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MeshOrderingTest.h 18 KiB
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  • #pragma once
    #ifdef HAVE_GTEST
    #include <gtest/gtest.h>
    #include <array>
    #include <TNL/Meshes/Mesh.h>
    #include <TNL/Meshes/MeshEntity.h>
    #include <TNL/Meshes/MeshConfigBase.h>
    #include <TNL/Meshes/Topologies/MeshTriangleTopology.h>
    #include <TNL/Meshes/MeshBuilder.h>
    namespace MeshOrderingTest {
    using namespace TNL;
    using namespace TNL::Meshes;
    class TestTriangleMeshConfig
       : public MeshConfigBase< MeshTriangleTopology, 2, double, int, short int, int >
       static constexpr bool entityStorage( int dimensions ) { return true; }
       template< typename EntityTopology > static constexpr bool subentityStorage( EntityTopology, int SubentityDimensions ) { return true; }
       //template< typename EntityTopology > static constexpr bool subentityOrientationStorage( EntityTopology, int SubentityDimensions ) { return true; }
       template< typename EntityTopology > static constexpr bool superentityStorage( EntityTopology, int SuperentityDimensions ) { return true; }
    template< typename Device >
    bool buildTriangleMesh( Mesh< TestTriangleMeshConfig, Device >& mesh )
       using TriangleMesh = Mesh< TestTriangleMeshConfig, Device >;
       using TriangleMeshEntityType = typename TriangleMesh::template EntityType< 2 >;
       using EdgeMeshEntityType = typename TriangleMesh::template EntityType< 1 >;
       using VertexMeshEntityType = typename TriangleMesh::template EntityType< 0 >;
       static_assert( TriangleMeshEntityType::template SubentityTraits< 1 >::storageEnabled, "Testing triangle entity does not store edges as required." );
       static_assert( TriangleMeshEntityType::template SubentityTraits< 0 >::storageEnabled, "Testing triangle entity does not store vertices as required." );
       static_assert( EdgeMeshEntityType::template SubentityTraits< 0 >::storageEnabled, "Testing edge entity does not store vertices as required." );
       static_assert( EdgeMeshEntityType::template SuperentityTraits< 2 >::storageEnabled, "Testing edge entity does not store triangles as required." );
       static_assert( VertexMeshEntityType::template SuperentityTraits< 2 >::storageEnabled, "Testing vertex entity does not store triangles as required." );
       static_assert( VertexMeshEntityType::template SuperentityTraits< 1 >::storageEnabled, "Testing vertex entity does not store edges as required." );
       using PointType = typename VertexMeshEntityType::PointType;
       static_assert( std::is_same< PointType, Containers::StaticVector< 2, double > >::value, "" );
        * We set-up the following situation
                point2   edge3       point3
                   | \                  |
                   |  \   triangle1     |
                   |   \                |
                edge1     edge0        edge4
                   |   triangle0     \  |
                   |                  \ |
                point0   edge2        point1
       PointType point0( 0.0, 0.0 ),
                 point1( 1.0, 0.0 ),
                 point2( 0.0, 1.0 ),
                 point3( 1.0, 1.0 );
       MeshBuilder< TriangleMesh > meshBuilder;
       meshBuilder.setPointsCount( 4 );
       meshBuilder.setPoint( 0, point0 );
       meshBuilder.setPoint( 1, point1 );
       meshBuilder.setPoint( 2, point2 );
       meshBuilder.setPoint( 3, point3 );
       meshBuilder.setCellsCount( 2 );
       meshBuilder.getCellSeed( 0 ).setCornerId( 0, 0 );
       meshBuilder.getCellSeed( 0 ).setCornerId( 1, 1 );
       meshBuilder.getCellSeed( 0 ).setCornerId( 2, 2 );
       meshBuilder.getCellSeed( 1 ).setCornerId( 0, 1 );
       meshBuilder.getCellSeed( 1 ).setCornerId( 1, 2 );
       meshBuilder.getCellSeed( 1 ).setCornerId( 2, 3 );
       return mesh );
    template< typename PermutationVector >
    void testMesh( const Mesh< TestTriangleMeshConfig, Devices::Host >& mesh,
                   const PermutationVector& vertexPermutation,
