String_impl.h - description
begin : 2004/04/10 16:36
copyright : (C) 2004 by Tomas Oberhuber
/* See Copyright Notice in tnl/Copyright */
#include <TNL/String.h>
#include <TNL/Assert.h>
#include <TNL/Math.h>
Tomáš Oberhuber
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
#include <mpi.h>
inline int String::getLength() const
inline int String::getSize() const
inline int String::getAllocatedSize() const
inline void String::setSize( int size )
TNL_ASSERT_GE( size, 0, "string size must be non-negative" );
inline const char* String::getString() const
inline const char& String::operator[]( int i ) const
Tomáš Oberhuber
TNL_ASSERT( i >= 0 && i < getLength(),
std::cerr << "Accessing char outside the string." );
return std::string::operator[]( i );
Tomáš Oberhuber
inline char& String::operator[]( int i )
Tomáš Oberhuber
TNL_ASSERT( i >= 0 && i < getLength(),
std::cerr << "Accessing char outside the string." );
return std::string::operator[]( i );
Tomáš Oberhuber
* Operators for single characters
inline String& String::operator+=( char str )
std::string::operator+=( str );
inline String String::operator+( char str ) const
return String( *this ) += str;
inline bool String::operator==( char str ) const
return std::string( *this ) == std::string( 1, str );
inline bool String::operator!=( char str ) const
return ! operator==( str );
* Operators for C strings
inline String& String::operator+=( const char* str )
std::string::operator+=( str );
inline String String::operator+( const char* str ) const
inline bool String::operator==( const char* str ) const
return std::string( *this ) == str;
inline bool String::operator!=( const char* str ) const
return ! operator==( str );
* Operators for std::string
inline String& String::operator+=( const std::string& str )
std::string::operator+=( str );
inline String String::operator+( const std::string& str ) const
return String( *this ) += str;
inline bool String::operator==( const std::string& str ) const
return std::string( *this ) == str;
inline bool String::operator!=( const std::string& str ) const
return ! operator==( str );
inline String& String::operator+=( const String& str )
std::string::operator+=( str );
inline String String::operator+( const String& str ) const
return String( *this ) += str;
inline bool String::operator==( const String& str ) const
return std::string( *this ) == str;
inline bool String::operator!=( const String& str ) const
inline String::operator bool () const
inline bool String::operator!() const
inline String
String::replace( const String& pattern,
const String& replaceWith,
int count ) const
std::string newString = *this;
std::size_t index = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < count || count == 0; i++ ) {
// locate the substring to replace
index = newString.find( pattern, index );
if( index == std::string::npos )
// make the replacement
newString.replace( index, pattern.getLength(), replaceWith );
index += replaceWith.getLength();
String::strip( char strip ) const
int prefix_cut_off = 0;
int sufix_cut_off = 0;
while( prefix_cut_off < getLength() && (*this)[ prefix_cut_off ] == strip )
while( sufix_cut_off < getLength() && (*this)[ getLength() - 1 - sufix_cut_off ] == strip )
if( prefix_cut_off + sufix_cut_off < getLength() )
return substr( prefix_cut_off, getLength() - prefix_cut_off - sufix_cut_off );
return "";
inline std::vector< String >
String::split( const char separator, SplitSkip skip ) const
std::vector< String > parts;
for( int i = 0; i < this->getLength(); i++ ) {
if( ( *this )[ i ] == separator ) {
if( skip != SplitSkip::SkipEmpty || s != "" )
parts.push_back( s );
s = "";
else s += ( *this )[ i ];
if( skip != SplitSkip::SkipEmpty || s != "" )
parts.push_back( s );
return parts;
inline bool
String::startsWith( const String& prefix ) const
if( prefix.getSize() > getSize())
return false;
return std::equal( prefix.begin(), prefix.end(), begin() );
inline bool
String::endsWith( const String& suffix ) const
if( suffix.getSize() > getSize())
return false;
return std::equal( suffix.rbegin(), suffix.rend(), rbegin() );
inline String operator+( char string1, const String& string2 )
return convertToString( string1 ) + string2;
inline String operator+( const char* string1, const String& string2 )
return String( string1 ) + string2;
inline String operator+( const std::string& string1, const String& string2 )
return String( string1 ) + string2;
Tomáš Oberhuber
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
inline void mpiSend( const String& str, int target, int tag, MPI_Comm mpi_comm )
Tomáš Oberhuber
int size = str.getSize();
Tomáš Oberhuber
MPI_Send( &size, 1, MPI_INT, target, tag, mpi_comm );
MPI_Send( const_cast< void* >( ( const void* ) str.getString() ), str.length(), MPI_CHAR, target, tag, mpi_comm );
Tomáš Oberhuber
inline void mpiReceive( String& str, int source, int tag, MPI_Comm mpi_comm )
Tomáš Oberhuber
int size;
MPI_Status status;
MPI_Recv( &size, 1, MPI_INT, source, tag, mpi_comm, &status );
str.setSize( size );
MPI_Recv( const_cast< void* >( ( const void* ) ), size, MPI_CHAR, source, tag, mpi_comm, &status );
Tomáš Oberhuber
inline void String :: MPIBcast( int root, MPI_Comm comm )
int iproc;
MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &iproc );
int len = strlen( string );
MPI_Bcast( &len, 1, MPI_INT, root, comm );
if( iproc != root )
if( length < len )
delete[] string;
length = STRING_PAGE * ( len / STRING_PAGE + 1 );
string = new char[ length ];
MPI_Bcast( string, len + 1, MPI_CHAR, root, comm );
Tomáš Oberhuber