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                              tnlTestFunction_impl.h  -  description
        begin                : Aug 3, 2014
        copyright            : (C) 2014 by Tomas Oberhuber
        email                :
     *                                                                         *
     *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
     *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
     *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
     *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
     *                                                                         *
    #include <core/tnlCuda.h>
    #include <functors/tnlConstantFunction.h>
    #include <functors/tnlExpBumpFunction.h>
    #include <functors/tnlSinBumpsFunction.h>
    #include <functors/tnlSinWaveFunction.h>
    template< int FunctionDimensions,
              typename Real,
              typename Device >
    tnlTestFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real, Device >::
    : function( 0 ),
      timeDependence( none ),
      timeScale( 1.0 )
    template< int FunctionDimensions,
              typename Real,
              typename Device >
    tnlTestFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real, Device >::
    configSetup( tnlConfigDescription& config,
                 const tnlString& prefix )
       config.addRequiredEntry< tnlString >( prefix + "test-function", "Testing function." );
          config.addEntryEnum( "constant" );
          config.addEntryEnum( "exp-bump" );
          config.addEntryEnum( "sin-wave" );
          config.addEntryEnum( "sin-bumps" );
       config.addEntry     < double >( prefix + "constant", "Value of the constant function.", 0.0 );
       config.addEntry     < double >( prefix + "wave-length", "Wave length of the sine based test functions.", 1.0 );
       config.addEntry     < double >( prefix + "wave-length-x", "Wave length of the sine based test functions.", 1.0 );
       config.addEntry     < double >( prefix + "wave-length-y", "Wave length of the sine based test functions.", 1.0 );
       config.addEntry     < double >( prefix + "wave-length-z", "Wave length of the sine based test functions.", 1.0 );
       config.addEntry     < double >( prefix + "phase", "Phase of the sine based test functions.", 0.0 );
       config.addEntry     < double >( prefix + "phase-x", "Phase of the sine based test functions.", 0.0 );
       config.addEntry     < double >( prefix + "phase-y", "Phase of the sine based test functions.", 0.0 );
       config.addEntry     < double >( prefix + "phase-z", "Phase of the sine based test functions.", 0.0 );
       config.addEntry     < double >( prefix + "amplitude", "Amplitude length of the sine based test functions.", 1.0 );
       config.addEntry     < double >( prefix + "waves-number", "Cut-off for the sine based test functions.", 0.0 );
       config.addEntry     < double >( prefix + "waves-number-x", "Cut-off for the sine based test functions.", 0.0 );
       config.addEntry     < double >( prefix + "waves-number-y", "Cut-off for the sine based test functions.", 0.0 );
       config.addEntry     < double >( prefix + "waves-number-z", "Cut-off for the sine based test functions.", 0.0 );
       config.addEntry     < double >( prefix + "sigma", "Sigma for the exp based test functions.", 1.0 );
       config.addEntry     < tnlString >( prefix + "time-dependence", "Time dependence of the test function.", "none" );
          config.addEntryEnum( "none" );
          config.addEntryEnum( "linear" );
          config.addEntryEnum( "quadratic" );
          config.addEntryEnum( "cosine" );
       config.addEntry     < double >( prefix + "time-scale", "Time scaling for the time dependency of the test function.", 1.0 );
    template< int FunctionDimensions,
              typename Real,
              typename Device >
       template< typename FunctionType >
    tnlTestFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real, Device >::
    setupFunction( const tnlParameterContainer& parameters,
                   const tnlString& prefix )
       FunctionType* auxFunction = new FunctionType;
       if( ! auxFunction->setup( parameters, prefix ) )
          delete auxFunction;
          return false;
       if( Device::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlHostDevice )
          this->function = auxFunction;
       if( Device::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlCudaDevice )
          this->function = tnlCuda::passToDevice( *auxFunction );
          delete auxFunction;
          if( ! checkCudaDevice )
             return false;
       return true;
    template< int FunctionDimensions,
              typename Real,
              typename Device >
    tnlTestFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real, Device >::
    setup( const tnlParameterContainer& parameters,
           const tnlString& prefix )
       cout << "Test function setup ... " << endl;
       const tnlString& timeDependence =
                parameters.getParameter< tnlString >(
                         "time-dependence" );
       cout << "Time dependence ... " << timeDependence << endl;
       if( timeDependence == "none" )