                   const PermutationVector& edgePermutation,
                   const PermutationVector& cellPermutation )
       using MeshType = Mesh< TestTriangleMeshConfig, Devices::Host >;
       using PointType = typename MeshType::PointType;
       ASSERT_EQ( vertexPermutation.getSize(), 4 );
       ASSERT_EQ( edgePermutation.getSize(),   5 );
       ASSERT_EQ( cellPermutation.getSize(),   2 );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.getEntitiesCount< 0 >(),  4 );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.getEntitiesCount< 1 >(),  5 );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.getEntitiesCount< 2 >(),  2 );
       // test points
       PointType point0( 0.0, 0.0 ),
                 point1( 1.0, 0.0 ),
                 point2( 0.0, 1.0 ),
                 point3( 1.0, 1.0 );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 0 >( vertexPermutation[ 0 ] ).getPoint(),  point0 );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 0 >( vertexPermutation[ 1 ] ).getPoint(),  point1 );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 0 >( vertexPermutation[ 2 ] ).getPoint(),  point2 );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 0 >( vertexPermutation[ 3 ] ).getPoint(),  point3 );
       // test getIndex
       for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
          EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 0 >( i ).getIndex(), i );
       for( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
          EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 1 >( i ).getIndex(), i );
       for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
          EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 2 >( i ).getIndex(), i );
       // test subentities
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 1 >( edgePermutation[ 0 ] ).getVertexIndex( 0 ),  vertexPermutation[ 1 ] );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 1 >( edgePermutation[ 0 ] ).getVertexIndex( 1 ),  vertexPermutation[ 2 ] );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 1 >( edgePermutation[ 1 ] ).getVertexIndex( 0 ),  vertexPermutation[ 2 ] );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 1 >( edgePermutation[ 1 ] ).getVertexIndex( 1 ),  vertexPermutation[ 0 ] );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 1 >( edgePermutation[ 2 ] ).getVertexIndex( 0 ),  vertexPermutation[ 0 ] );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 1 >( edgePermutation[ 2 ] ).getVertexIndex( 1 ),  vertexPermutation[ 1 ] );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 1 >( edgePermutation[ 3 ] ).getVertexIndex( 0 ),  vertexPermutation[ 2 ] );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 1 >( edgePermutation[ 3 ] ).getVertexIndex( 1 ),  vertexPermutation[ 3 ] );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 1 >( edgePermutation[ 4 ] ).getVertexIndex( 0 ),  vertexPermutation[ 3 ] );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 1 >( edgePermutation[ 4 ] ).getVertexIndex( 1 ),  vertexPermutation[ 1 ] );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 2 >( cellPermutation[ 0 ] ).template getSubentityIndex< 0 >( 0 ),  vertexPermutation[ 0 ] );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 2 >( cellPermutation[ 0 ] ).template getSubentityIndex< 0 >( 1 ),  vertexPermutation[ 1 ] );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 2 >( cellPermutation[ 0 ] ).template getSubentityIndex< 0 >( 2 ),  vertexPermutation[ 2 ] );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 2 >( cellPermutation[ 0 ] ).template getSubentityIndex< 1 >( 0 ),  edgePermutation[ 0 ] );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 2 >( cellPermutation[ 0 ] ).template getSubentityIndex< 1 >( 1 ),  edgePermutation[ 1 ] );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 2 >( cellPermutation[ 0 ] ).template getSubentityIndex< 1 >( 2 ),  edgePermutation[ 2 ] );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 2 >( cellPermutation[ 1 ] ).template getSubentityIndex< 0 >( 0 ),  vertexPermutation[ 