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                              Matrix_impl.h  -  description
        begin                : Dec 18, 2013
        copyright            : (C) 2013 by Tomas Oberhuber
        email                :
    /* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
    #pragma once
    #include <TNL/Matrices/Matrix.h>
    #include <TNL/Assert.h>
    namespace TNL {
    namespace Matrices {
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index >
    Matrix< Real, Device, Index >::Matrix()
    : rows( 0 ),
      columns( 0 )
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index >
    void Matrix< Real, Device, Index >::setDimensions( const IndexType rows,
                                                       const IndexType columns )
       TNL_ASSERT( rows > 0 && columns > 0,
                   std::cerr << " rows = " << rows << " columns = " << columns );
       this->rows = rows;
       this->columns = columns;
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index >
    void Matrix< Real, Device, Index >::getCompressedRowLengths( Containers::Vector< IndexType, DeviceType, IndexType >& rowLengths ) const
       rowLengths.setSize( this->getRows() );
       for( IndexType row = 0; row < this->getRows(); row++ )
          rowLengths.setElement( row, this->getRowLength( row ) );
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index >
       template< typename Real2,
                 typename Device2,
                 typename Index2 >
    void Matrix< Real, Device, Index >::setLike( const Matrix< Real2, Device2, Index2 >& matrix )
       setDimensions( matrix.getRows(), matrix.getColumns() );
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index >
    Index Matrix< Real, Device, Index >::getRows() const
       return this->rows;
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index >
    Index Matrix< Real, Device, Index >::getColumns() const
       return this->columns;
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index >
    const typename Matrix< Real, Device, Index >::ValuesVector&
    Matrix< Real, Device, Index >::
    getValues() const
       return this->values;
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index >
    typename Matrix< Real, Device, Index >::ValuesVector& 
    Matrix< Real, Device, Index >::
       return this->values;
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    Tomáš Oberhuber committed
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index >
    const Index&
    Matrix< Real, Device, Index >::
    getNumberOfColors() const
       return this->numberOfColors;
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index >
    void Matrix< Real, Device, Index >::reset()
       this->rows = 0;
       this->columns = 0;
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    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index >
       template< typename MatrixT >
    bool Matrix< Real, Device, Index >::operator == ( const MatrixT& matrix ) const
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       if( this->getRows() != matrix.getRows() ||
           this->getColumns() != matrix.getColumns() )
          return false;
       for( IndexType row = 0; row < this->getRows(); row++ )
          for( IndexType column = 0; column < this->getColumns(); column++ )
             if( this->getElement( row, column ) != matrix.getElement( row, column ) )
                return false;
       return true;
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index >
       template< typename MatrixT >
    bool Matrix< Real, Device, Index >::operator != ( const MatrixT& matrix ) const
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       return ! operator == ( matrix );
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index >
    Matrix< Real, Device, Index >::
    copyFromHostToCuda( Matrix< Real, Devices::Host, Index >& matrix )
        this->numberOfColors = matrix.getNumberOfColors();
        this->columns = matrix.getColumns();
        this->rows = matrix.getRows();
        this->values.setSize( matrix.getValuesSize() );
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    Tomáš Oberhuber committed
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index >
    Matrix< Real, Device, Index >::
    computeColorsVector(Containers::Vector<Index, Device, Index> &colorsVector)
        for( IndexType i = this->getRows() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
            // init color array
            Containers::Vector< Index, Device, Index > usedColors;
            usedColors.setSize( this->numberOfColors );
            for( IndexType j = 0; j < this->numberOfColors; j++ )
                usedColors.setElement( j, 0 );
            // find all colors used in given row
            for( IndexType j = i + 1; j < this->getColumns(); j++ )
                 if( this->getElement( i, j ) != 0.0 )
                     usedColors.setElement( colorsVector.getElement( j ), 1 );
            // find unused color
            bool found = false;
            for( IndexType j = 0; j < this->numberOfColors; j++ )
                if( usedColors.getElement( j ) == 0 )
                    colorsVector.setElement( i, j );
                    found = true;
            if( !found )
                colorsVector.setElement( i, this->numberOfColors );
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index >
    bool Matrix< Real, Device, Index >::save( File& file ) const
       if( ! Object::save( file ) ||
           ! file.write( &this->rows ) ||
           ! file.write( &this->columns ) ||
           ! this-> file ) )
          return false;
       return true;
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index >
    bool Matrix< Real, Device, Index >::load( File& file )
       if( ! Object::load( file ) ||
           ! &this->rows ) ||
           ! &this->columns ) ||
           ! this->values.load( file ) )
          return false;
       return true;
    template< typename Real,
              typename Device,
              typename Index >
    void Matrix< Real, Device, Index >::print( std::ostream& str ) const
    #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
    template< typename Matrix,
              typename InVector,
              typename OutVector >
    __global__ void MatrixVectorProductCudaKernel( const Matrix* matrix,
                                                      const InVector* inVector,
                                                      OutVector* outVector,
       static_assert( std::is_same< typename Matrix::DeviceType, Devices::Cuda >::value, "" );
       const typename Matrix::IndexType rowIdx = ( gridIdx * Devices::Cuda::getMaxGridSize() + blockIdx.x ) * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
       if( rowIdx < matrix->getRows() )
          ( *outVector )[ rowIdx ] = matrix->rowVectorProduct( rowIdx, *inVector );
    template< typename Matrix,
              typename InVector,
              typename OutVector >
    void MatrixVectorProductCuda( const Matrix& matrix,
                                     const InVector& inVector,
                                     OutVector& outVector )
    #ifdef HAVE_CUDA
       typedef typename Matrix::IndexType IndexType;
       Matrix* kernel_this = Devices::Cuda::passToDevice( matrix );
       InVector* kernel_inVector = Devices::Cuda::passToDevice( inVector );
       OutVector* kernel_outVector = Devices::Cuda::passToDevice( outVector );
       dim3 cudaBlockSize( 256 ), cudaGridSize( Devices::Cuda::getMaxGridSize() );
       const IndexType cudaBlocks = roundUpDivision( matrix.getRows(), cudaBlockSize.x );
       const IndexType cudaGrids = roundUpDivision( cudaBlocks, Devices::Cuda::getMaxGridSize() );
       for( IndexType gridIdx = 0; gridIdx < cudaGrids; gridIdx++ )
          if( gridIdx == cudaGrids - 1 )
             cudaGridSize.x = cudaBlocks % Devices::Cuda::getMaxGridSize();
          MatrixVectorProductCudaKernel<<< cudaGridSize, cudaBlockSize >>>
                                         ( kernel_this,
                                           gridIdx );
       Devices::Cuda::freeFromDevice( kernel_this );
       Devices::Cuda::freeFromDevice( kernel_inVector );
       Devices::Cuda::freeFromDevice( kernel_outVector );
    } // namespace Matrices
    } // namespace TNL