From f00c3bba11bff60f32e6c37ec62529c3f8f9ae10 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Jakub=20Klinkovsk=C3=BD?= <>
Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2019 09:45:35 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Removed duplicated vector tests (appeared after bad rebase)

 src/UnitTests/Containers/VectorTest-1.h |  22 ----
 src/UnitTests/Containers/VectorTest-6.h | 158 ++++--------------------
 src/UnitTests/Containers/VectorTest-7.h |   2 -
 3 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 160 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/UnitTests/Containers/VectorTest-1.h b/src/UnitTests/Containers/VectorTest-1.h
index e12ed8ad6d..ced6051ab2 100644
--- a/src/UnitTests/Containers/VectorTest-1.h
+++ b/src/UnitTests/Containers/VectorTest-1.h
@@ -406,28 +406,6 @@ TYPED_TEST( VectorTest, comparisonOnDifferentDevices )
-TYPED_TEST( VectorTest, horizontalOperations )
-   using VectorType = typename TestFixture::VectorType;
-   using ViewType = typename TestFixture::ViewType;
-   using RealType = typename VectorType::RealType;
-   using IndexType = typename VectorType::IndexType;
-   const int size = VECTOR_TEST_SIZE;
-   VectorType _u( size ), _v( size ), _w( size );
-   ViewType u( _u ), v( _v ), w( _w );
-   EXPECT_EQ( u.getSize(), size );
-   u = 0;
-   v = 1;
-   w = 2;
-   u = u + 4 * TNL::max( v, 0 );
-   EXPECT_TRUE( u.containsOnlyValue( 4.0 ) );
-   u = u + 3 * w + 4 * TNL::max( v, 0 );
-   EXPECT_TRUE( u.containsOnlyValue( 14.0 ) );
 #endif // HAVE_GTEST
 #include "../main.h"
diff --git a/src/UnitTests/Containers/VectorTest-6.h b/src/UnitTests/Containers/VectorTest-6.h
index 1706138405..889b349bc0 100644
--- a/src/UnitTests/Containers/VectorTest-6.h
+++ b/src/UnitTests/Containers/VectorTest-6.h
@@ -19,6 +19,28 @@
 // and large enough to require multiple CUDA blocks for reduction
 constexpr int VECTOR_TEST_SIZE = 500;
+TYPED_TEST( VectorTest, horizontalOperations )
+   using VectorType = typename TestFixture::VectorType;
+   using ViewType = typename TestFixture::ViewType;
+   using RealType = typename VectorType::RealType;
+   using IndexType = typename VectorType::IndexType;
+   const int size = VECTOR_TEST_SIZE;
+   VectorType _u( size ), _v( size ), _w( size );
+   ViewType u( _u ), v( _v ), w( _w );
+   EXPECT_EQ( u.getSize(), size );
+   u = 0;
+   v = 1;
+   w = 2;
+   u = u + 4 * TNL::max( v, 0 );
+   EXPECT_TRUE( u.containsOnlyValue( 4.0 ) );
+   u = u + 3 * w + 4 * TNL::max( v, 0 );
+   EXPECT_TRUE( u.containsOnlyValue( 14.0 ) );
 TYPED_TEST( VectorTest, verticalOperations )
    using VectorType = typename TestFixture::VectorType;
@@ -85,142 +107,6 @@ TYPED_TEST( VectorTest, verticalOperations )
       EXPECT_NEAR( sign( u ).getElement( i ), sign( u.getElement( i ) ), 1.0e-6 );
-// TODO: test prefix sum with custom begin and end parameters
-TEST( VectorSpecialCasesTest, sumOfBoolVector )
-   using VectorType = Containers::Vector< bool, Devices::Host >;
-   using ViewType = VectorView< bool, Devices::Host >;
-   const float epsilon = 64 * std::numeric_limits< float >::epsilon();
-   VectorType v( 512 ), w( 512 );
-   ViewType v_view( v ), w_view( w );
-   v.setValue( true );
-   w.setValue( false );
-   const int sum = TNL::sum( v );
-   const int l1norm = lpNorm( v, 1.0 );
-   const float l2norm = lpNorm( v, 2.0 );
-   const float l3norm = lpNorm( v, 3.0 );
-   EXPECT_EQ( sum, 512 );
-   EXPECT_EQ( l1norm, 512 );
-   EXPECT_NEAR( l2norm, std::sqrt( 512 ), epsilon );
-   EXPECT_NEAR( l3norm, std::cbrt( 512 ), epsilon );
-   const int diff_sum = TNL::sum( v - w ); //v.differenceSum< int >( w );
-   const int diff_l1norm = lpNorm( v - w, 1.0 );//v.differenceLpNorm< int >( w, 1.0 );
-   const float diff_l2norm = lpNorm( v - w, 2.0 );//v.differenceLpNorm< float >( w, 2.0 );
-   const float diff_l3norm = lpNorm( v - w, 3.0 );//v.differenceLpNorm< float >( w, 3.0 );
-   EXPECT_EQ( diff_sum, 512 );
-   EXPECT_EQ( diff_l1norm, 512 );
-   EXPECT_NEAR( diff_l2norm, std::sqrt( 512 ), epsilon );
-   EXPECT_NEAR( diff_l3norm, std::cbrt( 512 ), epsilon );
-   // test views
-   const int sum_view = v_view.sum< int >();
