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tnlIndexMultimapTester.h 44.5 KiB
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                              tnlIndexMultimapTester.h  -  description
        begin                : Sep 10, 2015
        copyright            : (C) 2015 by Tomas Oberhuber
        email                :
     *                                                                         *
     *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
     *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
     *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
     *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
     *                                                                         *
    template< typename Multimap,
              typename TestSetup >
    class tnlIndexMultimapTesterSetter
       static bool setup( Multimap& multimap )
          return true;
    #ifdef HAVE_CPPUNIT
    #include <cppunit/TestSuite.h>
    #include <cppunit/TestResult.h>
    #include <cppunit/TestCaller.h>
    #include <cppunit/TestCase.h>
    #include <cppunit/Message.h>
    #include <core/tnlFile.h>
    #include <core/vectors/tnlVector.h>
    #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
    template< typename IndexMultimapType >
    __global__ void tnlIndexMultimapTester__setElementFastTestCudaKernel( IndexMultimapType* graph,
                                                                         bool* testResult );
    template< typename IndexMultimapType >
    __global__ void tnlIndexMultimapTester__setElementFast_DiagonalIndexMultimapTestCudaKernel( IndexMultimapType* graph,
                                                                                        bool* testResult );
    template< typename IndexMultimapType >
    __global__ void tnlIndexMultimapTester__setElementFast_DenseIndexMultimapTestCudaKernel1( IndexMultimapType* graph,
                                                                                      bool* testResult );
    template< typename IndexMultimapType >
    __global__ void tnlIndexMultimapTester__setElementFast_DenseIndexMultimapTestCudaKernel2( IndexMultimapType* graph,
                                                                                      bool* testResult );
    template< typename IndexMultimapType >
    __global__ void tnlIndexMultimapTester__setElementFast_LowerTriangularIndexMultimapTestCudaKernel1( IndexMultimapType* graph,
                                                                                                bool* testResult );
    template< typename IndexMultimapType >
    __global__ void tnlIndexMultimapTester__setElementFast_LowerTriangularIndexMultimapTestCudaKernel2( IndexMultimapType* graph,
                                                                                                bool* testResult );
    template< typename IndexMultimapType >
    __global__ void tnlIndexMultimapTester__setRowFast_DiagonalIndexMultimapTestCudaKernel( IndexMultimapType* graph,
                                                                                    bool* testResult );
    template< typename IndexMultimapType >
    __global__ void tnlIndexMultimapTester__setRowFast_DenseIndexMultimapTestCudaKernel1( IndexMultimapType* graph,
                                                                                  bool* testResult );
    template< typename IndexMultimapType >
    __global__ void tnlIndexMultimapTester__setRowFast_DenseIndexMultimapTestCudaKernel2( IndexMultimapType* graph,
                                                                                  bool* testResult );
    template< typename IndexMultimapType >
    __global__ void tnlIndexMultimapTester__setRowFast_LowerTriangularIndexMultimapTestCudaKernel( IndexMultimapType* graph,
                                                                                           bool* testResult );
    class tnlIndexMultimapTestDefaultSetup
    template< typename IndexMultimap,
              typename IndexMultimapSetup = tnlIndexMultimapTestDefaultSetup >
    class tnlIndexMultimapTester : public CppUnit :: TestCase
          typedef IndexMultimap                                                    IndexMultimapType;
          typedef typename IndexMultimap::DeviceType                               DeviceType;
          typedef typename IndexMultimap::IndexType                                IndexType;
          typedef tnlIndexMultimapTester< IndexMultimapType, IndexMultimapSetup >              TesterType;
          typedef tnlIndexMultimapTesterSetter< IndexMultimapType, IndexMultimapSetup > IndexMultimapSetter;
          typedef typename CppUnit::TestCaller< TesterType >                 TestCallerType;
          typedef typename IndexMultimapType::ValuesAllocationVectorType  ValuesAllocationVectorType;
          typedef typename IndexMultimapType::ValuesAccessorType                  ValuesAccessorType; 
          static CppUnit :: Test* suite()
             tnlString testSuiteName( "tnlIndexMultimapTester< " );
             testSuiteName += IndexMultimapType::getType() + " >";
             CppUnit :: TestSuite* suiteOfTests = new CppUnit :: TestSuite( testSuiteName.getString() );
             CppUnit :: TestResult result;
             suiteOfTests->addTest( new TestCallerType( "setRangesTest", &TesterType::setRangesTest ) );
             //suiteOfTests->addTest( new TestCallerType( "setLikeTest", &TesterType::setLikeTest ) );
             suiteOfTests->addTest( new TestCallerType( "setElementTest", &TesterType::setElementTest ) );
             /*suiteOfTests->addTest( new TestCallerType( "setElementFastTest", &TesterType::setElementFastTest ) );
             suiteOfTests->addTest( new TestCallerType( "setElement_DiagonalIndexMultimapTest", &TesterType::setElement_DiagonalIndexMultimapTest ) );
             suiteOfTests->addTest( new TestCallerType( "setElementFast_DiagonalIndexMultimapTest", &TesterType::setElementFast_DiagonalIndexMultimapTest ) );
