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Commit 8b58f8cb authored by Tomáš Oberhuber's avatar Tomáš Oberhuber
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Merge branch 'TO/optimization' into 'develop'


See merge request !134
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1 merge request!134To/optimization
// Copyright (c) 2004-2022 Tomáš Oberhuber et al.
// This file is part of TNL - Template Numerical Library (
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include <TNL/Solvers/IterativeSolver.h>
namespace TNL {
namespace Solvers {
namespace Optimization {
template< typename Vector, typename SolverMonitor = IterativeSolverMonitor< typename Vector::RealType, typename Vector::IndexType > >
class AdaGrad : public IterativeSolver< typename Vector::RealType, typename Vector::IndexType, SolverMonitor >
using RealType = typename Vector::RealType;
using DeviceType = typename Vector::DeviceType;
using IndexType = typename Vector::IndexType;
using VectorType = Vector;
using VectorView = typename Vector::ViewType;
AdaGrad() = default;
static void
configSetup( Config::ConfigDescription& config, const String& prefix = "" );
setup( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters, const String& prefix = "" );
setRelaxation( const RealType& lambda );
const RealType&
getRelaxation() const;
template< typename GradientGetter >
solve( VectorView& w, GradientGetter&& getGradient );
RealType relaxation = 1.0, epsilon = 1.0e-8;
VectorType gradient, a;
} //namespace Optimization
} //namespace Solvers
} //namespace TNL
#include <TNL/Solvers/Optimization/AdaGrad.hpp>
// Copyright (c) 2004-2022 Tomáš Oberhuber et al.
// This file is part of TNL - Template Numerical Library (
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include <TNL/Solvers/Optimization/AdaGrad.h>
namespace TNL {
namespace Solvers {
namespace Optimization {
template< typename Vector, typename SolverMonitor >
AdaGrad< Vector, SolverMonitor >::
configSetup( Config::ConfigDescription& config, const String& prefix )
IterativeSolver< RealType, IndexType, SolverMonitor >::configSetup( config, prefix );
config.addEntry< double >( prefix + "relaxation", "Relaxation parameter for the gradient descent.", 1.0 );
template< typename Vector, typename SolverMonitor >
AdaGrad< Vector, SolverMonitor >::
setup( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters, const String& prefix )
this->setRelaxation( parameters.getParameter< double >( prefix + "relaxation" ) );
return IterativeSolver< RealType, IndexType, SolverMonitor >::setup( parameters, prefix );
template< typename Vector, typename SolverMonitor >
AdaGrad< Vector, SolverMonitor >::
setRelaxation( const RealType& lambda )
this->relaxation = lambda;
template< typename Vector, typename SolverMonitor >
AdaGrad< Vector, SolverMonitor >::
getRelaxation() const -> const RealType&
return this->relaxation;
template< typename Vector, typename SolverMonitor >
template< typename GradientGetter >
AdaGrad< Vector, SolverMonitor >::
solve( VectorView& w, GradientGetter&& getGradient )
this->gradient.setLike( w );
this->a.setLike( w );
auto gradient_view = gradient.getView();
auto w_view = w.getView();
this->gradient = 0.0;
this->a = 0.0;
// Set necessary parameters
this->setResidue( this->getConvergenceResidue() + 1.0 );
// Start the main loop
while( 1 )
// Compute the gradient
getGradient( w_view, gradient_view );
RealType lastResidue = this->getResidue();
// a_i += grad_i^2
a += gradient_view * gradient_view;
this->setResidue( addAndReduceAbs( w_view, -this->relaxation / sqrt( this->a + this->epsilon ) * gradient_view, TNL::Plus(), ( RealType ) 0.0 ) / ( this->relaxation * ( RealType ) w.getSize() ) );
if( ! this->nextIteration() )
return this->checkConvergence();
// Check the stop condition
if( this->getConvergenceResidue() != 0.0 && this->getResidue() < this -> getConvergenceResidue() )
return true;
return false; // just to avoid warnings
} //namespace Optimization
} //namespace Solvers
} //namespace TNL
// Copyright (c) 2004-2022 Tomáš Oberhuber et al.
