* DenseTranspositionAlignedKernel() ::HOW? How to test __global__?
* DenseTranspositionAlignedKernel() ::HOW? How to test __global__?
* DenseTranspositionNonAlignedKernel() ::HOW? How to test __global__?
* DenseTranspositionNonAlignedKernel() ::HOW? How to test __global__?
* getTransposition() ::HOW? It won't build when testing CPU: no parameters match functions DenseTranspositionAlignedKernel() and DenseTranspositionNonAlignedKernel(). On GPU if will throw terminate and (core dumped).
* getTransposition() ::HOW? It won't build when testing CPU: no parameters match functions DenseTranspositionAlignedKernel() and DenseTranspositionNonAlignedKernel(). On GPU if will throw terminate and (core dumped).
* MISTAKE! For GPU it works completely fine, when rows == cols. Otherwise it throws assertion failed.