          this->timeDependence = none;
       if( timeDependence == "linear" )
          this->timeDependence = linear;
       if( timeDependence == "quadratic" )
          this->timeDependence = quadratic;
       if( timeDependence == "cosine" )
          this->timeDependence = cosine;
       this->timeScale = parameters.getParameter< double >( prefix + "time-scale" );
       const tnlString& testFunction = parameters.getParameter< tnlString >( prefix + "test-function" );
       cout << "Test function ... " << testFunction << endl;
       if( testFunction == "constant" )
          typedef tnlConstantFunction< Dimensions, Real > FunctionType;
          functionType = constant;
          return setupFunction< FunctionType >( parameters );
       if( testFunction == "exp-bump" )
          typedef tnlExpBumpFunction< Dimensions, Real > FunctionType;
          functionType = expBump;
          return setupFunction< FunctionType >( parameters );
       if( testFunction == "sin-bumps" )
          typedef tnlSinBumpsFunction< Dimensions, Real > FunctionType;
          functionType = sinBumps;
          return setupFunction< FunctionType >( parameters );
       if( testFunction == "sin-wave" )
          typedef tnlSinWaveFunction< Dimensions, Real > FunctionType;
          functionType = sinWave;
          return setupFunction< FunctionType >( parameters );
       cerr << "Unknown function " << testFunction << endl;
       return false;
    template< int FunctionDimensions,
              typename Real,
              typename Device >
    const tnlTestFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real, Device >&
    tnlTestFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real, Device >::
    operator = ( const tnlTestFunction& function )
        * TODO: if the function is on the device we cannot do the following
       this->functionType   = function.functionType;
       this->timeDependence = function.timeDependence;
       this->timeScale      = function.timeScale;
       switch( this->functionType )
          case constant:
             this->copyFunction< tnlConstantFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real > >( function.function );
          case expBump:
             this->copyFunction< tnlExpBumpFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real > >( function.function );
          case sinBumps:
             this->copyFunction< tnlSinBumpsFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real > >( function.function );
          case sinWave:
             this->copyFunction< tnlSinWaveFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real > >( function.function );
             tnlAssert( false, );
    template< int FunctionDimensions,
              typename Real,
              typename Device >
       template< int XDiffOrder,
                 int YDiffOrder,
                 int ZDiffOrder,
                 typename Vertex >
    tnlTestFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real, Device >::
    getValue( const Vertex& vertex,
              const Real& time ) const
       Real scale( 1.0 );
       switch( this->timeDependence )
          case none:
          case linear:
             scale = 1.0 - this->timeScale * time;
          case quadratic:
             scale = this->timeScale * time;
             scale *= scale;
             scale = 1.0 - scale;
          case cosine:
             scale = cos( this->timeScale * time );
       switch( functionType )
          case constant:
             return scale * ( ( tnlConstantFunction< Dimensions, Real >* ) function )->
                       getValue< XDiffOrder, YDiffOrder, ZDiffOrder, Vertex >( vertex, time );
          case expBump:
             return scale * ( ( tnlExpBumpFunction< Dimensions, Real >* ) function )->
                      getValue< XDiffOrder, YDiffOrder, ZDiffOrder, Vertex >( vertex, time );
          case sinBumps:
             return scale * ( ( tnlSinBumpsFunction< Dimensions, Real >* ) function )->
                      getValue< XDiffOrder, YDiffOrder, ZDiffOrder, Vertex >( vertex, time );
          case sinWave:
             return scale * ( ( tnlSinWaveFunction< Dimensions, Real >* ) function )->
                      getValue< XDiffOrder, YDiffOrder, ZDiffOrder, Vertex >( vertex, time );
             return 0.0;
    template< int FunctionDimensions,
              typename Real,
              typename Device >
       template< int XDiffOrder,
                 int YDiffOrder,
                 int ZDiffOrder,
                 typename Vertex >
    tnlTestFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real, Device >::
    getTimeDerivative( const Vertex& vertex,
                       const Real& time ) const
       Real scale( 0.0 );
       switch( timeDependence )
          case none:
          case linear:
             scale = -this->timeScale;
          case quadratic:
             scale = -2.0 * this->timeScale * this->timeScale * time;
          case cosine:
             scale = -this->timeScale * sin( this->timeScale * time );
       switch( functionType )
          case constant:
             return scale * ( ( tnlConstantFunction< Dimensions, Real >* ) function )->
                      getValue< XDiffOrder, YDiffOrder, ZDiffOrder, Vertex >( vertex, time );