1 ] );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 2 >( cellPermutation[ 1 ] ).template getSubentityIndex< 0 >( 1 ),  vertexPermutation[ 2 ] );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 2 >( cellPermutation[ 1 ] ).template getSubentityIndex< 0 >( 2 ),  vertexPermutation[ 3 ] );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 2 >( cellPermutation[ 1 ] ).template getSubentityIndex< 1 >( 0 ),  edgePermutation[ 3 ] );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 2 >( cellPermutation[ 1 ] ).template getSubentityIndex< 1 >( 1 ),  edgePermutation[ 4 ] );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 2 >( cellPermutation[ 1 ] ).template getSubentityIndex< 1 >( 2 ),  edgePermutation[ 0 ] );
       // test superentities
       ASSERT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 0 >( vertexPermutation[ 0 ] ).template getSuperentitiesCount< 1 >(),  2 );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 0 >( vertexPermutation[ 0 ] ).template getSuperentityIndex< 1 >( 0 ),  edgePermutation[ 1 ] );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 0 >( vertexPermutation[ 0 ] ).template getSuperentityIndex< 1 >( 1 ),  edgePermutation[ 2 ] );
       ASSERT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 0 >( vertexPermutation[ 1 ] ).template getSuperentitiesCount< 1 >(),  3 );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 0 >( vertexPermutation[ 1 ] ).template getSuperentityIndex< 1 >( 0 ),  edgePermutation[ 0 ] );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 0 >( vertexPermutation[ 1 ] ).template getSuperentityIndex< 1 >( 1 ),  edgePermutation[ 2 ] );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 0 >( vertexPermutation[ 1 ] ).template getSuperentityIndex< 1 >( 2 ),  edgePermutation[ 4 ] );
       ASSERT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 0 >( vertexPermutation[ 2 ] ).template getSuperentitiesCount< 1 >(),  3 );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 0 >( vertexPermutation[ 2 ] ).template getSuperentityIndex< 1 >( 0 ),  edgePermutation[ 0 ] );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 0 >( vertexPermutation[ 2 ] ).template getSuperentityIndex< 1 >( 1 ),  edgePermutation[ 1 ] );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 0 >( vertexPermutation[ 2 ] ).template getSuperentityIndex< 1 >( 2 ),  edgePermutation[ 3 ] );
       ASSERT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 0 >( vertexPermutation[ 3 ] ).template getSuperentitiesCount< 1 >(),  2 );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 0 >( vertexPermutation[ 3 ] ).template getSuperentityIndex< 1 >( 0 ),  edgePermutation[ 3 ] );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 0 >( vertexPermutation[ 3 ] ).template getSuperentityIndex< 1 >( 1 ),  edgePermutation[ 4 ] );
       ASSERT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 0 >( vertexPermutation[ 0 ] ).template getSuperentitiesCount< 2 >(),  1 );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 0 >( vertexPermutation[ 0 ] ).template getSuperentityIndex< 2 >( 0 ),  cellPermutation[ 0 ] );
       ASSERT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 0 >( vertexPermutation[ 1 ] ).template getSuperentitiesCount< 2 >(),  2 );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 0 >( vertexPermutation[ 1 ] ).template getSuperentityIndex< 2 >( 0 ),  cellPermutation[ 0 ] );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 0 >( vertexPermutation[ 1 ] ).template getSuperentityIndex< 2 >( 1 ),  cellPermutation[ 1 ] );
       ASSERT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 0 >( vertexPermutation[ 2 ] ).template getSuperentitiesCount< 2 >(),  2 );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 0 >( vertexPermutation[ 2 ] ).template getSuperentityIndex< 2 >( 0 ),  cellPermutation[ 0 ] );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 0 >( vertexPermutation[ 2 ] ).template getSuperentityIndex< 2 >( 1 ),  cellPermutation[ 1 ] );
