#include <TNL/Operators/DirichletBoundaryConditions.h>
#include <TNL/Operators/NeumannBoundaryConditions.h>
#include <TNL/Functions/VectorField.h>
#include <TNL/Meshes/Grid.h>
#include "advectionProblem.h"
#include "LaxFridrichs.h"
#include "advectionRhs.h"
#include "advectionBuildConfigTag.h"
using namespace TNL;
typedef advectionBuildConfigTag BuildConfig;
* Uncoment the following (and comment the previous line) for the complete build.
* This will include support for all floating point precisions, all indexing types
* and more solvers. You may then choose between them from the command line.
* The compile time may, however, take tens of minutes or even several hours,
* esppecially if CUDA is enabled. Use this, if you want, only for the final build,
* not in the development phase.
//typedef tnlDefaultConfigTag BuildConfig;
template< typename ConfigTag >class advectionConfig
static void configSetup( Config::ConfigDescription& config )
config.addDelimiter( "Advection settings:" );
config.addEntry< String >( "velocity-field", "Type of velocity field.", "constant" );
config.addEntryEnum< String >( "constant" );
//config.addEntryEnum< String >( "file" );
Functions::VectorField< 3, Functions::Analytic::Constant< 3 > >::configSetup( config, "velocity-field-" );
typedef Meshes::Grid< 3 > MeshType;
LaxFridrichs< MeshType >::configSetup( config, "lax-fridrichs" );
config.addEntry< String >( "boundary-conditions-type", "Choose the boundary conditions type.", "dirichlet");
config.addEntryEnum< String >( "dirichlet" );
config.addEntryEnum< String >( "neumann" );
config.addEntry< double >( "boundary-conditions-constant", "This sets a value in case of the constant boundary conditions." );
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
typename MeshType,
typename ConfigTag,
typename SolverStarter >
class advectionSetter
typedef Real RealType;
typedef Device DeviceType;
typedef Index IndexType;
static bool run( const Config::ParameterContainer & parameters )
static const int Dimensions = MeshType::getMeshDimensions();
typedef Functions::Analytic::Constant< Dimensions, RealType > ConstantFunctionType;
typedef Functions::VectorField< Dimensions, ConstantFunctionType > VelocityFieldType;
typedef LaxFridrichs< MeshType, Real, Index, VelocityFieldType > ApproximateOperator;
typedef advectionRhs< MeshType, Real > RightHandSide;
typedef Containers::StaticVector < MeshType::getMeshDimensions(), Real > Vertex;
* Resolve the template arguments of your solver here.
* The following code is for the Dirichlet and the Neumann boundary conditions.
* Both can be constant or defined as descrete values of Vector.
String boundaryConditionsType = parameters.getParameter< String >( "boundary-conditions-type" );
if( parameters.checkParameter( "boundary-conditions-constant" ) )
typedef Functions::Analytic::Constant< Dimensions, Real > Constant;
if( boundaryConditionsType == "dirichlet" )
typedef Operators::DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, Constant, MeshType::getMeshDimensions(), Real, Index > BoundaryConditions;
typedef advectionProblem< MeshType, BoundaryConditions, RightHandSide, ApproximateOperator > Problem;
SolverStarter solverStarter;
return solverStarter.template run< Problem >( parameters );
typedef Operators::NeumannBoundaryConditions< MeshType, Constant, Real, Index > BoundaryConditions;
typedef advectionProblem< MeshType, BoundaryConditions, RightHandSide, ApproximateOperator > Problem;
SolverStarter solverStarter;
return solverStarter.template run< Problem >( parameters );
typedef Functions::MeshFunction< MeshType > MeshFunction;
if( boundaryConditionsType == "dirichlet" )
typedef Operators::DirichletBoundaryConditions< MeshType, MeshFunction, MeshType::getMeshDimensions(), Real, Index > BoundaryConditions;
typedef advectionProblem< MeshType, BoundaryConditions, RightHandSide, ApproximateOperator > Problem;
SolverStarter solverStarter;
return solverStarter.template run< Problem >( parameters );
typedef Operators::NeumannBoundaryConditions< MeshType, MeshFunction, Real, Index > BoundaryConditions;
typedef advectionProblem< MeshType, BoundaryConditions, RightHandSide, ApproximateOperator > Problem;
SolverStarter solverStarter;
return solverStarter.template run< Problem >( parameters );
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
Solvers::Solver< advectionSetter, advectionConfig, BuildConfig > solver;
if( ! solver. run( argc, argv ) )