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vector-operations.h 11.9 KiB
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                          vector-operations.h  -  description
    begin                : Dec 30, 2015
    copyright            : (C) 2015 by Tomas Oberhuber et al.
    email                :

/* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */

// Implemented by: Jakub Klinkovsky

#pragma once

#include <stdlib.h> // srand48

#include "../Benchmarks.h"

#include <TNL/Containers/Vector.h>

#include "blasWrappers.h"

#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
#include "cublasWrappers.h"

namespace TNL {
namespace Benchmarks {

template< typename Real = double,
          typename Index = int >
benchmarkVectorOperations( Benchmark & benchmark,
                           const long & size )
   using HostVector = Containers::Vector< Real, Devices::Host, Index >;
   using CudaVector =  Containers::Vector< Real, Devices::Cuda, Index >;
   using HostView = Containers::VectorView< Real, Devices::Host, Index >;
   using CudaView =  Containers::VectorView< Real, Devices::Cuda, Index >;

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   double datasetSize = (double) size * sizeof( Real ) / oneGB;

   HostVector hostVector, hostVector2;
   CudaVector deviceVector, deviceVector2;
   hostVector.setSize( size );
   hostVector2.setSize( size );
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
   deviceVector.setSize( size );
   deviceVector2.setSize( size );

   HostView hostView( hostVector ), hostView2( hostVector2 );
   CudaView deviceView( deviceVector ), deviceView2( deviceVector2 );

   Real resultHost, resultDevice;

#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
   cublasHandle_t cublasHandle;
   cublasCreate( &cublasHandle );

   // reset functions
   // (Make sure to always use some in benchmarks, even if it's not necessary
   // to assure correct result - it helps to clear cache and avoid optimizations
   // of the benchmark loop.)
   auto reset1 = [&]() {
      hostVector.setValue( 1.0 );
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
      deviceVector.setValue( 1.0 );
      // A relatively harmless call to keep the compiler from realizing we
      // don't actually do any useful work with the result of the reduction.
      resultHost = resultDevice = 0.0;
   auto reset2 = [&]() {
      hostVector2.setValue( 1.0 );
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
      deviceVector2.setValue( 1.0 );
   auto reset12 = [&]() {


   auto maxHost = [&]() {
      resultHost = hostVector.max();
   auto maxCuda = [&]() {
      resultDevice = deviceVector.max();
   auto maxHostET = [&]() {
      resultHost = max( hostView );
   auto maxCudaET = [&]() {
      resultDevice = max( deviceView );

   benchmark.setOperation( "max", datasetSize );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Host >( reset1, "CPU", maxHost );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Host >( reset1, "CPU ET", maxHostET );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Cuda >( reset1, "GPU", maxCuda );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Cuda >( reset1, "GPU ET", maxCudaET );

   auto minHost = [&]() {
      resultHost = hostVector.min();
   auto minCuda = [&]() {
      resultDevice = deviceVector.min();
   auto minHostET = [&]() {
      resultHost = min( hostView );
   auto minCudaET = [&]() {
      resultDevice = min( deviceView );
   benchmark.setOperation( "min", datasetSize );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Host >( reset1, "CPU", minHost );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Host >( reset1, "CPU", minHostET );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Cuda >( reset1, "GPU", minCuda );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Cuda >( reset1, "GPU", minCudaET );

   auto absMaxHost = [&]() {
      resultHost = hostVector.absMax();
   auto absMaxCuda = [&]() {
      resultDevice = deviceVector.absMax();
   auto absMaxHostET = [&]() {
      resultHost = max( abs( hostView ) );
   auto absMaxCudaET = [&]() {
      resultDevice = max( abs( deviceView ) );
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
   auto absMaxCublas = [&]() {
      int index = 0;
      cublasIgamax( cublasHandle, size,
                    deviceVector.getData(), 1,
                    &index );
      resultDevice = deviceVector.getElement( index );
   benchmark.setOperation( "absMax", datasetSize );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Host >( reset1, "CPU", absMaxHost );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Host >( reset1, "CPU ET", absMaxHostET );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Cuda >( reset1, "GPU", absMaxCuda );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Cuda >( reset1, "GPU ET", absMaxCudaET );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Cuda >( reset1, "cuBLAS", absMaxCublas );

   auto absMinHost = [&]() {
      resultHost = hostVector.absMin();
   auto absMinCuda = [&]() {
      resultDevice = deviceVector.absMin();
   auto absMinHostET = [&]() {
      resultHost = min( abs( hostView ) );
   auto absMinCudaET = [&]() {
      resultDevice = min( abs( deviceView ) );
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
   auto absMinCublas = [&]() {
      int index = 0;
      cublasIgamin( cublasHandle, size,
                    deviceVector.getData(), 1,
                    &index );
      resultDevice = deviceVector.getElement( index );
   benchmark.setOperation( "absMin", datasetSize );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Host >( reset1, "CPU", absMinHost );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Host >( reset1, "CPU", absMinHostET );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Cuda >( reset1, "GPU", absMinCuda );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Cuda >( reset1, "GPU", absMinCudaET );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Cuda >( reset1, "cuBLAS", absMinCublas );

   auto sumHost = [&]() {
      resultHost = hostVector.sum();
   auto sumCuda = [&]() {
      resultDevice = deviceVector.sum();
   auto sumHostET = [&]() {
      resultHost = sum( hostView );
   auto sumCudaET = [&]() {
      resultDevice = sum( deviceView );
   benchmark.setOperation( "sum", datasetSize );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Host >( reset1, "CPU", sumHost );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Host >( reset1, "CPU", sumHostET );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Cuda >( reset1, "GPU", sumCuda );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Cuda >( reset1, "GPU", sumCudaET );

