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tnlParameterContainer.cpp 11.4 KiB
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                              tnlParameterContainer.cpp  -  description
        begin                : 2007/06/15
        copyright            : (C) 2007 by Tomas Oberhuber
        email                :
     *                                                                         *
     *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
     *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
     *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
     *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
     *                                                                         *
    #include <ctype.h>
    #include <cstring>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <core/tnlObject.h>
    bool matob( const char* value, bool& ret_val )
       if( strcasecmp( value, "yes" ) == 0 ||
           strcasecmp( value, "true" ) == 0  )
          ret_val =  true;
          return true;
       if( strcasecmp( value, "no" ) == 0 ||
           strcasecmp( value, "false" ) == 0  )
          ret_val = false;
          return true;
       return false;
    addParameter( const tnlString& name,
                  const tnlString& value )
       return parameters. Append( new tnlParameter< tnlString >( name, ::getType< tnlString >().getString(), tnlString( value ) ) );
    setParameter( const tnlString& name,
                  const tnlString& value )
       int i;
       for( i = 0; i < parameters. getSize(); i ++ )
          if( parameters[ i ] -> name == name )
             if( parameters[ i ] -> type == ::getType< tnlString >() )
                ( ( tnlParameter< tnlString > * ) parameters[ i ] )->value = value;
                return true;
                cerr << "Parameter " << name << " already exists with different type " 
                     << parameters[ i ] -> type << " not " 
                     << ::getType< tnlString>() << endl;
       return addParameter( name, value );
    checkParameter( const tnlString& name ) const
       int i;
       const int parameters_num = parameters. getSize();
       for( i = 0; i < parameters_num; i ++ )
          if( parameters[ i ] -> name == name ) return true;
       return false;
    void tnlParameterContainer :: MPIBcast( int root, MPI_Comm mpi_comm )
    #ifdef HAVE_MPI
       int i;
       int size = parameters. getSize();
       :: MPIBcast( size, 1, root, mpi_comm ); 
       for( i = 0; i < size; i ++ )
          if( MPIGetRank() == root )
             tnlParameterBase* param = parameters[ i ];
             param -> type. MPIBcast( root, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
             param -> name. MPIBcast( root, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
             if( param -> type == "mString" )
                ( ( tnlParameter< tnlString >* ) param ) -> value. MPIBcast( root, mpi_comm );
             if( param -> type == "bool" )
                :: MPIBcast( ( ( tnlParameter< bool >* ) param ) -> value, 1, root, mpi_comm );
             if( param -> type == "int" )
                :: MPIBcast( ( ( tnlParameter< int >* ) param ) -> value, 1, root, mpi_comm );
             if( param -> type == "double" )
                :: MPIBcast( ( ( tnlParameter< double >* ) param ) -> value, 1, root, mpi_comm );
             tnlString param_type, param_name;
             param_type. MPIBcast( root, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
             param_name. MPIBcast( root, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
             if( param_type == "mString" )
                tnlString val;
                val. MPIBcast( root, mpi_comm );
                addParameter< tnlString >( param_name. getString(),
                                         val );           
             if( param_type == "bool" )
                bool val;
                :: MPIBcast( val, 1, root, mpi_comm );
                addParameter< bool >( param_name. getString(),
                                      val );           
             if( param_type == "int" )
                int val;
                :: MPIBcast( val, 1, root, mpi_comm );
                addParameter< int >( param_name. getString(),
                                     val );           
             if( param_type == "double" )
                double val;
                :: MPIBcast( val, 1, root, mpi_comm );
                addParameter< double >( param_name. getString(),
    parseCommandLine( int argc, char* argv[],
                      const tnlConfigDescription& config_description,
                      tnlParameterContainer& parameters,
                      bool printUsage )
       int i;
       bool parse_error( false );
       for( i = 1; i < argc; i ++ )
          const char* _option = argv[ i ];
          if( _option[ 0 ] != '-' )