             suiteOfTests->addTest( new TestCallerType( "setElement_DenseIndexMultimapTest", &TesterType::setElement_DenseIndexMultimapTest ) );
             suiteOfTests->addTest( new TestCallerType( "setElementFast_DenseIndexMultimapTest", &TesterType::setElementFast_DenseIndexMultimapTest ) );
             suiteOfTests->addTest( new TestCallerType( "setElement_LowerTriangularIndexMultimapTest", &TesterType::setElement_LowerTriangularIndexMultimapTest ) );
             suiteOfTests->addTest( new TestCallerType( "setElementFast_LowerTriangularIndexMultimapTest", &TesterType::setElementFast_LowerTriangularIndexMultimapTest ) );
             suiteOfTests->addTest( new TestCallerType( "setRow_DiagonalIndexMultimapTest", &TesterType::setRow_DiagonalIndexMultimapTest ) );
             suiteOfTests->addTest( new TestCallerType( "setRowFast_DiagonalIndexMultimapTest", &TesterType::setRowFast_DiagonalIndexMultimapTest ) );
             suiteOfTests->addTest( new TestCallerType( "setRow_DenseIndexMultimapTest", &TesterType::setRow_DenseIndexMultimapTest ) );
             suiteOfTests->addTest( new TestCallerType( "setRowFast_DenseIndexMultimapTest", &TesterType::setRowFast_DenseIndexMultimapTest ) );
             suiteOfTests->addTest( new TestCallerType( "setRow_LowerTriangularIndexMultimapTest", &TesterType::setRow_LowerTriangularIndexMultimapTest ) );
             suiteOfTests->addTest( new TestCallerType( "setRowFast_LowerTriangularIndexMultimapTest", &TesterType::setRowFast_LowerTriangularIndexMultimapTest ) );
             suiteOfTests->addTest( new TestCallerType( "addElementTest", &TesterType::addElementTest ) );
             suiteOfTests->addTest( new TestCallerType( "vectorProduct_DiagonalIndexMultimapTest", &TesterType::vectorProduct_DiagonalIndexMultimapTest ) );
             suiteOfTests->addTest( new TestCallerType( "vectorProduct_DenseIndexMultimapTest", &TesterType::vectorProduct_DenseIndexMultimapTest ) );
             suiteOfTests->addTest( new TestCallerType( "vectorProduct_LowerTriangularIndexMultimapTest", &TesterType::vectorProduct_LowerTriangularIndexMultimapTest ) );
             /*suiteOfTests -> addTest( new TestCallerType( "graphTranspositionTest", &TesterType::graphTranspositionTest ) );
             suiteOfTests -> addTest( new TestCallerType( "addIndexMultimapTest", &TesterType::addIndexMultimapTest ) );*/
          void setRangesTest()
             IndexMultimapType n;
             IndexMultimapSetter::setup( n );
             n.setRanges( 10, 10 );
             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( n.getKeysRange() == 10 );
             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( n.getValuesRange() == 10 );
             IndexMultimapType m1, m2;
             IndexMultimapSetter::setup( m1 );
             IndexMultimapSetter::setup( m2 );
             m1.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
             IndexVector rowLengths;
             rowLengths.setSize( m1.getRows() );
             rowLengths.setValue( 5 );
             m1.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
             m2.setLike( m1 );
             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m1.getRows() == m2.getRows() );
           * Set element tests
          void setElementTest()
             IndexMultimapType n;
             IndexMultimapSetter::setup( n );
             n.setRanges( 10, 10 );
             ValuesAllocationVectorType portsAllocationVector;
             portsAllocationVector.setSize( n.getKeysRange() );
             portsAllocationVector.setValue( 7 );
             n.allocate( portsAllocationVector );
             ValuesAccessorType p = n.getValues( 0 );
             for( int i = 0; i < 7; i++ )
                p.setOutput( i, i );
                //CPPUNIT_ASSERT( n.setPort( 0, i, i ) );
             //CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.setElement( 0, 8, 8 ) == false );
             for( int i = 0; i < 7; i++ )
                CPPUNIT_ASSERT( p.getOutput( i ) == i );
    #ifdef UNDEF
       void setElementFastTest()
          IndexMultimapType m;
          IndexMultimapSetter::setup( m );
          m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
          IndexVector rowLengths;
          rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
          rowLengths.setValue( 7 );
          m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
          if( DeviceType::getDevice() == tnlHostDevice )
             for( int i = 0; i < 7; i++ )
                CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.setElementFast( 0, i, i ) );
             //CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.setElementFast( 0, 8, 8 ) == false );
          if( DeviceType::getDevice() == tnlCudaDevice )
    #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
             IndexMultimapType* kernel_graph = tnlCuda::passToDevice( m );
             bool testResult( true );
             bool* kernel_testResult = tnlCuda::passToDevice( testResult );
             dim3 cudaBlockSize( 256 ), cudaGridSize( 1 );
             tnlIndexMultimapTester__setElementFastTestCudaKernel< IndexMultimapType >
                                                                <<< cudaGridSize, cudaBlockSize >>>
                                                                ( kernel_graph,
                                                                  kernel_testResult );
             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( tnlCuda::passFromDevice( kernel_testResult ) );
             tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernel_graph );
             tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernel_testResult );
          for( int i = 0; i < 7; i++ )
             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( 0, i ) == i );
       void setElement_DiagonalIndexMultimapTest()
          IndexMultimapType m;
          IndexMultimapSetter::setup( m );
          m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
          IndexVector rowLengths;
          rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
