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Commit 76111496 authored by Jakub Klinkovský's avatar Jakub Klinkovský
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Added tnl-benchmark-distributed-spmv

parent 55339b85
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1 merge request!8Distributed linear solvers
This commit is part of merge request !8. Comments created here will be created in the context of that merge request.
add_subdirectory( HeatEquation )
add_subdirectory( BLAS )
add_subdirectory( SpMV )
add_subdirectory( DistSpMV )
add_subdirectory( LinearSolvers )
set( headers
cuda_add_executable( tnl-benchmark-distributed-spmv-cuda )
target_link_libraries( tnl-benchmark-distributed-spmv-cuda tnl )
install( TARGETS tnl-benchmark-distributed-spmv-cuda RUNTIME DESTINATION bin )
add_executable( tnl-benchmark-distributed-spmv tnl-benchmark-distributed-spmv.cpp )
target_link_libraries( tnl-benchmark-distributed-spmv tnl )
install( TARGETS tnl-benchmark-distributed-spmv RUNTIME DESTINATION bin )
#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <TNL/Devices/Host.h>
#include <TNL/ParallelFor.h>
using namespace TNL;
template< typename Matrix, typename PermutationVector >
getTrivialOrdering( const Matrix& matrix, PermutationVector& perm, PermutationVector& iperm )
using IndexType = typename Matrix::IndexType;
// allocate permutation vectors
perm.setSize( matrix.getRows() );
iperm.setSize( matrix.getRows() );
const IndexType N = matrix.getRows() / 2;
for( IndexType i = 0; i < N; i++ ) {
perm[ 2 * i ] = i;
perm[ 2 * i + 1 ] = i + N;
iperm[ i ] = 2 * i;
iperm[ i + N ] = 2 * i + 1;
template< typename Vector, typename PermutationVector >
reorderVector( const Vector& src, Vector& dest, const PermutationVector& perm )
TNL_ASSERT_EQ( src.getSize(), perm.getSize(),
"Source vector and permutation must have the same size." );
using RealType = typename Vector::RealType;
using DeviceType = typename Vector::DeviceType;
using IndexType = typename Vector::IndexType;
auto kernel = [] __cuda_callable__
( IndexType i,
const RealType* src,
RealType* dest,
const typename PermutationVector::RealType* perm )
dest[ i ] = src[ perm[ i ] ];
dest.setLike( src );
ParallelFor< DeviceType >::exec( (IndexType) 0, src.getSize(),
perm.getData() );
template< typename Matrix, typename PermutationVector >
reorderMatrix( const Matrix& matrix1, Matrix& matrix2, const PermutationVector& _perm, const PermutationVector& _iperm )
// TODO: implement on GPU
static_assert( std::is_same< typename Matrix::DeviceType, Devices::Host >::value, "matrix reordering is implemented only for host" );
static_assert( std::is_same< typename PermutationVector::DeviceType, Devices::Host >::value, "matrix reordering is implemented only for host" );
using namespace TNL;
using IndexType = typename Matrix::IndexType;
matrix2.setLike( matrix1 );
// general multidimensional accessors for permutation indices
// TODO: this depends on the specific layout of dofs, general reordering of NDArray is needed
auto perm = [&]( IndexType dof ) {
TNL_ASSERT_LT( dof, matrix1.getRows(), "invalid dof index" );
const IndexType i = dof / _perm.getSize();
return i * _perm.getSize() + _perm[ dof % _perm.getSize() ];
auto iperm = [&]( IndexType dof ) {
TNL_ASSERT_LT( dof, matrix1.getRows(), "invalid dof index" );
const IndexType i = dof / _iperm.getSize();
return i * _iperm.getSize() + _iperm[ dof % _iperm.getSize() ];
// set row lengths
typename Matrix::CompressedRowLengthsVector rowLengths;
rowLengths.setSize( matrix1.getRows() );
for( IndexType i = 0; i < matrix1.getRows(); i++ ) {
const IndexType maxLength = matrix1.getRowLength( perm( i ) );
const auto row = matrix1.getRow( perm( i ) );
IndexType length = 0;
for( IndexType j = 0; j < maxLength; j++ )
if( row.getElementColumn( j ) < matrix1.getColumns() )
rowLengths[ i ] = length;
matrix2.setCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
// set row elements
for( IndexType i = 0; i < matrix2.getRows(); i++ ) {
const IndexType rowLength = rowLengths[ i ];
// extract sparse row
const auto row1 = matrix1.getRow( perm( i ) );
// permute
typename Matrix::IndexType columns[ rowLength ];
typename Matrix::RealType values[ rowLength ];
for( IndexType j = 0; j < rowLength; j++ ) {
columns[ j ] = iperm( row1.getElementColumn( j ) );
values[ j ] = row1.getElementValue( j );
// sort
IndexType indices[ rowLength ];
for( IndexType j = 0; j < rowLength; j++ )
indices[ j ] = j;
// nvcc does not allow lambdas to capture VLAs, even in host code (WTF!?)
