ] = 1;
+    }else if( k > 0 && BlockIterHost[ i - numBlockX ] ){
+      BlockIterPom[ i ] = 1;
+    }else if( k < numBlockY -1 && BlockIterHost[ i + numBlockX ] ){
+      BlockIterPom[ i ] = 1;
+    //BlockIterPom[ i ];
-  for(int i = 0; i < numBlockX * numBlockY; i++ )
-      //if( !BlockIter[ i ] )
-        BlockIterHost[ i ] = BlockIterPom[ i ];
-      /*else
-        BlockIter[ i ] = 0;*/
-  /*for( int i = numBlockX-1; i > -1; i-- )
+  for(int i = 0; i < numBlockX * numBlockY; i++)
-      for( int j = 0; j< numBlockY; j++ )
-          std::cout << BlockIterHost[ i*numBlockY + j ];
-      std::cout << std::endl;
+    if( !BlockIterHost[ i ] )
+      BlockIterHost[ i ] = BlockIterPom[ i ];
-  std::cout << std::endl;*/
+  /*else
+   BlockIter[ i ] = 0;*/
+  /*for( int i = numBlockX-1; i > -1; i-- )
+   {
+   for( int j = 0; j< numBlockY; j++ )
+   std::cout << BlockIterHost[ i*numBlockY + j ];
+   std::cout << std::endl;
+   }
+   std::cout << std::endl;*/
   delete[] BlockIterPom;
 template< typename Real,
-          typename Device,
-          typename Index >
-   template< typename MeshEntity >
+        typename Device,
+        typename Index >
+template< typename MeshEntity >
 tnlDirectEikonalMethodsBase< Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index > >::
 updateCell( MeshFunctionType& u,
-            const MeshEntity& cell, 
-            const RealType v )
+        const MeshEntity& cell, 
+        const RealType v )
-    const auto& neighborEntities = cell.template getNeighborEntities< 1 >();
-    const MeshType& mesh = cell.getMesh();
-    const RealType& h = mesh.getSpaceSteps().x();
-    const RealType value = u( cell );
-    RealType a, tmp = std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max();
-    if( cell.getCoordinates().x() == 0 )
-       a = u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >() ];
-    else if( cell.getCoordinates().x() == mesh.getDimensions().x() - 1 )
-       a = u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >() ];
-    else
-    {
-       a = TNL::argAbsMin( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >() ],
-                           u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1 >() ] );
-    }
-    if( fabs( a ) == std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max() )
-      return;
-    tmp = a + TNL::sign( value ) * h/v;
-    u[ cell.getIndex() ] = argAbsMin( value, tmp );
+  const auto& neighborEntities = cell.template getNeighborEntities< 1 >();
+  const MeshType& mesh = cell.getMesh();
+  const RealType& h = mesh.getSpaceSteps().x();
+  const RealType value = u( cell );
+  RealType a, tmp = std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max();
+  if( cell.getCoordinates().x() == 0 )
+    a = u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1 >() ];
+  else if( cell.getCoordinates().x() == mesh.getDimensions().x() - 1 )
+    a = u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >() ];
+  else
+  {
+    a = TNL::argAbsMin( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1 >() ],
+            u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1 >() ] );
+  }
+  if( fabs( a ) == std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max() )
+    return;
+  tmp = a + TNL::sign( value ) * h/v;
+  u[ cell.getIndex() ] = argAbsMin( value, tmp );
 template< typename Real,
-          typename Device,
-          typename Index >
+        typename Device,
+        typename Index >
 tnlDirectEikonalMethodsBase< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > >::
 initInterface( const MeshFunctionPointer& _input,
-               MeshFunctionPointer& _output,
-               InterfaceMapPointer& _interfaceMap )
+        MeshFunctionPointer& _output,
+        InterfaceMapPointer& _interfaceMap )
-    if( std::is_same< Device, Devices::Cuda >::value )
-    {
+  if( std::is_same< Device, Devices::Cuda >::value )
+  {
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-        const MeshType& mesh = _input->getMesh();
-        const int cudaBlockSize( 16 );
-        int numBlocksX = Devices::Cuda::getNumberOfBlocks( mesh.getDimensions().x(), cudaBlockSize );
-        int numBlocksY = Devices::Cuda::getNumberOfBlocks( mesh.getDimensions().y(), cudaBlockSize );
-        dim3 blockSize( cudaBlockSize, cudaBlockSize );
-        dim3 gridSize( numBlocksX, numBlocksY );
-        Devices::Cuda::synchronizeDevice();
-        CudaInitCaller<<< gridSize, blockSize >>>( _input.template getData< Device >(),
-                                                   _output.template modifyData< Device >(),
-                                                   _interfaceMap.template modifyData< Device >() );
-        cudaDeviceSynchronize();
+    const MeshType& mesh = _input->getMesh();
+    const int cudaBlockSize( 16 );
+    int numBlocksX = Devices::Cuda::getNumberOfBlocks( mesh.getDimensions().x(), cudaBlockSize );
+    int numBlocksY = Devices::Cuda::getNumberOfBlocks( mesh.getDimensions().y(), cudaBlockSize );
+    dim3 blockSize( cudaBlockSize, cudaBlockSize );
+    dim3 gridSize( numBlocksX, numBlocksY );
+    Devices::Cuda::synchronizeDevice();
+    CudaInitCaller<<< gridSize, blockSize >>>( _input.template getData< Device >(),
+            _output.template modifyData< Device >(),
+            _interfaceMap.template modifyData< Device >() );
+    cudaDeviceSynchronize();
-    }
-    if( std::is_same< Device, Devices::Host >::value )
-    {
-        MeshFunctionType input = _input.getData();
-        /*double A[320][320];
-        std::ifstream fileInit("/home/maty/Downloads/initData.txt");
-        for (int i = 0; i < 320; i++)
-            for (int j = 0; j < 320; j++)
-                fileInit >> A[i][j];
-        fileInit.close();
-        for (int i = 0; i < 320; i++)
-            for (int j = 0; j < 320; j++)
-                input[i*320 + j] = A[i][j];*/
-         MeshFunctionType& output = _output.modifyData();
-         InterfaceMapType& interfaceMap = _interfaceMap.modifyData();
-        const MeshType& mesh = input.getMesh();
-        typedef typename MeshType::Cell Cell;
-        Cell cell( mesh );
-        for( cell.getCoordinates().y() = 0;
-             cell.getCoordinates().y() < mesh.getDimensions().y();
-             cell.getCoordinates().y() ++ )
-            for( cell.getCoordinates().x() = 0;
-                 cell.getCoordinates().x() < mesh.getDimensions().x();
-                 cell.getCoordinates().x() ++ )
-                {
-                    cell.refresh();
-                    output[ cell.getIndex() ] =
-                    input( cell ) >= 0 ? std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max() :
-                                       - std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max();
-                    interfaceMap[ cell.getIndex() ] = false;
-                }
-       const RealType& hx = mesh.getSpaceSteps().x();
-       const RealType& hy = mesh.getSpaceSteps().y();     
-       for( cell.getCoordinates().y() = 0;
+  }
+  if( std::is_same< Device, Devices::Host >::value )
+  {
+    MeshFunctionType input = _input.getData();
+    /*double A[320][320];
+     std::ifstream fileInit("/home/maty/Downloads/initData.txt");
+     for (int i = 0; i < 320; i++)
+     for (int j = 0; j < 320; j++)
+     fileInit >> A[j];
+     fileInit.close();
+     for (int i = 0; i < 320; i++)
+     for (int j = 0; j < 320; j++)
+     input[i*320 + j] = A[j];*/
+    MeshFunctionType& output = _output.modifyData();
+    InterfaceMapType& interfaceMap = _interfaceMap.modifyData();
+    const MeshType& mesh = input.getMesh();
+    typedef typename MeshType::Cell Cell;
+    Cell cell( mesh );
+    for( cell.getCoordinates().y() = 0;
             cell.getCoordinates().y() < mesh.getDimensions().y();
             cell.getCoordinates().y() ++ )
-          for( cell.getCoordinates().x() = 0;
-               cell.getCoordinates().x() < mesh.getDimensions().x();
-               cell.getCoordinates().x() ++ )
+      for( cell.getCoordinates().x() = 0;
+              cell.getCoordinates().x() < mesh.getDimensions().x();
+              cell.getCoordinates().x() ++ )
+      {
+        cell.refresh();
+        output[ cell.getIndex() ] =
+                input( cell ) >= 0 ? std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max() :
+                  - std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max();
+        interfaceMap[ cell.getIndex() ] = false;
+      }
+    const RealType& hx = mesh.getSpaceSteps().x();
+    const RealType& hy = mesh.getSpaceSteps().y();     
+    for( cell.getCoordinates().y() = 0;
+            cell.getCoordinates().y() < mesh.getDimensions().y();
+            cell.getCoordinates().y() ++ )
+      for( cell.getCoordinates().x() = 0;
+              cell.getCoordinates().x() < mesh.getDimensions().x();
+              cell.getCoordinates().x() ++ )
+      {
+        cell.refresh();
+        const RealType& c = input( cell );
+        if( ! cell.isBoundaryEntity()  )
+        {
+          auto neighbors = cell.getNeighborEntities();
+          Real pom = 0;
+          const IndexType e = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >();
+          const IndexType n = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >();
+          //Try init with exact data:
+          /*if( c * input[ n ] <= 0 )
+           {
+           output[ cell.getIndex() ] = c;
+           output[ n ] = input[ n ];
+           interfaceMap[ cell.getIndex() ] = true;
+           interfaceMap[ n ] = true;
+           }   
+           if( c * input[ e ] <= 0 )
+           {   
+           output[ cell.getIndex() ] = c;
+           output[ e ] = input[ e ];
+           interfaceMap[ cell.getIndex() ] = true;
+           interfaceMap[ e ] = true;
+           }*/
+          if( c * input[ n ] <= 0 )
-             cell.refresh();
-             const RealType& c = input( cell );
-             if( ! cell.isBoundaryEntity()  )
+            /*if( c >= 0 )
+             {*/
+            pom = TNL::sign( c )*( hy * c )/( c - input[ n ]);
+            if( TNL::abs( output[ cell.getIndex() ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) ) 
+              output[ cell.getIndex() ] = pom;
+            pom = pom - TNL::sign( c )*hy;
+            if( TNL::abs( output[ n ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) )
+              output[ n ] = pom; //( hy * c )/( c - input[ n ]) - hy;
+            /*}else
-                auto neighbors = cell.getNeighborEntities();
-                Real pom = 0;
-                const IndexType e = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >();
-                const IndexType n = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >();
-                //Try init with exact data:
-                /*if( c * input[ n ] <= 0 )
-                {
-                    output[ cell.getIndex() ] = c;
-                    output[ n ] = input[ n ];
-                    interfaceMap[ cell.getIndex() ] = true;
-                    interfaceMap[ n ] = true;
-                }   
-                if( c * input[ e ] <= 0 )
-                {   
-                    output[ cell.getIndex() ] = c;
-                    output[ e ] = input[ e ];
-                    interfaceMap[ cell.getIndex() ] = true;
-                    interfaceMap[ e ] = true;
-                }*/
-                if( c * input[ n ] <= 0 )
-                {
-                    /*if( c >= 0 )
-                    {*/
-                        pom = TNL::sign( c )*( hy * c )/( c - input[ n ]);
-                        if( TNL::abs( output[ cell.getIndex() ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) ) 
-                            output[ cell.getIndex() ] = pom;
-                        pom = pom - TNL::sign( c )*hy;
-                        if( TNL::abs( output[ n ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) )
-                            output[ n ] = pom; //( hy * c )/( c - input[ n ]) - hy;
-                    /*}else
-                    {
-                        pom = - ( hy * c )/( c - input[ n ]);
-                        if( output[ cell.getIndex() ] < pom )
-                            output[ cell.getIndex() ] = pom;
-                        if( output[ n ] > hy + pom )
-                            output[ n ] = hy + pom; //hy - ( hy * c )/( c - input[ n ]);
-                    }*/
-                    interfaceMap[ cell.getIndex() ] = true;
-                    interfaceMap[ n ] = true;
-                }
-                if( c * input[ e ] <= 0 )
-                {
-                    /*if( c >= 0 )
-                    {*/
-                        pom = TNL::sign( c )*( hx * c )/( c - input[ e ]);
-                        if( TNL::abs( output[ cell.getIndex() ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) )
-                            output[ cell.getIndex() ] = pom;
-                        pom = pom - TNL::sign( c )*hx; //output[ e ] = (hx * c)/( c - input[ e ]) - hx;
-                        if( TNL::abs( output[ e ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) )
-                            output[ e ] = pom; 
-                    /*}else
-                    {
-                        pom = - (hx * c)/( c - input[ e ]);
-                        if( output[ cell.getIndex() ] < pom )
-                            output[ cell.getIndex() ] = pom;
-                        pom = pom + hx; //output[ e ] = hx - (hx * c)/( c - input[ e ]);
-                        if( output[ e ] > pom )
-                            output[ e ] = pom;
-                    }*/
-                    interfaceMap[ cell.getIndex() ] = true;
-                    interfaceMap[ e ] = true;
-                }
-             }
+             pom = - ( hy * c )/( c - input[ n ]);
+             if( output[ cell.getIndex() ] < pom )
+             output[ cell.getIndex() ] = pom;
+             if( output[ n ] > hy + pom )
+             output[ n ] = hy + pom; //hy - ( hy * c )/( c - input[ n ]);
+             }*/
+            interfaceMap[ cell.getIndex() ] = true;
+            interfaceMap[ n ] = true;
+          if( c * input[ e ] <= 0 )
+          {
+            /*if( c >= 0 )
+             {*/
+            pom = TNL::sign( c )*( hx * c )/( c - input[ e ]);
+            if( TNL::abs( output[ cell.getIndex() ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) )
+              output[ cell.getIndex() ] = pom;
+            pom = pom - TNL::sign( c )*hx; //output[ e ] = (hx * c)/( c - input[ e ]) - hx;
+            if( TNL::abs( output[ e ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) )
