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                              VectorField.h  -  description
        begin                : Feb 6, 2017
        copyright            : (C) 2017 by Tomas Oberhuber
        email                :
    /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
    #pragma once
    #include <TNL/Functions/Domain.h>
    #include <TNL/Devices/Cuda.h>
    #include <TNL/Config/ParameterContainer.h>
    #include <TNL/Functions/MeshFunction.h>
    #include <TNL/Functions/VectorFieldGnuplotWriter.h>
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    namespace TNL {
    namespace Functions {
    template< int Size,
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              typename Function >
    class VectorField 
       : public Functions::Domain< Function::getDomainDimension(), 
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                                   Function::getDomainType() >
          typedef Function FunctionType;
          typedef typename FunctionType::RealType RealType;
          typedef typename FunctionType::PointType PointType;
          static void configSetup( Config::ConfigDescription& config,
                                   const String& prefix = "" )
             for( int i = 0; i < Size; i++ )
                FunctionType::configSetup( config, prefix + String( i ) + "-" );
          template< typename MeshPointer >
          bool setup( const MeshPointer& meshPointer,
                      const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
                      const String& prefix = "" )
             for( int i = 0; i < Size; i++ )
                if( ! vectorField[ i ].setup( parameters, prefix + String( i ) + "-" ) )
                   std::cerr << "Unable to setup " << i << "-th coordinate of the vector field." << std::endl;
                   return false;
             return true;
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          const FunctionType& operator[]( int i ) const
             return this->vectorField[ i ];
          FunctionType& operator[]( int i )
             return this->vectorField[ i ];
          Containers::StaticArray< Size, FunctionType > vectorField;
    template< int Size,
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              typename Mesh,
              int MeshEntityDimension,
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              typename Real >
    class VectorField< Size, MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real > >
    : public Functions::Domain< MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::getDomainDimension(), 
                                MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, Real >::getDomainType() >,
          typedef Mesh MeshType;
          typedef Real RealType;
          typedef SharedPointer< MeshType > MeshPointer;
          typedef MeshFunction< MeshType, MeshEntityDimension, RealType > FunctionType;
          typedef SharedPointer< FunctionType > FunctionPointer;
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          typedef typename MeshType::DeviceType DeviceType;
          typedef typename MeshType::IndexType IndexType;
          typedef VectorField< Size, MeshFunction< Mesh, MeshEntityDimension, RealType > > ThisType;
          typedef Containers::StaticVector< Size, RealType > VectorType;
          static void configSetup( Config::ConfigDescription& config,
                                   const String& prefix = "" )
             for( int i = 0; i < Size; i++ )
                FunctionType::configSetup( config, prefix + String( i ) + "-" );
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          VectorField() {};
          VectorField( const MeshPointer& meshPointer )
             for( int i = 0; i < Size; i++ )
                this->vectorField[ i ]->setMesh( meshPointer );
          static String getType()
             return String( "Functions::VectorField< " ) +
                      String( Size) + ", " +
                     FunctionType::getType() +
                      " >";
          String getTypeVirtual() const
             return this->getType();
          static String getSerializationType()
             return String( "Functions::VectorField< " ) +
                      String( Size) + ", " +
                     FunctionType::getSerializationType() +
                      " >";         
          virtual String getSerializationTypeVirtual() const
             return this->getSerializationType();
          void setMesh( const MeshPointer& meshPointer )
             for( int i = 0; i < Size; i++ )
                this->vectorField[ i ]->setMesh( meshPointer );
          template< typename Device = Devices::Host >
          const MeshType& getMesh() const
             return this->vectorField[ 0 ].template getData< Device >().template getMesh< Device >();
          bool setup( const MeshPointer& meshPointer,
                      const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
                      const String& prefix = "" )
             for( int i = 0; i < Size; i++ )
                if( ! vectorField[ i ].setup( meshPointer, parameters, prefix + String( i ) + "-" ) )
                   std::cerr << "Unable to setup " << i << "-th coordinate of the vector field." << std::endl;
                   return false;
             return true;
          static IndexType getDofs( const MeshPointer& meshPointer )
             return Size * FunctionType::getDofs( meshPointer );
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          const FunctionPointer& operator[]( int i ) const
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             return this->vectorField[ i ];
          FunctionPointer& operator[]( int i )
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             return this->vectorField[ i ];
          VectorType getVector( const IndexType index ) const
             VectorType v;
             for( int i = 0; i < Size; i++ )
                v[ i ] = ( *this->vectorField[ i ] )[ index ];
          template< typename EntityType >
          VectorType getVector( const EntityType& meshEntity ) const
             VectorType v;
             for( int i = 0; i < Size; i++ )
                v[ i ] = ( *this->vectorField[ i ] )( meshEntity );
          bool save( File& file ) const
             if( ! Object::save( file ) )
                return false;
             for( int i = 0; i < Size; i++ )
                if( ! vectorField[ i ]->save( file ) )
                   return false;
             return true;
          bool load( File& file )
             if( ! Object::load( file ) )
                return false;
             for( int i = 0; i < Size; i++ )
                if( ! vectorField[ i ]->load( file ) )
                   return false;
             return true;
          bool boundLoad( File& file )
             if( ! Object::load( file ) )
                return false;
             for( int i = 0; i < Size; i++ )
                if( ! vectorField[ i ]->boundLoad( file ) )
                   return false;
             return true;         
          bool write( const String& fileName,
                      const String& format = "vtk",
                      const double& scale = 1.0 ) const
             std::fstream file;
    fileName.getString(), std::ios::out );
             if( ! file )
                std::cerr << "Unable to open a file " << fileName << "." << std::endl;
                return false;
             if( format == "vtk" )
                return false; //MeshFunctionVTKWriter< ThisType >::write( *this, file );
             else if( format == "gnuplot" )
                return VectorFieldGnuplotWriter< ThisType >::write( *this, file, scale );
             else {
                std::cerr << "Unknown output format: " << format << std::endl;
                return false;
             return true;
          using Object::save;
          using Object::load;
          using Object::boundLoad;      
          Containers::StaticArray< Size, FunctionPointer > vectorField;
    template< int Dimension,
              typename Function >
    std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& str, const VectorField< Dimension, Function >& f )
       for( int i = 0; i < Dimension; i++ )
          str << "[ " << f[ i ] << " ]";
          if( i < Dimension - 1 )
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    } //namespace Functions
    } //namepsace TNL