#ifndef advectionPROBLEM_IMPL_H_
#define advectionPROBLEM_IMPL_H_
#include <TNL/FileName.h>
#include <TNL/Solvers/PDE/ExplicitUpdater.h>
#include <TNL/Solvers/PDE/LinearSystemAssembler.h>
#include <TNL/Solvers/PDE/BackwardTimeDiscretisation.h>
template< typename Mesh,
typename BoundaryCondition,
typename RightHandSide,
typename DifferentialOperator,
typename VelocityField >
advectionProblem< Mesh, BoundaryCondition, RightHandSide, DifferentialOperator, VelocityField >::
return String( "advectionProblem< " ) + Mesh :: getTypeStatic() + " >";
template< typename Mesh,
typename BoundaryCondition,
typename RightHandSide,
typename DifferentialOperator,
typename VelocityField >
advectionProblem< Mesh, BoundaryCondition, RightHandSide, DifferentialOperator, VelocityField >::
return String( "advection" );
template< typename Mesh,
typename BoundaryCondition,
typename RightHandSide,
typename DifferentialOperator,
typename VelocityField >
advectionProblem< Mesh, BoundaryCondition, RightHandSide, DifferentialOperator, VelocityField >::
writeProlog( Logger& logger, const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters ) const
* Add data you want to have in the computation report (log) as follows:
* logger.writeParameter< double >( "Parameter description", parameter );
template< typename Mesh,
typename BoundaryCondition,
typename RightHandSide,
typename DifferentialOperator,
typename VelocityField >
advectionProblem< Mesh, BoundaryCondition, RightHandSide, DifferentialOperator, VelocityField >::
setup( const MeshPointer& meshPointer,
const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
const String& prefix )
//this->velocityType = parameters.getParameter< String >( "move" );
/*const double artificalViscosity = parameters.getParameter< double >( "artifical-viscosity" );
const double advectionSpeedX = parameters.getParameter< double >( "advection-speedX" );
const double advectionSpeedY = parameters.getParameter< double >( "advection-speedY" );
if( ! this->velocityField->setup( meshPointer, parameters, prefix + "velocity-field-" ) ||
! this->differentialOperatorPointer->setup( meshPointer, parameters, prefix + "advection-" ) ||
! this->boundaryConditionPointer->setup( meshPointer, parameters, prefix + "boundary-conditions-" ) ||
! this->rightHandSidePointer->setup( parameters, prefix + "right-hand-side-" ) )
return false;
return true;
template< typename Mesh,
typename BoundaryCondition,
typename RightHandSide,
typename DifferentialOperator,
typename VelocityField >
typename advectionProblem< Mesh, BoundaryCondition, RightHandSide, DifferentialOperator, VelocityField >::IndexType
advectionProblem< Mesh, BoundaryCondition, RightHandSide, DifferentialOperator, VelocityField >::
getDofs( const MeshPointer& mesh ) const
* Return number of DOFs (degrees of freedom) i.e. number
* of unknowns to be resolved by the main solver.
