tnlSemiImplicitTimeStepper.h - description
begin : Oct 4, 2014
copyright : (C) 2014 by Tomas Oberhuber
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <core/tnlTimerRT.h>
#include <core/tnlLogger.h>
typename LinearSystemSolver >
class tnlSemiImplicitTimeStepper
typedef Problem ProblemType;
typedef typename Problem::RealType RealType;
typedef typename Problem::DeviceType DeviceType;
typedef typename Problem::IndexType IndexType;
typedef typename Problem::MeshType MeshType;
typedef typename ProblemType::DofVectorType DofVectorType;
typedef typename ProblemType::MeshDependentDataType MeshDependentDataType;
typedef LinearSystemSolver LinearSystemSolverType;
typedef typename LinearSystemSolverType::PreconditionerType PreconditionerType;
typedef typename ProblemType::MatrixType MatrixType;
static void configSetup( tnlConfigDescription& config,
const tnlString& prefix = "" );
bool setup( const tnlParameterContainer& parameters,
const tnlString& prefix = "" );
bool init( const MeshType& mesh );
void setProblem( ProblemType& problem );
ProblemType* getProblem() const;
void setSolver( LinearSystemSolver& linearSystemSolver );
LinearSystemSolverType* getSolver() const;
bool setTimeStep( const RealType& timeStep );
const RealType& getTimeStep() const;
bool solve( const RealType& time,
const RealType& stopTime,
const MeshType& mesh,
DofVectorType& dofVector,
MeshDependentDataType& meshDependentData );
bool writeEpilog( tnlLogger& logger );
Problem* problem;
MatrixType matrix;
DofVectorType rightHandSide;
LinearSystemSolver* linearSystemSolver;
tnlTimerRT preIterateTimer, linearSystemAssemblerTimer, linearSystemSolverTimer, postIterateTimer;
bool verbose;
#include <solvers/pde/tnlSemiImplicitTimeStepper_impl.h>