ArrayOperationsCuda_impl.h - description
begin : Jul 16, 2013
copyright : (C) 2013 by Tomas Oberhuber
email :
/* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <TNL/tnlConfig.h>
#include <TNL/core/mfuncs.h>
#include <TNL/core/cuda/cuda-reduction.h>
#include <TNL/core/cuda/reduction-operations.h>
namespace TNL {
namespace Arrays {
template< typename Element, typename Index >
bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::allocateMemory( Element*& data,
const Index size )
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
if( cudaMalloc( ( void** ) &data,
( size_t ) size * sizeof( Element ) ) != cudaSuccess )
data = 0;
return checkCudaDevice;
return false;
template< typename Element >
bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::freeMemory( Element* data )
Assert( data, );
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
cudaFree( data );
return checkCudaDevice;
return true;
template< typename Element >
void ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::setMemoryElement( Element* data,
const Element& value )
Assert( data, );
ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::setMemory( data, value, 1 );
template< typename Element >
Element ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::getMemoryElement( const Element* data )
Assert( data, );
Element result;
ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::Cuda >::copyMemory< Element, Element, int >( &result, data, 1 );
return result;
template< typename Element, typename Index >
Element& ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::getArrayElementReference( Element* data, const Index i )
Assert( data, );
return data[ i ];
template< typename Element, typename Index >
const Element& ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::getArrayElementReference( const Element* data, const Index i )
Assert( data, );
return data[ i ];
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
template< typename Element, typename Index >
__global__ void setArrayValueCudaKernel( Element* data,
const Index size,
const Element value )
Index elementIdx = blockDim. x * blockIdx. x + threadIdx. x;
const Index maxGridSize = blockDim. x * gridDim. x;
while( elementIdx < size )
data[ elementIdx ] = value;
elementIdx += maxGridSize;
template< typename Element, typename Index >
bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::setMemory( Element* data,
const Element& value,
const Index size )
Assert( data, );
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
dim3 blockSize( 0 ), gridSize( 0 );
blockSize. x = 256;
Index blocksNumber = ceil( ( double ) size / ( double ) blockSize. x );
gridSize. x = min( blocksNumber, Devices::Cuda::getMaxGridSize() );
setArrayValueCudaKernel<<< gridSize, blockSize >>>( data, size, value );
return checkCudaDevice;
return false;
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
template< typename DestinationElement,
typename SourceElement,
typename Index >
__global__ void copyMemoryCudaToCudaKernel( DestinationElement* destination,
const SourceElement* source,
const Index size )
Index elementIdx = blockDim. x * blockIdx. x + threadIdx. x;
const Index maxGridSize = blockDim. x * gridDim. x;
while( elementIdx < size )
destination[ elementIdx ] = source[ elementIdx ];
elementIdx += maxGridSize;
template< typename DestinationElement,
typename SourceElement,
typename Index >
bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::copyMemory( DestinationElement* destination,
const SourceElement* source,
const Index size )
Assert( destination, );
Assert( source, );
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
if( std::is_same< DestinationElement, SourceElement >::value )
if( cudaMemcpy( destination,
size * sizeof( DestinationElement ),
cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice ) != cudaSuccess )
return checkCudaDevice;
dim3 blockSize( 0 ), gridSize( 0 );
blockSize. x = 256;
Index blocksNumber = ceil( ( double ) size / ( double ) blockSize. x );
gridSize. x = min( blocksNumber, Devices::Cuda::getMaxGridSize() );
copyMemoryCudaToCudaKernel<<< gridSize, blockSize >>>( destination, source, size );
return checkCudaDevice;
return false;
template< typename Element1,
typename Element2,
typename Index >
bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::compareMemory( const Element1* destination,
const Element2* source,
const Index size )
Assert( destination, );
Assert( source, );
//TODO: The parallel reduction on the CUDA device with different element types is needed.