// This file is part of TNL - Template Numerical Library (
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include <TNL/Solvers/IterativeSolver.h>
namespace TNL {
namespace Solvers {
namespace Optimization {
template< typename Vector, typename SolverMonitor = IterativeSolverMonitor< typename Vector::RealType, typename Vector::IndexType > >
class GradientDescent : public IterativeSolver< typename Vector::RealType, typename Vector::IndexType, SolverMonitor >
using RealType = typename Vector::RealType;
using DeviceType = typename Vector::DeviceType;
using IndexType = typename Vector::IndexType;
using VectorType = Vector;
using VectorView = typename Vector::ViewType;
GradientDescent() = default;
static void
configSetup( Config::ConfigDescription& config, const String& prefix = "" );
setup( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters, const String& prefix = "" );
setRelaxation( const RealType& lambda );
const RealType&
getRelaxation() const;
template< typename GradientGetter >
solve( VectorView& w, GradientGetter&& getGradient );
RealType relaxation = 1.0;
VectorType gradient;
} //namespace Optimization
} //namespace Solvers
} //namespace TNL
#include <TNL/Solvers/Optimization/GradientDescent.hpp>
// Copyright (c) 2004-2022 Tomáš Oberhuber et al.
// This file is part of TNL - Template Numerical Library (
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include <TNL/Solvers/Optimization/GradientDescent.h>
namespace TNL {
namespace Solvers {
namespace Optimization {
template< typename Vector, typename SolverMonitor >
GradientDescent< Vector, SolverMonitor >::
configSetup( Config::ConfigDescription& config, const String& prefix )
IterativeSolver< RealType, IndexType, SolverMonitor >::configSetup( config, prefix );
config.addEntry< double >( prefix + "relaxation", "Relaxation parameter for the gradient descent.", 1.0 );
template< typename Vector, typename SolverMonitor >
GradientDescent< Vector, SolverMonitor >::
setup( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters, const String& prefix )
this->setRelaxation( parameters.getParameter< double >( prefix + "relaxation" ) );
return IterativeSolver< RealType, IndexType, SolverMonitor >::setup( parameters, prefix );
template< typename Vector, typename SolverMonitor >
GradientDescent< Vector, SolverMonitor >::
setRelaxation( const RealType& lambda )
this->relaxation = lambda;
template< typename Vector, typename SolverMonitor >
GradientDescent< Vector, SolverMonitor >::
getRelaxation() const -> const RealType&
return this->relaxation;
template< typename Vector, typename SolverMonitor >
template< typename GradientGetter >
GradientDescent< Vector, SolverMonitor >::
solve( VectorView& w, GradientGetter&& getGradient )
this->gradient.setLike( w );
auto gradient_view = gradient.getView();
auto w_view = w.getView();
this->gradient = 0.0;
// Set necessary parameters
this->setResidue( this->getConvergenceResidue() + 1.0 );
// Start the main loop
while( 1 )
// Compute the gradient
getGradient( w_view, gradient_view );
RealType lastResidue = this->getResidue();
this->setResidue( addAndReduceAbs( w_view, -this->relaxation * gradient_view, TNL::Plus(), ( RealType ) 0.0 ) / ( this->relaxation * ( RealType ) w.getSize() ) );
if( ! this->nextIteration() )
return this->checkConvergence();
// Check the stop condition
if( this->getConvergenceResidue() != 0.0 && this->getResidue() < this -> getConvergenceResidue() )
return true;
return false; // just to avoid warnings
} //namespace Optimization
} //namespace Solvers
} //namespace TNL
// Copyright (c) 2004-2022 Tomáš Oberhuber et al.