   auto l1normHost = [&]() {
      resultHost = hostVector.lpNorm( 1.0 );
   auto l1normCuda = [&]() {
      resultDevice = deviceVector.lpNorm( 1.0 );
   auto l1normHostET = [&]() {
      resultHost = lpNorm( hostView, 1.0 );
   auto l1normCudaET = [&]() {
      resultDevice = lpNorm( deviceView, 1.0 );
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
   auto l1normCublas = [&]() {
      cublasGasum( cublasHandle, size,
                   deviceVector.getData(), 1,
                   &resultDevice );
   benchmark.setOperation( "l1 norm", datasetSize );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Host >( reset1, "CPU", l1normHost );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Host >( reset1, "CPU", l1normHostET );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Cuda >( reset1, "GPU", l1normCuda );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Cuda >( reset1, "GPU", l1normCudaET );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Cuda >( reset1, "cuBLAS", l1normCublas );

   auto l2normHost = [&]() {
      resultHost = hostVector.lpNorm( 2.0 );
   auto l2normCuda = [&]() {
      resultDevice = deviceVector.lpNorm( 2.0 );
   auto l2normHostET = [&]() {
      resultHost = lpNorm( hostView, 2.0 );
   auto l2normCudaET = [&]() {
      resultDevice = lpNorm( deviceView, 2.0 );
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
   auto l2normCublas = [&]() {
      cublasGnrm2( cublasHandle, size,
                   deviceVector.getData(), 1,
                   &resultDevice );
   benchmark.setOperation( "l2 norm", datasetSize );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Host >( reset1, "CPU", l2normHost );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Host >( reset1, "CPU", l2normHostET );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Cuda >( reset1, "GPU", l2normCuda );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Cuda >( reset1, "GPU", l2normCudaET );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Cuda >( reset1, "cuBLAS", l2normCublas );

   auto l3normHost = [&]() {
      resultHost = hostVector.lpNorm( 3.0 );
   auto l3normCuda = [&]() {
      resultDevice = deviceVector.lpNorm( 3.0 );
   auto l3normHostET = [&]() {
      resultHost = lpNorm( hostView, 3.0 );
   auto l3normCudaET = [&]() {
      resultDevice = lpNorm( deviceView, 3.0 );

   benchmark.setOperation( "l3 norm", datasetSize );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Host >( reset1, "CPU", l3normHost );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Host >( reset1, "CPU", l3normHostET );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Cuda >( reset1, "GPU", l3normCuda );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Cuda >( reset1, "GPU", l3normCudaET );

   auto scalarProductHost = [&]() {
      resultHost = hostVector.scalarProduct( hostVector2 );
   auto scalarProductCuda = [&]() {
      resultDevice = deviceVector.scalarProduct( deviceVector2 );
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
   auto scalarProductCublas = [&]() {
      cublasGdot( cublasHandle, size,
                  deviceVector.getData(), 1,
                  deviceVector2.getData(), 1,
                  &resultDevice );
   benchmark.setOperation( "scalar product", 2 * datasetSize );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Host >( reset1, "CPU", scalarProductHost );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Cuda >( reset1, "GPU", scalarProductCuda );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Cuda >( reset1, "cuBLAS", scalarProductCublas );

   std::cout << "Benchmarking prefix-sum:" << std::endl;
   timeHost = timer.getTime();
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   bandwidth = 2 * datasetSize / timer.getTime();
   std::cout << "  CPU: bandwidth: " << bandwidth << " GB/sec, time: " << timer.getTime() << " sec." << std::endl;

   timeDevice = timer.getTime();
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   bandwidth = 2 * datasetSize / timer.getTime();
   std::cout << "  GPU: bandwidth: " << bandwidth << " GB/sec, time: " << timer.getTime() << " sec." << std::endl;
   std::cout << "  CPU/GPU speedup: " << timeHost / timeDevice << std::endl;

   HostVector auxHostVector;
   auxHostVector.setLike( deviceVector );
   auxHostVector = deviceVector;
   for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
      if( hostVector.getElement( i ) != auxHostVector.getElement( i ) )
         std::cerr << "Error in prefix sum at position " << i << ":  " << hostVector.getElement( i ) << " != " << auxHostVector.getElement( i ) << std::endl;

   auto multiplyHost = [&]() {
      hostVector *= 0.5;
   auto multiplyCuda = [&]() {
      deviceVector *= 0.5;
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
   auto multiplyCublas = [&]() {
      const Real alpha = 0.5;
      cublasGscal( cublasHandle, size,
                   deviceVector.getData(), 1 );
   benchmark.setOperation( "scalar multiplication", 2 * datasetSize );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Host >( reset1, "CPU", multiplyHost );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Cuda >( reset1, "GPU", multiplyCuda );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Cuda >( reset1, "cuBLAS", multiplyCublas );

   auto addVectorHost = [&]() {
      hostVector.addVector( hostVector2 );
   auto addVectorCuda = [&]() {
      deviceVector.addVector( deviceVector2 );
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
   auto addVectorCublas = [&]() {
      const Real alpha = 1.0;
      cublasGaxpy( cublasHandle, size,
                   deviceVector2.getData(), 1,
                   deviceVector.getData(), 1 );
   benchmark.setOperation( "vector addition", 3 * datasetSize );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Host >( reset1, "CPU", addVectorHost );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Cuda >( reset1, "GPU", addVectorCuda );
   benchmark.time< Devices::Cuda >( reset1, "cuBLAS", addVectorCublas );

#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
   cublasDestroy( cublasHandle );

   return true;

} // namespace Benchmarks
} // namespace TNL