#include <TNL/Containers/Array.h>
// Inline PTX call to return index of highest non-zero bit in a word
static __device__ __forceinline__ unsigned int __btflo(unsigned int word)
unsigned int ret;
asm volatile("bfind.u32 %0, %1;" : "=r"(ret) : "r"(word));
return ret;
__device__ int closestPow2_ptx(int len)
return 1 << (__btflo((unsigned)len-1U)+1);
return 0;
int ret = 1;
while (ret < x)
ret <<= 1;
return ret;
__host__ __device__ void cmpSwap(Value &a, Value &b, bool ascending, const Function &Cmp)
if (ascending == Cmp(b, a))
* splits input arr that is bitonic into 2 bitonic sequences
__global__ void bitonicMergeGlobal(TNL::Containers::ArrayView<Value, TNL::Devices::Cuda> arr,
const Function &Cmp,
int monotonicSeqLen, int len, int partsInSeq)
int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int part = i / (len / 2); //computes which sorting block this thread belongs to
//the index of 2 elements that should be compared and swapped
int s = part * len + (i & ((len / 2) - 1));
if (e >= arr.getSize()) //arr[e] is virtual padding and will not be exchanged with
//calculate the direction of swapping
int monotonicSeqIdx = part / partsInSeq;
bool ascending = (monotonicSeqIdx & 1) != 0;
if ((monotonicSeqIdx + 1) * monotonicSeqLen >= arr.getSize()) //special case for part with no "partner" to be merged with in next phase
* simulates many layers of merge
* turns input that is a bitonic sequence into 1 monotonic sequence
* this version uses shared memory to do the operations
__global__ void bitonicMergeSharedMemory(TNL::Containers::ArrayView<Value, TNL::Devices::Cuda> arr,
const Function &Cmp,
int monotonicSeqLen, int len, int partsInSeq)
Value *sharedMem = (Value *)externMem;
int sharedMemLen = 2 * blockDim.x;
//1st index and last index of subarray that this threadBlock should merge
int myBlockStart = blockIdx.x * sharedMemLen;
int myBlockEnd = TNL::min(arr.getSize(), myBlockStart + sharedMemLen);
for(int i = threadIdx.x; myBlockStart + i < myBlockEnd; i += blockDim.x)
sharedMem[i] = arr[myBlockStart + i];
//calculate the direction of swapping
int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int part = i / (len / 2);
int monotonicSeqIdx = part / partsInSeq;
bool ascending = (monotonicSeqIdx & 1) != 0;
//special case for parts with no "partner"
if ((monotonicSeqIdx + 1) * monotonicSeqLen >= arr.getSize())
for (; len > 1; len /= 2)
int s = part * len + (threadIdx.x & ((len / 2) - 1));
if (e < myBlockEnd - myBlockStart) //not touching virtual padding
cmpSwap(sharedMem[s], sharedMem[e], ascending, Cmp);
for(int i = threadIdx.x; myBlockStart + i < myBlockEnd; i += blockDim.x)
arr[myBlockStart + i] = sharedMem[i];
* simulates many layers of merge
* turns input that is a bitonic sequence into 1 monotonic sequence
* this user only operates on global memory, no shared memory is used
* */
template <typename Value, typename Function>
__global__ void bitonicMerge(TNL::Containers::ArrayView<Value, TNL::Devices::Cuda> arr,
const Function &Cmp,
int monotonicSeqLen, int len, int partsInSeq)
//1st index and last index of subarray that this threadBlock should merge
int myBlockStart = blockIdx.x * (2 * blockDim.x);
int myBlockEnd = TNL::min(arr.getSize(), myBlockStart + (2 * blockDim.x));
auto src = arr.getView(myBlockStart, myBlockEnd);
//calculate the direction of swapping
int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int part = i / (len / 2);
int monotonicSeqIdx = part / partsInSeq;
bool ascending = (monotonicSeqIdx & 1) != 0;
//special case for parts with no "partner"
if ((monotonicSeqIdx + 1) * monotonicSeqLen >= arr.getSize())
ascending = true;
//do bitonic merge
for (; len > 1; len /= 2)
//calculates which 2 indexes will be compared and swap
int part = threadIdx.x / (len / 2);
int s = part * len + (threadIdx.x & ((len / 2) - 1));
if (e < myBlockEnd - myBlockStart) //not touching virtual padding
cmpSwap(src[s], src[e], ascending, Cmp);
* IMPORTANT: all threads in block have to call this function to work properly
* IMPORTANT: input can be at max size of blockDim.x*2, bigger size will lead to part of input unsorted
* Description: sorts src and writes into dst within a block
* works independently from other concurrent blocks
* @param sharedMem sharedMem pointer has to be able to store blockDim.x*2 elements
