begin : Dec 8, 2013
copyright : (C) 2013 by Tomas Oberhuber
email :
/* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
#include <TNL/Math.h>
#include <TNL/Exceptions/NotImplementedError.h>
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::SlicedEllpack()
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
String SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::getType()
return String( "Matrices::SlicedEllpack< ") +
String( TNL::getType< Real >() ) +
String( ", " ) +
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
String SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::getTypeVirtual() const
return this->getType();
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
String SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::getSerializationType()
return getType();
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
String SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::getSerializationTypeVirtual() const
return this->getSerializationType();
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
Jakub Klinkovský
void SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::setDimensions( const IndexType rows,
const IndexType columns )
std::cerr << "rows = " << rows
<< " columns = " << columns << std::endl );
Jakub Klinkovský
Sparse< Real, Device, Index >::setDimensions( rows, columns );
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
void SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::setCompressedRowLengths( ConstCompressedRowLengthsVectorView rowLengths )
TNL_ASSERT_GT( this->getRows(), 0, "cannot set row lengths of an empty matrix" );
TNL_ASSERT_GT( this->getColumns(), 0, "cannot set row lengths of an empty matrix" );
TNL_ASSERT_EQ( this->getRows(), rowLengths.getSize(), "wrong size of the rowLengths vector" );
const IndexType slices = roundUpDivision( this->rows, SliceSize );
Jakub Klinkovský
this->sliceCompressedRowLengths.setSize( slices );
this->slicePointers.setSize( slices + 1 );
DeviceDependentCode::computeMaximalRowLengthInSlices( *this, rowLengths );
this->maxRowLength = rowLengths.max();
Jakub Klinkovský
this->allocateMatrixElements( this->slicePointers.getElement( slices ) );
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
Index SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::getRowLength( const IndexType row ) const
const IndexType slice = row / SliceSize;
return this->sliceCompressedRowLengths.getElement( slice );
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
Index SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::getRowLengthFast( const IndexType row ) const
const IndexType slice = row / SliceSize;
return this->sliceCompressedRowLengths[ slice ];
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index ,
int SliceSize >
Index SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::getNonZeroRowLength( const IndexType row ) const
ConstMatrixRow matrixRow = getRow( row );
Lukas Cejka
return matrixRow.getNonZeroElementsCount( Device::getDeviceType() );
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
template< typename Real2,
typename Device2,
typename Index2 >
Jakub Klinkovský
void SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::setLike( const SlicedEllpack< Real2, Device2, Index2, SliceSize >& matrix )
Jakub Klinkovský
Sparse< Real, Device, Index >::setLike( matrix );
this->slicePointers.setLike( matrix.slicePointers );
this->sliceCompressedRowLengths.setLike( matrix.sliceCompressedRowLengths );
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
void SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::reset()
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
template< typename Real2,
typename Device2,
typename Index2 >
bool SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::operator == ( const SlicedEllpack< Real2, Device2, Index2 >& matrix ) const
TNL_ASSERT( this->getRows() == matrix.getRows() &&
this->getColumns() == matrix.getColumns(),
std::cerr << "this->getRows() = " << this->getRows()
<< " matrix.getRows() = " << matrix.getRows()
<< " this->getColumns() = " << this->getColumns()
<< " matrix.getColumns() = " << matrix.getColumns() );
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
template< typename Real2,
typename Device2,
typename Index2 >
bool SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::operator != ( const SlicedEllpack< Real2, Device2, Index2 >& matrix ) const
return ! ( ( *this ) == matrix );
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