// error: a variable captured by a lambda cannot have a type involving a variable-length array
IndexType* _columns = columns;
auto comparator = [=]( IndexType a, IndexType b ) {
return _columns[ a ] < _columns[ b ];
std::sort( indices, indices + rowLength, comparator );
typename Matrix::IndexType sortedColumns[ rowLength ];
typename Matrix::RealType sortedValues[ rowLength ];
for( IndexType j = 0; j < rowLength; j++ ) {
sortedColumns[ j ] = columns[ indices[ j ] ];
sortedValues[ j ] = values[ indices[ j ] ];
matrix2.setRow( i, sortedColumns, sortedValues, rowLength );
tnl-benchmark-distributed-spmv.cpp - description
begin : Sep 11, 2018
copyright : (C) 2018 by Tomas Oberhuber et al.
email :
/* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
#include "tnl-benchmark-distributed-spmv.h"
/*************************************************************************** - description
begin : Sep 11, 2018
copyright : (C) 2018 by Tomas Oberhuber et al.
email :
/* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
#include "tnl-benchmark-distributed-spmv.h"
tnl-benchmark-distributed-spmv.h - description
begin : Sep 11, 2018
copyright : (C) 2018 by Tomas Oberhuber et al.
email :
/* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
// Implemented by: Jakub Klinkovsky
#pragma once
#ifndef NDEBUG
#include <TNL/Debugging/FPE.h>
#include <TNL/Devices/Host.h>
#include <TNL/Devices/Cuda.h>
#include <TNL/Devices/SystemInfo.h>
#include <TNL/Devices/CudaDeviceInfo.h>
#include <TNL/Config/ConfigDescription.h>
#include <TNL/Config/ParameterContainer.h>
#include <TNL/Communicators/MpiCommunicator.h>
#include <TNL/Communicators/NoDistrCommunicator.h>
#include <TNL/Communicators/ScopedInitializer.h>
#include <TNL/DistributedContainers/Partitioner.h>
#include <TNL/DistributedContainers/DistributedVector.h>
#include <TNL/DistributedContainers/DistributedMatrix.h>
#include "../Benchmarks.h"
#include "ordering.h"
#include <TNL/Matrices/SlicedEllpack.h>
using namespace TNL;
using namespace TNL::Benchmarks;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
using CommunicatorType = Communicators::MpiCommunicator;
using CommunicatorType = Communicators::NoDistrCommunicator;
template< typename Matrix, typename Vector >
benchmarkSpmv( Benchmark& benchmark,
const Matrix& matrix,
const Vector& x,
const char* performer = "CPU" )
Vector y;
y.setLike( x );
// reset function
auto reset = [&]() {
y = x;
// benchmark function
auto compute = [&]() {
matrix.vectorProduct( x, y );
benchmark.time( reset, performer, compute );
template< typename Matrix, typename Vector >
benchmarkSpmvCuda( Benchmark& benchmark,
const Matrix& matrix,
const Vector& x )
using RealType = typename Matrix::RealType;
using IndexType = typename Matrix::IndexType;
using CudaMatrix = typename Matrix::CudaType;
using CudaVector = typename Vector::CudaType;
CudaVector cuda_x;
cuda_x = x;
Timer t;
CudaMatrix cuda_matrix;
cuda_matrix = matrix;
std::cout << "--> Copying the matrix to the GPU took " << t.getRealTime() << " seconds." << std::endl;
benchmarkSpmv( benchmark, cuda_matrix, cuda_x, "GPU" );
template< typename Matrix, typename Vector >
benchmarkDistributedSpmv( Benchmark& benchmark,
// TODO: cannot be const due to internal buffering
// const Matrix& matrix,
Matrix& matrix,
const Vector& x,
const char* performer = "CPU" )
Vector y;
y.setLike( x );
// reset function
auto reset = [&]() {
y = x;
// benchmark function
auto compute = [&]() {
matrix.vectorProduct( x, y );
Matrix::CommunicatorType::Barrier( matrix.getCommunicationGroup() );
