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tnl-benchmark-blas.h 8.52 KiB
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                          tnl-benchmark-blas.h  -  description
    begin                : Jan 27, 2010
    copyright            : (C) 2010 by Tomas Oberhuber et al.
    email                :

/* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */

// Implemented by: Jakub Klinkovsky

#pragma once

#include <TNL/Devices/Host.h>
#include <TNL/Devices/CudaDeviceInfo.h>
#include <TNL/Devices/SystemInfo.h>
#include <TNL/Config/ConfigDescription.h>
#include <TNL/Config/ParameterContainer.h>

#include "array-operations.h"
#include "vector-operations.h"
#include "spmv.h"

using namespace TNL;
using namespace TNL::Benchmarks;

// TODO: should benchmarks check the result of the computation?

template< typename Real >
runBlasBenchmarks( Benchmark & benchmark,
                   Benchmark::MetadataMap metadata,
                   const std::size_t & minSize,
                   const std::size_t & maxSize,
                   const double & sizeStepFactor,
                   const unsigned & loops,
                   const unsigned & elementsPerRow )
   const String precision = getType< Real >();
   metadata["precision"] = precision;

   // Array operations
   benchmark.newBenchmark( String("Array operations (") + precision + ")",
                           metadata );
   for( std::size_t size = minSize; size <= maxSize; size *= 2 ) {
      benchmark.setMetadataColumns( Benchmark::MetadataColumns({
         {"size", size},
      } ));
      benchmarkArrayOperations< Real >( benchmark, loops, size );

   // Vector operations
   benchmark.newBenchmark( String("Vector operations (") + precision + ")",
                           metadata );
   for( std::size_t size = minSize; size <= maxSize; size *= sizeStepFactor ) {
      benchmark.setMetadataColumns( Benchmark::MetadataColumns({
         {"size", size},
      } ));
      benchmarkVectorOperations< Real >( benchmark, loops, size );

   // Sparse matrix-vector multiplication
   benchmark.newBenchmark( String("Sparse matrix-vector multiplication (") + precision + ")",
                           metadata );
   for( std::size_t size = minSize; size <= maxSize; size *= 2 ) {
      benchmark.setMetadataColumns( Benchmark::MetadataColumns({
         {"rows", size},
         {"columns", size},
         {"elements per row", elementsPerRow},
      } ));
      benchmarkSpmvSynthetic< Real >( benchmark, loops, size, elementsPerRow );

setupConfig( Config::ConfigDescription & config )
   config.addDelimiter( "Benchmark settings:" );
   config.addEntry< String >( "log-file", "Log file name.", "tnl-benchmark-blas.log");
   config.addEntry< String >( "output-mode", "Mode for opening the log file.", "overwrite" );
   config.addEntryEnum( "append" );
   config.addEntryEnum( "overwrite" );
   config.addEntry< String >( "precision", "Precision of the arithmetics.", "double" );
   config.addEntryEnum( "float" );
   config.addEntryEnum( "double" );
   config.addEntryEnum( "all" );
   config.addEntry< int >( "min-size", "Minimum size of arrays/vectors used in the benchmark.", 100000 );
   config.addEntry< int >( "max-size", "Minimum size of arrays/vectors used in the benchmark.", 10000000 );
   config.addEntry< int >( "size-step-factor", "Factor determining the size of arrays/vectors used in the benchmark. First size is min-size and each following size is stepFactor*previousSize, up to max-size.", 2 );
   config.addEntry< int >( "loops", "Number of iterations for every computation.", 10 );
   config.addEntry< int >( "elements-per-row", "Number of elements per row of the sparse matrix used in the matrix-vector multiplication benchmark.", 5 );
   config.addEntry< int >( "verbose", "Verbose mode.", 1 );

   config.addDelimiter( "Device settings:" );
   Devices::Host::configSetup( config );
   Devices::Cuda::configSetup( config );

main( int argc, char* argv[] )
   Config::ParameterContainer parameters;
   Config::ConfigDescription conf_desc;

   setupConfig( conf_desc );

   if( ! parseCommandLine( argc, argv, conf_desc, parameters ) ) {
      conf_desc.printUsage( argv[ 0 ] );
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
   if( ! Devices::Host::setup( parameters ) ||
       ! Devices::Cuda::setup( parameters ) )
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