bool SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::setElementFast( const IndexType row,
const IndexType column,
const Real& value )
return this->addElementFast( row, column, value, 0.0 );
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
bool SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::setElement( const IndexType row,
const IndexType column,
const Real& value )
return this->addElement( row, column, value, 0.0 );
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
bool SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::addElementFast( const IndexType row,
const IndexType column,
const RealType& value,
const RealType& thisElementMultiplicator )
TNL_ASSERT( row >= 0 && row < this->rows &&
Lukas Cejka
column >= 0 && column <= this->columns,
<< " column = " << column
<< " this->rows = " << this->rows
<< " this->columns = " << this-> columns );
Index elementPtr, rowEnd, step;
DeviceDependentCode::initRowTraverseFast( *this, row, elementPtr, rowEnd, step );
while( elementPtr < rowEnd &&
( col = this->columnIndexes[ elementPtr ] ) < column &&
col != this->getPaddingIndex() ) elementPtr += step;
if( elementPtr == rowEnd )
this->values[ elementPtr ] = thisElementMultiplicator * this->values[ elementPtr ] + value;
if( col == this->getPaddingIndex() )
this->columnIndexes[ elementPtr ] = column;
this->values[ elementPtr ] = value;
return true;
IndexType j = rowEnd - step;
while( j > elementPtr )
this->columnIndexes[ j ] = this->columnIndexes[ j - step ];
this->values[ j ] = this->values[ j - step ];
j -= step;
this->columnIndexes[ elementPtr ] = column;
this->values[ elementPtr ] = value;
return true;
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
bool SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::addElement( const IndexType row,
const IndexType column,
const RealType& value,
const RealType& thisElementMultiplicator )
TNL_ASSERT( row >= 0 && row < this->rows &&
Lukas Cejka
column >= 0 && column <= this->columns,
<< " column = " << column
<< " this->rows = " << this->rows
<< " this->columns = " << this-> columns );
Index elementPtr, rowEnd, step;
DeviceDependentCode::initRowTraverse( *this, row, elementPtr, rowEnd, step );
while( elementPtr < rowEnd &&
( col = this->columnIndexes.getElement( elementPtr ) ) < column &&
col != this->getPaddingIndex() ) elementPtr += step;
if( elementPtr == rowEnd )
return false;
this->values.setElement( elementPtr, thisElementMultiplicator * this->values.getElement( elementPtr ) + value );
return true;
if( col == this->getPaddingIndex() )
this->columnIndexes.setElement( elementPtr, column );
this->values.setElement( elementPtr, value );
return true;
IndexType j = rowEnd - step;
while( j > elementPtr )
this->columnIndexes.setElement( j, this->columnIndexes.getElement( j - step ) );
this->values.setElement( j, this->values.getElement( j - step ) );
j -= step;
this->columnIndexes.setElement( elementPtr, column );
this->values.setElement( elementPtr, value );
return true;
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
bool SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize > :: setRowFast( const IndexType row,
const IndexType* columnIndexes,
const RealType* values,
const IndexType elements )
const IndexType sliceIdx = row / SliceSize;
const IndexType rowLength = this->sliceCompressedRowLengths[ sliceIdx ];
if( elements > rowLength )
return false;
Index elementPointer, rowEnd, step;
DeviceDependentCode::initRowTraverseFast( *this, row, elementPointer, rowEnd, step );
for( IndexType i = 0; i < elements; i++ )
const IndexType column = columnIndexes[ i ];
if( column < 0 || column >= this->getColumns() )
return false;
this->columnIndexes[ elementPointer ] = columnIndexes[ i ];
this->values[ elementPointer ] = values[ i ];
for( IndexType i = elements; i < rowLength; i++ )
this->columnIndexes[ elementPointer ] = this->getPaddingIndex();
elementPointer += step;
return true;
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
bool SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize > :: setRow( const IndexType row,
const IndexType* columnIndexes,
const RealType* values,
const IndexType elements )
const IndexType sliceIdx = row / SliceSize;
const IndexType rowLength = this->sliceCompressedRowLengths.getElement( sliceIdx );
if( elements > rowLength )
return false;
Index elementPointer, rowEnd, step;
DeviceDependentCode::initRowTraverse( *this, row, elementPointer, rowEnd, step );
for( IndexType i = 0; i < elements; i++ )
const IndexType column = columnIndexes[ i ];