+              output[ e ] = pom; 
+            /*}else
+             {
+             pom = - (hx * c)/( c - input[ e ]);
+             if( output[ cell.getIndex() ] < pom )
+             output[ cell.getIndex() ] = pom;
+             pom = pom + hx; //output[ e ] = hx - (hx * c)/( c - input[ e ]);
+             if( output[ e ] > pom )
+             output[ e ] = pom;
+             }*/
+            interfaceMap[ cell.getIndex() ] = true;
+            interfaceMap[ e ] = true;
+          }
+        }
+  }
 template< typename Real,
-          typename Device,
-          typename Index >
-   template< typename MeshEntity >
+        typename Device,
+        typename Index >
+template< typename MeshEntity >
 tnlDirectEikonalMethodsBase< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > >::
 updateCell( MeshFunctionType& u,
-            const MeshEntity& cell,   
-            const RealType v)
+        const MeshEntity& cell,   
+        const RealType v)
-   const auto& neighborEntities = cell.template getNeighborEntities< 2 >();
-   const MeshType& mesh = cell.getMesh();
-   const RealType& hx = mesh.getSpaceSteps().x();
-   const RealType& hy = mesh.getSpaceSteps().y();
-   const RealType value = u( cell );
-   RealType a, b, tmp = std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max();
-   if( cell.getCoordinates().x() == 0 )
-      a = u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,  0 >() ];
-   else if( cell.getCoordinates().x() == mesh.getDimensions().x() - 1 )
-      a = u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >() ];
-   else
-   {
-      a = TNL::argAbsMin( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >() ],
-                          u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >() ] );
-   }
-   if( cell.getCoordinates().y() == 0 )
-      b = u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,  1 >()];
-   else if( cell.getCoordinates().y() == mesh.getDimensions().y() - 1 )
-      b = u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,  -1 >() ];
-   else
-   {
-      b = TNL::argAbsMin( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,  -1 >() ],
-                          u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,   1 >() ] );
-   }
-   if( fabs( a ) == std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max() && 
-       fabs( b ) == std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max() )
-      return;
-   /*if( fabs( a ) == TypeInfo< Real >::getMaxValue() ||
-       fabs( b ) == TypeInfo< Real >::getMaxValue() ||
-       fabs( a - b ) >= TNL::sqrt( (hx * hx + hy * hy)/v ) )
+  const auto& neighborEntities = cell.template getNeighborEntities< 2 >();
+  const MeshType& mesh = cell.getMesh();
+  const RealType& hx = mesh.getSpaceSteps().x();
+  const RealType& hy = mesh.getSpaceSteps().y();
+  const RealType value = u( cell );
+  RealType a, b, tmp = std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max();
+  if( cell.getCoordinates().x() == 0 )
+    a = u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1,  0 >() ];
+  else if( cell.getCoordinates().x() == mesh.getDimensions().x() - 1 )
+    a = u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >() ];
+  else
+  {
+    a = TNL::argAbsMin( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0 >() ],
+            u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >() ] );
+  }
+  if( cell.getCoordinates().y() == 0 )
+    b = u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,  1 >()];
+  else if( cell.getCoordinates().y() == mesh.getDimensions().y() - 1 )
+    b = u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,  -1 >() ];
+  else
+  {
+    b = TNL::argAbsMin( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,  -1 >() ],
+            u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0,   1 >() ] );
+  }
+  if( fabs( a ) == std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max() && 
+          fabs( b ) == std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max() )
+    return;
+  /*if( fabs( a ) == TypeInfo< Real >::getMaxValue() ||
+   fabs( b ) == TypeInfo< Real >::getMaxValue() ||
+   fabs( a - b ) >= TNL::sqrt( (hx * hx + hy * hy)/v ) )
-      tmp = 
-        fabs( a ) >= fabs( b ) ? b + TNL::sign( value ) * hy :
-                                 a + TNL::sign( value ) * hx;
+   tmp = 
+   fabs( a ) >= fabs( b ) ? b + TNL::sign( value ) * hy :
+   a + TNL::sign( value ) * hx;
-   /*if( fabs( a ) != TypeInfo< Real >::getMaxValue() &&
-       fabs( b ) != TypeInfo< Real >::getMaxValue() &&
-       fabs( a - b ) < TNL::sqrt( (hx * hx + hy * hy)/v ) )
+  /*if( fabs( a ) != TypeInfo< Real >::getMaxValue() &&
+   fabs( b ) != TypeInfo< Real >::getMaxValue() &&
+   fabs( a - b ) < TNL::sqrt( (hx * hx + hy * hy)/v ) )
-       tmp = ( hx * hx * b + hy * hy * a + 
-            sign( value ) * hx * hy * TNL::sqrt( ( hx * hx + hy * hy )/v - 
-            ( a - b ) * ( a - b ) ) )/( hx * hx + hy * hy );
-       u[ cell.getIndex() ] =  tmp;
+   tmp = ( hx * hx * b + hy * hy * a + 
+   sign( value ) * hx * hy * TNL::sqrt( ( hx * hx + hy * hy )/v - 
+   ( a - b ) * ( a - b ) ) )/( hx * hx + hy * hy );
+   u[ cell.getIndex() ] =  tmp;
-       tmp = 
-          fabs( a ) > fabs( b ) ? b + TNL::sign( value ) * hy/v :
-                                   a + TNL::sign( value ) * hx/v;
-       u[ cell.getIndex() ] = argAbsMin( value, tmp );
-       //tmp = TypeInfo< RealType >::getMaxValue();
+   tmp = 
+   fabs( a ) > fabs( b ) ? b + TNL::sign( value ) * hy/v :
+   a + TNL::sign( value ) * hx/v;
+   u[ cell.getIndex() ] = argAbsMin( value, tmp );
+   //tmp = TypeInfo< RealType >::getMaxValue();
-    RealType pom[6] = { a, b, std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max(), (RealType)hx, (RealType)hy, 0.0 };
-    sortMinims( pom );
-    tmp = pom[ 0 ] + TNL::sign( value ) * pom[ 3 ]/v;
-    if( fabs( tmp ) < fabs( pom[ 1 ] ) ) 
-        u[ cell.getIndex() ] = argAbsMin( value, tmp );
-    else
-    {
-        tmp = ( pom[ 3 ] * pom[ 3 ] * pom[ 1 ] + pom[ 4 ] * pom[ 4 ] * pom[ 0 ] + 
+  RealType pom[6] = { a, b, std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max(), (RealType)hx, (RealType)hy, 0.0 };
+  sortMinims( pom );
+  tmp = pom[ 0 ] + TNL::sign( value ) * pom[ 3 ]/v;
+  if( fabs( tmp ) < fabs( pom[ 1 ] ) ) 
+    u[ cell.getIndex() ] = argAbsMin( value, tmp );
+  else
+  {
+    tmp = ( pom[ 3 ] * pom[ 3 ] * pom[ 1 ] + pom[ 4 ] * pom[ 4 ] * pom[ 0 ] + 
             TNL::sign( value ) * pom[ 3 ] * pom[ 4 ] * TNL::sqrt( ( pom[ 3 ] * pom[ 3 ] +  pom[ 4 ] *  pom[ 4 ] )/( v * v ) - 
             ( pom[ 1 ] - pom[ 0 ] ) * ( pom[ 1 ] - pom[ 0 ] ) ) )/( pom[ 3 ] * pom[ 3 ] + pom[ 4 ] * pom[ 4 ] );
-        u[ cell.getIndex() ] = argAbsMin( value, tmp );
-    }
+    u[ cell.getIndex() ] = argAbsMin( value, tmp );
+  }
 template< typename Real,
-          typename Device,
-          typename Index >
+        typename Device,
+        typename Index >
 tnlDirectEikonalMethodsBase< Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > >::
 initInterface( const MeshFunctionPointer& _input,
-               MeshFunctionPointer& _output,
-               InterfaceMapPointer& _interfaceMap  )
+        MeshFunctionPointer& _output,
+        InterfaceMapPointer& _interfaceMap  )
-    if( std::is_same< Device, Devices::Cuda >::value )
-    {
+  if( std::is_same< Device, Devices::Cuda >::value )
+  {
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-        const MeshType& mesh = _input->getMesh();
-        const int cudaBlockSize( 8 );
-        int numBlocksX = Devices::Cuda::getNumberOfBlocks( mesh.getDimensions().x(), cudaBlockSize );
-        int numBlocksY = Devices::Cuda::getNumberOfBlocks( mesh.getDimensions().y(), cudaBlockSize );
-        int numBlocksZ = Devices::Cuda::getNumberOfBlocks( mesh.getDimensions().z(), cudaBlockSize );
-        if( cudaBlockSize * cudaBlockSize * cudaBlockSize > 1024 || numBlocksX > 1024 || numBlocksY > 1024 || numBlocksZ > 64 )
-            std::cout << "Invalid kernel call. Dimensions of grid are max: [1024,1024,64], and maximum threads per block are 1024!" << std::endl;
-        dim3 blockSize( cudaBlockSize, cudaBlockSize, cudaBlockSize );
-        dim3 gridSize( numBlocksX, numBlocksY, numBlocksZ );
-        Devices::Cuda::synchronizeDevice();
-        CudaInitCaller3d<<< gridSize, blockSize >>>( _input.template getData< Device >(),
-                                                     _output.template modifyData< Device >(),
-                                                     _interfaceMap.template modifyData< Device >() );
-        cudaDeviceSynchronize();
+    const MeshType& mesh = _input->getMesh();
+    const int cudaBlockSize( 8 );
+    int numBlocksX = Devices::Cuda::getNumberOfBlocks( mesh.getDimensions().x(), cudaBlockSize );
+    int numBlocksY = Devices::Cuda::getNumberOfBlocks( mesh.getDimensions().y(), cudaBlockSize );
+    int numBlocksZ = Devices::Cuda::getNumberOfBlocks( mesh.getDimensions().z(), cudaBlockSize );
+    if( cudaBlockSize * cudaBlockSize * cudaBlockSize > 1024 || numBlocksX > 1024 || numBlocksY > 1024 || numBlocksZ > 64 )
+      std::cout << "Invalid kernel call. Dimensions of grid are max: [1024,1024,64], and maximum threads per block are 1024!" << std::endl;
+    dim3 blockSize( cudaBlockSize, cudaBlockSize, cudaBlockSize );
+    dim3 gridSize( numBlocksX, numBlocksY, numBlocksZ );
+    Devices::Cuda::synchronizeDevice();
+    CudaInitCaller3d<<< gridSize, blockSize >>>( _input.template getData< Device >(),
+            _output.template modifyData< Device >(),
+            _interfaceMap.template modifyData< Device >() );
+    cudaDeviceSynchronize();
-    }
-    if( std::is_same< Device, Devices::Host >::value )
-    {
-        const MeshFunctionType& input =  _input.getData();
-        MeshFunctionType& output =  _output.modifyData();
-        InterfaceMapType& interfaceMap =  _interfaceMap.modifyData();
-        const MeshType& mesh = input.getMesh();
-        typedef typename MeshType::Cell Cell;
-        Cell cell( mesh );
-        for( cell.getCoordinates().z() = 0;
-             cell.getCoordinates().z() < mesh.getDimensions().z();
-             cell.getCoordinates().z() ++ )
-             for( cell.getCoordinates().y() = 0;
-                  cell.getCoordinates().y() < mesh.getDimensions().y();
-                  cell.getCoordinates().y() ++ )
-                 for( cell.getCoordinates().x() = 0;
-                      cell.getCoordinates().x() < mesh.getDimensions().x();
-                      cell.getCoordinates().x() ++ )
-                 {
-                     cell.refresh();
-                     output[ cell.getIndex() ] =
-                     input( cell ) > 0 ? std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max() :
-                                        - std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max();
-                     interfaceMap[ cell.getIndex() ] = false;
-                 }
-        const RealType& hx = mesh.getSpaceSteps().x();
-        const RealType& hy = mesh.getSpaceSteps().y();
-        const RealType& hz = mesh.getSpaceSteps().z();
-        for( cell.getCoordinates().z() = 0;
-             cell.getCoordinates().z() < mesh.getDimensions().z();
-             cell.getCoordinates().z() ++ )   
-           for( cell.getCoordinates().y() = 0;
-                cell.getCoordinates().y() < mesh.getDimensions().y();
-                cell.getCoordinates().y() ++ )
-              for( cell.getCoordinates().x() = 0;
-                   cell.getCoordinates().x() < mesh.getDimensions().x();
-                   cell.getCoordinates().x() ++ )
+  }
+  if( std::is_same< Device, Devices::Host >::value )
+  {
+    const MeshFunctionType& input =  _input.getData();
+    MeshFunctionType& output =  _output.modifyData();
+    InterfaceMapType& interfaceMap =  _interfaceMap.modifyData();
+    const MeshType& mesh = input.getMesh();
+    typedef typename MeshType::Cell Cell;
+    Cell cell( mesh );
+    for( cell.getCoordinates().z() = 0;
+            cell.getCoordinates().z() < mesh.getDimensions().z();
+            cell.getCoordinates().z() ++ )
+      for( cell.getCoordinates().y() = 0;
+              cell.getCoordinates().y() < mesh.getDimensions().y();
+              cell.getCoordinates().y() ++ )
+        for( cell.getCoordinates().x() = 0;
+                cell.getCoordinates().x() < mesh.getDimensions().x();
+                cell.getCoordinates().x() ++ )
+        {
+          cell.refresh();
+          output[ cell.getIndex() ] =
+                  input( cell ) > 0 ? std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max() :
+                    - std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max();
+          interfaceMap[ cell.getIndex() ] = false;
+        }
+    const RealType& hx = mesh.getSpaceSteps().x();
+    const RealType& hy = mesh.getSpaceSteps().y();
+    const RealType& hz = mesh.getSpaceSteps().z();
+    for( cell.getCoordinates().z() = 0;
+            cell.getCoordinates().z() < mesh.getDimensions().z();
+            cell.getCoordinates().z() ++ )   
+      for( cell.getCoordinates().y() = 0;
+              cell.getCoordinates().y() < mesh.getDimensions().y();
+              cell.getCoordinates().y() ++ )
+        for( cell.getCoordinates().x() = 0;
+                cell.getCoordinates().x() < mesh.getDimensions().x();
+                cell.getCoordinates().x() ++ )
+        {
+          cell.refresh();
+          const RealType& c = input( cell );
+          if( ! cell.isBoundaryEntity() )
+          {
+            auto neighbors = cell.getNeighborEntities();
+            Real pom = 0;
+            const IndexType e = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >();
+            const IndexType n = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >();
+            const IndexType t = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >();
+            //Try exact initiation
+            /*const IndexType w = neighbors.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >();
+             const IndexType s = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >();
+             const IndexType b = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >();
+             if( c * input[ e ] <= 0 )
+             {
+             output[ cell.getIndex() ] = c;
+             output[ e ] = input[ e ];
+             interfaceMap[ e ] = true;   
+             interfaceMap[ cell.getIndex() ] = true;
+             }
+             else if( c * input[ n ] <= 0 )
+             {
+             output[ cell.getIndex() ] = c;