             cerr << "Unknown option " << _option << ". Options must have prefix '--' or '-'." << endl;
             parse_error = true;
          if( strcmp( _option, "--help" ) == 0 )
              config_description.printUsage( argv[ 0 ] );
              return true;
          const tnlConfigEntryBase* entry;
          if( ( entry = config_description.getEntry( option ) ) == NULL )
             cerr << "Unknown parameter " << _option << "." << endl;
             const tnlString& entryType = entry->getEntryType();
             const char* value = argv[ ++ i ];
             if( ! value )
                cerr << "Missing value for the parameter " << option << "." << endl;
                return false;
             tnlList< tnlString > parsedEntryType;
             if( ! parseObjectType( entryType, parsedEntryType ) )
                cerr << "Internal error: Uknown config entry type " << entryType << "." << endl;
                return false;
             if( parsedEntryType[ 0 ] == "tnlList" )
                tnlList< tnlString >* string_list( 0 );
                tnlList< bool >* bool_list( 0 );
                tnlList< int >* integer_list( 0 );
                tnlList< double >* real_list( 0 );
                if( parsedEntryType[ 1 ] == "tnlString" )
                if( parsedEntryType[ 1 ] == "bool" )
                if( parsedEntryType[ 1 ] == "int" )
                if( parsedEntryType[ 1 ] == "double" )
                   real_list = new tnlList< double >;
                while( i < argc && ( ( argv[ i ] )[ 0 ] != '-' || ( atof( argv[ i ] ) < 0.0 && ( integer_list || real_list ) ) ) )
                   const char* value = argv[ i ++ ];
                   if( string_list )
                      /*if( ! ( ( tnlConfigEntry< tnlList< tnlString > >* )  entry )->checkValue( tnlString( value ) ) )
                         delete string_list;
                         return false;
                      string_list -> Append( tnlString( value ) );
                   if( bool_list )
                      bool bool_val;
                      if( ! matob( value, bool_val ) )
                         cerr << "Yes/true or no/false is required for the parameter " << option << "." << endl;
                         parse_error = true;
                      else bool_list -> Append( bool_val );
                   if( integer_list )
                      /*if( ! ( tnlConfigEntry< tnlList< int > >* ) entry->checkValue( atoi( value ) ) )
                         delete integer_list;
                         return false;
                      integer_list -> Append( atoi( value ) );
                   if( real_list )
                      /*if( ! ( tnlConfigEntry< tnlList< double > >* ) entry->checkValue( atof( value ) ) )
                         delete real_list;
                         return false;
                      real_list -> Append( atof( value ) );
                   parameters. addParameter< tnlList< tnlString > >( option, *string_list );
                   parameters. addParameter< tnlList< bool > >( option, *bool_list );
                   parameters. addParameter< tnlList< int > >( option, *integer_list );
                   parameters. addParameter< tnlList< double > >( option, *real_list );
                if( parsedEntryType[ 0 ] == "tnlString" )
                   if( ! ( ( tnlConfigEntry< tnlString >* ) entry )->checkValue( value ) )
                      return false;
                    parameters. addParameter< tnlString >( option, value );
                if( parsedEntryType[ 0 ] == "bool" )
                   bool bool_val;
                   if( ! matob( value, bool_val ) )
                      cerr << "Yes/true or no/false is required for the parameter " << option << "." << endl;
                      parse_error = true;
                   else parameters. addParameter< bool >( option, bool_val );
                if( parsedEntryType[ 0 ] == "int" )
                   /*if( ! isdigit( value ) )
                      cerr << "Integer constant is required for the parameter " << option << "." << endl;
                      parse_error = true;
                   if( ! ( ( tnlConfigEntry< int >* ) entry )->checkValue( atoi( value ) ) )
                      return false;
                   parameters. addParameter< int >( option, atoi( value ) );
                if( parsedEntryType[ 0 ] == "double" )
                   /*if( ! isdigit( value ) )
                      cerr << "Real constant is required for the parameter " << option << "." << endl;
                      parse_error = true;
                   if( ! ( ( tnlConfigEntry< double >* ) entry )->checkValue( atof( value ) ) )
                      return false;
                   parameters. addParameter< double >( option, atof( value ) );
       config_description.addMissingEntries( parameters );
       if( ! config_description.checkMissingEntries( parameters, printUsage, argv[ 0 ] ) )