if( column < 0 || column >= this->getColumns() )
return false;
this->columnIndexes.setElement( elementPointer, column );
this->values.setElement( elementPointer, values[ i ] );
elementPointer += step;
for( IndexType i = elements; i < rowLength; i++ )
this->columnIndexes.setElement( elementPointer, this->getPaddingIndex() );
elementPointer += step;
return true;
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
bool SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize > :: addRowFast( const IndexType row,
const IndexType* columns,
const RealType* values,
const IndexType numberOfElements,
const RealType& thisElementMultiplicator )
// TODO: implement
return false;
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
bool SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize > :: addRow( const IndexType row,
const IndexType* columns,
const RealType* values,
const IndexType numberOfElements,
const RealType& thisElementMultiplicator )
// TODO: implement
return false;
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
Real SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::getElementFast( const IndexType row,
const IndexType column ) const
Index elementPtr, rowEnd, step;
DeviceDependentCode::initRowTraverseFast( *this, row, elementPtr, rowEnd, step );
while( elementPtr < rowEnd &&
( col = this->columnIndexes[ elementPtr ] ) < column &&
col != this->getPaddingIndex() )
if( elementPtr < rowEnd && col == column )
return this->values[ elementPtr ];
return 0.0;
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
Real SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::getElement( const IndexType row,
const IndexType column ) const
Index elementPtr, rowEnd, step;
DeviceDependentCode::initRowTraverse( *this, row, elementPtr, rowEnd, step );
while( elementPtr < rowEnd &&
( col = this->columnIndexes.getElement( elementPtr ) ) < column &&
col != this->getPaddingIndex() )
if( elementPtr < rowEnd && col == column )
return this->values.getElement( elementPtr );
return 0.0;
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
void SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::getRowFast( const IndexType row,
IndexType* columns,
RealType* values ) const
Index elementPtr, rowEnd, step, i( 0 );
DeviceDependentCode::initRowTraverseFast( *this, row, elementPtr, rowEnd, step );
while( elementPtr < rowEnd )
columns[ i ] = this->columnIndexes[ elementPtr ];
values[ i ] = this->values[ elementPtr ];
elementPtr += step;
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
typename SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::MatrixRow
SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::
getRow( const IndexType rowIndex )
Index rowBegin, rowEnd, step;
DeviceDependentCode::initRowTraverseFast( *this, rowIndex, rowBegin, rowEnd, step );
const IndexType slice = rowIndex / SliceSize;
return MatrixRow( &this->columnIndexes[ rowBegin ],
this->sliceCompressedRowLengths[ slice ],
step );
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
typename SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::ConstMatrixRow
SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::
getRow( const IndexType rowIndex ) const
Index rowBegin, rowEnd, step;
DeviceDependentCode::initRowTraverseFast( *this, rowIndex, rowBegin, rowEnd, step );
const IndexType slice = rowIndex / SliceSize;
return ConstMatrixRow( &this->columnIndexes[ rowBegin ],
&this->values[ rowBegin ],
this->sliceCompressedRowLengths[ slice ],
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
template< typename Vector >
typename Vector::RealType SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::rowVectorProduct( const IndexType row,
const Vector& vector ) const
Real result = 0.0;
Index elementPtr, rowEnd, step;
DeviceDependentCode::initRowTraverseFast( *this, row, elementPtr, rowEnd, step );
IndexType column;
while( elementPtr < rowEnd &&
( column = this->columnIndexes[ elementPtr ] ) < this->columns &&
column != this->getPaddingIndex() )
result += this->values[ elementPtr ] * vector[ column ];
elementPtr += step;
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
template< typename InVector,
typename OutVector >
void SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::vectorProduct( const InVector& inVector,
Jakub Klinkovský
OutVector& outVector,
RealType multiplicator ) const
Jakub Klinkovský
DeviceDependentCode::vectorProduct( *this, inVector, outVector, multiplicator );
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