   const String & logFileName = parameters.getParameter< String >( "log-file" );
   const String & outputMode = parameters.getParameter< String >( "output-mode" );
   const String & precision = parameters.getParameter< String >( "precision" );
   // FIXME: getParameter< std::size_t >() does not work with parameters added with addEntry< int >(),
   // which have a default value. The workaround below works for int values, but it is not possible
   // to pass 64-bit integer values
//   const std::size_t minSize = parameters.getParameter< std::size_t >( "min-size" );
//   const std::size_t maxSize = parameters.getParameter< std::size_t >( "max-size" );
   const std::size_t minSize = parameters.getParameter< int >( "min-size" );
   const std::size_t maxSize = parameters.getParameter< int >( "max-size" );
   const unsigned sizeStepFactor = parameters.getParameter< unsigned >( "size-step-factor" );
   const unsigned loops = parameters.getParameter< unsigned >( "loops" );
   const unsigned elementsPerRow = parameters.getParameter< unsigned >( "elements-per-row" );
   const unsigned verbose = parameters.getParameter< unsigned >( "verbose" );

   if( sizeStepFactor <= 1 ) {
       std::cerr << "The value of --size-step-factor must be greater than 1." << std::endl;
       return EXIT_FAILURE;

   // open log file
   auto mode = std::ios::out;
   if( outputMode == "append" )
       mode |= std::ios::app;
   std::ofstream logFile( logFileName.getString(), mode );

   // init benchmark and common metadata
   Benchmark benchmark( loops, verbose );

   // prepare global metadata
   const int cpu_id = 0;
   Devices::CacheSizes cacheSizes = Devices::SystemInfo::getCPUCacheSizes( cpu_id );
   String cacheInfo = String( cacheSizes.L1data ) + ", "
                       + String( cacheSizes.L1instruction ) + ", "
                       + String( cacheSizes.L2 ) + ", "
                       + String( cacheSizes.L3 );
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
   const int activeGPU = Devices::CudaDeviceInfo::getActiveDevice();
   const String deviceArch = String( Devices::CudaDeviceInfo::getArchitectureMajor( activeGPU ) ) + "." +
                             String( Devices::CudaDeviceInfo::getArchitectureMinor( activeGPU ) );
   Benchmark::MetadataMap metadata {
      { "host name", Devices::SystemInfo::getHostname() },
      { "architecture", Devices::SystemInfo::getArchitecture() },
      { "system", Devices::SystemInfo::getSystemName() },
      { "system release", Devices::SystemInfo::getSystemRelease() },
      { "start time", Devices::SystemInfo::getCurrentTime() },
      { "CPU model name", Devices::SystemInfo::getCPUModelName( cpu_id ) },
      { "CPU cores", Devices::SystemInfo::getNumberOfCores( cpu_id ) },
      { "CPU threads per core", Devices::SystemInfo::getNumberOfThreads( cpu_id ) / Devices::SystemInfo::getNumberOfCores( cpu_id ) },
      { "CPU max frequency (MHz)", Devices::SystemInfo::getCPUMaxFrequency( cpu_id ) / 1e3 },
      { "CPU cache sizes (L1d, L1i, L2, L3) (kiB)", cacheInfo },
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
      { "GPU name", Devices::CudaDeviceInfo::getDeviceName( activeGPU ) },
      { "GPU architecture", deviceArch },
      { "GPU CUDA cores", Devices::CudaDeviceInfo::getCudaCores( activeGPU ) },
      { "GPU clock rate (MHz)", (double) Devices::CudaDeviceInfo::getClockRate( activeGPU ) / 1e3 },
      { "GPU global memory (GB)", (double) Devices::CudaDeviceInfo::getGlobalMemory( activeGPU ) / 1e9 },
      { "GPU memory clock rate (MHz)", (double) Devices::CudaDeviceInfo::getMemoryClockRate( activeGPU ) / 1e3 },
      { "GPU memory ECC enabled", Devices::CudaDeviceInfo::getECCEnabled( activeGPU ) },

   if( precision == "all" || precision == "float" )
      runBlasBenchmarks< float >( benchmark, metadata, minSize, maxSize, sizeStepFactor, loops, elementsPerRow );
   if( precision == "all" || precision == "double" )
      runBlasBenchmarks< double >( benchmark, metadata, minSize, maxSize, sizeStepFactor, loops, elementsPerRow );

   if( ! logFile ) ) {
      std::cerr << "Failed to write the benchmark results to file '" << parameters.getParameter< String >( "log-file" ) << "'." << std::endl;
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

   return EXIT_SUCCESS;