-   const int l1norm_view = lpNorm( v_view, 1.0 );
-   const float l2norm_view = lpNorm( v_view, 2.0 );
-   const float l3norm_view = lpNorm( v_view, 3.0 );
-   EXPECT_EQ( sum_view, 512 );
-   EXPECT_EQ( l1norm_view, 512 );
-   EXPECT_NEAR( l2norm_view, std::sqrt( 512 ), epsilon );
-   EXPECT_NEAR( l3norm_view, std::cbrt( 512 ), epsilon );
-   const int diff_sum_view = TNL::sum( v_view - w_view );
-   const int diff_l1norm_view = lpNorm( v_view - w_view, 1.0 );
-   const float diff_l2norm_view = lpNorm( v_view - w_view, 2.0 );
-   const float diff_l3norm_view = lpNorm( v_view - w_view, 3.0 );
-   EXPECT_EQ( diff_sum_view, 512 );
-   EXPECT_EQ( diff_l1norm_view, 512 );
-   EXPECT_NEAR( diff_l2norm_view, std::sqrt( 512 ), epsilon );
-   EXPECT_NEAR( diff_l3norm_view, std::cbrt( 512 ), epsilon );
-TEST( VectorSpecialCasesTest, assignmentThroughView )
-   using VectorType = Containers::Vector< int, Devices::Host >;
-   using ViewType = VectorView< int, Devices::Host >;
-   static_assert( Containers::Algorithms::detail::HasSubscriptOperator< VectorType >::value, "Subscript operator detection by SFINAE does not work for Vector." );
-   static_assert( Containers::Algorithms::detail::HasSubscriptOperator< ViewType >::value, "Subscript operator detection by SFINAE does not work for VectorView." );
-   VectorType u( 100 ), v( 100 );
-   ViewType u_view( u ), v_view( v );
-   u.setValue( 42 );
-   v.setValue( 0 );
-   v_view = u_view;
-   EXPECT_EQ( u_view.getData(), u.getData() );
-   EXPECT_EQ( v_view.getData(), v.getData() );
-   for( int i = 0; i < 100; i++ )
-      EXPECT_EQ( v_view[ i ], 42 );
-   u.setValue( 42 );
-   v.setValue( 0 );
-   v_view = u;
-   EXPECT_EQ( u_view.getData(), u.getData() );
-   EXPECT_EQ( v_view.getData(), v.getData() );
-   for( int i = 0; i < 100; i++ )
-      EXPECT_EQ( v_view[ i ], 42 );
-TEST( VectorSpecialCasesTest, operationsOnConstView )
-   using VectorType = Containers::Vector< int, Devices::Host >;
-   using ViewType = VectorView< const int, Devices::Host >;
-   VectorType u( 100 ), v( 100 );
-   ViewType u_view( u ), v_view( v );
-   u.setValue( 1 );
-   v.setValue( 1 );
-   EXPECT_EQ( max( u_view ), 1 );
-   EXPECT_EQ( min( u_view ), 1 );
-   EXPECT_EQ( max( abs( u_view ) ), 1 );
-   EXPECT_EQ( min( abs( u_view ) ), 1 );
-   EXPECT_EQ( lpNorm( u_view, 1 ), 100 );
-   EXPECT_EQ( max( u_view - v_view ), 0 );
-   EXPECT_EQ( min( u_view - v_view ), 0 );
-   EXPECT_EQ( max( abs( u_view - v_view ) ), 0 );
-   EXPECT_EQ( min( abs( u_view - v_view ) ), 0 );
-   EXPECT_EQ( lpNorm( u_view - v_view, 1.0 ), 0 );
-   EXPECT_EQ( sum( u_view - v_view ), 0 );
-   EXPECT_EQ( dot( u_view, v_view ), 100 );
-TEST( VectorSpecialCasesTest, initializationOfVectorViewByArrayView )
-   using ArrayType = Containers::Array< int, Devices::Host >;
-   using VectorViewType = VectorView< const int, Devices::Host >;
-   using ArrayViewType = ArrayView< int, Devices::Host >;
-   ArrayType a( 100 );
-   a.setValue( 0 );
-   ArrayViewType a_view( a );
-   VectorViewType v_view( a_view );
-   EXPECT_EQ( v_view.getData(), a_view.getData() );
-   EXPECT_EQ( v_view.sum(), 0 );
-TEST( VectorSpecialCasesTest, defaultConstructors )
-   using ArrayType = Containers::Array< int, Devices::Host >;
-   using VectorViewType = VectorView< int, Devices::Host >;
-   using ArrayViewType = ArrayView< int, Devices::Host >;
-   ArrayType a( 100 );
-   a.setValue( 0 );
-   ArrayViewType a_view;
-   a_view.bind( a );
-   VectorViewType v_view;
-   v_view.bind( a );
-   EXPECT_EQ( v_view.getData(), a_view.getData() );
 #endif // HAVE_GTEST
 #include "../main.h"
diff --git a/src/UnitTests/Containers/VectorTest-7.h b/src/UnitTests/Containers/VectorTest-7.h
index a6d45d8599..6bae125687 100644
--- a/src/UnitTests/Containers/VectorTest-7.h
+++ b/src/UnitTests/Containers/VectorTest-7.h
@@ -15,8 +15,6 @@
 #ifdef HAVE_GTEST
 #include "VectorTestSetup.h"
-// should be small enough to have fast tests, but larger than minGPUReductionDataSize
-// and large enough to require multiple CUDA blocks for reduction
 constexpr int VECTOR_TEST_SIZE = 100;
 TYPED_TEST( VectorTest, sin )