From f343ff947ead9220a9123e9a0399ae4af430d0bf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tomas Oberhuber <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 2016 10:51:13 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Implementing operator functions.

 src/functions/tnlBoundaryOperatorFunction.h   |  24 +++
 src/functions/tnlMeshFunctionEvaluator.h      |  67 ++++---
 src/functions/tnlMeshFunctionEvaluator_impl.h |  94 ++++++++--
 src/functions/tnlMeshFunction_impl.h          |  41 +---
 src/functions/tnlOperatorFunction.h           |  27 +--
 src/functions/tnlOperatorFunction_impl.h      |  17 +-
 src/operators/tnlOperatorEnumerator.h         | 175 ------------------
 src/operators/tnlOperatorEnumerator_impl.h    | 141 --------------
 tests/unit-tests/tnlApproximationError_impl.h |   4 +-
 9 files changed, 171 insertions(+), 419 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/functions/tnlBoundaryOperatorFunction.h
 delete mode 100644 src/operators/tnlOperatorEnumerator.h
 delete mode 100644 src/operators/tnlOperatorEnumerator_impl.h

diff --git a/src/functions/tnlBoundaryOperatorFunction.h b/src/functions/tnlBoundaryOperatorFunction.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa635d6c58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/functions/tnlBoundaryOperatorFunction.h
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+                          tnlBoundaryOperatorFunction.h  -  description
+                             -------------------
+    begin                : Jan 6, 2016
+    copyright            : (C) 2016 by oberhuber
+    email                :
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ *                                                                         *
+ *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
+ *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
+ *                                                                         *
+ ***************************************************************************/
diff --git a/src/functions/tnlMeshFunctionEvaluator.h b/src/functions/tnlMeshFunctionEvaluator.h
index 3a41818d07..b78484baa1 100644
--- a/src/functions/tnlMeshFunctionEvaluator.h
+++ b/src/functions/tnlMeshFunctionEvaluator.h
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 #include <mesh/tnlGrid.h>
 #include <functions/tnlMeshFunction.h>
+#include <functions/tnlOperatorFunction.h>
 template< typename OutMeshFunction,
           typename InFunction >
@@ -87,36 +88,54 @@ class tnlMeshFunctionEvaluator
-/*template< int Dimensions,
-          typename MeshReal1,
-          typename MeshReal2,
-          typename MeshDevice1,
-          typename MeshDevice2,
-          typename MeshIndex1,
-          typename MeshIndex2,
-          int MeshEntityDimensions,
-          typename Real >
-class tnlMeshFunctionEvaluator< tnlMeshFunction< tnlGrid< Dimensions, MeshReal1, MeshDevice1, MeshIndex1 >, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >,
-                                tnlMeshFunction< tnlGrid< Dimensions, MeshReal2, MeshDevice2, MeshIndex2 >, MeshEntityDimensions, Real > >
+template< typename OutMeshFunction,
+          typename Operator,
+          typename Function >
+class tnlMeshFunctionEvaluator< OutMeshFunction, tnlOperatorFunction< Operator, Function > >
-      typedef tnlGrid< Dimensions, MeshReal1, MeshDevice1, MeshIndex1 > Mesh1;
-      typedef tnlGrid< Dimensions, MeshReal2, MeshDevice2, MeshIndex2 > Mesh2;
-      typedef tnlMeshFunction< Mesh1, MeshEntityDimensions, Real > OutMeshFunction;
-      typedef tnlMeshFunction< Mesh2, MeshEntityDimensions, Real > InFunction;
+      typedef typename OutMeshFunction::MeshType MeshType;
+      typedef typename MeshType::RealType MeshRealType;
+      typedef typename MeshType::DeviceType MeshDeviceType;
+      typedef typename MeshType::IndexType MeshIndexType;
+      typedef typename OutMeshFunction::Real RealType;
+      typedef tnlOperatorFunction< Operator, Function > OperatorFunctionType;
+      static void evaluateAllEntities( OutMeshFunction& meshFunction,
+                                       const OperatorFunctionType& function,                          
+                                       const RealType& time = 0.0,
+                                       const RealType& outFunctionMultiplicator = 0.0,
+                                       const RealType& inFunctionMultiplicator = 1.0 )
+      {
+         evaluateInteriorEntities( meshFunction, function, time, outFunctionMultiplicator, inFunctionMultiplicator );
+      };
+      static void evaluateInteriorEntities( OutMeshFunction& meshFunction,
+                                            const OperatorFunctionType& function,                          