benchmark.time( reset, performer, compute );
template< typename Matrix, typename Vector >
benchmarkDistributedSpmvCuda( Benchmark& benchmark,
const Matrix& matrix,
const Vector& x )
using RealType = typename Matrix::RealType;
using IndexType = typename Matrix::IndexType;
using CudaMatrix = typename Matrix::CudaType;
using CudaVector = typename Vector::CudaType;
CudaVector cuda_x;
cuda_x = x;
Timer t;
CudaMatrix cuda_matrix;
cuda_matrix = matrix;
std::cout << "--> Copying the matrix to the GPU took " << t.getRealTime() << " seconds." << std::endl;
benchmarkDistributedSpmv( benchmark, cuda_matrix, cuda_x, "GPU" );
template< typename MatrixType >
struct SpmvBenchmark
using RealType = typename MatrixType::RealType;
using DeviceType = typename MatrixType::DeviceType;
using IndexType = typename MatrixType::IndexType;
using VectorType = Containers::Vector< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType >;
using Partitioner = DistributedContainers::Partitioner< IndexType, CommunicatorType >;
using DistributedMatrix = DistributedContainers::DistributedMatrix< MatrixType, CommunicatorType >;
using DistributedVector = DistributedContainers::DistributedVector< RealType, DeviceType, IndexType, CommunicatorType >;
using DistributedRowLengths = typename DistributedMatrix::CompressedRowLengthsVector;
static bool
run( Benchmark& benchmark,
Benchmark::MetadataMap metadata,
const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters )
MatrixType matrix;
VectorType vector;
if( ! matrix.load( parameters.getParameter< String >( "input-matrix" ) ) ||
! vector.load( parameters.getParameter< String >( "input-vector" ) ) )
return false;
typename MatrixType::CompressedRowLengthsVector rowLengths;
matrix.getCompressedRowLengths( rowLengths );
const IndexType maxRowLength = rowLengths.max();
const String name = String( (CommunicatorType::isDistributed()) ? "DistSpMV" : "SpMV" )
+ " (" + parameters.getParameter< String >( "name" ) + "): ";
benchmark.newBenchmark( name, metadata );
benchmark.setMetadataColumns( Benchmark::MetadataColumns({
// TODO: strip the device
// {"matrix type", matrix.getType()},
{"rows", matrix.getRows()},
{"columns", matrix.getColumns()},
// FIXME: getMaxRowLengths() returns 0 for matrices loaded from file
// {"max elements per row", matrix.getMaxRowLength()},
{"max elements per row", maxRowLength},
} ));
const bool reorder = parameters.getParameter< bool >( "reorder-dofs" );
if( reorder ) {
using PermutationVector = Containers::Vector< IndexType, DeviceType, IndexType >;
PermutationVector perm, iperm;
getTrivialOrdering( matrix, perm, iperm );
MatrixType matrix_perm;
reorderMatrix( matrix, matrix_perm, perm, iperm );
if( CommunicatorType::isDistributed() )
runDistributed( benchmark, metadata, parameters, matrix_perm, vector );
runNonDistributed( benchmark, metadata, parameters, matrix_perm, vector );
else {
if( CommunicatorType::isDistributed() )
runDistributed( benchmark, metadata, parameters, matrix, vector );
runNonDistributed( benchmark, metadata, parameters, matrix, vector );
return true;
static void
runNonDistributed( Benchmark& benchmark,
Benchmark::MetadataMap metadata,
const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
MatrixType& matrix,
VectorType& vector )
benchmarkSpmv( benchmark, matrix, vector );
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
benchmarkSpmvCuda( benchmark, matrix, vector );
static void
runDistributed( Benchmark& benchmark,
Benchmark::MetadataMap metadata,
const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters,
MatrixType& matrix,