bool result;
tnlParallelReductionEqualities< Element1, Index > reductionEqualities;
reductionOnCudaDevice( reductionEqualities, size, destination, source, result );
return result;
* Operations CUDA -> Host
template< typename DestinationElement,
typename SourceElement,
typename Index >
bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::Cuda >::copyMemory( DestinationElement* destination,
const SourceElement* source,
const Index size )
Assert( destination, );
Assert( source, );
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
if( std::is_same< DestinationElement, SourceElement >::value )
cudaMemcpy( destination,
size * sizeof( DestinationElement ),
cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost );
if( ! checkCudaDevice )
std::cerr << "Transfer of data from CUDA device to host failed." << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
SourceElement* buffer = new SourceElement[ Devices::Cuda::getGPUTransferBufferSize() ];
if( ! buffer )
std::cerr << "Unable to allocate supporting buffer to transfer data between the CUDA device and the host." << std::endl;
return false;
Index i( 0 );
while( i < size )
if( cudaMemcpy( buffer,
&source[ i ],
min( size - i, Devices::Cuda::getGPUTransferBufferSize() ) * sizeof( SourceElement ),
cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost ) != cudaSuccess )
delete[] buffer;
return false;
Index j( 0 );
while( j < Devices::Cuda::getGPUTransferBufferSize() && i + j < size )
destination[ i + j ] = buffer[ j++ ];
i += j;
delete[] buffer;
return false;
return true;
template< typename Element1,
typename Element2,
typename Index >
bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::Cuda >::compareMemory( const Element1* destination,
const Element2* source,
const Index size )
* Here, destination is on host and source is on CUDA device.
Assert( destination, );
Assert( source, );
Assert( size >= 0, std::cerr << "size = " << size );
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
Element2* host_buffer = new Element2[ Devices::Cuda::getGPUTransferBufferSize() ];
if( ! host_buffer )
std::cerr << "I am sorry but I cannot allocate supporting buffer on the host for comparing data between CUDA GPU and CPU." << std::endl;
return false;
Index compared( 0 );
while( compared < size )
Index transfer = min( size - compared, Devices::Cuda::getGPUTransferBufferSize() );
if( cudaMemcpy( ( void* ) host_buffer,
( void* ) & ( source[ compared ] ),
transfer * sizeof( Element2 ),
cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost ) != cudaSuccess )
std::cerr << "Transfer of data from the device failed." << std::endl;
delete[] host_buffer;
return false;
if( ! ArrayOperations< Devices::Host >::compareMemory( &destination[ compared ], host_buffer, transfer ) )
delete[] host_buffer;
return false;
compared += transfer;
delete[] host_buffer;
return true;
return false;
* Operations Host -> CUDA
template< typename DestinationElement,
typename SourceElement,
typename Index >
bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda, Devices::Host >::copyMemory( DestinationElement* destination,
const SourceElement* source,
const Index size )
Assert( destination, );
Assert( source, );
Assert( size >= 0, std::cerr << "size = " << size );
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
if( std::is_same< DestinationElement, SourceElement >::value )
cudaMemcpy( destination,
size * sizeof( DestinationElement ),
cudaMemcpyHostToDevice );
if( ! checkCudaDevice )
std::cerr << "Transfer of data from host to CUDA device failed." << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
DestinationElement* buffer = new DestinationElement[ Devices::Cuda::getGPUTransferBufferSize() ];
if( ! buffer )
std::cerr << "Unable to allocate supporting buffer to transfer data between the CUDA device and the host." << std::endl;
return false;
Index i( 0 );
while( i < size )
Index j( 0 );
while( j < Devices::Cuda::getGPUTransferBufferSize() && i + j < size )
buffer[ j ] = source[ i + j++ ];
if( cudaMemcpy( &destination[ i ],
j * sizeof( DestinationElement ),
cudaMemcpyHostToDevice ) != cudaSuccess )
delete[] buffer;
return false;
i += j;
delete[] buffer;
return true;
return false;
template< typename Element1,
typename Element2,
typename Index >
bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda, Devices::Host >::compareMemory( const Element1* hostData,
const Element2* deviceData,
const Index size )
Assert( hostData, );
Assert( deviceData, );
Assert( size >= 0, std::cerr << "size = " << size );
return ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::Cuda >::compareMemory( deviceData, hostData, size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::allocateMemory< char, int >( char*& data, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::allocateMemory< int, int >( int*& data, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::allocateMemory< long int, int >( long int*& data, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::allocateMemory< float, int >( float*& data, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::allocateMemory< double, int >( double*& data, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::allocateMemory< long double, int >( long double*& data, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::allocateMemory< char, long int >( char*& data, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::allocateMemory< int, long int >( int*& data, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::allocateMemory< long int, long int >( long int*& data, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::allocateMemory< float, long int >( float*& data, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::allocateMemory< double, long int >( double*& data, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::allocateMemory< long double, long int >( long double*& data, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::freeMemory< char >( char* data );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::freeMemory< int >( int* data );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::freeMemory< long int >( long int* data );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::freeMemory< float >( float* data );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::freeMemory< double >( double* data );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::freeMemory< long double >( long double* data );
extern template void ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::setMemoryElement< char >( char* data, const char& value );
extern template void ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::setMemoryElement< int >( int* data, const int& value );
extern template void ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::setMemoryElement< long int >( long int* data, const long int& value );
extern template void ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::setMemoryElement< float >( float* data, const float& value );
extern template void ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::setMemoryElement< double >( double* data, const double& value );
extern template void ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::setMemoryElement< long double >( long double* data, const long double& value );
extern template char ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::getMemoryElement< char >( const char* data );
extern template int ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::getMemoryElement< int >( const int* data );
extern template long int ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::getMemoryElement< long int >( const long int* data );
extern template float ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::getMemoryElement< float >( const float* data );