* */
__device__ void bitonicSort_Block(TNL::Containers::ArrayView<Value, TNL::Devices::Cuda> src,
TNL::Containers::ArrayView<Value, TNL::Devices::Cuda> dst,
Value *sharedMem, const Function &Cmp)
for(int i = threadIdx.x; i < src.getSize(); i += blockDim.x)
sharedMem[i] = src[i];
//bitonic activity
int paddedSize = closestPow2_ptx(src.getSize());
for (int monotonicSeqLen = 2; monotonicSeqLen <= paddedSize; monotonicSeqLen *= 2)
for (int len = monotonicSeqLen; len > 1; len /= 2)
for(int i = threadIdx.x; ; i+=blockDim.x) //simulates other blocks in case src.size > blockDim.x*2
//calculates which 2 indexes will be compared and swap
int part = i / (len / 2);
int s = part * len + (i & ((len / 2) - 1));
int e = s + len / 2;
if(e >= src.getSize()) //touching virtual padding, the order dont swap
//calculate the direction of swapping
int monotonicSeqIdx = i / (monotonicSeqLen / 2);
bool ascending = (monotonicSeqIdx & 1) != 0;
if ((monotonicSeqIdx + 1) * monotonicSeqLen >= src.getSize()) //special case for parts with no "partner"
ascending = true;
cmpSwap(sharedMem[s], sharedMem[e], ascending, Cmp);
__syncthreads(); //only 1 synchronization needed
//writeback to global memory
for(int i = threadIdx.x; i < dst.getSize(); i += blockDim.x)
dst[i] = sharedMem[i];
* IMPORTANT: all threads in block have to call this function to work properly
* IMPORTANT: input can be at max size of blockDim.x*2, bigger size will lead to part of input unsorted
* Description: sorts src and writes into dst within a block
* works independently from other concurrent blocks
* this version doesnt use shared memory and is prefered for Value with big size
* */
template <typename Value, typename Function>
__device__ void bitonicSort_Block(TNL::Containers::ArrayView<Value, TNL::Devices::Cuda> src,
const Function &Cmp)
int paddedSize = closestPow2_ptx(src.getSize());
for (int monotonicSeqLen = 2; monotonicSeqLen <= paddedSize; monotonicSeqLen *= 2)
for (int len = monotonicSeqLen; len > 1; len /= 2)
for(int i = threadIdx.x; ; i+=blockDim.x) //simulates other blocks in case src.size > blockDim.x*2
//calculates which 2 indexes will be compared and swap
int part = i / (len / 2);
int s = part * len + (i & ((len / 2) - 1));
int e = s + len / 2;
if(e >= src.getSize())
//calculate the direction of swapping
int monotonicSeqIdx = i / (monotonicSeqLen / 2);
bool ascending = (monotonicSeqIdx & 1) != 0;
if ((monotonicSeqIdx + 1) * monotonicSeqLen >= src.getSize()) //special case for parts with no "partner"
ascending = true;
cmpSwap(src[s], src[e], ascending, Cmp);
* entrypoint for bitonicSort_Block
* sorts @param arr in alternating order to create bitonic sequences
* sharedMem has to be able to store at least blockDim.x*2 elements
* */
template <typename Value, typename Function>
__global__ void bitoniSort1stStepSharedMemory(TNL::Containers::ArrayView<Value, TNL::Devices::Cuda> arr, const Function &Cmp)
extern __shared__ int externMem[];
int sharedMemLen = 2 * blockDim.x;
int myBlockStart = blockIdx.x * sharedMemLen;
int myBlockEnd = TNL::min(arr.getSize(), myBlockStart + sharedMemLen);
if (blockIdx.x % 2 || blockIdx.x + 1 == gridDim.x)
bitonicSort_Block(arr.getView(myBlockStart, myBlockEnd), arr.getView(myBlockStart, myBlockEnd), (Value *)externMem, Cmp);
bitonicSort_Block(arr.getView(myBlockStart, myBlockEnd), arr.getView(myBlockStart, myBlockEnd), (Value *)externMem,
[&] __cuda_callable__(const Value &a, const Value &b) { return Cmp(b, a); });
* entrypoint for bitonicSort_Block
* sorts @param arr in alternating order to create bitonic sequences
* doesn't use shared memory
* */
template <typename Value, typename Function>
__global__ void bitoniSort1stStep(TNL::Containers::ArrayView<Value, TNL::Devices::Cuda> arr, const Function &Cmp)
int myBlockStart = blockIdx.x * (2 * blockDim.x);
int myBlockEnd = TNL::min(arr.getSize(), myBlockStart + (2 * blockDim.x));
if (blockIdx.x % 2 || blockIdx.x + 1 == gridDim.x)
bitonicSort_Block(arr.getView(myBlockStart, myBlockEnd), Cmp);
bitonicSort_Block(arr.getView(myBlockStart, myBlockEnd),
[&] __cuda_callable__(const Value &a, const Value &b) { return Cmp(b, a); });
void bitonicSort(TNL::Containers::ArrayView<Value, TNL::Devices::Cuda> src, int begin, int end, const Function &Cmp)
