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    begin                : Jul 4, 2012
    copyright            : (C) 2012 by Tomas Oberhuber
    email                :

/* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
#pragma once
#include <TNL/Object.h>
#include <TNL/File.h>
#include <TNL/Devices/Host.h>
namespace TNL {
 * \brief Namespace for TNL containers.
namespace Containers {
template< int, typename > class StaticArray;
 * \brief Array handles memory allocation and sharing of the same data between more Arrays.
 * \tparam Value Type of array values.
 * \tparam Device Device type.
 * \tparam Index Type of index.
 * \par Example
 * \include ArrayExample.cpp
template< typename Value,
          typename Device = Devices::Host,
          typename Index = int >
class Array : public Object
      typedef Device DeviceType;
      typedef Index IndexType;
      typedef Containers::Array< Value, Devices::Host, Index > HostType;
      typedef Containers::Array< Value, Devices::Cuda, Index > CudaType;
      /** \brief Basic constructor.
       * Constructs an empty array with the size of zero.
       * \brief Constructor with size.
       * \param size Number of array elements. / Size of allocated memory.
      Array( const IndexType& size );
       * \brief Constructor with data and size.
       * \param data Pointer to data.
       * \param size Number of array elements.
             const IndexType& size );
       * \brief Copy constructor.
       * The constructor does not make a deep copy, but binds to the supplied array.
       * \param array Existing array that is to be bound.
       * \param begin The first index which should be bound.
       * \param size Number of array elements that should be bound.
      Array( Array& array,
             const IndexType& begin = 0,
             const IndexType& size = 0 );
      /** \brief Returns type of array Value, Device type and the type of Index. */
      static String getType();
      /** \brief Returns type of array Value, Device type and the type of Index. */
      virtual String getTypeVirtual() const;
      /** \brief Returns (host) type of array Value, Device type and the type of Index. */
      static String getSerializationType();
      /** \brief Returns (host) type of array Value, Device type and the type of Index. */
      virtual String getSerializationTypeVirtual() const;
       * \brief Method for setting the size of an array.
       * If the array shares data with other arrays these data are released.
       * If the current data are not shared and the current size is the same
       * as the new one, nothing happens.
       * \param size Number of array elements.
      /** \brief Method for getting the size of an array. */
      __cuda_callable__ Index getSize() const;

       * \brief Assigns features of the existing \e array to the given array.
       * Sets the same size as the size of existing \e array.
       * \tparam ArrayT Type of array.
       * \param array Reference to an existing array.
      template< typename ArrayT >
      void setLike( const ArrayT& array );
       * \brief Binds \e _data with this array.
       * Releases old data and binds this array with new \e _data. Also sets new
       * \e _size of this array.
       * @param _data Pointer to new data.
       * @param _size Size of new _data. Number of elements.
                 const Index _size );
       * \brief Binds this array with another \e array.
       * Releases old data and binds this array with new \e array starting at
       * position \e begin. Also sets new \e size of this array.
       * \tparam ArrayT Type of array.
       * \param array Reference to a new array.
       * \param begin Starting index position.
       * \param size Size of new array. Number of elements.
      template< typename ArrayT >
      void bind( const ArrayT& array,
                 const IndexType& begin = 0,
                 const IndexType& size = 0 );
       * \brief Binds this array with a static array of size \e Size.
       * Releases old data and binds this array with a static array of size \e
       * Size.
       * \tparam Size Size of array.
       * \param array Reference to a static array.
      template< int Size >
      void bind( StaticArray< Size, Value >& array );
       * \brief Swaps all features of given array with existing \e array.
       * Swaps sizes, all values (data), allocated memory and references of given
       * array with existing array.
       * \param array Existing array, which features are swaped with given array.
      void swap( Array& array );
       * \brief Resets the given array.
       * Releases all data from array.
       * \brief Method for getting the data from given array with constant poiner.
      __cuda_callable__ const Value* getData() const;
       * \brief Method for getting the data from given array.
      __cuda_callable__ Value* getData();
       * \brief Assignes the value \e x to the array element at position \e i.
       * \param i Index position.
       * \param x New value of an element.
      void setElement( const Index& i, const Value& x );
       * \brief Accesses specified element at the position \e i and returns its value.
       * \param i Index position of an element.
      Value getElement( const Index& i ) const;
       * \brief Accesses specified element at the position \e i and returns a reference to its value.
       * \param i Index position of an element.
      __cuda_callable__ inline Value& operator[] ( const Index& i );
       * \brief Accesses specified element at the position \e i and returns a (constant?) reference to its value.
       * \param i Index position of an element.
      __cuda_callable__ inline const Value& operator[] ( const Index& i ) const;
       * \brief Assigns \e array to this array, replacing its current contents.
       * \param array Reference to an array.
      Array& operator = ( const Array& array );
       * \brief Assigns \e array to this array, replacing its current contents.
       * \tparam ArrayT Type of array.
       * \param array Reference to an array.
      template< typename ArrayT >
      Array& operator = ( const ArrayT& array );
       * \brief This function checks whether this array is equal to \e array.
       * \tparam ArrayT Type of array.
       * \param array Reference to an array.
      template< typename ArrayT >
      bool operator == ( const ArrayT& array ) const;
       * \brief This function checks whether this array is not equal to \e array.
       * \tparam ArrayT Type of array.
       * \param array Reference to an array.
      template< typename ArrayT >
      bool operator != ( const ArrayT& array ) const;
       * \brief Sets the array values.
       * Sets all the array values to \e v.
       * \param v Reference to a value.
      void setValue( const Value& v );
       * \brief Checks if there is an element with value \e v in this array.
       * \param v Reference to a value.
      bool containsValue( const Value& v ) const;
       * \brief Checks if all elements in this array have the same value \e v.
       * \param v Reference to a value.
      bool containsOnlyValue( const Value& v ) const;
       * \brief Returns true if non-zero size is set.
      operator bool() const;
       * \brief Method for saving the object to a \e file as a binary data.
       * \param file Reference to a file.
      bool save( File& file ) const;
       * Method for loading the object from a file as a binary data.
       * \param file Reference to a file.
      bool load( File& file );
       * \brief This method loads data without reallocation.
       * This is useful for loading data into shared arrays.
       * If the array was not initialize yet, common load is
       * performed. Otherwise, the array size must fit with
       * the size of array being loaded.
      bool boundLoad( File& file );
      using Object::save;
      using Object::boundLoad;
      /** \brief Basic destructor. */
      /** \brief Method for releasing array data. */
      void releaseData() const;

      /** \brief Number of elements in array. */
      /** \brief Pointer to data. */
       * \brief Pointer to the originally allocated data.
       * They might differ if one long array is partitioned into more shorter
       * arrays. Each of them must know the pointer on allocated data because
       * the last one must deallocate the array. If outer data (not allocated
       * by TNL) are bind then this pointer is zero since no deallocation is
       * necessary.
      mutable Value* allocationPointer;
       * \brief Counter of objects sharing this array or some parts of it.
       * The reference counter is allocated after first sharing of the data between
       * more arrays. This is to avoid unnecessary dynamic memory allocation.
      mutable int* referenceCounter;
template< typename Value, typename Device, typename Index >
std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& str, const Array< Value, Device, Index >& v );
} // namespace Containers
} // namespace TNL
#include <TNL/Containers/Array_impl.h>