simpleProblemSolver_impl.h - description
begin : Mar 10, 2013
copyright : (C) 2013 by Tomas Oberhuber
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <core/mfilename.h>
#include "heatEquationSolver.h"
template< typename Mesh, typename Diffusion, typename BoundaryCondition, typename RightHandSide >
tnlString heatEquationSolver< Mesh,Diffusion,BoundaryCondition,RightHandSide >
return tnlString( "heatEquationSolver< " ) + Mesh :: getTypeStatic() + " >";
template< typename Mesh, typename Diffusion, typename BoundaryCondition, typename RightHandSide >
tnlString heatEquationSolver< Mesh,Diffusion,BoundaryCondition,RightHandSide >
:: getPrologHeader() const
return tnlString( "Heat equation" );
template< typename Mesh, typename Diffusion, typename BoundaryCondition, typename RightHandSide >
void heatEquationSolver< Mesh,Diffusion,BoundaryCondition,RightHandSide >
:: writeProlog( tnlLogger& logger, const tnlParameterContainer& parameters ) const
//logger. WriteParameter< tnlString >( "Problem name:", "problem-name", parameters );
//logger. WriteParameter< int >( "Simple parameter:", 1 );
template< typename Mesh, typename Diffusion, typename BoundaryCondition, typename RightHandSide >
bool heatEquationSolver< Mesh,Diffusion,BoundaryCondition,RightHandSide >
:: init( const tnlParameterContainer& parameters )
ifLaplaceCompare = parameters.GetParameter< IndexType >( "approximation-test" );
if((ifLaplaceCompare != 0) && (ifLaplaceCompare != 1))
cerr << "Unknown value of laplace-convergence-test parameter. Valid values are 0 or 1. You set " << ifLaplaceCompare << ". ";
return false;
ifSolutionCompare = parameters.GetParameter< IndexType >("eoc-test");
if((ifSolutionCompare != 0) && (ifSolutionCompare != 1))
cerr << "Unknown value of solution-convergence-test parameter. Valid values are 0 or 1. You set " << ifSolutionCompare << ". ";
return false;
return true;
template< typename Mesh,
typename Diffusion,
typename BoundaryCondition,
typename RightHandSide >
typename heatEquationSolver< Mesh,Diffusion,BoundaryCondition,RightHandSide >::IndexType
heatEquationSolver< Mesh,Diffusion,BoundaryCondition,RightHandSide >::getDofs( const Mesh& mesh ) const
* Set-up DOFs and supporting grid functions
template< typename Mesh,
typename Diffusion,
typename BoundaryCondition,
typename RightHandSide >
typename heatEquationSolver< Mesh,Diffusion,BoundaryCondition,RightHandSide >::IndexType
heatEquationSolver< Mesh,Diffusion,BoundaryCondition,RightHandSide >::getAuxiliaryDofs( const Mesh& mesh ) const
* Set-up DOFs and supporting grid functions which will not appear in the discrete solver
template< typename Mesh,
typename Diffusion,
typename BoundaryCondition,
heatEquationSolver< Mesh,Diffusion,BoundaryCondition,RightHandSide >::
bindDofs( const MeshType& mesh,
DofVectorType& dofVector )
const IndexType dofs = mesh.getNumberOfCells();
this->numericalSolution.bind( dofVector.getData(), dofs );
template< typename Mesh,
typename Diffusion,
typename BoundaryCondition,
typename RightHandSide,
typename TimeFunction,
typename AnalyticSpaceFunction >
heatEquationSolver< Mesh,Diffusion,BoundaryCondition,RightHandSide,TimeFunction,AnalyticSpaceFunction >::
bindAuxiliaryDofs( const MeshType& mesh,
DofVectorType& auxiliaryDofVector )
const IndexType dofs = mesh.getNumberOfCells();
this->exactSolution.bind( auxiliaryDofVector.getData(), dofs );