+                                            const RealType& time = 0.0,
+                                            const RealType& outFunctionMultiplicator = 0.0,
+                                            const RealType& inFunctionMultiplicator = 1.0 );
-      static void assign( OutMeshFunction& f1,
-                          const InFunction& f2 )
+      class TraverserUserData
-         if( f1.getMesh().getDimensions() == f2.getMesh().getDimensions() )
-            f1.getData() = f2.getData();
-         else
-         {
-            //TODO: Interpolace
-         }
+         public:
+            TraverserUserData( const OperatorFunctionType* operatorFunction,              
+                               const RealType* time,
+                               OutMeshFunction* meshFunction,
+                               const RealType* outFunctionMultiplicator,
+                               const RealType* inFunctionMultiplicator )
+            : meshFunction( meshFunction ), operatorFunction( operatorFunction ),time( time ), 
+              outFunctionMultiplicator( outFunctionMultiplicator ),
+              inFunctionMultiplicator( inFunctionMultiplicator ){}
+         protected:
+            OutMeshFunction* meshFunction;            
+            const OperatorFunctionType* operatorFunction;
+            const RealType *time, *outFunctionMultiplicator, *inFunctionMultiplicator;
diff --git a/src/functions/tnlMeshFunctionEvaluator_impl.h b/src/functions/tnlMeshFunctionEvaluator_impl.h
index 5069eb87cf..557f80d913 100644
--- a/src/functions/tnlMeshFunctionEvaluator_impl.h
+++ b/src/functions/tnlMeshFunctionEvaluator_impl.h
@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
+#include <functions/tnlMeshFunctionEvaluator.h>
+#include <mesh/tnlTraverser.h>
 template< typename OutMeshFunction,
           typename InFunction >
@@ -63,12 +66,12 @@ template< typename OutMeshFunction,
           typename InFunction >
 tnlMeshFunctionEvaluator< OutMeshFunction, InFunction >::
-assign( OutMeshFunction& meshFunction,
-        const InFunction& function,
-        const RealType& time,
-        const RealType& outFunctionMultiplicator,
-        const RealType& inFunctionMultiplicator,
-        EntitisType entitiesType )
+evaluateEntities( OutMeshFunction& meshFunction,
+                  const InFunction& function,
+                  const RealType& time,
+                  const RealType& outFunctionMultiplicator,
+                  const RealType& inFunctionMultiplicator,
+                  EntitiesType entitiesType )
    typedef typename MeshType::template MeshEntities< meshEntityDimensions > MeshEntityType;
@@ -81,11 +84,10 @@ assign( OutMeshFunction& meshFunction,
                                         const EntityType& entity )
          typedef tnlFunctionAdapter< MeshType, InFunction > FunctionAdapter;
-         ( * userData.meshFunction )( entity ) = 
-               FunctionAdapter::getValue(
-                  *userData.function,
-                  entity,
-                  *userData.time );
+         ( *userData.meshFunction )( entity ) = 
+            *userData.outFunctionMultiplicator * ( *userData.meshFunction )( entity ) +
+            *userData.inFunctionMultiplicator *
+            FunctionAdapter::getValue( *userData.function, entity, *userData.time );
@@ -160,6 +162,76 @@ assign( OutMeshFunction& meshFunction,
+template< typename OutMeshFunction,
+          typename Function,
+          typename Operator >
+tnlMeshFunctionEvaluator< OutMeshFunction, tnlOperatorFunction< Operator, Function> >::
+evaluateEntities( OutMeshFunction& meshFunction,
+                  const OperatorFunctionType& operatorFunction,
+                  const RealType& time,
+                  const RealType& outFunctionMultiplicator,
+                  const RealType& inFunctionMultiplicator )
+   typedef typename MeshType::template MeshEntities< meshEntityDimensions > MeshEntityType;
+   class AssignEntitiesProcessor
+   {
+      template< typename EntityType >
+      __cuda_callable__
+      static inline void processEntity( const MeshType& mesh,
+                                        TraverserUserData& userData,
+                                        const EntityType& entity )
+      {
+         typedef tnlFunctionAdapter< MeshType, InFunction > FunctionAdapter;
+         ( *userData.meshFunction )( entity ) = 
+            *userData.outFunctionMultiplicator * ( *userData.meshFunction )( entity ) +
+            *userData.inFunctionMultiplicator *
+            FunctionAdapter::getValue( *userData.function, entity, *userData.time );
+      }
+   };
+   if( std::is_same< MeshDeviceType, tnlHost >::value )
+   {
