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tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix_impl.h 26.3 KiB
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                              tnlSlicedSlicedEllpackMatrix_impl.h  -  description
        begin                : Dec 8, 2013
        copyright            : (C) 2013 by Tomas Oberhuber
        email                :
     *                                                                         *
     *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
     *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
     *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
     *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
     *                                                                         *
    #include <matrices/tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix.h>
    #include <core/vectors/tnlVector.h>
    #include <core/mfuncs.h>
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index,
              int SliceSize >
    tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix()
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index,
              int SliceSize >
    tnlString tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::getType()
       return tnlString( "tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< ") +
              tnlString( GetParameterType( Real( 0.0 ) ) ) +
              tnlString( ", " ) +
              Device :: getDeviceType() +
              tnlString( " >" );
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index,
              int SliceSize >
    tnlString tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::getTypeVirtual() const
       return this->getType();
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index,
              int SliceSize >
    bool tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::setDimensions( const IndexType rows,
                                                                                  const IndexType columns )
       tnlAssert( rows > 0 && columns > 0,
                  cerr << "rows = " << rows
                       << " columns = " << columns << endl );
       return tnlSparseMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::setDimensions( rows, columns );
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index,
              int SliceSize >
    bool tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::setRowLengths( const RowLengthsVector& rowLengths )
       const IndexType slices = roundUpDivision( this->rows, SliceSize );
       if( ! this->sliceRowLengths.setSize( slices ) ||
           ! this->slicePointers.setSize( slices + 1 ) )
          return false;
        * Compute maximal row length in each slice
       DeviceDependentCode::computeMaximalRowLengthInSlices( *this, rowLengths );
        * Compute the slice pointers using the exclusive prefix sum
       this->slicePointers.setElement( slices, 0 );
       return this->allocateMatrixElements( this->slicePointers[ slices ] );
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index,
              int SliceSize >
    Index tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::getRowLength( const IndexType row ) const
       const IndexType slice = roundUpDivision( row, SliceSize );
       return this->sliceRowLengths[ slice ];
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index,
              int SliceSize >
       template< typename Real2,
                 typename Device2,
                 typename Index2 >
    bool tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::setLike( const tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real2, Device2, Index2, SliceSize >& matrix )
       if( !tnlSparseMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::setLike( matrix ) ||
           ! this->slicePointers.setLike( matrix.slicePointers ) ||
           ! this->sliceRowLengths.setLike( matrix.sliceRowLengths ) )
          return false;
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index,
              int SliceSize >
    void tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::reset()
       tnlSparseMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::reset();
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index,
              int SliceSize >
       template< typename Real2,
                 typename Device2,
                 typename Index2 >
    bool tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::operator == ( const tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real2, Device2, Index2 >& matrix ) const
       tnlAssert( this->getRows() == matrix.getRows() &&
                  this->getColumns() == matrix.getColumns(),
                  cerr << "this->getRows() = " << this->getRows()
                       << " matrix.getRows() = " << matrix.getRows()
                       << " this->getColumns() = " << this->getColumns()
                       << " matrix.getColumns() = " << matrix.getColumns()
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName()
                       << " matrix.getName() = " << matrix.getName() );
       // TODO: implement this
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index,
              int SliceSize >
       template< typename Real2,
                 typename Device2,
                 typename Index2 >
    bool tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::operator != ( const tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real2, Device2, Index2 >& matrix ) const
       return ! ( ( *this ) == matrix );
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index,
              int SliceSize >
    #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
       __device__ __host__
    bool tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::setElementFast( const IndexType row,
                                                                                   const IndexType column,
                                                                                   const Real& value )
       return this->addElement( row, column, value, 0.0 );
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index,
              int SliceSize >
    bool tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::setElement( const IndexType row,
                                                                               const IndexType column,
                                                                               const Real& value )
       return this->addElement( row, column, value, 0.0 );
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index,
              int SliceSize >
    #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
       __device__ __host__