// This file is part of TNL - Template Numerical Library (
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include <TNL/Solvers/IterativeSolver.h>
namespace TNL {
namespace Solvers {
namespace Optimization {
template< typename Vector, typename SolverMonitor = IterativeSolverMonitor< typename Vector::RealType, typename Vector::IndexType > >
class Momentum : public IterativeSolver< typename Vector::RealType, typename Vector::IndexType, SolverMonitor >
using RealType = typename Vector::RealType;
using DeviceType = typename Vector::DeviceType;
using IndexType = typename Vector::IndexType;
using VectorType = Vector;
using VectorView = typename Vector::ViewType;
Momentum() = default;
static void
configSetup( Config::ConfigDescription& config, const String& prefix = "" );
setup( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters, const String& prefix = "" );
setRelaxation( const RealType& lambda );
const RealType&
getRelaxation() const;
setMomentum( const RealType& beta );
const RealType&
getMomentum() const;
template< typename GradientGetter >
solve( VectorView& w, GradientGetter&& getGradient );
RealType relaxation = 1.0, momentum = 0.9;
VectorType gradient, v;
} //namespace Optimization
} //namespace Solvers
} //namespace TNL
#include <TNL/Solvers/Optimization/Momentum.hpp>
// Copyright (c) 2004-2022 Tomáš Oberhuber et al.
// This file is part of TNL - Template Numerical Library (
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include <TNL/Solvers/Optimization/Momentum.h>
namespace TNL {
namespace Solvers {
namespace Optimization {
template< typename Vector, typename SolverMonitor >
Momentum< Vector, SolverMonitor >::
configSetup( Config::ConfigDescription& config, const String& prefix )
IterativeSolver< RealType, IndexType, SolverMonitor >::configSetup( config, prefix );
config.addEntry< double >( prefix + "relaxation", "Relaxation parameter for the momentum method.", 1.0 );
config.addEntry< double >( prefix + "momentum", "Momentum parameter for the momentum method.", 0.9 );
template< typename Vector, typename SolverMonitor >
Momentum< Vector, SolverMonitor >::
setup( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters, const String& prefix )
this->setRelaxation( parameters.getParameter< double >( prefix + "relaxation" ) );
this->setMomentum( parameters.getParameter< double >( prefix + "momentum" ) );
return IterativeSolver< RealType, IndexType, SolverMonitor >::setup( parameters, prefix );
template< typename Vector, typename SolverMonitor >
Momentum< Vector, SolverMonitor >::
setRelaxation( const RealType& lambda )
this->relaxation = lambda;
template< typename Vector, typename SolverMonitor >
Momentum< Vector, SolverMonitor >::
getRelaxation() const -> const RealType&
return this->relaxation;
template< typename Vector, typename SolverMonitor >
Momentum< Vector, SolverMonitor >::
setMomentum( const RealType& beta )
this->momentum = beta;
template< typename Vector, typename SolverMonitor >
Momentum< Vector, SolverMonitor >::
getMomentum() const -> const RealType&
return this->momentum;
template< typename Vector, typename SolverMonitor >
template< typename GradientGetter >
Momentum< Vector, SolverMonitor >::
solve( VectorView& w, GradientGetter&& getGradient )
this->gradient.setLike( w );
this->v.setLike( w );
auto gradient_view = gradient.getView();
auto w_view = w.getView();
auto v_view = v.getView();
this->gradient = 0.0;
this->v = 0.0;
// Set necessary parameters
this->setResidue( this->getConvergenceResidue() + 1.0 );
// Start the main loop
while( 1 )
// Compute the gradient
getGradient( w_view, gradient_view );
v_view = this->momentum * v_view - this->relaxation * gradient_view;
RealType lastResidue = this->getResidue();
Algorithms::reduce< DeviceType >(
( IndexType ) 0, w_view.getSize(),
[=] __cuda_callable__ ( IndexType i ) mutable {
w_view[ i ] += v_view[ i ];
return abs( v_view[ i ] );
TNL::Plus() ) / ( this->relaxation * ( RealType ) w.getSize() ) );
if( ! this->nextIteration() )
return this->checkConvergence();
// Check the stop condition
if( this->getConvergenceResidue() != 0.0 && this->getResidue() < this -> getConvergenceResidue() )
return true;
return false; // just to avoid warnings
} //namespace Optimization
} //namespace Solvers
} //namespace TNL
// Copyright (c) 2004-2022 Tomáš Oberhuber et al.