       ASSERT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 0 >( vertexPermutation[ 3 ] ).template getSuperentitiesCount< 2 >(),  1 );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 0 >( vertexPermutation[ 3 ] ).template getSuperentityIndex< 2 >( 0 ),  cellPermutation[ 1 ] );
       ASSERT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 1 >( edgePermutation[ 0 ] ).template getSuperentitiesCount< 2 >(),  2 );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 1 >( edgePermutation[ 0 ] ).template getSuperentityIndex< 2 >( 0 ),  cellPermutation[ 0 ] );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 1 >( edgePermutation[ 0 ] ).template getSuperentityIndex< 2 >( 1 ),  cellPermutation[ 1 ] );
       ASSERT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 1 >( edgePermutation[ 1 ] ).template getSuperentitiesCount< 2 >(),  1 );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 1 >( edgePermutation[ 1 ] ).template getSuperentityIndex< 2 >( 0 ),  cellPermutation[ 0 ] );
       ASSERT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 1 >( edgePermutation[ 2 ] ).template getSuperentitiesCount< 2 >(),  1 );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 1 >( edgePermutation[ 2 ] ).template getSuperentityIndex< 2 >( 0 ),  cellPermutation[ 0 ] );
       ASSERT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 1 >( edgePermutation[ 3 ] ).template getSuperentitiesCount< 2 >(),  1 );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 1 >( edgePermutation[ 3 ] ).template getSuperentityIndex< 2 >( 0 ),  cellPermutation[ 1 ] );
       ASSERT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 1 >( edgePermutation[ 4 ] ).template getSuperentitiesCount< 2 >(),  1 );
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getEntity< 1 >( edgePermutation[ 4 ] ).template getSuperentityIndex< 2 >( 0 ),  cellPermutation[ 1 ] );
       // test boundary tags
       const std::vector< int > boundaryFaces = {1, 2, 3, 4};
       const std::vector< int > interiorFaces = {0};
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getBoundaryEntitiesCount< 1 >(), boundaryFaces.size() );
       for( size_t i = 0; i < boundaryFaces.size(); i++ ) {
          EXPECT_TRUE( mesh.template isBoundaryEntity< 1 >( edgePermutation[ boundaryFaces[ i ] ] ) );
          // boundary indices are always sorted so we can't test this
    //      EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getBoundaryEntityIndex< 1 >( i ), edgePermutation[ boundaryFaces[ i ] ] );
       // Test interior faces
       EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getInteriorEntitiesCount< 1 >(), interiorFaces.size() );
       for( size_t i = 0; i < interiorFaces.size(); i++ ) {
          EXPECT_FALSE( mesh.template isBoundaryEntity< 1 >( edgePermutation[ interiorFaces[ i ] ] ) );
          // boundary indices are always sorted so we can't test this
    //      EXPECT_EQ( mesh.template getInteriorEntityIndex< 1 >( i ), edgePermutation[ interiorFaces[ i ] ] );
    // hack due to TNL::Containers::Vector not supporting initilizer lists
    const std::array< int, 4 > _vertexIdentity { { 0, 1, 2, 3 } };
    const std::array< int, 5 > _edgeIdentity   { { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 } };
    const std::array< int, 2 > _cellIdentity   { { 0, 1 } };
    const std::array< int, 4 > _vertexPermutation { { 3, 2, 0, 1 } };
    const std::array< int, 5 > _edgePermutation   { { 2, 0, 4, 1, 3 } };
    const std::array< int, 2 > _cellPermutation   { { 1, 0 } };
    const std::array< int, 4 > _vertexInversePermutation { { 2, 3, 1, 0 } };
    const std::array< int, 5 > _edgeInversePermutation   { { 1, 3, 0, 4, 2 } };
    const std::array< int, 2 > _cellInversePermutation   { { 1, 0 } };
    template< typename TNLVector, typename STDArray >
    void setPermutation( TNLVector& perm, const STDArray& stdperm )
       perm.setSize( stdperm.size() );
       for( int i = 0; i < perm.getSize(); i++ )
          perm.setElement( i, stdperm[ i ] );
    TEST( MeshOrderingTest, OrderingOnHost )
       using MeshHost = Mesh< TestTriangleMeshConfig, Devices::Host >;
       MeshHost mesh;
