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Commit 2c40015f authored by Jakub Klinkovský's avatar Jakub Klinkovský
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CUDA prefix-sum: separated the implementation of the first and second phase

parent ac2ee07e
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1 merge request!37Reduction and multireduction refactoring
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ cudaFirstPhaseBlockPrefixSum( const PrefixSumType prefixSumType,
Reduction reduction,
const Real zero,
const Index size,
const Index elementsInBlock,
const int elementsInBlock,
const Real* input,
Real* output,
Real* auxArray )
......@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ cudaFirstPhaseBlockPrefixSum( const PrefixSumType prefixSumType,
* Load data into the shared memory.
const Index blockOffset = blockIdx.x * elementsInBlock;
Index idx = threadIdx.x;
const int blockOffset = blockIdx.x * elementsInBlock;
int idx = threadIdx.x;
if( prefixSumType == PrefixSumType::Exclusive )
if( idx == 0 )
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ cudaFirstPhaseBlockPrefixSum( const PrefixSumType prefixSumType,
sharedData[ Devices::Cuda::getInterleaving( chunkOffset ) ];
Index chunkPointer( 1 );
int chunkPointer = 1;
while( chunkPointer < chunkSize &&
chunkOffset + chunkPointer < lastElementInBlock )
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ cudaFirstPhaseBlockPrefixSum( const PrefixSumType prefixSumType,
idx = threadIdx.x;
while( idx < elementsInBlock && blockOffset + idx < size )
const Index chunkIdx = idx / chunkSize;
const int chunkIdx = idx / chunkSize;
Real chunkShift( zero );
if( chunkIdx > 0 )
chunkShift = auxData[ chunkIdx - 1 ];
......@@ -161,18 +161,20 @@ template< typename Real,
__global__ void
cudaSecondPhaseBlockPrefixSum( Reduction reduction,
const Index size,
const Index elementsInBlock,
Real gridShift,
const int elementsInBlock,
const Index gridIdx,
const Index maxGridSize,
const Real* auxArray,
Real* data )
Real* data,
Real shift )
if( blockIdx.x > 0 )
gridShift = reduction( gridShift, auxArray[ blockIdx.x - 1 ] );
const Index readOffset = blockIdx.x * elementsInBlock;
Index readIdx = threadIdx.x;
if( gridIdx > 0 || blockIdx.x > 0 )
shift = reduction( shift, auxArray[ gridIdx * maxGridSize + blockIdx.x - 1 ] );
const int readOffset = blockIdx.x * elementsInBlock;
int readIdx = threadIdx.x;
while( readIdx < elementsInBlock && readOffset + readIdx < size )
data[ readIdx + readOffset ] = reduction( data[ readIdx + readOffset ], gridShift );
data[ readIdx + readOffset ] = reduction( data[ readIdx + readOffset ], shift );
readIdx += blockDim.x;
......@@ -182,143 +184,183 @@ template< PrefixSumType prefixSumType,
typename Index >
struct CudaPrefixSumKernelLauncher
* \brief Performs both phases of prefix sum.
* \param size Number of elements to be scanned.
* \param deviceInput Pointer to input data on GPU.
* \param deviceOutput Pointer to output array on GPU, can be the same as input.
* \param reduction Symmetric binary function representing the reduction operation
* (usually addition, i.e. an instance of \ref std::plus).
* \param zero Neutral element for given reduction operation, i.e. value such that
* `reduction(zero, x) == x` for any `x`.
* \param blockSize The CUDA block size to be used for kernel launch.
template< typename Reduction >
static void
cudaRecursivePrefixSum( PrefixSumType prefixSumType_,
Reduction& reduction,
const Real& zero,
const Index size,
const Index blockSize,
const Index elementsInBlock,
Real& gridShift,
const Real* input,
Real* output )
perform( const Index size,
const Real* deviceInput,
Real* deviceOutput,
Reduction& reduction,
const Real zero,
const int blockSize = 256 )
const auto blockShifts = performFirstPhase(
blockSize );
blockSize );
* \brief Performs the first phase of prefix sum.
* \param size Number of elements to be scanned.
* \param deviceInput Pointer to input data on GPU.
* \param deviceOutput Pointer to output array on GPU, can be the same as input.
* \param reduction Symmetric binary function representing the reduction operation
* (usually addition, i.e. an instance of \ref std::plus).
* \param zero Neutral value for given reduction operation, i.e. value such that
* `reduction(zero, x) == x` for any `x`.