+             output[ n ] = input[ n ];
+             interfaceMap[ n ] = true;   
+             interfaceMap[ cell.getIndex() ] = true;
+             }
+             else if( c * input[ t ] <= 0 )
+             {
+             output[ cell.getIndex() ] = c;
+             output[ t ] = input[ t ];
+             interfaceMap[ t ] = true;   
+             interfaceMap[ cell.getIndex() ] = true;
+             }*/
+            if( c * input[ n ] <= 0 )
+            {
+              if( c >= 0 )
-                 cell.refresh();
-                 const RealType& c = input( cell );
-                 if( ! cell.isBoundaryEntity() )
-                 {
-                    auto neighbors = cell.getNeighborEntities();
-                    Real pom = 0;
-                    const IndexType e = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0,  0 >();
-                    const IndexType n = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1,  0 >();
-                    const IndexType t = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0,  1 >();
-                    //Try exact initiation
-                    /*const IndexType w = neighbors.template getEntityIndex< -1,  0,  0 >();
-                    const IndexType s = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1,  0 >();
-                    const IndexType b = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  0,  0, -1 >();
-                    if( c * input[ e ] <= 0 )
-                    {
-                       output[ cell.getIndex() ] = c;
-                       output[ e ] = input[ e ];
-                       interfaceMap[ e ] = true;   
-                       interfaceMap[ cell.getIndex() ] = true;
-                    }
-                    else if( c * input[ n ] <= 0 )
-                    {
-                       output[ cell.getIndex() ] = c;
-                       output[ n ] = input[ n ];
-                       interfaceMap[ n ] = true;   
-                       interfaceMap[ cell.getIndex() ] = true;
-                    }
-                    else if( c * input[ t ] <= 0 )
-                    {
-                       output[ cell.getIndex() ] = c;
-                       output[ t ] = input[ t ];
-                       interfaceMap[ t ] = true;   
-                       interfaceMap[ cell.getIndex() ] = true;
-                    }*/
-                    if( c * input[ n ] <= 0 )
-                    {
-                        if( c >= 0 )
-                        {
-                        pom = ( hy * c )/( c - input[ n ]);
-                        if( output[ cell.getIndex() ] > pom ) 
-                            output[ cell.getIndex() ] = pom;
-                        if ( output[ n ] < pom - hy)
-                             output[ n ] = pom - hy; // ( hy * c )/( c - input[ n ]) - hy;
-                        }else
-                        {
-                          pom = - ( hy * c )/( c - input[ n ]);
-                          if( output[ cell.getIndex() ] < pom )
-                              output[ cell.getIndex() ] = pom;
-                          if( output[ n ] > hy + pom )
-                              output[ n ] = hy + pom; //hy - ( hy * c )/( c - input[ n ]);
-                        }
-                    interfaceMap[ cell.getIndex() ] = true;
-                    interfaceMap[ n ] = true;
-                    }
-                    if( c * input[ e ] <= 0 )
-                    {
-                        if( c >= 0 )
-                        {
-                            pom = ( hx * c )/( c - input[ e ]);
-                            if( output[ cell.getIndex() ] > pom )
-                                output[ cell.getIndex() ] = pom;
-                            pom = pom - hx; //output[ e ] = (hx * c)/( c - input[ e ]) - hx;
-                            if( output[ e ] < pom )
-                                output[ e ] = pom;      
-                        }else
-                        {
-                            pom = - (hx * c)/( c - input[ e ]);
-                            if( output[ cell.getIndex() ] < pom )
-                                output[ cell.getIndex() ] = pom;
-                            pom = pom + hx; //output[ e ] = hx - (hx * c)/( c - input[ e ]);
-                            if( output[ e ] > pom )
-                                output[ e ] = pom;
-                        }
-                    interfaceMap[ cell.getIndex() ] = true;
-                    interfaceMap[ e ] = true;
-                    }
-                    if( c * input[ t ] <= 0 )
-                    {
-                        if( c >= 0 )
-                        {
-                            pom = ( hz * c )/( c - input[ t ]);
-                            if( output[ cell.getIndex() ] > pom )
-                                output[ cell.getIndex() ] = pom;
-                            pom = pom - hz; //output[ e ] = (hx * c)/( c - input[ e ]) - hx;
-                            if( output[ t ] < pom )
-                                output[ t ] = pom; 
-                        }else
-                        {
-                            pom = - (hz * c)/( c - input[ t ]);
-                            if( output[ cell.getIndex() ] < pom )
-                                output[ cell.getIndex() ] = pom;
-                            pom = pom + hz; //output[ e ] = hx - (hx * c)/( c - input[ e ]);
-                            if( output[ t ] > pom )
-                                output[ t ] = pom;
-                        }
-                    interfaceMap[ cell.getIndex() ] = true;
-                    interfaceMap[ t ] = true;
-                    }    
-                 }
-                 /*output[ cell.getIndex() ] =
-                    c > 0 ? TypeInfo< RealType >::getMaxValue() :
-                           -TypeInfo< RealType >::getMaxValue();
-                 interfaceMap[ cell.getIndex() ] = false;*/ //is on line 245
+                pom = ( hy * c )/( c - input[ n ]);
+                if( output[ cell.getIndex() ] > pom ) 
+                  output[ cell.getIndex() ] = pom;
+                if ( output[ n ] < pom - hy)
+                  output[ n ] = pom - hy; // ( hy * c )/( c - input[ n ]) - hy;
+              }else
+              {
+                pom = - ( hy * c )/( c - input[ n ]);
+                if( output[ cell.getIndex() ] < pom )
+                  output[ cell.getIndex() ] = pom;
+                if( output[ n ] > hy + pom )
+                  output[ n ] = hy + pom; //hy - ( hy * c )/( c - input[ n ]);
-    }
+              interfaceMap[ cell.getIndex() ] = true;
+              interfaceMap[ n ] = true;
+            }
+            if( c * input[ e ] <= 0 )
+            {
+              if( c >= 0 )
+              {
+                pom = ( hx * c )/( c - input[ e ]);
+                if( output[ cell.getIndex() ] > pom )
+                  output[ cell.getIndex() ] = pom;
+                pom = pom - hx; //output[ e ] = (hx * c)/( c - input[ e ]) - hx;
+                if( output[ e ] < pom )
+                  output[ e ] = pom;      
+              }else
+              {
+                pom = - (hx * c)/( c - input[ e ]);
+                if( output[ cell.getIndex() ] < pom )
+                  output[ cell.getIndex() ] = pom;
+                pom = pom + hx; //output[ e ] = hx - (hx * c)/( c - input[ e ]);
+                if( output[ e ] > pom )
+                  output[ e ] = pom;
+              }
+              interfaceMap[ cell.getIndex() ] = true;
+              interfaceMap[ e ] = true;
+            }
+            if( c * input[ t ] <= 0 )
+            {
+              if( c >= 0 )
+              {
+                pom = ( hz * c )/( c - input[ t ]);
+                if( output[ cell.getIndex() ] > pom )
+                  output[ cell.getIndex() ] = pom;
+                pom = pom - hz; //output[ e ] = (hx * c)/( c - input[ e ]) - hx;
+                if( output[ t ] < pom )
+                  output[ t ] = pom; 
+              }else
+              {
+                pom = - (hz * c)/( c - input[ t ]);
+                if( output[ cell.getIndex() ] < pom )
+                  output[ cell.getIndex() ] = pom;
+                pom = pom + hz; //output[ e ] = hx - (hx * c)/( c - input[ e ]);
+                if( output[ t ] > pom )
+                  output[ t ] = pom;
+              }
+              interfaceMap[ cell.getIndex() ] = true;
+              interfaceMap[ t ] = true;
+            }    
+          }
+          /*output[ cell.getIndex() ] =
+           c > 0 ? TypeInfo< RealType >::getMaxValue() :
+           -TypeInfo< RealType >::getMaxValue();
+           interfaceMap[ cell.getIndex() ] = false;*/ //is on line 245
+        }
+  }
 template< typename Real,
-          typename Device,
-          typename Index >
-   template< typename MeshEntity >
+        typename Device,
+        typename Index >
+template< typename MeshEntity >
 tnlDirectEikonalMethodsBase< Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > >::
 updateCell( MeshFunctionType& u,
-            const MeshEntity& cell, 
-            const RealType v )
+        const MeshEntity& cell, 
+        const RealType v )
-   const auto& neighborEntities = cell.template getNeighborEntities< 3 >();
-   const MeshType& mesh = cell.getMesh();
+  const auto& neighborEntities = cell.template getNeighborEntities< 3 >();
+  const MeshType& mesh = cell.getMesh();
-   const RealType& hx = mesh.getSpaceSteps().x();
-   const RealType& hy = mesh.getSpaceSteps().y();
-   const RealType& hz = mesh.getSpaceSteps().z();
-   const RealType value = u( cell );
-   //std::cout << value << std::endl;
-   RealType a, b, c, tmp = std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max();
-   if( cell.getCoordinates().x() == 0 )
-      a = u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0, 0 >() ];
-   else if( cell.getCoordinates().x() == mesh.getDimensions().x() - 1 )
-      a = u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0, 0 >() ];
-   else
+  const RealType& hx = mesh.getSpaceSteps().x();
+  const RealType& hy = mesh.getSpaceSteps().y();
+  const RealType& hz = mesh.getSpaceSteps().z();
+  const RealType value = u( cell );
+  //std::cout << value << std::endl;
+  RealType a, b, c, tmp = std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max();
+  if( cell.getCoordinates().x() == 0 )
+    a = u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0, 0 >() ];
+  else if( cell.getCoordinates().x() == mesh.getDimensions().x() - 1 )
+    a = u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0, 0 >() ];
+  else
+  {
+    a = TNL::argAbsMin( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0, 0 >() ],
+            u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0, 0 >() ] );
+  }
+  if( cell.getCoordinates().y() == 0 )
+    b = u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1, 0 >() ];
+  else if( cell.getCoordinates().y() == mesh.getDimensions().y() - 1 )
+    b = u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1, 0 >() ];
+  else
+  {
+    b = TNL::argAbsMin( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1, 0 >() ],
+            u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1, 0 >() ] );
+  }if( cell.getCoordinates().z() == 0 )
+    c = u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, 1 >() ];
+  else if( cell.getCoordinates().z() == mesh.getDimensions().z() - 1 )
+    c = u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, -1 >() ];
+  else
+  {
+    c = TNL::argAbsMin( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, -1 >() ],
+            u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, 1 >() ] );
+  }
+  if( fabs( a ) == std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max() && 
+          fabs( b ) == std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max() &&
+          fabs( c ) == std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max() )
+    return;
+  /*if( fabs( a ) != TypeInfo< Real >::getMaxValue() &&
+   fabs( b ) != TypeInfo< Real >::getMaxValue() &&
+   fabs( a - b ) >= TNL::sqrt( (hx * hx + hy * hy)/v ) )
-      a = TNL::argAbsMin( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< -1, 0, 0 >() ],
-                        u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 1, 0, 0 >() ] );
+   tmp = ( hx * hx * a + hy * hy * b + 
+   sign( value ) * hx * hy * sqrt( ( hx * hx + hy * hy )/v - 
+   ( a - b ) * ( a - b ) ) )/( hx * hx + hy * hy );
-   if( cell.getCoordinates().y() == 0 )
-      b = u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1, 0 >() ];
-   else if( cell.getCoordinates().y() == mesh.getDimensions().y() - 1 )
-      b = u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1, 0 >() ];
-   else
-   {
-      b = TNL::argAbsMin( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, -1, 0 >() ],
-                        u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 1, 0 >() ] );
-   }if( cell.getCoordinates().z() == 0 )
-      c = u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, 1 >() ];
-   else if( cell.getCoordinates().z() == mesh.getDimensions().z() - 1 )
-      c = u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, -1 >() ];
-   else
+   if( fabs( a ) != TypeInfo< Real >::getMaxValue() &&
+   fabs( c ) != TypeInfo< Real >::getMaxValue() &&
+   fabs( a - c ) >= TNL::sqrt( (hx * hx + hz * hz)/v ) )
-      c = TNL::argAbsMin( u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, -1 >() ],
-                         u[ neighborEntities.template getEntityIndex< 0, 0, 1 >() ] );
+   tmp = ( hx * hx * a + hz * hz * c + 
+   sign( value ) * hx * hz * sqrt( ( hx * hx + hz * hz )/v - 
+   ( a - c ) * ( a - c ) ) )/( hx * hx + hz * hz );
-   if( fabs( a ) == std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max() && 
-       fabs( b ) == std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max() &&
-       fabs( c ) == std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max() )
-      return;
-       /*if( fabs( a ) != TypeInfo< Real >::getMaxValue() &&
-           fabs( b ) != TypeInfo< Real >::getMaxValue() &&
-           fabs( a - b ) >= TNL::sqrt( (hx * hx + hy * hy)/v ) )
-       {
-           tmp = ( hx * hx * a + hy * hy * b + 
-                sign( value ) * hx * hy * sqrt( ( hx * hx + hy * hy )/v - 
-                ( a - b ) * ( a - b ) ) )/( hx * hx + hy * hy );
-       }
-       if( fabs( a ) != TypeInfo< Real >::getMaxValue() &&
-           fabs( c ) != TypeInfo< Real >::getMaxValue() &&
-           fabs( a - c ) >= TNL::sqrt( (hx * hx + hz * hz)/v ) )
