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                              String.h  -  description
        begin                : 2004/04/10 16:35
        copyright            : (C) 2004 by Tomas Oberhuber
        email                :
    /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
    #pragma once
    namespace TNL {
     * \brief Class for managing strings.
     * The following example shows common use of String.
     * \par Example
     * \include StringExample.cpp
     * \par Output
     * \include StringExample.out
     * In addition to methods of this class, check the following related functions:
     * \ref convertToString
     * \ref operator+
     * \ref mpiSend
     * \ref mpiReceive
    : public std::string
           * \brief This enum defines how the operation split of string is to be performed.
          enum class SplitSkip
             NoSkip,    ///< Do not skip empty characters
             SkipEmpty  ///< Skip empty characters.
           * \brief Default constructor.
           * Constructs an empty string object.
          String() = default;
           * \brief Default copy constructor.
          String( const String& ) = default;
           * \brief Default move constructor.
          String( String&& ) = default;
           * \brief Initialization by \e std::string.
          String( const std::string& str ) : std::string( str ) {}
           * \brief Default copy assignment operator.
          String& operator=( const String& ) = default;
           * \brief Default move assignment operator.
          String& operator=( String&& ) = default;
           * \brief Inherited constructors.
          using std::string::string;
           * \brief Inherited assignment operators.
          using std::string::operator=;
           * \brief Returns the number of characters in given string. Equivalent to \ref getSize.
          int getLength() const;
           * \brief Returns the number of characters in given string.
          int getSize() const;
           *  \brief Returns size of allocated storage for given string.
           * \par Example
           * \include StringExampleGetAllocatedSize.cpp
           * \par Output
           * \include StringExampleGetAllocatedSize.out
          int getAllocatedSize() const;
           * \brief Reserves space for given \e size.
           * Requests to allocate storage space of given \e size to avoid memory reallocation.
           * It allocates one more byte for the terminating 0.
           * @param size Number of characters.
           * \par Example
           * \include StringExampleSetSize.cpp
           * \par Output
           * \include StringExampleSetSize.out
          void setSize( int size );
           * \brief Returns pointer to data.
           * It returns the content of the given string as a constant pointer to char.
          const char* getString() const;
           * \brief Operator for accessing particular chars of the string.
           * This function overloads \ref operator[]. It returns a reference to
           * the character at position \e i in given string.
           * The character can not be changed be user.
          const char& operator[]( int i ) const;
           *  \brief Operator for accessing particular chars of the string.
           * It returns the character at the position \e i in given string as
           * a modifiable reference.
          char& operator[]( int i );
           * Operators for single characters.
           * \brief This function overloads \ref operator+=.
           * Appends character \e str to this string.
          String& operator+=( char str );
           * \brief This function concatenates strings and returns a newly constructed string object.
          String operator+( char str ) const;
           * \brief This function checks whether the given string is equal to \e str.
           * It returns \e true when the given string is equal to \e str. Otherwise it returns \e false.
          bool operator==( char str ) const;
           * \brief This function overloads \ref operator!=.
           * It returns \e true when the given string is NOT equal to \e str. Otherwise it returns \e true.
          bool operator!=( char str ) const;
           * Operators for C strings.
           * \brief This function overloads \ref operator+=.
           * It appends the C string \e str to this string.
          String& operator+=( const char* str );
           * \brief This function concatenates C strings \e str and returns a newly constructed string object.
          String operator+( const char* str ) const;
           * \brief This function overloads \ref operator==.
           * It returns \e true when the given string is equal to \e str. Otherwise it returns \e false.
          bool operator==( const char* str ) const;
           * \brief This function overloads \ref operator!=.
           * It returns \e true when the given string is NOT equal to \e str. Otherwise it returns \e true.
          bool operator!=( const char* str ) const;
           * Operators for std::string.
           * \brief This function overloads \ref operator+=.
           * It appends the C string \e str to this string.
          String& operator+=( const std::string& str );
           * \brief This function concatenates C strings \e str and returns a newly constructed string object.
          String operator+( const std::string& str ) const;
           * \brief This function overloads \ref operator==.
           * It returns \e true when the given string is equal to \e str. Otherwise it returns \e false.
          bool operator==( const std::string& str ) const;
           * \brief This function overloads \ref operator!=.
           * It returns \e true when the given string is NOT equal to \e str. Otherwise it returns \e true.
          bool operator!=( const std::string& str ) const;
           * Operators for String.