+      TraverserUserData userData( &function, &time, &meshFunction, &outFunctionMultiplicator, &inFunctionMultiplicator );
+      tnlTraverser< MeshType, MeshEntityType > meshTraverser;
+      meshTraverser.template processInterirorEntities< TraverserUserData, AssignEntitiesProcessor >
+         ( meshFunction.getMesh(),
+           userData );
+   }
+   if( std::is_same< MeshDeviceType, tnlCuda >::value )
+   {      
+      OutMeshFunction* kernelMeshFunction = tnlCuda::passToDevice( meshFunction );
+      Function* kernelFunction = tnlCuda::passToDevice( *operatorFunction.function );
+      Operator* kernelOperator = tnlCuda::passToDevice( *operatorFunction.operator_ );
+      OperatorFunctionType auxOperatorFunction( *kernelOperator, *kernelFunction );
+      OperatorFunctionType* kernelOperatorFunction = tnlCuda::passToDevice( auxOperatorFunction );
+      RealType* kernelTime = tnlCuda::passToDevice( time );
+      RealType* kernelOutFunctionMultiplicator = tnlCuda::passToDevice( outFunctionMultiplicator );
+      RealType* kernelInFunctionMultiplicator = tnlCuda::passToDevice( inFunctionMultiplicator );
+      TraverserUserData userData( kernelOperatorFunction, kernelTime, kernelMeshFunction, kernelOutFunctionMultiplicator, kernelInFunctionMultiplicator );
+      checkCudaDevice;
+      tnlTraverser< MeshType, MeshEntityType > meshTraverser;
+      meshTraverser.template processInteriorEntities< TraverserUserData, AssignEntitiesProcessor >
+         ( meshFunction.getMesh(),
+           userData );
+      checkCudaDevice;      
+      tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernelMeshFunction );
+      tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernelFunction );
+      tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernelOperator );
+      tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernelOperatorFunction );
+      tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernelTime );
+      tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernelOutFunctionMultiplicator );
+      tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernelInFunctionMultiplicator );
+      checkCudaDevice;
+   }
diff --git a/src/functions/tnlMeshFunction_impl.h b/src/functions/tnlMeshFunction_impl.h
index 5f659d1650..678518dcc9 100644
--- a/src/functions/tnlMeshFunction_impl.h
+++ b/src/functions/tnlMeshFunction_impl.h
@@ -218,18 +218,7 @@ tnlMeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >&
 tnlMeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
 operator = ( const Function& f )
-   if( std::is_void< typename Function::DeviceType >::value ||
-       std::is_same< typename Function::DeviceType, DeviceType >::value )
-   {
-      tnlFunctionEvaluator< ThisType, Function >  evaluator;
-      evaluator.assignment( f, *this );
-      return *this;
-   }
-   if( Function::getFunctionType() == MeshFunction )
-   {
-      tnlMeshFunctionEvaluator< ThisType, Function >::assign( f, *this );
-      return *this;
-   }
+   tnlMeshFunctionEvaluator< ThisType, Function >::evaluateAllEntities( *this, f );
    return *this;
@@ -241,18 +230,7 @@ tnlMeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >&
 tnlMeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
 operator += ( const Function& f )
-   if( std::is_void< typename Function::DeviceType >::value ||
-       std::is_same< typename Function::DeviceType, DeviceType >::value )
-   {
-      tnlFunctionEvaluator< ThisType, Function >  evaluator;
-      evaluator.assignment( f, *this, 1.0, 1.0 );
-      return *this;
-   }
-   if( Function::getFunctionType() == MeshFunction )
-   {
-      tnlMeshFunctionEvaluator< ThisType, Function >::assign( f, *this );
-      return *this;
-   }
+   tnlMeshFunctionEvaluator< ThisType, Function >::evaluateAllEntities( *this, f, 1.0, 1.0 );
    return *this;
@@ -264,23 +242,10 @@ tnlMeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >&
 tnlMeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimensions, Real >::
 operator -= ( const Function& f )
-   if( std::is_void< typename Function::DeviceType >::value ||
-       std::is_same< typename Function::DeviceType, DeviceType >::value )
-   {
-      tnlFunctionEvaluator< ThisType, Function >  evaluator;
-      evaluator.assignment( f, *this );
-      return *this;
-   }
-   if( Function::getFunctionType() == MeshFunction )
-   {
-      tnlMeshFunctionEvaluator< ThisType, Function >::assign( f, *this, 1.0, -1.0 );
-      return *this;
-   }
+   tnlMeshFunctionEvaluator< ThisType, Function >::evaluateAllEntities( *this, f, 1.0, -1.0 );
    return *this;
 template< typename Mesh,
           int MeshEntityDimensions,
           typename Real >
diff --git a/src/functions/tnlOperatorFunction.h b/src/functions/tnlOperatorFunction.h