template< typename Real2,
typename Index2 >
void SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::addMatrix( const SlicedEllpack< Real2, Device, Index2 >& matrix,
const RealType& matrixMultiplicator,
const RealType& thisMatrixMultiplicator )
throw Exceptions::NotImplementedError( "SlicedEllpack::addMatrix is not implemented." );
// TODO: implement
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
template< typename Real2,
typename Index2 >
void SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::getTransposition( const SlicedEllpack< Real2, Device, Index2 >& matrix,
const RealType& matrixMultiplicator )
throw Exceptions::NotImplementedError( "SlicedEllpack::getTransposition is not implemented." );
// TODO: implement
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
template< typename Vector1, typename Vector2 >
bool SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::performSORIteration( const Vector1& b,
const IndexType row,
Vector2& x,
const RealType& omega ) const
TNL_ASSERT( row >=0 && row < this->getRows(),
std::cerr << "row = " << row
<< " this->getRows() = " << this->getRows() << std::endl );
RealType diagonalValue( 0.0 );
RealType sum( 0.0 );
/*const IndexType sliceIdx = row / SliceSize;
const IndexType rowLength = this->sliceCompressedRowLengths[ sliceIdx ];
IndexType elementPtr = this->slicePointers[ sliceIdx ] +
rowLength * ( row - sliceIdx * SliceSize );
const IndexType rowEnd( elementPtr + rowLength );*/
IndexType elementPtr, rowEnd, step;
DeviceDependentCode::initRowTraverseFast( *this, row, elementPtr, rowEnd, step );
while( elementPtr < rowEnd && ( column = this->columnIndexes[ elementPtr ] ) < this->columns )
diagonalValue = this->values[ elementPtr ];
sum += this->values[ elementPtr ] * x[ column ];
elementPtr += step;
if( diagonalValue == ( Real ) 0.0 )
std::cerr << "There is zero on the diagonal in " << row << "-th row of a matrix. I cannot perform SOR iteration." << std::endl;
x[ row ] = ( 1.0 - omega ) * x[ row ] + omega / diagonalValue * ( b[ row ] - sum );
// copy assignment
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >&
SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::operator=( const SlicedEllpack& matrix )
this->setLike( matrix );
this->values = matrix.values;
this->columnIndexes = matrix.columnIndexes;
this->slicePointers = matrix.slicePointers;
this->sliceCompressedRowLengths = matrix.sliceCompressedRowLengths;
return *this;
// cross-device copy assignment
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
template< typename Real2, typename Device2, typename Index2, typename >
SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >&
SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::operator=( const SlicedEllpack< Real2, Device2, Index2, SliceSize >& matrix )
static_assert( std::is_same< Device, Devices::Host >::value || std::is_same< Device, Devices::Cuda >::value || std::is_same< Device, Devices::MIC >::value,
static_assert( std::is_same< Device2, Devices::Host >::value || std::is_same< Device2, Devices::Cuda >::value || std::is_same< Device2, Devices::MIC >::value,
"unknown device" );
this->setLike( matrix );
this->slicePointers = matrix.slicePointers;
this->sliceCompressedRowLengths = matrix.sliceCompressedRowLengths;
// host -> cuda
if( std::is_same< Device, Devices::Cuda >::value ) {
typename ValuesVector::HostType tmpValues;
typename ColumnIndexesVector::HostType tmpColumnIndexes;
tmpValues.setLike( matrix.values );
tmpColumnIndexes.setLike( matrix.columnIndexes );
#pragma omp parallel for if( Devices::Host::isOMPEnabled() )
for( Index sliceIdx = 0; sliceIdx < matrix.sliceCompressedRowLengths.getSize(); sliceIdx++ ) {
const Index rowLength = matrix.sliceCompressedRowLengths[ sliceIdx ];
const Index offset = matrix.slicePointers[ sliceIdx ];
for( Index j = 0; j < rowLength; j++ )
for( Index i = 0; i < SliceSize; i++ ) {
tmpValues[ offset + j * SliceSize + i ] = matrix.values[ offset + i * rowLength + j ];
tmpColumnIndexes[ offset + j * SliceSize + i ] = matrix.columnIndexes[ offset + i * rowLength + j ];
this->values = tmpValues;
this->columnIndexes = tmpColumnIndexes;
// cuda -> host
if( std::is_same< Device, Devices::Host >::value ) {
ValuesVector tmpValues;
ColumnIndexesVector tmpColumnIndexes;
tmpValues.setLike( matrix.values );
tmpColumnIndexes.setLike( matrix.columnIndexes );
tmpValues = matrix.values;
tmpColumnIndexes = matrix.columnIndexes;
#pragma omp parallel for if( Devices::Host::isOMPEnabled() )
for( Index sliceIdx = 0; sliceIdx < sliceCompressedRowLengths.getSize(); sliceIdx++ ) {