// This file is part of TNL - Template Numerical Library (
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include <TNL/Solvers/IterativeSolver.h>
namespace TNL {
namespace Solvers {
namespace Optimization {
template< typename Vector, typename SolverMonitor = IterativeSolverMonitor< typename Vector::RealType, typename Vector::IndexType > >
class NesterovMomentum : public IterativeSolver< typename Vector::RealType, typename Vector::IndexType, SolverMonitor >
using RealType = typename Vector::RealType;
using DeviceType = typename Vector::DeviceType;
using IndexType = typename Vector::IndexType;
using VectorType = Vector;
using VectorView = typename Vector::ViewType;
NesterovMomentum() = default;
static void
configSetup( Config::ConfigDescription& config, const String& prefix = "" );
setup( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters, const String& prefix = "" );
setRelaxation( const RealType& lambda );
const RealType&
getRelaxation() const;
setMomentum( const RealType& beta );
const RealType&
getMomentum() const;
template< typename GradientGetter >
solve( VectorView& w, GradientGetter&& getGradient );
RealType relaxation = 1.0, momentum = 0.9;
VectorType gradient, v, aux;
} //namespace Optimization
} //namespace Solvers
} //namespace TNL
#include <TNL/Solvers/Optimization/NesterovMomentum.hpp>
// Copyright (c) 2004-2022 Tomáš Oberhuber et al.
// This file is part of TNL - Template Numerical Library (
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include <TNL/Solvers/Optimization/NesterovMomentum.h>
namespace TNL {
namespace Solvers {
namespace Optimization {
template< typename Vector, typename SolverMonitor >
NesterovMomentum< Vector, SolverMonitor >::
configSetup( Config::ConfigDescription& config, const String& prefix )
IterativeSolver< RealType, IndexType, SolverMonitor >::configSetup( config, prefix );
config.addEntry< double >( prefix + "relaxation", "Relaxation parameter for the momentum method.", 1.0 );
config.addEntry< double >( prefix + "momentum", "Momentum parameter for the momentum method.", 0.9 );
template< typename Vector, typename SolverMonitor >
NesterovMomentum< Vector, SolverMonitor >::
setup( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters, const String& prefix )
this->setRelaxation( parameters.getParameter< double >( prefix + "relaxation" ) );
this->setMomentum( parameters.getParameter< double >( prefix + "momentum" ) );
return IterativeSolver< RealType, IndexType, SolverMonitor >::setup( parameters, prefix );
template< typename Vector, typename SolverMonitor >
NesterovMomentum< Vector, SolverMonitor >::
setRelaxation( const RealType& lambda )
this->relaxation = lambda;
template< typename Vector, typename SolverMonitor >
NesterovMomentum< Vector, SolverMonitor >::
getRelaxation() const -> const RealType&
return this->relaxation;
template< typename Vector, typename SolverMonitor >
NesterovMomentum< Vector, SolverMonitor >::
setMomentum( const RealType& beta )
this->momentum = beta;
template< typename Vector, typename SolverMonitor >
NesterovMomentum< Vector, SolverMonitor >::
getMomentum() const -> const RealType&
return this->momentum;
template< typename Vector, typename SolverMonitor >
template< typename GradientGetter >
NesterovMomentum< Vector, SolverMonitor >::
solve( VectorView& w, GradientGetter&& getGradient )
this->gradient.setLike( w );
this->v.setLike( w );
this->aux.setLike( w );
auto gradient_view = gradient.getView();
auto w_view = w.getView();
auto v_view = v.getView();
auto aux_view = aux.getView();
this->gradient = 0.0;
this->v = 0.0;
// Set necessary parameters
this->setResidue( this->getConvergenceResidue() + 1.0 );
// Start the main loop
while( 1 )
// Compute the gradient
aux_view = w_view + v_view;
getGradient( aux_view, gradient_view );
v_view = this->momentum * v_view - this->relaxation * gradient_view;
RealType lastResidue = this->getResidue();
Algorithms::reduce< DeviceType >(
( IndexType ) 0, w_view.getSize(),
[=] __cuda_callable__ ( IndexType i ) mutable {
w_view[ i ] += v_view[ i ];
return abs( v_view[ i ] );
TNL::Plus() ) / ( this->relaxation * ( RealType ) w.getSize() ) );
if( ! this->nextIteration() )
return this->checkConvergence();
// Check the stop condition
if( this->getConvergenceResidue() != 0.0 && this->getResidue() < this -> getConvergenceResidue() )
return true;
return false; // just to avoid warnings
} //namespace Optimization
} //namespace Solvers
} //namespace TNL
// Copyright (c) 2004-2022 Tomáš Oberhuber et al.