VectorType& vector )
// set up the distributed matrix
const auto group = CommunicatorType::AllGroup;
const auto localRange = Partitioner::splitRange( matrix.getRows(), group );
DistributedMatrix distributedMatrix( localRange, matrix.getRows(), matrix.getColumns(), group );
DistributedVector distributedVector( localRange, matrix.getRows(), group );
// copy the row lengths from the global matrix to the distributed matrix
DistributedRowLengths distributedRowLengths( localRange, matrix.getRows(), group );
for( IndexType i = 0; i < distributedMatrix.getLocalMatrix().getRows(); i++ ) {
const auto gi = distributedMatrix.getLocalRowRange().getGlobalIndex( i );
distributedRowLengths[ gi ] = matrix.getRowLength( gi );
distributedMatrix.setCompressedRowLengths( distributedRowLengths );
// copy data from the global matrix/vector into the distributed matrix/vector
for( IndexType i = 0; i < distributedMatrix.getLocalMatrix().getRows(); i++ ) {
const auto gi = distributedMatrix.getLocalRowRange().getGlobalIndex( i );
distributedVector[ gi ] = vector[ gi ];
const IndexType rowLength = matrix.getRowLength( i );
IndexType columns[ rowLength ];
RealType values[ rowLength ];
matrix.getRowFast( gi, columns, values );
distributedMatrix.setRowFast( gi, columns, values, rowLength );
benchmarkDistributedSpmv( benchmark, distributedMatrix, distributedVector );
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
benchmarkDistributedSpmvCuda( benchmark, distributedMatrix, distributedVector );
#ifndef NDEBUG
// compare results of normal and distributed spmv
VectorType y;
y.setLike( vector );
matrix.vectorProduct( vector, y );
DistributedVector distributedY;
distributedY.setLike( distributedVector );
distributedMatrix.vectorProduct( distributedVector, distributedY );
const int rank = CommunicatorType::GetRank( distributedMatrix.getCommunicationGroup() );
const int nproc = CommunicatorType::GetSize( distributedMatrix.getCommunicationGroup() );
VectorType subY( y,
Partitioner::getOffset( matrix.getRows(), rank, nproc ),
Partitioner::getSizeForRank( matrix.getRows(), rank, nproc ) );
TNL_ASSERT_EQ( distributedY.getLocalVectorView(), subY, "WRONG RESULT !!!" );
configSetup( Config::ConfigDescription & config )
config.addDelimiter( "Benchmark settings:" );
config.addEntry< String >( "log-file", "Log file name.", "tnl-benchmark-distributed-spmv.log");
config.addEntry< String >( "output-mode", "Mode for opening the log file.", "overwrite" );
config.addEntryEnum( "append" );
config.addEntryEnum( "overwrite" );
config.addEntry< int >( "loops", "Number of repetitions of the benchmark.", 10 );
config.addRequiredEntry< String >( "input-matrix", "File name of the input matrix (in binary TNL format)." );
config.addRequiredEntry< String >( "input-vector", "File name of the input vector (in binary TNL format)." );
config.addEntry< String >( "name", "Name of the matrix in the benchmark.", "" );
config.addEntry< int >( "verbose", "Verbose mode.", 1 );
config.addEntry< bool >( "reorder-dofs", "Reorder matrix entries corresponding to the same DOF together.", false );
config.addDelimiter( "Device settings:" );
Devices::Host::configSetup( config );
Devices::Cuda::configSetup( config );
CommunicatorType::configSetup( config );
main( int argc, char* argv[] )
#ifndef NDEBUG
Config::ParameterContainer parameters;
Config::ConfigDescription conf_desc;
configSetup( conf_desc );
Communicators::ScopedInitializer< CommunicatorType > scopedInit(argc, argv);
const int rank = CommunicatorType::GetRank( CommunicatorType::AllGroup );