          rowLengths.setValue( 7 );
          m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             m.setElement( i, i, i );
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             for( int j = 0; j < 10; j++ )
                if( i == j )
                   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == i );
                   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == 0 );
       void setElementFast_DiagonalIndexMultimapTest()
          IndexMultimapType m;
          IndexMultimapSetter::setup( m );
          m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
          IndexVector rowLengths;
          rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
          rowLengths.setValue( 7 );
          m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
          if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlHostDevice )
             for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
                m.setElementFast( i, i, i );
          if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlCudaDevice )
    #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
             IndexMultimapType* kernel_graph = tnlCuda::passToDevice( m );
             bool testResult( true );
             bool* kernel_testResult = tnlCuda::passToDevice( testResult );
             dim3 cudaBlockSize( 256 ), cudaGridSize( 1 );
             tnlIndexMultimapTester__setElementFast_DiagonalIndexMultimapTestCudaKernel< IndexMultimapType >
                                                                               <<< cudaGridSize, cudaBlockSize >>>
                                                                               ( kernel_graph,
                                                                                 kernel_testResult );
             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( tnlCuda::passFromDevice( kernel_testResult ) );
             tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernel_graph );
             tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernel_testResult );
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             for( int j = 0; j < 10; j++ )
                if( i == j )
                   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == i );
                   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == 0 );
       void setElement_DenseIndexMultimapTest()
          IndexMultimapType m;
          IndexMultimapSetter::setup( m );
          m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
          IndexVector rowLengths;
          rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
          rowLengths.setValue( 10 );
          m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             m.setElement( i, i, i );
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             for( int j = 0; j < 10; j++ )
                m.addElement( i, j, 1, 0.5 );
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             for( int j = 0; j < 10; j++ )
                if( i == j )
                   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == 1.0+0.5*i );
                   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == 1.0 );
          m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
          m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
          for( int i = 9; i >= 0; i-- )
             for( int j = 9; j >= 0; j-- )
                m.setElement( i, j, i+j );
          for( int i = 9; i >= 0; i-- )
             for( int j = 9; j >= 0; j-- )
                CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == i+j );
       void setElementFast_DenseIndexMultimapTest()
          IndexMultimapType m;
          IndexMultimapSetter::setup( m );
          m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
          IndexVector rowLengths;
          rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
          rowLengths.setValue( 10 );
          m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
          if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlHostDevice )
             for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
                m.setElementFast( i, i, i );
             for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
                for( int j = 0; j < 10; j++ )
                   m.addElementFast( i, j, 1, 0.5 );
          if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlCudaDevice )
    #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
             IndexMultimapType* kernel_graph = tnlCuda::passToDevice( m );
             bool testResult( true );
             bool* kernel_testResult = tnlCuda::passToDevice( testResult );
             dim3 cudaBlockSize( 256 ), cudaGridSize( 1 );
             tnlIndexMultimapTester__setElementFast_DenseIndexMultimapTestCudaKernel1< IndexMultimapType >
                                                                             <<< cudaGridSize, cudaBlockSize >>>
                                                                             ( kernel_graph,
                                                                               kernel_testResult );
             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( tnlCuda::passFromDevice( kernel_testResult ) );
             tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernel_graph );
             tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernel_testResult );
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             for( int j = 0; j < 10; j++ )
                if( i == j )
                   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == 1.0+0.5*i );
                   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == 1.0 );
          m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
          m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
          if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlHostDevice )
             for( int i = 9; i >= 0; i-- )
                for( int j = 9; j >= 0; j-- )