-       {
-           tmp = ( hx * hx * a + hz * hz * c + 
-                sign( value ) * hx * hz * sqrt( ( hx * hx + hz * hz )/v - 
-                ( a - c ) * ( a - c ) ) )/( hx * hx + hz * hz );
-       }
-       if( fabs( b ) != TypeInfo< Real >::getMaxValue() &&
-           fabs( c ) != TypeInfo< Real >::getMaxValue() &&
-           fabs( b - c ) >= TNL::sqrt( (hy * hy + hz * hz)/v ) )
-       {
-           tmp = ( hy * hy * b + hz * hz * c + 
-                sign( value ) * hy * hz * sqrt( ( hy * hy + hz * hz )/v - 
-                ( b - c ) * ( b - c ) ) )/( hy * hy + hz * hz );
-       }*/
-    RealType pom[6] = { a, b, c, (RealType)hx, (RealType)hy, (RealType)hz};
-    sortMinims( pom );   
-    tmp = pom[ 0 ] + TNL::sign( value ) * pom[ 3 ];
-    if( fabs( tmp ) < fabs( pom[ 1 ] ) )
+   if( fabs( b ) != TypeInfo< Real >::getMaxValue() &&
+   fabs( c ) != TypeInfo< Real >::getMaxValue() &&
+   fabs( b - c ) >= TNL::sqrt( (hy * hy + hz * hz)/v ) )
+   {
+   tmp = ( hy * hy * b + hz * hz * c + 
+   sign( value ) * hy * hz * sqrt( ( hy * hy + hz * hz )/v - 
+   ( b - c ) * ( b - c ) ) )/( hy * hy + hz * hz );
+   }*/
+  RealType pom[6] = { a, b, c, (RealType)hx, (RealType)hy, (RealType)hz};
+  sortMinims( pom );   
+  tmp = pom[ 0 ] + TNL::sign( value ) * pom[ 3 ];
+  if( fabs( tmp ) < fabs( pom[ 1 ] ) )
+  {
+    u[ cell.getIndex() ] = argAbsMin( value, tmp ); 
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    tmp = ( pom[ 3 ] * pom[ 3 ] * pom[ 1 ] + pom[ 4 ] * pom[ 4 ] * pom[ 0 ] + 
+            TNL::sign( value ) * pom[ 3 ] * pom[ 4 ] * TNL::sqrt( ( pom[ 3 ] * pom[ 3 ] +  pom[ 4 ] *  pom[ 4 ] )/( v * v ) - 
+            ( pom[ 1 ] - pom[ 0 ] ) * ( pom[ 1 ] - pom[ 0 ] ) ) )/( pom[ 3 ] * pom[ 3 ] + pom[ 4 ] * pom[ 4 ] );
+    if( fabs( tmp ) < fabs( pom[ 2 ]) ) 
-        u[ cell.getIndex() ] = argAbsMin( value, tmp ); 
+      u[ cell.getIndex() ] = argAbsMin( value, tmp );
-        tmp = ( pom[ 3 ] * pom[ 3 ] * pom[ 1 ] + pom[ 4 ] * pom[ 4 ] * pom[ 0 ] + 
-            TNL::sign( value ) * pom[ 3 ] * pom[ 4 ] * TNL::sqrt( ( pom[ 3 ] * pom[ 3 ] +  pom[ 4 ] *  pom[ 4 ] )/( v * v ) - 
-            ( pom[ 1 ] - pom[ 0 ] ) * ( pom[ 1 ] - pom[ 0 ] ) ) )/( pom[ 3 ] * pom[ 3 ] + pom[ 4 ] * pom[ 4 ] );
-        if( fabs( tmp ) < fabs( pom[ 2 ]) ) 
-        {
-            u[ cell.getIndex() ] = argAbsMin( value, tmp );
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            tmp = ( hy * hy * hz * hz * a + hx * hx * hz * hz * b + hx * hx * hy * hy * c +
-                TNL::sign( value ) * hx * hy * hz * TNL::sqrt( ( hx * hx * hz * hz + hy * hy * hz * hz + hx * hx * hy * hy)/( v * v ) - 
-                hz * hz * ( a - b ) * ( a - b ) - hy * hy * ( a - c ) * ( a - c ) -
-                hx * hx * ( b - c ) * ( b - c ) ) )/( hx * hx * hy * hy + hy * hy * hz * hz + hz * hz * hx *hx );
-            u[ cell.getIndex() ] = argAbsMin( value, tmp );
-        }
+      tmp = ( hy * hy * hz * hz * a + hx * hx * hz * hz * b + hx * hx * hy * hy * c +
+              TNL::sign( value ) * hx * hy * hz * TNL::sqrt( ( hx * hx * hz * hz + hy * hy * hz * hz + hx * hx * hy * hy)/( v * v ) - 
+              hz * hz * ( a - b ) * ( a - b ) - hy * hy * ( a - c ) * ( a - c ) -
+              hx * hx * ( b - c ) * ( b - c ) ) )/( hx * hx * hy * hy + hy * hy * hz * hz + hz * hz * hx *hx );
+      u[ cell.getIndex() ] = argAbsMin( value, tmp );
+  }
 template < typename T1, typename T2 >
 T1 meet2DCondition( T1 a, T1 b, const T2 ha, const T2 hb, const T1 value, double v)
-   T1 tmp;
-   if( fabs( a ) != std::numeric_limits< T1 >::max &&
-       fabs( b ) != std::numeric_limits< T1 >::max &&
-       fabs( a - b ) < ha/v )//TNL::sqrt( (ha * ha + hb * hb)/2 )/v )
-   {
-      tmp = ( ha * ha * b + hb * hb * a + 
+  T1 tmp;
+  if( fabs( a ) != std::numeric_limits< T1 >::max &&
+          fabs( b ) != std::numeric_limits< T1 >::max &&
+          fabs( a - b ) < ha/v )//TNL::sqrt( (ha * ha + hb * hb)/2 )/v )
+  {
+    tmp = ( ha * ha * b + hb * hb * a + 
             TNL::sign( value ) * ha * hb * TNL::sqrt( ( ha * ha + hb * hb )/( v * v ) - 
             ( a - b ) * ( a - b ) ) )/( ha * ha + hb * hb );
-   }
-   else
-   {
-       tmp = std::numeric_limits< T1 >::max;
-   }
-   return tmp;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    tmp = std::numeric_limits< T1 >::max;
+  }
+  return tmp;
 template < typename T1 >
 __cuda_callable__ void sortMinims( T1 pom[] )
-    T1 tmp[6] = {0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0}; 
-    if( fabs(pom[0]) <= fabs(pom[1]) && fabs(pom[1]) <= fabs(pom[2])){
-        tmp[0] = pom[0]; tmp[1] = pom[1]; tmp[2] = pom[2];
-        tmp[3] = pom[3]; tmp[4] = pom[4]; tmp[5] = pom[5];
-    }
-    else if( fabs(pom[0]) <= fabs(pom[2]) && fabs(pom[2]) <= fabs(pom[1]) ){
-        tmp[0] = pom[0]; tmp[1] = pom[2]; tmp[2] = pom[1];
-        tmp[3] = pom[3]; tmp[4] = pom[5]; tmp[5] = pom[4];
-    }
-    else if( fabs(pom[1]) <= fabs(pom[0]) && fabs(pom[0]) <= fabs(pom[2]) ){
-        tmp[0] = pom[1]; tmp[1] = pom[0]; tmp[2] = pom[2];
-        tmp[3] = pom[4]; tmp[4] = pom[3]; tmp[5] = pom[5];
-    }
-    else if( fabs(pom[1]) <= fabs(pom[2]) && fabs(pom[2]) <= fabs(pom[0]) ){
-        tmp[0] = pom[1]; tmp[1] = pom[2]; tmp[2] = pom[0];
-        tmp[3] = pom[4]; tmp[4] = pom[5]; tmp[5] = pom[3];
-    }
-    else if( fabs(pom[2]) <= fabs(pom[0]) && fabs(pom[0]) <= fabs(pom[1]) ){
-        tmp[0] = pom[2]; tmp[1] = pom[0]; tmp[2] = pom[1];
-        tmp[3] = pom[5]; tmp[4] = pom[3]; tmp[5] = pom[4];
-    }
-    else if( fabs(pom[2]) <= fabs(pom[1]) && fabs(pom[1]) <= fabs(pom[0]) ){
-        tmp[0] = pom[2]; tmp[1] = pom[1]; tmp[2] = pom[0];
-        tmp[3] = pom[5]; tmp[4] = pom[4]; tmp[5] = pom[3];
-    }
+  T1 tmp[6] = {0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0}; 
+  if( fabs(pom[0]) <= fabs(pom[1]) && fabs(pom[1]) <= fabs(pom[2])){
+    tmp[0] = pom[0]; tmp[1] = pom[1]; tmp[2] = pom[2];
+    tmp[3] = pom[3]; tmp[4] = pom[4]; tmp[5] = pom[5];
-    for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
-    {
-        pom[ i ] = tmp[ i ];
-    }   
+  }
+  else if( fabs(pom[0]) <= fabs(pom[2]) && fabs(pom[2]) <= fabs(pom[1]) ){
+    tmp[0] = pom[0]; tmp[1] = pom[2]; tmp[2] = pom[1];
+    tmp[3] = pom[3]; tmp[4] = pom[5]; tmp[5] = pom[4];
+  }
+  else if( fabs(pom[1]) <= fabs(pom[0]) && fabs(pom[0]) <= fabs(pom[2]) ){
+    tmp[0] = pom[1]; tmp[1] = pom[0]; tmp[2] = pom[2];
+    tmp[3] = pom[4]; tmp[4] = pom[3]; tmp[5] = pom[5];
+  }
+  else if( fabs(pom[1]) <= fabs(pom[2]) && fabs(pom[2]) <= fabs(pom[0]) ){
+    tmp[0] = pom[1]; tmp[1] = pom[2]; tmp[2] = pom[0];
+    tmp[3] = pom[4]; tmp[4] = pom[5]; tmp[5] = pom[3];
+  }
+  else if( fabs(pom[2]) <= fabs(pom[0]) && fabs(pom[0]) <= fabs(pom[1]) ){
+    tmp[0] = pom[2]; tmp[1] = pom[0]; tmp[2] = pom[1];
+    tmp[3] = pom[5]; tmp[4] = pom[3]; tmp[5] = pom[4];
+  }
+  else if( fabs(pom[2]) <= fabs(pom[1]) && fabs(pom[1]) <= fabs(pom[0]) ){
+    tmp[0] = pom[2]; tmp[1] = pom[1]; tmp[2] = pom[0];
+    tmp[3] = pom[5]; tmp[4] = pom[4]; tmp[5] = pom[3];
+  }
+  for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
+  {
+    pom[ i ] = tmp[ i ];
+  }   
@@ -893,372 +919,373 @@ __cuda_callable__ void sortMinims( T1 pom[] )
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
 template < typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
 __global__ void CudaInitCaller( const Functions::MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index > >& input, 
-                                Functions::MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index > >& output,
-                                Functions::MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >, 1, bool >& interfaceMap  )
+        Functions::MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index > >& output,
+        Functions::MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >, 1, bool >& interfaceMap  )
-    int i = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x*blockIdx.x;
-    const Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >& mesh = input.template getMesh< Devices::Cuda >();
+  int i = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x*blockIdx.x;
+  const Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >& mesh = input.template getMesh< Devices::Cuda >();
+  if( i < mesh.getDimensions().x()  )
+  {
+    typedef typename Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >::Cell Cell;
+    Cell cell( mesh );
+    cell.getCoordinates().x() = i;
+    cell.refresh();
+    const Index cind = cell.getIndex();
-    if( i < mesh.getDimensions().x()  )
+    output[ cind ] =
+            input( cell ) >= 0 ? std::numeric_limits< Real >::max() :
+              - std::numeric_limits< Real >::max();
+    interfaceMap[ cind ] = false; 
+    const Real& h = mesh.getSpaceSteps().x();
+    cell.refresh();
+    const Real& c = input( cell );
+    if( ! cell.isBoundaryEntity()  )
-        typedef typename Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index >::Cell Cell;
-        Cell cell( mesh );
-        cell.getCoordinates().x() = i;
-        cell.refresh();
-        const Index cind = cell.getIndex();
-        output[ cind ] =
-               input( cell ) >= 0 ? std::numeric_limits< Real >::max() :
-                                    - std::numeric_limits< Real >::max();
-        interfaceMap[ cind ] = false; 
-        const Real& h = mesh.getSpaceSteps().x();
-        cell.refresh();
-        const Real& c = input( cell );
-        if( ! cell.isBoundaryEntity()  )
-        {
-           auto neighbors = cell.getNeighborEntities();
-           Real pom = 0;
-           const Index e = neighbors.template getEntityIndex< 1 >();
-           const Index w = neighbors.template getEntityIndex< -1 >();
-           if( c * input[ e ] <= 0 )
-           {
-               pom = TNL::sign( c )*( h * c )/( c - input[ e ]);
-               if( TNL::abs( output[ cind ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) )
-                   output[ cind ] = pom;                       
-               interfaceMap[ cind ] = true;
-           }
-           if( c * input[ w ] <= 0 )
-           {
-               pom = TNL::sign( c )*( h * c )/( c - input[ w ]);
-               if( TNL::abs( output[ cind ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) ) 
-                   output[ cind ] = pom;
-               interfaceMap[ cind ] = true;
-           }
-        }
+      auto neighbors = cell.getNeighborEntities();
+      Real pom = 0;
+      const Index e = neighbors.template getEntityIndex< 1 >();
+      const Index w = neighbors.template getEntityIndex< -1 >();
+      if( c * input[ e ] <= 0 )
+      {
+        pom = TNL::sign( c )*( h * c )/( c - input[ e ]);
+        if( TNL::abs( output[ cind ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) )
+          output[ cind ] = pom;                       
+        interfaceMap[ cind ] = true;
+      }
+      if( c * input[ w ] <= 0 )
+      {
+        pom = TNL::sign( c )*( h * c )/( c - input[ w ]);
+        if( TNL::abs( output[ cind ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) ) 
+          output[ cind ] = pom;
+        interfaceMap[ cind ] = true;
+      }
+  }
 template < typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
 __global__ void CudaInitCaller( const Functions::MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > >& input, 
-                                Functions::MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > >& output,
-                                Functions::MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >, 2, bool >& interfaceMap ) 
+        Functions::MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > >& output,
+        Functions::MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >, 2, bool >& interfaceMap ) 
-    int i = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x*blockIdx.x;
-    int j = blockDim.y*blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y;
-    const Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >& mesh = input.template getMesh< Devices::Cuda >();
+  int i = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x*blockIdx.x;
+  int j = blockDim.y*blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y;
+  const Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >& mesh = input.template getMesh< Devices::Cuda >();
+  if( i < mesh.getDimensions().x() && j < mesh.getDimensions().y() )
+  {
+    typedef typename Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::Cell Cell;
+    Cell cell( mesh );
+    cell.getCoordinates().x() = i; cell.getCoordinates().y() = j;
+    cell.refresh();
+    const Index cind = cell.getIndex();
-    if( i < mesh.getDimensions().x() && j < mesh.getDimensions().y() )
+    output[ cind ] =
+            input( cell ) >= 0 ? std::numeric_limits< Real >::max() :
+              - std::numeric_limits< Real >::max();
+    interfaceMap[ cind ] = false; 
+    const Real& hx = mesh.getSpaceSteps().x();
+    const Real& hy = mesh.getSpaceSteps().y();
+    cell.refresh();
+    const Real& c = input( cell );
+    if( ! cell.isBoundaryEntity()  )
-        typedef typename Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >::Cell Cell;
-        Cell cell( mesh );
-        cell.getCoordinates().x() = i; cell.getCoordinates().y() = j;
-        cell.refresh();
-        const Index cind = cell.getIndex();
-        output[ cind ] =
-               input( cell ) >= 0 ? std::numeric_limits< Real >::max() :
-                                    - std::numeric_limits< Real >::max();
-        interfaceMap[ cind ] = false; 
-        const Real& hx = mesh.getSpaceSteps().x();
-        const Real& hy = mesh.getSpaceSteps().y();
-        cell.refresh();
-        const Real& c = input( cell );
-        if( ! cell.isBoundaryEntity()  )
-        {
-           auto neighbors = cell.getNeighborEntities();
-           Real pom = 0;
-           const Index e = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >();
-           const Index w = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  -1,  0 >();
-           const Index n = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >();
-           const Index s = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  0,  -1 >();
-           if( c * input[ n ] <= 0 )
-           {
-               pom = TNL::sign( c )*( hy * c )/( c - input[ n ]);
-               if( TNL::abs( output[ cind ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) ) 
-                   output[ cind ] = pom;
-               interfaceMap[ cell.getIndex() ] = true;