    bool tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::addElementFast( const IndexType row,
                                                                                   const IndexType column,
                                                                                   const RealType& value,
                                                                                   const RealType& thisElementMultiplicator )
       tnlAssert( row >= 0 && row < this->rows &&
                  column >= 0 && column <= this->rows,
                  cerr << " row = " << row
                       << " column = " << column
                       << " this->rows = " << this->rows
                       << " this->columns = " << this-> columns );
       const IndexType sliceIdx = row / SliceSize;
       const IndexType rowLength = this->sliceRowLengths[ sliceIdx ];
       IndexType elementPtr = this->slicePointers[ sliceIdx ] +
                              rowLength * ( row - sliceIdx * SliceSize );
       const IndexType rowEnd( elementPtr + rowLength );
       while( elementPtr < rowEnd && this->columnIndexes[ elementPtr ] < column ) elementPtr++;
       if( elementPtr == rowEnd )
          return false;
       if( this->columnIndexes[ elementPtr ] == column )
          this->values[ elementPtr ] = thisElementMultiplicator * this->values[ elementPtr ] + value;
          return true;
          if( this->columnIndexes[ elementPtr ] == this->columns )
             this->columnIndexes[ elementPtr ] = column;
             this->values[ elementPtr ] = value;
             return true;
             IndexType j = rowEnd - 1;
                this->columnIndexes[ j ] = this->columnIndexes[ j - 1 ];
                this->values[ j ] = this->values[ j - 1 ];
             this->columnIndexes[ elementPtr ] = column;
             this->values[ elementPtr ] = value;
             return true;
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index,
              int SliceSize >
    bool tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::addElement( const IndexType row,
                                                                               const IndexType column,
                                                                               const RealType& value,
                                                                               const RealType& thisElementMultiplicator )
       return this->addElementFast( row, column, value, thisElementMultiplicator );
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index,
              int SliceSize >
    #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
       __device__ __host__
    bool tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize > :: setRowFast( const IndexType row,
                                                                                 const IndexType* columnIndexes,
                                                                                 const RealType* values,
                                                                                 const IndexType elements )
       const IndexType sliceIdx = row / SliceSize;
       const IndexType rowLength = this->sliceRowLengths[ sliceIdx ];
       if( elements > rowLength )
          return false;
       IndexType elementPointer = this->slicePointers[ sliceIdx ] +
                                  rowLength * ( row - sliceIdx * SliceSize );
       for( IndexType i = 0; i < elements; i++ )
          this->columnIndexes[ elementPointer ] = columnIndexes[ i ];
          this->values[ elementPointer ] = values[ i ];
       for( IndexType i = elements; i < rowLength; i++ )
          this->columnIndexes[ elementPointer++ ] = this->getColumns();
       return true;
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index,
              int SliceSize >
    bool tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize > :: setRow( const IndexType row,
                                                                             const IndexType* columnIndexes,
                                                                             const RealType* values,
                                                                             const IndexType elements )
       return this->setRowFast( row, columnIndexes, values, elements );
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index,
              int SliceSize >
    #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
       __device__ __host__
    bool tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize > :: addRowFast( const IndexType row,
                                                                                 const IndexType* columns,
                                                                                 const RealType* values,
                                                                                 const IndexType numberOfElements,
                                                                                 const RealType& thisElementMultiplicator )
       // TODO: implement
       return false;
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index,
              int SliceSize >
    bool tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize > :: addRow( const IndexType row,
                                                                             const IndexType* columns,
                                                                             const RealType* values,
                                                                             const IndexType numberOfElements,
                                                                             const RealType& thisElementMultiplicator )
       // TODO: implement
       return false;
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index,
              int SliceSize >
    #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
       __device__ __host__
    Real tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::getElementFast( const IndexType row,
                                                                                   const IndexType column ) const
       const IndexType sliceIdx = row / SliceSize;
       const IndexType rowLength = this->sliceRowLengths[ sliceIdx ];
       IndexType elementPtr = this->slicePointers[ sliceIdx ] +
                              rowLength * ( row - sliceIdx * SliceSize );
       const IndexType rowEnd = elementPtr + rowLength;
       while( elementPtr < rowEnd && this->columnIndexes[ elementPtr ] < column )
       if( elementPtr < rowEnd && this->columnIndexes[ elementPtr ] == column )
          return this->values[ elementPtr ];
       return 0.0;
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index,