TNL::Containers::ArrayView<Value, TNL::Devices::Cuda> arr = src.getView(begin, end);
int paddedSize = closestPow2(arr.getSize());
int threadsNeeded = arr.getSize() / 2 + (arr.getSize() % 2 != 0);
int blocks = threadsNeeded / threadPerBlock + (threadsNeeded % threadPerBlock != 0);
int sharedMemLen = threadPerBlock * 2;
int sharedMemSize = sharedMemLen * sizeof(Value);
cudaDeviceProp deviceProp;
cudaGetDeviceProperties(&deviceProp, 0);
if (sharedMemSize <= deviceProp.sharedMemPerBlock)
bitoniSort1stStepSharedMemory<<<blocks, threadPerBlock, sharedMemSize>>>(arr, Cmp);
bitoniSort1stStep<<<blocks, threadPerBlock>>>(arr, Cmp);
for (int monotonicSeqLen = 2 * sharedMemLen; monotonicSeqLen <= paddedSize; monotonicSeqLen *= 2)
for (int len = monotonicSeqLen, partsInSeq = 1; len > 1; len /= 2, partsInSeq *= 2)
bitonicMergeGlobal<<<blocks, threadPerBlock>>>(
arr, Cmp, monotonicSeqLen, len, partsInSeq);
if (sharedMemSize <= deviceProp.sharedMemPerBlock)
bitonicMergeSharedMemory<<<blocks, threadPerBlock, sharedMemSize>>>(
arr, Cmp, monotonicSeqLen, len, partsInSeq);
bitonicMerge<<<blocks, threadPerBlock>>>(
arr, Cmp, monotonicSeqLen, len, partsInSeq);
template <typename Value, typename Function>
void bitonicSort(TNL::Containers::ArrayView<Value, TNL::Devices::Cuda> arr, int begin, int end)
bitonicSort(arr, begin, end, [] __cuda_callable__(const Value &a, const Value &b) { return a < b; });
template <typename Value, typename Function>
void bitonicSort(TNL::Containers::ArrayView<Value, TNL::Devices::Cuda> arr, const Function &Cmp)
void bitonicSort(TNL::Containers::ArrayView<Value, TNL::Devices::Cuda> arr)
bitonicSort(arr, [] __cuda_callable__(const Value &a, const Value &b) { return a < b; });
template <typename Value, typename Function>
void bitonicSort(std::vector<Value> &vec, int begin, int end, const Function &Cmp)
TNL::Containers::Array<Value, TNL::Devices::Cuda> Arr(vec);
auto view = Arr.getView();
TNL::Algorithms::MultiDeviceMemoryOperations<TNL::Devices::Host, TNL::Devices::Cuda>::
copy(, view.getData(), view.getSize());
void bitonicSort(std::vector<Value> &vec, int begin, int end)
bitonicSort(vec, begin, end, [] __cuda_callable__(const Value &a, const Value &b) { return a < b; });
template <typename Value, typename Function>
void bitonicSort(std::vector<Value> &vec, const Function &Cmp)
template <typename Value>
void bitonicSort(std::vector<Value> &vec)
bitonicSort(vec, [] __cuda_callable__(const Value &a, const Value &b) { return a < b; });
template <typename FETCH, typename CMP, typename SWAP>
__global__ void bitonicMergeGlobal(int size, FETCH Fetch,
const CMP &Cmp, SWAP Swap,
int monotonicSeqLen, int len, int partsInSeq)
int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int part = i / (len / 2); //computes which sorting block this thread belongs to
//the index of 2 elements that should be compared and swapped
int s = part * len + (i & ((len / 2) - 1));
int e = s + len / 2;
if (e >= size) //arr[e] is virtual padding and will not be exchanged with
//calculate the direction of swapping
int monotonicSeqIdx = part / partsInSeq;
bool ascending = (monotonicSeqIdx & 1) != 0;
if ((monotonicSeqIdx + 1) * monotonicSeqLen >= size) //special case for part with no "partner" to be merged with in next phase
ascending = true;
if (ascending == Cmp(Fetch(e), Fetch(s)))
Swap(s, e);
template <typename FETCH, typename CMP, typename SWAP>
void bitonicSort(int begin, int end, FETCH Fetch, const CMP &Cmp, SWAP Swap)
int size = end - begin;
int paddedSize = closestPow2(size);
int threadsNeeded = size / 2 + (size % 2 != 0);
const int maxThreadsPerBlock = 512;
int threadPerBlock = maxThreadsPerBlock;
int blocks = threadsNeeded / threadPerBlock + (threadsNeeded % threadPerBlock != 0);
auto fetchWithOffset =
[=] __cuda_callable__(int i) {
return Fetch(i + begin);
auto swapWithOffset =
[=] __cuda_callable__(int i, int j) mutable {
Swap(i + begin, j + begin);
for (int monotonicSeqLen = 2; monotonicSeqLen <= paddedSize; monotonicSeqLen *= 2)
for (int len = monotonicSeqLen, partsInSeq = 1; len > 1; len /= 2, partsInSeq *= 2)
bitonicMergeGlobal<<<blocks, threadPerBlock>>>(
size, fetchWithOffset, Cmp, swapWithOffset, monotonicSeqLen, len, partsInSeq);