this->analyticLaplace.bind( &auxiliaryDofVector.getData()[ dofs ], dofs );
this->numericalLaplace.bind( &auxiliaryDofVector.getData()[ 2*dofs ], dofs );
template< typename Mesh, typename Diffusion, typename BoundaryCondition, typename RightHandSide,
typename TimeFunction, typename AnalyticSpaceFunction>
bool heatEquationSolver< Mesh,Diffusion,BoundaryCondition,RightHandSide,TimeFunction,AnalyticSpaceFunction>
:: setInitialCondition( const tnlParameterContainer& parameters,
const MeshType& mesh )
const tnlString& initialConditionFile = parameters.GetParameter< tnlString >( "initial-condition" );
if( ! this->numericalSolution.load( initialConditionFile ) )
cerr << "I am not able to load the initial condition from the file " << initialConditionFile << "." << endl;
return false;
timeFunction.applyInitTimeValues( numericalSolution);
return true;
template< typename Mesh,
typename Diffusion,
typename BoundaryCondition,
typename RightHandSide,
typename TimeFunction,
typename AnalyticSpaceFunction >
bool heatEquationSolver< Mesh,
AnalyticSpaceFunction >::
makeSnapshot( const RealType& time,
const IndexType& step,
const MeshType& mesh )
cout << endl << "Writing output at time " << time << " step " << step << "." << endl;
tnlString fileName;
FileNameBaseNumberEnding( "numericalSolution-", step, 5, ".tnl", fileName );
if( ! this-> fileName ) )
return false;
if( ifSolutionCompare == 1)
analyticSolution.computeAnalyticSolution( mesh, time, exactSolution, timeFunction, analyticSpaceFunction );
FileNameBaseNumberEnding( "analyticSolution-", step, 5, ".tnl", fileName );
if( ! this->exactSolution. save( fileName ) )
if(ifLaplaceCompare == 1)
analyticSolution.computeLaplace( mesh, time, analyticLaplace, timeFunction, analyticSpaceFunction );
//diffusion.getExplicitRHS( mesh, numericalSolution, numericalLaplace );
tnlString fileName;
FileNameBaseNumberEnding( "analyticLaplace", 0, 1, ".tnl", fileName );
if( ! this -> analyticLaplace. save( fileName ) )
return false;
FileNameBaseNumberEnding( "numericalLaplace", 0, 1, ".tnl", fileName );
if( ! this -> numericalLaplace. save( fileName ) )
return false;
return true;
template< typename Mesh, typename Diffusion, typename BoundaryCondition, typename RightHandSide,
typename TimeFunction, typename AnalyticSpaceFunction>
void heatEquationSolver< Mesh,Diffusion,BoundaryCondition,RightHandSide,TimeFunction,AnalyticSpaceFunction>
:: GetExplicitRHS( const RealType& time,
const RealType& tau,
const Mesh& mesh,
DofVectorType& _u,
DofVectorType& _fu )
* If you use an explicit solver like tnlEulerSolver or tnlMersonSolver, you
* need to implement this method. Compute the right-hand side of
* d/dt u(x) = fu( x, u )
* You may use supporting vectors again if you need.
explicitUpdater.template update< Mesh::Dimensions >( time,
_fu );
template< typename Mesh, typename Diffusion, typename BoundaryCondition, typename RightHandSide,
typename TimeFunction, typename AnalyticSpaceFunction>
tnlSolverMonitor< typename heatEquationSolver< Mesh,Diffusion,BoundaryCondition,RightHandSide,TimeFunction,AnalyticSpaceFunction>:: RealType,
typename heatEquationSolver< Mesh,Diffusion,BoundaryCondition,RightHandSide,TimeFunction,AnalyticSpaceFunction> :: IndexType >*
heatEquationSolver< Mesh,Diffusion,BoundaryCondition,RightHandSide,TimeFunction,AnalyticSpaceFunction>
:: getSolverMonitor()
return 0;