extern template double ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::getMemoryElement< double >( const double* data );
extern template long double ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::getMemoryElement< long double >( const long double* data );
extern template char& ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::getArrayElementReference< char, int >( char* data, const int i );
extern template int& ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::getArrayElementReference< int, int >( int* data, const int i );
extern template long int& ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::getArrayElementReference< long int, int >( long int* data, const int i );
extern template float& ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::getArrayElementReference< float, int >( float* data, const int i );
extern template double& ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::getArrayElementReference< double, int >( double* data, const int i );
extern template long double& ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::getArrayElementReference< long double, int >( long double* data, const int i );
extern template char& ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::getArrayElementReference< char, long int >( char* data, const long int i );
extern template int& ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::getArrayElementReference< int, long int >( int* data, const long int i );
extern template long int& ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::getArrayElementReference< long int, long int >( long int* data, const long int i );
extern template float& ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::getArrayElementReference< float, long int >( float* data, const long int i );
extern template double& ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::getArrayElementReference< double, long int >( double* data, const long int i );
extern template long double& ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::getArrayElementReference< long double, long int >( long double* data, const long int i );
extern template const char& ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::getArrayElementReference< char, int >( const char* data, const int i );
extern template const int& ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::getArrayElementReference< int, int >( const int* data, const int i );
extern template const long int& ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::getArrayElementReference< long int, int >( const long int* data, const int i );
extern template const float& ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::getArrayElementReference< float, int >( const float* data, const int i );
extern template const double& ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::getArrayElementReference< double, int >( const double* data, const int i );
extern template const long double& ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::getArrayElementReference< long double, int >( const long double* data, const int i );
extern template const char& ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::getArrayElementReference< char, long int >( const char* data, const long int i );
extern template const int& ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::getArrayElementReference< int, long int >( const int* data, const long int i );
extern template const long int& ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::getArrayElementReference< long int, long int >( const long int* data, const long int i );
extern template const float& ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::getArrayElementReference< float, long int >( const float* data, const long int i );
extern template const double& ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::getArrayElementReference< double, long int >( const double* data, const long int i );
extern template const long double& ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::getArrayElementReference< long double, long int >( const long double* data, const long int i );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::copyMemory< char, char, int >( char* destination, const char* source, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::copyMemory< int, int, int >( int* destination, const int* source, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::copyMemory< long int, long int, int >( long int* destination, const long int* source, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::copyMemory< float, float, int >( float* destination, const float* source, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::copyMemory< double, double, int >( double* destination, const double* source, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::copyMemory< long double, long double, int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::copyMemory< char, char, long int >( char* destination, const char* source, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::copyMemory< int, int, long int >( int* destination, const int* source, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::copyMemory< long int, long int, long int >( long int* destination, const long int* source, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::copyMemory< float, float, long int >( float* destination, const float* source, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::copyMemory< double, double, long int >( double* destination, const double* source, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::copyMemory< long double, long double, long int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda, Devices::Host >::copyMemory< char, char, int >( char* destination, const char* source, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda, Devices::Host >::copyMemory< int, int, int >( int* destination, const int* source, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda, Devices::Host >::copyMemory< long int, long int, int >( long int* destination, const long int* source, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda, Devices::Host >::copyMemory< float, float, int >( float* destination, const float* source, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda, Devices::Host >::copyMemory< double, double, int >( double* destination, const double* source, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda, Devices::Host >::copyMemory< long double, long double, int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda, Devices::Host >::copyMemory< char, char, long int >( char* destination, const char* source, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda, Devices::Host >::copyMemory< int, int, long int >( int* destination, const int* source, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda, Devices::Host >::copyMemory< long int, long int, long int >( long int* destination, const long int* source, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda, Devices::Host >::copyMemory< float, float, long int >( float* destination, const float* source, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda, Devices::Host >::copyMemory< double, double, long int >( double* destination, const double* source, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda, Devices::Host >::copyMemory< long double, long double, long int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::Cuda >::copyMemory< char, char, int >( char* destination, const char* source, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::Cuda >::copyMemory< int, int, int >( int* destination, const int* source, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::Cuda >::copyMemory< long int, long int, int >( long int* destination, const long int* source, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::Cuda >::copyMemory< float, float, int >( float* destination, const float* source, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::Cuda >::copyMemory< double, double, int >( double* destination, const double* source, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::Cuda >::copyMemory< long double, long double, int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::Cuda >::copyMemory< char, char, long int >( char* destination, const char* source, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::Cuda >::copyMemory< int, int, long int >( int* destination, const int* source, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::Cuda >::copyMemory< long int, long int, long int >( long int* destination, const long int* source, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::Cuda >::copyMemory< float, float, long int >( float* destination, const float* source, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::Cuda >::copyMemory< double, double, long int >( double* destination, const double* source, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::Cuda >::copyMemory< long double, long double, long int >( long double* destination, const long double* source, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::compareMemory< char, char, int >( const char* data1, const char* data2, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::compareMemory< int, int, int >( const int* data1, const int* data2, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::compareMemory< long int, long int, int >( const long int* data1, const long int* data2, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::compareMemory< float, float, int >( const float* data1, const float* data2, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::compareMemory< double, double, int >( const double* data1, const double* data2, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::compareMemory< long double, long double, int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::compareMemory< char, char, long int >( const char* data1, const char* data2, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::compareMemory< int, int, long int >( const int* data1, const int* data2, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::compareMemory< long int, long int, long int >( const long int* data1, const long int* data2, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::compareMemory< float, float, long int >( const float* data1, const float* data2, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::compareMemory< double, double, long int >( const double* data1, const double* data2, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::compareMemory< long double, long double, long int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda, Devices::Host >::compareMemory< char, char, int >( const char* data1, const char* data2, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda, Devices::Host >::compareMemory< int, int, int >( const int* data1, const int* data2, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda, Devices::Host >::compareMemory< long int, long int, int >( const long int* data1, const long int* data2, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda, Devices::Host >::compareMemory< float, float, int >( const float* data1, const float* data2, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda, Devices::Host >::compareMemory< double, double, int >( const double* data1, const double* data2, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda, Devices::Host >::compareMemory< long double, long double, int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda, Devices::Host >::compareMemory< char, char, long int >( const char* data1, const char* data2, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda, Devices::Host >::compareMemory< int, int, long int >( const int* data1, const int* data2, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda, Devices::Host >::compareMemory< long int, long int, long int >( const long int* data1, const long int* data2, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda, Devices::Host >::compareMemory< float, float, long int >( const float* data1, const float* data2, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda, Devices::Host >::compareMemory< double, double, long int >( const double* data1, const double* data2, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda, Devices::Host >::compareMemory< long double, long double, long int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::Cuda >::compareMemory< char, char, int >( const char* data1, const char* data2, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::Cuda >::compareMemory< int, int, int >( const int* data1, const int* data2, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::Cuda >::compareMemory< long int, long int, int >( const long int* data1, const long int* data2, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::Cuda >::compareMemory< float, float, int >( const float* data1, const float* data2, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::Cuda >::compareMemory< double, double, int >( const double* data1, const double* data2, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::Cuda >::compareMemory< long double, long double, int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::Cuda >::compareMemory< char, char, long int >( const char* data1, const char* data2, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::Cuda >::compareMemory< int, int, long int >( const int* data1, const int* data2, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::Cuda >::compareMemory< long int, long int, long int >( const long int* data1, const long int* data2, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::Cuda >::compareMemory< float, float, long int >( const float* data1, const float* data2, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::Cuda >::compareMemory< double, double, long int >( const double* data1, const double* data2, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Host, Devices::Cuda >::compareMemory< long double, long double, long int >( const long double* data1, const long double* data2, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::setMemory< char, int >( char* destination, const char& value, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::setMemory< int, int >( int* destination, const int& value, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::setMemory< long int, int >( long int* destination, const long int& value, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::setMemory< float, int >( float* destination, const float& value, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::setMemory< double, int >( double* destination, const double& value, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::setMemory< long double, int >( long double* destination, const long double& value, const int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::setMemory< char, long int >( char* destination, const char& value, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::setMemory< int, long int >( int* destination, const int& value, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::setMemory< long int, long int >( long int* destination, const long int& value, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::setMemory< float, long int >( float* destination, const float& value, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::setMemory< double, long int >( double* destination, const double& value, const long int size );
extern template bool ArrayOperations< Devices::Cuda >::setMemory< long double, long int >( long double* destination, const long double& value, const long int size );
} // namespace Arrays
} // namespace TNL