index 19baae5cff..0caae80687 100644
--- a/src/functions/tnlOperatorFunction.h
+++ b/src/functions/tnlOperatorFunction.h
@@ -21,29 +21,25 @@
 #include <type_traits>
 #include <core/tnlCuda.h>
+ * This class evaluates given operator on given function. The image is defined only
+ * for the interior mesh entities.
+ */
 template< typename Operator,
-          typename Function,
-          typename BoundaryConditions = Operator >
+          typename Function >
 class tnlOperatorFunction
-   //static_assert( std::is_same< typename Operator::MeshType, typename MeshFunction::MeshType >::value,
-   //               "Operator and MeshFunction have different mesh type." );
-   static_assert( std::is_same< typename Operator::MeshType, typename BoundaryConditions::MeshType >::value,
-                  "Operator and BoundaryConditions have different mesh type." );
       typedef Operator OperatorType;
       typedef Function FunctionType;
-      typedef BoundaryConditions BoundaryConditionsType;
       typedef typename OperatorType::RealType RealType;
       typedef typename OperatorType::DeviceType DeviceType;
       typedef typename OperatorType::IndexType IndexType;
          const OperatorType& operator_,
-         const FunctionType& function,
-         const BoundaryConditionsType& boundaryConditions );
+         const FunctionType& function );
       template< typename MeshEntity >
@@ -53,14 +49,9 @@ class tnlOperatorFunction
-      const Operator& operator_;
+      const Operator* operator_;
-      const FunctionType& function;
-      const BoundaryConditions& boundaryConditions;
+      const FunctionType* function;         
diff --git a/src/functions/tnlOperatorFunction_impl.h b/src/functions/tnlOperatorFunction_impl.h
index 978e4055c9..12ed6badee 100644
--- a/src/functions/tnlOperatorFunction_impl.h
+++ b/src/functions/tnlOperatorFunction_impl.h
@@ -24,11 +24,9 @@ template< typename Operator,
 tnlOperatorFunction< Operator, Function >::
    const OperatorType& operator_,
-   const MeshFunctionType& function,
-   const BoundaryConditionsType& boundaryConditions )
-:  operator_( operator_ ),
-   function( function ),
-   boundaryConditions( boundaryConditions )
+   const FunctionType& function )
+:  operator_( &operator_ ),
+   function( &function )
@@ -41,12 +39,11 @@ tnlOperatorFunction< Operator, Function >::operator()(
    const MeshEntity& meshEntity,
    const RealType& time )
-   static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == Function::getMeshEntityDimensions(), "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." );
-   if( meshEntity.isBoundaryEntity() )
-      return boundaryConditions.getValue( meshEntity, function.getData(), time );
-   return operator_.getValue( meshEntity, function.getData(), time );
+   //static_assert( MeshEntity::entityDimensions == Operator::getMeshEntityDimensions(), "Wrong mesh entity dimensions." );
+   tnlAssert( ! meshEntity.isBoundaryEntity(), 
+      cerr << "Operator functions are defined only for interior mesh entities. Entity = " << meshEntity );
+   return operator_->getValue( meshEntity, function->getData(), time );
diff --git a/src/operators/tnlOperatorEnumerator.h b/src/operators/tnlOperatorEnumerator.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 050a23b72d..0000000000
--- a/src/operators/tnlOperatorEnumerator.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-                          tnlOperatorEnumerator.h  -  description
-                             -------------------
-    begin                : Mar 8, 2015
-    copyright            : (C) 2015 by Tomas Oberhuber
-    email                :
- ***************************************************************************/
- *                                                                         *
- *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
- *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
- *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
- *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
- *                                                                         *
- ***************************************************************************/
-//#include <_operators/tnlOperatorAdapter.h>
-template< typename Operator,
-          typename DofVector >
-class tnlOperatorEnumeratorTraverserUserData
-   public:
-      typedef typename DofVector::RealType RealType;
-      const RealType *time;
-      const Operator* _operator;
-      DofVector *u;
-      const RealType* _operatorCoefficient;
-      const RealType* dofVectorCoefficient;
-      tnlOperatorEnumeratorTraverserUserData( const RealType& time,
-                                              const Operator& _operator,