              int SliceSize >
    Real tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::getElement( const IndexType row,
                                                                               const IndexType column ) const
       return this->getElementFast( row, column );
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index,
              int SliceSize >
    #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
       __device__ __host__
    void tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::getRowFast( const IndexType row,
                                                                               IndexType* columns,
                                                                               RealType* values ) const
       const IndexType sliceIdx = row / SliceSize;
       const IndexType rowLength = this->sliceRowLengths[ sliceIdx ];
       IndexType elementPtr = this->slicePointers[ sliceIdx ] +
                              rowLength * ( row - sliceIdx * SliceSize );
       for( IndexType i = 0; i < rowLength; i++ )
          columns[ i ] = this->columnIndexes[ elementPtr ];
          values[ i ] = this->values[ elementPtr ];
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index,
              int SliceSize >
    void tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::getRow( const IndexType row,
                                                                           IndexType* columns,
                                                                           RealType* values ) const
       return this->getRowFast( row, columns, values );
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index,
              int SliceSize >
       template< typename Vector >
    void tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::vectorProduct( const Vector& inVector,
                                                                                  Vector& outVector ) const
       for( Index row = 0; row < this->getRows(); row ++ )
          Real result = 0.0;
          const IndexType sliceIdx = row / SliceSize;
          const IndexType rowLength = this->sliceRowLengths[ sliceIdx ];
          IndexType elementPtr = this->slicePointers[ sliceIdx ] +
                                 rowLength * ( row - sliceIdx * SliceSize );
          const IndexType rowEnd( elementPtr + rowLength );
          while( elementPtr < rowEnd && this->columnIndexes[ elementPtr ] < this->columns )
             const Index column = this->columnIndexes.getElement( elementPtr );
             result += this->values.getElement( elementPtr++ ) * inVector.getElement( column );
          outVector.setElement( row, result );
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index,
              int SliceSize >
       template< typename Real2,
                 typename Index2 >
    void tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::addMatrix( const tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real2, Device, Index2 >& matrix,
                                                                              const RealType& matrixMultiplicator,
                                                                              const RealType& thisMatrixMultiplicator )
       tnlAssert( false, cerr << "TODO: implement" );
       // TODO: implement
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index,
              int SliceSize >
       template< typename Real2,
                 typename Index2 >
    void tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::getTransposition( const tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real2, Device, Index2 >& matrix,
                                                                          const RealType& matrixMultiplicator )
       tnlAssert( false, cerr << "TODO: implement" );
       // TODO: implement
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index,
              int SliceSize >
       template< typename Vector >
    bool tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::performSORIteration( const Vector& b,
                                                                                        const IndexType row,
                                                                                        Vector& x,
                                                                                        const RealType& omega ) const
       tnlAssert( row >=0 && row < this->getRows(),
                  cerr << "row = " << row
                       << " this->getRows() = " << this->getRows()
                       << " this->getName() = " << this->getName() << endl );
       RealType diagonalValue( 0.0 );
       RealType sum( 0.0 );
       const IndexType sliceIdx = row / SliceSize;
       const IndexType rowLength = this->sliceRowLengths[ sliceIdx ];
       IndexType elementPtr = this->slicePointers[ sliceIdx ] +
                              rowLength * ( row - sliceIdx * SliceSize );
       const IndexType rowEnd( elementPtr + rowLength );
       IndexType column;
       while( elementPtr < rowEnd && ( column = this->columnIndexes[ elementPtr ] ) < this->columns )
          if( column == row )
             diagonalValue = this->values.getElement( elementPtr );
             sum += this->values.getElement( row * this->diagonalsShift.getSize() + elementPtr ) * x. getElement( column );
       if( diagonalValue == ( Real ) 0.0 )
          cerr << "There is zero on the diagonal in " << row << "-th row of thge matrix " << this->getName() << ". I cannot perform SOR iteration." << endl;
          return false;
       x. setElement( row, x[ row ] + omega / diagonalValue * ( b[ row ] - sum ) );
       return true;
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index,
              int SliceSize >
    bool tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::save( tnlFile& file ) const
       if( ! tnlSparseMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::save( file ) ||
           ! this-> file ) ||
           ! this-> file ) )
       return true;
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index,
              int SliceSize >
    bool tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::load( tnlFile& file )
       if( ! tnlSparseMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::load( file ) ||
           ! this->slicePointers.load( file ) ||
           ! this->sliceRowLengths.load( file ) )
       return true;
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index,
              int SliceSize >
    bool tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::save( const tnlString& fileName ) const
       return tnlObject::save( fileName );
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index,
              int SliceSize >
