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Commit 721ff437 authored by Vladimír Klement's avatar Vladimír Klement
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tnlNSFastBuildConfig.h - description
begin : Jul 7, 2014
copyright : (C) 2014 by Tomas Oberhuber
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <solvers/tnlConfigTags.h>
class tnlNSFastBuildConfig
static void print() { cerr << "tnlNSFastBuildConfig" << endl; }
* Turn off support for float and long double.
template<> struct tnlConfigTagReal< tnlNSFastBuildConfig, float > { enum { enabled = false }; };
template<> struct tnlConfigTagReal< tnlNSFastBuildConfig, long double > { enum { enabled = false }; };
* Turn off support for short int and long int indexing.
template<> struct tnlConfigTagIndex< tnlNSFastBuildConfig, short int >{ enum { enabled = false }; };
template<> struct tnlConfigTagIndex< tnlNSFastBuildConfig, long int >{ enum { enabled = false }; };
* 1, 2, and 3 dimensions are enabled by default
template<> struct tnlConfigTagDimensions< tnlNSFastBuildConfig, 1 >{ enum { enabled = false }; };
template<> struct tnlConfigTagDimensions< tnlNSFastBuildConfig, 2 >{ enum { enabled = true }; };
template<> struct tnlConfigTagDimensions< tnlNSFastBuildConfig, 3 >{ enum { enabled = false }; };
* Use of tnlGrid is enabled for allowed dimensions and Real, Device and Index types.
template< int Dimensions, typename Real, typename Device, typename Index >
struct tnlConfigTagMesh< tnlNSFastBuildConfig, tnlGrid< Dimensions, Real, Device, Index > >
{ enum { enabled = tnlConfigTagDimensions< tnlNSFastBuildConfig, Dimensions >::enabled &&
tnlConfigTagReal< tnlNSFastBuildConfig, Real >::enabled &&
tnlConfigTagDevice< tnlNSFastBuildConfig, Device >::enabled &&
tnlConfigTagIndex< tnlNSFastBuildConfig, Index >::enabled }; };
* Please, chose your preferred time discretisation here.
template<> struct tnlConfigTagTimeDiscretisation< tnlNSFastBuildConfig, tnlExplicitTimeDiscretisationTag >{ enum { enabled = true }; };
template<> struct tnlConfigTagTimeDiscretisation< tnlNSFastBuildConfig, tnlSemiImplicitTimeDiscretisationTag >{ enum { enabled = true }; };
template<> struct tnlConfigTagTimeDiscretisation< tnlNSFastBuildConfig, tnlImplicitTimeDiscretisationTag >{ enum { enabled = false }; };
* Only the Runge-Kutta-Merson solver is enabled by default.
template<> struct tnlConfigTagExplicitSolver< tnlNSFastBuildConfig, tnlExplicitEulerSolverTag >{ enum { enabled = false }; };
#include <core/vectors/tnlVector.h>
#include <mesh/tnlGrid.h>
template< typename Mesh,
typename Real = typename Mesh::RealType,
typename Index = typename Mesh::IndexType >
class tnlPoissonProblem
template< typename MeshReal,
typename Device,
typename MeshIndex,
typename Real,
typename Index,
typename MatrixType>
class tnlPoissonProblem< tnlGrid< 2, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, Index >
typedef tnlGrid< 2, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex > MeshType;
typedef typename MeshType::CoordinatesType CoordinatesType;
typedef Real RealType;
typedef Device DeviceType;
typedef Index IndexType;
static tnlString getType()
return tnlString( "tnlPoisssonMatrix< " ) +
MeshType::getType() + ", " +
::getType< Real >() + ", " +
::getType< Index >() + " >";
template< typename Vector >
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
__device__ __host__
Real getValue( const MeshType& mesh,
const IndexType cellIndex,
const CoordinatesType& coordinates,
const Vector& u,
const Real& time ) const;
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
__device__ __host__
Index getLinearSystemRowLength( const MeshType& mesh,
const IndexType& index,
const CoordinatesType& coordinates ) const
return 5;
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
__device__ __host__
void initLinearSystem(
const MeshType& mesh,
const IndexType& index,
_matrix.setElement(index,mesh.getCellYPredecessor( index ),-1);
_matrix.setElement(index,mesh.getCellXPredecessor( index ),-1);
_matrix.setElement(index,mesh.getCellXSuccessor( index ),-1);
_matrix.setElement(index,mesh.getCellYSuccessor( index ),-1);
/*matrixRow.setElement( 0, mesh.getCellYPredecessor( index ), -1 );
matrixRow.setElement( 1, mesh.getCellXPredecessor( index ), -1 );
matrixRow.setElement( 2, index, 4.0 );
matrixRow.setElement( 3, mesh.getCellXSuccessor( index ), -1 );
matrixRow.setElement( 4, mesh.getCellYSuccessor( index ), -1 );*/
void init(const MeshType& mesh)
typename MatrixType::RowLengthsVector rowLenghts;
IndexType N = mesh.getNumberOfCells();
_matrix.setDimensions( N, N );
for (IndexType i = 0; i < N; i++)
initLinearSystem(mesh, i);
template< typename Vector, typename Solver >
void solve(Solver & solver, const Vector & rhs, Vector & result)
MatrixType _matrix;
#include "tnlPoissonProblem_impl.h"
#include "tnlPoissonProblem.h"
#include <mesh/tnlGrid.h>
template< typename MeshReal,
typename Device,
typename MeshIndex,
typename Real,
typename Index >
template< typename Vector >
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
__device__ __host__
tnlPoissonProblem< tnlGrid< 2, MeshReal, Device, MeshIndex >, Real, Index >::
getValue( const MeshType& mesh,
const IndexType cellIndex,
const CoordinatesType& coordinates,
const Vector& u,
const Real& time ) const
return ( u[ mesh.getCellXPredecessor( cellIndex ) ]
- 2.0 * u[ cellIndex ]
+ u[ mesh.getCellXSuccessor( cellIndex ) ] ) * mesh.getHxSquareInverse() +
( u[ mesh.getCellYPredecessor( cellIndex ) ]
- 2.0 * u[ cellIndex ]
+ u[ mesh.getCellYSuccessor( cellIndex ) ] ) * mesh.getHySquareInverse();
This diff is collapsed.