if( ! parseCommandLine( argc, argv, conf_desc, parameters ) ) {
conf_desc.printUsage( argv[ 0 ] );
if( ! Devices::Host::setup( parameters ) ||
! Devices::Cuda::setup( parameters ) ||
! CommunicatorType::setup( parameters ) )
const String & logFileName = parameters.getParameter< String >( "log-file" );
const String & outputMode = parameters.getParameter< String >( "output-mode" );
const unsigned loops = parameters.getParameter< unsigned >( "loops" );
const unsigned verbose = (rank == 0) ? parameters.getParameter< unsigned >( "verbose" ) : 0;
// open log file
auto mode = std::ios::out;
if( outputMode == "append" )
mode |= std::ios::app;
std::ofstream logFile;
if( rank == 0 ) logFileName.getString(), mode );
// init benchmark and common metadata
Benchmark benchmark( loops, verbose );
// prepare global metadata
const int cpu_id = 0;
Devices::CacheSizes cacheSizes = Devices::SystemInfo::getCPUCacheSizes( cpu_id );
String cacheInfo = String( cacheSizes.L1data ) + ", "
+ String( cacheSizes.L1instruction ) + ", "
+ String( cacheSizes.L2 ) + ", "
+ String( cacheSizes.L3 );
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
const int activeGPU = Devices::CudaDeviceInfo::getActiveDevice();
const String deviceArch = String( Devices::CudaDeviceInfo::getArchitectureMajor( activeGPU ) ) + "." +
String( Devices::CudaDeviceInfo::getArchitectureMinor( activeGPU ) );
Benchmark::MetadataMap metadata {
{ "host name", Devices::SystemInfo::getHostname() },
{ "architecture", Devices::SystemInfo::getArchitecture() },
{ "system", Devices::SystemInfo::getSystemName() },
{ "system release", Devices::SystemInfo::getSystemRelease() },
{ "start time", Devices::SystemInfo::getCurrentTime() },
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
{ "number of MPI processes", CommunicatorType::GetSize( CommunicatorType::AllGroup ) },
{ "OpenMP enabled", Devices::Host::isOMPEnabled() },
{ "OpenMP threads", Devices::Host::getMaxThreadsCount() },
{ "CPU model name", Devices::SystemInfo::getCPUModelName( cpu_id ) },
{ "CPU cores", Devices::SystemInfo::getNumberOfCores( cpu_id ) },
{ "CPU threads per core", Devices::SystemInfo::getNumberOfThreads( cpu_id ) / Devices::SystemInfo::getNumberOfCores( cpu_id ) },
{ "CPU max frequency (MHz)", Devices::SystemInfo::getCPUMaxFrequency( cpu_id ) / 1e3 },
{ "CPU cache sizes (L1d, L1i, L2, L3) (kiB)", cacheInfo },
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
{ "GPU name", Devices::CudaDeviceInfo::getDeviceName( activeGPU ) },
{ "GPU architecture", deviceArch },
{ "GPU CUDA cores", Devices::CudaDeviceInfo::getCudaCores( activeGPU ) },
{ "GPU clock rate (MHz)", (double) Devices::CudaDeviceInfo::getClockRate( activeGPU ) / 1e3 },
{ "GPU global memory (GB)", (double) Devices::CudaDeviceInfo::getGlobalMemory( activeGPU ) / 1e9 },
{ "GPU memory clock rate (MHz)", (double) Devices::CudaDeviceInfo::getMemoryClockRate( activeGPU ) / 1e3 },
{ "GPU memory ECC enabled", Devices::CudaDeviceInfo::getECCEnabled( activeGPU ) },
// TODO: implement resolveMatrixType
// return ! Matrices::resolveMatrixType< MainConfig,
// Devices::Host,
// SpmvBenchmark >( benchmark, metadata, parameters );
using MatrixType = Matrices::SlicedEllpack< double, Devices::Host, int >;
const bool status = SpmvBenchmark< MatrixType >::run( benchmark, metadata, parameters );
if( rank == 0 )
if( ! logFile ) ) {
std::cerr << "Failed to write the benchmark results to file '" << parameters.getParameter< String >( "log-file" ) << "'." << std::endl;
return ! status;
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