-                                              DofVector& u,
-                                              const RealType& _operatorCoefficient,
-                                              const RealType& dofVectorCoefficient )
-      : time( &time ),
-        _operator( &_operator ),
-        u( &u ),
-        _operatorCoefficient( &_operatorCoefficient ),
-        dofVectorCoefficient( &dofVectorCoefficient )
-      {};
-template< typename Mesh,
-          typename Operator,
-          typename DofVector >
-class tnlOperatorEnumerator
-   public:
-      typedef Mesh MeshType;
-      typedef typename DofVector::RealType RealType;
-      typedef typename DofVector::DeviceType DeviceType;
-      typedef typename DofVector::IndexType IndexType;
-      typedef tnlOperatorEnumeratorTraverserUserData< Operator,
-                                                      DofVector > TraverserUserData;
-      template< int EntityDimensions >
-      void enumerate( const MeshType& mesh,
-                      const Operator& _operator,
-                      DofVector& u,
-                      const RealType& _operatorCoefficient = 1.0,
-                      const RealType& dofVectorCoefficient = 0.0,
-                      const RealType& time = 0.0 ) const;
-      class TraverserEntitiesProcessor
-      {
-         public:
-            template< int EntityDimensions >
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-            __host__ __device__
-            static void processEntity( const MeshType& mesh,
-                                       TraverserUserData& userData,
-                                       const IndexType index )
-            {
-               //typedef tnlOperatorAdapter< MeshType, Operator > OperatorAdapter;
-               ( *userData.u )[ index ] =
-                        ( *userData.dofVectorCoefficient ) * ( *userData.u )[ index ] +
-                        ( *userData._operatorCoefficient ) * userData._operator ->getValue( mesh,
-                                                                                            index,
-                                                                                            *userData.time );
-            }
-      };
-template< int Dimensions,
-          typename Real,
-          typename Device,
-          typename Index,
-          typename Operator,
-          typename DofVector >
-class tnlOperatorEnumerator< tnlGrid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >,
-                             Operator,
-                             DofVector >
-   public:
-      typedef tnlGrid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index > MeshType;
-      typedef typename MeshType::RealType RealType;
-      typedef typename MeshType::DeviceType DeviceType;
-      typedef typename MeshType::IndexType IndexType;
-      typedef typename MeshType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
-      typedef tnlOperatorEnumeratorTraverserUserData< Operator,
-                                                      DofVector > TraverserUserData;
-      template< int EntityDimensions >
-      void enumerate( const MeshType& mesh,
-                      const Operator& _operator,
-                      DofVector& u,
-                      const RealType& _operatorCoefficient = 1.0,
-                      const RealType& dofVectorCoefficient = 0.0,
-                      const RealType& time = 0.0 ) const;
-      class TraverserEntitiesProcessor
-      {
-         public:
-         typedef typename MeshType::VertexType VertexType;
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-            __host__ __device__
-            static void processCell( const MeshType& mesh,
-                                     TraverserUserData& userData,
-                                     const IndexType index,
-                                     const CoordinatesType& coordinates )
-            {
-               //printf( "Enumerator::processCell mesh =%p \n", &mesh );
-               //typedef tnlOperatorAdapter< MeshType, Operator > OperatorAdapter;
-               ( *userData.u )[ index ] =
-                        ( *userData.dofVectorCoefficient ) * ( *userData.u )[ index ] +
-                        ( *userData._operatorCoefficient ) * userData._operator->getValue( mesh,
-                                                                                           index,
-                                                                                           coordinates,
-                                                                                           *userData.time );
-            }
-#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