/* ************************************************************************* //
// visit_writer.h //
// ************************************************************************* */
// This file contains function prototypes for writing out point meshes,
// unstructured meshes, rectilinear meshes, regular meshes, and
// structured/curvilinear meshes into files that can later be read by VisIt.
// Each routine assumes that the data being written is three-dimensional.
// If the data is two-dimensional, you must still write out the data
// as three-dimensional (ie pad arrays so that they are the correct size, etc).
// However: the VisIt reader will determine that the data is truly two-
// dimensional and visualize it as a two-dimensional dataset.
// All writers have an ASCII vs Binary decision. The tradeoffs are the
// standard ones: ASCII is human readable, but slow. The
// binary is much faster, but not human readable. Note: the binary format
// is portable, since it converts all data to be big-endian (this was a
// design decision for the format the visit_writer writes to -- the VTK
// format).
// If you have multiple grids, you can write out one file for each grid.
// There are potential pitfalls in doing this, where extra geometry and
// interpolation problems appear along grid boundaries. For additional
// help with this issue, e-mail
/* ****************************************************************************
// Function: write_point_mesh
// Purpose:
// Writes out a point mesh.
// Arguments:
// filename The name of the file to write. If the extension ".vtk" is
// not present, it will be added.
// useBinary '0' to write ASCII, !0 to write binary
// npts The number of points in the mesh.
// pts The spatial locations of the points. This array should
// be size 3*npts. The points should be encoded as:
// <x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, ..., xn, yn, zn>
// nvars The number of variables.
// vardim The dimension of each variable. The size of vardim should
// be nvars. If var i is a scalar, then vardim[i] = 1.
// If var i is a vector, then vardim[i] = 3.
// vars An array of variables. The size of vars should be nvars.
// The size of vars[i] should be npts*vardim[i].
// Programmer: Hank Childs
// Creation: September 2, 2004
// ***************************************************************************/
void write_point_mesh(const char *filename, int useBinary, int npts,
float *pts, int nvars, int *vardim,
const char * const *varnames, double **vars);
/* ****************************************************************************
// Function: write_unstructured_mesh
// Purpose:
// Writes out a unstructured mesh.
// Arguments:
// filename The name of the file to write. If the extension ".vtk" is
// not present, it will be added.
// useBinary '0' to write ASCII, !0 to write binary
// npts The number of points in the mesh.
// pts The spatial locations of the points. This array should
// be size 3*npts. The points should be encoded as:
// <x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, ..., xn, yn, zn>
// ncells The number of cells.
// celltypes The type of each cell.
// conn The connectivity array.
// nvars The number of variables.
// vardim The dimension of each variable. The size of vardim should
// be nvars. If var i is a scalar, then vardim[i] = 1.
// If var i is a vector, then vardim[i] = 3.
// centering The centering of each variable. The size of centering
// should be nvars. If centering[i] == 0, then the variable
// is cell-based. If centering[i] != 0, then the variable
// is point-based.
// vars An array of variables. The size of vars should be nvars.
// The size of vars[i] should be npts*vardim[i].
// Example:
// You have two triangles. The first has points (0,0,0), (0,1,0), and
// (1,1,0). The second has points (0,0,0), (1,1,0), and (1,0,0).
// There are four unique points.
// float pts[12] = { 0,0,0, 0,1,0, 1,1,0, 1,0,0 };
// It is important the points list contain only unique points,
// because VisIt is not able to correctly determine the connectivity of a
// dataset when points are duplicated.
// There are two triangles.
// int ncells = 2;
// The cells are both triangles.
// int celltypes[2] = { VISIT_TRIANGLE, VISIT_TRIANGLE };
// The connectivity contains indices into the points list. The indexing
// assumes that each point has size 3 (x,y,z).