return mesh->template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::Cell >();
template< typename Mesh,
typename BoundaryCondition,
typename RightHandSide,
typename DifferentialOperator,
typename VelocityField >
advectionProblem< Mesh, BoundaryCondition, RightHandSide, DifferentialOperator, VelocityField >::
DofVectorPointer& dofVector )
const IndexType dofs = meshPointer->template getEntitiesCount< typename MeshType::Cell >();
this->uPointer->bind( meshPointer, dofVector );
template< typename Mesh,
typename BoundaryCondition,
typename RightHandSide,
typename DifferentialOperator,
typename VelocityField >
advectionProblem< Mesh, BoundaryCondition, RightHandSide, DifferentialOperator, VelocityField >::
setInitialCondition( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
DofVectorPointer& dofs,
MeshDependentDataPointer& meshDependentData )
this->bindDofs( meshPointer, dofs );
const String& initialConditionFile = parameters.getParameter< String >( "initial-condition" );
if( ! this->uPointer->boundLoad( initialConditionFile ) )
std::cerr << "I am not able to load the initial condition from the file " << initialConditionFile << "." << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
template< typename Mesh,
typename BoundaryCondition,
typename RightHandSide,
typename DifferentialOperator,
typename VelocityField >
template< typename Matrix >
advectionProblem< Mesh, BoundaryCondition, RightHandSide, DifferentialOperator, VelocityField >::
setupLinearSystem( const MeshPointer& mesh,
/*const IndexType dofs = this->getDofs( mesh );
typedef typename Matrix::ObjectType::CompressedRowsLengthsVector CompressedRowsLengthsVectorType;
SharedPointer< CompressedRowsLengthsVectorType > rowLengths;
if( ! rowLengths->setSize( dofs ) )
Matrices::MatrixSetter< MeshType, DifferentialOperator, BoundaryCondition, CompressedRowsLengthsVectorType > matrixSetter;
matrixSetter.template getCompressedRowsLengths< typename Mesh::Cell >( mesh,
matrix->setDimensions( dofs, dofs );
if( ! matrix->setCompressedRowsLengths( *rowLengths ) )
return true;
template< typename Mesh,
typename BoundaryCondition,
typename RightHandSide,
typename DifferentialOperator,
typename VelocityField >
advectionProblem< Mesh, BoundaryCondition, RightHandSide, DifferentialOperator, VelocityField >::
makeSnapshot( const RealType& time,
const IndexType& step,
const MeshPointer& mesh,
DofVectorPointer& dofs,
MeshDependentDataPointer& meshDependentData )
std::cout << std::endl << "Writing output at time " << time << " step " << step << "." << std::endl;
FileName fileName;
fileName.setFileNameBase( "u-" );
fileName.setExtension( "tnl" );
fileName.setIndex( step );
if( ! dofs->save( fileName.getFileName() ) )
return false;
return true;
template< typename Mesh,
typename BoundaryCondition,
typename RightHandSide,
typename DifferentialOperator,
typename VelocityField >
advectionProblem< Mesh, BoundaryCondition, RightHandSide, DifferentialOperator, VelocityField >::
getExplicitRHS( const RealType& time,
const RealType& tau,
const MeshPointer& mesh,
DofVectorPointer& _u,
DofVectorPointer& _fu,
MeshDependentDataPointer& meshDependentData )
* If you use an explicit solver like Euler or Merson, you
* need to implement this method. Compute the right-hand side of
* d/dt u(x) = fu( x, u )
* You may use supporting mesh dependent data if you need.
typedef typename MeshType::Cell Cell;
int count = ::sqrt(mesh->template getEntitiesCount< Cell >());
Solvers::PDE::ExplicitUpdater< Mesh, MeshFunctionType, DifferentialOperator, BoundaryCondition, RightHandSide > explicitUpdater;
SharedPointer< MeshFunctionType > u( mesh, _u );
SharedPointer< MeshFunctionType > fu( mesh, _fu );
explicitUpdater.template update< typename Mesh::Cell >( time,
/*BoundaryConditionsSetter< MeshFunctionType, BoundaryCondition > boundaryConditionsSetter;
boundaryConditionsSetter.template apply< typename Mesh::Cell >(
time + tau,
template< typename Mesh,
typename BoundaryCondition,
typename RightHandSide,
typename DifferentialOperator,
typename VelocityField >
template< typename Matrix >
advectionProblem< Mesh, BoundaryCondition, RightHandSide, DifferentialOperator, VelocityField >::
assemblyLinearSystem( const RealType& time,
const RealType& tau,
const MeshPointer& mesh,
DofVectorPointer& _u,
DofVectorPointer& b,
MeshDependentDataPointer& meshDependentData )
} // namespace TNL
#endif /* advectionPROBLEM_IMPL_H_ */