-           }
-           if( c * input[ e ] <= 0 )
-           {
-               pom = TNL::sign( c )*( hx * c )/( c - input[ e ]);
-               if( TNL::abs( output[ cind ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) )
-                   output[ cind ] = pom;                       
-               interfaceMap[ cind ] = true;
-           }
-           if( c * input[ w ] <= 0 )
-           {
-               pom = TNL::sign( c )*( hx * c )/( c - input[ w ]);
-               if( TNL::abs( output[ cind ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) ) 
-                   output[ cind ] = pom;
-               interfaceMap[ cind ] = true;
-           }
-           if( c * input[ s ] <= 0 )
-           {
-               pom = TNL::sign( c )*( hy * c )/( c - input[ s ]);
-               if( TNL::abs( output[ cind ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) ) 
-                   output[ cind ] = pom;
-               interfaceMap[ cind ] = true;
-           }
-        }
+      auto neighbors = cell.getNeighborEntities();
+      Real pom = 0;
+      const Index e = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  1,  0 >();
+      const Index w = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  -1,  0 >();
+      const Index n = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  0,  1 >();
+      const Index s = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  0,  -1 >();
+      if( c * input[ n ] <= 0 )
+      {
+        pom = TNL::sign( c )*( hy * c )/( c - input[ n ]);
+        if( TNL::abs( output[ cind ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) ) 
+          output[ cind ] = pom;
+        interfaceMap[ cell.getIndex() ] = true;
+      }
+      if( c * input[ e ] <= 0 )
+      {
+        pom = TNL::sign( c )*( hx * c )/( c - input[ e ]);
+        if( TNL::abs( output[ cind ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) )
+          output[ cind ] = pom;                       
+        interfaceMap[ cind ] = true;
+      }
+      if( c * input[ w ] <= 0 )
+      {
+        pom = TNL::sign( c )*( hx * c )/( c - input[ w ]);
+        if( TNL::abs( output[ cind ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) ) 
+          output[ cind ] = pom;
+        interfaceMap[ cind ] = true;
+      }
+      if( c * input[ s ] <= 0 )
+      {
+        pom = TNL::sign( c )*( hy * c )/( c - input[ s ]);
+        if( TNL::abs( output[ cind ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) ) 
+          output[ cind ] = pom;
+        interfaceMap[ cind ] = true;
+      }
+  }
 template < typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
 __global__ void CudaInitCaller3d( const Functions::MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > >& input, 
-                                  Functions::MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > >& output,
-                                  Functions::MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >, 3, bool >& interfaceMap )
+        Functions::MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > >& output,
+        Functions::MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >, 3, bool >& interfaceMap )
-    int i = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x*blockIdx.x;
-    int j = blockDim.y*blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y;
-    int k = blockDim.z*blockIdx.z + threadIdx.z;
-    const Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >& mesh = input.template getMesh< Devices::Cuda >();
+  int i = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x*blockIdx.x;
+  int j = blockDim.y*blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y;
+  int k = blockDim.z*blockIdx.z + threadIdx.z;
+  const Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >& mesh = input.template getMesh< Devices::Cuda >();
+  if( i < mesh.getDimensions().x() && j < mesh.getDimensions().y() && k < mesh.getDimensions().z() )
+  {
+    typedef typename Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >::Cell Cell;
+    Cell cell( mesh );
+    cell.getCoordinates().x() = i; cell.getCoordinates().y() = j; cell.getCoordinates().z() = k;
+    cell.refresh();
+    const Index cind = cell.getIndex();
+    output[ cind ] =
+            input( cell ) >= 0 ? std::numeric_limits< Real >::max() :
+              - std::numeric_limits< Real >::max();
+    interfaceMap[ cind ] = false; 
+    cell.refresh();
-    if( i < mesh.getDimensions().x() && j < mesh.getDimensions().y() && k < mesh.getDimensions().z() )
+    const Real& hx = mesh.getSpaceSteps().x();
+    const Real& hy = mesh.getSpaceSteps().y();
+    const Real& hz = mesh.getSpaceSteps().z();
+    const Real& c = input( cell );
+    if( ! cell.isBoundaryEntity()  )
-        typedef typename Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index >::Cell Cell;
-        Cell cell( mesh );
-        cell.getCoordinates().x() = i; cell.getCoordinates().y() = j; cell.getCoordinates().z() = k;
-        cell.refresh();
-        const Index cind = cell.getIndex();
-        output[ cind ] =
-               input( cell ) >= 0 ? std::numeric_limits< Real >::max() :
-                                    - std::numeric_limits< Real >::max();
-        interfaceMap[ cind ] = false; 
-        cell.refresh();
-        const Real& hx = mesh.getSpaceSteps().x();
-        const Real& hy = mesh.getSpaceSteps().y();
-        const Real& hz = mesh.getSpaceSteps().z();
-        const Real& c = input( cell );
-        if( ! cell.isBoundaryEntity()  )
-        {
-           auto neighbors = cell.getNeighborEntities();
-           Real pom = 0;
-           const Index e = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  1, 0, 0 >();
-           const Index w = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  -1, 0, 0 >();
-           const Index n = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  0, 1, 0 >();
-           const Index s = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1, 0 >();
-           const Index t = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  0, 0, 1 >();
-           const Index b = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  0, 0, -1 >();
-           if( c * input[ n ] <= 0 )
-           {
-               pom = TNL::sign( c )*( hy * c )/( c - input[ n ]);
-               if( TNL::abs( output[ cind ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) ) 
-                   output[ cind ] = pom;
-               interfaceMap[ cind ] = true;
-           }
-           if( c * input[ e ] <= 0 )
-           {
-               pom = TNL::sign( c )*( hx * c )/( c - input[ e ]);
-               if( TNL::abs( output[ cind ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) )
-                   output[ cind ] = pom;                       
-               interfaceMap[ cind ] = true;
-           }
-           if( c * input[ w ] <= 0 )
-           {
-               pom = TNL::sign( c )*( hx * c )/( c - input[ w ]);
-               if( TNL::abs( output[ cind ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) ) 
-                   output[ cind ] = pom;
-               interfaceMap[ cind ] = true;
-           }
-           if( c * input[ s ] <= 0 )
-           {
-               pom = TNL::sign( c )*( hy * c )/( c - input[ s ]);
-               if( TNL::abs( output[ cind ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) ) 
-                   output[ cind ] = pom;
-               interfaceMap[ cind ] = true;
-           }
-           if( c * input[ b ] <= 0 )
-           {
-               pom = TNL::sign( c )*( hz * c )/( c - input[ b ]);
-               if( TNL::abs( output[ cind ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) ) 
-                   output[ cind ] = pom;
-               interfaceMap[ cind ] = true;
-           }
-           if( c * input[ t ] <= 0 )
-           {
-               pom = TNL::sign( c )*( hz * c )/( c - input[ t ]);
-               if( TNL::abs( output[ cind ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) ) 
-                   output[ cind ] = pom;
-               interfaceMap[ cind ] = true;
-           }
-        }
+      auto neighbors = cell.getNeighborEntities();
+      Real pom = 0;
+      const Index e = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  1, 0, 0 >();
+      const Index w = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  -1, 0, 0 >();
+      const Index n = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  0, 1, 0 >();
+      const Index s = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  0, -1, 0 >();
+      const Index t = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  0, 0, 1 >();
+      const Index b = neighbors.template getEntityIndex<  0, 0, -1 >();
+      if( c * input[ n ] <= 0 )
+      {
+        pom = TNL::sign( c )*( hy * c )/( c - input[ n ]);
+        if( TNL::abs( output[ cind ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) ) 
+          output[ cind ] = pom;
+        interfaceMap[ cind ] = true;
+      }
+      if( c * input[ e ] <= 0 )
+      {
+        pom = TNL::sign( c )*( hx * c )/( c - input[ e ]);
+        if( TNL::abs( output[ cind ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) )
+          output[ cind ] = pom;                       
+        interfaceMap[ cind ] = true;
+      }
+      if( c * input[ w ] <= 0 )
+      {
+        pom = TNL::sign( c )*( hx * c )/( c - input[ w ]);
+        if( TNL::abs( output[ cind ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) ) 
+          output[ cind ] = pom;
+        interfaceMap[ cind ] = true;
+      }
+      if( c * input[ s ] <= 0 )
+      {
+        pom = TNL::sign( c )*( hy * c )/( c - input[ s ]);
+        if( TNL::abs( output[ cind ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) ) 
+          output[ cind ] = pom;
+        interfaceMap[ cind ] = true;
+      }
+      if( c * input[ b ] <= 0 )
+      {
+        pom = TNL::sign( c )*( hz * c )/( c - input[ b ]);
+        if( TNL::abs( output[ cind ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) ) 
+          output[ cind ] = pom;
+        interfaceMap[ cind ] = true;
+      }
+      if( c * input[ t ] <= 0 )
+      {
+        pom = TNL::sign( c )*( hz * c )/( c - input[ t ]);
+        if( TNL::abs( output[ cind ] ) > TNL::abs( pom ) ) 
+          output[ cind ] = pom;
+        interfaceMap[ cind ] = true;
+      }
+  }
 template< typename Real,
-          typename Device,
-          typename Index >
+        typename Device,
+        typename Index >
+template< int sizeSArray >
 tnlDirectEikonalMethodsBase< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > >::
-updateCell( volatile Real sArray[18][18], int thri, int thrj, const Real hx, const Real hy,
-            const Real v )
+updateCell( volatile Real *sArray, int thri, int thrj, const Real hx, const Real hy,
+        const Real v )
-   const RealType value = sArray[ thrj ][ thri ];
-   RealType a, b, tmp = std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max();
-   b = TNL::argAbsMin( sArray[ thrj+1 ][ thri ],
-                        sArray[ thrj-1 ][ thri ] );
-   a = TNL::argAbsMin( sArray[ thrj ][ thri+1 ],
-                        sArray[ thrj ][ thri-1 ] );
-    if( fabs( a ) == std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max() && 
-        fabs( b ) == std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max() )
-       return false;
-    RealType pom[6] = { a, b, std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max(), (RealType)hx, (RealType)hy, 0.0 };
-    sortMinims( pom );
-    tmp = pom[ 0 ] + TNL::sign( value ) * pom[ 3 ]/v;
-    if( fabs( tmp ) < fabs( pom[ 1 ] ) ) 
-    {
-        sArray[ thrj ][ thri ] = argAbsMin( value, tmp );
-        tmp = value - sArray[ thrj ][ thri ];
-        if ( fabs( tmp ) >  0.001*hx )
-            return true;
-        else
-            return false;
-    }
+  const RealType value = sArray[ thrj * sizeSArray + thri ];
+  RealType a, b, tmp = std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max();
+  b = TNL::argAbsMin( sArray[ (thrj+1) * sizeSArray + thri ],
+          sArray[ (thrj-1) * sizeSArray + thri ] );
+  a = TNL::argAbsMin( sArray[ thrj * sizeSArray + thri+1 ],
+          sArray[ thrj * sizeSArray + thri-1 ] );
+  if( fabs( a ) == std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max() && 
+          fabs( b ) == std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max() )
+    return false;
+  RealType pom[6] = { a, b, std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max(), (RealType)hx, (RealType)hy, 0.0 };
+  sortMinims( pom );
+  tmp = pom[ 0 ] + TNL::sign( value ) * pom[ 3 ]/v;
+  if( fabs( tmp ) < fabs( pom[ 1 ] ) ) 
+  {
+    sArray[ thrj * sizeSArray + thri ] = argAbsMin( value, tmp );
+    tmp = value - sArray[ thrj * sizeSArray + thri ];
+    if ( fabs( tmp ) >  0.001*hx )
+      return true;
-    {
-        tmp = ( pom[ 3 ] * pom[ 3 ] * pom[ 1 ] + pom[ 4 ] * pom[ 4 ] * pom[ 0 ] + 
+      return false;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    tmp = ( pom[ 3 ] * pom[ 3 ] * pom[ 1 ] + pom[ 4 ] * pom[ 4 ] * pom[ 0 ] + 
             TNL::sign( value ) * pom[ 3 ] * pom[ 4 ] * TNL::sqrt( ( pom[ 3 ] * pom[ 3 ] +  pom[ 4 ] *  pom[ 4 ] )/( v * v ) - 
             ( pom[ 1 ] - pom[ 0 ] ) * ( pom[ 1 ] - pom[ 0 ] ) ) )/( pom[ 3 ] * pom[ 3 ] + pom[ 4 ] * pom[ 4 ] );
-        sArray[ thrj ][ thri ] = argAbsMin( value, tmp );
-        tmp = value - sArray[ thrj ][ thri ];
-        if ( fabs( tmp ) > 0.001*hx )
-            return true;
-        else
-            return false;
-    }
-    return false;
+    sArray[ thrj * sizeSArray + thri ] = argAbsMin( value, tmp );
+    tmp = value - sArray[ thrj * sizeSArray + thri ];
+    if ( fabs( tmp ) > 0.001*hx )
+      return true;
+    else
+      return false;
+  }
+  return false;
 template< typename Real,
-          typename Device,
-          typename Index >
+        typename Device,
+        typename Index >
 tnlDirectEikonalMethodsBase< Meshes::Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index > >::
 updateCell( volatile Real sArray[18], int thri, const Real h, const Real v )
-   const RealType value = sArray[ thri ];
-   RealType a, tmp = std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max();
-   a = TNL::argAbsMin( sArray[ thri+1 ],
-                       sArray[ thri-1 ] );
-    if( fabs( a ) == std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max() )
-       return false;
-    tmp = a + TNL::sign( value ) * h/v;
-    sArray[ thri ] = argAbsMin( value, tmp );
-    tmp = value - sArray[ thri ];
-    if ( fabs( tmp ) >  0.001*h )