    bool tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::load( const tnlString& fileName )
       return tnlObject::load( fileName );
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index,
              int SliceSize >
    void tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::print( ostream& str ) const
       for( IndexType row = 0; row < this->getRows(); row++ )
          str <<"Row: " << row << " -> ";
          const IndexType sliceIdx = row / SliceSize;
          const IndexType rowLength = this->sliceRowLengths[ sliceIdx ];
          IndexType elementPtr = this->slicePointers[ sliceIdx ] +
                                 rowLength * ( row - sliceIdx * SliceSize );
          const IndexType rowEnd( elementPtr + rowLength );
          while( elementPtr < rowEnd && this->columnIndexes[ elementPtr ] < this->columns )
             const Index column = this->columnIndexes.getElement( elementPtr );
             str << " Col:" << column << "->" << this->values.getElement( elementPtr ) << "\t";
    class tnlSlicedEllpackMatrixDeviceDependentCode< tnlHost >
          typedef tnlHost Device;
          template< typename Real,
                    typename Index,
                    int SliceSize >
          static Index getRowBegin( const tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >& matrix,
                                    const Index row )
             return row * matrix.rowLengths;
          template< typename Real,
                    typename Index,
                    int SliceSize >
          static Index getRowEnd( const tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >& matrix,
                                    const Index row )
             return ( row + 1 ) * matrix.rowLengths;
          template< typename Real,
                    typename Index,
                    int SliceSize >
          static Index getElementStep( const tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >& matrix )
             return 1;
          template< typename Real,
                    typename Index,
                    int SliceSize >
          static bool computeMaximalRowLengthInSlices( tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >& matrix,
                                                       const typename tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::RowLengthsVector& rowLengths )
             Index row( 0 ), slice( 0 ), sliceRowLength( 0 );
             while( row < matrix.getRows() )
                sliceRowLength = Max( rowLengths.getElement( row++ ), sliceRowLength );
                if( row % SliceSize == 0 )
                   matrix.sliceRowLengths.setElement( slice, sliceRowLength );
                   matrix.slicePointers.setElement( slice++, sliceRowLength * SliceSize );
                   sliceRowLength = 0;
             if( row % SliceSize != 0 )
                matrix.sliceRowLengths.setElement( slice, sliceRowLength );
                matrix.slicePointers.setElement( slice++, sliceRowLength * SliceSize );
    #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
    template< typename Real,
              typename Index,
              int SliceSize >
    __global__ void tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix_computeMaximalRowLengthInSlices_CudaKernel( tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, tnlCuda, Index, SliceSize >* matrix,
                                                                                       const typename tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, tnlCuda, Index, SliceSize >::RowLengthsVector* rowLengths,
                                                                                       int gridIdx )
    class tnlSlicedEllpackMatrixDeviceDependentCode< tnlCuda >
          typedef tnlCuda Device;
          template< typename Real,
                    typename Index,
                    int SliceSize >
    #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
          __device__ __host__
          static Index getRowBegin( const tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >& matrix,
                                    const Index row )
             return row * matrix.rowLengths;
          template< typename Real,
                    typename Index,
                    int SliceSize >
    #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
          __device__ __host__
          static Index getRowEnd( const tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >& matrix,
                                    const Index row )
             return ( row + 1 ) * matrix.rowLengths;
          template< typename Real,
                    typename Index,
                    int SliceSize >
    #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
          __device__ __host__
          static Index getElementStep( const tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >& matrix )
             return 1;
          template< typename Real,
                    typename Index,
                    int SliceSize >
          static bool computeMaximalRowLengthInSlices( tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >& matrix,
                                                       const typename tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index >::RowLengthsVector& rowLengths )
    #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
             typedef tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize > Matrix;
             typedef typename Matrix::RowLengthsVector RowLengthsVector;
             Matrix* kernel_matrix = tnlCuda::passToDevice( matrix );
             RowLengthsVector* kernel_rowLengths = tnlCuda::passToDevice( rowLengths );
             const Index numberOfSlices = roundUpDivision( matrix.getRows(), SliceSize );
             dim3 cudaBlockSize( 256 ), cudaGridSize( tnlCuda::getMaxGridSize() );
             const Index cudaBlocks = roundUpDivision( numberOfSlices, cudaBlockSize.x );
             const Index cudaGrids = roundUpDivision( cudaBlocks, tnlCuda::getMaxGridSize() );
             for( int gridIdx = 0; gridIdx < cudaGrids; gridIdx++ )
                if( gridIdx == cudaGrids - 1 )
                   cudaGridSize.x = cudaBlocks % tnlCuda::getMaxGridSize();
                tnlSlicedEllpackMatrix_computeMaximalRowLengthInSlices_CudaKernel< Real, Index, SliceSize ><<< cudaGridSize, cudaBlockSize >>>
                                                                                 ( kernel_matrix,
                                                                                   gridIdx );
             tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernel_matrix );
             tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernel_rowLengths );