                   m.setElementFast( i, j, i+j );
          if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlCudaDevice )
    #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
             IndexMultimapType* kernel_graph = tnlCuda::passToDevice( m );
             bool testResult( true );
             bool* kernel_testResult = tnlCuda::passToDevice( testResult );
             dim3 cudaBlockSize( 256 ), cudaGridSize( 1 );
             tnlIndexMultimapTester__setElementFast_DenseIndexMultimapTestCudaKernel2< IndexMultimapType >
                                                                             <<< cudaGridSize, cudaBlockSize >>>
                                                                             ( kernel_graph,
                                                                               kernel_testResult );
             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( tnlCuda::passFromDevice( kernel_testResult ) );
             tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernel_graph );
             tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernel_testResult );
          for( int i = 9; i >= 0; i-- )
             for( int j = 9; j >= 0; j-- )
                CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == i+j );
       void setElement_LowerTriangularIndexMultimapTest()
          IndexMultimapType m;
          IndexMultimapSetter::setup( m );
          m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
          IndexVector rowLengths;
          rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             rowLengths.setElement( i, i+1 );
          m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             for( int j = 0; j <= i; j++ )
                m.setElement( i, j, i + j );
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             for( int j = 0; j < 10; j++ )
                if( j <= i )
                   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == i + j );
                   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == 0 );
          m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
          m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
          for( int i = 9; i >= 0; i-- )
             for( int j = i; j >= 0; j-- )
                m.setElement( i, j, i + j );
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             for( int j = 0; j < 10; j++ )
                if( j <= i )
                   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == i + j );
                   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == 0 );
       void setElementFast_LowerTriangularIndexMultimapTest()
          IndexMultimapType m;
          IndexMultimapSetter::setup( m );
          m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
          IndexVector rowLengths;
          rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             rowLengths.setElement( i, i+1 );
          m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
          if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlHostDevice )
             for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
                for( int j = 0; j <= i; j++ )
                   m.setElementFast( i, j, i + j );
          if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlCudaDevice )
    #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
             IndexMultimapType* kernel_graph = tnlCuda::passToDevice( m );
             bool testResult( true );
             bool* kernel_testResult = tnlCuda::passToDevice( testResult );
             dim3 cudaBlockSize( 256 ), cudaGridSize( 1 );
             tnlIndexMultimapTester__setElementFast_LowerTriangularIndexMultimapTestCudaKernel1< IndexMultimapType >
                                                                                       <<< cudaGridSize, cudaBlockSize >>>
                                                                                       ( kernel_graph,
                                                                                         kernel_testResult );
             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( tnlCuda::passFromDevice( kernel_testResult ) );
             tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernel_graph );
             tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernel_testResult );
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             for( int j = 0; j < 10; j++ )
                if( j <= i )
                   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == i + j );
                   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == 0 );
          m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
          m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
          if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlHostDevice )
             for( int i = 9; i >= 0; i-- )
                for( int j = i; j >= 0; j-- )
                   m.setElementFast( i, j, i + j );
          if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlCudaDevice )
    #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
             IndexMultimapType* kernel_graph = tnlCuda::passToDevice( m );
             bool testResult( true );
             bool* kernel_testResult = tnlCuda::passToDevice( testResult );
             dim3 cudaBlockSize( 256 ), cudaGridSize( 1 );
             tnlIndexMultimapTester__setElementFast_LowerTriangularIndexMultimapTestCudaKernel2< IndexMultimapType >
                                                                                       <<< cudaGridSize, cudaBlockSize >>>
                                                                                       ( kernel_graph,
                                                                                         kernel_testResult );
             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( tnlCuda::passFromDevice( kernel_testResult ) );
             tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernel_graph );
             tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernel_testResult );
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             for( int j = 0; j < 10; j++ )
                if( j <= i )
                   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == i + j );
                   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == 0 );
       void addElementTest()
          IndexMultimapType m;
          IndexMultimapSetter::setup( m );
          m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
          IndexVector rowLengths;
          rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
          rowLengths.setValue( 7 );
          m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             m.setElement( i, i, i );
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             for( int j = 0; j < 10; j++ )
                if( abs( i - j ) <= 1 )
                   m.addElement( i, j, 1 );
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             for( int j = 0; j < 10; j++ )
                if( i == j )
                   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, i ) == i + 1 );
                   if( abs( i - j ) == 1 )
                      CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == 1 );
                      CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == 0 );
        * Set row tests
       void setRow_DiagonalIndexMultimapTest()
          IndexMultimapType m;
          IndexMultimapSetter::setup( m );
          m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
          IndexVector rowLengths;
          rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
          rowLengths.setValue( 7 );
          m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
          RealType values[ 1 ];
          IndexType columnIndexes[ 1 ];
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             values[ 0 ] = i;
             columnIndexes[ 0 ] = i;
             m.setRow( i, columnIndexes, values, 1 );
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             for( int j = 0; j < 10; j++ )
                if( i == j )
                   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == i );
                   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == 0 );
       void setRowFast_DiagonalIndexMultimapTest()
          IndexMultimapType m;
          IndexMultimapSetter::setup( m );
          m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
          IndexVector rowLengths;
          rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
          rowLengths.setValue( 7 );
          m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
          if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlHostDevice )
             RealType values[ 1 ];
             IndexType columnIndexes[ 1 ];
             for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
                values[ 0 ] = i;
                columnIndexes[ 0 ] = i;
                m.setRowFast( i, columnIndexes, values, 1 );
          if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlCudaDevice )
    #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
             IndexMultimapType* kernel_graph = tnlCuda::passToDevice( m );
             bool testResult( true );
             bool* kernel_testResult = tnlCuda::passToDevice( testResult );
             dim3 cudaBlockSize( 256 ), cudaGridSize( 1 );
             int sharedMemory = 100 * ( sizeof( IndexType ) + sizeof( RealType ) );
             tnlIndexMultimapTester__setRowFast_DiagonalIndexMultimapTestCudaKernel< IndexMultimapType >
                                                                           <<< cudaGridSize, cudaBlockSize, sharedMemory >>>
                                                                           ( kernel_graph,
                                                                             kernel_testResult );
             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( tnlCuda::passFromDevice( kernel_testResult ) );
             tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernel_graph );
             tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernel_testResult );
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             for( int j = 0; j < 10; j++ )
                if( i == j )
                   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == i );
                   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == 0 );
       void setRow_DenseIndexMultimapTest()
          IndexMultimapType m;
          IndexMultimapSetter::setup( m );
          m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
          IndexVector rowLengths;
          rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
          rowLengths.setValue( 10 );
          m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
          RealType values[ 10 ];
          IndexType columnIndexes[ 10 ];
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             columnIndexes[ i ] = i;
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             for( int j = 0; j < 10; j++ )
                if( i == j )
                   values[ i ] = 1.0 + 0.5 * j;
                   values[ j ] = 1.0;
             m.setRow( i, columnIndexes, values, 10 );
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             for( int j = 0; j < 10; j++ )
                if( i == j )
                   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == 1.0+0.5*i );
                   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == 1.0 );
          m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
          m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
          for( int i = 9; i >= 0; i-- )
             for( int j = 9; j >= 0; j-- )
                values[ j ] = i+j;
             m.setRow( i, columnIndexes, values, 10 );
          for( int i = 9; i >= 0; i-- )
             for( int j = 9; j >= 0; j-- )
                CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == i+j );
