config.addEntry<int>("dimension","Set the problem dimension. 0 means all dimensions 1,2 and 3.",0);
config.addEntry<std::size_t>("min-size","Minimum size of arrays/vectors used in the benchmark.",10);
config.addEntry<std::size_t>("max-size","Minimum size of arrays/vectors used in the benchmark.",1000);
config.addEntry<int>("min-size","Minimum size of arrays/vectors used in the benchmark.",10);
config.addEntry<int>("max-size","Minimum size of arrays/vectors used in the benchmark.",1000);
config.addEntry<int>("size-step-factor","Factor determining the size of arrays/vectors used in the benchmark. First size is min-size and each following size is stepFactor*previousSize, up to max-size.",2);
config.addEntry<int>("loops","Number of iterations for every computation.",10);