-            __host__ __device__
-            static void processFace( const MeshType& mesh,
-                                     TraverserUserData& userData,
-                                     const IndexType index,
-                                     const CoordinatesType& coordinates )
-            {
-               //typedef tnlOperatorAdapter< MeshType, Operator > OperatorAdapter;
-               ( *userData.u )[ index ] =
-                        ( *userData.dofVectorCoefficient ) * ( *userData.u )[ index ] +
-                        ( *userData._operatorCoefficient ) * userData._operator->getValue( mesh,
-                                                                                           index,
-                                                                                           coordinates,
-                                                                                           *userData.time );
-            }
-      };
-#include <operators/tnlOperatorEnumerator_impl.h>
diff --git a/src/operators/tnlOperatorEnumerator_impl.h b/src/operators/tnlOperatorEnumerator_impl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ffe3f21a7a..0000000000
--- a/src/operators/tnlOperatorEnumerator_impl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-                          tnlOperatorEnumerator_impl.h  -  description
-                             -------------------
-    begin                : Mar 8, 2015
-    copyright            : (C) 2015 by Tomas Oberhuber
-    email                :
- ***************************************************************************/
- *                                                                         *
- *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
- *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
- *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
- *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
- *                                                                         *
- ***************************************************************************/
-#include <operators/tnlOperatorEnumerator.h>
-#include <mesh/tnlTraverser_Grid1D.h>
-#include <mesh/tnlTraverser_Grid2D.h>
-#include <mesh/tnlTraverser_Grid3D.h>
-template< typename Mesh,
-          typename Operator,
-          typename DofVector >
-   template< int EntityDimensions >
-tnlOperatorEnumerator< Mesh, Operator, DofVector >::
-enumerate( const MeshType& mesh,
-           const Operator& _operator,
-           DofVector& u,
-           const RealType& _operatorCoefficient,
-           const RealType& dofVectorCoefficient,
-           const RealType& time ) const
-   if( DeviceType::DeviceType == tnlHostDevice )
-   {
-      TraverserUserData userData( time, _operator, u, _operatorCoefficient, dofVectorCoefficient );
-      tnlTraverser< MeshType, EntityDimensions > meshTraverser;
-      meshTraverser.template processBoundaryEntities< TraverserUserData,
-                                                      TraverserEntitiesProcessor >
-                                                    ( mesh,
-                                                      userData );
-      meshTraverser.template processInteriorEntities< TraverserUserData,
-                                                      TraverserEntitiesProcessor >
-                                                    ( mesh,
-                                                      userData );
-   }
-   if( DeviceType::DeviceType == tnlCudaDevice )
-   {
-      RealType* kernelTime = tnlCuda::passToDevice( time );
-      Operator* kernelOperator = tnlCuda::passToDevice( _operator );
-      DofVector* kernelU = tnlCuda::passToDevice( u );
-      RealType* kernelOperatorCoefficient = tnlCuda::passToDevice( _operatorCoefficient );
-      RealType* kernelDofVectorCoefficient = tnlCuda::passToDevice( dofVectorCoefficient );
-      TraverserUserData userData( *kernelTime, *kernelOperator, *kernelU, *kernelOperatorCoefficient, *kernelDofVectorCoefficient );
-      checkCudaDevice;
-      tnlTraverser< MeshType, EntityDimensions > meshTraverser;
-      meshTraverser.template processBoundaryEntities< TraverserUserData,
-                                                      TraverserEntitiesProcessor >
-                                                    ( mesh,
-                                                      userData );
-      meshTraverser.template processInteriorEntities< TraverserUserData,
-                                                      TraverserEntitiesProcessor >
-                                                    ( mesh,
-                                                      userData );
-      checkCudaDevice;
-      tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernelTime );
-      tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernelOperator );
-      tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernelU );
-      tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernelOperatorCoefficient );
-      tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernelDofVectorCoefficient );
-      checkCudaDevice;
-   }
-template< int Dimensions,
-          typename Real,
-          typename Device,
-          typename Index,
-          typename Operator,
-          typename DofVector >
-   template< int EntityDimensions >
-tnlOperatorEnumerator< tnlGrid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >, Operator, DofVector  >::
-enumerate( const tnlGrid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index >& mesh,
-           const Operator& _operator,
-           DofVector& u,
-           const RealType& _operatorCoefficient,
-           const RealType& dofVectorCoefficient,
-           const RealType& time ) const
-   if( DeviceType::DeviceType == tnlHostDevice )
-   {
-      TraverserUserData userData( time, _operator, u, _operatorCoefficient, dofVectorCoefficient );
-      tnlTraverser< MeshType, EntityDimensions > meshTraverser;
-      meshTraverser.template processBoundaryEntities< TraverserUserData,
-                                                      TraverserEntitiesProcessor >
-                                                    ( mesh,
-                                                      userData );
-      meshTraverser.template processInteriorEntities< TraverserUserData,
-                                                      TraverserEntitiesProcessor >
-                                                    ( mesh,
-                                                      userData );
-   }
-   if( DeviceType::DeviceType == tnlCudaDevice )
-   {
-      RealType* kernelTime = tnlCuda::passToDevice( time );
-      Operator* kernelOperator = tnlCuda::passToDevice( _operator );
-      DofVector* kernelU = tnlCuda::passToDevice( u );
-      RealType* kernelOperatorCoefficient = tnlCuda::passToDevice( _operatorCoefficient );
-      RealType* kernelDofVectorCoefficient = tnlCuda::passToDevice( dofVectorCoefficient );
-      TraverserUserData userData( *kernelTime, *kernelOperator, *kernelU, *kernelOperatorCoefficient, *kernelDofVectorCoefficient );
-      checkCudaDevice;
-      tnlTraverser< MeshType, EntityDimensions > meshTraverser;
-      meshTraverser.template processBoundaryEntities< TraverserUserData,
-                                                      TraverserEntitiesProcessor >
-                                                    ( mesh,
-                                                      userData );
-      meshTraverser.template processInteriorEntities< TraverserUserData,
-                                                      TraverserEntitiesProcessor >
-                                                    ( mesh,
-                                                      userData );
-      checkCudaDevice;
-      tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernelTime );
-      tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernelOperator );
-      tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernelU );
-      tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernelOperatorCoefficient );
-      tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernelDofVectorCoefficient );
-      checkCudaDevice;
-   }
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/tnlApproximationError_impl.h b/tests/unit-tests/tnlApproximationError_impl.h
index 1317e024d0..dc04ed6738 100644
--- a/tests/unit-tests/tnlApproximationError_impl.h
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/tnlApproximationError_impl.h
@@ -46,12 +46,12 @@ getError( const ExactOperator& exactOperator,
    typedef tnlMeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunction;
    typedef tnlDirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, tnlConstantFunction< MeshType::meshDimensions > > BoundaryConditions;
-   typedef tnlOperatorFunction< ApproximateOperator, Function, BoundaryConditions > OperatorFunction;
+   typedef tnlOperatorFunction< ApproximateOperator, Function > OperatorFunction;
    typedef tnlExactOperatorFunction< ExactOperator, Function > ExactOperatorFunction;
    tnlMeshFunction< MeshType > exactU( mesh ), u( mesh ), v( mesh );
    BoundaryConditions boundaryConditions;
-   OperatorFunction operatorFunction( approximateOperator, function, boundaryConditions );
+   OperatorFunction operatorFunction( approximateOperator, function );
    ExactOperatorFunction exactOperatorFunction( exactOperator, function );
    exactU = exactOperatorFunction;