-        return true;
-    else
-        return false;
+  const RealType value = sArray[ thri ];
+  RealType a, tmp = std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max();
+  a = TNL::argAbsMin( sArray[ thri+1 ],
+          sArray[ thri-1 ] );
+  if( fabs( a ) == std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max() )
+    return false;
+  tmp = a + TNL::sign( value ) * h/v;
+  sArray[ thri ] = argAbsMin( value, tmp );
+  tmp = value - sArray[ thri ];
+  if ( fabs( tmp ) >  0.001*h )
+    return true;
+  else
+    return false;
 template< typename Real,
-          typename Device,
-          typename Index >
+        typename Device,
+        typename Index >
 tnlDirectEikonalMethodsBase< Meshes::Grid< 3, Real, Device, Index > >::
 updateCell( volatile Real sArray[10][10][10], int thri, int thrj, int thrk,
         const Real hx, const Real hy, const Real hz, const Real v )
-   const RealType value = sArray[thrk][thrj][thri];
-   //std::cout << value << std::endl;
-   RealType a, b, c, tmp = std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max();
-   c = TNL::argAbsMin( sArray[ thrk+1 ][ thrj ][ thri ],
-                        sArray[ thrk-1 ][ thrj ][ thri ] );
-   b = TNL::argAbsMin( sArray[ thrk ][ thrj+1 ][ thri ],
-                        sArray[ thrk ][ thrj-1 ][ thri ] );
-   a = TNL::argAbsMin( sArray[ thrk ][ thrj ][ thri+1 ],
-                        sArray[ thrk ][ thrj ][ thri-1 ] );
-   if( fabs( a ) == std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max() && 
-       fabs( b ) == std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max() &&
-       fabs( c ) == std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max() )
+  const RealType value = sArray[thrk][thrj][thri];
+  //std::cout << value << std::endl;
+  RealType a, b, c, tmp = std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max();
+  c = TNL::argAbsMin( sArray[ thrk+1 ][ thrj ][ thri ],
+          sArray[ thrk-1 ][ thrj ][ thri ] );
+  b = TNL::argAbsMin( sArray[ thrk ][ thrj+1 ][ thri ],
+          sArray[ thrk ][ thrj-1 ][ thri ] );
+  a = TNL::argAbsMin( sArray[ thrk ][ thrj ][ thri+1 ],
+          sArray[ thrk ][ thrj ][ thri-1 ] );
+  if( fabs( a ) == std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max() && 
+          fabs( b ) == std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max() &&
+          fabs( c ) == std::numeric_limits< RealType >::max() )
+    return false;
+  RealType pom[6] = { a, b, c, (RealType)hx, (RealType)hy, (RealType)hz};
+  sortMinims( pom );
+  tmp = pom[ 0 ] + TNL::sign( value ) * pom[ 3 ];
+  if( fabs( tmp ) < fabs( pom[ 1 ] ) ) 
+  {
+    sArray[ thrk ][ thrj ][ thri ] = argAbsMin( value, tmp );
+    tmp = value - sArray[ thrk ][ thrj ][ thri ];
+    if ( fabs( tmp ) >  0.001*hx )
+      return true;
+    else
       return false;
-    RealType pom[6] = { a, b, c, (RealType)hx, (RealType)hy, (RealType)hz};
-    sortMinims( pom );
-    tmp = pom[ 0 ] + TNL::sign( value ) * pom[ 3 ];
-    if( fabs( tmp ) < fabs( pom[ 1 ] ) ) 
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    tmp = ( pom[ 3 ] * pom[ 3 ] * pom[ 1 ] + pom[ 4 ] * pom[ 4 ] * pom[ 0 ] + 
+            TNL::sign( value ) * pom[ 3 ] * pom[ 4 ] * TNL::sqrt( ( pom[ 3 ] * pom[ 3 ] +  pom[ 4 ] *  pom[ 4 ] )/( v * v ) - 
+            ( pom[ 1 ] - pom[ 0 ] ) * ( pom[ 1 ] - pom[ 0 ] ) ) )/( pom[ 3 ] * pom[ 3 ] + pom[ 4 ] * pom[ 4 ] );
+    if( fabs( tmp ) < fabs( pom[ 2 ]) ) 
-        sArray[ thrk ][ thrj ][ thri ] = argAbsMin( value, tmp );
-        tmp = value - sArray[ thrk ][ thrj ][ thri ];
-        if ( fabs( tmp ) >  0.001*hx )
-            return true;
-        else
-            return false;
+      sArray[ thrk ][ thrj ][ thri ] = argAbsMin( value, tmp );
+      tmp = value - sArray[ thrk ][ thrj ][ thri ];
+      if ( fabs( tmp ) > 0.001*hx )
+        return true;
+      else
+        return false;
-        tmp = ( pom[ 3 ] * pom[ 3 ] * pom[ 1 ] + pom[ 4 ] * pom[ 4 ] * pom[ 0 ] + 
-            TNL::sign( value ) * pom[ 3 ] * pom[ 4 ] * TNL::sqrt( ( pom[ 3 ] * pom[ 3 ] +  pom[ 4 ] *  pom[ 4 ] )/( v * v ) - 
-            ( pom[ 1 ] - pom[ 0 ] ) * ( pom[ 1 ] - pom[ 0 ] ) ) )/( pom[ 3 ] * pom[ 3 ] + pom[ 4 ] * pom[ 4 ] );
-        if( fabs( tmp ) < fabs( pom[ 2 ]) ) 
-        {
-            sArray[ thrk ][ thrj ][ thri ] = argAbsMin( value, tmp );
-            tmp = value - sArray[ thrk ][ thrj ][ thri ];
-            if ( fabs( tmp ) > 0.001*hx )
-                return true;
-            else
-                return false;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            tmp = ( hy * hy * hz * hz * a + hx * hx * hz * hz * b + hx * hx * hy * hy * c +
-                TNL::sign( value ) * hx * hy * hz * TNL::sqrt( ( hx * hx * hz * hz + hy * hy * hz * hz + hx * hx * hy * hy)/( v * v ) - 
-                hz * hz * ( a - b ) * ( a - b ) - hy * hy * ( a - c ) * ( a - c ) -
-                hx * hx * ( b - c ) * ( b - c ) ) )/( hx * hx * hy * hy + hy * hy * hz * hz + hz * hz * hx *hx );
-            sArray[ thrk ][ thrj ][ thri ] = argAbsMin( value, tmp );
-            tmp = value - sArray[ thrk ][ thrj ][ thri ];
-            if ( fabs( tmp ) > 0.001*hx )
-                return true;
-            else
-                return false;
-        }
+      tmp = ( hy * hy * hz * hz * a + hx * hx * hz * hz * b + hx * hx * hy * hy * c +
+              TNL::sign( value ) * hx * hy * hz * TNL::sqrt( ( hx * hx * hz * hz + hy * hy * hz * hz + hx * hx * hy * hy)/( v * v ) - 
+              hz * hz * ( a - b ) * ( a - b ) - hy * hy * ( a - c ) * ( a - c ) -
+              hx * hx * ( b - c ) * ( b - c ) ) )/( hx * hx * hy * hy + hy * hy * hz * hz + hz * hz * hx *hx );
+      sArray[ thrk ][ thrj ][ thri ] = argAbsMin( value, tmp );
+      tmp = value - sArray[ thrk ][ thrj ][ thri ];
+      if ( fabs( tmp ) > 0.001*hx )
+        return true;
+      else
+        return false;
-    return false;
+  }
+  return false;
diff --git a/src/TNL/Experimental/Hamilton-Jacobi/Solvers/hamilton-jacobi/tnlFastSweepingMethod2D_impl.h b/src/TNL/Experimental/Hamilton-Jacobi/Solvers/hamilton-jacobi/tnlFastSweepingMethod2D_impl.h
index c6cc575d15..0efa38aa16 100644
--- a/src/TNL/Experimental/Hamilton-Jacobi/Solvers/hamilton-jacobi/tnlFastSweepingMethod2D_impl.h
+++ b/src/TNL/Experimental/Hamilton-Jacobi/Solvers/hamilton-jacobi/tnlFastSweepingMethod2D_impl.h
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 #include "tnlFastSweepingMethod.h"
 #include <TNL/Devices/Cuda.h>
+#include <string.h>
 #include <iostream>
@@ -80,115 +81,171 @@ solve( const MeshPointer& mesh,
   while( iteration < this->maxIterations )
     if( std::is_same< DeviceType, Devices::Host >::value )
-      int numThreadsPerBlock = 16;
+      int numThreadsPerBlock = 1024;
       int numBlocksX = mesh->getDimensions().x() / numThreadsPerBlock + (mesh->getDimensions().x() % numThreadsPerBlock != 0 ? 1:0);
       int numBlocksY = mesh->getDimensions().y() / numThreadsPerBlock + (mesh->getDimensions().y() % numThreadsPerBlock != 0 ? 1:0);
+      //std::cout << "numBlocksX = " << numBlocksX << std::endl;
+      /*Real **sArray = new Real*[numBlocksX*numBlocksY];
+       for( int i = 0; i < numBlocksX * numBlocksY; i++ )
+       sArray[ i ] = new Real [ (numThreadsPerBlock + 2)*(numThreadsPerBlock + 2)];*/
       ArrayContainer BlockIterHost;
       BlockIterHost.setSize( numBlocksX * numBlocksY );
       BlockIterHost.setValue( 1 );
+      int IsCalculationDone = 1;
+      MeshFunctionPointer helpFunc( mesh );
+      MeshFunctionPointer helpFunc1( mesh );
+      helpFunc1 = auxPtr;
+      auxPtr = helpFunc;
+      helpFunc = helpFunc1;
+      //std::cout<< "Size = " << BlockIterHost.getSize() << std::endl;
       /*for( int k = numBlocksX-1; k >-1; k-- ){
-        for( int l = 0; l < numBlocksY; l++ ){
-          std::cout<< BlockIterHost[ l*numBlocksX  + k ];
+       for( int l = 0; l < numBlocksY; l++ ){
+       std::cout<< BlockIterHost[ l*numBlocksX  + k ];
+       }
+       std::cout<<std::endl;
+       }
+       std::cout<<std::endl;*/
+      unsigned int numWhile = 0;
+      while( IsCalculationDone  )
+      {      
+        IsCalculationDone = 0;
+        helpFunc1 = auxPtr;
+        auxPtr = helpFunc;
+        helpFunc = helpFunc1;
+        this->template updateBlocks< 1026 >( interfaceMap, *auxPtr, *helpFunc, BlockIterHost, numThreadsPerBlock/*, sArray*/ );
+        for( int i = 0; i < BlockIterHost.getSize(); i++ ){
+          if( IsCalculationDone == 0 ){
+            IsCalculationDone = IsCalculationDone || BlockIterHost[ i ];
+            //break;
+          }
-        std::cout<<std::endl;
-      }
-      std::cout<<std::endl;*/
-      while( BlockIterHost[ 0 ] )
-      {          
-        this->updateBlocks( interfaceMap, aux, BlockIterHost, numThreadsPerBlock);
+        numWhile++;
+        for( int j = numBlocksY-1; j>-1; j-- ){
+          for( int i = 0; i < numBlocksX; i++ )
+            std::cout << BlockIterHost[ j * numBlocksX + i ];
+          std::cout << std::endl;
+        }
+        std::cout << std::endl;
         this->getNeighbours( BlockIterHost, numBlocksX, numBlocksY );
-  //Reduction      
-        for( int k = numBlocksX-1; k >-1; k-- ){
-          for( int l = 0; l < numBlocksY; l++ ){
-            //std::cout<< BlockIterHost[ l*numBlocksX  + k ];
-            BlockIterHost[ 0 ] = BlockIterHost[ 0 ] || BlockIterHost[ l*numBlocksX + k ];
-          }
-          //std::cout<<std::endl;
-        }
+        /*for( int j = numBlocksY-1; j>-1; j-- ){
+         for( int i = 0; i < numBlocksX; i++ )
+         std::cout << "BlockIterHost = "<< j*numBlocksX + i<< " ," << BlockIterHost[ j * numBlocksX + i ];
+         std::cout << std::endl;
+         }
+         std::cout << std::endl;*/
+        //Reduction      
+        string s( "aux-"+ std::to_string(numWhile) + ".tnl");
+ s );
-      /*for( cell.getCoordinates().y() = 0;
-              cell.getCoordinates().y() < mesh->getDimensions().y();
-              cell.getCoordinates().y()++ )
-      {
-        for( cell.getCoordinates().x() = 0;
-                cell.getCoordinates().x() < mesh->getDimensions().x();
-                cell.getCoordinates().x()++ )
-        {
-          cell.refresh();
-          if( ! interfaceMap( cell ) )
-            this->updateCell( aux, cell );
-        }
-      }
-      // "aux-1.tnl" );
-      for( cell.getCoordinates().y() = 0;
-              cell.getCoordinates().y() < mesh->getDimensions().y();
-              cell.getCoordinates().y()++ )
-      {
-        for( cell.getCoordinates().x() = mesh->getDimensions().x() - 1;
-                cell.getCoordinates().x() >= 0 ;
-                cell.getCoordinates().x()-- )		
-        {
-          //std::cerr << "2 -> ";
-          cell.refresh();
-          if( ! interfaceMap( cell ) )            
-            this->updateCell( aux, cell );
-        }
+      if( numWhile == 1 ){
+        auxPtr = helpFunc;
+      /*for( int i = 0; i < numBlocksX * numBlocksY; i++ )
+       delete []sArray[i];*/
-      // "aux-2.tnl" );
-      for( cell.getCoordinates().y() = mesh->getDimensions().y() - 1;
-              cell.getCoordinates().y() >= 0 ;
-              cell.getCoordinates().y()-- )
-      {
-        for( cell.getCoordinates().x() = 0;
-                cell.getCoordinates().x() < mesh->getDimensions().x();
-                cell.getCoordinates().x()++ )
-        {
-          //std::cerr << "3 -> ";
-          cell.refresh();
-          if( ! interfaceMap( cell ) )            
-            this->updateCell( aux, cell );
-        }
-      }
-      // "aux-3.tnl" );
+      /*for( cell.getCoordinates().y() = 0;
+       cell.getCoordinates().y() < mesh->getDimensions().y();
+       cell.getCoordinates().y()++ )
+       {
+       for( cell.getCoordinates().x() = 0;
+       cell.getCoordinates().x() < mesh->getDimensions().x();
+       cell.getCoordinates().x()++ )
+       {
+       cell.refresh();
+       if( ! interfaceMap( cell ) )
+       this->updateCell( aux, cell );
+       }
+       }
+       // "aux-1.tnl" );
+       for( cell.getCoordinates().y() = 0;
+       cell.getCoordinates().y() < mesh->getDimensions().y();
+       cell.getCoordinates().y()++ )
+       {
+       for( cell.getCoordinates().x() = mesh->getDimensions().x() - 1;
+       cell.getCoordinates().x() >= 0 ;
+       cell.getCoordinates().x()-- )		
+       {
+       //std::cerr << "2 -> ";
+       cell.refresh();
+       if( ! interfaceMap( cell ) )            
+       this->updateCell( aux, cell );
+       }
+       }
+       // "aux-2.tnl" );
+       for( cell.getCoordinates().y() = mesh->getDimensions().y() - 1;
+       cell.getCoordinates().y() >= 0 ;
+       cell.getCoordinates().y()-- )
+       {
+       for( cell.getCoordinates().x() = 0;
+       cell.getCoordinates().x() < mesh->getDimensions().x();
+       cell.getCoordinates().x()++ )
+       {
+       //std::cerr << "3 -> ";
+       cell.refresh();
+       if( ! interfaceMap( cell ) )            
+       this->updateCell( aux, cell );
+       }
+       }
+       // "aux-3.tnl" );
+       for( cell.getCoordinates().y() = mesh->getDimensions().y() - 1;
+       cell.getCoordinates().y() >= 0;
+       cell.getCoordinates().y()-- )
+       {
+       for( cell.getCoordinates().x() = mesh->getDimensions().x() - 1;
+       cell.getCoordinates().x() >= 0 ;
+       cell.getCoordinates().x()-- )		
+       {
+       //std::cerr << "4 -> ";
+       cell.refresh();
+       if( ! interfaceMap( cell ) )            
+       this->updateCell( aux, cell );
+       }
+       }
+       for( int j = 0;
+       j < mesh->getDimensions().y();
+       j++ )
+       {
+       for( int i = 0;
+       i < mesh->getDimensions().x();
+       i++ )
+       {
+       std::cout << aux[ i * mesh->getDimensions().y() + j ] << " ";
+       }
+       std::cout << std::endl;
+       }*/
-      for( cell.getCoordinates().y() = mesh->getDimensions().y() - 1;
-              cell.getCoordinates().y() >= 0;
-              cell.getCoordinates().y()-- )
-      {
-        for( cell.getCoordinates().x() = mesh->getDimensions().x() - 1;
-                cell.getCoordinates().x() >= 0 ;
-                cell.getCoordinates().x()-- )		
-        {
-          //std::cerr << "4 -> ";
-          cell.refresh();
-          if( ! interfaceMap( cell ) )            
-            this->updateCell( aux, cell );
-        }
-      }*/
     if( std::is_same< DeviceType, Devices::Cuda >::value )
       // TODO: CUDA code
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
+      // Maximum cudaBlockSite is 32. Because of maximum num. of threads in kernel.