const Index rowLength = sliceCompressedRowLengths[ sliceIdx ];
const Index offset = slicePointers[ sliceIdx ];
for( Index i = 0; i < SliceSize; i++ )
for( Index j = 0; j < rowLength; j++ ) {
this->values[ offset + i * rowLength + j ] = tmpValues[ offset + j * SliceSize + i ];
this->columnIndexes[ offset + i * rowLength + j ] = tmpColumnIndexes[ offset + j * SliceSize + i ];
if( std::is_same< Device, Devices::MIC >::value ) {
throw Exceptions::NotImplementedError("Cross-device assignment for the SlicedEllpack format is not implemented for MIC.");
return *this;
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
void SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::save( File& file ) const
Sparse< Real, Device, Index >::save( file );
Jakub Klinkovský
file << this->slicePointers << this->sliceCompressedRowLengths;
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
void SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::load( File& file )
Sparse< Real, Device, Index >::load( file );
Jakub Klinkovský
file >> this->slicePointers >> this->sliceCompressedRowLengths;
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
void SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::save( const String& fileName ) const
Object::save( fileName );
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
void SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::load( const String& fileName )
Object::load( fileName );
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
void SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::print( std::ostream& str ) const
if( std::is_same< Device, Devices::Host >::value ) {
for( IndexType row = 0; row < this->getRows(); row++ )
str <<"Row: " << row << " -> ";
const IndexType sliceIdx = row / SliceSize;
const IndexType rowLength = this->sliceCompressedRowLengths.getElement( sliceIdx );
IndexType elementPtr = this->slicePointers.getElement( sliceIdx ) +
rowLength * ( row - sliceIdx * SliceSize );
const IndexType rowEnd( elementPtr + rowLength );
while( elementPtr < rowEnd &&
this->columnIndexes.getElement( elementPtr ) < this->columns &&
this->columnIndexes.getElement( elementPtr ) != this->getPaddingIndex() )
const Index column = this->columnIndexes.getElement( elementPtr );
str << " Col:" << column << "->" << this->values.getElement( elementPtr ) << "\t";
str << std::endl;
else {
HostType hostMatrix;
hostMatrix = *this;
hostMatrix.print( str );
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
template< typename Real,
typename Device,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
__device__ void SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >::computeMaximalRowLengthInSlicesCuda( ConstCompressedRowLengthsVectorView rowLengths,
const IndexType sliceIdx )
Index rowIdx = sliceIdx * SliceSize;
Index rowInSliceIdx( 0 );
Index maxRowLength( 0 );
if( rowIdx >= this->getRows() )
while( rowInSliceIdx < SliceSize && rowIdx < this->getRows() )
maxRowLength = max( maxRowLength, rowLengths[ rowIdx ] );
this->sliceCompressedRowLengths[ sliceIdx ] = maxRowLength;
this->slicePointers[ sliceIdx ] = maxRowLength * SliceSize;
if( threadIdx.x == 0 )
this->slicePointers[ this->slicePointers.getSize() - 1 ] = 0;
class SlicedEllpackDeviceDependentCode< Devices::Host >
template< typename Real,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
static void initRowTraverse( const SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >& matrix,
const Index row,
Index& rowBegin,
Index& rowEnd,
Index& step )
const Index sliceIdx = row / SliceSize;
const Index slicePointer = matrix.slicePointers.getElement( sliceIdx );
const Index rowLength = matrix.sliceCompressedRowLengths.getElement( sliceIdx );
rowBegin = slicePointer + rowLength * ( row - sliceIdx * SliceSize );
rowEnd = rowBegin + rowLength;
step = 1;
template< typename Real,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
static void initRowTraverseFast( const SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >& matrix,
const Index row,
Index& rowBegin,
Index& rowEnd,
Index& step )
const Index sliceIdx = row / SliceSize;
const Index slicePointer = matrix.slicePointers[ sliceIdx ];
const Index rowLength = matrix.sliceCompressedRowLengths[ sliceIdx ];
rowBegin = slicePointer + rowLength * ( row - sliceIdx * SliceSize );
rowEnd = rowBegin + rowLength;
step = 1;
template< typename Real,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