       void setRowFast_DenseIndexMultimapTest()
          IndexMultimapType m;
          IndexMultimapSetter::setup( m );
          m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
          IndexVector rowLengths;
          rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
          rowLengths.setValue( 10 );
          m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
          RealType values[ 10 ];
          IndexType columnIndexes[ 10 ];
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             columnIndexes[ i ] = i;
          if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlHostDevice )
             for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
                for( int j = 0; j < 10; j++ )
                   if( i == j )
                      values[ i ] = 1.0 + 0.5 * j;
                      values[ j ] = 1.0;
                m.setRowFast( i, columnIndexes, values, 10 );
          if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlCudaDevice )
    #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
             IndexMultimapType* kernel_graph = tnlCuda::passToDevice( m );
             bool testResult( true );
             bool* kernel_testResult = tnlCuda::passToDevice( testResult );
             dim3 cudaBlockSize( 256 ), cudaGridSize( 1 );
             int sharedMemory = 100 * ( sizeof( IndexType ) + sizeof( RealType ) );
             tnlIndexMultimapTester__setRowFast_DenseIndexMultimapTestCudaKernel1< IndexMultimapType >
                                                                            <<< cudaGridSize, cudaBlockSize, sharedMemory >>>
                                                                            ( kernel_graph,
                                                                              kernel_testResult );
             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( tnlCuda::passFromDevice( kernel_testResult ) );
             tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernel_graph );
             tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernel_testResult );
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             for( int j = 0; j < 10; j++ )
                if( i == j )
                   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == 1.0+0.5*i );
                   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == 1.0 );
          m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
          m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
          if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlHostDevice )
             for( int i = 9; i >= 0; i-- )
                for( int j = 9; j >= 0; j-- )
                   values[ j ] = i+j;
                m.setRowFast( i, columnIndexes, values, 10 );
          if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlCudaDevice )
    #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
             IndexMultimapType* kernel_graph = tnlCuda::passToDevice( m );
             bool testResult( true );
             bool* kernel_testResult = tnlCuda::passToDevice( testResult );
             dim3 cudaBlockSize( 256 ), cudaGridSize( 1 );
             int sharedMemory = 100 * ( sizeof( IndexType ) + sizeof( RealType ) );
             tnlIndexMultimapTester__setRowFast_DenseIndexMultimapTestCudaKernel2< IndexMultimapType >
                                                                         <<< cudaGridSize, cudaBlockSize, sharedMemory >>>
                                                                         ( kernel_graph,
                                                                           kernel_testResult );
             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( tnlCuda::passFromDevice( kernel_testResult ) );
             tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernel_graph );
             tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernel_testResult );
          for( int i = 9; i >= 0; i-- )
             for( int j = 9; j >= 0; j-- )
                CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == i+j );
       void setRow_LowerTriangularIndexMultimapTest()
          IndexMultimapType m;
          IndexMultimapSetter::setup( m );
          m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
          IndexVector rowLengths;
          rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             rowLengths.setElement( i, i+1 );
          m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
          RealType values[ 10 ];
          IndexType columnIndexes[ 10 ];
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             columnIndexes[ i ] = i;
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             for( int j = 0; j <= i; j++ )
                values[ j ] = i + j;
             m.setRow( i, columnIndexes, values, i + 1 );
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             for( int j = 0; j < 10; j++ )
                if( j <= i )
                   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == i + j );
                   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == 0 );
          m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
          m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
          for( int i = 9; i >= 0; i-- )
             for( int j = i; j >= 0; j-- )
                values[ j ] = i + j;
             m.setRow( i, columnIndexes, values, i + 1 );
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             for( int j = 0; j < 10; j++ )
                if( j <= i )
                   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == i + j );
                   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == 0 );
       void setRowFast_LowerTriangularIndexMultimapTest()
          IndexMultimapType m;
          IndexMultimapSetter::setup( m );
          m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
          IndexVector rowLengths;
          rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             rowLengths.setElement( i, i+1 );