       const int cudaBlockSize( 16 );
       int numBlocksX = Devices::Cuda::getNumberOfBlocks( mesh->getDimensions().x(), cudaBlockSize );
       int numBlocksY = Devices::Cuda::getNumberOfBlocks( mesh->getDimensions().y(), cudaBlockSize );
       dim3 blockSize( cudaBlockSize, cudaBlockSize );
@@ -202,19 +259,14 @@ solve( const MeshPointer& mesh,
       BlockIterDevice.setSize( numBlocksX * numBlocksY );
       BlockIterDevice.setValue( 1 );
-      int ne = 0;
-      CudaUpdateCellCaller<<< gridSize, blockSize >>>( ptr,
-                                                       interfaceMapPtr.template getData< Device >(),
-                                                       auxPtr.template modifyData< Device>(),
-                                                       BlockIterDevice, ne);
       /*TNL::Containers::Array< int, Devices::Cuda, IndexType > BlockIterPom;
-      BlockIterPom.setSize( numBlocksX * numBlocksY  );
-      BlockIterPom.setValue( 0 );*/
+       BlockIterPom.setSize( numBlocksX * numBlocksY  );
+       BlockIterPom.setValue( 0 );*/
       /*TNL::Containers::Array< int, Devices::Host, IndexType > BlockIterPom1;
-      BlockIterPom1.setSize( numBlocksX * numBlocksY  );
-      BlockIterPom1.setValue( 0 );*/
+       BlockIterPom1.setSize( numBlocksX * numBlocksY  );
+       BlockIterPom1.setValue( 0 );*/
       /*int *BlockIterDevice;
        cudaMalloc((void**) &BlockIterDevice, ( numBlocksX * numBlocksY ) * sizeof( int ) );*/
       int nBlocksNeigh = ( numBlocksX * numBlocksY )/1024 + ((( numBlocksX * numBlocksY )%1024 != 0) ? 1:0);
@@ -223,59 +275,125 @@ solve( const MeshPointer& mesh,
       /*int *BlockIterPom;
        cudaMalloc((void**) &BlockIterPom, ( numBlocksX * numBlocksY ) * sizeof( int ) );*/
-      int nBlocks = ( numBlocksX * numBlocksY )/512 + ((( numBlocksX * numBlocksY )%512 != 0) ? 1:0);
+      int nBlocks = ( numBlocksX * numBlocksY )/1024 + ((( numBlocksX * numBlocksY )%1024 != 0) ? 1:0);
       TNL::Containers::Array< int, Devices::Cuda, IndexType > dBlock;
-      dBlock.setSize( nBlocks  );
+      dBlock.setSize( nBlocks );
       /*int *dBlock;
        cudaMalloc((void**) &dBlock, nBlocks * sizeof( int ) );*/
-      //int pocIter = 0;
+      MeshFunctionPointer helpFunc1;
+      helpFunc1->setMesh(mesh);
+      MeshFunctionPointer helpFunc( mesh );
+      helpFunc1 = auxPtr;
+      auxPtr = helpFunc;
+      helpFunc = helpFunc1;
+      int numIter = 0;
+      //int oddEvenBlock = 0;
       while( BlockIterD )
-        /*BlockIterPom1 = BlockIterDevice;
-        for( int j = numBlocksY-1; j>-1; j-- ){
-          for( int i = 0; i < numBlocksX; i++ )
-            std::cout << BlockIterPom1[ j * numBlocksX + i ];
-          std::cout << std::endl;
-        }
-        std::cout << std::endl;*/
+        /** HERE IS CHESS METHOD **/
+        /*auxPtr = helpFunc;
-        CudaUpdateCellCaller<<< gridSize, blockSize >>>( ptr,
-                                                         interfaceMapPtr.template getData< Device >(),
-                                                         auxPtr.template modifyData< Device>(),
-                                                         BlockIterDevice, 1);
+        CudaUpdateCellCaller<18><<< gridSize, blockSize >>>( ptr,
+                interfaceMapPtr.template getData< Device >(),
+                auxPtr.template getData< Device>(),
+                helpFunc.template modifyData< Device>(),
+                BlockIterDevice,
+                oddEvenBlock );
+        auxPtr = helpFunc;
-        /*int poc = 0;
-        for( int i = 0; i < numBlocksX * numBlocksY; i++ )
-          if( BlockIterPom1[ i ] )
-            poc = poc+1;
-        std::cout << "pocet bloku, ktere se pocitali = " << poc << std::endl;*/
+        oddEvenBlock= (oddEvenBlock == 0) ? 1: 0;
-        GetNeighbours<<< nBlocksNeigh, 1024 >>>( BlockIterDevice, /*BlockIterPom,*/ numBlocksX, numBlocksY );
+        CudaUpdateCellCaller<18><<< gridSize, blockSize >>>( ptr,
+                interfaceMapPtr.template getData< Device >(),
+                auxPtr.template getData< Device>(),
+                helpFunc.template modifyData< Device>(),
+                BlockIterDevice,
+                oddEvenBlock );
+        auxPtr = helpFunc;
-        CudaParallelReduc<<< nBlocks , 512 >>>( BlockIterDevice, dBlock, ( numBlocksX * numBlocksY ) );
+        oddEvenBlock= (oddEvenBlock == 0) ? 1: 0;
-        CudaParallelReduc<<< 1, nBlocks >>>( dBlock, dBlock, nBlocks );
+        CudaParallelReduc<<< nBlocks , 1024 >>>( BlockIterDevice, dBlock, ( numBlocksX * numBlocksY ) );
+        cudaDeviceSynchronize();
-        BlockIterD = dBlock.getElement( 0 );
-        //cudaMemcpy( &BlockIterD, &dBlock[0], sizeof( int ), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
+        CudaParallelReduc<<< 1, nBlocks >>>( dBlock, dBlock, nBlocks );
+        BlockIterD = dBlock.getElement( 0 );*/
+        /**------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+        /** HERE IS FIM **/
+         helpFunc1 = auxPtr;
+         auxPtr = helpFunc;
+         helpFunc = helpFunc1;
+         //int pocBloku = 0;
+         Devices::Cuda::synchronizeDevice();
+         CudaUpdateCellCaller<18><<< gridSize, blockSize >>>( ptr,
+         interfaceMapPtr.template getData< Device >(),
+         auxPtr.template modifyData< Device>(),
+         helpFunc.template modifyData< Device>(),
+         BlockIterDevice );
+         cudaDeviceSynchronize();
+         //std::cout << "Pocet aktivnich bloku = " << pocBloku << std::endl;
+         GetNeighbours<<< nBlocksNeigh, 1024 >>>( BlockIterDevice, numBlocksX, numBlocksY );
+         cudaDeviceSynchronize();
+         //std::cout<< "Probehlo" << std::endl;
+         //TNL::swap( auxPtr, helpFunc );
+         CudaParallelReduc<<< nBlocks , 1024 >>>( BlockIterDevice, dBlock, ( numBlocksX * numBlocksY ) );
+         CudaParallelReduc<<< 1, nBlocks >>>( dBlock, dBlock, nBlocks );
+         BlockIterD = dBlock.getElement( 0 );
+         //cudaMemcpy( &BlockIterD, &dBlock[0], sizeof( int ), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
+         cudaDeviceSynchronize();
+        /**-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
         /*for( int i = 1; i < numBlocksX * numBlocksY; i++ )
          BlockIter[ 0 ] = BlockIter[ 0 ] || BlockIter[ i ];*/
-        //pocIter ++;
+        numIter ++;
+      if( numIter == 1 ){
+        helpFunc1 = auxPtr;
+        auxPtr = helpFunc;
+        helpFunc = helpFunc1;
+      }
+      /*cudaFree( BlockIterDevice );
+       cudaFree( dBlock );
+       delete BlockIter;*/
-      //std::cout<< pocIter << std::endl;
       aux = *auxPtr;
       interfaceMap = *interfaceMapPtr;
@@ -286,10 +404,13 @@ solve( const MeshPointer& mesh,"aux-final.tnl");
 #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
 template < typename Index >
 __global__ void GetNeighbours( TNL::Containers::Array< int, Devices::Cuda, Index > BlockIterDevice,
-                               /*TNL::Containers::Array< int, Devices::Cuda, Index > BlockIterPom,*/ int numBlockX, int numBlockY )
+        /*TNL::Containers::Array< int, Devices::Cuda, Index > BlockIterPom,*/ int numBlockX, int numBlockY )
   int i = blockIdx.x * 1024 + threadIdx.x;
@@ -299,53 +420,68 @@ __global__ void GetNeighbours( TNL::Containers::Array< int, Devices::Cuda, Index
     int m=0, k=0;
     m = i%numBlockX;
     k = i/numBlockX;
-    if( m > 0 )
-      if( BlockIterDevice[ i - 1 ] )
-        pom = 1;//BlockIterPom[ i ] = 1;
-    if( m < numBlockX -1 && pom == 0 )
-      if( BlockIterDevice[ i + 1 ] )
-        pom = 1;//BlockIterPom[ i ] = 1;
-    if( k > 0 && pom == 0 )
-      if( BlockIterDevice[ i - numBlockX ] )
-        pom = 1;// BlockIterPom[ i ] = 1;
-    if( k < numBlockY -1 && pom == 0 )
-      if( BlockIterDevice[ i + numBlockX ] )
-        pom = 1;//BlockIterPom[ i ] = 1;
+    if( m > 0 && BlockIterDevice[ i - 1 ] ){
+      pom = 1;//BlockIterPom[ i ] = 1;
+    }else if( m < numBlockX -1 && BlockIterDevice[ i + 1 ] ){
+      pom = 1;//BlockIterPom[ i ] = 1;
+    }else if( k > 0 && BlockIterDevice[ i - numBlockX ] ){
+      pom = 1;// BlockIterPom[ i ] = 1;
+    }else if( k < numBlockY -1 && BlockIterDevice[ i + numBlockX ] ){
+      pom = 1;//BlockIterPom[ i ] = 1;
+    }
     BlockIterDevice[ i ] = pom;//BlockIterPom[ i ];
 template < typename Index >
 __global__ void CudaParallelReduc( TNL::Containers::Array< int, Devices::Cuda, Index > BlockIterDevice,
-                                   TNL::Containers::Array< int, Devices::Cuda, Index > dBlock, int nBlocks )
+        TNL::Containers::Array< int, Devices::Cuda, Index > dBlock, int nBlocks )
   int i = threadIdx.x;
   int blId = blockIdx.x;
-  __shared__ volatile int sArray[ 512 ];
+  int blockSize = blockDim.x;
+  /*if ( i == 0 && blId == 0 ){
+   printf( "nBlocks = %d \n", nBlocks );
+   for( int j = nBlocks-1; j > -1 ; j--){
+   printf( "cislo = %d \n", BlockIterDevice[ j ] );
+   }
+   }*/
+  __shared__ int sArray[ 1024 ];
   sArray[ i ] = 0;
-  if(blId * 512 + i < nBlocks )
-    sArray[ i ] = BlockIterDevice[ blId * 512 + i ];
+  if( blId * 1024 + i < nBlocks )
+    sArray[ i ] = BlockIterDevice[ blId * 1024 + i ];
-  if (blockDim.x == 1024) {
+  /*extern __shared__ volatile int sArray[];
+   unsigned int i = threadIdx.x;
+   unsigned int gid = blockIdx.x * blockSize * 2 + threadIdx.x;
+   unsigned int gridSize = blockSize * 2 * gridDim.x;
+   sArray[ i ] = 0;
+   while( gid < nBlocks )
+   {
+   sArray[ i ] += BlockIterDevice[ gid ] + BlockIterDevice[ gid + blockSize ];
+   gid += gridSize;
+   }
+   __syncthreads();*/
+  if ( blockSize == 1024) {
     if (i < 512)
       sArray[ i ] += sArray[ i + 512 ];
-  if (blockDim.x  >= 512) {
+  if (blockSize >= 512) {
     if (i < 256) {
       sArray[ i ] += sArray[ i + 256 ];
-  if (blockDim.x >= 256) {
+  __syncthreads();
+  if (blockSize >= 256) {
     if (i < 128) {
       sArray[ i ] += sArray[ i + 128 ];
-  if (blockDim.x >= 128) {
+  if (blockSize >= 128) {
     if (i < 64) {
       sArray[ i ] += sArray[ i + 64 ];
@@ -353,12 +489,12 @@ __global__ void CudaParallelReduc( TNL::Containers::Array< int, Devices::Cuda, I
   if (i < 32 )