* \param blockSize The CUDA block size to be used for kernel launch.
template< typename Reduction >
static auto
performFirstPhase( const Index size,
const Real* deviceInput,
Real* deviceOutput,
Reduction& reduction,
const Real zero,
const int blockSize = 256 )
// compute the number of grids
const int elementsInBlock = 8 * blockSize;
const Index numberOfBlocks = roundUpDivision( size, elementsInBlock );
const Index auxArraySize = numberOfBlocks;
Array< Real, Devices::Cuda > auxArray1, auxArray2;
auxArray1.setSize( auxArraySize );
auxArray2.setSize( auxArraySize );
* Setup block and grid size.
dim3 cudaBlockSize( 0 ), cudaGridSize( 0 );
cudaBlockSize.x = blockSize;
cudaGridSize.x = roundUpDivision( size, elementsInBlock );
* Run the kernel.
const std::size_t sharedDataSize = elementsInBlock +
elementsInBlock / Devices::Cuda::getNumberOfSharedMemoryBanks() + 2;
const std::size_t sharedMemory = ( sharedDataSize + blockSize + Devices::Cuda::getWarpSize() ) * sizeof( Real );
cudaFirstPhaseBlockPrefixSum<<< cudaGridSize, cudaBlockSize, sharedMemory >>>
( prefixSumType_,
auxArray1.getData() );
const Index numberOfGrids = Devices::Cuda::getNumberOfGrids( numberOfBlocks, maxGridSize() );
//std::cerr << "numberOfgrids = " << numberOfGrids << std::endl;
// allocate array for the block sums
Array< Real, Devices::Cuda > blockSums;
blockSums.setSize( numberOfBlocks );
// loop over all grids
for( Index gridIdx = 0; gridIdx < numberOfGrids; gridIdx++ ) {
// compute current grid size and size of data to be scanned
const Index gridOffset = gridIdx * maxGridSize() * elementsInBlock;
Index currentSize = size - gridOffset;
if( currentSize / elementsInBlock > maxGridSize() )
currentSize = maxGridSize() * elementsInBlock;
//std::cerr << "GridIdx = " << gridIdx << " grid size = " << currentSize << std::endl;
// setup block and grid size
dim3 cudaBlockSize, cudaGridSize;
cudaBlockSize.x = blockSize;
cudaGridSize.x = roundUpDivision( currentSize, elementsInBlock );
// run the kernel
const std::size_t sharedDataSize = elementsInBlock +
elementsInBlock / Devices::Cuda::getNumberOfSharedMemoryBanks() + 2;
const std::size_t sharedMemory = ( sharedDataSize + blockSize + Devices::Cuda::getWarpSize() ) * sizeof( Real );
cudaFirstPhaseBlockPrefixSum<<< cudaGridSize, cudaBlockSize, sharedMemory >>>
( prefixSumType,
&deviceInput[ gridOffset ],
&deviceOutput[ gridOffset ],
&blockSums[ gridIdx * maxGridSize() ] );
// synchronize the null-stream after all grids
//std::cerr << " auxArray1 = " << auxArray1 << std::endl;
* In auxArray1 there is now a sum of numbers in each block.
* We must compute prefix-sum of auxArray1 and then shift
* each block.
Real gridShift2 = zero;
if( numberOfBlocks > 1 )
cudaRecursivePrefixSum( PrefixSumType::Inclusive,
// blockSums now contains sums of numbers in each block. The first phase
// ends by computing prefix-sum of this array.
if( numberOfBlocks > 1 ) {
CudaPrefixSumKernelLauncher< PrefixSumType::Inclusive, Real, Index >::perform(
auxArray2.getData() );
//std::cerr << " auxArray2 = " << auxArray2 << std::endl;
cudaSecondPhaseBlockPrefixSum<<< cudaGridSize, cudaBlockSize >>>
( reduction,
output );
blockSize );
// Store the number of CUDA grids for the purpose of unit testing, i.e.
// to check if we test the algorithm with more than one CUDA grid.
gridsCount() = numberOfGrids;
gridShift = auxArray2.getElement( auxArraySize - 1 );
//std::cerr << "gridShift = " << gridShift << std::endl;
// blockSums now contains shift values for each block - to be used in the second phase
return blockSums;
* \brief Starts prefix sum in CUDA.
* \brief Performs the seocond phase of prefix sum.