// int conn[6] = { 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3 };
// Hint:
// When writing an unstructured mesh, it is easy to get the orientation
// of a cell backwards. VisIt typically does okay with this, but it
// can cause problems. To test if this is happening, bring up VisIt on
// your newly outputted dataset and make a Pseudocolor plot of
// "mesh_quality/volume" for 3D datasets or "mesh_quality/area" for 2D
// datasets. If the cells are inside-out, the volumes or areas will be
// negative.
// Programmer: Hank Childs
// Creation: September 2, 2004
// ***************************************************************************/
#define VISIT_VERTEX 1
#define VISIT_LINE 3
#define VISIT_QUAD 9
#define VISIT_TETRA 10
#define VISIT_WEDGE 13
#define VISIT_PYRAMID 14
void write_unstructured_mesh(const char *filename, int useBinary, int npts,
float *pts, int ncells, int *celltypes, int *conn,
int nvars, int *vardim, int *centering,
const char * const *varnames, double **vars);
/* ****************************************************************************
// Function: write_regular_mesh
// Purpose:
// Writes out a regular mesh. A regular mesh is one where the data lies
// along regular intervals. "Brick of bytes/floats",
// "Block of bytes/floats", and MRI data all are examples of data that
// lie on regular meshes.
// Arguments:
// filename The name of the file to write. If the extension ".vtk" is
// not present, it will be added.
// useBinary '0' to write ASCII, !0 to write binary
// dims An array of size 3 = { nX, nY, nZ }, where nX is the
// number of points in the X-dimension, etc.
// nvars The number of variables.
// vardim The dimension of each variable. The size of vardim should
// be nvars. If var i is a scalar, then vardim[i] = 1.
// If var i is a vector, then vardim[i] = 3.
// centering The centering of each variable. The size of centering
// should be nvars. If centering[i] == 0, then the variable
// is cell-based. If centering[i] != 0, then the variable
// is point-based.
// vars An array of variables. The size of vars should be nvars.
// The size of vars[i] should be npts*vardim[i].
// Programmer: Hank Childs
// Creation: September 2, 2004
// ***************************************************************************/
void write_regular_mesh(const char *filename, int useBinary, int *dims,
int nvars, int *vardim, int *centering,
const char * const *varnames, double **vars);
/* ****************************************************************************
// Function: write_rectilinear_mesh
// Purpose:
// Writes out a rectilinear mesh.
// Arguments:
// filename The name of the file to write. If the extension ".vtk" is
// not present, it will be added.
// useBinary '0' to write ASCII, !0 to write binary
// dims An array of size 3 = { nX, nY, nZ }, where nX is the
// number of points in the X-dimension, etc.
// x An array of size dims[0] that contains the x-coordinates.
// y An array of size dims[1] that contains the x-coordinates.
// z An array of size dims[2] that contains the x-coordinates.
// nvars The number of variables.
// vardim The dimension of each variable. The size of vardim should
// be nvars. If var i is a scalar, then vardim[i] = 1.
// If var i is a vector, then vardim[i] = 3.
// centering The centering of each variable. The size of centering
// should be nvars. If centering[i] == 0, then the variable
// is cell-based. If centering[i] != 0, then the variable
// is point-based.
// vars An array of variables. The size of vars should be nvars.
// The size of vars[i] should be npts*vardim[i].
// Example:
// You have a rectilinear mesh with x = { 0, 1, 2}, y = { 1, 1.5, 2, 3 },
// and z = { 2.5, 3.5 }.
// Then dims = { 3, 4, 2 }.
// Programmer: Hank Childs
// Creation: September 2, 2004
// ***************************************************************************/
void write_rectilinear_mesh(const char *filename, int useBinary,
int *dims, float *x, float *y, float *z,
int nvars, int *vardim, int *centering,
const char * const *varnames, double **vars);
/* ****************************************************************************
// Function: write_curvilinear_mesh
// Purpose:
// Writes out a curvilinear mesh.
// Arguments:
// filename The name of the file to write. If the extension ".vtk" is
// not present, it will be added.
// useBinary '0' to write ASCII, !0 to write binary
// dims An array of size 3 = { nI, nJ, nK }, where nI is the
// number of points in the logical I dimension, etc.
// pts An array of size nI*nJ*nK*3. The array should be layed
// out as (pt(i=0,j=0,k=0), pt(i=1,j=0,k=0), ...
// pt(i=nI-1,j=0,k=0), pt(i=0,j=1,k=0), ...).
// nvars The number of variables.
// vardim The dimension of each variable. The size of vardim should
// be nvars. If var i is a scalar, then vardim[i] = 1.
// If var i is a vector, then vardim[i] = 3.
// centering The centering of each variable. The size of centering
// should be nvars. If centering[i] == 0, then the variable
// is cell-based. If centering[i] != 0, then the variable
// is point-based.
// vars An array of variables. The size of vars should be nvars.
// The size of vars[i] should be npts*vardim[i].
// Programmer: Hank Childs
// Creation: September 2, 2004
// ***************************************************************************/
void write_curvilinear_mesh(const char *filename, int useBinary,
int *dims, float *pts,
int nvars, int *vardim, int *centering,
const char * const *varnames, double **vars);
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