          m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
          RealType values[ 10 ];
          IndexType columnIndexes[ 10 ];
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             columnIndexes[ i ] = i;
          if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlHostDevice )
             for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
                for( int j = 0; j <= i; j++ )
                   values[ j ] = i + j;
                m.setRowFast( i, columnIndexes, values, i + 1 );
          if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlCudaDevice )
    #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
             IndexMultimapType* kernel_graph = tnlCuda::passToDevice( m );
             bool testResult( true );
             bool* kernel_testResult = tnlCuda::passToDevice( testResult );
             dim3 cudaBlockSize( 256 ), cudaGridSize( 1 );
             int sharedMemory = 100 * ( sizeof( IndexType ) + sizeof( RealType ) );
             tnlIndexMultimapTester__setRowFast_LowerTriangularIndexMultimapTestCudaKernel< IndexMultimapType >
                                                                                  <<< cudaGridSize, cudaBlockSize, sharedMemory >>>
                                                                                  ( kernel_graph,
                                                                                    kernel_testResult );
             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( tnlCuda::passFromDevice( kernel_testResult ) );
             tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernel_graph );
             tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernel_testResult );
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             for( int j = 0; j < 10; j++ )
                if( j <= i )
                   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == i + j );
                   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == 0 );
          m.setDimensions( 10, 10 );
          m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
          if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlHostDevice )
             for( int i = 9; i >= 0; i-- )
                for( int j = i; j >= 0; j-- )
                   values[ j ] = i + j;
                m.setRowFast( i, columnIndexes, values, i + 1 );
          if( DeviceType::DeviceType == ( int ) tnlCudaDevice )
    #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
             IndexMultimapType* kernel_graph = tnlCuda::passToDevice( m );
             bool testResult( true );
             bool* kernel_testResult = tnlCuda::passToDevice( testResult );
             dim3 cudaBlockSize( 256 ), cudaGridSize( 1 );
             int sharedMemory = 100 * ( sizeof( IndexType ) + sizeof( RealType ) );
             tnlIndexMultimapTester__setRowFast_LowerTriangularIndexMultimapTestCudaKernel< IndexMultimapType >
                                                                                  <<< cudaGridSize, cudaBlockSize, sharedMemory >>>
                                                                                  ( kernel_graph,
                                                                                    kernel_testResult );
             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( tnlCuda::passFromDevice( kernel_testResult ) );
             tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernel_graph );
             tnlCuda::freeFromDevice( kernel_testResult );
          for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             for( int j = 0; j < 10; j++ )
                if( j <= i )
                   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == i + j );
                   CPPUNIT_ASSERT( m.getElement( i, j ) == 0 );
       void vectorProduct_DiagonalIndexMultimapTest()
          const int size = 10;
          VectorType v, w;
          v.setSize( size );
          w.setSize( size );
          IndexMultimapType m;
          IndexMultimapSetter::setup( m );
          m.setDimensions( size, size );
          IndexVector rowLengths;
          rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
          rowLengths.setValue( 7 );
          m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
          for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
             v.setElement( i, i );
             m.setElement( i, i, i );
          m.vectorProduct( v, w );
          for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( w.getElement( i ) == i*i );
       void vectorProduct_DenseIndexMultimapTest()
          const int size = 10;
          VectorType v, w;
          v.setSize( size );
          w.setSize( size );
          IndexMultimapType m;
          IndexMultimapSetter::setup( m );
          m.setDimensions( size, size );
          IndexVector rowLengths;
          rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
          rowLengths.setValue( size );
          m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
          for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
             for( int j = 0; j < size; j++ )
                m.setElement( i, j, i );
             v.setElement( i, 1 );
          m.vectorProduct( v, w );
          for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
             CPPUNIT_ASSERT( w.getElement( i ) == i*size );
       void vectorProduct_LowerTriangularIndexMultimapTest()
          const int size = 10;
          VectorType v, w;
          v.setSize( size );
          w.setSize( size );
          IndexMultimapType m;
          IndexMultimapSetter::setup( m );
          m.setDimensions( size, size );
          IndexVector rowLengths;
          rowLengths.setSize( m.getRows() );
          rowLengths.setValue( size );
          m.setCompressedRowsLengths( rowLengths );
          for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
             for( int j = 0; j <= i; j++ )
                m.setElement( i, j, i );
             v.setElement( i, 1 );