- Sep 10, 2017
Vít Hanousek authored
Lihgt refactorization of 1D and 2D distributedGridSynchronizer. Now hav same interface as 3D distributedGridSynchronizer and function Synchronize is lighter.
- Sep 08, 2017
Vít Hanousek authored
1)Traversar writes to Boundary -- known BUG - this travarsar will write boundary condition in overlap too -- test is forcet to accept this 2)Traversar writes to Interior entities 3)Traversar writes to Allentities 4)Traversar writes its rank into AllEntities and then mesh si synchronized. Check Overlaping entities that data come from correct neibrouh 5)Traversar writes Linear function into AllEntities and then mesh is synchronized. All entities are checked that it has correc value. Limitations: Test run only on 9 process by code -> only regular 2D distribution of process is checked. Linear distribution is not chceked. Test run only for double as RealType of DOF. Only one size of global mesh is tested.
Vít Hanousek authored
- Aug 31, 2017
Vít Hanousek authored
Vít Hanousek authored
Working implementation of 3D distributed grid, but 3D traversars do not know about distributed grid, Process{Boundary/Interrior}Entities do not work correctly with distributed gird.
- Aug 29, 2017
Vít Hanousek authored
Partial implementation of 3D distributed grid. není funkční, potřebuju rychledostat rozpracovanou práci ze servrovny, kde nejde klima.
- Aug 23, 2017
Vít Hanousek authored
Vít Hanousek authored
- Aug 12, 2017
Jakub Klinkovský authored
- Aug 07, 2017
Jakub Klinkovský authored
- Aug 04, 2017
Jakub Klinkovský authored
Jakub Klinkovský authored
Jakub Klinkovský authored
Long live clang for pointing this out!
Jakub Klinkovský authored
Jakub Klinkovský authored
Vít Hanousek authored
Conflicts: src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Traverser_Grid1D_impl.h src/TNL/Meshes/GridDetails/Traverser_Grid2D_impl.h src/TNL/String.cpp tests/CMakeLists.txt
Jakub Klinkovský authored
Jakub Klinkovský authored
Standard CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS are a space-delimited list, but our CXX_TESTS_FLAGS are manually passed to CUDA_ADD_EXECUTABLE, which expects a semicolon-delimited list. Blame cmake for such a crazy language...
Jakub Klinkovský authored
Jakub Klinkovský authored
Jakub Klinkovský authored
- Use math function from TNL/Math.h instead of the standard library - Many cosmetic changes for readability
Jakub Klinkovský authored
Jakub Klinkovský authored
- The inherited operator= is weird, but this seems to work. - Use TNL::pow instead of std::pow etc.
Jakub Klinkovský authored
The splitting with if( std::is_same<...> ) is not perfect, the code for all devices was always visible to the compiler, and irrelevant parts were optimized out at a much later stage. To fix compilation for MIC and custom data type, we need proper template specializations.
Jakub Klinkovský authored
- Cleaned up unnecessary specializations of TNL::max and TNL::min - Implemented result type promotion to fix compilation with nvcc - Added TNL::sqrt, which will be necessary for MIC
- Aug 03, 2017
Jakub Klinkovský authored
It used to work everywhere, but the compilers on CentOS (on penny) are weird...
- Aug 02, 2017
Jakub Klinkovský authored
Tomáš Oberhuber authored
Conflicts: README
Tomáš Oberhuber authored
Tomáš Oberhuber authored
Tomáš Oberhuber authored
Tomáš Oberhuber authored
- Aug 01, 2017
Tomáš Oberhuber authored
Tomáš Oberhuber authored
Tomáš Oberhuber authored
Tomáš Oberhuber authored
- Jul 31, 2017
Tomáš Oberhuber authored
Jakub Klinkovský authored
Jakub Klinkovský authored
Jakub Klinkovský authored