* \tparam Reduction reduction to be performed on particular elements - addition usually
* \param size is number of elements to be scanned
* \param blockSize is CUDA block size
* \param deviceInput is pointer to input data on GPU
* \param deviceOutput is pointer to resulting array, can be the same as input
* \param reduction is instance of Reduction
* \param zero is neutral element for given Reduction
* \param size Number of elements to be scanned.
* \param deviceOutput Pointer to output array on GPU.
* \param blockShifts Pointer to a GPU array containing the block shifts. It is the
* result of the first phase.
* \param reduction Symmetric binary function representing the reduction operation
* (usually addition, i.e. an instance of \ref std::plus).
* \param shift A constant shifting all elements of the array (usually `zero`, i.e.
* the neutral value).
* \param blockSize The CUDA block size to be used for kernel launch.
template< typename Reduction >
static void
start( const Index size,
const Index blockSize,
const Real *deviceInput,
Real* deviceOutput,
Reduction& reduction,
const Real& zero )
performSecondPhase( const Index size,
Real* deviceOutput,
const Real* blockShifts,
Reduction& reduction,
const Real shift,
const Index blockSize = 256 )
* Compute the number of grids
const Index elementsInBlock = 8 * blockSize;
// compute the number of grids
const int elementsInBlock = 8 * blockSize;
const Index numberOfBlocks = roundUpDivision( size, elementsInBlock );
const Index numberOfGrids = Devices::Cuda::getNumberOfGrids( numberOfBlocks, maxGridSize() );
Real gridShift = zero;
//std::cerr << "numberOfgrids = " << numberOfGrids << std::endl;
* Loop over all grids.
for( Index gridIdx = 0; gridIdx < numberOfGrids; gridIdx++ )
* Compute current grid size and size of data to be scanned
// loop over all grids
for( Index gridIdx = 0; gridIdx < numberOfGrids; gridIdx++ ) {
// compute current grid size and size of data to be scanned
const Index gridOffset = gridIdx * maxGridSize() * elementsInBlock;
Index currentSize = size - gridOffset;
if( currentSize / elementsInBlock > maxGridSize() )
currentSize = maxGridSize() * elementsInBlock;
//std::cerr << "GridIdx = " << gridIdx << " grid size = " << currentSize << std::endl;
cudaRecursivePrefixSum( prefixSumType,
&deviceInput[ gridOffset ],
&deviceOutput[ gridOffset ] );
// setup block and grid size
dim3 cudaBlockSize, cudaGridSize;
cudaBlockSize.x = blockSize;
cudaGridSize.x = roundUpDivision( currentSize, elementsInBlock );
// run the kernel
cudaSecondPhaseBlockPrefixSum<<< cudaGridSize, cudaBlockSize >>>
( reduction,
(Index) maxGridSize(),
&deviceOutput[ gridOffset ],
shift );
* Store the number of CUDA grids for the purpose of unit testing, i.e.
* to check if we test the algorithm with more than one CUDA grid.
gridsCount() = numberOfGrids;
// synchronize the null-stream after all grids
......@@ -141,17 +141,18 @@ perform( Vector& v,
const Reduction& reduction,
const typename Vector::RealType& zero )
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
using RealType = typename Vector::RealType;
using IndexType = typename Vector::IndexType;
using IndexType = typename Vector::IndexType;
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
CudaPrefixSumKernelLauncher< Type, RealType, IndexType >::start(
( IndexType ) ( end - begin ),
( IndexType ) 256,
&v[ begin ],
&v[ begin ],
CudaPrefixSumKernelLauncher< Type, RealType, IndexType >::perform(
end - begin,
&v[ begin ], // input
&v[ begin ], // output
zero );
throw Exceptions::CudaSupportMissing();
......@@ -211,18 +212,13 @@ perform( Vector& v,
const Reduction& reduction,
const typename Vector::RealType& zero )
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
using RealType = typename Vector::RealType;
using IndexType = typename Vector::IndexType;
using IndexType = typename Vector::IndexType;
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
throw Exceptions::NotImplementedError( "Segmented prefix sum is not implemented for CUDA." ); // NOT IMPLEMENTED YET
/*CudaPrefixSumKernelLauncher< Type, RealType, IndexType >::start(
( IndexType ) ( end - begin ),
( IndexType ) 256,
&v[ begin ],
&v[ begin ],
zero );*/
throw Exceptions::NotImplementedError( "Segmented prefix sum is not implemented for CUDA." );
throw Exceptions::CudaSupportMissing();
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