                          tnlMeshBuilder.h  -  description
    begin                : Aug 18, 2015
    copyright            : (C) 2015 by Tomas Oberhuber et al.
    email                : tomas.oberhuber@fjfi.cvut.cz

 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *


#include <mesh/traits/tnlMeshTraits.h>

template< typename Mesh >
class tnlMeshBuilder
	//static constexpr const char *CLASS_NAME = "MeshBuilder";

      typedef Mesh                                     MeshType;
      typedef typename MeshType::MeshTraits                     MeshTraits;
      typedef typename MeshTraits::GlobalIndexType     GlobalIndexType;
      typedef typename MeshTraits::LocalIndexType      LocalIndexType;
      typedef typename MeshTraits::PointType           PointType;
      typedef typename MeshTraits::CellType            CellType;
      typedef typename MeshTraits::CellSeedType        CellSeedType;

   bool setPointsCount( const GlobalIndexType& points )
      tnlAssert( 0 <= points, cerr << "pointsCount = " << points );
      this->points.setSize( points );
      this->pointsSet.setSize( points );
      pointsSet.setValue( false );
      return true;
   bool setCellsCount( const GlobalIndexType& cellsCount )
      tnlAssert( 0 <= cellsCount, cerr << "cellsCount = " << cellsCount );
      this->cellCount.setSize( cellsCount );
      return true;
	GlobalIndexType getPointsCount() const { return this->points.getSize(); }
   GlobalIndexType getCellsCount() const  { return this->cellSeeds.getSize(); }

	void setPoint( GlobalIndexType index,
                  const PointType& point )
		tnlAssert( 0 <= index && index < getPointsCount(), cerr << "Index = " << index );

		this->points[ index ] = point;
		this->pointsSet[ index ] = true;

	CellSeedType& getCellSeed( GlobalIndexType index )
		tnlAssert( 0 <= index && index < getCellsCount(), cerr << "Index = " << index );

		return this->cellSeeds[ index ];

	bool build( MeshType& mesh ) const
		if( ! this->validate() )
         return false;
		if( ! mesh.init( this->points, this->cellSeeds ) )
         return false;
		return true;

	   typedef typename MeshTraits::PointArrayType    PointArrayType;
	   typedef typename MeshTraits::CellSeedArrayType CellSeedArrayType;

	void validate() const
		if( !allPointsSet() )
         cerr << "Mesh builder error: Not all points were set." << endl;
         return false;

		for( GlobalIndexType i = 0; i < getCellsCount(); i++ )
			auto cornerIds = this->cellSeeds[ i ].getCornerIds();
			for( LocalIndexType j = 0; j < cornerIds.getSize(); j++ )
				if( cornerIds[ j ] < 0 || getPointsCount() <= cornerIds[ j ] )
               cerr << "Cell seed " << i << " is referencing unavailable point " << cornerIds[ j ] << endl;
               return false;

	bool allPointsSet() const
		for( GlobalIndexType i = 0; i < this->points.getSize(); i++ )
			if (! this->pointsSet[ i ] )
				return false;
		return true;

	PointArrayType points;
	CellSeedArrayType cellSeeds;
	tnlArray< bool, GlobalIndexType > pointsSet;