           * \brief This function overloads \ref operator+=.
           * It appends the C string \e str to this string.
          String& operator+=( const String& str );
           * \brief This function concatenates C strings \e str and returns a newly constructed string object.
          String operator+( const String& str ) const;
           * \brief This function overloads \ref operator==.
           * It returns \e true when the given string is equal to \e str. Otherwise it returns \e false.
          bool operator==( const String& str ) const;
           * \brief This function overloads \ref operator!=.
           * It returns \e true when the given string is NOT equal to \e str. Otherwise it returns \e true.
          bool operator!=( const String& str ) const;
           *  \brief Cast to bool operator.
           * This operator converts string to boolean expression (true or false).
           * It returns \e true if the string is NOT empty. Otherwise it returns \e false.
          operator bool() const;
          /** \brief Cast to bool with negation operator.
           * This operator converts string to boolean expression (false or true).
           * It returns \e true if the string is empty. Otherwise it returns \e false.
          bool operator!() const;
           * \brief This method replaces part of the string.
           * It replaces \e pattern in this string with a string \e replaceWith.
           * If parameter \e count is defined, the function makes replacement only count occurrences,
           * of the given pattern. If \e count is zero, all pattern occurrences are replaced.
           * @param pattern to be replaced.
           * @param replaceWith string the \e pattern will be replaced with.
           * @param count number of occurrences to be replaced. All occurrences are replaced if \e count is zero..
           * \par Example
           * \include StringExampleReplace.cpp
           * \par Output
           * \include StringExampleReplace.out
          String replace( const String& pattern,
                          const String& replaceWith,
                          int count = 0 ) const;
           * \brief Trims/strips this string.
           * Removes all 'spaces' from given string except for single 'spaces' between words.
           * @param strip can be used to change the character to be removed.
           * \par Example
           * \include StringExampleStrip.cpp
           * \par Output
           * \include StringExampleStrip.out   
          String strip( char strip = ' ' ) const;
           *  \brief Splits string into list of strings with respect to given \e separator.
           * This method splits the string into sequence of substrings divided by occurrences of \e separator.
           * It returns the list of those strings via std::vector. When \e separator does not appear
           * anywhere in the given string, this function returns a single-element list
           * containing given sting. If \e skipEmpty equals \e SkipEmpty no empty substrings are
           * inserted into the resulting container.
           * @param separator is a character separating substrings in given string.
           * @param skipEmpty 
           * \par Example
           * \include StringExampleSplit.cpp
           * \par Output
           * \include StringExampleSplit.out   
          std::vector< String > split( const char separator = ' ', SplitSkip skipEmpty = SplitSkip::NoSkip ) const;
           * \brief Checks if the string starts with given prefix.
          bool startsWith( const String& prefix ) const;
           * \brief Checks if the string ends with given suffix.
          bool endsWith( const String& suffix ) const;
     * \brief Returns concatenation of \e string1 and \e string2.
    String operator+( char string1, const String& string2 );
     * \brief Returns concatenation of \e string1 and \e string2.
    String operator+( const char* string1, const String& string2 );
     * \brief Returns concatenation of \e string1 and \e string2.
    String operator+( const std::string& string1, const String& string2 );
     * \brief Converts \e value of type \e T to a String.
     * \tparam T can be any type fir which operator << is defined. 
    String convertToString( const T& value )
       std::stringstream str;
       str << value;
       return String( str.str().data() );
     * \brief Specialization of function \ref convertToString for boolean.
     * The boolean type is converted to 'true' or 'false'.
    template<> inline String convertToString( const bool& b )
    #ifdef HAVE_MPI
     * \brief Sends the string to the target MPI process.
     * @param str string to be sent
     * @param target target MPI process ID
     * @param tag MPI tag
     * @param mpi_comm MPI communication group
    void mpiSend( const String& str, int target, int tag = 0, MPI_Comm mpi_comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD );
     * \brief Receives a string from the target MPI process.
     * @param str says where the received string is to be saved to
     * @param source source MPI process ID
     * @param tag MPI tag
     * @param mpi_comm MPI communication group
    void mpiReceive( String& str, int source, int tag = 0, MPI_Comm mpi_comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD );
    //! Broadcast to other nodes in MPI cluster
    // void MPIBcast( String& str, int root, MPI_Comm mpi_comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD );
    } // namespace TNL
    #include <TNL/String.hpp>