          case expBump:
             return scale * ( ( tnlExpBumpFunction< Dimensions, Real >* ) function )->
                      getValue< XDiffOrder, YDiffOrder, ZDiffOrder, Vertex >( vertex, time );
          case sinBumps:
             return scale * ( ( tnlSinBumpsFunction< Dimensions, Real >* ) function )->
                      getValue< XDiffOrder, YDiffOrder, ZDiffOrder, Vertex >( vertex, time );
          case sinWave:
             return scale * ( ( tnlSinWaveFunction< Dimensions, Real >* ) function )->
                      getValue< XDiffOrder, YDiffOrder, ZDiffOrder, Vertex >( vertex, time );
             return 0.0;
    template< int FunctionDimensions,
              typename Real,
              typename Device >
       template< typename FunctionType >
    tnlTestFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real, Device >::
       if( Device::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlHostDevice )
          if( function )
             delete ( FunctionType * ) function;
       if( Device::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlCudaDevice )
          if( function )
             tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( ( FunctionType * ) function );
    template< int FunctionDimensions,
              typename Real,
              typename Device >
    tnlTestFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real, Device >::
       switch( functionType )
          case constant:
             deleteFunction< tnlConstantFunction< Dimensions, Real> >();
          case expBump:
             deleteFunction< tnlExpBumpFunction< Dimensions, Real> >();
          case sinBumps:
             deleteFunction< tnlSinBumpsFunction< Dimensions, Real> >();
          case sinWave:
             deleteFunction< tnlSinWaveFunction< Dimensions, Real> >();
    template< int FunctionDimensions,
              typename Real,
              typename Device >
       template< typename FunctionType >
    tnlTestFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real, Device >::
    copyFunction( const void* function )
       if( Device::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlHostDevice ) 
          FunctionType* f = new FunctionType;
          *f = * ( FunctionType* )function;
       if( Device::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlCudaDevice )
          tnlAssert( false, );
    template< int FunctionDimensions,
              typename Real,
              typename Device >
       template< typename FunctionType >
    tnlTestFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real, Device >::
    printFunction( ostream& str ) const
       FunctionType* f = ( FunctionType* ) this->function;
       switch( Device::DeviceType )
          case tnlHostDevice:
             str << *f;
             return str;
          case tnlCudaDevice:
             tnlCuda::print( f, str );
             return str;
             return str;
    template< int FunctionDimensions,
              typename Real,
              typename Device >
    tnlTestFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real, Device >::
    print( ostream& str ) const
       str << " timeDependence = " << this->timeDependence;
       str << " functionType = " << this->functionType;
       str << " function = " << this->function << "; ";
       switch( functionType )
          case constant:
             return printFunction< tnlConstantFunction< Dimensions, Real> >( str );
          case expBump:
             return printFunction< tnlExpBumpFunction< Dimensions, Real> >( str );
          case sinBumps:
             return printFunction< tnlSinBumpsFunction< Dimensions, Real> >( str );
          case sinWave:
             return printFunction< tnlSinWaveFunction< Dimensions, Real> >( str );
       return str;
    template< int FunctionDimensions,
              typename Real,
              typename Device >
    tnlTestFunction< FunctionDimensions, Real, Device >::
    extern template class tnlTestFunction< 1, float, tnlHost >;
    extern template class tnlTestFunction< 2, float, tnlHost >;
    extern template class tnlTestFunction< 3, float, tnlHost >;
    extern template class tnlTestFunction< 1, double, tnlHost >;
    extern template class tnlTestFunction< 2, double, tnlHost >;
    extern template class tnlTestFunction< 3, double, tnlHost >;
    extern template class tnlTestFunction< 1, long double, tnlHost >;
    extern template class tnlTestFunction< 2, long double, tnlHost >;
    extern template class tnlTestFunction< 3, long double, tnlHost >;
    #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
    extern template class tnlTestFunction< 1, float, tnlCuda>;
    extern template class tnlTestFunction< 2, float, tnlCuda >;
    extern template class tnlTestFunction< 3, float, tnlCuda >;
    extern template class tnlTestFunction< 1, double, tnlCuda >;
    extern template class tnlTestFunction< 2, double, tnlCuda >;
    extern template class tnlTestFunction< 3, double, tnlCuda >;
    extern template class tnlTestFunction< 1, long double, tnlCuda >;
    extern template class tnlTestFunction< 2, long double, tnlCuda >;
    extern template class tnlTestFunction< 3, long double, tnlCuda >;
    #endif /* TNLTESTFUNCTION_IMPL_H_ */