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 * File:   tnlMIC.h
 * Author: hanouvit
 * Created on 18. dubna 2016, 12:38

#include <iostream>
#include <core/tnlString.h>
#include <core/tnlDevice.h>
#include <core/tnlDevice_Callable.h>

#ifndef TNLMIC_H
#define TNLMIC_H

#define ALLOC alloc_if(1) //naalokuj promenou na zacatku offload  bloku -- default
#define FREE free_if(1) // smaz promenou na konci offload bloku -- default
#define RETAIN free_if(0) //nesmaz promenou na konci bloku
#define REUSE alloc_if(0) //nealokuj proměnnou na zacatku

class tnlMIC
       //useful debuging -- but produce warning
       __device_callable__ static inline void CheckMIC(void)
            #ifdef __MIC__
                    std::cout<<"ON MIC"<<std::endl;
                    std::cout<<"ON CPU" <<std::endl;
        static tnlString getDeviceType()
            return tnlString( "tnlMIC" );

         __device_callable__ static inline tnlDeviceEnum getDevice()
             return tnlMICDevice;

template< typename Type >
struct satanHider{
    Type *pointer;

#endif /* TNLMIC_H */