// This file is part of TNL - Template Numerical Library (
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include <TNL/Solvers/IterativeSolver.h>
namespace TNL {
namespace Solvers {
namespace Optimization {
template< typename Vector, typename SolverMonitor = IterativeSolverMonitor< typename Vector::RealType, typename Vector::IndexType > >
class RMSProp : public IterativeSolver< typename Vector::RealType, typename Vector::IndexType, SolverMonitor >
using RealType = typename Vector::RealType;
using DeviceType = typename Vector::DeviceType;
using IndexType = typename Vector::IndexType;
using VectorType = Vector;
using VectorView = typename Vector::ViewType;
RMSProp() = default;
static void
configSetup( Config::ConfigDescription& config, const String& prefix = "" );
setup( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters, const String& prefix = "" );
setRelaxation( const RealType& lambda );
const RealType&
getRelaxation() const;
template< typename GradientGetter >
solve( VectorView& w, GradientGetter&& getGradient );
RealType relaxation = 1.0, epsilon = 1.0e-8, beta = 0.9;
VectorType gradient, a;
} //namespace Optimization
} //namespace Solvers
} //namespace TNL
#include <TNL/Solvers/Optimization/RMSProp.hpp>
// Copyright (c) 2004-2022 Tomáš Oberhuber et al.
// This file is part of TNL - Template Numerical Library (
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include <TNL/Solvers/Optimization/RMSProp.h>
namespace TNL {
namespace Solvers {
namespace Optimization {
template< typename Vector, typename SolverMonitor >
RMSProp< Vector, SolverMonitor >::
configSetup( Config::ConfigDescription& config, const String& prefix )
IterativeSolver< RealType, IndexType, SolverMonitor >::configSetup( config, prefix );
config.addEntry< double >( prefix + "relaxation", "Relaxation parameter for the gradient descent.", 1.0 );
config.addEntry< double >( prefix + "beta", "Momentum parameter for computing sum of squared gradients.", 0.9 );
template< typename Vector, typename SolverMonitor >
RMSProp< Vector, SolverMonitor >::
setup( const Config::ParameterContainer& parameters, const String& prefix )
this->setRelaxation( parameters.getParameter< double >( prefix + "relaxation" ) );
this->beta = parameters.getParameter< double >( prefix + "beta" );
return IterativeSolver< RealType, IndexType, SolverMonitor >::setup( parameters, prefix );
template< typename Vector, typename SolverMonitor >
RMSProp< Vector, SolverMonitor >::
setRelaxation( const RealType& lambda )
this->relaxation = lambda;
template< typename Vector, typename SolverMonitor >
RMSProp< Vector, SolverMonitor >::
getRelaxation() const -> const RealType&
return this->relaxation;
template< typename Vector, typename SolverMonitor >
template< typename GradientGetter >
RMSProp< Vector, SolverMonitor >::
solve( VectorView& w, GradientGetter&& getGradient )
this->gradient.setLike( w );
this->a.setLike( w );
auto gradient_view = gradient.getView();
auto w_view = w.getView();
this->gradient = 0.0;
this->a = 0.0;
// Set necessary parameters
this->setResidue( this->getConvergenceResidue() + 1.0 );
// Start the main loop
while( 1 )
// Compute the gradient
getGradient( w_view, gradient_view );
RealType lastResidue = this->getResidue();
// a_i = beta * a_i + ( 1- beta ) * grad_i^2
a = this->beta * a + ( 1.0 - this->beta ) * gradient_view * gradient_view;
this->setResidue( addAndReduceAbs( w_view, -this->relaxation / sqrt( this->a + this->epsilon ) * gradient_view, TNL::Plus(), ( RealType ) 0.0 ) / ( this->relaxation * ( RealType ) w.getSize() ) );
if( ! this->nextIteration() )
return this->checkConvergence();
// Check the stop condition
if( this->getConvergenceResidue() != 0.0 && this->getResidue() < this -> getConvergenceResidue() )
return true;
return false; // just to avoid warnings
} //namespace Optimization
} //namespace Solvers
} //namespace TNL
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