       ASSERT_TRUE( buildTriangleMesh( mesh ) );
       using PermutationVector = typename MeshHost::IndexPermutationVector;
       PermutationVector vertexIdentity, edgeIdentity, cellIdentity,
                         vertexPermutation, edgePermutation, cellPermutation,
                         vertexInversePermutation, edgeInversePermutation, cellInversePermutation;
       setPermutation( vertexIdentity, _vertexIdentity );
       setPermutation( edgeIdentity, _edgeIdentity );
       setPermutation( cellIdentity, _cellIdentity );
       setPermutation( vertexPermutation, _vertexPermutation );
       setPermutation( edgePermutation, _edgePermutation );
       setPermutation( cellPermutation, _cellPermutation );
       setPermutation( vertexInversePermutation, _vertexInversePermutation );
       setPermutation( edgeInversePermutation, _edgeInversePermutation );
       setPermutation( cellInversePermutation, _cellInversePermutation );
       mesh.template reorderEntities< 0 >( vertexPermutation, vertexInversePermutation );
       testMesh( mesh, vertexInversePermutation, edgeIdentity, cellIdentity );
       mesh.template reorderEntities< 2 >( cellPermutation, cellInversePermutation );
       testMesh( mesh, vertexInversePermutation, edgeIdentity, cellInversePermutation );
       mesh.template reorderEntities< 1 >( edgePermutation, edgeInversePermutation );
       testMesh( mesh, vertexInversePermutation, edgeInversePermutation, cellInversePermutation );
    TEST( MeshOrderingTest, OrderingOnCuda )
       using MeshHost = Mesh< TestTriangleMeshConfig, Devices::Host >;
       using MeshCuda = Mesh< TestTriangleMeshConfig, Devices::Cuda >;
       MeshHost meshHost;
       MeshCuda mesh;
       ASSERT_TRUE( buildTriangleMesh( meshHost ) );
       mesh = meshHost;
       using PermutationCuda = typename MeshCuda::IndexPermutationVector;
       PermutationCuda vertexIdentity, edgeIdentity, cellIdentity,
                       vertexPermutation, edgePermutation, cellPermutation,
                       vertexInversePermutation, edgeInversePermutation, cellInversePermutation;
       setPermutation( vertexIdentity, _vertexIdentity );
       setPermutation( edgeIdentity, _edgeIdentity );
       setPermutation( cellIdentity, _cellIdentity );
       setPermutation( vertexPermutation, _vertexPermutation );
       setPermutation( edgePermutation, _edgePermutation );
       setPermutation( cellPermutation, _cellPermutation );
       setPermutation( vertexInversePermutation, _vertexInversePermutation );
       setPermutation( edgeInversePermutation, _edgeInversePermutation );
       setPermutation( cellInversePermutation, _cellInversePermutation );
       mesh.template reorderEntities< 0 >( vertexPermutation, vertexInversePermutation );
       mesh.template reorderEntities< 1 >( edgePermutation, edgeInversePermutation );
       mesh.template reorderEntities< 2 >( cellPermutation, cellInversePermutation );
       // test is on host
          // local scope so we can use the same names
          using PermutationVector = typename MeshHost::IndexPermutationVector;
          PermutationVector vertexIdentity, edgeIdentity, cellIdentity,
                            vertexPermutation, edgePermutation, cellPermutation,
                            vertexInversePermutation, edgeInversePermutation, cellInversePermutation;
          setPermutation( vertexIdentity, _vertexIdentity );
          setPermutation( edgeIdentity, _edgeIdentity );
          setPermutation( cellIdentity, _cellIdentity );
          setPermutation( vertexPermutation, _vertexPermutation );
          setPermutation( edgePermutation, _edgePermutation );
          setPermutation( cellPermutation, _cellPermutation );
          setPermutation( vertexInversePermutation, _vertexInversePermutation );
          setPermutation( edgeInversePermutation, _edgeInversePermutation );
          setPermutation( cellInversePermutation, _cellInversePermutation );
          meshHost = mesh;
          testMesh( meshHost, vertexInversePermutation, edgeInversePermutation, cellInversePermutation );