-    if(  blockDim.x >= 64 ) sArray[ i ] += sArray[ i + 32 ];
-    if(  blockDim.x >= 32 )  sArray[ i ] += sArray[ i + 16 ];
-    if(  blockDim.x >= 16 )  sArray[ i ] += sArray[ i + 8 ];
-    if(  blockDim.x >= 8 )  sArray[ i ] += sArray[ i + 4 ];
-    if(  blockDim.x >= 4 )  sArray[ i ] += sArray[ i + 2 ];
-    if(  blockDim.x >= 2 )  sArray[ i ] += sArray[ i + 1 ];
+    if(  blockSize >= 64 ) sArray[ i ] += sArray[ i + 32 ];
+    if(  blockSize >= 32 )  sArray[ i ] += sArray[ i + 16 ];
+    if(  blockSize >= 16 )  sArray[ i ] += sArray[ i + 8 ];
+    if(  blockSize >= 8 )  sArray[ i ] += sArray[ i + 4 ];
+    if(  blockSize >= 4 )  sArray[ i ] += sArray[ i + 2 ];
+    if(  blockSize >= 2 )  sArray[ i ] += sArray[ i + 1 ];
   if( i == 0 )
@@ -367,94 +503,120 @@ __global__ void CudaParallelReduc( TNL::Containers::Array< int, Devices::Cuda, I
-template < typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
+template < int sizeSArray, typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
 __global__ void CudaUpdateCellCaller( tnlDirectEikonalMethodsBase< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > > ptr,
-                                      const Functions::MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >, 2, bool >& interfaceMap,
-                                      Functions::MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > >& aux,
-                                      TNL::Containers::Array< int, Devices::Cuda, Index > BlockIterDevice, int ne )
+        const Functions::MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >, 2, bool >& interfaceMap,
+        const Functions::MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > >& aux,
+        Functions::MeshFunction< Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index > >& helpFunc,
+        TNL::Containers::Array< int, Devices::Cuda, Index > BlockIterDevice, int oddEvenBlock )
   int thri = threadIdx.x; int thrj = threadIdx.y;
-  int blIdx = blockIdx.x; int blIdy = blockIdx.y;
-  int grIdx = gridDim.x;
-  if( BlockIterDevice[ blIdy * grIdx + blIdx] )
+  int i = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x*blockIdx.x;
+  int j = blockDim.y*blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y;
+  if( (blockIdx.y%2  + blockIdx.x) % 2 == oddEvenBlock )
-    const Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >& mesh = interfaceMap.template getMesh< Devices::Cuda >();
+    /**-----------------------------------------*/
-    int dimX = mesh.getDimensions().x(); int dimY = mesh.getDimensions().y();
-    __shared__ volatile int numOfBlockx;
-    __shared__ volatile int numOfBlocky;
-    __shared__ int xkolik;
-    __shared__ int ykolik;
-    __shared__ volatile int NE;
-    if( thri == 0 && thrj == 0 )
+    /** FOR FIM METHOD */
+    /*if( BlockIterDevice[ blockIdx.y * gridDim.x + blockIdx.x] )
+     {*/ 
+    /**-----------------------------------------*/
+    const Meshes::Grid< 2, Real, Device, Index >& mesh = interfaceMap.template getMesh< Devices::Cuda >();
+    __shared__ volatile int dimX;
+    __shared__ volatile int dimY;
+    __shared__ volatile Real hx;
+    __shared__ volatile Real hy;
+    if( thri==0 && thrj == 0)
-      xkolik = blockDim.x + 1;
-      ykolik = blockDim.y + 1;
-      numOfBlocky = dimY/blockDim.y + ((dimY%blockDim.y != 0) ? 1:0);
-      numOfBlockx = dimX/blockDim.x + ((dimX%blockDim.x != 0) ? 1:0);
-      if( numOfBlockx - 1 == blIdx )
-        xkolik = dimX - (blIdx)*blockDim.x+1;
-      if( numOfBlocky -1 == blIdy )
-        ykolik = dimY - (blIdy)*blockDim.y+1;
-        BlockIterDevice[ blIdy * grIdx + blIdx ] = 0;
-        NE = ne;
+      dimX = mesh.getDimensions().x();
+      dimY = mesh.getDimensions().y();
+      hx = mesh.getSpaceSteps().x();
+      hy = mesh.getSpaceSteps().y();
+      BlockIterDevice[ blockIdx.y * gridDim.x + blockIdx.x ] = 0;
-    int i = thri + blockDim.x*blIdx;
-    int j = blockDim.y*blIdy + thrj;
+    int numOfBlockx;
+    int numOfBlocky;
+    int xkolik;
+    int ykolik;
+    xkolik = blockDim.x + 1;
+    ykolik = blockDim.y + 1;
+    numOfBlocky = dimY/blockDim.y + ((dimY%blockDim.y != 0) ? 1:0);
+    numOfBlockx = dimX/blockDim.x + ((dimX%blockDim.x != 0) ? 1:0);
+    if( numOfBlockx - 1 == blockIdx.x )
+      xkolik = dimX - (blockIdx.x)*blockDim.x+1;
+    if( numOfBlocky -1 == blockIdx.y )
+      ykolik = dimY - (blockIdx.y)*blockDim.y+1;
+    __syncthreads();
     int currentIndex = thrj * blockDim.x + thri;
-    if( BlockIterDevice[ blIdy * gridDim.x + blIdx] )
-    {
     //__shared__ volatile bool changed[ blockDim.x*blockDim.y ];
-    __shared__ volatile bool changed[16*16];
+    __shared__ volatile bool changed[ (sizeSArray-2)*(sizeSArray-2)];
     changed[ currentIndex ] = false;
     if( thrj == 0 && thri == 0 )
       changed[ 0 ] = true;
-    __shared__ Real hx;
-    __shared__ Real hy;
-    if( thrj == 1 && thri == 1 )
-    {
-      hx = mesh.getSpaceSteps().x();
-      hy = mesh.getSpaceSteps().y();
-    }
     //__shared__ volatile Real sArray[ blockDim.y+2 ][ blockDim.x+2 ];
-    __shared__ volatile Real sArray[18][18];
-    sArray[thrj][thri] = std::numeric_limits< Real >::max();
+    __shared__ volatile Real sArray[ sizeSArray * sizeSArray ];
+    sArray[ thrj * sizeSArray + thri ] = std::numeric_limits< Real >::max();
     //filling sArray edges
     if( thri == 0 )
-    {        
-      if( dimX > (blIdx+1) * blockDim.x  && thrj+1 < ykolik && NE == 1 )
-        sArray[thrj+1][xkolik] = aux[ blIdy*blockDim.y*dimX - dimX + blIdx*blockDim.x - 1 + (thrj+1)*dimX + xkolik ];
+    {      
+      if( dimX > (blockIdx.x+1) * blockDim.x  && thrj+1 < ykolik )
+        sArray[(thrj+1)*sizeSArray + xkolik] = aux[ blockIdx.y*blockDim.y*dimX - dimX + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x - 1 + (thrj+1)*dimX + xkolik ];
-        sArray[thrj+1][xkolik] = std::numeric_limits< Real >::max();
+        sArray[(thrj+1)*sizeSArray + xkolik] = std::numeric_limits< Real >::max();
     if( thri == 1 )
-      if( blIdx != 0 && thrj+1 < ykolik && NE == 1 )
-        sArray[thrj+1][0] = aux[ blIdy*blockDim.y*dimX - dimX + blIdx*blockDim.x - 1 + (thrj+1)*dimX ];
+      if( blockIdx.x != 0 && thrj+1 < ykolik )
+        sArray[(thrj+1)*sizeSArray + 0] = aux[ blockIdx.y*blockDim.y*dimX - dimX + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x - 1 + (thrj+1)*dimX ];
-        sArray[thrj+1][0] = std::numeric_limits< Real >::max();
+        sArray[(thrj+1)*sizeSArray + 0] = std::numeric_limits< Real >::max();
     if( thri == 2 )
-      if( dimY > (blIdy+1) * blockDim.y  && thri+1 < xkolik && NE == 1 )
-        sArray[ykolik][thrj+1] = aux[ blIdy*blockDim.y*dimX - dimX + blIdx*blockDim.x - 1 + ykolik*dimX + thrj+1 ];
+      if( dimY > (blockIdx.y+1) * blockDim.y  && thrj+1 < xkolik )
+        sArray[ ykolik*sizeSArray + thrj+1 ] = aux[ blockIdx.y*blockDim.y*dimX - dimX + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x - 1 + ykolik*dimX + thrj+1 ];
+      else
+        sArray[ykolik*sizeSArray + thrj+1] = std::numeric_limits< Real >::max();
+    }
+    if( thri == 3 )
+    {
+      if( blockIdx.y != 0 && thrj+1 < xkolik )
+        sArray[0*sizeSArray + thrj+1] = aux[ blockIdx.y*blockDim.y*dimX - dimX + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x - 1 + thrj+1 ];
-        sArray[ykolik][thrj+1] = std::numeric_limits< Real >::max();
+        sArray[0*sizeSArray + thrj+1] = std::numeric_limits< Real >::max();
+    }
+    if( i < dimX && j < dimY )
+    {    
+      sArray[(thrj+1)*sizeSArray + thri+1] = aux[ j*dimX + i ];
+    while( changed[ 0 ] )
+    {
+      __syncthreads();
+      changed[ currentIndex] = false;
+      //calculation of update cell
+      if( i < dimX && j < dimY )
+      {
+        if( ! interfaceMap[ j * dimX + i ] )
-          changed[ currentIndex ] = ptr.updateCell( sArray, thri+1, thrj+1, hx,hy);
+          changed[ currentIndex ] = ptr.updateCell<sizeSArray>( sArray, thri+1, thrj+1, hx,hy);
@@ -488,30 +650,36 @@ __global__ void CudaUpdateCellCaller( tnlDirectEikonalMethodsBase< Meshes::Grid<
         if( currentIndex < 64 )
-    if( thri == 3 )
-    {
-      if( blIdy != 0 && thrj+1 < xkolik && NE == 1 )
-        sArray[0][thrj+1] = aux[ blIdy*blockDim.y*dimX - dimX + blIdx*blockDim.x - 1 + thrj+1 ];
-      else
-        sArray[0][thrj+1] = std::numeric_limits< Real >::max();
-    }
-    if( i < mesh.getDimensions().x() && j < mesh.getDimensions().y() )
-    {    
-      sArray[thrj+1][thri+1] = aux[ j*mesh.getDimensions().x() + i ];
-    }
-    __syncthreads();  
-    while( changed[ 0 ] )
-    {
+          changed[ currentIndex ] = changed[ currentIndex ] || changed[ currentIndex + 64 ];
+        }
+      }
-      changed[ currentIndex] = false;
-      //calculation of update cell
-      if( i < mesh.getDimensions().x() && j < mesh.getDimensions().y() )
+      if( currentIndex < 32 ) 
-        if( ! interfaceMap[ j * mesh.getDimensions().x() + i ] )
+        if( true ) changed[ currentIndex ] = changed[ currentIndex ] || changed[ currentIndex + 32 ];
+        if( currentIndex < 16 ) changed[ currentIndex ] = changed[ currentIndex ] || changed[ currentIndex + 16 ];
+        if( currentIndex < 8 ) changed[ currentIndex ] = changed[ currentIndex ] || changed[ currentIndex + 8 ];
+        if( currentIndex < 4 ) changed[ currentIndex ] = changed[ currentIndex ] || changed[ currentIndex + 4 ];
+        if( currentIndex < 2 ) changed[ currentIndex ] = changed[ currentIndex ] || changed[ currentIndex + 2 ];
+        if( currentIndex < 1 ) changed[ currentIndex ] = changed[ currentIndex ] || changed[ currentIndex + 1 ];
+      }
+      if( thri == 0 && thrj == 0 && changed[ 0 ] ){
+        BlockIterDevice[ blockIdx.y * gridDim.x + blockIdx.x ] = 1;
+      }
+      /*if( thri==0 && thrj == 0 && blockIdx.x == 0 && blockIdx.y == 0 )
+       {
+       for( int k = 15; k>-1; k-- ){
+       for( int l = 0; l < 16; l++ )
+       printf( "%f\t", sArray[k * 16 + l]);
+       printf( "\n");
+       }
+       printf( "\n");
+       }*/
+      __syncthreads();
+    }
+    if( i < dimX && j < dimY )
+      helpFunc[ j * dimX + i ] = sArray[ ( thrj + 1 ) * sizeSArray + thri + 1 ];
+  } 