static bool computeMaximalRowLengthInSlices( SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >& matrix,
typename SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index >::ConstCompressedRowLengthsVectorView rowLengths )
Index row( 0 ), slice( 0 ), sliceRowLength( 0 );
while( row < matrix.getRows() )
sliceRowLength = max( rowLengths.getElement( row++ ), sliceRowLength );
if( row % SliceSize == 0 )
matrix.sliceCompressedRowLengths.setElement( slice, sliceRowLength );
matrix.slicePointers.setElement( slice++, sliceRowLength * SliceSize );
sliceRowLength = 0;
if( row % SliceSize != 0 )
matrix.sliceCompressedRowLengths.setElement( slice, sliceRowLength );
matrix.slicePointers.setElement( slice++, sliceRowLength * SliceSize );
matrix.slicePointers.setElement( matrix.slicePointers.getSize() - 1, 0 );
template< typename Real,
typename Index,
typename InVector,
typename OutVector,
static void vectorProduct( const SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >& matrix,
Jakub Klinkovský
OutVector& outVector,
Real multiplicator )
#pragma omp parallel for if( Devices::Host::isOMPEnabled() )
for( Index row = 0; row < matrix.getRows(); row ++ )
Jakub Klinkovský
outVector[ row ] = matrix.rowVectorProduct( row, inVector ) * multiplicator;
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
template< typename Real,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
__global__ void SlicedEllpack_computeMaximalRowLengthInSlices_CudaKernel( SlicedEllpack< Real, Devices::Cuda, Index, SliceSize >* matrix,
typename SlicedEllpack< Real, Devices::Cuda, Index, SliceSize >::ConstCompressedRowLengthsVectorView rowLengths,
int gridIdx )
const Index sliceIdx = gridIdx * Devices::Cuda::getMaxGridSize() * blockDim.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
matrix->computeMaximalRowLengthInSlicesCuda( rowLengths, sliceIdx );
typename Real,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
__global__ void SlicedEllpackVectorProductCudaKernel(
const Index rows,
const Index columns,
const Index* slicePointers,
const Index* sliceCompressedRowLengths,
const Index paddingIndex,
const Index* columnIndexes,
const Real* values,
const Real* inVector,
Real* outVector,
Jakub Klinkovský
Real multiplicator,
const Index rowIdx = ( gridIdx * Devices::Cuda::getMaxGridSize() + blockIdx.x ) * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if( rowIdx >= rows )
const Index sliceIdx = rowIdx / SliceSize;
const Index slicePointer = slicePointers[ sliceIdx ];
const Index rowLength = sliceCompressedRowLengths[ sliceIdx ];
Index i = slicePointer + rowIdx - sliceIdx * SliceSize;
const Index rowEnd = i + rowLength * SliceSize;
Real result( 0.0 );
Index columnIndex;
while( i < rowEnd &&
( columnIndex = columnIndexes[ i ] ) < columns &&
columnIndex < paddingIndex )
result += values[ i ] * inVector[ columnIndex ];
i += SliceSize;
Jakub Klinkovský
outVector[ rowIdx ] = result * multiplicator;
class SlicedEllpackDeviceDependentCode< Devices::Cuda >
template< typename Real,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
static void initRowTraverse( const SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >& matrix,
const Index row,
Index& rowBegin,
Index& rowEnd,
Index& step )
const Index sliceIdx = row / SliceSize;
const Index slicePointer = matrix.slicePointers.getElement( sliceIdx );
const Index rowLength = matrix.sliceCompressedRowLengths.getElement( sliceIdx );
rowBegin = slicePointer + row - sliceIdx * SliceSize;
rowEnd = rowBegin + rowLength * SliceSize;
step = SliceSize;
template< typename Real,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
static void initRowTraverseFast( const SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >& matrix,
const Index row,
Index& rowBegin,
Index& rowEnd,
Index& step )
const Index sliceIdx = row / SliceSize;
const Index slicePointer = matrix.slicePointers[ sliceIdx ];
const Index rowLength = matrix.sliceCompressedRowLengths[ sliceIdx ];
rowBegin = slicePointer + row - sliceIdx * SliceSize;
rowEnd = rowBegin + rowLength * SliceSize;
step = SliceSize;
template< typename Real,
typename Index,
int SliceSize >
static bool computeMaximalRowLengthInSlices( SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize >& matrix,
typename SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index >::ConstCompressedRowLengthsVectorView rowLengths )
typedef SlicedEllpack< Real, Device, Index, SliceSize > Matrix;
typedef typename Matrix::CompressedRowLengthsVector CompressedRowLengthsVector;
Matrix* kernel_matrix = Devices::Cuda::passToDevice( matrix );