begin : Feb 13, 2015
copyright : (C) 2015 by Tomas Oberhuber
email :
/* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
#include <TNL/Logger.h>
#include <TNL/Meshes/Grid.h>
#include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntityTopology.h>
#include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/GridEntityGetter.h>
#include <TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/NeighborGridEntityGetter.h>
#include <TNL/Meshes/GridEntity.h>
#include <TNL/Meshes/GridEntityConfig.h>
#include <TNL/Meshes/DistributedMeshes/DistributedMesh.h>
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index >
class Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index > : public Object
typedef Real RealType;
typedef Device DeviceType;
typedef Index GlobalIndexType;
typedef Containers::StaticVector< 1, Real > PointType;
typedef Containers::StaticVector< 1, Index > CoordinatesType;
typedef Grid< 1, Real, Devices::Host, Index > HostType;
typedef Grid< 1, Real, Devices::Cuda, Index > CudaType;
typedef Grid< 1, Real, Device, Index > ThisType;
typedef DistributedMeshes::DistributedMesh <ThisType> DistributedMeshType;
// TODO: deprecated and to be removed (GlobalIndexType shall be used instead)
typedef Index IndexType;
* \brief Returns number of this mesh grid dimensions.
static constexpr int getMeshDimension() { return 1; };
typename Config = GridEntityCrossStencilStorage< 1 > >
using EntityType = GridEntity< ThisType, EntityDimension, Config >;
typedef EntityType< getMeshDimension(), GridEntityCrossStencilStorage< 1 > > Cell;
typedef EntityType< 0 > Face;
typedef EntityType< 0 > Vertex;
* \brief Basic constructor.
* \brief Returns type of grid Real (value), Device type and the type of Index.
static String getType();
* \brief Returns type of grid Real (value), Device type and the type of Index.
String getTypeVirtual() const;
* \brief Returns (host) type of grid Real (value), Device type and the type of Index.
static String getSerializationType();
* \brief Returns (host) type of grid Real (value), Device type and the type of Index.
virtual String getSerializationTypeVirtual() const;
* \brief Sets the number of dimensions.
* \param xSize Number of dimensions.
void setDimensions( const Index xSize );
* \brief Sets the number of dimensions.
* \param xSize Number of dimensions.
void setDimensions( const CoordinatesType& dimensions );
* \brief Returns number of dimensions of entities in this grid.
const CoordinatesType& getDimensions() const;
* \brief Sets the origin.
* \param origin Starting point of this grid.
void setOrigin( const PointType& origin);
* \brief Sets the origin and proportions of this grid.
* \param origin Point where this grid starts.
* \param proportions Total length of this grid.
void setDomain( const PointType& origin,
const PointType& proportions );
* \brief Returns the origin.
* \param origin Starting point of this grid.
* \brief Gets length of one entity of this grid.
inline const PointType& getProportions() const;
* \brief Gets number of entities in this grid.
* \tparam EntityDimension Integer specifying dimension of the entity.
* \brief Gets number of entities in this grid.
* \tparam Entity Type of the entity.
IndexType getEntitiesCount() const;
* \brief Gets entity type using entity index.
* \param entityIndex Index of entity.
* \tparam Entity Type of the entity.
inline Entity getEntity( const IndexType& entityIndex ) const;
* \brief Gets entity index using entity type.
* \param entity Type of entity.
* \tparam Entity Type of the entity.
inline Index getEntityIndex( const Entity& entity ) const;
* \brief Returns the length of one step.
inline const PointType& getSpaceSteps() const;
* \param steps Length of one step.
inline void setSpaceSteps(const PointType& steps);
* \brief Returns product of space steps to the xPow.
* \tparam xPow Exponent.
const RealType& getSpaceStepsProducts() const;
* \breif Returns the measure (length) of a cell in this grid.
inline const RealType& getCellMeasure() const;
* \brief Returns the smallest length of step out of all coordinates (axes).
inline RealType getSmallestSpaceStep() const;
template< typename GridFunction >
typename GridFunction::RealType getDifferenceAbsMax( const GridFunction& f1,
const GridFunction& f2 ) const;
template< typename GridFunction >
typename GridFunction::RealType getDifferenceLpNorm( const GridFunction& f1,
const GridFunction& f2,
const typename GridFunction::RealType& p ) const;

Vít Hanousek
void setDistMesh(DistributedMeshType * distMesh);

Vít Hanousek
* Method for saving the object to a file as a binary data
bool save( File& file ) const;
* \brief Method for restoring the object from a file.
bool load( File& file );
* \brief Method for saving the object to a file.
bool save( const String& fileName ) const;
* \brief Method for restoring the object from a file.
bool load( const String& fileName );
void writeProlog( Logger& logger ) const;
void computeProportions();
void computeSpaceStepPowers();
void computeSpaceSteps();
CoordinatesType dimensions;
IndexType numberOfCells, numberOfVertices;

Vít Hanousek
DistributedMeshType *distGrid;